APPLICATION ....~...r.:. CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING Ii ZONING DBPAR'lMENT SIm PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION Site Plan - Major Modification to Existing Site Application Acceptance Date: Fee Amount Paid: Receipt Number: This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will ~ be processed. Please print legibly or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.' Project Name: Kidstop II 2. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Mnrk and Joan Mendel Address: 7245 South Militarv Trail Lake Worth, Florida 33463 (Zip Code) Phone: (407)969-9025 FAX: 3. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Robert E. Kuoppala Address: 5204 10th Ave. North Lake Worth, Florida 33463 Phone: (407)439-6424 ( 407 )4~~~80f~de) FAX: 4. Property OWner's (or Trustee's) Name: C/llnnrllm Associntes Address: P.O. Box 21703 Fr. lauderdale. FL (407)738-5848 (Zip Code) FAX: (305) 763-8996 5. Correspondence address (if different than applicant or agent)*: * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 NOTE: Lot is currently under contract to Mark & Joan A:SitePlan Mendel from Quantum Associates. (2) 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (OWner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) Contract purchase I Quantum Blvd. - 250' 7. Street address or location of site: north of N.W. 22nd Ave. 8. Property Control I: nja - parcel is beina di~idp.d Legal description of site: see attached sheet from K & N Surveyors. 9. Intended use(s) of site: one story Dny~r.hnn' 10. Developer -or-Butlder: Mark & Joan Mendel 11. Architect: Kuoppala & Associates P.A. 12. Landscape Architect: Robert Mizelle, A.S.L.A. 13. Site Planner: Kuoppala & Associates, P.A. 14. Engineer: Metric Engineering, Inc. 15. Surveyor: K&N Surveying, Inc. 16. Traffic Engineer: nja 17. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City commission for this property? no 18. Estimated construction costs of proposed improvem~nts shown 01 this site plan: $7~OrOOO 00 PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SitePlan K& N' SURVEYORS, INC. A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING A PORTION OF LOT 38, QUANTUM PARK AT BOYNTON BEACH, P.I.D. PLAT NO.3, AS SAME IS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 60, PAGES 29, 30 AND 31, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 38, THENCE SOUTH 71000'00" WEST (THE BEARINGS CITED HEREIN ARE IN THE MERIDIAN OF SAID QUANTUM PARK AT BOYNTON BEACH, P.I.D. PLAT NO. 3 AND ARE RELATIVE THERETO, ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 38, A DISTANCE OF 210.61 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 38; THENCE SOUTH 43013'54" EAST, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 38, A DISTANCE OF 99.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 61033'53" WEST ALONG A NON-RADIAL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 306.33 FEET TO A POINT ON A 450.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE EAST, WITH A RADIAL LINE PASSING THRU SAID POINT BEARING NORTH 71048'31" EAST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID 450.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, ALSO BEING THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 38, THRU A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 37011' 29" (THE LONG CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARS NORTH 00024'15" EAST AT A DISTANCE OF 287.00 FEET) AN ARC DISTANCE OF 292.10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 1.10 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND RIGHTS OF WAY, IF ANY SHALL EXIST. P.O. Box 19494 · West Palm Beach, FL 33416-9494 · (407) 798-5005 · Fax (407) 798-5408 (3) I I . SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan Industrial 2. Zoning District P.I.D. 3. Area of Site 1.1 acres 47.g12 sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including surrounding lot area of grounds /';/4 acres tV/A , of s1 b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) AlIA: acres Ii/A- , of si c. Water Area -iJ/~ acres ~/1t d. conunercial 1.1 acres 100% !Ii of 8i !Ii of si acres N/4- "'/ ~ , of si e. Industrial II1/A N/A acres f. Public/Institutional Public, private and Canal rights-of-way Other (specify) , of si g. , h. Itl/A ilIA acres ~/4 Aft11 , of si acres , of si i. Other (specify) ";/11 acres ~/t1 , of s1 j. Total area of site 1.1 acres 100% !Ii of 81 I * including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by SO ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground floor buiiding 0.20 acres 18.5 , of s1 area ("building footprint") b. Water area 0 acres 0 !Ii of a1 c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic 0.45 courts. acres 40.8 , of sj d. Total impervious area 0.65 acres 59.3 , of sj e. Landscaped area 0.01 acres 0.07 , of .~ inside of parking lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). PLANNING , ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SitePlan (4) f. Other landscaped areas, 0.44 acres 40 , of sJ g. Other pervious areas, including golf courses, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding 0 0 water areas acres , of s1 h. Total pervious areas 0.45 acres 40.0050 \ of 8i i. Total area of site 1.10 acres 100 , of si 6. Floor Area a. Residential 0 sq. ft. b. commercial/Office 8,852 sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse 0 sq. ft. d. Recreational 0 sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional 0 sq. ft. f. , Other (specify) 0 sq. ft. g. Other (specify) o sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units o 8. 9. Gross Density o dwelling units per acre Maximum height of structures on site 25' feet 1 stor; 10. Required off-street parkinq a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces b. Off-street parking spacel provided on site plan 1 soace/300 s.t. = 30 30 + 7 drop otts or 1.5 soaces/2 employees =14 30 + 7 drop otts PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 I "A:~itp"l="n (5) III. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. ~~~f Signature of OWner(s) or Trustee, of Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. July 6, 1992 Date IV. S July 6, 1992 Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above (our) authorized agent in regard to ~ffl!k~ S gna ure of OWhe s) or rustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. signed person as (my) this application. July 6, 1992 Date SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedulea Technical Review Board Planning , Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Commission stipulations of Final Approvala Date Received Date Date Date Date Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: PLANNING' ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SitePlan