CORRESPONDENCE J~N-12-i994 08:10 F'BC. '::.t~G 11~EER 1 ~~G 407 478 5770 P. 02/13:<' October ZI, 1993 Ms. Tambr1 Hayden City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: BOYNTON LAKES PLAZA Dear Ms. Hayden: Pursuant to our recent telephone conversat1an, I am providing the following information regarding the PreviOUS Approval status for the Boynton lakes Plaza. This project was determined to be a Prev10US Approval by the City and concurred by the County, with an intensity of 137,833 square feet. This is the intensity officially on our records. The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has rev1ewed two traffic studies for a parcel of land on the immediate southeast corner of Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue, identified as Boynton Lakes Commercial. The first traffic study was for 11.000 square feet of commercial. The second traffic study was for a gas stationt car wash and 1,570 square foot convenience store. When two uses have different traffic generating characteristics, any change from one use to another would have to address the traffic generation of the two uses. A reduct10n in traffic due to an amendment to a site plan would be deducted from the project traffic of the original approval. It is possible for approved intensity to be transferred within a project. The projp-ct must be subject to a single development order for a single applIcant. In th@ case in Question. these are two separate projects and intensity can not be transfe~red from one project to another. I hope thQse answers clarify the issues you raised. If I can ass; st in any furth9r clarification, please call me at 684~4030. SincQY91y, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer h:\traffic\diw\boyn25 TOTAL P.02 rn JAN , 2. 199A m ~#,,,,, c. ,/ -. o \ .-" . DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MIAMI FIELD OFFICE, 8410 NW 53RO TERRACE MONTEREY BLDG., SUITE 225 MIAMI, FLORIJA 33166-4565 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF October 21, 1991 Miami Regulatory Field Office 199131445 (NW-CS) Lennar Homes Inc. c/o Carnahan & Associates Inc. 6191 West Atlantic Boulevard Margate, Florida, 33063 Gentlemen: Reference is made to your permit application concerning your request to fill isolated wetlands at Intersection of Hypoluxo Road & Congress Avenue (SE Corner) in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County. Your proposal is authorized by a nationwide permit in accordance with the enclosed copy of our regulations as stated in 33 CFR Part 330.5(a) (26). This verification will be valid until the nationwide permit is modified, reissued, cor revoked. All the nationwide permits are scheduled to be modified, reissued, or revoked prior to January 13, 1992. It is incumbent upon you to remain informed 9f changes to the nationwide permits. We will issue a public notice announcing the changes when they occur. Furthermore, if you commence or are under contract to commence this activity:before the 'date the nationwide permit is modified or revoked, you will have twelve months from the date of the modification or revocation to complete the activity under the present terms and conditions of this nationwide permit. A separate Department of the Army permit is not required providing the work is done in accordance with the enclosed drawings/information submitted, the conditions listed in 33 CFR 330.5(b) (1-14), and the following conditions: Activities authorized by, a Nationwide Permit may be initiated only after the state permit/certification pursuant to Chapters 253 and 403 of Florida statutes and concurrence with coastal zone consistency pursuant to 15 CFR 930, if applicable, has been granted by the state of Florida. The state shall not be deemed to waive its right~o certify any activity proposed under Corps Nationwide Permits for fai.lure to issue a state permit or certification within 60 days of application to the state. Waivers shall only be effective when specifically exercised by the state. r--- € ~. 'f '-'.' .t '. tit - This letter does not give absolute authority to perform the work as specified on your application. Th~ proposed work may be subject to local building restrictions mandated 'by the National Flood Insurance Program. You should contact your local office that issues building permits to determine if your site is located in a flood-prone or floodway area, and ,if you mUst comply with the local building requirements mandated by the National Flood Insurance Program. If the local office cannot provide you the necessary information, you may provide this office a letter with a small scale map showing the location of the site, requesting a flood-hazard evaluation of the site. The request should be ' addressed to. th~" ,Chief, Flood Control aJ:1d Floodpl~_in Management , Branch, Jacksonville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box 4970, Jacksonville, Florida 32232-0019. ~his letter of authorization does not obviate the necessity to obtain any other Federal, state, and local permits which may be necessary for your proposed work. You should check state permitting requirements with the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. A list of addresses of the appropriate state office- is enclosed for your information and use. Thank you for your cooperation with our permit program. Sincerely, ~el Chief, Regulatory section .. PURPOSE: LOC.TIO.... ..,.... DATUM: ,- .-., .- ce D~AWING SHEET lIJ 2 LLJ 4( (I) (I) LLJ 0:: '~ (,) LOCATION MAP SEe.s, TWP.45S,RGE.43E 1. Adjacent Prope.~ty ,Owners: 2. DER form 17-1.203(1) ,Effective November JO, 1982 e LANTANA CAD It) en I H.T.S. I. 1 N 8o"(....lb..... BEAt,t\ AT CO UN TV 0 f ""'"'" e8(\O\ 5 TAT E f\.. A P PLICA T I ON BY: 5 He: E T 20 F ,0 ATE / ~ ...... '1 . ..e DRAWING SHEET ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ lJO' ~ :5 " 10' .]$' '3S' ::5 ~ ~ II) ~ ~, ff.6'! 12' :~ & ~ ... ;';' ( L.. loll D.O. OCSIGIJ sar '-- cX/~ CA,vAl- !Jee7. TO BE.. Flu6D PROP. n' R.C'.R Cut-1I6RT'S IMI. E.f.." 5.00 L.W.D.D. L-18 .CANAL SECTION PURPOSE: ,CAI'loIAL. S&C.T.O~ DATUM: 1. 2. Adjacent Property Owners: 1 N "6C1'(..... TOW ee.~c. ~ AT COUNTY orpllU/l 6EACHS TATE FL, APPLICA T ION BY: 5 HE Er DATE DER form 17-1.203(1) E"ective November 30, 1982 II / /' / /~ ~._____.._._...._",..______.___.___._ _ ______n____'.._.__.._______.... ,'_ .-..__ _., -- ~ .. - . e e Southeast, Dist~ict . 1900 S, Congress Ave., Suite A . West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Lawwn Chlles, Governor' , Telephone: 407/433-2650 Fax: 4071433-2666 Carol M. Browner, Secretary JAN 2 8 199? CERTIFIED MAIL" RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED NOTICE OF PERMIT.ISSUANCE RECEiVED 'J ;'~N2 9 1992 ., In the Matter of an Application for Permit by: !C fD: 1-., .J l, , ; ,.:-'. \ : n [J F:L:: 'f~o.~L~_l~~ X i.-~; F l~!~r/ ;-i3 CNCS SH:)~}S/lllS'_?" CJ ~ivC:'~/< FOLDEP I I \ ;~j Lennar Homes, Inc. c/o H. P. Tompkins, 'jr., P.E. Carnahan & Associates, Inc. 6191 West Atlantic Boulevard Margate, FL 33063' "\'.,' , , ~ .':.....' CJ ,., .-, : ;"FO LJ ': 't-) i fOR ACTION TO: ~ '"'._.-., -..""'''..--.----- ......~-, 11 Dear Mr. Tomkins: Enclosed is Permit Number 502029246 to conduct dredge and fill activities ,in ,waters of the State issued pursuant to Section(s) 403.087, Florida Statutes. A person whose substa~tial interests are affected by this permit may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) in accordance with Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400, within 14 days or receipt of this Permit. Petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of filing. Failure to fUe a petition within this time period shall constitute a waiver of any right such person may have to request an administrative determination (hearing) under Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. . . . The Petition shall contain the following information; (a), The name, address, and telephone number of eac~ p~ti tioner, the applicant's name andadd'ress, the Department Permit File Number and the county in which the project is proposed; , (b) A sta,temen~ of how and when each peti tiorierreceived notice of the Department's action or proposed action; (c) A statement of how each petitioner's substantial interests are affected by the Department's action or proposed action; (d) A statement of the material facts disputed by Petitioner, if any; (e) A statement of facts which petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Department's action or proposed action; (f) A s.tatement 'of which rules or statutes petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the Department's action or proposed action; and Recycled ()\ Paper e e Lennar Homes, Inc. . DER File No. 502029246 (g) A statement of the relief sought by petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wants the Department to take with respect ~o ~he Department's action or proposed action. If a petition is fHed, the administrative hearing process '1-s designed to formulate agency action~ Accordingly, the Department's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this permit. Persons whose substantial interests will be affected by any decision of the Department with regard to the application have the right to petition to become a party to the proceeding. The petition must conform to the requirements specified above and be filed (received) within 14 days of receipt of this notice in the Office of General Counsel at the' above address of the Department. Failure to petition within the allowed time frame constitutes a waiver of any right such person has to request a hearing under Section 120.57, F.S., and to participate as a party ,to this proceeding. Any subsequent intervention will only be at the approval of the' presiding officer upon motion filed pursuant to Rule 28-5.207, F.A.C. This permit is final and effective on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department unless a petition is filed in accordance with the above paragraphs or unl.ess a'l'equest for extension of time in which to file a petition is filed within the time specified for filing a petition and conforms to Rule 17-103.070, F.A.C. Upon timely filing of a petition or a request for an extension of time this permit will not be effective until further Order of the Department. When the Order (Permit) is final, any party to the Order has the right to seek jUdicial review Qf the Order pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, by the filing of a Notice of Appeal pursuant to Rul,e 9.110, Florida Rules of Appellate procedure, with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel~ 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400; and by filing a copy of the Notice of Appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees,with the appropriate District Court of Appeal. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days from the d~te the Final Order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. If there are any questions regarding this permit please ,contact Caroline Hanes of'this office at 407/433-2650. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION " , // Sco t Direc or of District Management 1900 South Congress Ave., Suite A West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Telephone (407) 433-2650 .e e Lennar Homes, Inc... DER File No. 502029246 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that this NOTICE OF PERMIT a~d all cop~es were mailed before the close of business on .IAN 2 8 1992 to the listed persons. Clerk Stamp FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FILED, on this date, pursuant to ~120.52(9), Flor~da S~atutes, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. R Jt:J~ , (Clerk) JAN 2 8 1992 (Date) Copies furnished to: Property Appraiser PBCDERM West Palm Beach Files e tit Florida Department of Environ'mental Regulation Southeast District . 1900 S. Congress Ave., Suite A . West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Lawton Chiles, Governor , Telephone: 407/433-2650 Fax: 4071433-2666 Carol M. Browner,' Secretary PERMITTEE: Lennar Homes, Inc. c/o H.P. Tompkins, Jr., P.E. Carnahan & Asso.ciates, Inc. 6191 West AtlantJc; Blvd. Margate, FL 33063 I.D. NUMBER: 5006P04786 PERMIT CERTIFICATION NUMBER: 502029246 DATE, OF ISSUE: JAN 2 8 1992 EXPIRATION DATE: . COUNTY: Palm Beac:l\J.AN Z 8 ~997 LATITUDE/LONGITUDE 26034'16''N/80005'2l''W SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE 8/45S/43E PROJECT: Culvert L-18 Canal This permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, Public Law 92-500 and Title l7~ Florida Administrative Code Rules. The above named permittee is hereby authorized to perform the work or operate the facility shown on the application and approved drawing(s), plans, and other documents attached. hereto or on file with Department and made a part hereof and specifically described as follows: TO: Culvert approximately l85LF of drainage canal with twin 72" R.C.P. culverts and to backfill with l785cy of clean fill. This project is in conjunction with culverting and filling the additional I600LF of the canal . pursuant to DER Permit #502036766 issued to Boynton Lakes Development Corporation. IN ACCORDANCE WITH The DER Application Form 17-1.203(1) received on September 30, 1991, additional information submitted December 3, 1991, and the six (6) attached stamped drawings. LOCATED: At the Lake Worth Drainage District L-18 canal, Class III waters, along the south side of Hypoluxo Road, east of Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County. SUBJECT TO: General Conditions 1-15 and Specific Conditions 1-7. Page 1 of 4 Rrcycled ()\ Paper e e GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. ,The terms, conditions, requirementsI limitations and restrictions set forth in this permit! are "permit conditions" and are b nding and enforceable pursuant to Sections 403'.14 , 403.727, or 403.859 throu~h 403.861, F.S. The permittee is placed on notice that the Department will review thlS permit periodically and may initiate enforcement action for any violation of th~se conditions. 