LEGAL APPROVAL (11) RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifica- tions, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewe by the various boards, commission, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed materi and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all aspects of the proposed project shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this applica- tion and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant acknowledges that the City of Boynton has all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and that in the event of enforcement action by the City, the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boyntc Beach harmless from any costs, expense, claim, liability or any act: which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO THIS 30 DAY OF , 19 !f:L. !dueL G ;1 J / ) . .11{'L I . '" c. ~ ~ _./<-. APPLICANT PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app INCUMBENCY CER~IFICATE I, John A." Albright, do her4!iliy certify' that I am thQ duly elected and qual ified I and acting Assistant Secretary and keeper of the records of DeBartolo Realty corporation, a corporation organized and e~istln9 under the laws of the State of Ohio (tha "Corporat.ion It), and that the per30ne named on t.he wri ting annexed hereto have been appointed or elected, have qualified and are now 4cting 4S officers and directors of the Corporation in the capacities" set forth opposite their respective names. EdWald J. DeBartolo Edward J. DeBartolo~ Jr. Richard S. Sokolov JamQ R.. Giuliano, III Kim A. Rieck John A. Albright Mary Beth Gordon Gresko Dean G. IGssos R. Bruce Moore Richatd C_ Rody George A. Schmidt Woodrow H. Stone Jane Walsh Daniel K. Wright, II Leon S. Ziont8 Vice Chainnan of the Board of Directors Chairman of the Board of Directors President & Chief Executive Officers. Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer Senior Vice P~esideDt, General Counsel & Secretary Assistant Secretary A:s:si:Jtlmt SecretAry Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant S~cretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary lARTNERSHIP AUTHQRIZATIOU THIS AUTHORIZATION dated this 3rJ October, 19~4, by Boynton..,JCP Associates, Ltd., a Florida partnership (the "Partnership"). day of limited WHBREAS I the Partnership was formed ~u, of Ju~y 20, 1983', and is currently an active and ongoing partnership. WHEREAS, that the present general partners of the Partnership are as follows. DeBartolo Realty Partnership, L.P. DeBartolo Properties, Inc. RESOLVED, that DeBartolo Realty Partnership, L.P. has full authori.ty to execute inst:rwnenta on behalf of and to fully bind the Partnership. IN WI'l'NESS WagllEOF, the partnership has oaused this PartneX'6hip Authorization to be ekecuted by all of its partners as of the date first above written. Signed in the presence of (as to both signatories); DeBARTOLO REALTY PARTNERSHIP, L. P. , a Delaware limited pClrtnerel1ip, pa.~tner Wi By: DeBartolo Realty Corpor~tion 9hJJA.l'~_' ;f: ~J Witness . Rieck or Vice President, . eral Counsel and Secretary Signed in the presence of (all' to both s~gnatories): DeBARTOLO PROPERTIES. INC., an Ohio corpo~ation, partner ~,/ Iff!