JUNE 21. 1994
approved the use for the 24th and 25th of September. This resolution approves
the license agreement between the City and the Chamber of Commerce. ~
In response to Commissioner Katz, City Manager Parker advised that this is the
same agreement that the City has had with the Chamber of Commerce every year for
this festival.
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R94-107 by title only.
Commissioner Aguila moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R94-107.
Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which carried 4-0.
7. Proposed Resolution No. R94-108 Re: Confinmation of William
Hukill as City Engineer
This item was dispensed with earlier in the meeting.
Mayor Hanmening recessed the meeting and immediately convened as the CRA.
D. Other
1. Lease Agreement Between George Culver and Barnett Bank Regarding
Parking Spaces
City Manager Parker stated that Mr. Culver agreed to include in the lease all
the points contained in City Attorney Cherof's June 16. 1994 memo. .
Commissioner Aguila had no objections, as long as Mr. Culver has agreed to the
stipulations raised by the City Attorney. Mayor Hanmening added that the ocupa-
tional license should be conditioned on the continuation of the parking agree-
Ms. Heyden stated that the Planning and Zoning Department recommends that signs
be posted at Two Georges and, based on the specificity of the lease agreement
which ties in by a legal description the location of the leased parking spaces,
that those parking spaces also be posted with s1gnage. Mayor Hanmen1ng pointed
out that this is contrary to the lease agreement with the Bank. The lease
agreement states that no signs may be placed by Lessee. Commissioner Aguila
suggested incorporating the signage if there are no objections from the. other
Ms. Heyden advised that the City Manager's Office had requested that we look
into this matter to make sure this would solve Two Georges' problem. A Code
Enforcement Inspector was sent to the site and noted that the parking spaces at
Barnett are in need of restriping. In addition, there are ten parking spaces at
Two Georges that are nonconfonming. If they were to be restriped to meet the
current ADA requirements, there would be a loss of three, bringing them down to
seven at the Two Georges site. Included in the boundaries of the lease restric-
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FEBRUARY 8. 1993
Again, Mr. Schorah pointed out that what has been done is not the perfect solu-
tion, but it is the best they can provide.
The motion carried 2-1. (Chainman Powell cast the dissenting vote.)
Chainman Powell stated he did not support this request because he would have
liked to have added the landscaping. Some of staff's comments were
overwhelming, but he feels that the landscaping in the parking areas between
sections is insufficient. He hopes improvements will be made to the landscaping
in the northwest corner. Mr. Schorah stated the landscaping will meet the Code.
Mr. Richter feels the new site should be brought up to Code and the mature trees
and bushes should be left in place.
Mr. Oyer feels a responSibility to make a recommendation that landscaping,
parking and lighting requirements should be considered for the project being
developed. There is a weakness in the approach when this Board cannot make a
recommendation on landscaping or parking on the parcel being approved. Mr. Oyer
feels a recommendation should be made to the City Commission to change the Code
so that this problem is not experienced in the future. Chainman Powell stated
some headway is being made in this area, but he hopes the eRA will note this
Mr. Oyer spoke of the chaos created by Hurricane Andrew. He feels a substantial
part of the damage is that each section cannot be separated out. The two hurri-
canes experienced by Florida in the 1920s created a depression which lasted for
thirty years. Those people studying Dade County predict that area will be
depressed for at least ten years. He feels Boynton Beach has been stagnated in
many respects for approximately twenty years. We have gone through a great
boon, but the downtown has remained stagnated. There have been concerns about
where the bridge should be built and how the Codes should be changed, but
nothing has been accomplished. He feels something must be done to break this
jam and get away from the idea that we will solve all of the world's problems
with another Ordinance, rule or regulation. He thinks a monstrosity has been
Mr. Richter also feels that a way must be found to cut through all of this red
tape so that the property owners can do something they want to do to improve
their property.
Chainman Powell confinmed that the 615 square foot residence on the site will
not be used for storage, but will be demolished.
C. Review request by Two George's Restaurant located at Casa Lema Boulevard
to provide off-site parking by leasing existing parking at Barnett Bank
located at the northeast corner of Federal Highway and Ocean Avenue
Mr. Cutro stated that Two George's is requesting, and is within its rights under
the Code, to rent sixty-five parking spaces from Barnett Bank. The reason for
the request is to provide increased seating capacity to 140 seats. They are
currently licensed for 100 seats. Since they have recently built a deck, it is
believed some of that seating will be on the deck area. The requirement for the
overall parking is sixty-two spaces after applying the 35 percent reduction
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FEBRUARY 8, 1993
available in the CBO zoning district. This will include the 140 seats as well
as forty-three drift boat seats, twenty-one wet slips and a small office.
Mr. Cutro reported that there are some problems with the lease. A field inspec-
tion revealed that there are sixty-four spaces available; however, some improve-
ments need to be made to clean up the lot and restripe it. Mr. Cutro stated
that the lease needs to be automatically renewable, not year-to-year renewable.
Further, he would like a clause included so that if it is tenninated by either
party, the City must be notified.
Another problem existing is the distance of the parking to the restaurant.
Following the existing street pattern, the distance is greater than 1,000 feet.
The Code states 800 feet, but the 1,000 feet is the number used by the City
Commission, CRA and CRAB. The distance is approximately 150 feet greater. Mr.
Cutro is not certain that discussions on amending this distance included how to
measure the distance. If the measurement is for 1,000 feet straight distance,
there is no problem. Mr. Cutro stated that assuming the changes can be made to
the lease, staff recommends forwarding this application to the CRA with a recom-
mendation for approval subject to the changes in the lease and clarification on
how to measure the 1,000 feet.
A discussion ensued regarding parking facilities in the downtown area. It was
detenmined that if an establishment is attractive enough, people will find a way
to get to it. Mr. Oyer feels that the footage requirements are destructive in
the downtown.
Craig Livingston. 323 North Federal Highway. clarified the number of seats
required is 150 to qualify for their liquor license. Even adding the additional
ten seats, Two George's would still meet the parking requirement because there
are sixty-four spaces at Barnett Bank and ten available spaces on Two George's
property. That would provide seventy-four spaces. To meet the requirement, Two
George's would need only sixty-seven spaces. Further, Mr. Livingston said the
Code contains a paragraph which says ancillary uses are to be applied to the
main use. There are forty-three seats on the drift boat.
Mr. Oyer moved that the Board waive the 800 foot requirement and not consider
staff comments regarding changes in the lease. Mr. Richter seconded the motion.
In response to Chainman Powell's question, Mr. Livingston said it was easier to
deal with Barnett Bank regarding parking spaces than trying to deal with First
Financial Plaza.
The motion carried unanimously.
Wilda Searcy stated she is very happy with what Mr. Livingston is doing in
Boynton Beach. She feels the downtown needs to be built up and she is happy
something is being done in the area. She requested consideration be given to
securing a supenmarket for the downtown area.
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Chainman Powell explained to Mrs. Searcy that this Board is very aware of the
problems within the City, but only deals with the eRA area.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting properly
adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
~net M. Prain1to
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)
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