CORRESPONDENCE %e City of 'Boynton 'Beach 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadr. 'Boukvard P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beadi, 7foritfa. 33425.0310 City:Jfa1[: (407) 375-6000 ![JifX: (407) 375-6090 Au gu s t 7, 1 9 9 5 Ms. Collene W. Walter Kilday & Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place - Suite 100 A west Palm Beach, Florida 33401 RE: Redevelopment of ReI Building Property - S. Congress Avenue Dear Ms. Walter: In response to your August 2, 1995 letter regarding the above- referenced matter, please be advised that subsequent to the July 20th meeting referenced in your letter, staff has recen~ly m~t with the City Manager relative to this issue. It was indicated that the proposed occupant's representative would be submitting the site plan parking lot modifications and accompanying parking lot variance on August 18th, in order to target a January 1, 1996 occupancy date. Since August 18th was determined to be a date that the occupant's representative could shoot for, the fol:owing dates and procedures are outlined for you for consideration: August 22, 1995 - submit for major site plan modification (proposal does not meet criteria for minor site plan modification) and parking lot variance to Planning and Zonlng Department. Sep~2mber 8, 1995 - Technical Review Committee commen~s on first revievl due 5:00 p.rr.. to Planning dnd Zoning Department. Comments can be faxed to you on Monday, september 11, 1995 after we have re'l ie'.>Jed then. September 15, 1995 - resubmit plans to Planning and Zoning Depar~rne~t. (You may f~nd that with the preliminary ~eetings that have occurred thus far and a preapplication meeting all conceivable issues will have been raised so that your first submittal will be comprehensive eLough to negate the need for a :..-esub:ni t ~al . ) Sep~ernber 20, 1995 - Technical Review Ccmrnittee comments on seccnd reVlew due 5:0C p.m. to Planning and Zoning Department. ~merita's (jateway to tIie (julfstream TO: Ms. Collene W. Walter -2- August 7 I 1993 October 5, 1995 - Planning and Development Board package assembled for delivery. october 10, 1995 - Planning and Development Board meeting. Octobe~ 17, 1995 - city Commission meeting. The above expedited schedule gives you both a site plan and a variance approval by the Commission in October, rather than November; saving you a month and making your permitting process smoother and quicker. You could even contact Bill Hukill or Al Newbold to see whether they could allow permit review of the interior plans to be submitted while the site plan is under review. I would recommend that you set up a preapplication meeting with Michael Haag of my office, a few days prior to your formal submittal on August 22nd, to recap the particular issues with this site plan. The parking lot variance application and process, as you know from experience, is not an involved procedure. It will provide you the cleanest way to establish the proposed phasing. If you have further questions, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, r-, '7~4 ,1 -===::A0-1t..tv<u. y. > c./CL-.t Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director tjh xc: Michael Haag A:Rell1SPM ~~-. J4 %e City of 'Boynton 'Beacn 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi tJJoufevanf P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beadi, %nitfa 33425-0310 City!Jfa[[: (407) 375-6000 ~fJlX: (407) 375-6090 Tflc. ~~ ~~ \'L August 7, 1995 Ms. Collene W. Walter Kilday & Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place - Suite 100 A w~st Palm Beach, Florida 33401 RE: Redevelopment of ReI Building Property - S. Congress Avenue; Dear Ms. Walter: In response to your August 2, 1995 letter regarding the above- referenced matter, please be advised that subsequent to the July 20th meeting referenced in your letter, staff has recen~ly met with the city Manager relative to this issue. It was indicated that the proposed occupant's representative would be submitting the site plan parking lot modifications and accompanying parking lot variance on August 18th, in order to target a January 1, 1996 occupancy date. Since August 18th was determined to be a date that the occupant's representative could shoot for, the fol:owing dates and procedures are outlined for you for consideration: Aug~st 22, 1995 - submit for major site plan modification (proposal does not meet criteria for minor site plan modification) and parking lot variance to Planning and Zoning Depa~tment. Sep~ember 8, 1995 - Technical Review Committee comments on first review due 5:00 p.m. to Planning and Zoning Department. Comments can be faxed to you on Monday, september 11, 1995 after we have re'liewed them. September 15, 1995 - resubmit plans to Planning'and Zoning Depar~ment. (You may find that with the preliminary meetings that have occurred thus far and a preapplication meeting all conceivable issues will have been raised so that your first submittal will be comprehensive enough to negate the need for 3 :::esub:ni t tal. ) s~p~ember 26, 1995 - Technical Review Ccmmittee comments on seccnd reVlew due 5:00 p.m. to Planning and Zoning Department. YLmerica's (jate1l/llY to the (juifstream 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi '13oukvanl P.O. 'Bo'{.310 'Boynton 'Beadi, ',FCoritfa 33425-0310 City:Ha1i: (407) 375..(j()()() ',F.9lX: (407) 375-6090 August 23, 1995 Mr. Dan Weisberg, Senior Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-21229 Re: Traffic Statement: UPS Communication Data Center at REL Incorporated Industrial Development, 3800 S. Congress File No. MSPM 95-006 Dear Mr. Weisberg: The enclosed traffic impact study, dated August 18, 1995, prepared by Simmons & White, Inc. was received by the Planning and Zoning Department recently for the above-referenced application. Please review for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (407) 375-6260, otherwise please send me your written comments/ approval to the above address, with a copy of your written response to Bill Hukill, Director of Development Department, also at the same address. Very truly yours, cJ#c "J.~ ri cr. Heyden g and Zoning Director TJH:dim cc: Bill Hukill w/attachment Central File !4memas qateway to tfie qui/stream SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. Engineers · Planners · Consultants August 18, 1995 Job No. 95-81 TRAFFIC EOUIVALENCY STATEMENT Boynton Beach Industrial Boynton Beach, Florida SITE DATA The subject parcel is located just south of Neptune Drive on the east side of Congress Avenue (dpproximately one mile south of Golf Road) within the municipal limits of the City of Boynton Beach. The currently developed parcel is zoned M-1, Light Industrial, and contains approximately 32. 9 a~res. Existing site improvements consist of 124,740 S.F. of general light industrial development with associated parking. Site access is existing via two driveway connections to Congress Avenue. Proposed development and the purpose of this Traffic Equivalency Statement is to allow a change in tenants as a permitted use within the M-1 Zoning District. Associated parking and driv~way modifications are also proposed. The northerly of the two existing driveway connections to Congress Avenue will no longer be used. The existing southerly driveway connection which aligns with an exiting median opening and left turn lane, north approach, on Congress Avenue will serve as the single access way for the 'parcel. For additional information concerning site location and layout, please refer to the site plan prepared by Kilday & Associates. PURPOSE OF STUDY This study will analyze the proposed development's impact on the surrounding thoroughfares within the project's radius of development influence in accordance with the Palm Beach County Land Development Code Article 7, Section 7.9 Traffic Performance Standards. The Traffic Performance Standards require that a proposed development meet two "tests" with regard to traffic. Test 1, or the Link/Buildout Test, requires that no site specific development order be issued which would, during the build-out period of the project, add project traffic at any point on any major thoroughfare link within the project's radius of development influence if the total traffic on that link would result in an average annual daily traffic or peak hour traffic volume that exceeds the adopted threshold level of service during the build-out period of the project. 