APPLICATION CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application required) PROJECT NAME: "/.A.tf};naJdc!1Jrnrxo ~rdJ1fa.LCL(mvenl(J1(G 'e/t;1.e t an) Anna 'P~( AGENT'S NAME: PcQ:r.(. 1:. ~f'1::u+ I ea~r q... Coftrel.l , 1fr . ADDRESS: 1562 old C>h~ Prxtd I Wile IDJ ~ ft1( m P.xa.ch I f:l.. B?4DQ (Zip Code) PHONE: 4()1-tJee.cx::>4e FAX: 4D'7. ~. :ZOoq OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee) ADDRESS: RFK ErrIa"l'n~sDf. 'Eoyn+m ~~. Iq:o::, Colon'\dl 'DnVe,; CbraJ 6pnngt) c:t. ~~1' (Zip Code) PHONE: FAX: PROJECT . . LOCATION: 6Q.>Ihcn,,*COfncrof~ trHa-tecfumo( &reyeS~ /!venV6 (not legal description)a.na tOool-br,t1'* CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* ~ ~~erent than gent r owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.App j I I I I j j I I '1 I 0~/22/9~ MON 16:03 r t07 7~0 0199 McDonald's Corporation o. 1".1!I;;l (2) . 1'.. FUe No. CONDI'rIONlU. USil APPtoICA'nON Date Submitted: ~ Applicant .Name: UJ. Cm1dJcl(, UsrfO'o.fttin Appli.c:ant Maress: 5UJO (cxon CO'Her utel,-. '5k-loOD Rlra.~ R. . ~ ~ . (Zi ...r:~) ; Phone: 401..-3'l~eooO l'ax:4!11. 7€D. "f'l"1', . .site Addre..: ~a~ ; t.ega1 I)escdption: ~ a..~ 7.) ~ Project J:Iescr1pt1on: c.csn:t..1h:~ --10 alLmD 0...- dru)!.-#lrv Ye8ftuia.n+ tOUh i1 anven t:nCG 'Bk1tJ arcL go.s>l~iY1 : 't $~ ;:;.~ President RFK Enterprises of Boynton Beach, Inc. The oWNu. as' hereby deli- ignat.. the ~ve sigrie4 perllloft to act as his agent: in :re~ud to this . petition. (To be executed When Owner designates anoth.X' to act on his behalf. ) fLANNING D1li'AR'l'MENT .. APRIL 1991 A:C!Use.app , " . . r 1aI003 IV. SITE DATA 1. 2. 3. ( 9 ) The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. Land Use Category shown in LPL.. lOcal 'Pt-L.t'l the Comprehensive Plan ~ Zoning District C.~ Area of Site ,.CCt2 acres 3~57D sq . ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown JJIIJ acres a. Residential, including surrounding lot area or grounds % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site j . Total Area of Site ~~70 100 % of site a. Ground Floor Building ~ sq. ft. f,BS; Area ("building footprinc") b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) acres * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover AJ/II I N/Il I- !JIll , !JIlt , N/II , /JIll . c. Water Area acres d. Commercial acres If){) e. Industrial acres f. Public/In- stitutional acres g. Public, Private, and Canal Rights-of Way acres h. Other (specify) acres i. Other (specify) IV/A acres b. JJ/A sq. ft. Water Area c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. ~II,'1lt> sq. ft. 7-3,24- % of site % of site % of site d. Total Impervious Area ~lqll.1b sq. ft. 7-3,'2-4 % of site e. Landscaped Area Inside of Parking Lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required--see Sec. 7.5-35(g)!1 of Landscape Code . . _ Nll1 sq. ft. . f. Other Landscaped Areas, excluding Water Area lt~~~.?~ sq. ft./B. 88 . PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app % of site % of site (10) g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding ~ Water Areas sq. ft. % of site h. Total Pervious Areas B{1.'lltJ. ~~ sq. ft. lABS % of site i. Total Area of Site &;;, 51 D sq. ft. 100 % of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential -AlJB- sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office /, 05-?J. Sf sq. ft. . c. Industrial/Warehouse ~ sq.ft. d. Recreational NIt} sq. ft. e. Publici ~ Institutional sq. ft. f. Other (specify) 2,g18.4f; sq. ft. . g. Other (specify) sq. ft. h. Total Floor Area "?:>,4-Q1.EldL sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units N/A a. single-Family Detached dwelling units b. Duplex dwelling units c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units (l) Efficiency dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom dwelling units ( 3 ) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4 ) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total Multi-Family dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units 8. Gross Density Dwelling Units Per Acre 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site Ilo.q'L feet --1- stories 10. Required Off-Street Parking a. b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking spaces I~BI eorn/'ZOO -: 5.'21cags '2, ~7B4b 121.ef' {DO :. 2':3.78 ~ --r oIoJ . Z1.lf.3~:5 (0 epue~ /.2* ~'O :00 5fnces PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app (11) RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifica- tions, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commission, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all aspects of the proposed project shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this applica- tion and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant acknowledges that the City of Boynton has all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and that in the event of enforcement action by the City, the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any costs, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO THIS 11J,~/ , 19 ~. ~f#iif{r ""'0 t'7 U - DAY OF ca~~, PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app (13) A F F I D A V I T STATE OF FLORIDA SSe COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED ererm. fu~1- , WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: Tha~e accompanying Property OWners List is, to the best of ~ knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the County Courthouse for all property within Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. /J1~~~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this -2,(J)':!:b day of A.D., 19 q6 ......... .'I!..-.,.Wf Pue.... I~ ~''0\ ~: I- ~: ,".. !.. if'- ~it . tf: -".t[f OF f\.O~~/. ........... OFRClAI. NOTARY SRAL PATIlICIA y Ur,rrl1il COMMIS510N NO. CC3C96U MY COt.IMISSION EXP MJG. "I'" My Commission Expires: PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app STA TEMENT OF USE AND JUSTIFICATION PROPOSED McDONALD'S AND AMOCO STATION ON PROPERTY AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF WOOLBRIGHT ROAD AND CONGRESS A VENUE The Petitioner, McDonald's Corporation, requests by this application approval of two conditional uses, being a convenience store/gasoline station and a fast food restaurant with drive-thru service, in order to construct a new facility on property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue. Proposed is a 3,431.91 square foot facility that will be occupied by both McDonald's and Amoco. The subject site, which is 43,570 square feet, is currently vacant. The facility proposed is a new type of convenience market oriented toward both the traveling public and residents and businesses in the area. The facility will be comprised of a 2,378.40 square foot fast food restaurant and a 1,053.51 square foot convenience store/gasoline station, without major repairs, in one single story building. The convenience store/gasoline station will offer the retail sale of gasoline. The site plan accompanying this application details the site development for the facility. Access to the site is via one full-directional driveway on Congress Avenue and one driveway on Woolbright Road which allows right turn in and out only. Five pump islands (includes one future) are proposed for the Amoco station. A total of 30 parking spaces will be provided. The use and site development proposed is entirely consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, and with the intent of the Zoning Code. The proposed facility meets all of the standards for evaluating conditional uses, as follows: 1) Ingress and egress to the subject property and proposed structures is adequate. As indicated on the site development plan, both pedestrian and vehicular circulation is functional, safe and convenient, and accommodates appropriate traffic flow and control in case of emergency. 