APPLICATION " CITY COMMUNITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD REVIEW APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE APPLICATION TYPE CRAB MEETING DATE: "1,/3- 9d-. FILE NO.: ~G,8 ""Rc-":>lbRe ( ) Site Plan ( ) Sign RECEIPT NO.: ~O 9{) Site Modification () Other RECEIVED BY: a.pU1PL:JM.~ LJ)lJ>/9:J.- "1;40, PROJECT NAME: ~~~ PROJECT ADDRESS: ~ t1~ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CANb(J"f, HJD {A1JPfOd1ltlO /(( fEl2.UtE:154. I~~ fJtVqN~66 ' OWNER: ~E ~ Phone Number: (~>.~SS AGENT: Cf1..I'<JG U\/(~B.; Phone Number: (11"1> q~ A RBPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST PRESENT THE PROJECT TO THE BOARD. REPRESENTATIVE:~~~~~ Phone NUmber:(___)~~~ ADDRESS: &17. fJ. t1. G ( 1!;Of..n-~ ~ ft.-. '*- I Street City State Zip Code = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Identify the type of architectural theme that is specified on the Community Design District Boundary Map for your project location. Where compliance with the Community Design Plan is required, the building(s) and/or structure(s) proposed for the site shall be designed to comply with the appropriate architectural design theme. On-site and off-site landscaping shall comply with the Community Design plan landscape requirements. The requirements of the Boynton Beach community Design Plan are specified in Chapter 7.5, Article V of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. ARCHITF.CTURAL THEME CHECK ONE: ~~O~S~A~ ~I~L~G~ _ [2 ~E~I~E~~N~~/~P~~s~ _[2 ~O~E~N= ~]=N~T=A~P~I:A~L~ = Complete the following information for the proposed project and ensure that the same information is identified on all plans submitted for the proposed project including colored elevation view drawings. Note: Color samples are required. EXTERIOR SURFACE ROOFING CANOPY CANOPY BEAMS CANOPY COLUMNS MECH. SCREENING FASCIA DECORATIVE MOLDING SOFFIT BEAMS COLUMNS TILE DECORATIVE MOLDING WALLS GLASS WALLS BANDS/RAISED BANDS/RECESSED VENEER TILE DECORATIVE TRIM SHUTTERS VENTS GUTTERS/LEADERS MECHANICAL EQUIP. DECORATIVE LIGHTS DOORS/OVERHEAD SWINGING DOOR TRIM DOOR FRAME MATERIAL COLOR:NAME.NUMBER /d-U.,^I~lJl^ !EM-\. .AloOQE ~Mf(1~ I' " I, .~ >. Page 1 of 2 :;-::-~ Community Redevelopment Advisory Board - Page 2 File No.: Co ~8 TJfl.t s,Tl>R.t! WINDOW GLASS WINDOW FRAME WINDOW TRIM SCREEN ENCLOSURE FRAME RAILINGS AWNING SUPPORT(S) WALL SIGN FRAME FACE COpy SITE WALL TRIM FENCE ~O DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE FREE STANDING SIGN SUPPORT FRAME FACE COpy DECORATIVE SITE LIGHTING POLE/FIXTURE N;JlJ\l~tJlI\ DECORATIVE SITE PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING DECORATIVE DRIVING SURFACE DECORATIVE WALKING SURFACE OTHER ~- ~ \ \ ~ ~~. AAa>>1=r WHltf. W\1l~-t6€WAMI~ 1VaJ;..t. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: The following shall be incorporated as part of the Comnmunity Redevelopment Advisory Board application ~ubmittal: 1. Application form filled out completely and legibly. 2. Application fee of $50.00 (payable to City of Boynton Beach) 3. Submit a scaled locator map that identifies the location and perimeter boundary of the site and the surrounding roads and current zoning districts including the district of the subject property. The map shall show and identify by name the roads surrounding the site and the roadway path that links the site to the closest arterial road with the names of the roads and arterial road(s) identified. The map shall show the zoning district line and the title of the zoning districts that abut the perimeter of the zoning district where the subject property is located. The map shall have the North compass direction and scale identified. Maximum size of locator map is 8 1/2" by 14". 4. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 8" by 10". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. 5. Submit a 8-1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. 6. Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project. The colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that where submitted for site plan review. The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified. The typP of exterior surface material sh~ll be identifi~d next to the associated-color. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original drawing shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". ~Do no submit on board of any kind. 7. Submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors. Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name and numerical/letter code from an established color chart. 8. Where a specific exterior surface is not applicable to the project, signify by placing a "NIA" on the appropriate line. 9. Submit a copy of the legal description of the subject property on an 8 1/2" by 11" sheet of paper. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBL] Gt1>~ ~SC~ Name of Applicant ~ Approved/Denied CRAB Chairperson/Acting Chairperson Name Date A:CRABAPP.SDD ,.. Legal Description The Tire Store tDts 1 and 2,. 81oc\1, ORIGINAL 1tHlSl'11 ~ ~,. .hv:r.l aOtnt4n ~, nori4a,! I loool'd:l"9 be) the tlat thcroot on IUe in the otfi~ of the CltU'k of t!~ Cm:u1.t. i COllt't in w tor PalnIloach Coun~, FJor1&J, tQMl'de4 !nPlat look 1, ~ Zl,. i aaL! landJ situate, ly~ and bu!ng in Pall1 Ba.1dt CbJnty, norlda. I J: ". I .. .. I LESS the ~8t 10 feet of A.ld Lc)t ~ aid Ie,. that p'art of tha t.fonwenticnc4 Lot. I 1 ...tdch 1JI 1nclUlSe4 1.1\ tht ectoJ"I\Al aroa ot . 12 foot radlua arc tangent to. the North line of Nid tDt 1 an4 taJ'9Ont to . line 10 foet NQat of, anS pl1'a11el b), the EA:Jt. 11M ot srl4 Lot 1.- ..' '. .h . SUBJEx:l! to ft.Str1ct1ona, ~nt.la1s, easancntl ard o:wcnanta of record, if .-rJ, to t:ha ert:.ent that ..... an wI id and entoroooble. . 1600 2400 pee'" LOCA10R MAP 1HE. 1\RE. S10RE. , .'.' ~_a. III _ ,'" - ~ I ~\ 1 . ~- ~ '.~ \' , \pH " \fll _ ,\ ,\\1 "r1' :n \ ~ l\\,,1\ \\ ~\ :\\11\ f !lY \ \\1\1\\ 15,- ,~.. t ... .- '- ..-1 ~ ", -u roll . "T \ \\' lH \ \" 1l" \~ \TrIT {ll1 \\\\1 wn \\ \""\\ U ll\' \f.'" 1'; I' \W , :TI' jl ~\ ,ffi "\ If\\ -n ~u ~ i\T ~ ';:, ,\ ~ ~ l \\! ...... I' ri1 ~ " .. n I" " \1\ " ,\ I \1 ,\ [\ \1' \ ~' \\ 1\ \ r~ ~ ~\ .\ ~ r ~ \, \~\ i\ '" ~\' 1\\ In \ \\ \ \11 ~ , ,\ 1 \\ ,,' \1 ,\\ \\ T l\ \ \\ I ,\ n \\ l\' , w -~.... , ,n \ \ -- c~ \\\\\ \ \ 400 800 o SCp..LE. \ l3i:-i1j - .. - I- \ -r- II I - --- 111 - \ 3200 4. , . " . , '.! . " ." " ::1: ;: !:i ii , I, ,:, 'i , " : I, ',' !: , " " ,; , :: : -I . . ~ '., ;'." Iii 1< .:l ..0 ' .CJ .c i..' \\\\\ \ \ \ 2400 FEET o 400 800 1600 SCALE --\-- -' ~ .,-rr;,:] V 'f,/r--AFFfH -'-I-II J!! I :; 1&1 ~ 5 i u \ II I " T ' RACKING LOG - SITE PLAN . REVIEW SUBMITTAL ~~vb~~~~P"\i/~_ J:U~4 ~4~~~ NEW SITE PLAN ~' ~ ____ .J/I &"J9;l - /)Q = MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICA~ IiJl1J. + . 9 AMoUNT: '" ,:J5[). CO /100 . * * * * * <>1 , 02!-tl/ 'P- RECEIPT NO.: ':;01 ~ /)-; '" '" * '" '" '" '" 11\' - PROJECT TITLE- DESCRIPTION: . TYPE: DATE RECEIVED: FILING FEE ACCEPTED: TWELVE (12) SETS SUBMITTED: lAP.)\ TWO (2) SETS SIGNED . ()'"' AND SEALED: ~ C ?>) COLORED ELEVA (Plans shall b \J - REC'D: ~ sheet f . e pre-assembled The PI . to che~k ~~:l~e=~f~~~g a~~t:e~~e~n:~;' a~h~~n:l:n~~~~nge~~:t~e~i;~l~U~~t e e number and type of sheets m 11\' '" '" '" '" 11\' '" '" 11\' '" '" 11\' 11\' '" '" '" 11\' '" '" 11\' '" '" 11\' '" * * * * * * 11\' * * 11\' 11\' * * * * * * * 11\' * '" * * ~ * .. * * * * * * 1st SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: DATE: ACCEPTED )~').- DATE: DE;]EQ 1ft ( DATE OF LETTER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: ~l 2nd SUBMITTAL DATE: ACCEPTE!) ~fc' DENIEl;> U{k FILE NO. :__~~~ DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: REVIEWER I S NAME: 'DOTT'1. M..>>>O,.c..e, ~ * * '" * * 11\' 11\' 11\' 11\' 11\' '" * * * '" * * '" * '" * '" * '" '" * '" * * * * * * * * * Label TRC Department on each set of plans) TE AND MEMO NUMBER OF MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM INITIAL REVIEW. 'E SENT: ~RETURN DATE:~ MEMO NUMBER: 31--0.3:>3 1st REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED d J:).,~ ~2. - LcrV\.Y'f\et\+.s PI anning &I 2:\ J..~1q~; (:.t;O\(Y'fin-\-J:Building V ?, /2 i 7 A'" V'''''l(.../T!:, Engineering"./ ~ II '1J... M'-~!~ Forester /Env'/ Community Impv. ities/ ic Works/ S..}'- Recreation/ ~ev ~ OF VARIANCE(S) DATE OF MEETING: OF LETTER SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: 3./~'1~ CRAB application to be sent out with comments)~~ l2 COMPLETE SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2nd REVIEW: ~ ';l~' ?::J. be assembled and a minimum of 2 sets signed and sealed) CAB/CRAB APPLICATION RECIO: FEE: RECEIPT NO. : '0 ELEVATIONS ND MEMO NUMBER OF MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM 2nd REVIEW: q~. 0 <11 3''')S"',~ 2nd REVIEW RECOMMENDATION/DENIAL - pt.Je -'/./' C/ ~ .es .~.J.,.c.;~ <rt" #/(li/Jj. ~.......!....r:< Planning fr~,ys (1Y?.m.c:!f1,-v;J Works .-2J)l ~r b ~~Uilding p1a.n.s Y-/ L~7.."'h:-/re;;,,'7'5~ .-1 Recreation...1--..:t / ~/ ~.!f~ Engineering .. -f'..-Il' ('/'Pl-;te:-A'r1:-":;,J:.1!)> 4.-""'$ 3 -11 ., I"~ ~,', " ,,'""'Fores ter /Env . "",,'/.1 '!'" .~ ~,4"..7 ~~-~~ VJt? ~........~ommunity Impv. _ ____ ro APP(.,\Cftf\jT Qe: '11<c... J4-f'(2~\IA-L- / oeN 1t1 \.- ~TG S'erJ !_-.. ~ OF BOARD MEETINGS: - .~ ",/eRAB 4-/3" 9:t CAB Al/,4 CC/CRA_ II. SITE DATA (3) The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan 2. 3. Zoning District Area of Site GW ~Sf'(,~) acres -"~ 4. Land a. b. c. d. e. g. h. 5. Use -- Acreage Breakdown Residential, including LilA acres surrounding lot area of~ grounds Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) a1/~ -~~ , -4t Jlft " ;" acres acres Water Area acres Commercial !lcres Industrial acres f. Public/Institutional acres Public, private and Canal rights-of-way other (specify) - acres - i. other (specify) acres j. Total area of site . ~c. acres sq. ft. .. of sit .. of sit .. of sit ~"OfSit .. of sit .. of sit , of sit, .. of sit .. of sit 100 !Ii of sit * including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of SO ft. by SO ft._ Surface Cover a. Ground floor building I~g- G()~) area ("building footprint") o acres acres b. Water area c. other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. ~ acres d. Total impervious area acres e. Landscaped area , O~ inside of parking lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). acres PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SitePlan I' !Ii of sit o !Ii of sit Rl .. of sit !Ii of sit ,~ !Ii of sit (4) 0 U f. Other landscaped areas, acres , of site g. Other pervious areas, including golf courses, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding 0 0 water areas acres , of site h. Total pervious areas ..01 acres , of site i. Total area of site acres \ of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential -0- sq. ft. b. commercial/Office (lUx> sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse -E)- sq. ft. d. Recreational ...