TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1994, AT 6:30 P. M.
Edward Hanmening. Mayor
Matthew Bradley. Mayor Pro Tem
Jose Aguila. Commissioner
David Katz. Commissioner
Carrie Parker. City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Sue Kruse. City Clerk
A. Call to Order
B. Invocation
C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Mayor Hanmening called the meeting to order at 6:30 P. M. Alan Brewster of
Grace Fellowship Church offered the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag was led by Mayor Pro Tem Matthew Bradley.
D. Agenda Approval
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
City Manager Parker deleted Item III.H (Workers' Compensation settlement for
John Callahan). She stated that the City is not legally required to vote on
this item. She added Item XI.A (Approval of Bus Graphics).
City Attorney Cherof added Item X.D.2 (Report on the St. Juste Code Enforcement
Litigation). He advised that Items X.B.I through X.B.3 regarding Sausalito
Groves can be stricken from the agenda. They will come back in revised fonm for
first reading.
Commissioner Katz added Items IX.B.I (Sponsoring Bryan Croft to the World Police
and Fire Games) and IX.B.2 (Holiday Parade Route).
2. Adoption
Commissioner Katz moved to approve the agenda as amended. Mayor Pro Tem Bradley
seconded the motion. which carried 4-0.
A. Appointllents to be _de
To Be Made
Length of Tenm
Expiration Date
Tenm expires 4/95 TABLED
2 yr tenm to 4/96 TABLED
Education Advisory Board
Board of Adjustment
- 1 -
I I I Ag u il a
Mayor Harmening
II Bradl ey
II Bradley
I II Aguila
IV Matson
Mayor Harmening
I Ka tz
II Bradl ey
III Aguila
Cemetery Board Alt
Nuisance Abatement Board Alt
Education Advisory Board Alt
Board of Adjustment Reg
Nuisance Abatement Board Reg
Education Advisory Board Reg
Planning & Development Board Reg
Civil Service Board Alt
Community Relations Board Alt
Education Advisory Board Reg
DECEMBER 6, 1994
1 yr term to 4/95 TABLED
2 yr term to 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/95 TABLED
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
Term expires 4/95 TABLED
Term expires 4/95 TABLED
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/95
Term expires 4/95
Term expires 4/95
Mayor Pro Tem Bradley moved to remove all appointments from the table.
Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 4-0.
Mayor Pro Tem Bradley appointed Linda Boone to the Community Relations Board as
an alternate member, without objections.
Commissioner Aguila moved to table the remaining appointments. Commissioner
Katz seconded the motion, which carried 4-0.
Commissioner Aguila moved to remove Susan Bottcher from the Civil Service Board,
Annie Matthews from the Community Relations Board, and Jeanne Pilgrim from the
Education Advisory Board for failure to attend meetings. Commissioner Katz
seconded the motion, which carried 4-0.
B. Approve Change Orders '1 through '7 for Meadows Park for a total of
$1,049.30 and Change Order '3 for Boynton Lakes Park for a total of
According to Facilities Management Division Memorandum No. 94-17, this is all
the requests for Boynton Lakes Park, but there are still two requests for
Meadows Park~which have been returned to them for better back-up information.
Commissioner Agut.l~ moved to approve Change Orders #1 through #7 for Meadows
Park for a total of $1,049.30 and Change Order #3 for Boynton Lakes Park for a
total of $477.70. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion.
In response to Mayor Pro Tern Bradley, City Manager Parker advised that there is
no duplication; that there are two fountains on the site.
The motion carried 4-0.
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DECEMBER 6, 1994
A. Minutes
1. City Commission Workshop Meeting Minutes of November 14, 1994
No changes were made to these minutes.
2. Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of November 15, 1994
At the top of page 3, Commissioner Katz stated that the date of Parsonsl
Memorandum should be December 4, 1991, not 1994.
B. Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the
1994-95 Adopted Budget
1. Co-op bid for annual contract for gasoline and diesel fuel
The Purchasing Department recommended going along with the extension of the
as follows:
Regular Unleaded
Diesel #2 (on/off road)
Supreme Unleaded
Plus Unleaded
BP Oil
BP Oi 1
The Purchasing Department also recommended approval for extension for an addi-
tional year as approved by the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners
at the October 4, 1994 meeting. (This bid has a two year renewal option.)
2. Awa~ bid to San Francisco Puffs & Stuff to serve as con-
cessionaire for the Great American Love Affair
The Tabulation Committee recommended awarding this bid to San Francisco Puffs &
Stuff of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. San Francisco Puffs & Stuff was the sole
bidder. They exceed all specifications and the Recreation and Parks Department
has been pleased with their past perfonmance.
3. ~~ bid to Jones Chemicals, Inc. of Fort laude~ale, Florida,
for the annual supply of sod1U1 hydroxide in the amount of
The Tabulation Committee recommended awarding this bid to Jones Chemicals, Inc.
in the amount of $.11224 per pound. Jones Chemicals, Inc. was the lowest, most
responsive, responsible bidder who met all specifications.
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DECEMBER 6. 1994
4. Award bid to Hallmark Vinyl of Pompano Beach for specifications
to supply and install vinyl soffit systems on four (4) buildings
at Oceanfront Park in the amount of $6.718.00
The Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bid to Hallmark Vinyl in the
total amount of $6,718.00. This price includes Men's/Women's Restroom,
Concession Stand and the Lifeguard Headquarters. The low bidder, Rainbow
Gutters, submitted an incomplete bid. (The total price did not include all
buildings described within the bid specifications.) Hallmark Vinyl submitted a
complete bid package and met the City's insurance requirements. Hallmark Vinyl
was found to be the most responsive, responsible bidder meeting all required
c. Resolutions
1. Proposed Resolution No. R94-199 Re: Ratification of South
Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board Action
of November 3, 1994
a) to expend $5,000 from the sinking fund for replacement parts
and motor for centrifuge pump
b) to expend $10,500 from the sink1ng fund for replacement parts
(shaft impeller sleeve and rings) for return pump "B" plant
D. Approval of Bills
A copy of these bills is attached to the original copy of these minutes on file
in the City Clerk's Office.
Commissioner Aguila referred to bills 40 and 41 (Rockland Construction Company).
With regard to all construction projects that have an extensive contract amount,
he would like to see the project, the contract amount, how many change orders
there were, how much the City has paid to date, the percentage of completion,
and the amount remaining on the contract. He said he has asked for this infor-
mation several times.
City Manager Parker advised that those items appear on the change orders;
however, they were inadvertently left off the list of bills.
With regard to bill 41, Commissioner Aguila stated that there are still some
dead trees. The Project Manager, Bill DeBeck, advised that we have a six month
warranty and that they have not yet finished replanting the original trees that
have died. Today, they were supposed to replace all the trees and mulch at
Boynton Lakes.
Commissioner Aguila asked about the drainage culvert at the beginning of the
path by the parking area. Mr. DeBeck advised that it will be removed. He
stated that since they recut all the swale going out to the street, the water
runs out pretty well.
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DECEMBER 6. 1994
According to the infonmation provided. by Florida Water Management, Mr. DeBeck
thinks the lake at Boynton Lakes it sitting six to ten inches too high. He
advised that staff will shoot that lake tomorrow. He stated that the playground
cannot be drained because the park is higher than the playground.
With regard to Oceanfront Park, City Manager Parker advised that the total
contract sum was $289,260.00. There have been no change orders to date. There
is $35,487.00 remaining, which includes $28,000.00 of retainage. Mr. DeBeck
added that today they received the last of the materials to finish the park.
They have just about got all the boardwalk in. They are basically down to the
side railings, top railings, and some finish-up work at the south end. They
hope to be out of there in two weeks.
With regard to bill number 29, Commissioner Katz asked if the residents' con-
cerns were addressed. City Manager Parker advised that everything was completed
at Costa Bella about a month and a half ago and the Houstons were contacted.
Mayor Pro Tern Bradley referred to bill number 26 with regard to the Board
Dinner, which was held at Hunters Run this year. He asked how much more it
cost per plate than the Board Dinner held last year at Catalina. Commissioner
Katz said it was worth it. Mayor Pro Tern Bradley agreed. He said it was an
excellent meal and everyone raved about it.
City Manager Parker advised that the overall difference was $1,165.00.
E. Approve purchase of Pro-Vac Turf VacuUl f~ Pifer. Inc. in the
amount of $5.083.00 for the Golf Course
Daniel Miller, Golf Course Superintendent, recommended purchasing a Gravely
model 1050 Pro-Vac Turf Vacuum from Pifer, Inc. to pick up leaves and other
light weight debris that the Olathe sweeper is unable to, and to pick up the
thatchy debris left on the greens during aerification. Currently, two staff
members mow the debris during aerification. It takes them approximately 3.5
hours each. Mr. Miller anticipates reducing this job to one staff member for
approximately 1 to 1.5 hours.
F. Approve purchase of two-WlY radio communications for the new buses
f~ Motorola C & E. Inc. in the amount of $6.156.25
Pursuant to Public Works Department Memorandum '94-278, these five new radios
will serve as direct communications with the proposed new Boynton Beach Transit
Authority buses.
