APPLICATION PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-158 1[0) ~ @ ~ u w ~:!~ I~J AlJG 291995 I~ ! \ ~ ~ i PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. J.~ TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan - UPS Communication Data Center at REL DATE: August 28, 1995 The plans for the above site appear to be alright, however a minor adjustment may be needed on the angle of the dumpster location. ~ Public Works Director RE/cr roJ rn@rn~wrnr~ ~J AUG 2 9 1995 ~ BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT PLANNING AND } ZONING DEPT. '1 TO: FROM: DATE: REF: T AMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS, POLICE DEPARTMENT 28 AUGUST 95 UPS COMMUNICATION & DATA CENTER MEMO #0163 I have reviewed the above listed plans ~p:9.::tln4 thB:::f4it~i,p.~;......:... There appears to be a medi~:::~Ai.:::0t.(;~.~~e~s Av~:ior!~~e::,existing driveway into the property. It also appea~s:::tha.t:"it::I~::6hiy desIgned t(f.~tcohun94ate the traffic flow into the property from sou~:~ou~'(f'tiaffic on Congress Ave, 9la1,Siiig a left turn into the property. The traffic:th..~ll'is exiting the property canno{:ll~k~~ left turn onto Congress Ave. I realize that~ong:r~ss Ave is currently under constt\i.fddp, and provisions may have been made t,~r~ceri.jhmodate for traffic exiting the prdVtrty;}i: If not, this should be looked into beforettoOstruction is complete on Congress A v~:i\\/ ';'~';'~'.';'.';'.'.';'~'.'.'.-. .;.....;.....;.;.;.;.;........ . . ... , .., " .... " ..... , ......... . . ..... .. " ..................... ''; ,", ....... .... i:..i[......R.~~P.b ~lf.........\::::.\, ft... . "........w.... , i: WLi/ '. / iJ j :,J1~/. 1. Marlon Harrii'}{\ Police DepartmpoV.li ..::.........:;...:.. ;.... "'::" ::: ...~.,.;...;.:..~.. ::;;: '\.\. '::;. ::~. '::. .~:' .::<~~::..;...:/~ .) ...........:;...' ~. bnow wna~ ~s ex~s~~ng ana new cons~ruc~~on on ~ne p~an. (esp. loading area) 6. In c~rcular parking area show the degree of angle and width of parking spaces at the entrance of the space (minimum nine feet). shows 381 spaces not 455. Correct data accordingly. 9. change Landscape detail plan 3.10 C 5 to read "The oncenter spacing of the plant list shall rule." 10. Indicate on the plan the spacing of the required trees along Congress Avenue do not exceed 40 feet on center. (Chapter 7.5, Article II - Landscape Code, Section 5 D . 1 . LDR) . 11. Where you are requesting to use the adjacent property landscaping material to satisfy the subject property's north property line buffer requirement extend the clouded symbol along the entire north property line. (Chapter 7.5, Article II -Landscape Code, Section 5 E. LDR). 12. show curbing as required by parking lot regulations. (Chapter 23, Article II - Parking Lots, E. LDR). II RECOMMENDATIONS 7. Recommend that you use melaleuca mulch. DCD:dim a' 15T~(Jll"'. UPS iU ,_~._ J9 ~~wrn uu j SEP alga; @ BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-331 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. September 7, 1995 To: Tambri Heyden, Planning & zoning Director From: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Re: UPS COMMUNICATION DATA CENTER AT REL INCORPORATED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 3800 soum CONGRESS AVENUE The Building Division has reviewed the submitted documents for the above project and have the following comments: 1. This is a occupancy change from Group F, Factory, to Group B, Business, and therefore, the site plan should include landscaping and site lighting, etc. in compliance with applicable codes for both Phase I and Phase II as well as parking, unless a variance is approved. 2. Public walkway, in compliance with State Handicap Code, is required from the street to the main entrance of the building. 3. All signs, in addition to the one free-standing sign, should be a part of plans for site plan review. A~ AN:mh cc: William V. Hukill, P.E., Department of Development Director ll.:UPS.TRC RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-404 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Kevin 1. Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist J UPS Communications Data Center .KJif / FROM: RE: DATE: September 5, 1995 The applicant should indicate any existing trees on the site that may be removed/or replaced with new trees. This should be coordinated with the landscape plan for the site. KH:ad iroJr!L@Jl.Jl \Ii ~ , ~, : ,., H l j! I U u ! SEP 5 1995 1..::1 J PL(INNfNG AND ","~,_~-1Ql!l~G [[PI .;01[......._- pg.6-19 7. Provide details for pavement, grates, pipes, catch basins, etc. Chap.6, Art.V, Sec.4B2e, pg.6-20 8. County and/or State permits required for construction in R.O.W. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24 9. Photometries must be approved for both pedestrian and parking lot lighting before building permit can be issued. Chap.23, Art.II,Ala, pg.23-6 10. Parking lot dimensions, striping, aisles, stalls, radii, signs, landscaping, etc. must conform with City codes and standards. Chap.23, Art.II, pg.23-6 11. Concrete curb must conform to City standards. Chap.23, Art.IIE, pg.23-7 12~ Provide pedestrian advance crossing signs and crossing signs at crosswalk on east side of building in accordance with the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices." - . ... "P......"" __ _ r'"'\ ""\ ..., PROJEC'f TITLE: DESCRIPTION: 1'VPE: DA'l'E REC I D : T~.l~<" ...."~G LOG - SITE PLAN REVIEW dUBMITTAL UPS COMMUNICATION DATA CENTER FILE NO.: MSPM 95-006 MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFIC~rlU~ W/PAKK1~G LU~ VAK1ANCE NE~ SITE PLA~ X MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION Aug..22,1995 AMOUNT: $1,500 RECEIPT NO.: 10335 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TWELVE (12) SETS SUBMITTED: COLORED ELEVATIONS RECID: (Plans shall be pre-assembled. The Planning & Zoning Dept. will number each sheet of their set. The Planning Dept. set will be used to check the remaining sets to ensure the number and type of sheets match.) 8/22/95 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPLICATION & SUBMITTAL: DATE: 1CCEPTED 8/23 95 DENIED DATE: DATE OF LETTER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: 2nd SUBMITTAL ACCEPTED DENIED DATE: DATE: DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: REVIEWERIS NAME: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Label TRC Departments on each set of plans) DATE AND MEMO NUMBER OF MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM INITIAL REVIEW. DATE SENT: 8/23/95 RETURN DATE: 9/6/95 MEMO NUMBER: 95-457 1st REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED PLANS MEMO # /~TE / "c" 9S'--1.'8D / / ~ tV q-S -Ifr? / / c.. /-1 gS- I j.6Af / / ~ <j'S" -.3.31 / <j B / ~ Y OJ(..3 i W3..'g /~ ]/(.(, '7/1, c- VARIANCE(S) PLANS ,../ MEMO # / DATE / "c" ~- ~, 'i' 'I / 1 /, I / --.!::... - 3:3~ / ..5l.t:1-/ C- q S- -.3 '-I /1/.2.L-/ r!- 9~..~'t ~ ~Js ~~ Util. P.W. Parks Fire Police Planning Building Engineer EnQ; n.@~. Forester AI 'fVPE OJ:' DATE OF MEETING: DATE OF LETTER SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: (Aesthetic Review App., dates of board mtgs. & checklist sent out w/ comments NINETY DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION. BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLETE SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2nd REVIEW: (Must be assembled. Reviewer shall accept amended plans & support documents) COLORED ELEVATIONS REC 10 : MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM 2nd REVIEW. DATE SENT: MEMO #: RETURN DATE: 2nd REVIEW RECOMMENDATION/DENIAL PLANS MEMO # / DATE /1I~DIl PLANS MEMO # / DATE /"R/D" util. y 9S-i07 I 9,;n' /- Planning y / / P.W. 9s - -r..cl 'i.:2, / D- BUilding ~/~/ K Park. , / I Engineer - /..;J. / C Fire Y 9f::- 3'-1 1 / ct- <1..1 Ie.. Engineer qt(J- 6Cf / -),j- / c- Police Y Of,,^ / q..J-( / c Forster y /1"dl / LETTER TO APPLICANT REGARDING TRC APPROVAL/DENIAL AND LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT/SIGNS INSTALLED: SCHEDULE OF BOARD MEETINGS: PAD CC/CRA DATE APPROVAL LETTER SENT: A:TRACKING.SP PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-591 Agenda Memorandum for october 17, 1995 city Commission Meeting FROM: Carrie Parker City Manager Tambri J. Heyden ~~ Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: october 13, 1995 SUBJECT: UPS Communications Center - MSPM 95-006 (Add parking/site improvements to occupy part of existing bUilding) Please place the above-referenced request on the October 17, 1995 City Commission agenda under Development Plans. DESCRIPTION: This is a request from Kilday and Associates, agents for United Parcel Service (UPS), to amend the previously approved site plan to construct 486 new parking spaces and other associated site improvements. The M-1 zoned site is 32.89 acres and the total eXisting building area is 124,281 square feet; 95,299 square feet to be used by UPS for communications and customer service operations. This request is in connection with concurrent requests for landscape appeal and parking lot variance approvals. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board, with a 7-0 vote, recommended approval subject to all staff comments (Utilities Department Memorandum No. 95-309, Engineering Division Memorandum No. 95-334/and 95-369, Building Division Memorandum No. 95-331~and .