APPLICATION ~ General Mills Restaurants, Inc. General Offices 5900 Lake Ellenor Drive P O. Box 593330 Orlando, FL 32859-3330 (407) 851-0370 February 19, 1993 VIA: AIRBORNE Mr. Mike Haag City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: RED WBSTER JOB NO. 92R133 CONGRESS AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FL Dear Mr. Haag: Enclosed herewith are 12 sets of Site Plans along with Pre-Application Review Form and Site P1ap. Approval Application. Also enclosed is Check #3574 made payable to the City of Boynton Beach in the amount of $750.00 for Site Plan Review. Sin...c.e..r. ely,..... ~( ('. 0// ( .~ .>"..../f/L ,(/~ ,- / Jim McIlvain l/Site Development Administrator JMllp Enclosures Red Lobster @ The Olive Garden@ - I ~..- ..., PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE REVIEW FORM Date: 2/19/93 Proj ect Title: RED LOBSTER RESTAURANT proj ect Rep.: JIM MC ILVAIN - (904) 734-7491 Zoning District: C-3 - COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL Use Permitted: FULL SERVICE RESTAURANT Condi tional Use: NUT KE4U1KEV ERB: Building and site regulations: Allowed Proposed Density: Lot Area: Lot Froritage: Lot Depth: Setback Abuttil.lg - paved alley - railroad - residential Front: Side: Side: Rear: Corner Lot: Living Area: Lot Coverage: Maximum Height: 15,537 S.F. 117' 156' -t'COii1merciaD - 50' 50' 200'+ 70' YES .N/A 15.537 S.F. 25' 3" existing bldg Easemets: Off-Si te Sidewalks: 5' WIDE SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO PROPERTY ON CONGRESS AVENUE Buffer Wall: LAND Off-Street Parking: TOTAL AVAILABLE IN CENTER 394 Handicapped Spaces: RED LOBSTER 106 SPACES + 5 HANDICAPPED Parking Lot: (aisles/striping) (ingress/egress) (drainage) (lighting) (HC) YES YES YES YES Loading Zone: Peripheral Greenbelt: Open Space: Landscape Specs. (curbing): Dumpster Location: Public Works Community Design Plan : Theme: Concurrency: (County Review Traffic) Utility Reservation Fee: Utility Department (407) 738-7460 Cross Access and/or Cross Parking Agreement: Unity of Title: Buildina Department (407) 738-7480 Department (407) 738-7420 Right-of-way: Next step: Submission requirements 12 sets of plans - Board schedule (color elevations due at time of submitting amended plans) r---- ~_. I hereby certify and represent to General Mills Restaurants, lrtc: (as owner) and any title insurer of General Mills Restaurants. Inc., that this is a true and correct Plat of a survey made under my supervision in accordance with "Specifications for Land Surveys", a copy of which has been delivered to me, of: A portion of Sectionl9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly ~-~ described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of said Section 19; thence N 000 59' 39" W along the East line of said Section 19, a distance of 2728.11 feet; thence S 890 00' 21" W, a distance of 60.00 feet to a point of intersection with the West Right-of-Way line of Congress Avenue; thence N 000 59' 39" W along said West Right-of-Way line, a distance of 27.61 feet; thence S 89 0 00' 21" W, a distance of 50.