CORRESPONDENCE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM May 20, 1991 TO: Christopher Cutro Director of Planning FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: MOBIL SERVICE STATION PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMISSION, TRACT A TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD AGENDA FOR MAY 28, 1991 SITE PLANS/MOBILE SERVICE STATION DISCUSSIONS Please be advised that the Engineering Department, for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is in receipt of the above reference Technical Review Board agenda. As the Engineering Department is responsible for the administration of the Subdivision and Platting Regulations, I herein provide the following information in order to clarify my position, relative to items discussed at the previous Technical Review Board meeting of May 16, 1991. 1. The developer is proceeding under the misconception that water distribution, sewage collection and drainage improvements can be installed on Tract B without benefit of final platting for Tract B. I call you attention to Article VIII, Section 5D7 which states "prior to completing the requirements of the final plat section of this Article, Building permits shall not be issued for any structure on a lot wherein the final plat has not been recorded in the manner prescribed, unless the recording of the plat is not required by Article VI of this Ordinance". Therefore, statements made by Technical Review Board members to the applicant indicating that easements could be granted the applicant, are incorrect as permission to construct physical improvements on ajacent land not platted, is the sole responsibility of the City Commission in conjunction with the variance procedures outlined in Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting Regulations for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. A consensus of the Technical Review Board does not constitute a variance of the aforementioned Section and furthermore I draw your attention to Appendix "e", Subdivision and Platting Regulations, Article XVI, Variances and Exceptions, Section 1, Administration of Variances, inclusive. 2. The proposed Mobile Service Station/Convenience Store is located within 1,000 feet from a tract of land designated as recreational. This recreational tract is situated within Boynton Lakes, Plat #5 and therefore the applicant (*) (should he intend to seek relief) should apply for.a variance through the City's Board of Adjustments and attempt to seek relief from the 1,000 foot distance separation, as specified in applicable zoning regulations, prior to conducting a full review of the subject si~~~~I~~J:) - .IIAY 21 PLANNING DEPT. con' t . . . . May 20, 1991 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM con' t. RE: MOBILE SERVICE STATION 3. The applicant, for the above referenced project, during the Technical Review Board meeting of May 16, 1991 specified that the owners of Tract B were fully aware of the consequences relative to the dissolution of their previous preliminary plat submission, as the platting of Tract A, as an independent action of the applicant, would cause the original preliminary plat submission of Boynton Lakes Plaza to be modified, reference dedication sheets, boundaries and depiction of other required improvements and easements. As agreed upon by all Technical Review Board members, the former applicant for Boynton Lakes Plaza, Tracts A & B, would be affected to that degree which would require a resubmittal in order to eliminate Tract A from the original preliminary plat submission. 4. The "Developer's Engineer" for the original Boynton Lakes submission was notified by this office on May 16, 1991, relative to the proposed action (Platting Tract A) that would affect his client's property. As you are aware, we have reviewed the site plan for Mobile prior to submission of preliminary plat documents, and I personally feel we are wasting taxpayers dollars by reviewing the submission without benefit of knowing whether or not the Board of Adjustments will grant the applicant a variance for the 1,000 foot distance separation. * Following this simple procedure will ensure that taxpayers dollars will not be expended for reviews conducted by Gee & Jenson, Consulting Engineers, as they are extremely costly and constitute a waste of dollars should variances be denied. b-k Vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Mike Kazunas via John Guidry, Utilities Central File Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner Maziar Keshavarz, P.E. --- HEMORANDUK FROM: Chris Cutro, Director of Planning~~ ~ James A. Cherof, City Attorney ~~- Code Interpretation, Parking Lot Driveways for Service stations .TO: SUBJECT: DATE: March 1, 1991 You have asked me to examine an apparent conflict between Section 11 L 5 of Appendix A of the zoning Regulations and section 5- 142 (h) (3) as they relate to setback requirements for driveway entrances from intersecting right-of-ways. Stated differently, you have posed the following question: Should the requirements of the Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulation be applied to the construction of driveway entrances for service stations? The question is answered in the negative. There are several principals of statutory construction that must be applied: 1. The principals of statutory construction apply to zoning ordinances which are issued by cities. Rinker Materials Corp. v. City of Miami, 286 So.2d 552 (Fla. 1973). 2. The general, and most persuasive rule of statutory construction is that whenever possible, the Courts will, and must, attempt to construe related statutory prOV1S1ons, if conflicting, in such a way as to harmonize them and give them both full effect. Palm Harbor Special Fire Control District v. KellY, 516 So.2d 249 (Fla. 1987); Villery v. Florida Parole and Probation Commission, 396 So.2d 1107 (Fla. 1980); District School Board of Lake County v. Talmadqe, 381 So.2d 698 (Fla. 1980). 3. Where a statute is passed with knowledge of prior existing laws, construction is favored which gives each statute a field of operation rather than a construction that would leave one statute meaningless or released by implication. State Department of Public Welfare v. Galilean Children's Home, 102 So.2d 388 (Fla.~DCA 1958). law 4. and Since zoning ordinances are in derogation of the common deprive owners of th~~<:It.f\rif.[jr .property, any MAR lq6 PLANNI::G DEPT. -4 ambiguities which may arise from conflicting zoning ordinances should be resolved in favor of the property owner. Thomas v. City of Crescent City, 503 So.2d 1299 (Fla. 5th DCA 1987). 