REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-281 l,~; _J~j ..JL..l~ ....._ August 4, 1995 'W AUG - 4 1995 !~ f!ANNING AND,. . \';'$ LONING DEPl: ' ~ TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director f~m V. Hukill, P.E. ~ Engineer McDONALDS/ AMOCO COMMENTS FROM: RE: We have made Engineering comments on this project on at least six occasions, as follows: Memo 95-196 June 20 Hall to you Memo 95-212 June 29 Hukill to you Memo 95-246 July 18 Hukill to Haag Memo 95-248 July 21 Hall to you Memo 95-267 July 28 Hukill to Haag Memo 95-248 August 2 Hall to Heyden The June 20 memo was reviewed for compliance on July 28, as was the July 21 memo. The June 29 memo has been complied with. The July 18 memo requested a traffic impact study which we do not have, and a determination (by you) regarding vesting, which we also do not have. The August 2 memo was a repeat of the July 21 memo. As of today, the status of these memos is as follows: 95-196 1. ok 2. ok 3 . Please comply 4. Please comply 95-212 1. ok 2 . ok 95-246 Please comply 95-248 1. Please comply 2 . Please comply 95-267 Paragraph one - covered hereinbefore. 5. ok 6. Please comply 7. Please comply 8. Please comply 3. Please comply 4. Please comply Paragraph two - The southernmost gas pump should not be approved either now, which was not requested, or in the future, which was requested. Air, water, phones and curbing have been reconfigured in an acceptable arrangement. Paragraph three - please comply. Time spent on my part in reviews past initial review equates to $107.93. WVH:bh Attachments - above numbered memos A:AMOCO DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-267 FROM: r Mike Haag, Zoning/Site Administrator William Hukill, P.E., City Engineer TO: DATE: July 28, 1995 MCDONALD'S/AMOCO RE: We have reviewed subject plan submitted to us late yesterday afternoon with a request to respond by noon today. Since we do not have time to respond fully in the 5~ hours allotted (and ignoring the 7~ hours of meetings we were in, or will be in, during that period), we can only review previous comments as follows: A. Engineering Memo 95-196 1. Ok 2. Ok 3. Please comply 4. Please comply 5. Ok 6. Please comply 7. Please comply B. Engineering Memo 95-248 1. Please comply 2. Please comply 3. Please comply 4. Please comply C. Building Memo 95-247 1. Please comply 2. Please comply 3. Please comply The southernmost gas pump is proposed for future use. In order to facilitate traffic flow westbound south of that pump, the air, water, phones, etc. must be relocated away from the area. In addition the curb in that area (southwest corner) should be on a diagonal line running NW/SE from the apron curb springline. The issue of traffic impact, and specifically assigned trips, remains unresolved. This project will not be endorsed by the Department of Development until this issue is resolved. All other comments should become conditions of approval, subject to complete res0lution prior to permitting. WVH/ck C:MCAMOCO.COM ENGINEERING MEMO # 95-248 ~. W~ ill ..~,. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. DATE: JULY 21, 1995(2nd review) August 2, 1995(3rd review) TI2i T AMBRI HEYDEN, P&Z DIR. FROM: KEN HALL, ENG. AIDE PHONE: 407-375-62~ SUBJECT: McDONALDS/AMOCO RESTAURANT SITE PLAN - SECOND REVIEW & THIRD REVIEW. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: Site lighting, Paving, Drainage, Curbing, Landscaping, Irrigation, and Traffic Control Devices. Permits required from agencies such as the F.D.a.T., P.B. County, S.F.W.M.D., and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. COMMENTS 1. Relocate stop bars and stop signs four feet in front of sidewalks. MUTCD 2B-9 (pg.2B-5). 2. NOTE: County pennits will be required to work within both intersecting roadways. The county will soon let the plans to six-lane Woolbright Rd. from Congress Ave. eastward. Applicant should contact the project engineer to correlate construction of intersection and this project. The project engineer is Javier Lopez, 407-684-4150. 3. Provide a traffic impact analysis if the site meets city criteria (single directional trips per day: 250 in a one hour period or 3,000 per day). Chap 23. Art. I, Sect. 5814. 4. Top of ex filtration trench shall be a minimum of one foot below base material. City standard drawing B-91007. Use ofP.V.C. pipes in lieu of perforated CMP to be approved by city engmeer. RECOMMENDA TION 1. W~ recommend that the plan be forwarded to the P&O Board for consideration and approval. KRHlkrh C: William Hukill, Oev. Oir. and to file mcdoamoc.2rv/3rv Sf:\) ~ d lGc..r 0, Cj : IlvCL: 15~;;I=7b ; 120.~ cY " DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-246 TO: Mike Haag Zoning/Site Administrator W0(~ukill, P.E. (Jti~gineer July 18, 1995 MCDONALDS/CONGRESS & WOOLBRIGHT FROM: DATE: RE: We have reviewed Weisberg's July 11 comments on subject project and request that you request a new traffic impact analysis from the applicant. In addition, please determine whether the five year vesting period has been completed. WVH/ck C:MCDONALD DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-212 TO: . Tambr i J. Heyden Planning & zoning Director FROM: william Hukill, P.E.~ City Engineer DATE: June 29, 1995 RE: MCDONALDS/AMOCO Our. additional comments are as follows: 1. Move the north entrance east about 20-25 feet to comply with Land Development Regulations. 2. Move the west entrance south as far as is practical. We have not had time yet to research the platting issue, but will do so July 6. WVH/ck C:MCDONALD xc: Ken Hall, Engineering Aide ~ ENGINEERING MEMO # 95-196 DATE: June 20,1995 TIt. T AMBRI HEYDEN, P&Z DIR. FRO~: KEN HALL, ENG. AIDE PHONE: 407-375-628~ SUBJECT: McDONALDS/AMOCO RESTAURANT SITE PLAN -1ST REVIEW The following comments/recommendations are submitted for your review. If any of the code comments disallow the applicant to develop the site as submitted, the applicant may request a variance thru the planning department as stipulated in Chapter one, Article one, Section eleven of the city's Land Development Regulations. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: Site lighting, Paving, Drainage, Curbing, Landscaping, Irrigation, and Traffic Control Devices. Permits required from agencies such as the F.D.O.T., P.B. County, S.F.W.M.D., and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. COMMENTS I. North driveway should meet the I 10' minimum distance from the intersecting R/W line. Chapter 2, Section II L, 3d. 2. Landscaped areas (islands) shall have a minimum width of five feet. Chap. 7.5, Art. II, Sect.5G. 3. Standard parking striping on concrete shall be black. Chap. 23, Art. II, L. 4. Clear visability note should include city's standard regarding horizontal control. Chap.7.5, Art. II, Sect. 5H2. 5. Show sidewalk thru driveways on landscape plan to reflect city standard. Chap. 23, Art. II P. 6. NOTE: County permits will be required to work within both intersecting roadways. The county will soon let the plans to six-lane Woolbright Rd. from Congress Ave. eastward. Applicant should contact the project engineer to correlate construction of intersection and this project. The project engineer is Javier Lopez, 407-684-4150. 