LEGAL APPROVAL DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICANT: THE VILLAGER PUB AT THE VILLAGER PLAZA APPLICANT'S AGENT: Alexander K. Mitchell DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: April 16. 1996 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Reauest for conditional use approval for a 1.750 sauare foot pub within the existina shoppina center LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1403 W. Bovnton Beach Boulevard (Bavs 4 and 5) THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant -L.. HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby ..L GRANTED subject to the conditions marked as "include" in Exhibit "C" hereto. DENIED 4. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 5. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 6. Other: None. DATED: AoriI18.1996 ~. <fi-~,,~. Cit lerk EXHIBIT " C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Villager Plaza File number: COUS 96-001 Reference: The plans consist of 5 sheets identified as 1st Review. Conditional Use Approval. File # COUS 96-001 with a March 8. 1996 Planning and Zoning DeQartment Date stamp marking. I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS Comments: 1- It is recommended that the traffic X pattern at the rear of the plaza be modified to restrict it to only allow one way traffic. The traffic should be limited to only enter at the west end and exit at the east end. This would allow service in a safer and efficient manner than the present arrangement. UTILITIES Comments: NONE FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION Comments: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 2. To provide a safe and efficient X traffic pattern show on the site plan and install on site a one-way west to east traffic flow for the access aisle located at the ends and rear of the existing building. Also show the location of traffic control pavement markings and traffic control signs to SUDDort the one-way traffic. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE 3. To keep the plaza customers from parking vehicles on and damaging the adjacent Lake Worth Drainage District property located north of the building and to improve the rear appearance either request authorization from the Lake Worth Drainage District to construct parking spaces within their right-of-way or request authorization to post "No Parking" signs and install a continuous native specie hedge, meeting the vehicle use area standards identified in the landscape code, along the north side of the existing paved access aisle. 4. If the above recommendation to add parking in the rear is approved, a draft document requiring signature by the subject property owner and Lake Worth Drainage District shall be submitted for review. The document shall include language that would allow the property owner perpetual use and maintenance responsibility of the paved access aisle and drainage structures located on the district property. 5. Construct concrete block and stucco dumpster enclosures that include a recycling bin around the two (2) existing dumpster areas shown on the site plan. The location and design of the enclosures shall be consistent with city requlations. 6. It is recommended that the Villager X Pub (bar) qse be limited to the proposed 1,750 square foot floor area and that the occupational license stipulate the maximum floor area. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 1. To be determined. MEH/dim a:ComDept.Vil/p&d X X I , i I! 1 I Oll~U~l lJ~, ,~~,+.it1 D<=dL-l1 , \ .,.'J,.']~''it~~flt'~ (!I.rrttf!J. That on this day personally appeared before me, an offl..cer duly authorized to administer oaths and take (/ckl/Oluledtl,nents, ~THUR H. KR'AMER ana JACQUELYN E. IffiAMER, President and Secyetary, respectiveiy of JAC-SON, INC., a Florida corporation, .,' tome well known and known to me to be the individuals described in ''and who exeouted the foregoing deed, and they acknowledged before me that they executed the sam e reely and voluntarily /,01' the purposes therein expressed, - xix:KJ.mxXbib':li:.'l&.IDf ~~~~ em~~}QQ! , '~lJJtJ:Y!3&MffN~-f}J)W'fWl! ~~~ .:~~x ~~ XKwXxK}OCJllf:x,'NXJIlfIE<~ ~~u>fill:B:M)tbt'XIDm:b<x~UH~~~ YCk.xuulx:vJ:xtxlIlXhpcXMYik.YJ;{!ijdy..IX~AARYt{~r.mxx~~ ~~~IDeXJC.~OCrJ... 11llIltm'luI my hand and offioial seal at Riviera Beach County of Palm Beach . and Stale oj' Florida, O:is /lil'(Jlr day oj' February · ;1. D. 1975. ~'i; ..a.,,/ '~,LZ My Commission Expires ot ry/rublic f!:lfl- . i I i .1' (! Ii 1 . . I, . ' I I 1 1 I Ii , ' i : I ' I I - C!;,(/I( ;-J ; J " i' , ", ':11 Notary Public. Slale of Florida ot l<"IlQ ,.:t,-, My Comnli ..ion bplr.. July 22. l?Ja :' \ \ \ \ \~ofld...q, f,y Amorican fila .ll. Cc;twalty Co. ..' \'AIJ"' J,..,. ,......