LEGAL APPROVAL .. - ~-- .-.dI ~ 1..',.,1,,,-..,, r-.:lr1flf~ · \1,: ;~! { Ii \ U~'I \"',\ '0:' .1'~J~~9~ ~ ' .. , I . I \, . ',. . 1. .:. {I. THfs 'EASEMENT/ from BOYNTON .......__.......r.. ........... .......... ~......_.. I APR-09-19~1 10:04am 91-095006 ORB 6781 P9 1948 " ~ EASEMENT AGREEMENT LAKES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, party of the first part, hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR, and Lennar Homes, Inc., a Florida corporation, party of the second part, hereinafter referred to as' UTILITY. WITNESSETH, THAT for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ,AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($10.00), and other good and valuable considerations in hand paid by UTILITY to GRANTOR, receipt of which GRANTOR hereby acknowledges, hereby gives, grants, GRANTOR, ,l bargains, and sells unto UTILITY, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and easement to, install, "construct, extend, maintain, operate, replace or renew sewer lines and appurtenant equipment, drainage lines and appurtenant equipment, and water lines and appurtenant equipment' under and thro~gh the' following described real property situated in Palm Beach County, Florida, " , including but not limited to the full right of ingress and egress for such purposes throughout same:' I See attached Exhibit A TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to 'UTILITY, its successors and assigns forever subject to the terms as hereinafter provided. GRANTOR hereby fully warrants that it has good title to said . real estate, and that GRANTOR has full power and authority to grant the said easement. In consideration of the grant of ~he said easement, UTILITY agrees that it will restore the surface of the ground to the equivalent of its original condition. This easement for said purposes is and shall be a non- exc 1 us i ve easement to UTILITY i its successors and assigns, and nothing herein shall limit or prevent the use of all or any part of the same by GRANTOR, its successors and' assigns, for any \l ~ -J:i purposes not 'v "( \ (;;:;; occupatiop and enjoyment t,hereof by UTILITY, provided that no J . ,M ~J(~ building or structures other than a driveway or parking area shall ,.; l' .., '",;; '...,' ~ be constructed or located th~re~n, nor shall anything herein -.;: v ". ~~~~ ~ ~v ' prevent or preclude -8 ~ '-' .t . ~ M \. ". ;r.... ~'l.iQ~ ......j~ ~ ~ HilS iNS1HlIHU'l1 PIlU'fJllll BY: ,.) Morri~ J. Wnl:,hv, [~:q. .; SCVI:1l l:uiHiled N,W. In; f,ve, ~ ' Mi:IIUi, rlUI if.:J JJ 112. ;f interfering with or affecting ~dversely the use, and assigns from using, n c-O ~:::s , r:o '=' i a;......-a nO"" !;ocb ;:ool5l 7o~ o CSn c-, ~ ....,. , .. ." r- . ~ ORB 6781' P9 1949 dedicating or conveying all or any part'of the said easement~ nor shall anything herein 'prevent or preclude GRANTOR, its spccessors " or assigns, from granting any other easement or easements, covering all. or portions of the real property described on Exhibit A ., ' attached hereto, for any purpose not interfering with UTILITY'S use, occupation and enjoyment of the easements hereby granted. It is expressly provided that if and when the facilities installed by UTILI~Y in any strip of real property over which said . easement is hereby granted shall be di8cq~tinued and abandoned, the title of the real property shall immediately revert to the GRANTOR, I its successors and assigns, who shalJ. have the right to inunediately repossess same and the easement hereby granted shall be terminated as to such abandoned strip without any action on the part of GRANTOR or UTILITY. It is further provided that GRANTOR shall rave the continuing ,~ right at its cost and expense, to relocate t~e utility, easement granted hereby and relocate the "installations in said utility ,easement to such relocated easement strip(s). UTILITY have caused'.,.~this 1/)/,'C,'H ': '~/d)?l "'> day of 4t'bber J.,Q~~;:.t:':(~.~:r;' '. . />';~~;:;.v-:F3;/4:.~ ':, .~:.}~ ' , . ',. "'''i)~1~ ."~ 'I;> ...J.,' ;..,... : ":.,\;~::;'\ Ji;~,! E}J}./:~:'J.;':: , <c" ~ ;.lJ1;1) '. .., ...., '" · . :;.:!i~;;\~t1fr;iYi BOYNTON LAKES PLAZA DEVELOPMEN'T CORPORATION IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR and .rJ,. I?> instrument to be executed this BY: \ J1 -=~__ BY:-=t;C1 ~ - ~ (Corporate Seal) .- ,~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF j)/fOC ., I' f I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared S-r/J/!,I!.i mIL t ,6.,2,... well known to me to be the /lIe.. E President LENNAR HOMES, INC., a Florida corporation , and that ,he ac,knowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in hi~ by said corporation a~d that the 2 ORB 6781 P9 1950 seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesC!rid this/.