APPLICATION ~ '-' . ' If 8_. .. FOIftI0645.~' . 01190 ... RC~1 5 APPLICATION FoifA" , SURFACE WATER .MANAGEMENT PERMIT ...J~.. ' FOR SFWMD USE ONLY ~ j Application No. ~1 ,; "i, SFWMD ONLY SECTION I - SITE INFORMATION , N A I M LO~A:rION SK~TC+l'IS'SueMl'R'6&-AS IT6M, .." . ,5 c. it " 'DODO B AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM 1-2.56/C rr/9c/-J~~" P6.~-r (i DODD .~ DODD DODD DODO EXISTING COVER IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM 1-3. PROPOSED PRESERVATION TECHNIQUES ARE SUBMITTED AS ITEM 1-4. WETLANDS CONTROL ELEVATION TABLE IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM 1-5. SECTION 11- PROJECT INFORMATION ':'0000 DODO 0000 PROlEC'TOCSCRIPTIO'N IS"SUBMITTE'D'ASlTEM n-1A'Ei STAFF GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS ARE SUBMITTED AS ITEM 11-1 B. B TOPOGRAPHIC MAP IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM II-Z. c..c- 11- -if- A-c- ~e 0 . . /9-' rrl1-C I-lio j?;C~"""'" I ( 0000 C DRAINAGE MAP IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM 11-3. .5ft.tZ D WATER ELEVATION BASIN WATER TABLE ELEVATION TABLE IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM 11-4A. ~UPPORT.ING INFOR~ATION IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM 11-4B. . fl[... /Z DESCRIPTION OF AFFECTED SYSTEMS IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM 11-5. FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM 11-6. P€Jt.r'\ , '\ '." .-.....,. . PERCO'(A TioN DATA ARE SUBMITTED AS ITEM 11-7. d/A WATER WITHDRAWAL IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM 11-8; rJ.j; ~ ,0000 "DODO SECTION III - MASTER PLAN A MASTER PAVING. GRADING. AND DRAINAGE PLANS 5 (' k.... NCEPTUAL APPROVAL. PLANS NOT SUBMITTED. 0 YES 0 NO , '.' , 'MASTER PAVING. GRADING. AND DRAINAGE PLANS ARE SUBMITTED AS ITEM 11I-1. . 5 rf:..e.. A~ DRAINAGE PLAN DETAiLS ARE SUBMITTED AS ITEM III-Z:S fSC: Ar~/~~O '.A-~ ;'0000 ., RECEIVING BODY LIST IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM 11I-3. .5' C. ~ ~ ~/l.....-t I '1':., '.' . CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES DESCRIPTION / A- CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL. STATEMENT NOT REQUIRED. 0 YES 0 NO CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES DESCRIPTION IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM 11I-4. IV / /T 0000 it I S. . . Form 0645. ~03 . ~,"." ." SECTION V - LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL SFWMD ONLY . . "J A I NI PROOF OF OWNERSHIP SUPPORTING INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM V-' -5 c.c 4'1,..., / r :J 0 C C .x..' ..:;. .... ... " .. .:. , .,~ .' ~~.:"~tJi~H~:t~:t:'W~: y:9 :: :..'~:s~~:~,=:~~~~~~==~;'=:~~.:;~~~t~:@.:::::~~;~S~2:~~:: . . ~.. . ~~~:<<<<~~~<<-:<<~~~~~~~~.~~:-.' ~"i1$X~:~ih<<I.::::::~:~-:f.::X::::$f.~"':<<~:::::::~ C UTILITIES 0,...., q.J r /' L . :~Am' WATER unL:TIESSUPPORTING,!J'\j.cDRMA nON IS SUBMITT~OAS. iTEM. y__~. sec.. e/2..~,-r SeWERAGE SUPPORTING iNFORMAiiON is SUBMITTED AS iiEM V.4. ~c.~ ~-r'd---....'r , ... .. ~'~:Wt~~~..., . .+, .... .... . .... ;::;m~~m.~~~<:::;;.mtm:U::!:1~l$[@**~m:~:::;:;:~:~~:~::: RECEIVING ~ODYClES1' .5 c.'f., ',j:J IIVL ~ f') . " ,....~ ......., W., ...... ...w-.-...........w........., LEGAL AVAILABILITY DOCUMENTATION IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM v-s. ' -' L ~ ~ PHYSiCAL CAPACITY DOCUMENTATION IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM V-6. ---: =:: = RIGHT OF WA Y PERMIT APPLICATION IS SUBMITTED NOW. 0 = LJ C :1 RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT IS APPLIED FOR. APPLICATION NO. ~ C C c: PROJECT IS PERMITTED FOR RIGHT OF WAY, PERMIT NO. ~ C L t.- o ..~ 0 . 0.. 0 .> ~ ..~'~UJmmjltUJ~~~K~)m:lt LAND USE TABLE IS SuBMITTED AS ITEM V-7 .f v-t. /4-~ M I ~ = :....; r; L .:OEVELOPMENT OF.REGiONAL IMPACT.STA TUS INFORMATlONtSSU&MITTEOAS :rrEM v~8....x::.;~A:.;;:i.~~~~~'*E~;:l~E; .' :~~;~ta_g"*~~i:.~'l~lili~i:~i~~~; ,-"'~~ :-:~--';L- BOUNDARY SURVEY IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM V-g. e- PCIl.;-? 1'1' G ~:~:::::::::.:s::::;::;:.t:::::~*:::t.:e:::~~::. .,. SECTION VI- PUBLIC NOTICING INFORMATION DEPICTION OF WORKS AND FACILITIES IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM VI. t. ..5 It' e h 4~ . . i f'ROJECT MAP !S SUBMITTED AS ITEM VI-Z. . ~:if:ffJn~~i~~~~~~;~m;~:~ WETLANDS STATEMENT IS SUBMITTED AS ITEM VI-),' . -.......---- . ;i::1<<i:tml.Wa1r$Wi~ =CCC : :.:~. .~lili~"ff$mm; . MiTiGATION STATEMENT IS SUBMITTED A'S ITEM VI-4. A ',. '~ccc . .. ~1~t1:1~~1~~mtt!jj~ . SECTION VII - WORKS OF TH E DISTRICT ~ 1/7 SURFACE WATER IMPROVEMENT AND MANAGEMENT (SWIM) P~OJEcr IS PERMITTED FOR WORKS OF i";E ::>IST~ICT (SWIM)"PE~MIT NO' .= = = ~ WM-'~~i:~:::ali:limNW.J.m;~mi~~i:f.w.,:;:,_!Wi@:~:%~m:}i:m:m:~ii*: WORKS OF THE DISTRICT (SWIM) PERMIT IS APPLIED FOR. APPLICATION NUMBER: == .1 .: .~*~:-:..rt;ftr?:~~!i~OOl~m~~mr~:~m~~l WORKS OF THE DISTRICT (SWIM) PERMIT IS NOT REOUIRED. 0 =' ...J L . ')' . :1:i1~~tW1W;j~~~~Nil~~l PROJECT DESCRIPTION ITEM II-1A The existing site consists of a light industrial and office complex containing a large building and parking area discharging to an on-site lake system for water quality prior to discharging to the E-q Canal. A construction permit was issued for the northern 6q acres of the 90 acre parcel in November, 1981 for 18 acres of commercial/industrial building and qO acres of total impervious. This project consists of a .92 acre addition to the existing 7.85 acre building in the existing permitted area bringing the total building area to 8.75 acres. Also. 1.70 acres of addition parking will be added to the existing 16.5 acres bringing the total pavement area to 18.2 acres. These additions total below the previously approved qO acres impervious. Flood routing calculations confirm that this project remains below the established threshold's established in the existing permit. 6.~ ADAIR & BRAD~ INC. Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors Land Planners 1958 South Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, FL. 33406 407/964-1221 900 South Federal Hwy., Suite 310 Stuart, Florida 34994 407/287-1560 & 746-2874 _<::Z-~!...(~~-' "'1 . I ,..~j] : /l~, '0 C' ijj,=,/3 jCiL:i /;;1... ,"~-,/1: '-, .........,. , -, ,,, i ~ \ ; : Ix, .J..51 .,:, ~J i!?8. , '; - , ~, S-. ~ ct. )010 70.,-A(, 5/rc L-A IC€ 19en t" .c) (J U / '-. C) ,..-J 6 ~ q 1''''' f? PI e? -t: I .....J G. <5 A.. 'f < "VA "lLA L,-,.....JD Se~'r 6' €,~ S - C&l'-l""-I'lb L 3'rA2..u c-~' 8L€~KJE"L L,U IL I ;Z, '7 0 /} C-: $"", c";Ad 'if, ;).5"" rJ<- 18.J.-/J q6 (JO ~ c. '/7: C> /!T'pc- -.5 0 / c.. .5 re> ('t /? ~. C' /) t.I c 0 -c' (" ~r /--1 % ~;[ /'? V /(.J t..I .s rc 4) Ult/, 50 " '- 57~ ~ 60 or SUBJECT ,I\/lCJ re>;? 01.4 B~ DATE /t!J/7 I CK._ W.O. SHEET -LOF____ ~ C' 7(::) (,A..Jo'T (;. :J,g ..~ " . c.:i 9 ,,( (,,'>,7 t?U A t.- / T )" s.. S- 1'-7 c - ~T (p.r.-r.. ~~#l"-' )'1) (J(f{/Vt l-n-ca c~ / 'T,z~ /tc) .~ l \ 3 Y R - d;l Y Ii ~ / /. J F r N6 t/LJ /'1/..J ~ OAO G t:(t1}O;C /~. I JJ '5 YtIZ - oJ- Y /;), I ' . o Ii- 5 I' (f r-J tJ '..J C- /,.,v")n G r- J..;;2 c... ~ .5 /ooya.. I='~oo~ Co~-;-ov~ /y. (,l/l1G vO ~ 1.-0. F L 0 0 ^- / y, 0 ' , F I~ Float? JEt.. 11.0 Company Name..............: Adair & Brady Inc. Execution Date............: 01-0~-1980 Program Name..............: ses -- (08/18/85) Project Nc!:\me..............: MOTOROL.A Engineer's Name...........: O'L.AUGHLIN Project Area..............: 90 acres Ground Storage............: 4.19 inches Termination Discharge.....: 100 cfs Distribution Type.........: 'SFWMD Return Frequency..........: 3 years F"<ainfall Duration.........: 1 -day 24-hr Rainfall............: 6 inches Reporting Sequence... .....: Standardized Bleeder Information.......: Horizontal Rectangle....: Weir Informa~:ion..........: Storage Information.......: En'try No. 1 M . M . . ~ .. . . ... . M . : En t. r y No. ~ . ..:..................... ,Entry No. ~ . _I" . .. .. .. ... II M .. .. .. . ... .. Entry No. 4.............: Poi ni: Stage Stor'age No. (ft) (af) 1 8.50 0.00 2 9.00 2.80 3 9.50 5.60 4 10.00 8.40 5 10.50 13.70 6 11 . 00 24.00 7 11 . 50 39.30 8 12.00 59.60 9 12.50 84..98 10 13.00 115.51 11 13.50 148.93 12 14.00 182.96 Invert-NGVD-Ft Height-Ft .08 Elev.I\IGVD-Ft 10 Storage Type V L L L Width-Ft 8.5 2..5 Coefficient Length-Ft 3.13 2..5 Start Elev Ending Elev (NGVD-ft) (NGVD-ft) 8.5 12 Component Name LA~<E PAF:K I NG GREEN AREA LANDSCAPE Discharge (cfs) 0.00 0.65 0.94 1. 16 4.11 9.34 16.03 Area (acres) 5.6 1"< ..... 18.2 40 17 10 12 12 19 23.92 32.85 42.69 53.38 [)4. 85 .- - - .- - R E S E R V 0 I'R - - - ... - R..ai n ACCLtm. B.1.\sin Accum. ACCLlm. Instant Average Time fall Runoff Di schgf'~ Inflow Volume Outflow Dischge Dischge Stage (hr) (i n) (i n) (c:fs) (af) (af) (af) (cf s) (cf s) (ft) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 ~.O 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 B.SO 4.00 0.27 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.50 8.00' 0.82 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 B. ~50 10.00 1.28 0.04 4.1 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 8.55 11.00 1.61 0.12 9.6 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.2 0.1 8.64 11 . 50 1. 91 0.22 19.0 1.6 1.6 0.0 0.3 0.3 8.76 11.75 2.93 0.69 172.1 5.2 5.2 0.0 0.7 0.5 9.11 12.00 3.94 1 . 3:;;~ 226.2 9.9 9.8 O. 1 1.1 0.9 9.84 12.50 4.37 1. 62 55.4 12. 1 12.0 0.1 2.8 2. 1 10.29 13.00 4.60 1. 78 29.7 13.4 13. 1 0.3 3.6 3.3 10.41 14.00 4.91 2.01 18.5 15.0 14.4- 0.6 4.4 4.0 1 (>. 53 16.00 5.28 2.29 12.5 17. :I. 15.7 1.4. 5.1 4.8 10.59 20.00 5.71 2.62 7.7 19.7 16.5 3.2 5.5 5..3 10.63 24.00 t,;). I) 0 2..85 5M2 21. 4, 16.4, 5.0 5.5 5.5 10.63 Men: i mum stage ,00 10.63 feet. Men: i mLlfn Di sch~'rge .-- 5.51 cfs Compa.ny Name..............: 'Adair 8( Brady Inc:. E~ec:utiQn Date~...........: 01-04-1980 ' Program Name..............: 8eS -- (08/18/85) Projec:t Name..............: MOTOROLA Engineer's Name...........:, O'LAUGHLIN Proj€",c:t Area..............: 90 aC:I"'E~S Ground Storage............: 4.19 inches TerrninationDisc:harge.....: 100 cfs Distribution Type.........: SFWMO Return Frequency..........: 25 years Rainfall Duration.........: 3 -day 24-hr Rainfall............: 12 inc:hes Reporting Sequence........: Sta~dardized Bleeder Information.......: Invert: -NGVD-Ft Hei ght-Fi: Hori zon'tcal Rec:tangl e. . . . : 8.5 .08 Weir Information..........: Lemgth-Ft Elev.NGVD-Pt 2..5 10 Storage Infor-mat:ion....... : Component Storage Area Name Type (acres) Entry NI::!. 1 . .. M . .. " .. . M . .. M . : LA~(E V 5.6 Entry No. ~ . PAm<INO L 1.8.2 ...:... .. " .. .. .. .. . .. .. III .. . .. Entry No. 3.....;...........: GREEN AREA L 40 Entry No. 4..............: LANDSCAPE L 17 Poi n1: Stage Storage Disc:harge No. (ft) (af) (cf s) 1 8.50 0.00 0.00 2 9.00 2.80 0.65 ... 9.50 5.60 0.94 .;:,. 4 10.00 f3.40 1. 16 5 10.50 13.70 4.11 6 11 . 00 24.00 9.34 7 11.50 39..3() 16.03 , . 8 12.00 59.60 23.92 9 12. ~'50 84.98 32.85 :1.0 13.00 115.51 42.69 11 13.50 148.93 53.38 12 1 4.. 00 182.96 64.85 Width-Ft 2.5 Coef f i c: i (m'l: 3.13 Start Elev Ending Elev (NOVO-ft) (NGVD-ft) 8..5 12 10 12 1.... .::. 12 19 - - - - - F~ E S E R V 0 I F~ .- ..... .,. Rain AccLICn. Basin ACCLlm. Ac:c:um. In!:itant Aver ag€:~ Time fall Runo.ff Disc:hge Inflow Volume Outflow Disc:hge Di sc:hg[.:,! Stage (hr" ) (i n) (i n) (c:fs) (af) (a.f) (af) (c:fs) (cfs) (ft) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.50 4.00 0.29 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.50 I 8.00 0.58 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.50 12.00 0.88 0.00 o. 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.50 16.00 1. 17 0.02 0.9 .0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.53 20.00 1.46 o. 0~'3 1.6 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.1 0.1 8.60 24.00 1. 75 0.16 2.1 1.2 1.1 O. 1 0.3 0.2 8.70 28.00 2.18 0..32 Lt.. 1 2.4 2.2 0.2 0.5 0.4 8.89 32.00 2.60 (>.52 4.9 3.9 3.5 0.4 0.7 0.6 9.12 36.00 3. ()3 0.75 5.5 5.6 5.0 0.7 0.9 0.8 ("-I. 37 40.00 3.46 1.01 6.0 7.6 6.5 1.0 1.0 0.9 9. (;,6 44..00 3.88 1.28 6.4 9.6 8.2 1.4 1.1 1.1 9.96 48.00 4.31 1. 