5. Courts must also give specific terms and provisions precedence over those terms and provisions which are more general in nature if the two provisions conflict. Lake Barrington citizens Commission v. Villaqe of Lake Barrinqton, 312 NE.2d 337 (1974). In applying the above rules of statutory construction to the question posed I conclude that the two provisions of the Code are not in conflict and can be read together. The parking lot regulations should be generally applied to all parking lot construction unless a more specific ordinance of the City exists, such as the one which applies to service stations. The Boynton Beach parking lot regulation does not apply to the construction of driveway entrances for service stations. Section 11 L 5 of Appendix A controls the distance requirements for parking lot entrances for service stations. Ilms LIB CUTROMEM cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Don Jaeger, Building Official Vince Finizio, Administrator Coordinator of Engineering Julian Bryan & Associates May 6, 1991 Mr. Christopher Cutro Director of Planning City of Boynton Beach, P.O. Box 310 Boyn ton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Boynton Lakes Plaza, Tract A (Lennar Corporation) Resubmittal - Plat and Site Plan, Mobil Oil Service Station Site Dear Mr. Cutro: Attached under separate transmittals are the following documents. 1. Revised site plan - Shah Drotos & Associates 2. Complete on-site engineering - Shah Drotos & Associates 3. Architectural drawings (incl. signage) - Shah Drotos & Associates 4. Landscape plans - Shah Drotos & Associates 5. Preliminary plat - Carnahan & Associates 6. Off-site engineering - Carnahan & Associates 7. Off-site easements - Carnahan &. Associates I am confident that this constitutes a full and complete submittal with the exception of Community Appearance Board items which are a separate package. As you can see, we now have two engineering firms representing the project, Shah Drotos on behalf of Mobil and Carnahan for Lennar. To make things somewhat simpler, I will continue to represent both parties in all matters involving permits, processing, plan review and public representation and will con tin ue as your con tact person. In response to our discussions, I will be submitting within the next week, an application for variance to your service station location criteria contained in the current Zoning Code. I am aware that the review of our project may not be forwarded to the P & Z Board until either a variance is approved or the pending Code Amendments adopted. land Development Consultants · 3191 leewood Terrace · l136 · Boca Raton, Florida 33431 · (407) 338-0395 %e City of 13oynton 'Beach 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beach. 'BoulevarJ 'p.O. 'Bo>L31O 'Boynton 'lkach., J{oriJa 33425.0310 CityJ{a[{: (.J0i) 734-8111 ~5tX: (.107) 738-7.J59 February 5, 1991 Mr. Julian Bryan 3191 Leewood Terrace L-136 Boca Raton, FL 33431 RE: Mobil Service Station - Site Plan File No. 572 Dear Mr. Bryan: Please be advised that the plans submitted for site plan review of the above-referenced request cannot be processed further as they do not comply with the City's code of ordinances (see comments #4, #5, #6 and #7 below for details). Seven full sets and nine partial sets (defined on page 5 of the site plan application) of revised plans addressing these comments, as well as the attached comments from other departments, will need to be resubmitted to the Planning Department no later than 5:00 P.M. on any given deadline listed on the project review schedule available in the Planning Department. 1. Page 9 of the site plan application needs to be signed by owner. Also, the site plan rider must be signed by the Lennar Corporation and notarized. 2. Add a graphic scale to all drawings. Site plan application, page 5, item #2. 3. Provide internal driveway connections from the south and east to the dead end access aisles shown on the Boynton Lakes Plaza site plan approved December 1990. The connection shown to the east does not appear to align with the Boynton Lakes Plaza access aisle. 4. The driveways shown from this parcel onto Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue will reqUire applying for a parking lot variance through the Planning Department, since they are not a minimum of 180 feet from the intersecting rights-of-way lines. If the driveway width is reduced to 20 feet in width (the minimum allowed by code), a driveway could be located onto Congress Avenue, exactly 180 feet from the intersecting rights-of-way lines, without the need for a parking lot .5lmerica's gateway to the (ju[/'-trcam TO: Mr. Julian Bryan - 2- February 5, 1991 cont'd. 4. variance (see item #5 below for the variance that would be needed for this design solution). Regardless of how far the Hypoluxo Road driveway is moved to the east, a parking lot variance will be needed due to the limited frontage constraints of this boundary (see also item #5 below for another variance that will be needed for this driveway). Chapter 5, Section, 5-142(h)(3). 5. If the driveways are moved as mentioned in item #4 above, a Board of Adjustment variance, processed through the Building Department, to Appendix A - Zoning, section 11.L.5 will be needed. This section requires that driveway entrances not be located closer than 25 feet to any interior property line. 6. A Board of Adjustment variance to Appendix A - Zoning, section 11.L.2 is needed. This section requires that a minimum frontage of 175 feet on all abutting streets is required for parcels where service stations are constructed; the Hypoluxo Road frontage is 152.44 feet. 7. The current zoning code, section 11.L.1, does not permit a service station at this location. However, a future change is proposed to this section. In the interim, plans can be revised and variance applications prepared. Submittals should not be made until ordinances for this zoning change are scheduled for adoption, since it is uncertain whether even the future zoning code change, which is still being analyzed by the Planning Department, would allow this use at this location. In addition, it is recommended that site plan and parking lot variance submittals not be made until variances from the Board of Adjustment have been granted. 8. The drainage plan does not meet the intent of the pretreatment requirements of the Comprehensive Plan, Drainage Subelement, Policies 3B.2.3 and 3B.2.7 with regard to infiltration by percolation into grassy swales. 9. Environmental Review, processed through the Planning Department, is required for the establishment of the car wash. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 6.C.1B.c. 10. Provide a floor plan for the service mart. Site plan application, page 5, item #11. TO: Mr. Julian Bryan -3- February 5, 1991 11. Pursuant to Chapter 5, Section 5-142(h)(1), the maximum driveway width at the right-of-way line is 32 feet, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Very truly yours, CI~ OF BOYNTON BEACH JL?l-tu' Q, 1J~jdt4t/ TAMBRI J. ~DEN/ Assistant City Planner tjh Attachments A:MobilRej xc: Chronological file TO: THRU: FROM: RE: BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-38 January 29, 1991 Christopher cutro, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Directo~~ Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator TRB Comments - January 29, 1991 Meeting SITE PLAN - MOBIL SERVICE STATION (corner of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo) Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments have been provided as a courtesy with the applicant's full knowledge that there will be a full review made when the project is placed on a future Technical Review Board agenda. 1. 2. 3. .......... 4. 5. ~, All drawings and/or documents submitted for public record, and prepared by a design professional, shall show original legible raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional, who is responsible for the drawings. Provide a copy of the Lake Worth Drainage District permit approving the location of the sign and the reconstruction of the L-18 Drainage Easement. Show on the site plan the distance from the site property line to the property line of any other service station, church, and public playground. Minimum distance between property lines is 1000 feet direct airline measurement. Relief from the distance requirement will require a variance approval from the Board of Adjustment. Proposed service station site requires a 175 foot frontage on all abutting streets. Proposed site does not have a 175 foot frontage on Hypoluxo Road. Relief from this section of the code requires approval of a variance from the Board of Adjustment. Specify on the plan the location of the car wash building by dimensioning its location from two (2) adjacent property lines (min. distance of 75 feet is required from the property line to the vehicle entrance of the car wash). Show on the plan the distance between the car wash building and the service mart building. 6. Proposed use requires Environmental Review Board review. 7. show on the site plan drawing the distance from the north property line to the canopy. ~8. specify on the plan the location of the free standing sign from two (2) adjacent property lines. 9. Provide an elevation view drawing of the free standing sign drawing to include the following sign information: i. ii. iii. ~v. v. overall height (max. allowed 20 feet) total square footage of the sign (max. 64 square feet) show the proposed sign conv bhow and iaentify the source ot illumination specify the type of finish material and color of the sign structure specify the type of finish material proposed for the sign frame, face and copy specify the color of the sign frame, face and copy specify the location and specie of the landscaping required around the base of the sign vi. vii. viii. 10. Specify the size, type of material and color of all signage proposed for the building. To Christopher cutro Re: Mobil Service station, Memo # 91-38 January 29, 1991 Page Two of Four 11. Specify on the elevation view drawings that all signage shall comply with the requirements of the sign code. 12. Provide a detailed plan view and full section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure and pad. Identify the type, size and color of the material proposed for the sides of the enclosure. Specify the size and type of all required vertical and horizontal structural material and components for the enclosure walls and associated pad. Identify the overall height, width and length of the enclosure. Show ten feet (10') clear minimum width of the enclosure opening. Clear opening width must be measured inside of gate and post material or meet the Public Works Department specifications for size of compactor enclosure. Where gates are proposed, specify the method of holding the enclosure gates in the open and closed position. 13. Provide a typical cross section drawing of the concrete surface located under the canopy. specify the following information on the drawing: a) strength of the concrete, b) thickness, c) type and size of the steel reinforcement, and d) condition of the soil below the concrete. '~ 14. Provide a copy of the floor plan of the service mart. Show on the plan the location of the entrance to the building. --..... 15. Show on the site plan the side of the car wash that the vehicles enter. ~16. specify the compass direction of the service mart and car wash on the elevation view drawings. '17. Show on the plan the appropriate number of parking spaces based on one parking space for each 200 square feet of total building area. " 18. Show on the site plan a typical detail drawing of a regular parking space. Drawing must include the following information: i. specify the length and width ii. show the size and configuration of the pavement markings iii. specify the color of the pavement markings (white for asphalt, black for concrete) iv. location of wheel stop or concrete curb 19. Show on the site plan drawing the location of and an elevation view drawing of the site lighting pole and fixture. Show the following site lighting information: L ii. iiL iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Note: specify that the fixture is photocell activated state that the pole, pole base and fixture is designed to withstand a 120 MPH windload specify the type of luminary show the light contours and specify their foot candle light level specify, where applicable, shields to deter off-site glare show the height of the pole and fixture matching the height specified on the photometric drawing specify the depth of the pole and/or pole base provide a detail drawing of the pole base showing and specifying the required vertical and horizontal structural materi~'s ann components show the distance from the grade to the top of the pole base site lighting must comply with the Convenience store Security code (minimum intensity of 2 footcandles per square foot) 20. The outline, configuration and material shown and identified on the project drawing(s) submitted with the plan(s) for final sign-off shall match in every respect the colored drawing(s) approved by the city Commission during the approval process of the project. The color of each exterior finish material shown on the final sign-off plans shall be identified by name, color number and manufacturers name which shall match in every respect