REVIEW COMMENTS TO: FROM: SUBJ: DATE: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-10 Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Larry Quinn, Sanitation Superintendent Major Site Plan Modification - Outpatient Properties, Inc. January 12,1995 The Public Works Department has no problems with the above site. LQfcr L uinn Sanitation Superintendent rn rn@rnn w ~,,~,!,>il D I! \l , 1 ~ n IDl I 3 ,.....~'_. I \ i., , ...~ . ;," ; ~"- I PLANNING AND ZON !NG..1lITl-- ".,..- ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-009 DATE: Tambri J. Heyden Planning & zoning Director t~~l~am ~ukill, P.E. ~ Englneer January 12, 1995 TO: FROM: RE: TEMPORARY PARKING LOT - 2351 S. SEACREST We notified this applicant in December what he would have to accomplish in order to obtain a temporary permit for parking lot improvements for subject lot which is already in use as a parking lot. A copy is attached and represents our comments on this lot. WVH/ck C:2351SEA.LOT ill rn@ rn ~ w ~ ~'~ l llj., JAN I 3 j-N~ ; ,.) PLANNING AND ZONING DEPl ~_... 7fie City of . 13oynton 13eac/i 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boukvarri P.O. 'Bo;c310 'Boynton 'Bead;', :FCoritfa 33425-0310 City:Jfdl: (4fJ7) 375-6000 :FJU: (4fJ7) 375-6090 December 13, 1994 OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER Wayne PuIs, Vice President The Outpatient Center of Boynton Beach, Ltd. 2351 S. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: TEMPORARY PARKING LOT S.W. CORNER SEACREST BLVD./S.W. 23rd AVE. Dear Mr. PuIs: Your request for modification of City parking lot requirements can be considered by the City Engineer un4~~~~e title Temporary Parking in Resolution 87-JJJ. Because you hav~only a --temporary need, we wlll tavorably consider issuing a permit which will expire in two (2) years subject to the following conditions: 1. Filing of a completed application. 2. Payment of permit fees. 3. Submission of a certified statement of cost of improvements. 4. Submission of a certified statement that construction complies with all applicable laws, codes and ordinances including, but not limited to, City of Boynton Beach Parking Lot Specifications. Exception: the following requirements will be waived; A. Lighting B. Drainage calculations will be waived if a certified statement is submitted demonstrating compliance with South Florida Water Management District requirements. C. Curbing will only be required from street to initial parking stalls. Concrete wheel stops may be utilized elsewhere. All other requirements must be met, including, but not limited to, landscaping. Please consult with City Forester Kevin Hallahan to reach consensus on that issue. jImerica's (jateway to tfie (juffttream BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-009 January 12, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: TRC COMMENTS OUTPATIENT PROPERTIES, INC. The Building Division's only comment relative to the above project is that a time limit for this temporary parking lot should be set and there should be an agreement regarding how to enforce the time limit. AN:bh xc: William V. Hukill, P.E. Ol1TPATIB ~l Om @ u ~ ffi ~!\ ffi .., 3 r,-..r: ' " ; : . \ t '-"0' ; ! PLANNING I\.ND ZONING DEPl \ ............., -K ,,'~ FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 94-204 WDC TO: planning Department FROM: Fire Department DATE: January 20, 1995 RE: site Plan Review Out-Patient Properties Inc. MSM 95-001 2351 S Seacrest Blvd We have no objections to this project. , ".t""" //1_ ,1 ( ~4~ :/af;/;?t-~ William D.Cavanaugh, FPO MEMORANDUM Utilities #95-020 TO: Tambri J, Heyden, , Planning & Zoning Dire~co! C ,0, ", ~1 ~~. John A Guidry /1, / ,7 i (;" c Director of Utilities I JV: (L -~ ,. FROM: DATE: January 19, 1995 SUBJECT: Outpatient Properties, Inc. Major Site Plan Modification - First Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offers the following comments: 1. Applicant is responsible for verifying utility locations prior to start of construction. It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. 19b xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella iY"' File ill rn@~~w~ JI~J~ 2 3 !(::-;~ PLAimlNG AND ZCN~NG DEPT. , ,--......~.......--_.._--- rn I -~ BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Office of Professional Standards To: From: Date: Re: Tambri Heyden, Direc~ Lt. James Cummings ~ 12 January 1995 Outpatient Properties, Inc, I Major Site Plan TRC MEMO # 95-0114 I have reviewed the plans for Outpatient Properties Inc., and find no problems with them. ill ~ ~ ~ ; !':'i ~ ill I f ! , ~~'~'~~i~!