REVIEW COMMENTS MEMORANDUM FROM: Tambri J. Heyden planning and Zoning Direct/5 Michael E, Haag 3J;f( t:- ~ Site and Zoning Development Administrator TO: DATE: November 2, 1994 RE: Site Plan Project: Location: Agent: File No.: Review - 1st Review - Sears Auto Center Boynton Beach Mall John B. Smith Engineers, COUS 94-006 Inc. The following is a list of 1st review comments regarding the Site Plan Review of the plans for the above-referenced project. It should be noted that the comments are divided into two (2) categories; the first category is a list of comments that identify deficiencies that are required to be corrected and shown in compliance on the plans and/or documents submitted for second (2nd) review in order for the project to continue through the site plan review process, The second set of comment(s) are recommendations that the Planning and Zoning Department staff believe will enhance the proposed development, The applicant shall understand that all documents/plans submitted for site plan and/or permit review are subject to additional comments. I recommend that the applicant/ agent contact me regarding questions related to the comments, If the applicant is not intending to correct code deficiencies they should contact me regarding the procedures, application forms, fees and submittal deadline dates for seeking relief from the code requirement. I, SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. Appendix "A", Zoning Section 4, General Provisions L, Buffer WallS of the city code requires a 6 foot high buffer wall along the northern property edge where the property is adjacent to the Congress Lakes residential development. 2. Indicate on the site plan and survey that the property is leased from the mall property owners and that the land is not separately owned (leased outparcel). 3, Building signage size and color must be identified unless separate review is desired. 4. Indicate on the landscape drawing that minimum spacing governs minimum quantities. The stated quantity of material on the drawing does not govern quantitites. 5, Additional comments on detail design may be forth coming from the Environmental Review Committee which will have to be incorporated in the permit set of drawings, 6, The finished operating facility must conform to all performance standards called out in Appendix A, Section 4, N. (see N" 11, C, ) . page 2 Site Plan Review Sears Auto Center COUS 94-006 II. RECOMMENDATION(S): Create a landscape buffer along the entire north property (adjacent to the C-16 Canal) of the Boynton Beach Mall property. The landscape buffer shall contain 12 foot high native evergreen trees (2 1/2" caliper) placed 40 feet on center and native evergreen hedges, 30" high and planted 24" on center. MEH/jj A: 1 SPIU:V. tirs 1 "f::) ~ r~ \~ -". FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 94-303 WDC TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department DATE: November 21, 1994 RE: 2nd Site Plan Review Sears Auto Center Boynton Beach Mall NE Corner There are no objections to this project. 4L'~~, / William D. Cavanaugh, FP~ ~, Boynton Beach Fire Dept. mmnwm ill 00 I ii, 2 I 1994 PlANNING AND ZONING DEPT. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-001 November 8, 1994 From: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director ~e~t ~~k~;~~l~~~nt Director Sears Automotive Center To: Re: The Department of Development has no objections to conditional use approval for the subject project. WVH: mh cc: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Ken Hall, Engineering Aide A: SEARS 1...9~ ~t..9-S RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 194-421 TO: Tambri Heyden, Director, Planning & Zoning Department Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~)~ Sears Automotive - Site Plan FROM: RE: DATE: ~0vember 22, 1994 The existing trees as shown will be relocated based upon the landscape plan. The proj ect should continue along the normal review process. KH:ad OO( @ U \YJ ~ m PLM~r;i~ ,- " ~ h ZON!i;~ 'VI ',-- - ENGINEERING MEMO # 94-363 DATE: 11116/94 TO: Tambri Heyden, P&Z Director FROM: Ken Hall, Eng. Aide@ SUBJECT: Scars Auto/Service Center - Second Site Plan Review The following comments still have to be addressed~ however, they may be corrected as part of their related permitting. We recommend that the plan be forwarded to the appropriate review boards. Attached is the second review set of plans. PAVING: I. Extend all island curbing so that the face of the "F" curb is in line with the ends of the stall striping (1.5'). Appendix C of parking lot ordinance, Asphalt material should be type 2 rather than S-3 unless otherwise approved by the city engineer. - Sec. 5-142(g). DRAINAGE: I. Provide satisfactory, sealed drainage calculations from a Florida registered engineer.