LEGAL APPROVAL %e City of 'Boynton 'Beach s, G,N t'EW\ IT *q~-3'+8 p{anning & Zoning 'Department 100 'E. 'Baynton 'Beadr. 'BouUvard P.O. 'Bo'{.31O 'Baynton 'Beadr., :rCorida 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490, :r5lX: (407) 738-7459 January 31, 1992 Mr. Aftab Khan 10628 Pebble Cove Lane Boca Raton FL 33498 RE: SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - PRECISION TUNE (Illuminated wall sign and replace copy on existing freestanding sign) File No.: 91-038 This letter is to inform you that your project has received final sign-off on January 31, 1992 of the plans submitted for review by the Technical Review Board. Completing the Site Plan Review process enables you to submit working drawings and construction plans for the site work and building construction to the Building Department for plan review and permitting. To initiate this process present to the plans analyst in the Building Department the following: a) appropriate and completed permit application form b) copy of this letter c) appropriate plans and associated documents d) a plan filing *permit fee The plan filing fee is 30% of the estimated permit fee and is made payable to the City of Boynton Beach and due at time of filing an application for each permit. The total permit fee is determined by the Building Department, and is due when the permit is issued. *Section 5-4 Permit Fees, City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances For information regarding permits related to the site work contact the Site Development Division (407 738-7484) and (407 738-7480) for permits related to the construction of the bUilding. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. Development Administrator J. Scott Miller Tambri Heyden central Files TRB File SDD File Jlmerica:S ~1ateway to tfie (julfstream COVER SHEET ::;;Ju P --P a.~ PROJECT TITLE: PII~ .1.-{1-1'.1 , ADDRESS: 511 N, S. 5 ~ (J<'J1xluv -;, By PCN # Value of Project ZONING DISTRICT (!A0 <i.i / Existing TRB # DESCRIPTION OF WORK IContact persons name/association with project/telephone number] AH~0 kr\*\'I IIJ PROJECT APPROVAL DATES: ~ City Commission Approval Letter TRB Administrative Approval Ltr. MEETING DATES & MINUTES TRB ~'n \J,\ P & Z / DRB Approval Letter ~RA (c) (r) Approval Letter P&Z DRB -'t:RA (c) q Ils!qr (r) I~ "fnl'! \ M\iln~;;:)) CAB OTHER APPROVALS: Master plan Pre-Application Exception to Platting In Lieu of Platting Preliminary plat Construction Plans Approval Final Plat Approval COLOR RENDERING PROJECT EXTENSION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PERMfT / ~ITH CONDITIONS [ ] , VARIANCE / ~PPEAL APPROVAL {Type}: MISCELLANEOUS: DATE STARTED FINAL SIGN-OFF: I ~/G.N 'P~MI,- 9'1-- :;~6 *** 1'_.~ # SIGN-OFF DATE ~?'II ~ .# mea ~ COVSHT90.SDD *** ,..f.- _,.Ji' BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-350 september 13, 1991 FROM: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Don Jaeger, Building Official~ Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator TO: THRU: RE: Community Appearance Board Meeting - September 12, 1991 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT SITE APPROVAL - PRECISION TUNE DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by Aftab Ahneed Khan, representative for Gilbert and Rochelle steinman, for approval to erect an illuminated wall sign and replace the sign face on an existing freestanding sign. The project is located on the northeast corner of N.E. 5th Avenue and the F.E.C. Railroad, (517 N.E. 5th Avenue). RECOMMENDATION: The Board recommended the following two motions: i. Approval, (4-3) for the freestanding sign subject to staff comments except for the staff comment regarding sign colors. The descenting voters wanted the colors identified with the central Business District Design Guidelines to be used for the sign. Motion was made by Dean Fleming and seconded by John Serrentino. ~\ ,\ '; ~.