4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 Traffic Equivalency Statement Job No. 95-81 August 18, 1995 - Page Three SITE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS The A.M. and P.M. peak hour turning movement volumes and directional distributions at the project entrance for the total development may be calculated as follows: USE TOTAL TRIPS P.H.F. PEAK HOUR TRIPS DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (TRIPS IN/TRIPS OUT) GENERAL INDUSTRIAL (124.740 S.F.) A.M. 869 13.20% 115 95 / 20 15 /107 P.M. 869 14.06% 122 Based on a weighted distribution of 60% north/40% south, the peak hour turning movements at the project entrance may be summarized as follows: Exiting Northbound Right Turn Exiting Southbound Left Turn Entering Northbound Right Turn Entering Southbound Left Turn A.M. 12 8 38 57 P.M. 64 43 6 9 As stated in the SITE DATA portion of this report, a single existing driveway connection to Congress Avenue will serve the project. The connection aligns with an existing median opening and left turn lane, north approach on Congress Avenue. Based on the above and the Palm Beach County Engineering guideline used in determining the need for turn lanes of 75 right turns or 30 left turns in the peak hour, no additional turn lanes or site related improvements are recommended as a condition of approval for this project. CONCLUSION The subject parcel is currently developed. This Petition consists of a change in permitted tenants in the M-1 Zoning District and is therefore approvable with regard to traffic performa Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road. West Palm Beach: Florida 33405 Tel. 407f655-1151 Fax 407f832-9390 JOBNUMBER:_ -4 5 LJ~l- SUBFILE: t!./JLC!.~ JOB NAME: UP .s SUBJECT: d~~~~g M7'~~c. BY: d.t9 y (::1. re:J Y" I~ ~" . DATE: CJ//~/~~ SHEET NO. I OF t!!!III Shalloway, Foy, !!!IiiiI!!!!I Rayman & Newell, Inc. L:~ }'/:2..J1 .....-- a A t) -4:; 'A.lf'" ,.. ~ &,' t(' 1'" IA. (" rob h"' ~ ~ :" /L; L ~ c....( L J A~~ '..... - J./ ~~ , .I!~~., ) I """.. __l- .I' "... ........ a .....~ "I .,.../.- ~7/_ 'e '7" F ,: 'F 7" - ~ .4!~'.4., Ii~'v' "J /1 '/. , I ./ IV.~; 'n 7 ::> $ I (.r- / ~.r~,- / A. ",:-. ,.,..1.- // ~.~ ~/~ -~-~~~ ~.I.~ ] ) L./'" V" ~... ..., h ~>-- · ..L);) .It ~)~ , I.J.~.~... 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I : : : : i ~1,h: ~ i_ f-I r.~_ O"1~: i;~~~{~J:Zf~~i~~ r! I I I . ---~-J?~ '~ ' '; ; I' ( ~---",. ------;. ----'A-~-- ;-- -.- '------: ~)/Zy~7~A-7.~~-l....-~--I'O---..I.!>.---..Z!?....--. U '--- ---p---- ; I ! i I ~_Z~~f~~~:i'd7~~o~~Y- ~1'~~~~2~~ I . ii ~i cq. I I i -~~ 1::,' A"J 71 ~~'$i."..g' '~r11: 1: : I I ~ i I I; . ,,~n- ~ t..4- i : ~l ~' .~~, I, r. I ~! .: I ] : i I I ~j,tf~;&~~~~-~ji~D. "'jZIP-U '. ii~i~, -=~__-=-C~_~~--! ~- ~ I A 12. ,_ --- X M ,~I) I I I I i I l-j+H I I I J. ./.A __ .... A 7T7 r I.~ -". - L,r",-">Ill / 1 t-i--.i--,---- ! I ': I ' : Z,~ --' :=----} : ~i,.:..r ./..- 1/ - ... /,,~/ I u" ~ -- 'i , I = I - - I . Shalloway, Foy, ~ Rayman & Newell, Inc. JOB NUMBER:f-<"-9S 2- SUBFllE: ~/PLC!.~ JOB NAME: U /0 5 SUBJECT: .sz AJ /J"/' BY; ~"""'I a. rt:!n--/ DATE; dB/14/~s . SHEET NO. 2--~ OF Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road. West Palm Beach~ Florida 33405 Tel. 407/655-1151 Fax 407/11J2-9J90 - l ~ ~I~ t(M t - .- , 7-1,... ,.,.)0 I~ .iJ'v :,l J.... t' if "~..... r _ --," ._ I Ao~ ...~..._ ., ~:.:. _ V't. ..r ' " "..... ~ ~ ..,"'!.... ... J )., 'r~- rc:: ),7L'" ~"rlr:: .i 17 "'I*' ~.f ~ 2 ~ p' : J" 1/.1'01 ' J Tr'~ ~ Z.~~_~_I._'V ~~ ~~J~- L/~ - ~ ~1~ r ' ),rL- J,.J 1'1.,.. "11~ ?;I\ JI!) ...,r~_ J:. .. ~ J 1I'~.4 fL;l - . '1r.i "/ I <; j :::=- '0. --'~ f::: ~'? ,}~- I ::..9 LJ- j ,/, , "IT--" II~ ,.I(' ~ t" ::-. "1" ,,' -, r"'I. ""oLd>;:: ~ . '" il>'4,~ AI'~ ~ ....... L. . -:~ t", 1 ~ ... I i ! I ! i I I I i I I I i i r I , i , I I ! i I I I i I I ! i I I , I I , ~~-----.....,.---_._-,-._,-~- .----- . ---. ----___._._ _____.__---....4 I j i I I j; I ) i Ii, --;-~--~~------------~~ ! .l..._____._~.........._~_:_....___~_.__.___,__ "___~._,.~_~______.. 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V:;1..p UPS SFRN #95052 8/19/95 STAGE - STORAGE COMPUTATIONS ------------.---------.-.------------ ------.---------..------.---.----- f:3TAC=JE FEET NCND ,,24 AC BOT ~3TOr';:~?)GE (4C...FT .34 AC ~3 I DES STDF:?'iC1E AC.....FT TOTI;L ~:;TDRAGE AC"-F'T ***** 12.75 * 12.25 ***** ** ***** *** ***** **** ***** 9.75 ***** 9.75 ----------------.------------------------------.----------------.- 'J. -'1:::" 0 0 0 1 ~J 10 . OE. 0 . 06 10. .::,&::' 12 02 14 ._\..J . . . 10. 5 . 18 . 04 . 2:;;:: 10. .....t- 24 07 31 I.) . . . 1 1 . 3 . 1 1 . 41 1 1 . :2::; . 36 . 15 . 51 1 1 t:' 4'-' 21 6~' . .w . .... . . .:J 1 1 7"'" 48 27 75 . , ,.J . . . 1"-' ~54 34 88 .' . . . 1 :;.~. ~2~.:j 6 4"~ 1 03 . . . ,,") . 1:.::. ~'5 . 66 . ~j 1 1 . 17 1"" 7~j 72 b 1 11'-" ..::.. . . " ~..::. 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'36 . 6 1 . 56 ST?'iGE VS STORAGE --------.------.---- ------------.--.-- STI~GE FT-NGVD 12.75 * 12.~) : * j. :;;:~.. :25 * 1.-, " 11.75 * * 11. 5 : 11 . 25 * .If 1:1. 10. '7~5 * -l<' 10.:S: .)!; 10. 2~.i -:of 10 : -~. 9.75 *======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ () u5 1 la5 L 2.5 ~~ 3~5 4 4.5 ~ STORAGE (ACRE-FEET) UPf3 SFPN #950~32 ST~GE - STORAGE COMPUTA1ION5 ---------..-----------------------.----.------ ._~--~._._------ -- --------------- ..-- ----- - - --- STAGE FEET NGVD .. 4 {K; BOT STDF:::AGE AC:--FT .::-:4 {.K: f:3 I DES EnOF.:{~13E AC-FT TOTAL STDF:::AGE AC-I:-T q:;o~L. (fA *-Io:"IHi--Io:' 12. 75 *'lE-*** *.It*,It-lo:' .1t*.It*.lE- .j(- -li- 'li!' 'li!' .t::. (J."7 5 .)Eo 1 :;~. ;:5 *'lE- .IHHE. .*..11-*'*' 'l<HE.*.j<i.-J>>:. '::3. 75 __M_______.._.______.___._..____________.._._._..__~._-------------.--.--.-------..-.-.-- '::) . "''''1::' (> 0 0 / ~.,I 10 . 1 0 . 1 10.' ,_.,t:: ():2 '-"-'1 ..::....J . ..- . . ........- 10. 1::.- r, 0.:+ 34 ...J . ,;:' . . 10. 7::'.) . 4 . 07 .. 47 1 1 c:.- 1 1 51 . ...J .. . 1 1 . :2:=; . E- . 15 . 7~5 1 1 t::- 7 21 '31 . ...J . . . 1 1 -"'1;- 8 27 1 07 . / ~., . . . 12 . '3 . ~3.::f. 1 . :;~.:~ 1..:: . '-'11::;' 1 43 1 .:1:3 "::.~.J . . 1..:: . ~5 1 . 1 . 51 1 . E,l L~. 7::'; 1 . of:;. . b 1 . 8 STAGE VS ~:;T()F:::AGE --------.-------.------ -----.-.---------- STI~GE FT-..NGVD 12. 7~5 ii. 1~7~.~j : .* _L2.:25 .It 1.-, L 1 1. . 7~! .Il- * 11. 5 : 11.25 'IE- .IE- 11 * 10. 7~5 * 10.5: .lE- 10. 2~7; .lE- 10 : * 9.75 *======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ o .5 1 1.5 ~_ 2n5 3 ~3.5 4 4.5 5 STORAGE (ACRE-FEET) CJSo~~ -~~~ Bhl/4 r v(Jp VOlt) - ~)~<:lXJ tJUrr,ft!L I ~ Rt/A/ tl~iI /JoJ, ;?C~o'/'/ 1 - "~#I ,_ fi If- ..J. ?;)y,-" 'I h;e L;:h7d).J)'/{jJI<) UU,V,-.rtr' SHALLOVAY, nc. PIOJECT : UPS Sfll 195052 8/21/95 06-01-1995 C1 = 0.90 C2 = 0.00 C3 = 0.00 I: 0.024 STOll fIEQ. = 3 zon = 10 I BTD. I I PH. I DU. t SLOPII VEL. CAP. I (11)1 % 1(1PS) (C'SI I DRAIIAGE AREA I I ELEY. 0' B.G. I STIUCT t (ACIIS) I TOTAL IILITI IIVIIY IL. I liON LIIGTHlIICR SUB. sn.rt roc TOf nTn. TOTAL 1.0. ELEY IUPPEI LOVER FALLI YO (FY) I rOT. (CA) I (III) (1111 (CA) (CfS) (1Y) I EID liD ('Tll -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 4.50 4.50 4.05 12.81 9.00 3.81 0.582 2 655 10.00 2.80 6.81 4.05 2].57 11.30 2.49 0.00 2.49 36 0.380 3.90 2].6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t (p, i 1.- I, 78 ~ ~-, () s,rJ' "A4c;-;o (.Fe 9S0~l- ~~ B/~JI9\ v~F VbTS~~V l'2u,,} VtJ/IJ - f?e,v/S&'J 8</rFj;<-<- I DRAIIAGE AREA I STlucr I (ACIIS) I FlOK LElGtBlIICR SUB. SUB.II roc Tor IIrEl. 10 (FT) I rOI. (CAI I (III) (III) IOIAL TOUL 1.0. (CA) (CfS) I ELEY. Of H.G. I IILIII IIYIII IL. I ELEY IUPPEI LOVEI FALLI (111 I EID 110 (IT)1 06-01-1995 Cl = 0.90 C2 = 0.00 C3 = 0.00 . = 0.024 STOll flIQ. = 3 zon = 10 I BU. I I PIT. I DU.I SLOPEI VIL. CAP. I (Ill 1 1 I (FPSI (CfS) SULLOVAY I IIC. PIOJECT : UPS Sfll 195052 8/21/95 ==:::::::::========:::===::::::===::::::::::::::======:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:===:=:::::::::=== 1 4.50 4.50 4.05 11.08 9.00 2.08 0.317 2 655 22.00 3.19 5.02 4.05 20.34 11.30 5.99 3.50 2.49 36 0.380 2.88 20.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t. ~ ttt'1.) /f.'b, :: /j.fJ!? ~ € P (II, ?C) a~lJ Rpt!1' ~b:/ C~ff SULLOVU I IIC. PIOJECT : UPS SFII '95052 8/21/95 I DIAIIAGE AIEA 1 SIBUCT I (ACIIS I I FIOK LEIGTBIIICI SUB. sUB.rl roc Tor IltEI. TO (fTl I TOT. (CA) I (1111 (KIll TOTAL TOTAL 1.0. (Ul (CfS) .....?,.. .,. 1...7 SlJ ~2. (!kC~ 8/~/(j~ j'CF tJf) (P!1t..(;..r" 1 I _ f2c>\lIS60 VOltJ 06-01-1995 Cl = 0.90 C2 = 0.00 C3 = 0,00 I = 0.024 STOll fIEQ. = 3 ZOIE = 10 I BtD. I I PII. I DIA.I SLOPE! VEL. CAP. I (Ill 1 % ImSl (CfSl I ELEY. Of B.G. I IILItl IIYIIT IL. I ILEY IUPPEI LOVEI rALLI (fT) I EID liD (fTll :::::====:=:===:=:===:===:=:===:=::::::::::===::======:::====::==:::==::::::::::::===::::::===:::=:=:=:::::::::::::===:::::::::: 1 4.50 4.50 4.05 14.49 9.00 5.49 0.838 2 655 22.00 2.63 5.02 4.05 20.34 11.30 6.49 4.00 2.49 30 0.380 . 4.14 20.3 ----.------.--------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 H~a, f fi,y~">i I()O HIM I1vl.-r '( 6, 1).$ G; ;:;10 . Dg;r;/~AJ l2IJ,v 9 ~D"'1--- tl/c..c '5 /;J,TIt tf/v7F/f'LL. "0 C!::$ ~ I3I~ti{ <f(;P I DRAIIAGE AREA I STiOCT I (ACIIS) I rRON LEI'tBIIICR S08. SOB.tl tOC Tor IltEI. 10 (FT) I TOI. (CA) I (III) (BII) TOUL TOTAL 1.0. (CA) (CFS) I ILEY. or H.G. I IILETI IIVERT IL. I ELEY IUPPEI LOVER FALLI IFI) I EID EID (FI)I 06-01-1995 Cl = 0.90 C2 = 0.00 C3 = 0.00 I = 0.024 STORB fIEQ. = 3 ZOIl = 10 I BID. I I PBT. I DU.I SLOPE I VEL. ClP. I (Ill I % IUPS) (CfS) SULLOVAY, lIC. PIOJECT : UPS srll '95052 8/22/95 ---------------------------~------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 4.50 4.50 4.05 10.66 9.00 1.66 0.838 2 198 22.00 0.80 5.02 4.05 20.34 11.30 6.49 6.00 0.50 30 0.250 4.14 20.