ON MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1995, AT 7:00 P.M.
Vernon Thompson, Chainman
Ben Uleck, Vice Chainman
Arthur Benman
Barkley Garnsey
Raychel Houston
James Miriana
Nello Tineri
Mike Haag, Z~ning and Site Development
Leonard Rubin, Assisant City Attorney
Irving Sechter, Alternate
Chainman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He introduced
Attorney Rubin, the Board members, the Recording Secretary, and Mr. Haag, and
explained the procedures that this Board follows when hearing cases.
No additions~ del~tions or cQrrect1~ns were made to the agenda.
Mr. Miriana moved to approve the minutes of the February 22, 1995 meeting as
submitted. Mr. Bennan seCOnded the motion which carried 7-0.
Discussion ensued regarding tabling the election of officers since three
appointments need to be made to this Board by the City Commission.
Mr. Garnsey moved to table the election of officers. Mr. Tineri seconded the
motion which carried 7-0.
- 1 -
)--'"-~"1 .
APRIL 17, 1995
The witnesses who intended to testify this evening wer~' sworn in by the
Recording Secretary.
Public Hearing
A. Case No. 201
Property Owner:
(Continued to the May 15, 1995 meeting)
2107 S.E. 3rd Street
Donald F1sher
Request for relief from Appendix A, Zoning, Section
5.G.2.a to reduce the ~ide, front and rear setbacks in
connection with construction of multi-family units.
Mr. Tineri moved to continue Case No. 201 to the May 15, 1995 meeting.
Mr. Miriana seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled by the Recording
Secretary. The motion carried 7-0. .
B. Case No. 202
This case was withdrawn from the agenda.
C. Case No. 203
Property Owner:
Southwest corner of South Seacrest Boulevard and S.W.
23rd Avenue
OUtpat1ent Properties, Inc.
Request for relief from Appendix A, Zoning, Section
6.A.3 to reduce the required lot depth from 120 feet to
115 feet in connection with construction of a parking
Ms. Houston read the six criteria which the Board takes into consideration when
rendering a decision on a variance.
Ms. Houston also read portions of this application, including the applicant's
statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested
exception or variance.
Ms. Houston read a note, dated April 10, 1995, from Lakhmi Chand in opposition
to this variance.
Wayne Puls, the agent for Outpatient Properties, Inc., stated that Outpatient
Properties operates the Outpatient Center of Boynton Beach which is immediately
across the street from the subject property. Outpatient Properties has code
parking; however, their business is such that they need additional parking.
Therefore, they acquired the subject property for the purpose of establishing a
temporary parking facility for two years to be used by staff only.
- 2 -
APRIL 17, 1995
In response to Mr. Chand's note, Mr. Pu1s said he has a letter from the County
Engineer stating that there was nothing in their five year plan to increase the
size of the intersection.
Robert Foot, 2400 S.W. 1st Street, stated that the maximum use of the con-
stricted lots may include activities hanmfu1 to neighbors close to the prop-
erty line, such as car lights early in the morning, doors slamming, employee
conversations, exhaust fumes accumulating in the swimming pool areas just 12
feet away, and dust from the temporary parking facility. He wondered what
landscaping must be sacrificed with the constraints of the compressed lots. He
stated that lots of diminished size, not tied by any unity of title, will not
have the drainage potential of full lots. He pointed out that the Board of
Adjustment can grant relief to the applicant subject to conditions, such as pro-
hibiting activities that would be a disturbance to the adjacent residents,
requiring construction of a six foot stucco wall between the residential and
commercial properties, and requiring the applicant to comply with the provisions
for a penmanent parking lot (dust free paving, qualifying drainage and full
landscaping with installed irrigation).
Mr. Foot submitted petitions signed by 40 neighbors,. requesting that the use of
the Outpatient Properties, Inc. property be subject to the following conditions:
1. Compliance with City ordinances concerning landscaping, paving, and
drainage without use of the exception provision for "temporary.
parking lots; and '
2. Separation of the commercial property from the residential proper-
ties to the west with a six foot stuccoed wall, as provided in the
current Ordinance, in the first stage of any improvements.
Mr. PuIs said this is simply a request for a temporary parking facility to
alleviate an existing situation. He believes he addressed the drainage, etc.,
required by the Building Code and the people who issue penmits. He received the
necessary penmission from the County. He met with the City Forester and others
and discussed what needed to be done. He was in receipt of a letter from an
engineer with regard to percolation in the area saying that there would not be a
problem. He did not see the necessity of spending a lot of money for penmanent
items when there are no plans for the rest of lot at this time.
Mr. Foot felt the applicant needs penmanent parking to accommodate the existing
bul1di ng.
In response to Chainman Thompson, Mr. Haag stated that the City Engineer relaxed
some of the areas of the Code for the temporary parking facility. Therefore, it
does not have to meet City standards in all cases.
Mr. Miriana asked Mr. Haag if a buffer wall is required between residential and
commercial property. Mr. Haag advised that the applicant has the option of
using a dense vegetative buffer or a block wall.
- 3 -
APRIL 17. 1995
Mr. Haag adv1s~d that the applicant is processing a site plan to build a
parking facility. When he made application through the process, the Planning
Department said they could not develop the property because it was not the
correct lot depth. The site plan is on hold until they can get the lot depth
issue straightened out.
No one else wished to speak in favor of granting this variance.
Roy Jordan did not mind the property being used; however, he requested protec-
tion, such as a wall to separate the properties.
No one else wished to speak against granting this variance.
In response to Ms. Houston, Mr. Haag and Attorney Rubin advised that the
variance would go with the land.
Mr. Garnsey was in favor of approving this variance contingent upon all the City
Codes and requirements being adhered to in order to protect the interests of the
Mr. Miriana was in favor of approving this variance contingent upon buffering to
protect the residential property on the north side.