&.l21 day offEAAVlMV, 1991., .. ....l I :{., ..:{~":~f~i:;~~;;W:~;.,' , ',f1'~I': (l"....] ;fSeal) " ..\'<~t.l:'?'~l~~l: ~w~ ci.~ Notary Public My Commission Expires:' NOTARY rum.Ie STt.TE OF FLORIDA MY CQt.{rHSSION F.XP. AUG.14,1994 BONDED .'fIIRU GEHERAL HIS. UNO. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ;" I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, ,',before me, an off'icer duly , authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take "acknowledgments, personally appeared \4 \~-<!(,>I("~ ,(V\ . Lvk:,:' ~ ~ well ,known to me to be the President of BOYNTON LAKES PLAZA DEVELOPMENT ; CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, and that he acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in him by said corporation and that the seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal of said corporation. , WITNESS my hand and otficial seal in the c8unty and State last aforesaid this & day ofiJ1;<i(((/l , 1991. 'I . ". o // J (jLil~ CAL/J11U:i(, Notary Public (Seal) My Commission Expires: A~i';H"~~\ RUTHIE CLEMENTE i~: :~f LeY COMMI~GION EXPIRES . .1 \;;;. ,,~~~l Jul~' 31, 1994 ~",,,!.~~,,,,, 1l0NOEO THF.U IlOTAAY PUBUC UNDEl\WRlTff\S \jrh\24135\easeroent.agr I, I .".' 3 , , . ' , EXHIBIT "A" ORB 6'781 P9 1951 , ~-- ., CARNAHAN AND ASSOCIATES INC, CONSULTING ENGINEERS PLANNERS ~ . ~ ' . " I' ~ . {: r I' I' " \ I r ~ .' t. i, r , , SURVEYORS LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS , , 6191 W, ATLANTIC BLVD. MARGATE, FLORIDA 33063 NOT A SURVEY (SKETCH & LEGAJ-) ,t, , " , , .'0" BOYNTON L^KES PLAZA (UNRECORDED) I SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION 12'UTILlTY EASEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES (305)-972-39.59 HYPOLUXO ROAD / ! I f-il '1 II 'I ~ THIS SKETCH II )) /1 I( I, 'I II II !! PLAZA LANE I l' ~ ,- I: ,< ,', l~ ,: i I ,', i. , .." , !J f ~ I, 'L ~\ w ;:) Z ~ (/) (/) w a: <.!) z 8 LOCATION MAP A 12,00 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT LYING WITHIN SECTlON 8, TOWNSHIP 45' SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, THE CENTERLINE OF SAID ENSEMENT BEING MORE PAR'l'ICULARLYj DESCRIBED AS ''FOLLOHS: ~_9MtLENCl!'1G AT THE NORTH\'lEST (NW) CORNER OF A 65,00 FOOT ROAD RIGHT- OF-\'IA Y I<NO\~N AS II PLAZA LANE" AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF \I BOYNTON LAKES ~ PLAT NO, :s (P I U, D. ) I' AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 52 AT PAGES 105 'l'HnOUGH lOB, INCLUS rVE, OF THE PUI3LIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE NORTH 85'10'2411 EAST, ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID "PLAZA LANE", A DISTANCE OF 181.41 FEET TO THE POINT OF [JJ;Glj'lNINQ OF SAID CEWfERLINE; THENCE NORTH 03',1815~" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 175,00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 24' 1\ 2 153" EAST, A DIS'..'ANCE OF 87,00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 04'49136" WEST, A DISTANcE OF 182,42 FEETI THENCE SOUTH 85'10124" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 36,56 FEET TO THE POINT OF T~RMINATION. ' SAID LANDS SITUATE IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PAU1 BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. SIDE LINES OF SAID EASEMENT TO BE PROLONGED OR SHORTENED TO TERMINATE WITHIN THE LANDS OF THE GRANTOR. .. ~.II. .CkKANCNT kCrt~CNCC NONUlICNT 'LAT '~AT lOOK POINT 0' IcalNNINa 'OINT 0' COllHCNCCKCNT .0INT 0' CuaV~Tuas 'OINT 0' INTca.CCTION I'OIIIT or ..nulC CURVATU~C ,0INT or TANaCNCY ,ao.un ~INS kAOI.ll. ..laNT 0' WAY 1100' CKCIIO~CIIHCIIT CAICKCIIT ucoao 1I0CULa ITO~Y TO' or IANa UTI ~ITY CUCIICIIT UTI~ln ~A'CMCHT Accnl UTILITY , M~INTCN~HCC. CUCIICNT ~ I l I , , , , I . t " , I , , , ! i I. i i I ' d \ , I 1 , , , , ' . , . i , ~ . , ; , , " , ':. : , , , t" ; , , , ~ .~ I , i. ! , ; r NOTE;: BEARINGS BASED ON THE NbRTH LINE OF SAID IIPLAZA LANE" HAVING A BEARING OF NORTH 85'10'24" EAST, ACCORDING TO SAID PLAT. SHEET ,1 OF 3 SHEETS DATE BY CK'D - I HEREBY CERTIFY 'THAT THE 'DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH SHOWN HEREON COMPLIES WITH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR DESCRIPTION AS CONTAI E N CHAPTER 21HH-b, 006(1), FL I A 1 ISTRATIVE CODE, ABBREVIA TIONS >w , >/C A '.M. ; b ;C, l. IC' C., .T. C... , C.II. t. t ' tll. ': C. D. U. CO~.. r, r. rtlll. (,""Il. IH.. 1/" ~,N. e, L, >. C, ~. r. M.A,e. H. t. 1111 11/0 H.O.V.D. r I utllH J'l.C:I\Ut rOUHU CUAae 'N. CNT .MtlN HOD LAIC "AINTCHAIICC CAICIICNT LIIIIT.O Iccc.n CIICIICHT ~~;:~":N~UcO~ccm CUtllCItf IIAINTtNIHCC CIICIICNT IIcuuno NU~ ~NOl"l N~r~~:H c.oOCTlC .,UTICH . NOT TO ICII.C . orllCT . 