CORRESPONDENCE PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT #92-063 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) E'ROM: J. Scott Miller City Manager ~~~ Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director TO: DATE: April 16, 1992 RE: The Tire Store - Site Plan Approval The owners of the property located at the southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway has proposed to improve the property by the addition of a canopy, landscaping and drainage improvements. The proposed plan was submitted to the staff prior to first reading of the new service station ordinance and was reviewed under the old service station ordinance. (See attached staff report.) Staff recommended approval of the proposed plan with conditions. The Community Redevelopment Advisory Board at its meeting of April 13, 1992 reviewed the proposed site plan and forwarded the plan to the Community Redevelopment Agency with a unanimous recommendation for approval. This item has been scheduled for Community Redevelopment Agency consideration as part of the City commission meeting on April 21, 1992. cc/jm Atts. '. A:TIRESTOR.JM SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT Applicant: Craig Livingston Location: Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway Land Use Plan Designation: Commercial Zoning Designation: CBD Central Business District Type of Use: Service Station with Tire Sales Number of Units: n/a Square Footage: Site - 10,080 feet, Building - 1,800 s.f. Description of Project: The owner of the property wishes to upgrade the property so that he can attract a gasoline sales dealership to the site. The applicant, on the behalf of the owner, has proposed to erect a canopy over the existing gasoline pumps, add landscaping on all of the property lines, improve the overall drainage of the site, and improve the lighting of the site. Compliance with Section L, Appendix A - Service Stations with or without major repairs. It should be pointed out that the review of this is covered by the old Section L of Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances. This section was recently replaced by the City Commission. The old city regulations are being used because the applicant filed his plans and application prior to the first reading of the new ordinance. Those regulations stated: "Where an existing service station is modified in any way, the building official, technical review board, planning and zoning board, and/or city council may impose any or all of the following regulations when doing so would create significant benefits to the public safety and welfare, and where the standards contained in the following regulations could be reasonably accomodated on the existing site". The following paragraphs will address the criteria in the old city regulation and the ability of the applicant to meet this criteria. This service station is located less than 1000 feet from st. Mark's Catholic Church. However, since reciprocity was not in place until late last year, the distance requirement cannot be enforced upon this site. Site Plan Review Staff Report -2- Minimum site square feet. purchase and impossible. size is 17,500 square feet and this site is 10,080 There is not adjacent property available for because of this, meeting this criteria is The site will contain more than 10% landscaping with proper irrigation. The bulk of this landscaping will be located adjacent to public rights of way and meet the 5% requirement. Gasoline pumps will be located 12 feet from the front property line. These pumps have been located in the same position since the original development of the site. The code requires 15 feet. Driveways are located less than 45 feet from the corners and 25 feet from property lines. However, the applicant shortened all the existing driveways to 28 feet and moved the driveways as far back off the corners as site design will allow. This makes the site safer because entrances and exits are better defined. The alley driveway should be reduced to 14 feet with a one way right turn out only sign. The landscaping island should be extended on the south side of the site up to the edge of the 14 foot driveway. A safety island has been added between the two driveways on the Federal Highway frontage. This safety island will be three feet wide where a 10' wide island is required. As can be seen from the above, some of the requirement portions of the old code have been met. The site will be improved from an aesthetic point of view. Long stretches of concrete will be eliminated, the site will be better drained and site lighting will be improved. In addition, the site will be safer. Review of Departmental