G. Approve Budget Transfers
1. Transfer f~ Contingency Account to cover reroof of the Wlter
Treatment Plant Building
Pursuant to Utilities Memorandum No. 94-365, in fiscal 1993/94, the Public Water
Maintenance Division budgeted $20,000.00 in Account No. 401-336-5-629.00 to
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DECEMBER 6 t 1994
replace the roof on the old section of the East Water Treatment Plant. During
the fall of 1993, Utilities was advised to combine this bid with the City-wide
roofing bid being put together by Facilities Management. This bid has taken
until October of 1994 to be approved. Consequently, the funds from the 1993/94
budget are not available.
Utilities has provided funds for situations such as this by funding the
Contingency Account No. 401-395-5-911.00. The Utilities Director requested that
$10,700.00 be transferred from this account to Account No. 401-336-5-629.00 so
this necessary project can be done.
2. Transfer to cover compensation adjustment for Fire Union contract
signed 11/1194
This transfer involved an increase in Account No. 001-221-5-111.00 (Fire -
Regular Time) in the amount of $132,181.00 and Account No. 001-221-5-131.00
(Fire - FICA) in the amount of $10,276.00, and a decrease in Account No.
001-194-5-158.00 (Compensation Adjustment) in the amount of $142,457.00.
3. Transfer from Contingency Account to cover purchase of portable
and stationary generators budgeted in the 93/94 budget year
Pursuant to Utilities Memorandum #94-375, in the 1993/94 budget, two generator
units were approved for purchase for the Utility Pumping Division. This equip-
ment was bid and awarded in July of 1994. Delivery was made in mid October,
early November, 1994. Those funds were not allowed in the 1994/95 budget. The
Director of Utilities requested the dollars not spent in the 1993/94 budget be
transferred from Contingency Account #401-395-5-911.00 to the General Equipment
Account #401-352-5-642.00 to cover the purchase price of this equipment.
4. Transfer from Contingency Account to cover additional amount due
for Board Dinner and to provide funds for consultant regarding
Clipper Cove purchase
This transfer involves an increase in Account No. 001-111-5-450.08 in the amount
of $1,165.00 and in Account No. 001-194-5-462.02 in the amount of $15,000.00,
and a decrease in Account No. 001-194-5-911.00 in the amount of $16,165.00.
H. WOrkers Compensation settlement for John Callahan
This item has been deleted from the agenda.
I. Approve .1nor modification to bus routes for the Boynton Beach
Transit Authority
Pursuant to the December 6, 1994 Agenda Memorandum from the City Manager, after
the last public hearing on the proposed bus routes, the City Manager's Officer
received numerous requests for a small change. The change requested is to go
approximately one block west on 10th, north on N. W. 1st Street and exit out on
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DECEMBER 6. 1994
N. W. 12th Avenue to Seacrest. This brings the bus closer to the Wilson Center
where the senior citizens have the daily Meals-on-Wheels Program. This change
does not impact the overall time schedule.
Commissioner Aguila moved to approve the Consent Agenda, with the comments and
corrections. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which carried 4-0.
A. Announcements
1. 24th Annual Holiday Parade - December 11. 1994 starting at 3:00
P. M. This year's theme is -Brighten Up the Holiday-
Mayor Hanmening made this announcement.
B. Presentations
1. Employee of the Month
Mayor Hanmening and City Manager Parker honored George Evans, Aquatics
Supervisor, as Employee of the Month of November, 1994.
The Sea Turtle Monitoring Project, sponsored by the Department of Environmental
Resources Management (DERM), has been cQordinated in the Ocean Ridge/Boynton
Beach area since 1983 by George Evans. During this time, George has volunteered
approximately 5,000 hours of his time by awakening before dawn to move turtle
nests to safety along our beaches, and to collect pertinent scientific data for
use by DERM. DERM used this data to write an Environmental Assessment for the
State in developing the Sea Turtle Protection Plan which is required by the per-
mitting agencies for a beach nourishment project. Also, the 1994 Turtle Project
data collected by George and his volunteers will assist in the scheduling of
construction for the 1.46 mile Ocean Ridge/Boynton Beach sand replenishment
project next year.
City Manager Parker recognized George's mother in the audience.
Charles Frederick, Director of Recreation and Parks, stated that George is a
true environmentalist and ocean and turtle lover. He covers from Boynton Inlet
all the way down to Briny Breezes, even on his daNS off. It is overdue that he
was recognized for his efforts.
Mr. Evans stated that there were 429 nests this year. He explained what he does
to collect all the data over the years. He stated that he has very loyal volun-
teers. Mr. Evans volunteers his time every year and intends to keep doing so.
2. Proclamation
Mayor Hanmening read a Proclamation declaring January 16, 1995 as Martin Luther
King, Jr. Day.
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DECEMBER 6, 1994
Elizabeth Jenkins, 711 N. W. 1st Street, stated that Boynton Terrace Apartments,
which is owned by the County, is the worst-looking place in the City, and the
seagrapes are not maintained. She asked the Commission to look into this
matter. Mrs. Jenkins would also like the Commission to look into the main-
tenance of Martin Luther King Boulevard. She stated that 10th Avenue, of which
Martin Luther King Boulevard used to be a part, runs from the west to the east.
The only part that is taken care of is the part from Seacrest to Railroad
Charlotte Wright, 23 Crossing Circle, was involved in an automobile accident on
November 10, 1994. She explained how she was mistreated by Quik Arrival Towing
and the Police. She finally retrieved her automobile; however, Quik Arrival did
not return her car keys.
City Manager Parker advised that Ms. Wright came into her office the day after
this incident. She immediately called the Police Department (Internal Affairs)
and directed them to walk Ms. Wright over. to Quik Arrival to get her car, and
then to turn in a report on Quik Arrival to Wilfred Hawkins, the Assistant to
the City Manager. City Manager Parker said she advised Ms. Wright to call her
if she had any further problems; however, she had not heard anything from her.
City Manager Parker will continue to follow-up on this matter.
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Bradley, City Manager Parker advised that Quik
Arrival is on probation. If this complaint turns out to have any validity, it
will be recommended that they be removed from the City's towing list.
Commissioner Katz said he voted against putting Quik Arrival on the rotation
list. He stated that the reason Quik Arrival went on probation is because they
overcharged numerous customers.
A. Master Plan Modification - Bethesda Hospital
Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, stated that Bethesda Memorial
Hospital is requesting approval to modify their previously-approved master plan
for their PUD. The property is located directly south of Golf Road and west of
S. W. 2nd Street.
The modifications requested are the addition of a thennal water storage tank,
establishment of setbacks and a height for that storage tank (40' side setback
- 8 -
DECEMBER 6. 1994
on the west side, a 17.21 rear setback on the south, and a 25' height limit on
the tank).
There was a 1983 settlement agreement. which staff reviewed this request
against. Also, subsequent to that agreement was a rezoning from R-l-AA to PUD.
That rezoning was consistent with the stipulated settlement agreement.
The reason that this tank is requested is because FPL has an energy conservation
program and the intent is to chill water at the least expensive use period and
store it in the tank. Then the chilled water is circulated to the building's
air conditioning system to cool the building.
The storage tank is a stand alone structure. It is 65 feet in diameter and 25
feet tall. It is cylindrical in shape and there are no mechanical appurtenances
attached to it.
With respect to the changes that have been requested, the use would not adverse-
ly affect the adjacent residences if such things as noise and safety hazards can
be mitigated. Staff feels the applicant has made a great attempt to mitigate
these impacts in a number of ways. First, the tank will be double walled in the
unlikely event that the tank ruptured. There is also an existing benn area that
would further mitigate any flooding that might occur. The property slopes down-
ward to the adjacent residences. The scale of the structure has been subdued
with supplemental landscaping to the existing benne
Regarding the 40' west side setback, there are no minimum PUD setbacks. How-
ever, the stipulated settlement agreement did establish a 40' wide landscape
buffer. As part of the site plan process, the applicant increased the setback
to 40' so it does not encroach the buffer. Regarding the 17.2' rear setback on
the south, this PUD abuts the main hospital, which is zoned PU (Public Usage).
The property really visually reads as one piece of property, so staff does not
see a problem with the 17.2' setback either. Regarding the height, the appli-
cant lowered the height to 251. This is the height that was required as part of
the settlement agreement for other structures which were not constructed and
were switched out to different uses, namely the day care center that was built a
couple of years ago. Therefore, staff feels they have made a great attempt to
discourage impacts that were greater than anticipated.
The Technical Review Committee recommends that the City Commission make a
finding of no substantial change and that it be forwarded to the Planning and
Development Board for final approval with staff comments (Utility Department
Memorandum No. 94-378, Forester Memorandum No. 94-407, and Planning and Zoning
Department Memorandum dated December 1, 1994). This recommendation is based on
the detennination from staff that it meets the stipulated settlement agreement
and the original zoning conditions and that measures have been taken to preserve
the integrity of the adjacent residential neighborhood.
Commissioner Katz questioned the location. A representative of Bethesda
Hospital circulated photographs depicting the location. He submitted two of
them to the City for their records.
