CORRESPONDENCE Kilday It Auoclet.. Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 September 15, 1995 .. Ms. Tambri Heyden, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: United Parcel Service Data Communications Center Major Master Plan Modification Our File No. 660.6 Dear Ms. Heyden, Please accept and process the attached revised information for a Major Master Plan Modification located at 3800 S. Congress Avenue. We are submitting revised plans for the Major Master Plan Modification application on behalf of the United Parcel Service, lessee of the property, and incorporating comments received at the September 12, 1995 TRC Meeting. There are no changes necessary to the application therefore only revised plans are being resubmitted. This application is proceeding in conjunction with a parking lot variance application and a landscape waiver request. Attached, please find twelve (12) sets of plans, two (2) copies are signed and sealed. The site plan has been adjusted to more closely match the current survey prepared by Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc.. The plans were also revised to address the comments presented at the September 12, 1995 Technical Review Committee (TRC) Meeting. There are no significant changes to the site plan other than the relocation of the dumpster and recycling receptacles from the east side of the west access drive to the west side of the drive. Additional information has been added to the site and landscape plans to help define the locations of site fixtures. For example, lighting, fire hydrants and existing trees are now shown on the site and landscape plans. Our response to the TRC comment memorandums issued by the Review Board for first review are listed below. Ms. Tambri Heyden . United Parcel Service Data Communications Cente'r September 15, 1995 Page 2 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 0163 1. The project engineer is reviewing the issue of a modified median opening with the County Engineer. 2. We have confirmed that the ADA requirement is 2% of the total parking to be handicapped. RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-404 1. All existing trees to remain are indicated on both the Site Plan and Landscape Plan. No significant landscaping will be removed from site. UTILITIES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-280 1. Per the current survey, all existing easements are indicated on the site plan and landscape plan. 2. A fire flow test is being processed and will be submitted as part of the building permit application. 3. The landscape plan indicates that no trees will be placed within an Utility Easement. 4. Water for irrigation will be drawn from the adjacent lake. The property owner of this parcel also owns the adjacent parcel and UPS will coordinate approval with them. 5. Back flow preventors will be provided where required per Section 26.107. BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-331 1 . The landscape plan reflects all existing and proposed trees and site lighting for Phase I and II of the portion of the property to be utilized for UPS. Please note, the southern parking area is the subject of a variance request. 2. The nature of the proposed facility is non-public and accessed solely by its employees. Due to the fact that this UPS facility will not provide walk-in Ms. Tambri Heyden United Parcel Service Data Communications Center September 15, 1995 Page 3 customers, it is their desire not to provide this walkway to discourage pedestrian access by the general public. Adequate handicap access for employees is provided on site. If the need should arise for a public walkway for the physically disabled the owner will provide one. 3. Prior to the submittal of a permit application, all signs and directional signs will be provided and meet the Boynton Beach Sign Code. A signage detail reflecting the height, and square footage is incorporated in the site plans. Therefore the only outstanding items are the text and colors. . FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-331 1. As stated earlier, the fire flow test is being processed and will be submitted with the building permit application. 2. A fire lane has been provided along the w~st side of the building to allow continuous fire access around the entire building. 3. After the determination of the fire flow test and the condition of the existing fire hydrants and water service, we will provide d~cuments to ensure all fire prevention requirements have been met. 4. The exit way sidewalk located on the east side of the building has been revised from 5' to 8' wide to accomadate the number expected to use the exit. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-158 1. The dumpsters have been relocated to the west property line, maintaining a 2.5' wide landscape strip with hedge. The trucks will service them by approaching from the east. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95- Please refer to attached letter from Brian LaMotte at Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. to Bill Hukil. Ms. Tambri Heyden United Parcel Service Data Communications Center September 15, 1995 Page 4 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-494 1. The site plan will be amended to indicate variance relief at the time of variance approval. 2. A request for a landscape appeal for the required eastern buffer is included with this letter. 3. Traffic control arrows and dimensions of access aisles are indicated on the site plan. 4. The site plan and landscape plan have been revised to reflect the site lighting locations. There are no conflicts with the provided landscape. 5. All pavement near loading areas are existing and will remain. The conceptual paving plan indicates new and existing pavement for the entire site. 6. The site plan has been amended to indicate width and angle of the circular parking area. All parking spaces in this area meet parking requirements. 7. The site plan and Landscape Plan have been amended to indicate the location of views 1 through 5 of the elevation drawings. 8. The site data on the site plan has been revised to reflect the correct number of interior parking spaces. 9. The Landscape Detail Plan has been amended to reflect that the plant list shall govern lion center" spacing. 10. The Landscape Plan has been amended to indicate that the maximum spacing of trees on Congress Avenue shall not exceed 40' on center. 11 . The Landscape Plan has been amended to extend the lc1ouded" existing landscape symbol to Congress Avenue. 12. Curbing is indicated on the Paving, Site, and Landscape Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS 7. The plans have been amended to all Melaleuca mulch or approved equal. Ms. Tambri Heyden United Parcel Service Data Communications Center September 15, 1995 Page 5 If you have any questions or concerns in regard to this application, or if you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for your past time. and future consideration for this project. SinCerelY.;;: Rvt ~ ' ...u1'v0-"A/'f- Quin . Travers Kilday & Associates, Inc. Enclosures cc: Mark Dixon Brian LaMotte .~~ C~e~ Received By: 1/1rlq~ Date QAT/cdd\cheyden,915 Klldey & ~ Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 ~1AIL City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department DATE Auqust 23. 1995 REL Industrial PROJECT NAME ATT Mike Haag PROJECT NUMBER 660.6 WE TRANSMIT: o HEREWITH o UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING: o PRINTS 0 SPECIFICATIONS 0 ADDENDUM DTRACINGS/SEPIAS D SUBMITTALS 0 CHANGE ORDER o SHOP DRAWINGS 0 copy OF LETTER 0 THIS IS TRANSMITTED TO YOU: ACTION CODE: o FOR APPROVAL 0 FOR REVIEW & COMMENT ~ FOR YOUR USE 0 AS REOUESTED A REVIEWED B NOT REVIEWED C REVIEWED & NOTED D RESUBMIT E 00 NOT RESUBMIT F RESUBUIT FOR FILES NO OF DATE DRAWING DESCRIPTION/REMARKS ACTION COPIES OR ITEM NO CODE Re: UPS/REL Industrial Parking Lot Variance #PKLV 95-- 05 Revised variance request from Scope Section of code. Please substitute for seven (7 ) variances previously submitted. Please note there is an eighth variance which is not included in this request therefore we will be requesting two variances total. Please call with any questions. IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED. KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE COPIES TO WITH ENCLOSURE o o o o o FilE CODE SHOP DRAWING DIV SIGNED C1llt.~ LJo.l ~ f\ / (~ Collene Walter I Kilday & Aaoc.... landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 8/21/95 UPS COMMUNICATIONS DATA CENTER PARKING LOT VARIANCE REQUEST SYNOPSIS The subject site is zoned M-1 and supports one existing building of 124,740 square feet and two existing parking areas. Formerly, this site was a manufacturing and processing operation involving lighting fixtures. The United Parcel Service (UPS) is seeking approval to locate a Communications Data Center in a portion of the building on the property. This center, one of only a dozen planned nationwide, will house their communications and customer service operations. At it's ultimate capacity, the facility will employee approximately 750 employees. Initially, employees will number 450. These employees will man phone banks and computer systems, and respond to customer inquiries regarding parcel tracking, pick-up and delivery. The hours of operation for the center are 8:00am-8:00pm. There will be no shipping activities and no customer drop-off or pick-up of parcels occuring from this site. No delivery activities related to parcel distribution will occur. The facility will operation as a communications center only. The only IIwalk-inll traffic will be that of potential applicants seeking employment. This activity will occur in the northwestern (front) corner of the building. The existing circular drop-off area will be expanded with additional parking spaces to accommodate this activity. This parking area will meet all zoning code requirements. UPS needs a minimum of 750 parking spaces solely for their employee use. Therefore, additional