APRIL 18. 1995
green are the primary colors of the building. The neon was not put there as
In response to Mayor Taylor, Ms. Heyden believes there are short-tenm efficien-
cies to the west of Denny's.
Commissioner Rosen moved to approve staff's recommendation. Vice Mayor Bradley
seconded the motion.
Substanttve Motion
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to table this item until the next regular City
Commission to visit Checkers to see what it looks like. The motion died for
lack of a second.
The motion carried 3-2. Mayor Pro Tem Matson and Commissioner Jaskiewicz cast
the dissenting votes.
.,., Subs
Joe Marouf
1920 South Federal Highway
Community Design Plan Appeal: Request for relief
from Section 10.F.6 of the Community Design Plan
regarding exterior lighting
Joe Marouf, owner/operator of Miami Subs, stated that neon is a trademark of
Miami Subs and that this is the only Miami Subs building that does not have
neon. The neon will match the color on the trim of the building. It will be
appeal11ng and will provide additional lighting during the late business hours.
He concurred with staff's recommendations.
7. Project:
Frank Houston, 600 N.W. 10 Court, said he purposely brings his guests to his
house via Congress Avenue because he is very proud of how it looks. He stated
that Congress Avenue should be an example for all the streets in the City. He
was opposed to allowing neon on Congress Avenue. He said it is by far the most
decent street in the City and he urged the Commission to keep it that way.
It was pointed out to Mr. Marouf that the Miami Subs in question is located on
South Federal Highway, not on Congress Avenue.
City Manager Parker pointed out that this same recommendation was approved by
the previous Commission for the Miami Subs building located on Congress Avenue.
No one else wished to speak 1n favor of or against this matter. Therefore,
Mayor Taylor declared the public audience closed.
In response to Vice Mayor Bradley, City Manager Parker stated that the reason
staff recommended approval is because this is consistent with the previous
direction from the City Commission, spearheaded by Commissioner Jose Aguila.
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APRIL 18, 1995
In response to Vice Mayor Bradley, City Manager Parker explained that at the
request of the previous Commission, the Community Design Plan was made less
stringent and now requires more of a professional opinion from staff and the
Commission's opinion.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the Community Design Plan appeal for Miami
Subs. Mayor Pro Tem ~atson seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Commissioner
Rosen was not present at this time.
Mayor Taylor thinks staff and the Planning and Development Board are doing their
very best to give direction to the Commission. He stated that sometimes the
Commission does not take their advice. However, this in no way should indicate
that the Commission does not appreciate what they are doing.
B nton Commerce Cente PID
Pe er Reed, MIG Managem nt Services of Florida,
Boy on Commerce Center, td.
Sout ide of Woolbright R ad, 100 feet west of 1-95
Use A roval: Request to end the list of per-
mitted ses for the Boynto Commerce Center to
allow w lesale d1str1but1o , retail, repair and
assembly ~f lawn maintenance equipment
City Manager Parker asked if the Commis ion wished to table this item, since the
applicant was not present. City Attorne Cherof said the initial burden is on
the applican to present the basis for th request they are making. In their
absence, ther is no way to establish what they want and why they want it.
8. Project:
Mayor Pro Tem Ma on moved to table the Boynton Commerce Center PID. Vice Mayor
Bradley seconded e motion which carried 5-0.
C. Other \
A. Items for discussion requested by Mayor Teylor
1. Elimination of run-off elections
Mayor Taylor referred to Memorandum #95-43 from City Clerk Sue Kruse
the history of run-off elections. In her memo, she advised\ that six
elections were held since 1984. Eight candidates were invo\ed, and
won both the general elections and the run-off elections.
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r~ardi ng
s 1x of them
APRIL 23, 1996
Mr. Morton said Cracker Barrel is a unique restaurant. It is called. .Cracker Barrel, Old
Country Store". That is their name and their logo. Trying to get conformity of Code in a
PCD is difficult. The yardsticks for architectural control would be RaceTrac Petroleum or
The Home Depot.