- . W;K'ne5s .... " ~:, t:~-tt~-<1./ Witness By ./ ~-" " Kim A Rieck Senior Vice Pre&~dent Secretary and 1 L1 , .. S'I!ATB OP 01110 ) )SS ) COUNTY OF HAHOIUNG BEFORE HE, ill Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared thQ above-named DeBartolo Raal ty corporat1.on, an Ohio corporation, by Rim A. Rieck, its Senior Vice Pres~dent, General Counsel illnd Secreta~YI in its oapacity as partner of DeBartolo Realty lJartnership, L.P., in its capaoity as partner of Boynton-JCP Associates, I,td., perliQnally known to me, wbo being first duly sworn, did upon oath acknowledge that he did sign the foregoing instrument as such officer on behalf of each of said corporations and is duly authorized to do 60, and that the same is the freQ act and deed of each of asa1.d corporations, and his free act and deed indiYidually and as such officer. official IN ~F.STIMONY~ER~OF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal thi~ _ ~ day of OCtober I 19.94. . 1I~~1~~/ RElECCAE. WlHERN. Notarv ,J' . State <If OhIo MyCanunl",OI'l Expires Mav 3. 1 ~99 STA'rE OP OHIO COUNTY OF HAflONING ) )SS ) BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in ~md for lSaid County and State, personally appeared the above-named DeBartolo Properties, Inc., an Ohio corporat.ion, by K.i1Q A. Rieck, J.ts Senior Vice Preaident and Secretary, personally known to me, who being first duly sworn, did upon oath acknowledge that he did sign the foregoing instrwoent as such officer on behalf of each of said corporati~n. .nd is duly Authorized to do 80, and that the same is the free act and deed of each of said corporations I and his free act and deed indivldudlly and as such officer. IN TESTI.HONY_JRlEREOF, r have hereunto set :my hand and official seal this ~ ~ day of October, 1994. NO~~~ AEBICCA E. I.UlHERtl',. ra.ry P\lbtlc St_of OhID "" . My CorflIm"n bpi... ., 3. 1999 2 AI. PARTNERSIIIP AUTHOR:I7;ATION TRIS AUTHORIZATION dated this' ~ Ootober, 1994, by OeB~rtolo Realty Partnership, L.P~, limited partnership (the "Pa.rtnership"). WHBREAS l the .partnership was formed as of ~ovember 19, 1993, and is curr~ntly an active and ongoing partnership. day of a Delaware WHEREAS i t;hat. the present general partner of the Partnership is as follows: DeBartolo Realty Corporation RESOLVED,. that DeBartolo Realty Corporation has full authority to execute" instrwnents on behalf of and to fully bind the Partnership_ . IN WI'l'NBSS WHB'RROP I the partnerShip has caused this Partnership Author1.~ation to be executed by all of its pat:tners as of the date fi~~t above written. Signed in the presence of (ae to both signatories): DeBARTOLO REALTY CORPORATION, general partner ~/~ .~. .~ W~l1es$A '3J~, t;~ Witness By' " lCim A. . Ri k SenLor v. ce President, General CounSQ and Sec~$tary STATE OF OHIO ) )SS ) COUNTY OF DHONING 9BPORB 'KS, a Notary PUblic in and for said County and St.llte, personally appeared the 'above-n~ed DeBartolo RGalty COl:poration, ~n' Obi.o corpora.tion, by .Kim -A. Rieck, its Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, p&I:"sonally kno'flln to me, who being first duly sworn, did upon oath acknowledge that h~ did sign the forego in; instrument a8 Buch officQr on b~half of .'lob of eaicl corpo:i:at1onll and is duly authorized to do so, and that the same is the free act and deed of each of :!lIaid aorporetione; rand 1\1s free' act and. deed individually and as such officer. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I I have hereunto set 1Xry hand official lSeal. this.... ~ day of October, 1994. ~-<~j. Not ry Public and rtEBECC:A I. W1HERN. Notary Public .....01 Qhjg . \1y COrnnWaion ~"Maya 1899 If --.., -~-- M, . .... ~. . . 'RF/WJlS 3/15/,83 b~I./21/83 .vp6 QUIttLAI'4 PEED ~HO't 1U.t. 1'&14 BY l1U:Sll; (JTcUEHTS, thllt. BOYNTON ,M80CIA'l"~S, an o~lo {I.nor.. put.ntoublp_ C "cn"tat" J. tOE' one...~d 00/100 Dolla.:-. ($1'.00. and oth.\: valuable consid.ration, nc.lvad by it. '"0 t.t.. full. ..~l.t.et.lon 6; BOYN\'Oll-.1CP NI$QC:I A'f'ea . LTD.. . florid. 1l,dUd partftenhip. (-GJ;"lInt..