REVIEW COMMENTS 7. C. 1 PARKING LOT VARIANCE OLD DUTCH MILL SEAFOOD MARKET PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-130 FROM: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board Tambri J. Heyden, AICP "t9-J Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: April 8, 1997 SUBJECT: "Old Dutch Mill" Seafood Market - PKLV 97-001 Parking Lot Variance (driveway distance from the right-of-way) NATURE OF REQUEST George C. Davis, Architect, agent for Scott and Mary Jo Bills, owners of the property at 1022 N. Federal Highway, is requesting a variance from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article II, Paragraph H - Driveways, Subsection 3, that states: "Distance from streets. Parking lot driveways shall be constructed at least thirty (30) feet from the intersection of the right-of-way lines along local streets and one hundred eighty (180) feet along streets of a higher classification. rr The subject driveway is located along the frontage of Federal Highway, which is classified as a state principal arterial street. According to the site plan provided, the proposed distance between the driveway and the Northeast 10th Avenue right-of-way line is approximately seventy four (74) feet. BACKGROUND This request is being processed in connection with an application for a major site plan modification to convert the unoccupied building at 1022 N. Federal Highway (formerly the Old Dutch Mill lounge and package store), to a seafood market. This address is at the southeast corner of Federal Highway and Northeast 10th (see Exhibit "A" - location map). The owner is proposing to remodel and construct an addition to the existing structure. Existing parking for this facility will be upgraded to meet current city standards. Access to the parking lot exists from two streets; Federal Highway and Northeast 10th Avenue (see Exhibit "B" - proposed site plan). The nonconforming access from Federal Highway, for which a parking lot variance is being requested, loses its grandfather rights with the proposed occupancy classification change from assembly to mercantile and building expansion. ANALYSIS A copy of the parking lot variance application submitted by the applicant has been provided in Exhibit "C". It includes the applicant's statement of justification. , Page 2 Seafood Market "Old Dutch Mill" File No. PKLV 97-001 On Tuesday, December 31, 1996, the Technical Review Committee (TRC) reviewed the plans and submitted documents for the Old Dutch Mill Seafood Market parking lot variance. The width of the driveway opening at Federal Highway is proposed to be reduced and it will be changed to a one-way, ingress only. Staff concurred that this eliminated the safety concerns of the existing driveway, so long as the landscape visibility triangles were provided. Also, the parking lot design is in keeping with good traffic flow principles as it provides for two driveways. Staff also recommends that if the existing, nonconforming structure is ever demolished, the parking variance shall become null and void. This would allow future redevelopment of the site to fully meet city code and design standards, thus eliminating all currently existing nonconformities. RECOMMENDA liON The TRC recommends approval of this request, subject to the comments enumerated in Exhibit "0" - conditions of approval. JL:bme s:\projects\dutchmil\PKL V-REP-1 ~ EXHIBIT IIAII .3 SEAFOOD MARKET "OLD DUTCH MILL" LOCATION MAP .._~ r/RtEJ::I~-=::J! I U"',' lf~~,1.f1@~,t~ i' _' \lL:.:.f~ I \ e ,L_.:--{ r[i R3 ',' - I~..,=:JI" r f . l;",'; , I I ' ::' -:-~'l i !' 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IX o ,) a: o ., '--p( , t~r . \ j.~ . /.Jc . ~1 ~J 3 ... 1& (.J o EXHIBIT "B" ~ -.;.. t o ~I o " -- - \ l~ _' _~~~-~~0\;"\i ' "T.9~, - ~ , 1;1 ?/.o ~ f\t#1 \\f'ttlt , ~.~ Wlf41 -eI:W~\\Z~Q.:. ,-' ,- .. -- ----... .,) , .- --.-.---- ~1~"n~.I(( . . lit!:' Hil7lZA.~ : ~~:J ~-iu~/ 74 FliET ~~.b1' -t--' -- VARIANCE' REQUESTED c~ '? I \>~~~~O\"IO~ .. 1.0 . J:I I ,..~V 1.1. , b\..O 1:1!G:\s-:\J 0 ..,' :~~ ~ ' - O\.J \....Cf\"t, - - -' ~J'('JO!?~ "J\ '.._ '('I~~tN'-{ : ___ -j..\~ __ , !"OJt ,W\2!2,.. , \.-~,,\.- " 'It \..,\.I~~ . ~'I'Vf-r\lJti ' a..1''l\iJl.'i:..~~1-tE::' - ~.~ = -=., ~p {I'''' ..- (\\\ J\.A\!QI~~_w~,'" -.===== 'f i l:?1t\'~. h'r~p ~IZ. r.~ 'o/f~ ~ -t-b" Wl'.TI!~ ';";;:>>:r .~ ~ ,~. "" IAfe \ \". .. !>" ---...... .---- ,,'t~.~~ . ,- "'---. -,. .. ~, .. r;:J~ ?tJ4 _, ':J ',...;.'>,.1.) . ~ . I l OIl'. , " .f,. \i-~..J. .----..l . .' I' ~. 1J\' -Q.) r- l) -- ~ ~ ~ ~":'I.t,"/IJ~ , -1i\ll)~_!rt:t:!:(._e:w~ : '.. .'.l~ll~ vw' \?o-r~w ~\u:j . i "'-" ~ . ..tf~.. '.' '. ':. : ~.' ,. .' -.1 IJ..~ / : ~., 'I I h EXHIBIT "C" ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES TO PARKING LOT REGULATIONS This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type All Information. 