- Art. X, Sec.5-144(f). 2. Provide approval by S.F.W.M.D. ifrequired, LIGHTING: I. Upon applying for a site lighting permit. provide a satisfactory lighting plan in accordance with the parking lot ordinance.- Art. X. See, 5-142(a). LANDSCAPING: I. Provide a detail to indicate the clear sight area (horizontal & vertical) at the egress driveways. - Art. 2, Sec.7.5-57(1)L. FIRE LANES: The fire lane depicted on the plan shall conform to the specifications found in the parking lot ordinance( 3' high letters facing traffic and sign age/markings every 50'. yellow curb). HANDICAP REQUIREMENTS: 1. The "typical parking spaces" detail on sh.2 of8 must agree with city std. dwg. B-900 12 (striping and markings to be white per dwg,). C: W.V.Hukill, C.E. and file K. Hallihan, Forester B. Cavanaugh, Fire Inspector J. DuVall, Eng. Inspector searsctr. two r~C>S.~ BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Office of Professional Standards To: From: l)'lfp' Rc: Tambri Heyden I Dire~ Lt. James Cwnmings '~ 18 November 1994 ' Sears Automotive TRC Memo # 94-0102 I have no problems with this plan and recommend it go forward to Planning and Development. ~ ~ @ ~ OW ~ @\ I PLANNING AND ) b 1 ZONING DEPT. _J ---------- ------ 7c...RC>~ -E.L~"~~.)': PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #94-276 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Review - 2nd Review - Sears Auto Center DATE: November 16, 1994 The Public Works Department has no problems with the above site and the plans should be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board/Community Redevelopment Advisory Board for review. RE/c;r ~~@m~~C\mrn PLANNING AND 10NING DEPT. 7Lr'OC>'5; ~~o~ '-0: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #94-276 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Review - 2nd Review - Sears Auto Center DATE: November 16, 1994 The Public Works Department has no problems with the above site and the plans should be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board/Community Redevelopment Advisory Board for review. RE!,:;r \D)~@UW\l~ 1tn1 i I 11994 ,\!!j ~~~ ~e:.,,"'V~~ MEMORANDUM Utilities #94-377 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: John A. Guidry, A I ~ Director of Utilities {1~ JJ4(" DATE: November 23, 1994 SUBJECT: Sears Auto Center Site Plan, Second Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offers the following comments: The following items from Utilities Department Memorandum #94-330 are still outstanding: 1. Permits will be required from the Palm Beach County Health Dept. for both the water and sewer main extensions. Prior to our approval of the application for said permits, the plans must meet all of this Department's standard criteria. We can review the changes to be made directly with the project engineer, (Sects. 26-12, 26-32). 2. The type of backflow preventor for the domestic service line to the building shall be the reduced pressure zone type. We strongly recommend dual units in parallel for a building of this size, so as to assure uninterrupted supply in the event of a unit's failure, (Sec. 26-207). 3. A grease trap or oil/water separator will likely be required to meet the wastewater pretreatment criteria contained in Sec. 26.143 of the City's Code. 4. A capacity reservation fee of $790.02 will be required within thirty (30) days of City Commission approval of this project. Alternately, the entire capital facilities charge for the facility may be paid within this time frame so as to avoid the reservation fee, (Sec. 26-34(E)). It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process, If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. 19b xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella Mark Law File ~ lGi ~ ? ~ i~~ ~ 1m rn PLANNING AND ~ ZONING DEPT. ~ ! t TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 94-303 WDC Planning Department Fire Department November 21, 1994 2nd Site Plan Review Sears Auto Center Boynton Beach Mall NE Corner There are no objections to this project, --. ' '. ...........- .;--~ -~ -::-,~~..JJ-~ 4~1~-f!f~ Boynton Beach Fire Dept, '. 