Ms. Houston asked what Mr. Puls plans to do for parking if he decides to put a
building on that property. Mr. Puls said he plans to do whatever is required to
comply with all the City Codes. Right now he is trying to address an immediate
In response to Ms. Houston, Mr. Puls advised that the number of employees
varies, depending on what procedures are being done on a particular day. The
temporary facility will have either 17 or 19 parking spaces.
Mr. Garnsey moved to grant the variance to reduce the required lot depth from
120 feet to 115 feet subject to the contigency that the Engineer not make any
exceptions to the Code in granting a penmit for this site for a temporary
parking lot. Vice Chainman Uleck seconded the motion.
Mr. Haag advised that the City Engineer is only responsible for the parking lot
Discussion ensued about a buffer. Mr. Haag read the portion of the Code that
applies to buffers.
Mended Motion
Mr. Garnsey amended his motion to include that the applicant build an
appropriate buffer (a buffer that would be required if a building were being
built) before using the parking lot. Vice Chainman Uleck agreed to the
amendment. A roll call vote was polled by the Recording Secretary. The motion
carried 5-2. Ms. Houston and Mr. Tineri cast the dissenting votes.
- 4 -
APRIL 17, 1995
D. Case No~ 204
East of High Ridge Road and 460 feet north of Gateway
Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority
Request for relief from Appendix A, Zoning, Section
7.H.17 to omit the required peripheral greenbelt along
that portion of the PID boundary which coincides with
the east property line of the proposed parking facility
for the Tri-Rail station.
Ms. Houston read portions of this application, including the applicant's state-
ment of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested excep-
tion or variance.
Property Owner:
John Handley represented Tri-Rail and displayed a graphic of the site. He is
proposing to add necessary parking and bring the cars into a common accessway
and have them function throughout the site, leaving the pedestrian corridors
open. The pedestrian corridors lead directly to the Tr1-Rail Station. In order
to do this, he requested relief from having to provid, the 40 foot wide green-
belt. He explained that the greenbelt would separate the parking facility from
the Tri-Rail Station. The greenbelt is required to separate this use from adja-
cent uses; however, both properties are owned by different divisions within the
Department of Transportion. Therefore, funding is different and a unity of
title cannot be done between this property and the entire rail corridor.
He advised that triple the required landscaping was provided, and he worked very
closely with the City Forester to preserve as many trees as possible.
Mr. Handley stated that he appeared before the Planning and Development Board
with a similar request because the Code requires a landscape strip along the
property line. The Planning and Development Board recommended approval because
it does not make sense to do that.
Mr. Handley advised that he is trying to separate the cars and the people as
much as possible. Therefore, he provided two pedestrian walkways. Once the
people get out of their cars, they get on the walkways and never have to cross
vehicular traffic.
No one wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to this variance.
Several members of the Board made favorable comments regarding this project.
Mr. Miriana moved to grant the request for relief from Appendix A, Zoning,
Section 7.H.17 to omit the required peripheral greenbelt along that portion of
the PIO boundary which coincides with the east property line of the proposed
parking facility for the Tr1-Ra1l station. Mr. Bennan seconded the motion. A
roll call vote was polled by the Recording Secretary. The motion carried 7-0.
- 5 -
APRIL 17, 1995
There being no further business to come before the Board, Vice Chainman Uleck
moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Mr. ,Tineri seconded the motion which
Zarri d 7-0.
Eve Eubanks
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)
- 6 -
MAY 9. 1995
V e Chairman Gol saw no reason w the City would wa
co tor road. He It the City Engl r would be happy
approval to
on area lan
seconded the
the Nautica PU
Lawrence Road
struct entry w
ing and lands
~on which car
Ik/a Boynton Nur
the L.W.D.D. L canal,
sig age, a priv e
buffers, subject to
d 7-0.
Major Site Plan Modification
Outpatient Properties, Inc.
Wayne E. Puls
Outpatient Properties, Inc.
Southwest corner of S.W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest
Request to amend the previously approved site plan to
construct a surplus parking facility on a parcel adja-
cent to the Outpatient Center of Boynton Beach.
Mr. Haag displayed an overlay of the location of this project and an overlay of
the site plan. The request is for a surplus parking facility. The rest of the
project is being used as a percolation area for drainage. He reviewed the
surrounding land uses. The applicant is proposing 17 parking spaces, including
one handicapped space to be used as surplus parking for the medical building
owned by the applicant at the northwest corner of S.W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest
Boulevard. Based on a detenmination from the Engineering Division to allow
construction of this parking to temporary parking lot standards, the plans sub-
mitted do not meet the lighting requirements.
2. Project:
Mr. Haag advised that the parking area will be asphalt.
Mr. Haag advised that there is a requirement that the lot be 120 feet before any
development takes place; however, it is only 115 feet. The applicant went to
the Board of Adjustment for a variance to allow it to be reduced to 115 feet.
The Board of Adjustment approved the variance, subject to the parking facility
being built to standard regulations, not as a temporary parking facility, and
that whatever buffer is required along the west property line abutting the resi-
dential, be in place prior to the use of the parking facility.
Mr. Haag advised that according to the Code, when a C-l zoning district abuts a
residential district, the applicant has a choice of either providing dense
landscaping (2 feet in height along the property line) or a six foot high buffer
wall, stuccoed on both sides and painted. In this case, it is required along
the west property line.
Mr. Haag stated that the Planning and Zoning Department could not find the
landscape plan that the applicant said he submitted. Therefore, he was asked to
- 8 -
MAY 9, 1995
bring it in today, which he did. However, the Planning and Zoning Department
has not had time to thoroughly review it.