~ i ?I::. /.l ::~,,;~~ \ ......' C.(J.....~~..:.., .../)_' '~~::." '( J 'l'/'" "... . II") '."'.. :..': ~I .... ,..,";. '1.i'I.~.<'. \-. ~ ....:i<t : ~.. '0-0 T.A R.p,.;.....:.-t:~/: -. :..i." '1v..{W~. !'t:f~' 1"\\:;' = ": : ;/:..,.... t' "-HI;: ";'i,,;:;~;~:1~~ ..pt~:- ., ' .,'" fL0NIDA....~...,+ ~ ::. l{'A I~,l<~~:\<<-;,. ;ftJK:: '-:, <p .0: .lJ a 0:.\;,0 :-:.h -;. .).. -.-..t_"'} 'rJ ,J'~"~~:'(II ~~'" ~7 ...~,.;~~t~'~L.~~~~{.~~A5=:' - "~""""r.:: "~~"'.,.:1'~-l""~ , '. c: .~'A'I-;':".!It:"'\., . ....... ,.'......'>>1,1.;,. .,.... q'''IIHd\ :,~Tqr~~:' :}.j<-:. STA-rE OF Fl_CfRIOA!'f.1 DOCUMENTARY ~~~~~srAMLT AX I!:I Q..EPT Of flEV~NUE _ . ~1\ I: : n L ..j ,~ ~ r~iJ~5'75 ~i ':1i'9Y 9 0 () o.n, (. <'J ~ :!;:?4 _-;-_,~>~f~:0~_-~4 i. ',.',; " C.J :1 , c.~) " " (..1 ,- II. :: , , '>' ".) G 4 C;, C> . " '; ~! '~ ~: i. ,.. 1:~;~",:,,\:'~~-~....r)OCUMENT^RY .. ('j,,~') FLORI12A SURTA)' "'u.:'; 1'1[825'751., - 8 ;1]''3:: d' b -.:. u J \.0. ,', . 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"" .......... ....... - .... .... ......... ------ ........... .. .-. . ... -- ~ .... ...,...... ~ ......, ~,,~.~ '~~'" ~ .-..-..-.-.----.-kP;;~---- '.,' . "II~- _. _ __ _.... _ - - - __ - . _. .r, i.......... ",v-io:&. ....:.: .Z'~ II "",...,~... . . :' 0: .,' .. ~:. . : ..r ___ _... ~. :...u <!_ ~. ~ :- " P.CIJ~~.....~~~ ~';, ~,~ .....,;: .~, .... --".II'~" ~:~.:... -~;... . ...... .._.~, .......-...:....- ~,., . a",.. ,~,.J -. . ;1 . ~.....~t ...... r.. ~..... ........ .', , ....... ''''' _. ~~j" ~ t. . . '.". ," .~ .:. " 9,96 15:04 No.014 P.03 .. :'j 'C!tIJl,. "A" m!S~lrrr~f1F ~, . . , iv.. ,nub or laad ~ Slo;d.. a,. ,'fOw1lltllp 45 rouc", ....5. 4.1 IIIC. CiCy or'lOyaloo leach. Pel. a.ae~ County. rlotld" b.IDI ..ra ,.~ UCl.llnl; dUc:rlb.1I .. followls' , ., 'rOlD ",0 t"coutlcCloll ., che ceDCerllne of tl\a 100 foot wid. " \. Ilpc.of-hy of ~Dlr.u 'vema.. ..~. .olltodiao bdlll cII. Vuc LiM of . . ::.nl_ It. ~Mhl' " 'Cl\Ich. ....... 4S ....i:. 'al. ,..ch ODuftt)". rlDIrUI. "iC~ tho ...cerlln. 0' .C.CI ao.. 5-104 .. .... .p,.ar. l~ aoed rtat look 2. r.... U1 dlrolllll !ZO. PubUc leclu:cb ral. aneb COllnt)', rlnid.. lUll $Gulli 0658'2'" luc (tor cOftveniencl Citl el.u:Ot'llna of Stlt. aoed '-804 l.....~ , co) ben ~U" ".$4'06" r.ft 8a4 .U "oedo,. "I el ted, ~udll ". nlntve chc:-Ico) Ii IIl1tlll'lCl of U86... feai: co ~o lntCnection of thl .at. euCer -- . . . ,. . . '.' , Un. of COaann AVI"". .~II tho ee..tedlM of Oc"1I Drive .. appell' OD tlla tilt of leccSon 6~A. r.I.....eh tellvrlvilll I' a... t. record" ~ ,t.t . , , IIooIe. 29.. p~i.. ,~O .114 n. ""bUt; .u~~..;~llt "aell County, rio~(.", tlaeQ~' ..rtlt 17656 '06'; E.. t ~IO~' ..14 c.~ul'l1Ae 0; o,;..~ Drin a .~tuce .f a'o.o~ ',..e Co . pobl; ch..ce sout,)l 0."'%'" .tate . dUcaace of 1061.30 f.te c. the totnt IJf Inbnlna loci ch. b..~SP$ of 1 Cld'VI CoQClve co th. no~Ch"'1l; "-vial' radS-1I1 of 172.oo,I'lc an4 a claCral '11I1' of 30.]0'10", ebencI e..t.rl, lad Dorcbll.t.rlf. .101l1 tb~ lie of '11. curvl, I dl.taQ~ gf '1.~7 feel to thl ... of ..14 CQrve. thlDe. Borth ".'1'%1- llac . d1l- ~ t " .t.aC41 of no." f.ee co the "lirlo1al of . curWl coae.ve to elle ~elnt..c h.vla, . r"SII' 01 ".00 f.ll and . c~cl'll anlte of 65~OO'OO"; theDee DorCb...ter1r .n~ Dorlh-oorth,.,cRrly. ,lonl thl .re of .etd curve. . dl'- c.ac. of 74.61 f..c tl>> l!le II\~ of ,alII o;ut'V:t1 ttllllte Nonh U631'21" ~u . dlltattce of 6).00 reae co tile be.1MlDa of . I;"rv, conuve, C~ the .outh- ,. .lIt 11.,,1"1 . ra'llll of toO.OO feet 1041 . C:'llt~.l eql. of U.OO'OO"; ell... .....t....lIGUhe.uerl' :ad lIG-rI:t1"scoI'17 dOD, che lire of ..iAI nan-. ., . .l.,ea.e~ ~f lI'~$O ~..~ to .. ... o~ ..i. cun'O ... polltC Of ~ . .. . '. . CImIIt\aq ""ll1IItlll . cu,," coaca.. co die lOIaCIIc..t h.vLal . nella of 420.00 rlee .ocI I elnc~.l 0D110 of "-)0.00' thonee UOrthl"clrl, .1onS the .re of ..1d curv. I Il.LIa~. of )18.'7 C~.t 'to tho ,.. of _.Id curve: r.wos~~. ~;~ . ---:> /'" - L-_ ,~ ~} 1S40 ~ n201 ..... ;.. "r ,.... ~ .' . Exhibit '~ r... z. Ch.llO. Norc' 69.01'21" lau . 4tstlnct of 1S.79 teec co'~. ,..l...tea . . . . . .t I&uiv. COllc.ve to the south l.ylll, . ~.,tua ., 190.00 f.at ... . . . '.. ,. . . . clnu..I' ana Ie of 47.0.10'00", cb.