with the color(s) shown on the drawing(s) approved by the City Commission. A manufacturer's color chart showing and identifying all approved color(s) shall be submitted with the plans for final Sign-off. To Christopher cutro Re: Mobil Service Station, Memo # 91-38 January 29, 1991 Page Three of Four 21. Building and site must comply with the community Design Plan, the required architectural theme for the building and site is Mediterranean/Spanish. Revise the drawings to show the required architectural theme. ~22. Show on the site plan a handicapped accessible walkway leading to the entrance of the building from the public sidewalk, specify on the plans the following walkway data: i. specify the type of material ii. texture of the finish iii. width iv. slope v. length vi. show the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform that is required at the entrance of the building Show on the site plan a typical detail drawing of the handicapped parking space and accessible route leading to the building entrance. Drawing must include the following information: show the required number of handicapped parking spaces dimension the width and length show and identify the size, location and configuration of the handicapped pavement markings specify the color blue for the pavement markings show the location and identify the height of the handicapped parking signage (7 foot from grade to the bottom of the sign) specify the elevation of the parking space surface at each handicapped parking space. show and dimension the 5 foot wide access aisle that is required to abut all handicapped parking spaces specify the distance and slope of the parking surface between the handicapped parking space and the base of the ramp leading to the walkway surface, of the service mart specify the width, texture of the finish, length, slope, type of material and counter slope of the ramp shown within the service mart island identify the distance and slope of the service island leading from the ramp to the level platform required at the entrance to the service mart show the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform that is required at the entrance to the building -- 24. The proposed driveways may not be placed closer than 180 feet from the intersection of right-of-way lines. Relief from this section of the code requires approval of a variance from the Planning and Zoning Board. I ~ 23. i . ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. xi. x. 25. Prior to submitting the plans for a building permit, submit a copy of the turn-out permit issued by the County Engineering Department to construct driveways within their right-of-way. 26. The new landscape plan must reflect the appropriate percentage of native specie landscape material. '27. state on tne plans that the landscape material will be irrigated with an automatic water supply system. Specify the water supply source. ~28. Indicate location, type, size and spacing of accent shrub landscape material required around three (3) sides of the dumpster. 29. Landscaping proposed to be installed within an easement shall be allowed only after consent of all utility companies that have access right to use the easement. 30. No trees or shrubs with nuisance roots to be planted closer than 12 feet from public improvements. To Christopher cutro Re: Mobil Service Station, Memo # 91-38 January 31, 1991 Page Four of Four 31. specify type of mulch material to be used and it's thickness when laid. "32. Shrubs planted to screen rights-of-way need to be 3 feet high at time of planting. 33. specify the type of sod to be used. g MOBIL. SOD cc: Site Development Division ENGINEERING DEPARl'MENT KEH.OlWIDUK 110. 91-o2OCC January 31, 1991 TO: Christopher Cutro Director of Planning FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD COMMENTS MOBIL SERVICE STATION COURTESY COMMENTS ONLY In accordance with the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 19, Section 19-17, Plan Required, including Chapter 5, Article X, Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations, the e.pplicant for the above referenced project shall submit the following information, technical data, details and plan revisions. 1. The driveways and internal access need to be revised to reflect access as shown on adjacent tract from the previously approved Boynton Lakes Plaza plat. Of particular concerns is the N.E. access from the adjacent parcel. Section 5-l42(g) Construction and Section 5-140, Objectives, Subsection (a) "To provide a maximum degree of safety and protection for the public thru the orderly design of parking lotsll. Subsection 5-l40(b) To provide a standard for construction which results in a relatively durable and nuisance free parking lot. Section 5-l42(c) Traffic Control including Section 19-21 Factors Considered by Committee in Review, Subsection (a) "Types, dimensions, character, locations & patterns of streets and roadways and other facilities for ingress and egress to the property and the proposed structures thereon, if any, including such considerations as automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control". 2. Provide a parking facility lighting plan in accordance with Section 5-142(a) Required Lighting. Lighting plan is to be by Florida Power & Light according to the applicant. This plan, including photometrics, must be supplied prior to approval. Florida Power & Light must include standard poles proposed and photo cell activation and must be provided prior to approval. Plan must be provided prior to approval so that conflicts with proposed utilities, parking, drainage, etc. can be checked. 3. Provide traffic control devices, internal directional arrows and regulatory signs as necessary in accordance with Section 5-142(c) Traffic Control Devices. Provide curbing and car stops in accordance with Section 5-l42(e) Required Curbs and Car Stops including the application of Type "F" curbing for the driveways from Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue. The applicant is to supply the City of Boynton Beach with Palm Beach County Construct Within the Right- of-Way Permits for subject driveways prior to approval. 4. Sidewalks shall continue thru all ingress/egress approaches in accordance with Section 5-l42(g) Sidewalk Standards. Sidewalks shall be clearly delineated and be transitioned to accomodate the handicapped. S. Stormwater drainage pretreatment is to occur before parking lot drainage is to enter any stormwater drainage inlets. There is to be no car wash drainage UUI..U LilO:: S.L~t: VL l.nl.O the site drainage system. 1u1 cat wCl::>h dlainal!.