7. Provide a traffic impact analysis if the site meets city criteria (single_directional trips per day: 250 in a one hour period or 3,000 per day). Chap 23, Art. I, Sect. 5B 14. .' -'I , '... j ", NEW BUSINESS 6 .A. MCDONALD'S/AMOCO PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-620 STAFF REPORT BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING: November 20, 1995 PETITION: Case No. 211 LOCATION: Southeast corner of congress Avenue and Woolbright Road AGENT: Robert E. Basehart and Anna cottrell, Basehart and Cottrell, Inc. OWNER: RFK Enterprises of Boynton Beach, Inc., d/b/a McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant and Convenience Store VARIANCE REQUEST: The petitioner requests relief from Chapter 21 - Signs, Article IV, Section 2. D - of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations to allow the construction of a menu board to exceed the height allowed from five (5) feet to a height of 6.125 feet; 1.125 feet higher than allowed. BACKGROUND The subject property, zoned C-3 (Community Commercial), is located on the southeast corner of congress Avenue and Woolbright Road. The surrounding land uses and zoning are as follows (see attached location map - Exhibit "A"): North - Woolbright Road and farther north is an existing office building, zoned Office/Professional Commercial (C-1). East A bank, zoned Community Commercial (C-3). South - undeveloped vacant property, zoned Communi ty commercial (C-3), formerly the site of a Westlake Hardware, which was razed in 1992; farther south is multi-family residential property zoned Multiple- Family (R-3). West Congress Avenue and farther west is an existing commercial building, zoned Community Commercial (C-3) . Article II. variances/Exemptions and Prohibitions, section 1. B Variances, reads as follows: "After denial of a sign permit by the development department, a request for variance may be filed with the Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment may grant a variance if it finds that the unusual shape or topography of the property in question prevents signage allowable under the provisions of this ordinance from adequately identifying the business or other activity located on such property. The Board of Adjustment may only grant a variance to: B. Allow the area and/or height of a sign to be increased by up to twenty-five (25) percent of the maximum allowable height or area." Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-620 Board of Adjustment Meeting - November 20, 1995 Case No. 211 - McDonald's/Amoco Menu Board ANALYSIS The property is a one acre vacant site which the property owner is proposing to develop into a combination gas station/convenience store and restaurant with drive-through window. The McDonald's/Arnoco facility was approved by the City Commission on August 15, 1995 for a conditional use and site development plan. The height variance requested is to allow a standard size McDonald's menu board to be installed at the site, at a height the applicant feels is convenient and easy for the customer to read. The menu board serves to inform customers of menu selection and price prior to ordering. The City's sign code requires that the top of the sign, or menu board in this case, not exceed five (5) feet above ground level at the base of the sign. The applicant requests the height of the proposed sign to be 6.125 feet tall, or 1.125 feet higher than that allowed under the sign code. The following language from the sign code pertains to the applicant's request: Chapter 21, Article IV, Section 2.D: 2.D. "In addition to other signs in this section, one (1) on-premises sign, described as follows, shall be permitted in those commercial districts of the City where drive-through restaurants are permitted. Said signs shall be an exterior single-faced menu sign with illustrated face not to exceed twenty- five square feet. such signs will allow for instructions on use of pick-up window service and list the menu and price of items to be served, with the top of the sign not to exceed five (5) feet above ground level at the base of the sign." Find attached Exhibit "B" applicant's variance application, Exhibit "C" - proposed site plan showing location of proposed menu board, Exhibit "D" - menu board dimensions and Exhibit "E" - a statement of special conditions for the variance requested, as prepared by the applicant. The summary of facts are as follows: 1. The land to the east, south and west of the subject property is zoned Community Commercial C-3. 2. The land to the north across Woodbright Road is developed as an office building and zoned Office/Professional, C-1. 3. A request for conditional use and site plan approval was recently approved by the City Commission at its August 15, 1995 meeting. 4. The subject one-acre site and proposed one-story 3,432 square foot combination gas station/convenience store and restaurant is to be located on the southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road. 5. The applicant requests a variance of 1.125 feet to allow construction of a menu board at the subject site to a height of 6.125 feet so that a standard size McDonald's menu board can be installed on the site. 6. Relief is requested to allow a 6.125 foot high menu board, measured to the top of the structure, versus a maximum of five (5) feet as required under the City sign code. Page 3 Memorandum No. 95-620 Board of Adjustment Meeting - November 20, 1995 Case No. 211 - McDonald's/Amoco Menu Board DCD:dcd xc: Central File a'macmenu.BOA LOCATION MAP McDONALD'S/ AMOCO ~ ,.") ../J -: ,-' I . ~ I H I "'O~~. ~",) \ C "~\\:~;;''-'-:-C''\~; '{rll~'../,\' \1l1-:,..t,fn(~ I'~ CO=> Q'r......~I. _ --Jr- l->'" Ilf1rTr1:1.rC~I~"JLJ,... 1 ....u~~L.., (] I:.Y - - - -- '11 h-- ~~) , .:~_ '~~il ~~ tt-' ~ (; ~ . Ie;; :P UIZ', .~.~ "'/7./ ~ "T' ~t r::~~ ';',"'_' _,,::' III ' --.--, \~ -2,~,.' 1-' '\ - - l) - t. , ~ t-+- I --, - ,r, ,'-.,. ( _ __ . ---r:: I >- J -'~~>' -) nON '.-. .\ i 'I ~n" .,.. H " , ~ ~ " : - : I \ I -:' tJ II II' "J: ~,' , __ >~... : i' ' T -:c :. .. f "i, : :\71'1' 1: ~ I s......'.... '. ~ .~. ~-h~l ~,::'...~-.. 4.oo'f'4-."- ,'" I '.1, t\'"l" 1/111 ~ roo::\:;r ' "~ '. ."'~~' I: .-.. r--~--1 . " :\,r"l .-..:,~ '- ,l....u ,I [ -, Wil. ',I " "!;1;n i H- ~ \' =\ ~ . , ',,-~ ~ 1__ I'; ,\... . 1-1-"""" r IfJ! ~._' .'~ ~~ ~ Po) '. 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J '.l ....;.. .. . , , .. , .. ,__ _~ . I, '. : I(,\t ;~ij~iI ,1 I." l J" ...-., ,~.J.I/J. ' l11....'.. '/"A"lj/.j 1_.. 'AN.. 1/8 MILESV' '-\!/' I I' (,- I J,. -l:-::: ---, II? _J ,- 0 400 800 FEET 1/ ~l i --,- -'IJ c..~ ;~~ 'f. ~; 17 >'" 'L..3 1.1....:~UII..,..'1i p~Pr. ~;:/~i1 7 __h'_ ,4\ 1-- uf_'1f1,1+-_I.;,__, r- ... :/-/11/."" 0/079 U '1.