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------ 1#0 fU( S. q ~o S 2. - e.At..e. ~ tvl tJvTF~~ G 3, e/l-1/9 ( /1 :? r ~/fflz;H / //8' <.:~I ?:r:::.' I DRAllAGE AREA I SUUCI I (lCnS) I FROK LUGrBllICB SUB. SUB.tl tOC lor I1tn. to (FI) I JOI. (CA) I (III) (III) IOTAL IOUL 1.0. (CAl (CFSl I ELEY. OF H.G. I IILEII IIVEIJ IL. I ELEY IUPPEI LOVEI FALLI (FIl I EID liD (FTll 06-01-1995 C1 = 0.90 C2 = 0.00 C3 = 0.00 . = 0.024 SIOil llIQ. = 3 ZOIE = 10 I BTD. I I PBY. I DU.I SLOPE I YEL. CAP. . (Ill I % I(FPSl (CFS) SULLOVAY, lIC. PIOJECT : UPS sril 195052 8/22/95 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::====:::====::=========::::===::::=====:=:::::::====::::====::::====:=:::: 1 4.50 4.50 4.05 14.46 9.00 5.46 2.756 2 198 22.00 0.51 5.02 4.05 20.34 11.30 6.99 6.50 0.50 24 0.250 6.48 20.3 -------------------------.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t H,e;" DDl:1"S.AI'T WD12Y( Wrr/'J 7-'-1 11 .....;, SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. Engineers. Planners · Consultants August 18, 1995 Job No. 95-81 TRAFFIC EOUIVALENCY STATEMENT Boynton Beach Industrial Boynton Beach, Florida SITE DATA The subject parcel is located just south of Neptune Drive on the east side of Congress Avenue (approximately one mile south of Golf Road) within the municipal limits of the City of Boynton Beach. The currently developed parcel is zoned M-1, Light Industrial, and contains approximately 32.9 a-=:res. Existing site improvements consist of 124,740 S.F. of general light industrial development with associated parking. Site access is existing via two driveway connections to Congress Avenue. Proposed development and the purpose of this Traffic Equivalency Statement is to allow a change in tenants as a permitted use within the M-1 Zoning District. Associated parking and drivuway modifications are also proposed. The northerly of the two existing driveway connections to Congress Avenue will no longer be used. The existing southerly driveway connection which aligns with an exiting median opening and left turn lane, north approach, on Congress Avenue will serve as the single access way for the ,Parcel. For additional information concerning site location and layout, please refer to the site plan prepared by Kilday & Associates. PURPOSE OF STUDY This study will analyze the proposed development's impact on the surrounding thoroughfares within the proj ect' s radius of development influence in accordanoe with the Palm Beach County Land Development Code Article 7, Section 7.9 Traffic Performance Standards. The Traffic Performance Standards require that a proposed development meet two "tests" with regard to traffic. Test 1, or the Link/Buildout Test, requires that no site specific development order be issued which would, during the build-out period of the project, add project traffic at any point on any major thoroughfare link within the project's radius of development influence if the total traffic on that link would result in an average annual daily traffic or peak hour traffic volume that exceeds the adopted threshold level of service during the build-out period of the project. 4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 Traffic Equivalency Statement Job No. 95-81 August 18, 1995 - Page Two PURPOSE OF STUDY (CONTINUED) Test 2, or the Model Test, requires that no site specific development order be issued which would add project traffic to any link within the project's model radius of development influence if the total model traffic on that link would result in an average annual daily traffic volume, as determined by the model, that exceeds the adopted level of service. For the purposes of this analysis, the construction contemplated in the Modified 2010 Plan shall be used. This study will verify that the proposed development's traffic impact will meet the above Performance Standards. TRAFFIC GENERATION The Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code Article 7, Section 7.9(I)C-Traffic Performance Standards, APPLICABILITY, Subsection 2 (B) requires that for any application for a site specific development order on property on which there is an existing use shall be subject to the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards to the extent the traffic generation projected for the site specific development order exceeds the traffic generation of the existing use. The generation rates and capture rates of the existing use shall be updated to current pro forma traffic generation and pass-by rates and shall be used to calculate previous approval traffic. Both the previous use and the proposed tenant are permitted uses within the M-1 General Industrial Zoning District. The traffic generation characteristics for both may be calculated as follows in accordance with the rates provided in Table 10.8-1 Fair Share Road Impact Fee Schedule: GENERAL INDUSTRIAL (124,740 S.F.) 124,740 S.F. X 6.97 tpd 1000 S.F. = 869 tpd jlmericas (jauway to tlU (jut/stream ?lie City of f}3oynton 'Beacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'BUJdi 'BtJu1n.r{ P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beadr.1forirfa 3342541310 City!Jlafl: (407) 375-6000 :FJU: (407) 375-6090 ~-- August 29, 1995 Ms. Collene W. Walter Kilday & Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place - Su~te 100 A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 RE: UPS communication Data Center at REL Incorporated Industrial Development, File No. MSPM 95-006 and PKLV 95-005 Acceptance - Major Site Plan Modification and Parking Lot Var~ance Review Application & Submittal Documents Dear Ms. Walter: On August 22, 1995, your submittal for major site plan modificat~on of the above-~eferenced project was reviewed for completeness. It has been determined that the submittal is substantially complete and accepted for further processing. A Plann~ng and Zoning Department staff member will be responsible for the review and coordination of your site plan through the rema~nder of the Site Plan Rev~ew process. The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review Comm~ttee to review the subm~ttal for compliance with the review standards ~dent~fied in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, s~te Plan Rev~ew, Section 8 and all applicable sections of the Boynton Beach code of Ordinances. The results of the review wlII be avallable to you on September 11, 1995. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to con~act me ~t (407) 375-6260. Very t~~-r yours, ~./y:. 11/1' jj? I L.l~ or' LI ~)IL T mbr J. Heyden ? an lng and Zonlng Direc~or '!'JH:dlffi -t: .5(. :"CJ;: t.:. :.:- :.;p:; ~merica.s (jauway to tfu (jufJstream. Su,.\).' ..) iJ1ie City of f.Boynton f.Beacfi 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bead.. 'Boukvartl P.O. 'Boi"(310 'Boynton 'Bead.., 7'foritia 33425-0310 City~: (407) 375-6000 7'JU: (407) 375-6090 September 12, 1995 Ms. Collene W. Walter Kilday & Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place - Suite 100 A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 RE: Initial Review Comments - UPS Communication Data Center at REL Incorporated Industrial Development, File No. MSPM 95-006 Dear Ms. Walter: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the documents submitted for 1;he.above-referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not submi tted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the project or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets (including surveys) of the plans to the Planning and Zoning Department. When the amended plans and documents have been submi tted to the Planning and Zoning Department, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for second review and recommendation to the appropriate boards for approval or denial (see attached meeting schedule) . A recommendation for denial will be made if there are major comments that have not been addressed on the resubmitted plans. jiftmrUa's (jateway to tlU (julfstream Page 2 UPS Communication Data Center Initial Review Comments We have also enclosed for your convenience an approval schedule and a checklist that contains information regarding the second submission of the plans and documents for review. If you should have any questions regarding the comments or the approval schedule, please feel free to call Dan DeCarlo, who is coordinating the review of your site plan for the Planning and Zoning Department. Very truly yours, T::(~904J Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dim Atts. A,latColattr.UP8 , 5. 6. CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review. Turning in this list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Planning and Zoning Department. Project Name: UPS Communication Data Center at REL Incorporated Industrial Development, File No. MSPM 95-006 1. Submit an amended Site Plan Review/Conditional Use application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments. A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified. If there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal. 2. Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents, including surveys that show compliance with the code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee. Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s). Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example: 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. , 3. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 5" by 7". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. 4 . Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project. The colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that were submitted for site plan review. The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified. The type of exterior surface material shall be identified next to the associated color. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original drawing shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". Do not submit on board of any kind. Submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors. Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name and numerical/letter code from an established color chart. Submit a 8 1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. ":lstcomlt..UPS 1995 REVIEW SCHEDULE SECOND HALF SITE PLAN REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL .PROJBCTS LOCATBD WZTHZN THB CBNTRAL BUSINBSS DZSTRZCT . ORIGZNAL AMENDED CITY COMM REDEV SUBMITTAL PLANS .C.R.A.B. P&D COMMISSION AGENCY DEADLZNB DBADLINB MEBTING MBETING MBBTING & MBETING May 30 Jul 11 Aug 14 Aug 08 Aug 15 Jun 29 Aug 11 Sep 11 Sep 12 Sep 19 Jul 28 Sep 11 Oct 09 Oct 10 Oct 17 Sep 01 Oct 13 Nov 13 Nov 14 Nov 21 Sep 28 Nov 09 Dec 11 Dee 12 Dec 19 Oct 23 Dec 06 Jan 08, , 96 Jan 09,'96 Jan 16, , 96 NOTB: (1) TO FACILITATE THE PROCESSING OF THE REQUEST, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE APPLICANT SET-UP, BY APPOINTMENT, A PRE-APPLICATION MEETING WITH T~E DIRECTOR OF THE PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT (401) 315-6260 PRIOR TO THE SUBMITTAL DEADLINE DATE. THE MEETING WILL ADDRESS CONCERNS REGARDING THE TYPE OF SUBMITTAL, BOARD REVIEW SCHEDULE, SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES, FEE, APPLICATION FORM, AND TYPE AND NUMBER OF PLANS/DOCUMENTS THAT ARE REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED. (2) IF A SUBMrrTAL IS" RECEIVED BY THE ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL DEADLINE DATE AND WITHIN TWO (2) WORKING DAYS FOLLOWING THE ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL DEADLINE, THE SUBMITTAL IS DETERMINED ACCEPTABLE FOR PROCESSING, THE SUBMITTAL WILL FOLLOW THE APPROVAL SCHEDULE IDENTIFIED ABOVE. HOWEVER, IT SHALL BE NOTED THAT THE AMENDED PLANS DEADLINE DATE ALLOCATES ONLY TEN (10) WORKING DAYS FOR THE A:?I'LICANT TO SUBMIT A COMPLETE PACKAGE THAT INCLUDES THE PLANS THAT HAVE BEEN J~ENDED TO COMPLY WITH THE TRC COMMENTS GENERATED FROM THE REVIEW OF THE ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS. TO KEEP THE REVIEW PROCESS ON SCHEDULE THE AMENDED PLANS DEADLINE DATE IS STRICTLY ENFORCED. IT SHALL ALSO BE NOTED, THAT PRIOR TO A PROJECT BEING RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT, AND BEING PRESENTED TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD, THE PROJ1CT SHALL BE RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL BY THE TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE. (3) APPLICATIONS WHIC:i RBQUIRB SUBMITTAL 01' A TP.J~!'FtC: IJI-;rS\CT ANALYSIS, ~URSUANT TO THE MUNICIPAL IMPLEMENTATION ORDINANCE OF PALM BEACH COUNTY TRAFFIC PERFOI'MANCE STANDARDS ORDINANCE REQUIRE ADDITIONAL REVIEW TIME. NOTE: REFER QUESTIONS REGARDING TRAFFIC TO THE DIRECTOR OF THE PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT. (4) THE ABOVE DATES MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. a:95rev2hf.sch S'^-t.:~ lU': i- %e City of $oynton $each 100 'E. 'Boynton 'BuufJ 'Boulevard P.O. 'Bo,\:310 'Boynton 'Bea&, 7'Coritla 33425-0310 City:Hall: (407) 375-6000 7'.9lX: (407) 37~ October 9, 1995 Collene W. Walter Kilday & Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Re: UPS Communication Data Center Property Location: 3800 South Congress Avenu File No. MSPM 95-006 Dear Ms. Walter: The attached package~ will be presented to the Planning and Development Board on October 10, 1995 and to the City Commission October 17, 1995. The applicant must understand that the permit plans shall be amended to comply with the final determination of the request and that additional comments may be generated by staff following their review for technical compliance of permit documents that are required to be submitted for development of the project. For the applicant's convenience, attached is a list of documents required for permit sub.ittal. An approval of the site plan by the City Commission shall be valid for one ( 1) year, unles's a building permit from the Building Department is secured. If the applicant fails to secure a building permit in that time, all previous approvals shall become null and void. 1iive,ry. t;.r'll~ <1;' ..<.kV C - - . ic el E. Haag PI ning and Zoning Administrator MEH:dim attachments xc: Central File a:p&Dpkqltr,uPS Jl~rUa's (jateway to tlU (juifstream --.. ~ @ ~ ~ \fl ~~\:" ~ ill [' ~... I Ir~"" ".. 'I :,..: ',J DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-334 PLANNING ~.ND _/h_I't.,_~ 70N\NG DEPT. - _"" - -- TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director w~~~am Hukill, P.E., City Engineer tIflV~T- August 31, 1995 FROM: DATE: RE: UPS COMMUNICATIOB CENTER - SITE PLAN REVIEW We have reviewed subject site plan and comment as follows: 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agenci~s such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. 2. Revise documents to reflect all comments. 3. Provide drainage plan and elevations. Chap.6, Art. IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 4. Provide Certification by Developer's Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes & standards. Chap.6, Art. IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 5. Inlets must be in grassy areas unless otherwise approved. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5B, pg.6-8 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 6. Provide details on sanitary sewer easements that are crossed by drainage swales. Chap.6, Art.V, Sec.4B2b, pg.6-19 7. Provide details for pavement, grates, pipes, catch basins, etc. Chap.6, Art.V, Sec.4B2e, pg.6-20 8. County and/or State permits required for construction in R.O.W. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24 9. Photometrics must be approved for both pedestrian and parking lot lighting before building permit can be issued. Chap.23, Art.II,A1a, pg.23-6 10. Parking lot dimensions, striping, aisles, stalls, radii, signs, landscaping, etc. must conform with City codes and standards. Chap.23, Art.II, pg.23-6 11. Concrete curb must conform to City standards. Chap.23, Art.IIE, pg.23-7 12. Provide pedestrian advance crossing signs and crossing signs at crosswalk on east side of building in accordance wi th the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices." Chap.23, Art.IIB2, pg.23-7 Development Dept./Engineering Div. Memo No. 95-334 Re: UPS Communication Center - Site Plan Review August 31, 1995 Page #2 13. All parking lots shall meet or exceed State Handicap Code requirements and comply with the Standard Building Code and the Countywide amendments thereto. Chap.23, Art.IIK, pg.23-9 14. Provide location & details of fire lanes. Chap. 23, Art.IIM, pg.23-9,10 The applicant may wish to consider working with the County to modify Congress Avenue median. If successful, a left turn lane will be required on the driveway for westbound traffic entering southbound Congress. WVH:ck xc: Ken Hall, Engineering Aide , C:UPS.SPR Klldey & Auoclet.. Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 m AU; 31995 PlANNING AND August 2, 1995 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Congress Avenue Industrial Parcel Redevelopment Dear Ms. Heyden, On July 20, 1995, a meeting was held with representatives from the City of Boynton Beach, the Palm Beach County Business Development Board and the potential tenant of a +30 acre parcel of property which is located at 3800 Congress Avenue, just west of 1-95, east of Congress, and south of Neptune Drive. I have attached a location map for your use, Mike Haag from your department also attended this meeting, The subject site is zoned M-1 and supports an existing building and its accessory parking areas, The potential tenant intends to occupy approximately 3/4 of the building. They will have an employee base of approximately 750 people. Currently, +350 parking spaces exist on site. Therefore, they will need to construct approximately 400 additional spaces to meet their needs. The property has two existing access points to Congress Avenue. The intent is to eliminate the northernmost one and to improve the southern one, which is opposite an existing median opening, which will be used as the main access to the property. Pursuant to discussions with Mr, Haag, he has indicated that as the parking area will almost double in size, this change would constitute more than a 25% increase and therefore must meet all of the current zoning and landscape requirements, which the potential tenant has indicated they. are willing to do for that portion of the site which they are leasing to support their operations. There is an existing parking area south of the building. As aforementioned, the potential tenant will only be utilizing approximately the northern 3/4 of the building. The southern portion of the building, and its accessory parking area, will be reserved for a future tenant and will be leased by the property owner at some future point in time, Time is of the essence to seek City approval for this proiect The atmosphere at the July 20th, 1995 meeting was one of willingness to work with the potential tenant in any way possible to expedite review and approval of this project. i t, --~.? ,-,~ . ~--.:-~~-:.. .. '-"- v ________ ~...trL.