~ l.v ve.. handled by the sanitary sewer. Section S-142(f) Drainage and Section 5-l42(g) Drainage Standards including Appendix "ClI Subdivision and Platting, Article X, Section 5 Drainage and Stormwater Treatment, Subsection SA Drainage and Subsection 5B Stormwater Treatment. Note: Applicant is to provide verification of South Florida Water Management District and Lake Worth Drainage District approvals before building and site plan permit is pulled. Applicant is to provide a site lighting plan which shall provide photometries consistant with the provisions set forth in the Convenience Store Security Act requirements, available within the Building Department for the City of Boynton Beach. Applicant is to provide all pave- ment section details, standards and specifications for the proposed parking lot construction. Section 5-142(g) Parking Lot Construction Standards, Details and Specifications. con' t . . . . . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MFJ<<>llANDUM RO. 91-o2OCC con' t. T . R.. B. COURTESY COMMENTS - MOBIL SERVICE STATION 6. Driveway (ingress/egress approaches) are closer than 180 feet to the intersecting rights-of-way lines of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road and prior to the approval of the project, the applicant shall be required to enter into the variance procedure for relief from applicable sections of the code. Additionally, the Code of Ordinances for the City of Boynton Beach specifies the required lot frontage for service stations to be a minimum of 175 linear feet, and the applicant shall enter into the variance procedure in an attempt to gain relief from this code requirement. 7. Provide a parking lot layout which provides all standard stalls and handicap stalls including stall striping details in accordance with Section 5-l42(i) Parking Lot Layout and Section 5-142(1) Parking Lot Striping including Section 5-l42(g) Parking Lot Striping Standards. Applicant shall provide suitable handicap parking stalls as required by Section 5-l42(k) Handicap Requirements. Handicap stalls shall be designed to comply with the latest edition of the Department on Community Affairs Accessibility Requirements Manual. 8. Applicant shall provide a copy of the most current traffic impact analysis in accordance with Chapter 19, Section 19-17(k) Technical Data. END OF TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD COMMENTS a1Z~~~ City Engineer w. Richard Staudinger Gee & Jenson, Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering WRS:VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager MEMORANDUM Utilities #91-050 TO: Christopher Cutro, p]~ing Director fROM: ~ John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: January 30, 1991 SUnJECi: TRD Review Checklist - Mobil Service Station In lieu of approval, we offer the following comments on this project: 1. Indicate location of grease trap on site plans. Location of water meters in paved areas is not desirable. 2. Reduced pressure backflow preventers will be required on the water service. Indicate location, model and size. We recommend du<<l units in parallel so service is not interrupted during testing. 3. Irrigation is not to be supplied by City water. 4. Work to be in accordance with City of Boynton Beach Details and Criteria sheets. 5. We recommend only one meter to serve both buildings. cw be: Michael Kazunas, Asst. Utility Engineer cc: File TO: FROM: RE: DATE: pg FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-203 WDe CITY PLANNER FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ ~Z;;~~ ;?( MOBIL GAS STATION BOYNTON LAKES PLAZA FEBRUARY 6,1991 IN MY OPINION ACCESS TO THIS PARCEL SHOULD COME FROM WITHIN THE SHOPPING CENTER. MEMORAMDUM police 191-008 TO: Tambri Heyden FROM: Lt. Dale S. Hammack DATE: February 1, 1991 RE: Mobil Oil Company As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 29 January 1991, I am recommending the following: 1. Comply with Convenience Store Security Ord. (#5-8G) 2. Stop signs and stop bars at exits. (City Ord. #5-142C) 3. Parking lot lighting to be photocell activated. (City Ord. #5-142A) 4. Comply with Construction Security Ordinance (#5-8G) 5. No Left Turn signs at exits. (City Ord. #5-142C) 6. Relocate internal engress, egress away from engress, egress on public roads. (Public Safety) 11 DaLJ~ Lt. Dale S. Hammack DSH/cgm I' 'I I 1:.1 1.1 1...1 I 1...1 1...1 1.1 I 1.:1 1:1 I I"; I. : I 1..1 I 1.1 I !H.~ I :~=== ~ LI I I I: : .... 1:.1 r:.1 1....1 ~ ::'1 ~ II l I l II I :1 I II I I Ii I II I H ~ z i ... --- \JIlIlL..... ......,nq l-" t..<IlIUII,[G.A& r- ~ m "V ~ N J> ",or .... !~ c_ oe .- =0 ~ I -< " I ~ I o ;u I o )> o - i \ + -= ~:='=.=:==.= c=::s.f: t=7~~ = ~ !ili -I V ,t~. t". rf'" May 22, 1991 Mr. Christopher Cutro Director of Planning Dept. City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Formal Withdrawal of Tract "A"/Proposal Plat Dear Chris: I have recently been in contact with the owner of the Boynton plaza Shopping Center and now have sufficient assurances that the previously approved preliminary plat, which included Tract "A" (outparcel owned by Lennar Homes, Inc.) will now proceed quickly through the process to final plat recordation. Therefore, please accept this letter as my formal notification that I am withdrawing the separate proposal plat of Tract "A" from consideration by the Technical Review Board (TRB). Through representatives of Carnahan and Associates and Julian Bryan, I wish to continue the review of plans for water, sewer and storm drainage necessary to serve the Mobil site. These plans were previously submitted to your engineering department along with properly executed easements and engineer's certification of costs. Upon approval of these plans, surety in a form acceptable to the City, will be provided. I was pleased to hear that our site plan was considered to be in substantial compliance with the TRB's requirements. We will now be working with the individual Department Heads to refine the Site Plan into 100% compliance. ~ Thank you for your consideration Withw~n . Charles W. De Santi h for Lennar Homes, Inc. CWD:jr Certified Mail/Return Receipt Requested cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manger Peter Mulligan, Mobil Oil Corp. Julian Bryan, Consultant Greg Proctor, Carnahan Engineering ~.