REVIEW COMMENTS EXHIBIT 'A' UPS COMMUNICATIONS DATA CENTER AT REL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 A PARCEL OF LAND IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 5; THENCE RUN NORTH (THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 5 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR NORTH-SOUTH AND ALL OTHER BEARINGS ARE RELATIVE THERETO) ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 5, A DISTANCE OF 110.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUN S-890-48'-45"-E, A DISTANCE OF 53.00 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE; THENCE CONTINUE ON THE PRECEDING DESCRIBED COURSE, A DISTANCE OF 1460.21 FEET TO A POINT IN THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SEABOARD COAST LINE RAilROAD: THENCE RUN N-180-21 '-59"-E, ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 607.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL; THENCE N-890-58'-02"-W, A DISTANCE OF 891.35 FEET; THENCE N-oo-01'-58"-E, A DISTANCE OF 390.75 FEET; THENCE N-480-35'-55"-W, A DISTANCE OF 407.05 FEET; THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 232.00 FEET; THENCE WEST A DISTANCE OF 455.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT IN THE SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 178.66 FEET; THENCE N-880-51'-44"-E, A DISTANCE OF 2020.80 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD; THENCE S-180-21'59"-W, ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1170.88 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL SUBJECT TO THE FOllOWING: AN EASEMENT OVER THE EASTERLY 110 FEET (AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO) THEREOF FOR FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 602, PAGE 623, DATED FEBRUARY 24, 1961. A RIGHT OF WAY OVER THE WESTERLY 80 FEET OF THE EASTERLY 190 FEET (AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO) THEREOF FOR THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT CANAL NO E-3 1/2 AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 1803, PAGE 254. SAID PARCEL CONTAINING: 32.892 GROSS ACRES 2.953 ACRES IN FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY EASEMENT 2.144 ACRES IN LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT RIGHT OF WAY 27.795 NET ACRES legaJ/jb/ups f ( J 7.D.l UPS COMMUNICATIONS DATA CENTER PARKING LOT VARIANCE PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-526 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board FROM: Tambri J. Heyden planning and Zoning Director SUBJECT: October 10, 1995 UPS Communication center - PKLV 95-005 Parking Lot Variance (Increase in Parking Stalls) DATE: NATURE OF REQUEST Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article I, Section 3.B.3.d. of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, requires that when a variance to the parking lot regulations is requested, the Technical Review Committee must forward to the City Commission, a recommendation that is to be part of the public record. This change in parking lot variance procedure for Commission action o~ly on parking lot variances become effective with the recent adopt1on of the land development regulations. Although this function is no longer formally a part of the Planning and Development Board's duties, the Commission has indicated that they would like the Board I s comments and recommendation on a parking lot variance that is submitted concurrently and in connection with a related site plan or conditional use approval, since parking lot design is a significant part of reviewing a site plan. The information below has been prepared by staff to be made part of the record for the public hearing proceedings before the City Commission on October 17, 1995 and serves to apprise the Board of the variances that have been submitted in connection with the United Parcel Service Communication Center's major site plan modification application that requires formal review by the Board (See Exhibit "A" - Letter of Request). BACKGROUND Kilday and Associates, agent for United Parcel Service (UPS) c/o Mark Dixon, is requesting a variance to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article I, Section 2. Scope. F. for the planned expansion of the parking area beyond twenty-five (25) per cent of that previously approved for the site. The variance would exclude implementation of the regulations pertaining to required improvements as described in Article II - Required Improvements of Chapter 23 - Parking lots ( see Exhibit "B" - Article II, Chapter 23). The variance is requested in connection with a concurrent major site plan modification application for the site located at 3800 South Congress Avenue (see Exhibit "C" - location map and Exhibit "D" - site plan). The proposed expansion to the parking area is in connection with the UPS request for occupancy in the existing bUilding. The existing building contains 125,281 square feet of which 95,200 square feet is for UPS. The balance, 30,081 