00 mmmuwm i ' 2 I 1994 PlANNING AND ZONING DEPT. ill ~ ~~ BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Office of Professional Standards To: Tambri Heyden sJfZ From: Lt. James Cummings Date: 09 November 1994 Re: Sears Automotive I have no problems with this project and would recommend it move ahead. ill NOV 9 Iqq~ 00 ~NING AND ZDNtNG OEPT. -Pu~s.. ~'-'IU:>t.. BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Office of Professional Standards To: From: Date: Re: Tambri Heyden I Dire~ Lt. James Cummings ' ~ 18 November 1994 / Sears Automotive TRC Memo # 94-0102 I have no problems with this plan and recommend it go forward to Planning and Development. ill rn@rnawrn i, ' I 8 /994 m PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-001 November 8, 1994 From: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director ~t~ v. Hukill, P.E. ~tment of Development Director Sears Automotive Center To: Re: The Department of Development has no objections to conditional use approval for the subject project. WVH: mh cc: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Ken Hall, Engineering Aide A: SEARS -P(...A-""~ 1?t:t\,,)IW~ BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 94-276 November 23, 1994 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: TRC COMMENTS - SEARS AUTO/SERVICE CENTER Site Plan Review - 2nd review The Building Division has reviewed the amended plans for the above referenced project and has the following comment: The proposed two signs total 408 square feet. Only 339 square feet of signage is allowed. We support forwarding this project through the approval process, contingent upon plans for signs being site approved prior to permit submittal. ~ AN:bh xc: W. V. Hukill, P.E. f[i)' , " fnl 001 NOV 2 31994 ~, PZLANN/NG AND ONING DEPT. SEARS MEMORANDUM TO: "A/II-131e t j-I~fb~,.J I f(AN ,V,H.'C; ~/.fr.,~,,"rl)~ FROM: -SOHN \-V1'L-.b#'\.J~,.e..) tP/1Jfks: Sc..p-r. W DATE: II ~/ :;-- '1 '( # RE: Site Plan Review - New Site Plan - Amended Plans Proj ect: S~/ll? 5 A t.lro c. t3/1fft;z - 13 OY"u ftJt-,j /1114'-,'-- , After reviewing the referenced project Department recommends the Planning and consideration. amended plans for the R ;tc,R e-...4--h.CYV that the project be Development Board the above q... fAIf,J< forwarded to for their This department will not be required to sign-off the permit documents associated with the subject project. 00 @mDwm1rn1,r".i" NUV I 5 1994 , II} J ~ '" / C:AMEND1.ALD 1.\,' \.:It!) ~f..9-S RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 194-421 FROM: Tambri Heyden, Director, Planning & Zoning Department Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist K~~ Sears Automotive - Site Plan TO: HE: DATE: November 22, 1994 The existing trees as shown will be relocated based upon the landscape plan. The project should continue along the normal review process. KH:ad fD)m@~nw~rnr Wi i : U II~J PLANr\ ;.' \)~ ZO~,I;;, "VI PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #94-330 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THROUGH: Tambri J. Heyden '--rall Planning and Zonin~rector FROM: Michael E. Haag Zoning and Site Development Administrator DATE: December 9, 1994 SUBJECT: Sears Auto Center - File No, COUS #94-006 Conditional use approval for automotive repair INTRODUCTION: John D. Smith Engineers, Inc" agent for the applicant, Boynton-JCP Associates, Ltd" is requesting conditional use approval as follows: Project name: Sears Auto Center File No.: COUS 94-006 Applicant: Boynton-JCP Associates, Ltd, Agent: John D. Smith Engineers, Inc. Location: Northeast corner of the Boynton Beach Mall property Land Use Plan Designation: Local Retail Commercial (LRC) zoning District: Community Commercial (C-3) Type of Use: Automotive Service Center Number of Units: N/A Square Footage: Fee Simple Building: 21,696 square feet Leased Outparcel: 100,455 square feet (2.3acres) The Boynton Beach Mall is a development of regional impact (DRI). The original DRI development order (0.0, R74-343) was adopted by Palm Beach County, May 7, 1974 and later adopted by Boynton Beach City Ordinance No. 82-38 (November 16, 1982), when the mall was annexed into the city. The automotive service use at its proposed location (see attached drawings) was shown on the overall DRI master plan for the mall and was the subject of a special exception granted on September 12, 1978 by Palm Beach County Resolution No. R-78-1132, Per the original development order, the total area of the mall is limi ted to 1,108,000 square feet of gross leasable area. This total was based on an estimate for each of the department stores at the mall which when finally site plan approved, were proposed slightly larger than originally anticipated, leaving insufficient