2) Off-street parking has been provided consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Code. The required loading area has been provided. The parking and vehicular circulation areas of the site have been designed to minimize glare and noise, and to contain such on the site. Odors from the operation of the two businesses will be contained also, so there will be no adverse impact on adjacent properties. 3) Care has been taken in the design of the site to locate refuse and service areas in areas that offer the least impact on adjacent properties. The dumpster area will be screened, as required. 4) Utilities are available to service the development at the site. All utility demands from the proposed facility have been evaluated, and it has been determined that there will be no demand placed on public facilities or services that cannot be met while maintaining mandated levels of service standards. 5) The screening, buffering and landscaping proposed for the site is detailed on the site and landscape plans accompanying this application. The screening and landscaping proposed meets, or exceeds, code requirements in all respects, and provides the functional buffering required. The landscaping at the site will consist of a mixture of native and ornamental canopy trees, palms and hedge material, selected to provide a variety of color and enhancement to the building and site. The landscape plan is compatible with other development in the area. The palette selected will provide an aesthetically pleasing appearance for the site, in harmony with other developed sites in the area. 6) There is one freestanding pole sign proposed for the facility, to be located at the northeast corner of the site. The sign will be 20' in height with the McDonald's and Amoco corporate logos, and the gasoline prices. There will be signage on the walls and canopies of the store. The signs, and exterior lighting, have been designed so that there is no impact on traffic safety, for either users of the facility or passersby. The signs are compatible with other signs along the Woolbright Road corridor, and are within the limits of the Code. 7) The site plan proposed meets all required setbacks, and contains the minimum required open space. 8) The use and site development proposed are entirely compatible with the development of adjacent sites and other properties in the same zoning district. The use and site development are in harmony with the established character of the area. 9) The proposed facility is a one-story building, approximately 16.92 feet high. The building height is well below that allowed by the code for this area. The height proposed is in harmony with the buildings in the immediate area, and consistent with the established character of the area. 10) The site development will generate a positive economic benefit to the City. Development of the site will move the property from vacant to improved commercial on the tax rolls, The operation of the McDonald's will provide revenue from sales taxes, and the Amoco will generate both sales and gas taxes. 11) This submittal is consistent with the requirements which apply to site plans, as set forth in Chapter 19, Article II of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. 12) The proposed site development is in compliance with all performance standards, as outlined in Section 4 of the Zoning Code, including that which applies to the abatement of nuisances and hazards and noise controls. The use and site development proposed will generate no adverse impact on established land uses in the area. The use and site development are consistent, and entirely compatible, with existing uses immediately adjacent to the subject site and in the surrounding area. The site is located within the strip commercial area located on either side of the Woolbright Road corridor. To the north of the subject site, across Woolbright Road is an office building. To the east of the site is a bank. To the south of the site is a vacant parcel, separating the subject from the residential south. To the west of the site are offices known as Woolbright Plaza. The use proposed meets all of the performance standards imposed, including the Countywide Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. There will be no adverse impact on the City's ability to provide the facility with public services, and no reduction in mandated levels of service standards. OS/22/95 MON 16:02 FAX 40 '50 0199 McDonald's Corpor-1on 14J 002 McDonald's Gj) McDonald'$ Corporation 5200 TOwn Center Cjrcle Suite 600 60ca Raton, Florida 33496 (407)391-8003 Fax: (407)750-0199 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The undersigned does confirm by this letter his/her authorization for McDonald's Corporation (McD) and/or Amoco Oil Company (AOe) to act as representative (s) for development approvals to allow a drive thru restaurant (McDonald's), gasoline station (Amoco) and a convenience store on the above described property. This authorization is intended to confirm that, as agents, McD and/or AOC will prepare and submit all documentation for the required development applications, attend all meetings pertaining to the applications, and will represent the applications at any required public hearings, including, but not limited to, the Planning and Development Board, the Board of Adjustment, City Commission, and any permitting agency relative to the development of the referenced parcel. As agent(s) for the applications, McD and/or AOC are authorized to agree to terms and conditions which may be placed on the approval of the aforesaid applications. Very truly yours, ~ /4.. /~ Greta Koppel President RFK. Enterprises of Boynton Beach, Inc. STATE OF ~ II COUNTY OF :;g }iiv)aJ..eK- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before ~ this ,;J t, day of IlL,. n95, by who is personally known to me, or who h~ed identifica' n and who did/did not take an oath. Signature of Notary: Serial Number: NOTARY SEAL MAmA HlJMENYI HOrAn PUIUC STATE OF Fl..Cw.lf)" alUMIISIoN NO. CCM6.1' . EXP. ocr. 23 1:..,. . Amoco Petroleum Products Florida Region May 22, 1995 Ms. Tambri Heyden, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Agent's Agreement for Robert E. Basehart to Represent Amoco Oil Company, Pertaining to Certain Property Located at Congress Avenue and Woolbright, Boynton Beach, rlorida Dear Ms. Heyden: The undersigned does confirm by this letter their authorization for Robert E. Basehart of Basehart & Cottrell, Inc. (BCI), to act as representative