REVIEW COMMENTS f-/ L"; ---' PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-24 January 29, 1993 TO: Members of the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board, Community Redevelopment Agency and City Commission ~ FROM: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning Director RE: st. Mark Catholic School and Church - Conditional Use Approval and Site Plan Review, File No. 711 INTRODUCTION: Dan O'Connell, agent for st. Mark Catholic School and Church, is requesting Conditional Use approval for a preschool facility in conjunction with Site Plan review for the construction of a prekindergarten and kindergarten facility. The request for Condi.tional Use approval is consistent with Appendix A-Zoning, section 6.E.l.r. The Diocese of Miami recently purchased the .606 acre site where the new building and pre-school use will be located. The existing school/church site plus the new site is located approximately one-hundred thirty (130) feet east of U.S. Highway #1 and between N.E. 4th Avenue and N.E. 6th Avenue. The new site will be located in the northwest corner of the eXisting school/church site. The existing and new site are both located in the Central Business District and Coastal Village Architectural Design District. The eXisting 19 acre school/church site consists of a 474 seat church a two-story separate rectory bUilding that contains offices, three car garage and 5 bedrooms. The school is a 285 student kindergarten through 8th grade elementary school with an attached 5,184 square foot auditorium. The remainder of the developed portion of the existing site consists of a playground area and parking lot with associated landscaping. A large part of the eastern and southern portion of the overall site is vacant and covered with mangroves. The new .606 acre site has an eXisting 615 square foot residence that is proposed to be made into a storage building. The new one story building contains an area of \ approximately 4,396 square feet. The building will house a 30 student kindergarten classroom and a 25 student prekindergarten faCility with kitchen and associated office space. The new facility will add 25 children to the existing 285 students bringing the total to 310 students and children attending the premise. A portion of the new site will have a 4 foot high chain link fenced playground area. The playground area will be used by the kindergarten and pre-kindergarten children for approximately two (2) hours per day, Monday through Friday. The building will be constructed of concrete block with stucco finish. The gable roof will have roof Shingles that match the existing school building. The color of the exterior walls and roof will match the existing school building. Concurrent with the request for site Plan Review and Conditional Use Approval, the applicant is requesting an appeal to the Community Design Plan. The request is to appeal prOViding the roof material, exterior wall material and architectural features required by the Coastal Village Architectural DeSign Theme of Appendix II of the Community Design Plan (See separate Community Design Plan appeal package). The parking spaces required for the new building and use will be prOVided by the surplus parking spaces provided on the existing school/church site. The two-hundred fifty- four (254) prOVided parking spaces allows a surplus of ninety-eight (98) parking spaces. The number of parking spaces required for the entire project was calculated by applying the numbers and ratios identified in the zoning code to the data prOVided by the applicant for the church, elementary school, storage building and pre-school facility. The method to determine the number of required spaces for a rectory building is not speCifically identified in the zoning code. However, the Planning and Zoning Department recommends that the eight (8) parking spaces plus the three (3) car garage will adequately serve the parking needs for the rectory building for this site. Applying the central Business District thirty-five (35) percent reduction in number of required parking spaces, there are -1- st. Mark Catholic School and Church Conditional use, Memo #93-024 page 2 one-hundred fifty-six (156) parking spaces required for the entire project including the new building. The new site will have new .perimeter landscaping and incorporate some of the existing vegetation for the yard area. The agent for the project has indicated that the new property will be unified by title with the remaining school/church property. consistent with Article X, Parking Lots of the Code of Ordinances, the proposed construction of the new building will require the applicant to upgrade the new and existing school/church site landscaping and parking area to comply with the current code. The applicant has applied for a variance requesting relief from the landscaping and drainage requirements of the code. (See separate Parking Lot Variance package) The Public Hearing for the parking Lot variances will be heard by the planning and Development Board at their February 9, 1993 meeting. The city Commission will make the final determination on the variances at their regular City Commission meeting on February 16, 1993. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING (See attached location map): Each property and developed site that abuts the subject property has a central Business District zoning classification with a mixed use land use designation. Abutting the property to the north and across N.E. 6th Avenue are lots developed with single family residents, duplex buildings and apartments. Abutting the property to the east is a vacant site covered with mangroves. The east portion of the school/church site is also vacant and covered with mangroves. The south end of the school/church site is vacant and covered with mangroves and south of that is a vacant site primarily covered with mangroves. Abutting the property to the west and across a 20 foot wide public alley are commercially developed sites: a strip shopping center, office building and a restaurant, all buildings front on U.s. Highway #1. PROPOSED USES (See attached site plan): The Diocese of Miami purchased the .606 acre site and is proposing construction of the 4,396 square foot kindergarten and prekindergarten building with a fenced playground area. The building will consist in part of an approximately 2,758 square foot 25 student preschool facility, kitchen and office space with the remaining 1,638 square footage occupied by a 30 student kindergarten classroom. As stated above consistent with section 6.E.1.r, Appendix A-Zoning of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, the preschool facility is a use requiring conditional Use approval. See attached "Exhibit A", a letter from Father Block, pastor of the Church that describes the proposed use of the new facility. STANDARDS FOR EVALUATING CONDITIONAL USES: The Community Redevelopment Agency and City Commission shall consider only such conditional uses as are authorized under the terms of these zoning regulations and, in connection therewith, may grant conditional uses absolutely or conditioned upon faithful adherence to and fulfillment of such restrictions and conditions including, but not limited to, the dedication of property for streets, alleys, recreation space and sidewalks, as shall be determined necessary for the protection of the surrounding area and the citizens' general welfare, or deny conditional uses when not in harmony with the intent and purpose of this section. In evaluating an application for conditional use, the community Redevelopment Agency and City commission shall consider the effect of the proposed use on the general health, safety and welfare of the community and make written findings certifying that satisfactory provision has been made concerning the following standards, where applicable: NOTE: Following the standards is a brief analysis of the overall site as it relates to the standard. -2- st. Mark Catholic School and Church Conditional Use, Memo #93-024 page 3 1. Ingress and egress to the subject property and proposed structures thereon, with particular reference to automobile and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. ~he proposed structure and use will not have a separate 1ngress/egress driveway but, will use the existing west two- way driveway on N.E. 6th Avenue. The driveway is located east of the new bUilding and between the new building and the existing two story school building. This driveway leads to a new one-way drop-off area located on the south side of the new building. The proposed counter-clockwise flow of traffic will allow the vehicles that are on the site for the new building to either park in the existing parking lot in front of the new building, use the drop-off area or exit the site by way of existing parking lot that leads to the ingress they entered the site or one of the other three egresses from the site. There are two driveways south of the church that allow ingress/egress to the site from N.E. 4th Avenue. There is also a one-way egress from the site located at the east end of N.E. 6th Avenue. During school hours, the school parking area is roped-off for safe effective traffic flow. The traffic for the new faCility will be part of the eXisting flow but separated from the existing school traffic because of the location of the new building. The three ingress/egresses to the site allow open access for fire and rescue vehicles. 