CORRESPONDENCE ~uojJ~ ~. *a~ TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Lt. Don Thrasher, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Mike Kazunas, Utilities Engineer Vincent Finizio, Administrative Coordinator of Engineering Richard Staudinger, Gee & Jenson Consulting Engineers FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DATE: February 3, 1993 RE: Technical Review committee Meeting Thursday, February 11, 1993 Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee will meet on Thursday, February 11, 1993, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "c" (West Wing) to discuss the following: MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION PROJECT NAME: Motorola PID AGENT: Schwab, Twitty & Hanser LOCATION: Intersection of Congress Avenue and Northeast 22nd Avenue FILE NO. 719 DESCRIPTION: A request on behalf of Motorola Corporation tc modify the existing master plan for their property at Congress Avenue and Northeast 22nd Avenue to accommodate the following revisions: The sale of approximately 1.86 acres of property at the northeast corner of the site will establish two (2) parcels of property - Tract I and Tract II wi thin the existin~ P.I.D. Tract II will accommodate the development of c day care center. A review is requested fOl acceptabili ty for a day care center as ar allowable use within the P.I.D. NOTE: Please return all comments and plans to the Planning and Zoning Director by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 12, 1993. Technical Review Committee Page 3 SITE PLAN: Major Site Plan Modification PROJECT NAME: Waffle House at Gateway Centre LOCATION: S.W. corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and N.W. 7th Street APPLICANT: Northlake Foods, Inc. A franchisee c/o David R. Miller, AlA DESCRIPTION: Freestanding restaurant FILE NO.: 716 D&t~~ ) DM/jm Att. cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager City Commission (5) Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Edward Hillery, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Steve Campbell, Fire Department Bob Gibson, Public Works Central File Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator Project File Chronological File _ :tL_____...rn.n_L:L~L:'I~_"_ "11Ul" c /I. S:rTE P[h).'/S Nt:: \,Ai S:r rs ? CANS f. P f( '" T ~cr )J'+ J1 r:o: T iN 0, C" 'J u 11-. ~ r. v II" f A -~ /' 'f" j /t ~ E )J J ,; [v 't '~j '-: I \;'. ~1 ,.$ 0 V\ J , P v ~ j \r ~ f A V( [.' j (L f CJ w ).j f. f-; c; e - V) e C" ( v e v { & (A- T J<J)J: 5~ ~ t c., J.') <- ., tr C U) (, w B - ,~J,. v < ~J J ~ <J - e ~ J a -t "" '" IJ" ,1 C e . _ __ l~+~.c-",t.1 W.leHVj [) f. 5 c i<--./- f r /-.0 A/. .k '/ ~" !- J- v .-<; fe.. r (. v' n" vq~. 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"...n. ,___.._. /~~.c:~ ''<0'~.ir:/;fL1~:f:--~f--7i- p ~ 4f- '~--'-'--. ". ':..:.... ~..._..._-~_:~ ? ~ ~.3).~ :r/vc~<<Pcl5tB __(j-C<..vA-~~ />[A-A~J <:;. '1 f ^ ' , " r K (, U \'''1.. ""l ~ ",) ../" t ~ " ~ i' Lt~, ( r, ~. A <-"1--:^- ,,~.. l \ , '- ii r ~. ~.. V ! '~ .:: vt ,( 1 \"'-'L ( i"'! d\ 0 \...- l. ,.;t \.. 1-." (' 'i l- '. J- , J Vv. \ '::<,' II'J ,0iJ '- (,t~, , -' l f '-'I. C ( 7 f ~{ <'( IA ( (' 'C",' p" /; " LOCA T\ONMAP TWO GEORGES' 'MAR\NA . -- I /: i II /'.. vv YjJ:; \Jt' .j' ( '" ..J...,'" v:. '-- 1--- RrW/' ~ .: '" , ,~ _ t-; :.\ :;~n' :: t:l= l- I f' Ii "\ - '-.:,- "I/Tyn I-elF: - ,... "','\ \. 111\ -. "'\);:::' .....11" III '. . .. [J 1\ -::;: \.- ~..~ 1:: ,', \li'!i'ill. :\-J t-' i\mii '.l.- ,\\\" 1\\ ,H; i\\ \\ L- iP' \1 \\\ R ;:: , ~ . " , ,I' T1::: .. Wi'- < ~ ;:: ~ ~,t i- .-:"t: ~ .- V rt II -' -. _ 'rl J.- - 1=-- 2.:::: ,: t::::: ;sr- " tt:::= ' t:::::::- " ;::...- I' "-_ ,~: J ~: ::1 ~ " " " " " . I .' ~ : : ,- , " d. ", " , " '~~~ ((J~ J~II ,:lj'l .' 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Golden, Interim Planning Director DATE: August 9, 1990-Revised August 16, 1990 SUBJECT: Two George's Harbor Hut - Site Plan With respect to the above-referenced request, please be advised of the following: 1. Site Plan will be processed concurrently with variances applications for Article X-Parking Lots and Appendix A-Zoning. 