- 9 -
IIC;);) UWIICI. / r"cuJolle wele UI IY"I~ Cl\.IU;);) ..lie IClWII, UICQ"-III\:t !.IIC ;)tJ' 1I1~'o;;, ".
There were broken windows and cut screens. Someone went into an open condo-
- 13 -
the attorney fees that the City has incurred, and pay a-minimal fine on-fhe--"
property. The case went to trial and a judgment was entered in favor of the
City for somewhere in the neighborhood of $350,000.00 in accrued code enforce-
ment liens on the property. The property owner's counterclaim against the City
for slander of title was also a judgment in favor of the City. The next step is
a foreclosure sale at the end of this month. where the Citv ~nlJln h~vp thp nn_
DECEMBER 6. 1994
nnco 1"::1 tconl'nllntv_wi rip ..-1'1\ i "is-ac~1I ~eLLI:1JljLiaD- or r@!iid@nt-dri yen DrCM.alIl~
DECEMBER 6. 1994
nonresponse, except those three, creates liability or responsibility. He felt
that could be clarified simply by the inclusion of a clause indicating that
paragraph 12 would not be construed to create any liability for a nonresponding
party, for any reason.
City Attorney Cherof felt the Commission can move this forward tonight by
approving it with that change. We would only be a participant if all the other
entities agree to either ratify or add that language.
Mayor Pro Tem Bradley moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R94-20J, subject
to City Attorney Cherof's comments. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion,
which carried 4-0.
5. Proposed Resolution No. R94-204 Re: Supporting Application for
Historic Preservation Grant for site surveys
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R94-204 by title only.
Commissioner Aguila moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R94-204.
Commissioner Katz seconded the motion.
Mayor Hanmening asked about the match on this grant. City Manager Parker stated
that the City Commission previously instructed staff not to apply for any grants
unless no matching funds were required. This is the only grant we could find.
It does require an in-kind match of approximately 50 percent, which would be
DECEMBER 6. 1994
In response to Mayor Hanmening, City Manager Parker advised that this will dif-
ferentiate our buses from any CoTran bus on the road.
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Bradley, City Manager Parker advised that the logo
will have components of the City seal, but it will not be the City seal.
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting
properly adjourned at 8:20 P. M.
DECEMBER 6. 1994
City Manager Parker advised that no COs will be issued until S. W. 8th Street is
sufficiently completed to provide 24 hour continuous access between Boynton
Beach Boulevard and Woolbright Road.
Commissioner Katz did not think the City should settle for just a dirt road for
emergency vehicles.
Louis Campanelli with CCL Consultants, agents for Howard Scharlin, Trustee,
stated that the owner has signed a contract with ~n engineering contractor to
build the entire 8th Street up to Ocean Drive. They started about a week ago,
and the owner has intentions of completing the Road to Ocean Drive. In response
to Commissioner Aguila, Mr. Campanelli advised that all the proper permits were
pulled. Commissioner Aguila asked about the scheduled completion date.
Mr. Campanelli advised that he is concentrating on putting in the water main.
He stated that by the end of January or middle of February, it should be physi-
cally done. In response to Mayor Harmening, he said the water main will be
physically done by the end of the year. The road should be physically done
about a month later.
In response to Ms. Heyden, Mr. Campanelli confirmed that the permits are for a
asphalt road. Ms. Heyden will check into this.
Commissioner Aguila did not like the fact that this was being subdivided again.
Bettina Scherer of Trammell Crow (the developer of the Vinings), 6400 Congress
Avenue, Boca Raton, stated that essentially that line is really not a sub-
division of the product type or what was presented previously by the site plan.
When you drive into the entry drive, it is still going to seem like a full
fledged development. That line is really just for financing and platting pur-
poses. It is easier to finance it in two phases.
Mayor Pro Tem Bradley moved to approve the master plan modification for the
Vinings, subject to staff comments. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion,
which carried 4-0.
A. It.- for discussion requested by Mayor Pro T. Matt Bradley
1. COP progr. Update
Mayor Pro Tern Bradley gave a brief update on the Citizens on Patrol Program. He
said he met with Sgt. Copeland from the Sheriff's Department and one of his
civilian officers and learned quite a bit about this program. Mayor Pro Tern
Bradley felt this kind of program would benefit Boynton Beach and its residents.
There are over 3,000 volunteers in almost 80 different programs that are
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DECEJeER 6. 1994
operated county-wide. This is a purely civilian or resident-driven program;
however, it is run by the Police Department. It is very important for the
police to maintain control in a program like this. The civilians who par-
ticipate receive a lot of recognition. Mayor Pro Tern Bradley stated that it is
important for the volunteers to feel that they are not only making a difference,
but that their volunteer work is recognized. Mayor Pro Tern Bradley stated that
there is a certain size criteria (at least 350 homes in the community).
Mayor Pro Tern Bradley stated that the way to minimize crime is through police
involvement but more importantly, through involvement by residents. He believed
that crime will continue to be rampant unless residents experience ownership in
their communities. He stated that the Police Department does a wonderful job;
however, there is just no way to hire enough police officers to make sure that
everything is done. Unless we take our streets back, it is not going to happen.
Mayor Pro Tern Bradley stated that Mrs. Jenkins pointed out problems on Martin
Luther King Boulevard. Whether it is littering, 10itering, gambling or what-
ever, a citizens' group policing that area would have a great impact. It could
dovetail with an adopt-a-street program that focuses on litter.
Mayor Pro Tern Bradley said he left some infonmation with the Police Department
for circulation. The City Manager is going to review this infonmation. He will
report back to the Commission. He advised that there will be some financial
responsibility on the part of the City, i.e., the residents, but he felt it
would be worth every penny.
Commissioner Katz asked if this is the same program that the Palm Shores com-
munity participates in. Mayor Pro Tern Bradley answered affinmatively.
Commissioner Katz asked Mayor Pro Tern Bradley if he found out where the
residents of Palm Shores got the car and radios from. Mayor Pro Tern Bradley
explained that each circumstance is different. However, most of the vehicles
are recycled vehicles from the Sheriff1s Department or other police departments.
Commissioner Katz pointed out that the Sheriff's Department has a lot more cars
than we do. Furthenmore, the Boynton Beach Police Department sometimes recycles
its cars to other departments.
B. It.-s for discussion requested by Commissioner David Katz
1. Sponsoring Bryan Croft to the WOrld Police and Fire GImes
Commissioner Katz advised that Boynton Beach Firefighter Bryan Croft is a World
Class Anm Wrestler. The 1995 World Police and Fire Games are going to be held
between February 26th and March 4th in Australia. He would like the City to
sponsor Mr. Croft and pay his expenses to Australia. His expenses total approx-
imately $1,730.00. Commissioner Katz felt this would be good public relations
for the City.
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DECEMBER 6. 1994
Commissioner Aguila wondered what the implications would be if the City
sponsored Mr. Croft. He preferred that the City Manager report back to the City
Commission regarding the implications. Commissioner Katz pointed out that the
City has given money to Atlantic High School and others.
Commissioner Katz moved to direct the City to expend $1,730.00 to send Bryan
Croft to the 1995 World Police and Fire Games to represent the City. Mayor Pro
Tem Bradley seconded the motion, which carried 4-0.
2. Holiday Parade Route
Commissioner Katz does not think the Holiday Parade route should be changed.
However, he pointed out that some of the residents along Ocean Avenue would like
some assurances from the Police and the Recreation and Parks Department that
their property is going to be left the way it was before the start of the
parade, and that they will not experience any of the problems that they had
experienced last year. Mayor Hanmening asked about the nature of those
Charles Cox, 205 N. E. 3rd Street, said the lack of security last year was
appalling. This year, he requested the City to provide proper security in the
residential area of East Ocean Avenue, running east from the Civic Center, and
to accept the responsibility for any property damage that may occur during the
parade. He said last year the spectators ran through residential lawns, peeked
through windows, ran into homes, and abusad the residents. When the residents
called for help from the Police, they were told to call back; that the Police
were busy.
Commissioner Aguila asked if there are always officers manning each intersection
that is blocked off. Police Chief Thomas Dettman advised that each intersection
that is blocked off is not always manned by officers because of the lack of man-
power. He advised that over the past several years, the Police Department was
asked to cut back on overtime as much as possible. However, some of the posi-
tions previously staffed have been augmented with Police Explorers. This year,
Police presence will be increased along the East Ocean Avenue corridor. There
will be no less than six Police Officers and no more than ten assigned from the
Civic Center to U. S. '1. He stated that the Department will have to solicit
the assistance of the residents in the condominiums because the Police Officers
cannot be at all locations at the same time. Chi~f Dettman had not realized
there was a problem last year, since no incidents were reported.
Barbara Cox, 205 N. E. 3rd Street, stated that 205 N. E. 3rd Street was a
disaster area last year. Trash was scattered in the parking lot and people were
running through the courtyard. The residents had to struggle getting home
because of the barricaded streets and when they arrived home, their personal
parking spaces were taken by parade spectators. A knife was pulled on a busi-
ness owner. People were driving across the lawn, breaking the sprinklers.