~~:f5.r~----Fcirester/Environmentalist Memorandum No. ~$-~4 O,r~ and planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-567). The applicant stated at the Planning and Development Boa~ting that they have now decided to repaint the existing white and green/blue building. The new colors will be grey with burgundy trim. Paint chips and elevations will need to be supplied to staff during the '" permitting process. However, these colors are more appropriate and will improve the appearance of the building which is in need of painting. The Board further recommended that additional trees be planted along Congress Avenue at the northwest corner of the property. With respect to the pending determination from Palm Beach County regarding traffic concurrency, staff has recently contacted Palm Beach County and the County indicates that additional information is needed because the traffic information submitted does not accurately reflect the use proposed, the total number of employees, nor the percentage of the existing building that UPS will occupy. The County further indicated that even with the additional information, concurrency certification should be able to be met, however payment of impact fees (calculated based on number of trips generated by total employees at the faCility) will be due at time of permitting on-site improvements. TJH:dirn Attachment a;CCll..el~di:l.::PS FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-331 WDC September 8, 1995 leBa 9NINOZ GNY ONINNYlcI TO: Planning Department FROM: .1-8 00 Fire Department 00 RE: Major site Plan UPS communication Data Center 3800 S. congress Avenue MSPM 95-006 Insure that a fire flow exists to provide for a fully sprinklered building. Maintain fire lane around the building especially to the west side. Insure no portion of the building is over 200' from a fire hydrant. Exit ways from the building to a public way, i.e., parking lot, should be of a width to accommodate the number of people expected to use the exit. /) )I /1/ ~4~~ \ D. cavanaugh; FPO ~ " cc: chief Jordan FPO II Campbell File RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-414 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent J4,) UPS Communications Site f le130 fJNINOZ ONtl fJNINNV1c1 FROM: RE: t'MllID@ DATE: September 13, 1995 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the site plan for UPS Communications site. This department has no recreation-related comments at this time. The plan should continue through the regular process. JW:ad CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES TO PARKING LOT REGULATIONS This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type All Information. 1. Project Name of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: United Parcel Service Communications Data Center at REL Incorporated Industrial Park 2. Date This Application is Submitted: August 22,1995 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Lessee: United Parcel Service c/o Mark Dixon Address: Southeast Region 5335 Triangle Parkway Suite 500 Norcross, GA 30092 Phone: 404-417-2079 Fax: 404-417-2082 (Zip Code) 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant):* Kilday & Associates,Inc. c/o Co Ilene W.Walter Address: 1551 Forum Place ,Suite 100 West Palm Beach,FL 33401 Phone: 407-689-5522 Fax: 407-689-2592 (Zip Code) * A letter from the applicant or owner authorizing the agent is required. 5. Property OWner's (or Trustee's) Name: GR Palm Associates Address: 194 Nassau Street Princeton, NJ 08542 Phone: (609) 921-6060 Fax: (Zip Code) (609) 924-1992 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent)**: Kilday & Associates,Inc. c/o Collene W.Walter 1551 Forum Place Suite 100 West Palm Beach,FL 33401 ** This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING DEPT. - January 1991 A:PkLotVar (2) 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Lessee (OWner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, etc.) 8. Street Address of Location of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: 3800 South Congress Avenue Boynton Beach,FL 9. Legal Description of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: Township 46. Range 43. Section 5 -See attached Exhibit "A" 10. Intended Use(s) of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: General Industrial Uses and Communications Data Center 11. Developer or Builder: United Parcel Service (404) 417-2079 12. Architect: Stone & Webster (404) 481-4111 13. Landscape Architect: Kilday & Associates,Inc. (407) 689-5522 14. Site Planner: Kilday & Associates,Inc. (407) 689-5522 15. Engineer: Shalloway Foy Rayman & Newell (407) 655-1151 16. Surveyor: Shalloway FQY Rayman & Newell (407) 655-1151 17. Traffic Engineer: Simmons & White,Inc. (407) 965-9144 18. Copy of last recorded Warranty Deed included? (check) X 19. Letter authorizing agent (if any) included? (check) X 20. Site plan and survey (2 copies each) attached? (check) x 21. Number of variances requested on the following sheets: . NOTE: A separate sheet must be completed for each specific design requirement (Sec. 5-141) or permit application requirement (Sec. 5-142) to which a variance is requested. A:PkLotVar (3) The undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and zoning Board to grant to the petitioner a variance to Article X "Parking Lots", of Chapter 5, "Building, Housing and Construction Regulations", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as it pertains to the'property described in this application, and for the reasons stated below: Section, Subsection, and Paragraph number of specific requirement to which variance is requested, and exact language contained in the Code: Chapter 23 Parking Lots Article I Paragraph Band F Section 2 -Scope Existing Parking areas to be brought up to current code requirements if a change in occupancy or if additional parking exceeding 25% of what exists is constructed on the site. Nature of Variance Requested: The southern parking area on the subject site will not be utilized by the new tenant, ups. The nature of this variance is to allow the existing parking area to remain lias-is" for future tenant use. This parking area was constructed pursuant to a previously approved site development plan prior to recent improvements required by today's Code. Statement of Special Conditions, Hardships, or other reasons Justifying the Requested Variance (attached additional sheets if necessary) : Special conditions are that the applicant is leasing a portion of an existing building. The existing parking,ar~a to the south was constructed per old Code regulations in effect at that time, and prior to the applicant's interest in the C:::lIhjprt" ~.::lrrpl A l1tera interpretation of this provision would create an unnecessary hardship on the applicant in that this parking lot is remote from their intended operation and will not be utilized by the applicant as it is required to meet parking needs of a future tenant. Granting this variance will not confer any special privileges as the future tenant will be required to upgrade their respective parking area just as the applicant is required to upgrade theirs. (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers or plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge. This application will not be accepted unless signed below. Signature of applicant or agent: Date: ~IZ~}$~ " ;. A:PkLotVar EXHIBIT 'A' UPS COMMUNICATIONS DATA CENTER AT REL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 A PARCEL OF LAND IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 5; THENCE RUN NORTH (THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 5 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR NORTH-SOUTH AND ALL OTHER BEARINGS ARE RELATIVE THERETO) ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 5, A DISTANCE OF 110.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUN S-890-48'-45"-E, A DISTANCE OF 53.00 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE; THENCE CONTINUE ON THE PRECEDING DESCRIBED COURSE, A DISTANCE OF 1460.21 FEET TO A POINT IN THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD; THENCE RUN N-180-21 '-59"-E, ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 607.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL; THENCE N-890-58'-02"-W, A DISTANCE OF 891.35 FEET; THENCE N-oo.01 '-58"-E, A DISTANCE OF 390.75 FEET; THENCE N-480-35'-55"-W, A DISTANCE OF 407.05 FEET; THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 232.00 FEET; THENCE WEST A DISTANCE OF 455.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT IN THE SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 178.66 FEET; THENCE N-880-51 '-44"-E, A DISTANCE OF 2020.80 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD; THENCE S-180-21'59"-W, ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1170.88 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: AN EASEMENT OVER THE EASTERLY 110 FEET (AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO) THEREOF FOR FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 602, PAGE 623, DATED FEBRUARY 24, 1961. A RIGHT OF WAY OVER THE WESTERLY 80 FEET OF THE EASTERLY 190 FEET (AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO) THEREOF FOR THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT CANAL NO E-31/2 AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 1803, PAGE 254. SAID PARCEL CONTAINING: 32.892 GROSS ACRES 2.953 ACRES IN FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY EASEMENT 2.144 ACRES IN LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT RIGHT OF WAY 27.795 NET ACRES legal/jb/ups TO: FROM: DATE: RE: w ~ r~,~'\. 111\ ! nU jU \O)~~~n ~J AUG ~., , 1995 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-334, \ PLANNING AND L ~~. ZONING OEPT. ..A/-'T'~ - -- :..- Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director ~m Hukill, P.E., City Engineer August 31, 1995 UPS COMMUNICATION CENTER - SITE PLAN REVIEW We have reviewed subject site plan and comment as follows: 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. 2. Revise documents to reflect all comments. 3. Provide drainage plan and elevations. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 4. Provide Certification by Developer's Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes & standards. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 5. Inlets must be in grassy areas unless otherwise approved. Chap. 6, Art. IV, Sec. 5B, pg. 6-8 and Chap. 23, Art. I IF, pg.23-8 6. Provide details on sanitary sewer easements that are crossed by drainage swales. Chap. 6, Art. V, Sec. 4B2b, pg.6-19 7. Provide details for pavement, grates, pipes, catch basins, etc. Chap.6, Art.V, Sec.4B2e, pg.6-20 8. County and/or State permits required for construction in R.O.W. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24 9. Photometrics must be approved for both pedestrian and parking lot lighting before building permit can be issued. Chap.23, Art.II,A1a, pg.23-6 10. Parking lot dimensions, striping, aisles, stalls, radii, signs, landscaping, etc. must conform with City codes and standards. Chap.23, Art.II, pg.23-6 11. Concrete curb must conform to City standards. Chap.23, Art.IIE, pg.23-7 12~ Provide pedestrian advance crossing signs and crossing signs at crosswalk on east side of building in accordance with the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices." Chap.23, Art.IIB2, pg.23-7 Development Dept.jEngineering Div. Memo No. 95-334 Re: UPS Communication Center - Site Plan Review August 31, 1995 Page #2 13. All parking lots shall meet or exceed State Handicap Code requirements and comply with the Standard Building Code and the Countywide amendments thereto. Chap. 23, Art. I 1K, pg.23-9 14. Provide location & details of fire lanes. Chap.23, Art.1IM, pg.23-9,10 The applicant may wish to consider working with the County to modify Congress Avenue median. If successful, a left turn lane will be required on the driveway for westbound traffic entering southbound Congress. WVH:ck xc: Ken Hall, Engineering Aide C:UPS.SPR PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-457 FROM: Carrie Parker, City Manager Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Dept. Chief Field Insp. Robert Eichorst, public Works Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department Al Newbold, Building Division William Hukill, Director of Department of Development Kevin Hallahaya Forester/Environmentalist ~~ ~D~ Tambri J. ~Yd n, Planning & Zoning Director August 23, 1995 TO: DATE: RE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1st Review - Major Site Plan Modification Project - UPS Communication Data Center at REL Incorporated Industrial Development Location - 3800 S. Congress Agent - collene W. Walter Kilday & Associates, Inc. File No. - MSPM 95-006 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Site Plan Review approval for this project will be granted by the City Commission. To ensure that the project stays on line with the review time frame, I request that the plans and exhibits be reviewed and formal written comments transmitted to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department no later than 5:00 P.M. on September 8. 1995. Do not return plans and exhibits. Retain same for the review of the amended plans (second review). Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1 . Use the review standards specified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments. / 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete based on the submittal requirements identified in Section 7 of the Site Plan Review Ordinance. However, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer through the Planning and Zoning Department. 3. Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents. 4. Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements. page 2 of 2 UPS Communication Data Center To: TRC Members Re: Planning & Zoning Memo 95-457 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified. 6. If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memo, within the time frame stated above, to the Planning and Zoning Director stating that the plans are approved and they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process. All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memo. Michael E. Haag will be the Planning and Zoning Department staff member coordinating the 1st review of the project. The Planning and Zoning Department will send the applicant a cover letter which includes the comment(s) and directions to amend the plans to comply with the comments and the procedures for resubmission. When the Planning and Zoning Department receives the amended plans, they will distribute the plans with a cover memo to all TRC Members for review and approval. TJH:dim Attachment XC: (Memo Only) Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Charlie Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Central File A:l.tR~V.UPS/TRC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATIO~ FOR Application Acceptance Date: ~ ,.., Fee Paid: /; sn. NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE 8/~J./9'~-- , Receipt Number: - /L' J..3~ This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Department. Twelve complete, sequentially numbered and assembled sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. An incomplete submittal will not be processed. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: United Parcel Service Communications Data Center at REL Incorporated Industrial Development 2. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Lessee: United Parcel Service c/o Mark Dixon Southeast Region Address: 5335 Triangle Parkway Suite 500 Norcross, GA 30092 Phone: (404) 417-2079 (Zip Code) Fax: (404) 417-2082 3. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Collene W. Walter - Kilday & Associates, Inc. Address: 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (Zip Code) Phone: (407) 689-5522 Fax: (407) 689-2592 4. Property Owner1s (or Trustee1s) Name: GR Palm Associates Address: 194 Nassau Street Princeton, NJ 08542 (Zip Code) Phone: (609) 921-6060 Fax: (609) 924..1992 5. Correspondence to be mailed to:* Collene W. Walter - Kilday & Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November 1991 A: SI'rEPLAN t 2 ) 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (OWner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) Lessee 1. Street address or location of site; 3800 S Congress Avenue . Boynton Beach, FL 8. Property Control II 08-43-46-05-00-000-7010 Legal description of sitel Twn 46, Rng 43, Sec 5 - See attached Exhibit "A" 9. Intended users) of site: Communications Data Center to provide customer service via phone and comDuter systems 10. Developer or Buildera United Parcel Service (404) 417-2079 11. Architect: Stone & Webster (404) 481-4111 12. Landscape Architect: Kilday & Associates, Inc. (407) 689-5522 13. Site Plannera Kilday & Associates, Inc. (407) 689-5522 14. Engineers Shalloway Foy Rayman & Newell (407) 655-1151 15. Surveyor: Shalloway Foy Rayman & Newell (407) 655-1151 16. Traffic Engineera Simmons & White, Inc. (407) 965-9144 11. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? no lB. Estimated construction costs of proposed Improvemen~. shown Q~ this site plana S4 Mi 11; em PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SJtePlan Klldey ft Aaoclet.. Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 {4071 689-5522 · Fax: {407I 689-2592 8/21/95 UPS COMMUNICATIONS DATA CENTER PARKING LOT VARIANCE REQUEST SYNOPSIS The subject sitB is zoned M-1 and supports one existing building of 124,740 square feet and two existing parking areas. Formerly, this site was a manufacturing and processing operation involving lighting fixtures. The United Parcel Service (UPS) is seeking approval to locate a Communications Data Center in a portion of the building on the property. This center, one of only a dozen planned nationwide, will house their communications and customer service operations. At it's ultimate capacity, the facility will employee approximately 750 employees. Initially, employees will number 450. These employees will man phone banks and computer systems, and respond to customer inquiries regarding parcel tracking, pick-up and delivery. The hours of operation for the center are 8:00am-8:00pm. There will be [10 shipping activities and no customer drop-off or pick-up of parcels occuring from this site. No delivery activities related to parcel distribution will occur. The facility will operation as a communications center only. The only "walk-in" traffic will be that of potential applicants seeking employment. This activity will occur in the northwestern (front) corner of the building. The existing circular drop-off area will be expanded with additional parking spaces to accommodate this activity. This parking area will meet all zoning code requirements. UPS needs a minimum of 750 parking spaces solely for their employee use. Therefore, additional employee parking needs to be provided on site. Pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Code Chapter23, Article I, Section 2.F, an increase in parking stalls exceeding 25% of the existing stalls requires all parking areas on site, both existing and new, to comply with all required improvements stated in Chapter 23. Article II. There are two existing parking areas on site, one north of the building and one to the south. UPS will occupy 93,901 square feet of the existing building, or approximately 3/4 of the space. UPS is leasing the building from the property owner and is responsible for upgrading the site to comply with both their internal requirements and City of Boynton Beach code requirements. UPS intends to utilize the parking area located to the north of the building as employee parking. One of the two main employee entrances is located along the north facade of the building. Therefore, the existing parking area will be upgraded to meet code requirements, including re-striping of spaces and aisles, required interior and perimeter landscaping, wheelstops where necessary, and lighting. Additional parking spaces will be added just south of PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-521 FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Clyde "Skip" l1ilor, Utility Dept. chief Field Insp. Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist W1lliam Hukill, Director Department of Development Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director I~~ September 18, 1995 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Major Slte Project: File No.: Plan Modification - 2nd Review UPS Communication Data Center at REL Incorporated Industrial Development 3800 south congress Collene W. Walter Kilday & Associates, Inc. MSPM 95-006 Location: Agent: Attached is the amended site plan submittal for the above referenced project for your final review and recommendation. We would ask that you review this amended site plan submittal to determine if the plans have been adjusted to satisfy comments previously made by your department. If your comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of bU1lding permit, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. If your comments have not been met, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department 1n writing. Finally, we would ask that you include 1n your memorandum a recommendation as to whether the project should be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board/communi ty Redevelopment Advisory for consideration. Please return your memorandum and the amended plans to the Planning and Zoning Department by 5:00 P.M. on September 25, 1995. If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Michael E. Haag at Extension 6260, who is coordinating the review of this project. cc: Carrie Parker, C1ty Manager (Plans) (Memo Only) Floyd Jordan Charlie Frederick Tom Dettman John Guidry a: 2ndRevwm. UPS ...-..--., -....-" , I . '"...," j SEP 2 , t'/J L rLANNiNG A1m ; 1.0K1NG DEPT. ~-,-- " , '~, t\1 < ! ~ H ~ , : Ii' ,l' , l "!j ~ ...~ 1 Fire Prevention Memorandum No. 95-347 WDC ~ TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department DATE: September 21, 1995 RE: MSPM 95-006 UPS Communication Data Center 3800 S. Congress Ave. We have no objections at this time. CC: Chief Jordan FPO II Campbell File BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT '" J j ~ :. ~ ~ ' j r ~, , ! i ! f: ' !it . . SEP 2 I I' c,r.;- I Lq ;'J :,:," j i ~ ~-~~~."."....,... ~-''''''~''--""-""__""",,,,, J l~' 1 'I!'!I"'~ 8:.'[) Lt-'.;J;<J ;'j\'J r\(Jl 4. JVtl/ i.nr;~NG DEPT. -(,""'7"-- '''''''''''~''-'''''''~~''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''*',==.~_...." TO: FROM: DATE: REF: T AMERI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS, POLICE DEPARTMENT 20 SEPTEMBER 95 UPS COMMUNICATION DATA CENTER 2nd SUBMITTAL MEMO#0172 .{............:~":..~":~o';.:.~ I have reviewed the above plans and find n9.J~f;.Q:~l~m:~::~t !th1i'tiw.~"..:"., ::(:;:::;:::::::;;;;;;::{~:~:::~,::...)::, l....J~ l" ,./:S;;~~\. .~;. .0' _ ...... ~~,. . ........:...... ,0::. .;.' '." ./~:~l (..._.;~~:~~;~~~:~>~;... .:.::.:~...}? .':' "':'. ::........................x..:... ~~ r:.:.:.;.;......,;\ ..:~: ': ;::::::::::::::::::~:::;,: , . . . . ." . .. .. .. t...:;:::~:;:;:~:~:::~:::~."'/ ... ~f~~;::::::~:::::;;>~~, ", .' .. " .. .. ." .. ." " ~ ~..............-.-;.,~~.} :: \....................:::..;.. .. ...... .. .. .' .. '. .. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . .' . . .. . .. .. .. .' ..-..................... " . -.. .... ... . . . . . . . ... .:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:--......... ':::::::" .-::;.-:;~' .-::::/:.:;.' T:,::'~ ~lYJ~\ ;J . /,{i4JYn7 '\... \ .~~;: . Sgt. Marlon :Aarris r':;;;::::::'Rolice l):epa.ttment ~~ ~ .~) 1 :~ ~ . .~~\. ~\ I ::::::::::::::;:~'::~:"/I ii ;,1 ,l ::: :: ::' :: .'~ -':~ ~:: :~ ::; ':..;. .,._.x.;.:.~.~:.;....., r':= .._ 'c.;';':' ;.;.;.;.;.;..';.....-.-....... ',,:.;.;., ....... .:~......:::i ':: :: .:. -.-....:.....:.....,.;:..;. 't\ ;:,..:............~:}l .,.'" -"';'. .: .........;....:.. ~,f" ......:\'. .' '.' ..... . . ... '.: :.. ~.; :. .:=:..~>.;~.. ....f :~; ..":>.....:......::::. ~':"" .{ ~~::::.:.:;~:;~>.... .:t../:: .i:./'/~::::'~:~rJ . .;- .:- .,..,;....-::... ti::ll,}} ::. .~:::' -::./ ..i -:{'~""'" ...:..:.....;...~.. ";::" ..:~. ;:i~~;~:~--.:..<.;::C\: <~::~.\.:~::~;::::::;~~::t.. :r::::, ((::~;~~~~::.~.~;::..:. '\\::> :: ::~ ..~..:..-...-....:..;..., .,.-....;..,.;...'.: ........... .'. .. ... , ...... .::...;....;....;.;..::-:.:.~ ~. :: .w;...........)} :: .......-:;.. SEP 2 I: .a ""_"".:M1....",..,.".........,."..,--=--.1 PLANNING f.im L.NIJ ZOl~llilll1f.PT. " If'.' v~ , l;."",",."~" PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-174 TO: Tambri 1. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Major Site Plan Modification - 2nd Review - UPS Communication Data Center at REL DATE: September 19, 1995 The Public Works Department has no problems with the above site and the project should be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board/Community Redevelopment Advisory for consideration. RE/cr TO: FROM: DATE: RE: roJ~~~ Jill SEP 2 , 1995 " I~., "'~ t "f1 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-358 Tambri J. Heyden Planning & zoning Director I~~i~m ~ukill, P.E. ~'f\f:nglneer September 20, 1995 UPS - PARKING LOT VARIANCE The Engineering Division has no objection to subject request. WVH/ck C:UPS-VAR wm 00 . , l 1 I - ~ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-369 ~ FROM: ~a:~~i J. Heyden, Planning & zoning Director ~iam Hukill, P.E., City Engineer September 25, 1995 TO: DATE: RE: UPS COMMUNICATION CENTER - 2ND SITE PLAN REVIEW We have again reviewed subject site plan and find as follows with respect to our August 31, 1995 Memo No. 95-334: 1. Must be complied with prior to permitting. 2. Acceptable 3. Acceptable 4. Certification of the plan must be submitted prior to site plan acceptance. Certification of construction will be a condition of permit acceptance. 5. Acceptable 6. Acceptable 7. Acceptable 8. Acceptable 9. Must be complied with prior to permitting 10. Acceptable 11. Acceptable 12. Provide advance signs 13. Acceptable 14. Acceptable We have no objections to forwarding of documents to P&D Board subject to above comments. The following suggestions may be considered by the applicant but are not conditions of approval: A. Consider naming private access road and providing street address thereon in lieu of address on Congress. B. Consider pedestrian information signs to encourage use of designated access paths to designated crosswalks. WVH:ck xc: Ken Hall, Engineering Aide C:UPS2ND . - /- DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-334 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director ~m HUkill, P.E., City Engineer August 31, 1995 FROM: DATE: RE: UPS COMMUNICATION CENTER - SITE PLAN REVIEW , We have reviewed subject site plan andicomment as follows: , . 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FOOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. 2. Revise documents to reflect all comments. 3. Provide drainage plan and elevations. Chap.6, Art. IV, Sec.SA, pg.6-7 4. Provide Certification by Developer's Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes & standards. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.SA, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 5. Inlets must be in grassy areas unless otherwise approved. Chap.6, Art. IV, Sec.SB, pg.6-8 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 6. Provide details on sanitary sewer easements that are crossed by drainage swales. Chap.6, Art.V, Sec.4B2b, pg.6-19 7. Provide details for pavement, grates, pipes, catch basins, etc. Chap.6, Art.V, Sec.4B2e, pg.6-20 8. County and/or State permits required for construction in R.O.W. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24 9. Photometries must be approved for both pedestrian and parking lot lighting before building permit can be issued. Chap.23, Art.II,Ala, pg.23-6 10. Parking lot dimensions, striping, aisles, stalls, radii, signs, landscaping, etc. must conform with City codes and standards. Chap.23, Art.II, pg.23-6 11. Concrete curb must conform ~o City standards. Chap.23, Art.IIE, pg.23-7 12. Provide pedestrian advance crossing signs and crossing signs at crosswalk on east side of building in accordance with the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices." Chap.23, Art.IIB2, pg.23-7 , I Development Dept.jEngineering Div. Memo No. 95-334 Re: UPS Communication Center - Site ~lan Review August 31, 1995 Page 12 13. All parking lots shall meet or exceed State Handicap Code requirements and comply with the Standard Building Code and the Countywide amendments thereto. Chap.23, Art. IlK, pg.23-9 14. Provide location & details} of fire lanes. Chap. 23, Art.IIM, pg.23-9,10 The applicant may wish to consider working with the County to modify Congress Avenue median. If successful, a left turn lane will be required on the driveway fo~ westbound traffic entering southbound Congress. .- WVH:ck xc: Ken Hall, Engineering Aide C:UPS.SPR MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 95 - 309 .".,'\ ~,~ II 1,1 "/,1 , .~ ~ FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director .... TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning Director DATE: September 28, 1995 SUBJECT: UPS Communication Data Center Major Site Plan Modification - Second Review We offer the following comments on this project: Items 1 and 3 from our previous memo were not adequately addressed. According to the notes on the survey, a search of public records was not made by the surveyor, therefore easements were not shown on the plans. My staff has discussed this matter with Quin Travers of Kilday & Associates, who has assured us that a records search is now being done. We therefore re-state our previous requests- "1) Please show existing and proposed utility easements.(sect. 26. 16(a)); 3) No trees are permitted within utility easements (sect. 7.5 - 18.1)." In the event easements were never recorded for the existing utilities, we will require easements to be dedicated prior to issuance of a c.o. on this project. We have no objection to this project proceeding through the review process. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella or Skip Milor of this office. JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Skip Milor File 7.C.2 UPS COMMUNICATION DATA CENTER MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION UPSNariance 8/21/95 Page 2 the main driveway on the north side of the building and these too will comply with all code requirements. The parking area on the south side of the existing building will not be used by the lessee, UPS. As they will not be occupying the southern 1/4 of the building, and as they are providing a.mple parking spaces to meet their employee requirements, this parking area will be reserved for a future tenant. Therefore, all but one of the variances being requested address the ability to allow this parking area to remain lias is" until a future tenant is secured. As each required improvement is considered a separate variance in the zoning code under Chapter 23, Articel II, separate variances must be requested. Therefore, there are seven (7) variances required to allow the southern parking area to remain "as-isll. UPS will also be constructing a new parking area to the east of the existing building. Their second main employee entrance is located along the eastern facade of the builidng. This parking area is designated with two construction phases to expedite the South Florida Water Management permit approval process. This new parking area will meet all required improvements, except one. The perimeter landscape requirements require a hedge along the eastern edge of the proposed parking area to screen it from adjacent right-af-ways. A varians:e is being requested to eliminate the need for this hedge as the uses to the east consist of an LWDD canal easement, an FP&L easement and 1-95, and as there is a minimum 500 foot separation from this parking area to 1-95, and as an existing stand of vegetation exists within the canal right-of-way which currently screens this parking area from the Interstate. To offset the elimination of this requirement, UPS will be providing additional landscaping (above code) adjacent to Congress Avenue to help screen the existing parking area from that road and residents to the west, and is exceeding the amount of interior greenspace required within the parking areas. A total of eight (8) variances are being requested. Seven (7) of them are associated with the ability to leave the southern parking area "as-is" as it will not be utilized by the lessee, UPS. One is associated with the ability to eliminate a perimeter hedge along the eastern side of the new parking area in exchange for upgraded landscape elsewhere where it will be a greater benefit to the public. CWII/jb/ups.822 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-533 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION October 10, 1995 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: project Name: united Parcel Service Communications center Applicant: united Parcel Service (UPS) c/o Mark Dixon Agent: Collene W. Walter Kilday and Associates Location: 3800 South Congress Avenue (see Exhibit "A" - location map) File No.: MSPM 95-006 Land Use plan Designation: Industrial Zoning Designation: Light Industrial (M-1) Type of Use: To use a portion of the existing structure for communications and customer service operations. Number of Units: N/A Square Footage: Site area: 32.89 acres Building area: 124,281 square feet (95,200 square feet to be used by UPS) Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning District: North Warehousing and uses, zoned M-l. industrial South Vacant land, zoned M-1 East 1-95 West Congress Avenue and farther west is the Hunters Run PUD and property zoned C-3 (Community Commercial) Existing Site Characteristics: Minor changes to the exterior of the existing building are proposed. The building color will remain as it is. Substantial modifications will be required to the interior to achieve the required floor plan for the 750 employees expected for the communication and customer service operations. Additional parking spaces will be constructed on the east side of the building. (see Exhibit "B" - site plan) / Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-533 staff Report United Parcel Service Communication Center Concurrency: a. Traffic - The existing proj ect is anticipated to be vested for traffic concurrency. Verification is forthcoming from Palm Beach County Traffic Division. b. Drainage - Insufficient drainage information has been submitted for the Engineering Division to certify compliance with the City's drainage levels of service at the time of site plan approval when it is required. The Engineering Division is recommending that this be postponed to the time of permit review. Driveways: Two existing entrances to the existing facility now exist off of congress Avenue. Only the one furthest south will be utilized. The driveway on the north will not be used and will be blocked off with a chain supported by bollards. Parking Facility: UPS needs a minimum of 750 parking spaces solely for their employee use. Therefore, additional employee parking needs to be provided on the site. Pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations Chapter 23, Article I, section 2.F, an increase in parking stalls exceeding 25% of the existing stalls requires upgrading of the entire parking facility; including new and existing vehicle use areas. It is because of this requirement that the applicant is before the Planning and Development Board and City Commission for a major site plan modification and a request for a parking lot variance. Based on the zoning requirements of one space per every two employees, the proj ect would require 375 parking spaces for the UPS tenant and 61 spaces allocated for the 30,081 square feet of vacant space. The calculation of 62 spaces is based on the future tenant use being manufacturing. Therefore, 436 is the total number of spaces required for the building. Based on the documents submitted, 434 parking spaces are existing at the facility and 486 are proposed for construction. A total of 920 will be provided at the site. with both existing and proposed space, more than sufficient parking will be included on the site to meet the city's zoning requirements to occupy the building. Landscaping: An appeal to the city's landscape code has been filed concurrently with this minor site plan modification application. Appeals are needed for the required hedge along the eastern, northern and southern perimeter of the parking areas. All other landscaping shall meet the Boynton Beach Landscape Code Requirements. ~ Page 3 Memorandum No. 95-533 staff Report United Parcel Service communication Center Building and Site Regulations: The proposed development meets the require- ments of the building and site regulations. Community Design Plan: Signage: Two canopies are proposed at both entrances to the building. Both will match the color of the building. As previously stated the color of the building will remain as is. Signage was not submitted with this appli- cation. It is recommended that future signage be addressed administratively at the time of permit review. REVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS: Below is a list of those departments that have comments regarding this request. (See Exhibit "C"- staff Comments) DEPARTMENT ATTACHED MEMORANDUM Public Works utilities Fire Police Engineering Division Building Division Parks & Recreation Forester/Environmentalist Planning and Zoning N/A 95-309 N/A N/A 95-334 and 369 95-331 and 357 N/A 95-404 95-567 The above departments' comments may be addressed on the permit set of drawings. The remaining departments did not have comments regarding their review of the amended plans. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Department recommends approval of this site plan request, subject to the permit plans for the project being amended to show compliance with staff comments and the applicable City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. DOC:dim xc: Central File .:tl'l'lt''I'.u,tl ~ LC,CATION MAf- UPS COMMUNICATION CENTER . :HC'J. ~~""';'.~...J t=!J.c' lJJ..JUw +"; 'j 11IUlJ 1\ n \YIII.B .. :-----:-:- ._w- ~ r:::=~.. R3 " \'. _ .~~} :iIq~r T I I I I ]11 \ I rd ',nTH U 1." 1I1l) ~, w . :~, ..: Ali1.:.TTI;;.';;d:,"1 rTT Ii' " . 9l /' III QJC ~.;' ,,;,r. ,l~'''~", "L~~ '1 (7:".".~ rp 'nIl I (':--~ . ClY ""1<.. - J.:fr~<::,I:L111l'ifI]--\ ~J\. '.J ~I"!'! 11 I.:JL ",<.~' . ..--.....- ': r- -IDmiD:I I I : ~~ ~ '/' U j) 11,:,L~J. ~: \~ . l .........: ..., .. ".!;ll L - r- " 1'/ I i r .' /x' l"'JI!.XX' " "'LD", "I ,.,~ '. , , '. 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''- ) 1/8 MILES 1111 II . ) .400. '800 FEET, ~ N N E . ...': - ~, " ~,~ \\\\\\'\ ~\\i~'~ ~ . lil\\\t\\\\ \\ i~\i' '~i\~ ~ ~!\M~ \'l \\ t \ \ ~ ~ d\ lla II -\;, ~ ~~ "\5" 6:: \ %' ~~ ..~ .~\\ \ ~t 1 ~~ ~~~ - ~. . ~'\ ~ ~'I:\ '" II ~. \'Sl 't i '8 .,,~::\:l c """ - ';.. ;e ~ ~~nlt ~ ~~'ilit ~~ l \ :J\ ~~. @ @~~ ! ); ! \\ m . ! . " · 7\ \ \\ y\ \\ \\ ~ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ '\i ~ ~ ~ f~ J \~ ~j '\ ;\\ ~ .' ", '" .... :.. 0 \~ i')l\'\ \ ,- \' \ :1 \ l\!vi \' \!! \l\~' \\\\1I \ f\~ \\ ,,' \t\ a :. ~ \ "l . ,9 '1'1 ~ \\ ' \ \\ ~ ~t · \~! \ i\ \ l \ . (j) o ~ -1 " OJ Q ~, ,.,__,0- _ . # t r1 \) ~ \ . \ .A / . ( ..' 1 _- ----- _------7"- l & n \ t "t .- \I ----. ------..!_--.-....--.-- . _..._ --..-.~X-.... --. -- "-- . - - .,... .::'.""" _ _ '_.._ ~....,;.,,' 1 ~~4Irr~ ----- . - --- -.-.~ -- _ _ '-~~lI\l!! -- - - ---~ - "'""""'All!.. -- - - -...:- - - \l,\l60Y . ~..clo" \.O"d5CO~ "rch\t...~ \ 55\ f "",,,, ,"'... w~~t ~~~ e.".h, f t401) 689_5522.f. ._~ \1,1 C()1l1l\1111C!'l\()11Ill!'l! cl1l'fO . city 01 Boynton 13"8ch, Florid" LatldSC8 e plan 1 , " I' I' I . . MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 95 - 309 ~11 ~/ FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning Director DATE: September 28, 1995 SUBJECT: UPS Communication Data Center Major Site Plan Modification - Second Review We offer the following comments on this project: Items 1 and 3 from our previous memo were not adequately addressed. According to the notes on the survey, a search of public records was not made by the surveyor, therefore easements were not shown on the plans. My staff has discussed this matter with Quin Travers of Kilday & Associates, who has assured us that a records search is now being done . We therefore re-state our previous requests- "1) Please show existing and proposed utility easements.