2. Parking calculations must be provided for all existing and proposed uses (Page 4, item 10 on site plan application). 3. Proposed second story addition must meet 8 foot waterfront setback (CBD zoning district requirements). 4. Add note to plans that on-site utilities are to be installed underground (Section 6.E.3 of Appendix A-Zoning). 5. Colored elevations were not submitted with application (page 8, item 29 on site plan application). 6. Approval is contingent upon approval of all necessary variances and construction of parking spaces along Casa Lorna Boulevard. If this development proceeds prior to the Lighthouse Marina project, then the developer should be required to resurface Casa Lorna Boulevard and construct the parking spaces along the south side of the right-of-way. 7. The application must include a statement from a Florida registered traffic engineer or, if necessary, a traffic impact analysis which addresses compliance with the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. 'l ~). PJJJL ~ES .:tI. GOLDEN JJG:frb cc: Central File C:2Geo's " r-),:- j- /~ " , ~- . ) C:2Geo's cc: Central File JJG:frb . Ai1~ C'AMES 0. GOLDEN 6. Approval is contingent upon approval of all necessary variances and construction of parking spaces along Casa Lorna Boulevard. If this development proceeds prior to the Lighthouse Marina project, then the developer should be required to resurface Casa Lorna Boulevard and construct the parking spaces along the south side of the right-of-way. 5. Colored elevations were not submitted with application (page 8, item 29 on site plan application). 4. Add note to plans that on-site utilities are to be installed underground (Section 6.E.3 of Appendix A-Zoning). 3. Proposed second story addition must meet 8 foot waterfront setback (CBD zoning district requirements). 2. Parking calculations must be provided for all existing and proposed uses (Page 4, item 10 on site plan application). 1. Site Plan will be processed concurrently with variance applications for Article X-Parking Lots and Appendix A-Zoning. With respect to the above-referenced request, please be advised of the following: DATE: August 9, 1990 SUBJECT: Two George's Harbor Hut - Site Plan TO: Mr. Craig Livingston FROM: James J. Golden, Interim Planning Director MEMORANDUM RECEIVED BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-352 AUG 10 1990 PLANNli~G DEPT. August 6, 1990 THRU: Jim Golden, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director ~11r Michael E. Haag, Zoning & site Developmen~~dministrator TO: FROM: RE: SITE PLAN - TWO GEORGES HARBOR HUT RESTAURANT (expansion) Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments have been provided as a courtesy with the applicant's full knowledge that there will be a full review made when the project is placed on a future Technical Review Board agenda: 1. Provide a detailed landscape plan complying with all requirements stipulated for CBD, including pedestrian and parking lights and landscaping of dumpster enclosure. 2. Show on the plans the required number of handicapped parking spaces. Include detail drawings of the handicapped parking space and walkway leading to the handicapped accessible entrance to the building. 3. Proposed sign height of 32'2" exceeds the allowable sign height of 30'. Roof signs are prohibited. 4. Show on the plans the appropriate number of parking spaces consistent with the requirements of Appendix A-Zoning. Provide the computations used to determine the number of required parking spaces for the entire site. List the total number of required spaces by breaking down the site by uses performed at the site and designate the appropriate number of spaces as required on Appendix A Zoning Section 11 H. for each specific use. Include the uses operating within the water at the site. 5. Specify on the elevation drawings the difference between the new and existing exterior finish material and finish color. 