In response to Vice Chairman Golden, Mr. Haag advised that the Board of
Adjustment approved the lot depth subject to the facility being built to a
regular parking lot, not applying any temporary standards that may be waived by
the Engingeering Department for such items as lighting and landscaping.
Mr. Haag reviewed the landscape plan submitted by the applicant. Hedge material
and trees were provided along the west property line. Mr. Haag reiterated that
the Planning and Zoning Department did not get to thoroughly review this land-
scape plan. He advised that some items are missing from it; however, it is a
much better plan than what was previously submitted.
A few departments submitted comments. Mr. Haag reviewed the Planning and Zoning
comments. Melaleuca mulch was recommended if mulch is going to be used. It was
recommended that a wall be used rather than landscaping. This recommendation
was based on the fact that the project to the south, which is also in the C-l
zoning district, has a site wall that separates that project from the residen-
tial to the west. Planning and Zoning recommended that this wall be continued
and contain the same architectural features as the existing wall. Planning and
Zoning also recommended that the location of the site lighting fixtures be indi-
cated on the plans to avoid interference with landscaping. They recommended
that the applicant chose a specie from Florida Power and Light1s "Plant the
Right Tree in the Right Place" brochure to avoid the overhead power lines along
Seacrest Boulevard.
Staff recommended approval of this project, subject to staff comments.
Mr. Rosenstock asked if staff is recommending approval of this parking lot as a
temporary parking lot. Mr. Haag said, MNo.1I City Manager Parker clarified that
the applicant is in the process of constructing a permanent parking lot in
accordance with City Codes.
Vice Chainman Golden asked if there is any provision in the Code for a temporary
parking lot. Ms. Heyden advised that the parking lot regulations recognize a
temporary parking lot. It states that if such is designated by the City
Engineer at his discretion, it has to include phasing and information regarding
when it is to be removed. Ms. Heyden advised that the applicant only needed to
appear before the Board of Adjustment with regard to the lot depth.
Mr. Rosenstock felt "temporary parking facility" should be defined in the Code.
Wayne Puls advised that the the land across the street from the Outpatient
Center is not owned by the applicant; it is owned by a different corporation.
He stated that the parking facility would be for the employees of the Outpatient
Center only. He stated that the City Engineer told him there was a special
regulation for a temporary period not to exceed two years. He stated that when
the Board of Adjustment heard the request for the variance for the lot depth,
- 9 -
MAY 9. 1995
the temporary parking facility fell apart. He understands that applicant has to
comply with the standard parking regulations, but he did not understand why a
wall is required if the Code pennits the applicant to install a vegetative
buffer. He stated that the applicant chose to install a vegetative buffer to
hold down costs, since he does not know how that property will be developed in
the future. Mr. Puls also did not understand why lighting is required. He
stated that employees will start parking there about 6:15 a.m. and will be gone
by early afternoon.
With regard to the requirement for unity of title, Mr. Puls said that the two
pieces of property are owned by different corporations.
Mr. Rosenstock asked why this parking lot is needed 1f the Outpatient Center is
currently meeting the Code requirements for their parking lot. Mr. Puls advised
that they have more patients than originally anticipated.
Mr. Rosenstock pointed out that at six o'clock in the morning in the wintertime,
it is dark out. Therefore, he felt lighting will be needed at least for the
safety of the people using the parking lot.
Mr. Rosenstock asked Mr. Puls if he has spoken to the people adjacent to the
proposed parking facility. Mr. Puls advised that he discussed this matter with
their spokesperson and was unable to reach an agreement.
Robert Foot, 2400 S.W. 1st Street, submitted petitions from 43 people in the
area west of Seacrest Boulevard and south of 23rd. He asked the Board to
include a requirement for continuation of the wall which separates the property
to the south from the residents to the west. He stated that this wall was
required by the Planning and Zoning Board back in 1984 when development of the
south end of the property was being considered. He stated that a wall, as
opposed to a hedge, will prevent stonmwater drainage from moving to the west,
will minimize flow of exhaust fumes to the pools to the west, and will reduce
the disturbances (headlights and noise) to the neighbors from use of the parking
lot at 6:00 a.m. Concerning the unity of title, Mr. Foot stated that if this
parking lot is developed by itself, it could at some time 1n the future be sold
to another party for use other than by the people to the north across the
street, such as the hospital.
Vice Chairman Golden pointed out that the Code gives the applicant the option of
installing a wall or hedge. He also pointed out that there is no building on
the site. He, therefore, questioned the need for a wall at this time.
Mr. Beasley did not know how this Board could require a wall when the Code gives
the applicant an option. Chainman Cube advised that this Board can make a
recommendation. Vice Chainman Golden added that certain uses sometimes may
require extra buffering. Chainman Cube stated that if he lived in this area, he
would want a wall. Mrs. Frazier agreed with Chairman Oube.
- 10 -
MAY 9. 1995
Mr. Reitz moved to approve Item 7.A.2, the major site plan modification per
staff recommendations and per the modification of extending the wall the full
distance on the west property line. Mr. Wische seconded the motion.
Mr. Beasley did not know how a unity of title can be required when the proper-
ties are owned by different corporations. Ms. Heyden stated that there has to
be unity of title because parking lots in and of themselves are not a penmitted
The motion carried 7-0.
Mr. Haag isplayed an ov lay of the locatio of this pr ect and
the propo d site plan. e zoning district C-4. The and use
is general mmercial. The se is an existing building pr osed for church
conference c' ter. The area f the building i 1,094 squar ' feet and he
reage is.6 acres.
vacant b lding
s like a the
He also
teri or 0
parking faci1it
He irculated photo aphs of what th building 10
prese time. The photographs w e provided by t
displa d an elevat n. Mr. Haag sted that no cha
building re being posed, other t 'n some color.
per i me
covered i
xie Highway, rking fa
ci1ity will SU ort one pa ing spac
area. The t es proposed by he applica meet th
The applican is also provid g a hedge ound the
rea and sod ar nd the buildi However the
lawn grass to he rear of th project, w ich is
The e . ting stuc
painted, which the
co onn to the fr
ing and is gr
f add forwa of the exist
ing expans ns at this tl
t setback req
dfathered in
line. The
the project.