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N 000 59' 39" Wand parallel with the West Right-of-Way line of Congress Avenue, a distance of 96.00 feet; thence S 890 00' 21" W, a distance of 136.00 feet; thence S 000 59' 39" W, a distance of 116.57 feet to a point that is 50.00 feet North of the North line of that 90.00 foot wide access easement for "Boynton Beach Mall Access Road D", as recorded in Official Records Book 4814, Page 279 of said Public Records; thence N 880 05' 26" E and parallel with said parallel line of "Boynton Beach Mall Access Road D", a distance of 117.62 feet; thence N 430 32' 54" E, a distance of 26.23 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands situate in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. containing 15,536.7 Square Feet / 0.3567 Acres, more or less. Subject to Easements, Restrictions, Reservations, Covenants, and Rights-of-Way of Record. that said Plat correctly shows the locations of all buildings, structures and improvements on said described property; that there are no encroachments from or on said described property, or right-of-ways or easements on said described property, except as shown on said Plat of survey; and that I am a registered land surveyor or engineer in the State of Florida. I further certify that this Boundary Survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards set forth in Rule 21HH-6 adopted by the Florida Board of Land Surveyors, pursuant to Florida Statutes 472.027. There are no abov2 ground encroachments other than those shown hereon, subject to the qual ificati ons noted hereon., .;) ~ j Date: ro/q !qd-. V~ / David P. Lindley. P.L.S. Reg. Land Surveyor #5005 State of Florida r----- TRACKING REVIEW SUBMITTAL PROJECT TITLE: FILE DESCRIPTION: \ r() TYPE: ;0 NEW SITE PLAN MODIFICATION DATE REC'D: .:II ~ J.. RECEIPT NO.: I "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie * "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie TWELVE (12) SETS AESTHETIC REVIE~\APPL. SUBMITTED: LU~ RECEIPT NO. : f.Jllr 7T I (Plans shall be pre-assembled. The Planning & Zoning Dept. will number sheet of their set. The Planning Dept. set will be used to check the remaining sets to ensure the number and type of sheets match.) COLORED ELEVATIONS REC I D: ru:> each "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie APPLICATION & SUBMITTAL: DATE: ACCEPjED .:1/:;;; qg; I DATE: DENI~ JJj DATE OF LETTER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: 2nd SUBMITTAL DATE: ACCEPTED vIA- I DATE: Ci-/ :J;;J/9 3. S;~IED DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCE~:~SE L~T,:OE~: REVIEWER'S NAME: ~ (l.{v_,v- "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie * "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie * "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie "Ie (Label TRC Departments on each set of plans) DATE AND MEMO NUMBER OF MEMO SENT TO DATE SENT: :2/..2 2 J f:3. RETURN DATE: / / ~RC TO PERFORM INITIAL REVIEW. PLANS (J~E_M6~ ~ /llkTE / "~ Utile --!J.i:L ~/ .3 ~ /_ :~~kS ~~ ~~ r)f-k .Fire ~/ / c- Police :1 !>- 0 ':11 / .~ / =r:; TYPE OF VARIANCE(S) MEMO NUMBER: 1 3-D~ Ai~: f) {JP{.ICIftP'f .#At. j)1:.i/4:t.op4.'; 1st REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED f1 W /11/ (:J/JAJp 4IfJt./~~ 11N.J jlfl1/2.""J:. ~t;.tttc.~rt:lI.~ Ij MEMu if I DATE / "C" / /- y~ ').3 -05"0 /~/ ~ y~ qj --073 / 3 9. 'I /~ ~ IJj),.