square footage to build all of the stores/uses originally planned, However, due to an unbuilt third story approved for the Macy's department store, the automotive service center square footage can be accommodated under the original DRI. I Page 2 P & Z Dept. Memorandum #94-330 Sears Auto Center SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: The surrounding land uses and zoning are as follows (see attached location map): North - C-16 Canal and farther north, Congress Lakes PUD, Multi- family residential units, zoned PUD. East - Mall drainage pond and farther east a commercial development, zoned C-3. South - Parking lot and access drives for Boynton Beach Mall, zoned C-3. West - Parking lot and access drives for Boynton Beach Mall, zoned C-3. STANDARDS FOR EVALUATING CONDITIONAL USES: Section 11.2.D of the Zoning Code contains the following standards to which conditional uses are required to conform. Following each of these standards is the Planning and Zoning Department's evaluation of the application as it pertains to the standards. The Planning and Development Board and City Commission shall consider only such conditional uses as are authorized under the terms of these zoning regulations and, in connection therewith, may grant conditional uses absolutely or subject to conditions including, but not limited to, the dedication of property for streets, alleys, recreation space and sidewalks, as shall be determined necessary for the protection of the surrounding area and the citizens' general welfare, or deny conditional uses when not in harmony with the intent and purpose of this section. In evaluating an application for conditional use, the Board and Commission shall consider the effect of the proposed use on the general health, safety and welfare of the community and make written findings certifying that satisfactory provision has been made concerning the following standards, where applicable: 1. Ingress and egress to the subj ect property and proposed structures thereon, with particular reference to automobile and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. The outparcel site has two access driveways from the peripheral mall access road. The property is on the "outside" of the mall access road and is the only building so located. All other mall buildings are on the "inside" of the access road. The outparcel is located in an isolated corner of the mall property that is not traveled by the majority of the mall traffic. Therefore, due to the location of the building, the addi tional traffic generated by the auto center will more evenly distribute mall traffic around the access road. 2. Off-street parking and loading areas where required, with particular attention to the items in subsection I above, and the economic, glare, noise, and odor effects the conditional use will have on adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. All parking for the proposed automotive center is located on the access aisle encircling the building. Ninety-nine (99) parking spaces are to be provided and 87 parking spaces are required. All automotive service activities occur within the building. Two, single width bay doors are proposed, opening on to the parking lot. These service doors are on the mall side of the building therefore the building separates the service activity from the residential property to the north, thereby mitigating the audio and visual impacts normally associated with this type of use, .:a... Page 3 P & Z Dept. Memorandum #94-330 Sears Auto Center 3. Refuse and service areas, with particular reference to the items in subsection I and 2 above. The dumpster location near the north side of the building is readily and safely accessible by city trucks and is surrounded by a six foot high wall for screening. A truck court is also located at the north corner of the building for convenient deliveries. Both of these areas are along the outparcel's north property line which is adjacent to residential property. The service center outparcel is separated from the residential property to the north by the C-16 Canal; a right-of-way of approximately 150 feet in width. Hedging and trees are proposed along the north property line of the outparcel in accordance with the landscape code and will help to minimize the negative impacts associated with these activities (see standard #5 below for additional buffering recommendations. 