2. This permit is valid only for the specific processes and operations applied for and indicated in the approved drawings or exhibits. Any unauthorized deviation from the approved drawings, exhibits, specifications, or conditions of this permit may constitute grounds for revocation and enforcement action by-the Department. ' 3. As provided in subsections 403.087(6) and 403.722(5), F.S., the issuance of this permit does not convey any vested rights or any exclusive privileges. Neither does it authorize any injury to public or private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of federal, state, or local laws or regulations. This permit is not a waiver of or approval of any other Department permit that may b~ required for other aspects of the total project which are not addressed in this permit. 4. This permit conveys no title to land or water, does not constitute State recognition or acknowledgement of title, and does not constitute authority for the use of . submerged lands ,unless. nereinprovided and the necessary title pr ~easehold interests have been obtained from the ,State. Only the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund may express State opinion as to title. 5. This permit does not relieve the permittee from liability 'for' harm or injury to ,human health or welfare, animal, or plant life, or property caused by the construction or operation of this permitted source, or from penalties therefore; nor does it allow the permittee to cause pollution in contravention of Florida Statutes and Department rules, unless specifically authorized by an order from the Department. 6. The permittee shall properly operate and maintain the facility and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) that are installed and used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this permit, are required by Department rules. This provision includes the operation of backup or auxiliary facilities or similar systems when necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit and when required by Department rules. 7. The permittee! by accepting this permit, specifically agrees to allow authorized Department personne , upon presentation of credentials or other documents as may be required by law and at reasonable times, access to the premises where the permitted activity is located or conducted to: (a) Have access to and copy any records that must be kept under conditions of the permit; Inspect the. faci~ity, equipment, practices, or operations regulated or required under this permit; and (c) Sample or monitor any substances or parameters at any location reasonably necessary to assure compliance with this permit or Department rules. Reasonable time may depend on the nature of the concern beirig investigated. 8. If, for any reason, the permittee does not comply with or will be unable to comply with any condition or limitation specified in this permit, the permittee shall immediately provide the Department with the following information: (b) (a) A description of and cause of' noncompliance; and (b) The 'period of noncompliance, including dates and times; or if not corrected, the anticipated time the noncompliance is expected to contInue, and steps belng taken, to reduce, ,eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance. The permittee shall be responslble for any and all damages which may result and may be subject to enforcement action by the Department for penalties or for revocation of this permit. Page 2 of ~ DER Form 17-1.201(5) . Effective November 30,1982' e e GENERAL CONDITIONS: 9. In accepting this permit, the permittee understands and agrees that all records, notes, monitoring data and other information relating to the construction or operation of this permitted source which are submitted to the Department may be used by the Department as evidence in any enforcement case involving the permitted source arising under the Florida Statutes or Department 'rules, except where such use is prescribed by Section 403.111 and 403.73, F.S. Such evidence shall only be used to the extent it is consistent with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and appropriate evidentiary rules. 10. The permittee agrees to comply with changes in Department rules and Florida Statutes after a reasonable time for compliance;' provided, however, the permittee does not waive any other rights granted by Florida'Statutes 'or Department rules. 11. This permit is transferable only upon Department approval in accordance with Rule 17-4.120 and 17-30.300, F.A.C. as applicable. The permittee shall be liable for any non-compliance of the permitted activity until the transfer is approved by the Department. 12. This permit or a copy thereof shall be kept at the work site of the permitted activity. 13. This permit also constitutes: ( ) Determination.of Best Available Control Technology (BACT) ( ) Determination of Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) ( ) Cettificati6n of compliance with state Water Quality Standards ~ (Section 401, PL 92-500) ( ) Compliance with New Source Performance Standards 14. The permittee shall comply with the following: (a) Upon 'request, the pe'tmittee shall furnish all records and plans required under Department rules. During enforcement actions, the retention period for all records will be extended automatically unless otherwise stipulated by the Department. (b) The permittee shall hold at the facility or other location designated by this permit records of all monitoring information (including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation) required,by the permit, copies of all reports required.by this permit, and records of all data used to complete the application for this permit. These materials shall be retained at least three . years from the date of' the sample, measurement;. r~pbrt" or application unless otherwise specified by Department rule. (c)' Records of monitoring information shall include: 1. the date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements; 2. the person responsible for performing the sampling or measurements; 3. the dates analyses were performed; . 4. the person responsible for performing the analyses; 5. the analr~ical techniques or methods used; 6. the resu ts of such analyses. 15. When requested by the Department, the permittee shall within a reasonable time furnish any information required by law which is needed to determine compliance with the permit. If the permittee becomes aware the relevant facts were not submitted or were incorrect in the permit application or in any report to the Department, such facts or information shall be corrected promptly. Page 3 of L DER Form 17-1'.201(5) Effective November 30, 1982 e. e PERMITTEE: Lennar Homes, Inc. I.D. NUMBER: 5006P04786 PERMIT CERTIFICATION NUMBER: 502029246 DATE OF ISSUE: JAN 2 8 1992 EXPIRATION DATE: JAN 2 8 1997 SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: ,1. All other necessary State, Federal, or Local permits must be applied for and received prior to the start of work. 2. Written notification shall be provided to the Department of Environmental Regulation, Southeast Florida District Office in West Palm Beach a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prior to commencement of construction and a maximum of forty-eight (48) hours after completion of construction. 3. An effective means of turbidity control, such as, but not limited to, turbidity curtains sha~l be employed during all operations that may create turbidity $0 that it shall not exceed 29 Nephelometric Turbidity Units above natural background value. Turbidity control devices shalltem:ain in place until all tu~bidit~ has subsided. 4. Construc~ion shall proceed in such a manner to minimize harm to fish, turtles and other aquatic organisms. Prior to construction,' aff possible attempts shall be made to allow for escape of these organismS into the portions of the canal outside the construction limits. 5. This project shall be constructed concurrently with the project described in DER Permit #502036766 Boynton Lakes Development Corp. 6. The engineer of record shall submit record drawings to this office within sixty days after completion of construction. 7. The permittee shall be aware of and operate under the attached "General Permit Conditions #1 thru #15". General Permit Conditions are binding upon permittee and enforceable pursuant to Chapter 403 of, the Florida Statutes. -0.-- EXECUTED ON THIS :?13 in West Palm Beach, Florida. ~ day. of ~~~ 1992 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION Management Page 4 of 4 J , , RECEIVED ~; DEe 3 1991 DRAWING SHEET DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAl. REG WEST~4U~BEACH . LEGAL DESCRIPTION PURPOSE: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:THAT LENNAR HOMES,INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION, OWNER OF THE LAND SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON, LYING IN SECTtON 8, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, BOYNTON. BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, SHOWN HEREON AS "BOYNTON LAKES COMMERCIAL", BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS I ' COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 8; THENCE, NORTH 85010'24" EAST, ALONG THE NORTH 'L1NE OF SAID SECTION 8,A DISTANCE OF 60.01 FEETjTHENCE,SOUTH 03040'59"EAST,A DIST- 'ANCE .oF 52.5J:FEET TO, THE 'POINT OF BEGINNING (P.O.B.J; THENCE, NORTH 40044'43" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 35.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTH 850 10'24" E~ST, ALONG ~ LINE 28.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND Pf\RAl.;.LEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 8, SAID LINE BEING COINCIDENT WITH THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF HYPOLUXO ROAD ,A DISTANCE OF 165.49 FEETj THENCE, SOUTH 04049'36" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 219.96 FEET; THENCE, SOUTH 85010'24" WEST ,ALONG .A LINE 247.96 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 8, A DISTANCE OF 193.43 FEET TO A POINT ON A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT, WHICH RADIUS BEARS NORTH 85034'33" EAST; THENCE,NORTH- ERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 11399.16 FEET ,.A CENTRAL ANGLE. OF 00044'28", A DISTANCE OF 147.45 FEt:T TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE, NORTH 03040'59" WE ~81 - . TANCE OF 48.04 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. '-1 N DESCRIBED COURSES BEING COINCIDENT WITH THE IGHT-OP- a:... WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE. 061Xl. 0 Z q-z.,oflP ~ SAID LANDS CONTAINING 0.963 ACRES ,MORE LESS. . I~_.~-t~ ~ fI:1 Prol.1 ~U<&: Q ~ ~ L-li ~ ~ I~ <( '"i. Q.l / /'f~ ~i ..'\ . I :J.~ 0/ ~ DQte: - ':.1 ~ e I-Ia.-fu.s ~ / .~' .-r.r/' ~.tl I "..,~~:." "".... "1't ,.. J. ."" ..~, 0 F }.<'1. :....-' IN eoYN~ '&e~ L.e6~'- beSCRlPT'Ot-J DATUMI Adjacent Property OwnerSI . 1. , AT -. ' C 0 U N T Y 0 r PA\.II\ eaati TAT E F"- . 2 . . I APPLICATION'SYI SHEET , OF' 6 DATE DER ;orm 17-1.203(1)' Effecti e Nov~nter. 30, -1982 . . \\ n_-~ ~ -. ,/-' PURPOSE: \"O"ltoTIOW ~A.P DA TUM: " , .~, . D~AWING SHEET CAD .." en I -:- w ~ w <( en CI) w a::: ~ o u LOCATION MAP SEC.8,TWP.45S,RGE.43E N. T.S. IN eoVNl1)N BEACt\ 1. Adjacent Property Owners: AT z. 't, C OU N'l Y 0 r ""'"'" e9(\o\S TAT E ~ .... f' APPLICATION BY: SHEET 2 . OF 6 DATE DER Form 17-1.20:5(1) ,Effective Nov 30, 1982 \ \- , L- 'j , - . , , RECEIVED DEe 3 1991 DEPT. OF ENV/R W:~"T p ONMfNTAL REG .... I\U.f BSACH . ,/ DRAWING SHEET PURPOSE: AERt~'- 1I.~:=-.;_;,.".".,;.-",,-~ljU_ , .. ......~:.::..~,...^-:::;:~~~~ :_~ - -=- 1 -- . - ~. . -~'-l"~/I,~r', . -, '. ~t'~ . t,/,l .. . . ' " ..., ' -, I 1 ~ i . .~_ .; : {~: 1 ~.. ;'; ". ~! it! I"; . ~;~ ,.. t'I~ 'I.' --:11:' Ii' .......I~ . ,~~~ 'I . '"r.<' .:,..- '.".'tf{./', .l:~. ,_ ~'..... . ,'00. 'oJ ! !; ."J.. '~~J ;;,t 1 ~~. ~~ ~. , . ,~,' . ,/i~~~.:. .", ~~'l Ji' : ;t~~';'~C-, I '~,:".~,.~: . I '\...~J'""""itL, 1'1 ... ,,:'l:!.;+;'..,.r,.. '~,.,.... . ~, I . I . ~C""./~~." ~.. I ;JJ; .! :'~ :......",..~, ~ 4 I .. . J ~:~";'~f~~~, 'r :; J rY 1n~" 'l'}~;.~......~ :' 'I' _ '~/I , .. j ~;~~~~).ftiii-~-~:! < ..___ ~'.~~~...,~:-~~,. l I . ~.. I ~' ...!).d. . \.... :-~. ' . - rr',1.\UCJI t . I." .. ~ . 'I J ( . ;. , .r .',-'''11 ,,' ~ - .. ---.- - ',':\1; . .....~ ,-'..ll :.,.ci.,t", "r'........ :d!:.J..I(IJi. . - ~ -.. ''it.,; " ~ "~ . ~'.' . lA ,I' , . ' ? 1. Adjacent, P1:operty o.~nersl, ~, . l~. L / ..,. + Dale: I e9.:;>- 9 ~ 'I :~/aOD - (!/~ /'i' By:. ,,, / <1-7;"", ' I!i-,'6~t4l'oW aEAc.+l .~ ~;: '~i"~~'''-~'-;';- .~.~~ ,;....>., .. .~ , '"f' COUN T Y 0 f PAUtlBSlLWS TATE FL. APPLICATION BY: DA TUM.: . 2. DER form 17-1.2QJ{1) Erreoth~ Nove.b 30, 190. =l , ' .