Mr. Aguila pointed out that boards and Commissions have people come into conformance
with the surrounding communities. Miami Subs is a prime example of that situation in
Boynton Beach. In the end, they complied with the Commission's requests, and they are
operational and a great store. When he suggested a fair compromise to keep the front as
is, but tone down the sides and rear by using more stucco and less wood siding, he cannot
imagine why they would feel they are not getting their message across.
Mr. Morton offered to contact the Cracker Barrel representative to discuss this situation.
Mr. Rosenstock advised that the City of Boynton Beach will be participating in a Visions
20/20 program in approximately one week. Mr. Rosenstock has stood before the
Commission and this board and talked about developers in the community. Our
community is now planning for the future. He feels that an architectural plan as to what we
want our City to look like has been cut down because of developers like Mr. Morton. Mr.
Rosenstock does not feel Mr. Morton has done this maliciously; however, because
RaceTrac does not fit in with anything, and Home Depot does not fit in with anything, we
will'Wind up with a tremendous parcel of the property that will be a garbage can with regard
to design. Mr. Rosenstock feels the developer should have a little respect for the
community and try to abide by the design plan. He feels the time has come to stop all
these exceptions.
Vice Chairman Golden agreed with Mr. Aguila's comment about the compromise to the
east side of the building, and feels it is a reasonable solution.
Chairman Dubs expressed some concern about what Leisureville will see from across the
way since the berm is 5'. There is a pad at the rear of the building with wood sitting on it.
Mr. Morton said the berm that will be landscaped is not on the plan. It is on the outside.
In addition, Leisureville. in this particular location, is across the canal. The project will not
back up to Leisureville because there is a berm, a canal and an FPL easement.
Vice Chairman Golden questioned whether the rooftop equipment was considered for
parapet screening. Mr. Lewicki said staff has discussed this issue. Mr. Aguila advised that
there is something in the Code which states that this equipment may not be visible for
distances of 600'. Mr. Morton agreed that this project will meet that requirement.
In reviewing the plans, one of the things that caught Mr. Aguila's attention is the light in the
island on the north side of the store which shines towards the dumpsters. That light will
APRIL 11. 199~ -
Mr. Rosenstock move~ to reject Item S.C.2., Denny's Restaurant, located at 2201
South Federal Highway, request for relief from Section 10.F.6 of the Community
Design Plan regarding exterior lighting. The motion died for lack of a second.
Vice Chainman Golden moved to recommend approval of the request of Denny's
Restaurant for relief from Section 10.F.6 of the Community Design Plan regarding
exterior lighting as proposed by the applicant. Mr. Beasley seconded the
motion. .
Mr. Wische stated that he could not vote against the applicant because he does
not have the Community Design Plan in front of him.
Vice Chainman Golden reiterated the comments he made earlier regarding why he
recommends approval.
Mr. Rosenstock felt the Land Development Regulations should be in front of the
Board as a guide before approving or denying a request.
Vice Chainman Golden stated that there may be times when this Board has to pro-
vide the Commission with direction when they think staff's interpretation is
The motion carried 4-3. Mr. Reitz, Mr. Elsner and Mr. Rosenstock cast the
dissenting votes.
(See further discussion under Item S.C.3.)
Mi..1 Subs
Joe Marouf
1920 South Federal Highway
Request for relief from Section 10.F.6 of the
Community Design Plan regarding exterior lighting
With the use of the overhead projector, Mr. Haag displayed an overlay of the
location map regarding this site. This request is in connection with the appli-
cant submitt1.. a penmit request for neon lighting around the perimeter of the
bul1 di ng.
3. Project:
In 19S9, the City Commission approved a site plan modification which allowed
renovation to the building for its present appearance. This modification was
for a Mr. Submarine restaurant which changed to a Miami Subs in 1991.
The neon lighting proposed for the parapet wall is exposed and colored to match
the existing pink and aqua painted trim. This color scheme is customary to
Miami Subs.
- 1S -
APRIL 11, 1995
The motion failed 2-5. Chainman Dube, and Messrs. Elsner, Reitz, Rosenstock and
Wische cast the dissenting votes.
Ms. Heyden suggested making a motion to deny since the motion to approve failed.
At this point in the meeting, Mr. Rosenstock left the chambers.