4. utilities, with reference to locations, availability, and compatibility. All utilities are readily available to the site. 5. Screening, buffering and landscaping with reference to type, dimensions, and character. The City's parking lot screening requirements are met by the proposed landscaping. However, due to the location of the refuse and service areas described in standard #3 above, the Planning and Zoning Department recommends the installation of a six (6) foot high buffer wall along the C-16 Canal, to further buffer the service center outparcel from the residential property across the canal as is provided along the west property line of the mall which abuts residential property. Such buffer walls are required for new construction and major modifications to existing developments where commercial properties abut residential properties. Further, the zoning code definition of abutting includes those lands which are separated by rights-of-way. A landscape hedge is also recommended along the entire north side of the mall property as is normally required by the landscape code for parking lot screening (see Planning and Zoning Department memorandum dated December 6, 1994). This area also abuts residential property to the north. 6. Signs, and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effect, and compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties. Any signs not included in this submittal will be resubmitted for site plan review prior to permitting. Regarding proposed exterior lighting, no information is provided. Therefore, it is recommended that the parking lot lighting be shielded from the residential property to the north. 7. Required setbacks and other open spaces. All city code required setbacks and lot coverage areas have been met by the proposed development. 8. General compatibility with adjacent properties, and other property in the zoning district. The proposed use is compatible with other commercial uses in this particular C-3, Community Commercial, zoning district. with further buffering, as recommended above, the use would be compatible with the residential property to the north. a Page 4 P & Z Dept. Memorandum #94-330 Sears Auto Center (cont'd.) 8. Also, the auto center building is visually compatible with the adjacent mall buildings. Although the auto center and the mall are located within the Modern design district, the auto center building falls under one of the Community Design Plan exemptions intended to require outparcels to resemble the main buildings of which they are integrated and visually a part. This will be accomplished by the use of scored, smooth-faced block painted a yellowish beige with horizontal accent lines made of a cracked face block painted brown and a bottom course of cracked face block, several feet high, painted a lighter brown. Doors and downspouts will be reddish brown and the large facia holding the signs will be a light beige. These colors and materials are similar to those of the various department stores at the mall. 9. Height of buildings and structures, with reference to compatibility and harmony to adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. The proposed building height is a maximum of 24 feet and is compatible with the two story height of all surrounding buildings. 10. Economic effects on adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. The auto center will attract some extra traffic to the mall and will benefit other mall establishments and their customers resulting in a positive economic effect on adjacent property and the City. 11. Conformance to the standards and requirements which apply to site plans, as set forth in Chapter 19, Article II (relocated to Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4), of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, The subject application conforms with the site plan requirements as set forth in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. 12. Compliance with, and abatement of nuisances and hazards in accordance with the performance standards section 4 of the zoning regulations; also, conformance to the City of Boynton Beach Noise Control Ordinance. The applicant has applied for and received environmental review approval for the proposed use, REVIEW OF DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Below is a list of those departments having comments regarding this request. Department Attached Memorandum Public Works utilities Fire Police Engineering Division Building Division Parks & Recreation Forester/Environmentalist Planning and Zoning N/A #94-377 N/A N/A #94-001 and #94-363 #94-276 N/A N/A Memorandum dated 12/6/94 The comments contained within the memoranda referenced