'OH I.IMC . OrTIUNA~ I . "AUI ICACII cou"n acco~ol . r,\vC"r.HT ' a PCII.KA....r,tfT C:O"tROI, rc'JI NT . . . . . . . . . . . . . hl'Hce"T . ,- AIR COtlt>!TIONCR 11.11.0 HC LeNaTH DCtolCHIi",I. D~O.A~O COUNTY MCCORUI C.LCU\JoTCO CA!.<:UU.PCO fieLD TM~....e (AHA\' t~IIC"C"T CAH)d.. kAUITttf}.,",CC tlt..txU" C'HPC.LINC ,,-' CIIORD . COHCRCTC OLOC. ITRUCTU"~ CO~UIIN DeLta OMA1N.oe CA'CIICNT OIU<IN.ae, U'ILITY I IIAIN,eN.NCC CIOClle", t"II:I'\I:"T COOt or PAveMeNT COCI: or "',,"Tr.1\ CLI:V)"TIO,., rLQOO PL,,\1tf CASC"f:trr N.',' . 0/. o OV' . ..0. C,., ,vKT, ...c. p, 00 t, ~ . . O. U. " ", t, , tun; C/" t.O,v, CL, r. ,. t. REVISIONS NOTES: 1) REPRODUCTIONS OF HilS SKETCH AnE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. 2) LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS.OF-WAY OF RECORD. 3) DATA SHOWN HEREON WAS COMPILED ,FROM OTHER INSTRU-' MEmS MID DOI!S ~IOT CONSTITUTE A FIELD SIJnVEY AS SUCH. ---.-- .........-. .-.-. .---. -~. ." .. .. '.0. I. ..O.C. "C. '.1. .. ~.c. . tTo . ./V at C 0 c. I~I ,/V In. '. T.O... U. C. u. c.~. u, , ".c. . . . . . . ., , '. \ \\ \5 ~ ~ , I I I , .. , I ROBERT L. ALLISON PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FLonlDA neGISTRATION NO. 427B, I I! . , CARNAHAN AND ASSOCIATES INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS SURVEYORS LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS 6191 W. ATLANTIC BLVD. MARGATE, FLORIDA 33063 NOT A SURVEY (SKETCH & LEGAl), t' N UJ :::> z ~ C/) ~ ex: t? z '8 , I , ;, I ; t..' BOYNTON LAKES PLAZA (UNRECORDED) SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION ORB 6781' P9 1 952 I: ~ ~ I :l. \:~ PLANNERS " ., r. ( " j. ... :, ,~ ! t'. ~.: (305)-972-395.9 HYPOLUXO ROAD / -"1 -"1 II I :k THIS SKETCH II " II II II I' ~JJ If 'I II 'I II :1 PLAZA LANE LOGATION MAP t.: ~; \' ~ " t: , I l " I ~ 11 " .' " F " I' { A 12.00 FOOT SOUTH, RANGE PARTICULARLY 12'UTILITY EASEMENT FOR WATER LINE PURPOSES UTILITY EASEMENT LYING WITHIN SECTION a, TOWNSHIP 45 43 EAST, THE CENTERLINE OF SAID EASEMENT BEI~G MORE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: j, ;' I' I COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST (NW) CORNER OF A 65,q~ FOOT ROAD ,RIGHT- OF-WA Y KNOWN AS 11 PLAZA LANE-" AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF 11 BOYNTON LAKES - PLAT NO. 5 (P,U.D.)" AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 52 AT PAGES 105 THROUGH 108/ INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORI DA; THENCE NORTH (15' 10' 2411 EAST, ALQNG THE NORTHERLY LI~~E OF SAI D II PLAZA LANE", 1\ DISTANCE OF 205.07 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING ~,F SAID CENTERLINE: THENCE NORTH 04'49'36" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 172.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 85'10'24" E1\ST, A DISTANCE OF 35.35 FEET: THENCE NORTH 04'49'36" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET1 THENCE NORTH 85'10'24" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 0.50 FEET: THENCE NORTH 04'49'36" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 225.0,0 FEET: THEN,cE SOUTH 85'10'24" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 49'49'36" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 10.61 FEET: 'l'HENCE SOUTH 85'10124" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 26.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINATION. SAID LANDS SITUATE IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY', FLORIPA. SIDE LINES OF SAID EASEMENT TO BE PROLONGED OR SHORTENED TO TERMINATE WITHIN THE LANDS OF THE GRANTOR, ~: BEARINGS BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID IIPLAZA LANE" HAVING A BEARING OF NORTH 85'10'2411 EAST, ACCORDING TO SAID PLAT. ABBREVIA TIONS >llJ >/C > r. R.K. ADJ~Ct"'T Alk eOHnlTIONtA ALAn HC Lt~aTH DtHCUK''''U D~OWAAD COUNTY N~cnft'" CHLCVl-'TCD Ca.I..C'OL"TCD rI Cl.n TRAYCR'H. CAHJ.l. t"nCHr.NT' t"do"L M"I)lTtH"Hcc.r;.....r.Hr.HT ...-:-. ~~~~~.t.1 Ht .-t'" COttCACTt Ol.oC'1l. ;TllllCTYkl; COl.UH'" Or.LH O.'INHOt t,nr.HCNT ~kA1NAOtf UTILITY' H"'IHT~N^NCr; I:AntH~HT r.,dICHr,HT tone or 'AVCHr.HT coor; or ""fr.n r.f.tVATIOH n,non I".A.IH t"nr."';tlT r. r. rloln. 0,., I HY. 1/. I.. H. r., 1.."'.1:. I.. r, H."'.r.. ". t:. IHI HIli JI.n,Y.n. r, NIIIM ",("1\1" rou"'lt CUdu,nr; INvr.NT '"'''' linn I...~ H'I NTr.N'HCt CUr.Hr.NT LIHITC~ .cct.. C>Or.HCHT l.(l"l:nt rLOOM ".... tlrr.lIll.",cr: "cetu~ r.AOr.HI~tfT H"HTr.N~HtC C>.CHtHT Hr.MSUMt:n: "'dl. UfP nllU "ATH'N"L nr.nnCTIC Yl:ftTIC,\l. IIATUK ;" lI0T TII .C'U "rr.r.T ON LIHr. IOPTlnt'AIL ' I'AI.K I":~C:II COIUffY .r:cn.n. rAvl:MtN' rl:IIHAHr.H1' ('OIlTlnl. r.." liT I ~I ~.. . 1',0. ... ',O.C. I'.c. r.. t. .1 " a,C, " T, l a AI. a, C. t, CN' ./. NT' , T.O.II. U.!: . II. t. Jl. II. , H.". 