AGENDA DOCUMENTS AGENDA DOC U "" E '" T 5 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 20, 1993 , VIII. DEVELOPMENT PlANS A. Consent Agenda - Unanimously Approved by the Planning and Development Board 1. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Sheppes of Woolbright, Planned Commercial Development Chuck Yannette, Kilday and Associates Tradewinds Development Shoppes of WOolbright, Northwest corner of PLANNING AND ZONING LASERFICHE TEMPLATE PROJECT NAME: RI1CEm.4C Sc72f1/'Cf;- Sr--rf-i/o M SITE fi/t AI PROJECT TYPE: PROJECT ADDRESS: irtu (!NR WOOL8f?t'6 fir v Sw g ST PROJECT NO. PCN: (?E $ r~-(p~ DOC TYPE: (RIGHT CLICK FOR PULL DOWN MENU) STATUS: (RIGHT CLICK FOR PULL DOWN MENU) APPROVAL/STATUS DATE Lfl ;(~ I r3 I a 3/- --<-a 0 is DESTRUCTION DATE: S:\Planning\Plann ing\Laserfiche template.doc "' MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA APRIL 20. 1993 venience store with gasoline sales~ two additional driveways, and a canopy encroachment into the side setback, subject to staff comments. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. , hnended Motion Commissioner Matson amended her motion to add that this approval is for this applicant only and any new applications filed for any other encroachments would have to be brought before the Planning and Development Board and the City Commission for review. Vice Mayor Aguila agreed to the amended motion, which carried 5-0. 3. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Racetrac Joe KOlb, CCl Consultants, Inc. Trad~winds Development Northvest corner of Woolbright Road and Southwest 8th Street Site plan for a convenience store with gasoline sales Description: Commissioner Katz referred to the minutes of the Planning and Development Board meeting wherein Chainman Lehnertz made reference to the site being within 1,000 feet of a site which has been platted for a church. Mr. Cheraf explained that the 1986 Code contains the 1,000 foot restriction, but the 1992 Code does not have a distance requirement and that the applicant is penmitted, under Court Order and a stipulation entered into by the City, to build under the 1986 Code. However, the applicant has been put on notice that the C1ty.s interpretation of this is that if he first builds a gas station, he may never get to build a church on that site. Vice Mayor Aguila wanted the dumpster location resolved before approving this project. He saw potential danger with traffic heading east on Woolbright and making a u-turn at the intersection to enter the gas station. Mr. Staudinger referred to comment number 3 of his memo, which states that a traffic study is required to assess the impact of the driveway and use of the intersection of S. W. 8th and Woolbright Road. To date, Mr. Staudinger has not yet received that report. Vice Mayor Aguila felt there was insufficient landscaping. Melvin Simms of Racetrac stated that he is working with the owner of the pond to resolve the issue relating to the joint use pond. Mr. Simms was willing to locate the dumpster anywhere the City wants it. A traffic engineer is working on the traffic count. A local landscape architect did the landscape plan, based on the regulations. Vice Mayor Aguila wished additional landscaping at the northwest corner of the intersection where the retention pond is. Mr. Simms advised that he applied to DOT to fi,l in that ditch and make it a flat, grassy area. Mr. Simms was agreeable to the additional landscaping if DOT allows it. - 18 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ Motion APRIL 20, 1993 Commissioner Walshak moved to approve the site plan for a convenience store with gasoline sales at the northwest corner of WOolbright Road and Southwest 8th Street for Racetrac, subject to all staff and City Commission comments. Commissioner Matson seconded the motion. which carried 4-1. Commissioner Katz cast the dissenting vote. 4. Barnett Bank Marvin Scharf, Architect Barnett Bank of Palm Beach County (Rick Allen) 105 North Congress Avenue Major Site Plan Modification: Request site plan approval to add 764 square feet to the existing Barnett Bank building. The expansion includes associated parking area and landscaping. The site abuts the southeast corner of Boynton Plaza. Vice Mayor Aguila asked why there is a dumpster pad instead of a dumpster enslosure. Mr. Cutro agreed to make it a condition that a wall be put around the dumpster. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Motion Vice Mayor Aguila moved to approve item 4. subject to the condition of the dumspter enclosure. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. B. Non-Consent Agenda - Not unanimously approved by the Planning and Development Board 1. Project Name: Agent: Own e r: Location: waffle House Dave Miller. Architect Waffle House (Richard H1ggin Bothan) Southwest corner of Northwest 7th Street and West Boynton Beach Boulevard ' Site Plan: Request site plan approval to construct a 1,865 square foot. 44 seat restaurant on a .284 acre site that abuts the northeast corner of Gateway Centre. Mr. Cutro stated that when this site plan was submitted to the Planning and Development Board, staff was under the impression they could request that this item be remanded back to staff because there were still problems with the Community Design Plan and with some of the comments. such as the setbacK and variance. Staff was informed at the Planning and Development Board meeting that the Planning and Development Board does not have the ability to do that and, therefore, the Planning and Development Board forwarded this matter to the City Commmission with a recommendation for denial. Since then, the applicant has agreed to apply for a variance. However, the other comments have not yet bee~ resolved and the applicant would like to discuss his plan to meet the Community Design Plan with the City Commission. Descriptior' - 19 -