for development approvals to allow a drive thru restaurant (McDonald's), gasoline station and a convenience store (Amoco) on the above described property. This authorization is intended to confirm that, as agents, BCI will prepare and submit all documentation for the required development applications, that BCI will attend all meetings pertaining to the applications, and that BCI will represent the applicants at any required public hearings, including, but not limited to the Planning and Development Board, the Board of Adjustment and the City Commission. As agent for the applicants, Robert E. Basehart is authorized to agree to terms and conditions which may be a part on these approvals. Very truly yours, Amoco Oil Company / by:-. ..' ~ ?' Kenn h D. s~ t Engineer STATE or COUNTY or ~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 22nd day of May, 1995, by Kenneth D. Stoll who is personally known to me. Signature of notary Stamp: NAIJA HUNENYI NOI'AlY PUBLIC STATE OF COMMISSION NO. CC3JI8U1 NY COMMISSION EXP. OCT. 23 19!11 MA y, - 26' 95 I F RIll 0 : 00 A'- "'0 PETROLEUM PROD TEL:'-11071 ICUllJllU ....u ""IU~" lu. _~i.C-1 () d CT-2087S JUt <.:'-[991, ~: ]'"ti':,) ~.l", .., .......5 J d ORB b:556 Ps 'i Sse f 111,.,. tI...., JI .,1 I" CDn 5i5100D.OO Doc 4.02S.DO .. ---.'"'--- l'roJ>crl:Y CUlltrQl , Uij-~j-45-J2-00-00o-J09Cl ..--- -"-- '-'--"-'''--.iI'o\~ilOv~niii i:iNBI'Ii;.-air.oWI!A'liIlSE~-----'" SPFCI" I. W-'.RRAN1'V DFt;D STATE OF FLORID,.. ~ f f KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ('()lJNl't Of PALM IlEAClI 'mAT E.l(XON COItPOR^TIOIII, ;1 New krJl/lY ~"Ol"pl.lr~lioll, h~"illll all o(ri~" 011800 0.:11 Slr,:cl, Ih)u~IOIl, 'l"c.l;1II 77002-7-12b, hcr~illilfrcr I.:;lIlclI -Or~lIlur,' lilt uIILI in l:U1l.mlcr~liull o( Ihe sum DC FIVE lIUNDIU:D .sEVcNTT'-I'I\lE THOUSAND AND NOlloo DOLLARS ($57.5,000.00) a&Il.I olhcr SOOt,I aliI! "i11l1i1ble l:ollsidcr~lioll ill cillih pllill by RPK ENTERPRISES Of aOYNl"ON BEhCII. INC., a I'lorillil corporollion, 1933 Culuoial Drive, Coroll Springs, l'Iurillu 33071, lIel'einafler 'all..lI '(jl'mlle~," 1111I n:cdlll ui wtJi~h is h~r.by iLL:l:n..",llllII:Cl.I, dues hereby GRANT, BARCiAIN, SEI.L. antJ CONVEY \lUlU 1111: ~ilill Gralll...., ~ubjetl 10 Ihe limhllr prllvi~iolu IIi IIlis Oa:IJ, ~lIlbal carlaillluc.:l or parcel uf IDlld IIl1e 'P~ny") Iyillg anll u"inil ill Ibe Cily or" Buynron Beach, Cuunly o( Palm 8e:u;b, SIAl" of FIorillil. beinll lUore pllrli,ularly 1~I.:nbcll iu I:xhibil "A" dUilcl1..lI h~r"lo ~nl! i/lCllrpuralc~ lIeo:JO fur alll'urpao..... Thill couveYUllCe ili lIUI,Jc by Gelllll"r iII1d =Pl.:d by 0(11111"" aubjccl 10 all vlllitl lWd "'liltinG eaaemCIW, riBbl~.of-way. 'uulliliol"', ':Uuo:n;lnlli, ~lrj'liunll_rvalioll.1l, iUllI cllCepliuRlI of ra:urLl, hu:lulIiJlll ~U buildillf: amI lLlniU, unlilwllCc:i, 1allll, r"l:lIla.ioul ,,04 renriclinns b)' IDlIl1icipal UJ" olh"r 1l0vctlllll<:llllJI aLlIlIUl'hy .ppliCllblll 10 II." Prollcny. "I l'unhcl' c.:L1Jlsill4;c;uiulI liK IhD cOnVl:YilllGe, Omnlcl:, (or 1I1"lf, hi heirs, Il.!lIal re(lro::lclIlIJlu.....:. ~UCIJc:~cm; 'IIJJ ~1;j:ji~11.5. lit applicable, bereby rcll,,~ allll (cruv..r lILicharlles Gramor, ill rclpre""llulliva, JIIC;CCliIiOIJ .am' ;l:lliSns, (ruin ilIlY iII1l.I 11I1 cliliJDIi, d"lIlalllU, )j;lbililics (io.:lullillll linCl; IIIIIJ civil pCllllllicsl anU ..:awell or iX:lion ~l law or in cilui1y iJlcluwAIl. wllhulIl lilnilDliun, any S'~lulury !la11Ull of Dction, illctudwlI Ihc CUmprt:lIell5ivc Elluironnlcnlal RespOII'" CompensDlion iIIW Lillbllily A~I c)r" 19tIO, ~~ IIII1cnl.lel.l, C"CERCLA.) ,\JIll I!k: Ruaurcc COlllicrvllliun ~nll Ra:c:uvcr.l' ....~I 1)(' 1~76, lIll ulllelllled. (' RCltA") flit injury (illcJulIinK lIcillltl, de:llIUClion. Ic)ss of dumalll: of any J,;inr.J ur dUltllCll:t La Ihll person c)r propeny of UrDmee (amI llny ~ubs"qUCOl owner or" Ihe Propen)', 1I~ IlppliCJIbll:l illld Ihll CUllllo)/ccl. allCIIlS, scrvUlus ;wI.l rc:pr...."IUDLi..". oi Iiuch pilrLi"s, lItlsinll UUI or or in rela/inll Iu lhe IIl1virollllllllllill con&.lililln of dill Propcrl)'. ...~ funher cOll5ll1cr:lliOll for rhi, canveyan":e, Gr~lII.... ..bDIl llc relillllllllillle fur ~nu sbull ~eit:rW Dnll inuelnnify Gramor from llJIU ;I&ainsl allY IOli, cl~illl, lIDIlI'II!~ ur IUibilily. 10 illclutlc proplltly dlllnallC IIlId jlt:1"$UJUl1 illjury and 10 inclllde ~n)' claim malic unLIer CEllCL..... ;wi ReRA lUI,lk:rlel! by 'IllY Ibird p;lny or t'ub1ill DIIlIIl.lrilY .ariaillll DUI u&" or ill relalion 10 ilny ~lIrra~c or ~lIb.urfjJcc t:Onlnmill31ioD IIt"llIe Properly which Inuy occur 011 tllG ProperlY aner Ihe Err"cllve Dille, unll:llI c~LIIdl.1lly elle lIDle nelllll;elllo":U of Gramor. If sN"b properly lIwlIlIlI", l'"rWllal [lIjury I.lr IO~1 raullS (ram I he jUlrll nc"lillCnCc at willful misconllll&:1 ul" Cimlllar ilIlll llle uwner Il( Uu: ProperlY, 11111 Prol)!:ny UWIl<lr'~ "Illy ui imlcmnifjcallull $Il:all bll in prupuniOIl lu ils UllUCllbl.. ~barc lit juilll Ilelllillcncc ar willful lIIi~culldlA:l. Tile co.l<liliulU, COVcnwWl ;uKl l>lhcr prOVu.iollli ;cL OLlt in 1I1il Dclld ;llafl bo: cawcllan", runmnl! wiiJI III.. llIllll ~1I11 $b~lI be: hinllins Upcll al1&l ~hall inl/r. 10 Ih.. btmcnl u( Ulc p~rlies. lllcir sUWljdilar~. ar'llIblt$, lelllt! rcprCll"llIillivC!;, lll:i..., ~UCCe:lIOrJ :tIKI illIliillllll. 11.I appliWlblc, Ad valurllll1 "Illes and spccUiI a:lSCilimcllli, II" any. illl'Iilllll Ihe Properly for Ihe yellr ill which Ihe Effvc;llve Odic occurs ."i11 be pro-ralell bclWCl;1l Cil"illllOl' 0100 Gramee as or IIle I:ITcclive DQIIl. anll Cirulllce bereby lI:Il;Llllle~ ilN/ ;I/lr"el Ie pay .nm.., TO Ii"VE ANI) 1" Halo the I'rCJI>Ctll', IUjI&lhgl will. .1\0; lll'pLlnclllUlCGC. 1:.'11;'1... lllle wILl Imeresl IherelU. um!) (Jrll1lllle, UrDnlloc'; SUCCl::j~uri, h&:ir~ and willll!l, flll'l:Yllr, .ubjDllL 10 lilcl pruyi~illll" l1"rl.:ut, Il'U.I ill lieu oi all Lllber warralllie:i. el(l)r,,:>.i or Impli<:d, Orollllur &lOllS hereby binll il.ll:/r, i1.5 ~1I.:&:c;;3orJ ;;JILI millllS. 10 wamun llIIlI (ordUllt dclentllh.. lillc: 10 Ihe I"rupony umo GlilJlle!:, Oranllll:'S iUccCllsurs, heirs and us.ilDll, Dll~jllSI ev"ry pc:l"lIon lII'IUIIIIOCYllr la.....ully "laimi'l& ur lU cl~illl Ihc ialllC UI ;my jHlll Ulercof, by. Ibrollllll or 11l14lor Gru11Iur, bUI 1101 olberwillo, I ,'U ,.1 L..L. .(,1 (.'/..; I ('. I IV r/ '-_ I .sWI)Ll\IB.JlJC (lld/3IJ!lJ) {(".t'l( "I.t.,il II" '/". ,~., .., ",rd:' I ,1,11 " p, 002 .! MAY,-26'95(PRIIIO:OO A' '0 PETROLEUM PROD TEL:-l1071 p, 003 ORB ~:::5 c-. p~ 1 ~~. (:) .y" WITNESS WHEIU::OI". Gmlllllr h:ul ~illl&:Ll lhi. .,./ ~tJ~y lJt };?r~~~ . 1!J~. bul EFFECTIVE lIS ""Ihj~ 2h~ tJlI)I ur July. .,J9...!i. (.Erl~~li\lc 011""). tJR...NTOR: ~ .efp;~q "i'O~ E'O WITNBs,sES: EJO;ON CORPORATION &..) . /' - ."t B)I; ',J~' ,11\17 \, \d.l.~l._.. NIIII1C:./ .T" r r: /"I Co "j L 4./r,J Tille: VieD PrcsillclIl ATT8iT: a -~ By' ...... l:~...~ ffZ ;'Is; ~.4F~ ~I rille:.' A..uIj,cauL Sc~rc:lary ...-' \' .. \ ~/.'.. ~. 'L " ,.' ST A'fa OF TExAS . ~ COUNTy OF' !lARRlS ti ....1I..l'ure 1lI~ ll~ undQrSlllDClI oIIl1lhurilY, rhil; uoay pCl'lI01wlly oIIl'po:;ucLl ()n. .,- "1"11.' ;//J;lk"" Dull , 07. "'.'