~ce Aoni.uuetrl" .luu17 ..... .ocacb- , . . . . . ...t4~ly 110111 th~ .rc of I.id curvI a di,clnc. of 157.'2 f..t Co the , . lid of ..1. C'larva, thence SGUell U.28'39" lilt.. dheanca of 391.62 .. . fHt to thIi Malnrt!". .f . ~J"'" cOnclve Co the .. theaae una. . , . rl.i\l~ of 30.00 tcet aM . o~litrll an,Le of 2'-37'40". ch..cl ....eb. . '. . -. ..at.rly'.~ ..sterly'.ioni th. Ire of a.lI '~rvl a 4'at.llca of 14." ftn--eo .1111 e~1I ot add curve an' pol~t .Il thl Vel tedy ......u7 U.. ., leetioa 5, r.l. '11~h Lei'lIr.vllla a. .... ia. rleotded lD 'lat lOok .8, ,qe. '.7. "'bUe i~eQnl', .'al. '..ell ~t1. rlod'" ..U pot.tr . ~lll' '.8vdbe4 .. 'olnl 'iIA" oc til. ..tel ve.t4d)' 'OWIlII~ Una 0' Seotloo , " . , . . ,; thence 10llCII 4.SS';Z" Unt doni th. ,aid vllt...1y 1Iou"'uy llhe of '.. ..; . . .iniOn, S, . dll.tal\4Ol1 0'10.17 'He ~o . ~~t Oft . curve COGCa"e to. to\: . .... . .... ,_.J.;... ", .', _.' . " _'. .... ,. _DUb ..at Iaa"~, . ....til. of 110.00 ,..~ lad . cedenl "sle .r 23-'0'2'". " c..t. ,;Dut '.v1al . 100.1 tlOlhC bnrinl ROI'th 7S-~'oa" Van)1 eIIeaca ..plrtlal fro. Illd ~e.terI1 bound,~y'ltn. of lectlo. S. rUa V..t.rl, aa4 aorthve.c,..17 .Ionl Ch. 'TC ., ..1d curve. di.t.nce of 4S.13 te.e CO cll. . .Dd of I.i. cvrv.~ tbene. Mortb'63'2"J'~ Welt. dt.c.ae. Of '91.62 f.lr , Co U. ".lantq of . C\Irv. coac.", CO tIl. .o.th UV1111 . IMh., of 110,00 f,.t ..... cntr.l ..,I. ot 41"O'I)()". c.;.ace I\QrClivotn.d". VUUE'l, __ 'OUchva.cerl, aloA' the .~e of ..1. curv. I ~l.t.ac. 0' 91.19 f..c to cb. - ell' 01 .dd C\lne~ thne. $oll~h "'01'21" ",'C . dinac. of IS." feet co UII "Iwlnl of a CIU'V' COfte.... co dlo lOUthe.at havbl a ..alliin of :JfoO.OO . I..t.... . ce.cr.l anile of 43-30'OO~~ tb'l\CI aoychVI.cfrly alOft. tb. aro of ..tAl CU'V. . dlstanct o~ 231. U f.ac to th. .. 0' ..Ld eU"C a~ petal of CClaIpG\IM cwvaCllrt "It'llita, I curte conelv,. to the 'J"~II...t be"1I&. . r_tu .r 110.00 I..t ... a c_ud _11. 01 U.oo'oo., C-. ...rbwunl, -' ~ ' . aM ....tt.-.OIIc.....c.d' al.. dto ... of ..tAl CVrt~ . dut_at ., 171.74 f..t t. ciw ... of .... _; dMi... Ioutll 13-31'21" ".11: _ a..~ of ".00 leet: '0 th. blCl_tn, ., . amr. coacne to tile llOI'U--t .....lIlC . r..1... .f 17S.00 r"l: ... . c.rr.r "l1..f 4).00.00"'. ell_c:. .oudt- '-~ CAIDOS ADVLT'l'~, TRe. - ~ -~ C~~1ll40 Psi .~ . ~ ~~~~D /0" \t/ 9,96 15:04 No.014 .,. .. Exhibit '1.': .... 3. .o~thwe'terly an4 aGuthw..terl, ISon, the arc of ,ai4 curve a 41.t.~c' . .. . . ot 1'1.45 f.lt t~ thl ehd of ..id Ivrv.i thence I~th J'-31'21" u.., a . . . 'InaMe of 190.1I9 t..1: tit &h. "'Iindal of a Clurve COl\c."" to the north- veit h.vinl a udLu. ot"UZ.OO I..t ,nd a ceMnl 111I1, of 30-)0'10". th'Q~a lovthv..terl1 In. v..tlrl, Ilon, the arc of ..t' CYrvl . .l.'aftcI ,f 134,16 f..e to th... ., ..l. &lunl; ~ctI _th O.JI'ap" Vt" . .b- uncI ot 10.00 ,.n to tb, tviDt .f "I&.nntn.. cMtet"ln. ',076' ..ra. of 1.._ ..r. or i... ..4 "1"& e.bJ~Clt to an, .nd ,11 ,rlof .......t. .~/.r .llbe'-o'-va~ of r.co~. an4 ~~ thl Morehw,et cOrntt 01 "~lon at, Tuva,hi, 4' $outh, I.n,. j _3 I..,. ell)' 0' lo)>atGn Ieee". rlort4.. n. Non. 17-4""" ~,t '\0111 tll. . . . RDf~h Un. of .1Il. ...tt_ at Uor .onvu1",cI the ceDtlrU.. at lteta ao" . '.106 'cco~L.s to the t1ac Cher.of reco,4,d 1n .oad rllc look Z, ..... 117 'l\rou." laD, rultlb Ilcone, ,.101 a...h (CMlC1. rlorid.. bun fotnh 'I7-S4.~n aut eM aU btu'~ If.clced tI.eea. ne nlatlv. ~her.t.) . . . .elLltt.c' 0' 60.01 '..cee ~ Poiat 9f ...tnni~. 01 the ~f.t~ 4"cl'iba4 'or.,l '. , , of ~d; tll.DC. ..Uh 1'.43 t 48" hit doni Che lCorttl lobi of .ai. Slce t.- z. ~ . '" . 'hUl... .f 271.~ ta.e to the ROfth..nul, comiC' or the hn." 4"n!b... ~ ,ueal .t LaM. chnc. '-tll 2.0S')4" IaU . 4btallc, of U.u f~.c to tilt I~ch...t.rlr corner 0' thl,h.r.1D d..crl'" Parcll of Ltad. the.cI Sou~ . , 1'-43t.." w..t . ~1'C"c' of 2'1.&S f.'t to the $outbwalterl, .or~.' 0' ttlt ti.tllD '..cribed 'enel of ~nd; thaac. lord, O-5I';t," v..t . dttt..u .1 41.1' I..e CD che ~lntGf "~I~A, coacat.lns 0.26 ~c~e. of Land ..r. Or t.... ... bel"s .vbJ.ct co any and all &I....nt. .nd/o, It,ht,.o'.1I.) 01 nc~. "",dtlt with. ,.,peclUIl .....eat ta fa~l'. of the ~..t.. "...iD ) f., 1.,n.. 1M "1"" .. _11 .. vac... COnuol. lIulUS' .... lnlpeloa purpol" "'u aM ocro.. tll. IIftth 11.'2 'M' .1 the foUlIIIIuI ..'e,lMol . ,.r"l: . nClIf the Net'dNen ..mer 01 sacci.. 2f, rw..tlip 4S SOu tit , ..... 43 b". Pile I.ectl ClNeI)', 'IRUa, "'. "rch &7"'IoJI48" Za.c aL-s eN 1rotth UN of .ud S...l_ 29 (lor "''Hn1ettc., the c."fertt..-. of It." ....4 CAIDOI MlVLT C'QMJlIUto ue: .... -. ._.~ ~~ ~i1&to "" r.2G ? . ) ) I :. . ; ';.I",:,~~", e.:'.,,F ~~~~ . ..';,'.