\ f /\~:-\\-", /.iV" ':L"I.:~APproval, (6-1), for the wall sign subject to staff /.>rv ~~ (-' ',,:".'~omments except for the staff comments regarding sign /:::':' S\\~ \-colors and type of sign letters with the stipulation 1':[ ,~~ ~ \0.,':'\ '? \~~~e :he color yellow be omitted and replaced with \ , Cr,) , \\.;}~ " ;- I '. .~~::-" ':.(g~e descenting voter wanted the colors identified with '~'. ~ ","'\""-<.0 the central Bu~iness District Design Guidelines to be "<.Il!;rrr...;'(\{;;/ used for the s~gn. ~~":as made by Dean Fleming and seconded by Eleanor shuman. .JMa..t- Cl"l\cL~t i lY'M> t.rl C<'1"-~4. ''r\ +ht rm~ ~a.I\O, nL. . COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD REVIEW APPLICATION , ' . ,J "-~ PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE APPLICATION TYPE: ( ) PLAT DOCUMENTS (~IGN b) CAB MEETING DATE: ;:)0/)11 ( ) SITE MODIFICATION (vt CBD FEE PAID: ~.-'llJ f ( ) CONDITIONAL USE () OTHER RECEIPT NO.: 01'[,S-K: ( ) SITE PLAN RECEIVED BY: l' '1H PROJECT NAME: _?Q E ( ; ~; U,U'~ (U /) -e '. ~ / n J j C- C::-'#7 v1, /;::;" PROJECT ADDRESS: i2 / IV C ~ Cl!/ ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (If too lengthy to fit on application, legal description MUST be on a separate sheet of paper - Not a part of the plans) . ~ 1l.JL Cl ~ 0...<....1.1 ~~r BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: (:( "'- OWNER: '7~ o~eo SIe ~ Phone Number: C~) Cf~ - '177; SIION C,O, ~/T.~.Lf/ 4-~ -ARCIUTBCT. r-'0, / /J240~S7.Phone Number: (305) C',--I{ 1- 5's,70 !. ' F/3::;{)d-..3 A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST PRESENT THE PROJECT TO THE BOARD. REPRESENTATIVE: 'J-r-vf.. .tt: I<<-~ k[ C.Ctt1 Phone Number: (W) '8;s:;J..-6Cf ( ':t- ADDRESS: LCJ6?-f;- ~ ~ ~ 'f3()Cfr Street City !-tfr1 PL 344c}5!i Zip Code State - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = = = = Identify the type of architectural theme that is specified on the Community Design District Boundary Map for your project location. The a~chitectural themes are identified ,in Chapter 7.5 Article V Boynton Beach Community Design Plan. ARCHITECTURAL THEME CHECK ONE: C50 ~COASTAL VILLAGE [] M~pITERRANEAN/SPANISH [] MODERN [] NOT APPLICABLE = = = = = = = = = = = ='= '= = = = = = = = = - - - - - - - - ------ ------ I, COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT EXTERIOR SURFACE MATERIAL COLOR: NAME ,NUMBER AND MANUFACTURER ROOFING CANOPY FASCIA " SOFFIT BEAMS AND/OR COLUMNS WALLS VENEER DOOR/WINDOW FRAMES SCREEN ENCLOSURE FRAMES GLASS See other side - RAILINGS RAISED AND/OR RECESSED BANDS DECORATIVE TRIM AWNINGS SITE WALL/FENCE DECORATIVE WALKING SURFACE DECORATIVE DRIVING SURFACE SIGN STRUCTURE &~ncr,OV{)~ ;i!t'T /J1,v.d.~./ ~~-L fI /1' / // SIGN FRAME OTHER ~-V.JL Sir SIGN FACE SIGN COpy 1. 2. 3. ~ -tU:s+o..JL{!.('-t'j S;tJ n -fee /.s p/di. s-lic. (~e(lou)) s: ,/)~ /s 0-r-.