., .' }.I. /1 , ID II1t1 well MUWII DIIIl knowlI 10 IDe 10 be a Vice Pn:aidcl1l :md AUUC:l1l1 Sc:crclary, rC>lpllClivcly. ...t IJII: CCltpl>rll,iOII I\lIJIII:LI ill 11M: (0",&,,101& irnmum""I, ami .hey scvcrAIlY ;Icknowlcdall<.l 10 and belate IDe Ihal IlIey CXCI;ullloJ QitJ IlllllrUIMnl "'1 bchlLlf of iUId in Ille name ilC sllill C(ltporaliDII ~4 sueb u(fic;c:rs; thai lllC ~~I atliacd Iu 1;ulI illlllrumcllll is Ihe CDfJlOralc );l:lIl ot JDid c:orpol"'~liOil and lhllr it WIIJlIlFrb.cLllbcrclLl by dUl: a.t1(J rcgular cDrpLlr~l. iluUwrily: 1IIlIIlbq arc: dul)l aUlborizell by lllill c:orporalioll 10 e~Cl;ulc llAill illSlI"lllllllnl DJld Ihill said in.1ru1l1l!11l i.s (Jib I"r.. ill,;t II"" L1ccd ar Hid c:orplJralion, lhqo arc pl;r~llllillly L;~OWII II> Ole: ar have pralkw<:il . ,:..., '.';"-w 11, tI(~ .I"~I', " J ;I:l illcll\llflcalioll ~mlllid/did IllJI 111&:.: :1.11 oiilh. · IN WITNESS WHERI:OF. 111OI\le hc:n.wdQ oCt my IlIU1d illl1l alJiU:&llII)I or'fie:ialliCa.l. lleili lhe: (/"(by of _ ~/ ):l.C . 199.:L .J :'~y~ d ~&, ,.._ Prim N' . '-n...~ ...... -:&'''''-:'.,-) N....i1ry Public:. Slale of TCXAS My C"llulli"jQll Ell.pircs: 'I - Ic,j - tj '7 -- SWIlI,Nlbluc (IJ~/311\1lJ .:! - MAY, -26' 95(PRII 10:00 f' '0 PETROLEUM PROD TEL: _._, 1071 P.004 ORB ~~356 Ps 1590 OR.ANUE: RFK ENl"ERPIU!l1!S OF ltOVNTON BEACH, INC. WITNE:I.5~: <; ; ,'" 1'" :<//,~~;!. .." ""-:::.... PrInt NIIII.: /.:,' It ~'f ,.,; ,,~''''I; Ay;_~ .([!L I " '7 NNIlo: ,H... n f-7:Yf'-rz.-;-( t' I TILle; .. r'J ',t. t -.-1 _ ~ }' ~ ( _.' C , . " f"\, , ,Ir., I - '~" ..t..,. , " I K PrUlt NUlla: ,'" " \. , . " :) A 1TP.'IT~ ~ crt. It / 1I1'1;:J' 7.1.......- Nuner I-I( -., ~..., 'I 10:.. J'f~'1 nIle; -.l~, I ." II.... J ~,." , ....-1 '-', , STAn OP FLORIDA COUNTY OF F',r i.()..lrl ,(,I. UCIOlC me lhc \lIlQ.UIIIlCG l\IlIICltlly I Lbi~ .J.,I"'....,~I' APpear" A c' L: l.... 11II4 . 10 UIC \Well knQWD aad known to lU In be . r"l",' ('II r , ~''': ~': ~-~ f.'I'.~ m(1 f r~ft r.,,"" I 4'ClpcwrJ.cly~ oi 'b~ ca'pal"llIl~ MJrlO in &he foreloilll'lIUIllUlIll!nl, Ind dIcy IllYllr.l1y iQMuWlcdlcd KI and .ton: me !hi. lbG)' ....C1llGd said IlIIlllIlDGDI 00 bdlalf of 1Il/11D 1lJr. nalll!: of .aid COl'JlOr.110lJ .. *"'11 urn"....: IIlaI IlK ...1 &J'I\lIIG&4 '" ..104 Inlll\lm-fll I. tIur IOClrpor.lc aul of uld IOCII'POrolJcm * lhal il "0''' affixed lIIcr~o by due Iud reBut., COlJll3falc aUlIloric)t; 111.I1 lhcy IIlO duly llI&hllrlzcQ by ilia COlpgnuOIl III c&cGIIU: laid lI>>lr~u..... Ill,! dial .&1" lnal....lln'AI i. .n.. Cr. ...1 and dald af.lid carporllllon. TIle)' ue pctloaal.ly kl>>\\'!l '" IIIC or !llYe pl1llillucl (I. i:r, .wn I, <<-n \"_:>jo lei "'l:r~,d . "11 . .~ S'; C ' BJ id..ntlllCIIIIan iIlICl dlllloid DOIlilCe DII oQ, ! I~ WITNESS WHEREOF. Illll"" halll\lllll1 m Ill)' llilllll ana amlloG rIl1 um",i;al ..aI. Ihis 1l\G~daY at_ .j I .( , : ) . JH.!.... .J" ['I y '- r' ~. ..-.I...:.C:.,':.-' J".-?(,~... pilli. NIIIIlI" , ,,- L. ,,,. l'4oW)' I'lIIlUC, SlAtl: ut Plulllll MY COmJl)lUlllll I!..lpIlCll: -, / '? " -J- SWDLNB.doo (0I/'3llt31 , MAY, - 2 6' 951 F R II 10: 0 1 A~; '1 PETROLEUM PROD TEL: J ~..!.1 071 P,005 ORB 3356 P,a 159:1 wROlliY It Llllh'EN CLERt\ OF niE CllURf - PB l'OUtH'f I H 5'1'4-S022 BDyll101I lI~, flotilla EXHlsrJ' ..... 'ra SPECIAl. WAItAANTY DEED PROM EXXON CORPORA'flON TO RFK: EJIrT'ERPJUSES OF BOYNTON BEACH, (/lie. 1933 ColDRial Drive Caral Sprinlll, FL :13071 I (A p.reel of land 1n Section 3J, TQWn~hlp 45 Sauth. R8nge 43 S~$t, city of Boynton Be~ehr P.lm Beach County. Florid., beinu mUTe p~rticut~rly de~cribed au tallo~~: I From ttle Northwtll8l eOrMIT. of. Scctlcm 32. Town:.ohip 45 South, Ra{.lJ.. 43 East, P"llll ihtuch County. Florlda. sai<i co,"ne~ be"lng on tile CCIlt:.rl ill.. of tba 120 toot Righ~-o'-VllY of Co~gre5S Avenue; thenQ8 r~n South 01":il3'34" EcU:lt. along the West; line ot ~aid SectIon 3a, fot" a distance ot 357.05 teet; thence run North 81040'08" Eas~. along a liJi.. 357.00 [l!Ie~ Sl.Jut.h 01: aud parattel with. all mea.sur:ed at r-1.gnt .ng16s to, the North line of ~ajd Section 33, tor 8 discanoe ~t 115.36 t'tlel:, to the Po in ~ of Be9 i Imino of t:ile parcel Q f 1.n4 here:i.nafter c]60..cribed; thence continue North 87040'08~ liia.!lL. C11unl) the Illllt deolcribed eOUr:f8, lOl" ft di..tftnce at 1.8~" 40 ['eat.; t:l\_nclil rUn Suuth 01":13' 24' Eas t, Itl01Jg a I ioe :191.72 feec Eas t: o( and pilrllllel wittl, ad meallured 4t. right t\1I\JI.es'co, the sald Vest tine of Section 32, tor 8 dj8~~hce ~! 200.00 reel; thence run Sou~h 87040'08" Wesl. , a.long II line 556,97 .feel: South of .nJ pArallel wIth, 118 IneaBut'ed .r. right 8ng]8S to, ~h. said North line of section 32. to~ 8 diatftncp. of '121_75 Ceet; t:h.nco6r run Nort.h 0101.3'24" We:!t. tllonu (\ l.ine 76,00 feet I Ebst uf and parallel with. ~B measure~ hI: rJaht ~n91eH to, ~~e .aid W6St line of S~ction 32, tor ~ ~i~tan~~ or \60.65 feet; then~e run North 43008'~:iI. Eaat, for 8 di~t.nc~ of 56.]0 teet to the Poi~t or SoiIglnning. SWI)r.N~,r.l,1l' (0&111/9]) .4- 28669810 r.'\c:':~nald'3 11 13571 FEATHERSOUND DR 34622-5533 ,'"": 'J. 33161895 05 25 95 ****** 1.250 .C~ ONE-THJUSAND-TWO-HUNDRED-FIFTY-ANO-uO/10)*************************** CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD FINANCE OEPT BOYNTON BEACH Fl 33435 -; ; 'i/''''{'''i.''~.:w_.. II- 0 j j U; ~ 8 ~ 5 II- I: 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 0 8 0 5 I: S? ... 0 j b 5 211- 13577 FEATHERSOUNO OR 34622-5533 28669610 .,"_ "_ ~ '''h,..~',}_""._,_ "~~ _....~ ':! ..:? ..; """'......., <,"',. ,.j ,'"", ,....., - :t ._...... tI .~... " '--.", "..; ~5 95u578904~Jl ~9-1512 052495 0500 009 1512 2003099 .1 331olSQ' 1.25....']( 1,25G.f'\, '<;/ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION NOTE: This form must be fi+led out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application required) PROJECT NAME: /.A.tf};naJd~!1Jrnrxo ~rdJ1fa.LCL(mVenl(J1(G 'e/t;1.e t an) Anna 'P~( AGENT'S NAME: PcQ:r.(. 1:. ~f'1::u+ I ea~r q... Coftrel.I.1fr . ADDRESS: 1562 old C>h~ Pald ,Wile IDJ ~ ft1( m P.xa.ch I f:l.. B?4DQ (Zip Code) PHONE: 4()1,tJee.co4e> FAX: 4D'7' ~.:zoaq OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee) ADDRESS: RFK ErrIa"l'n~sDf. 'Eoyn+m ~~. Iq:o::, Colon'\d\ 'Dn\Je,; Cbrdl 6pnngt) c:t. ?J~1' (Zip Code) PHONE: FAX: PROJECT . . LOCATION: 6cuH1t'a'bt- corner of..Jn:, trHa-tecfum 0( (2D'tJyeS~ .fJu?nV6 (not legal description)a.na tOool-bY'Er* CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: * ~ ~~erent than gent r owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.App (10) g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding ~ Water Areas sq. ft. % of site h. Total Pervious Areas 8,'2.'1(0, ~~ sq. ft. IAeB % of site i. Total Area of Site -A;:I;, 5 70 sq. ft. 100 % of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential -JJJa- sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office IJ 05-3.5/ sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse -ill!L- sq. ft. d. Recreational tJ/4 sq. ft. e. PublicI ~ Institutional sq. ft. f. Other (specify) 2.1118..4-0 sq. ft. . g. Other (specify) sq. ft. h. Total Floor Area ?:>,4-QtBL sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units N/A a. Single-Family Detached dwelling units b. Duplex dwelling units c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units ( l) Efficiency dwelling units (2 ) 1 Bedroom dwelling units ( 3 ) 2 Bedroom dwelling units ( 4 ) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total Multi-Family dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units 8. Gross Density Dwelling Units Per Acre 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site ~ feet ~ stories 10. Required Off-Street Parking a. Calculation of Required b. Number of Off-Street Parking spaces l~BI eom/'200 -:: 5.'21ggs '2, ~7B4D 12tef' 100 ~ 'l~,1e ~ ,oIal. ~.lt3~"5 Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan (0 eput''O /24 ~'O ~D 6fnces PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app PROJEC'r TITLE: DESCRIPTION: 'l'YPE: DA'l'E REC i D : TRACKING LOG - SITE PLAN REVIEW SUBMITTAL ~C!J~~2 I ~~ ~1t FILE NO.: COL<.S 9:,~fJ: NEW SITE PLAN AMOUNT: MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION RECEIPT NO. : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TWELVE (12) SETS SUBMITTED: COLORED ELEVATIONS RECID: (Plans shall be pre-assembled. The Planning & Zoning Dept. will number each sheet of their set. The Planning Dept. set will be used to check the remaining sets to ensure the number and type of sheets match.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPLICATION & SUBMITTAL: DATE: ACCEPTED DENIED DATE: DATE OF LET'rER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: 2nd SUBMIT'l' L ACCEPTED DENIED DATE: DATE: DATE OF SUBM TTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: REVIEWER'S NA * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Label TRC Departments on each set of plans) DATE OF MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM INITIAL REVIEW. /VrftI"-' RETURN DATE: MEMO NUMBER: - ~3~REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED DATE SEN'l': PyNS Y PLANS MEMO # I DATE I "CIl 9~--dJb~//C 9.r-';>'YH"~/~1 ~ ...9?- ~'jl I ~ /4: I C-- I 1_ Planning Building Engineer Engineer Forester y DA'l'E OF MEETING: DATE OF LETTER SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: (Aesthetic Review App., dates of board mtgs. & checklist sent out wi comments NINETY DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLET~ SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2nd REVIEW: (Must be assembled. Reviewer shall accept amended plans & support documents) COLORED ELEVATIONS REC I D: MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM 2nd REVIEW. DATE SENT: MEMO #: RETURN DATE: 2nd REVIEW RECOMMENDATION/DENIAL PLANS MEMO # I DATE I"R/DIl PLANS MEMO # I DATE 11IR/D" Util. I I planning I I P.W. I I Building / / Parks I / Engineer / I Fire / / Engineer / / Police / / Forster / / LETTER TO APPLICANT REGARDING TRC APPROVAL/DENIAL AND LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT/SIGNS INSTALLED: SCHEDULE OF BOARD MEETINGS: PAD CC/CRA DATE APPROVAL LETTER SENT: A:TRACKING.SP PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-391 TO: Carrie Parker, City Manager Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Dept. Chief Field Insp. Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention officer sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department Al Newbold, Building Division William Hukill, Director of Department of Development Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & zoning Director I~ DATE: July 28, 1995 RE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 3rd Review - Conditional Use project MacDonald's/Amoco Convenience store Restaurant and Location S.E. corner Woolbright of Congress Ave. and Applicant RFK Enterprises of Boynton Beach, Inc. File No. COUS 95-002 please find attached an amended site plan for your 3rd review for the above-referenced project. Please discard all other plans on file for this project. The applicant is requesting approval of the plans that have the following caption handwritten in the upper right hand corner of the first sheet of the set of plans: "3rd Review". If there are additional questions regarding the review of the plans, please contact Dan DeCarlo (ext. 6264). To ensure that the project stays on track with the review time frame, the plans and exhibits shall be reviewed and formal written comments on legal size paper transmitted to the Director of the Planning and zoning Department no later than 12:00 P.M. on Wednesday. Auqust 2. 1995. Return plans and exhibits with formal comments. The project will be discussed at the August 8, 1995 Planning and Development meeting. Due to additional staff time required to review resubmittal of the above-referenced plans, please document in writing the cost of your additional review time and return to me no later than 12:00 PM on Wednesday, August 2, 1995. The cost is to be computed as follows: Additional reviews will be billed to the applicant based on the hourly salary of employees involved in the review, plus 35% for fringe benefits. TJH:jms attachment xc: (Memo Only) Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Charlie Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Police chief John GUidry, Utilities Director Central File .:3rdrev.m.c/T~C BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-268 August 2, 1995 ~ II U \VI ~If,' liB 31995 i~i ~~~~gfp1.D To: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director From: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Re: Site Plan Review - Conditional Use - 3rd Review McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant and Convenience Store S.E. corner of Congress Ave. and Woolbright The Building Division has reviewed plans for the above project and have no comments on the conditional use, however, we have the following comments regarding the site plan: 1. It should be in compliance with the security code and convenience store requirements at the time of permitting. 2. Pedestrian access must be provided from the right-of- way to the front entrance of the building, per Florida Handicap Code. 3. The free-standing sign did not meet required setbacks of 10 Ft. from the property line to the leading edge of the sign. 4. Wall signs exceed the allowable 136.5 Sq. Ft. by approximately 7.5 Sq. Ft. 5. Dimensions of the directional signs must be shown to comply with 4 Sq. Ft. maximum. 