1'.". D ,c,., ' ICI , C, r, T. C. t. C. M. t. ( CII. C. D. ". COl.. o. C. 0.11. l H. t, ". T.". OIl <l OI'T. '. f\.C'. If. I'VrtT. r. c:. ". t~HT . r,/ ~ r..o. v. 1:1.. . r. I'. r.. ,caH.HCNT acrC.tHcc MONUMeNT . 'LAT . '1,'1 "t'oa . "t'IHT or UGIHMING , "0 I NT t', CGMHCNCCMtNT . rOIHT or CUlVaTVle . ,I'OINT 0' INTCUCCT'Oll . I'OINT or nvun C:VlVArUU . POINT or UNOCNCY . ,lO.tlTY ~INC . kADIV. . RttlUT n, "AY . . loor cNt.oaCIINKHT unNciIT . UC"lO at Dt..U """Y TO~ or DANI UT 11.1 TI tal tNeNT UT1..IT., tAfttHt..., Ac.'Cr.lIa "TILITV I HAINttM."Ct tAIU~"C"T 1. 'j 11 ! J f I I ( j " REVISIONS DATE BY CK'D' SHEET 2, OF 3 SHEETS I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH SHOWN HEREON COMPLIES WITH THE ~IINIMUM STANDARDS FOR DESCRIPTION AS CONTA\ ED I CHAPTER 2IHH-6. OOb( I), FL 10 STRATIVE CODE. NOTES: 1) nEPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ME NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SUnVEYOn'S SEAl.. 2) LANDS.SHOWN HEnEON WEne NOT AOSTRACTEO FOn EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS.OF.WA Y OF RECORD. 3) DATA SHOWN IlEnEON WAS COMPILED FROM OlltER INSTIlU. MENTS AND p~ES NOT CONSTITUrr: A ~~I.O ~~~~EY-^~SUCH. ..._ , ROBERT L. ALLISON PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FLORlD^ RF.GISTMTlON NO 4?71) .~.' '. I ORB -.pr- 1~ ~ t. ~../ CARNAHAN AND ASSOCIATES INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS SURVEYORS LAND DEVELOPMENT' CONSULTANTS 6191 W. ATLANTIC BLVD. -.:. MARGATE, FLORIDA 33063 NOT A SURVEY (SKETCH & LEGAL) ! W ::l ~ (f) ~ 0: (.!J z 8 I' )1 )1 BOYNTON LAKES PLAZA (U~flECORDED) SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION 12'DRAINAGE EASEMENT 6781 P9 1953 PLANNERS (305)-972-3959 HYPOLUXO ROAD COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST (NW) CORNER OF A 65.00 FOOT ROAD RIGHT- OF-\~A Y KNOWN AS "PLAZA LANE" AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF "BOYNTON LAKES - PLAT NO.. 5 (P,U.D.)",AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 52 AT PAGES 105 THROUGH 108, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, fLORIDA: THENCE NORTH 85'1012411 EAsT, ALONG TAE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID "PLAiA LANE", A DISTANCE OF 218.96 FEET TO THE POINT OF 13P..G.l..t!.l!.INQ , OF SAID CENTERLINE; THENCE NORTH 04' 49'36" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 16,00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'S8'091( WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1\7.17 FEET; THENCE NORTH 07'06'06" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 135,79 FEET; THE:I~CE NORTH 73' 28'40" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 131. 09 FEET THENCE NORTH 30'18'19" EAST, A DISTANCE OF' 89.41 FEET; THENCE NORTH 08'27'35" \.Ir.ST, A DISTANCE Of 63,13 FEET; THENCE NOR'l'H 01'11138" WEST, A D1 STANCE OF 63,13 FEET; THENCE NORTH 04' 49 I 3 6" \~EST, A DISTANCE OF 63.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88'12'43" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 163.88 FEET TO. THE PQINT OF TERMINATION. SJU D LANDS SITUATE IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLOIUDA. SIDE LINES OF' SAID EASEMENT TO BE PROr.,ONGED OR SHORTENED TO T8RMII.(ATE WITHIN THE LANDS OF THE GRANT,OH. - - - --, ----, , f I THIS SKETCH ~ { 1\ J) "-, _....// r-- --" I-- I'l' I ' l-':-. -, \ PLAZA LANE LOCATION MAP ^ 12,00 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEI1EN'f LYING IHTHIN SEC'l'ION a, TOWNSHIP <15 SOU'l'll, RANGE <13 EAST I TilE CENTERLINE OF SAI D EASEMENT BEING MORE PART! CU Ll\RLi:' DESCR! BED AS FOLLOWS: NqT~: BEARINGS .BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID "PLAZA LANE" HAVING A BEARING OF NORTH 85'10'24", EAST, ACC9RDING TO SAID PLAT, . ABBREVIATIONS i , r I HEREBY CERTIFY,THAT THE DESCRIPTION '~ AND SKETCH SHOWN HEREON COMPLIES WITH l THE MINIMUM S ANDARDS FOR DESCRIPTION ~ AS CONTAI ED N., ,,!=!-IAPTER 21HH-b, .~ 006(1), FLO ID NISTRATIVE CODE, 1 ! ; , ., " ., ., ,,,,,1 ~/'" .. ;' Il.". . , 11.11.'.", <<c/ ' .. :~ C'. ,. T. . C:. t" ' . C. h. t. , ~, I CII. e,D, G. CClI.. r M\J,,"C'I:t1T " ~IM CONOITIU"~n ftLAU . / ~~c: LCNOTH UCNCHliua u~ov,,"o c;ou.,ty "':COI'I_" C^LCIIUTtO CALCULATEO rlCLb TMAVCMnc C~HAI.. tADC"C"T Cf\H'-1. KAllITC",t.,tfCC tA.'r.HCtfT CtIlTC"Lt,..r.." CHQRU .r" COtfcnETC OI..oC':1I. .1nUCTuRt COt.\)H~ DeLTA D~AIN'OC C'OCliCNT Dn~I~Ant, UTIL'" , K~I~T~H^~CC C~n~"':"T tA.!JCHtHT [Oat or 1'~Vt"EHT coot; or "^"r.n CI.[V^T 10" fLOOD rL~IH ~~ntk~HT '.' . rffO. CIA. . 'IIY. 11M I.. K. t, \..". c. L. r. ".