square feet, is vacant. It should be noted that the areas indicated in the letter of request do not match the areas identified on the plans. The areas referenced in the report reflect the areas identified on the plans. United Parcel Service requires a minimum of seven hundred fifty (750) parking spaces solely for employee use. Since the eXisting parking is substantially below the number of parking spaces that ?re required, the applicant is proposing to construct 486 new park1ng spaces. The 486 new parking spaces exceed twenty- five (25) per cent of the existing spaces provided at the site. The::efore, the entire parking facility, including the existing veh1cle use area, shall be improved to meet current code requirements. I Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-526 UPS communication Center PKLV 95-005 ANALYSIS Chapter 23, Article I, Section 2. F. of the City, of Boynton Beach, Land Development Regulations, states the follow1ng: When an existing parking lot is expanded by twenty five (25) per cent or more in parking stalls beyond what was originally approved." The applicant proposes upgrading all of the existing vehicle use area with the exception of a vehicle use area that is located south of the building. This vehicle use area contains 152 parking spaces and is delineated on Exhibit "D". The applicant further purposes that this area remain "as is" and that it be upgraded to comply with current regulations at the time when a tenant or tenants occupy the vacant space within the building. As previously stated there is 30,081 square feet of vacant space remaining in the building. "F. Chapter 23, Article II - Required Improvements, relates to parking lots either to be constructed or reconstructed. The applicant is specifically asking for relief from the sections of Article II below: A. Illumination B. Traffic control C. Landscaping D. Irrigation E. Curbs and car stops F. Drainage L. Parking Lot Striping That portion of the existing parking to remain in its existing condition is not a part of the parking that has been assigned to the UPS tenant space. The vehicle use area containing 152 parking spaces will more than adequately support the remaining vacant square footage. As indicated on the site plan, .the h:orth access aisle is not proposed to be upgraded. The plans indi9ate a 10 foot wide area of asphalt is being removed at the propertylline along Congress Avenue , \ for right-of-way landscaping and curbinglplaced across the on-site access to the north access aisle. The i~ason is to prevent usage of a paved area of approximately 20 fee~. wide by 1,660 feet long that would remain on site, in disrepair an~ not improved to current standards. . RECOMMENDATION On Tuesday, September 12, 1995, the Technic:.al Review Committee (TRC) reviewed the plans and documents submitted and formulated a recommendation with regard to the variance requested. After review and discussion, the TRC recommended approval of the request to expand the parking area by more than twenty-five (25) per cent without upgrading, to current parking lot regulations, the vehicle use area located south of the building as delineated on Exhibit liD". This recommendation for approval is subject to the property owner upgrading the subject vehicle use area at the time that a tenant expands into or occupies any portion of the 30,081 square feet of vacant space. Also, since the applicant did not address or include the north access aisle as part of this request this access aisle shall be upgraded at the time of tenant occupa~cy of the vacant space, or earlier, if UPS finds that they need to use it. DCD:dim XC: Central File A:~KLO'rVAIt.UP8 2- C.(J Jr I -p t<:- V PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-615 TO: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official n./ . Michael E. Haag ~~ Current Planning r~inator FROM: THRU: Tambri J. Heyde Planning and Zon DATE: October 30, 1995 Director SUBJECT: Transmittal of Development Orders UNITED PARCEL SERVICE DATA CENTER Accompanying this memorandum you will find documents regarding development plans that have received final determination. 1. Project Name: Type of Application: Planning and Zoning Department File No.: Control Plans: Comments and Correspondence: 2 . Project Name: Type of Application: Planning and Zoning Department File No.: Control Plans: Comments and Correspondence: MEH:TJH:arw Attachments a:trn..ttl,UPS UPS Landacape/ParkLoCVar UPS Data Center Landscape Appeal LAAP 95-005 Reduced copy included with Planning and Development Board package that was previously distributed 5 sheets distributed not previoUSly UPS Data Center Parking Lot Variance PKLV 95-006 Reduced copy included with Planning and Development Board package that was previously distributed Included with Planning and Development Board package PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-592 Agenda Memorandum for October 17, 1995 City Commission Meeting TO: FROM: carrie Parker city