(sect. 26. 16(a)); 3) No trees are permitted within utility easements (sect. 7.5 - 18.1)." In the event easements were never recorded for the existing utilities, we will require easements to be dedicated prior to issuance of a c.o. on this project. We have no objection to this project proceeding through the review process. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella or Skip Milor of this office. , JAG/PVM be: Peter Mazzella xc: Skip Milor File q TO: FROM: DATE: RE: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-334 Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director ~m Hukill, P.E., City Engineer August 31, 1995 UPS COMMUNICATION CENTER - SITE PLAN REVIEW , We have reviewed subject site plan ,and)comment as follows: I 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FOOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. 2. Revise documents to reflect all comments. 3. Provide drainage plan and eleva~ions. Chap.6, Art. IV, Sec. SA, pg.6-7 4. Provide Certification by Developer'S Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes & standards. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 5. Inlets must be in grassy areas unless otherwise approved. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5B, pg.6-8 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 6. Provide details on sanitary sewer easements that are crossed by drainage swales. Chap.6, Art.V, Sec.4B2b, pg.6-19 7. Provide details for pavement, grates, pipes, catch basins, etc. Chap.6, Art.V, Sec.4B2e, pg.6-20 8. County and/or State permits required for construction in R.O.W. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24 9. Photometries must be approved for both pedestrian and parking lot lighting before building permit can be issued. Chap.23, Art.II,A1a, pg.23-6 10. Parking lot dimensions, striping, aisles, stalls, radii, signs, landscaping, etc. must conform with City codes and standards. Chap.23, Art.II, pg.23-6 11. Concrete curb must conform ~o City standards. Chap.23, Art.IIE, pg.23-7 12. Provide pedestrian advance crossing signs and crossing signs at crosswalk on east side of building in accordance with the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices." Chap.23, Art.IIB2, pg.23-7 /0, Development Dept.jEngineering Div. Memo No. 95-334 Re: UPS Communication Center - Site ~lan Review August 31, 1995 Page #2 13. All parking lots shall meet or exceed State Handicap Code requirements and comply with the Standard Building Code and the Countywide amendments thereto. Chap.23, Art.IIK, pg.23-9 14. Provide location & details} of fire lanes. Chap.23, Art.IIM, pg.23-9,10 The applicant may wish to consider working with the County to modify Congress Avenue median. If successful, a left turn lane will be required on the driveway for westbound traffic entering southbound Congress. - WVH:ck xc: Ken Hall, Engineering Aide . C:UPS.SPR ''I:, II TO: FROM: DATE: RE: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-369 ; &~l . ---. ...._......-J ~~~~i J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning oirector ~iam Hukill, P.E., City Engineer September 25, 1995 UPS COMMUNICATION CENTER - 2ND SITE PLAN REVIEW We have again reviewed subject site plan and find as follows with respect to our August 31, 1995 Memo No. 95-334: 5. 6 . 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 1. 2. 3. 4. Must be complied with prior to permitting. Acceptable Acceptable Certification of the plan must be submitted prior to site plan acceptance. Certification of construction will be a condition of permit acceptance. Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Must be complied with prior to permitting Acceptable Acceptable Provide advance signs Acceptable Acceptable . We have no objections to forwarding of documents to P&O Board subject to above comments. The following suggestions may be considered by the applicant but are not conditions of approval: A. Consider naming private access road and providing street address thereon in lieu of address on Congress. B. Consider pedestrian information signs to encourage use of designated access paths to designated crosswalks. WVH:ck xc: Ken Hall, Engineering Aide C:UPS2ND /J.. BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-331 September 7, 1995 To: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director From: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Re: UPS COMMUNICATION DATA CBNTBR. AT RBL INCORPORATED INDUSTRIAL DBVBLOPMBNT 3800 SOUTH CONGRESS AVBNUB The Building Division has reviewed the submitted documents for the above project and have the following comments: 1. This is a occupancy change from Group F, Factory, to Group B, Business, and therefore, the site plan should include landscaping and site lighting, etc. in compliance with applicable codes for both Phase I and Phase II as well as parking, unless a variance is approved. . 2. Public walkway, in compliance with State Handicap Code, is required from the street to the main entrance of the building. 3. All signs, in addition to the one free-standing sign, should be a part of plans for site plan review. ~L ,~~ Al N bo . AN:mh cc: William V. Hukill, P.E., Department of Development Director A:UPS.TRC /3 BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-357 _ [rr1lY' ' September 27, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official TRC COMMENTS - MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION, 2ND REVIEW UPS COMMUNICATION DATA CBNTBR RE: After reviewing the amended plans and Kilday & Associates' response to my September 7, 1995 memorandum, it has been determined that Building Division comments have not been complied with. Therefore, the following comments should be noted: 1. The items requested in item #1 of memorandum 95-331 are minimum requirements that must be shown on the site plan at time of review. 2. Item #2 is required by the State and must be on the plans. Only a variance from the State can offset the State law. A note that UPS is non-public and accessed solely by its employees does not meet code. 3. Signs are also one of the minimum requirements to be shown and approved on the site plan before submitting to the Building Division for a permit. It is not sufficient that Kilday & Associates state that they will submit this information prior to permit application. ~ Al Newbold AN:bh Attachment/memo 95-331 XC: William V. Hukill, P.E. UPS Itf RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-404 TO: Tambri Heyde~ Planning & Zoning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist J UPS Communications Data Center ~-!f / FROM: RE: DATE: September 5, 1995 The applicant should indicate any existing trees on the site that may be removed/or replaced with new trees. This should be coordinated with the landscape plan for the site. KH:ad ~ /5 f ~ r~lLlU WI lli I fii I~JL 5 IcnJ ~I i PIJ\NNING AND '._."---1.QtH~9j}fK1.___ ".~ DI: 'l<\"\Tfl v-:- --, n I~l r' . LLlLLLLLLLU w.. I 1<1 .~- ~~( T \ \ .~m--t__J or, I-tl 1-1 t ., ! ~',Ulj I ~ H h 'r~ 11: -- .- '~H_ J ~~. R3 ,- ..1 . 'T I I I I I I ' '-1-1]" ,'II Hi'i I II J ~", . ~fi ",,'--,"JiTJI, IIrJ~:;r ' L -2.7 \ I ' . @ ; " .,. . . LiorvL.'" "'M~""eL.,..-' r- TT r ; I I I I I - . ril I I J- ~ \AI p.,c,...~_ . --~. ~ I I /~l '.. .\- ......., ~ 1!llLJi;;;'!L:: :1~- ~f\ \ 0.:."')7f in!! J lJ ; " '~ "'- -= lJ-'- ' ~ I " . , ~J . 'I' ~ ". -- ' ill., - ."---, - ~, )"" 'R'!1 ,\4 I ' '. ~ > '< ,1;1 ..---1 - ~. ~~_. - --~ It ' '.'_ .__ '.( - ~ L..:C .~ '- Y J-: -:--' .~ > j r I-Ll T 1'1'- -rIll] f:-i u ".. - '1 '-',1 ! . -, - 1 ~_::tA.",,-CM:!J!.'Oi ~ ~ ~ c.u-", LLL1,L..L.!", -- "'J h ; -~_~~__.J ;' \1 ~ ': ~, UAlKEE . ~ llrrrrrmrj 11::!!.-JT, ] Ll .., ..__ .~. ''-~. .I ~ '11r ) ~ ~-1j'1 ,. : I > f - ::--- ~l).'{'t~~ -, 2!~: -~~.:~;:~, .;~ ", ~.~,] .'[~' 'i;J'('~~';- f t 'l-, ~,~., 1]1,.- , : / tT- - , 1---- T T I I r I I. -"., ._ __. . _. . . . . ~.; ~ : ; It" t J :bht~ L~..:_ : 1. II.. ..L~~._. t- :::1,.,.~ ~ ' .-..--- ,..... . . "'. --. -,' = .~~, (I ~ ... . . 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'I ';ug,,~,,)~: ~~~ogo~o(~ (~fJ f! ......~ .<< I, ( , . -. (f 00' II U (I 0 () ) (~ ~ - /j-f': '}. .. ' _. ;;O~:;og" ";iogog,.' , / ~ ~ '- ,.-, \' '"0''' 0 00"0"0", , " '- ~""'; \, /> ------- ~-%1]::,1~~N!f;" .,.~.~, .:-:':;. ) L.J..------- ~ - ""o"oo"og".z..;>...,.' 'j I . :~:!2:Jtij-P" ~ (\.~"',-~ II II' \~~)}r'.~ ~_--..\ I f11lld\ J, ~ -, u__.:.u.u.u.. .. - .u__ _..,u..____....".__ ... I C'N.~ L' '0 'Jill. ' -:..'-::.--=:.:--.- LGCATION MAf UPS COMMUNICATION CENTER :l 1/8 MILES 1111'1 ' 400. '800 FE~T. ~ N. N Klldey & Aaoclllt_ Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: 1407) 689-2592 8/21/95 UPS COMMUNICATIONS DATA CENTER MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION REQUEST SYNOPSIS GENERAL INFORMATION The subject site is zoned M-1 and supports one existing building of 124,740 square feet and two existing parking areas. Formerly, this site was a manufacturing and processing operation involving lighting fixtures. The United Parcel Service (UPS) is seeking approval to locate a Communications Data Center in a portion of the building on the property. This center, one of only a dozen planned nationwide, will house their communications and customer service operations. At it's ultimate capacity, the facility will employee approximately 750 employees. Initially, employees will number 450. These employees will man phone banks and computer systems, and respond to customer inquiries regarding parcel tracking, pick-up and delivery. The hours of operation for the center are 8:00am-8:00pm. UPS will occupy 93,901 square feet of the existing building, or approximately 3/4 of the space. UPS is leasing the building from the property owner and is responsible for upgrading the site to comply with both their internal requirements and City of Boynton Beach code requirements. There will be no shipping activities and no customer drop-off or pick-up of parcels occurring from this site. No delivery activities related to parcel distribution will occur. The facility will operate as a communications center only. The only "walk-in" traffic will be that of potential applicants seeking employment. This activity will occur in the northwestern (front) corner of the building. ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATIONS The existing building will remain unchanged on the exterior. The building color will remain as it exists. Substantial modifications will be required to the interior to achieve a layout as shown on the architectural floor plans submitted. A canopy will be added to the western facade of the building to provide for an outdoor covered seating area for employees adjacent to the cafeteria with a view of the existing lake. A second canopy may be added over the employee entrance on the eastern facade of the building. PARKING INFORMATION AND PARKING LOT VARIANCES The existing circular drop-off area near the northwestern corner of the building will be expanded with additional parking spaces to accommodate potential applicants. This Major Site Plan Mod ification 8/21/95 Page 2 parking area will meet all zoning code requirements. UPS needs a minimum of 750 parking spaces solely for their employee use. Therefore, additional employee parking needs to be provided on site. Pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Code Chapter 23, Article I, Section 2.F, an increase in parking stalls exceeding 25% of the existing stalls requires a major site plan modification and that all parking areas on site, both existing and new, comply with all required improvements stated in Chapter 23, Article II. There are two existing parking areas on site, one north of the building and one to the south. UPS intends to utilize the parking area located to the north of the building as employee parking. One of the two main employee entrances is located along the north facade of the building. Therefore, the existing parking area will be upgraded to meet code requirements, including re-striping of spaces and aisles, required interior and perimeter landscaping, wheelstops where necessary, and lighting. Additional parking spaces will be added just south of the main driveway on the north side of the building and these too will comply with all code requirements. UPS will also be constructing a new parking area to the east of the existing building. Their second main employee entrance is located along the eastern facade of the building. This parking area is designated with two construction phases to expedite the South Florida Water Management permit approval process. This new parking area will meet all required improvements, except one. The perimeter landscape requirements require a hedge along the eastern edge of the proposed parking area to screen it from adjacent right-of-ways. A variance is being requested to eliminate the need for this hedge as the uses to the east consist of an LWDD canal easement, an FP&L easement and 1-95, and as there is a minimum 500 foot separation from this parking area to 1-95, and as an existing stand of vegetation exists within the canal right-of-way which currently screens this parking area from the Interstate. To offset the elimination of this requirement, UPS will be providing additional landscaping (above code) adjacent to Congress Avenue to help screen the existing parking area from that road and residents to the west, and is exceeding the amount of interior greenspace required within the parking areas. The parking area on the south side of the existing building will not be used by the lessee, UPS. As they will not be occupying the southern 1/4 of the building, and as they are providing ample parking spaces to meet their employee requirements, this parking area will be reserved for a future tenant. Therefore, a Parking Lot Variance application has also been submitted requesting the ability to allow this parking area to remain "as isll until a future tenant is secured. Major Site Plan Modification 8/21/95 Page 3 LOADING The only loading activities which will occur on this site involve delivering office supplies and food products to the facility. Office supplies will be delivered on the east side of the existing building. Food supplies will be delivered to the west side of the existing building, adjacent to the cafeteria. It is anticipated that delivery will all be done by purveyors trucks and that no semi-trucks will enter the site. LANDSCAPE The landscape on the portion of the site being utilized by UPS will be brought up to comply with City code, with the exception of the one landscape variance requested along the eastern edge of the proposed parking area. Additional landscaping is proposed adjacent to Congress Avenue. Where possible, existing vegetation has been preserved on site. A variance request has been filed for the interior and perimeter requirements for the landscape adjacent to the existing parking area to the south. GWII/jb/mspm.ups II. SITE DATA ( ] ). The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. L~pd Use CategQ~hown in the Comprehensive Plan Industrial 2. 3. Zoning District Area of Site M-l 32.89 acres sq. . ft. 1,432,654 .A. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown &. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Residential, including surrounding lot area of grounds Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) n/a n/a \ of sitl acres n/a n/a " of sit, acres Water Area o o \ of sit acres Commercial n/a 'Ii of sit n/a acres Industrial 27.8 84.5 'Ii of sit acres Public/Institutional Pub11c, private and canal rights-of-way n/a 'Ii of sit n/a acres acres 6.5 \ of sit 2.14 Other (specify) FPL Easement 9.0 2.95 'Ii of sit acres Other (specify) acres 'Ii of 51' j . acres Total area of site 100 " of sil 32.89 * including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. .1 5. Surface Cover a. Ground floor building 2.86 area ("building footprint") 8.7 'Ii of si acres b. 2.14 acref' Wa ter area / Canal ROW 6.5 'Ii of si c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public' private streets, paved area of parking lots' driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 9.3 , of .1 28.3 acres d. Total impervious area 14.3 43.5 acres " of si e. Landscaped area .2 inside of parking lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). 0.6 acres % of si PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTHENT - November, 1991 ( 4 ) 0.2 ., f. Other landscaped areas, acres 0.6 !Ii of site g. Other pervious areas, including golf courses, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding 55.3 !Ii of site water areas 18.2 acres h. Total pervious areas 1,8.6 acres 56.5 !Ii of site .' i. Total area of site 32.89 acres 100 \ of sitE 6. Floor 1\rea a. Residential sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse 124,740 sq. ft. d. Recreational sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional sq. ft. f. Other (specify) sq. ft. g. Other (specify) sq. ft. h. Total floor area 124,740 sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-family detached n/a b. Duplex n/a c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) ( 1) Efficiency n/a ( 2 ) 1 Bedroom n/a ( 3 ) 2 Bedroom n/a ( 4 ) 3+ Bedroom n/a d. Total multi-family n/a e. Total number of dwelling units sq. ft. sq. ft. dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units n/a 8. Gross Density n/a dwelling units per acre 9. Maximum height of structures on site 45 feet 1 stor 10. Required off-street parking a. Calcula~ian af required number of off-street parking spaces b. crf-street parking space provided on site plan (Not includinq future tenant) 152 existing spaces reserved for future tenant 911 spaces Total Existing spaces to remain as is~152 spaces Existing Pavement restripe 273 spaces 750 Employees (1 sp/2 employees) = 375 spaces Proposed new parking 486, spacel I PT.ANNTNG E:. l',nNTNG nF.PhP'T't-1Rll'T'- Hn""lTlhpl" 1 QQ1 EXHIBIT "A" RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allowing the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO this ~~ day of , 19~. 1-..J Appli ant lw dt) C-...eJ A:./.x::Jc-.) \ \rL- I ~ j ~ 'Q%) - Ol~( S~n;OOf United Parcel Service 53,3~, T:-;2U-iQ;C POr~\'~'/~~y: ,S~~~ie 50C. August 21, 1995 Ms. Tambri Hay~ Planning Director Cily of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard BoyntonBeach,'Fl. 33435 1m: AGENCY AGREEMENT Dear Ms. Hayden: '. .-- ~ .. 1'tJ' . . l'~ ~ )~~ :r::':~:I::l ~~~ ,'~. .~ '-. .:. :.? . ....,. . ... - -. -..-'r'"' '. I -.;;... J\. .., This letter is to selV~ as permission for Mr. Kieran 1- Kilday and Kilday & Associates, Inc. to act as the agent to prepare an.d subrait'all dOcUmentation, and! attend all meetings pertaining to the property kno.Vll as 3800 S. Congress Ave. as it relates to any Zoning, Board of Adjustm.ent, Final Site Plan, Final SubdiviSion Plan ~pproval. and Time Ei\"tensioDS through the City of Boynton Beach processes. Funhermore, United. ~.arcel s~rVice, 'owner. do her~y aulhDrize Kieran J. Killby and Kilday & Associates, Inc. and agree to termS or conditions ~ich 'may arise as part oithe approval of t1Us application for a Major Site Plan Modification for 3800 S. Congress Ave. Boynton Beach, Fl. d::- ~~ / Project Engineer / --- SW~~~~vr&~thiS2lstdaYOfAUgust, 1995 NoWy Public for ~rgia (L.S.) My conunision expires: ~\;J$>li,1' 'PJ}:k. t~;'-'~~~ GorJa1;i.a. ~ O"'"7l((~ ~J>:pf"'" ~..,....~....~ ~:Z. lSC~ 100 . 3~)ljd ~2 : :::: :"'; :. :--: J,~,'~; 1- c: :::3 '_I ~ 22 :'1-11:' 609""924-1992 I IL.TON RERLTY "; , P03 AUG 2i' 95 16: 21 0slabh$b.f?d in ! 9.5, G. R. PALM ASSOCIATES - A~ARTMEI':TS. COMMERCIAL. RI;;At.. ESTATE. INCUSTr fAL 6UILOINGS AND LAND 194 NASSAU STREET ?RINCETON. NEW JERSEY 08542 l'E~EPHONE; 609 . 9 2 1 . 6 060 FACSlMll..E: 60S. Sj 24.199;:; August 21/ 1995 Ms. Tameri Haycien, Planning Di::'ector Ci~::y of Boynton Beach 101 East Boynton Beach Boulevald Bo~'nton Beach, FL 33435 BE: Agency Agreement Deel r Ms. Hayden: This letter is to serve a~j permission fOr Mr. Kieran J. Kilday and Kilday & AssociatesJ Inc. to act as the agent of G. R. Palm Associates to prepa.re and submit all docurnenta- ticm, and attend all meetin'is I:artaining to the 32.89 acre prCJperty and building known as 3800 south Congress Avenue, BOInton Beach] Florida (nprdpe:.tytl) as it relate5 to any Zor.:ing, Board of Adjustment, Flnal Site Plan, FinAl subdivi- sic.n plan approval, and Tima Extensions requested from the Cit1 of 2oynton Beach. FurthermorG, G. R. Palm Associates, owner, does hareby autnorize ~ieran J. Kilday and ~ilday & Associates, Inc. to act AS its agent and agrees to terms or conditions which may arias as part of the approval of this application for a Major sit! Plan Modification for this Property. H. Sands Partner S'.I'A:~ OF NEW JERSEY COU:fr'Y OJ' MERCER The foregoing instrument W;\s acknowledged before me this 21sl: day of August 1995, by .1ef~:rey H. Sands who is personal- l~:~own to me and who did not 'l:ake. an oath. J2.~ g'. ~.Jd~(..I ...... w; .. ~ NCY.I ~AR~ I S SEAL) . !!C!."m l f:1f1Rt OF I lilr~ Oc&.1 . .. ~=~ 2 : :=: I; ~\. ..., -. ~'I (-I, ti "? 171 f".1 . ::l C, .. ...J ::r (:\ ~ s: ~: ('0") ;:- 4, I (pO 00 o EP r 00 ~, !~?l ?Jt i "" · It ~ i~9~ .-:; ! ~ i ~ ot;;~",~ ;~~i~ ~~ll~ 1tl:~:CG ~~zi af!2 >-. lO: ~ i ".,~.,.-....-.--_.~ -,,-.-.~,.-_.... ."....... .;;....... " ,..".,. ~-,-' ~""'- ~ - --- ~~- ~ This instrument prepared by Richard D. liolt Cunster,Yoakley,Criser,Stewart & Hersey First National Bank Building Palm Beach, Florida A 81.601. WARRANTY DEED THIS WARRANTY DEED Made and executed the ~ ,..J.. day of.Jj~ 1973, by DYNAMICS CORPORATION OF AMERICA, a corpo- r~iorl1existing under the laws of the State of New York, and having its principal place of business at 501 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York, hereinafter called the grantor, to G. R. PALM ASSOCIATES, a general partnership under the laws of the State of Florida, 13842 U.S. Highway No.1, Juno Beach, fl~ ~da, hereinafter called the grantee: (Wherever used herein the terms "grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of in~viduals, ....RM ""'e IJl;Ieeesse:n aM alJIJilJns af iRainia'ol.lB: and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH: That the grantor, for and in consider- ation of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is here~y acknowledged, by these presents docs grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in Palm Beach County, Florida, viz: A parcel of land in a portion of the southwest quarter (SW-l/4) of Section 5, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach C0unty, Florjda, bein~ more particularly described as follows: Cornrnenc '"Ig at the southwest corner of said Section 5, thence ~un north (the west line of Section 5 is assumed to ~)ar north-south and all other bearings are relative thereto) along the west line of said Section 5 a distance of 110.00' to a point; thence run S 890 48' 45" E a distan..:e of 53.00 feet to a point in the east right of way line of Congress Avenue and the Point of Bp.ginning of the herein described parc~l, thence co~tinue on the pre- ceding described course a distance of 1460.21' to a point in the westerly right of way line of the Sea- board Coast Line Railroad, thence run N 180 21' 59" E along said westerly right of way line a distance of 1777.89' to a point; thenc:e run S BBo 51' 44" W a dis- tance of 2020.80' to a po:'.nt.; thence run south along said east right of way lil,e a distance of 1642.42' to the Point of Beginning of the herein described parcel. TOGETHER wi~h all the ten~ment~, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise apper- taining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. AND the grantor hereby covenants with said .grantee that ~t is lawfully seized of said land in fee s~mple; that it has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that it hereby fully warrants the title to said .. .. .. ~:d:2.t94 f~C[ 781 _c... I - I I I . \f':I rJ:) r-- ..~ -- ..... CJ ~ C\l ~;~ . land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; ~~d that said land is free of all encumbrances, except as follows: 1. Easement from Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, to Florida Power & Light Company, as contained in instrument recorded in Official Record Book 678, page 99, public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. ~. Easement from Delray Land Company, Ltd., a Delaware c\..'poration, to Florida Power & Light Co" as con- tained in in8tr~nent record~d in Official Record Book 602, page 623, public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 3. Unity of Title Declaration as contained i~ instrument recorded in Official Record Book 1785, page 1509, public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 4. Right-Of-way as contained in instrument in Official Record Book 1803, page 254, public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. . 5. The state of facts which would be disclosed by an accurate survay or a physical inspection. 6. tions, orders ity having or to said land. All laws, ordinances, resolutions, regula- ana restrictions of any qovernrnental author- asserting jurisdiction tnereover applicable 7. Violations of law, ordin~nces, orders or requirements of any governmental authority having or assert- ing jurisdiction against or affecting said land. B. Any easement or right of use created in favor of any public utility company for electricity, steam, gas, telephone or other service in any abutting street, road or avenue, and the right to use and maintain cables, l~nes and other facilities over, under and acrOS8 said land. 9. General exceptions contained in the standard owners poliCj' of title insurance. 10. All unpaid taxes, assessments, special assess- I ments, water charges and sewer re~~s. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, by its prope~ officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year firot above written. DYNAMICS COR.?0RATION OF AMERICA /':' / / J.<~T..?.o 1"' ~ "4'1r~~~- ..'" /. .... ~~ " 'Q/~S?,~~i;.d~..... [co~;.:.~ ~t;l* ,.~. .F~ . #; >>,. ;..,. i'N. .,.,. .;" '~::f~~~;;;;:{~':~{' . . I I Aft"ST, ~?;:;p - By Signed, sealed and delivered ~:o~' . I ,~Jl -2- 1"1' ~~ - ~, I J t , I I 1 I i 1 I I I , . ! I ~ EXHIBIT 'A' UPS COMMUNICATIONS DATA CENTER AT REL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 A PARCEL OF LAND IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 5; THENCE RUN NORTH (THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 5 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR NORTH-SOUTH AND ALL OTHER BEARINGS ARE RELATIVE THERETO) ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 5, A DISTANCE OF 110.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUN S-890-48'-45"-E, A DISTANCE OF 53.00 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE; THENCE CONTINUE ON THE PRECEDING DESCRIBED COURSE, A DISTANCE OF 1460.21 FEET TO A POINT IN THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD; THENCE RUN N-180-21'-59"-E, ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 607.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL; THENCE N-890-58'-02"-W, A DISTANCE OF 891.35 FEET; THENCE N-oo-01'-58"-E, A DISTANCE OF 390.75 FEET; THENCE N-480-35'-55"-W, A DISTANCE OF 407.05 FEET; THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 232.00 FEET; THENCE WEST A DISTANCE OF 455.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT IN THE SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE; THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 178.66 FEET; THENCE N-880-51'-44"-E, A DISTANCE OF 2020.80 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD; THENCE S-180-21'59"-W, ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1170.88 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: AN EASEMENT OVER THE EASTERLY 110 FEET (AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO) THEREOF FOR FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 602, PAGE 623, DATED FEBRUARY 24, 1961. A RIGHT OF WAY OVER THE WESTERLY 80 FEET OF THE EASTERLY 190 FEET (AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO) THEREOF FOR THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT CANAL NO E-31/2AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 1803, PAGE 254. SAID PARCEL CONTAINING: 32.892 GROSS ACRES 2.953 ACRES IN FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY EASEMENT 2.144 ACRES IN LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT RIGHT OF WAY 27.795 NET ACRES legal/jb/ups ** 8.00.' 39t1d ltl.lO.l_ **- :~ " ( !n ~ . III. ~RT;~!~TIOl! . .' fll fWel understand th.t this application and all papers and plans submitted herewitih l:ecome a part of the permanent records of the Planning a~d Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above sti;tements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted he~ewith are true tc the best of (my) (our) knc:wledge and belief. This applicatiol will not be accepted uGle.i,s signed according to the in8t~UQtiona below. {,.. fl rd./"'! s~~ c. . .1 of owner s) 'or 'rrustee, of Aut r11e4 princip.l if property i. owned by a corporatiiot1 or other buain..s entity. -$J~s Pate IV. AP.T!:IORIB~TION or ~~~~ c;.~_. ~. 21gent J (I) (We) hereby deslghatl;1 the above algned person as (my) (our) authorized a.gen~ in regard to this application. t.>- It. I :;"Im ;..$4:.. ;/...... : ...... .ill ......,... e 0 OWner(s) or Trustee, or A horized Principal if property is owned by a corpor~tioll or other business entity. ' ~PACBJ1B~OW THJS_LJN! FOR pFFICL USE ONLY Y/ )1!1,S- , , Date Ra', 'ia~ Schedule I Date Received Technical Review Bo~rd Planning , Zoning Be: ard Community Appearance: Board City Conunisaion Stipula'::.ions of Final "pproval't Date Date Date Data .....: _ 17 ..-- '" Other Qi:avernmant Agencies/Persbns to be contactedc Ad41ti~n.l Remarks, ~ - "Ii PLANNIJ 10 , ZONING DEPARTMENT · NO'lember, 1991 AI Slte~;118n