~)QrAD~O_ ._-,1h' RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 195-034 FROM: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent ~ Major Site Plan Modification: OU~atient Properties, Inc. TO: RE: DATE: January 20, 1995 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the major site plan modification for Outpatient Properties, Inc. There are no outstanding recreation issues on this project. JW:ad roJ~@~OW~rnl lJ\l JAN 20 loqS & PLANNING AND \')h ZONING DEPT. \ V' RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 195-026 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist f(~tI OUtpatient Properties, Inc. Major Site Plan Modification RE: DATE: January 20, 1995 The applicant should note any existing trees on the site that will be preserved, relocated or removed and replaced. The project should continue on the normal review process. KH:ad ro)1 lU nw ~ ~ lJ\1 JAN 2 0 19<.15 ~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. ~~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, 95-311 Agenda Memorandum for July 5, 1995 city CommIssion Meeting TO: Carrie Parker City Hanager ,~' Tambri J. HeYden~)l..~n/b.:1( ;.I.ktjoVC<..rl./ Planning and Zoning Director · FROM: DA'TE: June 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Outpatient Properties, Inc. - MSPM #95-001 Major Site Plan Modification (parking lot) The above-referenced request has been tabled by the CommIssion, undel Development Plans, at the request of tte applicant, since May 16, 1995 (see attached, previously distributed agenda materials - PlannIng and Zoning Department Memorandum 110. 95- 216). The applicant has requested that it be removed from the table for cOlleideration by the Commission at their July 5th meeting. ThE:: reasons for Llbllng action .)n the request WE::re due to the applicant's objection to providing a buffer wall and a mnty ef title. When this request went to the Planning and Development Board, an adjacent residential property owner, Bob Foot, expressed concerns with the project. However, as received by you, Mr. Foot has recently submitted a letter and petitIons indicating that he l1as no objections to the project, provided a wall i3 constructed (at time of the parking lot construction) along the west property t)oundary. Such a\^Tall '/Vas/is a ....-ecor.lmendation made by this de~clrtment (attached Planning and 20n1ng Department Memorandum No, 95-191, comment 9. \ A couple of weeks ago the ~pplicant submitt~d a wall detail proposal to staff, howev~r the wall p~oposed was a precast wall and would not have matched the ezistillg \-v.1ll on the abut ting property to the south, contrary to what was recommended In comment 9. In addition to providing a wall, the applicant also raised an objection, at the Planning and Development Board meeting, to previding a unity of title between the subject property and the property to the north; the site of the outpatient c~nter facility, for which the requested parking lot will serve. A proposed lease arrangement was submitted by the applicant, however the city attorney has reviewed the agreement and indicated that it is not a viable alternative, Therefore, it is recommended that this request be approved, subject to all staff comments (Engineering Division Memorandum No, 95-119, Building Division Memorandum No, 95-108, Recreation and Parks Memorandum No. 95-166 and Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95- 191) , tjh Attachment xc: Central File A:Outpapkg PLANNING AND ZONING DEPART MEMORANDUM NO. 95-216 Agenda Memorandum for May 16, 1995 City commission Meeting TO: Carrie Parker city Manager FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director DATE: May la, 1995 SUBJECT: outpatient Properties, Inc. - MSPM 95-001 Major Site Plan Modification Please place the above-referenced request on the May 16, 1995 City Commission agenda under Development Plans. DESCRIPTION: This is a request to amend the previously approved site plan for the Outpatient Center of Boynton Beach for construction of a 17 space, surplus parking lot located at the southwest corner of Seacrest Boulevard and S.W. 23rd Avenue. The applicant has indicated that the property is planned to be fully developed for office or medical office use within two years. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board, with a 7-0 vote, recommended approval of this request, subject to all staff comments ( Engineering Division Memorandum No. 95-119, Building Division Memorandum No. 95-108, Recreation and Parks Memorandum No. 95-166 and Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-191). TJH:dim Attachment s:::CAgenMe.Out 7.A.2 outpatient Properties, Inc. Major Site Plan Modification PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-190 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION May 5, 1995 DESCRIPTION OF Request: Project Name: Outpatient Properties, Inc. Applicant: outpatient Properties, Inc. Agent: Wayne E. PuIs Location: Southwest corner of S.W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard File No.: MSPM 95-001 (Major site plan modification) Land Use Plan Designation: Office Commercial {QC) Zoning Designation: Office Professional (C-1) Type of Use: Surplus parking for existing medical office building located at the northwest corner of S.W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard. Number of Units: NIA Square Footage: Site area: 31,578 square feet (.72 acres) Building area: Not applicable Surrounding Land Uses and zoning District: North S. w. 23rd Avenue and farther north is the Outpatient Clinic building, zoned C-1 South medical office building, zoned C-l. East Seacrest Boulevard and farther east is a medical office building, zoned C-l West Single-family homes, zoned R- lAA, Single Family Residential Existing Site Characteristics: The existing site is vacant and cleared of tl-ees. Proposed Development: Construction of a 17 space parking lot to be utilized by the staff of the Outpatient Clinic located at the northwest corner of Seacrest Boulevard and S.W. 23rd Avenue. The applicant has indicated that the property is planned to be developed for office or medical office use within two years. I Page 2 Site Plan Review staff Report Memorandum #95-190 Outpatient Properties, Inc Concurrency: Driveways: Parking Facility: Landscaping: Building and Site Regulations: Community Design Plan: Signage: Traffic Since no footage additional created. building square is planned, no trips are being Drainage - Insufficient drainage information has been submitted for the Engineering Division to certify compliance with the city's drainage levels of service at time of site plan approval, as required. The Engineering Division is recommending that submittal of this information can be postponed to time of permit review. The applicant proposes one1 two-way driveway off of Seacrest Boulevard. The applicant is proposing 17 parking spaces, including one (1) handicapped space to be used as surplus parking for the medical office building, also owned by the applicant, at the northwest corner of S.W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard. Based on a determination from the Engineel-ing Division to allow construction of this parking to temporary parking lot standards, plans submitted do not meet lighting requirements and indicate portions of the parking area as stabil ized sod, rather than asphalt. However, the Board of Adjustment, during consideration of a lot depth variance, conditioned their variance approval on construction of the parking lot to regular standards. Therefore, plans submitted for permit shall reflect the Board of Adjustment's conditions. The applicant initially proposed to not provide landscaping on the basis of the determination that the parking lot was temporary. However, the Board of Adjustment required the installation of the standard parking lot landscaping as a condition of granting the lot depth variance. Please refer to Planning and Zoning Department's comments. A lot depth variance was heard by the Board of Adjustment on April 17, 1995. The request (case number 203) was granted provided the applicant design and construct the parking lot in compliance with code requirements including, but not limited to, pav1nq, landscap1n; and bufflr1nq of th. adjaoent residential neighborhood. Compliance with the code is required prior to using the parking facility. N/A Traffic signs are the only proposed signage for the project. :2 page 2 of 2. Outpatient Prop. 3. Consideration should be given to construct the driveway an the way to the parking lot with asphalt. Continous in and out movements including turning may deteoriate this area and create a muddy. rutted condition. ~lrni~~~I~~"rn ~l KRHlkrh C: Kevin Hallihan, William Hukill. and to file opatient. 2rv PLArmlNG Mm lm)IJ-I'~ PFI'I. ~-_. c~ BUILDING DIVISION MBMORANDUM NO. 95-108 April 25, 1995 To: Tambri Heyden, Planning Director From: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Re: OUtpatient Properties, Inc. - 2nd Site Plan Review 2351 South Seacrest Boulevard The Building Division has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project as a temporary parking lot, based on our code requirements, and offers the following comments on the temporary parking ~or the .alee trailers, etc. 1. Landscaping - shown and approved on the plans per code 2. Lights for night use as per code 3. Timetable and plan for removal at the end of the timetable. 