Comments: Comments from various departments are attached. The Planning and Zoning Department has reviewed the plans and feels that the Community Design Plan requirements are being met to the best of the applicant's ability. Since there are no major changes to the existing structure, overall compliance is difficult. The applicant has added details to the canopy that echo the design requirements of the plan. The landscape plan must be adjusted to conform with the spacing requirements of the Downtown Landscaping Code. The proposed lighting fixtures do not meet the downtown guidelines and the design of the decorative fence does not meet the Community Design Plan guidelines. Site Plan Review Staff Report -3- The canopy on the plan is required to have an 8 foot front setback. It has been discussed that the CBD front setback should be reduced to none. If the code is amended in this way, the setback is acceptable. All other comments can be met at the time of building permitting. It should be noted that the comment by the Administrative Coordinator of Engineering has been met regarding site lighting locations but that photometrics are no longer required as part of site plan review. Recommendation: staff recommends approval of the site plan subject to the applicant providing two site drawings that address: 1. the reduction of the driveway on the south property line and an enlarged landscape island, 2. spacing requirements for trees, shrubs and groundcover, 3. bringing the lighting fixture and fence into compliance with the applicable codes, 4. that the canopy setback will be adjusted to meet the setback requirements at the time of construction. CC/cmc C:CRABATT ~S!I '1'~":"'mi'~I'1f"'II)I~=._~1:.'; I II I I . _ 1i uiiJ:. .X I ~lllJllII 11"1"1' MI" illl II I~_.:~. :~ ! ~ --II .n.. I fJUU II I~ .~ . i ~d -II UJl~ I- rli!i 'j ::;l"1 ~\lJ ~ -u TTfrmii ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ J;i:': l.,:-,~~" ." .K u ~l E ~1 :;:1 \1 IT 'M t:I liiU.I '^- Y' ~ "- . f= r I I- I '; ::, /I I I 1 Q- -( H -III II ~!- - = I T I I-- ..... Ilt~ ~ .!:IT :; ~ .- ~ ~ = ! TlT f- ~ !; !:.1 \. I I ~m:IiL Jfftl =;: .. .:, T I I T I J;t!:~1 '1 IE R3 . - .' .,,'. '.'. ... ......... 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'..n~u'.-.-.:~':-'~ .: ...oJ . n 1 II Ir-!. - _...., ........ - .: ,,.:.=...:.~ . ... -........ ..,J LOCATOR MAP THE TIRE STORE . ,I.J .. fIT I In III 111 1111 1111 111'111111 III III UJl III II I HI II 1;11 ~ Il I III 11 I I In 11' I ~ t-..~ II . '. ..., J ::~ ~ II y~\ >1~/ --- ~ .. I' ~., i:' J j.'. ',' ... . -.' ""'-l L...J 7...... .~'., ,.' ~ 1-- I- ~', - 1:-. ::.~ ~ 'I ..;1-- '. . '- --I .' I-- j :; .,' . I-- '-- : - :'.:L- . ..:1 . '.\...- -. ....\ ~ - I J',...~ . . . :.'. :...\ \.- ~;j-- I-----.. ~ L-... Jj j;' '7 i- I-- J:.. -7"' ,- J.. . '. . J':: '. . " . . . ....... --- - I- -------------------------- -- - - F .;;\ ~;l ~~ \\ ~, , . \. 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FLORIDA 33431 HIGHWAVS AND BRIDGES STORM DRAINAGE WATER SUPPLY LAND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES SUBDIVISIONS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS BEACH EROSION PHONE (407) 395.3333 FAX (4071 395-3315 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYS MORTGAGE SURVEYS STRUCTURAL DESIGN SANITARV SEWERS MARINAS CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION BULKHEAD LINES April 6. 1992 City of Boynton Beach Department of Planning 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach. Aorlda 33425-0310 Attn: Mr Chris Cwo Re: Drainage Plan sub mission Project Name: Our job Nu mber: The Tire Store JG-100-1056 Transmitted herewith are the following ite ms for the above referenced project: Ten (10) copies of the Drainage Design The drainage has been modified to Include an exflltratlon trench which meets the water quality and quantity standards called for In the parldng lot ordinance. If there are any questions do not hesitate to contact Gary Davis of this office 734-3330. We trust this is satisfactory. JAOOMD/gd Enclosure Copies to: Craig Uvingston RECEIVED APR 6 1992 SITE OEVEl. BOYN1"ON BEACH. fLoAIOA . ~,1i.~ Ci';yof ~oynton ~eacli PCanning & Zoning '1Jepart~nt 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beach 'Boulevara P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beadi, :rCoritIa 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490, :r;;U: (407) 738-7459 March 16, 1992 Mr. Craig Livingston 323 N. Federal Highway suite "C" Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: Initial Review Comments The Tire store 217 N. Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Applicant - Mr. George Cassell File No. 668 Mr. Livingston: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the site plan for the above referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the project or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets of the plans to the Planning and Zoning Department. When the amended plans and documents have been submitted to the planning and Zoning Department, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for a second review and the reviewers will recommend if the site plan will be placed on a board approval schedule (see attached). If there are major comments not addressed by new plans or the reviewers recommend that the plan not be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board, this office will notify you on your alternatives regarding the site plan as soon as possible. 5lmenca's (jateway to the (juifstream February 14, 1992 / Mr. Chris Cutro City Planning Director City of Boynton Beach _ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Cutro; Please let this serve as authorization for Mr. Craig R. Livingston to serve as architect and agent for our applications before the City regarding our canopy addition. Georg~ assell, Owner George's Service Station RECEIVED FEB 1 8 1992 SITE DEVEL. 1OYNTa. BEACH. FLORU>>. ......, PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-106 May 21, 1992 FROM: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official ~~ Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director TO: RE: TRANSMITTAL OF APPROVED SITE PLANS FROM THE APRIL 21, 1992, CITY COMMISSION/COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING Accompanying this memorandum you will find the approved site plan package for the project(s) listed below. The site plan package will include the following items: 1. A copy of the City issued approval letter 2. A copy of the comments made by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) 3. A set of plans reviewed by the TRC 4. The original color elevation view drawing(s) and the associated color samples 1. Exxon Service Station: Service station with a convenience store and an automatic car wash. The new site plan was approved by the City Commission at their regular meeting held on April 21, 1992. 2. The Tire Store: Renovation of the site of existing service station including the new canopy. Site Plan Modification was approved by the Community Redevelopment Agency at their regular meeting held on April 21, 1992. CC:ald Attachment XC: (Memo Only) Don Jaeger Central File Project File ~~ 1'"tee SWIle \ <:,1 r"';\j\{i,(,' l'\Ci'~Ol 1"1..l-<, \.- ,. f 1._ ;.;."RC COMMENTS Original Comments \ Copy of Comments Reviewing Departments: " y y " .\ Y -v " " ". Planning & Zoning Dept. Public Works Dept. City Engineer Engineering Dept. BUilding Dept. Fire Dept. Utilities Dept. Police Dept. Parks & Rec. Dept. " Forester/Environmentalist f \ i\ I i\J\Y\111cyrt S - j~l!ld;': c- pi. lIt, -, TRC C0MMENTS Original Comments ~opy of Comments Reviewing Departments: Y Planning & Zoning Dept. \' Public Works Dept. .; Ci ty Engineer Y Engineering Dept. x Building Dept. ~I Fire Dept. y Utiliti~s Dept. v Police Dept. Parks & Rec. Dept. ~ Forester/Environmentalist To: Mr. Craig Livingston Re: Initial Review Comments, File No.: 668 page 2 of 2 We have also enclosed for your convenience an approval schedule and a checklist that contains information regarding the second submission of the plans and documents for review. If you should have any questions regarding the comments or on the approval schedule, please feel free to call Dorothy Moore who is coordinating the review of your site plan for the planning and zoning Department. Yours truly, ,.,.-. d~Y,~r~~ Christopher cutro planning & Zoning Director cC:cp Attachments xc: Central File Chron. File Project File A: INTLCOM . SnD q" t.. J .1\1 l MEMORANDUM April 2, 1992 ~ TO: Christopher cutro, Planning & Zoning Director PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-047 March 25, 1992 TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Mike Kazunas, City Engineer Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utility Director Lt. Dan Remchuk, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist e-L.