-e( 6kfforl- ObPL1 i'5 Pfl'"Jf1 ",-/'{)rCc"jc-red.. Application form filled out completely and legibly. b~A W0;/0J Application fee of $50.00 (payable to City of Boynton Beach) J u /c'~) Locator Map designating site (Must be on separate sheet of paper _ U. Not a part of the plans) Three (3) sets of plans to include ONLY those items pertinent for Community Appearance Board review. This includes but not limited to: a site plan, a landscape plan, front and side bUilding elevation drawings, site signage, and an eXisting tree survey, if applicable. ALL PLANS, DRAWN BY A PROFESSIONAL, REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, MUST BE BE SIGNED AND SEALED. When the project requires review by the Technical Review Board (TRB), their approval is required prior to SUbmitting for Community Appearance Board (CAB) review. -' 4. NOTE: COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Aj.J<vf Ire. ~ k~ Name of Applicant . , Af~vt E~IU.<..j)c~ ~~ture of Applicant ~ - I 3~ l C; C; I Date aId A:CABAPP.SDD 10/90 .. . LEG A L DES C RIP T ION Lot 7, less the North 40.12 feet and also less the East 50.25 feet thereof. Together with Lot 10, less the north 0.13 feet of the East 50.25 feet thereof. Together with all of Lot 11. All in Block 2, Roberts Addition to town of Boynton Beach according to plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in plat Book 1, Page 51. ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-335 August 29, 1991 TO: Christopher cutro, Planning Director THRU: Don Jaeger, Building Official ~ FROM: Michael E. Haag, zoning & site Development Administrator RE: TRB Comments - August 27, 1991 Meeting SIGN - PRECISION TUNE (CBD) WALL AND CHANGE OF FACE ON AN EXISTING FREESTANDING SIGN ON THE SITE upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. show on the elevation drawing the location and size of all existing wall and site signage. "iL. 2. /- ':?' specify on the plan that the proposed signage serves a single tenant building. f'r->I~/lY.~\d::h\:- f;.pdO-"La. r, {!('Il.,,.t r,Yl( rvrL- ,~r, r6'Y\I'''nt,) v r ~ c -\-c ',", "'('("V",('';.l,l 0> I~,( 'f <1rt~.. " .l~ _1<.", i;>Lh"'R.~D ',", ~ c. "" Nv.... ~, ~~I1'-k, \~~~....fJ~ ~f'-- ~0,.-" ().)A.....] ;-'Q.,~ .sr~,.,[,,'" ,,,...,,, E. Haa Fe..-.'-t:. S-r-i.v~ ,Nf.. (t-.....JLr <35- ;::'..(;DJe.~':' 1"-0 ;::<.'J 6~ 1)~[L H_J , ,~^) ,~r(. ~n jJflv.. ,'7,",) ON" '\".~.,c.,-~ , ) ....... , (J,IS '1,' RECEIVED ~FP 4 PLANNI. "o,Jly IV' ' wfl"" }, PALM BCH: 40711S6.llOO2 D~Y~843-1'87 BROWARD: 981-5570 DADE: 821-0978 1-8(10.741-5570 FAX I: 625.9328 - ~ SUSAN MARTINO SIGNS '7 5719 DEWEY STREET HOllYWOoD. FL 33023 PRECISON.SDD PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-218 TO: Chairman and Members Downtown Review Board THRU: Christopher cutro, A.I.C.P. FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Senior planner DATE: September 4, 1991 SUBJECT: Precision Tune - Site plan (C.B.D. sign approval) File No. 637 Please be advised of the following Planning Department comments with respect to the above-referenced request for sign approval: 1. Accurately label the front elevation as east rather than north as shown on plans. 2. The 24 inch capital letter height proposed on the flat (wall) sign must be reduced to 12 inches for the sign size proposed in order to conform to the Central Business District (C.B.D.) Design Guidelines, page 34. 3. Indicate on the plans the percentage of graphic area (copy letters and logo) and the percentage of background for the flat (wall) sign. The C.B.D. Design Guidelines (page 34) recommend 40% and 60% respectively. 