- 11 -
MAY 9. 1995
Golden saw no reason wh City would want a 1
He felt the City Engineer
Mr. tock moved to approve utica PUD a/k/a Boyn Nurseries PU
located at northwest corner of La e Road and the L.W.. L-21 canal,
request for si an approval to construe wall signage, a . ate
recreation facility, on area landscaping an scape buffers, su ct to
staff comments. Mr. Rei z seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Major Site Plan ~~
":.~.::i.z":':;;::-:L::,~;j~~ ~=-:, .,_"--E_~
Outpat1ent Properties. Inc.
Wayne E. Puls
Outpatient Properties, Inc.
Southwest corner of S.W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest
Request to amend the previously approved site plan to
construct a surplus parking facility on a parcel adja-
cent to the Outpatient Center of Boynton Beach.
Mr. Haag displayed an overlay of the location of this project and an overlay of
the site plan. The request is for a surplus parking facility. The rest of the
project is being used as a percolation area for drainage. He reviewed the
surrounding land uses. The applicant is proposing 17 parking spaces, including
one handicapped space to be used as surplus parking for the medical building
owned by the applicant at the northwest corner of S.W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest
Boulevard. Based on a detenmination from the Engineering Division to allow
construction of this parking to temporary parking lot standards, the plans sub-
mitted do not meet the lighting requirements.
2. Project:
Mr. Haag advised that the parking area will be asphalt.
Mr. Haag advised that there is a requirement that the lot be 120 feet before any
development takes place; however, it is only 115 feet. The applicant went to
the Board of Adjustment for a variance to allow it to be reduced to 115 feet.
The Board of Adjustment approved the variance, subject to the parking facility
being built to standard regulations, not as a temporary parking facility, and
that whatever buffer is required along the west property line abutting the resi-
dential, be in place prior to the use of the parking facility.
Mr. Haag advised that according to the Code, when a C-l zoning district abuts a
residential district, the applicant has a choice of either providing dense
landscaping (2 feet in height along the property line) or a six foot high buffer
wall, stuccoed on both sides and painted. In this case, it is required along
the west property line.
Mr. Haag stated that the Planning and Zoning Department could not find the
landscape plan that the applicant said he submitted. Therefore, he was asked to
- 8 -
-~---------_.._.~'-- ---
MAY 9, 1995
bring it in today, which he did. However, the Planning and Zoning Department
has not had time to thoroughly review it.
In response to Vice Chairman Golden, Mr. Haag advised that the Board of
Adjustment approved the lot depth subject to the facility being built to a
regular parking lot, not applying any temporary standards that may be waived by
the Engingeering Department for such items as lighting and landscaping.
Mr. Haag reviewed the landscape plan submitted by the applicant. Hedge material
and trees were provided along the west property line. Mr. Haag reiterated that
the Planning and Zoning Department did not get to thoroughly review this land-
scape plan. He advised that some items are missing from it; however, it is a
much better plan than what was previously submitted.
A few departments submitted comments. Mr. Haag reviewed the Planning and Zoning
comments. Me1a1euca mulch was recommended if mulch is going to be used. It was
recommended that a wall be used rather than landscaping. This recommendation
was based on the fact that the project to the south, which is also in the C-l
zoning district, has a site wall that separates that project from the residen-
tial to the west. Planning and Zoning recommended that this wall be continued
and contain the same architectural features as the existing wall. Planning and
Zoning also recommended that the location of the site lighting fixtures be indi-
cated on the plans to avoid interference with landscaping. They recommended
that the applicant chose a specie from Florida Power and Light1s "P1ant the
Right Tree in the Right Place" brochure to avoid the overhead power lines along
Seacrest Boulevard.
Staff recommended approval of this project, subject to staff comments.
Mr. Rosenstock asked if staff is recommending approval of this parking lot as a
temporary parking lot. Mr. Haag said, "No.1I City Manager Parker clarified that
the applicant is in the process of constructing a permanent parking lot in
accordance with City Codes.
Vice Chairman Golden asked if there is any provision in the Code for a temporary
parking lot. Ms. Heyden advised that the parking lot regulations recognize a
temporary parking lot. It states that if such is designated by the City
Engineer at his discretion, it has to include phasing and information regarding
when it is to be removed. Ms. Heyden advised that the applicant only needed to
appear before the Board of Adjustment with regard to the lot depth.
Mr. Rosenstock felt "temporary parking facility" should be defined in the Code.
Wayne Pu1s advised that the the land across the street from the Outpatient
Center is not owned by the applicant; it is owned by a different corporation.
He stated that the parking facility would be for the employees of the Outpatient
Center only. He stated that the City Engineer told him there was a special
regulation for a temporary period not to exceed two years. He stated that when
the Board of Adjustment heard the request for the variance for the lot depth,
- 9 -
MAY 9, 1995
the temporary parking facility fell apart. He understands that applicant has to
comply with the standard parking regulations, but he did not understand why a
wall is required if the Code penmits the applicant to install a vegetative
buffer. He stated that the applicant chose to install a vegetative buffer to
hold down costs, since he does not know how that property will be developed in
the future. Mr. Puls also did not understand why lighting is required. He
stated that employees will start parking there about 6:15 a.m. and will be gone
by early afternoon.
With regard to the requirement for unity of title, Mr. Puls said that the two
pieces of property are owned by different corporations.
Mr. Rosenstock asked why this parking lot is needed if the Outpatient Center is
currently meeting the Code requirements for their parking lot. Mr. Puls advised
that they have more patients than originally anticipated.
Mr. Rosenstock pointed out that at six o'clock in the morning in the wintertime,
it is dark out. Therefore, he felt lighting will be needed at least for the
safety of the people using the parking lot. '
Mr. Rosenstock asked Mr. Puls if he has spoken to the people adjacent to the
proposed parking facility. Mr. Puls advised that he discussed this matter with
their spokesperson and was unable to reach an agreement.
Robert Foot, 2400 S.W. 1st Street, submitted petitions from 43 people in the
area west of Seacrest Boulevard and south of 23rd. He asked the Board to
include a requirement for continuation of the wall which separates the property
to the south from the residents to the west. He stated that this wall was
required by the Planning and Zoning Board back in 1984 when development of the
south end of the property was being considered. He stated that a wall, as
opposed to a hedge, will prevent stonmwater drainage from moving to the west,
will minimize flow of exhaust fumes to the pools to the west, and will reduce
the disturbances (headlights and noise) to the neighbors from use of the parking
lot at 6:00 a.m. Concerning the unity of title, Mr. Foot stated that if this
parking lot is developed by itself, it could at some time in the future be sold
to another party for use other than by the people to the north across the
street, such as the hospital.
Vice Chainman Golden pointed out that the Code gives the applicant the option of
installing a wallar hedge. He also pointed out that there is no building on
the site. He, therefore, questioned the need for a wall at this time.
Mr. Beasley did not know how this Board could require a wall when the Code gives
the applicant an option. Chainman Dube advised that this Board can make a
recommendation. Vice Chainman Golden added that certain uses sometimes may
require extra buffering. Chainman Cube stated that if he lived in this area, he
would want a wall. Mrs. Frazier agreed with Chainman Dube.
- 10 -
~~~ ~~-------~-
MAY 9. 1995
Mr. Reitz moved to approve Item 7.A.2, the major site plan modification per
staff recommendations and per the modification of extending the wall the full
distance on the west property line. Mr. Wische seconded the motion.
Mr. Beasley did not know how a unity of title can be required when the proper-
ties are owned by different corporations. Ms. Heyden stated that there has to
be unity of title because parking lots in and of themselves are not a permitted
The motion carried 7-0.
Christian C Alive Deliverance d Conference
Center. Inc.
Mil ton Russell, Jr.
William and Ann Darville
3664 Old Dixie Hi way
Request for approv to convert a vaca
urch use and inst 1 parking and land
Mr. Haag displayed an overla
the oposed site plan.
is ge al commercial. The use
confere e center. The area of
acreage i .66 acres.
f the location 0 this project and a overlay of
ing district is The land use d ignation
s an existing bui ing proposed for church
t building is 1,0 square feet and e site
isting stucco
which the ap
ilding will be p e yellow with grey
icant proposes t o.
The existing ite does not have a par ng facility. T re is a vacant b
on the site. circulated photograph of what the bui ing looks like a
esent time. ese photographs were p vided by the app icant. He also
layed an ele tion. Mr. Haag stated at no changes t the exterior of he
ing are bein roposed, other than so color.
There 1s a driveway ing out from Old Dixie ighway, leading a parking fac
ility hind the buil g. The parking facil will support 0 parking space
per 100 quare feet of oar area. The trees p posed by the ap icant meet the
landscap code requireme s. The applicant is a 0 providing a h ge around the
perimeter f the vehicle area and sod around e building. Ho ver, the
applicant s not indicate ny lawn grass to the ar of the proje which is
covered in aff comments.
The existing ilding does not nform to the front se ack requirement
However, it is nonconfonming .lding and is grandfat red in as long
licant does n try to add fo d of the existing li The plans sh
re are no prop ed building expa ions at this time.
It needs
ding sign is proposed in front of the project.
- 11 -
flI5 f M -- f 5',,{)tJ /
MAY 16, 1995
is not recorded, nor land development permit issued until the surety and EOA are acceptable to
both the City Attorney and the Planning Director. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion
which carried unanimously.
Outpatient Properties, Inc.
Wayne E. Puis
Outpatient Properties, Inc.
Southwest corner 0f SW 23 Avenue and Seacreast Boulevard
previously-approved site plan to construct a surplus parking facility
on a parcel adjacent to the Outpatient Center of Boynton Beach.
This item was tabled earlier in the meeting.
Age t:
Christian Come Alive Deliver ce & Conference Center, Inc.
Milton Russell, Jr.
William and Annie Darvil
3664 Old Dixie Highw
MAJOR SITE PLAN M IFICA TION: Request for approval to convert
a vacant building for hurch use and install parking and landscaping.
Milton Russell, representing t owners, re uested that the request be approved with staff's
Ms. Heyden said staff and the Plan ng nd Development Board recommend approval of this
project. The applicants plan to improve e appearance of the property by painting it a pale yellow
with grey trim.
Mayor Pro Tern Matson moved approve the hristian Come Alive Deliverance & Conference
Center major site plan modifica on subject to sta comments. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the
motion which carried 5-0.
Proj ect:
Descri ion:
Seventh Day Adventist C
George C. Davis
Seventh Day Adventist Churc
138 SE 27 Avenue
MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFIC TION: Request to amend the
previously-approved site plan to 1I0w shared parking arid delete
future additions shown in order to duce required parking.
MAY 16, 1995
Commissioner Rosen left the Chambers.
George Davis, architect, said this project received the approval of the Planning and Development
Board. He was present to answer any questions posed by the Commission.
Ms. Heyden advised that our Code recognizes the ability to submit a shared-parking study where
it can be proved that the two uses on a site have parking demands at different times of the day.