{--cJ/,1 ~" ti2/1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Submittal Deadline: See scehdule of dates for Board meetings and submitta dates Please print (in ink) or type Submittal date:' ~1?'J'~5 The undersigned owner ( s) hereby respectfully petition ( s) the Board 0 Adjustment to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to th existing Zoning or Sign Code of said City pertaining to the propert hereinafter d..gribed and in 8upport thereof atateta)a Property involved is described as follows: Lot(s) M!~and ~~ (S~~ \~\ ~~-G\~c-.\ , , Subdivision Block , Page or otherwise described as follows: Plat Book Property Address S E Cae,; \\QT 01; CP~r~'Ss A'lje... ~ LJOO\~\3,^-t~~. The fOllowing documents are required to be submitted with this application t form a single package. Incomplete package will not be accepted: 1. Two sealed survey@ by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, no over six (6) months old, indicating: A. All property lines B. 'North arrow c. Existing structures and paving D. Existing elevations E. Rights-of-way, with elevations F. Easements on or adjacent to the site G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site H. Legal description I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre J. Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's Certificate 2. Two site plans properly dimensioned and to scale showing: A. All proposed structures B. All existing structures that are to remain on site C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from thl properly lines to the closest vertical wall of structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for al streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on th, site 3. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners an legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subjec property, as recorded in the CQunt~ Courthou... Suoh 11.t shall b acoompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best 0 the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. 4. Proof of ownership of property by petitioner ( s) , such .s deed c purchase contract agreement. If an agent is submitting the petition. notarized copy of a letter designating him as such must accompany th petition. 5. Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying th requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions belo (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type): A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculia to the land, structure or building involved and which are no applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the sam zoning district; Page 2 of 3 That the special conditions and circumstances do not result fre the actions of the applicant; That granting the variance requested will not confer on tl applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinanoe t other lands, buildings or st~~ctures in the same zoning district That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter wou] deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by othe properties in the same zoning district under the terms of tl Ordinance and: would work unnecessary and undue hardship on tl applicant, That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will ma~ possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure~ That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with tl general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such varianc will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detriment, to the public welfare. 6. An application fee in the amount of $ 400.00, payable to the ci ty c: Boynton Beach, must aooompany a oompleted application. The $400.00 application fee covers a request to vary one (1) section of the Code. Seeking relief from more than one section of the Code will require payment of $100.00 for each additional Code section. 7 . Name and address of owner: R F K Enkrpr;OGS of &yoron Fbalch ;IfJc. 8. Name of applicant: UCIb'11rt ~ Corp. 'P.J llnrn s.~1 Applicant's address: 1'5ea Old Ot<<ct'l::VcGf?a:d,'~.Ht,IDJ WPIOFL.~b1tA Applicant's phone I: 41:'-' toee .C048 Date: Signature of Applicant: ~~ B. ~ c. ,. D. e E. F. ----------------------------------------------------~------------------ To be completed by the Building Official or Representative 1. Property is presently zoned: C - 3 Formerly zoned: R I-AA / U:r /- 2. Property Control Number: 08 4 s Lf5 62 00 000 '~CJqo 3. Denial was made upon existing zoning or sign requirements ( Ii, sections[s] of Code from which relief is required): C hCt-P\.e \ ?.. \ J /l \""-l, c \~ \ V. S(:'c\~.."\ '2.:b . 4. Nature of exception or variance required I Va~\c~C'\(~ Df' \. \ "l:S .c;,~.t -\:q a\ \" vJ lhQ. ( 0 n~ It v C \:~ 1.'\ l-F (\. N'~ ,\V b 00..( 0 ~ -l c=t 5 v~('( (.; f1\ d:~~,YYt \s\";'/ ~ N'\n f c ~\t Il \~ '^ J --\0 c. n~ \ ) \\\. or: <0.\1:5 ..(:'e i-\ l (\ .,)"~ e 1,6 ',' 0 f' .("\~ r€,,\. Date I N/~ Permit denied: No t1~ll.''''k.~...... "a~ b:vt'\ '7\\l'~1 1 Building Department pe,"\o\~ C\P?_o(""'.}. t:f\ ,,~\(\,,~ s. Case Number: '1. \ \ Meeting Date: N 01.', LU I ,qq...s.. r- I I I I i ~ I : tit"i.j i ',"IS""1 I! H;J 'I 'Ii II I I I r Ii u " Ii Ii r r II r " 3~ -4 m ~ r- ~ Z . II ~tti ~ II - I ,; -n j: i! 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MENU BOARD Colors Llgnt Beige Cabinet and Frame Dark Selge Face Dark Brown Outline Trim ELECTRICAL Lamps: 4 ea. F72T12CWHO Ballast: 1 ea. G E 6G-3959W Service: 1 ea. 15 Amp Circuit. 120V.60 HZ Load: 2.9 Amps Approximate Weight 485 Ibs. Installation ,. Remove crate and set on level surface 2. Remove front A.B.S. face at bonom to get access to mounting struC,ure. 80th faces can be removed if desired. Use care and do not lay face on finished surface. 3. Lift sign and remove s.,ip- ping angles. 4. Place signs on anchor bolts and level 5. When sign is in correct position. audio should be on right and , 20 volt primaries snould be on left 6. Open hinged face by turnIng south co fasteners counter clockwise to dis- engage (DO NOT REMOVE). Open face and install hold oul rods. 7. Connections for i 20V prrmarres can be made in box marked i 20V A.C. only. 8. Audio connections to be mace by audio contractor only 9 Close face and reolace A a.s Dane! i 0 Check jar Droper ooeratlon. i i Clean and touch UD sign. i 2. Remove crating from lOb SllE Immediately. NOTE Sign IS U.L. approved. r"O"l 5t:-Y;" n /~[ To install P.O.P. only: 1. Open front A.B.S. face and install hold out rods 2. Grasp edge of poster grip and lift open all four sides 3. Place P.O.P. .in this area. be sure it's straight. and flip each side down To remove speaker grill and add P.OP.: 1. Open front A.B.S. face and install hold out rods 2. Remove (8) screws from / aluminum frame and take aluminum frame and grill assembly off 3. Install dear cover in alumi- num frame. Replace frame and screws 4. Install P.O.P. as noted above 5. Remove speaker enclosure as noted r 79 !I.,./' -f' /"2.3)'1" , i ~~...v- :2C:-~ .. , , , :> ,. ~ 0 75/~" D I... These holes used when replacing existing menu speaker menu board with new 84 series. (4) % /I Dia. Anchor Bolts spaced 5/1 x 17" for new installation. ~. projection above base CURB DRIVE I / "l r 4' 1.. NOIE: To rf!loeve your c::m- C. (1) box wnn prce taPeS. (3) pan)' of IlabtIllY. yOU ml.