REVIEW COMMENTS . ~ 7.B.I. McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant and service Station/convenience Store Community Design Plan PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-402 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THRU: Tambri J. HeYden--;::;rJJ Planning and Zoni~Director FROM: Dan DeCarlo Assistant Planner DATE: August S, 1995 SUBJECT: McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant and Convenience store CDPA 95-00t_(proposed light beams on mansard roof) S '))(~ NATURE OF REOUEST Robert E. Basehart and Anna Cottrell, Basehart and cottrell, Inc., agent for RFK Enterprises of Boynton Beach, Inc., d/b/a McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant and Convenience store, is requesting approval of an appeal to Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan, Section 10.F.5 and 6 of the city's land development regulations (see Exhibi t "A" - letter of request). The appeal is requested to allow vertical lighting strips to be placed along the mansard roof of a drive-through restaurant/convenience store building simultaneously proposed for conditional use approval at the southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road. BACKGROUND The building proposed is a new type of convenience market oriented toward both the traveling public and residents and businesses in the area. The proposed building will be comprised of a 2,378 square foot restaurant and a 1,053 square foot convenience store/gasoline station withn one, single story building. The front of the building is designed to face Congress Avenue with the sides of the building facing north and south. A drive-up window is planned on the east side of the building. The appeal is required for the proposed vertical lighting on the roof of the building. The roof of the building is to be covered with Spanish "S" roof tile. ANALYSIS The attached drawings show the location and configuration of the building and the proposed lighting on the roof. (see Exhibit liB" - west elevation of building and site plan) . Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan, section 10 - site Criteria, Subsection F states the following: F. Exterior Lighting. 5. Lighting shall not be used as a form as advertising in a manner that draws more attention to the building or grounds at night than in the day. 6. Lighting attached to the form of the exterior of the building or part of the building exterior or visible from the exterior of the building shall not be permitted if it is contrary to the architectural style of the building. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-402 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THRU: Tambri J. HeYden~;J Planning and Zoni~Director FROM: Dan DeCarlo Assistant Planner DATE: August 8, 1995 SUBJECT: McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant and Convenience Store CDPA 95-00~_ (proposed light beams on mansard roof) ~ :b(~ NATURE OF REQUEST Robert E. Basehart and Anna cottrell, Basehart and Cottrell, Inc., agent for RFK Enterprises of Boynton Beach, Inc. , d/b/a McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant and Convenience Store, is requesting approval of an appeal to Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan, section 10.F.5 and 6 of the city's land development regulations (see Exhibit "A" - letter of request). The appeal is l-equested to allow vertical lighting strips to be placed along the mansard roof of a drive-through restaurant/convenience store building simultaneously proposed for conditional use approval at the southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road. BACKGROUND The building proposed is a new type of convenience market oriented toward both the traveling public and residents and businesses in the area. The proposed building will be comprised of a 2,378 square foot restaurant and a 1,053 square foot convenience store/gasoline station withn one, single story building. The front of the building is designed to face Congress Avenue with the sides of the building facing north and south. A drive-up window is planned on the east side of the building. The appeal is required for the proposed vertical lighting on the roof of the building. The roof of the building is to be covered with Spanish "S" roof tile. ANALYSIS The attached drawings show the location and configuration of the bUilding and the proposed lighting on the roof. (see Exhibit "B" - west elevation of building and site plan) . Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan, Section 10 - Site Criteria, Subsection F states the following: F. Exterior Lighting. 5. Lighting shall not be used as a form as advertising in a manner that draws more attention to the building or grounds at night than in the day. 6. Lighting attached to the form of the exterior of the building or part of the building exterior or visible from the exterior of the building shall not be permitted if it is contrary to the architectural style of the building. Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-402 .F~rm CtOFCS - CDPA 95-00/ S- ~, l t:>;;\'(I~ ~-';,/~'C'(l<QC(' .DC~ :i)(0 This locational prohibition for lighting on the rooftops of buildings was added to the most recent Community Design Plan as one of the ways to achieve a higher degree of beautification along the city's thoroughfares. The type of lighting proposed for the roofline has been identified as a form of lighting that would not be desirable to be visible from the street. The letter from the applicant states that the lighting in question is a part of the archi tectural theme of the building, and does not function as signage or an attention attractor. The applicant believes the lighting proposed on the north, south and west sides of the roof functions as an accent feature which enhances the aesthetic appearance of the building. RECOMMENDATION The proposed lighting on the mansard roof as shown is contrary to the intent of the Community Design Plan standards. The multiple vertical light beams detract from the Spanish roof tile and the architectural design of the building. That the applicant proposes to leave the lights on during all hours of operation for the McDonald's/Amoco magnifies the degree of visual impact the lighting would impose on the surrounding neighborhood and streetscape and the intent of the Community Design Plan. Congress Avenue is a major thoroughfare and serves the city as a primary entrance into the western section of the City. The proposed lighting of the mansard roof would be contrary to the work that has been done and the progress that has been made over the past years in implementing quality development plans and beautification efforts along Congress Avenue. Furthermore, the existing McDonald's within the catalina Center on North Congress Avenue conforms with the aI'chi tectural design of its immediate vicinity and does not have the lighting now proposed for this location.. Therefore, based on these reasons: staff recommends denial of this appeal for the roofline lighting proposed. DCD:dim xc: Central File .,MA~.A?P 2.. BASEHART & COITRELL,INc. PLANNERS 1532 Old Okeechobee Road. Suite 101 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 (407) 6&8-0048 FAX (407) 688-2009 August 3~ 1995 City of Boynton Beac;b Planning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 AttD: Dan DeCarlo RE: REQUEST FOR A W AIVBR OF CHAPTER 9, SECTION lO.F, 5 & 6 FOR THE PROPOSED McDONALDSI AMOCO OUR REF.#95044 Dear Dan: On behalf of McDonalds Corporation, we are hereby requesting a waiver from the standards as set forth in Chapter 9. Section lOF. Exterior Liibting, Subsections 5 & 6, to run concw:rent with the site plan review application previously submitted. The purpose of the waiver is to allow the placement of light pipe roof beams on the proposed building. It is our belief that the:: lighting in question is not contrary to the Intent of the provisions of SectIon 10 F. The lighting lD question Is a pan of the architectUral theme of the building, and does not function as sign3ge or an attention attractor. The proposed building and accent lighting is a corporate standard:for McDonalds Corporation and is present on numerous buildings in the Palm Beach County area. The lighting in question is entirely compatible with the architectural design of the buildini and functions as an a.ccent feature which we believe enhances the aesthetic appearance of the building. The lighting will be turned on during all hours of operation, and therefore is not used to inc:rase the buildiDss visibility after dark. Plea5c add this as an agenda item and allow this wa.iver to move forward concurrent with the site plan revIew application, whJch will be beard at the Planning and Development Board hearing on August 8, 1995 and City Commission Public Hearing on August 15, 1995. Sincerely. ~ Anna Cottrell, AJCPrf'- Principal AC:pl 4 I. 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