-'. t. M. t. IH/ "In ".0. Y. n. nNIUl1 floC"'" rctl",u GUAQC '_Y~U 'IIUtl ,,(tU L...ac MIIITCN'NCC CAItHtNT LIHITCQ ACCC.' 1"CliCNT \,Owcn FLuoa H.lf'rC"....'CC ^CCCU Utr.xCf'r H.IHTCH'"CC C~'lliCIIT Ht"IUACb tU,I\. AJ4h OlD" 1 ~ATIOII~L GCOOetlc YCOTIC'L ,O^TU".... HOT TO .C~LC ' orrHT 011 LINC O'TIOIIAL rAI,," I1r.ACII ('(UHITT ~1;('nIlO" rAYtt'r.t4T 1'I~nl1",oII:lI'r 1:1111"'''''1. "OIIlT . . . . , . . . . , . P. ..... "I ,. .. ,.u. ,. ,.O.C. r.C. ,... '.M.C. .. T. t M 01" M. C. C, IMI 1/" 1T1. T.O.l. U. C. u, C... V. & H.I:. 0, t, O,IJ, , H. r.. II. T, . , 0/' 'l OI',T. .... u. C,". """T, ". r. r. r.r.HT. t/ '" I:.Q, 'rI. l:1.. , 1',1',':, SHEET REVISIONS DATE BY CK'D RECORD VERIFIED PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLA JOHN B. DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COURT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'e~NCNT al'lalNCI NOIIUKINT '''aT 'L~T 100. .OIMT O' IlOIMKlllO rolllT O. COKKlMllKlNT rolNT O' CUI.ArUle rolllT O. INTCRItITION rolNT O. acMun IUMMATURC 'OINT O. TaNOeNCY 'MO'UTY ..IHt .....OIU. MIoaT 0' VU MOO' CNCRO^CKHCIiT e....CKCHT MCCORO U oeuLlt noay TO' or HNl UTI LITT UltHCMT UTILITY UUliUT accr... UTILIT", KAtNTCMA"CC r.Jl.ltHCNT 3 OF 3 SHEETS '" NOTES: 1) REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. 2) LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS-OF-WAY Or: RECORD, 3) DATA SHOWN HEREON WAS COMPII.EO FROM OTHER INSTRU- MENTS AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A FIELD SURVEY AS SUCH. i i' r t j i: (, , ~. t ; f i , I ; . , I ; I. : ; : I , , . I . : , i . i . ! . ~ I . , I ., , , , 'i - \; ROBERT L. ALUSON PR6FESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 4278 . ~ ; '1 ~ ...-..- -......it " \ ~ '~ , ~:f \,/.l-".. .,.. ~ .f ',,, \~ ~ , ~ ..) ~ ~- ,(:' ~~ ~ u ... '" ':t ~ ~'~~.,) .., .... ~ . c , C"V) ~ ) <;: I') I . ~ ~ b J. -;:: ~ (IS \J ~ 1- l 'J 'c, APR-09-1991' 10:04am 91-095007 ORB 6'.7.l? 1 P9 1 954 ,....': . , t ,~.~;~' "-"I~~:jt~~,n\(\1~ ~\ r~-1( l~ /,., .' \','. ..... \ '.\ \ \LL.~\--.,:L\'" \ \ \ l ~ .. ,~CR~SS',('ACOESS AND PARKING EASEMENT ~'\\" \J, j,.,,~, . . _~) _....::~,.'-,.D CJ t.5 ,:;J I_,"J . ~ -,-"N -"" _1;.QSs--Acc"es.s""and Parking Easement (the "Agreement"), made I ,7{ r;t-, as of the 11..'1/1 I~ C' fl , 199~, by and between day of Lennar Homes, Inc., a Florida corporation ("Lennar") and Boynton Lakes Plaza Development Corporation, a Florida corporation ,. ( "Boynton Lakes II ) . WIT N E SSE T H: ' WHEREAS, Lennar is the owner of ,that certain real property .' located in Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described I in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by~his reference made a part hereof (the "Lennar Property"); WHEREAS, Boynton Lakes is the owner of that certain real property located in Palm Beach COUI1,ty, Florida, more particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by'this reference made . a part hereof (the "Boynton Lakes Property"); WHEREAS, Lennar and Boynton, Lakes would eacn like to provide " each other with cross parking and ingress and egress easements over , their respective properties in the manner and under the terms and provisions hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE, in considera.tion of the mutual promises herein contained, and for other good and valuable consideration, the 'receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Lennar hereby grants to Boynton' Lakes,' its successors and assigns and its cus~omers, employees, agents, licensees and invitees, a non-exclusive ease~ent and right-of-way for , ( i) pedestrian and vehicular traffic over and upon the sidewalks, .. walkways and./ roadways of the Lennar Property as \ they may be constructed and altered from time to time by Lennar, its successors and assigns, togethel.' with a non-exclusive right to use such sidewalks, \'lalkways and ro~dways for adequate and unobstructed pedestrian and vehicular passage for access and ingress to and from and between the Boynton Lakes Property and the Lennar Property, and the streets and roadways adjacent to and abutting the Boytiton Lakes 1 HilS INsrRUMlxr Pr.U'~flfD 8Y: .. . Mur,r;s], W~i.;h'l, l::;i/. .:,'1:;!~,I::ii,H:rCrl iJ.\':, Ill/ f\'lll, t;,:;;,;!., Ilmif/:1 :nil'l ('"") c...,.o ~::I Z O:J o c::::: ~ ~~..~ C'"')Pd, ~ 861 :;J::: 8 I :?-..l -on Cr.J ("') o ~ ... .." r- . t..J1 U1 ORB 6781 pg 1955 Property and the Lennar Property, and to and from individual parking places existing from time to time in the parking areas on . I the Boynton Lakes Property and the Lennar Property and (ii) the non-exclusive right to park vehicles in the spaces designated from time to time for parking in the Lennar Property. 2. Boynton Lakes hereby grants to Lennar, its successors and , as signs and its cus tomers, employees" agents, licensees and invitees, (i) a non-exclusive easement and right-of-way for pedestrian and vehicular traffic ove;- and upon the sidewalks, ;. ;. 