Mr. Reitz moved to deny the request with regard to Item a.C.2, Denny's
Restaurant, for relief from Section 10.F.6 of the Community Design Plan.
Mr. Wische seconded the motion which carried 4-2. Vice Chainman Golden and
Mr. Beasley cast the dissenting votes, and Mr. Rosenstock was not present.
Miami Subs
Mr. Marouf, who took over this location on March 1, 1995, explained that neon is
a trademark of Miami Subs. He owns several Miami Subs and has not had any
problems with the neon, except for this particular location. He pointed out
that Miami Subs is open late at night and the neon adds more lighting.
Vice Chainman Golden moved to recommend approval of Miami Subs' request for
relief from Section 10.F.6 of the Community Design Plan regarding exterior
lighting. This approval is for the design submitted by the applicant.
Mr. Beasley seconded the motion.
Chainman Dube pointed out that the applicant's request is not the same as
staff1s recommendation~ and that the applicant was agreeable to staff's recom-
Mended Motion
Vice Chainman Golden amended his motion to agree with staff's recommendation.
Mr. Beasley agreed to the amended motion.
Mr. Reitz pointed out that the Board just denied the use of neon in the previous
case. He felt it is incumbent upon this Board to begin to set some precedence
of consistency.
Vice Chainman Golden agreed with Mr. Reitz. However, he pointed out that the
City has different areas and different characteristics. He did not feel that
the same standard should be applied to all areas of the City. He felt that what
has been proposed in this part of the City is not too excessive and does not
create a problem for that particular area.
The motion failed 3-4. Mr. Elsner, Mr. Rosenstock, Mr. Reitz and Mr. Wische
cast the dissenting votes.
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~< -- - ----------- -.---. ..- ....--
APRIL 11. 1995
Mr. Rosenstock mov~d to recommend denial of Miami Subs' request for relief from
Section 10.F.6 of the Community Design Plan regarding exterior lighting.
Mr. Wische seconded the motion which carried 4-3. Chainman Dube, Vice Chainman
Golden and Mr. Beasley cast the dissenting votes.
Boynton Commerce Center PIO
Peter Reed, MIG Management ~ervices of Florida, Inc.
Boynton Commerce Center, Ltd.
Southside of Woolbright Road, 100 feet west of 1-95
Request to amend the list of penm1tted uses for the
Boynton Commerce Center to allow wholesale distribu-
tion, retail, repair and assembly of lawn maintenance
Ms. Heyden stated that unlike other zoning districts, there is no specific set
of PID penmitted uses set forth in the zoning code. Instead, the zoning codes
state that uses may be penm1tted provided that such uses are approved by the
Planning and Development Board. However, the City Commission has final disposi-
tion in the matter. In approving uses, findings shall be made that the use pro-
posed will not be in conflict with the perfonmance standards listed in Section
4.N of the zoning code and that the use is consistent with the intent and pur-
pose of the Planned Industrial Development District.
D. Use Approval
1. Project:
A specific list of penmitted uses is not established because pros are intended
to fill a niche in the current demand for light industrial zoned land, which
reflects a change in technology and allows for economics of scale in industrial
development. This can often include allowing combining of uses not penmitted to
be combined in other zoning districts in exchange for more stringent regula-
tions governing unified control, landscaping, open space, hanmony of design and
cornman use of improvements.
This particular request is for approval of wholesale distribution (and limited
retail) assembly and repair of commercial turf maintenance equipment, such as
lawn tools, lawn supplies (excluding fertilizers and pesticides), mowers, trac-
tors and parts for this particular type of equipment.
Staff believes that noise and liquid waste will be generated by the assembly and
repair aspects of the use. Based on the description of the repair work that the
applicant provided, this would require use and storage of solvents, other hazar-
dous liquid wastes, and oil. Ms. Heyden pointed out that there are six
wellfields on this piece of property.
Ms. Heyden stated that the City is governed by the Palm Beach County Wellfield
Protection Ordinance which requires certain uses located within wellf1eld pro-
tection zones to obtain a building penmit for interior completion from the
Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM). Depending on the use,
DERM has typically required mitigation measures such as special containment
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