There were broken windows and cut screens. Someone went into an open condo-
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DECEMBER 6. 1994
minium unit. There is no parking or sidewalks on 3rd Street. Last year, 3rd
Street was barricaded from Boynton Beach Boulevard. However, the spectators
drove around the barricades through the parking lot at the 400 Club. They came
in through the alley, which starts on 1st Avenue by the Fire Department and ends
on 3rd Street. On the Monday after the parade, the City picked up all the trash
on City property. However, they did not pick up the trash on private property.
Commissioner Katz asked Chief Dettman if anything can be done to solve some of
these problems. Chief Dettman stated that this is such a labor intensive
situation that the expenditure of City funds for overtime could become prohibi-
tive if we were to attack it agressively.
City Manager Parker advised that the street sweeper immediately starts on
Sunday. It goes on every street in the entire area where the parade has
traversed, and on the side streets. A hand crew then goes through and picks up
any trash in the swales and yards because the City assumes that any trash there
was generated by the parade. City Manager Parker said she personally drives the
area within two hours after the parade, before dark, to be sure that the trash
is picked up. If it is not, she calls the trash crew back to clean it up Sunday
night. The trash is not left there until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Cox advised that
there was trash in the buildings and on second floor balconies. City Manager
Parker advised that the City does not go into buildings or on second floor
Commissioner Aguila asked what damage to property and landscaping has been
reported to the City. City Manager Parker advised that no official claims have
ever been filed for broken windows or anything else.
A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
B. Ordinances - 1st Reading
1. Proposed Ordinance No. 094-38 Re: Annexation - Sausalito Groves
This item was stricken from the agenda.
2. Proposed Ordinance No. 094-39 Re: Land Use Element Amendment -
Sausal1to Groves...........................................TABLED
This item was stricken from the agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 094-40 Re:
Rezoning - Sausa11to Groves
This item was stricken from the agenda.
- 14 -
DECEMBER 6. 1994
4. Proposed Ordinance No. 094-52 Re: Fire Pension Stock Option
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 094-52 by title only.
Commissioner Aguila moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 094-52 on first
reading. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled by
the City Clerk. The motion carried 4-0.
C. Resolutions
1. Proposed Resolution No. R94-200 Re: Release of surety for C & M
Builders - 1520 Neptune Drive
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R94-200 by title only. He
advised that this is a release of $8,294.00.
Commissioner Aguila moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R94-200. Mayor Pro
Tem Bradley seconded the motion, which carried 4-0.
2. Proposed Resolution No. R94-201 Re: Release of surety for
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R94-201 by title only. He
advised that this is a release of a cash bond of $6,655.00.
Mayor Pro Tem Bradley moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R94-201.
Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which carried 4-0.
3. Proposed Resolution No. R94-202 Re: Intent to assume landscape
maintenance for the I-95/Boynton Beach Interchange
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R94-202 by title only.
Mayor Hanmening stated that all the landscaping recently put in the City looks
City Manager Parker advised that this is a DOT project. They are going to spend
$500,000.00 on landscaping the 1-95 Boynton Beach Boulevard approaches,
including the area in front of the Holiday Inn.
Charles Frederick, Director of Recreation and Parks, advised that DOTls original
rendition, in tenms of landscaping, did not include a lot of massing or colorful
flowering trees and plants, or a pennanent irrigation system. Staff met with
DOT officials and asked them to add all of those items in so that we could have
more of a lush looking program. If the Commission has any suggestions, he will
- 15 -
DECEMBER 6. 1994
relay them to DOT. DOT is about 80 percent complete in their design program.
Therefore, the City needs to make some quick requests if it decides to do so.
Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist, displayed and reviewed the new ren-
Commissioner Aguila asked how the landscaping will be irrigated. Mr. Hallahan
advised that the architect is proposing a submersible well. He stated that
staff will review the contract to make sure City and State requirements are met.
Commissioner Katz asked if this is the same kind of deal that enabled Del ray
Beach to have the interchange done at Atlantic Avenue. Mr. Frederick believes
they did that primarily through a bond issue. This is strictly DOT money.
There are three of these projects in the County--Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Beach
Lakes, and Boynton Beach.
Commissioner Katz asked how we can get DOT to do Woolbright Road. City Manager
Parker advised that Mayor Hanmening handled this two years ago when he was on
the MPO, and the MPO had worked with DOT to get these intersections done. They
plan to start construction in June or July, 1995. We need to start lobbying and
discuss Woolbright Road through the MPO. Mayor Pro Tern Bradley is presently our
MPO representative.
Mr. Hallahan said the original contract calls for a 90 day maintenance period
(July, August and September). The City would have to assume maintenance the
next fiscal year.
Commissioner Aguila agreed that some of our landscape areas are looking very
sickly and need some personal attention. Mr. Frederick asked for specific
areas. Mayor Hanmening advised that North Federal Highway is one of the areas.
Commissioner Aguila asked if the Yellow Tabs can be substituted, since they are
messy. Mayor Hanmening pointed out that Royal Poincianas are also messy and do
not survive in stonms.
Commissioner Aguila moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R94-202. Mayor Pro
Tern Bradley seconded the motion, which carried 4-0.
4. Proposed Resolution No. R94-203 Re: Authorize execution of
Interlocal Emergency Services Agreement between governmental
agencies in Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R94-203 by title only. He
pointed out some unique provisions of this agreement.
On page 4, the parties to the agreement are not as yet identified anywhere in
the body of the agreement. The parties will be those other governmental enti-
ties that sign on either before tonight, tonight, or at some point in the
- 16 -
DECEMBER 6. 1994
Additionally, paragraph 12 on page 12 deals with justified failure to respond.
Although the agreement does not provide that there is no liability for failure
to assist, the language of this section implies that there may be liability for
failure to respond.
With regard to paragraph 14 on page 13, if we are the requesting party, we would
be responsible for damage to equipment from any responding party.
With regard to failure to respond, Commissioner Aguila asked City Attorney
Cherof for his recommendation. City Attorney Cherof felt language could be
added. The problem is that it is difficult to know who to channel those changes
through. We do not know what parties have signed to date. There is no record
being kept of who is signing when.
Fire Chief Floyd Jordan recommended that we enter into this agreement. He
stated that Boynton Beach has a good Fire Department; however, there are many
hazards within the City, such as hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and lumber
yards. We can handle those initially, but we do not have the type of resources
that most fire departments within Palm Beach County have to handle a second call
in the event that we are at the scene of a major emergency, nor do we have the
resources if it is such an emergency that it is going to require our total
resources for a long period of time.
Mayor Hanmening asked how much it would cost the City if the County backs us up.
Chief Jordan stated that presently, we have a mutual aid agreement with Palm
Beach County and the City of Del ray Beach. In those agreements, there are
allowances in the event that the responding party suffers damage or loss of
equipment. For instance, recently, we had a chemical leak in the Village of
Golf. As a result, we requested mutual aid from Del ray Beach. Del ray Beach
utilized some equipment which was one-time use equipment and had to be replaced.
As a result, they requested that we replace that equipment, which we did.
Chief Jordan advised that there is another issue coming up in Palm Beach County.
He had discussed it with the Fire Chief of Palm Beach County and is waiting for
the Fire Chief's request for reimbursement so he can evaluate it. Chief Jordan
said it looks like we are going to turn it down when we get it because of our
mutual aid agreement with Palm Beach County.
Mayor Hanmening felt the Village of Golf should reimburse Del ray Beach, not
Boynton Beach. Chief Jordan explained that we have a contractual agreement to
provide service to the Village of Golf. However, the Town Manager of the
Village of Golf will attempt to get reimbursement for us through their
Commissioner Aguila asked City Attorney Cherof what it is that he is concerned
about in the failure to respond clause that he thinks might make the City
liable. He asked if it was too arbitrary as to who decides the justification
for not responding. City Attorney Cherof stated that by listing three criteria
by which you are not responsible or liable, implies that any category of
- 17 -
DECEMBER 6, 1994
nonresponse, except those three, creates liability or responsibility. He felt
that could be clarified simply by the inclusion of a clause indicating that
paragraph 12 would not be construed to create any liability for a nonresponding
party, for any reason.
City Attorney Cherof felt the Commission can move this forward tonight by
approving it with that change. We would only be a participant if all the other
entities agree to either ratify or add that language.
Mayor Pro Tem Bradley moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R94-203, subject
to City Attorney Cherof's comments. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion,
which carried 4-0.
5. Proposed Resolution No. R94-204 Re: Supporting Application for
Historic Preservation Grant for site surveys
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R94-204 by title only.
Commissioner Aguila moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R94-204.
Commissioner Katz seconded the motion.
Mayor Hanmening asked about the match on this grant. City Manager Parker stated
that the City Commission previously instructed staff not to apply for any grants
unless no matching funds were required. This is the only grant we could find.
It does require an in-kind match of approximately 50 percent, which would be
Mayor Hanmening pointed out that an in-kind match is still a match.
Mayor Pro Tern Bradley asked if volunteer services could be used. City Manager
Parker answered affinmatively.
