REVIEW COMMENTS RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 191-071 TO: Chris Cutro Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Environmentalist ~ RE: Mobil Service Station Site Plan DATE: March 6, 1991 1. The landscape plan should reflect fifty (50%) percent native trees and shrubs. KJH:ad RECEIVED ql MAR 6 PLANN\NG DE.PT. X ~~f - J~ ~~~~~~ 7~~ 4://}'W ~~~~ft /' ~ ~ft;U&--~ -~p.~ ~. --*7 A-v' ~ fv ~ ~ -~ ~ 1/30/ /~~~~~~~ ~ , \ ,.,. ~~~~Cfi1~~' ~;t;~ft.~~~ ~?l~ ~~ ~~:: /P( ~1P.~d"x.~(~~~ A/ ~'!&!f/JI7 ~if+oJ~~[ri$<~~1J, . ~ ..L 1-1&~~~--~'i: . ...J:' -f H~O ~ v ~ ff"'''f ~ , ;z:1 b~ ---i}t5 b'" rJ ~ -' o~ \..(.~ It!. ~..p aIv.~?> ("1" (<(5/ ~e' ~ II ~~'j;~~ff~~" -~~ ~ [~~~ ~---<f · I' ~ sP~./ J ~~;1:r~~~~/~ I/J/~ ' ~~~lL - ~-~~~~~ I f, J~ ,'o~ Y "'.W '. J. . f!>. ti~ ~y:, .y~. /,+ ~I JdP1 . ) ~ Al/flvt/n ~ ... MEMORANDUM POLICE #91-029 TO: Tambri Heyden FROM: Lt. Dale S. Hammack DATE: May 1, 1991 RE: Mobil Gas Station As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 30 April 1991, I am recommending the following: 1. Comply with Convenience Store Security Ord. (City Ord. #90-55) iI iJedJ .JL-- Lt. Dale S. Hammack DSH/cgm 'I MEMORANDUM TO: Tambri Heyden, Assistant city Planner FROM: Jorge L. Gonzalez, Assistant city Planner DATE: January 23, 1991 RE: TRB Meeting - January 29, 1991 -- concurrency Issues I have reviewed the items listed on the January 23,~i991 Technical Review Board agenda for compliance with the City's Concurrency Management ordinance (Ord. No. 90-1B). The following is a response to each item: (1) Hayes-Mack Insurance Buildina - Site plan EXEMPTION CATEGORY (A)(B) - Exempt from all LOS requirements. (2) Boynton Seventh Day Adventist Church - Site Plan EXEMPTION CATEGORY (A)(8) - Exempt from all LOS requirements. (3) Mobil Service Station - site Plan "Previous Approval" for traffic; Must be reviewed for compliance with drainage LOS requirements. (4) Woolbriaht Place PUD - Site Plan EXEMPTION CATEGORY (A)(22) - Exempt from all LOS requirements. (5) Oakwood Square - Site plan Modification EXEMPTION CATEGORY (A)(8) - Exempt from all LOS requirements. (6) Knollwood GroVes - Master plan Modification EXEMPTION CATEGORY (A)(21) - Exempt from all LOS requirements. Revision does not create additional demand for public facilities. original development order is a (C)(3) category project. (7) Buchanan Estates - Preliminary Plat EXEMPTION CATEGORY (A)(9) - Exempt from all LOS requirements. :~ZALEZ l.. a:trb4 'I I. Julian Bryan & Associates April 19, 1991 Mr. Christopher Cutro Director of Planning City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Boynton Lakes Plaza, Tract A (Lennar Corporation) Resubmittal - Mobil Oil Service Station Site Dear Mr. Cutro: Attached for your review are revisions to our original submittal Site Plan dated January 18, 1991. Issues of Code interpretation, lot frontage and curb cut locations have been addressed and will not require variances. Internal driveway access to the Shopping Center has been shifted to the Southeast corner of the site as you requested. I am of course aware that proposed City Code amendments dealing with service stations are still pending and as a result you may wish the T.R.B. Meeting review of this item on April 30, to be a Courtesy Review. This additional professional staff input would be valuable to us and allow a complete detailed final submittal on May 6. At the April 30, meeting we will limit our discussions to site plan and Architectural Design issues, Specifically, we would like to present color photos, renderings and color boards that we feel satisfy the "Mediterranean" design theme. Your continued patience and assistance is appreciated and should you desire further information please call. cc: Mobil Oil Corporation Lennar Corporation land Development Consultants · 3191 leewood Terrace · l136 · Boca Raton, Florida 33431 · (407) 338-0395 CARNAHAN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers. Surveyors · Planners · Land Development Consultants BOYNTON LAKES BACKBONE UTILITIES.THROUGH BOYNTON LAKES ',:').!!~ZA C&A JOB NO. 881013 PREPARED BY: H. BELFORD DATE: May 13, 1991 SHEET 1 OF 2 ITEM/DESCRIPTION OUANTITY UNIT COST AMOUNT I. DRAINAGE Ole 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. TYPE "c" INLET 3 EA. 1,100.00 3,300.00 TYPE "E" INLET 1 EA 1,750.00 1,750.00 "J" BTT. - "c" GRATE INLET 4 EA 2,375.00 9,500.00 J-TT MANHOLE 1 EA 2,350.00 2,350.00 "J" BOTT - DOUBLE "c" GRATE 1 EA 2,675.00 2,675.00 24" R.C.P. 351 LF 24.00 8,424.00 30" R.C.P. 220 LF 33.00 7,260.00 36" R.C.P. 210 LF 43.00 9,030.00 REMOVE EXIST 30" C.M.P. 20 LF 10.00 200.00 REMOVE EXIST "c" INLET 1 EA 500.00 500.00 TOTAL DRAINAGE: $ 44,989.00 II. SEWAGE COLLECTION 01. MANHOLES: o - 6' DEEP 6 - 8' DEEP ,~ "\ ' .'.Ll I I,~ ,'.')--' _.....,_. I ,', "'- ,"/' ~O,{NTO","'J~/,. 1>) ~~ 'y OJ "',~ '- " . d ~ ' i::' Rece1ve -?- ':'" -. 