4. Buffer wall, etc., designed to comply with the City Land Development Regulation for parking facilities. All the comments can be addressed at the time of permitting so we recommend that the plan go forward to the next step. AN : rnh Attachment: Amended Plans cc: William V. Hukill, P.E., Department of Development Director 1m r~~~) ~~ W ~l~ .. t , ~ Plf\r'~I'~NO-~~.\\ : 701i1i~l~ nrr'T. Jj) ...._-_...,~.... --." ,...~. ...- . A:OUT'ATI..TRC '7 RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM '95-166 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~if OUtpatient Properties, Inc. Site Plan Review - 2nd Review RE: DATE: April 21, 1995 The applicant should submit the xeriscape plan document for the landscape plan. This plan is in reference to the comment on the sheet that an "irrigation system" will not be provided. I have given the xeriscape plan document guidelines to the applicant. KH:ad f~~~j IV I: I:;: f PI iJji~;;:;:;';7 ," to 0... .. _.__f\Jli'i2t; ,:r\" LV.: a PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-191 FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zrt:nin~?irector Michael E. Haag .?~ Site and Zoning D :!opment Administrator May 5, 1995 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Site Plan Review - 2nd Review Major Site Plan Modification Project: Outpatient Properties, Inc. Location: Southwest corner of S.W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard Agent: Wayne E. PuIs File No.: MSPM 95-001 The following is a list of comments regarding the second review of the above-referenced project. It should be noted that the comments are divided into two (2) categories. The first category is a list of comments that identify unresolved comments either from the first review or new comments as a result of the second review. To show compliance with these comments will not substantially alter the configuration of the site and design of the building. The second category is a list of recommendations I believe will enhance the aesthetics and function of the project. All comments and recommendations can be rectified on the plans submi tted at time of permitting, if the site plan request is approved. The applicant shall understand that additional comments may be generated upon review of the documents and working drawings submitted to the Building Department for permits for the proposed project. I. SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. Place a note on the site plan that indicates the Board of Adjustment approved case no. 203 on April 17, 1995 for a reduction in lot depth from 120 feet to 115 feet, subject to the proposed parking facility and west property line buffer being designed and constructed consistent with the city's Land Development Regulations, prior to using the parking facility. Revise the plans accordingly. 2. submi t a completed and recorded unity of title that combines the subject site with the adjacent Outpatient property located at the northwest corner of S.W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard. Note: Unity of title forms are available in the Building Division of the Development Department. 3. sho...j un the plan landscaping in compliance with the "Boynton Beach Landscape Code", The landscaping shall include, but not be limited to, the required vehicle use area screening with a minimum of fifty percent of the required number of trees and hedges being a native specie. Dimension the distance between the edge of the vehicle use area and the adjacent property lines. This distance shall comply with the requirements specified in the landscape code. Specify and show on the plans lawn grass covering all pervious areas of the entire site, except for the areas where trees, hedges and mulch are proposed and shown. Identify the specie of lawn grass, including method of installation. Also identify on the plan the landscape specifications, regarding grade of material, installation requirements and type of irrigation. The specifications shall be consistent with the requirements specified in the landscape code. 4. Show and dimension on the plan the zoning and "Boynton Beach Landscape code" line-of-sight triangles, including the size of the unobstructed cross visibility space required within the line-of-sight triangles. 9 PROJl::C'l' 'l'l'l'LE: OESCRIP'l'ION: 'l'YPE: DA'l'E REC I D: 'l'l{/\CKING LUG - ~l'l'E PLAN lU:V .lEW ~UtlMlll"l'Al. C~0r'7A:'\ i <;?o 10'\ -l':p C->~ ~cL 1:, r ;~_ ; J,l ) f, . FILE Nu.: J~1.S P YJIl q~~-(~C \l\'\~It.->\c'A\"" tJ.