2. Off-street parking and loading areas where required, with particular attention to the items in subsection 1 above, and the economic, glare, noise, and odor effects the conditional use will have on adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. The proposed bUilding and use will require 15 parking spaces. 'l'he existing school/church site will provide the required parking spaces necessary to facilitate the new structure. The existing parking lot is constructed consistent with the City codes or will be upgraded to the codes with the proposed construction. As previously stated the applicant is requesting a variance from the drainage and landscaping requirements of the parking Lot Ordinance. (See attached Parking Lot Variance) 3. Refuse and service areas, with particular reference to the items in subsection 1 and 2 above. The location and capacity of the existing refuse area allows adequate service to the site. 4. utilities, with reference to locations, availability, and compatibility. The existing utilities will adequately serve the new use. 5. Screening, buffering and landscaping with reference to type, dimensions, and character. The existing landscaping consists of mature perimeter hedges and trees, and interior trees and lawn grass. However, the existing landscaping does not meet the specifications ~isted in the Central Business District Landscape code. As prev10usly stated, the applicant is required to upgrade the new and existing site to comply with the Landscape Code. However, the applicant is requesting a variance to providing the landscaping as listed in the Code. Basically, the only aspects of the existing landscaping that comply with the code is the width and size of the landscape areas and the curbing prOVided -3- st. Mark Catholic School and Church Conditional Use, Memo #93-024 Page 4 to protect the landscaping. The perimeter hedges (Ficus benjamina) that are required to form the continuous visual barrier to screen the on-site vehicle use area are installed in a pos i tion to form the visual barrier. However, the screening is not continuous, the type of specie, native specie count and spacing do not comply with the code. The number of perimeter trees that make-up part of the required vehicle use area screening do not comply with the number required by code. The existing black olive trees do not comply with the specie or native specie count required by the code. The Central Business District Landscape Code covers many aspects of the site such as: site and Pedestrian lighting, dumpster enclosure screening, entrance landscape treatment, pedestrian walkways and exterior furnishings. The applicant has requested relief from the applicable section of the Landscape Code. (See separate parking Lot Variance package) 6. Signs, and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effect, and compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties. The eXisting site lighting at the school/church site will remain in place with no changes. The Landscape Code lists specific site and pedestrian lighting requirements for the central Business District, therefore, approval of the variance from the Landscape Code also varies the lighting requirements. See the attached Engineering Department staff comments Memorandum No. 93-016 for comments regarding existing lighting at the site. With reference to signs there are no freestanding signs located on the site and the plans for the new construction do not show a request for a freestanding sign. There is no indication that the eXisting wall signage will be changed. 7. Required setbacks and other open spaces. Once the applicant records with Palm Beach County Unity of Title for all school/church property, the proposed new structure and all eXisting structures will comply with the applicable setbacks listed in the Zoning Code. 8. General compatibility with adjacent properties, and other property in the zoning district. The use of the existing surrounding bUildings vary from residential to commercial ventures and a stand alone restaurant bUilding. Generally, church/school buildings have a distinct design that brings attention to the building(s). The existing structures are no different than most school/church facilities though the design of the school is a simple rectangular two-story building with a gable roof. The new building is a one-story structure that blends in with the design of the existing school building. As previously stated, the site is located in the Coastal Village Design District and the new bUilding does not comply with the design requirements listed within the Coastal Village Design Theme. 9. Height of building and structures, with reference to compatibility and harmony to adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. The height of the new building is one story and compatible with the surrounding buildings. -4- 02. 03. 93 05:02 PM *GEE &. ..JENSON POl n MeMORANDUM TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Deparment Director FROM: W.R. Staudinger, P .E. City Engineer DATE: February 2, 1993 RE: St. Marks Site Plan Modification and Conditional Use At the TRC meeting of January 26, 1993, the site plan Modification and conditional use approval for a preschool at the St. Mark's Catholic Church and School was discussed. The Engineering department has the following comments: , 1 . Applicant shall supply unity of title for preschool site and existing facilities &0 the parklng and infrastructure can be shared. Northeast 5th right-of-way may not have been abandoned In this area. A survey and title search should verify the status of the rlght-ot-way. 2. The traffic analysis and trip generation supplied by the applicant, including the January 21, 1993, letter from Yvonne Ziel, is not adequate to' substantlate a reduced trip generation rate of 3.0 for this facility. The 3.0 generation rate for private schools is based on a number of grades In the, same location whereby several students from a single family could utlli~e the same 'vehicle. I do not believt:: this is the ca$e for a pre~kindergarteh and kindergarten school of 55 children. Utilizing th~ stand~rd rate for da~ care;, cent~rs generates over 200 trips from this site~.. ' The above comm~nts are not of such magnitude as to stop the qondltlonal use from proceeding with a positive recommendation from the Engineering Department. However. staff comments should be addressed prior to payment of impact fees and permitting of oonfitruction, } . " .' 1 l 1 \ \' . AECEf\/ED FEB 4 1993 -9- ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-015 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering DATE: January 26, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Comments-Meeting of l/26/93 St. Marks Catholic Church Conditional Use Requirement(s) for Alley Abandonment As a result of discussions held during the Technical Review Committee meeting of January 26, 1993, the Engineering Department has determined that St. Marks Catholic Church parking facility encroaches on a public alleyway not yet abandoned by the City Commission. The subject alley is located along the south line of the proposed building site where it joins the existing parking facility (10' wide rights-of-way unimproved known as NE 5th Ave.). This alley, as a condition of the conditional use approval, must be abandoned and placed on the tax rolls for the benefit of the public at large. The owner shall be responsible to provide adequate easements for public utility companies which may occupy this public rights-of-way. (1 ~~ A>:L . Vincent A. Finizio ~ VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager w. Richard Staudinger, P.E., City Engineer, Gee & Jenson RECE\VEO J ~tt '2. 