--....:...... . ~,.~'."" ."-.......'..~. . t, :-, .} . '"" Ms. Tambri Heyden August 2, 1995 Page 3 project, please do not hesitate to contact me or feel free to speak with any of these City Representatives. Thank you in advance for your consideration on this project. I look forward to hearing from you soon in regards to the appropriate process to pursue to seek approval for this project. Sincerely, ~~ Collene W. Walter Kilday & Associates, Inc. cc: Mark Dixon; Potential Tenant Brian LaMotte; Shalloway, Fay, Rayman and Newell, Inc. Carrie Parker; City Manager Mike Haag; Planning and Zoning Kilday It Aaoclet.. Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 1407) 689-5522 · Fax: 1407) 689-2592 8/21/95 UPS COMMUNICATIONS DATA CENTER MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION REQUEST SYNOPSIS GENERAL INFORMA liON The subject site is zoned M-1 and supports one existing building of 124,740 square feet and two existing parking areas. Formerly, this site was a manufacturing and processing operation involving lighting fixtures. The United Parcel Service (UPS) is seeking approval to locate a Communications Data Center in a portion of the building on the property. This center, one of only a dozen planned nationwide, will house their communications and customer service operations. At it's ultimate capacity, the facility will employee approximately 750 employees. Initially, employees will number 450. These employees will man phone banks and computer systems, and respond to customer inquiries regarding parcel tracking, pick-up and delivery. The hours of operation for the center are 8:00am-8:00pm. UPS will occupy 93,901 square feet of the existing building, or approximately 3/4 of the space. UPS is leasing the building from the property owner and # is responsible for upgrading the site to comply with both their internal requirements and City of Boynton Beach code requirements. There will be no shipping activities and no customer drop-off or pick-up of parcels occurring from this site. No delivery activities related to parcel distribution will occur. The facility will operate as a communications center only. The only nwalk-inn traffic will be that of potential applicants seeking employment. This activity will occur in the northwestern (front) comer of the building. ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATIONS The existing building will remain unchanged on the exterior. The building color will remain as it exists. Substantial modifications will be required to the interior to achieve a layout as shown on the architectural floor plans submitted. A canopy will be added to the western facade of the building to provide for an outdoor covered seating area for employees adjacent to the cafeteria with a view of the existing lake. A second canopy may be added over the employee entrance on the eastern facade of the building. PARKING INFORMATION AND PARKING LOT VARIANCES The existing circular drop-off area near the northwestern corner of the building will be expanded with additional parking spaces to accommodate potential applicants. This Major Site Plan Modification 8/21/95 Page 2 parking area will meet all zoning code requirements. UPS needs a minimum of 750 parking spaces solely for their employee use. Therefore, additional employee parking needs to be provided on site. Pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Code Chapter 23, Article I, Section 2.F, an increase In parking stalls exceeding 25% of the existing stalls requires a major site plan modification and that all parking areas on site, both existing and new, comply with all required improvements stated in Chapter 23, Article II. There are two existing parking areas on site, one north of the building and one to the south. UPS intends to utilize the parking area located to the north of the building as employee parking. One of the two main employee entrances is located along the north facade of the building. Therefore, the existing parking area will be upgraded to meet code requirements, including re-striping of spaces and aisles, required interior and perimeter landscaping, wheelstops where necessary, and lighting. Additional parking spaces will be added just south of the main driveway on the north side of the building and these too will comply with all code requirements. UPS will also be constructing a new parking area to the east of the existing building. Their second main employee entrance is located along the eastern facade of the I building. This parking area is designated with two construction phases to expedite the South Florida Water Management permit approval process. This new parking area will meet all required improvements, except one. The perimeter landscape requirements require a hedge along the eastern edge of the proposed parking area to screen it from adjacent right-of-ways. A variance is being requested to eliminate the need for this hedge as the uses to the east consist of an LWDD canal easement, an FP&L easement and 1-95, and as there is a minimum 500 foot separation from this parking area to 1-95, and as an existing stand of vegetation exists within the canal right-of-way which currently screens this parking area from the Interstate. To offset the elimination of this requirement, UPS will be providing additional landscaping (above code) adjacent to Congress Avenue to help screen the existing parking area from that road and residents to the west, and is exceeding the amount of interior greenspace required within the parking areas. The parking area on the south side of the existing building will not be used by the lessee, UPS. As they will not be occupying the southern 1/4 of the building, and as they are providing ample parking spaces to meet their employee requirements, this parking area will be reserved for a future tenant. Therefore, a Parking Lot Variance application has also been submitted requesting the ability to allow this parking area to remain lIas is" until a future tenant is secured. Major Site Plan Modification 8/21/95 Page 3 LOADING The only loading activities which will occur on this site involve delivering office supplies and food products to the facility. Office supplies will be delivered on the east side of the existing building. Food supplies will be delivered to the west side of the existing building, adjacent to the cafeteria. It is anticipated that delivery will all be done by purveyors trucks and that no semi-trucks will enter the site. LANDSCAPE The landscape on the portion of the site being utilized by UPS will be brought up to comply with City code, with the exception of the one landscape variance requested along the eastern edge of the proposed parking area. Additional landscaping is proposed adjacent to Congress Avenue. Where possible, existing vegetation has been preserved on site. A variance request has been filed for the interior and perimeter requirements for the landscape adjacent to the existing parking area to the south. CWll/jb/mspm.ups ~ ----.!........_---~ . Shalloway, Foy Rayman & Newell, Inc. K. Dan Shalloway, P.E. Jay G. Foy, P.E. Gary M. Rayman, R.L.S. WarrenH. Newell Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. Keith B. Jackson, P.E. EngineerslPlannerslSurveyors 1201 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Phone (407) 655-1151 Fax (407) 832-9390 September 15, 1995 Mr. William Hukill, P.E. City Engineer City of Boynton Beach/City Hall PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: U.P.S. COMMUNICATIONS CENTER. SITE PLAN COMMENTS sFRN PROJECT #95052 Dear Bill, Per your site plan comments l offer you the following response: Comment # Response 1) Noted - Any and all permit either from the City of other agencies will be obtained. We are presently in the review process with the South Florida Water Management District and Lake Worth Drainage District for our Surface Water Management System. 2) 3) 4) Our construction plans will reflect these comments. See enclosed paving, grading and drainage plan. The paving, grading and drainage plans will conform to the City's code and will be certified to such at the completion of the project. 5) 6) 7) 8) All proposed inlets are located within grassy areas. Not applicable. See paving, grading and drainage plan. No construction within the right-of-way is proposed. 