\\-; "L- Co) I ., SHEET. S Or6 DATE " ' . '. "'" . ~ ~ ~ ... ~ " ~ ~ ~, 2' (j) PURPOSE: DATUM: 1. z. . , DRAWING SHEET IJO' 10' JS' Zl,~'! 12' 'pROP. 12" /?'(J.P CUl"V6RT'5 . (NV. ct.-. 5.00 , RECEIVED DEe 3 1991 DEPT, OF ENV/R west p~N~~NJ: FlEG. 35' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti" , I~ ~ . ~~1."P.ONA.r'-' L.W.D.D. L-18.CANAL SECTiON i ~ ,,-'" a "".tI, N~~. . 0 51J:JO~ ".'" Tv:> < , ~ ~ ~ L~/~~' UJ Pro!.: \~ \ ~ ~J_-Il'\~] .~ L h \~.~ DAte: I f);,./tj~' ../:i~.:/ Q. C I-la..n.u:; ;' (lv: . /. ./ .f- '- .- ," ',' .". . .-/'. " ~<~.,~ >:~-.~ ~ ~~---:;:- :. '.. ~ .' CA""'AL- ~E'TIOtJ N.G..\I. O. Adjacent Property Owners: DER form 17-1.20)(1) ~~, IN ~NTOW ~,,~ AT C 0 U N T Y 0 r "NoM eeAt:H S TAT E Fl., APPLICATION BY: S HEE T DATE 04 . · I I I I I 1 I ;"', I I I I I I \. I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : : .\ I I I I I I . I,., : I I \, I I I: \\ I 1 \ I / ,;1; . . , RECEIVED DEe 3 1991 DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL REG, ... ,_ WEIST PAlJ.1 BEACH \ ~ ~~_~~''',. 0Clffi.St-J \ t",) " I I --'1--.----- I ~E.)(\€:>T c.uLVERT - -- l-t - - - - - - ;' " I I \ \1TI?1 .1. )1I1'~ : \\1111 I:' ) 1111 ~ t>h. 1/ P ~ /1 ; _ .ci I \ I' II ~ '1<;1 Ih1t~. (!.l-!~ ~? I ~'#fr'" ' ~:y: ",.o'J.'/ I 1 CUL..\lE.r<T ~.. '. ' :(~ .' \ 1. . ; ~~ . r")~" "l".', . ,I 1111 ,I. ~ l' In II 111"1 : q\HI I ~ II I \~ .1 /11"1 I lllll II: ~1I11\ " llilJl ~ -- ... . t4\,A.TC.H '-"He=. "',tt..-A" .\ I \ ',' ~\~y-= ~ \ \ -'" \"1.. -~ , ..- ~AL.e: \ It_ &U" , ;.;:;:~icz..:::: \..~t.:lAll ~M~.. ,...,c.. Wa~er 'B.ody: \...w.1).P. \....'9.C.~~"l... COu:::lty: p"l,tA BeACH' Df.t\ml: :--.;:-pos e: . , .. 'PL.A..J .'" ~vJ. O:-igin2.l Wo:-k t8J "M~in1;e:'.cee 0 Shut No.: (p . of (P Date: O-'t-q, / ,.. t-^,boo. 1" C \-\ \...1 t-l e. ,eo. - p... \ \ \\--\~\\\ \,\ \ I \ \ l\ 11\ - II \ \\\\1\ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ ~ \ \\rUI.-VE-1>.TS ""'( OT>\E-e7 \ \ \ - \\ 1\ \ \ '\\ \\. ~\\\l\ o \ \ \ '\\ \ \ ~ Ii \ \\1\\\ ~, '\ Ct \ \ f \ \ \ \\ \ 9 II - \ .1 -- \ S II \ -1 \ \ R 1\ II : \ \, ~ \ ,\ \) ,.WO (1.) \l!>,=,'t.O'<6 \. . .. \ \ \ \ ,z'. lZ.t.P, W.V6~ ... //; ,.;,6 _ \ \ '\ \ 1 __e.:~\?-r. CAN"'\"" , " ~:;~::: ~< III I\'oo l>E- f'\I.-\.6" It J \J -:J ~ 1 ( . ('" \".l'~~-~\ J L ~ &~ J--/9 . ~\- - ...i',ll.- --:..-=- - - -.:.. - - ..:-=:=. ,,-_~___>I > >. ~~ ,/~t:1 {) )J! ~ \ \ ~ COl-l'i I2.E-SS "..ve.. "'\: al." _(! I M<2.-...J.,.::::-, -- " :i.-" I III ~ . <-....------------::: -'IIr-- -- ------- tly: --.- -~. /' .... ~'" ........ '1" ''''~~.<<'< c' \ \ I' . . ...--rt1I-- ---'----"- \ ., . "" . ( . T'.b!.J 1 'T ...--'" I l--T <6C.~e.w . ScAi-I:.' . ow ...- ;41 , ;..;y~iC~-:::.: ~Lfl'!~~Q., ~~ J\~. WHet BodY: ~"'.t).t). L-Il; OII4A\.. .~ Cottn t"l : _ yA'-'M. BaA(, 't\ D'<um: .~ -tl. . r \ \ \ , . \ \ \ \ ) / I ,}~- RECEIVED DEe 3 1991 DEPT. OF ENVlRONMf~jTAJ.. A!Q WEST PALM BEliCH ' - -....-- . ~.:: p ---\ \ ,\-- \ \..-"), .''h -\ :--.:=1'OS e: _ t:'LAl-l ..;Jlfa.W. 0:;,;.".1 \/0:1:. ~ l'I~;'''tena:>c' Sheet ~o. ~ !2 of fb Date: 1\:.,-Q,. ," :.- - o = ,_._-----,.~--_..-'-~..;..-'-,~"-~~--- . I . e Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol]. Elmquist Mary McCarty Ken Foster Maude Ford Lee - County Administrator Jan Winters ~., .... , _~ L) t-FP'I ,'to .. ., 7 1992 Department of Environmental Resources Management fiLE No. a~~~t~~ u "~'Es.r'~ F'ROJ Ir~fO ;-"; ~M'_" " L! WUi'::'{ f'JU;rI\ L,j PERMIT TO ALTER WETLA~y FOR ACTION TO: ..:....____R ... - PERMITTEE: Lennar Homes, .Inc. Mr. H.P.Tompkins, Jr., P.E. Carnahan and Associates 6191 West Atlantic Avenue Margate, FL 33063 PERMIT NO. DF-663-91 EXPIRATION DATE: 4/15/97 SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE: 8/45/43 This permit is issued under the authority of the Palm Beach County Wetlands Protection Ordinance. If ~o objection to this permit is received within twenty (20) days, permittee will be deemed to have accepted the permit and all enclosed terms and conditions. . The above named permittee is hereby authorized to perform the work shown on the application and approved drawing(s), plans, and other documents enclosed herewith or on file with the Department and made a part hereof ana specifically described as tollows: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: To culvert ~pproxi~ately 1~5 linear feet of the Lake Worth, Drainage District's L-18 canal. The project involves connecting dual 72" R.C.P. culverts to the existing culverts ~nder Congress Avenue and to backfill with approximately 1,785 cubic yards of clean fill. The project is in conjunction with Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management.,s (ERM's) permit DF-601-91. IN ACCORDANCE WITH: Conditions 1-6 and six (6) enclosed sheets. LOCATED IN: The Lake Worth Drainage District L-18 canal, Class III Waters, along the south side of HYPoluxo Road, east of Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach. 311 1. SOUTH DIXIE HWY., SUITE 146 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33405 (407) 355-4011 SUNCOM 273-4011 @ prinred.on recycled peper e' -- Permit No. DF-663-91 Page 2 CONDITIONS: 1. It is the responsibility of the permittee to obtain all other necessary federal, state or local authorizations for the work described herein, including municipal or County building permits. 2. This permit shal~ b~ kept at the work site of the permitted activity during the entire period of construction or operation. 3. Turbidity screens (or other means of turbidity control) shall be utilized as necessary during construction such that turbidity levels in the project area do not exceed 29 N.T.U.'s above natural background. 4. The permittee shall adhere to all construction details and methodology indicated on. the enclosed permit drawings. Any deviation from the approved plans will requir~ prior authorization from this Department. 5. This project shall be constructed concurrently with the project described in ERM permit DF-601-91, Boynton Lakes Development Corporation. 6. Written notification shall be provided to the Department of Environmental Resources Management a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prior to commencement of construction and a maximum of forty-eight (48) hours after project completion. Issued this 3",.,( day ~f ~ Palm Beach County Departmen of Environmental Resources Management , 1992 [2 E. Walesky, Director REW; DEC : f,b Enclosures ., cc: . (with enclosures). City of Boynton Beach . . . . , . DRAWING SHEET ." LEGAL DESCRIPTION . . KNOW: ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT LENNAR :HOMES, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION, OWNER OF THE LAND SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON t LYING IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST, BOYNTON. BEACH ,PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, SHOWN HEREON AS IIBOYNTON LAKES' COMMERCIAI:.~'., BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DES.CRIBED AS FOLLOWS I , . COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 8 i THENCE, NORTH 850 10'24" EAST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 8, A DISTANCE OF 60.01 FEET; THENCE, SOUTH 930 40'5911 EAST , A DIST- 'ANCE OF 52.5/ FEET TO, THE POINT OF BEGINNING (P.O.B~) t THENCE, NORTH 40044'43" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 35.0b. FEET; THENCE; NORTH 850 10'24" EAST, ALONG A LINE 28.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND Pc4RAI.;.LEL WITH 'THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 8, SAID LINE BEING COINCID'ENT WITH THE SbUTH RIGHT'-OF-WAY LINE' OF HYPOLUXO ROAD ,A DISTANCE OF 165.49 FEET; THENCE, SOUTH 04049'36" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 219.96 FEET; THENCE, SOUTH 85010'24" WEST ,.ALONG .A LINE 247.96 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 8, A DISTANCE OF 193.43 FEET TO A POINT ON A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT, WHICH RAbIU~.. BEARS NORTH 85034'33" EAST; THENCI;,NORTH- ERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 11399.16 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00044'28", A DISTANCE OF 141.45 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE, NORTH 03040'5S" WEST', A 015- 'TANCE' OF 48.04 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE LAST TWO DESCRIBED COURSES BEING COINCIDENT WITH THE EAST RIGHT-OF- WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE, .SAID LANDS CONTAINING 0,963 ACRES t MORE PU~POSEI, t..1:6A>\- OeSCRIPT'OtoJ DATUMI 1. Adjacent Property ~wnersl 2, \~~~~\~ I , 1_rl~-~~ DER rorm 17-1.20'(1 Effective Hpvember '0, 1982 . . .. . -.' ._, - - -...--.. --~. IN . AT' , CO UN TV 0 r p,,~ ~ TAT E F.... , . AP PL ICA'T ION' BY I SHE.ET..' ,.OF: 6 DAT'E ~. ;" /; '. . / . .,-........... .-..,.-.:....---. '- '" --...---" . .. :" ., t." PURP,CS e:: l..Ot-.TIOW Milo" DATUM: . ~ . . .. . I,. D~AWING SHEET w ~ w < CI) CI) w a:: (!) z o <.> LOCATION MAP SEC.8~TWP.45S,RGE.43E 1. Adjacent Property OwnerSI . LANTANA OAO 10 (7) , .' N. T. S. 1 N eo'(N1l)N ,. ,.,......_..,.&c...~ ,,< ~. ~ ~ H C f"" ., ~,:" ':.~ . .'~- ~ :/~<>~.. .' ';:-Ie Iflili3- [to... ,.,.. "'.,. W " '. I~' .;1, _'., ___ . _ . \ ' /," / ,-l A ---L \,.C ;',;i~~g_ -_}': \,;:'~", ' \ .. " . " . ~. . . . ... .' .' . - ,I . t. I.... /' (" .. ': 't. 'f'....\......... .. ,~'-. ~~(~- J" ONAf(~H\" ./ BEACt\ -- . AT CO UN TV 0 r ~""" ~\O\S TAT e: f\.. 2,. ~~,--:" ~ \....... """\. . 'L. -\. -- -~"'- \ APPLICATION BY:' SHe:E:T2 or6 DATE DE R F' 0 r m 17 -1 . 20;) .1) ,E r reo t i v e No v em b e r J 0, 198:Z ,". I -- ---_..~-~----, ,---------_._~--------../~~-- .",~ -.. .' '.; '. . .. t'.. --...,;. DRAWING SHEET - PUf\POSEs AeRI~~ f*\OiOc:,I'tAP~ DATUMs IN Adjacent Pfoperty Q!ne~8', AT COUNTY orPI\Uit ~~S TATE F\..' APPI.ICATION BY' SHEET ~ or& DATE , : ,j;. 1. z. . ,"-,-' ~ · t ~-~ . ~ . . . \. '").;""'\" -~- OER form 17.1.203(1) Errective.Nov8mb~r la, 1'82 " / :,> ..'l."'. " .' ~ :=.,. . -:-~ -- " ,~ , :.' "1 . ~ I -.l ~ ::) " ~ III '~I ..~ Iii PURPOSE:, . ;' I I . . DRAWING SHEET 80' 10' .Js' 2U/:! 12' PROP. n"/la.R CtJt,1I6RT5 INI/. c.~. 5.00 . L. W .D.D. L-18 .CANAL SECTION OA TUM I N.".",o. CA~AL. ~&C.TIOto..l ...' . .... 35' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ . . . -- - - -- /;q)f':(~~~ ~Ct8:~ --~C 02~. . /'~J _ "," \ ''-t " ! /' \~. .-- ~ \. \ ~, \. , f~'(~t1~_~, "1. ~"'\ ~~L Jl 1 , . ~ ',"J: /_ ! " \ ' ' ; . :', \ ' - -~ - J ':. l \ <" " /t;" , ' . ",' ~.....? ./,"'" ,.j,(........~l:.'S{J . '~~\.V... Adjacent Property Owner~1 1. AT "'1,' ,.: 1 N "6C1(NTOW ee.~c. '"' 2. ~--..'~~~ .' .\ ~-\~ -~'- 1 CO U WT Y 0 r p~ eeAc.H S TAT e: PL.. APPLICAT ION' BY'/ .. DER rorm 17-1.20J(1) Err~ctive November JO, 1982 SHEET DATE ,/ ,/ "^".. -r c \4 \...l ~ e. A -- Jl>.. \1--1\\11\ " ---- . \\ \\\ \\\ \ \\\\\\ I \\\ \\ \ \\~<::\JL.ve.RTS f':>'( aniseS> \ \ \ {\ \ . ... ..' ." ,\ \\1\\\ I \1' 1\ '\ 1m \ \ \ \ \ -- -\ \\ \ \ \ .\ ,\\ \ I ~~:~::":= I . Y 1'0 e>e. F\I..\..e:o \ . \ \ \ \ ,,," j t . ,,- III' ---- -.- --h-tr -- --- --,,---- \ \ , , , ' i \11 COl"EiRe-s,s ~ve.., I " d," ,- ~I \_ - - - - - - - - -' --.:: - 'iT,,-- - - -- ----- I I' ' , I ,I . I I \ .-.,.,-1-- ------- S(Al.l!.\ \".80', . I ~?i ,~\\.-T 'SC~ ;." ~ ie """ ~ : j:'""C1'IWl>lI- ~...1t.lC.<. ?c~:pos e : .J'U"N ,/IE.W . W a a r Bod)': ~'" :0. 0. \.-I~ o.",A \,. :::: l:::7l 0 co,"" ,y : _ vAVt^ B6A<;\'\ 0:1$1"a. ~o:l< \C>I M~~""""'" Da'''''': _ . -: .ShOot No.: _ So. - of, - tb DatI: n--w-q,. "..;, ",,,", " . 4 . -. \ \ \ \ ' \ ' \ \ ) / -..... "- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ J .J '" ,. I.jV- \ , \ \ \ r \} . \. \ ~ \ \ \ \ ~ \\ o . \\ Ct. \ \ o \\ ~ \\ .J \' ~ \ \ ' ~ '\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \J ~~ - - - ,,' .~i 1'~~:\ /',j;: :,.:~~ '; -= / , . .,. ..............._....,...... ". .....__..'0..' ,. j' . .'- ..' -'--'-~ .. . . .", , . ... .. r .... . .. , , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ , \ , ,\ , \ I \ ' \ \ \ \ , . / '/f- fl '. , /", I I I \ \ \ 'I I. \'1' 1.\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \, \ \ \ I . \ \ , I \' " \; I \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ .' \ \-1- l \ \ \" . \. - : .' .' ~.,. . \ ~ ~~ J,----;.I\.;r ~~SN r -1) . 1 -r'------- I ~e><Ie<r cULv5RT " - --I-t - -';';- - -'- ,,- (M .\ f\11T\ \ ~'I" \ \t tll ., )\'\\~ ,r ~,\\\ l~ .1 \ \l \ ~ . ,\ ~,\l\~ ' \ 'mr" \ . \ '. \ I cULA/€RT'" e,'( OnlCR5 \ . \ 1" . . \, \\Illl \' ~,\\\\ \ \ \ , 1 \ ~ \ \ \ I \ \\ 11\ \ \\1 \1\ . t' ~ \\ , \ '; ,~\P') lL ..llilll t<\~,.c.l-\ '-AN&." ,,.../>oW -:- ~~ ~. ' \ " . ' . -\::>-~~ .:1. .... - GCAU:.: \ ". f,rJ ;.;;~icz.::-;: \.c",t-JAR. t\OMeb, ,...,c.. WHer Bod).~ \..ow.p.P. \,..-,9 "").1,,.... Co..:=. t1: PAt.~ eeA-eM . De-t'tJm: :--.:=1>05 e : ~t-.1 'I' avJ. O:1$i"ol lIo:\< t8l . l'l~~n..n."t. 0 Sh e e t No.; (p . 0 f CP Da te: \\..~-q, . -:/ ,_,,,...-'-=,-~...~. _____.___~__~____....~-<-2., ~"'::" -,t:~r''';ri'' . . .... '. ./ e It ~IIB]'~]. . ST ^ IE OF FLOHIDA . . . Ni ^-DEP.ARTM~~' OF HEALTH.