9;. v- ~ Co) MAY 1 4 1991" \_~; 1 EA 1,000.00 1,000.00 2 EA 1,200.00 2,400.00 116 LF 21.00 2,436.00 362 LF 24.00 8,688.00 2 EA 200.00 400.00 1 EA 750.00 750.00 TOTAL SEWAGE COLLECTION: $ 15,674.00 02. 8" MAIN (VCP/DIP) o - 6' CUT 6 - 8' CUT 8" X 6" WYE (PLUGGED) CORE INTO EXIST MANHOLE BOYNTON LAKES BACKBONE UTILITIES THROUGH BOYNTON LAKES PLAZA C&A JOB NO. 881013 (SHEET 2 OF 2) III. WATER DISTRIBUTION OJ.. 8" D.I.P. 710 LF 12.75 9,052.50 02. 6" D.I.P. 55 LF 10.60 583.00 03" 8" GATE VALVE 4 EA 500.00 2,000.00 04. 6" GATE VALVE 3 EA 400.00 1,200.00 05" 4" GATE VALVE 3 EA 380.00 1,140.00 06. FIRE HYDRANT W/O VALVE 3 EA 950.00 2,850.00 07. 2" BHLOW-OFF 2 EA 385.00 770.00 08. 12" X 8" TAPPING TEE/G.V. 1 EA 2,150.00 2,150.00 09. MECH. JOINT FITTINGS 0.96 TONS 2,900.00 2,784.00 10. PAVEMENT RESTORATION 50 SY 30.00 1, 500.00 TOTAL WATER DISTRIBUTION $ 24,029.50 SUMMARY I. II. III. DRAINAGE SEWAGE COLLECTION WATER DISTRIBUTION $ 44,989.00 15,674.00 ___~029.50 TOTAL $ 64,692.50 713/BACKHONE.L98 \---S\ \~~ I \ \ S-\~-~\ {,p5 -- _....,,-"" MEMORANDUM Utilities #91-280 FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director DATE: May 28, 1991 SUBJECT: TRB Review - Mobil Service Station Hypoluxo Road and Congress Ave. We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: Fire hydrants must be installed to within 200' of all points of the building. Water services with either end under pavement are to be of Type K copper. Irrigation is not to be supplied by City water. Trash enclosure floor drain must be isolated from run-off from outside of enclosure. Clean out from trash enclosure relocated prior to "wye" . Reconcile differences between location of off site water easement with plan for adjacent site. Coordinate design of water and sewer tie-in with plan for adjacent site. All work must be performed within property lines or easement. Show 18" clearances on horizontal and vertical pressure pipe conflict details. Approval of this plan is contingent on construction of offsite water and sewer which itself is contingent on platting or utility easements and bond payment. xc: Mike Kazunas Lynn Matson File RECEIVED ItAY 30 PLANNING DEPT. ., . .... MEMORANDUM 91-058 TO: Tambri Hayden - Senior Planner FROM: Robert Eichorst - Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Mobile Servl::e Station DATE: May 10,1991 fhe dumpster location must be relocated. Presently the Sanitation V~hicle servicing this site would be 1110cking the exit of the car wash as well as the proposed driveway. The dumpster enclosure must have a minimum opening of 10'. RE/lw cpe: file Thank You /~./ ,-e-'~ ~6bert Eichorst Director of Public Works -:RECEIVED JUtt 1 1( r J PLANNING DE ~ PT,,\ '~ FIRE DEPAR"l"MENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-208 woe TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: FIRE DEPARTMENT RE: TRB - MOBIL STATION BOYNTON LAKES (HYPOLUXO & CONGRESS) DATE: MAY 30, 1991 DOCUMENTS FILED REFERENCE THIS PROJECT SHALL SHOW A FIRE HYDRANT; ASSOCIATED LINES AND VALVES (WITH EASEMENTS) BACK TO AN EXISTING WATER MAIN. THE HYDRANT LOCATION SHALL SHOW NO PORTION OF ANY BUILDING FURTHER AWAY THAN 200 FEET. 4?i! tu~t?l7 ~- W. D. CAVANAUGH, FPO I BOYNTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT rnobilblk.wdc pg MEMORANDUM POLICE # 91-2X TO: 'illambItt Heyden FROM: Lt. Dale Hammack RE : Mobil Service Station DATE: May 31, 1 991 As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board Meeting of 28 May 1991, I am recommending the following: 1. Must comply with Convenience Store Security Ordinance (City Ordinance /I 90-55). 2. Must comply with Construction Security Ordinance (City Ordinance /I 5-8G). 3. Parking lot lighting to be photocell activated (City Ordinance /I 5-138). .#LJad/L-- Lt. Dale Hammack DH/de RECEIVED .MY 31 PLANNING DEPT~ \ . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-092CC May 30, 1991 TO: Christopher Cutro Director of Planning FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD COMMENTS MOBILE SERVICE STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE SE CORNER/INTERSECTION OF CONGRESS AVENUE AT HYPOLUXO ROAD In accordance with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, specifically Chapter 19, Section 19-17, "Plan Required", including Chapter 5, Article X, "Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations", the applicant for the above referenced project shall submit the following information, plan revisions and technical data: 1. Ingress/egress approaches exceed the allowable width as specified within the City's Code of Ordinances. The applicant shall write a formal request letter to the City Engineer, W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., Gee & Jenson Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc., One Harvard Circle, P.O. Box 24600, West Palm Bch.. Florida 33416-4600, telephone #(407) 683-3301, ext. 6681, requesting authori- zation to allow for the ingress/egress approaches which exceed the dimensions specified within City codes. 