Manager ~'j Tambri J. Heyden'--- 10/: Planning and Zoni~' Director DATE: october 12, 1995 SUBJECT: UPS Communications Center - PKLV 95-004 Parking lot variance (increase in parking stalls without upgrading existing stalls) Please place the above-referenced request on the October 17, 1995 city Commission agenda under Development Plans. DESCRIPTION: Kilday and Associates, agents for United Parcel Service (UPS), is requesting relief from Chapter 23- Parking Lots, Article I, Section 2. F. of the Land Development Regulations to allow an increase in parking spaces which exceeds 25% of the existing stalls without upgrading the portion of the existing vehicle use area located between the south property line and the existing building. The M-1 zoned site is 32.89 acres in size and is located at 3800 S. Congress Avenue. The total existing building area is 124,281 square feet; 95,299 square feet is to be used by UPS for communications and customer service operations. UPS requires a minimum of 750 parking spaces solely for employee use, The 486 new parking spaces proposed exceed the twenty-five percent of the existing spaces provided at the site. This request is in connection with concurrent requests for a landscape appeal and major site plan modification approvals. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board, with a 7-0 vote, recommended approval, subject to all staff comments (Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-526). TJH:dim Attachment xc: Central File Il:CCAlIPltLV,I1PS oom r[L, Ci? UfJ .JL_~.".." ... SEP 2 7 1995 .~ ; ,il j l q..:,n PLANNING AND ZONING DEP1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Tambri Heyden DATE: September 27, 1995 Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Sue Kruse RE: Notice of Hearing City Clerk Attached please find a copy of the Notice of Hearing for the application for a variance fora parking lot. This application was submitted by United Parcel Service Communications Data Centers, owner gr Palm Associates. This aplication has been scheduled for the City Commission meeting on Tuesday, October 17, 1995 at 7:00 P.M. This notice is being mailed to the applicant, agent and property owner today. The ad will appear in the Boynton Beach News on Thursday Sept. 28, 1995. Clerk JP:bls attachement cc: City Manager NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:00 P,M. on Tuesday, october 17, 1995, at City Hall Commission Chambers 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, to consider an apPlication for a PARKING LOT VARIANCE on the following described property: Applicant: Owner: Location: Variances Requested: Nature of Variances Requested: Use: Legal Description: ..,;" United Parcel Service Communications Data Center at REL Incorporated Industrial Park GR Palm Associates 3800 South Congress Avenue Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Artic~e I, Section 2,F, scope of the Land Development Regulation (applicability). When an existing parking lot is expanded by twenty-five (25) per cent or more in parking stalls beyond what was originally approved. To allow the existing southern parking area at this location to remain "as is" for future tenant use. UPS Communications Center A PARCEL OF LAND IN PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 5; THENCE RUN NORTH (THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 5 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR NORTH-SOUTH AND ALL OTHER BEARINGS ARE RELATIVE THERETO ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 5, A DISTANCE OF 110.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUN S-890-48'-45"-E, A DISTANCE OF 53.00 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE; THENCE CONTINUE ON THE PRECEDING DESCRIBED COURSE, A DISTANCE OF 1460.21 FEET TO A POINT IN THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD; THENCE RUN N-180-21- 01'-58"-E, A DISTANCE OF 390.75 FEET; THENCE N-480-35'- 55"-W, A DISTANCE OF 407.05 FEET; THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 232.00 FEET; THENCE WEST A DISTANCE OF 455.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT IN THE SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 178.66 FEET; THENCE N- 880-51'-44"-E, A DISTANCE OF 2020.80 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD; THENCE S-180-21'59"-W, ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1170.88 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: AN EASEMENT OVER THE EASTERLY 110 FEET (AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO) THEREOF FOR FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 602, PAGE 623, DATED FEBRUARY 24, 1961. ARIGHT OF WAY OVER THE WESTERLY 80 FEET OF THE EASTERLY 190 FEET (AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO) THEREOF FOR THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT CANAL NO E-3 1/2 AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 1803, PAGE 254. SAID PARCEL CONTAINING: 32.892 GROSS ACRES 2,953 ACRES IN FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY EASEMENT 2.144 ACRES IN LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT RIGHT OF WAY 27.795 NET ACRES ~ ...., . ' Page 2 Notice of Public Hearing United parcel Service Communication Data Center All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard or file any written comments prior to the hearing date. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board and city Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CMC/AAE CITY CLERK (407) 375-6060 PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS SEPTEMBER 28, 1995 ~ o " .:;; ()J J.A, '-' PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-496 TO: Sue Kruse city Clerk ~II Tambri J. Heyden /~ Planning and Zoning Director FROM: DATE: September 12, 1995 RE: UPS Communication Data Center at REL Industrial Park, File No. PKLV, 95-005 - Parking Lot Variance Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of the application and related documentation for the above-referenced request for a variance to Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article I, Section 2.F. of the City's Land Development Regulations. A check in the amount of $400.00 to cover the review and processing of this application have been forwarded to the Finance Department. The public hearing is scheduled for the October 17, 1995 City Commission meeting. The legal advertisement for this request will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney and City Manager. TJH:dim Attachments a:L8QsINot.UPS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES TO PARKING LOT REGULATIONS This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type All Information. 1. Project Name of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: United Parcel Service Communications Data Center at REL Incorporated Industrial Park 2. Date This Application is Submitted: August 22,1995 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Lessee: United Parcel Service c/o Mark Dixon Address: Southeast Region 5335 Triangle Parkway Suite 500 Norcross, GA 30092 Phone: 404-417-2079 Fax: 404-417-2082 (Zip Code) 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant):* Kilday & Associates,Inc. c/o Collene W.Walter Address: 1551 Forum Place ,Suite 100 West Palm Beach,FL 33401 Phone: 407-689-5522 Fax: 407-689-2592 (Zip Code) * A letter from the applicant or owner authorizing the agent is required. 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: GR Palm Associates Address: 194 Nassau Street Princeton, NJ 08542 Phone: (609) 921-6060 Fax: (Zip Code) (609) 924-1992 6. correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent)**: Kilday & Associates,Inc. c/o Collene W.Walter 1551 Forum Place Suite 100 West Palm Beach,FL 33401 ** This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING DEPT. - January 1991 A:PkLotVar (2) 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Lessee (OWner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, etc.) 8. Street Address of Location of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: 3800 South Congress Avenue Boynton Beach,FL 9. Legal Description of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: Township 46. Range 43. Section 5 -See attached Exhibit "A" 10. Intended Use(s) of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: General Industrial Uses and Communications Data Center 11. Developer or Builder: United Parcel Service (404) 417-2079 12. Architect: Stone & Webster (404) 481-4111 13. Landscape Architect: Kilday & Associates, Inc. (407) 689-5522 14. Si te Planner: Kilday & Associates, Inc. (407) 689-5522 15. Engineer: Shalloway Fay Rayman & Newell (407) 655-1151 16. Surveyor: Shalloway Fay Rayman & Newell (407) 655-1151 17. Traffic Engineer: Simmons & White, Inc. (407) 965-9144 18. Copy of last recorded Warranty Deed included? (check) x 19. Letter authorizing agent (if any) included? (check) X 20. Site plan and survey (2 copies each) attached? (check) X 21. Number of variances requested on the following sheets: . NOTE: A separate sheet must be completed for each specific design requirement (Sec. 5-141) or permit application requirement (Sec. 5-142) to which a variance is requested. ~ A:PkLotVar (3) The undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Zoning Board to grant to the petitioner a variance to Article X "Parking Lots", of Chapter 5, "Building, Housing and Construction Regulations", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as it pertains to the property described in this application, and for the reasons stated below: Section, Subsection, and Paragraph number of specific requirement to which variance is requested, and exact language contained in the Code: Chapter 23 Parking Lots Article I Paragraph . and F Section 2 -Scope Existing Parking areas to be brought up to current code requirements if a change in occupancy or if additional parking exceeding 25% of what exists is constructed on the site. Nature of Variance