-), ~o" addre" till '620 "atk.'" str*et. ~ngato~, Ohio 4.S12, h.. 91ven, 9~.nt..", reldaed. r.l....ed, an4 [oroaltor qutt.clt!llMd. "1''' by tll... pr...nt.a absolutoly give., ..,ranta. re.'.... 1'.1....... bft4 for.Y.~ qui~al.l~. U"to the ..aid Grantee. Ita .ucc...~. and .aalon. fo~.Y.t'. all .uc~ t'lqht .~4 tit I. .. it, ~h. said Grant.oe. ".. or ought to hava in and to t.he followln9 dee":' crlbed pu.cel Qf land, .ltuat.ell in the County of .ab. bttsch. State ot rlot'td.. an4 .. ftOre patt1cul.rly 4..cTlbe~ a. 1'0110.... , c;' 'M\CE'lo J, oeing . ~r.c~ o( land 10CA~.4 in sectlon 1'. Town~ .hip. .t!; Sout.h. ..n9t: 43 I:..to. COIInt.y at pal. Ie.ch, 'lo~lda and fur.... ae.crlD4d.. follgwa. beginninG .t the oouth...l oo~n.r of s.etlon 19. T 4S S,~ 43 tt T~~c' N 00. 591 ". V along the ...t 11~ 0(' ..i4 sectlOft 1'. a 41at.nee of 1898.10 f..t t.o .. pOllll:~J nene.. 119* 00. :n- " .. dl.t.."~ Qe 60.00 f..t to . pOlftt on the waterl, I:'tglat.-ol-way Une o( t:onOJ:... Ave ",,_. ....M point. abe> ba-tnQ the prlnoipal potnt. end plae. of ~iftning of the fol- lowing 4.~orlptlon' Thence I e.. OS' 1.. V a dl.t.~C*'of 'S"." f..t to a polnt. ~ac. 8 '3- 32' ... M . d'.~nc. of $1.02 f..t to . point, ~nce 8 00. S.' ,,- I . ~l.l.ftO& 0' au.U '.et to "point. "dl*I'IC'e 8..1.... :t" 1.- r: , dbt~I'I" af 201.00 J..t. ,",0 ~ I"bi~t., ."'~UII" I DO- ,'1 3'. B . dhtlll~. 01: 130.00 f..t,.:to',a ~.ftt. 0f0 . tIIIe I'IOlC'thnll' dlfht-ot-".,. 11". . 9' ; :Old IOVJ\ton ao.4. tb.~ M '9. 4'. Jt- w, al0"g ~.~d'~~~'.~l~ dVht...of-v.y Una of Old 801"t.Oft ~!S,::& "4h\.n~ of Ultt.2!l t...t to . JIIOiftt' ft.." I, OQ. J1' Si" .. . dS.t..c. o~ 1'27.21 t..t to . pbl"t on th.'-~~h- ...t.tl~ ~ivbt-of.W.r line ot. the ~loc.t.d ......'D.P. ....21 eand, ~n" alo.., aid .outbe.at- .~lJ 1'l1ht...of--r Un. Ul. followinG COlli"..' W "- Ja' 21 I. dj.u~ee af 12.24 t..t to . point' 221."n t..t. .1onQ . QQtM to tlut'l.n ....U1I9 a u.dlu... of U~.DO t., ~. c::.ent:r.l a"'i1l1. of 90.. .. 0". '1' >>." " . .,Uat..lu:_ of 23.." ,..t tCt a pOlnt.. U4. U fHt .1tlNlol . eu~. to th.. rtaht ",...11'1'\I . ".diu. of 2"0.00 f..~ and ..,.ftltrat .nQ1. oC 11- M. OS" to . point, 134..7 fH~ .lol\1J a ..1- I I J7~ ~~ M - .. - L .,. .. , - ... . . . ~ .. , I , . f.' ....: ~. .~; l~~:.,~~~~: '. ~ " l. ~.Iri : , .~ . ~!~ ~~ ~~ ~ , .!..~ r I ... -'~ . . '-i ~., II: ;i il-: ~" .. "1 .;: t . << . ~ . t 't III v::t "'lIT.... . ,_. ... \ ~'... "I ; CU1"" Lo ~fM l.rt ha..tftG . radlu. of ntl.flo f..t am( . wnt.rd aRgl. ot U. td . poiDt, If U. 54' 34- M a en.une. 0& 70.00 eMt;. to . point, 84." C...t alo_9 .. c:u~. to t.he riOht. ha1tlng a ...diua ot 12S.00 f..t and a ~ftt.r.l anol. al,S2. ~ . fOl~t. 291.22 rHt &1"9 .. ft~". to t.... ten h.YS~ ." radlul of: 410.00 I..t and a c...'ral tanQ1. oC 40. to- a point., .. 00. OS' 2S. II: -. cll.'C..,.-:a or ..~.oo c..t. to . pol,,~ en U.. aou\:h-tly 'tl9h\-i:of....v_J ll~ of the Ioynton Ca...al. 'belle. N ... OS' 2' I al~"" Ilald .ClUtb.d, do't-of...a, Ill.., . dlaullO. of .~)..91 f..t to . pol~~, ~1'ICe . 00- St' 3'- . . .U.~.nc. Oil .,~... f_1: \0 . pojnt.I 'IiJ./tc. II ..- OS t 2'- . a iSltU...e. or in.., I..t. to . polltt Oft the ~.t.rl, rlabt-of-v.y lip. of QonGtw.. ~ftU.' Thenc. 8 CO. ~9' II- E, along ..ld ".l.~l, rlvht. of~w., U,.. of tonlllre,. II.."'u., . dl..t.",". of 130.01 I..~ ~o . po!"h ,".n.. .. 46- a'J' 0'. " III, dl.tlliftc. of 5t.l1 t..c to . point, th.dce . "- os. :16- w . IIIt.tanoe oC UO.DQ f*'olt. ~ .. poI"t. thenc:. S 00. a,' ,,- I: III dt."~ of t09.99 f..t to . point, thenc. H el. 05' IS. , . dl_t.ftce of ~30.00 (..~ to . p6ID~t tReftc. . &1. J2' ~.. ~ III dl*tano- of S1.02 f..t to . ~Iftt on the ".