2. As both Hypoluxo Road and Congess Avenue are multi-lane divided highways, the applicant shall place "No Left Turn" signs at ingress/egress approaches, including placement of said signs within the raised concrete medians situated within the rights-of-way of both roads. 3. The applicant must provide Lake Worth Drainage District approvals for the culverts to be placed within their easement area as a pre-requisite to Engineering Department final sign off. 4. The applicant shall indicate the location of all raised continuous concrete curbing within the facility. 5. The applicant shall provide monies made payable to the City of Boynton Beach for the funding of street lights to be situated along Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road, as directed by the Director of traffic Engineering for P.B.C. 6. The applicant shall obtain and present to the Engineering Department copies of P.B.C. Construct Within the Rights-of-Way permits as a pre-requisite to Engineering Department final sign off. 7. The applicant shall provide construction details and cross-sections for swale development, to include elevations, dimensions and a note specifying that the subject swales are irrigated. Swales shall be developed both on site and within the public rights-of-way of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road. 8. The applicant.shall provide a construction detail depicting cross-sections of construction for the proposed exfiltration trenches. 9. The applicant shall provide a site lighting plan to include photometric data in compliance with the Convenience Store Security Code. oe:. RECEIVED JUN 1 q ( PLANNING DEPT. con't..... ... , ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-092CC can't. T . R. B. COMMENTS - MOBILE SERVICE STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE 10. The photometries provi~ed for the perimeter pole mounted lights indicate a roadway illumination level of 5 ft. candles along Hypoluxo Road and may constitute a condition resulting in roadway glare. The parking facility lighting standard which causes this condition may be baffled and/or directed toward the parking facility and not the roadway. 11. The applicant shall provide a note on plans specifying that the parking facility lighting system and canopy lighting system shall be photo-cell activated. 12. The applicant shall provide a certified statement indicating that the lighting standards will sustain a 110 MPH lateral wind load. 13. The applicant shall provide drainage calculations, percolation test data, percolation test location plan for the proposed stormwater drainage system. 14. The applicant shall provide general notes, including types of materials to be used plus standards and specifications for such materials. 15. The applicant shall incorporate into the subject plans those comments previously provided their Design Engineer from the offices of Charles Walker, Jr., Director of P.B.C. Traffic Engineering, relative to dedications needed to bring Hypoluxo Road ~nd Congress Avenue to the,ir'u1ltimate::sed1.on.' 16. The applicant shall revise general note #8, specifying that modifications to paving and drainage shall be approved by the Engineering Department for the City of Boynton Beach in conjunction with the Developer's Engineer. 17. The applicant shaml indicate all continuous concrete curb interruptions necessary to faeilitate the movement of stormwater from paved surfaces into pervious areas. 18. Curb and gutters shall not be tied into inlet structures. Additionally, the construction of flumes which directs stormwater directly into inlet structures from the paved area shall be prohibited. 19. The applicant shall correct the general note on Page 5 of 21, specifying that the extension to be utilized for City inspection is ext. 483. 20. The stormwater inlet structure shall not be located in/or near the dumster a:::-eas. 21. Ingress/egress approaches, as indicated on plans for interior areas, shall coincide with the ingress/egress areas indicated upon the original preliminary plat. 22. The applicant shailll provide drainage calculations for the drainage system, including water quality and minimum parking lot elevations. 23. The exfiltration trench beneath the detention/retention areas are unacceptable for water qua~ity and or storage credit for the drainage system. Revise plans a,~cordingly . 24. Drainage calculations must indicate no adverse impact on downstream system (outfall) including retention lake. This outfal~ use must be verified by supplying a South Florida Water Management District permit for outfall systems. 25. This site is within 1,000 feet of a recreational area situated within Boynton Lakes, Plat #5. Therefore, the applicant shall enter the variance procedures, for distance separations as specified within our City's Code of Ordinances. con't.... ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-092CC can't. T.R.B. COMMENTS - MOBILE SERVICE STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE Engineering Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator WRS:VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Michael Haag, Site Development Administrator BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-218 May 31, 1991 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director~ FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & site Development Administrator RE: TRB Comments - May 28, 1991 Meeting SITE PLAN - MOBIL SERVICE STATION (CORNER OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND HYPOLUXO ROAD) Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. Show on the site plan the distance from the site property line to the property line of any other service station, church, and public playground. Minimum distance between property lines is 1000 feet direct airline measurement. Relief from the distance requirement will require a variance approval from the Board of Adjustment. 2. show and specify on the plan the required setback distance from the east property line to the proposed storage building. 3. Specify on the plan the location of the free standing sign from two (2) adjacent property lines (Minimum setback 10 feet). Show on the plans the overall height of the freestanding sign complying with the requirements of the sign code (Maximum allowed is 20 feet). Remove light pole P.O.S. sign shown on sheet 17 of 21 (Maximum number of freestanding signs allowed per site is one). 4. Provide drawings of the building and site signage complying with the requirements of the sign code. Provide an individual square footage tabulation for all building, canopy, pump island and site signage for the project. 5. Provide a detailed plan view and full section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure and pad. Identify the following dumpster information: i. show ten feet (10') clear minimum width of the enclosure opening. Clear opening width must be measured and shown from inside of gate and post material ii. where gates are proposed, specify the method of holding the enclosure gates in the open and closed position iii. show the inside depth of the dumpster enclosure with a minimum dimension of ten feet (10') 6. Show the computations and figures on the plans used to determine the total number of required parking spaces for the entire site. 7. Show on the site plan drawing the handicapped accessible route leading to the entrance of the building from the handicapped parking space. Drawing shall include the following information: To: Christopher cutro Re: Mobil Service Station, Memo # 91-218 Page Two of Three i. show the required handicapped accessible walkway that leads to the entrance of the building from the five (5) foot access aisle. Specify and show the following walkway information: a) slope for the entire length b) texture of the finish c) total length ii. show the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform that is required at the entrance to the building 8. Show on the site plan a handicapped accessible walkway leading to the entrance of each building and/or tenant space from the public sidewalk, specify on the plans the following walkway data: i . ii. iii. iv. v. type of material texture of the finish width slope for the entire length length To satisfy this comment, I recommend extending the proposed handicapped parking space aisle to the North property line. 9. Proposed use requires an environmental review by the Environmental Review Board (ERB) obtain ERB applications from the Planning Department. Complete and return the application to the Planning Department. 10. Building and site must comply with the Community Design Plan, the required architectural theme for the building and site is Mediterranean/Spanish. Revise the drawings to show the required architectural theme. 11. State on the plans that the landscape material will be irrigated with an automatic water supply system. Specify the water supply source. 12. Delineate extent of sodding for the entire project. 13. Provide a solid continuous screen or barrier preferably a hedge material to screen vehicular use area from rights-of-way. (Hypoluxo Road entrance, east side) 14. The portion of the landscaping along Congress Avenue is encroaching on a portion of the proposed sidewalk. Specify if the sidewalk will be adjusted accordingly. 