above are of a nature that can be addressed on drawings submitted for building permit review. ~ Page 5 P & Z Dept. Memorandum #94-330 Sears Auto Cener RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above evaluation of each of the city standards for evaluating conditional uses, the Planning and Zoning Department recommends approval of this conditional use request, subject to the project's permit plans being amended to show compliance with staff comments and the applicable City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, tjh Attachments xc: Central File A,COHD-UI.,IKI I r ~~ ~ 1=" ~ .0,. ~~ < t.,. e; ~~ r- o~o !",,"D~ :: ~ S. ~~ 0 OII'li'l ~. i1 ~ , 'I;i:~i 1i1'..I .'h:il liS;!:! Iti!;i'l" i,llh hii~.; II lie h':~! ::;"a: , I'" J i~~ ~ n~' 1 i.H '11 r ~ ;, '11 8r }> z o - l'''~ ~I, , ~; ,,:.... 1lif I ::::, , i ::::: 1 H~~~~!~ s ;: !" : ~ i: ~ i' i: ~:: ~ -;,:' :'! ~ t 'I' 'l . ~ \; ;i'~ r-~, ~ I ......h' :~~~;.:i ". G 00> "0 z- .. ... Oz - xo [I) ~ > "':r ,. Q 8 r- - X ..." r-" r- 0,., al'l ",. < ~r ~I" -~--- , ( I ?!:;: : i~i!~~ ~ ~~=~a V'/IOt#.,.~ ~ .. .....<01' <<i ,. i i :2\0- co ~ ~~~~a z ipll" . l!~ ~~ ~i ~i .. ~i ^ ! ----~ '- \~~ \~(i ~ \1\\\ i\~~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~H \~~ i\\ ~ \ ~, ,~\ ;/;,#): \\\ ,\'\\ \'~\ WIll: \\11\ \ n\ \ IH,\\ \\ \\'W1 1\ \~ \ \ () A' '\ ,\1, \1 n:\I\\ \1\\" . \\ .. \ \' \ \1 1 ." \\ ' II' \11 ' tl 111\.:\ I \' I ,\." .\ I ' iil" I \ · /,,' - ~\t\ \ ~\ ~ W~ Iri\ \ · \\ \\I~, \ I~q \ \ ,,' .j\ll/>./ u\\\ \ ,n q lil\ Utl \ \ I \ \U I \\\I, \ ;.;/ I ..A:'?/:/J ~ r". .,' ,",' \ / ,. " '/, f ' ,~ ' , ' iI "--,, ,\ \ \ ~. ,I' ~ ./" W ~~ 'lDa?/ /,l/' \ III ~,./ t'" . /,) ! ,- Q " ,. It\ ,f \. .. J , tQ \ ~. t{ ,\ U , \ . I ~ ..t \ ~ r' t , l i ,~ .. I' " ~' I In , \ t I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , ,.. "- A \~ ,. ,\ ~ ,'; _.!=--: .,....' ,~n.~ ...... - \ , \ '! ,i ,;," I , \: l.:\ I ., t.~:' ..~:...\. \ \ \ ~, \ . \ I \ I I . \ .~\. \\\ \ \ ~ \ .. \ " \ . ,\. \'\' . . \ 'll" ,~ H\\\ \ \ . \ r ~ ~ \~ ~ . \. S ~! '\\ Ii I H \\\ It\ll\ \ 'I\\\~t\~~ ~ t 11 J \ . .. t ~,'~' . ~ '1\ '\ '\ ~ ~ \ r ,l ~l l , ~ '\' ' , \'~ ~ ~ ~ , . J ~ ~ \"'~ ,'~' , ~ ~ \ ' ~ ~ ,f i , . . . . . . ,t. ~.' '>t' S - - ' . 1 tt",~ Ke'\v~~ MEMORANDUM Utilities #94-377 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: John A. Guidry, A I ~ Director of Utilities {lr/ ,JA0 DATE: November 23,1994 SUBJECT: Sears Auto Center Site Plan, Second Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offers the following comments: The following items from Utilities Department Memorandum #94-330 are still outstanding: 1. Permits will be required from the Palm Beach County Health Dept. for both the water and sewer main extensions. Prior to our approval of the application for said permits, the plans must meet all of this Department's standard criteria. We can review the changes to be made directly with the project engineer, (Sects. 26-12, 26-32). 2. The type of backflow preventor for the domestic service line to the building shall be the reduced pressure zone type. We strongly recommend dual units in parallel for a building of this size, so as to assure uninterrupted supply in the event of a unit's failure, (Sec. 26-207). 3. A grease trap or oil/water separator will likely be required to meet the wastewater pretreatment criteria contained in Sec. 26.143 of the City's Code. 4. A capacity reservation fee of $790.02 will be required within thirty (30) days of City Commission approval of this project. Alternately, the entire capital facilities charge for the facility may be paid within this time frame so as to avoid the reservation fee, (Sec. 26-34(E)). It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. 19b xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella Mark Law File ~ ill ~ @ ~ ~ w; m m, i ~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-001 November 8, 1994 To: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director ~j~m v. Hukill, P.E. ~tment of Development Director Sears Automotive Center From: Re: The Department of Development has no objections to conditional use approval for the subject project. WVH: mh cc: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Ken Hall, Engineering Aide A: SEARS ,4'.. '1 ENGINEERING MEMO # 94-363 DATE: 11/16/94 TO: Tambri Heyden, P&Z Director FROM: Ken Hall, Eng. Aide@,. SUBJECT: Scars Auto/Service Center - Second Site Plan Review The following comments still have to be addressed; however, they may be corrected as part of their related permitting. We recommend that the plan be forwarded to the appropriate review boards. Attached is the second review set of plans. PAVING: I. Extend all island curbing so that the face of the "F" curb is in line with the ends of the stall striping (1.5'). Appendix C of parking lot ordinance. Asphalt material should be type 2 rather than S-3 unless otherwisc approved by the city engineer. - Sec. 5-142(g). DRAINAGE: 1. Provide satisfactory, sealed drainage calculations from a Florida registered engineer.