~.rlr ~i~ht-of. way Une tlf I;o..."r:... Ave1"lu., thence & 00. ~9 ~t. I dODlil 8...111 _.C.dy E'lVht.-ae-war U- ot Conll~... Av.~u. . dl.t.n~. of 110.01 t.et to iii poi~t, theftce .. ~6. :n' 1'* If . dl.Ut\ca oC ~'.ll - ,...... t.o.. v. pOlnl, thllinc. . '1' OS' t,. w . diet.ace Of ~O..OG " f..~ tg . point, thence' 00. ~t' 39. ~.. dl.t."ce of 210.00 t..l ~ III poLnt, tb.n~ M ... OS' IC. Bill" dlilhnce of, ,to.OO f.et. t.o . point, t~e.e; . 00- r.9' 3'" J . 4htane. of Uo.GO t.et to a polnt." . to"."':' . ... 05' .,.* " . dhtane. or 34',.00 f~.t to , . point, t"'l.oe . 00. 59' ),. .. . d,.t.,UlIC. ot ' Uf." f.e.. to . pol6t, the.~ II aa- OS' ~lo J: :IIi.. dht_nC'e of 101.00 fen Co . point., thane. - It U. )2' 54" It . dln.... of 5'7.02 r..t to II "ltlt on ~he ve.~rlr .'9ht-of-~.y JI~ ~ COdgr... AVe.ve, th.1\Ot . DO. ", )9~ IS .-lOft(! ..ld ...ted, ~loht.. 0(-.., line of bonar... Aveaue . di.t.~ of 1'0.01 L.ri. to the pc-lnc(lJd point .-1Id ,he. of ~t".tng .00 containino lot.30 act'8t1 of land. MOd Of': 1.... 'AaCBL III , ". .. .....~ '" p41a:-c.l of l ., J,)'h.V lit hc1:.lon U,1"W!1..Up 4'.' Bou~ht h"Q" .] ~.t.f .al11 ...eh ~nt.rl rIoE'loia, ~ bd~ .-ctr. ~UU~U1&dy "'~d"'d .. follow'.',. ',: CCWiNnc. .t Uafr o.nt..~ (lit! IUld -..cUon 1t J t.h."e. M..: O. 5l' 51- . along the ~th JOQth 1/. ..otlon line" . 01 .del IIlNUMI, . ltl.tano. of n..o r..t. to the. pdMI,.l JOint .nll plaa. of WgJn.,lng O""lM' rol1owl~ ".91"1''''01'11I ' ' i .' ..;......Ult.l. ", i~ 1;t'J ~ .':'-/-'!.I).'1 : ti,outll .'~ ~., .:", , .. ,:7.. 01. ..~. ,.1: lr, i': ~~ ,.. ";: '. :-:1 ..:t 111~\ Z-:--~ t " " .' '. . oJ '. ..; .1 ..'. . :...~'.-, I~: I~'. . . ~ .~~~'': ., . .. . . i", ~. '. '.' i , ~. . ... ., ~ . ....:.... -:1- ,. . , '.. I. . ~:":_'. l} :. ~. .. 0(,' I .. .............---;-- .~. ....-.... , ' ....:...",. ~ , ::,. ...4.,"': ", I ': :l II STATtl or OIlJO I COUHTt 01' I'IAIIONu.a ) ss.- ~r.G~al., .l~a~.d ~to~e ~, t~. u"d~c.ivn.~.. ~t.c, ~ubllC in ,"d for sAid 'Counti .nd State, Sd~.rd J. De~.rtolo and Kdwud of. U.htttolo I Jr.. Itno"ft to IIlII to be t.he _ft.i"d partn.ra of 8OrNTOH ASSOCI~t1:S, An Ohio yGn.t~l p.~tn.r.bip. who ecknovledved that t.hey did al!ln and .'..1 t.he fo~oLI\CJ t".t.L""_,,t: foC'. ...-d 0" tMh.~f o'f ,.'4 pac\M.:'ahJp, III~ that. the $allle I. tfl.lr fn. act .nd deQd aa such Vlln.ralp,~tIMlU and the free act and deed of .ald ~ynton Associat... IN Tta~T[ftONY WKt:REOI'", T h.". hereunto set "'Y hand a"1S ofHo161 ...1 .III; ycn.lftl,l.t.o...n. Ohio. this .__JB:t...... day of August, uu. ,. - 14~~~~ f./ot...r.... PUb ~ . t"'"'........... '. ,....... ........, III t- ~~'O .~ t, o. .' ...........-...~CNI r _,;}:..'.: ,!!I. (. , IrJ --., ........ M......... I \-t'1"'. .' .. (~:; ......... W... .. Co. "::'f,,, ~ . ~e.: 1 .~~:..:ff ".;'i :,:;~. ",. .~.; I. ... I"'.. .. ...~~ .", . ~i- . y,:,./.{'" ..~'~." . ~.. -:~..; . Thta Inatru..nt .~.p.~ed bYI ThonwI. &. trost. A~t.o"n.V-a~-La" 1'20 Karket Street YOUnystOWR, 0" una . IWa:Il tot 'lMiIu.. r'l'Oet .J"!' 76:20 ~ ~ y~. OHIO .uSU '"' ;.y~~:"". .: .....,. '-'". , ..-.; .k.., - - ..' .. ., - .~, - '. .... ..f,. . I --"'~.......: -4- ~-- t; '/ dt; ~ r,< ~ rrfl 14 hJ. {' _. It '} -1' ~. i\...~~ .-. ......... 4. 7".J c:..15-::m <;"~-~~S-'-:fC-\c..,,;k Or<t! ~:iU...5S P'3 1-1 /~Q' -,_.