REVIEW COMMENTS i f t , l 7Al TWO GEORGE'S HARBOR HUT PARKING LOT VARIANCE LQC~ 1,QNMAP _ -:'f'J 9~GE?R~~~'11~t~~,N~ _. ~ 1 1 c- ,.,..;~.~. ~I'.,. A"::' ) En l__'Uil(1l 1=- ... ~.I ," ,",::' - -'10: \l1[ r\ rm 'l-- =': :,:['1.\11T - .'.' ~_ ~r ' c. ~ k-< ':c 1\1 1 T1\! - 0::-' ,:, /~ l' 1 ',,-'J~ :: ~.... ' ~ \\1 I " 11\\ ~..: r ,,\11 1 - \ r- ' .... 'I \ 11 11 ,- b::= · r.{n TT' T" ,t'" . ' .-,T'::r -- · ~' ' '. . ~ ....;. [0- ri :'.r"" " t:= " \ I ~ : : ,'-' :/-.-- ,\11' ~ .. " . 'It . , .r . ' ...l,_----I. , : ' I " .,' " ,r 'l >; .; ,f--j'~' ,,: " .. :!.-J" "'l " : _ tl ..... ""e~~~ '. 11. ~ - ,.~ '. ::1 ..." ,._".. 1 . ::1\ \ \ \ Tl F-:! .. ,,,.,11 -' .~~[ " , '(ll1 ","'.:" '?;::::: \ 'Ijt?~tJ~7~~{ .: \ ~ :.11 ~.' ul?11 \ ',--- \ ~ni;: ..' .. l- ._ ~ .I. 1--, ," " ~- - I ' :n 1 .n ,1\ "" ~ .,~ 1 ," 11 . .. ~n \\I~ " : :; 1\ I H ,,' po 'u.\' i'~TTT" ,,' r \ 1" , ~-j , I \f!I 11""~ . 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'I i i [(1';i1 \ ' / (f- '- l..--J _ 1\., \ r ' -,-",' ~~ "1 t:s:2.r 1 M\L~S _ L ' ~ I -.: ~ i~ . -- V ~ "--cd ~ Jj.. 71'~' -l. _ ..," .. T..T T~ \..... ," ~ ~ - l :rn ro 1_ cia I:; . , ; : :; T" H ,.. i=\ ,. ' . , . ~T.' ~: '0 \\\\1\8 \ 1/\ \ . _^<>()o 1600 fSf:r I. PJ.,1't. N^l/N t; oec.o'/'"o 10/ Bq z ..c w c.J o ., '; . . " 1.,' ,.~.. f.' ': ~/ "..~; . ," ~ -i."~ :...;. ;..... \'.. 'H~. " tr"f.... , .. '\,' ~.,' ." \.;' '-;~; .: 'I " ,$.1 I . (' :;':;" . \ . .~", l ' \, ~'.(:.. ~ " u 1 ." ',.. \.' - :: . ~ ,.. ... z: l.c ..I t- t1IIt. -( '-/ MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. craig Livingston FROM: James J. Golden, Interim Planning Director DATE: August 9, 1990 SUBJECT: Two George's Harbor Hut - Site Plan with respect to the above-referenced request, please be advised of the following: 1. Site Plan will be processed concurrently with variance applications for Article X-Parking Lots and Appendix A-Zoning. 2. Parking calculations must be provided for all existing and proposed uses (Page 4, item 10 on s~te plan application). 3. Proposed second story addition must meet 8 foot waterfront setback (CBD zoning district requirements). 4. Add note to plans that on-site utilities are to be installed underground (Section G.E.3 of Appendix A-Zoning). 5. Colored elevations were not submitted with application (page 8, item 29 on site plan application). G. Approval is contingent upon approval of all necessary variances and construction of parking spaces along Cas a Lorna Boulevard. If this development proceeds prior to the Lighthouse Marina project, then the developer should be required to resurface Cas a Lorna Boulevard and construct the parking spaces along the south side of the right-of-way. '] /;\ilJ~ GOLDEN JJG:frb cc: Central File C:2Geo's .u _ - ~~=_. - - ~c - .~ ..,: ~ ~--. . . ....--"'- --..__...~,..----_.~~'~., ^..,... I MEMORANDUM TO: Sue Kruse, City Clerk FROM: James J. Golden, Interim Planning Director DATE: August 9, 1990 SUBJECT: Two George's Harbor Hut Restaurant - Parking Lot Variance Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of the application and related documents for the above-referenced request for a variance to Section 5-138(a) "Scope" of Article X-Parking Lots. Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $400 to cover the review and processing of this application. A legal advertisement for this request will be prepared and forwarded to your office in the near future. J=l~ JJG:frb Encs ,I MEMORANDUM TO: James J. Golden, Interim Planning Director FROM: Suzanne M. Kruse, City Clerk SUBJECT: Planning & Zoning Board Meeting of September 11, 1990 DATE: August 22, 1990 Attached please find a copy of the following public notice which has been scheduled for the September 11 Planning & Zoning Board meeting: Two Georges Harbor Hut Restaurant - George Culver Parking Lot Variance Applicant/Representative: Craig Livingston This notice was mailed to the applicant on August 22, 1990, and will be advertised in the Boynton Beach News on August 23 and 30, 1990. ~~ Suzanne M. Kr se, C~ty Clerk R"BCflVED SMK:pwb Attachment pU\NN\NG DE.Pl~ 't.". - - CC: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ", BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-397 September 4/ 1990 THRU: Jim Golden, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director rrOI. Y/ TO: FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: TRB Comments August 31, 1990 Meeting SITE PLAN - TWO GEORGES HARBOR HUT RESTAURANT The previous memorandum of August 6, 1990, Number 90-352 is still in effect for the proposed project. ~9: ael E. Haag MEH:ald 2GEORGE.SDD RECEIVED SEP ~ 1990 DI A "l:.1\.;F'J("' ""C ~'T '--~".!'