6. The building elevation drawings submitted with the plans for final sign-off shall match in every respect the drawings approved by the city Commission through the approval process of the project. Each exterior finish material shall have it's color identified by name, manufacturers name, and color number on the final sign-off plans. 7. New second floor construction shall comply with the zoning district setback requirement, which specifies an 8'-0" setback from the edge of water to closest overhang of the new construction. 8. Show and label on the plans a sidewalk on the south side of Casa Lorna Blvd. running the entire length of the site. RECEIVED AUG 10 1990 Memo: Jim Golden Re: Two Georges Harbor August 6, 1990 Page Two PLAN N h S DEPT. Hut Restaurant (expansion) 9. Provide a detailed plan view and full section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure, pad and service area enclosure. Specify the size and type of all required vertical and horizontal structural material and components for the enclosure and associated pad. Identify the overall height, width and length of enclosure. Show the clear width of the dumpster opening (clear width to be measured inside of gate and post material or meet with public works specifications for compactor dumpster enclosure) required minimum width is ten feet (10'). Specify on the plans the method of holding the enclosure gates in the open and closed position. In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following information should be included with your documents submitted to the Building Department for review and permitting: 1. Secure Department of Health approval. 2. All signage must comply with the requirements of the sign Code. 3. The existing construction shall comply with Section 101.5 of the County Wide Administrative Code, 1988 Edition as adopted by the City of Boynton Beach. 4. Compliance with the State of Florida Accessibility Requirements Manual, is required for the building. mea GEOHHRS.SDD MEMORANDUM POLICE # 90-096 TO: Ms. Tambri J. Heyden FROM: Lt. Dale Hammack RE: Two Georges Restaurant DATE: August 7, 1990 As per the discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 6 August 1990, I am recommending the following: 1. Does not provide adequate parking. (Public Safety) ~. DJd. 1f:l.,---L Lt. Dale Hammack DH/cm REQUE ST FOR PUBLI SHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement Published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney 8 working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. . ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Planning PREPARED BY: James Golden DATE PREPARED: 8/16/90 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Parking Lot Variance for proposed expansion of Two George's Harbor Hut restaurant. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) Standard Legal Advertisement SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Newspaper and applicant. Notification to surrounding property owners is not required. NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: To be determined by City Clerk. DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: To be determined by City Clerk. APPROVED BY: ? (1) ~ t- }J~ O(Dep~rtment Head) g i It''/ 'fo (Date) ( 2 ) (City Attorney) (Date) ( J j (City Manager) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: ,/.. 0- ~ (\. .. <' ~o , cr I .. ~ ;. '" \ .... .,. ... 1!.- <) ....\11 ,~c; ~ I, Po ~, ... >; Po ::l"'''~ l"~C:'" ll':>"~~ ....."'.. I C111l~~ ~.~';,~~ ',\'t ~ .. '" P'3 ~ ~ \~. ~ ~. ~ (l ~\ ~~ -:l (9 ~. ~ '; ';;; p. '; ~,. (T'~ ~ 'J 0 '1-:; tJ ct \>> ~ ,"' (U (tI Cf,('l) , . ." :~ . ~ \ :xl" fIIO ~l ~~ GI -GI %:xl ~'" :xl~ ~.;: .~s.o . ~ '. , '\ ~ y I I ..~ .,... '" ~ " .~ $, ~~ \ ", " ~, L:-:. ,..\ c:- . " (~ , 7 ~ , ", /' <..-" .. \ 'Y ... ., :\~ 1- ~.,.. .~ ~~ " ) I.' ~ . " ~ .~ ~,... :s ~ r~~. ..' ~,'" ~ ,~ (" ",,' <> .... ~; ; ," "" . , C/":A ~l^ f(^~'i- ft-lTKAfDA~nl \VA r[~\VA y /.~= ':::7' . -~;:::;::;--:-- N t.) ~ , ~ ''', \ \. . ~ ~ ~~ , ~ . ' _'. ........-. t . .... .., ...... ... '-, ~.>)1 ~ ~! 01) o ~Ul 0\3 ::0 ~"P Ulg ::4 ~O ~Z t ::0 ~ ~ ~ ~!~'..~ ~" ~~~ 9..a\:..J ~~C;:::- ~5 \ ~ V'Z ~ \ \.. 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