6. Maximum number of directional signs is 4, with a height of 5 Ft. from ground to top of sign. Time and charges for this third review is submitted separately. AN:mh Att.: 3rd Review Plans cc: William V. Hukill, P.E., Department of Development Director A:McD-AMO.TRC BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-269 August 2, 1995 ft~~m~~~~~ To: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official 3rd Review - McDonald's/AmoCo Restaurant and Convenience Store - Time and Charges From: Re: Time and charges for the third review of this project is estimated at $55.18 for 1 3/4 hour. AN:mh cc: William V. Hukill, P.R., Department of Development Director A:McD-AMO.TRC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-267 FROM: r Mike Haag, Zoning/Site Administrator William Hukill, P.E., City Engineer TO: DATE: July 28, 1995 RE: MCDONALD'S/AMOCO We have reviewed subject plan submitted to us late yesterday afternoon with a request to respond by noon today. Since we do not have time to respond fully in the 5~ hours allotted (and ignoring the 7~ hours of meetings we were in, or will be in, during that period), we can only review previous comments as follows: .. A. Engineering Memo 95-196 1. Ok 2. Ok 3. Please comply 4. Please comply 5. Ok 6. Please comply 7, Please comply B. Engineering Memo 95-248 1, Please comply 2, Please comply 3. Please comply 4. please comply c. Building Memo 95-247 1. Please comply 2. Please comply 3. Please comply The southernmost gas pump is proposed for future use. In order to facilitate traffic flow westbound south of that pump, the air, water, phones, etc. must be relocated away from the area. In addition the curb in that area (southwest corner) should be on a diagonal line running NW/SE from the apron curb springline. The issue of traffic impact, and specifically assigned trips, remains unresolved. This project will not be endorsed by the Department of Development until this issue is resolved. All other comments should become conditions of approval, subject to complete resolution prior to permitting. WVH/ck rr .". 1 1.:.'. fD).... D. r m Jt?~..lli._n,_~L@~. f-nI. n.. .... t I. ,( <, r,; il ! :U~I Pm - 21995 i:1; L..-~---~, PLM:fJii"G M~D \ L(H.;!hU.:; DEPT. .. ",~...'_"""''''_ w ~",""".""".... .. C:MCAMOCO.COM MEMORANDUM Utilities # 95-250 FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities ~ AUG .j TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zorn fE @ ~ n ~, PLANNING AND ZONING DFPT. Date: August 2, 1995 SUBJECT: McDonald's/Amoco Site Plan Third Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: 1, A ReseIVation Fee of $2,106.72 is due within Thirty (30) days of Commission approval or upon request for my Signature on HRS/DEP forms, (See, 26-34[E]), It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. sm xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella /y File additional review time: Clyde "Skip" Milor: 0.5hrs@ $ 19.16 per hr. TO: FROM: DATE: REF: T AMBRI HEYDEN,PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS, POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 AUGUST 95 McDONALD'S! AMOCO 3rd REVIEW MEMO #0154 I have reviewed the plans for the ab~~~~~~et'41ii~:~:~lems at this time. Re~~~i i1 ~rlon Harris L:'.:...'::.....'.......;:): Police Department ..(t........,......,... tJ FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-312 WDC August 3, 1995 TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department SUBJ: McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant & Convenience store SE corner of Congress Ave & Woolbright COUS 95-002 There are no objections at this time. ~~'t~4<A~;? William Df cavanaugh, F cc: Chief Jordan File RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-348 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~ McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant & convenie~c:~!;~ - 3rd Review FROM: RE: DATE: August 2, 1995 There are no existing trees on the site which must be addressed by the applicant. The project should continue on the normal review process. .KH:ad Cost for additional review: Forester/Environmentalist: I hr. plus 35% = $31.44 n \,q rs I:l 'o'~'ll ~ 1 :1111 AUG - 7 : LJ l , i .~,"_o___.---i ' PLAiHjl~:G Mm ZON1NG DEPT. TO: FROM: SUBJ: DATE: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-137 Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Site Plan Review - 3rd Review - MacDonald's/Amoco August 2, 1995 The Public Works Department has no problems with the above site. REier Eichorst Works Director U~d. .._:l~m 'UL )~ ~. PlANN!~.G' ...... /1 ' ZONING DEPL ,,__ ..-- TRACKING LOG - SITE PLAN REVIEW SUBMITTAL PROJECT 'l'l'l'LE: McDONALD's/AMOCO RESTAURANT & COVENIENCE DESCRIP'l'ION: Drive-thru restaurant with a convenience 'l'YPE: ~CONDTTTONAT. USE DA'l'E REC'D: ':)/31/95 AMOUN'r: $1.000.00 STORE FILE NO.: COUS 95-002 store and gasoline station RECEIP'I' NO.: 1893 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TWELVE (12) SETS SUBMITTED: YES COLORED ELEVATIONS REC'D: NO (Plans shall be pre-assembled. The planning & Zoning Dept. will number each sheet of their set. The Planning Dept. set will be used to check the remaining sets to ensure the number and type of sheets match.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPLICATION & SUBMITTAL: DATE: ACCEPTED 5/31/95 DENIED DATE: DATE OF LETTER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: 2nd SUBMIT'I'AL ACCEPTED DENIED DATE: DATE: DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEP'l'ANCE LET'rER: REVIEWER'S NAME: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Label TRC Departments on each set of plans) DATE AND MEMO NUMBER OF MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM INITIAL REVIEW. DATE SEN'l': RETURN DA'I'E: r; /?:J...o /1J- MEMO NUMBER: YS- '"' ;?S"D , 1st REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED MEMO # / h~ / "C" 9.J"/tjO /' f ~.../ ~ Y~:3L-/~, _ j~_ 1f)6t.!J!' ~hl,;}q C- q.)-~/-iif=' 0 /~ ,., J . , c...- --'lL / /_ Planning Building Engineer i:R'];nlOllOlr forester PLANS MEMO # / DATE / "CIl q.~ ~.1:70 / ) J.!J 1\'/ C....J 9S-/I,r; / --/ ~ f J _ ~'f"1 fJ. _. / ~'-,-!'-f'9J~/ ~ ,,2 }'i- ...,;~o.,..... I _~' _ - - ,- _:-.s=:: 9S -02 70 / t.7oi-J7ii / C-. DA'I'E OF MEE'I'ING: ~/ d:l1, /11- TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: ~c:o<br rr;. & checklist sent out / commentE util. P .W. Parks Fir e '-{ /2.r.Y Police Yes C - M. yc.S TYPE OF VARIANCE(S) PLANS AlO DATE OF LETTER SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING (Aesthetic Review App., dates of board mtgs. NINETY DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICA'I'ION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: ) DATE 12 COMPLE'I'E SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2nd REVIEW: (Must be assembled. Reviewer shall accept amended plans & support documents) COLORED ELEVATIONS REC I D: MEMO SENT TO TRC; 'f0 _ PERFORM 2nd REVIE_W. ..6 ('l ,1 DA1'E SENT: '7/L3I5' MEMO #: 9' S -.J. r 7 RETURN DATE: ~ ;;;1; r41:; 2nd REVIEW RECOMMENDATION/DENIAL ,I ,J ~ 1J ,.~~ '11- q~-,?'I(, '7/'S/CiS ~ PLANS MEMO # /.a'E /"R/D" S,' PLANS MEMO #, / DATE, /"R/D" ~ 9.)~~Y / '11 / ~ Planning /~/ , f,~t., /=1=' / , auilding YF;. s 9:r -jJ'{11 ? 9J- / <:-, " I 0 I c.,... Engineer '1';'~ q~..,;w, / ~I J-/ 0 ~ r- - / 7 ,1 / R Engineer / '/ ~ CJj- .Of, -:3 / ,1.J.1 / c...- Forster r''1~~ QS--31'1 / '1.jJ,/9J- / C,"/ TO~APPLICANT REGARDING TRC APPROVAL/DENIAL AND LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS AT THE PROPERTY DATE SEN INSTALLED: Uti1. P.W. Parks Fire Police c,W\ LETTER PLACED 115" CC/CRA ~, IS- /11S- I SCHEDULE OF BOARD MEETINGS: PAD DATE APPROVAL LETTER SENT: A: 'rRi\.CKING. ::if' \. l~~ 'I\\\l\q~ Ilf-,c,o.>tf _ CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review. Turning in this list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Planning and 'zoninq Department. /. J 3;. J 4. I 5 . V ,6. I v' Project Name: McDonalds/Amoco Retaurant and Convenience store (File No. COUS 95-002) 2 , Submit an amended site Plan Review/Conditional Use application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments. A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be sU9.mitted or a completed new form with the changes identified. If there ar~,no changes required to be documented on the application form, a lett~; from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amende~$ubmittal. Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents, including surveys that show compliance with the Code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee. Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing ( s). Plans and documents, shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example: 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 5" by 7". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project. The colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that were submitted for site plan review. The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified. The type of exterior surface material shall be identified next to the associated color. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original drawing shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". Do not submit on board of any kind. Submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors. Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name and numerical/letter code from an established color chart. Submit a 8 1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-247 FROM: Carrie Parker, City Manager Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utility Dept, Chief Field Insp. Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist William~u ~l/ Djrector Department of Development J-. . f#'t() PoL Tambri J. He en, Planning & Zoning Director July 12, TEl: DATE: SUBJECT: Site Plan Review - 2nd Review (Conditional Use) Project: McDonald's/Amoco Convenience store Restaurant and Location: S.E. corner of Congress Ave. Woolbright and Applicant: RFK Enterprises of Boynton Beach, Inc. Agents: Robert E. Basehart and Anne Cottrell File No. : COUS 95-002 Attached is the amended site plan submittal for the above referenced project for your final review and recommendation. We would ask that you review this amended site plan submittal to determine if the plans have been adjusted to satisfy comments previously made by your department. If your comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of building permit, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. If your comments have not been met, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. Finally, we would ask that you include in your memorandum a recommendation as to whether the project should be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board for consideration, Please return your memorandum and the amended plans to the Planning and Zoning Department by 5:00 P,M. on July 21, 1995, If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Michael E. Haag or Dan DeCarlo at Extension 6260, who are coordinating the review of this project. cc: (Memo Only) Floyd Jordan Charlie Frederick Tom Dettman John Guidry a:2ndRevMell,lIcd TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-301 WDC Planning Department Fire Department July 17, 1995 McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant and Convenience store SE Corner of Congress Ave. & Woolbright Rd. COUS 95-002 We have no further objections. &i//~~~~\ Wil11am D. Cavanaugh, FPO . . DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-246 RE: Mike Haag zoning/Site Administrator ~~~~;l' P.E. July 18, 1995 MCDONALDS/CONGRESS & WOOLBRIGHT TO: FROM: DATE: We have reviewed Weisberg's July 11 comments on subject project and request that you request a new traffic impact analysis from the applicant, In addition, please determine whether the five year vesting period has been completed. WVH/ck C:MCDONALD RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-319 I DATE: July 19, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Department Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~ ~ ~ RFK Enterprises of Boynton Beach, Inc, ..- ~AJ(j" lot '.$ .4,..., GD&..S 9'S-~o tl ~ FROM: RE: There are no existing trees on the site. The project should continue on the normal review process. KH:ad RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-324 RE: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent 0 McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant aJconvenience Store ~I .:~ ~: iq~ ~ rn PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. TO: FROM: DATE: July 20, 1995 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the above referenced subject and we have no comments at this time. The project should continue on the nonnal review process. JW:ad PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-124 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Review - 2nd Review - McDonald'sl Amoco DATE: July 17,1995 The Public Works Department has no problems with the above site and the project can be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board for consideration. obert Eichorst Public Works Director RElcr MEMORANDUM Utilities # 95-238 FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities ill ~ ~, ~; I: ~ ,ID ~\-"7';'-:':C':;'i~-~. .._-; 7 \":1\;' , '.,';, ". _' r~' L-"'."ll~~, """." _.'..~.~.."." l...~""*",,,,,,,-''''~- - --~_.__..,--".-. TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zo . Date: July 18, 1995 SUBJECT: McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant, New Site Plan Second Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: 1. Plan shall show water meter size, (Sec. 26. 16(c)). 2. Please show location of proposed force main and connection to existing utilities, (Sec. 26.33(a)). It is our recommendation that the plan not proceed through the review process until the above items have been addressed. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. sm xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella IV File ':'.; ., .. ENGINEERING MEMO # 95-248 1fD) ~ @ ~ D W ~ ,fn) I1/] vU. 2 4 1995 @ J I '1M1~gE~~D ~ 'S DATE: JULY 21,1995 TI2;. T AMBRI HEYDEN, P&Z DIR. FROM: KEN HALL, ENG. AIDE PHONE: 407-375-6283 ~ SUBJECT: McDONALDS/AMOCO RESTAURANT SITE PLAN - SECOND REVIEW All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: Site lighting, Paving, Drainage, Curbing, Landscaping, Irrigation, and Traffic Control Devices. Permits required from agencies such as the F.D.O,T" P,B. County, S.F,W.M.D., and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. COMMENTS 1. Relocate stop bars and stop signs four feet in front of sidewalks, MUTCD 28-9 (pg.2B-5). 