The motion carried 3-1. Mayor Hanmening cast the dissenting vote.
6. Proposed Resolution No. R94-205 Re: Authorize execution of
agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and various local
police agencies providing for the use of the City's Hogans Alley
Fireanms Scenario Training
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R94-205 by title only.
Commissioner Aguila moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R94-205.
Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which carried 4-0.
- 18 -
DECEMBER 6. 1994
D. Other
1. Approve settlement of Preston and Timothy Blackmon Claim
City Manager Parker advised that this is a claim in the amount of $27,500.00.
Mr. Hawkins added that the $27,500.00 includes the plaintiff's attorney's fees.
We have to pay our own attorneys $51,724.00.
Commissioner Aguila moved approval of this item. Mayor Pro Tem Bradley seconded
the motion, which carried 4-0.
2. Report on the St. Juste Code Enforcement Litigation
City Attorney Cherof reported that the St. Juste Code Enforcement Board lien
case, involving some property in the north end, went to trial. We were unable
to settle that case prior to trial or on the day of trial, although we made an
offer to penmit the property owner to bring the property into compliance, pay
the attorney fees that the City has incurred, and pay a minimal fine on the
property. The case went to trial and a judgment was entered in favor of the
City for somewhere in the neighborhood of $350,000.00 in accrued code enforce-
ment liens on the property. The property owner's counterclaim against the City
for slander of title was also a judgment in favor of the City. The next step is
a foreclosure sale at the end of this month, where the City could have the op-
portunity to acquire the property for its infill program or to sell it for any
other purpose. This property owner has other property within the City that is
not homestead property. City Attorney Cherof has every expectation of collect-
ing the judgment in full.
A. Approval of Bus Graphics
City Manager Parker advised that she contacted A Fuller Functional Arts about
bus stop sign logos and brochures. A Fuller Functional Arts is the graphic art
finm that has done work for the City of West Palm Beach. They provided us with
some preliminary graphics, which have been changed to incorporate the sailfish
marlin logo that is in the City seal, as opposed to the dolphins that the
Commission saw previously. She requested authority to have the design pro-
cessed. The cost would be approximately $3,000.00 per bus and $60.00 per route
sign. The cost of the brochures will be detenmined after the bus route is in
operation for about two months in case any changes to the route are desired.
Then the color brochures will be done at that point.
In response to Commissioner Katz, City Manager Parker said the consensus was to
go with the continuous window panel all the way across, and not the postcard
- 19 -
DECEMBER 6, 1994
In response to Mayor Harmening, City Manager Parker advised that this will dif-
ferentiate our buses from any CoTran bus on the road.
In response to Mayor Pro Tern Bradley, City Manager Parker advised that the logo
will have components of the City seal, but it will not be the City seal.
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting
properly adjourned at a:20 P. M.
Vice Mayor
Mayor Pro Tern
City Clerk
(Two Tapes)
- 20 -
ON TUESDAY. JANUARY 10. 1995. AT 7:00 P.M.
Gary Lehnertz, Chainman
Stanley Dube, Vice Chainman
Jim Golden
Tom Walsh
Bradley Weigle
Maurice Rosenstock
Pat Frazier, Alternate
Tambri Heyden, Planning and
Zoning Director
Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner
Vice Chainman Dube called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m., and led the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag.
This item is addressed later in the meeting.
Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the agenda as presented. Mr. Walsh seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Chainman Lehnertz arrived for the meeting.
Chairman Lehnertz introduc~d the members of the Board.
Vice Chainman Dube moved to approve the minutes of the December 13, 1994
meeting as submitted. Mr. Rosenstock seconded the motion, which carried
A. Report frOl the Planning and Zoning Department
1. Final Disposition of Last Month's Agenda Items
Ms. Heyden reminded the members that five (5) agenda items were addressed last
month. Two of the items were master plan modifications for Woolbright Place and
Bethesda Memorial Hospital. Those two items did not move forward to the City
Commission since they are disposed of at the Planning and Development Board.
Listed below is the final disposition of the remaining three (3) items addressed by
the Board at its December 13th meeting:
- 1 -
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JANUARY 10. 1995
1. Sears Auto Center - This project went before the City Commis-
sion on December 20th. With four Commissioners in attendance,
a 2-2 vote resulted, which is neither considered a denial or
an approval. The project did not move forward. At the
January 3rd City Commission, Mayor Pro Tem Bradley requested
that the project be reconsidered. With five Commissioners
present, the project was approved subject to staff comments,
with the exception of construction of the wall. In lieu of
the wall, additional landscaping along the north property line
and the northeast property line were required. Further, the
City Commission has required that the dumpster enclosure be
widened to accommodate the second dumpster.
John B. lander
Woolbri ht Professio al Center
Woolbr. ght Road at .W.D.D. E-
sout est corner
Req st for a map' amendment the F ture Lan Use
El ent of the prehensiv Plan f m Office Com-
m cial to Loc Retail Co erc;al nd rezon ng
t om C-1 (Offi e/Professio all to -2 (Neig borhood
r. Rumpf mad the present tion. The c rent design tion re tricts d
to office an professiona businesses, hereas the oposed zoning wo
allow small commercial f cilities of a retail con v ience
- 2 -
DECEMBER 13. 1994
Chainman Lehnertz advised that. every year the City of Boynton Beach recognizes
the fact that the Board members spend their personal time and energy to help out
the City by serving on a Board. The City treated the members to a very enjoy-
able dinner and issued Certificates of Appreciation for each member. Chainman
Lehnertz distributed the Certificates.
Chainman Lehnertz introduced the Board members.
1. Project Name:
Sears Auto Center
John B. Smith Engineers, Inc.
Boynton - JCP Associates, LTD.
Northeast corner of the Boynton Beach Mall,
directly south of the C-16 Canal
Request for conditional use approval to construct
a 21,696 square foot automotive service center
and associated parking and landscaping.
Mr. Haag made the presentation. The Land Use Plan Designation is Local Retail
Commercial (LRC). The Zoning District is C-3. This is a fee simple building.
Sears will own the building of 21,696 square feet. The leased outparcel site is
100,455 square feet (2.3 acres).
The Mall property is a development of_regional impact (DRI) which was approved
in Palm Beach County when Resolution R74-343 was adopted on May 7, 1974. The
property was annexed into the City under Ordinance No. 82-38 on November 16,
1982. Along with the property, the City took on the conditions of the
Development Order. The automotive service aspect of the property was part of a
special exception which occurred on September 12, 1978, prior to the City
annexing the property. The original Development Order was for 1,108,000 square
feet of gross leasable floor area.
.Through the approvals and building of the Mall, they had a previous approval for
a third floor for Macy's. The third floor was never built. The square footage
from that third floor is being used for the Sears Automotive Center. There is a
remaining balance of between 20,000 and 30,000 square feet. One of staff's com-
ments is that they are to update the plan to supply the correct remaining square
footage on the site.
The surrounding land uses and zoning are as follows:
- 3 -
DECEMBER 13, 1994
North - C-16 Canal and Palm Beach County property and Savannah Lakes
apartment complex;
East - commercial development zoned C-3;
South - Mall parking area zoned C-3;
West - Mall parking area zoned C-3
When the City Commission, Planning and Development Board, and staff review con-
ditional uses, they use twelve (12) standards for evaluation purposes.
1. Ingress/egress into the site is off the Mall loop road. Almost
all of the construction is within the Mall loop road.
2. Parking surrounds the building. There is a service court in the
rear and there will be some loading in front of the building when
batteries are loaded. :
The parking spaces provided by the service center are equa~to, or
greater than what they need just for the particular use, without
involving any of the parking spaces on the remainder of the site.
The service doors for the project are located on the south side of
the building; therefore shielding it from the residential property
to the north.
3. The service area and dumpster location are acceptable to the Public
Works Department. Staff is concerned about the impact of the
service court dumpster on the residential properties to the north.
4. Atl site utilities are available.
5. The plan meets the Landscape Code requirements which include vehicle
use area hedging around the parking area. Staff has recommended that
a six-foot high buffer wall ~e placed along the north property line
to further shield the service area and dumpster court. In addition,
further landscaping is recommended to go continually along the north
property line to the west property line of the Mall property. This
would be a hedge. This is a basic requirement from the Landscape
6. The signs were reviewed and the Building Department has a comment
regarding the square footage of the signs. Staff has recommended
that the site lighting poles be shielded so as not to glare off
to the north.
7. The building is well within the setback requirements.
- 4 -
DECEMBER 13. 1994
8. This use is compatible with other properties in the zoning district.
This building is not subject to the Community Design Plan; however,
it does meet the Modern design district requirements. The color of
the building will blenQ with the main shopping center buildings.
9. The height of the building will not exceed a maximum of 241.
10. The auto center will benefit the Mall because it will attract some
additional traffic which will benefit other Mall establishments.
This will result in a positive economic effect on adjacent
property and the City.
11. This application has followed the site plan procedures.
12. This use must meet the perfonmance standards section of the Boynton
Beach Noise Control Ordinance and must abate nuisances and hazards.
There were only three departments with comments. Those departments are
Utilities, Engineering/Building, and Planning and Zoning.