~" f."Lr7 FROM: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director RE: Second Review - New Site Plan Project: The Tire Store (dba George's Service Station) Address: 217 N. Federal Highway File No.: 668 Attached is the amended site plan for the above referenced development for your final review and recommendation. We would ask that you review this amended site plan to determine if the plans have been adjusted to satisfy comments made previously by your department. If the comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of building permit, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. If your comments have not been met or must be met by correcting the site plan again, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. Finally we would ask that you recommend to us if the the plan should be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board for review or held for further revisions by the applicant. Please return your memo and the revised plans to the Planning and Zoning Department by 5:00 P.M. on April 1, 1992. If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Dotty Moore at extension 260 who is coordinating the review of this development. XC: (Memo Only) Don Jaeger Ed Allen Charlie Frederick Edward Hillery John Guidry Project File Chronological File C:TIRESTR.SDD r THE DOLPHIN CUT OFF LUMINAIRE ERIES KFL Housin . ie internally reinforced on the arm side. Optical Chamber: Shall consist of a one-piece hydroformed aluminum reflector with a highly specular Alzak* finish. The porcelain mogul base socket is securely affixed to the reflector at a predetermined position to achieve the desired distribution. Lens Frame: Shall consist of a one-piece cast aluminum frame with hinge tab, 3/16" thick impact-resistant clear tempered glass lens, fully gasketed and sealed closed with two self retaining fasteners. Ballast Component: Located at the pole side of the luminaire and is accessible through the hinged frame at the bottom. Bal- last and related components are mounted on a single aluminum bracket and is completely removable for easy maintenance. The CWA high power factor ballast is capable of starting the lamp at temperatures to -200 F. All electrical components shall be UL listed. Wattage: The luminaire will accept any MY, M.H., H.P.S. high- intensity light source to 400 Watts. Finish: Standard finish on luminaire is electrostatically applied semi-gloss paint. Consult Street Lighting Equipment Corp. color chart. Sample Catalog Numbers KFU22-M250 KFL/22-MH250 KFL/22-L400 Description 250W Mercury Vapor 250W Metal Halide 400W High Pressure Sodium t(~\V~ CP) \\ \ \ r: 1"1re- PutfJklJrV& ~ 2o,V,,l./ Go RECEIVED APR 1 0 1992 ,.,.' ",;'~-" " -............. ... -- -- - --- - E.T.L. REPORT NO. 440473 ISOFOOTCANDLE DIAGRAM . t- J: . C) , ~ w o - en W I ~ .. r~t; ~ TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM March 5, 1992 TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Pete Mazzella, Asst. to Utilities Director Lt. Dan Remchuk, Police Department John Wildner, Parks superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Mike Kazunas, city Engineer FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Thursday, March 12, 1992 Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee will meet on Thursday, March 12, 1992, at 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room "c" (West Wing) to discuss the following: MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION PROJECT: The Tire store (dba George's Service Station) 217 N. Federal Hwy. Craig Livingston 668 LOCATION: APPLICANT: FILE NUMBER: MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION Lawrence Grove P.U.D. - reconfiguration of lots and reduction in side setbacks to five (5) foot. The minimum building separation will be ten (10) foot. Please return all comments for Master Plan Modification in regard to Lawrence Grove to Planning and Zoning Department by March 18, 1992. .HOUSTONIAN-RHO-250 AND 400 WATTS Area light for Canopies, Outdoor Showrooms and Service/Body Shops DESIGN FEATURES UL Utled It lull.llle lor 'We' loe.lloft u... Two VeAl Lltlllt"d WIlrrl1nty H~ng -The heavy duty. single piece. dle.formed. aluminum hOUse ing Is seam-welded and sanded smooth. This process assures a weathertight housing without the use of sealants. Finish. The fixture is cleaned and etched with a heated. three stage acid base phosphatising process that insures optimum paint bonding. A finish coat of acrylic/polyester enamel Is applied electrostatically and baked on to produce a hard, durable finish that Is corroslon and abrasion resistant. All painted sur. faces heavy two year limited war. ranty against fading or peeling. Standard color Is white, other colors available. Door Frame and Lens .The heavy duty, die formed alumlnum door and lens frame assembly Is double gas- keted around a dropped prismatlo Injection molded acrylic lens to pro- teet InternaL components from dust and moisture. Also offered Is 8 flat, heal-tempered and impact-resistant Sundex glass lens. The door hinges so that it can be fully opened for easy to the lamp, reflector and ballast assemblies. Optical System . The reflector is a high reflectance, die-formed. semi. specular