\~0()\? :::,\\ \: \~L{tL) ('f\c..6 NEW SITE PLAN J MAJyR ~ITE PLAN MODIFICATIUN , AMOUNT: ."'7.:50.00 RECEIPT NO.: 44/ I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TWELVE (12) SETS SUBMITTED: COLORED ELEVATIONS REC'D: /3 1./ , L?V ~ ~ ..J (Plans shall be pre-assembled. The planning & zoning Dept. will number each sheet of their set. The Planning Dept. set will be used to check the remaining sets to ensure the number and type of sheets match.) * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . ~ 1 APPLICATION & SUBMITTAL: DATE: ACCEPTED --BENIED , ~ DATE: , ~ DATE OF LET'rER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: ~ t ~ fit 2nd SUBMIT'l'AL ACCEPTED DENIED DATE: DATE: DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: REVIEWER'S NAME: , . ~ ~ ~ J ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Label TRC Departments on each set of plans) DATE AND MEMO NUMBER OF MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM INITIAL REVIEW. DATE SENT: 1/11'1; RETURN DATE: /:~'O /1$ MEMO NUMBER: 9.0-01 z... ~ jst REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED ~ \1 ~ ~ ~ PLANS I1f~~~~ f PLANS '~rJt/ DATE IICII util. ~ Planhinrr r~ - P.W. \-:b ~/ ,/ Building t~ s: ~/ Parks ~ . / iii L' _1: ~::2 ~ Fire 0 . S-~( / Engineer L~ Police 1s-01 I~ Forester UO TYPE OF VARIANCE(S) DATE OF MEETING: DATE OF LETTER SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: I /d(~'1C" (Aesthetic Review App., dates of board mtgs. & checklist sent out wi co ments) !I/}. 7 /C;'.5. .- DATE 12 COMPLETE SETS CF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2nd REVIEW: ~;/~J9s-- (Must be assembled. Reviewer shall accept amended plans & support documents) NINETY DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: COLORED ELEVATIONS REC' D : MEMO SENT TO TRG Tp ~ERFORM 2nd REVIj;W. J ...- DA'l'E SENT: L//J..1I..:i.~ MEMO #: ~S... _~:f- RETURN DATE: 4f ~/ /tfS- 2nd REVIEW RECOMMENDATION/DENIAL PLANS MEMO' / DATE /"R/))" util. Planning ~-Jof, /~ P . W. Building 'J E..S / ' I I< Ie.- - Parks Engineer ,~. .:~// / r...t'.:l~ / ~ Fire Engineer . ~ Pol ice Forester if.'::. C;S-:-I(,t. / '-1/:::21 / ~_.- LETTER TO APPLICANT REGARDING TRC APPROVAL/DENIAL AND LAND ~EY&LOYMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT/SIGNS INSTALLED: ~~O/7~ SCHEDULE OF BOARD MEETINGS: PAD S-/qI9~- CC/CRA S-!Jtr,/9j- . DATE APPROVAL LETTER SENT: A:TRACKING.SP TO: FROM: SUBJ: DATE: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-57 Tambri 1. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Site Plan Review - 2nd Review - Outpatient Properties, Inc. April 20, 1995 The Public Works Department has no problems with the above site. RElcr obert Eichorst Public Works Director ":f~ MEMORANDUM Utilities # 95- 142 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Z . .v FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities Date: April 20, 1995 SUBJECT: Outpatient Properties, Inc., Site Plan Second Review Staffhas reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: This Department has no additional comments at this time. It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. sm xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella tJ:--, File ...,~P''4. ~ ,.~...~.'" FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-251 WDC TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department DATE: April 20, 1995 RE: Outpatient properties Inc. 2351 S Seacrest Blvd MSPM 95-001 We have no objections to this project. Cavanaugh, FPO , *. f"-' '{..... MEMORANDUM Utilities # 95- 142 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zo . FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities Date: 'April 20, 1995 SUBJECT: Outpatient Properties, Inc., Site Plan Second Review " Staffhas reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: This Department has no additional comments at this time. It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. sm xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella .6-" File ~ TO: FROM: SUBJ: DATE: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-57 Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Site Plan Review - 2nd Review - Outpatient Properties, Inc. April 20, 1995 The Public Works Department has no problems with the above site. RElcr obert Eichorst Public Works Director FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-251 WDC TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department DATE: April 20, 1995 RE: outpatient Properties Inc. 2351 S Seacrest Blvd MSPM 95-001' We have no objections to this project. $ftfm~& ~r?:-f~ \ \~\~;_."J, , \J\\' , L t'\ ......C'" ~,,\ -"..._~ . \ ~ ,-,:~~:,;: !