Staff reviewed the project and has recommended that this conditionaJ use be
approved subject to staff comments and recommendations and modification of the
penmit plans to reflect compliance with those comments.
Mr. Golden referred to Mike Haag's memorandum to Ms. Heyden dated December 6,
1994, wherein his recommendation includes a remark relative to the City Attorney
reviewing the landscape and wall issues. He inquired as to whether or not a
response had been received from the City Attorney. Mr. Haag responded nega-
Vice Chainman Dube pointed out that the dumpster area is la' x 12' and it is too
small to accommodate the additional dumpster for cardboard. A discussion in
this regard was conducted at the City Commission Workshop meeting. Although the
change ha! not yet been made in the Code, he feels we should begin to require a
larger area to accommodate both dumpsters. Mr. Haag agreed with Vice Chainman
Dube's remarks, and stated that the Board could make a recommendation to this
Mr. Weigle referred to Comment '5 on Page 3 of Planning and Zoning Department.
Memorandum '94-330. In his opinion, he cannot understand how staff can justify
a small project such as this one having to plant such a great deal of hedging.
Sears does not own the Mall. He supports Sears having to screen their own
building, but feels requiring them to screen the entire north side of the Mall
property is just too much to ask of them.
Mr. Haag advised that this property is owned by the Mall. Sears will own the
building. The requirement he references in Comment IS is the basic requirement
for vehicle use area screening. When the Mall was built, this requirement was
not in place.
Chainman Lehnertz pointed out that the Mall is the applicant. Mr. Weigle
explained that Sears will be paying for the landscaping.
- 5 -
DECEMBER 13, 1994
Bob Smith, 400 NE 3rd Avenue. Fort Lauderdale. said the applicant has no objec-
tions to any of the recommendations with the exception of the wall. They do not
feel it is warranted for the property since the entire Mall does not have a wall
and it is zoned similarly. One of the unusual features of this property which
abuts residential property is that the canal right-of-way is 210'. There is
approximately 250' from the apartments to this complex. The applicant has no
problems with the recommendation for planting additional trees and shrubs to aid
in screening. In their opinion, such a wall would invite graffiti. They feel
the residents across the canal would have more of a problem with graffiti than
looking at the building. He requested that additional trees and shrubs be added
in lieu of the wall itself.
Chainman Lehnertz asked if that would include the hedge along the entire north
side of the property. Mr. Smith said he could not speak directly for the Mall,
but if it is a condition, and in lieu of the wall, he is sure they will put the
extra money into the planting of the hedge.
Mr. Smith said this use will not generate cardboard since it is servtce repair.
It deals with tires, batteries, mechanical work on cars and appliance repairs.
If any cardboard is generated, it can be stored in the tire storagerarea.
Vice Chainman Dube noted that if the dumpster area was made wider; it would
cause problems because part of the roadway would have to be removed.
In response to Vice Chainman Dube's question, Mr. Smith stated that the truck -
court is only for loading and unloading of tires. Mr. Smith said the Board has
the option of restricting deliveries during the hours of the Mall operation.
This will probably be a once-a-week type of operation.
Chainman Lehnertz asked Mr. Smith to explain the services which will be provided
at this center. Mr. Smith advised that this is strictly tires, batteries and
general mechanical. There will be fluid additions, but there will be no fluid
exchanges at this site. There will be ten (10) to twelve (12) service racks in
one large bay. Mr. Smith said the application went through the environmental
review process and was approved.
Chainman Lehnertz requested that the mulch be restricted to a non-Cypress type
mulch. Mr. Smith had no problem with that request.
Mr. Weigle expressed concerns about the recommendation for the six foot wall.
He did not feel this was a requirement and pointed out that a wall already
exists at the condos. He feels the applicant should be required to have land-
scaping, but does not believe the applicant should be required to plant hedges
the entire length of the parking lot. Mr. Weigle does not feel this is a sub-
stantial change to the design since it has been i~ place since the inception
when no hedges were required. To require this project to support hedges along
the entire north property line is too much to ask. With regard to the buffer
wall, he cannot understand forcing an applicant to put this in when it is not in
the Code.
- 6 -
DECEMBER 13, 1994
Mr. Golden questioned whether or not a 6' buffer wall exists across the canal
for Carriage Homes. Ms. Heyden and Mr. Haag responded negatively. Mr. Haag
said there is a wall which separates Carriage Homes and Savannah Lakes from
Catalina Center, and one on the west property line of the Mall property.
Chainman Lehnertz explained that with conditional use applications, the City
has, on occasion, put forward additional requirements which are not necessarily
enclosed within the Code, to make the development fit in better with the sur-
rounding land uses and make it more aesthetically. pleasing for the surrounding
Mr. Weigle pointed out that it does not appear that this is a big deal to the
surrounding residents since none of them showed up at this meeting.
Chainman Lehnertz announced that a letter was received from a resident. Mr.
Haag explained that this property is in the County. Mr. Weigle said he does not
understand what property this person is referring to, and furthenmore, this
property is not within the City. Vice Chainman Dube said she refers ~o the Mall
traffic devaluing her property, but the traffic is almost all within~the City.
Mr. Haag said every property owner within 400' received a notice. .~
Mr. Weigle feels this letter is moot, and if the surrounding residents were
interested in a buffer wall, they would have attended this meeting. If the
people had come out to argue for the wall, he would better understand the need
for it. Chainman Lehnertz feels it is the Board's responsibility to represent
the people even when they cannot attend the meetings.
Chainman Lehnertz agreed with Mr. Smith's remark regarding the fact that because
of the distance between the residences to the north and this project, a 6' wall
will not make a great deal of difference. However, he reminded the Board that
the applicant does not have a problem with planting hedges across the entire
north end of this property in place of the wall. Chainman Lehnertz feels this
would be very useful.
Ms. Heyden explained that the only reason there is any doubt about the land-
scaping and buffer wall being a requirement is whether or not the DRI supersedes
the City's Code requirements. The dRI -included a very conceptual master plan
which showed the general layout of the buildings. It did not require the level
of detail required at site plan stage. She does not believe these issues were
addressed at the DRI, and does not believe it was appropriate to address them at
that time. The only reason there is a wall on the west side of this property is
that when the DRI was approved, the residents who live on the west side of that
wall were very vocal and the County required the wall. Our Code does require a
wall and landscaping. This application is a major modification to the Mall and
it requires compliance with the Landscape Code.
Chainman Lehnertz said he attended some of the meetings Ms. Heyden referred to
and the reason the wall was erected was as a result of residents' concerns.
- 7 -
DECEMBER 13. 1994
In response to Mr. Golden's question, Ms. Heyden said Carriage Homes is a rental
complex. He then pointed out that the property owners received the notices and
not the tenants. That might be a reason why none of the residents were present
for this meeting. Mr. Haag advised that the City posts signs at the project
advertising the meeting.
In Mr. Walsh's opinion, it is the Board's duty to do whatever is necessary to
protect the residents in rentals or individual residences. The privacy issue is
extremely important and the Board should ensure that the developers respect
those rights of privacy to the neighbors. Whether it is a wall or landscaping,
the developer should be obliged to comply.
Ms. Heyden explained that the City should be looking out for the citizens of
Palm Beach County as well as the residents of the City. The mobile home park to
the north is contiguous to the City. The City has been struggling with its
annexation program. It is important to show these residents that the City is .
concerned about Palm Beach County residents.
Vice Chainman Dube commended Mr. Haag for Page 12 of the back-up material. As
president of a homeowners' association, if he was in this circumstarlce, he would
have wanted Mr. Haag's recommendations for the protection of the residents.
Mr. Weigle pointed out that everything the Board does is a compromise. If the
applicant is willing to install the hedges for the entire length, he does not
see why the City should require him to install a six-foot wall. Furthenmore, a
six-foot wall is an arbitrary height. He feels everything must be considered
including protection of the residents as well as requiring the applicant to meet
excessive requirements. A good compromise would be the trade-off of no wall and
installation of a hedge on the entire north property line.
Mr. Golden moved to recommend approvaJ of the conditional use application for
the Sears Auto Center submitted by John B. Smith Engineers, Inc., to construct a
21,694 square foot automotive service center and associated parking and land-
scaping, subject to staff comments \ncl~ding the use of non-Cypress mulch. Vice
Chainman Dube seconded the motion.
Mr. Weigle asked for clarification on whether or not this motion is subject to
all staff comments and recommendation. Mr. Golden responded affinmatively.
Vice Chainman Dube said that in recommending the staff comments, the Attorney
will make a detenmination.
Mr. Haag suggested that since the applicant suggested he would add additional
landscaping if there is not going to be a wall on the north property line, that
should be a supplemental recommendation if the City Attorney deems the wall is
not necessary.
- 8 -
DECEMBER 13. 1994
lmend.d Motion
Mr. Golden amended his motion to include a recommendation for additional land-
scaping along the north property boundary if the City Attorney ascertains that
the buffer wall is not required. Vice Chainman Dube seconded the amended
motion, which carried unanimously.
2. Project Name:
Location: ..