7 \993 -10- ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-007 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio-Telephone No. (407) 738-7487 Administrative Coordinator of Engineering DATE: January 14, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Comments Major Site plan Modification and Conditional Use Approval St. Marks Catholic School and Church 624 NE 6th Avenue, Boynton Beach, FI The Engineering Department for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida is in receipt of the above referenced site plan submission and accompaning letter, dated Dec. 28, 1992, from Michael B. Schorah & Associates, Inc. 1. In response to the Design Engineer's letter, dated Dec. 28, 1992, a copy of which is attached herein, I contacted PBC Traffic Engineering Division and pursuant to discussions held on 1/13/93, this project is not vested, reference PBC's Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. Therefore, the issue relative to impact fees in this regard shall be addressed between the applicant and PBC Engineering should the applicant attempt to seek relief. It should be noted that the Civic Center Subdivision, according to the Planning Department's Category (A) (5) Subdivisions which are fully exempt, appears to be exempt for single family and duplex dwelling units only. Additionally, this subdivision did not indicate upon any master plan a use for this property relative to vehicle trips generated per day and therefore according to Allan Ennis, this project falls under the jurisdiction of PBC's Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. I recommend that the Planning Department forward a copy of this plan to PBC and that their comments be made a part of our conditions of approval, whether they be at the conceptual or permit application stage. 2. The applicant shall upgrade the existing parking lot facility in accordance with Chapter 5, Article X, "Boynton Beach parking Lot Regulations", Section 5-138, "Scope", which states that compliance with City Code is required when (a) ..."a parking lot serves an existing building(s) where said building(s) is proposed to be enlarged or when an additional building(s) is proposed to be constructed". The submission of this site plan did not take into consideration the requirements to upgrade the existing site as well as the subject site to full code compliance with the required improvements provisions listed within City codes, therefore, since this application addresses only the proposed construction, I consider this application incomplete until such time as the applicant addresses the required upgrade. The required improve- ments that shall be depicted upon a comprehensive submission includes, but is not limited to, parking lot lighting systems which comply with City codes, pedestrian lighting, traffic control, curbs and car stops. Drainage will be addressed by the City Engineer under separate memorandum (the NE and SE section of this site frequently floods and is considered flood prone), including all other applicable section of 5-142. 3. It appears that the existing parking lot lighting system is time clock activated and furthermore the levels of "illumination appear to fall well below minimum City standards which requires a minimum of one foot candle with no readings below one-half foot candle. ...- ' -11- ~E:CEIV1~U JAM 15 J::fLANNI~G DEJ,.'?t ~ f' H ,. __..'4.. p"'---- ..~ Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director Technical Review Committee Comments January l4, 1993 Page #2 From a safety standpoint, it is extremely important that the entire site be upgraded to comply with City codes as Child Day Care Center activities and Bingo functions during the winter months will be operated during hours of darkness. All lighting systems shall be photocell activated. Note: The applicant has not filed a variance for lighting and therefore staff concludes that lighting will be upgraded as the applicant was made aware of this requirement during the TRC meeting of l/14/93. Pursuant to City codes, variances are only granted on the basis of the applicant exhibiting a true hardship relative to the section of our codes from which they seek relief. In this case the only justification provided appears to be a monetary one and therefore variances should not be granted so as not to set a harmful precedent which will erode the City's future ability to compel developers to upgrade their sites based solely on monetary interests. Pursuant to Section 5-145, "Variances to this Article", (I) "Variances may be granted only when the granting of same will not be contrary to the public interest, and where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this article would result in an unnecessary hardship not created by the applicant or his predecessor in title, use, or possession. The Engineering Department will however work with the applicant, reference the analysis of existing lighting conditions and at that time determine in conjunction with the Developer's Engineer deficient parking and pedestrian areas which may require additional lighting. L \ '" :....... _ + A::t '~~:..o- Vincent A. Finizio 0 (407) 738-7488 VAF/ck cc: W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., City Engineer, Gee & Jenson J. Scott Miller, City Manager attachments -12- CATEGORY (A)(5) SUBDIVISIONS * FULLY EXEMPT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE FAMILY OR DUPLEX DWELLING UNITS NAM~ SUBDIVISION / DATE RECORDED Arden Par'k Bar' r e t tHe i (;J h t s Bellamy Heights Benson Br'os. Benson Heights Beverly Hills Addn. 2 Beverly Hills Addn. 3 Bower's P,3r'k Boynton (Original) Boynton (Dade Co.) Boy n ton B 0 f' 0 U '3 h Boynton Center Boynton Hghts Add Pg 64 Boynton Hghts Add Pg 5 Boynton Hghts Add No 1 Boynton Hills Boynton Ind Pk-Pg. 232 Boynton Ind Pk, Add 1 Boynton Isles Boynton Mem. Pk., Add 1 Boynton Mem. Pk, Bk 21 Boynton Mem. Pk, Bk 27 Boynton Place Boynton Ridge Boynton Ridge Replat Boynton's Sub (Dade Co) Ca S,3 Lorna Centr',31 Par'k Centr',3l Par~k Annex Chapel Hill CherTY Hi 11 s ~ Civic Center' Subd. Con 9 r' e ssG 1" 0 V e Coquina Cove Cranbrook Lake Estates Crescent Hei'3ht Cr'est Vi ew C.W. Capp's Addn. Oebonaire Estates Deier'l P,31~k Dewey ((0 r' i '3 i n a 1 ) Dewey Hei';Jhts E. Rober'ts Addn. 'rec'n Rid'~e 1=<::>1"6:51. f-n 11 s Forest Park Heights Frank Webb~r Addn. Fun}~ e. r" 0:3. Add 11 . Ga'\, -1',1,:;:1' E:3t.3tes 04-12-1913 10-13-1954 01-13-1976 12-04-1913 02-15-1955 01-21-1926 01-21-1926 03-27-1925 09-26-1926 09-26-1898 04-16-1958 02-17-1921 1'1-07-1924 03-08-1915 12-15-1926 03-25-1926 09-08-1958 03-21-1972 04-24-1957 02-21-1974 06-30-1947 06-07-1963 03-05-1925 03-20-1953 03-13-1973 03-10-1910 01-25-1911 05-04-1925 06-12-1925 05-26-1954 04-07-1926 09-10-1925 01-21-1926 12-23-1952 10-06-1977 07-06-1955 06-26-1951 01-15-1920 06-23-19-52 07-28-1952 03-25-1910 01-04-1956 08-16-1911 11-10-1959 07-08-1957 04-17-1957 08-31-1922 02-29-1912 04-30-1954 -13"" 1+ NUCHAEL B. SCHORAH & ASSOCIATES, INC. SUITE 10 1 1850 FOREST HILL BLVD, WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33406 ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS TELEPHONE (407) 968-0080 December 28, 1992 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING BOARD P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: St. Marks Classroom Addition Conditional Use Application To Whom It Concern, In my opinion, the above captioned building will not generate more than 160 trips per day and since the property was platted prior to January 13, 1978, I consider it to be exempt from concurrency requirements. Sincerely, U~~6~~~ Michael B. Schorah, P.E. President MBS/kmh -14- CIVIL. STRUCTURAL · DRAINAGE · HIGHWAYS · WATER & SEWER · SOIL MECHANICS BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-026 February 3, 1993 TO: Chris Cutro Planning D~'re tor Don Jaeger Building 0 cial Al Newbold Deputy Building Official THRU: FROM: RE: TRC COMMENTS ST. MARK'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL PARKING LOT & LANDSCAPING VARIANCE After a second review of the above referenced project, the only remaining comment by the Building Department references the Unity of Title. A recorded copy of this document can be presented at the time of permit submittal. The applicant should also be made aware that, since there is an existing structure on the site, the permit plans must be in compliance with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code. We recommend that the plan be forwarded to the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board for their review. A~ AN : bh STMARK -15- MEMORANDUM Christopher Cutro, planning and Zoning Director ~O /-IYI/ W \ L ~n./(C.v€. ( {f R c. -+ yOA~" V:J;;:,<J I .3- - (.J - '1-5 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: h1 OUJ/f' Lt,+i (. ?I.v C':; Site Plan Review - ~Site Plan - Amended Plans Project: S Ii t -v,.. It.? All' k CA t I-\u C' <... S c l-t{) <.) L- ;f- C lJ k~ <. (..