--} If. .." t II If" .. f.' 1ft roperty Appraisers Parcelldenlificali/)n (Folio) Number(s): EASEMENT TmS EASEMENT made this /5~lday of AJ,tK'Jtt1r , A.D., 1995, by Boynton-JCP Associates, Ltd., a limited partnership existing under the laws of Florida and having its principal place of business at 7655 Market Street, Youngstown, Ohio 44512, Grantor, to the City of Boynton Beach, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Grantee: (Wherever used herein, the terms, "Grantor" and "Grantee" shall include singular and plural, heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals and the successors and assigns of individuals and the successors and assigns of corporations, wherever the context so admits or requires.) WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Grantor is the owner of property situated in Palm County, Florida, and described as follows: [See Exhibit A attached hereto] and, WHEREAS, the Grantor is willing to grant such an easement, NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants each to the other running and one dollar and other good and valuable considerations, the Grantor does hereby grant unto the party of the Grantee, its successors and assigns, the non-exclusive right, privilege, and authority to construct, maintain, repair, install and rebuild facilities (the "Utilities") for above stated purposes and does hereby grant a perpetual easement (the "Easement Area") on, over and across the above described property (the "Easement Area") for said purposes. Utility Easement Conditions. The Utility Easement is granted expressly subject to, and Grantee, by its use and enjoyment thereof, does agree to be bound by the terms and conditions hereof, to wit: 1. Grantee shall construct and install the Utilities within the Easement Area at such depth(s) so as to not interfere with the use of the Easement Area by Grantor and all others claiming by, through or under Grantor, and, upon completion of any such construction and installation, Grantee shall furnish G!antor with a set of reproducible drawings which accurately depict the installed location of the Utilities and the depth(s) thereof. 2. Grantee shall perform all activities necessary for the construction, installation, operation, inspection, maintenance, repair and/or replacement of the Utilities. ! I 01'\(.; YU:3~ pg 1; ~ lJ 3. Construction, installation, operation, inspection, maintenance, repair and/or replacement of the Utilities shall be performed at no cost or expense to Grantor, and Grantee shall at its sole cost and expense, promptly restore the subsurface and surface of the Easement Area to the same general condition which existed immediately prior to such construction, installation, operation, inspection, maintenance, repair and/or replacement. 4. Grantee shall construct and install the Utilities at such time(s) as may be reasonably approved by Grantor, so as to coordinate the construction and installation of other improvements and utilities within the Easement Area, if any. Grantee agrees to coordinate all such construction and installation activities and the location (s) thereof with all other utility providers. 5. Grantor reserves unto itself and others claiming by, through or under Grantor, the unrestricted use of the Easement Area, including the right to construct, install, operate, inspect, maintain, repair and/or replace thereon facilities for surface vehicular parking, driveways, curbs, pedestrian walkways, sewers, water lines, facilities for gas and electric service and landscaping improvements, and to make such other use(s) of the Easement Area as are not expressly prohibited herein and are not inconsistent with the Utility Easement herein granted. 