~ ...~I'. '., ~,.: j"., , . :.~ . . ~. . , ,'j , ,. ", , , ,j,'.'.'. " '~,t-: ... , ~ . ... ~. . . .,' .. . ~ .' . ~ . . ',', "'. . . ," .'.. .'.... ~ ; \. ~""" ., o. . ..... ~..,.,.) "~' .-~;'. .li. . ~ J .r>~' \:\;. .';. . ~{' ,(.:.~~ ':'~"'~.j:": . . '.\ ~. I;. :'C'I'.,. . .,!. ..1;......, .,t>:,. ...!..:;t!. ~.~..'1:. ';'A. .' :.... ;. ~ ; tldt"A- :','r .,..--{.;. '.:,~~,.(, _..~(.....'a:."\1ii .-1'- ,", .....4.. :'~ ~...... f ;' ~- . .~...11';:':~ _. '.~.' '~', .......1;.' 'lI"", ' .~. 5f~': r. ,;' ~:.~ . ~. ...... ..:"'~:~ .~...;.,.,,:.:. .~.~.'-=1-"'~~,I''''''~'':' ..; '.~'.:~' , '. .:f:., ,....., )" . .~......".,. .. "" ~~..". .'.~ ..~ .~. . . :'W:;~"~'.~ ~ {.."tb'."hC "'~i'~ I~ .1..C1JOOt Zo '41.... .: .:_if~;" ~O'~~~I:C.~~. ~'~~'...c;..t7: '~~~u.. ...n \to>!' ,.; . . . " ';'. " . ~.. ~~. "7'"54'06" Ln ... ,.11 .e.cllip ,~1C" ber-'" .. l'el..cLv. the"eto) ".:~'..; ~ t' ~ . :;~:" ,:~.). .~ '. . ~;; : :.;~:.:'. . ~ ~_ . ~~:" -; ..: .lacac. of IO.O~. co.. ,oLOt; eM''';.' ~.utia r,. 'l'~;.lIn , .heGDU of ' .~~:, ... . , "'!.,-."...-:. '..~\.. _,,~c ~"'~~:'I"'.'''t.,. ," ~.' . #I '~-.J.t...t to ~:~~~~d,; .~.~ .~tat of ~'.~IU.f c:h~ hen~" ~. ~.~ ~.~f':~(.~~'~~~~~~.' ~~.~' .~~ ~~.&V ...' i. daD ~tMde_l;' __1'&' tIt_.loada'I~'54. Ieee . .UUQee .f .'. .;:;"-. ".' t - ,--.;. ~~' . ~ ':"t. .'5.14 '_e Co &M ....ca.'...A8'1' __; ....._ lou~'.7""06" WeU . .U... ~ ~~~;I, r I 't~;: " '::.. .,"' . ::! ~. r ,I'. ~'. .~.. ~ '(;':, "'ce .t ass." t.. ....~ "I~ 'oC . an. COM'" to die Nortll.uC f: "./..... '. ". ' 'I .' .:,.... .,,', ,~ . ':, "'\ ". ~&at:.i ~"lu :~ ~.~:.~..c -. .:~~,~1!m;1. o~ .~ro~.~";; tt.~e. . ~c.rl,. .lrClwu..CMt ,..... ,.rtlledJ,._ .1-. d1.. arc of fI,t. ..,. . 4U.I. ::-~. I' . :.f.,', t 'I 'l..~ 4 ..' .,~. ~I ':"I-"~' )'if'. ,. .... ~ 8." f..t CO'....... of ..u ........ . ,.liIi... .,.U.. ,.ulloa .'.t' . ~~"..'. ". ~:.~ '\.. .~.' . t. ... 10.00 'Me ".ca.d7 I~."'_ ~u~. .at lr~'c ....1. tit. tit. C:ut~r- . .. . ,. . " t ~ , 11... of ODIlIn.. Aft_; ..... .1.. ..... ""!l1bl U. lIDI"th O.SS':'" .. foo... . .~ . . '.. ." VU' . '&.e_. of I...". fMe c. iii. "lIlT c:w 'ImDllUllf... ;" .. ... ." '. ..... .~ . l~'.,. . .' \", J -. , ~U8co"" 927 ........... --- -. .... ..... .... .... .. .... .. ... ... - No.014 P.06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 'f"""'" '------- JD)~ @, [L1LJJ ~ ill !, "'j 1 i II !LML1R 2 I IOtlI> d ...d.i '. ., ~ / -- J i PLANNING ,~ND I . ._--1Q~l!:i9_P1PT. ~ (fii)) ~ Alexander K. Mitchell agent for Villager Plaza, located at 1403 W. Boynton Beach Boulevard has requested that Bays 4 and 5 of the Plaza be considered for conditional use approval to locate a bar (the Villager Pub) within 600 feet of residential zoned property: COUS #96-001 Owner: Luisa R. Bosso, Trustee Agent: Alexander K. Mitchell Proposed Use: A 1,750 square foot bar Location: 1403 W. Boynton Beach Boulevard - Bays 4 and 5 Legal Description: A parcel of land in Section 29, Township. 45 S., Range. 43 E., City of Boynton Beach, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: From the Northwest corner of Section 29, Township 45 South, Range. 43 E., Palm Beach County, Florida, run N 87043'48" E. along the North line of said Section 29 (for convenience the centerline of State Road S-804 according to the plat thereof, recorded in Road Plat Book 2, pages 217 through 220, Public Records Palm Beach County, Florida bears N 87054'06" E and all bearings recited herein are relative thereto) a distance of 60.01 feet to a point on a line parallel to and 60.0 feet Easterly and measured at right angles to the Centerline of Congress Avenue; thence along said parallel line S 0058'29" E a distance of 41.19 feet; thence N 87043' 48 II E a distance of 277.85 feet; thence S 2005'54" E a distance of 18.82 feet to the Northwesterly corner and Point of Beginning of the described parcel of land; thence N 87043'48" E a distance of 447.33 feet to the Northeasterly corner; thence S 2005'54" E a distance of 158.35 feet to the Southeasterly corner being a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road S- 804; thence S 87054'06" Wand along the Northerly right-of-way line of State Road S- 804; thence S 87054'06" Wand along the Northerly R/W line of State Road S-804, a distance of 447.33 feet, more or less, to the Southwesterly corner; thence N 2005'54" W a distance of 157.02 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 1.62 acres of land, more or less and being subject to any and all easements and/or right-of-way of record. A HBARI:NG BEFORE THB PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD WILL BE HELD AT CITY HALL COMMI:SSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD, BOYNTON BEACH ON April 9, 1996, AT 7:00 P. M. ALSO A PUBLIC HEARING IS SCHEDULED BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION AT CITY HALL COMMI:SSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD, BOYNTON BEACH ON APRIL 16, 1996, AT 7:00 P. M., OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS, ON THE ABOVE REQUEST. Page 2 Notice of Public Hearing The villager Pub co US 96-001 All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard or file any written comments prior to the hearing date. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board and City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CMC/AAE CITY CLERK (407) 375-6062 PUBLISH: THE POST MARCH 28, 1996 a: LglCou.Vil c: City Manager, City Attorney, City Commission, Planning, Files Rev BY: 4- 9-96 6:44AM ;JOSIAS & GOREN, P. A.~ Boynton Bch fax;# 2 CITY .or BOYNTON BEACH MEMO~IXnj DATE: Tambri Heyden, Planninq & Zoning Director James A. Cherof, City Attorney~ villager Shopping Center April 9, 1996 TO: FROM: RE: Mra. BO~51o contact.ed :me this morning regardinq the SlupplQJflent.al informat.ion you have reCjfUliIli:tad on o'WnQrship of the property_ Sha claims ~hat &he i$ ~he sQle titled owner of the properly in question (which is the suhj eot of the Speoial Exoeption Applioation) and that the interest of others is beneficial and not legal. I understand her statement to mean that she is the sole 'trustee of a trust owninq the property and that 'the other individuale are beneficiAries of the trust. I requested that she put her statements in affidavit form and provide them to you for your review. Let me knew if you receive anything. JAC/ltuh 900182 MEMO VILLAGER.SHP 04/09/1SS5 10:07 4078535455 BOSSO BOSSO &PARDO PAGE 02 OS84 80550 t PA~I~O P.Il.. rQWNEI"s .f LAW <28 Il~O"PW"''f i" aE:"'~~'"4, PI.,ORIOA j~'IOd I S~ATE OF FLORIDA C~UNTY OF PALM BEACH JI PERSONALLY app@aredbQforeme,LUISAR.BOSSO,whO, h ing duly sworn. on oath, deposes and ~~Y8 as follows: I ! That affiant has legal and sole title to that certain p~cperty, located at 1403 West Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton E.~aCh, Florida, more particularly described in that certain I dejea from JAC-SON, INC., to: WILLIAM J. BOSSO and LUISA R. BOSS , h1~ wire, dated February 25, 1975 and filed for record in Of~1Cial Record Book 2394, page 1726, Palm eeach County, I 'd Plpn, a. I I I i O::-lober 20th, 1986. and at that timQ, affiant became eole and I I leta1 owner of said property_ I I , 'A F F I D A V I T That affiant's husband. WILLIAM J. BOSSO, SR., died on DATED ~~ day of April, 1996. this i i I i I <~~ j ~l~~R~s'so ..c s\tl1RN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, bylLUISA R. B"~, personally known to I~me, thi.~ _ day of April, 1996. I P- ---C2c I otary public M}' ICOmmi$i'5iCn explres: I o.....~Trv P,,~ ~1C1Al.. MoT.."y IE.\L ~ W ~ .wo.a.o IIAItOo ~ >> COIIIM"'ICN ......" " ~~ C04203l, Of; F\"O"P MYJ 00"'_ ID. . 64/69rl'~6 ea:3S 4E'17853645l;r BOS50 BOSSO &PARDO PAGE 62 I I I I or PLORIDA ! I00NTY C~ PALK BEAca I I i PBRSONALLY .pp.a~Qd before ~, LUISA K. BOSSOJ WhD. I ~ei~9 a~ly mw~n. on oath, aepo&.. and ..Y. as follo~8: I ! Tbat affiant has leqal a~4 sole title to that cextaln ! ~roperty, located <<t 1403 west :Boynton B8ach Blvd., Boynton I, ~eaCh, Florida, more particularly 4eecribed In that ce~t~in I 1een frOm JAC-SOR, IRC., ~O. WILLIAM J. BOSSO and LUISA R. sose,. ~i. wife, aatad February 25, 1975 and f11eO tor r.cord in ~ffiCial Record Book 2394, paq_ 1726, palm beach county, florida. 1 That att1ant'. husband, WI~IAM J. 80550, SR.. 4ied on ctober lOCh, l'e~, and at that t1me, affiant became SOle and ! ~egal owner ot s.id property. I i I I I ~Aft AFPIOAVl:i DA'l'BD tll1. day of Apr11, 1996. I I I ! LuIs. R. B0880 .WOlM ~o ARD SUBSCRIBZD beto~e ~. ~y LUISA R. aoleo, personall)' JmQWn r~ me, ~hi. ____ ~ay o~ April, 1996. , Notary c IO'~. .-05$0 .. ~"ImO, P.I., ...nOItNf;YI AT LAW Il4I& t"OAltwAY "IYII~A .IAC.. ''"011 iliA y e~i..~on .~pir.., 3_ € #:X8~ ~~9 UO~U^09 ... '''I'd IN3l:JOg 'i SVISOr: WVLg:6 98-6 -t : :1-9 MH :A9 M~ ----i-:-.---- 1~~3r 'AOf1726 , #: xe~ ~~9 uo~u^og 4- '''I'd 'N3HOg 'l1 S'VISOr: I -I I I A,.A I~ ,~ poA~ of tM ftnt part ct.0il8 Mr,lIg fu,UII IDfJmfill.t tM liCU fO HUt IGIld, (l,M wi.Zl ~f,,,,d t1\4l '/JoDWI a.lcUnlt eM ~lIuful ct.mlrru u! ~t p.rlO"'/J whumlotlwr. .3Jn _Ihus, lII~trfnf. ~ ,~d ~ of thA .ftr,t ~ hiu 1wlrfJUt,kl,d Ai" ~Ili AolIci If Oa. ~ ad JI'a." fl,rft 4bDvl ~JI,. lit(B"'~ _I.'