'walkways and roadways of the Boynton Lakes Property as they may be constructed and altered from time ,~o~ime by Boynton Lakes, its successors and assigns, together with the non-exclusive right to use such sidewalks, walkways and roadways for adequate and unobstructed pedestrian and vehicular passage for access and ingress to and from and between the 'Lennar Property and the Boynton Lakes Property, and the streets and roadwa~s adj,acent to and abutting the Lennar Property and the Boynton Lakes Property, and , to and from individual parking places existing ,from time to time in the parking areas on the Lennar ,Property and Boynton Lakes Property, and (ii) the non-exclusive right to park vehicles in the spaces designated from time to time for parking in the Boynton Lakes Property. 3. Lennar and Boynton Lakes and their successors and assigns may grant the benefit of such non-exclu~ive eaSements and rights- of-way 'L.:O any tenants leasing any building space within their respective properties for such tenants, their customers, employees, agents, licensees and invitees. 4. Lennar and Boynton Lakes shall 'maintain their respective properties (~ennar Property and Boynton Lakes Property) in good , I , condition and repair at all times and shall be solely responsible for the costs of necessary repairs, replacements and maintenance thereto. 5. Except as required by law, to the extent reasonably possible, Lennar and Boynton Lakes will at all times keep the roadways and parking areas on their respective properties free from I " 2 ORB 6781 pg 1956 obstruction of any kind or nature whatsoever, except 'as may be required temporarily from time to time to effect repairs, improvements and replacement. All repairs~ replacement and maintenance of the respective properties shall be conducted in :a manner that will, to the extent reasonably possible, minimize the disruption to the ingress and egress and parkipg provid~d over and on the respective roadways and parking areas, and such that ingress and egress will never be entirely deprived. 6. Any and all notices required or permitted to be served J pursuant to the terms of this AgreemeHtshall be in writing and shall be served by registered or ce1=tified mail, with return 'o, , receipt requested and postage prepaid as follows: Upon Lennar: Lennar Homes, Inc. 700 N.W. 107th Avenue Miami, Florida 33172 Upon Boynton Lakes: J. Richard Harris, Esq. 4400 PGA Blvd. Ste. 900 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 or to such other address as the parties shall designate in writing. " Notice shall be deemed given three (3) days following the date when deposited in the United States mail in the manner aforesaid, with sufficient prepaid postage affixed to c~rry same to its destination. 7 . This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The provisions , ,. I , tI I of this Agreement shall be and shall be deemed to be covenants I running with the land, intended to (1) burden the Lennar Property , with respect to the Boynton Lakes Property and shall be binding upon the Lennar Property, Lennar, its successors and assigns, and all persons claiming by, through or under :yennar, including, witnout limi~ation, the successors, assigns, heirs, personal representatives, transferees, mortgagees and lessees of Lennar and I " I (ii) burden the Boynton Lakes Property with respect to the Lennar Property and shall be, bindLng upon the Boynton Lakes ~roperty, , I '.. \ Boynton Lakes, its successors and assigns, and all persons claiming by, through or under Boynton Lakes, including, without limitation, 3 I , ORB 6781 pg 1957 the successors, assigns, heirs personal representatives, transferees, mortgagees and lessees of Boynton Lakes. 8. This Agreement may not be altered, amended or revoked, unless by a writing in recordable form,.made by and between the then owners of the Lennar Property and the then owne,rs of the Boynton Lakes Property, and any portion thereo~, and by ~ll persons holding a mortgage or mortgages encumbering the Lennar Property or I any portion thereof and/or the Boynton Lakes, Property or any portion thereof. I 9. In the event of the violati6~' of any of the terms and obligations herein contained, the par;t::Y or p'arties entitled to ,enforce this Agreement shall have the right to do so either by action at law or in equity against any party(s), entities, person(s), firms or corporations violating, or attempting to violate, any of the covenants contained herein, either to restrain , such violation, to abate same, to recover damages, or for any combination of the foregoing. 