57 6.8 11. 8 9.9 1..9 2.0 1.5 10.14 52.00 4.85 1.96 11.:;; 14.7 12.0 2.7 3.1 2.. ~:; 10.33 56.00 5.95 2.81 26.0 21. 1 17.0 4.1 5.6 4 .....' 10.65 . - 58.00 b.86 3..55 39.8 26.7 21.5 5.2 7.8 6.7 10.86 59.00 7.54 4.12 59.2 30.9 25.0 5.9 9.5 8.6 11.01 59.50 8.14 4.64 94.0 34.8 28.5 (h 3 10.9 10.1 11.11 59.75 10.16 6.4:3 651.0 A8.2 41.6 6.6 14. 1 12.5 11.36 60.00 12.18 8.28 672.6 62.1 55.2 6.9 19.5 16.8 11.72 60.50 13.06 9.10 148.3 68.2 60.4 7.8 23..6 22. 1 11.98 61.00 13.51 9.53 77. ,~ 71.4- 62.6 8.8 24.7 24.2 12.04. [,")2.00 14.12 10.10 47.2 75.8 64.8 10.9 25.6 25.2 12.09 64.00 14.87 10.80 30.9 81. <) 65.8 15.2 26.0 25.8 12.12 68. (J(l 15.73 11.62 18.7 87.2 {,3. 5 23.7 25.2 25.6 12.07 72.00 16.31 12.17 12.5 91.3 59.5 31.8 23.8 24.5 11.99 Ma~.: i mum Stage -- 12.12 feet ,...~ ..- .. ,. ,..,. . ...,. "".~ .~- r" ,..~ "\ ..... ,'"t ...... .-, ..../.. ,"", r"'('. ":" , ' Company, Name.. .. . . . . . . . . ..: Ada.ir 81. Brady Inc. E:.:ecution D.ate....... '.. ...: 01,0.04-1980 Program Name..............: 8e8 -- (08/18/85) Project Name..............: MOTOROLA Engineer's Name... ........: O'LAUGHLIN Proojec~: An:,?a..............: 90 acroes GroLlnd Stot-age............: 4.19 inches Termination Discharge.....: 100 c:fm Distribution Type.........: SFWMD Return Frequency..........: 100 years Rainfall Duration. ........: 3 -day 24-hr Rainfall............: 16 inches Reporting Sequence........: Standardized Bleeder Information.......: Horizontal Rectangle....: Storc.\ge Informa~ion.......: En~: r y No. 1 . . . . . M . .. . . . . . : Entry No. 2. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . : Entry No. ~ H w................ Entry No. 4.......11I......: Point st.-age st 01'" age No. (f .t.) (af) 1 8.50 0.00 2 9.00 2.80 ..,. 9.50 5.60 .j 4 10.00 8.40 5 10.50 13.70 6 11.00 24.00 7 11.50 39.30 8 12.00 59.60 . . 9 12.50 84.98 10 13.00 115.51 11 13.50 148.93 12 14.00 102.96 I n vert '-NC,VD-Ft 8.5 Component Name LAKE PARKING GREEN AREA LANDSCAPE Discharge (cf s) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Height-Ft .00001 storage Are.-a Type (acres) V 5.6 L 18.2 L 40 L 17 Wldth-Ft 2.5 Start Elev Ending Elev (NGVD-ft) (NGVD-ft) 8.5 12 10 12 1"'!' .... 12 19 - - - - - R E S: E R V 0 I R - - .- - - Rain Acc:um. Basin Acc:um. ACCL\lTl . Instant Aver..age Time .f ..all Runof .F Dischge Inflc:n\l Volume Outflow Dischge Dischge Stage (hr) (i n) (i n) (c'fs) (af) (af) (a.f) (cfs) <Cf s) Cft) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 8.50 4.00 0.39 0.00 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.50 8.00 0.78 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.50 12~OO 1. 17 0.02 1.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 8. 5~'::: 16.00 1. 56 o. 11 2.4 0.8 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.64 20.00 1 . 95 0..23 3.3 1.7 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 B.80 24,.00 2.34. 0.39 4.0 3~O 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.02 28.00 2.90 0.68 7.1 5.1 5.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.4,0 32 M ()o 3.47 1.02 8.0 7.6 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.85 36.00 4.04. 1.39 8.7 10.4. 10.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 10. H3 40.00 4.61 1. 79 9.3 13.4 13.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.46 44.00 5.18 2.21 9.8 16.5 16.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.63 48.00 5.74 2.65 10. 1 19.8 19.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.79 52.00 6.46 3.22 Hl.6 24.2 24.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1 . 00 51,.00 7.94 4.4.t, 37.5 33.5 33;5 0.0 0.0 0.0 11 . 30 58.00 9.15 5.53 56.6 4,1. 5 41.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 11 . 54. 59.00 10.05 {j. ~3 83.7 47.5 47.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.68 59.50 10.85 7.06 j, 32 . 2 52.9 52.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.80 59.75 13.54 9.56 907.0 71.7 71.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1. 2. 0~5 60.00 16.24 12. 11 926.7 90.8 90.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.43 60.50 17.41 13.23 203.1 99.2 99.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.,70 61.00\,18.02 13.81 106.0 103.b 103.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.79 'f .'<, '" 109.5 0.0 62.00 \18."83 14.60 64.4 109.5 0.0 0.0 12.89 ~J4 .90 19~82 15.55 ,/.1.2.1 116.7 116.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.01 68.00 20.98 16.67 25.4 125.0 125.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.14 72.00 21.74 17.42 16.9 130.6 130.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 :$.. 22 Mal': i mum stag~~ -.. 13.22 .feet Ma:< i mdn! Discharge -- 0.00 cfs . 1 ,John R. Maloy, Executive Direclor IN nrrlv nFlTfl 111: NOTICE OF PROPOSED AGENCY ACTION () '9~r CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P29 5797380 ' \"O~ 3 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED November 25, 1981 Motorola, Inc. 8000 W. Sunrise Blvd. Ft. lauderdale, Florida 33322 Re: Application No. 10261-1, Palm Beach County, SI7,20/T45S/R43E Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of this District's staff repDrt covering the permit application referenced therein. It is requested that you read this staff repDrt thoroughly and understand its contents. Your attention is directed to the 'special conditions listed on page{s) 4 and 5. The recommendations as stated in the staff report will be presented to our Governing Board for consideration on 12/10/81. If you object to the staff recommendations and desire a formal Public Hearing, you must file a written petition for a hearing with the District by no later than 12/9/81. Petitions are deemed filed upon receipt by the District. The petition must comply with Rule 40E-1.521, Florida Administrative Code, a copy of which is attached for your convenience, in order to be considered by the District. Please contact this office if you have any questions concerning this matter. If we do not hear from you prior to the above date, we will assume you concur with our recommendations. Sincerely, rn is, up Permit Administration Division Resource Control Department VK/ jh Attachment Enc 1 osure: 1 cc: Mr. John l. Hundley Mr. Nathaniel P. Reed Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. Engineer, City of Boynton Beach II,,!