.fl/mrll tn Cl'ut ........CI'J r . ~ ~ "R t.~...r.r~. .f! f 1 , af 11M CorMt-.~uf PalR BeAch p.. 1M 8tz.Jtif of rlori~ par41 oftA. ,t;"arl,MII WlLJ..tAM J. ECSIiO and WISA R. .,sSCt ltl.. .!oft, whole pOst of ice addte$. is: 24ae ~o&dwa" R~~l.~. ae.db, plorl~ 99404 I of tM Clt;J' of PIIo1.1Il __~ i~ 1M ~ ~I 1I'1odda, pa....v of u... 'COM ",It"', .'tnrB rtIJ. t.IuW UIitJ -U '-"'" of.M jUlt Jltm.lor a.n.ct'll oo~U9A tr/ UuJ $U,om of r--------------'nlN and N:J/1OO."'1I..................-....-.. DoU4rl, tQ him trL ll~t'l.U paid bfl tM .aid ~t'l of Ch, .ecand perl, Uui -raoeipft UJfI"IJrfIOI U hNel'1y o.ck-MwlfrljuJ). hiu IrMtffd" W/~ CMc:t ~ol(f. fo tAl "",U party "I th.. ,-.tl-.J. part fOffiJ~r, t1&1J rdltowi1f.1 tUltCrltxltJ. t41'1(t, ,~, 1rP""1 aNA Ht".f t" tM Corudfl a/ PI!ol.ta BGotc:h ' Sw. at F/.ori.d,~. u wit: A paxeel of 18l1d 1n ~ct1acl. a9, '-G_."'!,P 45 IolAth, ltarl9- 4' RBst. CH~ at 8o:t)'n1;~n '''~.C'h. "1<>..1.~, \lo.'i.~9 _%. p&yt.{cula7:1" de$or:l.bad -. t\:lllows I h~~ "he :'II",~t.h_~t~OrnU' (I~ Section 29, Town.hip 45 SQutb. Jtarl9.403 BllIt, p&l11 B_~n:Coun1:)', Florida, t"IiQ Ho~tlt 81 431 4111 kat a100\:l tbe Nm:tb line of sdd S.t:t 10P 29 (tor ecmVtiilnience thl' cm~IIJ:lS.D. o:f G't-..i:. RMd C-804 ..ccoxd.i~ to t,l1e Pla1: 't~m;~ ~eco:rded in It_d PUt. agok 3. 1'61:1.. 211 t.1u;OXIgh aa~, PubU'" a.ClOTot-. Pal. Btlecb CO\IJi'Y, ll"lor1da, b_r. N02:th 81 54' 06" BMlst &nl1&11 bear1np ucHvd har.i.n UIIl relative 'thereto) a 415. "na~ .O~.~.Ol teet 'to a point on ~ 11rle par.1.~el 1:0 "'rid 60.00 :t_'tI _111;.,:1: ~'o.'Vh,n ~g&.ured at riobt angles tC tow ~t~li~. ot Con;r... A~enu.: th.".ClU' 'alClhg sUCI panlld line &outh Q ..I 2"" ".L .. distanCe at 41.19 ;;C'..... j." .~".nll* 1>!OE1:b 9!7 .3' 4e" Bana ciis'tanQa ot '''''.85 fMt; th..,..,. solnli 2 0$' }411 Jlall\ a cl.itltanc::.. of 1M2 teet to tb. no~th"elt.dy ClOfn~ .1'1It Poin\!o~ ~s.nn1n9 ~ t.he herein d"terlbell pa:rClil or 1.nd; 1:b_ce Hoz-1b 87 43' 45"; Ba_t a d11>tan<;. of 447,33 tH't to "he rw~th_.t..11f I!Orn8r1 t~'Clil =>O\i~n ~ 0':" ,..... B..1 e, di~tan.,.. Q:f 158.:35 f.lIl~ tou the .o~th...t;,,"lY ..o~nc1,; a)l!k bllLR, . pob.'t in thu )'ll)rtl'.cly It/W line of said sa 1-801&1 tlwncaSou,'tb 87 54' 00" West and doD'll thlil I)O%thel'ly i./W Hne ot Sit 5-80., il d:l.stanc;;e: of 44.7.33 t.et J Ilor. or 1."66, 'tor;!. 'th. ~1Jt.h_n,",l" aorl1~; tnence Nor;th 2. 0.5' 54" We,t . a1e~llIee tJ~ 1''',0.2 ;f0e1: ~o tho Pohlt rJf Bepinn~n~,; coa~1p~rt9 l,6a a~r.e of land. I SUlUJJ.Ct ~ relitrictiolll$, reseJ'vaU.on. and 8&1_nt. of recotrJ. ....... ~f,: ~' t (' ~; ': 1; I ~ ! '\ \ .A.. 11. 111 75, I AI a(h~ tm~ 11J/~"" _ .... fl~~' ...1>&:1&&0 · 1I1~ JAC-SON. INC. j . Fl~d.da corpor.tion, ~ "..; ; i ....... ... -..,. W'....~ DIIDo4u_ ~"J Ivtll.Mll ...,.....~ .. ). 'M, ...... r......1.IO' nits. N111.. ""d..... \O'e 1.6562 '- .. - ---~-.,.,."._...........,...~== ."'. ~-,"~...:"'=-"''''''- ...""''''.... .' f.T~ ~~:=I,...~ ........~=t~=.:;..--uc....=:;= -- '. ,~o: ~O:I ~I 00.' ~ ~ ~ I! -I L . I J - '. - - ',': fi " 'J i:. .... ., . BJSSD BDS9"J &F'AAJ)(j 4078&361356 e~/gg/19~~ 0Q~~ ---- PAGE ~3 :^9 M~ 98-8 -v ~'V 'd 'N3~Og ~ SVISOr~ ~VB~:8 ~ #~Xi~ ~o9 uo~u^og , ," ....-.,...-- ~.""'" .... ,.... .. ....... ..... ... .....- .......... i I I I 02394 !1I41727 I , . r N \1i i}: IiDUFII ;l!!~"'. -', .I ,. ~y ~ ~ "I.!E .~;m . ~ I'Sl.t P ".\,..',.... -:-"" --., 7',' : ... ,r ~:: rJ . ~~ Il:l p~JJT. of ,REIl:" ~f! ~ i = . f"... := I!I. =: '1111' .". .... ~1iJ,~4,.;;........ ., It. )'.1 ''''~ ....~'~,......I'~#......J'.. ~. ~,."',,,.I..II.,.',. '" . .,....;,,~~...,...',:.r..\,'l.,.... t.... ~-- ~:~. ... .. N &11 e Q iJ I s , ~ ',' "" ~ ~ ...rw'lIirnlf l.mfC~ CI~ oht~lJll~ 4e l'llvi@4l ...<lh.. ~...",tll"r "1m Beach. . .ma SUI" o/l'lOrida. tin. bM."P ~tto'JAJlL d/1Jf of hbrr-r)' I .!l. D. 19?,. ' I I AlII CQmmu'~f)R Z~ ... "'lIIIt. ..... of....w. . \I... ~;h.. Ijl~ - .._ ,."., .. tm ;'l~\l (J!' ...... '1fII. r--Ib c:.. ,.,." ~ ~1J..ll, I ....~'. ..t (,f'" .....,~_ '_. . .~ . oil.... f 'v J". .'4"\ "f" ;". (). ':~~:'j ~ 4.z~a.:r,~!. '.:\,k&'.'~~ J .~,., I'." .l~f ,..::,u.,.." U 'i' .', .~!'.': . .,.' ; ",' . l.;"~"'" r.:'\~." t. , _.,. .' , t . o:.,-,.L' I "l.. '4 .... . " . - ',- "iI!\lY .".~n.~~~\, 1....'J ~...~~I'l. .. I,".;" ,. J' ... ~";".:'t. \':::".' ............ J "",--........... ~~~~1'~_ FLO~)A lI'"ri: ['015"5] CI Ill, .'n'IUI _,. 'lsot., IL~ t... t" :" -:,',:,; u.. 'I rQ- "'" !I: ~ ...,. ~ iw.~,~iftttbll .} ., " '~i..o!