Th. V1nings It Boynton B.ICh
CCL Consultants, Inc.
Howard R. Scharlin, Trustee
East side of SW 8th Street, approximately
1,400 feet north of Woolbright Road
Request for abandonment of a 12 foot wide
utility easement that runs approximately
200 feet east of and along SW 8th Street.
Mr. Haag made the presentation. This easement is located in the Woolbright
Place PUD. Mr. Haag used the overhead projector to display drawin~ of this
A City sewer force main was put in place when the' property was platted for
single-family homes. The easement worked its way north and over to Lift Station
#603 which is a major part of the force main for sewage for all of the property
to the south and west of it. There are connections at Woolbright Road entering
the force main which lead to the Lift Station. During the development of the
Tradewinds project, a new Lift Station was recommended and the City and devel-
oper shared the cost of construction for a new Lift Station which is very close
to the old Lift Station.
The new force main will eventually connect into the existing force main at
Woolbright Road. The sewage coming trom the development to the southeast has
been rerouted into existing Lift Stations on the property to the south. The
sewer and force main which goes along Woolbright Road and was feeding the old
Lift Station is no longer needed. .
Staff recommends approval of the request for abandonment of the easement. There
were no objections from Engineering, Utilities, or Planning and Zoning. The
easement is located within the property owned by the applicant. There were no
objections by the outside utility companies. The only requirement placed on
this is that prior to the abandonment receiving City Commission resolution
approval, the City Utilities Department must receive the Health Department
approval that the new force main in the south end is acceptable to City
standards as well as Palm Beach County Health Department. This should occur
within the next three or four days. When that happens, the applicant can remove
all of the old force main. The old Lift Station will be removed when Phase II
is developed.
- 9 -
DECEMBER 20. 1~9~
Sears Auto Center
John B. Smith Engineers, Inc.
Boynton - JCP Associates, Ltd.
Northeast corner of the Boynton Beach Mall,
directly south of the C-16 Canal
CONDITIONAL USE: Request for conditional use
approval to construct a 21,694 square foot
automotive service center and associated
parking and landscaping
Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, made the presentation. This;s a
building for purchase on a leased outparcel. The zoning district is C-3.
A. Project Name:
The surrounding land uses and zoning involve the C-16 Canal on the north, and
Congress Lakes PUD farther north; a Mall drainage pond on the east; and Mall
property to the south and west. .
In reviewing the standards for evaluating conditional uses, Ms. Heyden discussed
only the more important standards. With regard to ingress/egress, the outparcel
has two.access driveways. Due to the location of the building, the additional
traffic which will be generated will be more evenly distributed.
With regard to off-street parking and loading areas, there is a surplus of
parking spaces. Ninety-nine (99) spaces will be provided, while only eighty-
seven (87) are required.
All automotive services will be provided within the building. There are two (2)
service bays.
There is dumpster location and service court on the north property line. Staff
recommends further buffering those areas. Staff has recommended the installa-
tion of a six foot (61) high buffer wall along the C-16 Canal and landscape
hedges along the entire north property line of the Mall. Since this property is
in a separate outparcel, whenever a major modification comes in, our Codes kick
in for parking, etc.
Staff is recommending that the lighting be shielded from the residential proper-
ties to the north.
Ms. Heyden displayed a colored elevation and stated that staff feels the design
of this building is generally compatible with the Mall buildings.
The Planning and Development Board recommended approval of this project subject
to staff comments and recommendations. They recommended the use of non-Cypress
mulch. Further, if the Commission decides not to require the buffer wall, then
additional landscaping should be provided by the applicant. The applicant
agreed to that condition at the Planning and Development Board meeting.
- 10 -
DECEMBER 20. 1994
Commissioner Aguila moved to approve the conditional use subject to staff com-
ments and recommendations exclusive of the wall on the north property line and
with the provisions of a wider dumpster area to provide for a recycling bin.
Vice Mayor Matson moved to approve Sears Auto Center subject to all staff com-
ments, the enlarged dumpster, and subject to the building of the six foot (61)
wall and the landscaping. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion.
Robert Smith of John B. Smith Engineers, 400 NE 3rd Avenue, Ft. lauderdale, said
there is confusion on the wall issue since this issue never arose until the last
comments prior to the Planning and Development Board meeting. The Technical
Review Committee never mentioned this issue. Mr. Smith said this project is
over 250' in distance from any residential property. Furthenmore, Ms. Heyden
advised that she was seeking an opinion from the City Attorney on whether or not
the wall can be required. Mr. Smith has not received any correspondence with a
detenmination from the Attorney.
Mayor Hanmening advised that the City Commission can put conditions on a con-
ditional use.
Mr. Smith advised that this center was brought into the City as part of an
annexation. There has always been development shown on this outparcel. In his
opinion, this is not a major modification since it is less than 2% of the
entire Mall. The applicant has agreed to add additional landscaping, but there
is no purpose for a buffer wall since the project is over 250' from any resi-
The motion failed 1-3. (Mayor Hanmening, and Commissioners Aguila and Katz cast
the dissenting votes.)
Commissioner Aguila moved to approve the conditional use subject to staff com-
ments and recommendations exclusive of the construction of a wall on the north
property line but including the additional landscaping on the north property
line and a wider dumpster area to allow for the recycling container.
The Vinings at Boynton Beach
CCl Consultants, Inc.
Howard R. Scharlin, Trustee
East side of SW 8th Street, approximately
1,400 feet north of Woolbright Road
ABANDONMENT: Request for abandonment of a
12 foot wide utility easement that runs ap-
proximately 200 feet east of and along SW 8th
B. Project Name:
- 12 -
DECEMBER 20, 1994
Mayor Harmening pointed out that one letter of objection was received. Ms.
Heyden used the map to point out the location of that property owner on Old
Boynton Road.
Commissioner Aguila feels a buffer wall is unnecessary, but agrees that the
additional landscaping and hedges would be a good addition.
Vice Mayor Matson asked for confirmation from Ms. Heyden that the work done on
these premises will be performed in the bays. Ms. Heyden confirmed this fact
and stated that that is a requirement of the Zoning Code. Vice Mayor Matson
would support this project with the buffer wall on the northern location where
the property abuts Congress Lakes.
Commissioner Katz feels there is no need for another automotive repair center in
Boynton Beach, especially in this location. Sears has automotive centers in
Boca, West Palm Beach, and Pompano which are no where near residences. A pre-
vious Commission approved the zoning change to allow this project to come forth.
Commissioner Katz is opposed to this project; however, if it is approved,
perhaps the applicant would create a landscape benm to further shield the
Commissioner Aguila feels the buffer wall is an unnecessary expense when a
landscape buffer will do just as well. He does not feel this project will be
any more burdensome to the surrounding community. This is an attractive
building and because of where it is, what it is and the likelihood of nothing
else going in there, he is comfortable with the project. He did point out,
however, that the dumpster needs to be lar.ger to accommodate the recycling
In response to Vice Mayor Matson1s question, Ms. Heyden advised that the appli-
cant has not approved the wall. The applicant does not have a problem with the
landscaping, and in lieu of the wall, they have suggested additional land-
Vice Mayor Matson is concerned about the noise which will be generated inside
the bays and the residents being able to see the work being done. The residents
in the apartments behind this project should be given the same consideration as
anyone owning an individual home.
Commissioner Katz feels this project should be considered two miles farther
south on Congress Avenue in the location of Tire Kingdom. This Mall does not
call for an automotive repair center.
Mayor Harmening feels there is no need for a wall in this case because of the
distance from the project to the residences.
Commissioner Aguila pointed out that a wall might be more likely to ricochet
sounds across the Canal.
Vice Mayor Matson said she received telephone calls from the residents and many
were not in favor of this project. They would be a little more comfortable with
it if the wall were erected.
- 11 -
JANUARY 10. 1995
1. Sears Auto Center - This project went before the City Commis-
sion on December 20th. With four Commissioners in attendance,
a 2-2 vote resulted, which is neither considered a denial or
an approval. The project did not move forward. At the
January 3rd City Commission, Mayor Pro Tern Bradley requested
that the project be reconsidered. With five Commissioners
present, the project was approved subject to staff comments,
with the exception of construction of the wall. In lieu of
the wall, additional landscaping along the north property line
and the northeast property line were required. Further, the
City Commission has required that the dumpster enclosure be
widened to accommodate the second dumpster.
2. Abandonment for the V1n1ngs - This abandonment was unanimously
approved by the Commission subject to staff comments.
3. C1trus Park T1me Extens10n - The City Commission approved the
six-month time extension subject to staff comments.
B. F1ling of Quarterly Report for Site Plan Wa1vers and M1nor S1te
Plan Modifications
There were no questions from the members with regard to the filing of the
Quarterly Report for Site Plan Waivers and Minor Site Plan Modifications.
Woolbright Profess10nal Center
John B. Glander
Woolbright Professional Center (partnership)
Woolbright Road at L.W.D.D. E-4 Canal,
southwest corner
Request for a map amendment to the Future Land Use
Element of the Comprehensive Plan from Office Com-
mercial to Local Retail Commercial and rezoning
from C-1 (Office/Professional) to C-2 (Neighborhood
1. Project Name:
Mr. Rumpf made the presentation. The current designation restricts development
to office and professional businesses, whereas the proposed zoning would also
allow small commercial facilities of a retail convenience nature.