~- RECEIVED MAY 29 PLANNlNG DEPT. ~ ~ 700 N.W. 107th Avenue Miami. FL 33172 - (305) 559-4000 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM , tit W A-)~ TO: AL NEWBOLD DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICIAL JUNE 7, 1991 FROM: VINCENT A. FINIZIO ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR OF ENGINEERING RE: MOBIL SERVICE STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE THOUSAND FOOT DISTANCE SEPERATION VARIANCE REQUEST LENNAR INCOMPLETE SUBMISSION Please be advised that upon reviewing the above referenced submission with Mr. Milt Duff of your office, I have determined that the above referenced submission does not contain all of the facts in this matter and tends to be somewhat misleading. I address your attention to the fact that this site is within a thousand feet of a recreational area. This fact was omitted from the variance request even though the Engineering Department made extensive comments regarding same during site plan review. Additionally, the site plan for this project has not yet complied with the provisions set forth in our Code of Ordinances. Paragraph number one of the written appeal is written in such a fashion that someone who may not be familiar with all of the facts, might believe that this site has already received site plan approval, when in fact it has not. Special attention should also be addressed to the fact that distance seperations are measured from property line to property line and this mechanism for determining distance seperation is a standard practice which does not con~titute a hardship or an unusual circumstance. The Engineering Department herein requests that this application for variance be resubmitted with all of the facts so that the Board of Adjustments will not rule in a matter with only partial information. Please consider this variance request incomplete until the applicant represents the true and complete facts in his appeal request. Thank you in advance of your anticipated cooperation in this matter. ~;1-;'" ~zr- cc: Board of Adjustments via Mr. Ai Newbold, Deputy Building Official J. Scott Miller, City Manager Christopher Cutro, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building Department --, ~~~ ~ddu~ Pf?1r..,~,..... ~N-~/ ~ ENGII!II!IlRIlIG DEPAR1'MEIIT IlEIlORAllDUK ~CC {#!t::.--z.~//11 ~if91 . al$"~ TO: Christopher Cutro Director of Planning FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: TECHNICAL .REVIEW. BOARD. COMMENTS MOBILE SERVICE STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE SE CORNER/INTERSECTION OF CONGRESS AVENUE AT HYPOLUXO ROAD In accordance with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, specifically Chapter 19, Section 19-17, "Plan Required", including Chapter 5, Article X, "Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations", the applicant for the above referenced project shall submit the following information, plan revisions and technical data: 1. Ingress/egress approaches exceed the allowable width as specified within the City's Code of Ordinances. The applicant shall write a formal request letter to the City Engineer, W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., Gee & Jenson Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc., One Harvard Circle, P.O. Box 24600, West Palm Bch.. Florida 33416-4600, telephone #(407) 683-3301, ext. 6681, requesting authori- zation to allow for the ingress/egress approaches which exceed the dimensions specified within City codes. 2. As both Hypoluxo Road and Congess Avenue are multi-lane divided highways, the applicant shall place "No Left Turn" signs at ingress/egress approaches, including placement of said signs within the raised concrete medians situated within the rights-of-way of both roads. 3. The applicant must provide Lake Worth Drainage District approvals for the culverts to be placed within their easement area as a pre-requisite to Engineering Department final sign off. 4. The applicant shall indicate the location of all raised continuous concrete curbing within the facility. 5. The applicant shall provide monies made payable to the City of Boynton Beach for the funding of street lights to be situated along Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road, as directed by the Director of traffic Engineering for P.B.C. 6. The applicant shall obtain and present to the Engineering Department copies of .P.B.C. Construct Within the Rights-of-Way permits as a pre-requisite to Engineering Department final sign off. ~ 7. The applicant shall provide construction details and cross-sections for swale development, to include elevations, dimensions and a note specifying that the subject swales are irrigated. Swales shall be developed both on site and within the public rights-of-way of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road. 8. The applicant shall provide a construction detail depicting cross-sections of construction for the proposed exfiltration trenches. 9. The applicant shall provide a site lighting plan to include photometric data in compliance with the Convenience Store Security Code. can't..... I 1 \ !. l I, ~; ,: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-092CC con't. T.R.B. COMMENTS - MOBILE SERVICE STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE 10. The photometrics provided for the perimeter pole mounted lights indicate a roadway illumination level of 5 ft. candles along Hypoluxo Road and may constitute a condition resulting in roadway glare. The parking facility lighting standard which causes this condition may be baffled and/or directed toward the parking facility and not the roadway. . 11. The applicant shall provide a note on plans specifying that the parking facility lighting system and canopy lighting system shall be photo-cell activated. 12. The applicant shall provide a certified statement indicating that the lighting standards will sustain a 110 MPH lateral wind load. 13. The applicant shall provide drainage calculations, percolation test data, percolation test location plan for the proposed stormwater drainage system. 14. The applicant shall provide general notes, including types of materials to be used plus standards and specifications for such materials. 15. The applicant shall incorporate into the subject plans those comments previously provided their Design Engineer from the offices of Charles Walker, Jr., Director of P.B.C. Traffic Engineering, relative to dedications needed to bring Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue to their ultimate: section: 16. The applicant shall revise general note #8, specifying that modifications to paving and drainage shall be approved by the Engineering Department for the City of Boynton Beach in conjunction with the Developer's Engineer. 17. The applicant shalll indicate all continuous concrete curb interruptions necessary to facilitate the movement of stormwater from paved surfaces into pervious areas. 18. Curb and gutters shall not be tied into inlet structures. Additionally, the construction of flumes which directs stormwater directly into inlet structures from the paved area shall be prohibited. 