4. Indicate on the plans the material proposed for the face of the freestanding sign. 5. Indicate on the plans the height of the freestanding sign and square footage of all sign faces on the freestanding sign. Chapter 21, Section 21-29(b). 6. Provide a survey and delineate the property line on the site plan to determine the freestanding sign location. Chapter 21, Section 21-23; Chapter 19, Article II, Section 19-17(b). 7. The proposed yellow and red/orange sign colors are not among the colors recommended in the C.B.D. Design Guidelines, page 29 (white, tan, brown, green and blue) for canopies and other colored architectural features. However, after conducting a field inspection, it was noted that the proposed sign colors are relatively compatible with the building colors and that signs in the C.B.~., most preceding the C.B.D. Design Guidelines, generally do not conform to the C.B.D. accent colors. 8. The copy letters proposed are not modular fabricated reverse channel letters with neon backlight illumination, the preferred identificatidn copy for building attached signs in the C.B.D. (C.B.D. Design Guidelines, page 34). However, during the field inspection conducted, it was noted that few signs in the C.B.D. have reverse channel letters. , 9. The existing freestanding sign is believed to be nonconforming with respect to size and height (determination is pending submittal of information requested in item 5 above). In addition, inclusion of precision Tune on this sign, located on ABCD's property, would make the Precision Tune sign face a prohibited off-premise sign (Chapter 21, Section 21-18(t). Pursuant to Section 21-32 of the sign code, nonconforming signs shall be removed, changed or altered to conform with the sign code within 5 years from the date the sign code was adopted (Januar~15, 19?1).;1t,~, . J ~~~~~~~ tjh A:PrecTune Lfb€~ · ' ,2-- ' \ 1,..Ito ~ ~)(ISrIN<f oS; T1tU cXOa..~ Pr~C-t:> . \V\ c.. . ~ 1.~*~ ~ (oLO~ V~t..Low -i2\7' D OltAtJGt- teo(A) ~ CoLO a ^~'1O'e{ -tot( &\'-A\N<9 SlQ.t--> . NoTE ~ cDl'\;)l.. '-( k() ,I\: <:of. t::"A.-c. \. ~ <0.F ~ 11...::': - - G?'L1 S TN.~ (,;. \="'",('(\1\'1 , . I; :i:. 'I" . . ...,1' b-l ~ . " 'i: ._ _ ~'..- ., l ' i ~ .~:f -,; ')';~~ll . fll ~l I ~i 3~ j , ,<',"1:':". ,I -, ft .~ - ,II' ~3f..~\t', , . ., l;('-----'"I :, "IItl"~" ; ,", - , I ,/' :.' ~~~, ~ R ..... '~:~;ll r .Ii i: i :~il,\HH:, ,~: . '~ '1 O~- I 6111' ~J.! ! I J',,~ '1[\' ;~ R,~ ~I . I ~~ ~ it G 1 f==:=:1 :'':.1' 1,\) '" i~ ~~.>-; ~!' '. ,I ~1J ~ ,II ~~: I:' ! It ; ;~~~t ~~"< _ ~ ~.~~ ~,~ ~1 -.'" t Ol,_rl 1I1IJ i I 'S' ' : : :1r~~ I ~~K-\ -- 'I . 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I, ~ 1llli 1l11'i..,F - J Iii' = ,:1 ~ III dllf II'IJ/F - :"4', .111:1 III 11 II mol _ ,:~L 1 L- III!I ,III] I '111 r,'iTI= = '......, - f- .I: II III II I 11 IT, F- - -.....: T I ,/ ' ':/ - , ,III.' ':, 11 ! Ilr Ii I:: " ,'" T"- ,-.I', ' II lilT III II :T1 1], 1t1:"":""" ,~::,I'I' . 1/:1 ;",,"1\;111 1I111[ ',,-. Y linT ,'I . , I In 11' III I In, : . ' ~ i!Tll III II I I 0 " 'b ~~tJ 0 400.829 FEET --- R/tu I II I 11 "' ',n Tl' -- . -- ..~ "'" - . III . !: -I I Ii' 1.' :, j i iJ=h L~(J)lDCD(J)<O 1-- t=; ~>.' '.','<,:;:i~'::):.:) 8 .~ t3 I,' ,:::>"" :~ .:~ ::; "",'l ~-j Kl r Ii. I -.! L- 'V "-JII" . ......". '" . 't/ . Ii '-. . ' PRECISION TUNE ,..... , I : (EfJd'u, ~ . : f-. "''1 '-' I ! I " ...,....., I / I I. I ~ ~I "I r 1= - ~ .Y X ~, I- ~; \~~ ,'! f-- _ ,---e- '-+t=~ ~ ~ 1:F ~=:)~ -w ~~-! I- J-. ~VXr -f-- =t= =fL C, ~I= ~ "",'_ . "",~'(y: .::;:: -I~.., T i= C3 'I.' 