- Art. X, Sec.5-144(f). 2. Provide approval by S.F.W.M,D. ifrequired. LIGHTING: 1. Upon applying for a site lighting pennit. provide a satisfactory lighting plan in accordance with the parking lot ordinancc.- Art. X, Sec. 5-142(a). LANDSCAPING: I. Provide a detail to indicate the clear sight area (horizontal & vertical) at the egress driveways. - Art. 2, Sec.7,5-57( 1)L. FIRE LANES: The fire lane depicted on the plan shall confonn to the specifications found in the parking lot ordinance( 3' high lettcrs facing traffic and signage/markings evcry 50', yellow curb). HANDICAP REQUIREMENTS: 1. The "typical parking spaces" detail on sh.2 of 8 must agree with city std. dwg. B-900 12 (striping and markings to be white per dwg.). C: W.V.Hukill, C.E. and file K. Hallihan, Forester B. Cavanaugh, Fire Inspector 1. DuVall, Eng. Inspector searsctr. two ,'4',. I" MEMORANDUM TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag Zoning and site Development Administrator DATE: December 6, 1994 RE: site Plan Project: Location: Agent: File No: Review - 2nd Review - New site Plan Sears Automotive Center Northeast corner of Boynton Beach Mall John D. Smith Engineers, Inc. COUS 94-006 The following is a list of comments regarding the second review of the above-referenced project. It should be noted that the comments are divided into two (2) categories: The first category is a list of comments that identify unresolved comments either from the first review or new comments as a result of the second review. To show compliance with these comments will not substantially alter the configuration of the site and the design of the building. The second category is a list of recommendations I believe will enhance the aesthetics and function of the project. All comments and recommendations can be rectified on the plans at time of permitting if the site plan request is approved. The applicant shall understand that additional comments may be generated upon review of the documents and working drawings submitted to the Building Division for permits for the proposed project. I. SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. Parking lot lighting shall be shielded from the residential property to the north. 2. Any building signage, to include size and color, in addition to that shown on the colored elevations, must receive site plan approval. 3. Provide a note on the landscape plan that indicates to the contractor that the number of shrubs/plants required must provide the minimum spacing required by code, which may exceed the number shown on the landscape plan. 4. Any additional hazardous materials (including natural gas) stored or used on site, beyond what has been approved by the Environmental Review Committee shall require modification to the applicant's environmental review permit application and may generate additional site plan comments which will have to be incorporated in the permit set of drawings. 5. The permit plans for the facility must conform to all performance standards referenced in Appendix A - Zoning, Section 4.N of the Code of Ordinances with particular attention to subsection 11,c regarding drainage systems for truck wells. I 'a. 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I I . , I '1 I I r I j bl J ..J! t I- '-: -: I "i--" p,n R.P. \ R3 1 I I L I \ -:f:l m i, I \~.:~ , \ I I D ~ ,HD IT ". -.. PCD /-1 .J :~: I .J 3 ~ 8:" ,r4:.~~r :::'" ;:a 3 ..:-o-'-_-_'~" b:; ::"~j': :,: ;: n : I, " I ::."oo~-------:-.:-' r ...., ~l 0'" ,.~'A I R~~/... " ~ tr"~" " 'I :~ 1\" '" z~~ y "l\"..ooo'",,~ W I I c:= Oc.c"':-" I R 3 /" l \ 1/4 MILES ~ V~ 1600 FE~T P~ANN/N;'; pe;.pr; Ol/S9 I , I -h /4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ... MEMORANDUM -, TO: Tambri Heyden Planning and Zoning Director DATE: December 13, 1994 FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk RE: Sears - Conditional Use Approval Attached please find a letter from Esther M. Gundlach, in opposi- tion to Sears' request for conditional use approval to construct an automotive service center. This is scheduled to be heard by the Planning and Development Board on December 13, 1994 and by the City Commission on December 20, 1994. ~P''' ~"'~~ SK/ee Attachment cc: City Manager City Commission City Attorney Planning and Development Board Members "So ~=- , .