10. Invalidation of anY"one or any combination of the covenants contained herein by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions hereof, :or any of the other provisions recited herein, all of which shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS, the parties hereto have executed th~i{C~p~s, . ,;:.,:::j/:r,~'~.~:\:~k:,;'f,;;\, Access and Parking Easement the day ,and year above wr~y'te,n.p:t.ft';F",.,.., ",y, ','::' / ~f"':~~..l~.fc~~t '..; ,~~:'J"" ': .;/l:~~~; ',~ .'f.;):tJi.?~~~~"":' . , :;:"~~':ii(l~\l.;r ~:f;)f , '.V"I:Q:1)il:'.(~. ,.,:;' ~ "",ft,., ....'.\-v;~...)-. .,..,,~ ~. i~' " . 0" :!:f.:v\':'i~"'" . .... . .,"''' "l~~i~'''' (' ''- i (l (J, "7 .', d-- Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: .e~ / ~$~ BOYNTON LAKES PLAZA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION~ a Florida corp- oration By; 11Q.. - d~~ President 4 ORB 6781 P9 1958 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PI? 0 c I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County afores?id to take agknowledgments, personally appeared S 1 vIII!. r /J1/L-c. t!3f'L.- and /5/1711c.Eb;U' ff. 5;E;e~ /9 well known to me to ~e the Vice, President and Assistant Secretary of LENNAR HOMES, INC., 'a Florida corporation, they acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely' and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said corporation and that the seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State a~~,~,~,:Cli~ this /"?'1/1 day of h6/'v,4/< /'". 199/. ;' ;, last . ~ . .. . ~ 'f" " ~:':<~>":;J:" :if/-<' . c.;:, (, l'(,)l " " . ,';:: ' 1:l'J" ~ ; )'-1,: ,:. " IJ u ," ~. ,0,."")", ' ,'" ' ,'^ \ ir-:":-:19~, ~' (Seal) ; ':'\'>:1~~:':f'1~r": ~d.~;Iv Notary Public 7 My Commission Expires: NOT~nY PUDLIC ST^TE OF FLORln~ MY COI/Jl15SION EXP. AUG. 14, 1',;)-1 DOHOED THRU GENERAL INS, UHO, STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ,! ,I I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly . authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared ~oC~ f!:'-vt'" M. Lv I('S<:...w well known to me to be the President of BOYNTON LAKES PLAZA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, and that he acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in him by said 'corporation and that the seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and offic~al seal in the County and State last aforesaid this 1.3 day of j711ff? (;( , 199/,. KtdA-u ~ k~- Notary Public (Seal) My Commission Expires: ,'''"111 ~$.~l~' ~f I" RUTHIE CLEMENTE l.r(ArT~ MY COIolIdISSIOH EXPIRES ~~-i) Jul, 31,1994 ~""":,,\~~,,, OONOED THRU NOT MY PUllUC UNDEJI'NfaTEIlS \jrh\24135\crossacc.eas 5 " ORe. 6781 P9 1959 r. ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT LENNAR' HOMES, I NC', , A .FLORI'DA' ",CORPORAT'ION';:;:{I OWNER OF' THE. LAND SHOWN AND DESCR I BED, HEREON, L Y I NG ' I N ,..SECT ION', 8:'" Y,OWNSH "P/.:4,15,:"I' SOUTH. ,RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLOR IDA,' ',SHOWN -:. HEREON '"AS'I /T.8AC(T':A/~: ~ 0 Y N T ON LAK ESP L A Z A" . , ,BE,I, ~~: f.1? R ~: P A,R T ~ C Y~A~,L\ ,~,~,~,~'R:,l ~E 8",':' ~ S,' ,~~~?,8~ S:;, .' ,:>',~:,'(,'{';f:':':',Ii",~:::';,~:::~l'l .' \ " , . . I ',' '. .. . . . . ~. . iI .,. .. COMMENC I NG , 'AT THE NORTHWESTI, CORNER OF ' SAID'" SEen ON( B: 'THENCE i':;'NQRTH,,'B,5~:1 0"24/1:;>,\ EAST, ,ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF" SA 10 SECT.I ON-' 8, ,,::A"O LST ANCE Of.:.' ;'60. 01 ':'FEE-T';\i!:.:THENCE:,,; SOUTH 030 40' 59" EAS T,' : A '0 I ST ANC E "OF.:' , 52. 51' FEET ,'lO, ',.r,HE'" PO,I, NT..! OF,': BEG.INN.I.NG;',..'\:liHJ:NG'E\,~" NORTH, 400 44' 43" EAST, A," 0:1 STANCE,';:. OF';:,.'35,'00/FEET;:\:,:THENCE'.:'. ',NORTH' 8pO,',10l". 2,~./;:;~~AS.r,;~~.( ALONG :. A II NE 28.' 00 FEET' ,SOUTH'; OF ....AND~.. PARALLEL';" W FT~'!'TIjEl,.. 'NORTti .';L I NE'.i.'OFiI'SAIDf.~: SECT I ON' 8,' SA 1.0,' LINE BE I NG'. 'Co'l'NC I DENT ."~W I'TH ;:THE');SOU..T~.r:tft'lGH:l"i" ::OF.:~: .WAY~':"'t rNE';'~:','iD~:,{, ' HYPOLUXO "ROAD, . A 0 I STANCE ::~',OF.i;~:""-165... 49~;:::Fl;ET;C"',:rHENCE>.~,SOU:iH,r:: QA' '4'9'.'~,36~;\~:EAs;t;~~lAh', o I STANCE' OF ",,219. 96" FEET;"..l'HENCE;. ~"?OUTH ::'e5.~" fO;f':24~~:;'\'{ES.T;.t~"!ALONG' :A'1'L'l'N~~~24:7}'961~F-EETt~ : SOUTH " OF' '. AND 'PARALLEL ,. W'rTH ,'THE, ,NORtH 'L INE-,"OF./;"SAI'OJ::',:'S,EC'l\I'QN ::8;': "A:',:"'D.lfS;r.'A.NCE"~::OF.~1f, i 93." 43' .TO, A PO I NT' ON' A:, CIRCULAR, CURVE.>','>TO/,.THE,:"'J~.:1 GHr,';,:~,WHI~CH"':':.RAD'j.US",;::'BgAAS)'::~NOR:rH,~;< 850' 34~.,33~ "EAST;: 'THENCE :~\No.RTHERLY;::":~:AL.ONG .':rHE:.'~'AR,C:~:;:Ofi/"$,kYD :;:,c.UAVE~:!I1A VfN,G,....NfRAD;~1'.US,:~~QF~~,' , 11399;;. 