^l'ID wREHABILJTATJVE ~ERV1CES Janes Willicrns, 'l'reasurer. Boynton Lakes Development Corp. 351 South u. S..Highway #1 . Suite A . Jupiter. FL 33477 I. D. Number: PSWID 4500145 Penmit/Certification Number: 0550-200259 Date of Issue: 10/24/91 Expiration Date: 10/24/92 County: Palm Beach Latitude/Longitude: 26034IOO''N/BOo05'00uW Section/Township/Range: 8/45/43 Project: Boynton Lakes Plaza Pexmittee: This perrnitis iSs'uoo under the provisions of Chapter(s) 403, Florida Statutes,'arid Florida'Administrative COde Rules 17-550, 17-555 and 17-560. The above n~ permittee is hereby authorized to perfonn the work or operate the facil!t:y ehowu un U~ ~pplieetion and i:ipprovcd drawihg( s}, plan$ and other dOC'l.ll'lents attacherl hereto or on file with the department and made a part hereof and specifically described as follows: .,1, Constroct: A dxy..line water distributi.on system to serve Boynton 'Lakes Plaza, located at Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road, Boynton Beach, Florida. In Accordance With: Construction pepmit application, DER FOrm 17-555.910Cl), received July 30. 1991, revised engineering drawings, sheets J... 9, 11 and 13 of 13, received July 30, 1991 C'ri'one' are attached}. .. . Located At: Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road, Boynton Beach, Florida. Subject To: General COndi.tions 1 - 15 and Specific Conditions 1 - 2. Page 1 of 5 DISTRICT IX PALM BE.AC'" COUNTY HEAl_TH UNIT · 1'.0, BOX 29 · WF_~T PALM REACH, PLOHIf)^ 33402 ,..,...---.....,.. . ..," . L^\\'TO' CHII.ES GO'l,/-t'\;OA -----------------____L.1_ n.::- n 1 _ n ~ . .II &::. t:I'1IA' P ~___~_ . ,~.,,~ ;~; ~ .. e II J~es wfllians, Treasurer 1.0. Number: ~ID 4500145 PeDnit/Certificatjon No.: 0550-200259 Date of IBsue: 10/24/91 Expiration Date: 10/24/92 PER'-1!TI'EE: GENE:RAL CONDITIONS: '1.' The tenns, condit.:Lons, requir,l;;5llellLb. l:iJ",itationa and roctri'ctiOl"Ui 8P.t forth herein are "Pemit ConditionsU and as such are oinding upon the pennittee and enforceable pursuant to the authority of Section 403.161, 403.727. or 4Q3.059 through 403.061, Florida Statutes. The permittee is hereby placed on notice that the department will review this permit pericdica11y and may initiate enforca-nent action for any violation of the "Pexrnit Conditions" by the pernlittee. its agent, employees, servants or rf?presentatives.' 2. This permit is valid, only for the specific processes and operations applied for and incUcatErl in the approved drawings or exhibits. Any unButhorizcd daviation from the apprnvftd drawing$, exhibits, specificat.ions, or conditions of this permit may constitute grounds for revocation and enforcement action by the department. 3. As provided in Subsections 403.087(6) and 403.722(5), Florida Statutes, 'tne l.SSUtsI1t.:~ lIt 1.1db 1-~"""l L d..:..::." nCl>~ oeon'.'oy ~nd '.'o~t:or.l ri Ohh:: ,..,r An}., e-xclusive privileges. Nor does it authorize any injury to p..lblic or privpte prope~ty or any invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of federal, state or local laws or regulations. This permit does not constitute a waiver of or approval of any other departma.nt permi t that may be required for other aspects of the total project which are not addressed in the permit. 4. This pemit conveys no title to land or water, does not constitute state recognition or aCKnowledgnent of title, and does no constitute authority for the use of subnerged lands unless herein provided ,and ..the necessary title or leasehold' interests have been obtained fran the state. Only the Trustees of th~ Jnternal Improvement Trust Fund may express state opinion as to title. 5. This pennit does not relieve the pennittec f1.'OTl liabi li ty_ fran harm or injury to human health or welfare, animal, plant or aquatic life or ~~opcrty and p<!lnaltiQ," th€"n=>fnn" ni'lIJRff1 hy t.he Con~t:rv9tion or operation of th is permS t ted source, nor does it allow the pelJT1i ttee to cause pollution in contravention of Florida Statutes and department nJles, unless specifically authorized by an order fram the department. 6. The pe:rmittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain the fac il i ty ,and SYStffi1S of treatment ana control (and related appurtenances) that are instal1ed or used by the permittee to achieve ccrnpliance Wl.tn tne condi1:ions or U!lb ~l.llI..i.L, ~b ,l'~i1.~ by OQp.:lrtmont roles. This provision includ~s the operation of backup or auxi liary faciLities or si)'nilar: systems when necessary to ach:i.eve canpliance with the conditions of the pemit and when r~quirE;rl by department rules. DER Fo~ 17-1.20~(5) Effective November 30, 1982 Page 2 of 5 .~"~._.,____~l_L n~ Q 1 ~..., I:=i PU 'Pn~ II.... .... , ! e e , Janes Willicrns. Treasurer 1.0. Number: ~S!D 4500145 PermH/Certification No.: 0550-200259 Date of Issue: 10/24/91 Expiration Dote: 10/24/92 PE~ITI'EE: GENERAL CCNDITIONS ~ 7. The pe~ittee, by' accepting this penMit, specifically agrees to allow a,uthor ize1 qepartment personnel, upon presentat ion of credent ials or other docLrnents as may be required by law, access to the pre"l'lises. at reasonable times, where the permitted activity is located or conducted for the purpose of: a. Having access to, and ,copying any records that rrnJst be kept under the e&l"Iditiono of tho pB:r:rn:i t : b. Inspecting tne fClc:ility, egujpnent, practices. or operati.ons regulated or reguired under this permit: and c. ScrnpJ:Lng Dr monitoring any substances or parcrneters at any location reasonably necessary to assure caTlpJiance with this permit or department rule,s. Reasonable time may depend on the nature of the concern ~~9 ~ye8tigated. 8. If for any reason, the permittee cloes not canply w,i.th or will be unable to canply with any condi tion or limHation specified in this penni, t I the ppnmittee shall ~eO~9tely notify and provide the department with the following information: a. a desc~ipti~ of and cause of noncompliance~ and b. the peritrl on nonccrnpliancc , including exact dates and times: or, if not corrected, the anticipated time the noncanpJ iance is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance. The peonittee shall be responsible for any and all damages Which may result and may be subject to enforcement action by the department for penalties or revocation of this permi t . . . .' 'f' 9. In accepting this permit, the permittee understands and agrees that all records, notes monitoring data and other info~ation relating to the construct.ion or operation of this permitted source, Which are f>utrnitt.ed to the depa.r'b'nent, may be usoo by the 'def><.")rtrnent as evidence in any enforcement case arising under the Florida Statutes of department rules, except where such use is proscribOO by. Sections 403.73 and 403.1l1, Florida Statutes~ 10. The perrni ttee agrees to ccrnply with changes in depar.tment rules and Florida St€ltu'tes after a reasonable time for canpliance, provided however. the permittee does not wa:ive pny other' rights granted by Florida Statutes or department rules. DER Form 17-1.201 (5) Effective November 30, 1982 Page 3 of 5 l' n~ M1 n~.~~ ~u pn? ~...., , e It PER-'lIITEE: James Williams, Treasurer 1.0. Number: PWSID 4500145 Permit/Cer.tjfication No.: D850-200259 Date of Issue: 10/24/~1 Expiration Date: 10/24/92 GENERAL CONDITIONS: 11. This permit is transfereble only upon department approval .:in accordance with Florida Administrative Code Rules 17-4.12 and 17-30.30, as applicable. The pe!lllittee shall be liable for any nonccrnpliance of the pemitted activity wltil the transfer is approved by the department. 12. This permit' is required to be kept at the work site of the pennitted activity during the entire pedro of construction or operation. 13. This pemit also const.:itutes: Dete~in~tion of Best Avajlable Control Technology (BACT) Determination of Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Certifi.cation of Canpliance with State W/':lter Quality Standards (S~ction 401, PL 92-500) ( ) Canpl iance wi th New Source Performance Standards 14. The permittee shall ccroply with the following moni toring and record keeping requj,rffnents; a. Upon request I the penn it tee shall furnish 'all records and plans required under department rules. The retention period for all records will be,extended automatically, unless otherwise stipulated by the departm~nt, during the coorse of any unresolved enforcement ~ction. b. The permittee shall retain at the facility or other locati.on designated by th:i$ permit records of all monitoring informdtion (including ~ll' calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chert recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation), . copies 'of all' r-eports requirErl 'by this permit, and records of all . data used to caTplete the application for this flC:rrt'lH. The time per icd of ret.ention shall be .:3t least thr.ee (3) years fran the date on the sMJple, measurenent, report or appli.cation unless otherwise specified by deparbment rule. c. R~ords of monitQ,Fing information shall include: -the date, exact place, the time of sampling or measurements~ - the person resp:..ms ible for performing the sa-npling or measurements: -the date(s) analyses were performed: -the person responsible for performing the anaJ.yses: -t~ final~rtical ter.hnilJllPFi nr mpthmR I1Rffi: Fmn -tQ.e ~sul ts of such analyses. ~~l\ !"vI-III 17-L201(S} Eff~L;UV~ ~J':N~'I~~t. JO, 1902 Page.4 of 5 UI W " 11.06.91 06:45 PM POB ~.. ...z JIll"" . ..,.,. . e .e James williams, Treasuer 1.0. Number: PWSID 4500145 Pe~it/C~rtification No.: 0550-200259 Date of Issue: 10/24/91 Expiration Date: 10/24/92 PERo'lITl'EE : GENERAL ~ITIONS.: , 15. When' requested by' the department, the petTTIittee shall, within B reasonable time furnish. any information required t)y, law wnicn is needec1 to determine canpliance with the permit. If the permittee becones aware that relevant facts 'were not 6ubnitted or were incorrect in the peInlit application or .in any reI,X>rt to the departJ'l'lent, such facts or information shall be submitted or corrected promptly. SPOCIFIC CONDITIONS: 1. The engineer-of-record or other qualified engineer registered in Florida shall be retained to ooserve project construction and to assure' conformance with approvoo engineering plans and specifications, and to perfb~ the subsequent certification as to canpletion and conformance of project co~s~ruction. 2. Upon conpletion of construction, rot prior to placing the systeYl into 'I!H~r"'Vie~ I Cl' letter of rolC.:lOO muot.bo obtained fran thfilPaIm Boach County Public Health Unit: the documentation listed below must be submitted for the letter of release: . a. A certifkation by tlie engineer that the project has 'been canpleted in substantial confonnance with approved plans, pressure tested Bnd bact~riologically cleared. b. .A set ~f' rec~rd drawings: semple p:>ints must ~ shown. c. Bacteriological results - Satisfactory'bacteriological results for clearance of the water distrihition system shall be two (2) consecutive daily s<<nples sh~ing an absence of coliform. The detailed procedure for bacteriological clearance am release of systan for use is outlined in Technical Manorandtrn 91-4PR, a copy of which can be furnished upon reques t . ISSUED THIS 24th ~y OF OCTOBER, 1991 STATE OF FLORIDA PAlM BEAa-t roJNrY PUBLIC HFALTH UNIT "i~' i~~ Unesh Asrani, P.E..,.AssistMt Directo; Environmental Science , Engineering J:ir.r Form 17-1.201( ~) t:;t't'ectlve l-..lovember ~O. 1982 Page 5 of 5 11.06.91 06:45 PM P09 )I:"..r-;' · . . , '. ..- -" lHiiJ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILffATlVE SERVJCES ~~ ~ James Williams, Tre~surer BOynton Lakes Developnent Corp. 351 South U. S. Highw~y #1 suit'e A ' Jupiter, fL 33477 PERMIT NO.: CS50..201174 PROJECT: Boynton Bei9ch Boynton Lakes Plaza UTIr.ITY: This permit. is issued under the provisions of Palm Beach county Ordinanoe No. 89.14. The above named ~pplic~ntis ,hereby authorized to perform the work shown on the approved plan(s) attached hereto and O1Bde '1I, part ,hereof and specifioa.lly described {:IS follOwS; Construct 8 sewage collection system to serve. Boynton Lakes Plaza, located at Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road, Boynton Beach, Florida. This permit is subject to the fol~owing conditions: 1. It shall be the responsibility of the pe~mittee to retain a professional engineer, registered in Florida, to observe that. the construction is in acoorClance with the submitted plans. 2. An ~pprov~l rtlust be obtainet'J from this agency prior to pl~cing the sewerage ~yatem into operation: approval can be requested by submitting a completed D.E.R. Form #17-1.205(8) ror "Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission Systems for Certificiltiot"l of Completion of Construction" together with a set of'reoord draw~ng$. , , ,-~~ !\...<~ Tlm.....:h Alirani. p! E. -. AliUili;: tan t Director, Divis10n of Environmental and Engineering EXPI RATION DATE: 9/13/96 ISSUED TH 1$ 13th OA Y Of' Sept. ,199~ cei Dept. of Environmental Regulation (1 appl.) Project Engineer: Me.ziar Keshave.rz:, PA E. Ut ili ty t ,~Ohn A. GuidB'ISTRICT IX P^l..M 6~Cl-t COUNTY p\JaUC HE^L TN lJNJT . P.O. BOX 29 . WeST PALM 8~CH, PLORID^ 33402 IA V.'T(lN CHII.FS r,oVF:RN()A ~;\'iI: j~'l'{iji!!:i'!" 