{. After reviewing the referenced project Department recommends the Planning and consideration. amended.() plansA fot' tJ1~ ,above the fA(i<... { }1 If' ~ fj;-::-.,o J that the project be forwarded to Development Board for their This department will not be required to sign-off the permit documents associated with the subject project. C:AMEND1.ALD -18- RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-61 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist I-<~ H- RE: St. Mark's Catholic School & Church Second Review DATE: February 4, 1993 This site contains twenty-four trees to be removed to make site improvements. Can these trees be relocated to other greenspaces on the new site or old parking lot interior medians? The City comprehensive plan directs the preservation of existing trees rather than replacement. [Policy 4.4.2 p. 68]. KH:ad RECE\VED FEB 4 1993 -19- i,: ,- i ~ Ii .lj i c i! !~ ;! ,I I n n ~ !; ; mm , i~ nn ~ " j " ~I $$ ;! :, Ii ." " I J> .11 I ,. 'i n '" 5fU . 1~ I E~ '" Ii :~;l: Ii z i'" I .i ~~ '" .=':1 t S! UI .I~l il i;!~i~ -i I I. ~ I J> i I II:. . 'l:~ r- "rl I . ~ r- I I . i~ c f & fTI f II I .-i Ii J> I i ~ ~ 118s" F .~-:-r ~ I s f ~ f f ~ j [ u iU i J .Jj I;;;~~t~. ~~ ::t: ;: a: I~ Ii I~ J> ' 'j :~ z Pj c i~ "~ n . ! .... )> . I~ \ ... i! )> ji I'; \.. z ;~ c ,. >- UI .. -i ;~ 0 . ... $4 d5 '" i5 z c FI- - ~ fTI '\ -i )> i I !~ I I 3/i s~ h 8'" ~t ~~ "" ~ rJ-----.:.=- ~1I'" L, h~ I r ~' ,... I I (L------~~9!! ~I~i=) il; : " ~ ~ "'t ! : ; ~ of i' .~ . ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~\2J !~~ li~~ '1\" t.~ t~= !~f ~ ! , . ! . ; ~ ~ ~ N !!I (0 ! -~ ~ ffi SCAU I.... PROJECT: ST, MARKS CATHOLIC CHURCH MICHAEL 8, SCHORAH & ASSOCIATES, INC, ENG"'URS. ~"'EIIlS. Of\IEL~E"'T C<l'lSUl.,....u DESCRIPT1ON: PARKING LOT PLAN TEL (4011088,00lIO 1850 FOREST HILL BLVD., SUITE 101 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33406 -20- III :: :; -r 1 l i~\'! " \; \ lli \ ~ i~ \ ~ ~ ~ ii;' \ II S 'i \ h \' I II .,l!.11).1 ~ \ ; " 11 p~\ ~t ~ f ~L \ \ \~; i lP j H R- 0 0 ~ , ~. ~_~/~_,_/'~, i\ . ~ . \ ' ~ ~ \ ~\_~,g,. \ ' , ..?'i' ~' ..~' ,\\\ 1 ---~-\~~ :~"-,.- .:.---' ~. ~ '!. ~ ~ '-~ . " ~, . " ' .' '\ . _ . ~\" ' ~ i ~ . , \. ,\ P {' , . ;i . ~ \ \ i-i~ ~-~-- i \,- -.' 1 '~ ~/-;ii;r=-- ~.:.' '" ~ < ! .. '\ U ~~: \'\ t' \~ 1\-I\1i t \ t. < ~ Q 1: 0 '" .' 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I ,,!=f,' Iof'*'i h~T" .r!. ~ ~1'1 " ,[1 1 ./" I 1'~ ST, MARK'S PROPE~ ~: I I,: ~. :r...... .1,:= .' , . .... B!fi NEW CLASSROOMS AREA ;.J I! : '~: ~.: 3 (~ Fe [ ~ ~~,~ MANGROVES ' :: III ~ ~ ,-.+ C=> -~. " "~ &' .no ... ~D':'~ "J f ~,~- t~ t[ . ~ OJ ,!' ~ ~ --- =j · 1 ~- ' ~ ['0 1/8 MILESV ~ ~ 1 !I:i).... c _.- =~ .~ I, I I Till \ II, g ~ ~ ~= tdJ~ '~LJlf L ' 1'0 400, 800 FEET j -, , .- l::::: I.J".... i PLANN/Nr. ot;./Jr. Z--~3 '1 J...}, :~~~~ I r.r ~J -r~~-' -......-~ __. ~_ " . ..,~J..: r'\ ____. -::J':..' ':et . -:r: ,- r 0 r rnm ',;1'111 liT -' WlJ...;.:.....u.;. E... LU D till ~ffijm ~ ~ r-t IHI!ffi: ' , I -22- fJ1ie City of ~oynton ~eacli r:, "- ( J JI.r._ .-')F'l Planning &' Zoning 'Department 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Buuli 'Boulevard P.O. 'Bo;c310 'Boynton 'Beadr.1 ~foritfa 33425-0310 (407) 738-74901 ~JJfX: (407) 738-7459 January 22, 1993 Mr. Daniel O'Connell 215 N.W. 3rd Street Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (407) 734-0786 RE: Initial Review Comments - st. Mark's Catholic School File No. 711 Mr. O'Connell: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the site plan for the above referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 days of the date of this letter. ( If amended plans are not submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the proj ect or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets of the plans to the Planning and Zoning Department. When the amended plans and documents have been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for a second review and the reviewers will recommend if the site plan will be placed on a board approval schedule (see attached). If there are major comments not addressed by new plans or the reviewers recommend that the plan not be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board, this office will notify you on your alternatives regarding the site plan as soon as possible. t211ffl'rirn/, (:nfI'7,'n." f,.., +(,1' (":1'(-lr#--rI't""...... To: Mr. o'Connell Re: Initial Review Comments, File No.: 711 Page 2 of 2 We have also enclosed for your convenience an approval schedule and a checklist that contains information regarding the second submission of the plans and documents for review. If you should have any questions regarding the comments or on the approval schedule, please feel free to call Michael Haag who is coordinating the review of your site plan for the Planning and Zoning Department. Yours truly, ~t.~/-- Christopher cutro Planning & Zoning Director CC:ald Attachments XC: Central File Chron. File Project File C:INTLCOM.SDD SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL SCHEDULE 1993 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SUBMISSION ADVISORY BOARD DEADLINE MEETING Mar 22 Apr 12 Apr 20 May 10 May 17 Jun 14 Jun 22 Jul 12 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING Apr 20 May 18 Jun 15 Jul 20 CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review. Turning in the list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Site Development Division of the Planning and Zoning Department. Project Name: St. Markls Catholic School 1. Submit an amended Site Plan Review application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments. A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified. It is the agent of the owners responsibility to notify the owner(s) of changes. If there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal. 2. Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents that show compliance with the Code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee. Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s). Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example: 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. ~/A 3. Submit a locator map that identifies the location of the site and the surrounding roadways and zoning districts. (Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) NJA 4. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain ~~'o~sl~ in their eXisting condition and photos of existing buildings on sites 5~~\*el that abut the subject property. (Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) 5 . Submit a legible 8 1/2" by 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing. (Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) ~/~ 6. ~~\ Otl6l\" SUbV' \ Well Submi t colored elevation view drawings - Duplicate drawings of the drawings submitted for site plan review that have been colored. (Not mounted - Refer to directions on the attached sheet titled submittal requirements) Nl~ 7. Submit color samples of the proposed color(s). (Refer to directions ~. .It~the attached sheet titled submittal reqUirements) ~~\I\t)~ <;..; b\'i\ \ . on SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS The following shall be incorporated as part of the submittal of amended plans and/or documents for review 1. Submit a scaled locator map that identifies the location and perimeter boundary of the site and the surrounding roads and current zoning districts including the district of the subject property. The map shall show and identify by name the roads surrounding the site and the roadway path that links the site to the closest arterial road with the names of the roads and arterial road(s) identified. The map shall show the zoning district line and the title of the zoning districts that abut the perimeter of the zoning district where the subject property is located. The map shall have the North compass direction and scale identified. Maximum size of locator map is 8 1/2" by 14". 2. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 8" by 10". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. 3. Submit a 8-1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. 4. Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project. The colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that where submitted for site plan review. The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified. The type of exterior surface material shall be identified next to the associated color. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original drawing shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". Do no submit on board of any kind. 5. Submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors. Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name and numerical/letter code from an established color chart. 6. Where a specific exterior surface is not applicable to the project, signify by placing a "N/A" on the appropriate line. 7. Submit a copy of the legal description of the subject property on an 8 1/2" by II" sheet of paper. MEMORANDUM January 22, 1993 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator RE: Major Site Plan Modification and Conditional Use Approval Project - Saint Mark's Catholic School Location - 624 N.E. 6th Avenue Use - Kindergarten and Pre-kindergarten Classroom File No. - 711 The following comments are in response to the submittal of the conditional use and site plan modification for the above referenced proj ect. The comments for the proj ect will be discussed at the January 26, 1993, Technical Review Committee meeting. The site plan was reviewed for consistency with the review standards specified in Section 8 of Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Part III, Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances. The applicant shall amend the drawings and documents to show compliance with the following comments: 1. To determine the number of required parking spaces for the new structure clearly delineate on the floor plan drawing the square foot floor area for each of the two uses, kindergarten and pre-kindergarten. Specify wi thin the parking tabular data the code required ratios for required parking spaces for each use. Below are the code sections describing the procedure for determining the number of required parking spaces. Revise the drawings and Site Plan Review Application to align with the required parking calculations. 2. Amend the drawings to show the handicapped parking spaces designed to meet the current handicapped requirements. The number of handicapped parking spaces required for your parking lot is seven (7). 3. Dimension of the plan the width of the new one-way aisle proposed for the south side of the new structure. The minimum one-way width is twelve (12) feet. The drop-off area shall not obstruct the one-way access aisle. I recommend showing nine to twelve feet for the width of the drop-off area. 4. The total count of spaces shown on the plan is 272 and the tabular data indicates a total of 271 spaces, correct accordingly. 5. The site is located within the Coastal Village Design theme. The present design of the building does not comply with the Coastal Village Design theme as described in the Community Design Plan, Article V of Chapter 7.5 of the Code of Ordinances. Either amend the drawings and color elevation to show compliance with the design requirements or request relief from same. To request relief from the Community Design Plan, see the attached exhibit "A". The request for relief will be evaluated at the same time that the site plan for the project will be reviewed by the applicable Boards. Requesting relief at this time would not require changing the existing drawings. 6. Amend the landscape plan to show the perimeter hedge landscape material required to form a continuous visual barrier to screen the view of on-site vehicle use areas from adjacent rights-of-way on abutting properties specified and installed at eighteen (18) inches on center and twenty-four (24) inches high. Delineate on the landscape plan with a distinguishable symbol the perimeter hedge landscape material that is required to screen the vehicle use area. To: Christopher Cutro Re: st. Mark's Comments Page Two of Two 7. Specify on the Landscape plan the code specified spacing requirements for the trees required around the perimeter of the vehicle use area. The code requires one (1) tree per each thirty (30) lineal feet of perimeter vehicle use area. Delineate on the plan with a distinguishable symbol the location of the trees required to meet the perimeter requirements. 8. Due to the conflict with the area of the new structure discussed at the January 14, 1992 Technical Review Committee meeting, submit drawings that include tabular data indicating the correct floor area for the new structure. Amend the Site Plan Review application and plans to match the new calculations. 9. Consistent with Chapter 5, Article X, Parking Lots of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, the construction of the new building will require the entire school/church property to be upgraded to the current parking lot and landscape code specifications. Incorporate into the submittal of amended plans, draWings showing the school/church properties in compliance with all code requirements specified in the Parking Lot and Central Business District Landscape Code. In order for the proj ect to continue along the February review schedule , twelve ( 12) complete sets of amended plans shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department no later than 5:00 P. M. on January 27, 1993 and following the Technical Review Committee review of the amended plans they recommend the project to be forwarded to the appropriate Boards. Review schedule: Site Plan Reviewed by the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board on February 8, 1993 and the Community Redevelopment Agency/City Commission on February 16, 1993. Conditional Use Reviewed by the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board on February 8, 1993 and the Community Redevelopment Agency/City Commission on February 16, 1993. Parking Lot Variance Reviewed by the Planning and Development Board on February 9, 1993 and the City Commission on February 16, 1993. -Zulj)t: ~ ,/ ~l E. Haag . MEH: aId C:STMARK.CU A. B. rJl~ rJ1A ~,~ EXHIBIT "A" COMMUNITY DESIGN PLAN APPEAL INCLUDES FREESTANDING SIGNS OR APPEALS TO COMMUNITY DESIGN PLAN Review and Approval Process: Review by staff, projects located in the Central Business District will be reviewed by the C.R.A.B. and C.R.A. at a public meeting. Projects located in all other zoning districts will be reviewed by the P&D and city Commission. Refer to board meeting schedule for day and time of each meeting. C. Submittal deadline is 10 working days prior to the board meeting. Fees: Check fee schedule. tF/IJD. ~ D. submittal ReqUirements 1. One (1) colored elevation view drawing of the item(s) involved with the request. The drawing shall be scaled and the scale identified on the drawing. 2. Letter to Christopher Cutro, Director of the Planning and Zoning Department, detailing the request. The letter should specify how the request is different than the code. 3. For projects going before the C.R.A.B. and C.R.A., submit eight (8) copies of the elevation view drawing of request. The drawing shall be scaled and the scale identified on the drawing. (Drawings may be black and white or blue line, minimum size is 8!" x 14", maximum size 24" x 36"). Legible copies of large scaled drawings that were reduced to the appropriate size are acceptable. For projects going before the P & D and city Commission, submit twelve (12) copies of the elevation view drawing of request. The drawing shall be scaled and the scale identified on the drawing. (Drawings may be black and white or blue line, minimum size is 8!" x 14", maximum size 24" x 36"). Legible copies of large scaled drawings that were reduced to the appropriate size are acceptable. 