-S: 00llles of toucn.up pasn\, venty lTleSe pat1S are snlPOed and irIslructions tor II\SlalI- or rotate ~ are m_no at lno;l :aoes ~ ome of oel.-y- Erector 1$ 10 remove 1l1ese A. (1) dear cover (lor conve<. pans !rem SIgn. take tOud'l- SlOt'I wnen rllQu~eC) I.IP oaw>l !rem t;lOx. and B. (' I canon WIl7\ rTllInIJ SITltlS OM! all Olnef pat1S to $lore manllQer. STATEMENT OF USE AND JUSTIFICATION The Petitioner requests by this application approval of a variance from Chapter 21, Article 4, Section 2D of the City Zoning Code, , to wit: "... Such signs will allow for instructions on use of pick-up window setvice and list the menu and price ofitems to be served, with the top of the sign not to exceed five (5) feet above ground level at the base of the sign." Specifically requested is a variance of 1.125 feet, to allow the construction of a menu board at the subject McDonald's! Amoco facility, to a height of 6.125 feet. The McDonald's!Amoco facility was approved by the City Commission on August 15,1995, for a conditional use and site development plan. In all respects, the site development plan meets all of the property development regulations of the City's Zoning Code, and meets or exceeds all of the landscape code requirements. No variances other than the menu board height are requested. The height variance will allow a standard size McDonald's menu board to be installed at the site, at a height that is convenient and easy for customers to read. The menu board serves to inform customers of menu selection and price prior to ordering. The additional height is needed to present the menu board at the most appropriate customer viewing level, so that all of the menu selections and prices are displayed in an easily read format. The variance requested meets all of the criteria required for approv~ as follows: A. Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district. The special conditions which exist are related to McDonald's site development and building plans. The site development plan provides the minimum stacking before the menu board, and between the menu board and the pick up window, for an order to be placed by customers with sufficient time for the McDonald's staff to have the items ready by the time the customer reaches the pick up window. The speed and efficiency which is accomplished is due, in part, to the ability ofthe customer to see the full range of menu items and prices, so that ordering is accomplished without delay. A menu board that is reduced below the height that is easily read by all customers, or below the size which is required to provide room for all of the menu items, requires much more communication between the customer and staft: and slows down ordering time considerably, thus hampering operations. B. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. The special conditions and circumstances are the result of the specific operation and building for the McDonald's restaurant. McDonald's has tested its operation many thousands of times, and has determined that the menu board must be easily read from all vehicles, and must contain all of its menu items and prices to allow the speed and efficiency that customers expect. A change in the height of menu board would place much of the lettering below that which is easily read from a vehicle. A reduction in the size of the menu board to meet the five feet height limitation, would require the removal of some of the menu items, or the removal of prices, or a reduction in the lettering size. N one of these options are feasible, since any would significantly hamper operation and reduce the viability of the business. C. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district. The granting of the variance will allow the placement of the standard size McDonald's menu board which meets all of the City's codes other than height. Other restaurants provide a much more limited selection of menu items, so menu boards meeting the size and height requirements provide enough area to display all items and prices at a height easily read. McDonald's larger selection requires the fu.ll25 square feet allowed by the Code for menu boards, and the placement of the board at a height above five feet so that all portions of the board can be easily read from a vehicle. There is no special privilege gained by the height increase, only the ability to display all of the menu selections and prices. D. That literal interpretation of the provisions oftbis chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work UWlC'JCC'JSSJUy and undue hardship on the applicant. A literal interpretation of the City's codes which restrict the menu board height to five feet would require placing the standard size McDonald's menu board below the height which is easily read by customers seated in a vehicle. This would hamper the efficiency of the McDonald's operation, and would be an inconvenience to customers. In addition, the applicant would be required to design and have manufactured a menu board that is usable for this subject site only, since it would be inconsistent with the standard McDonald's menu board. The design and manufacture of a sign for this site only would be very costly, and would produce a less than desirable result, since it would require either the deletion of certain menu items, deletion of pricing information, or a reduction in lettering below that which is convenient for customers to read. The requirement to design and manufacture a menu board for this site only would place an undue hardship on the petitioner. E. The variance requested is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure. The requested variance is the minimum variance needed to provide a menu board which can accommodate all of the menu items and prices the restaurant offers, placed at a height conveniently and easily read by customers. A reduction of the menu board height would place the board below that which is required for easy reading, or would require the deletion of some menu items or the items' prices, or, alternatively, a reduction in the size of the lettering. Deletion of menu items or prices would hamper operations by slowing drive-thru service. Reduction in the size of the letter would pose an inconvenience for customers. F. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and pwpose of the City's codes, and such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. The intent and pwpose of restricting the size of menu boards is to limit the opportunity for on-site advertising above that which is granted by the sign code. The granting of the requested variance of 1.125 feet above the five feet which is allowed does not in any way provide additional advertising for the McDonald's proposed. The additional 1.125 feet is only related to the placement of the standard McDonald's menu board in such a way that it is easily read by customers. ", ..,.... ~."l;:"- -'. Menu boards are also limited in size in order to reduce the aesthetic impact of such structures. The McDonald's menu board will be placed in the southeast portion of the site, behind the restaurant. It will not be visible from off:.site, nor even from any portion of the site other than from the position of a car entering the drive-thru service lane. There is no aesthetic impact associated with the menu board, so there will be no impact associated with an increase in height by 1.125 feet. There is no impact whatsoever on the public health or safety which is related to the requested variance. Granting the additional height requested for the McDonald's menu board will simply provide more convenience and better setvice to customers, and, therefore enhance the McDonald's operation. m@ml BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT ill JUN-f ,t.,. TO FROM: DATE: REF: TAMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING AND ZONING DIRECTOR: SGT. MARLON HARRIS, POLICE DEPARTMENT 6 JUNE 95 AMOCO OIL/McDONALDS PLANS MEMO #0143 ::;:":""'::::::;::::::::::=:' I have reviewed the above plans and fi.r.l~:::~~eraf'ijOipts;'of,F~?O~t~eration and proposed changes: /....~~:?~::;~:.:::::;~:::~;<},;.:..~.:~::::.. ~r J ::;?' .:.;:::;;::~:?::;:::. - The drive-through confi~u;iti<;::pf~'s~nts"'a"':possi~J.ltb~zar4Qus situation. The traffic entering the property from S. J,tPngre'ss"Ave is in direct alignmept'\~:jth the furthest south gas pump island. Traffic would hliye'1<> travel in between the gas islai;fds"tc position their vehicle properly for the drive-thro~h,9Ir the southwest comer of the bui\4hi~~, I also see the plans make provisions for future ga~::p'~~,hland expansion. I would strongl~;,?pq~ this future expansion due to the amount of vehituIaf travel in that particular area. Attach~:lk a diagram that proposes an alternative suggestion to the drive-through. The diagram also addresses the A/W N (located in the extrem~ southw:rp~:~tr of tyy:::prq,P'frty. .pp:e:::t~5re liryife.:d~:~~.ess f~r sanitation trucks and the reducmg "loadIp.g.zo~t', I wp.w.d..~ggest tij.!.~...~rje.~ be c9IPplet~~;y deSIgnated for A/W N access and not allow aqyH,arIq'4g sp~q~itHl::~ avaV,ble"ln this ~r~a. J1t~ diagram also allows for these sacrificed parking,..g~,:'td.::PosS:ibl;V<reldbattd on the West..Si:d~foftliabuilding. My diagram is not to scale or survey, but was traced over from the original plans. The dimensions would have to be verified. <.."....,....,..:~'::::::::\ (,',:,:",:,:,.,',:::,",'":",::,:,,,;:,:";':'~':'"',i,;.) :~) . .. ;;espe tfully SUbmitted4idt~ .. /fn /l /'. "",,,,,"", i"';:;,:~,~::::::.,:,.. // /aff/YJ .:..:; ~, ~"';':':';';'~"" ... l..~l' .l' ./;'>:"-:':";:-':~""\ Sgt. Marlon Harris \..,:' "t/,. Traffic Unit, Police Department :~:::::~: ....... n(~i \ & / AvAIt...AtkE JADblTlOAJAL PAu/Altr g"JkS'.t ! R ~ ---'-- --- ~:~~#l 0 s,....A;..~ 8t)x , (i M C LJOAJ.ALbS J A M.. 0 L..Cl ". ".'r - JIJOI cAr _ ~ A,(cA 6 Pi'.OPOSE"fJ c: IJAJJt:..E ~ _ ..~o PAT?)(.uJii. k)JnMf 'J .sJ~1J ''(:IF ~ R€L()~ATEl} A/W Iv '\I. PAi<]c.IAl &: $'PA c:S s DEL r;TE n . H:O/OJ't:D VOhC.Lf ~JIlAv~L {20tJ&tU;s:;; A,; t: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-277 Planning Department Fire Department June 2!il, 1995 McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant COUS 95-!il!il2 congress Ave & woolbright Rd ./ Move the fire hydrant to the west, next to the woolbright entrance. ..~ ;1(tCZ~~' ( FPO r/ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-270 TO: Tambri Heyden, Director, Planning & Zoning Kevin J. Hallahan, F oresterlEnvironmentalist j( If / d FROM: RE: Me Donald's Amoco Restaurant DATE: June 20, 1995 There are no existing trees on this site. The project should continue in the normal review process. KH:ad ..-".--",.......... ,..." ~~ (il\ ~ \: n~..", .,., ,\ ,IiI;: ~::: ?-' ........"-.------"...,,....,,' ., Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-398 Conditional Use McDonald/Amoco File No. COUS 95-002 conditions including, but not limited to, the dedication of property for streets, alleys, recreation space and sidewalks, as shall be determined necessary for the protection of the surrounding area and the citizens' general welfare, or deny conditional uses when not in harmony with the intent and purpose of this section. In evaluating an application for conditional use, the Board and Commission shall consider the effect of the proposed use on the general health, safety and welfare of the community and make written findings certifying that satisfactory provision has been made concerning the following standards, where applicable: 1. Ingress and egress to the subj ect property and proposed structures thereon, with particular reference to automobile and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. As shown in Exhibit "B" - site plan, access to the site is via a two-way driveway on Congress Avenue and a two-way driveway on Woolbright Road. Traffic flow on site is two-way, with the exception of the south and east sides of the building where the drive-through lane and drive-through window are located, respectively. Access to the angled parking spaces on the east side of the building is also one-way. The gasoline pump islands are located on the west side of the building. Four pump islands are proposed with a fifth island (the island furthest to the south) to be included in the future. During the review process, staff raised serious concerns regarding the fifth pump island, due to conflicts with drive-through traffic and vehicles maneuvering into and out of the parking spaces at the southwest corner of the building, the location of the loading area and of the dumpster and congestion close to the driveway onto Congress Avenue. The most recent site plan (the site plan shown in Exhibit "B" is the most recent plan) has been improved by modification of the loading area and of the dumpster, further discussed below. However, there is still concern that the fifth pump island concentrates too much traffic with conflicting traffic movements in this area. This is due to the fifth pump island's adjacency to the driveway on Congress Avenue, the drive-through lane which will funnel traffic from both the north and the west at this point and heavily used parking spaces near the front of the building. In addition to the degree of vehicular acti vi ty in this southwest corner of the parcel, an existing cross access easement to the vacant parcel to the south (formerly Westlake Hardware which was razed in 1992) exists in this same area. This cross access easement was established in 1992 when the subject outparcel was subdivided from the westlake Hardware property immediately to the east and south and conditional use approval was granted on April 21, 1992 for an Exxon service station under the current service station regulations which became effective March 3, 1992. The current community Design Plan requires vehicular circulation systems on adjacent properties to be linked to encourage cross access between parcels. The purpose of cross access is to minimize the number of curb cuts on major roads for traffic safety reasons. For all of the above reasons, staff recommends