'I': II '! 'II r, ,,- . , 3'~ . : . I, I I : I , " IT, : t _ fT" . "., . ".:' .-1 :... ":.... "-,,,-" ,:,',. ~ .:.:.-.:..:.~.::~.::.:.:::,:,~,~:"."", .. : ~I ;1/'1111111"'; lil,jIlI;lii/mlllillll' Ii ~ '~U~1l ffiBffiHBHlli~ ~~ ' ; , D II': III II '. j : I' "" '1'111 III a:' : , II " '" ' ~ ~~~'I';I' \I 7 . ~ III 2;;;;1 , -. I. c'"'ml1l ~; i ..........0-( &:H"ll i q~~ II 'I>~~VJT ~ = 1:= !T.ITI ~ ~ - ~ ~':::l /.~...n-:::L.. g.= '=:= I!:III~ <. ;;:.. <lJJt ~; f-,; .'71 ~ III III /'~ ~ I ~ '=1TTT 1I111! 11 '~ 1m. I W / I WJ t:::; -t tfnt:U::::: 1 ~ -I - 0 - ~J&'{H b = - "~.11 -l fA"fA J ~f. ~ Ie ~ Lv . " _ --.J ~ = r- '-- '" ..; I . r':~'.' ... gq J J" i" " ," . " I II: ITT"1'-:: !--' .~ ft" . .". . " !.J'~ :. lTlllI FIll ' .f--J lIf.-j --': =, R = ~- ~ ~ = =', '"~ . UlI :J 'J ~- I..... ~ " .,.. / I ) DrN ~ t , D ...... s r c~ :' " ,: ~ ...... ..... CBI!Jl --I IJ 'tAC' " II, III IT III ...... i'l'Tl ,Il (':" .::11 J '" if i nfTTlIlill ,. '. I ffif I I i I I II J I II I~~l;' 'r~ III II III III rm I::=!II II IIlTIE3l1:i '1J1fi ",811' 11 ,~ -:J I IT I II C 11 " r/=J[= .. -- ~ h T I I , 1 ., ~ I :; " ' '{.in lJE .. ~ ~ ~ . .. o v ---. f--= 1--..., .- J J I C I T Y 0 F BOY N TON B E A C H COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA september 30, 1991 I. CALL TO ORDER II. AGENDA APPROVAL: 6:00 p.m. A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections B. Adoption III. DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS A. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: B. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: IV. ADJOURNMENT Bank Boynton Delray signs Gene Moore 639 Ocean Avenue, NE 5th Court at Ocean Avenue, northeast corner Request approval of a sign to be installed on the south wall of the First Financial Plaza Building. Precision Tune Aftab Ahneed Khan Gilbert & Rochelle steinman 517 NE 5th Avenue, NE 5th Avenue at the FEC Railroad, northeast corner Request approval to erect a flat (wall) sign on the mansard roof of the existing building and to change the sign face of an existing freestanding sign. AGENDA.CRA , .. ..;. C I T Y o F BOYNTON B E A C H DOWNTOWN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA DATE: Tuesday, September 10, 1991 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: commission Chambers 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FI 33435 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Introduction of Mayor, Commissioners and Board Members. 3. Agenda Approval. 4. Approval of Minutes. 5. Communications and Announcements. 6. Old Business. None 7. New Business. A. SIGN APPROVAL 1. PROJECT NAME: Bank Boynton AGENT: Delray Signs OWNER: Gene Moore LOCATION: 639 Ocean Avenue; N.E. 6th Court at Ocean Avenue, northeast corner DESCRIPTION: Request for a flat (wall) sign. 2. PROJECT NAME: Precision Tune AGENT: Aftab Ahneed Khan OWNER: Gilbert and Rochelle Steinman LOCATION: 517 N.E. 5th Avenue; N.E. 5th Avenue at the F.E.C. Railroad, northeast corner DESCRIPTION: Request for a flat (wall) sign and a new sign face for an existing freestanding sign. 8. Comments By Members 9. Adjournment NOTICE , .' Any person who decides to ,appeal any decision of the Downtown Review Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the pro- ceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. DRBAGDA.JM