4 . Site plan drawing drawn to scale identifying and showing, with a distinguishable symbol, the location of the proposed request. (Size to be the same as in #3) 5 . color samples with manufacturer's name, color number and color name specified on the sample. (Maximum size is 2" x 2") 6. The applicant must be present at both public meetings. (Staff will review board meeting schedule with applicant) \ .... APPENDIX A-ZONING See. 11 with the city swimming pool ordinance and shall be subject to the approval of the building department. No swimming pool shall be constructed closer than eight. (8)_ feet fro~_~ ,,",,-'. ,:pr~p~!Fy)i . "and no swimming pool shall be built in front or the build" gijne. On corner lots, property bordering th streets shall considered as front yards. Location of above ground pools s 11 comply with building setback tz.equir. ments. F. SCREEN CLOSURES. All screen enclosur (screen walls and screen of) shall comply with buildin side yard setback. No screen closure shall b~ constructe closer than eight J~W~et from property line anJ no sc en enclosure shall e constructed in font of the building nee On co:-ner lots, property bordering oth streets shall e considered as front yards. G. TOWN HOUSE. All to form to the district zoning an mum requirements: velopments shall con- eet the following mini. 1. 2. 3. All off-street parking areas shall conform to 'the design and layout requirements of Chapter 5, Article X of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, and shall be approved according to the procedures contained therein. . . 2. All off-street parking facilities shall be main~ined and drained so as not to cause nuisance or danger to the public, or to adjacent public or private property. I Supp. No, 35 1945 ~ '.,. s,,' . ~/ See. 11 BOYNTON BEACH CODE 3. A certificate of occupancy for a structure or premises shall not be issued until the required parking area has been inspected and approved by the building official. 4. Driveways shall satisfy the parking space requirements for single-family detached dwelling units, duplexes, and multifamily dwelling units containing garages, providel! such driveways are of sufficient size to meet the parking space requirements of this subsection. 5. No fewer than four (4) parking spaces shall be. pro- vided for any nonresidential use. 6. Stabilized sod may be substituted for up to fifty (50) per cent of the requiJ:ed parking spaces, where eighty, (80) per cent or more of the parking demand falls within a twenty-four-hour period each week. Sod may be substituted only for the area of parking stalls. All driveways, aisles, and maneuvering areas shall be hard-surfaced and shall conform to the design re- quirements contained in Chapter 5, Article X of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Sod l'arking stalls shall have a base consisting of' not less than eight (8) inches of stabilized shell rock, lime rock, or sand, or an equivalent material as approved by the city engineer. Sod parking areas shall have dimensions equivalent to the dimensions of paved parking areas with ninety (90) degree parking stalls and two-way traffic in aisles, as specified in Chapter 5, Article X ot. the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. 7. Parking space requirements shall be computed on the basis of the principal use of a structure or lot, and using gross floor area unless stated otherwise in para- graph 16 of this subsection. Gross floor area, for the purposes of this subsection, shall include the floor area occupied by the principal use, plus the floor area occu- pied by all accessorY uses, including storage rooms, maintenance and mechanical rooms, offices, loupges, restrooms, lobbies, basements, mezzanines, and hall- ways. . Supp. No. :15 1946 . APPENDIX A-ZONING Sec. 11, 8. Where several principal uses exist in one structure or one one lot, parking space requirements shall be com- puted separately for each principal use, unless stated otherwise in paragraph 16 of this subsection. Where parking spaces are required in paragraph 16 for each of several principal uses that commonly occur together, this is done for the purpose of clarification only, and shall not limit the application of the requirement con- tained in this paragraph. 9. A use shall be considered a principal use, for the pur- poses of this subsection, if it could exist separately from all other uses in the same structure or on the same lot, and would by itself generate significant park- ing demand. 10. Where a use is located in a shopping center, office building, or office-retail complex, the parking space requirement for the shopping center, office building, or office-retail complex in which it is located shall apply; except that where a theater is located in a shopping center the parking space requirement for theaters shall apply for the seating or gross floor area of the theater. 11. Where several principal uses exist in one building or part of a building, and the floor area of each principal use cannot be clearly delineated, the parking space re- quirement for the use requiring the greatest number of parking spaces shall apply. 12. Where a use is not listed below, parking space require- ments shall be determined by the city council after review and recommendation by the planning and zoning board. 13. Parking spaces required in this ordinance for one use or structure may be allocated in part or in whole for the required parking spaces of another use or structure if quan- titative evidence is provided showing that parking demand for the different uses or structures would occur on different days of the week or at different hours. Quantitative evi- Supp. No. 36 1946,1 Sec. 11 BOYNTON BEACH CODE dence shall include estimates for peak hour/peak season parking demand based on statistical data furnished by the Urban Land Institute or an equivalent traffic engineering or land planning and design organization. Quantitative evidence may also include, where appropriate, field stud- ies and traffic counts prepared by a traffic consultant ex- perienced in the preparation of parking studies. In addi- tion, a minimum buffer of ten (10) percent shall be provided to ensure that a sufficient number of parking spaces are available at the peak hour/peak season of parking demand. Calculation of said buffer shall be based on the total num- ber of parking spaces determined to be required at the peak hour/peak season of parking demand. Evidence for joint allocation of required parking space shall be submit- ted to the technical review board, and approval of joint allocation of required parking spaces shall be made by the city commission, after review and recommendations by the planning and zoning board. 14. Where the number of required parking spaces as computed includes a fraction, the number of required parking spaces shall be the computed number rounded to the next highest whole number. 15. There shall be provided off-street handicapped parking spaces consistent with section 5-141 (j) of the Boynton Beach Code at the time of the erection of any struc- ture or the enlargement of any structure. 16. There shall be provided, at the time of the erection of any structure or establishment of any use, a num- ber of off-street parking spaces- in accordance with the following minimum requirements, and subject to paragraphs 1 through 15 of this subsection. Where a structure or use is enlarged or increased in capacity by any means, including a change in building occupancy which requires the provision of additional parking spaces, or a change in use to one which requires additional park. ing spaces, the minimum number of parking spaces shall be computed by applying these requirements to the entire structure or use. Supp. No. 36 1946.2 Sec. 11 BOYNTON BEACH CODE rooms, meeting rooms, recreation facilities and ellings. (2) The ters, auditoriums, meeting other laces of assembly: One 1) parking space r four ( 4) seats, but ot less than one (1) p rking space per one undred (100) square feet f gross floor are . (8) Clubs, lodges a d fraternal 0 ganizations: One (1) parking sp ce per e hundred (100) square feet of gro flo area. c. (1) (2) (3) Libr les and museums: One (1) arking space per three hundred (800) square noss floor area. (4) Day care centers and nursery schools: One (1) park- ing space per three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area, plus adequate provision for a con- venient drop-off area adjacent to the building pro- viding unobstructed ingress and egress. Elementary and junior high schools: One (1) parking space per five hundred (500) square feet of classroom floor area, including floor area of shops. ondary schools and high se par I ace per one red (100) square feet of clas oor area, plus one (1) parking s per t dred (200) square feet 0 oor area occupied by (5) Supp. No. 40 1948 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #93-004 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Review - Saint Mark Catholic School and Church DATE: January 12, 1993 The Public Works Department does not have any comments regarding the site listed above. ichorst Works Director REier RECEIVED JAN l3 I PLANNING DfP .