\ H! \-)1 \ \'U,;).I"':~'P\ ~ 70"I.H:,\\; llf. _:.-_". .,~:;..-'"" .,..--- BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMEN Office of Professional Standards To: From: Date: Re: Tambri Heyden I Di~ Lt. James Cumming 20 April 1994 Outpatient Properties / second site plan TRC Memo # 95-0128 ~V'- I have reviewed the plans and find no problems with them. I would request that they go fOlWard. ~LAI-:'':; MEMORANDUM TO: 1An,(jte,' Hfybi-pJ, (JLAIV,v,wG' + ?.ON"I'\JGtt)i~~cloA.. :s ol-/w W,'L~,J~ I f'4tr /cs s: '-f ;oT. /- ,_ '-/- ~ y-? S FROM: DATE: RE: Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - Amended Plans Project: OuT fA. ilfNT P/tJ?Jp,.:~ t /&5 After reviewing the referenced project Department recommends the Planning and consideration. amended J) plans for the above the f\ t<- t?e..rtr; c...J "'t" 1'11~ "'- that the project be forwarded to Development Board for their This department will not be required to sign-off the permit documents associated with the subject project. --....-..--.----.. -- . ~~'\ r; ~ 1. .' C: AMEND1.ALD ~ Page 2 Site Plan 2nd Review Memorandum No. 95-191 outpatient Properties, Inc File No.: MSPM 95-001 5. Show on the plan the location of city standard curbing as required by Chapter 23 of the city's Land Development Regulations. 6. Show on the plan the buffer landscaping required along the west property line of the subject site. The landscaping shall be in compliance with the buffer requirements specified in Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 4. L of the city's Land Development Regulations. Note: The approval of Board of Adjustment case number 203 is condi tioned upon the buffer being installed prior to using the proposed parking facility. 7. Identify on the plan the code required surface material for the vehicle use area. The surface material shall be consistent with the material identified on the overlay that was submitted for the presentation of the project to the Planning and Development Board and city Commission. II RECOMMENDATIONS 8. Melaleuca mulch is recommended for mulching purposes. 9. Although by the zoning code, the applicant is afforded the choice between providing a buffer wall or a vegetative buffer, a buffer wall is recommended in lieu of the proposed landscape buffer (see comment #6) where the property line of the subject site abuts the residentially-zoned property to the west. The location design and construction of the buffer wall shall comply with the buffer wall regulations identified in Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 4~L of the City's Land Development Regulations. The recommended buffer wall should match the appearance of the existing buffer wall located on the abutting property to the south. This recommendation is made due to the close proximity of rear yards of homes to the parking area and due to the early morning parking demand for the surplus spaces. It is also recommended that the wall be installed with the installation of the parking lot, rather than postponed to time of construction of a building on the lot, and installed along the entire west property line. 10. To avoid the location of required site lighting fixtures interfering with required landscaping, show on the plan the proposed location of site lighting poles. 11. It is recommended that where trees are required or proposed to be planted under overhead lines that the specie be consistent with a specie listed in Florida Power & Light's "plant The Right Tree In The Right Place" brochure. Show on the landscape plan the location of overhead power lines. Landscaping or other structures located in utility easements shall be subject to the restrictions of the utility companies that have access rights to the easement. show the type and size of existing or proposed utility easements on the landscape plan. NOTE: I f recommendations are approved, they shall incorporated into the working drawings required permits for the project. be for MEH:dim xc: Central File a:2ndcomKem.Out/~&O /() RECREATION 6"1 PARK MEMORANDUM 195-166 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist 1<& if outpatient Properties, Inc. Site Plan Review - 2nd Review RE: DATE: April 21, 1995 The applicant should submit the xeriscape plan document for the landscape plan. This plan is in reference to the comment on the sheet that an "irrigation system" will not be provided. I have given the xeriscape plan document guidelines to the applicant. KH:ad f~~~)'W! 1:1:; f PI ;W;;~;:i~; ..;(. .. J) 0.. .. -.