employee parking needs to be provided on site. Pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Code Chapter23, Article I, Section 2.F, an increase in parking stalls exceeding 25% of the existing stalls requires all parking areas on site, both existing and new, to comply with all required improvements stated in Chapter 23, Article II. There are two existing parking areas on site, one north of the building and one to the south. UPS will occupy 93,901 square feet of the existing building, or approximately 3/4 of the space. UPS is leasing the building from the property owner and is responsible for upgrading the site to comply with both their internal requirements and City of Boynton Beach code requirements. UPS intends to utilize the parking area located to the north of the bUilding as employee parking. One of the two main employee entrances is located along the north facade of the building. Therefore, the existing parking area will be upgraded to meet code requirements, including re-striping of spaces and aisles, required interior and perimeter landscaping, wheelstops where necessary, and lighting. Additional parking spaces will be added just south of UPSNariance 8/21/95 Page 2 the main driveway on the north side of the building and these too will comply with all code requirements. The parking area on the south side of the existing building will not be used by the lessee, UPS. As they will not be occupying the southern 1/4 of the building, and as they are providing ample parking spaces to meet their employee requirements, this parking area will be reserved for a future tenant. Therefore, all but one of the variances being requested address the ability to allow this parking area to remain lias is" until a future tenant is secured. As each required improvement is considered a separate variance in the zoning code under Chapter 23, Articel II, separate variances must be requested. Therefore, there are seven (7) variances required to allow the southern parking area to remain "as-is". UPS will also be constructing a new parking area to the east of the existing building. Their second main employee entrance is located along the eastern facade of the builidng. This parking area is designated with two construction phases to expedite the South Florida Water Management permit approval process. This new parking area will meet all required improvements, except one. The perimeter landscape requirements require a hedge along the eastern edge of the proposed parking area to screen it from adjacent right-of-ways. A variance is being requested to eliminate the need for this hedge as the uses to the east consist of an LWOD canal easement, an FP&L easement and 1-95, and as there is a minimum 500 foot separation from this parking area to 1-95, and as an existing stand of vegetation exists within the canal right-of-way which currently screens this parking area from the Interstate. To offset the elimination of this requirement, UPS will be providing additional landscaping (above code) adjacent to Congress Avenue to help screen the existing parking area from that road and residents to the west, and is exceeding the amount of interior greenspace required within the parking areas. A total of eight (8) variances are being requested. Seven (7) of them are associated with the ability to leave the southern parking area "as-is" as it will not be utilized by the lessee, UPS. One is associated with the ability to eliminate a perimeter hedge along the eastern side of the new parking area in exchange for upgraded landscape elsewhere where it will be a greater benefit to the public. CWII/jb/ups,822 Board of County Commissioners Ken 1. Foster, Chairman Burt Aaronson, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Robert Weisman Department of Engineering and Public Works October 11, 1995 Mr. Dan DeCarlo Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl 33425-0310 RE: UPS COMMUNICATION DATA CENTER , ;-::;- ri' 'iSJ 'j? n wi 1"% r': ! ol jL_!,l~C" _~LUM~LJ;~>;, 1 nil 6 'i/ ,~ Dear Mr. DeCarlo: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic equivalency statement entitled Boynton Beach Industrial, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 7.9 of the Palm Beach County land Development Code. The statement reports that there will be a change in tenants within an existing 124,740 square foot general light industrial building. The statement shows a trip generation of 869 daily trips. The statement does not report any change in use for the building, nor an increase in the size of the building. As such, it is not subject to the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~. JV~ Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer cc. William Hukill, P.E., Director Boynton Beach Department of Development File: TPS - Hun. - Traffic Study Review g:\user\dweisber\wp50\tps\boyn54 "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" @ printsd on recyclsd paper Box 21229 West Palm Beachr Florida 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000