16.;'FEET, A: CENTRAL ANGLE:,.. OF):'~;OOo '4''4/,28ui~'1';:;~A':<D:I.S-T-ANCE ~:Op. '-i:':,:'1'4~J.:I:49'\'r:t'~Tf.~~"~T.O'~;:)/\,~ Po. I NF' OF" TANGENCY; ': 'THENCE NORTH"03~:401',59~.""WES..T.>:~p'A.~;;D'I'S;r.ANCE,/.:OF.':' 4'E?/.04' f'EET~:'~To.:t;'T-HE:'~: :>0 I NT o.F'i';' BEG I NN I NG,' THE ' LAST" .';rwo .~. ~DESCR rBEDL~:;:COURSESI; BE'I'NG"Jc'o'f NC I'DE~r"'}WvrH~'r.HE:t~, ~~~r ~kG~~sg: WAY. LINE . 0 Fe ~NG~7.~,~ :::~y,~,~g;:"~,!.?,~i~%!~~~&.,P.;~'i'\W9~~6i:~;~'~~;;~~~~~M;,,~%f.~;ti:.L,. ,.... ....-' "--' \......... . '. ,~':..;l:.L:",~;.,'."""", "/" "''''~,::':r.1\,~t. :"'./\:'~:,.::;!:..:JJ'::,\,;,~~,:~...~!:ci"'\'~' i\\~;I:j:1~:;',:" , !,,/ t=..'iW-,B\I. I ~ " , ,1 , . ~ ORB 67-81 P9 1959-A , .... ., ....' ,.. .":'~, "" KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS 'THAT BOYNTON~~AKES~p~AZA"n~VE~OPME~~~tORRORAT10N~~~ 'A FLOR,IDA CORPORA T ION, OWNER OF THE LAND' SHOWN 'AND, " DESCR:IBED"'HE8EQ,tJ,i{',LY.l NG,:"I N: "SECT I ON 8. TOWNSH I P 45 SOUTH, RANGE ',' 43 'EAsT,' ',PALM:1,',BEACH;;',: COUNTY-;'~~F.LOR rDA;4''':~ND:: , SHOWN I HEREON AS ~BOYNTON LAKES', PLAZA~,., 'AND" BE I NG,"MO,RE,: P.ARll:~,q~.I\R,L,.~('~:;:'DSqCp,.l.B~:O'~;'.A,~.~~, .' F~L~OWS:", "..','" : ::", ,,' ',:'" ,,', ,i';,;:> :",:<:,:::',t}..::.~(':~ ;::~,;,.~~/:'A)i~/;:::',~';:Y:(~f.:~:i:;'<"~::'::~"::':i':i:~:~:';;;~'~::~':~}X::'I:.i: . :COMMENC I NG '. AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER ',. OF 'SA I DISEC,t1:0N . 8;..;:'Tl;lENgE;r\:NORTH"'S5~~1 O,<"1~2A:~~:~;'+ " EAST.' ',ALONG THE ',~ORTH LI NE' OF SA \ D )iS~CT ION !;.f3/~'::'A ;'O"ISJ ANCE<:,pF',:,;\60:'.'Q,1; t FE,E';r.;\~.'T.HEN.:CE,;:t'h ',SOUTH-'. '030 40" 59~ : EAST,' A'" D I ST ANCE.' OF '}'28:,0 C'FEET;:. "THENC,E';' '\'NORTH'::S6} HY' ?,4,'i;,:;,EASr; H::;' A D I ST ANCE' OF 190..,00 FEET TO.,: ': A "PO I'NT OF"::.I,~8EG I'NN I NG:":";fHENCE;,~, "CON:r;'J NUE':+.'NORTH.'i:,' 85' J 0' 24' "'~AST" ALONG, THE'! :,. SOUTH ,"\R I GHT",:,OF ':"WA Y!; [.1 NE~:,OF'~'HYROLU,Xq';"ROAD.\,~$;.A:1'.D.I,;S;r ANCE'~::' , OF,' 644: 15 ',', FEE T; " ,T HENCE,'. "IISOU,TH,,;, 4 9a';.4 9~,\36' ,:'.' EAST ,'~' ALONG';:"..;:r.Hl~/ WES.T;. A', GHT.... o~t.;:W A.yJ",L.:;J'NE!~rl , OF' BOYNTON LAKES~" BOULEVARD.,' . A':' (, 0 I,ST,ANCE':' OF,::--,35,"36'\FEs.:T.;::~,THENCE/11'SOUJ.H.,.tQA";'4,~,~"a6!l''''Fr :'- EAST, ',. CONT I NU I NG ':'ALONG'~ ,SA I D ~ WE'ST;;' R J GHT:"OF-WA Y.'!.:'l NE;": A:'q I 'S'TANGE;'7'OF~' 6'{.2~\00.1(f..EEpr.. : " TO' ,THE" NORTHEAST:, CORNER OF' BOYNTON: LAKES : PL~ T NO~'," 'S;.' P; :'l!"'D::,i"l;.::"IA.~COAD'!.NG~}}tI10;'!ffHE'::~. .. PLAT. THEREOF; AS,., RECORDED "~I N' 'PLA'T .,...'BOOK' 52.' '"PAGES '.'105":..,rIrlROUGH,:'TOB",:.\rNCL:.US IWE;':,\.' , PUBL'I C ',', RECORDS 'OF 'PALM':? ,BEACH :.COUNT'(,,"'.'FL.:OR I DA;:~:;THgNCE/",;:!'S911Tt'{"8~~.i10';'2\.4Pt,i~:W~~.':P;:~~{~ "'ALONG.THE,"NORTHERL y".', BOUNDARY.. ~OP.,',SAI 0 ., BOYNT.ONl' LAKEs(,rpL:AN:'NO:'! 15',~~!;\!A .' 'DJSi ANCE'i:,\.t, OF~"I~ . B61'. S7, FEET:' TO' THE' I NTERSE'CTlON ':THEAEOF:'r,',. W'I TH .~T.HE.~'i.El\STI~~ :.'RI,GH.T~'DF~;.;WA~(.' t:.rNE,:' F.08'~l(' ;1 CON G RE S S I ,A V E N U E; .: ,S A), D,' E A S J ,. i 'R I GH T ~ OF ~ W A.y.'~,\'1 N ~:~."~,~;.T NG :,' A-,:,f.\(C UA V E,' ',\ CONcA Xg.:"W ~S:r,ERr:Y ;~:,<: ':, HA V I NG I A i:RAD I US O~.., "'0,5789, 58 'FEET', AND"A :-RAO, J AL': L.I NE ,.PASS':I NG \rHAO,UGHI...~":rH I S,(. AD J~Nl\\' .. BEARS'''SO~.TH'~ 8S' 39(\Q2'" WEST; ""'THENCEj.;"NORtHERCy;.I;'ALONG''<SA 1D":EAsf.,,\'Rl.GHT-:.Ofi~,,~WA y.': 1.'..1 NE':..'. ::: TH ROUGH .'l"'.'A" C EN T RA L .. ANGL.E," OF . ,00"6 0'.:37~' ,"'I,'A \..'..~D rS.T ANC E\~~~ OF.';'} a,5:' 2S} FEE;r~':;T 0 ~ A W PO I.NT,;'Ofi..?l .:'T ANGENCY;,'\.'"TH,ENGE;"<. NO,RTH "05'<1,1 "3,S~.~:WES.r.'>:\ CONTI NUlN~rl:J,\l:O~G,~!'SA'J D:\.',EAST.:':Hf.,GHT~~OF.~WA Yi\/~,': '" A..',' pi ST ANCE':'. OF' ,'''1 78. ~2: FEE'T 'TO'I;iTHEI'.PO I NT: "OF :.~., CURV A.TURE,',OF~'.;K'~"', CUHVE::,.'TO;?rHE'~~H I, GH.T.r~' ;:, .. AND HA V'I NG. A' :RAD I.US ;OF " 11'399:"16/F.EET; ,;THl:NCE",NOR"fHE'Rl:!Y.,\" ALONG:~' ~;SA I p: ,CUAVS~'.''':'AND''.!; ,\;,SA I D'; EAST'" 'R I GHT-OF,,:-WA Y.. THROU,GH "\. '~A . CENTRAL".';,~.ANG.tE'~:,QF(, ,~'.oO./46".O,81'::"""M:D'J.Sr.I\NCEj'!)OF:~~'i .:' 15,2~ 97.' FEEl, TO 'TH~ :ENO OF 1: SA" D '::.ClJRYE;.;".~TH,ENC,E~,""!.NOR.rH;.~a5~: 101;'241. ;i1"E;A?T;~:,'~\.:t':'D:I.ST^NOE"::'': ~,OF' '193, 43, FEET; ~'. THENCE, \ NORTH,',O'4 '.;'49;136~ ~..WES ",c.:, 1\\110'\ STANCt:,:,70F.~~:'2,t;Q.,;;9p:,FEE:r(!T.O>~;i.HE> ': ", PO I Nr" OF:': BEG I NN I NG., =:' CONIA'I N I NG..:.1,~:' 63 ACRES,,:'M08g)~:,OR..~LES'St;~i,;~:';l~ill,~\t.i~.::;\{;','\\:~:~\';~."'.., :1\':~':r;::::;';Li~' : '. '; ':',.',:":.::', ' . ',' :_.':,. '..;il'.~_:~~~:~~;2 ;". 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