\i,.!.~ ,~.._t""I. MEMORANDUM POLICE # 90-111 TO: Mr. Jim Golden FROM: Lt. Dale Hammack RE: Two Georges Harbour Hut DATE: September 4, 1990 As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board Meeting of 31 August 1990, I am recommending the following: 1. Does not provide adequate Parking. (Public Safety) '# Daf! L Lt. Dale Hammack DH/dh RECEIVED 3EP ~ .. PLANNING DEPT. - ),'t ~, - r.. klJlOUND1JII 'J FROM a SUBJECT: DA'l'B : Don Jaeger, Building , zoninq Oirector Jam.. A. Cherot, City Attorney ~ Two Georoes Harbor Hut September 10, 1990 '1'0 : , 1 am in receipt ot your memo ot 5epte~.r 7, 1990 (Memorandum No. 90-408) tollow1ng my review of ~ne issu.. ra1sed by your Memorandum an~ your 1n.1qht into the leqialatlve hi.tory of the Amendments to Chapter 5, I conclude as tollows: 1. There ..y be, ciroumstance. whera both the Board ot A<.1ju.tment aM the Planning Board have concurrent jurisdiction over variances related to parking lota. By composing a Applioat1on tor Variance in term ot parking space. as calculated under the Zoninq COde, an applicant would be entitled to proceed to the Board of Adjustment for hearlnq (authority: Section 108 of Appendix A). An applicant who composes th.ir apPlication in terms related to the physical construction of parkin; and .toraqe araas within the City would proceed to hearin~ before the Planning Ie Zoninq Board. The Two Georges Harbor Hut variance illustrate. a circumstance that could be construed a. being proper under .ither procedure. Thi. i. 80 becau.e the reduction the applicant souqht was tor zero spaces. 2. You have advised IDe that hiSl~orieally, the City ha. treated applications for variance with re8pect to parking .paooc as requ..t from the requiroments of the Zoning Code. Aa euch, thos. variance. have routinely proc:oadac1 before the Board of Adju.taan~ and not the Planninq , Zoning Board. In light of that treat.ent, it appear. a. though a precedent hag been e.tabli.hed. 3. I~ 40e. not appear olear from either the Zoning Code or Chapt.r 5, whether it Vaa the int&nt of the Commission that all variance., be they layout and <leoi9n or specific parking space "UBer reque.t., proceed betore the Planning Gnd Zonlnq BOArd. preoedent would l!Iuggest otherwil!le. In Dny event, it would be proper ~o refer this .atter to the Commission with the sU9gestion that t.he Zoning Cod. and Chapter ~ b. arnendec1 to elim1nate ooncurrent j~ri.dio~ion of tho.. Boards anc1 to direct a unitorm and exclu.tv. .ethod tor proc..sinq variance.. In OOfto1.u810n, i~ 1. my op1nion that 1t is proper tor the Two OeoZ0ge.Jfarbot: H\lt varianoe to proc.ed" betore the BoareS of Actju.aa.nt. ;SACI . Lt- ~);~ "'ABG PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-293 TO: Johnnetta Broomfield Community Improvement Director FROM: James J. Golden Interim Planning Director DATE: September 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Downtown Review Board Meeting - September 11, 1990 Please be advised that the Downtown Review Board met on Tuesday, September 11, 1990 and took the following action: 1. Unanimously voted to delete Two George's Harbor Hut request for a parking lot variance from the agenda based on the City Attorney's written legal opinion that the variance request was improper. 2. At the request of the applicant, unanimously voted to table the request for sign approval for Superior Foods to allow the applicant time to negotiate with a potential purchaser. ~rJJil ES 3. G<?LDEN JJG:frb cc: City Manager C:PM90-293