Requested: The southern parking area on the subject site will not be utilized by the new tenant, UPS. The nature of this variance is to allow the existing parking area to remain "as-is" for future tenant use. This parking area was constructed pursuant to a previously approved site development plan prior to recent improvements required by today's Code. Statement of Special Conditions, Hardships, or other reasons Justifying the Requested Variance (attached additional sheets if necessary) : Special conditions are that the applicant is leasing a portion of an existing building. The existing parking area to the south was constructed per old Code regulations in effect at that time, and prior to the applicant's interest in the C::l1njp('t ~:1r(,Pl A l~tera interpretation of this provision would create an unnecessary hardship on the applicant in that this parking lot is remote from their intended operation and will not be utilized by the applicant as it is required to meet parking needs of a future tenant. Granting this variance will not confer any special privileges as the future tenant will be required to upgrade their respective parking area just as the applicant is required to upgrade theirs. (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers or plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge. This application will not be accepted unless signed below. Signature of applicant or agent: Da te: -t2/ Z L- ~c; ...--JL-oo '. A:PkLotVar UPSNariance 8/21/95 Page 2 the main driveway on the north side of the building and these too will comply with all code requirements, The parking area on the south side of the existing building will not be used by the lessee, UPS. As they will not be occupying the southern 1/4 of the building, and as they are providing ample parking spaces to meet their employee requirements, this parking area will be reserved for a future tenant. Therefore, all but one of the variances being requested address the ability to allow this parking area to remain lias is" until a future tenant is secured, As each required improvement is considered a separate variance in the zoning coele under Chapter 23, Articel II, separate variances must be requested. Therefore, there are seven (7) variances required to allow the southern parking area to remain lIas-isll, UPS will also be constructing a new parking area to the east of the existing building. Their second main employee entrance is located along the eastern facade of the builidng, This parking area is designated with two construction phases to expedite the South Florida Water Management permit approval process. This new parking area will meet all required improvements, except one. The perimeter landscape requirements require a hedge along the eastern edge of the proposed parking area to screen it from adjacent right-af-ways, A variance is being requested to eliminate the need for this hedge as the uses to the east consist of an LWDD canal easement, an FP&L easement and 1-95, and as there is a minimum 500 foot separation from this parking area to 1-95, and as an existing stand of vegetation exists within the canal right-of-way which currently screens this parking area from the Interstate, To offset the elimination of this requirement, UPS will be providing additional landscaping (above code) adjacent to Congress Avenue to help screen the existing parking area from that road and residents to the west, and is exceeding the amount of interior greenspace required within the parking areas. A total of eight (8) variances are being requested, Seven (7) of them are associated with the ability to leave the southern parking area lias-is" as it will not be utilized by the lessee, UPS, One is associated with the ability to eliminate a perimeter hedge along the eastern side of the new parking area in exchange for upgraded landscape elsewhere where it will be a greater benefit to the public. CWII/jb/ups,822 Kilday & ANOClet.. Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 8/21/95 UPS COMMUNICATIONS DATA CENTER PARKING LOT VARIANCE REQUEST SYNOPSIS The subject site is zoned M-1 and supports one existing building of 124,740 square feet and two existing parking areas. Formerly I this site was a manufacturing and processing operation Involving lighting fixtures. The United Parcel Service (UPS) is seeking approval to locate a Communications Data Center in a portion of the building on the property, This center, one of only a dozen planned nationwide, will house their communications and customer service operations, At it's ultimate capacity, the facility will employee approximately 750 employees, Initially, employees will number 450. These employees will man phone banks and computer systems, and respond to customer inquiries regarding parcel tracking, pick-up and delivery, The hours of operation for the center are 8:00am-8:00pm, There will be no shipping activities and no customer drop-off or pick-up of parcels occuring from this site, No delivery