In this case, staff has determined that this proposal is acceptable, and recommends apPi'0val of the
shared-parking study subject to staff comments.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the major site plan modification for Seventh Day Adventist
Church. request to amend the previously-approved site plan to allow shared parking and delete
future additions, subject to staff comments. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which
carried 4-0. (Commissioner Rosen was away from the dais.)
Project Name:
Boynton Beach Plaza
CYNWYD Investment
Susanne Wildner
Northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and U.S. #1
Request for approval to modify the Boynton Beach Plaza sign
program to include signage for Family Dollar
Susanne Wildner, 3148 Meridian, Palm Beach Gardens, advised that the letter style planned for
Family Dollar differs from the previously-amended master sign program for Rose Auto Store.
Family Dollar is requesting the right to use their logo letter style which is a registered trademark
logo. The colors will match the Rose Auto Store signage with regard to colors. She pointed out
that Rose Auto was granted a minor modification to the sign program to use their letter/logo style
and the color red.
Ms. Heyden displayed a rendering depicting the proposed signage.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz made a motion for approval to modify the Boynton Beach Plaza sign
MAY 16, 1995
is not recorded, nor land development permit issued until the surety and EOA are acceptable to
both the City Attorney and the Planning Director. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion
which carried unanimously.
Outpatient Properties, Inc.
Wayne E. Puis
Outpatient Properties, Inc.
Southwest corner of SW 23 Avenue and Seacreast Boulevard
previously-approved site plan to construct a surplus parking facility
on a parcel adjacent to the Outpatient Center of Boynton Beach.
This item was tabled earlier in the meeting.
F. f..:.oject: Christian Come Alive Deliverke & Conference Center, Inc.
Ag~ Milton Russell, Jr. /
Owne,\ William and Annie Darvilj.e
Location~ 3664 Old Dixie High~Y
Descriptio . MAJOR SITE PLAN M IFICATION: Request for approval to convert
a vacant building fo; hurch use and install parking and landscaping.
Milton Russell, representing t owners, re~ested that the request be approved with staff's
Ms. Heyden said staff and the Plan ng nd Development Board recommend approval of this
project. The applicants plan to improve e appearance of the property by painting it a pale yellow
with grey trim.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved approve the hristian Come Alive Deliverance & Conference
Center major site plan modifica on subjed to sta comments. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the
motion which carried 5-0.
Proj ect:
Descri ion:
Seventh Day Adventist C
George C. Davis
Seventh Day Adventist Churc
138 SE 27 Avenue
MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFIC TION: Request to amend the
previously-approved site plan to lIow shared parking arid delete
future additions shown in order to duce required parking.
MAY 16, 1995
Commissioner Rosen left the Chambers.
George Davis. architect, said this project received the approval of the Planning and Development
Board. He was present to answer any questions posed by the Commission.
Ms. Heyden advised that our Code recognizes the ability to submit a shared-parking study where
it can be proved that the two uses on a site have parking demands at different times of the day.
In this case, staff has determined that this proposal is acceptable, and recommends appl'uval of the
shared-parking study subject to staff comments.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the major site plan modification for Seventh Day Adventist
Church. request to amend the previously-approved site plan to allow shared parking and delete
future additions, subject to staff comments. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which
carried 4-0. (Commissioner Rosen was away from the dais.)
Project Name:
Boynton Beach Plaza
CYNWYD Investment
Susanne Wildner
Northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and U.S. #1
Request for approval to modify the Boynton Beach Plaza sign
program to include signage for Family Dollar
Susanne Wildner, 3148 Meridian, Palm Beach Gardens, advised that the letter style planned for
Fami Iy Dollar differs from the previously-amended master sign program for Rose Auto Store.
Family Dollar is requesting the right to use their logo letter style which is a registered trademark
logo. The colors will match the Rose Auto Store signage with regard to colors. She pointed out
that Rose Auto was granted a minor modification to the sign program to use their letter/logo style
and the color red.
Ms. Heyden displayed a rendering depicting the proposed signage.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz made a motion for approval to modify the Boynton Beach Plaza sign
JUNE 13, 1995
Outpatient Properties - Major Site Plan Modification - This item is still on the table at
the City Commission level and should come off the table on July 5. There are issues
with unity of title and the buffer wall.
Christian Come Alive Deliverance and Conference Center - Major Site Plan
Modification - Approved subject to all staff comments.
Seventh Day Adventist Church - Major Site Plan Modification including a shared
parking study to amend the previously-approved site plan modification - At the end of
the meeting, discussion focused around Ordinance 90-19 which amends the parking
lot regulations to provide for an exemption to additions to residential recreation areas.
On May 22, 1995, City Manager Parker issued a memorandum to the members of this
board stating that the leisureville addition would be exempt from the parking lot
regulations in terms of upgrading the existing parking lot. In addition, it was also
exempt from the zoning requirement to provide additional parking for the addition.
City Manager Parker will address this further at the next workshop meeting.
Ms. Heyden distributed parking passes for the July 4th Centennial Celebration.
April 11, 1995, and May 9,1995 meetings)
1. Project Name: Lake Worth Christian School
Agent: J. Richard Harris, Esquire
Owner: Condor Investments, Inc.
location: East side of High Ridge Road, approximately one-half mile south
of High Ridge Road
Description: Request to amend the Future land Use map of the
Comprehensive Plan from low Density Residential to Public
and Governmental/Institutional and rezone from Planned Unit
Development (PUD) to R-l AA, Single Family Residential
Michael Rumpf made the presentation. In February, 1995, a master plan modification was approved
for the Cedar Ridge Estates PUD located immediately south of the lake Worth Christian School. Part
of the master plan modification request included deletion of the subject property from the PUD.
Approval of the master plan modification was subject to rezoning of the subject property from the PUD
to an appropriate zoning district for assembling the property with the school property to the north for
expansion of the school's facilities. This request will rezone and reclassify the subject property
consistent with the remainder of the school property.