>p,1 I Clarl(, ,I, floh..,1 W r'ildrir.k CI1"ill1liln ,- rOlll.illldNdal,' Vir.p Chilirrrliln- rOIl r'ip,c" lake Worth Drainage District Ms. Geraldine Hartman, P.B. Cou Mr. Stan Redick, P.B. County Stilnll'YW lint" Nilples J N"il GallilQhPl SI Clol/d Nalhilllicl r'. n.."" Hobe SOl/lid John L. Hllndl..y Pnhokee Allhley L. Rwnharn Cha,les L. C'I/mplor, Oknl'chohee Miami Shores Jeanne Bellamy Cornl Gables 40B-t.52t InItiation of Formal ProeeedingB. (1) Initiation of formal proceedings shall be made by petition to the D~strict. The term 'petition as used herein includes any application or other document which expresses a request for formal proceedings. Each petition should be printed, typewritten or otherwise duplicated in legible form on white paper of standard legal size. Unless printed, the impression shall be on one side of the paper only and lines shall be double- spaced and indented. (2) All petitions filed under these rules shall contain: (a) The name and ~ddress of the District and the District's file or identification number, if known; (b) The name and address of the peti tioner or petitioners; (c) An explanation or how each petitioner's substantial interests will be afrecteed by the District's determination; (d) A statement of when and how petitioner received notice of the District's decision or intent to render a decision; (e) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate; (f) A concise statement of the ultimate facts which petitioner believes entitle petitioner to the relief sought as well as the rules and statutes which support petitioner's claim for relief; , I (g) A demand for the relief to which the petitioner deems himself entitled; and (h) Other information which the petitioner contends is material. (3) Upon receipt of a petition for formal proceedings, the District shall review the petition for the degree of compliance with subsection (2) and shall accept those petitions in substantial compliance therewith which have been timely flIed and which state a dispute which is within the jurisdiction of the District to resolve. If accepted, the District shall designate the presiding officer. The District shall promptly give written notice to all parties of the action taken on the petition, and shall state, with particularity Its reasons therefor. ' (4) If the District designates a Hearing Officer 'assigned by the Division of Administrative Hearings as the presiding officer, the District Clerk shall forward the petition and all materials filed with the District to the Division of Administrative Hearings, and shall notify all parties of its action. Specific Authority 373.044, 373.113 F.S. Law Implemented 120.53(1), 120.57 F.S. History-New. ' Formerly 16K-1.09(1), 16K-1.112(1l through (3), 16K-1.12 .... Last Date for Governing Board Action December 10~ 1981 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT STAFF REVIEW SUMMARY APPLICATION NO: 10261-1 PROJECT NAME: ~1otorol a ~ Inc. LOCATION: City of BoyntDn Beach, Palm Beach County, S17,20/T45S/R43E DEVELOPER: Motorola, Inc. ENGINEER: Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan, Inc. 1. Suitability of land for proposed use ~ FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 2. Water Quantity Impacts ~ FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 3. Water Quality Impacts GOOD @) POOR NOT APPLI CABLE 4. Environmental Impacts GOOD FAIR POOR 5. Water Conservation (GOqW FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 6. Flood Protection ~ FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 7. Relief from rainstorm inconvenience ~ FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 8. System Maintainability @@) FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 9. Overall, use of land with respect to GQQ9) water resource FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 10. Water management system with respect (GooD) to feasible alternatives FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE .... SHORT fORM EVALUATION APPLICATION NUMBER: 10261-1 PROJECT NAME: ~1otoro 1 a. I nc. LOCATION: SECTIONS Palm Beach COUNTY 17,20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST TYPE OF APPLICATION: Surface Water Management PROJECT AREA 90 ACRES. DRAINAGE AREA 90 ACRES. FACILITIES: 1. EXISTING: LWDD E-4 Canal, (LWDn Canal L-22 is to be filled). 2. PROPOSED: A system Df inlets and culverts cDllects runoff to a 5.3 acre retention lake. The control structure consists Df 1-1" bleeder slot at elevation 8.5' NGVD, 1-2.5' wide weir with a crest at elevation 10.0' NGVD, that discharges runoff into LWDD E-4 Canal via 450 1.f. of 36" diameter culvert. DRAINAGE BASIN: C-16 ' RECEIVING BODY: LWDD 1:-4.. CanaL RUNOFF FORMULA LWDD Curves ALLOWABLE DISCHARGE 34 CFS REQUIRED RETENTION 5.5 ACRE-FEET. RETENTION METHOD wet retention RETENTION PROVIDED 8.4 ACRE-FEET. FLOOD PROTECTION LOCAL ROAD CRITERIA 3 YEAR, 24 HR STORM FLOOD CONTOUR 11.1 FEET NGVD MINIMUM ROAD GRADE 12.1 FEET NGVD ", BASIN DESIGN FREQUENCY 25 YEAR, 24 HR STORM . . FLOOD CONTOUR 12.1 FEET NGVD DESIGN DISCHARGE 22 CFS 100 YEAR FLOOD FLOOD CONTOUR 14.0 FEET NGVD MINIMUM FLOOR ELEVATION 14.0 FEET NGVD ~ FIA FLOOD ELEVATION 11 FEET NGVD Page 1 of 5 WATER QUALITY: A. ADVERSE IMPACTS EXP~ED YESD NOW B. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES UTILIZED ENVIRONMENTAL: A. SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE, IMPACTS EXPECTED, YESD ' NOG] B. COMMENTS: , I LAND USE: PRESENT ZONING: PROPOSED USE: COMPATIBLE POTABLE WATER: WASTEWATER TREATMENT: OPERATION ENTITY: Industrial Industrial YES0 , ALLOWED DENSITY: N/A Noc:r- ' PROPOSED DENSITY: N/A DU/A DU/A Citv of BoyntDn Bpach South Central Rpgional Wastpwatpr Trpatmpnt anrl Di sposa 1 Boa rd Motorola, Jnc ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: The prnjp~t ~itp i~ on ~cr~c in size Tbi~ appliratinn ic fnr 64 acres; to b9 d9\1glop9Q iRtg the prDposed water management system. Any development of the remaining 26 acres must be submitted as a permit modification. RECOMMENDATIONS: See Attached. PREPARED: ~ T~ AT/dr APPROVED: ~-/ V~ Richard A. Rogers, P.L, Director Resource Control Department CHECKfD:~W DATE: /7"e~~" ..~ Page 2 of 5 TI,e staff recolllllends tha t a: -X-- Construction and Operation Permit Construction Permit Operation Permit Letter of Conceptual Approval Right-of-Way Occupancy Permit be issued for the following described project: Application No.: 10261-T Appl icant Name: MDtorola, Inc. Applicant Address: 8000 W. Sunrise Boulevard, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33322 Date: Nnvpmhpr ?O, lqRl Project Name: Motorol~, Tn~ Applicable Land Area Project Phase Construction Tota 1 : 90 acres; 64 5.6 40.0 acres Water Management: 5.6 acres; acres Impervious: 40.0 acres; acres Land Use: Location: Total Dwelling Units; 18 Acres Comnerci a 1/ Industria 1 C1 ty: ROllnrfprf OJ' rongrpc:c: AvpnllP on the west, N.W. 22nd Avenue on the north, lWDD Canal E-4 on the eastA and C-16 on the south,. Boynton R~~CR ~ounty: Palm 8p~~h Special District: LWDD SFWMD Basin: C-16 Section s 17.20 ,Township 45 South, Range 43 ElSt Operation Entity: Motorola. Inc. Subject to the followinglO standard limiting and -L- special conditions (for conceptual approvals only, these conditions as a minimum will apply to subsequent construction pe~itt1ng): "" Page 3 of 5 L) ,M) _H~.G_ J.o.tlP.1.T.I.Q!'l,S 1 . lifE PERM I TTEI~ SIIALL PROSECUTE TilE. HORK /\UTHOR llED IN A MANt,!ER SO AS TO MINIMIZE ANY ADVERSE IMPACT or THE WORKS ON FJSI1, WII,DLIFE. NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, AND WATER QUALITY. TilE I'EHMJTTEE SHM L INST !TllTl NECESSARY t1EASURES DURING THE' CONSTRUCTION PEIUOD. INCLUDING FULL COMPACTION OF ANY FILL MATERIAL PLACED AROUND NEWLY INSTALLED STRUCTURES, TO REDUCE EROSION, TURBIDITY, NUTRIENT LOADING AND SEDII~ENTATION HI THE RECEIVING WATERS. 2. WATER QUALITY DATA FOR THE WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PERMITTEE'S PROPERTY SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT AS REQUIRED. PARAMETERS TO BE MONITORED INCLUDE: TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS, NITRATES AS N, NITRITES AS N, TOTAL K,JELUAIIL NITROGEN AS N, AMMON IA AS N, TOTAL PHOSPIlORUS AS P, ORTHO- f'1I0~)PIIOIHJS AS P. !) DAY ?One BOD, TUlmWITY. SPEClI Ie cnNDUCIIVITY, DISSOLVED OXY(~EN AND pll. IF WAlI.1{ qUALITY IJMA AI{E REQUIRED, HIE pm~1JTH,r: SHALL PROVIDE DATA ON VOLUMES OF ~/ATER DISCHARGED, INCLUDING TOTAL VOLUME DIS- CIlAI~GEIJ DURING THE DAYS OF SAMPLING AND TOTAL MONTHLY DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY . 3. THE PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND OTHER LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. IN ADDITION THE PERMITTEE SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL AND SPECIAL DISTRICT AUTHORIZATIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION OF WORKS AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. 4. THE OPERATION PHASE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFIED THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THF. DESIGN APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT. UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM, THE DISTRICT SHALL BE NOTIFIED FOR AN INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF THE FACILITIES. 5. ALL ROADS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT FLOOD CRITERIA. 6. ALL BUILDING FLOORS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS ACCEPTABLE TO THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 7. WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PROJECT SHALL BE THROUGH STRUCTURES HAVING A MECHANISM SUITABLE FOR RE~ULATING UPSTREAM WATER STAGES. STAGES MAY BE SUBJECT TO OPERATING SCHEDULES SATISFACTORY TO THE DISTRICT, 8. NO CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED HEREIN SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ACCEPTABLE TO THE DISTRICT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND HAS AGREED TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM. THE ENTITY MUST BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT OWNERSHIP SO THAT IT HAS CONTROL OVER ALL WATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN EVIDENCE ,OF THE SATISFACTION OF THIS CONDITION, THE DISTRICT WILL ISSUE AN AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCT ION. 9. THE PERMIT DOES NOT CONVEY TO THE PERMITTEE ANY PROPERTY RIGHT NOR ANY RIGHTS OR PRIVILEGES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED IN THE PERMIT AND CHAPTER 40E-4. 10. THE PERMITTEE SHALL HOLD AND SAVE THE DISTRICT HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL ~AMAGES, CLAIMS, OR LIABILITIES WHICH MAY ARISE BY REASON OF THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE OR USE OF ANY FACILITY AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT. Page 4 of 5 . ' , SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATION 14 0 FEET NGVD. 2. MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ELEVATION 12.1 FEET NGVD. 3. DISCHARGE FACILITIES: DESCRIPTION: 1-1" BLEEDER SLOT AT ELEVATION 8.5 FEET NGVD AND 1-2.5' WIDE WEIR WITH A CREST AT ELEVATION 10.0 FEET NGVD THAT DISCHARGES RUNOFF INTO E-4 CANAL VIA 450 L.F. OF 36" DIAMETER CULVERT. CONTROL ELEVATION: 8.5 FEET NGVD. RECEIVING WATER: E-4 CANAL 4. OFF-SITE DISCHARGES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE MADE ONLY THROUGH FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. 5. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MOTOROLA. INC. 6. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE TO THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENTATION OF LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. 7. WATER MANAGEMENT AND WATER USE ACTIVITIES INCIDENTAL TO DEVELOPMENT ADDRESSED HEREIN. SUCH AS CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING. MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PERMITS FROM THE DISTRICT. WHICH MUST BE OBTAINED'PRIOR TO ,COMMENCEMENT OF SUCH ACTIVITIES. Page 5 of 5 ~ 1 FOR CONTINUATION SEE MAP NO.27 A B I TAMPA AV BILOXI 7 w > ct I oil 8 l" ,... v. TOM.A- TOE AI) i ._----~_.__..----~ ! w t:l a --0:- I --=~ 2 en N 0 Z ll.. 4 ." ::f ,IU IU II) z 18 0 ~ 4 ::l Z ~ Z 0 u a: 0 ... 3 oq RD Rd l.ongm,eadow Aladin S!L- Ave- Barks Ave Coclebs Ave Dorrit Ave Ed '1r Ave z o u . Cli: 'l< I I Boyntp'~ T ON ct C-16 I'r~" f\ ;[ \' "~l' , !II~ PJ e9 I 11 I- (I) u : l;;~N~ U'l N,^ NW ,~ - u ,... AV ,~-- t: '" > IV -. ..~ " WESTl EX H I B IT I n q~ I I~~ !: Z ..---J \',/':', "T"'~I..~I"""~' .> ~ I >1 -'I ',..1 -.tI'I I , \\ ~ " t"\'1 thi~; \ \ llq' dlull{ ,. \ \ \ '~--_.: ..... r.::-:. ..' ," Nnv/(IN L'ANofJ dAd MIf'11II att4/IIIfMI MfIPK1;l ...._~-::: ~ ._~~~~--:...-_......,-~"""-'~. .. .' ,..-,.".. ',' .. " .' .,.... ..~, 'I STAFF REPORT OlSTRIBUTION LIS~ PROJECT Motorol a. Inc. f.tt!!m.N8."'__!!LHlill.!lI.UlliJ x Pete Rhoads x Lega 1 x I nspec t ion x RevIewer A. Torvela x R. Fanson x c. Uall x P. Gleason R. Goodrl ck w. Brannen J. Jackson J. Wodraska R. Brockway DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION x W. P. B. Other Ft. Myers Orlando Ta 11 ahassee Port St. LucIe GOVERNING BOARD MEMBERS Mr. Robert L. Clark, Jr. Mr. J. Ne 11 Gallagher Mr. Robert PadrIck Mr. Charles L. Crumpton Ms. Jeanne Bellamy X Mr. John L. Hundley Mr. Stanley W. Hole X Mr. NathanIel P. Reed Mr. Aubrey Burnham APPLICATION NUMBER lO?61-1 ION CONI.J1illE.DJ x Applicant Motorola, Inc. x Applicant's Consultant Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. Applicant's Agent x Eng i nper, County Of Pa 1 m Beach x Eng I flEer ~ CIty Of Boynton Beach Local DraInage Districts x ~ake Worth Draina~p ni~trirt Director, Martin Co. Planning & Zoning DIrector, Lee County Dlv. of E. P. S. CollIer County Ag. Agent Fred Vldzes, B. C. BasIn x Palm Beach County Area Planning Board KissImmee RIver CoordInatIng CouncIl Dade County DERM Director, Lee County Mosquito Control ,x Director, P.B. County Bldg. Dept. Dlr., Lee County Dept. of Current Planning Dlr., Broward Co. Water Management Division Other: EXHIBIT .3 South Florida Watt~ p 0 ~ 1. lli r. M t ,~uY~ r t>f I IN ",Pl Y REI E R TO, Con tro 1 No. 50-90020-f Riteco Development CDrporation (Mo taro 1 a) 169 East Flagler Street Mia~i, Florida 33131 JOHN R. MALOY. r..r.!lI'yt I)"... ment District --'I ICE BOX "V". ;V[~T PALM beACH, FLonlDA :1 TElEPW,\if (3"51 Gte -. ,f i! Oecember 18, lY79 RE: Application No. 09249-0, Ritec opment Corporation (Motorola), Pdlm O~ach County. SectiDns 17 and 20. Township 45 south. Range 42 east Cae:1 t 1 ernen : At its December 13, 1979 meeting. the Governing Board of this District gave conceptual approval of your surface water management plan. This conceptual approval is subject to the six special conditions on pd~e 5 and the eight limiting conditions on page 4 of.the District's staff report dated October 31, 1979. lhh conceptual approval does not constitute a construction permit. It is base1 upon the information provided by the applicant and may be suhject to modification (W "l'vocation if it is later determined that said information is crrDneous or f d 1 S t' . All future applications for construction submitted pursuant to this conceptual approval will be review~d in light of the statutory and administrative criteria in '..:ffect at the time of sub:nission of such construction applications. 'lnc GrJ'lerning Be!. d may modify this pr'()vision in cases of extreme hardship. If ~'l(' appl ;cant has not filed an application for construction Df the fir~lt ph'lsC of tJ:e project pllrsuant to this conceptual apprDval within two (2) years of the chte ht?l"t:>of. the approval granted herein shall be considered to be vDid and of no effect, U' 1 ~~~:; e>:tended by the Governing Board of the Di s tri c 1. As ~onstruction plans are developed, they must be submitted to this District. and no COllslt'uctiDn may begin until definitive authority has been granted by this District. If '.'(lU have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to call. Sincerely, tP~ R~k'sw Richard A. Rogers, Director Resource Control Department cc: DER, loW.D.D., Charles A. Hall, Post, J3u<;kl~.Y.L~f.~uh ~_},e.r!li9.a.n...JncJ. Carmen Annunziato-Boynton Beach, InspectiDn 0<- :."I,I<l f!f'rlll1 .~ P^ORICI\ ,... ..Ule 'V'le C'" J~rf1,~r, . F Of t P..ref W J f,C^R~OnOU(;11 L.kll Ph" ,rl 11 ""ROY MA TUESON M."",I 0[/: ~1j[";.P t' "I- " '. 'I' MAURICE. L PLUMMER r n,. ""\.,." .;' .,a" I. l....."Jn: jI,I..... -, NATHANILL nHD IInl... Soil'll! J Nf IL GAl.! AGHEA ~, ('II,tIIl JOliN II M.'1 OV. ,~", ,,'V" 1'1",. "11 South Florida , Water Management District POST OFFICE UOX "V", WEST PALM BEACH. FlOIUDA :q \11: TELEPHONE (305) 6al., ~or; IN REPLY REFER TO: November 15, 1979 Ri teeo Deve 1 opment Corp'ora t i on ( Me to ro 1 a ) 169 East Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33131 RE: Application No. 09249-0 Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of this Oistrict'~, .;taff report covering your pet'nit application. The fo11o\',;ng recollmendation(s) will oe nresentetJ to our Governinf] Board for cDnsideration en December 13, 1979. ~ Conceptual approval of your ~urfilce via ter manageo1ent 5YS tf~m. o Issuance of surface \,:a ter t:1tln.l(F~1 "-'lit ii" it (or The concl~ptua 1 approvlll dof'S net t:on f i 1111'. .1 ., f)', fillet 'on r ('rrll i t.. : l 1:. based upon the infcrrnation pl'ovi(:,~c1 ;,)' till' .l;'1'1 (:'!nt and l:lay be <;ul.,""'t' to modification or revocation il it ;Sl.lll'r tll'll'I Iired th,lt sidd ir:felPI,)r:on is erroneous or false. All future applications for constl"ueti"n ~Ijhll'il.ed put'Slant to thi~ 1',1r'U:pt- ual approval will te reviewed in light of :1;(, s':atu1:ory and adninistl'.:tivr..' criteria in effect at this time of submission 0'- such cmstruction al'l'lic~ti~r!