activities related to parcel distribution will occur, The facility will operation as a communications center only. ,.he only "walk-in" traffic will be that of potential applicants seeking employment. This activity will occur in the northwestern (front) corner of the building. The existing circular drop-off area will be expanded with additional parking spaces to accommodate this activity. This parking area will meet all zoning code requirements, UPS needs a minimum of 750 parking spaces solely for their employee use, Therefore, additional employee parking needs to be provided on site. Pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Code Chapter23, Article I, Section 2,F, an increase in parking stalls exceeding 25% of the existing stalls requires all parking areas on site, both existing and new, to comply with all required improvements stated in Chapter 23, Article II. There are two existing parking areas on site, one north of the building and one to the south, UPS will occupy 93,901 square feet of the existing building, or approximately 3/4 of the space, UPS is leasing the building from the property owner and is responsible for upgrading the site to comply with both their internal requirements and City of Boynton Beach code requirements, UPS intends to utilize the parking area located to the north of the building as employee parking, One of the two main employee entrances is located along the north facade of the building, Therefore, the existing parking area will be upgraded to meet code requirements, including re-striping of spaces and aisles, required interior and perimeter landscaping, wheelstops where necessary, and lighting, Additional parking spaces will be added just south of 4- UPSNariance 8/21/95 Page 2 the main driveway on the north side of the building and these too will comply with all code requirements. The parking area on the south side of the existing building will not be used by the lessee, UPS, As they will not be occupying the southern 1/4 of the building, and as they are providing ample parking spaces to meet their employee requirements, this parking area will be reserved for a future tenant. Therefore, all but one of the variances being requested address the ability to allow this parking area to remain lias is" until a future tenant is secured. As each required improvement is considered a separate variance in the zoning code under Chapter 23, Articel II, separate variances must be requested, Therefore, there are seven (7) variances required to allow the southern parking area to remain "as-is", UPS will also be constructing a new parking area to the east of the existing building, Their second main employee entrance is located along the eastern facade of the builidng, This parking area is designated with two construction phases to expedite the South Florida Water Management permit approval process, This new parking area will meet all required improvements, except one, The periLTIeter landscape requirements require a hedge along the eastern edge of the proposed parking area to screen it from adjacent right-ot-ways, A variance is being requested to eliminate the need for this hedge as the uses to the east consist of an LWDD canal easement, an FP&L easement and 1-95, and as there is a minimum 500 foot separation from this parking area to 1-95, and as an existing stand of vegetation exists within the canal right-of-way which currently screens this parking area from the Interstate. To offset the elimination of this requirement, UPS will be providing additional landscaping (above code) adjacent to Congress Avenue to help screen the existing parking area from that road and residents to the west, and is exceeding the amount of interior greenspace required within the parking areas. A total ot eight (8) variances are being requested, Seven (7) of them are associated with the ability to leave the southern parking area "as-is" as it will not be utilized by the lessee, UPS, One is associated with the ability to eliminate a perimeter hedge along the eastern side of the new parking area in exchange for upgraded landscape elsewhere where it will be a greater benefit to the public, CWII/jb/ups.822 5 E X H I BIT "B" I 10 Art. I, 56 1. Violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable by up to sixty (60) days in jail and/or a five hundred dollar ($500.00) fine, and the city may prosecute violations of this chapter as such. 2. The city may seek a mandatory injunction with the circuit court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County to enjoin violations of this chapter. Any violation of this chapter shall result in the authority to enjoin' said nuisance by injunction, and may require that the land upon which the violation has been committed be returned to its condition, prior to the violation, or as close thereto as reasonably possible. Further, any party creating a violation of this chapter or nuisance resulting from a violation of this chapter shall be responsible for all of the city's costs, including attorney's tees, tor bringing any injunctive action pursuant to this section. 