-' f{~A~;';': IE::LL ~/Y1l3l2.) UJ~R,,:::-I}J..!::. -?/UJr~J<..+i -TJJA'rI.i P':"',-~(_R-;!3~~f) ':y'J r~. ~ rr:A&v:::.D tL/~Il..- /J. {---O-CR f'E.. D. AL//c.c ;J4J6 /df:J1/1 o (/...f-1 -===--- -.....--:--) '................... ~ ' . I "- .'.. "~~.,.-" ,,' .:,. --"') '\ !, ;".::/ - " . , ' ,~l.{ 1.._-: /~j~ q-n ~-f 'In, k (/$ ~ \:~~\\C~1c!gr~0V~AI'u :'i:i ' 1 -', '.~ H1~lwf;:;CC""'" ,e. mAl \~J v ~\<o J/YJ ~f"l/1c/ L~ p,j h~J /7/L/'f'1/~~ . "?:' (fC-vl'fd ~ /L,#,?;'~(-'fC/,~ ....6/Cf.-t4- .. f'rn/.Jbc/c-I--t~t tl41 V1(/~dl-l Vf (}.,,~h--1 J t:I-rn ,]/-h1~ n, ud C(fc(f-n'5~ ,a, &,4~VCI. '/1f~~~' . J a<d~ ClLlJ- cd p~,~, 00- '-1-8,.-, Vs-:.).r-~Y-OI5-tJ1, .. tWi/ ~~t~~e?h ft .dLLI n~-ed: -tt:7t J~:J!:%/ ;;!:;~/~? ,%t.u . 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Iw.. \ .:.; 7' ~-... ---'" , " '. ! , , ~ i ~{ t; J l: . . \..'. ~ " ~ \ . ---- ----- -- -' -- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DATE PICKED UP: I plans - Comments REVIEWER'S NAME: DATE RECEIVED: STARTED REVIEW: RETURNED: APPROVED: PERMIT NO.: REVIEW ( CIRCLE) : 1 G) 3 4 REVISION ZONING DISTRICT: COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL MMSP ISPWV PERMIT Of 5'- 7.<;'3 FILE NO.: FEE: PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET PROJECT NAME: S G: /~ {~S A JT;) C 8 v ~~ TRACT /SUBDIVISION: lSu I ~ to ,J 1-A.. I~ L-L PROJECT ADDRESS: PERSON RETRIEVING COMMENTS AND/OR PLANS: tk-, Signature I L ~I\J \< 12 Q.. Print Name DESCRIPTION: '2 Nf) R ~ I ~ 'A) The permit number identified above is the referenced number for your proposed improvement(s). Prior to further processing on your request, the documents that you submitted illustrating the improvement(s) shall be amended to show compliance with the below listed comment(s). To discuss the comment(s) it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer identified in the'upper right hand corner, (407) 375-6260 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. please reference the project name and permit number when corresponding with City'S Staff. After amending the plants) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-revlew to the Building Department. Please note that additional comments may be generated as a result of reviewing the amended plans. All comments shall be rectified prior to staff review approving the documents. ................~~~l-~~:::.~~~~:~~:,...:,."""..:,...............~....~~:.~~..:,...........l-:,.l-:,.. ~:c..,.~. '.' 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Prior to further processing on your request, the documents that you submitted illustrating the improvement(s) shall be amended to show compliance with the below listed comment(s). To discuss the comment(s) it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer identified in the upper right hand corner, (407) 375-6260 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. Please reference the project name and permit number when corresponding with City's staff. After amending the plants) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department. Please note that additional comments may be generated as a result of reviewing the amended plans. All comments shall be rectified prior to staff review approving the documents. ~ ~ UJ...i2'A-Srt S I1'D'V o-,.} PRAvv,Nb--S Ttt~ B4ARIG~ I\-t-ONu... TItZ Na A.-r f..j. ~ I D .z 0 r::-- "Tt+-a- L3V'T't'{a7 M/\\.-L /t 6- R~e{),o :r Au v }<~\-' tC>M.f\-'\.\.S'S I{)IJ M-G>~'TdU6 ~ 1: p1-.I~A,6~ PRDl..hCH~ UPPATl?C\ f/l/rl-I_ Pl.-ItN -rtt/+r SHDW::, Cort Rt? cT~ b A REA- <; (F-L....aDR AR.vA- $ t-A-T/5T1C,c-'" ') IlUcLU OJ N&- ,") EA R ,') It- v T D ~ 'G'R \) ) t:' t3" c &).J,ER. j N f) v(",-~.f} G~ *" SHDw R GCf<CL.I(J l!io- D U "",Ph 16 r:{ k 0 c. .4--",( eN C 4 b RGG{) rD I K..J l> ~ C~ B~ '<. I J /f IV JA.Q.~ CeJ MI--'\.\., <; '$( 1.)A.J JIq (;aT I tV 6- ) ~ 'NO/CAre- '2..4" C-C- GPft~~,J(y (~L?'OlJ~RGM.~ 1~~ II ~ /-.! I C-I-c 6 ~ ~ ..z-e-NrV'V l>- A ~ t7 Ar~ Ceo ~o IJ !...lJ"""'-.) C) L ~bs~AP;r ~1-Av * Departments required to review the project: J \l L. 1 ",.z ~ i) U B l- ( C {).J {.'l tt\c.. ~ llEV: ~-16-95 ft:".&ZCOllll1'.PRIl Page of ('c) \.!V~ \1\) 1 - . , \~ \- ,,,,,.Ieo ,~ U\ \= \~ \<; '" --.. ..tr1. . A r ~t.J\ ()' .t:::> ~\ (I'~ (7\ P. e' ;;;---ii4.'Io ,{n uJ ,-. IV I ';' -,~ S ~ ---~:,~--~~- ,to " ... 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