1. Project Name of site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: Seafood Market 2. Date This Application is Submitted: November 22, 1996 3. Applicant~s Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Scott & Mary Jo Bills Address: 700 NE ist AvpnllP Boynton Beach Fl 33435 (Zip Code) Ph,:me: 561-732-6792 Fax: None 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant):* George r.. Drlvi!::: Address: 2802 SW 6th St Boynton Beach Fl 33435 (Zip Code) Phone: 56]-7~?-nl,4 Fax: 561 7J2 6151 * A letter from the applicant or owner authorizing the agent is required. 5. Property OWner's (or Trustee's) Name: Address: Same as (3) Appli~rln+ Same as (3) Applicant Phone: Same (Zip Code) Fax: 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent)**: ** This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING DEPT. - January 1991 A:PkLotVar ~ (2) 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Owner (OWner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, etc.) 8. Street Address of Location of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: 1022 Nnr~h Fpnpr~' Hwy 9. Legal Description of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: Lots 20, 21, & 22, Block 3, Lake Addition 10. Intended Use(s) of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: Operate a retail seafood market 11. Developer or Builder: To be selected 12. Architect: Georqe C. Davis 13. Landscape Architect: None 14. Site Planner: None 15. Engineer: Gerald B. Church~ PF. (nr~in~gp) 16. Surveyor: Richard L. Shephard & Associates 17. Traffic Engineer: None 18. Copy of last recorded Warranty Deed included? (check) 19. Letter authorizing agent (if any) included? (check) 20. Site plan and survey (2 copies each) attached? (check) 21. Number of variances requested on the following sheets: One (1) NOTE: A separate sheet must be completed for each specific design requirement (Sec. 5-141) or permit application requirement (Sec. 5-142) to which a variance is requested. A:PkLotVar q (3) The undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Zoning Board to grant to the petitioner a variance to Article X "Parking Lots", of Chapter 5, "Building, Housing and Construction Regulations", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as it pertains to the property described in this application, and for the reasons stated below: Section, Subsection, and Paragraph number of specific requirement to which variance is requested, and exact language contained in the Code: Chapter 23 (Parking Lots) Article II (Reauired Drive- ways) 3. "Distance from streets. Parking lot driveways shall be constructed...one hundred eighty (180) feet alongstreets of a higher classification." Nature of Variance Requested: To allow the existing thirteen (13) feet driveway on U. S. Hwy #1 to remain and to be used as it has been used for over forty years. The driveway is eighty-seven (87) feet south of the north-west property corner, and another seven- teen (17) feet to the curb line of NW Tenth (10) Avenue. Statement of Special Conditions, Hardships, or other reasons Justifying the Requested Variance (attached additional sheets if necessary) : The hiahway entry will reduce traffic on NE 10th Avenue, which becomes a residential street east of the property. Over a hun- dred feet (100) south of the int ersection, the driveway is no hazard to traffic. It will not be detrimental to the neighbor- hood. Other businesses in the area have entrances from US Hwy #1. A two-driveway lot is much easier for the pick-up of the (I)d~t~a.erstand that this application and all papers or plans submi~~d herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (i~ UMIf hereby certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge. This application will not be ac~ePted un1esf s~~/rel~. Signature of applicant or~: ,~-4r .~.( Date: A:PkLotVar 10 EXHIBIT "D" { I EXHIBIT "0" Conditions of Approval Project name: Old Dutch Seafood Market - Parking Lot Variance File number: PKLV 97-001 Reference: The Parkina Lot Variance File #PKLV 97-001 with a March 5.1997 Planning and Zoning Del2artment date stamo marking I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES , NnnA FIRE Comments: None POLICE l . NnnA DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVI RONMENT ALlST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 1. Provide the required visibility triangles at the US-1 entrance, Make a note on the site plan, that within these triangles hedge material shall be maintained at a height lower than 30 inches. 2, The parking variance shall become null and void if at some time the building is demolished and the property redeveloped. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 3, To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 4. To be determined. /bme projects\dutchmi~pkly\condappr. wpd (r').