3. The city may prosecute violations of this chapter through the city's code enforcement board. 4. None of the above-listed remedies shall be considered to be mutually exclusive, and the city may pursue any or all of the above-listed remedies in conjunction with each other. ~ ARTICLE II. REQUIRED IMPROVBMBRTS. Each parking lot constructed or reconstructed shall include improvements as follows: A. Illumination 1 . General a. Lighting design. A minimum average light level of one (1) foot candle shall be provided, with no more than ten (10) per cent of the spot readings below one (1) foot candle and none below one-half (1/2) foot candle. Pixtures shall be an energy efficient type automatically controlled by photoelectric switch or other device acceptable to the director of development and are to remain on from dusk to one (1) hour after closing or 2 A.M., whichever is later. Submit documents showing, at a minimum, pole locations and details; fixture types and sizes; light contours depicting anticipated levels of illumination (in foot candles) at roadway surface; certification of compliance with the Standard Building Code and capacity to withstand a 110 m.p.h. wind load; and proposed conduit routing. Adoptad Ap~11 4, 1"5, O~d1D.Dca 0'5-02 _a"had 23-6 1 Art. II b. Pedestrian lighting. lots to buildings or shall be lit in such safe environment. Walkways connecting parking walkways between buildings a manner as to provide a B. Traffic control 1. Plan. Each parking lot traffic plan shall provide for stop signs at exits, directional arrows, internal traffic signs and information signs where appropriate. It is intended by these regulations that the appltcant retain. the r..pon8ibility for the proper and efficient movement of traffic onto and/or through the site and that additional signing may be required to accomplish the safe movement of traffic. The location and type of traffic control devices shall comply with city standards. 2. Signing and marking. All traffic signing and pavement marking shall comply with the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Particular attention is directed toward Section 2A, which contains sign design, shape, color, mounting height and other conditions. Fire lane signs shall be maximum fifty (50) feet apart; fire lane curbing shall be painted ~etlective yellow; the words Fire Lane shall be painted in three (3) foot high letters {four (4) inch brush stroke} every fifty (50) feet using white traffic paint; and No Stopping or Standing signs shall be posted. C. Landscaping. Bach parking lot shall be landscaped consistent with Chapter 7.5, Article II, Landscape Code, or in the instance of the central business district, chapter 7.5, Article III, Landscape Code. D. Irrigation. Bach parking lot shall be irrigated consistent with Chapter 7.5, Article II, Landscape Code, or in the instance of the central business district, Chapter 7.5, Article III, Landscape Code. B. CUrbs and car stops. No more than two (2) access aisles may be traversed without interruption which shall be accomplished by the placement of wheel stops or the installation of a raised, continuous curb. Landscaped areas in parking lots shall be protected from the encroachment of vehicles by a continuous, raised curb, or in the instance of a parking stall; by a wheel stop or a raised continuous curb. Areas to be protected include all landscaped islands, landscaping adjacent to parking stalls and landscaping adjacent to curvilinear driveways where encroachment is likely to occur. Curb shall extend six (6) inches above pavement and shall-comply with city Adoptad April 4, 1"5. Ordiaaac. 0'5-02 ..vi.ad 23-7 g Art. II standards utilizing twenty-five hundred (2500) psi concrete. F. Drainage. Storm water shall be contained on site. Containment capacity shall be designated for a minimum of two and one-half (2.5) inches of rainfall in one (1) hour. Drainage structures and french drains shall comply with minimum city standards. Catch basins shall be located in grassy areas unless otherwise approved by the director of development. For impervious areas exceeding twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet, the parking lot and facilities shall be designed and certified by a Florida registered engineer. Maximum storage capacity of soil shall be con~idered at the rate of one (1) inch of water for each six (6) inches of soil above the water table. Drainage calculations are required in all instances. The hydraulic conductivity of soil shall be determined with tests made at the site using test procedures recommended by the South Florida Water Management District or other procedures which have been approved by the director of development. G. Reserved. H . Dri veway . * 1. Width. Parking lot driveways shall be a minimum width of twelve (12) feet for one-way drives and twenty (20) feet for two-way drives, at the right-of- way line. Maximum width of any drive at the right- of-way line shall be thirty-two (32) feet, unless otherwise approved by the director of development." 