- / ;). / f'J('- r A ~6""'''' ";A~ '$ /"'3 '3 /.. ~ c.. , 3/ f/13- I PLANS Planning Building Engineer Forester e ''f'[ b<. DATE OF MEETING: DATE OF LETTER SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: (Aesthetic Review App., dates of board mtgs. & checklist sent out w/ comments NINETY DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLETE SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2nd REVIEW: (Must be assembled. Reviewer shall accept amended plans & support documents) COLORED ELEVATIONS REC'D: AESTHETIC REVIEW APP. FEE: REC'D: RECEIPT NO.: MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM 2nd REVIEW. DATE SENT: MEMO #: RETURN DATE: 2nd REVIEW RECOMMENDATION/DENIAL PLANS MEMO # / DATE /"R/D" PLANS Utile / / Planning P.W. / / Building Parks / / Engineer Fire / / Forester Police / / MEMO # / DATE / / / / /"R/D" / / / / LETTER TO APPLICANT REGARDING TRC APPROVAL/DENIAL AND LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT/SIGNS INSTALLED: SCHEDULE OF BOARD MEETINGS: PAD CC/CRA DATE APPROVAL LETTER SENT: SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" --- 9 t-.l/) (: CQNC. o..RB 'M-B2E / ~WN ON PLAN. i ~~ f'- FVNTER , . VB-I1a..E ovEI<HANG --- - EDGE OF PAVING 9 !!! ~ Q~ ~~ S~IPPING TYP. I EA. SPACE IZ-o" 5'-0' IZ-o' PARKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PROJECT DATAl SITE AREA ___ '284,523 SF 1 6.5'2 A~S. ZONING DIS1l21CT - C3 MAXIM..M ELDG !-EIGHT . 45'-0' BUILDING AREA/PARKING REQ'O BY C)?OE ~ s ' I:2ET AIL - 51.994 SF . 1/200 . 2'59,g'7 SP. I ) ~ '1-1 I:2EST ALRAf\fT - 8.3~ SF . 1/100 . 83.36 SP. "{ .~, BAN<: _ 5.000 SF . 1/250 . 20.00 SP. OFFICE - 9.800 SF . 1/300 . 32.67 sp. \/\))!,,\\"', TOTAL 75.130 SF . 396 SP. PARKING PROVIDED. 396 SPACES HANDICAP SPACES REQUIRED. 8 SPACES HANDICAP SPACES PROVIDED. 8 SPACES PROPOSED BUILDING AREA MODIFICA TIONSI TOTAL EXISTING BUILDING MlEA . 76,940 SF. TOT AL APPROVED BUILDING MlEA . 71,629 SF. TOT AL PROPOSED BUILDING MlEA . 75,130 SF. INv~~t>.a; \~2t?} ,;;1":J"i"Z- REPl<ESENTS A ~OPOSEO ~ASE OF 3 I . (4.91) ABOVE n-e A~OVED BUILDING AREA. SURFACE COVER,' AREA (ACRES) % OF T~ GROUND FL. BLDG 1.45 AC, 22.2 " WA TER - <1- 'AC. 0,0 " IMPERVIOUS (WALKS/DRIVES) 4.04 AC. 61.9 " TOTAL IMPERVIOUS 5,49 AC. 84,2 " AREA (ACRES) % OF TOTAL LANDSCAPE -INTERIOR 0,36 AC, 5.6 " LANDSCAPE - OTHER 0,67 AC. 10.3 " TOTAL PERVIOUS 1. 03 AC 15.9 " GENERAL NOTES: 1. PROPOSED BUILDINGS SHALL MATCH THE EXISTING BUILDINGS IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND COLOR COMBINA TlONS 2, ALL SIGN AGE SHALL COMPLY WITH THE BOYNTON BEACH SIGN CODE. 3, THE PARKING LOT AND ACCESS DRIVES SHALL CONT AIN TRAFFIC CONTROL MARKINGS AS REQUIRED TO MEET CITY CODES. ORDINANCES AND STANDARDS, THE FIRE LANES SHALL BE MARKED WITH SIGNAGE AS REQUIRED TO MEET CITY COOES. ORDINANCES AND STANDARDS. STOP BARS SHALL BE PAINTED ON THE PAVEMENT ADJACENT TO EACH STOP SIGN LOCATION. 4, LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN AN EASEMENT SHALL BE ALLOWED ONL Y AFTER CONSENT Of ALL UTILITIES COMPANIES THAT HAVE ACCESS RIGHT TO 11<:;F THF EASEMENT. ~~~&~ ._ s::. ~ "t; r::: - UO Q)O O~~3:s!. \;)'0 w 0 <( Z W ~ ~ 0 0 Cl t- - (f) 0: 0: z CL 0 0 -' - LL l- I - 0 .. () J: 0 () <: <( <( ~ W w C/) co z en z 0 - Z 0 l- e:( 0 ~ a: Z w 1-. >- I- '--1 Z 0 c( m >- 0 en C\I 0> - 0> ..... - o ..... U; C o 'U; '> Q) ~