-0- sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional -0- sq. ft. f. Other (specify) -0- sq. . ft. Other (specify) -l)- ft. g. sq. h. Total floor area ~ sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-family detached 0 sq. ft. b. Duplex 0 sq. ft. c. MUlti-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) (l) Efficiency dwelling units (2 ) 1 Bedroom dwelling units ( 3 ) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total multi-family 0 dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units 0 9. 10. - Gross Density dwelling units per acre Maximum height of structures on site ~ feet ---1---- storie: Required off-street parking 8. a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces \~-=:- ~1Ca.b\ -=- ~ b. Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan If PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 'A:Sitp'Pl~l1 (5) .' . III. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions b w. J.-' 111 Cf'- Date X Signat re of OWDer(s) or Trustee, of AutH ized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. IV. ~ f, 1 ('tL Date above signed person as (my) this application. ~I \1 \11').,. Date Signa r of owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received Date Date Date Date Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City commission Stipulations of Final Approval: Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SitePlan c. . . ./' -- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION Site Plan - Major Modification to Existing Site Application Acceptancetate: Fee Amount Paid: J..:50.00_ a.J.A-, Receipt Number: ~\ , This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitte in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will be processed. .J-/~ I q1. -trifsv Please print legibly or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: WE- i1~ S..,.op.e(~ G60p.6e~~II1Qe ~;U)i) J.\"1 fJ. ~~ n(6t1W~ rlJ(~ ~, f1.... ~ll'3J 2. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Address: Phone: 3. Agent's Address: Phone: ---MJl., 6tSoflre' ~{&u,.. :).J.Qo t.+ -r--- />(Jte tlQtL-(V' ~ WOMV\ t:'v 4'.0 1- ~Lf1- 1Ots~ ?ly6( (Zip Code) FAX: Name (person, if any, representing applicant): GRM" (,.tvIN(?,Sr.orJ I kP-ot1t1ECt 1~~ tJ. ~fl)(t.- -Hf&t1WM " ~t1C c ~~tSf.al. et.A<'M, 17t-OP-iOA' 1~{f3r 401-111- Q~ FAX: 4-01- -li.f~cf6~) 4. Property OWner's (or Trustee's) Name: Address: -MSJ.., ~gbE ~t.L.L :;). ~ 0 L.f-t'^ ~ ~p...-(,^ ~ \V9p.-(V\ I 'Pl- 1'J Iff:, t Lfb1- ~L.l1 - J q S~ (Zip Code) FAX: 5. Correspondence address (if different than applicant or agent)*: * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SitePlan RECEIVED FEB 1 8 1992 LI":t. ';' :.i:.l... IOYNT~ IIEAOH, fL.ClROl ( 2 ) 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) ()U~ 7. Street address or location of site: SJ;Wt1Af;N;-r ~ OF- ~~ ( At'O eot~.Q,) ~ eutO.. 8. Property Control I: Legal description of site: \t<H~ 1 pOi'O ). ( Bw~ , I OP.lc;(tJ~ -m~~~rrt;. Or~!lJ ~ ~ LrJ>fl6e B-3 9. Intended use(s) of site: GM st,Ac1LOJ r ((It(: ~~ 10. Developer or Builder: 0efJP.6e CA1SBU- Architect: ()flId& u ~ Iw&S1OJ Landscape Architect: N~A I Site Planner: CfJ<t& (AV,tJ~ \.k>WJ GilA t3f U~ Surveyor: Jo\ltJ QAA(f( Jp.. N~ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Engineer: Traffic Engineer: Has a site plan been previously approved by the City commission for this property? 18. Estimated construction!losts of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: _' S.oQn , PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SitePlan ( 3 ) ;- II: SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan 2. 3. 4. Zoning District Area of Site vro ~S~(.:J.h) acres --1'~ sq . ft. a. Use -- Acreage Breakdown Residential, including LilA surrounding lot area Of~ grounds acres \ of sit Land g. public, private and Canal rights-of-way Other (specify) Whr J/,. ~ --4P- Jlrr pi;" acres , of sit. b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) d. conunercial ,,,cres , of sit, ~'OfSit, , of sit, , of sit, c. Water Area acres e. Industrial Public/Institutional acres f. acres h. - acres , of sit, % of sit, acres - i. other (specify) acres % of sit j. Total area of site I ~c. acres 100 , of sit * including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground floor bUildinglftOO~ G~~ acres 11 !Ii of sit area ("building footprint") b. Water area 0 acres 0 , of sit c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic ~ g, courts. acres , of sit d. Total impervious area acres % of sit e. Landscaped area ,O~ acres ,~ !Ii of sit inside of parking lotB (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SitePlan (4 ) .. 0 U f. Other landscaped areas, acres , of site g. Other pervious areas, including golf courses, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding (} 0 water areas acres , of site h. Total pervious areas ..01 acres , of site . i. Total area of site acres \ of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential -0- sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office IQt)o sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse -0- sq. ft. d. Recreational "..0- sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional -()- sq. ft. f. Other (specify) -0- sq. ft. Other (specify) -l)- ft. g. sq. h. Total floor area -1aD sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. single-family detached 0 sq. ft. b. Duplex 0 sq. ft. c. MUlti-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) (I) Efficiency dwelling units ( 2 ) I Bedroom dwelling units ( 3 ) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total multi-family 0 dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units 0 9. 10. - Gross Density dwelling units per acre Maximum height of structures on site ~ feet ---1---- storiel Required off-street parking 8. a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces ,~ .=:- ~ 1<1. b\ -:;. 4- b. Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan If PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SitpPl::ln 1 (5) .' . III. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions b w. .J-' 11/ q!J- Date X Signat re of OWner(s) or Trustee, of Aut6 ized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. IV. d- I 11 ( qt- Date e eby signate the above d ~ regard to Signa r of OWner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. signed person as (my) this application. ~ 111 \ Gl'J.. Date SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Commission Stipulations of Final Approval: Date Date Date Date Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: PLANNING' ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SitePlan . "'. 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