~. The Governing Board may modify this provis ion h ca';e of extrCll'n hcll'dsh;r.. If the allplicant ha~ not filed an applic"t~f)11 fit' (.I)nst,"uction of thl' fir!'.t phase of the project pursuant to thh cuncf?pt.ui\l arprD\1Jl within two (2) Yl~ars of the dilte "ereof, the apl'rovi3l 9ra'lt.?d :ler'c;n s'lall he con~idered tf) I'E' void and of no effect, unl~s5 extendf'c1 by tit \ (;(l..,enl infl Board of thE Pi s tri ct. Please contact this office if you havp. any ljll.'HI.;M, Ctncernin" th~(. miltt(~r. If we do not heilr from 'you by the auov(' ddtl., "r. will (5surn~ y"u C')n(~lr \tlith our recommendations. ' ~;;'Il'rrrl \, V('rn I~,li'.el'" SUI ervi'.or VK/ag 1>"'1'01', t (,ll!:ir istr ativt. ec: Boynton Beach City Engineer, ~L"', 'Ill'!:' rnl tr'o OCP,ll"t pn' ~o~t, Buckley,__Sc~,Ut}." & Jernj,ga!,. l..W.O.D., Carmen Annunziato ,ntH!;l L. CLAJlK. JR, HOBEIH W I'AlltllCK \', .1 fIAlln')Jl!IIIl;H Jl, ~ ARDV MAl IF~;()', '.\I,m,ll1' fort Laude'dale \'Il:e Ch,)",,"'''' ' F," I ,,,',el' 1...I<,' 1'1,11,\1' M'arm III 'j ~,"~!)f,I.1. '1I:d,,;~~ Sl ANLEV HOLE Napll's MAURIC[ \, r \ U','M(H '<1" ~.ht,,~ r ~:, T II i\ N III R (,' [! I ,. .~ ,It ~,~(I\I' I. t J, ~ ElL GMtI' ,II! II St. CI"u' JOH'J I , 1I~.'!Jt;1 :. ' p " -~' -- -.,.-..-- -'..- -'--"-'-- ..~.- -~- -----.-..-.._._~'- . . f" ". " DRAn ~'rh:() t t G . . v....-;"'C 0 ."'l~ .....,.""\ f' 'T I '- ,,"".. ,., t SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT STAFF REVIE '.J SU :<"j r. ~ I . ;');Jpm'v',]1 -J APPLICATION NO: 09249-0 PROJECT NAME: Motorola LOCATION: Palm Beach County, S17,20/T45S/R42E DEVELOPER: Riteco Development Corporation ENGINEER: Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. l. Suitability of land for proposed use ~) FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 2. Water Quantity Impacts Go?0 FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 3. Water Quality Impacts ~OOP) FAIR POOR NOT APPLI CABLE 4. Environmental Impacts GOOD FAIR POOR 5. Water Conservation ~00p) FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 6. Flood Protection QOOp) FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 7. Relief from rainstonm inconvenience (GOOp) FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 8. System Maintainability ~0~0 FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 9. Overall use of land with respect to €?0 water resource FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 10. Water management system with respect ~ to feasible alternatives FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE NOTE: THIS CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL WILL BE CONSIDERED AT THE DECEMBER 13, 1979 GOVERNING BOARD MEETING PROVIDED THE SITE IS COMPATIBLY REZONED AT THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MEETING ON DECEMBER 11. 1979. IF THE REZONING REQUEST IS DENIED THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED UNTIL COMPATIBLE ZONING IS OBTAINED. , . SHORT FORM EVALUATION APPLICATION NUMBER: 09249-0 PROJECT NAME: Motorola LOCATION: Palm Beach COUNTY SECTION 17 & 20 . TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 42 EAST TYPE OF APPLICATION: ~nceptual Approval for the Surface Water Management System PROJECT AREA 90 ACRES. DRAINAGE AREA 90 ACRES. FACILITIES: 1. EXISTING: L.W.D.D. Canal L-22 crosses the property and joins Canal E-3. L-22 is to be filled. . 2. PROPOSED: A system of storm sewers and grassed swales which will route the runoff to the two interior 3 acre lakes. The runoff is then discharged to Canal E-4 through 30" weil's and 24" culverts. Final outfall is Canal C-16. WATER QUALITY: A. ADVERSE IMPACTS EXP~TED YESD NOW B. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES UTILIZED Gr~~~~d swales Retention of the first influx of runoff. ENVIR~MENTAL: A. ADVERSE IMPACTS EXPECTED. YESU NOm B. COf+tENTS: DRAFT Subject to Governing n .J A I .......-. T' LAND USE: PRESENT Z~ING: PROPOS~D USE: C()1PATABLE POTABLE WATER: WASTEWATER TREATMENT: OPERATION ENTITY: Multi-Familv & Commercial rial ~ SEe ~_ v.,c tJDr~! City of Bovnton Beach South Central Regional Wastewater Ireatment and Disposal Board Motorola. Inc. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Calculations for this project are based upon DroDosed acreages of: lake Area Grassed area 6.0 acres 47.9% 6.7% 45.4% Impervious area 43.1 acres 40.9 acres 90.0 acres 100% Consideration of construction permits for development of areas served by the proposed system will be subject to such development meeting the design parameters deslgnated above. RECOMMENDATIONS: See Attached. PREPARED: ~":)d ~ lVK/dr ~ .-' -7 cT CHECKEO:cf~ ~ APPROVED: e ~~-?' ~e~ Richard A. Rogers. Director Resource Control Department DATE: /~/~;>' Page 2 of 5 '~~{, lhe s ta ff recorrmends tha t a: Construction and Operation Permit Construction Permit Operation Permit ~ Letter Df Conceptual Approval be issued for the following described project: Application No.: 09249-0 Date: OctDber 2, 1979 Applic~nt Name: Riteco Development Corporation Applicant Address: 169 E. Flagler Street, Miami, Fl 33131 Project Name: Motorola Applicable land Area Project To ta 1 : 90 Phase Construction N/A N/A N/A acres acres; Water Management: 6 Impervious: 43.1 acres; acres acres; acres Total ~iellinq Vnits; 825,000 East of Congress Avenue, North of C-16. Sq. ft. Commercial/Industrial Land Use: Location: City: Boynton Beach County: Palm Beach Special District: Lake Worth Drainage District SFWMO Basin: C-16 South, Range 42 , East "Section 17 & 20 ,TDwnship 45 Operation Entity: Motorola, Inc. Subject to the following 8 standard limiting and 6 special conditions (for conceptual approvals only, these cDndit10ns asia minimum will apply to subsequent construction perm1tting): '"'- . . Page 3 of 5 - -~..... LIMITING CONDITIONS i. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROSECUTE THE WORK AUTHORIZED IN A MANNER SO AS TO MINIMIZE ANY ADVERSE IMPACT OF THE WORKS ON FISH, WILDLIFE, NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, AND WATER QUALITY. THE PERMITTEE SHALL INSTITUTE NECESSARY MEASURES DURING THE CONSTRUC- TION PERIOD, INCLUDING FULL COMPACTION OF ANY FILL MATERIAL PLACED AROUND NEWLY INSTALLED STRUCTURES, TO REDUCE EROSION, TURBIDITY, NUTRIENT LOADING AND SEDIMENTA- TION IN THE REClIVING WATERS. 2. WATER QUALITY DATA FOR THE WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PERMITTEE'S PROPERTY SHALL BE SUB~ITTED TO THE DISTRICT AS REQUIRED. PARAMETERS TO BE MONITORED INCLUDE: TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS, NITRATES AS N, NITRITES AS N, TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN AS N, AMMONIA ~S N, TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AS P, ORTHO-PHOSPHORUS AS P, 5 DAY 200C BOO, TURBIDITY, SPECIFIC CONDUCTIVITY, DISSOLVED OXYGEN AND pH. IF WATER QUALITY DATA IS REQUIRED, THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROviDE DATA ON VOLUMES OF WATER DISCHARGED, INCLUDING TOTAL VOLUME DISCHARGED DURING THE DAYS OF SAMPLING AND TOTAL MONTHLY DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY. 3. THE PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND OTHER LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. IN ADDITION THE PERMITTEE SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL AND SPECIAL DISTRICT AUTHORIZATIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION OF WORKS AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. l. THE OPERATION PHASE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFIES THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ~E DESIGN APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT. UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUC- TION OF THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM, THE DISTRICT SHALL BE NOTIFIED FOR AN INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF THE FACILITIES. . '. ALL ROADS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERN- MENT FLOOD CRITERIA. I. ALL BUILDING FLOORS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS ACCEPTABLE TO THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT. WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PROJECT SHAlL BE THROUGH STRUCTURES HAVING A MECHANISM SUITABLE FOR REGULATING UPSTREAM WATER STAGES. STAGES MAY BE SUBJECT TO OPERATING SCHEDULES SATISFACTORY TO THE DISTRICT. ~. NO CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED HEREIN SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ACCEPT- ABLE TO THE DISTRICT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND HAS AGREED TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM. THE ENTITY MUST BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT OWNERSHIP SO THAT IT HAS CONTROL OVER ALL WATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN EVID[~CE OF THE SATISFACTION OF THIS CONDITION, THE DISTRICT WILL ISSUE AN AUTHORIZA- TION TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION. '" Page 4 of 5 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. MINIMUM BUILDING flOOR ELEVATION __-1~~-~--, FEET t1Gvn. 2. MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ELEVATION 12.1 FEET NGVn. 3. DISCIIARGE FACII.1TlES: ' DESCR 1 PlI ON: TWO 30" RECTANGULAR SHARP CRESTED WEI RS WITH DISCHARGE ELEVATIONS Q~~~~ FEET N~VD~ CONTROL ELEVATION: 8.5 ' FEET NGVD. RECEIVING WATER: L.W.D.D. CANAL E-4 4. OFF-SITE DISCHARGES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE MADE ONLY THROUGH FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. 5. THE ON-SITE WATER LEVEL SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ELEVATION 8.5 FEET NGVD WITH MAJOR :DISCHARGES NOT OCCURRING UNTIL THE WATER LEVEL RISES TO ELEVATION 10.0 FEET NGVD. . 6. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WILL BE THE RESPON- SIBILITY OF MOTOROLA. INC. Pag~ 5 of 5 . . ,"' .' :~i~. ~: 1: .. ;":"",! .--"-.1 \\ .,,' "1' I G I'...'. " ' ~". , ~., ..." 1 ~ ~,(/, HOS :",^lA' .'~..--.,.-..., '., . J I . I ' (.." '",', ',: PALM 01 ACII'-:r. ; I ", ; I " ATLANTIS 0.;,'\ CO\"4.R",,:(~;r;::1 it ""'I'''''''I:~ 'J ; . .'JI -- " AIRPORT' I,! './'. ,'" '; "..." . .'--" '~.l, 1\'....\ !, I..._..~...... .. "I'{'" POD 4~ ," , y~~ \)\ I I' \ ,'\ /'1 I . " I '{ JI'!' .';' ISOUTHP'\L.~ . , ~. (' , . , , "AU -... J\ --.J ... .~'U. ,- ~ 'All ,I J)'/) p" '.. ,-:-,. " '.' ~U '. t , · ' ; ,-::3: ~ f~-1 .! ! LANT ANA (/ I; t:.l' Po" 7' 'r, I.. () I " ! I ,....., , 01 'l~ · (" ' \, . - 1 ~" j ... C,. I . r ,>', I : ", " , . : , , . BEAGI r... 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Canal ,vr'4 c.L , ~,. .', :'1" .' . . '. . ~' 0 ~ M"4" ',., j ~~ AeeA. ,.)iI\ 'fo ~ c... :t ~\lI5D ll.e.E~~\..,l 40 ~c.. ~Feo ~~ . I~~. w....1I ~ 'IJ~ A.. - ~ dIt:. 4.~ t..:l..aA . '2/.. "'<. ~~ PROPERTY PLAN" ~ tJ I FIGuRE Y. -- . . . t/ ./ FORM PA.13 Rlv. ,.79 STAFF REPORT P.!~JRlBUII0N LIST "='='~__. _.4'-::':_ _. ..... .-.----~---- PROJECT (l) o.fo TO I e:L l~_"f~~p~,!3P- P!~T~ ~~YTI_QNJ Applicant Applicant's Consultant Pete Rhoads Legal INTERNAL DISTRIBUTIONl Hall Gleason Goodrick Brannen Jackson W odraska APPLICATION NUMBER tJ9 2t/9 -I.) , L~XT~B~A~ DlSTl'IBU.TI9~ J Engineer, City of 8t>ynlclt. Applicant's Agent Local Drainage Districts L.AKi! I{)()/"tlt Ora;nQqG O"Ir,c / ' Jack Harper, Lee County Div, of E. p, S Don Landers, Collier County Ag, Agent Fred Vidzes, B. C. Basin Robert Padrick Kissimmee River Coordinating Council Dade County DERM Martin County Planning, Tom Mumford ,,/ C~r~~'" A 'f\t\"'Io'\~\""~) C :~ P\.u,""t- C :~ ,q f>.,.:14~ & ~c.h DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL I REGULATION W. P. B. Ft. Myers Orlando Tallahassee Ft. Pierce Other ~~ EXHIBIT .5