9) 10) 11 ) 12) 13) 14) The Photometric Plans are being reviewed by the City's Building Department. Parking lot striping, dimension, aisles, stalls, radii, signs and landscaping will conform to City Codes. Curb will meet City Standard. Advanced pedestrian crossing signs will be provided - See paving, grading and drainage plan per MUTCD. All parking stalls meet the State Handicap Code Requirements. See plan sheet for location of fire lanes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. BJUdlh c: M. Dixon C. Walters 7i~ Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. Principal KlldeY & AuocIetea Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 10/6/95 UPS COMMUNICATIONS DATA CENTER MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION REQUEST SYNOPSIS GENERAL INFORMATION The subject site is zoned M-1 and supports one existing building of 125,281 square feet and two existing parking areas. Formerly, this site was a manufacturing and processing operation involving lighting fixtures. The United Parcel Service (UPS) is seeking approval to locate a Communications Data Center in a portion of the building on the property. This center, one of only a dozen planned nationwide, will house their communications and customer service operations. At it's ultimate capacity, the facility will employee approximately 750 employees. Initially, employees will number 450. These employees will man phone banks and computer systems, and respond to customer inquiries regarding parcel tracking, pick-up and delivery. The hours of operation for the center are 8:00am-8:00pm. UPS will occupy 95,200 square feet of the existing building, or approximately 3/4 of the space. UPS is leasing the building from the property owner and is responsible for upgrading the site to comply with both their internal requirements and City of Boynton Beach code requirements. There will be no shipping activities and no customer drop-off or pick-up of parcels occurring from this site. No delivery activities related to parcel distribution will occur. The facility will operate as a communications center only. The only "walk-in" traffic will be that of potential applicants seeking employment. This activity will occur in the northwestern (front) corner of the building. ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATIONS The existing building will remain unchanged on the exterior. The building color will remain as it exists. Substantial modifications will be required to the interior to achieve a layout as shown on the architectural floor plans submitted. A canopy will be added to the western facade of the building to provide for an outdoor covered seating area for employees adjacent to the cafeteria with a view of the existing lake. A second canopy may be added over the employee entrance on the eastern facade of the building. PARKING INFORMATION AND PARKING LOT VARIANCES The existing circular drop-off area near the northwestern corner of the building will be expanded with additional parking spaces to accommodate potential applicants. This Major Site Plan Modification 1 0/6/95 Page 2 parking area will meet all zoning code requirements. UPS needs a minimum of 750 parking spaces solely for their employee use. Therefore, additional employee parking needs to be provided on site. Pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Code Chapter 23, Article I, Section 2.F, an increase in parking stalls exceeding 25% of the existing stalls requires a major site plan modification and that all parking areas on site, both existing and new, comply with all required improvements stated in Chapter 23, Article II. There are two existing parking areas on site, one north of the building and one to the south. UPS intends to utilize the parking area located to the north of the building as employee parking. One of the two main employee entrances is located along the north facade of the building. Therefore, the existing parking area will be upgraded to meet code requirements, including re-striping of spaces and aisles, required interior and perimeter landscaping, wheelstops where necessary, and lighting. Additional parking spaces will be added just south of the main driveway on the north side of the building and these too will comply with all code requirements. UPS will also be constructing a new parking area to the east of the existing building. Their second main employee entrance is located along the eastern facade of the building. This parking area is designated with two construction phases to expedite the South Florida Water Management permit approval process. This new parking area will meet all required improvements, except one. The perimeter landscape requirements require a hedge along the eastern edge of the proposed parking area to screen it from adjacent right-of-ways. A variance is being requested to eliminate the need for this hedge as the uses to the east consist of an LWDD canal easement, an FP&L easement and 1-95, and as there is a minimum 500 foot separation from this parking area to 1-95, and as an existing stand of vegetation exists within the canal right-of-way which currently screens this parking area from the Interstate. To offset the elimination of this requirement, UPS will be providing additional landscaping (above code) adjacent to Congress Avenue to help screen the existing parking area from that road and residents to the west, and is exceeding the amount of interior greenspace required within the parking areas. The parking area on the south side of the existing building will not be used by the lessee, UPS. As they will not be occupying the southern 1/4 of the building, and as they are providing ample parking spaces to meet their employee requirements, this parking area will be reserved for a future tenant. Therefore, a Parking Lot Variance application has also been submitted requesting the ability to allow this parking area to remain lias isll until a future tenant is secured. W' """ Major Site Plan Modification 1 0/6/95 Page 3 LOADING The only loading activities which will occur on this site involve delivering office supplies and food products to the facility. Office supplies will be delivered on the east side of the existing building. Food supplies will be delivered to the west side of the existing building, adjacent to the cafeteria. It is anticipated that delivery will all be done by purveyors trucks and that no semi-trucks will enter the site. LANDSCAPE The landscape on the portion of the site being utilized by UPS will be brought up to comply with City code, with the exception of the one landscape variance requested along the eastern edge of the proposed parking area. Additional landscaping is proposed adjacent to Congress Avenue. Where possible, existing vegetation has been preserved on site. A variance request has been filed for the interior and perimeter requirements for the landscape adjacent to the existing parking area to the south. CWII/jb/mspm.ups - ~ 'W!1 _ OCT-06-'95 FRI 10:32 ID:KILDAY & ASSOC TEL NO:407-689-2592 t:l3% P03 ---~ ICIIdIy It AM'''' I.I'**" Nehlttotll PIt"... 1.1 Farum "HI Sui" 100A WHt Pllm IMCI'I. FlOrtaI 33401 (4CJ7J -,1lI22 . Fa: '<<111 BlIt-2l:i82 10/8195 UPS COMMUNICATIONS DATA CENTER MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION REQUEST SYNOPSIS The subject site Is zoned M-1 and supports on<<it existing building of 126,281 square feet and two existing parking areas. Formerty, this site was II manufacturing and processing operation Involving lighting fixtures. The United Parcel service (UPS) is seeking approval to locate a Communications Data Center in a portion of the building on the property. This center, one of only a dozen planned nationwide, will house their communications and cl~stomer service operations. At It's ultlmate capacity. the facility will employ.. approximately 750 employees. Inltlallyr employees will number 4eO. These employees will man phone banks and computer systems, and respond to customer Inquiries regarding parcel tracking, pick-up and delivery. The hours of operation for the center are 8:00am-8:00pm. UPS will occupy 95,200 &quare feet of the existing building, or appro,ximately 3/4 of the space. UPS IB leasing the building irom the property owner and is responsible for upgrading the site to comply with both their Intemal requirements and CIty of Boyman Beach code requirements. There will be OQ. ahipping aotivitiM a.nd!lQ. oustomer drop-off or plck-up of parcels ooourrlng from this site. No delivery aotivitiGti rolated to parcel dietributlon will ooour. Tho faolllty will operate as a communications oenter only. Thu only "waIk-lnt' traffic will be that of potential applicants seeking employment. This activity will occur In the northwestern (front) comer 01 the building. ' ARCHITECTURAL MQQIfI~IQNS The exJstlng building will remain unctMlnged on the e)(teMor. Tne Dulldlng colOr Will remain as It exists. Substantial modifications will be required to the interior to achieve a layout as shown on the architectural floor plans submitted. A canopy will be added to the waetem faCle.de of the building to provide for an outdoor covered seeting area for employees adjacent to the cafetsrla with a view of the existing lake. A secona canopy may be added over the employee