11.06.91 06:45PM F>'-' 4 ~ / .. MEMORANDUM No. 91-112 May 7, 1991 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning Director James A. Cherof, City Attorney ~ Service Stations/Required Frontage Code Reference: Appendix A Section 11 L 2 FROM: RE: You have referenced code measurement for essence is: requested clarification of the above section with respect to the points of determining frontage. Your question in When a service station is located on the corner of two intersecting streets should frontage be measured from the point of intersection of the property lines at the corner? Your question is answered in the affirmative. Section 11 L 2 of Appendix A provides that the m~n~mum frontage for service stations is 175 feet on all abutting streets. No specific method of measurement is provided. However, the Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations, adopted after Section 11 of Appendix A, provides guidance for purposes of interpretation. Section 5-142(h)(3) deals with driveway set-backs and provides that the measurement is "from the intersection of the right-of-way lines along local streets". This appears to be a practicable approach to the measurement of frontage since lot configurations are variable. Accordingly, this method of measurement should be used to calculate frontage. For purposes of clarification I have attached a diagram. If you require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~~ 1- }' '-~L ~ ~ Lr-: 11~ ~ ~'~i:') .~ .. L " L h ~""""""~\..,.}o.;';- ~~1:~.f,..\ }\ ;; Jt1l<ltr- Julian Bryan & Associates July 1, 1993 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Mobil Oil Station, S.E. Comer Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue Dear Mr. Cutro, In response to requests of your department at the time of building permit reVIew for Mobil, I would appreciate clarification of the following. In your staff review, a second vehicular access point was requested into the proposed shopping center. That access was to be located at the North end of our East property line and be aligned with the site plan approved by the shopping center. This posed no problem for the applicant since this location for a connection coincided with their initial site plan submittal. Building permits were issued, as I understand it, assuming plans would be revised and this additional connection made. We were never, however, made aware of the fact that this connection was to be one-way, eastbound only! A one-way connection is unacceptable to everyone associated with the service station site and was never discussed with either myself or any other representative of Mobil Oil or Lennar. I would request your written clarification of this matter so that Mobil may proceed with development of it's site. As always, your assistance IS very much appreciated. cc: n T"'rt:'T~- ~ .-- "'-, ..l'-~::' ~......Ll '-:/ J_~~_. JUL G PLA;--H~!t~G D[.:.;~-. land Development Consultants · 3191 Leewood Terrace · L 136 · Boca Raton. Florida 33431 . (407) 338-0395 .Tfie_ 'City of r:Boynton 'Beach Pfanning & Zoning 'Department 100 'E. $oynton $eacn $oufevara P.O. $o~310 $oynton $eacn, ~Jlori.tfa 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490, ~YlX: (407) 738-7459 July 15, 1992 Julian T. Bryan 3191 Leewood Terrace L-136 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Re: Mobil Oil Service Station at Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road - Conditional Use Approval Dear Mr. Bryan: This is to advise you that on July 7, 1992 the City Commission of Boynton Beach approved the Conditional Use application for the above referenced location. The approval of this request was subject to the following specific conditions that relate to design, and business operation: 1) No oil changes of any kind will be allowed on this site; 2) No operation of the car wash or vacuum cleaner will be allowed between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.; and 3) All roof-top mounted mechanical equipment shall be shielded from view for distances of a minimum of 600 feet. This Conditional Use approval entitles you to develop the property as shown on the approved plans. If you wish to modify the plan prior to submission of your building plan, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department. Modifications during the building permit process will be handled as part of that process. The Conditional Use approval remains in effect for one year, until July 7, 1993. If an extension is needed, please provide your request to the Planning and Zoning Department 45 days prior to the expiration date. We have attached a list of submittal documents from the Building Department to assist you in assembling your building permit Ylmerica's (jateway to the (julfstream MEMORANDUM June 3, 1992 TO: Christopher cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer RE: Site Plan Review - New Site plan Mobil SerV1ce Station - 02-KHA Location: S.E. corner of Congress Avenue & Hypoluxo Road Applicant: Julian Bryan File No.: 614 The amended plans for the above referenced project have been submitted and reviewed. The following comments from the original set of comments have not been satisfactorily corrected on the amended plans. The deficient comments shall be corrected. However, it is acceptable to show compliance with the outstanding comments on the plans that are required to be submitted to the Build1ng Department for permit review. 1. The proposed use is designated as a Conditional Use and will be evaluated consistent to the requirements 1dentified in Section 11.2 of Appendix A-Zoning of the Code of Ord1nances. 2. There is a conflict between the landscaping as shown on the landscape plan and the utility easements as shown on the ut1lity plans. Provide drawings showing relocation of either the utility easements or the required landscaping to an area where there is no conflict and the Code is adhered to. 3. Prior to building permit the applicant shall submit executed deeds to the Engineering Department for dedication of land necessary to construct Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue. 4. Permit plans submitted to the Building Department shall address all Environmental Review Board condit10ns of approval. ~~ Dorothy Moore DH/ald C:MOBIL.ALD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-130 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Kazunas /l4 f ,(~ City Engineer ~ DATE: May 15, 1992 RE: Second Review - New Site Plan Mobile Service Station - 02-KHA Southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road File No: 674 We have reviewed the above project and do not recommend it going forward without the following comments being addressed. 1) Storm drains leaving the site are shown on plan as "by others". Please clarify. 2) Drainage calculations addressing site drainage, both pretreatment and runoff, shall be submitted for review. Since this is an outparcel of a larger development, the drainage calculations shall consider the Mobile site and the future combined sites, if appropriate. 3) Lake Worth Drainage District and South Florida Water Management District permits must be obtained by the developer prior to issuance of the building permit. MEK/ck Items #2 & #3 have been addressed to my satisfaction. Item #1 is covered by performance bond in conjunction with the final plat "Boynton Lakes Commercial". At this time we are comfortable with this plan going forward. RECEIVED JUN 1 1992 /?t'~ S~Z9~C)2 TO: THRU: FROM: RE: 1. 2. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-118 April 30, 1992 Chris Cutro Planning & Zoning Director Don Jaeger 1XA Building ol~al Al Newbold Deputy Building Official TRC COMMENTS - NEW SITE PLAN MOBIL SERVICE STATION - 02-KHA CONGRESS AVENUE & HYPOLUXO ROAD Per Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11, one parking space per 200 square feet of building is required. This 1,570 square foot building would require 8 spaces, not 5 as shown on the plans. All signs shall comply with the Sign Code and only one freestanding sign is permitted. The time for review and typing of comments was 4 hours. AN: bh ~f " ~ Al NeW~8-7480 RECEIVED APR 3 0 1992 MOBIL. DOC BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-130 May 7, 1992 FROM: Chris Cutro Planning & Zoning Director Don Jaeger J/l Building O~ial Al Newbold Deputy Building Official TO: THRU: RE: SITE PLAN - 2ND REVIEW MOBIL SERVICE STATION - 02-KHA CONGRESS AVENUE &: HYPOLUXO ROAD The Building Department recommends that the plans for the above referenced project be forwarded to the Planning & Development Board. Building Department comment #2 (attached) can be met at permitting by removing the P.O.S. sign from the light pole. ~~p~ Al N 01 AN: bh Attachment RECEIVED MAV 8 1992 MOBIL. DOC ~ UTILITIES DEPAR'1MEm' NO. 92 - 181 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FRCM : Jom A. Guidry, utilities Director DATE: May 12, 1992 &JBJECT: Site Plan review - Mobil Service Station - Southeast comer of Congress Ave. and Hypoluxo Rd. - Amended plan OUr original cannents on this project have not been adeqUately addressed by the amended plans. We repeat them at this time for your convenience, with the same stipulations. 1) The capacity reservation fee I1I1St be paid within 30 days of City Camdssion approval. Based upon a 2" meter size the reservation fee for this facility is $ 2106.72. (Sect. 26-34(E)) 2) All water and sewer utilities to be owned and operated by the city shall be constructed in accordance with city standards. (Sect. 26-33(b)) 3) We believe Dept. of H.R.S. permits will be required for the water and sewer IIBi.ns. (Sects. 26-11 , -12 ) 4) Provide fire flow calculations or test data for this site. Water mains nust be sized to provide adequate fire flow. (Sect. 26-16) 5) Show all proposed or existing on-site utilities easements. (Sect. 26-33( a) ) 6) Large trees and other structures are not pennitted within utility easements. This ,site plan shows conflicts between proposed oak trees and fire hydrants, meters, sewer manhol~, and the water main. Please eliminate these conflicts so as to allbw proper functioning of the utilities. I . 7) The off-site utilities shown on the plans are not presently installed. Who will be responsible for installing them, and how will their installation be coordinated with this project? Items 4, 5, 6, and 7 , IlIJSt be addressed prior to this item being forwarded for Planning and Zoning approval. All other items may be addressed at time of H.R.S. permit application. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella ..7,..... t;'I.; , - ),.,L MEH>RANIDI UTILITIES DEPAR'lMENT NO. 92 - 217 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning and z~ ~~ John A. Guidry, utilities Director 0 '" Jtme 9, 1992 FRGf : DATE : SUBJECT : Site Plan review - Mobil Service Station - Southeast corner of Congress Ave. and Hypoluxo Rd. - Second Amended plan Items 4, 5, 6, and 7 of our memo no. 92-181 have been satisfactorily addressed at this time. All other ccmnents wi 11 be addressed at time of H.R.S. pennit application, or as noted. We now have no objection to this item being forwarded for Planning and Developnent Board approval. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM be: Peter Mazzella xc: File RECEIVED JUM~~ PLANN\NG DE.PT. J . -- ~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #92-121 TO: J. Scott Miller ~a~ FROM: Christopher cutro Planning & Zoning Director DATE: June 11, 1992 RE: Mobil Oil Service Station This application for conditional use is a request for a convenience store with gas pumps and a car wash at the southeast corner of Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue. The station is to be constructed on a parcel that is not included in the Boynton Lakes Plaza plan. The plan for the use has been reviewed by staff and it has been determined that it meets the criteria of the site plan, parking, landscape and Community Design codes. At its meeting of June 9, 1992, the Planning and Development Board reviewed this conditional use and forwarded it to the City Commission with a recommendation for approval. This item has been scheduled for a public hearing and City Commission review on June 16, 1992. CC/jm Att. A:MOBIL.JM 'j i ;. .1.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Chris Cutro Planning Director DATE: May 15, 1992 FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk RE: Conditional Use Application Mobil Oil Service Station Attached please find a copy of the Notice of Public Hearing for the Mobil Oil Service Station Conditional Use application which is scheduled to be advertised in the Boynton Beach News on May 28, 1992. Notices to property owners within 400' will be mailed on Wednesday, May 27, 1992. ~~~ SK: slb attachment cc: City Manager RECEIVED ..J.AY lS PLAN N,LNG. DEPT. - ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Jullan T. Bryan, applicant, has requested the following parcel to be consldered for Conditlonal Use to locate a serVlce station wlth a convenlence store and car wash at the following location: Legal Descrlptlon: A portion of Section 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Boynton beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, belng more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of sald Section 8; Thence North 85 degrees 10 minutes 24 seconds East, along the North line of said Section 8, a distance of 249.45 feet; Thence South 04 degrees 49 minutes 36 seconds East, a distance of 34.50 feet to the pOlnt of beginning; Thence South 04 degrees 49 minutes 36 seconds East, a distance of 213.46 feet; Thence South 85 degrees 10 minutes 24 seconds West, along a line 247.96 feet South of and parallel with the North llne of said Section 8, a distance of 177.43 feet to a point of intersection on the arc of clrcular curve, concave to the East, the center of which bears North 85 degrees 34 mlnutes 35 seconds East from said point; Thence run Northerly along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 11,383.16 feet, thru a central angle of 00 degrees 44 minutes 26 seconds for an arc distance of 147.13 feet to a point of tangency; Thence run North 03 degrees 40 minutes 59 seconds West for a distance of 27.15 feet to a point; Thence run North 40 degrees 44 minutes 43 seconds East for a distance of 56.00 feet to a point; Thence run North 85 degrees 10 minutes 24 seconds East for a distance of 134.91 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 36,807 square feet = .08450 acres. Location: Southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road Owner: Lennar Homes Agent: Julian T. Bryan Proposed Use: Service station with a convenience store and car wash A HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD WILL BE HELD AT CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD, BOYNTON BEACH ON JUNE 9, 1992, AT 7:00 P.M. ALSO A PUBL~C HEARING IS SCHEDULED BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION AT CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD, BOYNTON BEACH ON JUNE 16, 1992, AT 7:00 P.M., OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS, ON THE ABOVE REQUEST. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board or City commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings lS made, WhlCh record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. PUBLISH: May 28, 1992 BOYNTON BEACH NEWS SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA To: Mr. Bryan Re: Mobil Oil Service Station-Conditional Use Page Two of Two package. We have also attached copies of the comments that must be addressed in the building permit submittal. We would like to thank you for building in Boynton Beach. If we can be of any further assistance, please contact me. Yours truly, -;:n-/~ t . ~# /-v Christopher cutro, AICP Planning and Zoning Director MR Attachments MISCV:MOBILLET.713 -- - --_.~-~"----_._-_._._--"--_._--_.._..__._-_._~._-_..._...--..--.-----.....---. . - ~ ~- --" PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director FROM: Jorge L. Gonzalez, Assistant City Planner DATE: November 25, 1991 RE: Boynton Lakes Plaza (SP) - Concurrency Extension On Monday, November 25, 1991, the Concurrency Review Board (eRB) recommended a six (6) month time extension of the Boynton Lakes Plaza concurrency exemption status. The extension will commence on December 18, 1991 and expire on June 18, 1992. The vote of the CRB was as follows: Engineering Department: utilities Department: Planning Department: Public Works Department: Recreation Department: Yes Yes Yes Not Present Not Present The CRB's recommendation will be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board for a final determination on December 10, 1991. . GONZALEZ cc: subject file a:blakes.ext IIEMORAllDUH TO: Subject File FROM: dlristopher entro AICP, Planning Director HE: '!'raffic ExeIIption Status of the Boynton Lakes Plaza eo.aercial outparcel DAD: October 26, 1990 The Boynton Lakes Plaza commercial outparcel of .69 acres will be considered exempt from the traffic concurrency standards (meaning the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance) if the overall square footage of both the outparcel and the Boynton Lakes Plaza outparcel do not exceed the square footage total documented in the list of "previous approvals" of 137,833. ~ '~ ._____ t~ ~ \' CHRISTOPHER CUTRO , ( f!. ,~;I rl~ _ ...,J,~ y.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Chris Cutro Planning Director DATE: June 1, 1992 FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk RE: Planning & Development Board Hearing of June 9, 1992 Attached please find a letter from David W. and Evelyn F. Beal in reference to the Mobil Oil Service Station conditional use application which is scheduled to be heard by the Planning & Development Board on June 9, 1992, and by the City Commission on June 16, 1992. J~ ~.a~./ SK: sIb Attachment cc: City Manager City Commission City Attorney P & D Board Members ~CBl~bD JU~ Z PLM~N\NG OEPl. -- - cr~ / i009 S.W. 4th Way Bovnton Bch. Fla. ..Ol' '~l' :, ..... .. .::",~"<+.,,:. c:; f"1 r.:~ \,' :;'2 .::,? :; ]. c? ri ~';:. Su~anne Vruse. Lltv Clerk CltV 0+ Bovnton Beach F' " 0 . B 0 ;: ::!. :[ 0 B(~vntO!l Beac:hq Fla~ :33425 l~e: F'!..tbli!: 0~ea~Nir)q 6-9-(?2 Jt_~l:iar'l Brvar)q BODlic:ar1t S.E. corner Hvpoluxo & c::: D n CI r" (:::~ ~'.:.~:; (;1'./ E.:' " U ,.:" i:'\ r" r'! '::. . f:.. I"~ U !:'.. (::., . We the undersigned are the owners o~ the N.E. corner o~ Hypoluxo and Congress Ave.. immedia~elv north 0+ the procertv oroposed ~or a convenlence store and car wash" Please Oe advised that we do NOT have any objection to the suggested use o~ this croperty. We believe that the only proper use o~ the +our (4) corneys is commercial. ~ Q::~~'iD~C""" ~~ J'" J)"viol w. ." ~:;~, .. NATIONSBANK OF TEXAS, N.A. --------------------------------------------------------------- 901 Main Street, 9th Floor Dallas, Texas 75202 International Services Department February 10, 1992 .. Issuing Bankz NCNB National Bank . Attn: Llc Dept. 150 S.E. 3rd Ave., 2nd Fl. Miami, Florida:j 33131 Issuing Bank's Letter of Credit No. 16517 Forward to: City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, ,Florida 33425-0310 Please quote Our Reference Number: 116226 Gentlemen: At the request of our affiliate bank, we enclose their letter of credit issued in your favor. If you are unable to comply fully with all the terms of the Letter of Credit, we suggest you contact them to arrange any amendments you feel necessary. We confirm the credit in the amount of $52,272.00 and engage with you that your de~and fpr payment will be duly honored, according to the payment terms of the credit, if presented to the above mentioned issuing bank's address together with documents complying to the terms and conditions of the credit. This letter of credit is subject to the Uniform CUstoms and Practice for Documentary Credits (1983 Revision), ICC Publication No. 400. For Assistance please call: 214-508-3626 or 214-508-3627 or 214-508-3095 Sincerely, NationsBank of Texas, N.A. DowntOwn Banking Center By,--1 JA-tJr'd &4.r'~ Cathy Beynon Administrative Officer Attach/cb -~ ,', 1';\.1\::.:1 . -.,;;;;.. .._.;._ f" - ~~ "' NCNB N.atto1tal Bank of r.urida " · . p~ Box 02...5337 . Miami, Florida 33102-5337 International Division . Irrevocable letter at (;reolt . , . .' Street Address . 150SE. 3rd Avenue 2nd Floor, LIC Dept. Miami, FL 33131 DTMIA 2.1 Telex: 681 1666 6811423 6811550 Swift: NCNBUS33AMlA Cable: NCNBMIA . ....... ofTexas~.A. ,.,.. DIet. AlII. No. /iJ ~.u, Poage 1 of I SSUE/f)~TE 16DEC91 ..) LIC flUMDER 16517 _~ APPLICANT LENNAR HOMES INC. 700 N. W. 107hi F\VI~. MIAMI, FL. 33172 ','------_. ..0'- 0" . BENEFICIARY CITY OF.BOYNTON BEACH 100 EAST BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. aOYNTON BEACHy FL 33425-0310 'I' EXPIRY DATE / PLACE I 16DEC92 ~ ' till. NCNB'S COUNTERS CURRENCY AMOUNT ,USD *******52,e7~.00 WE HEREBY OPEN OUR CLEAN IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREOIT NO. 16517 ON ~~~~~FO~FT~~Ng~~yHg~E~by~~gN'a~~~HNF~R t~~T~NI~i~EIAMbbNf35~eFt~TY TWO THOUSAND TWO .~UNDRED AND SEVENTY TWO U.S.DOLLARS ($52t 272. 00) EFFECTIVE RS OF THIS DATE. " , \ THIS LETTER OF CREDIT IS ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED ON-SITE' IMPROVEMENTS .FOR THE' PU~T KNOWN AS "BOYNTON LAkES CDMt1'\ERCIAL \I (HEREINAFTER CALLEp "PLAT"). THE INITIAL AMOUNT. OF FUNDS AVAILABLE UNDER THIS CREDIT AND STATED ~~O~~EM~iT~Eo~~~g~~~o~YB~~BH~II~ ~~g6~5~~~~ ~YT~HjH~u~~g~~55~E~G5~T THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. .W~ HEREBY AGREE THAT SUCH REDUCTION SHALL ,NOT BE EFFECTIV~ UNTIL WE HAVE FURNISHED A WRITTEN AMENDMENT TO THIS LETTER OF CREDIT. SUCH AMENDMENT SHALL REFERENCE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AS WELL RS THE PLAT NAME, AS SET OUT HEREIN, AND THE NEW AMOUNT. , , -.J FUNDS UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AAE AVAILABLE TO' THE CITY 'OF BOYNTON BEACH HEREUNDER NOT EXCEEDING IN AGGREGATE THE ANOUNT OF THIS CREDIT <AS SAID AMOUNT J'l'IAY BE AMENDED FRQMTI"ME' TO TIME PURSUANT TO THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH) AGAINST THE CITY'S WRITTEN DEMAND BY ITS AUTHORIZED AGENT NAMED ABOVE, FOR PAYMENT ON US MENTIONIN~ OUR CREDIT NO. 1651 7 . , . , - WHEN WE RECEIVE YOUR DEt"'AND FOR PAYMENT r-rf 150 .8. E. 3RD AVE. 1. 2ND FLOOR MIAMI, FL 33131 ON OR PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE, WE WILL pROMPTLY HONOR THE SANE. . KINDLY ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THIS LETTER OF CREDIT TO THE ATTENTION OF LETTER OF CREDIT DEPARTMENT MENTIONING SPECIFICALLY OUR CREDIT NO. 16017. . EXCE~T SO FAR ,AS' OTHERWISE STATED HEREIN THIS LETTER OF CREDIT IS SUBJECT TO THE "UNIFORII'\ CUSTOMS AND PRACtICE FOR DOCUI'1ENTARY CREDITS <1983 REVISION), 'INTERNATIONRL CHRMBER OF COMfI'lERCE PUBLICATION .NO. 400". This is IRREVOCABLE LC number 16517 issued on 16DEC91 by NCNB National Bank of Florida, Miami, Florida 33131 USA. CJ .... NCN~~tion81 Bank of ~Iorid. ~' '".; . "I . / ./, ) .I " " f ,/., " ,.' . . ./ Y'J . I ~....................}. I. ',' ~", ./ t.... ~_...~ ,/'-""'" ' Authorized Signature / .. 1....__. ... , , --"r'JII'<'G"~n-"i'5~' .. ....~:..:::~~~..t ~..-:==:;"=":"'-' .,. ~ .. '" ~~ - .-. ------- ._,,~"'\lP.L,qo_.... ..-:'... -- e..e. CARNAHAN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers. Surveyors. Planners. Land Development Consultants BOYNTON I,AKES PLAZA - OUT PARCEL PROJECT NUMBER 881013 CUI.VERT INSTALLATION COST ESTIMATE ITEM/DESCRIPTION TWIN 72" R.C.P. CULVERTS CONCRETE COLLARS TEMP-RIP/RAP ENDWALLS(OPTIONAL) MODIFY & TIE IN EXIST 18" CULVERT FILL EXIST CANAL ** ** MATERIAL STOCKPILED ON SITE * UNIT COSTS ARE AN ESTIMATE ONLY. UNITS 185 LF 2 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1,785 CY November 8, 1991 Prepared By: HHB *UNIT COST 220.00/LF 250.00/EA 2,000.00/EA 750.00/EA 2.00/CY TOTAL: AMOUNT 40,700.00 500.00 2,000.00 750.00 ~570.00 $ 47,520.00 6191 West Atlantic Blvd. . P.o. Box 4399 · Margate, FL 33063 · (305) 972-3959 · FAX (305) 972-4178 . . - -~'--"-"'----"-'---'""~---"--'-"- ..- .._-_._~--,._.,-. . NATIONSBANK OF TEXAS, N.A. --------------------------------------------------------------- 901 Main Street" 9th Floor Dallas, Texas 75202 International Services Department February 10, 1992 Forward to: city of Boynton Beach ,100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Issuing Bank: NCNB National Bank Attn: LIC Dept. 150 S.E. 3rd Ave., 2nd Fl. Miami, Florida 33131 " Please quote Our Reference Number: 116227 Issuing Bank's Letter of Credit No. 16518 Gentlemen: At the request of our affiliate bank, we enclose their letter of credit issued in your favor. If you are unable to comply fully with all the terms of the Letter of Credit, we suggest you contact them to arrange any amendments you feel necessary. We confirm the credit in the amount of $84,472.00 and engage with you that your' demand for payment will be duly honored, according to the payment terms of the credit, if presented to the above mentioned issuing bank's address together with documents complying.to .the terms and conditions of the credit. This letter of credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary' Credits (1983 Revision), lee Publication No. 400. call: Sincerely, " "' NationsBank of. Texas-, N'.A. Downto~ng ~er By. ~ "-'-fY'~ Cathy Beyno Administrative Officer Attachlcb .~~~ . .,-~~td:.~' ~;~~ :l~~t~~:~:.,;,~ '~.c~s Irrevocable' tter of Credit ';" ," ) .. " . I .. !\lCNB National Bank of Florida . P.O. BOle 02-5337. , Miami. Florida 33102-5337 International Division "- Street Address .. . . " 150 SE. 3rd Avenue 2nd Floor. LIC Cept. Miami, FL 33131 DTMIA 2-1 relex: 6811655 6811423 6811550 Swift: NCNBUS33AMIA Cable: NCNBMIA . iSSUE DATE 15DEC~1 LIe NUMBER 16318 APPI_ICANT LENNAR HOMES, INC~' 700 N.W. 107TH AVE. MIAMI, FL~' 33172 " _ ~ofTe_UA' '.~... labial ~ REt M1-L/d~ ~. Z. ..., . BENEFICIARY , CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 EAST BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425-0310 EXPIRY DATE I PLACE 160EC92 NCNS'S COUNTERS CURRENCY RMOUNT USD *******84,472.00 'WE HEREl..i'y OPEN OUR CU,::AN IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 16318 ON' BEH~LF OF LENN~R ~~ME8, INC., 700 N,W. 107TH, MIAMI, FL 33172 IN FAVOR OF THg C,:'TV OF BOYNTON BEACH FOI~ THE INITIAL AMOUNT OF EIGHTY FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND.SEVENTY TWO U.S.DOLLARS ($84, 47Z. 00) EFFECTIVE AS OF THIS DATE. THIS LETT~R OF CREDIT, IS ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED OFF-SITE: IMPROVEMENTS F'On THE PLAT KNm.JN AS "BOYNTON LAKES COMMERCIAL" (HERE I NAFTER CALLED 1I pun" ) . ' THE INITIAL AMOUNT OF FUNDS AVAILABLE UNDER THIS CREDIT AND STATED ABOVE I~AY DE REDUCED' BY THE CITY ENGINEERS. AS THE: AUTHORIZED AGENT OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROCEDURES OF THE CIT'{ OF BOYNTON r:iE~K,H. I,.J~ HERE.IW AGREE: THAT SUCH REDUCTION SHALL NOT BE EFFECTIVE UNTIL WE HAve FURNISHED AWRITT~N AMENOMENr TO THIS LETTER OF CREO IT. SUCH Ht~IENDf\1EN" SHALI_ REFERENGE 'rTHI S LETTER OF CREOIT AS, WELL .A8 THE PLAT NAME, ~~3 SET OUT HEREIN, AND 'THE: NEW AMOUNT. , FUNDS UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT ARE AVAILABLtTQ THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH HE:REUNDEH NOT EXCEEDING IN A13C3Re:Cf~TE THE A/'I10UNT OF . THIS CREDIT (AS BAlD AMOUNT MAY BE AMENDED FROM TIME' TO TIME PURSUANT TO THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH) AGAINST THE CITY'S WRITTEN DEMAND, BY. ITS AUTHOR I ZED AGENT NAt1Er> ABOVE, FOR PAYtflENT ON uS MENT.lQNIN6 OUR CREDIT NO. 15518. ~.; ,;-.' WHEN WE RECEIVE YOUR DEMAND FOR PAVMENT AT ~50 S.E. 3RO AVE.