2. NOTE: County permits will be required to work within both intersecting roadways. The county will soon let the plans to six-lane Woolbright Rd. from Congress Ave. eastward, Applicant should contact the project engineer to correlate construction of intersection and this project. The project engineer is Javier Lopez, 407-684-4150, 3, Provide a traffic impact analysis ifthe site meets city criteria (single directional trips per day: 250 in a one hour period or 3,000 per day). Chap 23, Art. I, Sect. 5814, 4. Top of cxfiltration trench shall be a minimum of one foot below base material. City standard drawing 8-91007. Use ofP,V,C. pipes in lieu of perforated CMP to be approved by city engmeer. RECOMMENDATION 1, We recommend that the plan be forwarded to the P&D Board for consideration and approval. KRH/krh C: William Hukill, Dev, Dir. and to file mcdoamoc.2rv DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. TO: Mike Haag, zoning/Site Administrator cJ<. FROM: t^ William Hukill, P.E., city Engineer DATE: July 28, 1995 RE: MCDONALD'S/AMOCO We have reviewed subject plan submitted to us late yesterday afternoon with a request to respond by noon today. Since we do ~ot have time to respond fully in the 5~ hours ,allotted (and ~gnorlng the 7~ hours of meetings we were in, or wlll be In, durlng that period), we can only review previous comments as follows: A. Engineering Memo 95-196 1. Ok 2. Ok 3. please comply 4. please comply 5. Ok 6. Please comply 7. please comply B. Engineering Memo 95-248 1. please comply 2. please comply 3. please comply 4. Please comply c. Building Memo 95-247 1. please comply 2. please comply 3. Please comply The southernmost gas pump is proposed for future use. In order to facilitate traffic flow westbound south of that pump, the air, 'water, phones, etc, must be relocated away from the area. In addition the curb in that area (southwest corner) should be on a diagonal line running NW/SE from the apron curb springline. The issue of traffic impact, and specifically assigned trips, remains unresolved. This project will not be endorsed by the Department of Development until this issue is resolved. All other comments should become conditions of approval, subject to complete resolution prior to permitting. WVH/ck C:MCAMOCO.COM ENGINEERING MEMO # 95-196 DATE: June 20,1995 IOi T AMBRI HEYDEN, P&Z DIR. FROM: KEN HALL, ENG. AIDE PHONE: 407-375-628~ SUBJECT: McDONALDS/AMOCO RESTAURANT SITE PLAN -1ST REVIEW The following comments/recommendations are submitted for your review. If any of the code comments disallow the applicant to develop the site as submitted. the applicant may request a variance thru the planning department as stipulated in Chapter one. Article one. Section eleven of the city's Land Development Regulations. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: Site lighting. Paving. Drainage. Curbing, Landscaping, Irrigation. and Traffic Control Devices. Permits required from agencies such as the F.D.O.T.. P.B. County. S.F.W.M.D.. and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. ~ Itf/ ;Mt'J j/lip0 I. ~ driveway should meet the 110' minimum distance from the intersecting RJW line~(/ I Chapter 2, Section II L. 3d. COMMENTS 2. Landscaped areas (islands) shall have a minimum width of five feet. Chap. 7.5. Art. n. Sect. 50. 3. Standard parking striping on concrete shall be black. Chap. 23. Art. II, L. 4. Clear visability note should include city's standard regarding horizontal control. Chap.7.5, Art. n, Sect. 5H2. 5. Show sidewalk thru driveways on landscape plan to reflect city standard. Chap. 23. Art. II P. 6. NOTE: County permits will be required to work within both intersecting roadways. The county will soon let the plans to six-lane Woolbright Rd. from Congress Ave. eastward. Applicant should contact the project engineer to correlate construction of intersection and this project. The project engineer is Javier Lopez. 407-684-4150. 7. Provide a traffic impact analysis if the site meets city criteria (singkdirectional trips per day: 250 in a one hour period or 3.000 per day). Chap 23. Art. I. Sect. 5814. - ( ENGINEERING MEMO # 95-248 DATE: JULY 21,1995 TIl.:. T AMBRl HEYDEN, P&Z DIR. FROM: KEN HALL,ENG. AIDE PHONE: 407-375-6283 ~ SUBJECT: McDONALDS/AMOCO RESTAURANT SITE PLAN - SECOND REVIEW All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code requirements at time of application. These permits include. but are not limited to the following: Site lighting, Paving. Drainage, Curbing, Landscaping. Irrigation, and Traffic Control Devices. Permits required from agencies such as the F.D.O.T.. P.B. County, S.F.W.M.D.. and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. COMl\ilENTS 1. Relocate stop bars and stop signs four feet in front of sidewalks. MUTCD 2B-9 (pg.2B-5). 2. NOTE: County permits will be required to work within both intersecting roadways. The county will soon let the plans to six-lane Woolbright Rd. from Congress Ave. eastward. Applicant should contact the project engineer to correlate construction of intersection and this project. The project engineer is Javier Lopez. 407-684-4150. 3. Provide a traffic impact analysis if the site meets city criteria (single directional trips per day: 250 in a one hour period or 3.000 per day). Chap 23, Art. I, Sect. 5B 14. 4. Top of exfiltration trench shall be a minimum of one foot below base material. City standard drawing B-91007. Use ofP.V.C. pipes in lieu of perforated CMP to be approved by city englOeer. RECOMMENDA TION 1. We recommend that the plan be forwarded to the P&D Board for consideration and approval. KRH/krh C: William Hukill, Dev. Dir. and to file mcdoamoc.2rv BUILDING DIVISION Jt '9'- B MEMORANDUM NO. 95-247 July 19, 1995 To: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director From: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant - 2nd Review S.B. corner of the intersection of Congress Avenue Woolbright Re: After reviewing the plans for the above reference site, the Building Division has the following comments: 1. Show pedestrian access from the public right-of-way to the building entrance, per State Handicap Code. 2. The total sum of all wall signs, including the McDonald's sign on the roof, cannot exceed 1 1/2 times the width of the building where the main entrance is located. Proposal is over allowable size - Maximum 91" X 1.5' = 136.5 Sq. Ft. 3. Site lighting shall comply with the Security Code in addition to the parking Lot Code requirements. This comment needs to be addressed by the Engineering Division and the Police Department. vfI~rP' Al New 01 AN:mh Attachment: Plans cc: William V. Hukill, P.E., Department of Development Director A:McD-AMO.TRC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO, 95-21 !rOJ ~ @ ~ a Wi If[ IJI1 JUN 2 9 1995 .I ~ l...-- TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: william Hukill, P.E.Q}( City Engineer DATE: June 29, 1995 RE: MCDONALDS/AMOCO Our additional comments are as follows: 1. Move the north entrance east about 20-25 feet to comply with Land Development Regulations. 2. Move the west entrance south as far as is practical. We have not had time yet to research the platting issue, but will do so July 6. WVH/ck C:MCDONALD xc: Ken Hall, Engineering Aide MEMORANDUM fQl r-lJe~.~~~'LJl,.. rn~ I u ~ I l' II uu JUN 2 9 1995 ) I u 'JA. RE: TO : 14 111/3 tV I' I ~ c\, f JA . ...vC t 2 o.v j'IV " h I If e Co r o;\. ~c r IJ ,e",.} I c,;v )1.1, FROM: -J OHN LV ~ l,... S).N~~, fMk5 S ""PI' /A-J DATE: C,,/ ~ f /1s I - S1te Plan Rev1ew - New S1te Pl~ - Amended Plans Pro j ec t : At C. bb~4\l.- 't> f' L" 111 a~ () ! After reviewing the referenced project Department recommends the Planning and consideration. amended plans for. the ab~ve the 1:. ~1lj!I1T(frV 4- PAp ~ !6,f~( that the project be forwarded to Development Board for their This department will not be required to siqn-off the permit documents associated with the subject project. C:AMEND1.ALD