~. T. --..~ u~ n MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher Cutro, Director Planning & Zoning Department FROM: W. Richard Staudinger, PE City Engineer DATE: January 18, 1993 RE: St. Marks Catholic School & Church Conditional Use - Development Review The Engineering Department of the City of Boynton Beach has the following Development Plan Review comments on the proposed conditional use (day care center) at St. Marks. 1. The December 28, 1992 letter stating 160 trips from the site is not in accordance with Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. Based on the unverified size of 4,380 Sq. Ft. for this day care center, approximately 310 trips are generated by this use. Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards indicate no distinction between day care center, kindergartens, and pre-kindergartens for traffic generation purposes (Section 8.3.8) 2. The site does not meet City Standards for drainage. No drainage appears to have been provided for any of this conditional use s' ion 8.6 . ~ W. Ri /hard Staudinger, PE City Engineer WRS/bf 92-049 1CrT':< ,r:.~) R, .. ,....,...-'- .. .-"-" ,." ,!p.~~ 19 .l,,'';} ....01 p\'p'NNF~G. Qt.. '3 "- ----------- C;;(;:l: :& .,II::NS(u\1 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-007 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio-Telephone No. (407) 738-7487 Administrative Coordinator of Engineering DATE: January 14, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Comments Major Site Plan Modification and Conditional Use Approval St. Marks Catholic School and Church 624 HE 6th Avenue, Boynton Beach, FI The Engineering Department for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida is in receipt of the above referenced site plan submission and accompaning letter, dated Dec. 28, 1992, from Michael B. Schorah & Associates, Inc. 1. In response to the Design Engineer's letter, dated Dec. 28, 1992, a copy of which is attached herein, I contacted PBC Traffic Engineering Division and pursuant to discussions held on 1/13/93, this project is not vested, reference PBC's Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. Therefore, the issue relative to impact fees in this regard shall be addressed between the applicant and PBC Engineering should the applicant attempt to seek relief. It should be noted that the Civic Center Subdivision, according to the Planning Department's Category (A) (5) Subdivisions which are fully exempt, appears to be exempt for single family and duplex dwelling units only. Additionally, this subdivision did not indicate upon any master plan a use for this property relative to vehicle trips generated per day and therefore according to Allan Ennis, this project falls under the jurisdiction of PBC's Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. I recommend that the Planning Department forward a copy of this plan to PBC and that their comments be made a part of our conditions of approval, whether they be at the conceptual or permit application stage. 2. The applicant shall upgrade the existing parking lot facility in accordance with Chapter 5, Article X, "Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations", Section 5-138, "Scope", which states that compliance with City Code is required when (a) ..."a parking lot serves an existing building(s) where said building(s) is proposed to be enlarged or when an additional building(s) is proposed to be constructed". The submission of this site plan did not take into consideration the requirements to upgrade the existing site as well as the subject site to full code compliance with the required improvements provisions listed within City codes, therefore, since this application addresses only the proposed construction, I consider this application incomplete until such time as the applicant addresses the required upgrade. The required improve- ments that shall be depicted upon a comprehensive submission includes, but is not limited to, parking lot lighting systems which comply with City codes, pedestrian lighting, traffic control, curbs and car stops. Drainage will be addressed by the City Engineer under separate memorandum (the NE and SE section of this site frequently floods and is considered flood prone), including all other applicable section of 5-142. 3. It appears that the existing parking lot lighting system is time clock activated and furthermore the levels of 'illumination appear to fall well below minimum City standards which requires a minimum of one foot candle with no readings below one-half foot candle. ~,. ~ECEIVBD JAM ~5 ~.~.:?~ ~~~., .' Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director Technical Review Committee Comments January 14, 1993 Page #2 From a safety standpoint, it is extremely important that the entire site be upgraded to comply with City codes as Child Day Care Center activities and Bingo functions during the winter months will be operated during hours of darkness. All lighting systems shall be photocell activated. Note: The applicant has not filed a variance for lighting and therefore staff concludes that lighting will be upgraded as the applicant was made aware of this requirement during the TRC meeting of 1/14/93. Pursuant to City codes, variances are only granted on the basis of the applicant exhibiting a true hardship relative to the section of our codes from which they seek relief. In this case the only justification provided appears to be a monetary one and therefore variances should not be granted so as not to set a harmful precedent which will erode the City's future ability to compel developers to upgrade their sites based solely on monetary interests. Pursuant to Section 5-145, "Variances to this Article", (1) "Variances may be granted only when the granting of same will not be contrary to the public interest, and where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this article would result in an unnecessary hardship not created by the applicant or his predecessor in title, use, or possession. The Engineering Department will however work with the applicant, reference the analysis of existing lighting conditions and at that time determine in conjunction with the Developer's Engineer deficient parking and pedestrian areas which may require additional lighting. L \ '" ~,._ +~ ~~J.e- Vincent A. Finizio 0 (407) 738-7488 VAF/ck cc: W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., City Engineer, Gee & Jenson J. Scott Miller, City Manager attachments CATEGORV (A)(S) SUBDIVISIONS * FULLV EXEMPT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE FAMILV OR DUPLEX DWELLING UNITS NA,M~ SUBDIVISION / DATE RECORDED Ar'den Park Bar-rett Hei ghts 8ell'3my Hei9hts e,enson Bros. Benson Heights Beverly Hills Addn. 2 Beverly Hills Addn. 3 Bower's Par' k Boynton (Ori9inal) Boynton (Dade Co.) BoY' nton Bor'ou9h Boynton Center Boynton H9hts Add Pg 64 Boynton Hghts Add Pg 5 Boynton Hghts Add No 1 Boynton Hills Boynton Ind Pk-Pg. 232 Boynton Ind Pk, Add 1 Boynton Isles Boynton Mem. Pk., Add 1 Boynton Mem. Pk, Bk 21 Boynton Mem. Pk, Bk 27 Boynton P1.3ee Boy nton R i d';je Boynton Ridge Replat Boynton's Sub (Dade Co) Casa Lom,3 Centr'al Park Centr'.3l Par'k Annex Chapel Hill Cher'r'y Hi 11 s --<:;:::0 Ci vie Center' Subd. Con 9 r' e ssG 1" 0 V e Coquina Cove Cranbrook Lake Estates Cr'eseent Height Cr'est Vi ew C.W. Copp1s Addn. Debonaire Estates Deierl P,::H'k Dewey (()r'i';,dnal) o e we v He i 'd h t s E. Roberts Addn. teen Rid'Zje f-=,ol"est H'il1s Forest Park Heights Frank Webber Addn. Funk E:.r'os. Addn. Go3\' -,'i.:.:,r Estates 04-12-1913 10-13-1954 01-13-1976 12-04-1913 02-15-1955 01-21-1926 