_......~~1!f INch. ., ,. '-,' .... ...~."jif.~ aftnf&. 1'~4t on. tJt.ii dall ".",o1!<Gl'l/ appeanrf b"~1.. 'MS, ." o/lf.u,. dtUJ/ 4wtAo,bed to adminart.r (Jo&lJ.i nnd 'Gll. oc:lcnowlodtmen.'., .^!t'tHUIt M. KR'AI<<R ang J~SL\'l'I B. JdU,NIIh. p.r..id.nt .nd secrnary. respcc't1""iy Dt .JAC-SON, INC. j Il nor1da eorpol'.t1~n.. . . ...... to "" weU lll!Wpt. liBel kn.qllllt ~ ,n. /.., b. tha lndlllidlw addorlbad ~n. lJ"4a who ".Owt...J ..... ".Iolnl d..d. lIJ1d tbev ack,..owlscllcd b6foH 1tW tlk1t tlww _M.fCt.U ~ t!lac '{In,,lr.''Ii emll VQJulltClrUV fn,. eM p~rp(lu' r.h~re'.. IIJWP"""lIl11d. ~<< 04 BJS50 BOSSlJ &PARDO B4/a9/1996 eS:3S 4679G3G45& r- ("r) co r;n ~ ~ c.n I'- . ~" o c~ .,- .....;. (':~ ~""'>J . ~- . i ':'! I i 1_ I f'r) r I- , . ,,";') < IVO. il II !i II II ~\oy II l\O ~~wlll ~~tc~~1 i~ ;~ ~~ -t S. ~,~ ~.~ :" ...1 :,~ '.... t~ . W!::i"'ij ~ Riij II Ii TEL No.407-495-9694 Rpr 10,96 7:45 No.OOl P.02 83182 P0853 QUlf.C:IAIIII DUD RA.MeO FORM B This tult"Oalm letd, Ex(!culerllllls q~ day of November EMIL MASSARO .1\. D. t~:7~ :bv first pari)'. fo LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT, a corporation existing under the laws of bhe S~abe of Florida Utho$llpostC/ficllfJclJr,ul i. Route il, Box 711, Delray Be.aoh, FL 33445 II"€'O.~J p..,.I)I' (Wbe'het u.ed IwrelR Ih. l"rIlh "Unl Jlarly" .n~ ....~""~ parly" ,11.11 IAl"llldc tlnRII11I' 100 plural, heir.. !fllal r.pr.se!,lal<ve., I,ld a"~II~ uf ilKl,viduol., and lb. ,UCellN"" a.d a'''Snl ..f <oq>Ofll;nm, Whf"~r the Conle,,! 110 adm~tl or rcqlHnL) tifitAtSselh, 7'IIllt IIlf~ ,nicl first pRrly. for arid In cOlllsldClHl-lion CJf fllo mm (II $ 10.00-------, in ~rvld paid by illS sajd sac:l1na party. "IB raGelpl whc!reof tl 11l!r(111)' admowledgea, dOC5 IlCrcb)' remlsc, rc- lIlCIS(l arlel qldl-dalm unto the satd .oconcl pari)' forover. all 1/10 tlg/lt. ull/], Intcrc.l. claIm and demand whtd~ rill: .ald (lrsl pari)' haJl In and .0 "Ie following defCr/llcd lot. plece (It rMrccC of 14nd, silutile, lying and betng in tho County o{ Palm Beach Stahl of Florida . IO-IVIt: That part of Government Lots 1 and 2, being the East 447 feet of the West 184 feet of the North 59 feet of the Northwest Quarte~ (NW 1/4) of Section 29, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach,county, Florida. This deed is given for the purpose of resolving any right-of-way question reqardinq Lake Worth Drainage District Canal Lateral No. 24 as the same pertains to the subject property and is given subject to all outstandinq tax sale certificates. ,. :~ ,- STATE~-F'LO~lDAff ~E --:- DO_l;UMEN.!~JlY. ,,"'~.~~~TAMP 1A.;>;., ..~ ....~- ~j.~. or.N.'JENUE . >~.~ 'I ."'~ 'I'>;;:: ::;:: . l ~ - 0 0 JI 0 . ~." N :', p,. '" ,,,..,, ". ''fP ;. .-..1 L.. __ ::~-: i I .t,.a-""'o- . '''~I..:~. . _.................__ , i . r I 10 )tap, and t4l Bold .~.I..m. ....l~.' will. .tI ..J l....,w l~. .pp.rl....... .I..~.n" 1,<,Ionging 01' In (It\)'WWf! apF'I',-lainin{f, ami all thl) t>slatc!. r'f/ltt, lulf!. trmlrnt-hvrr;--rqutt;ruml-dlJ:lm-wh . ~o<,['or of t/u3 ~ald f(r~r pari>" cuher In law or equUy, /(J .he only proper use, bznCl1r lid behoof of rlls said st!c(lflCl parly forevt"1r. Ja 1tfitness 1tthtreDf, 'fl..... ~niJ lir~l ptldy has slgn"J Dnd sl'1'uletl ./~ 'pre4I1lrkr. ,1<e dOf QllJ ""(11" /Ir$' "luwlI wrlU.rl. {' StOlled s . d a'ld de d 'n proJence of: .d cf. ..e... . ..............El<iir:~ ~ ~/t::::.._ ~fi:;;t;~~:....................: / ._....I'.u;==~.~........J. COUNTY OF FALM BEACH } CLERK CIRCUli COUR. I HEREBY CERTIFY that 01\ this day, befor~ me, In ofiinr duly Buthorlud jn th~ Statt afortnid and in the COllnty aforesaid to take ackllowledgmenu, persDnlIlly IIppeared "} eo..,' 4q-,' S'5 EMIL MASSARO to 11l~ known to b(! the person deluibc..d in and who executed tlte foregoing inurllment and he iJcftlr~ lIIe 'hat he tlCecultu tbe same. WITNess my hAnd. ClIld oUid.1 ~~I'I in Ihe A4~.~(u'L A. D. 19 19. acknQwkdgcd This Jnstrument Was Prepared 8Y' JOHN H. ADAMS nlls Imlrlllflt'1i1 pf(poml h9' JJ NoWLIN &;" ADAMS. P,A. !loum} ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSf\.ORS AT lAW SO S.F.. ./Ilh AVi:NUi: Counly and Stat. la.t afDtd8id thi. q..l..... da.y of ~ Ck~-.Q . ,'-;,;F.~~l.;1?' "" . . NOT~rp-;ui~L'Ic'.JS'fate"-tS"f'h~l~(~'~':~~tj .....~~ , l.,.'.'~')' ": ";'" .J.~,.,:" ~ <. ~~.\;:. '.;~ My Commission Expires: t:\,:,~';.', :,::.',;' ,,:: ;"1'.:. ~./ ;;:. .. '~l': '.' r. .' . .,." \)~j;)';'" . '. '" fr, j . .,' f'/JI I. . ~ I, II' HOTARY PUIlUC. SIAIf O~ flORIDA ~T LAlrGf MV COMMISSIOl'l ~1I"IIlE8 AUG. 6, 19110 II()NPED TllRU GENERAL IN&. UflI)EflWftlTfftll ~' :c; ~ STATE10F Ft;0810.AYi:,:'. ': , , ~~,:......, DOCU.!"