anodized alumin.unl( A heavy duty mogul base so{;ket is mounted on a sturdy galvanized steel bracket to prevent vibration and to maintain consistent pho- tometry. Ballast -High power faclor con- stant.wattage autotransformer type with 1 acfc Class H insulation and ca. pable of stanlng at -2(fF All ballasts undergo a live slep test to ensure adherence to specification toler- ances and maximum energy effi- ciency. ORDERING GUIDE Catalog Number RHO-2SO.MH.G-LP RHO-250-MH-SR.LP RH0-400.SMA.G.LP -+- RHO-4QQ-SMA.SR.LP RHO.400-MH-G-LP RH0-400.MH-SR-LP RHO-250.HPS-G-LP RHO-250-HPS-SA-LP RH0-400-HPS.G.LP RH0-400-HPS.SR-LP Lamp 250 Watt Metal Halide 250 Watt Metal Halide 400 Watt Super Metal Halide 400 Watt Super Metal Haide . .....,- -- 400Watt Metal Halide"-' - ~ 400Watt Metal Halide 250 Watt High Pressure Sodium 250 Watt High Pressure Sodium 400 Walt High Pressure ScxJlum 400WaU High Pressure Sodium Lens Finish Flat Diffused Glass Drop Lens Flat Diffused Glass Dro~~s _ Flat Diffused Glass Drop Lens White White White White . - White White Flat Diffused Glass Drop Lens Flat Diffused Glass Drop Lsns White White White White DIMENSIONAL DATA --L- side view 10-1/4" J aI.- l22' J top view OJ' P. Q. sox ~!5OCIOO (713) ..33-4511 Copyright 1989 I JET- PHILLIPS JPL LIGHTING .~. HOUSTON, Te)(AS 71~~1l , t t~m 1\it'E ~ [G-V~ ~'N'). 'f ,. -~ ~ John A. Gnmt, ,Jr., INC Consulting Engineers end Lend Sur\leyors 3333 North Fedsft11 Highway 60co Roton, FL 33433 (407) 395-3:S33 Februory 151 1992 JG-l00-7056 Qr01 npy~ AOQ)ym T ne T1rB Stare 217 North Federtjl Hwy eo~nlon Beoch fL A. EX1stlng DrB1nag~ CondHto~ This project consists of upgrading the appeor6nc8 end functionoHty of The Tire Stora which is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Boynton Beach Blvd emd North Federal HIghway. CurrentlY, the site conslsts of the following: SH8 Par\/lOU8 Gross Impervlou8 Building Pavement iltiliL1. Area f n ~Uo(e f-!iOO 11,33Q 271 271 1 1,066 1,890 Y. 1 -/B S of ~ot81 100 2 2 96 17 81 The lot currently dre!lns by sheet flow to North Federol HlghwOIJ and Boynton Beach Blvd with no on-site retention or pre-treatment of runoff. To conform to Boynton Beach Perking Lot Regulations, 2.5 tnches of runoff must be retejned on-site, This would amount to 2315 ft3 (2.5 x 11339>< ,96/12) . The depth to the water table, ftS recorded on nsarby projects, is 6 ft. According to the perking lot regulBtions, t'J or storage is allowed et pervious BreBS for eech 6" of sol1 above the wf:lter telble, In this lnstence.. we cen store 12J' of weter over 271 ftz. wh1cn computes to 271ft:5, This 1s onl~ 12% of the J-equjr-ed storage copac1ty. EL Pro"Qsed Drelnage Mod1flcot1ons The following changes ~re proposed. wh1ch w111 have the effect or 1mprov1ng the currently substandard draInage sltuot1on. 1. Instell\ng 0 canopy over the gas tslonds. 2. Removing concrete eno lnstell1ng lendscep1ng thereby increasing retention aree end 6011 storage. 3. Redirecting runoff from the pevem~nt so thot It does not flow d1rect1~ onto North Federal H19hwoy end Eloynton BeeCh 61vd. Tt'le stormwoter wou1d flow through the ~rass area pr10r to enter1ng cHy streels. 4. Redirecting roof end canopy runoff to the back of the lot thereby 1ncrees1ng trans1t time and providing f11tering through lenOscepe areels. W1th these 1mprovement$ the sae rtJl10s become: r ~b I e 2 Aree in ~Y.ore feet 1 1,339 1,227 1,227 10,11:2 :3 ,090 7,022 S1te Pervious Grass &. Lendscep1ng I mpervtous 6ull d1 ng &. Cenopl:J P~vement ~ of tOlo, 100 1 1 1 1 eta 27 62 unaer tnese COnt11tlons, 2.. 102 ft3 COUld be reteHned on sHe. (2.5 x 11339 >< 0.69 I 1:2) The so11 storage nes been lncreesed to 1 ,227 1't~. Th1s 1s en lmprovement of more than 4.5 times over the e)(lstlng conflguret1on. Since the raInfall caught on the entIre roof end canop~ aree ts betng redirected to a pervlous area, It COUH.1 De consldered that we have also converted that portlon of the slte from lmperVl0US. Elosed on thls elssumptlon, the sHe ,.ottO! ore now. ... . SHe Pep/i OUS Gross &. Londscop1 ng f}Ul1dlng &. c~noPlJ ImperVIOUS f='Gvement Teble ~ Area 1n ~YOre ree~ 1 1,339 4,317 11227 3,090 7,022 7 ~022 ~ of tal~l 100 3e 1 1 27 62 152 kl CgO~l Y!Um1 Tnese 1 mprovements wl1l not brtng the property Into compllonce w1th the drainage requirements of tt'le current perking lot regulat1ons. It 15 not econom1celly feasible to bring thts entire site into camp1ioncs, beceuse to do so would require the destruction of most of the extsttng perking lot to install e)(fl1tratlon trench ona to regrade the pavement toward the newly 1 nstalled 1 n1 ets. The unoergrouna fuel tanks, plpel1ne$, and monitoring wells WOUld neve to be e)(tens1vel~ mod1fted