REVIEW COMMENTS PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #93-032 FROM: J. Scott Miller City Ma~ ~o~er Cutro Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: February 12, 1993 Saint Mark Catholic Church site Plan, Conditional Use, Parking Lot Variance and Community Design Plan Appeal RE: Saint Mark Catholic Church has submitted a site plan, conditional use, parking lot variance and community design plan appeal for the expansion of the school for a pre-kindergarten and kindergarten building to be located on their site. Due to complications in the code, the site plan, conditional use and community design plan appeal were reviewed by the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board, while the parking lot variance was reviewed by the Planning and Development Board. To simplify this request for the City Commission, I will review each of the elements of each request separately in a logical progression. Conditional Use The Central Business District zoning district requires the pre- kindergarten school to go through conditional use review. The proposed new use will be an extension of the existing school on the site and will not have negative impacts on the surrounding land uses. The Community Redevelopment Advisory Board reviewed this request and forwarded it to the City Commission with a recommendation for approval. Community Design Plan Appeal The proposed new building is designed to match the existing school building in color and roof configuration. Overall the site contains four buildings which are of a consistent color and roof style. Making the new structure conform to the Coastal Village Design Guidelines would be inappropriate. The Community Redevelopment Advisory Board reviewed this request at its meeting of February 8, 1993 and forwarded the appeal to the City Commission with a recommendation for approval. Parking Lot Variance In the Central Business District landscape code, there are a series of separate requirements included in the parking requirements such as parking lot design, drainage, landscaping and lighting. The applicant requested a blanket variance to these requirements, however, subsequent negotiations with staff have reduced the actual variances to minor requirements. Presently, drainage of the site is unacceptable, because almost all of the stormwater on site runs east into the Mangrove area. The applicant has agreed to create swales and a retention area on the east site line. This will bring the site up to 50% of the requirement required by Code. The City Engineer feels this is a major improvement over the existing conditions. Planning & Zoning Dept. Memo 193-032 Page 2 The Planning and Development Board at its meeting of February 9, 1993 reviewed this request and forwarded the drainage portion of the variance to the City Commission with a recommendation for approval. Lighting and landscaping are considered one requirement under the Central Business District landscape code. At the present time, the lighting on site is substandard. The applicant has agreed to upgrade the lighting to an average of one footcandle at grade level in the vehicular use areas and .75 footcandles at grade level in the pedestrian area. These are the requirements of the CBD landscape code. The CBD landscape code requires a certain design of fixtures and lighting tyPe. These should be waived so that all the fixtures on the site can match both in fixture design and lighting. The landscaping on the site is missing hedge material in places, as well as 24 trees on the site and the north swale, no landscaped entrance exists, the species on the site are not acceptable under the CBD landscaping code and do not meet the 90% native requirement. The site on which the new structure is to be located contains trees that can be moved elsewhere on the site. The applicant has agreed to do this and then supplement the number moved up to the 24 trees. The applicant has agreed to add an entrance feature on the south side of the site. Any new material being planted on the site will meet the 90% native requirement and the CBD plant lists. Any hedges will be filled in and lengthened as needed. The only variances being granted to landscaping are as follows: 1. Hedge material is planted and will be planted spaced at 24 inches instead of 18 inches on center; 2. The existing ficus and black olive trees which will remain are not an acceptable species in the CBD; 3. Grass will be allowed to remain below the hedges instead of ground cover; 4. No landscaping is being provided around the dumpster; 5. No pedestrian furnishings are being provided; 6. The 90% native plant material requirement will not be met for the entire site. The Planning and Development Board, at its meeting of February 9, 1993, reviewed the landscaping and lighting section of the parking lot variance and forwarded it to the City Commission with a recommendation for approval. Site Plan Review Due to the other reviews that took place regarding this site, the site plan review is easier than most. The new structure meets the building requirements for the CBD zoning district and the overall site meets the parking and landscaping requirements if the community design plan appeal and parking lot variances are granted. The Community Redevelopment Advisory Board reviewed the site plan at its meeting of February 8, 1993 and forwarded the plan to the City Commission with a recommendation for approval. Planning & Zoning Dept. Memo 193-032 Page 3 One condition on the site plan is that a section of 5th Avenue, which still exists as a right-of-way, but has been encroached upon by the church parking lot and other developments to the west, be abandoned. We would suggest that staff be instructed to prepare this application as soon as possible under our alley abandonment program and that this condition should not stop building permits from being issued. To save time at the City Commission meeting, staff will make one consolidated presentation on all the requests for this site. These items have been scheduled for final review before the City Commission on February 16, 1993. CC/jm Atts. A:STMARK.JM ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION App. II APPENDIX II. BOYNTON BEACH COMMUNITY DESIGN PLAN STANDARDS . All applicable projects