__f\1.r)'rlt; ,:r\" LV' C3 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-191 FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning ?irector Michael E. Haag ~t~~ Site and zonin~~opment Administrator May 5, 1995 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Site Plan Review - 2nd Review Major Site Plan Modification Project: Outpatient Properties, Inc. Location: Southwest corner of S.W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard Agent: Wayne E. Puls File No.: MSPM 95-001 The following is a list of comments regarding the second review of the above-referenced project. It should be noted that the comments are divided into two (2) categories. The first category is a list of comments that identify unresolved comments either from the first review or new comments as a result of the second review. To show compliance with these comments will not substantially alter the configuration of the site and design of the building. The second category is a list of recommendations I believe will enhance the aesthetics and function of the project. All comments and recommendations can be rectified on the plans submitted at time of permitting, if the site plan request is approved. The applicant shall understand that additional comments may be generated upon review of the documents and working drawings submitted to the BUilding Department for permits for the proposed project. I. SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. Place a note on the site plan that indicates the Board of Adjustment approved case no. 203 on April 17, 1995 for a reduction in lot depth from 120 feet to 115 feet, subject to the proposed parking facility and west property line buffer being designed and constructed consistent with the City'S Land Development Regulations, prior to using the parking facility. Revise the plans accordingly. 2. Submi t a completed and recorded unity of title that combines the subject site with the adjacent Outpatient property located at the northwest corner of S. W. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard. Note: Unity of title forms are available in the Building Division of the Development Department. 3. Show on the plan landscaping in compliance with the "Boynton Beach Landscape Code". The landscaping shall include, but not be limited to, the required vehicle use area screening with a minimum of fifty percent of the required number of trees and hedges being a native specie. Dimension the distance between the edge of the vehicle use area and the adjacent property lines. This distance shall comply with the requirements specified in the landscape code. Specify and show on the plans lawn grass covering all pervious areas of the entire site, except for the areas where trees, hedges and mulch are proposed and shown. Identify the specie of lawn grass, including method of installation. Also identify on the plan the landscape specifications, regarding grade of material, installation requirements and type of ilTigation. The specifications shall be consistent ,with the requirements specified in the landscape code. 4. Show and dimension on the plan the zoning and "Boynton Beach Landscape code" line-of-sight triang-les, including the size of the unobstructed Cl-OSS visibili ty space required within the line-of-sight triangles. 1 Page 2 Site Plan 2nd Review Memorandum No. 95-191 Outpatient Properties, Inc File No.: MSPM 95-001 5. Show on the plan the location of City standard curbing as required by chapter 23 of the City's Land Development Regulations. 6. Show on the plan the buffer landscaping required along the west property line of the subject site. The landscaping shall be in compliance with the buffer requirements specified in Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 4. L of the City's Land Development Regulations. Note: The approval of Board of Adjustment case number 203 is conditioned upon the buffer being installed prior to using the proposed parking facility. 7. Identify on the plan the code required surface material for the vehicle use area. The surface material shall be consistent with the material identified on the overlay that was submitted for the presentation of the project to the Planning and Development Board and City Commission. II RECOMMENDATIONS 8. Melaleuca mulch is recommended for mulching purposes. 