19. The applicant shall correct the general note on Page 5 of 21, specifying that the extension to be utilized for City inspection is ext. 483. 20. The stormwater inlet structure shall not be located in/or near the dumster areas. 21. Ingress/egress approaches, as indicated on plans for interior areas, shall coincide with the ingress/egress areas indicated upon the original preliminary plat. 22. The applicant shailll provide drainage calculations for the drainage system, i~cluding water quality and minimum parking lot elevations. 23. The exfiltration trench beneath the detention/retention areas are unacceptable for water quality and or storage credit for the drainage system. Revise plans accordingly. 24. Drainage calculations must indicate no adverse impact on downstream system (outfall) including retention lake. This outfall use must be verified by s~pplying a South Florida Water Management District permit for outfall systems. con' t. . . . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-092CC can't. T.R.B. COMMENTS - MOBILE SERVICE STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE ~ Engineering Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator WRS:VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Michael Haag, Site Development Administrator It will also be necessary. due to the proposed car wash. to make application to and receive approval from the Environmental Review Committee. The next application deadline is May 15, and our submittal will be made at that time. I believe our next T.R.B. meeting review will be May 16, and should you desire additional information prior to that date please advise. cc: Le nar Corporation Mobil Oil Shah Drotos Carnahan ~~ ------... "-":"~- ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM May 20, 1991 TO: Christopher Cutro Director of Planning FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: MOBIL SERVICE STATION PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMISSION, TRACT A TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD AGENDA FOR MAY 28, 1991 SITE PLANS/MOBILE SERVICE STATION DISCUSSIONS P~ease be advised that the Engineering Department, for the City of Boynton Beach, Flori?a, is in receipt of the above reference Technical Review Board agenda. As the Engineering Department is responsible for the administration of the Subdivision and Platting Regulations, I herein provide the following information in order to clarify my position, relative to items discussed at the previous Technical Review Board meeting of May 16, 1991. 1. The developer is proceeding under the misconception that water distribution, sewage collection and drainage improvements can be installed on Tract B without benefit of final platting for Tract B. I call you attention to Article VIII, Section 5D7 which states "prior to completing the requirements of the final plat section of this Article, Building permits shall not be issued for any structure on a lot wherein the final plat has not been recorded in the manner prescribed, unless the recording of the plat is not required by Article VI of this Ordinance". Therefore, statements made by Technical Review Board members to the applicant indicating that easements could be granted the applicant, are incorrect as permission to construct physical improvements on ajacent land not platted, is the sole responsibility of the City Commission in conjunction with the variance proc'edures outlined in Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting Regulations for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. A consensus of the Technical Review Board does not constitute a variance of the aEorementioned Section and furthermore I draw your attention to Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting Regulations, Article XVI, Variances and Exceptions, Section 1, Administration of Variances, inclusive. 2. The proposed Mobile Service Station/Convenience Store is located within 1,000 feet from a tract of land designated as recreational. This recreational tract is situated within Boynton Lakes, Plat #5 and therefore the applicant (*) (should he intend to seek relief) should apply for a variance through the City's Board of Adjustments and attempt to seek relief from the 1,000 foot distance separation, as specified in applicable zoning regulations, prior to conducting a full review of the subject si~~~~I~~J:) /lAY 21 PLANNING DEPT. con't.... '-.....:---. , May 20, 1991 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM con' t. RE: MOBILE SERVICE STATION .. The applicant, for the above referenced project, during the Technical Review Board meeting of May 16, 1991 specified that the owners of Tract B were fully aware of the consequences relative to the dissolution of their previous preliminary plat submission, as the platting of Tract A, as an independent action of the applicant, would cause the original preliminary plat submission of Boynton Lakes Plaza to be modified, reference dedication sheets, boundaries and depiction of other required improvements and easements. As agreed upon by all Technical Review Board members, the former applicant for Boynton Lakes Plaza, Tracts A & B, would be affected to that degree which would require a resubmittal 1n order to eliminate Tract A from the original preliminary plat submission. 3. 4. The "Developer's Engineer" for the original Boynton Lakes submission was notified by this office on May 16, 1991, relative to the proposed action (Platting Tract A) that would affect his client's property. As you are aware, we have reviewed the site plan for Mobile prior to submission of preliminary plat documents, and I personally feel we are wasting taxpayers dollars by reviewing the submission without benefit of knowing whether or not the Board of Adjustments will grant the applicant a variance for the 1,000 foot distance separation. * Following this simple procedure will ensure that taxpayers dollars will not be expended for reviews conducted by Gee & Jenson, Consulting Engineers, as they are extremely costly and constitute a waste of dollars should variances be denied. bk Vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Mike Kazunas via John Guidry, Utilities Central File Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner Maziar Keshavarz, P.E. Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol J. Elmquist Mary McCarty Ken Foster Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Jan Winters February 14, 1992 Department of Engineering and Public Works Ms. Tambri Heyden City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: BOYNTON LAKES COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC STUDY Dear Ms. Heyden: The, Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled Boynton Lakes Commercial pursuant to the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code (Ord. No. 90-40). The proposed project consists of 11,000 square feet of general commercial space. It is located on the southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road. The build-out of the project is proposed for 1993. The Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the standards of the 1990 Countywide Traffic Performance Standards Code. The total trip generation is 981 trips per day. It appears that this project is one tract of a larger parcel. Should the other tract be considered for approval before the traffic from this project is reflected in the County's traffic counts, the traffic from the entire site will have to be considered. If you have any questions regarding the determination of the County Traffic Division, please contact Dan Weisberg at 684-4030. Sincei-ely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~ ':JkJ<-y PeitZ RECEIVED Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Acting Assistant County Engineer FE8&1 r.p~.N";.JIJl<<b mmm. CRW:DW File: lPS - Mun. - Traffic Study Review \. \ h:\traffic\diw\boyn12 "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" Box 21229 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 ro. 16<9 prmted on ,ecycled paper '~l1ie City of 13oynton 13eac/i rJL -- 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bea&. 'Boukvard P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Bead,., :Tforida 33435-0310 City:HaIl: (407) 734.8111 :TJlX: (407) 738.7459 OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER May 28, 1993 Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Division Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Fl 33416-1229 Attention: Mr. Andrew Hertel Engineering Asst. III - Traffic Division Re: Traffic Division Letter dated May 25, 1993 Proposed Mobil Gasoline Service Station - Southeast Corner of Hypoluxo Road at Congress Avenue Dear Mr. Hertel: The Engineering Department for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida is in receipt of the above referenced letter wherein your office requests this City relieve the Developer of Boynton Lakes Plaza from the requirement to construct a concrete pedestrian sidewalk along the east rights-of-way line of Congress Avenue. I have discussed this matter with Planning Director Christopher Cutro and agree with your position that to compel the Developer to construct the proposed sidewalk, would in fact, be unnecessary, as there already exists a sidewalk within the Congress Avenue rights-of-way. Pursuant to our discussions in this matter, the Developer will be relieved of the requirement to build the sidewalk (depicted on approved City plans), conditioned on the following: A) The Developer shall agree in writing to grade, fully sod and irrigate the area between the project's west property line and the east edge of the existing County sidewalk. B) The Developer shall agree in writing to maintain this landscaped area and shall bind all successors in title to this obligation. C) The County shall provide assurances to the City that when this section of Congress Avenue is expanded, the roadway section will. provide for the construction of required sidewalks. RECEIVED MAY 27 PLANNING DEPT. .'1 mcrica 's ~~~~~E~!!!!to tfic (juLfstrfam PBC Traffic Engineering Division/Proposed Mobil Gasoline Station May 28, 1993 Page #2 Please coordinate the aforementioned items with the Developer and advise me as to the outcome. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~~A.~. Vincent A. Finizio ~ Deputy City Engineer VAF/ck cc: Christopher Cutro,planning Director William Archdeacon, PE,PLS, City Engineer J. Scott Miller, City Manager ......" "" 'MI VA iCil;I,;UUleriU,U ~-~~-~3 13:55 ... Boynton Bch fax;# 2 Board. 01 County CommlJ.loften Mary McCarty; Chair Ken'L. Fotter, Vice Chairman Kar~ T. Marros ca~l A. Roberts W R Newell Bur Aaronson Ma de Ford Lee I County Acbn1niIb'atDr Robert Weisman Department ol EnglDttdnl and Public:! Worb May 25, 1993 Vincent A~ Finizio, .Deputy City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Belch Boulevard Boynton Belch, Fl SUB~ECT; PROPOSED MOBIL GASOLINE STATION . SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HYPOLUXO ROAD AND CONGRESS AVENUE INTERSECTION Dear Mr. F1n1z1o: This is to confirm our telephone convetsat1on of today in which I requested that the developer of the subject project be relieved of his obligation to construct a s1dewalk in the Congress Avenue r1ght.of-w~, adjacent to the Mobil parcel, It 15 the position of the County that the needs of pedestrians on this section of congress Avenue can be accommodated by the existing sidewalk which is located adjacent to the proposed sidewalk for which we are making this request. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE fOU~~ ENGINEE~ PrJ\t~ ~~. 'Hertel Engineering Asst. III. Traffic Division ASH: 1 b cc: Charles R. Walker. Jr.. P.E., Director, Traffic Division Jim PetQrs, land Development Division File: IntersQct10n "HypoluXD Rd & Congress Ave" H~'ash\Hypo_Con.Mob 1 @tM_- \ "An Bqual OpportUnity. Affirmative Aetio~ Bmployer" Box 21229 Wett Palm Beld1, Florida 33f16-1229 (407) 684-4000 " t., / A MEMORANDUM No. 91-112 May 7, 1991 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning Director James A. Cherof, City Attorney ~ Service Stations/Required Frontage Code Reference: Appendix A Section 11 L 2 FROM: RE: You have referenced code measurement for essence is: requested clarification of the above section with respect to the points of determining frontage. Your question in When a service station is located on the corner of two intersecting streets should frontage be measured from the point of intersection of the property lines at the corner? Your question is answered in the affirmative. Section 11 L 2 of Appendix A provides that the minimum frontage for service stations is 175 feet on all abutting streets. No specific method of measurement is provided. However, the Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations, adopted after Section 11 of Appendix A, provides guidance for purposes of interpretation. Section 5-142(h)(3) deals with driveway set-backs and provides that the measurement is "from the intersection of the right-of-way lines along local streets". This appears to be a practicable approach to the measurement of frontage since lot configurations are variable. Accordingly, this method of measurement should be used to calculate frontage. For purposes of clarification I have attached a diagram. If you require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager