REVIEW COMMENTS ()~ 16/lIItJL COMMt:.A.l8 Isr Pcll.!"() MEMORANDUM March 13, 1992 TO: Christopher cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site plan Reviewer RE: Site Plan Review - The Tire Store The following are comments in response to the submittal of the site plan for the above referenced project. The project is scheduled for review of comments at the March 12, 1992, Technical Review Committee Meeting. (See attached copy of section II.L). 1. This project will come under the requirements for Appendix A-Zoning, section 11.L, Service Stations with or without Major Repairs. (Find attached a copy of Section 11.L). 2. The project is located in the Central Business District and should include with and show on the plans the following minimum landscape and design requirements of Section 7.5-57. Landscape Areas: a. show and dimension the perimeter strip landscaping with a minimum width of three (3) feet. b. Trees shall be placed every thirty (30) linear feet of the perimeter strip. Trees may be grouped or uniformly spaced. Trees may be planted twelve (12) feet from the property line. (A recommendation would be to plant a tree on the northwest corner and the southeast corner, meeting the minimum size and species per code). c. Specify and show on the landscape plan shrubs planted 18" on center in the perimeter landscape strips. Identify the size and species type. d. Trees and shrubs shall not be in conflict with the utility easement. e. Specify on the landscape plan that there is an unobstructed cross visibility space between three (3) foot and six (6) foot above grade level at the following two site specific locations: 1. show the following described line-of-sight rectangle area at all driveways where they intersect a public right-of-way. The dim~nsions of the rectangle area shall be fifteen (15) 'feet in length along the right-of-way and five (5) feet wide. 2. Show the following described line-of-sight triangle area at the intersection of US#l and Boynton Beach Blvd. The two (2) sides abutting the right-of-way each being twenty (20) feet. f. It is recommended that the species planted be selected from Chapter 7.5, Article V, community Design Plan, Appendix III, Boynton Beach Landscape Standards - Coastal Village Design Theme. g. There is a conflict with the symbols used for the lighting and the landscaping, please correct the information. ~ 3. The project shall comply with the Design standards ..of Chapter 7.5 Article V, Community Design Plan, Appendix II, dominant exterior colors Coastal Village Design Theme. 4. The canopy is encroaching into the front setback. Appendix A-Zoning, Section 6, E. CBD Central Business District. 3. Building and site Regulations require a front setback of eight (8) feet abutting a street or alley at first floor level. 5. The new fence and Sign are located in the area of cross visibility. The fence should be relocated out of the cross visibility area. 6. Signs, Chapter 21, Section 21-23 setbacks state all signs must meet a minimum of ten (10) foot setback measured from the property line to the closest surface of the sign. Provide an elevation view drawing of the sign and show the setbacks in compliance with the requirements of the sign code. 7. Provide a recent certified property survey. 8. The attached Community Redevelopment Advisory Board application form must be completed and submitted by the applicant with a fifty dollar ($50.00) application fee. Color samples of the exterior finish materials are required to be submitted with the community Redevelopment Advisory Board application form. (Code of ordinances, Part III Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Sec. 10) ~~ Dorothy Moore DM:cp A:TRSTORE.SDD . . MEMORANDUM 92-27 TO: Chris Cutro - Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst - Public Works Director RE: Site Plan Review - The Tire Store Plans show that an agreement has been made with the adjoining property owner to share their dumpster. I am aware that there has been a verbal agreement for sometime, however, if this agreement is ever severed there must be some requirement for applicant to provide a dumpster site per Ordinance 82-29 Section lO-26A Prede- termination of refuse storage sites required. RE/lw cc: file ~. /' ~horst Public Works Director '-', -- -""':\.-. :-"f r~CEIVED .. FTB 23 .. PLANNING OEPT.. MI!MJRANIU{ UTILITIES DEPAR'lMENT NO. 92 - 085 FRCM: John A. Guidry, utilities Director TO: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zon DATE: February 27, 1992 SUBJECT: Site Plan review - The Tire Store We can approve this project subject to the following conditions: 1) A reduced pressure backflow preventer will be required on the water service to this facility. (Sect. 26-107) 2) The open drains behind the building (west side) must be shown to be connected to a storm sewer/drainage system, or they wi 11 have to be sealed. We suspect they may be transmitting stomwater to the sanitary sewer system, which is prohibited by code. (Sects. 26-80 (1&2)) 3) The floor drains inside the building must be connected to a suitable grease/oil interceptor with proper inspection manholes, otherwise they shall be sealed. (Sects. 26-80 (6&7)) Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella at 738-7460, ext. 332. JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: File RECEIVED FEB 28 PLANNI,~G DEPT. - .~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM '92-074 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent ,11~ Site Plan Review - Tire Store rfF FROM: RE: DATE: February 28, 1992 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the site plan for the Tire Store. There does not appear to be any recreation related issues on this project. JW:ad RECEIVED MAR 2 PLANNING DEPT. I . ~- ~-~._---"-----------_._-_.-.- ~----,- --. I FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM :l No.92-208 WDC Mike Haag; Planning Department FROM W. D. Cavanaugh, Fire Dept. TO SUBJECT: Re: Tire Store- N. Federal Hwy./B.B. Blvd. FOLD. DATE: 03/11/92 I have no objections to the site changes proposed. PLEASE REPLY TO SIGNED ~r ~~:!~~ . REPLY RECEIVED MAR 1 1 1992 SATE DEVEL, IOVNrCN lEACH. R.ClRD DATE: SIGNED Item # F269 Grayarc, P.O. Box 2944, Hartford, CT 06104-2944 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 M E M 0 RAN DUM Police #92-046 TO: Chris cutro Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Lt. Remchuk Police Department DATE: 9 March 1992 REF: site Plan Review - The Tire store upon review of the site plan, The Tire store located at 217 N. Federal Highway, I aID recommending the following: 1. No left turn sign at North exit onto Boynton Beach Boulevard, City Ord. S-142C; 2. Close the South entrance/exit onto the alley road, Public Safety (limited visibility). AT: ~~ Lt. Remchuk Police Department DR/jb REceiVED MAR 9 1992 SiTE DEVEL. IOVNTCN lEACH. FL~ ,/ BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-064 March 9, 1992 TO: Chris Cutro Planning Director THRU: Don Jaeger n/~__ Building ofi(~al FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: TRC COMMENTS THE TIRE STORE - SITE PLAN MODIFICATION Please be advised that any permit for construction related to commercial establishments engaged in the sale of gasoline must be approved in compliance with City Ordinance 92-6 which became effective March 3, 1992. Therefore, the following should be addressed: 1. The canopy cannot be located less than twenty (20) feet from any property line (Ordinance 92-6). 2. The landscape buffer should be addressed by the Planning Department (per Ordinance 92-6 and Chapter 7.5 Article III) (fences, mounds and screen walls must comply with line of sight requirements for minimum height). 3. Submit detail of the signs in compliance with the Sign Code, Chapter 21. 4. Parking lot lighting should be designed for one (1) foot candle at ground level per Section 7.5-57.(1) g and pedestrian lighting requirement must be met per Section 7.5-57.(1) h. 5. Parking lot striping shall be double line per Section 5-142.(1) of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. 6. The Handicap Code must be met (ramp into the building must be shown) . 7. The location and size of the oil and grease intercepter must be approved by the Department of Environmental Review and the City Utilities Department. 8. The installation and location of the gas cylinders (based on the tank size) must comply with N.F.P.A. for distance from opening and intake ventilation systems. RECEIVED ~~ ~J' ~/ Al New 01 ~ 738-7480 AN: bh TIRE.DOC MAR 10 PLANNING DEPT. ,'" EXCERYTS FROM NFPA S8, 1989 EDmON (Appendix 1, Tables 3-222 and 4-3.3.2) A........ I c..w- s,.t.a ....... )'1.U Mw-,*- ~. ~ c...-, ~ -...-. --- ... c..- ~ ~ ~ ~(w') 1~(411 1-11ll .-I.M t.. dwl U5 (0.5) 10ftl)ml - - 1-(.)1 INclce lblJ U5 III 2SO (0.5 ... 1.0) 10ft()m) 11111 () 18) - 251111 50011.0+ III Ul 10ft()ml 101l()m) ) ft (I la' SOl "'2.000(1.9+ 10 7.6) IOft(3.1 2S 11(7.6 18) ) ft (I Ia) [N0lC Ie)) 2.001... 30,000 17.6 + 10 1\4) SOft (15 18) ~"" ~ ] 511('" 181 JO,oolto 70,000 (114+ to 265) SOftll5m) 15 ft (23 181 70.001 III 90.000 (26" to :1411 SO ft (IS 181 100 ft (JO 18) (lloor_or 90.001 10 UO,ooo (:141 + to 454) SOft(Uml 125 II (11 181 4iamctcrl 0' adja- 120,001 10 200,000 (4S41O 1511 200 II (6\ m) ---I 200.00110 1,000.000 (751111) lIS) JOO II (91 ml 0- 1.000.000(3 "'I 4ClO 11(122 m) ni. A/1/I'fII/ix IJ "'" 0 port of ,hi .._ of IAIs NFI'A ",,",,-, ..., iJ ,ltChMWp i~"", ,.._",,}y. .... I. 2. ), 4. 5. i I 6. T..... ~).J.2' ~ Iotwwe """" tlT_.... Ex_ Mia. "_hi ~. Foet (M__) 10()1 25 (1.6) b_ (For Slll1lils: II - o.J04I "I \ \ 10()) 25 (1,61 5 (1.5) 2511.6) 10()) '1"_ "U.2 Ia .. ........- 10 IlIt _ __ ..- ill "U.I, ..-... forlllt .-- tllIIilI -. -.. _.... ..... .. :::.= ~........ __-. _.... bot........ Z,.~., OM kIuIt .1~==--br~A.2~ II_of"," n.uof-"~..uJt_ ......~..IIIilII_..IlIt__.... ..,..... - tl3OQO", (1.6.' _ _...._ -' lor ....-..--- luildiap' willi 6r< tcJiai.. walls' luildiap' willi olller dwl &tw lOIiJti.. - BuildiDa "'"'I opeDi... or pill a' 0' below lllc IeoeI or lllc paiD! of tIUJ'er LiIlC o( adjoial", property """'" caD be built upon Ouldoor ....... or public _bly, i... cIIadilII- yards. .lWctic IeIck IlDd .........ds PullIic .... !Ddudi... public -. JaiaII_lIlonluP_ UKIIidewa1b -(.) From poi... 01 uaurer iD dislributiaa poi'lI lbl From poiDtI o(u-ler ie all oilier IocatioM Drivew.ya MaialillC raimood __teJha ~raiDal' oilier dwl_ beiDa 25 (1.61 25 (1.6) Cr.... _ _illt NOTE 1: , It minimum _ ...lal..... discliot9t ond 0_1 JOWCI 01 itnllion Ian _dia-l. dllWCt wonr. or ___lotian .",_Ionic tift). NOn 2: " lIlo DOT cylindof Is lillacl _ from. buUr. tNck. the fminl ~'?fC1i~ !.nd vtt'lt obi ....t be "t leasl to ft "OM env ex1em. loura of ..,.ftionj ditct -r. or ..........icaI..n'Uf\iGII''''''''. SOIlS) 7. .. " f1two 1-. DOr c,IMon. (nIa 1\pIe'" - _ eaIr. _...._1 /" N..., lint of adjaini"l / Ilf_nv wIlich may ... ./ . "',I'upon y'/" ~~E 1: Af9Irdleu of its lizl, anv ASME tlnk fillld on....i.te /' :~, t. t~.d .0 thlt the filling connection and fixed . liQuid IeYeItwO' .re .t In" 10 h trom ,ny ext,rn,1 source of irition (i.e. oPen flllM. window Ale. c::omptlSlor. etcl. Int.. to direct .,.ented '" ~h.nce Of mUke to a mtchanu:.1 v,ntil.tion Ivnem. (For 51 UBi'" 1 /I - 0.3041 "'I / ..... \.2 "-"- ASME c--.. ('Alo .... lor .-..... _ eaIr. _ _ _.) ... '. '-. (OVER) o ._--,------~~_.. RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 192-087 TO: Chris Cutro, Director Planning Department RE: The Tire Store - DBA George's Service Station Site Plan \<J~ FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist DATE: March 5, 1992 The applicant should note if there are any existing trees on the site and the appropriate measures to incorporate with the landscape plan. [Tree Preservation Ordinance 7.5-5 b]. KH:ad RECEIVED MAR 5 1992 SITE DEVEL. BOVNfOl1 BEACH. FLORIDA RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 192-096 FROM: Chris Cutro, Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist~~ ff- The Tire Store TO: RE: DATE: March 13, 1992 No comment. KH:ad RECEIVED MAR 13 PLANNING DEPT. .. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-053 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Kazunas City Engineer ~€"o DATE: March 12, 1992 RE: SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS THE TIRE STORE (DBA GEORGE'S SERVICE STATION) FILE NO. 668 We have reviewed the above referenced site plan and can approve conditioned on the folowing: 1) Stop sign and stop bars shall be installed at all entrances in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Article 10, Section 5-l42(c) 2) The south most entrance to the alley should be closed with the existing pavement being converted to landscaping and storm water storage and pre-treatment. This alley entrance will act as a third entrance to Federal Highway which is not desirable. 3) Some decorative fences, if installed as shown, will tend to obstruct safe sight distance. These should be lowered to a maximum height of 36" within the sight distance triangle. (9SD=106' @ 35 MPH) 4) Curbs shall be installed in accordance with our parking lot standards (see attached). 5) The drainage statement does not adequately address water quality, The statement that minimum requirements cannot be met has not been adequately substantiated. Inability to meet water quality standard may require a "special conditioned permit" from SFWMD. and 4 OE-4.053 SFWMD Vol. 4. Applicant is advised to contact the City Engineer to discuss these drainage issues. 6) All sidewalks along the property must be repaired. City Charter, Sec. 7(20) Note: Review time 6 hrs./City Engineer 1 hr./Clerical 1 NOTES: .) I - CONCReTe CURB Sf/ALL Be CONSTRUCTED WITI-I 3" 000 P 5. /. CONCRETE AT 29 OAVS. 2 - CONTROL JOINTS AT 10 j:EET ON CEN7t:R, ~JI ~ ~ "" ~ ~ '" 8" SUBGRAOe " f2" REVISIONS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TITLE STANDAIi'O DETAIL - ~ II ~AISED ClIRB SCALE N. 7: S. DR. BY DATE 10-8(0 CK'D. 8 DRAWING NO. A -86030