9. Although by the zoning code, the applicant is afforded the choice between providing a buffer wall or a vegetative buffer, a buffer wall is recommended in lieu of the proposed landscape buffer (see comment #6) where the property line of the subject site abuts the residentially-zoned property to the west. The location design and construction of the buffer wall shall comply with the buffer wall regulations identified in Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 4.L of the City's Land Development Regulations. The recommended buffer wall should match the appearance of the existing buffer wall located on the abutting property to the south. This recommendation is made due to the close proximity of rear yards of homes to the parking area and due to the early morning parking demand for the surplus spaces. It is also recommended that the wall be installed with the installation of the parking lot, rather than postponed to time of construction of a building on the lot, and installed along the entire west property line. 10. To avoid the location of required site lighting fixtures interfering with required landscaping, show on the plan the proposed location of site lighting poles. 11. It is recommended that where trees are required or proposed to be planted under overhead lines that the specie be consistent with a specie listed in Florida Power & Light 1 s "Plant The Right Tree In The Right Place" brochure. Show on the landscape plan the location of overhead power lines. Landscaping or other structures located in util i ty easements shall be subj ect to the restrictions of the utility companies that have access rights to the easement. Show the type and size of existing or proposed utility easements on the landscape plan. NOTE: If recommendations are approved, they shall be incorporated into the working drawings required for permits for the project. MEH:dim xc: Central File .;~ndcomHem.Out/P'D /() LOCA\\ON "nAP ~U"PA"\EN" PROPER1'\E.S,\NC \' .~Dlh\~\'.1\I-'\iI~~I~\ \,~Ij!\'~\~ · .. \ ~ \ \ \ \ q. '"'~ \ti I t -. ~\ -- ,/1 I i;::;~;" il m1 'm1\.1 ~Xn\\\\\\\\\'( j\.f11TIf.\\l~ \\ i'\' ,\,, ;1 r: ,,':: C.c; .b ~." \t.l~ \\l'J\ illll_1 \\\ II . ,\f\U\"I~. \ \ II . ",n ~ r ;, I T 9 - . 0.. I~ -- A-t- R\r~\.J' ,-,I CI \' C1 J :.J ' ." 11" \ ....., ~_. 'pU In \'1 \ \\...l-, Jc1.DJ ,,1 1\ \ I,' ; 1,\t~. \ - 11 11 \., . ~ o;.J.~.l"" I. \;\"\ 1\\ 1 1 : T t:::l! ft '1' ,1 ~ \ .'. 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'Q \ ~;_ t - - _ t [JJJ'UJ .y,:. \ Ii\' \ I f1' /,. ,Ll-'. u:.. ,..' -I , '1 \ ""\ ~ I I \ - , I' - \ ,,'1"10 . I. Y.; L.D\ \. \ ,\.J ,'n, ~-:-c,., , . ! \ \ -t-'" o[ _~ ( 1 YLJ '---I'--. \ 1 ':j ~1I1 ' _. I .:'11 I \ ,-~ ~D _-:I 1" t Jff l' rl._ ~ l '" ,c 'I. · . \ ',~'''"[I'' . 1 . ~ ,,~; L1 ~i 1 . <.', }./!::;L'r,;-11 'i_ i.. ' \ 1 .... ~ l ~,' . -- · .- ... ./Pi II t--~r R",:p;K'll' ~J I~ -I ~ir':: . i\-,;: . '\ ' TJ.... : l~~iii;i. ~ "l'\,i' ~ i:k 1 ' r.' \_ , .' -' · l' ~.-, \\_ .\, : r. "" I) \ii,~,( " L '- . :'" .., '.: ' _ ' CI' · I - .' ' Ja \ . 'j ca- ~ , __ \ 1 Ui'ei ~ \ :~:/', fie 3 _I '0 4008~3",~,~^,~i , ...c, ,"I"" 1 ..J ~' . l PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-414 FROM: Al Newbold D~PhutYlBUildin::f3g Ofe~ Ml.C ae E. Haag Ir Zoning and Site ~v~lopment August 24, 1995 Administrator TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Transmittal of Development orders Accompanying this memorandum you will find documents regarding developm~nt plans that have received final determination. 1. Project Name: Type of Application: Planning and Zoning Department File No.: Staff Report and Comments: Control Plans: Color Elevation Drawings: Board of Adjustment Approval: Planning and Development Board Approval: City Commission Approval: Resolution No.: ordinance No. : Outpatient Properties, Inc. Major Site Plan Modification MSPM 95-001 16 pages 2 sheets NIA NIA 7/11/95 meeting minutes 7/05/95 meeting minutes NIA N/A I1EH:arw Attachments a:TrszutPln.:Kxx Outpat.8i1S BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMEN Office of Professional Standards To: From: Date: Re: Tambri Heyden / Dire~ Lt.JamesCumming~ 20 April 1994 Outpatient Properties / second site plan TRC Memo # 95-0128 I have reviewed the plans and find no problems with them. I would request that they go forward. fJlA. '-'S MEMORANDUM TO: 1 An,(j~l' Hfy bt--pJ I f'-A IV-,vi/,VG + ?.OllJfrvG ~ if(~cloA.. :5 {)J--/w WI'L~..v~ ?~tr /cs S:4~T. "1~ '-/- ~ '-/-? S IV - FROM: DATE: RE: Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - Amended Plans Project: OuT fA. i(j;wI Pt?apl'/f. t /~5 After reviewing the referenced project Department recommends the Planning and consideration. amended p plans for the above the f\ ec.. ~i-;/.fri. o.-J "t- 'p111\' k. that the project be forwarded to Development Board for their This department will not be required to sign-off the permit documents associated with the subject project. _..."._...._-..,.,.......m. -~'~-"""'. . ~ 1 ft' (J F: r. ~ r~ 1 ~,~J/~" ",..i \) j , , ! 1_ i C:AMEND1.ALD APR 2 {~ ...oM.....'",..-"T ~ A:OUTPATIB.TRC 7 L ;___~S~~~~7F~;:-'" . ,no.. .U/ 8