entrance on the eastern facade of the building. F'AFfK'N~ INFORMATION AND PARKING l.tQT V~RIANCES The existing circular drop-off area near the northwestern comer of the building will be expanded with additional parking spaces to accommodate potential appHcants. This ...._.pq -06-' ~~.fR,L 10 :~~ I D: 1< I LDR'I' & ASSOC TEL NO:407-689-2592 t:l396 P04 Major Site Plan Modiftcation '0/6195 PBQe 2 parking area will meet all zoning cod. requirements. UPS needs a minimum of reo parKing spaces solely fOr their employee use, Tnererore, addltlOna! employee parking needs to be provided on site. Pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Code Chapter 23. Article I. Section 2.F. an increase In parking stalls exceeding 25% of the existing stalls requires a major site plan modlfloatlon and that all parking areas on site, both exiatlng and new, comply with all required improvements stated In Chapter 23, Article II. Therfl are two existing parking areas on site, one north at the building and one to the south. UPS intends to utilize the parking area located to the north of the building as employee parking. One of the two main employee entrances ia located along the north facade of the building. Therefore. the existing parking area will be upgraded to meet code requirements, including re-striplng of spaces and aisles. required interior and perimeter landscaping, wheelstops where necessary, and lighting. Additional parking spaces will b. added Just 80uth of th. main drlv.way on th. north ald. of the building and th... too will oomplv with all oode requirements. UPS wlJl also be constructing a new parking area to the east of the existing building. Their second maln employee entrance Is located along the eastem facade of the building. This parking area Is designated with two oonstruction phases to expedite the South Florida Water Management permit approval proe... Thl. new parking area will meet all required ImprovementSl e:KCept one. The porlmeter landscape requirements require a hedge along the eastern edge 01 the proposed parking area to screen it from adjacent right.of-ways. A variance is being reQuested to eliminate the need for this hedge as the uses to the east oonsist of an lWDD canal easement, an FP&L easement and l..go, and as there is a minimum 600 foot separation from this parking area to 1-96, and as an existing stand of vegetation exists within the canal right..gfmW8y which currently screens this parKing area from the Interslate. To ofl'set the elimination of this requirement, UPS will be providing additional landscaping (above code) adjaoent to Congress Avenue to help screen the existing parking area from that road and residents to thQ weot, and Is ex.eoQdlng the amount of Interior grGen.pA~ required within the parking areas. The parking area on the south side of the existing building w1ILmt be used by the lessee, ups. All they will not be oocupylng the southAm 1/4 of the building. and as they are providing ample parking spaoaG to meet their employee requlrementsi this parking area will be reserved for a future tenant. Therefore, a Parking Lot Variance application has also been submitted requesting the ability to allow this parking area to remain "as IsII until a future tenant Is secured. OCT-06-'9S FRI 10:33 ID:KILDRY & ASSOC TEL NO: 407-689-2592 1:*396 P05 MajOr Site Plan Modification 10/8196 Page 3 LOADING The only loading activities which will occur on this site Involve delivering office supplies and food products to the facility. Office suppli88 will be delivered on the _at side of the existing building. Food supplies will be delivered to the west .ide of the existing building. adjacent to the cfilfeterla, It 15 anticipated that delivery will all be done by purveyors trucks and that no semi-truckS Will enter tne site. LANOSCAPE The landscape on the portion of the site being utlllm by UPS will be brought up to comply with City code, with the exception or tne one I8ndscape variance requested along the eastern edge 01 the proposed parking area. Additional landscaping is proposed adjacent to Congress Avenue. WhQ/'Q poaaibl., "'1~lng vegetation h. bOQf1 prooerved on site, A varianoG request has been flied for the interior and perimeter requirements for the landscape adjacent to the existing parking area to the south. CWIVlI:I(lNpm.upa Board of County Commissioners Ken 1. Foster, Chairman Burt Aaronson, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee October 11, 1995 Brian LaMotte, P. E. Shalloway, Foy, Raymon & Newell, Inc. 1201 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, FL 33405 SUBJECT: UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SITE - CONGRESS AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Dear Mr. LaMotte: I am writing in response to your letter concerning access for the subject site. Your desire to have a full median opening to serve this site is understood. Given the proximity of the project's entrance to the signalized intersection of Summit Drive, our adopted Access Management Standards dictate that this median opening should be closed entirely because it is less than 660' from Summit Drive. However, as a compromise, we are allowing the median opening to serve the U.P .S. site to remain, with a restriction limiting it to left turn in only operation. Based on the Traffic Equivalency Statement for the site, the number of daily trips to and from the site (approximately 435 entering and 435 exiting), and your indication that they would arrive and depart over two and one-half hour periods in the morning and afternoon/evening, we are confident that the proposed access for the site will be adequate. As you may be aware, there is a proposal before the City of Boynton Beach to approve a shopping center on the parcel of land adjacent to your site, and aligning with Summit Drive. Because of the possible impacts of median revisions to give access to the shopping center at the signalized intersection, it is strongly recommended that you contact the city to initiate a dialogue with the center's developer concerning the benefits of cross-access for the U.P.S. site to access the signal at Summit Drive. "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled papsr Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 OCT-11-1995 14:22 Board of County CommissIoner.; K8n L. Foster, Chainnan Burt Aaronson, Vice Chainnan Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Mau~ Ford Lee 22222222222222222 407 478 5770 P.02/02 County Administ1'atot Robert Weisman Department of Engineering and pubUc Work. October' 11, 1995 Hr. Dan DeCarlo Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Dep~rtm&nt 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl 33425-0310 RE; UPS COMMUNICATION DATA CENTER Dear Mr. OeCa~lo: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has rev;aw9d the traffic 9quivalency statement entitled Boynton Beach industrial, pursuant to the Traffic P8rfo~ance Standards in Article 7.9 of the Palm Beach County land Development Cods. The statement reports that there will be change in tenants within in an existing 124,740 square foot general light industrial building. The statGm9nt shows a trip generation of 869 daily trips. The statement does not ~eport any change in use for the build;ng~ nor an increase in the size of the building. As such, it 1s not subject to the Traffi~ Performance Standa~ds of Palm Beach County. If you have any que3tions regarding this dete~inat;on, please contact me at 694-4030. S1ncerely, OfFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER S--' :1Jr~~ Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civ11 Eng1neer ce. William HUKill, P.E., Director Boynton Beach Department of Development File: TPS - "un. - Traff1c Study Review g:\user\dwe1sber\wp50\tps\boyn54 ~ __'-",,_...j __ ____~...J.a............" "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Actiol'l Employer' Do)( 2U2.9 West Palm Bp<:h, Flcrid1l33416~1Z29 (407) 684.4ooD TOTAL P.02 OCT-11-1995 14:22 Board of County CommlssloDm Ken l. POAblr, Chairman Burt Aaron~n, VL::e Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. R.oherta WarrQn H. N$wall Mary McCarty Maude Pord Lee - 22222222222222222 4~7'478 577~ P.~2/~2 County Adminilluator Robert Weisman Department of Engineering and publlc Work. October' 11, 1995 Hr. Dan DeCarlo Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Departmant 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33426-0310 RE; UPS COMMUNICATION DATA CENTER Dear Hr. DeCa~'o: The Palm Beach County Traffic D;v;sion has reviewed the traffic equivalency 3tatement entitled Boynton Beach Industrial, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 7.9 of the Palm Beach County land Oev91opmGnt Cods. The statement reports that there will be change in tenants within in an Qxisting 124,740 square foot general light industrial building. The statGment shows a trip generation of 869 daily trip$. The statement does not report any c~e i~ \--M~_El for the building. nor an increase in the size of the building.~uch-;1t 15 not subject to the Tr.ffi~ Performance Standards of Pal~ Beach County. IT you have any que5tions regarding this determination, please contact me at 694-4030. S1ncerely, OFfICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER s-.