6. Grantee shall, from time to time and upon not less than ninety (90) days prior written notice from Grantor, relocate the Utilities located within the Easement Area to such other location (s) as may be designated by Grantor, and approved by Grantee in Grantee's reasonable discretion; provided, however, that Grantor shall reimburse Grantee for all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Grantee as a result of such relocation. Further, Grantor shall grant or cause to be granted all necessary easement rights required for the construction, installation, operation, inspection, maintenance and/or replacement of such relocated Utilities. 7. Grantee shall exercise its rights under this Utility Easement in such a way as to not interfere with the conduct by Grantor or others claiming by, through or under Grantor, of the business(es) now or hereafter located on or adjacent to the Easement Area. 8. Grantee shall protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Grantor from and against any and all claims for death of or injury to any person or damage to any property, or any action of every kind and nature which may arise out of or in connection with or by reason of the construction, installation, operation, inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement or use of the Utilities, or by reason of Grantee's use of the easement herein granted, or by reason of the exercise of any other right granted it hereunder. 9. Grantee shall make no claim or demand against Grantor for or on account of any conflict between Grantee's rights hereunder and any easement rights of any other party, private utility or public body. Assi~nment of Easement Riihts. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained hereinabove, this Utility Easement shall continue for so long as service shall be provided by the Utilities. In the event Grantee abandons or ceases to use the Utilities for a period of one (1) year, this Utility Easement shall automatically terminate. If requested by Grantor, Grantee covenants and agrees to promptly execute and deliver such documents as may be deemed necessary by Grantor for 2 Ok!:: '-7' U:.3 ~ P;: 1 1 ~ 1 the purpose of further evidencing the termination of this Utility Easement. Upon the termination of this Utility Easement, the Utilities then located within the Easement Area shall become the sole property of Grantor, and Grantee shall have no claim against Grantor for the value of the Utilities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused these presents to be duly executed, attested by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: B01'NTON-JCP ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership By: DeBartolo Realty Partnership, L.P., Managing General Partner By: DeBartolo Realty Corporation, its Managing General Partner By. ~ Sr. (Vic President (CORPORATE SEAL) Auest -;4 ./ ~ / (Ass't) Sec STATE OF ON/~ COUNTY OF fi'1-tI'fU"J I A.J (; I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared I? h.t A. ? ""t K' , well known to me to be the ,C:; r. U,'u President an~" A.A/k}'" ~s i! ~e'r.ectively, of the Corporation, managing general partner of DeBartolo Realty Partnership, Ljf~, martaging general partner of the Grantor in the foregoing Easement and that they severally acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily, under authority duly vested in them by said Corporation, and the seal affixed thereto is the true Corporate seal of said Corporation. "!JTNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this /5T~y ~~l101t~, , A.D., 1975-. of Notary Public in an~ t; f,' State and CountyafQf~S~~. . '> ..,) :: My commission expires: .:~.:... .-:.. ...~:?:..~t{;.i '. : '. '_:~l.t .: REBECCA E. L~AN"NOt.-y PubffC~," State of OhjeJ; . . , ' MV Commission Expi.... May 3. 1999 3 U I .......... I I c;,H..c;,nc;,l\j I DESCRIPTION. I-.lo,t- \..1 !'