shall comply with the design standards as follows: (a) New projects. New projects shall comply with the site plan review process contained in Chapter 19. Plans submitted for review shall show and identify a minimum of one (1) type of fInish roofing material and one (1) type of exterior wall finish material from the appropriate architectural style list. Alternately, the applicant may submit to the commu- nity appearance board, materials that are harmonious with the required architectural style for roof and exterior wall covering material. Submitted plans shall also incorporate at least fifty (50) per cent of the architectural features and/or treatments identified on the appropriate architectural style list into the design of the building, or show architectural features and/or treatments that are harmonious with the required architectural style, (b) Modifications to existing projects. All other projects which must comply with the community design plan shall show and identify on the plans submitted for review a minimum of one (1) type of fInish roofing material and one (1) type of exterior wall fInish material from the appropriate archi- tectural style list or present to the community appearance board, materials that are harmonious with the required architectural style for roof and exterior wall covering ma- terial. Submitted plans shall also incorporate at least twenty-five (25) per cent of the architectural features and/or treatments identified on the appropriate architectural style list into the design of the building, or' show architectural features and/or treatments that are harmonious with the required architectural style, (c) Architectural amenities. All projects subject to compliance with the community design plan may choose an architec- tural amenity from the appropriate architectural style list or present amenities that are harmonious with the re- quired architectural style and incorporate the amenity into the site and receive credit as a required architectural fea- ture and/or treatment. Supp. No. 46 635 -3- App. II BOYNTON BEACH CODE (d) Colored eleuatio1l.S. All projects subject to compliance with the community design plan shall submit elevation draw- ings of all sides of each building proposed to be developed on the site. Colored elevation drawings will only be re- quired for the front elevation of a structure when all sides of a building are consistent in color and materials. Each colored elevation drawing shall identify the type of each exterior rmish material and state the color by name, man- ufacturer and model or style number. A color sample shall be submitted as an example along with the color or product identified on the plans. The sample will be used for the tmal site inspection to ensure that the correct product and color were used for the project. For projects which require site plan approval, all color elevation drawings and/or sam- ples shall be submitted to the planning department by the site plan approval deadline date. ARCInTECTURAL THEMES II Mediterra- .... I Coastal Village neanlSpanish III Modem Roofs: Metal standing seam Barrel tile Metal Asphalt shingle S-tile Tar & gravel Wood shake Exposed rafters Built-up w/deck Formed aluminum Exposed beams Space frame w/skylight Walls: Horizontal wood siding Stucco medium Curtain wall Horizontal vinyl to heavy Reflective glass siding Bricks Thermo pane Board & batten Tile Glass Block Slant siding Adobe stone Stone veneer Stucco Tile Precast wall Plastic laminate Wood siding Supp. No. 46 636 -+- ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION App. II ~ II Mediterra- I Coastal Village nean/Spanish III Modern Architectural features and/or treatments Wall accessories: Shutters Iron decorative Aluminum grill Lattice work grills work Decorative moldings Wood decorative Steel grill work Balcony grills Accent tile Accent tile Decorative Balcony moldings Arches Bell tower Shutters Windows: Multi-pane glass Multi.pane glass Spandrel glass window Fixed glass Fixed glass Fixed glass Stained glass Reflective glass Beveled glass Extra features: Decorative benches Decorative Exterior Exterior lamps lamps lighting Related ornaments Iron gates Multi-panel doors Carved doors Amenities: Front patio Interior court Exterior view Rear patio Fountains elevator Wood deck. Covered walk- Buildings Trellises ways crossway Gazebo Sculpture Picket fence Fountain Supp. No. 46 637 -5- fti./.t PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-20 TO: Members of the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board c~~utro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: DATE: February 2, 1993 RE: st. Mark Catholic Church, 624 N.E. 4th Avenue Community Design Plan Appeal, File No. 717 Richard L. San Giovanni, architect of record for the new kindergarten and pre-kindergarten building proposed for construction at the st. Mark Church and School site, is requesting relief from the Community Design Plan. See the attached letter from Mr. San Giovanni requesting the appeal. The st. Mark property is located in the Central Business District and the Coastal Village Architectural Design District as described in the Community Design Plan (Ordinance 90-33). Mr. San Giovanni has designed the new structure to be compatible and in harmony with the eXisting school building located at the project. However, the finish material proposed for the walls, roof and architectural features of the new building do not comply with materials identified in the design plan under the Coastal Village architectural theme. Attached for your review is the section of the Community Design Code that identifies the list of materials that a designer can choose from when designing the walls, roof and architectural feature components of a building that is located in the Coastal Village DeSign District. A colored elevation view drawing of the building and photographs of adjacent structures were submitted by the applicant and will be available for your review at the meeting. The color of the new and existing school buildings match and comply with the colors specified in the Central Business District Design Guidelines. We are asking the Board to review the request and made a recommendation to the Community Redevelopment Agency. CC:ald Attachments C:STMARK.APL -1-