against the future, fifth pump island. Level of service problems on Woolbright Road will soon be remedied after the county lets the plans to six-lane Woolbright Road from Congress Avenue eastward, which is 2- Page 3 Memorandum No. 95-398 Conditional Use McDonald/Amoco File No. COUS 95-002 scheduled for the very near future. This overcapacity status of this section of Woolbright Road does not jeopardize the project's ability to meet Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. Palm Beach County informed staff today that traffic concurrency will be met. This is based on trips that are vested with the razed Westlake Hardware use. However, vesting from abandoned uses is only valid for a period of five years after abandonment. Palm Beach County has indicated that a building permit must be issued by the end of September of 1995; the expiration date of the five year period. A letter from Palm Beach County verifying their approval with conditions was to be faxed today, which has not yet been received, is forthcoming. It should also be noted that on May 18, 1993, the 1992 conditional use approval for the Exxon station on this property was granted a one year time extension of the conditional use approval and concurrency certification which was to have expired April 21, 1994. Extensions expire unless a building permit application is made. A building permit application was made and has been extended several times. The permit is currently being reviewed by the Building Division for another extension. The applicant is requesting this extension of the building permit in the event this McDonald's/Amoco application is not approved. 2. Off-street parking and loading areas where required, with particular attention to the items in subsection I above, and the economic, glare, noise, and odor effects the conditional use will have on adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. Based on the square footage of the building, thirty (30) parking spaces are required and to be provided, including two (2) required handicapped spaces. As previously mentioned, angled parking is proposed east of the drive-through window/lane on the east side of the building and ninety (90) degree parking is proposed along the north and west sides of the building. A loading area, as required by code, is to be provided along the south property line. The loading zone is hatched on the site plan within Exhibit "B". Staff finds this location of the loading zone to be acceptable. 3. Refuse and service areas, with particular reference to the items in subsection I and 2 above. The dumpster location is proposed for the southeast corner of the parcel. The Public Works Department has approved the location and enclosure. 4 . Utili ties, with reference to locations , availability, and compatibility. All utilities are available to the site. private lift station is proposed. In addition, a 5. Screening, buffering and landscaping with reference to type, dimensions, and character. The applicant will provide landscape materials adequate to meet all landscape code requirements. The screening and landscaping proposed meets, or exceeds, code requirements in all respects and provides the functional buffering required. 3 Page 4 Memorandum No. 95-398 Conditional Use McDonald/Amoco File No. COUS 95-002 The landscaping will consist of a mixture of native and ornamental canopy trees, palms and hedge materials, selected to provide a variety of color and to enhance the building and property. The intensity of landscaping is compatible with other developments in the area. 6. Signs, and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effect, and compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties. There will be one freestanding pole sign for the site to be located at the northwest corner of the parcel. The sign will be twenty (20) feet in height and will display the McDonald's and Amoco corporate logos, and the gasoline prices. There will be signage on the building walls and canopies (see Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 399, comment #2 and Building Division Memorandum No. 268 regarding compliance with Community Design Plan and sign code.) 7. Required setbacks and other open spaces. All code required setbacks are reflected on the site plan submitted. No open space requirements are applicable. 8. General compatibility with adj acent properties, and other property in the zoning district. The size and proposed colors of the building are compatible with the surrounding buildings. However, the metal, striped pump island canopies do not blend well with the stucco walled, Spanish" S" roof tiled, restaurant/convenience store building. Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-399 contains recommendations (comments 11 and 12) to replace the pump island canopies with a terracotta tiled mansard roof to match the building (similar to the Mobil station at the southeast corner of Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue) and to improve the appearance of the flat-roofed portion of the building by extending the mansard terracotta roof around the entire building. The plans submitted do not show lighting on the perimeter of the canopy. A Community Design Plan Appeal has been submitted which is being processed simultaneously with this request to permit mul tiple, vertical lighting beams to be attached to the roofline (recommendation regarding the appeal is under separate cover). 9. Height of buildings and structures, with reference to compatibility and harmony to adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. The proposed building is a single-story and 16.92 in height. The building height is well below that allowed by the code for the C-3 zoning district. The height proposed is harmonious with the buildings in the immediate area and consistent with the established character of the area. 10. Economic effects on adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. Development of this site will have a positive economic benefit to the City. The use of the property is compatible with surrounding commercial uses, therefore no negative effects on adjacent property is expected. Furthermore, the restaurant use will provide revenue from sales taxes and the convenience 4- Page 5 Memorandum No. 95-398 Conditional Use McDonald/Amoco File No. caus 95-002 store/service station will generate both sales and gas taxes. 11. Conformance to the standards and requirements which apply to site plans, as set forth in Chapter 19, Article II of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances (new reference is Part III - Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4). The proj ect shall comply with the above standards, upon rectification of staff comments conditioning any approval of the request. One other requirement not specifically mentioned elsewhere is concurrency certification for drainage levels of service. Commercial approvals must be certified or exempted for both traffic and drainage levels of service. The Engineering Division has indicated that drainage can be certified at time of rectification of staff comments. 