~ L,l ~f ~ -'. L." c.'r." 1 ., 1:.., -~'.' ~ _"'_'_:" r. e.. J _-.. _A parcel of land of varying widths in Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida; lying equally on both sides of the following described centerlines: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of said Section 19; thence North 000 59' 39" West along the east line of said section a distance of 3558.22 feet; thence South 890 00. 21" West a distance of 857.89 feet; thence South 450 00' 00" West a distance of 123.73 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence, with an easement width of 26.00 feet lying 13.00 feet on both sides of said centerline, North 260 54' 15" West a distance of 65.62 feet to reference point "A"; th~nce continue North 26 0 54' 15" West a distance of 4.96 feet to reference point "B"; thence, with an easement width of 22.00 feet lying 11.00 feet on both sides 'of said centerline, North 44- 43' 16" West a distance of 15.48 feet to reference point "CUI thence continue North 44043' 16" West a distance of 212.07 feet to the end of the 22.00 feet wide easement; thence South 450 16' 44" West a distance of 5.00 feet to reference point "AA", the beginning of a 12.00 feet wide easement lying 6.00 feet on both sides of the following centerline: Beginning at the aforementioned reference point "AA"; thence North 440 43' 16" west a distance of 45.85 feet to reference point liD"; thence North 43 · 04' 39" West a distance of'18.06 feet; thence North 44 · 20' 54" East a distance of 101.53 feet; thence. Nl;)rth 88 0 30' 04" East a distance of 76.14 feet; thence South 45' 16' 30" East a distance of 102.65 feet to reference point "E"; thence South 440 52' 45" East a distance of 104.82 feet; thence South 00 · 26' 01" East a distancs of 51.18 feet; thence South 44. 33' 28" West a distance of 119.56 feet to reference point "A"; together with the 12.00 feet.wide easement. lying 6.00 feet on both sides of the following described centerlines: BEGINNING at reference point "C"; thence South 44- 08. ~7" West a distance of 24.00 feet to a Point of Ending. BEGINNING at reference. point "D"; .. thence South 45- West a distance of 19.00 feet to a Point of Ending. BEGINNING at reference point "E"; thence North 46 <:> 12' 11" East a distance of 36.15 feet to a Point of Ending. The sidelines of said utility easements are to be extended or shortened to meet at angle points. Subject to easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants and rights-of-way of record. RECEIVED OCT 3 11995 .~. DEPT. 824 C RE'f'SIONS DATE ,.8. ~.SURVEY L A SOUTH. mCORPORATED JlD SURVEYORS 101 S. Eo 6th Avenue, Suite E De1ray J3eacb. "orida 33-483 ( 0407)276-7341 lJTILIT9 [l)jEMEIJTS 0lEQCEI) B~ ORA. BY ~G DATE.2' dCT qS sc.w: S'HEE1" I OF 2. WAG N'PROVED n\ UAC .lOll NO. '1517D fIW) 100I( II PADC 1.-(;,0' SHUT /10. 1 OF 1 Exhibit A ORB 9035?9 115~ uOROfHY' H. ~fIL~:EN, CLERK PB COUNTY, FL ~\,'"J' ~ 'J!!:!!.4 !:~4'~ ~. ..\ /r:- - _ '~<-"'j-.. v{'2;.. ,~..'\. /,k/''- - - " ,/o.?<?~ I.n /.(c-. ol):~/7 :'\. ~~ ) ~~ / / " " ~ I' ~ / /;/ JJ .I3O/J'/'.H "W -/8.0G' -e "~'~i' ,;> '/~// S-450tV -11I./J' ~ ~ ~ /(~. ""X")I": '4 , ' I.ff. Pl, liD - ~ '-" ." , ~ ~ ,~ I.J -I-it> 43'1& "W-4S,8S' ~" ~""~ ...., (. ^' '\~\.f'~ ~ '/ " " " ,~ ~ ....~' ". '- ~ <?-~ '\:: -0 ~'!'~. ~ " , ~., . ~ " ~" -- . ~ ~ \'i~ "~'~~ S40'~"4/~'1 '- .,"'~ "'?.- sU8' 'I "" , , Y?~ ~~ I I ~o " "/.~. ) H ~ '- ~ ," -1"~ , ~// ~o..f> \1"')1" , .... ~ ~ \ ....0 " - AJ,..... ~o.. ~ / .~ ~.. ~.,.. ~.? '- / .~. ~ ',' "\. t Xt,~~t.) >. ,~/'-J o~ < ,/ l//...p 'k':> -..& ~M- .AI,>- ~, \ ~ ~~ ~ . -9.. ">' ). \ '-G.t' \'\. S[ C01Nf:I \ ffCTIOAl /1 of "!