JULY 11, 1995
2. Allow wholesale of tropical fish in the M-l zoning district - This is currently
in process before the City Commission
Because of a recent State law change regarding advertising of zoning code changes, these two
items will be readvertised. First reading of both of these zoning code changes will take place
at the next City Commission meeting.
3. Zoning code change to delete the distance requirement for second-hand and
not-for-profit used merchandise stores
The City Commission decided to go with the recommendation made by the Planning &
Development Board to change the distance only in the C-4 district. That change resulted in
the City having to readvertise. First reading will occur at the next City Commission meeting.
Outpatient Properties - This item was removed from the table and approved subject
to staff comments. The unity of title issue was worked out through a special agreement which
was acceptable to the City Attorney. A condition was added requiring additional shielding of
the parking lot lighting, and the City Commission has required the construction of a buffer wall
along the entire length of the west property line; however, it can be prefab (masonry rather
than CBS).
B. Filing of Quarterly Report for Site Plan Waivers and Minor Site Plan
Modi fications
Mr. Beasley pointed out that with regard to Golfview Harbour, the report states that staff
approved installation of a green vinyl chain link fence. Mr. Beasley reported that the fence
installed is a chain link fence. It is not green vinyl.
Chairman Dube said the descriptions listed are the requests which were submitted. The
descriptions do not indicate what staff approved. He feels this practice is very confusing and
requested that future reports be amended so that the report contains the approved items.
Mr. Rosenstock requested that this report be corrected so that the members can see what has
been accomplished as opposed to what was requested.
Al Newbold
Deputy Building Official
Michael E. Haag
zoning and Site Development Administrator
August 9, 1995
Transmittal of Development Orders
Accompanying this memorandum you will find documents regarding
development plans that have received final determination.
1. Proj ect Name:
Type of Application:
Planning and zoning
Department File No.:
Staff Report and Comments:
Control Plans:
Color Elevation Drawings:
Board of Adjustment Approval:
Planning and Development
Board Approval:
City Commission Approval:
Resolution No. :
Ordinance No. :
Outpatient Properties, Inc.
Major Site Plan Modification
MSPM 95-001
7 pages
2 sheets
7/11/95 meeting minutes
7/05/95 meeting minutes
JULY 5, 1995
portion of the agenda closed.
Those intending to testify under Development Plans were sworn in by City Attorney Cherof.
Project Name:
Outpatient Properties, Jnc.
Wayne E. PuIs
Outpatient Properties, Inc.
Southwest comer ofS.W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest
Major Site Plan Modification: Request to amend the
previously approved site plan to construct a surplus parking
facility on a parcel adjacent to the Outpatient Center of
Boynton Beach.
Greg Kino of Boose, Casey & Ciklin, attorneys for Outpatient Properties, Inc., advised that the
Outpatient Center, which provides outpatient medical services, was constructed in 1994 on the
comer of Seacrest Boulevard and S. W, 23rd Avenue. The facility met all the code requirements
for parking in 1994, but it bas since been found that during certain peak hours the parking
demands have exceeded the City's parking requirements. Parking needs to be close to the facility
because of the nature of clientel. Therefore, 17 additional parking spaces for employees only are
being proposed directly across the street. In December of last year, the applicant received the
City's approval for these temporary parking spaces. However, because the applicant did not
meet the minimum lot depth, a variance was needed. The variance was granted conditioned upon
meeting all the code requirements for a permanent parking facility even though this is a
temporary parking facility. The applicant has plans to develop that comer for additional medical
offices two or three years from now. However, the applicant is attempting to meet all the
permanent parking requirements at this time.
Mr. Kino believes that the unity of title issue mentioned in the staff report was addressed to the
City Attorney's satisfaction by providing a parking covenant that states that the applicant will not
use the parking for anything other than employee parking. In addition, the parking must meet the
current standards at the time the property is redeveloped.
Mr. Kino stated that the medical center closes at 4:45 p.m. He felt there was no need for lighting
and that it would have an adverse impact on the properties to the west. He stated that City staff
JULY 5, 1995
suggested putting up a temporary gate and "no trespassing" signs so that no one parks there in the
evening and if they do, the City or property owners have the ability to tow the vehicles. He felt
the lighting is not really appropriate at this time and pointed out that it would have to be removed
when the site is redeveloped on a permanent basis.
With regard to the buffer, Mr. Kino advised that this property abuts a residential area to the west.
The rear property line is about 272 feet. It is in the C-l district and the code allows either a 6
foot wall or a vegetative butTer at least 2 feet high. He pointed out that office uses are
traditionally less intense. He advised that the parking area is limited to about 73 feet where it
abuts the residential property to the west. He felt that is where the impact is going to be. The
rest of the site is going to be drainage area that will be landscaped and sodded. The only other
development will be a paved driveway which runs parallel to Seacrest Boulevard. There is
approximately 72 feet between the residential property line and the paved driveway. He
suggested putting a 6 foot wall just to the extent that the parking lot abuts lot 23, which is a 101
foot lot. For the remainder-of the property that abuts the draioage area, he suggested screening.
At the time the site is redeveloped, a wall could be put in. He stated that there are no impacts to
lots 24 and 25 at this time.
Cocoplum will be planted along the balance of the property line and on the south side of the
parking area that would saeen the rest of the residential properties from the parking lot. There
will be little activity on the site. The parking lot will be used by employees only. There will not
be a lot of traffic going in and out. Currently, the residential properties do not have any fences
except for the one where the applicant proposes to put the wall. Therefore, there is not a lot of
impact from Seacrest Boulevard.