2. Drive'radii. Each parking lot driveway shall have a radius at the intersection of the vehicular traffic lanes of twenty-five (25) feet or as otherwise approved by the director of development. 3. Distance from streets. Parking lot driveways shall be constructed at least thirty (30) feet from the intersection of the right-of-way lines along local streets and one hundred eighty (180) feet along streets of a higher classification. 4. Clearance at parking stalls. Provide a safe and unobstructed space of eighteen (18) feet in length between the side of a parking stall and each of the following: a. A public or private right-of-way b. An access aisle c. An interior driveway This requirement does not apply at the egress end of an access aisle or at a driveway, access aisle or right-of-way where ninety (90) degree parking is provided. Adopted April 4, 1"5, Ordiaeace 0'5-02 .evieed 23-8 , q Art. II 5. Clearance at major d~iveways. The minimum distance from the street right-of-way line at any major ingress or egress driveway to any parking stall or to any interior access aisle having direct access to such driveway shall be one hundred (100) feet. 6. Intersections with county and state roads. Driveways which intersect streets owned and maintained by a governing body other than Boynton Beach must be permitted by the proper governing agency, prior to submission of plans for a building permit. 7. Number of driveways. No more than two (2) driveways shall be permitted from any property. Where properties abut more than one (1) public or private right-of-way, additional driveways may be permitted depending upon traffic volumes, but in no instance shall ehe number or driveways exceed two (2) on each street. I. Parking lot layout. 1. Dimensions. Parking lots shall be designed to meet or exceed the dimensional requirements for stalls, driveways and access aisles as provided for in city standards. 2. Access. Each parking lot or parking stall shall have sufficient access from a street, alley or other public or private way. Maneuvering and access areas shall be of sufficient size to permit vehicles to enter and exit the parking lot and parking stalls in a safe and efficient manner. In no instance shall parking lots be designed to allow vehicles to back out into any public alley or road rights-of-way, or segments of private streets which function as local or collector streets. J. Parking garages. Public or private parking garages shall comply with this chapter, with the Standard Building Code and with county-wide amendments thereto. Where appropriate, security systems may be required. K. Handicap requirements. All parking lots shall meet or exceed State Handicap Code requirements, and comply with the Standard Building Code and the county-wide amendments thereto. L. Parking lot striping. Parking stalls shall be delineated by double-line, painted stripes where parking stalls abut each other, which shall comply with city standards. M. Fire lanes. All shopping centers, retail office complexes and retail establishments in which the gross floor area of all buildings if fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet or greater shall have fire lanes along the Adopt.d April t. 1"5. Ordiaaac. 0'5-02 .."i..d 23-9 /0 Art. II . front of all buildings which shall allow efficient access to the fronts of buildings by fire protection vehicles. Fire lanes shall have a minimum pavement width of twenty- two (22) feet. Fire lanes shall not be encumbered by parked vehicles, including commercial vehicles, and shall not be used for the loading or unloading of commercial vehicles. Additionally, fire lanes shall be clearly marked with signs and striping or a combination of both, which shall comply with this chapter. N. Parcel pickup or customer dropoff lanes. Parcel pickup or customer dropoff lanes are permitted outside of the fire lane, if these lanes comply with city standards. o. Parking lot maintenance. Parking lots in the city shall be maintained so as to not be a nuisance or hazard to the public, including portions of driveways which lie in the right-of-way. P. Sidewalks. Street sidewalks adjacent to parking lots shall be continuous through all driveways; shall be six (6) inches thick within driveway and shall meet handicap code requirements. , WVI:bb - 1/'5. rey. 2/21, 2/21, 3/3. 3/'. 3/15. 4/5/'5 - C,CBA'T... Adopted April 4. 1"5. Ordiaeace 0'5-02 .eYieed 23-10 \ / } LO(,ATION MAP UPS COMMUNICATION CENTER --:.~ 111:.:" ~\' , '\ Y \ ~%\:~ il e=J.L'. . 1 I It I I I If..)' . 'I T L I ~ )J ~I.t-r TT II \ ~ .... . 1_ J -l .\1 I JlllJ T T'i'J I!, D~J ..----:-- ._.~ ._~ ') (~'\.. R3 .;: ~:.~' . ,/ TJ I') II.), '-,\1':":1 11 TTllllll111TJ~"~", -- -r "-.-iT'ffi. IT..d,:; . L-2. \ I -.J . '\ ' .' ~". ,,,. ........ . 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