/ . JJ ~40.,f3'J' "w /5...4 8 ' Jl2'. 5~ '/5" 'AI- C'5'.'J" \ I'd/NT df ./3Efj I JJ tV/AI tj ~._-.. CERn;"ICATION This is to certify th~t the Leg~l D~.cription and Gr~phic Depiction shown hereon ~re true ~nd correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are based on the Record Survey performed in the field under my responsible direction in September of 199 J and th~t said survey and easement document~tion meet the Minimu Technical Stand~rds set forth by the Florida Board of Profe sion~l Surveyors and Mappers in Ch~pter 01617-0, Florid~ Administr tive Code pursuant to Section 472.m27, Florid~ Statutes. & Mapper i ~ . - ~o. c::allc) t::) . Q c:-- ... .~ ..;) c.., _l It~ 1 0- ~""'e crl~ Vl ~ o , ~ ~ ~I~ ~rb ~ ~ ~ c:z: C-, '---, U-J ~ ~ "::< ~ NOTES. . . 1~Bs~ringli lihown hereon ~re biu.ad cn . bearing of North mill 39. 39" WSlitalang the s~st lins ot Section 19-45-43. 2. landli lihown hereon wsre not .bstr~cted far instruments of record :by'this offics. S~id l~nds repre&snt the boundaris. of a P~rcQl of .Land for the construction of'. Ss~r& Automotive Csnter in ths Boynton Bsach MallJ and ~re bassd an ~n original topographic_l Survey performsd'by Fortin, Le~vy, Skiles, Inc., Conliulting 'Enginesrs and E[) Land Surveyors an 9-0-94. R E C E , V OCI ~ 11995 rlO". ,': :tl}. :. '~ -. :\~ . I ~ ,. SHEET 2 OF 2. DEPT, 82 ~,_.._- .~.............. l' . \.",1' :~'l " - \. Tho:'ncOf tt O. S1' !.l. N 1I11ln~ thot ~.,Id "North fi"UUI ,\/;& ,,",cU,,1l UnQ . d\ltt..llcll ~t U"l..:n (eat. tl) .. pDI nt 01'1 the South r I'Jht-l)f.vay Uftl! ?f ttornto,. can. 1 , tMll.:e N 111- C1\. l.... C II1tlh\l- ..1" Illlutli rt"t.t-of-Vay line a dh t.\lu;e ".: ,81 .1I" f~~t t.o . "Olhh tlaence S O. OS. 26" N II dht."e. ot 142.0a 1$4t to a point, theno_ 2)).8' f..~ .tQ~~ bn-arc t~ th. rl~ht hntRY a radl". of 33S.00 feol; and A chord of 229.. U tHt b4C1rl~ S ;10" US' Zei- W. th.nce 372.Lij ~eet .lon~ an .~c to the l~l~ havtn~ . r6dlu. of .10.00 fget and a cho~d'of 3S9.44 f~et t-udn.., $I;. 144 05f ;~,. W, thence 8 11. 5.1. 34. E: oft dhUftep. \.f '?O.OO h.... t.o a pOlnt, I;ht!"c~ 112.1'" f.... alf'ionv 6n ...... t:.., tl\.. ri..,"t h.y1~ II rJl~1us of 23~.oO feet and a chord ot. 161.4] f..t he.rl~ g 9. O~. 2:f." WI thence "~.l~ "bet. .101'1\1 an arc ta the left havln~ a radius of 32~.OO feet and & ehotd 01 \'~.Il (eet be.~l~ K 1'- Oil S).S- ~t the"~ 5 01- o,~ )9- , . dls\a..oo 01 ;&),'''' fe..\ ~o . poltltl thence q4.25 fe~t along .n .t~ to. lb. r!~ht h.vlnu " t"&diu. 01 6U.itU f4tel I.l'ld " chotd QC U.IS feet bear'~ 5 &2- ~" 21- w, thence S .,. sa' ~J. " . dlet.-.... of 90,6C1 fiJltt to th-r polllt of betlJnnlRU and eont.lnlng '.02 .QY.. ot l-pd ~o~. or 1.~a. '1'0 tulVa and to hold th4t pr.lftb.. .ror4tsahl, 'fith the 41....~urt1tl\..nc:.tI t.h.lC'ltun~o ,,"'onl,llntl t.o t.". said Ct'ant.'le_ \t.. "uee..aora and a$..Y~., eo that n.lthee the ..ld GTan~nr~ hOt" It. .ucc...o~., no~ any oth"r p.~.on. cl.i-lny title th~ouuh or ul\deL" theil, _hel 1 ot' vii 1 h~r.aft..t' c:t.lm Ql' da....ncl ""'1 rl"ht OE' t.ltl~ to the preml..", Ot" ,tIWi;Pl!t'';' "l'ereof , but tfley .and ever:t Ot\e or t.1l.. shall by th... ."V.t"o".~lt. ~. ...elUdtld and fot'eveE: ba~[".d. . i.::.q ,..., 1_:-'.:. I'" W1T1fBY8 WHCR60l', tI,. 4\lor-....~'~.~.\i:dn);s.oclate.,. by "I'd ttu.-ou~b Bdv.rd ~. ~lIn'tolo and .P;dwl!I(d ~. DelJal"l.o)n. ,ft'., l ts ".ft.~al I'a~~ntl"., .....,.. .It.....to.,-. t~ 'o~~,\J~ I!,,<, ins t;1f\l"~IIU, thl. ..tat. day of Au'Ju.~, 198J~ : . .oj..' S'Vned .~d Acknovled~.d In the Pro.SQRe. of, ..... . .. .. . ~ IJ-Ihzr~w-H... 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