Mr. Kino said that staff'suggested the applicant continue the wall that was started on the south
end of the property. He circulated a brochure and proposed using a preformed wall that will
match the style and texture of the existing wall. A prefonned wall would cost half of what a
concrete wall would cost, and Mr. Kino felt it would look better than a plain, flat wall. He
pointed out that there is no relief on the existing wall and that the preformed wall would have a
cap on it and some texture.
Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director. stated that the applicant has given a very
thorough description of what the request entails. She advised that an agreement has been
submitted to the City Attorney to address the unity oftide issue, and that the City Attorney has
found it acceptable. Therefore, comment number 2 of the PlaDning and Zoning Department
Memorandum can be excluded.
JUt Y 5, 1995
Ms. Heyden stated that lighting can be shielded and often is when a project abuts residential.
She felt the issue of lighting can be resolved through shielding. She pointed out that the
employees will be arriving very early in the morning and it is dark at this time during the winter.
She stated that the parking lot should be lighted not just for the sake of the employees, but also
for security purposes in the evening.
Ms. Heyden felt the wall should match the existing wall. In response to Mayor Taylor, she
advised that the existing wall is CBS.
Robert Foot, 2400 S. W, 1st Street, submitted a letter from himself and his wife, attached to
which were petitions signed by 43 neighbors concerning this development. He felt the property
should be developed properly and immediately. He said the property has been used on a
temporary and unsightly basis and it is time that the property was properly developed. He felt
the application was incomplete. It does not show the paving that will be used, the elevations for
the paved area, and the percolation area relative to the paved area. The plans submitted do not
include the wall that will be used. The applicant is proposing that a piece meal wall approach be
used; a wall that might go passed the back of his home, which is 83 feet wide. He said his
neighbors need this wall as much as he does. He stated that the headlights from cars arriving
early in the morning will shine into his neighbors' homes. He questioned the drainage. He said
we do not know if the wall that the applicant wants to put up can be matched when the rest of the
property is developed. The appearance of the wall was important to him. He felt the proposed
wall is flimsy and wondered if it would hold up during a hurricane. He felt a number of issues
have not been properly addressed. He requested that the City think of the attractiveness of the
wall that might be put there and the values of a continuous wall to the neighborhood and site.
Mr. Jordan, 2410 S.W. 1st Street, felt the existing wall should be continued before anything else
is done.
Cecil Fultz, 147 S.W. 24th Avenue, felt the temporary parking facility should be beautified and
brought up to standards as soon as possible. He did not think a gate would look good. He felt
the wall and lights should be put in to provide privacy and security. He pointed out that anyone
could go through a hedge or a flimsy fence. He asked the Commission to do what is best for the
community .
Mr. Kino stated that the application is complete. The elevations are shown on the survey which
was part of the application. The percolation area is shown on the site plan, which was submitted
along with the drainage report. There is adequate drainage on the property. The type of paving
JULY 5, 1995
is shown on the site plan. He felt the issue of the lighting was valid. He stated that the wall is
hurricane approved. The concrete and colors are mixed so the paint will not fade Like the
existing wall. A cap rail oould be put on the wall. The same look can be obtained by this
preformed wall. If a preformed wall is approved, the applicant can afford to do the whoLe length
at this time. A concrete wall cost about $30,000 and the applicant cannot afford to do that at this
time. nt: felt the preformed wall is a better product.
In response to Mayor Taylor, Mr. Kino advised that the wall would be 270 feet. The parking
area is about 70 or 80 feet and the rest is the drainage area that goes out 70 feet before reaching
the driveway on Seacrest Boulevard.
Vice Mayor Bradley felt it was important to use shielded lighting. He wondered if the applicant
would agree to install the wall in such a way that if it needed to be extended or replaced, it would
end up looking uniform. He had no objection to allowing the preformed wall just as long as it is
as strong as CBS block.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz was not in favor of installing the fence piece meal. Also, she was not
in favor of gating the parking lot. She felt it would be unsightly and unsuitable.
In response to Commissioner Rosen, Mr. Kino stated that the wall would be 270 feet and abut the
existing wall. It would be 6 feet high and would match the height of the existing wall. In
addition, a cap can be put on it.
Mr. Foot stated that the code specifies a CBS wall.
Mayor Taylor definitely wanted lighting in the parking lot for security reasons. He was in favor
of the wall going the whole length. Looking at the brochure, he felt the wall looked very
adequate. He felt a fence would look very poor and it would be premature to install one at this
Mayor Pro Tern Matson asked if the code stipulates that it must be a CBS wall. Mr. Kino
advised that the code requires a stucco/masonry wall. It does not state concrete block or
stucco/CBS. City Attorney Cherof advised that the Land Development Regulations call for a
solid, stucco, masonry wail
Mayor Pro Tern Matson was in favor of continuing the wall.
JULY 5, 1995
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the development plans for Outpatient Properties, to
include staff comments, shielded lighting, a masonry wall that is tongue and groove and would
run the entire length of 273 feet, and the City Attorney's documents regarding the parking
covenants to deal with the unity of title issue.,.
There is to be no gate, and the issue of the cap will be worked out with the homeowners. Mr.
Foot suggested using a cap.
Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion which carried 5..0.
B. Project Name: Knuth Road PCD
Agent: Kieran Kilday
Location: Southwest comer of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach
Description: Time Extension: Request for approval of an 18 month
retroactive and an indefinite time extension for
zoning/master plan approval and concurrency exemption.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to rescind this item and place it on the agenda for the next
meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion.
Kieran Kilday advised that the representatives of the Homeowners' Association were planning to
attend the City Commission meeting at which this matter will be reconsidered. However,
because of a conflict, they requested that this matter be scheduled for the first City Commission
meeting in August.
The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for August 1st; however, Vice Mayor
Bradley will be on vacation at that time.
The motion carried 5-0.
Request to modify previously approved master plan to establish setbacks for