12. Compliance with, and abatement of nuisances and hazards in accordance with the performance standards section 4 of the zoning regulations; also, conformance to the City of Boynton Beach Noise control Ordinance. Compliance with the city's performance standards is anticipated and no nuisances or noise would be generated by the proposed use beyond what is currently experienced with the other commercial uses in the immediate vicinity. Since the 1992 Exxon environmental review approval has expired, a new application for environmental review must be approved prior to issuance of a building permit. REVIEW OF DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Below is a list of those departments having comments regarding this request: Department Attached Memorandum Public works utilities Fire Police Engineering Building Parks and Recreation Forester Planning and zoning N/A 95-250 N/A N/A 95-281, 196, 212, 246, 248, 267 . 95-268 . N/A N/A 95-399 The comments above are of a nature that can easily be addressed at time of building permit review. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Department recommends approval of this conditional use request, subj ect to the permit plans for this project being amended to show compliance with staff comments and the applicable city of Boynton Beach Code of ordinances; this includes deletion of the future, fifth pump island nearest the south property line. DCD:dim A:Mac1 xc: Central File c: \WP51 \'OA.'TA\MA.C :;- LOC~1\ON M~P MCOON~~~'~\;~~~~~EC ~,~\~~:~' i' r, \~t 'f-n?\ . \ ,- () ~..,~' ,-'\\ .. --- ',C!! 0~ 11'J~:' ('f~~ ~\ ,: ' " ,'y (\ ty \ \, . ; 'b I \ :;" L' :;c - - JO . n 1" \ ' . j ( . *" ' 1 L , . 1:-::: ,,:' . 't~~./: '~i ~\J \ ~~:M.r\ ~c::C ~~~. ;;~- . - -: [Difll ~ Jtt~\\~ \ \ .'1 \ \ r ,<- - "-! ~ U ~ " i i 1 1 N ' , ' ~.. \ \ 3 ' / ~ '" """ ..,':u ,.\ ~ \\:" ':,. -\ to: \ \ !",-,"" - c.:C I' "-~~ .:Ilill<'Q '. ~: tl \ ' ; _ ....... c. · --.'--' '- \'.. 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' \ - ,- " \..'':-,.:---l " ''i:~ ,'r"\ . -. . >., . , . . . - . . "/1 " ,\ '. '<ire, \ .;; \I \., . . . f... :~ \ \'3\~j~jC "',~1.-':~"\\ \ \ \~/\ \~\L~SV1 : I \ ,~~ \L\,:.\.' 1 ~ \ j ,\.'0 400. 82.0 ~~J.) I \ _:"\~~t\_-,\\v~~, _ -' /---~ \\1;~' \\pU" \ .. ~I L-I \ -.1 1-""'" II II WOOLBRIGHT ~D ~sOD~ ~ . . . . . .. ".... ... ".... "',.. ,,8 i Ii Ii i lI,il Ii ~ j Ii j ;1"1' i IIII II i I~r II Ii! 1~!.1 t II , I" i ~ i P Id I; 'I ~ If R!i i Ii ,; i . i - ~: I Hmjal'iif Ii; U ~ I . i i ~ Ii ~A d ~B ~ i; ~ ~ f ~ g 0 ~ ;I = ~ . ! i ~,' ~I~~il <Slit l~ Z; B J : hll! H ~ U ; ~ ~ ~ ~ a 5 i ~ . ,S"SI B ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ ; f IA~ i 'I i ~ ~ ~ I !,12 ~~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ '( !'I q ~ , ;~.;. !a5It..,Jtliil ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-281 I,' [I" 'l " .l~ ..jL.,.~.,_lL~~ M~'..~__' w , LI i" '" 1'/'1 I l~ August 4, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director ~m V. Hukill, P.E. ~ Engineer McDONALDS/AMOCO COMMENTS FROM: RE: !" I, \ II i We have made Engineering comments on this project on at least six occasions, as follows: Memo 95-196 June 20 Hall to you Memo 95-212 June 29 Hukill to you Memo 95-246 July 18 Hukill to Haag Memo 95-248 July 21 Hall to you Memo 95-267 July 28 Hukill to Haag / Memo 95-248 August 2 Hall to Heyden The June 20 memo was reviewed for compliance on July 28, as was the July 21 memo. The June 29 memo has been complied with. The July 18 memo requested a traffic impact study which we do not have, and a determination (by you) regarding vesting, which we also do not have. The August 2 memo was a repeat of the July 21 memo. As of today, the status of these memos is as follows: 95-196 1. ok 2. ok 3 . Please comply 4. Please comply 95-212 1. ok 2 . ok 95-246 Please comply 95-248 1. Please comply 2. Please comply 95-267 Paragraph one - covered hereinbefore. 5. ok 6. Please comply 7. Please comply 8. Please comply 3. Please comply 4. Please comply Paragraph two - The southernmost gas pump should not be approved either now, which was not requested, or in the future, which was requested. Air, water, phones and curbing have been reconfigured in an acceptable arrangement. Paragraph three - please comply. Time spent on my part in reviews past initial review equates to $107.93. WVH:bh Attachments - above numbered memos A:AMOCO 12- . ' McDonald's! Amoco site plan comments/recommendations continued. page two. <1~ Top of exfiltration trench shall be a minimwn of one foot below base material. City standard drawing 8-91007. Use ofP.V.C. pipes in lieu of perforated CMP to be approved by city engmeer. RECOMMENDA TIONS I. Consider relocating menu board further east and also straighten drive thru aisle to eliminate "S" curve. This should provide easier access to menu board and a longer stacking lane. It would also provide an opportunity for additional landscaping next to building. 2. Consider locating the west driveway another 20 feet to the south. You would still retain the parking stalls along the south property line and provide a "straight path" to the McDonald's drive-thru. Also. it will allow an additional vehicle to "stack" in the dedicated right turn lane before your ingress lane becomes blocked. 3. Consider relocating the two H/C stalls in front of the store entrance for a little closer accessibility . 4. Consider using a pavement sign within the yellow striping of the loading zone stating, " NO P ARKlNG - LOADING ZONE". 5. Consider extending the sidewalk along both sides of building an additional two feet to create a continuous wheel stop. This eliminates possible tripping hazard from individual wheel stops and their maintenance. and provides a more esthetic appearance. KRHlkrh C: William Hukill, Dev. Dir. and to file /4- DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM RO. 95-212 TO: . Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director William Hukill, P.E.oj( City Engineer FROM: DATE: June 29, 1995 MCDONALDS/AMOCO RE: Our. additional comments are as follows: 1. Move the north entrance east about 20-25 feet to comply with Land Development Regulations. 2. Move the west entrance south as far as is practical. We have not had time yet to research the platting issue, but will do so July 6. WVH/ck C:MCDONALD xc: Ken Hall, Engineering Aide IS- .(J " DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-246 TO: Mike Haag Zoning/Site Administrator W~~Ukill, P.E. ~gineer July 18, 1995 MCDONALDS/CONGRESS , WOOLBRIGHT FROM: DATE: RE: We have reviewed Weisberg's July 11 comments on subject project and request that you request a new traffic impact analysis from the applicant. In addition, please determine whether the five year vesting period has been completed. WVH/ck C:MCDONALD /b Iwm .