01-21-1926 03-27-1925 09-26-1926 09-26-1898 04-16-1958 02-17-1921 1'j-07-1924 03-08-1915 12-15-1926 03-25-1926 09-08-1958 03-21-1972 04-24-1957 02-21-1974 06-30-1947 06-07-1963 03-05-1925 03-20-1953 03-13-1973 03-10-1910 01-25-1911 05-04-1925 06-12-1925 05-26-1954 04-07-1926 09-10-1925 01-21-1926 12-23-1952 10-06-1977 07-06-1955 06-26-1951 01-15-1920 06-23-19-52 07-28-1952 03-25-1910 01-04-1956 08-16-1911 1 1 - 10- 1 959 07-08-1957 04-17-1957 08-31-1922 02-29-1912 04-30-1954 4 I I - - - III - "MICHAEL B. SCHORAH & ASSOCIATES, INC. SUITE 101 1850 FOREST HILL BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS TELEPHONE (407) 968-0080 December 28, 1992 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING BOARD P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: St. Marks Classroom Addition Conditional Use Application To Whom It Concern, In my opinion, the above captioned building will not generate more than 160 trips per day and since the property was platted prior to January 13, 1978, I consider it to be exempt from concurrency requirements. Sincerely, U~~t3x(~~ Michael B. Schorah, P.E. President MBS/kmh CIVIL. STRUCTURAL · DRAINAGE · HIGHWAYS · WATER 8c SEWER · SOIL MECHANICS F.IRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-20i WDC TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: FIRE DEPARTMENT DP.TE: JANUARY 21, 1993 RE: SITE PLAN MODIFICATION AND CONDI'1'IONAL USE ST. MARKS SCHOOL AND CHURCH 624 NE 6TH AVENUE WE HAVE NO OBJECTIONS TO THE PROPOSED CHANGES. .... ~-ii WILLIAM D. CAVANAUGH, FPO I BOYNTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT wdcjpg REceIVED JAN 2 11993 UN. MEMORANDUM utilities No. 93-016 FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities TO: Chris Cutro, Planning Director DATE: January 15, 1993 SUBJECT: st. Mark's Catholic School, File 711 Major Site Plan and Conditional Use First Review - Comments We've reviewed the plans and offer the following comments. 1. A reduced pressure backflow prevention device is required on water services for this use (Ord. 90-51). 2. Sewer laterals should enter the sewer in the sewer trunk line not in the manhole. An additional cleanout is required at the right-of-way line. 3. If public potable water is anticipated for irrigation, then a pressure vacuum breaker, backflow prevention device is required (Ord. 90-51). If you have any questions, please contact Mike Kazunas at 738-7460. /bks xc: Mike Kazunas Peter Mazzella Skip Milor File .".~ T~D' ~ U~rr:, \. jj,: L\~l':,,-' :,,"~.."'.\...;.!-- tI . .. 19 ....~ , '-~~!, _ J Utility Engineer 3 hours Administrative Assistant .5 hours , . ''', ".:~ DEPT~ F ,-ji~J ~ i It l' " ~ \ - hL~~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-33 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning Director ~~ 1f- FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: Major Site Plan Modification and Conditional Use Approval: St. Mark's Catholic School and Church DATE: January 15, 1993 The applicant must meet the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance #81-21 for any existing trees on the additional (newly purchased) site (single family residence). KH:ad RECEIVED IN' 19''- p\J\N\'UNG DE.PT~., - -- M E M 0 RAN DUM 93-005 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Lt. Donald I. Thrasher Police Department Community Relations Division DATE: 14 January 93 SUBJECT: Site Plan - Saint Mark's Catholic School Day Care/Pre-K Classroom I have reviewed the above site plans and I recommend the following: 1. Parking lot lighting detail, activation per City Ordinance. (Ordinance 5-138, Public Safety). 2. Stop signs and stop bars at the end of all parking isle. (City Ordinance 5-142C). 3. Do Not Enter sign at end of parking isle west end of property. (City Ordinance 5-142C). Donald I. Thrasher Lieutenant Community Relations Division DIT/dmj RECEIVED JAN 2 0 1993 ATTEN: APRILLE DAY MEMORANDUM TO: Chrstopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: John Wildner, Parks Superintendent DATE: j-j.j-Cj3 . RE: Site Plan Review - Major Site Plan Modification - 1st Review -r h 1_ ./1 ..J.-d t', > C' ~ (. v'l- ,/\ C ILl>>, " Project: ~;pVl /,//j-RK C'llDo I\.... -....)(.....- au "iN') 'vvn.,c,..- The Recreation and Parks Department has reviewed the above referenced proj ect. There are no outstanding recreation related issues on this project. RECEIVED JAM 2 1 1993 C:PARKS.MSP ICtM:C w0Nlt01~ ....OWO:llt lI'\l1Wlll J.S:INl '0' 3.1'1"15 "'0..\-' ..,....... lS3iIIK)~ OM' ~_w:>>) 'liJ. NVO< = .'~>RJVd~'_I. I ~ ::rnu~ ~ .is ""..1'1"" ~I ~ ..- ~--- ~v...::.:n""""""""IO.SM~.......oat. i I ~ i i t ~ .. ~ . till t. : . f !f' , ., to~ . .. to ~ . (........... iilr~~.)' r:--' . L_, UI ~ ., - Il~l-~ ...,.. .1 ...... ~ ~ ~; ~~ ~ { .." h l~ ...1 if \;:- liE r I I I 1 I I I j ~ .' , , r , 1 '" i =" ~ ... ... c Z 1:> in cs. o ... .. c ~ , I ~ q1ffiJJ ~; ~ ~=i ! ~~ , ;~ , iill, '\ II I P ~I il )! ~: It.. i ! t' id;! .' I:" j . ~: :i: I i !p t 'f f i! \ 1: J t;i :J I · ~1I~~-", ... I ....... J J · ~ .! II ! I .!U I ell ,I J I ~~ I i .~ ! ~ ;!ii!! i If, t Q I-! I 1:1 '] I ! I~!:I i il i~ i ~ 0 ie!uG~ ~ I' 1~ ; ~ ~ vc~rr. J _ it J! m i "...... ; +-,--' i ' , .. I i.(. '-i! n.,> , i;;r .:.! ug ...J ;t ... 1- I: I ~ II:; I! g C5\.:+ I~ ~ 11~! 'I i ! ['.i04) ! l"-, :i ii! ~i a. ;~:: H i; :;}r(e, %e,_(ity of 13oynton 13eac/i Pfanning c!r Zoning 'Departnunt 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi. 'Boukvara P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beadi., 1'wriaa 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490, 1';tX: (407) 738,7459 l1arch 11, 1993 Mr. Dan O'Connell 215 Ncrthwest Third street Bo::nton Beach, FL 33435 Re: st. Mark's catholic Church, Site Plan Review, Conditlonal Use, Parking Lot Variance and Community Design Plan Appeal Dear Dan: This is to advise you that, on February 16, 1993, the city Commission of Boynton Beach approved the site plan, conditional use, parking lot variance and Community Design Plan appeal at the above referenced location. This approval was subject to the following conditions: 1. ~) <... . Install 24 trees (19 missing from old plan and 5 new) on the church site. If possible, replacement can be made with available trees that will need to be removed during construction of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten building. If these trees are unsuitable, trees to meet city codes will be planted. A landscape entrance feature on N.E. 4th Avenue will be installed that contains 2 native flowering trees and 3 palm trees. 3. Gaps in existing hedges will be filled to form a continuous hedge. The same specie of hedge material may be used. Existing hedges will be extended to within three feet of ingress/egress driveways. Plants shall be spaced 24 inches on center except that no hedge material is required along the east property line to screen this vehicle use area. 1Jml'rirn', Gntf1711m, tn ,hI' Gu({ctrpnm To: Re: Page Mr. Dan O'Connell st. Mark's Catholic Church Two of Two 4. Submit drainage plans that correspond to the attached parking plan prepared by Michael Schorah dated January 27, 1993. This plall f.hould be amended to show an accessway west of the new drainage area. This accessway must meet the code requirements fer paving and landscaping. 5, Lighting on the site will be upgraded to meet the CBD Landscape Code, Article 3, Section 7.5-57 (1) g. & h. This approval modified to meet the above conditions entitles you to develop the property as shown on the approved plans. If you wish to modify the plan prior to submission of your building plall, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department. Modifications during the building permit process will be handled as part of that process. The approval of the Site Plan remains in effect for one year, until February 17, 1994. If an extension is needed, please forward your request to the Planning and Zoning Department 30 days prior to the expiration date. We have attached a list of submittal documents from the Building Department to asslst you 1n assembling your building permit package. We have also attached copies of the comments mllst be met in the building permit submittal. We would like you thank you for building in Boynton Beach. If we can be of any further assistance, please feel free to call me. Yours truly, ~~~ Christopher cutro Planning and Zoning Director CC:ald Att. cc: Michael Schorah Rev. John Black A:APPROVAL.JH