to accommodate the trench. In COnClU$10nl the rev1s1ons proposed In th1s analys1s, 1n conjunction 'tV1lh tne new Site Plan prepareCl Dy S1teworks will not bring the troct 10to totG1 conrormence, but they will offer substant1e1 1mprovement over exlsttng c.ond1 t fons. APR 06 '92 10: 02AM ORANr;E_STATE_INDUST. P.2/3 HOUSTONIAN-RHO-250 AND 400 WATTS Area Light for Canopies, Outdoor Showrooms and Service/Body Shops lSOFOOTCANDLE DIAGRAM 250W METAL HALIDE RHO-250-MH-SR-LP ,.:' 400W METAL HALIDE RHO-400MH-SR-LP 14- MOUNllNG HEIGHt SEMI-SPECULAR, ANODIZED AlUMINUM RER..ECTOR LIGHT LOSS FACTOR"" 1.00 ~ SM\1V\ ~pQL 11Li .. y I v- ",0, 80)( 4!lCl1i101J ~OUSTON, TEXAS 172-411 (713) 4::13-4511 001111/1'1111 l\;le9 JET- PHILLIPS JPL LIGHTING . .J, \. .. ,~. , . Lots 1 and 2, -BlOC\l, 0aIGDW. ~1'm rz ~" '(no-I Jo:inb:m kdch, norl4aJ! eooord'l.n9 to the ..tat thcroot en fl1e in the olfic:le of tN. C1~ of t!~ Ci.n:ult . C':lIlJ.rt 1J\ and tor ,. Boacft Q)urlqr, l1or1&J, tcMrde4 !nPlat Book 1, poqe 21, . u1d landl situate, ly~ ard bning in hl.8a.1ch tnlnty, norida. )< .. . . . LtSS thll bet 10 teet of aid t.()t 1--ard teg that p/lrt: of tha aro~t.i0nc4 Lot 1 ~ J..e lncl\XSe4 ill tM ectmna1 area or . 12 foot radl~ ua tangent to. tht North line of N14 tot 1 ani! t.aJ'96nt to . llnl 10 foet MQat: of, and rara11el to, the ~Jt 11M of tai4 tot 1.. .' . .'" .~ . . ~!~ to rt:str1ct.101'\11, ~nti.0n5, ~te and (X,)IIJ'CtWlta of reconi, if .-ry, to the ect.ent that UNI are wBd and en!oI:'OCM1e. TO: FROM: ~ATE: RE: ProJ e cl '-h (-{.- PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-033 Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Mike Kazunas, city Engineer Al Newbold, Deputy Building official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utility Director Lt. Dan Remchuk, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hall~, Forester/Environmentalist C~her Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director February 20, 1992 SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES Site Plan Review - Major Modification The Tire Store (DBA George's Service Station) Location - 217 N. Federal Highway Applicant - Mr. George Cassell File No. 668 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above referenced project. Site Plan Review approval for this project will be granted by the C.R.A. To ensure that the project stays on line with the review time frame, I request that the plans and exhibits be reviewed and formal comments transmitted to the Site Development Division of the Planning and zoning Department no later than 5:00 P.M. on March 9, 1992. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1. Use the review standards specified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 to review and formulate comments. (See at~ached) 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete based on the submittal requirements identified in Section 7 of the Site Plan Review ordinance. However, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the r~view standards, additional data should be requested by the reviewer through the Planning and Zoning Department. To: TRC Members Re: A Tire store, Memo # 92-033 page Two of Two 3. Each comment shall reference the code section and include the language of the submittal requirements and review standards that require the data to be submitted for review. 4. Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements. 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the spec~fic code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is~responsible for the review specified. · 6. If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward the plans and a memo, within the time frame stated above, to the Planning and Zoning Director stating that the plans are approved and they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review. All comments shall be typed and addressed to the Planning and Zoning Director and transmitted to the Site Development Division for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memo. The Site Development Division will send to the applicant a cover letter which includes the comment(s) and directions to amend the plans to comply with the comments and submit to the Site Development Division within 90 days twelve (12) sets of amended plans for review. When the Site Development Division receives the amended plans, they will distribute the plans with a cover memo to all TRC Members for review and approval. Attachment xc: (Memo Only) Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charlie Frederick, Parks & Recreation Director Edward Hillery, Police Chief John Guidry, utilities Director Project File Chronological File TRCFULL.SDD