~ eND FLOOR MIRMI, FL 33131 ON OR PRIOR TO TH~ EXPIRATION DATE, WE WILL PROMPTLY HONOR THE SAME. " ". '>'3r'li~;';:~ ;>~~\'\':~~" ' " ,.,'. KINDLY ADDRESS ALL CORRispoNti~~c~' REGARDIJ\t,:~' ~'{C:~,$1~:if:~t~OF,,'CREPi': TO THE, ATTENTION OF LETTER OF ~REOtT :OE:PARTME ". ~:pPECIFlr::ALLY . . OUR. CREDIT No. 16518. ',~\;t~';':'!',i~,. /~f'r' 'c, ,t:': . " ",' ,;~;.~::,' ,.~"{l' ;~. ,~., EXCEPT SO FAR. AS' 'OTHERWISE~~h.AT'e,D'fiERe:I; .,'.~I' " u.SUB.JECT TO .THE.I'UNtFORM CUSra~~'l J\lQ PRACT." r.;; (! 983 'REVISION>.',,~ :.INTERNATIONA'- " AMBER: .' ,i', ....~\ ,- <'~" ;:;~!: :.' :Jl\.:.;~."'~'~' Ji;j.~:' Th is! $ NCNB Natlon~l Bank C."T '. . , !.'". .:i . NCNB National Bank of Florida ,/' ~/ (~ , ," .' '. // .... Authorized Signature ! ) .~(,/ ~~ ...~.;/ ;' .' ,:':1'.: ~ " CARNAHAN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers · Surveyors · Planners · umd Development Consul!llnts . BOYNTON LAKES C&A PROJECT NO. 881013 BACKBONE UTILITIES THROUGH BOYNTON LAKES PLAZA ITEM/DESCRIPTION UNITS I. DRAINAGE UNIT COST AMOUNT TYPE "c" INLET 3 EA 1,100.00 3,300.00 TYPE "E" INLET 1 EA 1,750.00 1,750.00 "J" BOTT.-"C" GRATE INLET 4 EA 2,375.00 9,500.00 J-7T MANHOLE 1 EA 2,350.00 2,350.00 24" R.C.P. 351 LF 24.00 8,424.00 30" R.C.P. 220 LF 33.00 7,260.00 36" R.C.P. 210 LF 43.00 9,030.00 REMOVE EXIST 30" C.M.P. 20 LF 10.00 200.00 REMOVE EXIST "c" INLET 1 EA 500.00 500.00 TOTAL DRAINAGE: 42,314.00 II. SEWAGE COLLEGTION MANHOLES: o - 6' DEEP 6 - 8' DEEP 1 EA 2 EA 8" MAIN DIP: o - 6' CUT 6 - 8' CUT. a" X 6" WYE (PLUGGED) CORE INTO EXIST. MANHOLE o 6 P.V.C. 6 - 8 P.V.C. 9 EA 65 EA 2 EA 1 EA 96 FT. 280 FT 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 21'.00 24.00 200.00 750.00 11. 00 13.00 189.00 1,560.00 400.00 750.00 1,056.00 3,640.00 TOTAL SEWAGE COLLECTION: 10,995.00 III. WATER DISTRIB~TION 8 n D. I . P . 8" GATE VALVE 611 GATE VALVE 4" GATE VALVE 2" BLOW-OFF 12". X 8" TAPPINGT.EE/G.V. MECH. JOINT FITTINGS PAVEMENT RESTORATION 747 LF 4 EA 1 EA 3 EA 1 EA 1 EA 0.96 TON 50 SY , 12.75 500.00 400.00 380.00 385.00 2,150.00 2,900.00 30.00 9,524.25 2,000.00 4,000.00 1,140.00 385.00 2,150.00 2,784.00 1,500.00 TOTAL WATER DISTRIBUTION: 23,483.25 LJI3A.COST.. . ( ) 72478 6191 West Atlantic B~~d. · P.O. Box ~399 · Margate, FL 33063 · (305)~72-39~9 · FAX 305 9 - 1 r'" ,_.--: ~ c;;eT~ TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Pete Mazzella, Asst. to Utilities Director Lt. Don Thrasher, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Mike Kazunas, City Engineer TO: FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DATE: May 5, 1992 RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Thursday, May 14, 1992 Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee will meet on Thursday, May 14, 1992, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "c" (West Wing) to discuss the following: SIDEWALK VARIANCE PROJECT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: FILE NO.: Fisher Apartments 2107 S.E. 3rd Street Don J. Fisher 664 NOTE: Comments are due back to the Planning and Zoning Department by: Tuesday, 5 p.m., May 19, 1992 REVIEW OF TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE COMMENTS PROJECT: LOCATION: APPLICANT FILE NUMBER: PROJECT: LOCATION: APPLICANT FILE NUMBER: Mobil Service Station S.E. Corner of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road Julian Bryan 674 Bookstop Outparcel at Target Retail Target Shopping Center 1895 N. Congress Ave. Thomas McMurrian 676 Technical Review Committee Page 2 REVIEW OF TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE COMMENTS (Cont.) PROJECT: LOCATION: APPLICANT FILE NUMBER: Modular Model Home Sales Center N.W. 7th Court Jim Zengage 677 ~~ :2 Dorothy ~oore .~~ DM/jm cc: City Manager Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Edward Hillery, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator Steve Campbell, Fire Department Central File City Commission Project File Chronological File A:TRCAGDA.JM ~roj. ~. L6 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-067 FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Mike Kazunas, City Engineer Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utility Director Lt. Dan Remchuk, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~ C---- Chr1stopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director TO: DATE: April 16, 1992 RE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES New Site Plan Project - Mobil Service Station - 02-KHA Location - Southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road Applicant - Julian Bryan File No. 674 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above referenced project. Site Plan Review approval for this project will be granted by the City Commission. To ensure that the project stays on line with the review time frame, I request that the plans and exhibits be reviewed and formal comments transmitted to the Site Development Division of the Planning and Zoning Department no later than 5:00 P.M. on April 30, 1992. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1. Use the review standards specified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 to review and formulate comments. (See Planning & Zoning Department memo #92-020) 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete based on the submittal reqUirements identified in Section 7 of the site Plan Review Ordinance. However, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards, additional data should be requested by the reviewer through the Planning and Zoning Department. To: TRC Members Re: Planning & Zoning Memo. 92-067 Page Two of Two 3. Each comment shall reference the code section and include the language of the submittal requirements and review standards that require the data to be submitted for review. 4. Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements. 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified. 6. If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward the plans and a memo, within the time frame stated above, to the Planning and Zoning Director stating that the plans are approved and they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review. All comments shall be typed and addressed to the Planning and Zoning Director and transmitted to the Site Development Division for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memo. Dotty Moore will be the Planning and Zoning Department staff member coordinating the review of the project. The Site Development Division will send to the applicant a cover letter which includes the comment(s) and directions to amend the plans to comply with the comments and submit to the Site Development Division within 90 days twelve (12) sets of amended plans for review. When the Site Development Division receives the amended plans, they will distribute the plans with a cover memo to all TRC Members for review and approval. Attachment xc: (Memo Only) Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charlie Frederick, Parks & Recreation Director Edward Hillery, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Project File Chronological File TRCFULL.SDD M E M 0 RAN DUM #92-104 TO: Chris Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Lt. Donald I. Thrasher Police Department DATE: 20 May 1992 SUBJECT: Site plan modification Mobil Station - Hypoluxo Rd & Congress Ave I've reviewed the site plan modification for Mobil Station at Hypoluxo Rd & Congress Avenue and find it acceptable. Any previous questions can be answered at permitting. ~~ Lt. Donald I. Thrasher Police Department Community Relations Division DIT/dmj RECEIVED MAY 2 0 1992 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-088 May 6, 1992 FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Mike Kazunas, City Engineer Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention officer Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utility Director Lt. Don Thrasher, Police Department John Wildner, parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~~ 4- Christopher cutro, Planning & Zoning Director --//' seE 1?eJovv TO: RE: Second Review - New Site Plan Mobil Service Station - 02-KHA Southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road File No.: 674 Attached is the amended site plan for the above referenced development for your final review and recommendation. We would ask that you reV1ew this amended site plan to determine if the plans have been adjusted to satisfy comments made previously by your department. If the comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of building permit, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. If your comments have not been met or must be met by correcting the site plan again, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writ1ng. Finally we would ask that you recommend to us if the the plan should be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board for review or held for further revisions by the applicant. Please return your memo and the revised plans to the Planning and Zoning Department by 5:00 P.M. on May 13, 1992. If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Dotty Moore at 260 who is coordinating the review of this development. XC: (Memo Only) Don Jaeger Ed Allen Charlie Frederick Edward H111ery John Guidry Project File Chronological File To: Chris Cutro, Director ~I Planning & Zoning Dept. . ~ From: John Wildner, Parks Superint ent J\' Re: Mobil Service Station - 02-KH Date: May 14, 1992 The Recreation & Park Dept. has reviewed the above named plans. There are no recreation-related issues. Time: Parks Superintendent: 15 m1n. Secretary: 15 min. C:2REVIEW.SDD ; .. .. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-088 May 6, 1992 TO: Robert Eichorst, PubllC Works Director Mike Kazunas, City Engineer Al Newbold, Deputy BUilding Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utility Director Lt. Don Thrasher, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~~ FROM: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director~ SEE &I()u..} RE: Second Review - New Site Plan Mobil Service Station - 02-KHA Southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road File No.: 674 Attached is the amended site plan for the above referenced development for your final review and recommendation. We would ask that you review this amended site plan to determine if"the plans have been adjusted to satisfy comments made previously by your department. If the comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of building permit, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. If your comments have not been met or must be met by correcting the site plan again, please advise the Plannlng and Zoning Department in writing. Finally we would ask that you recommend to us if the the plan should be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board for review or held for further revisions by the applicant. Please return your memo and the revised plans to the Planning and Zoning Department by 5:00 P.M. on May 13, 1992. If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Dotty Moore at 260 who is coordinating the review of this development. XC: (Memo Only) Don Jaeger Ed Allen Charlie Frederick Edward Hillery John Guidry Project File Chronological File ~ TO: Chris Cutro, Director Planning & Zoning Department FROM: Kevin J. Hallah~, Forester/Environmen- talist K'--vr- RE: Mobil Service gtation - 02-KHA DATE: May 14, 1992 There are no comments. C: 2REVIEW. SDD Time: Forester/Environmentalist: Secretary: 15 min. 15 min. M E M 0 RAN DUM June 3, 1992 TO: Christopher Cutro, planning & Zoning Director FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer RE: Site Plan Review - New Site Plan Mobil SerVlce Station - 02-KHA Location: S.E. corner of Congress Avenue & Hypoluxo Road Applicant: Julian Bryan File No.: 674 The amended plans for the above referenced project have been submitted and reviewed. The following comments from the original set of comments have not been satisfactorily corrected on the amended plans. The deficient comments shall be corrected. However, lt is acceptable to show compliance with the outstanding comments on the plans that are requlred to be submitted to the Building Department for permit review. 1. The proposed use is designated as a Conditional Use and will be evaluated consistent to the requirements identified in Section 11.2 of Appendix A-Zoning of the Code of Ordlnances. 2. There is a confllct between the landscaping as shown on the landscape plan and the utility easements as shown on the utllity plans. Provide drawings showing relocation of either the utility easements or the required landscaping to an area where there is no conflict and the Code is adhered to. 3. Prior to building permit the applicant shall submit executed deeds to the Engineering Department for dedication of land necessary to construct Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue. 4. Permit plans submitted to the Building Department shall address all Environmental Review Board conditlons of approval. ~~ Dorothy Moore DM/ald C:MOBIL.ALD MEMORANDUM 92-122 TO; Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: RE: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Second Review New Site Plan Mobil Service Station - Southeast Corner of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road File 41674 DATE: May 7, 1992 Having reviewed these plans, Public Works has approved them without connnent. RECEIVED MAY 8 1992 ~~ Robert Eichorst Public Works Director RE/db cc: File Review Time Reviewer Clerk III 15 min. 15 min. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-130 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Kazunas ;vt F /:~ City Engineer c..J DATE: May 15, 1992 RE: Second Review - New Site Plan Mobile Service Station - 02-KHA Southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road File No: 674 We have reviewed the above project and do not recommend it going forward without the following comments being addressed. 1) Storm drains leaving the site are shown on plan as "by others". Please clarify. 2) Drainage calculations addressing site drainage, both pretreatment and runoff, shall be submitted for review. Since this is an outparcel of a larger development, the drainage calculations shall consider the Mobile site and the future combined sites, if appropriate. 3) Lake Worth Drainage District and South Florida Water Management District permits must be obtained by the developer prior to issuance of the building permit. MEK/ck Items #2 & #3 have been addressed to my satisfaction. Item #1 is covered by performance bond in conjunction with the final plat "Boynton Lakes Commercial". At this time we are comfortable with this plan going forward. RECEIVED JUN 1 1992 ~6 5~Z9~9Z ttt ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-122 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering DATE: May 12, 1992 RE: Mobile Service Station - 02KHA Southeast Corner of Congress Avenue & Hypoluxo Road Planning Department File No. 674 Please be advised that compliance with codes, reference future application for building permit, can be complied with at time of Building Department permit review. VAF/ck cc: Mike Kazunas, City Engineer RECEIVED MAVt ) ~ PLP - I., BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-130 May 7, 1992 FROM: Chris Cutro Planning & Zoning Director Don Jaeger J;1 Building O~ial Al Newbold Deputy Building Official TO: THRU: RE: SITE PLAN - 2ND REVIEW MOBIL SERVICE STATION - 02-KHA CONGRESS AVENUE & HYPOLUXO ROAD The Building Department recommends that the plans for the above referenced project be forwarded to the Planning & Development Board. Building Department comment #2 (attached) can be met at permitting by removing the P.O.S. sign from the light pole. -z:ff/~;/~ Al N 01 AN: bh Attachment RECEIVED MAY 8 1992 MOBIL. DOC BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-118 April 30, 1992 FROM: Chris Cutro Planning & Zoning Director Don Jaeger ~ Building ol~al Al Newbold Deputy Building Official TO: THRU: RE: TRC COMMENTS - NEW SITE PLAN MOBIL SERVICE STATION - 02-KHA CONGRESS AVENUE & HYPOLUXO ROAD 1. Per Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11, one parking space per 200 square feet of building is required. This 1,570 square foot building would require 8 spaces, not 5 as shown on the plans. 2. All signs shall comply with the Sign Code and only one freestanding sign is permitted. The time for review and typing of comments was 4 hours. ; AN: bh RECEIVED APR 3 0 1992 MOBIL. DOC M!HlRANIDt UTILITIES DEPAR'lMENl' NO. 92 - 181 TO: Christopher cutro, Plarming and Zoning Director FRCM : John A. Guidry, util i ties Director DATE: May 12, 1992 5UBJECl': Site Plan review - Mobil Service Station - Southeast comer of Congress Ave. and Hypoluxo Rd. - Amended plan OUr original ccmnents on this project have not been adequately addressed by the amended plans. We repeat them at this time for your convenience, with the same stipulations. 1) The capacity reservation fee must be paid within 30 days of City Camdssion approval. Based upon a 2" meter size the reservation fee for this facility is $ 2106.72. (Sect. 26-34(E)) 2) All water and sewer utilities to be owned and operated by the city shall be constructed in accordance with city standards. (Sect. 26-33(b)) 3) We believe Dept. of H.R.S. permits will be required for the water and sewer mains. (Sects. 26-11, -12) 4) Provide fire flow calculations or test data for this site. Water mains III1St be sized to provide adequate fire flow. (Sect. 26-16) 5) Show all proposed or existing on-site utilities easements. (Sect. 26-33(a)) 6) Large trees and other structures are not permitted within utility easements. This site plan shows conflicts between proposed oak trees and fire hydrants, meters, sewer manholes, and the water main. Please eliminate these conflicts so as to anbW proper ftmctioning of the utilities . 7) The off-site utilities shown on the plans are not presently installed. Who will be responsible for installing them, and how will their installation be coordinated with this project? Items 4, 5, 6, and 7 , must be addressed prior to this item being forwarded for Planning and Zoning approval. All other items may be addressed at time of H.R.S. permit application. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: File }k MIHlRANIDt UTILITIES DEPAR'lMEm' NO. 92 - 217 FRCM: Christopher cutro, Planning and z~ \~e~ Jolm A. Guidry, utilities Director ~ ~ June 9, 1992 TO: DATE: SUBJECl' : Site Plan review - Mobil Service Station - Southeast comer of Congress Ave. and Hypoluxo Rd. - Second Amended plan Items 4, 5, 6, and 7 of our memo no. 92-181 have been satisfactorily addressed at this time. All other cooments will be addressed at time of H.R.S. permit application, or as noted. We now have no objection to this item being forwarded for Planning and Developnent Board approval. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/P\IM be: Peter Mazzella xc: File RECEIVED J\Il ~ ~ PLANN\NG DE-Pi. f ~ ~ - MEMORANDUM April 30, 1992 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer RE: Site Plan Review - New Site Plan Mobil Service Station - 02-KHA Location: S.E. corner of Congress Avenue & Hypoluxo Road Applicant: Julian Bryan File No.: 674 The following comments are in response to the submittal of the site plan for the above referenced project. The project is scheduled for review of comments and discussion of conditional use at the May 14, 1992, Technical Review Committee meeting. 1. The proposed use is designated as a conditional use and will be evaluated consistent to the requirements identified in Section 11.2 of Appendix A-Zoning of the Code of Ordinances. A Conditional Use application form is required. Conditional Use application forms are available at the Planning and Zoning Department. 2. Environmental Review is required for the project. Application forms and submission deadline dates are available at the Planning and Zoning Department. [Section 11.3, Appendix A-Zoning] 3. The attached Community Appearance Board (CAB) application form must be completed and submitted, by the applicant, with a fifty dollar ($50.00) application fee. Color samples of the exterior finish materials are required to be submitted with the Community Appearance Board application form. [Section 19-43, Article III, Chapter 19] 4. A colored elevation drawing show1ng all elevations of the building is required. The project shall comply with the design standards of Chapter 7.5, Article V, Community Design Plan, Appendix II - Mediterranean/Spanish design theme. 5. The number of proposed off-street parking spaces is not adequate. The plans show 1570 gross square feet for the convenience store building (1570/200). This would require eight (8) parking stalls including the handicapped stall. [Section 11 (d) (7), Appendix A-Zoning] ~ Dorothy Moore DM/ald PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM NO. 92-097 TO: CHRISTOPHER CUTRO - PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR FROM: ROBERT EICHORST - PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: APRIL 20, 1992 SUBJ: SITE PLAN APPROVAL RE: MOBIL SERVICE STATION S.E. CORNER OF CONGRESS AVENUE & HYPOLUXO ROAD The plans for the Mobil Service Station located at the above address are acceptable and Public Works does not have any comments. Reviewed by Robert Eichorst, 738-7424 ~ Time spent reviewing plans Robert Eichorst Reviewer 15 min. Admin. Asst. 15 min. RE:he cc: file ......... . RECEIVED APR 21 PLANNING DEPT. ., - ~ ... 4) Storm drains leaving the site are shown on plan as "by others". Please clarify. 5) Drainage calculations addressing site drainage, both pretreatment and runoff, shall be submitted for review. Since this is an outparcel of a larger development, the drainage calculations shall consider the Mobile site and the future combined sites, if appropriate. 6) Lake Worth Drainage District and South Florida Water Management District permits must be obtained by the developer prior to issuance of the building permit. MEK/ck ..~! ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-111 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Kazunas /J4 c: ~ City Engineer (-.J DATE: May 1, 1992 RE: Mobil Service Station - 02-KHA/New Site Plan Southeast corner of Congress Avenue & Hypoluxo Road Applicant - Julian Bryan File No. 674 We have reviewed the above project and offer the following comments. 1) Palm Beach County right-of-way permit is required for construction within the right-of-way. Developer must obtain this permit prior to issuance of the building permit. Approval of the 6' sidewalk in lieu of the existing 81 walk will be allowed upon County approval. A letter from Palm Beach County acknowledging the adequacy of the dedication of additional right-of-way must be provided. 2) The handicapped parking sign must be 1811 x 3011 (D.O.T. FTP-26). 3) Parallel handicapped stall must be 25' long per parking lot standards. 4) Storm drains leaving the site are shown on plan as IIby othersll. Please clarify. 5) Drainage calculations addressing site drainage, both pretreatment and runoff, shall be submitted for review. Since this is an outparcel of a larger development, the drainage calculations shall consider the Mobile site and the future combined sites, if appropriate. 6) Lake Worth Drainage District and South Florida Water Management District permits must be obtained by the developer prior to issuance of the building permit. MEK/ck ~~.l~~\) . \.~, -uClJJ ~'\...).jI , , .. \. .' l\~'( - t)~?\!" ""\.....\\~~ ~~\,\' MEMORANIDl UTILITIES DEPAR'IMENT NO. 92 - 148 FRCM: John A. Guidry, utilities Director '1'0: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zo DATE: April 20, 1992 SUBJECT: Site Plan review - Mobil Service station - Southeast corner of Congress Ave. and Hypoluxo Rd. We can approve this project subject to the following conditions: 1) The capacity reservation fee must be paid within 30 days of City Ccmnission approval. Based upon a 2" meter size the reservation fee for this facility is $ 2106.72. (Sect. 26-34(E)) 2) All water and sewer uti li ties to be owned and operated by the city shall be constructed in accordance with city standards. (Sect. 26-33(b)) 3) We believe Dept. of H.R.S. permits will be required for the water and sewer mains. (Sects. 26-11,-12) 5) Provide fire flow calculations or test data for this site. Water mains must be sized to provide adequate fire flow. (Sect. 26-16) 7) Show all proposed or existing on-site utilities easements. (Sect. 26-33(a)) 8) Large trees and other structures are not permitted within utility easements. This site plan shows conflicts between proposed oak trees and fire hydrants, meters, sewer manholes, and the water main. Please elirrdnate these conflicts so as to allow proper functioning of the uti Ii ties. 9) The off-site utilities shown on the plans are not presently installed. Who will be responsible for installing them, and how will their installation be coordinated with this project? Items 5, 7, 8, and 9 must be addressed prior to this item being forwarded for Planning and Zoning approval. All other items may be addressed at time of H.R.S. permit application. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office.: JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: File R:ECEIV~O ,PR 21 PLANNING DEPT'! M E M 0 RAN DUM POLICE #92-078 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Lt. Donald Thrasher Police Department Community Relations Division DATE: 21 April 1992 SUBJECT: Mobil Service Station - Congress Avenue & Hypoluxo Road After a review of site plans for Mobil Service Station, I am recommending the following: 1. Perimeter lighting to be pole mounted and photo- cell activated. City Ordinance 5-138 Public Safety. 2. Must comply with convenience store security. City Ordinance 92-55. t. Donald Thrasher Police Department Community Relations Division DIT/np RECEIVED APR 2 1 1992 RECREATION & PARKS MEMORANDUM 192-169 FROM: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent ~ Mobil Service Station - 02-KHA TO: RE: DATE: April 27, 1992 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the plans for the Mobil Service Station - 02-KHA. There are no outstanding recreation related issues on this project. JW:ad Time to review: Parks Superintendent Secretary .25 hrs. .25 hrs. REcerVED APR 2 7 1992 RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 192-155 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist KcP fl- RE: Mobil Oil Station 02-KHA DATE: April 22, 1992 There are no comments pertaining to existing trees on this site. KH:ad Time: 15 minutes Forester/Environmentalist 15 minutes Secretary II RECEIVED APR 2 3 199~