~: ,. rn ENGINEERING MEMO # 95-248 m< DATE: JULY 2], 1995(2nd review) August 2, ]995(3rd review) PLANNINGOEApNtD ONING . TI!;. T AMBRI HEYDEN, P&Z DIR. FROM: KEN HALL, ENG. AIDE PHONE: 407-375-62~ SUBJECT: McDONALDS/AMOCO RESTAURANT SITE PLAN - SECOND REVIEW & THIRD REVIEW. All plans submittcd for specific permits shall meet the city's codc rcquirements at time of application. These permits include. but arc not limited to the following: Site lighting. Paving. Drainagc. Curbing. Landscaping. Irrigation, and Traffic Control Devices. Pcrmits rcquired from agencies such as the F.D.O.T.. P.B. County, S.F.W.M.D.. and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. COMMENTS C!jRelocatc stop bars and stop signs four feet in front of sidcwalks. MUTCD 2B-9 (pg.2B-5). (2) NOTE: County pennits wilt bc rcquired to work within both intcrsecting roadways. The county will soon Ict the plans to six-lanc Woolbright Rd. from Congress Ave. eastward. Applicant should contact the project engineer to correlatc construction of intersection and this project. The project engineer is Javicr Lopez. 407-684-4 I 50. (.:3) Provide a traffic impact analysis if the site meets city criteria (single dircctional trips per day: 150 in a one hour period or 3.000 per day). Chap 23. Art. I. Sect. 58 J 4. ~)rop of cxfiltration trcneh shall be a minimum of one foot below base material. City standard dnlwing B-91 007. Use of P. V .C. pipes in lieu of perforated CMP to be approved by city engmeer. RECOMMENDATION 1. W~ recommend that the plan be forwarded to the P&D Board for consideration and approval. KRH/krh C: William Hukill. Dev. Dir. and to file mcdoamoc.2rv/3rv ~y ~"'-V lGw-- Ct- (J : II1JCL: 15~It;{=1 t5 ; :Jf201~ (8 /7 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-267 FROM: r Mike Haag, Zoning/Site Administrator William Hukill, P.E., City Engineer July 28, 1995 TO: DATE: RE: MCDONALD'S/AMOCO We have reviewed subject plan submitted to us late yesterday afternoon with a request to respond by noon today. Since we do not have time to respond fully in the 5~ hours allotted (and ignoring the 7~ hours of meetings we were in, or will be in, during that period), we can only review previous comments as follows: A. Engineering Memo 95-196 1. Ok 2. Ok 3. Please comply 4. Please comply 5. Ok 6. Please comply 7. Please comply B. Engineering Memo 95-248 1. Please comply 2. Please comply 3. Please comply 4. Please comply C. Building Memo 95-247 1. Please comply 2. Please comply 3. Please comply (~ The southernmost gas pump is proposed for future use. In order to " J facilitate traffic flow westbound south of that pump, the air, water, phones, etc. must be relocated away from the area. In addition the curb in that area (southwest corner) should be on a diagonal line running NW/SE from the apron curb springline. ,~ The issue of traffic impact, and specifically assigned trips, remains unresolved. This project will not be endorsed by the Department of Development until this issue is resolved. All qther comments should become conditions of approval, subject to complete res0lution prior to permitting. WVH/ck C:MCAMOCO.COM I? BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-268 August 2, 1995 ~ IE @ ~ U Wi m:'! n I, AIlS 3/995 @' ~'1rM~WgF~~D To: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director From: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Site Plan Review - Conditional Use - 3rd Review McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant and Convenience Store S.B. corner of Congress Ave. and Woolbright Re: The Building Division has reviewed plans for the above project and have no comments on the conditional use, however, we have the following comments regarding the site plan: 1. It should be in compliance with the security code and convenience store requirements at the time of permitting. 2. Pedestrian access must be provided from the right-of- way to the front entrance of the building, per Florida Handicap Code. 3. The free-standing sign did not meet required setbacks of 10 Ft. from the property line to the leading edge of the sign. 4. Wall signs exceed the allowable 136.5 Sq. Ft. by approximately 7.5 Sq. Ft. 5. Dimensions of the directional signs must be shown to comply with 4 Sq. Ft. maximum. 6. Maximum number of directional signs is 4, with a height of 5 Ft. from ground to top of sign. Time and charges for this third review is submitted separately. AN:mh Att.: 3rd Review Plans cc: William V. Hukill, P.E., Department of Development Director A:McP-AMO.TRC /1 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-399 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag Zoning and site Development Administrator DATE: August 2, 1995 SUBJECT: McDonald I s/Amoco Restaurant and Convenience Store/Service Station - COUS #95-002 (Conditional Use Approval - drive-through and service station) The following is a list of comments regarding the third review of the above-referenced project. It should be noted that the comments are divided into two (2) categories. The first category is a list of comments that identify unresolved comments either from the first or second review or new comments as a result of the third review. To show compliance with these comments will not substantially alter the configuration of the site and design of the building. The second category is a list of recommendations I believe will enhance the aesthetics and function of the project. All comments and recommendations can be rectified on the plans at time of permitting if the site plan request is approved. The applicant must understand that additional comments may be generated upon review of the documents and working drawings submitted to the Building Division for permits for the proposed project. I. COMMENTS: 1. A Community Design Plan appeal has been filed regarding exterior lighting, specifically the proposed light beams shown on the mansard roof. Drawings shall be amended to comply with the outcome of this appeal. Also, write or show on Section AA of SW-2 that no lighting will be on the perimeter of the pump island canopy. 2. Provide a computation and documentation to verify compliance with the Community Design Plan, section 10.1. Signs, regarding sign regulations to illustrate required signage and dimensional requirements for the free- standing sign, wall signs and directional signs. 3. Verify on drawings compliance with section 11.E of the Community Design Plan regarding screening of rooftop equipment. 4. Environmental review approval must be granted for retail sale of gasoline, prior to issuance of a building permit. (Zoning Code, Section 6.C.1B.e) 5. show on the landscaping plan the size, specie and spacing required to screen liftstation. 6. To confirm the required number of parking spaces for the subject property, add to the floor plan the total number of seats requested for the restaurant. Also, add to the parking data found on the site plan the code required computations for calculating parking spaces by using one parking space for every 2.5 seats. 7. The applicant shall pay the additional fee required for the extra (third) review requested, prior to the City Commission meeting of August 15, 1995. 8. Reflect a pavement connection to the property to the south consistent with the recorded cross access easement. 20