-' >>4 Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered C1v11 Eng1neer ce. William HUkill, P.E., Director Boynton Beach Department of Development File: TPS - Hun. - Traffic Study Review g:\user\dwe1sber\wp50\tps\boyn54 ~ a _,...,.,._ ____,... __4" "^n Equal Opportunity - Affirmative ActiO., Employer" aase "u.z., Wnl Palm 'INCh, 'Imhl. "'1"'112' (to"') 6&1-4000 TOTAL P.12l2 Klldey & Aa0dete8 Landscape Architects! Planners 1561 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 August 22, 1995 Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: UPS COMMUNICATIONS DATA CENTER at REL Industrial Park Major Site Plan Modification and Parking Lot Variance Request Dear Ms. Heyden, Attached please find twelve (12) sets of plans and applications requesting approval of a Major Site Plan Modification to allow the United Parcel Service to locate within the REL Industrial Development located at 3800 South Congress Avenue. Also, please find attached two (2) copies of a Parking Lot Variance application for the same. The subject site is zoned M-1 and supports one existing building of 124,740 square feet and two existing parking areas. The United Parcel Service (UPS) is seeking approval to locate a Communications Data Center in a portion of the building on the property. This center, one of only a dozen planned nationwide, will house their communications and customer service operations. At it's ultimate capacity, the facility will employee approximately 750 employees. Pursuant to your August 7, 1995 letter, I understand that the City of Boynton Beach will require a Major Site Plan Modification application to be processed for this site due to an increase in parking spaces which exceeds 25% of the existing stalls on site. The Parking Lot variance application is, in part, to allow the southernmost existing parking area to remain lIas-isll as it will not be utilized by UPS. The Project Team attended a Pre-Application Meeting with the following City representatives on Thursday, August 17th: Carrie Parker, Mike Haag, Dan DeCarlo, and Bill Huckill. I understand that this project will be scheduled for the September 12th Technical Review Committee Meeting for review. As time is of the essence for these applications, we appreciate the efforts made to date by the City of Boynton Beach in Ms. Tambri Heyden August 22, 1995 Page 2 expediting this project. Please contact me immediately if there are any additional concerns or information needed as you review these applications and plans so that they can be addressed as quickly as possible. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, c~~dfe}WuEJ cc: Mark Dixon: UPS Brian LaMotte: Shalloway, Foy, Raymen & Newell Diana Johnson: Business Development Board of PBC Carrie Parker: City of Boynton Beach City Manager Rob Rennebaum, Simmons & White, Inc. Application Received By: ~cv..- ~ f ASS/sLi ~ Date: "6/ 2- L/ q ~ I I CW/jb/heyden.ups Cll\(D') ~ City of 'Boynton ~eacli 100 'E. 'Baynton 'Beam 'Boulevanl ~.o. 'B~310 'Boynton'BaJt4, J10rirfa 33425-0310 City!JloU: (407) 375-fi()()() ~!JIX: (407) 375-6090 August 7, 1995 Ms. Collene W. walter K~lday ~ Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place - Suite 100 A w~st Palm Beach, Florida 33401 R~: Redevelopment of ReI Building property - S. Congress Avenue Dear Ms. Walter: In response to your August 2, 1995 letter regarding the above- referenced matter, please be advised that subsequent to the July 20th meeting referenced ill your letter, staff has recem:ly met with the City Manager relative to this issue. It was indicated that the proposed occupant's representative would be submitting the site plan parking lot modifications and accompanying parking lot variance on August 18th, in order to target a January 1, 1996 occupancy date. Since August 18th was determined to be a date that the ~ccupant's representative could shoot for, the fol:owing dates and procedures are outlined for you for consideration: Aug~st :2, 1995 - submit for major site plan modification ~propcsal does not meet criteria for minor site plan mcdification) and parking lot variance to Planning and Zon1ng Depa::-tment. Sep~=mter 9, 1995 - Technical Review Committee comments revie~l due 5:00 p.m. to Plalmir.g and Zoning Department. can be faxed to you on Monday, september 11. 1995 after re"l1e',"ied then. on first: Commen-:.=. we have September 15, 1995 - resubmit plans to Planning and Zoning Depar-:~e~t. (You may find tha-: with the preliminary ~eetings ::hat 11,::"ve .)c,.:;urred thus far and ~ preapplicati.)n meeting all conc:1vabl= iS3ues wil: have been raised so that your first subm1ttal wlll be comprehensive eno~gh to negate the need fo~ ~ :..~esub:nl t-:al. ) S~pt:ember 2~, 1995 - Technical Reviaw Ccmmittee comments o~ ;ec~nd ~ev~ew d~e 5:0C p.~. to Planning and Zoning Departmen~. jImema s (jateway to the quEfstream portion ot the building, and its accessory parking area, will be reserved for a f~ture tenant and will be leased by the property owner at some future point in time. Time is of the essence to seek City approval for this proiect. The atmosphere at the July 20th, 1995 m~eting was one of willingness to work with the potential tenant In any way pOSSible to expedite review and approval of this project. Ms. Tambri Heyden August 2, 1995 Page 2 The potential tenant has contacted Kilday & Associates, Inc. and Shalloway, Foy, Rayman and Newell, Inc. to prepare the plans and process the applicable applications. Pursuant to my discussion with Mr. Haag, he has indicated that it would be your call as to if this project would need to be processed as a Major Site Plan Modification or if it could be processed as a Minor Site Plan Modification. I would like to propose the following scenario to you which would allow the first phase of development of this project to be processed as a Minor Site Plan Modification. I would propose that the property be designated with two phases of development, the first phase being the northern 3/4 of the building, which would consist of an upgrade of the existing parking area, a new parking area to meet their requirements on the east side of the building, the main entry drive and the required landscaping associated with the phase one development. Phase two would be the southern 1/4 of the building and the parking area located south of it. I have identified these phases on the attached aerial photograph of the site. I have also enclosed a copy of a very rough preliminary layout which shows the parking areas on the northern and eastern portions of the site. At this time, the potential tenant is willing to meet all of the zoning and landscape requirements for phase one development. As they will not be utilizing the southern portion of the building or that parking area, they do not want to upgrade that portion of the site. Mr. Haag has indicated that a variance from the City code would be required to leave the existing southern parking area as is. By proposing this as a two phase project, phase one could be processed administratively through the Minor Site Plan Modification process. At the same time that it is being processed, if necessary, a variance application for phase two to allow it to remain as is for the time being could be processed. Or if it is determined by you that phase two can just be addressed at the time that a future tenant commitment for that area has been made, it will just be shown as "Phase Two- subject to further City approval" therefore, negating a variance process at this time. I understand from Mr. Haag that the next available Major Site Plan Modification deadline is September 1, 1995. Based on that schedule, this project would not reach City Commission until November 21, 1995 which is a hardship for the potential tenant since it is necessary for them to commence operation by January 1, 1996. If phase one could be processed administratively, it would certainly ease the burden on their time commitment. I would appreciate it if you would review and consider this request for a Minor Site Plan Modification application. For your information, the following representatives from the City of Boynton Beach were in the July 20th meeting: Jerry Taylor; Mayor, Carrie Parker; City Manager, Milt Duff; Building Department, and Mike Haag; Planning and Zoning. The identity of the potential tenant is still confidential at this time. Mr. Taylor is aware of the proposed user and may be able to provide you additional direction. If you need additional information in regards to the Ms. Tambri Heyden August 2, 1995 Page 3 project, please do not hesitate to contact me or feel free to speak with any of these City Representatives. Thank you in advance for your consideration on this project. I look forward to hearing from you soon in regards to the appropriate process to pursue to seek approval for this project. Sincerely, ~~ Collene W. Walter Kilday & Associates, Inc. cc: Mark Dixon; Potential Tenant Brian LaMotte; Shalloway, Foy, Rayman and Newell, Inc. Carrie Parker; City Manager Mike Haag; Planning and Zoning