15. Specify the location and type of specie for the landscaping required around the base of the freestanding sign. 16. The outline, configuration and material shown and identified on the project drawing(s) submitted with the plan(s) for final sign-off shall match in every respect the colored drawing(s) approved by the City Commission during the approval process of the project. The color of each exterior finish material shown on the final sign-off plans shall be identified by name, color number and manufacturers name which shall match in every respect with the color(s) shown on the drawing(s) approved by the City Commission. NOTE: A manufacturer's color chart showing and identifying all proposed color(s) shall be submitted with the application for the Community Appearance Board (CAB) review. To: Christopher cutro Re: Mobil Service Station, Memo # 91-218 Page Three of Three In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following information should be included within your documents submitted to the Building Department for required permits: 1. Provide a copy of the south Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) permit and associated plans and documents that establishes the minimum finish floor elevation for the building(s). Incorporate into the plans the requirements of the permit. Specify on the plans the minimum finish floor elevation and identify the associated South Florida Water Management District permit number. 2. Provide a copy of the Lake Worth Drainage District Permit and associated plans and documents granting approval of the proposed work. Incorporate into the plans the requirements of the permit. Specify on the plans the Lake worth Drainage District Permit number that granted approval of the work as shown. 3. Provide a copy of the D.E.R. and D.E.R.M. permit and associated plans and documents granting approval of the proposed work. Incorporate into the plans the requirements of the permit. Specify on the plans the D.E.R. and D.E.R.M. permit number that granted approval of the work as shown. 4. Show on the plan a typical cross section drawing of the concrete parking surface. Specify the condition of the soil below the concrete. 5. Include within the drawings a detailed elevation view drawing of each type of proposed site lighting pole and fixture. show and specify the following pole and fixture data. i. state that the pole, pole base and fixture is designed to meet the windload requirements of the Standard Building code Chapter 12, 1988 Edition ii. specify the depth of the pole and/or pole base is placed below grade iii. provide a detail drawing of the pole base showing and specifying the vertical and horizontal structural materials and components. Including the size and type of fasteners required to attach the pole to the base PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-125 TO: chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board ~~....~, t~, THRU: Christopher Cutro, A.I.C.P. Planning Director FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Senior Planner DATE: May 31, 1991 SUBJECT: Mobil Service Station - site Plan File No. 572 Please be advised of the following Planning Department comments with respect to the above-referenced request: 1. Planning and Zoning Board action on this request is subject to the Board of Adjustment granting a variance for relief from the 1000 foot distance separation for service stations. This is consistent with staff policy that applications requiring variances from the Board of Adjustment will not be forwarded to the Planning and zoning Board until a variance application has been filed with the Building Department. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 11.L.1. 2 . For the purpose of determining driveway width and driveway distance from an interior property line, driveways are measured at the right-of-way line, not the approach as indicated on the site plan. Chapter 5, Article X, Section 5-142(h) (1). 3. The location of the cross access connection to Boynton Lakes Plaza varies from that which is shown on the approved site plan for the shopping center. This shall be revised on the shopping center final sign-off plans so that the location corresponds with the preferred location proposed by Mobil. 4. A cross access agreement for the driveway connection to Boynton Lakes Plaza shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning Department for review by the City Attorney prior to recordation. 5. Car washes and fuel dispensing and storage (handling a hazardous material) requires environmental review. An application must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to final sign-off. Any conditions of approval imposed by the Evironmental Review Committee shall be addressed through the permitting process and work completed and inspected prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 11.3 and Section G.C.1B.c. and e. G . Review of this site plan was coordinated with the Boynton Lakes Plaza preliminary plat approved by city Commission, December 18, 1990. Final sign-off on the Mobil site plan shall not occur until the Boynton Lakes Plaza final plat has been recorded or a separate, final plat for the Mobil site has been recorded or temporary (until recordation of the Boynton Lakes Plaza final plat) utility and drainage easements have been dedicated across the shopping center tract. /--- /, . . :l. '1 J :It ~/ ~rM-')Jv'__> 'l',"-vf/. A't Tambri J. Heyden tjh A:MobiISP xc: City Clerk