- 2 -
JANUARY 3. 1995
Charlotte Wright. 23 Crossing Circle. advised that on December 30, 1994, she
contacted the Police Department for a copy of a vehicle accident report. At
that time, she was told there was a warrant for her arrest, but the officer
could not tell her why the warrant had been issued. At the Police Department,
she was advised that her bond was $100, but she would be released with a payment
of $10. She alleges that the Police Sergeant who fingerprinted her cursed her,
and pushed her to the ground.
Andre St. Juste. 925 Greenbriar Drive. owned the property at 440 NE 14th Avenue.
He explained that he fixed a small leak at that property for a cost of $21.80.
The City of Boynton Beach fined him $200. He was unaware of the fine and it was
accruing for over a year. The lien amounted to $318,000. His choices were
either to pay the lien or the City would foreclose. Mr. St. Juste questioned
how the City could assess a lien which grew to $318,000 because he repaired a
$21.80 leak. The City of Boynton Beach advised him that a permit was required
to repair the leak. That permit would have cost him $500. He did not pull the
permit and was cited by Code Enforcement. He claims he never received notifica-
tion of the lien and feels it is unfair that he lost his property worth $50,000.
In response to Vice Mayor Matson's question, City Manager Parker advised that
this judgment lien went before the Code Enforcement Board and City Commission.
The City took this case to court, and the judge ruled in the City's favor. It
was foreclosed approximately two weeks ago.
Mayor Harmening advised that if Mr. St. Juste had not ignored the Code Enforce-
ment lien, the end result might have been different.
A. Items requested for reconsideration by Mayor Pro Tem Matt Bradley
Sears Auto Center
John B. Smith Engineers, Inc.
Boynton - JCP Associates, Ltd.
Northeast corner of the Boynton Beach Mall,
directly south of the C-16 Canal
CONDITIONAL USE: Request for conditional use
approval to construct a 21,694 square foot
automotive service center and associated parking
and landscaping
Mayor Pro Tem Bradley advised that he has some questions about this application.
1. Project Name:
Commissioner Katz pointed out that a motion is needed to reconsider this case.
In Mayor Harmening's opinion, he felt this case was on the agenda in error since
Mayor Pro Tem Bradley was not at the meeting when this case was considered.
Therefore, he does not have the privilege of reconsidering it. However, because
it was included on the agenda, he offered the Commissioners the opportunity to
make a motion to reconsider it.
- 6 -
JANUARY 3, 1995
In response to Mayor Harmening's question, Mr. Fisher reported that the new bus
service went well today with the exception of a lot of informational complaints.
Mayor Harmenin
February 4, 199
Mayor H~rmening commended Ms. Halpin for the excellent job she did in organizing
the HOli~ Parade.
'. Proclllllliltlon - Cathollc Schools Week - January ~hrO"gh
February 4, 1995 /
a Proclamation declaring the week of ;~nuary 29 through
Catholic Schools Week. ;1
el 1995 Various Vehicles - Pur~hase of three fifteen (15)
passenger ns for the Parks and Recreat,on Department, and three
fifteen (15 passenger vans for the Police Department in the amount
of $120,831. '
The Tabulation Committee r commends awarding th, bid to Ocala Motors, Inc., of
Oca1a, Florida, in the amou t of $20,138.50 ea~h, for a total of $120,831.
Two bids were received and th Public Works Eepartment reviewed all paperwork
submitted by both companies. hey determined Oca1a Motors, Inc. to be the
lowest, most responsive, respon ible bidder, who meets and exceeds all specifi-
cations, and exceeds options of red on Syate Contract.
Funds are available in Account #5 -1937~-688.00.
Mayor Matson seconded the motion,
Commissioner Aguila moved to
which carried unanimously.
Dick Albrecht of Delray Beach, said he is finane'ally interested in seven prop-
erties in Boynton Beach in the Rolling Green Ridg area. There is a tremendous
amount of traffic congestidn at East Palm Drive. at congestion involves
people running back and frth to cars, with others eeding away. He has spoken
with the City Manager's 0 fice and the Police Depart nt. He requested the
Commission's assistance i stopping this problem.
Henrietta Solomon, 230 NE 26th Avenue, asked where the bus stops are on Gateway
Boulevard in relation to Village Royale on the Green. Mr. Fisher advised that
there will be stops on Victoria Drive and NE 1st Lane. Schedules were distrib-
uted to the various condos throughout the City and are available in the Lobby
of City Ha 11 .
- 5 -
JANUARY 3. 1995
Mayor Pro Tem Bradley moved to approve reconsidering this item.
It was pointed out to Mayor Pro Tern Bradley that he could not make that motion.
Vice Mayor Matson moved to reconsider. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion.
No vote was polled.
Vice Mayor Matson advised that her original problem with this application was
the fact that she received phone calls from residents of Congress Lakes who
expressed concern about noise that would be generated by this use, and they were
interested in being protected. Vice Mayor Matson visited the site, and instead
of looking at it from the Sears location over to the Congress Lakes residences,
she looked at it from Congress Lakes to the Mall. It is now her opinion that
the residents will be protected and served quite well with the landscaping and
additional landscaping which will be required. -
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Bradley's question, Ms. Heyden said the bay doors
will be facing south toward the Mall buildings rather than toward the resi-
Mayor Pro Tem Bradley questioned whether staff feels the landscaping and buf-
fering are sufficient in addition to the distance between this development and
the residences. Ms. Heyden said she has not made a judgment to that fact. Her
only statement in this regard is that the landscaping and buffering are Code
Ms. Heyden recalled that there were discussions of additional landscaping. She
pointed out that the landscaping shown on the plan is the minimum required by
Code. She recommended that the Commission specify any additional landscaping
they are suggesting in lieu of the wall.
Commissioner Aguila recalled that the additional landscaping discussed at the
last meeting was along the north property line for the Mall itself, and some
landscaping adjacent to parking areas. There was also some additional
landscaping beyond that at the canal line.
Mayor Hanmening said staff's recommendation was for the creation of a landscape
buffer along the entire north Boynton Beach Mall property line. Commissioner
Aguila said the applicant agreed to that recommendation. However, in addition,
there was discussion of additional landscaping along the parking area and along
the north property line of the outparcel along the canal bank. Mayor Harmening
remembered the discussions which involved a landscape berm.
Using the overhead projection, Ms. Heyden pointed out the areas where the Code
requires a hedge, an area where hedges and trees are required to screen the
parking lot area, and a wall.
- 7 -
JANUARY 3. 1995
Commissioner Aguila said that the shaded area of the plan is where the paved
area is located. There is landscaping adjacent to the paved area. In addition
to that, there would be landscaping along the property line all the way to the
canal bank. That would result in two lines of landscaping between the parking
area and the canal (one at the edge of pavement and one at the edge of the
canal, which is also bermed).
With Ms. Heyden pointing to the plan shown on the overhead, Commissioner Aguila
moved to approve the conditional use if the applicant is willing to provide
landscaping along the diagonal parking area consisting of trees and hedges to
create a buffer between the building/parking and that corner of the property.
In addition, they are to provide landscaping at the property line (which is
twice the normal landscaping) and widen the dumpster enclosure to allow for the
two containers.
Commissioner Aguila will support this project without the erection of a buffer
wall if the applicant is willing to go along with the conditions stated.
Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion.
Mayor Hanmening pointed out that this motion includes staff recommendations and
the conversations enumerated tonight by Commissioner Aguila.
Ms. Heyden asked for clarification on whether staff is to decide on the number
of trees and shrubs. Commissioner Aguila said the trees should be 40' on center
and the shrubs are to be 24" at planting, both at the edge of pavement as well
as at the canal. Ms. Heyden confirmed that there is to be a double hedge row
along the property line.
Attorney Goren said that in reviewing the minutes of the last meeting, Vice
Mayor Matson was not on the prevailing side. There were several motions con-
sidered. No motion was ever adopted, so there is no prevailing side either for
or against. In looking at the current laws we have under land development
aspects, there must be some finality in decision making. The Commission's
motion to reconsider the request and to take action up or down, would be con-
sistent with the prevailing case law.
The motion carried 4-1. (Commissioner Katz cast the dissenting vote.)
2. Reconsider request from CROS (Christ1ans Reaching Out to Society,
Inc.) to host the NOMAD volunteers at St. John's Un1ted Method1st
Haitian M1ssion at 3215 North Seacrest Boulevard to park and
res1de 1n the1r recreat10nal veh1cles 1n the church park1ng lot
January 29 through February 16, 1995
Mayor Hanmening advised that this request was considered at the last meeting and
it was denied by a vote of 3-1. In order to reconsider this issue, a motion
would be needed by someone on the prevailing side.
Mayor Harmening pointed out that his feelings on this issue have not changed and
he does not wish to reconsider. Commissioners Aguila and Katz agreed that they
did not wish to reconsider the issue.
- 8 -