~ENTARY ~o'~fiI!~\{l AN~P T~I~.I..:':I:. l:' . ;1;: ~EPT. 0: Il~Vr~UE i~~J~';~l ,I,: Ill"., ,:. " -;::u ~ ~ I'fl =: H..B.2~'75 ~.~~..j)J 9 0 O. q[l.!I:~:!, ',: 6..! 1 == IOS<4 I ~. . '.~:~::~ ,. ,.d'l\" ", 1.::<lt.,f-.J -.- ---.~:_..~ ..L)"'_:,~:,,~,, , , ,Ii: :':,'1' ---" . .... .:. i I' 1 l '.,'. ....: !.~'i cv:( ;ST.ATE OF F-I_ORID~'I. ~.;: C>? 'DOCUMENTAR~,t~;:~~~:...STt\MP~TA~ I, I~~ = P.JPT. OF ,REVENUE ~_::~~1#.}ii'~.\ . ~ I;, ; !I,\ :? ('\ m - -, - - ~~, ~ 3 gO' 0 0'\ '1 " ~u =',::: fEaZ5'15 ~:\ rp);'~.: .1. I. , ~~ ':i Q.. C"--.4 =: Lit ~ .-:.1;.../i{'iJ ,'t', ,I J :'1"': ,;". "'I ~=~OS24;. . '~:,_~,'~'b ,-:.":,;.;.;':}j,.-':L'., , :.' 1.1 ,I. 'ell., ,I. ~-!, ,. ,I I ,.".,:.....!,..J~~....~"J.J~..i_. '.' .. ,.~/;-'.......;JJ /;/'/ F; / ~ '/- ...".-,,,^^^~~-'J'-"'./' , ! ; , ! I i' -'r I,: . I : I I , i' I Ii Ii ; I i i ! : I, . ~ I I, I, Ii I: I ' i ; I ' 1 I : , l' " ! .; . " , , i . .- .1 "'I' : ~ '. " h 1'1;.' . . . ,I I' ' ,"I' :1 . . :III ,I. . ',I,: ~ '~ ....1"\ ~I.i' . .1 ..; ", , .; I, , I ! . . I I ' , , , I . I I . , i I I i I ! . .. ..' .~ .. .~.'\~U nt:::a.L,.l l:1 ..... ll' '" , .. ~". '. ; ..-....i~~~fb~ (!J:fftlfn. 'That on this day personally appeared be/ore me, an otncer du.ly au.thorized to administer oaths and take acknowlcdgm,ents, .~THUR H. KR'AMER ana JACQUELYN E. KRAMER, President and Secretary, respectiveiy of JAC-SON, INC., a Florida corporation, . ,.' tome well known and lenown to me to be the individual s described in ""and who executed the foregoing deed, and they acknowledged before rne that they execlfted the sam e reely and voluntarily lor the fJurpo:;es therein expressed. XXX1(:}uIIX~m1Jb.l ..-1 .~Jx>i){jB!l:l~I{)ffvr;.rr.;{}/XHl~ M~COO(U~~ .x ~~ f;JJ{)(~'JImX~ ~~KXYix:KM.~'Jflbc<.~fA}{~~~ m:xttiYJXJIlXfXJllXb{xXMMicXl<!'iJ4x~~IDQ)(~@XX~. ~~~k1eYJ.C.MxcblMYMY['(lAr1, l11lIUntlHI my hand and official seal at Ri viera Beach County of Palm Beach . and State oj' Florida, Oils ,ait()lt(; day oj' February , A. D. 1975. -' (/ _l!N',a,,/ ..~~ ~.L-lLbliD ~ ~~~ em~~~ -(hf/I(rl; t My Commission Expires ,'. Notary l'u!>lic. Stale of Florida (II lC1rn~ .'.~:(" ~y Comnli..ion bplr., July n. 1,7a \I \ \ \ \BofJd~J ~y American flu!' 'Qwalty Co, '.\' A' ..,fJ('1 ,,\ '{:} lJ' /,.. "/; I .,,:. .c, .:.~'~..,~.. ../) .<:.r~::. ~- (CJ ,. ii, .", ,,/() '..',. . :... ~J.. ..' .., \ ~'....~ ... ..... .~: ( . ~~: ~O'T Af\>.f" -<~.: : :.,; '1~,(,..lt~-:>:'Cf\\:': : '. : I''':.' .~ ~ hi:: "'II~.';:~~~ ,?F< -; :. ::',:,: FL0nIDA'..;-A:w:!: :; . ~'::'j) I::"t.\i.~~~:"~jl :)(iJt. : '; <p -.. liS \0,:\:10 :-:?; 'IJ ../. .....u L-t ./..,I~..', '=-.. : ....I,:~J~~~.~~sf.t;.-~~~~i;r...:'J "'. .,7 ')... ........-~~!=-....."~!"t"'\....... _ '", / -~":~':'''~~..''~:f~-t-''0.'' - '. . . . ~ ';;!A,i;f~~:\::~. ,'.- ., ~, I' t'" \ p~ '.....'''f't'Io.......''''..... . I . .! 11:~::t/.. .,~ >~.~<T>~.:..~ ST A-r:E OF Ft_O-RID.A!:!.1 DOCUMENTAR~~~~.~ST AML TAX.. I!:! . ~PT .Il~ llE.VpWE r:1A.~}1~ I': . 111;:'1 ~ P.B = fEB2S'7S ~~~~$)' 9 0 n, Q.O J! . "-l =.~~5?4 _~___.":';~~:;:':-___~ I. ;<. ;,... tl:' en ~., ~ ;... (j ~ o "'tj t::l t:r:1 (J) (j ::0 ..... ~ ..... o ~ ~ o ':. : 1!1:'::j. (.-.J :1 I ('.,) , ., l.,t , -, ~ 11.:,- ::. \ ( . (,-..I '. l t. cr:" ~) /, ;:~:~:.\:~---~...r)OCUMENT^RY , (,>.1.t'L FLO~2A sy~,r~X . ol; ;'['EB2so751._ - a'6' 3:! db ~. I Ci _ j ..0. _ ' , : ":..'1 - i.l.l'.1I1 ____,. 111(,\;/ .,- - - j" . 'J . ,.~." ", ," ..,.,......... ,..'... ....' ,. j ',i, W:J f:a ...... ~ . .~ 'M ~ ! Je ~~ ~ ~ ct :c u ....., "",.. ro~. C> '~~ ....., -'u . -::. ....... ....... \lI t1 \1 '~QU Ii\ n~eor~ 6 !lCOG4"1:l ~'~r\IWl ~o\1l3 U,,;:r.ll !:l)uIl11. fl~ ~ Q. nu~\Q DOl'\{ Il\l.~.~ ~UJ m~~~2394 PAGE1727 ':':lIl~1r.:'.r.,~ c::> <:( I.n 0..1 ('.. 1.1) 1'- '" 3: j I- <l: >- W Z 0: >- 0 <l: I- 3: ~ 0 <l: 0 0 0: U) m U) ro 0 (\J 11 m '\f (\J -j :2: <{ J .J - ~ . ~O p. LJ C\ O. o ~O(). ... , ., ,'l~.rr~te. ....:~...d_J...J. l.~l'~""."__"~__, .1 ~ lf1(' .~~.~ ,'\:'" ......~., FORM 1103 flo,id. WARRANTY DEIlD-(Sututo')' Fo,m.) TUTOlANX RECI5T€'HO U. s. rAT. orner. TUllle l~w Print, Publisheu, Ruthnd, Vt. 1.6562 J1JlIi ~ ~ttbttututf~~~? '. <;.i:~:~!,:;.. . :...~.;\ "). ,..' . " .. ~',". \ " " . :: :.:~: ~. n."".(!rcvrr 'L.'rr4 h.r.rm~"., (II." '.(!rtn "pn.r'y" :~ltall LndrM.r, (lttt heir', p~r'oncd r~pre$c'f/.(ttir/(:If, ~".cr.o."n,.~ 0.",1,/ f?" n;'i.'iifn,'i of I.hr. rrs!,rcti"IJ fJnrt.irs hr.rdo; tM u." of eM tinluJ.o.r 'l11,ntber ,"'Inll iNd,f..f{(! the plurnl, "rid ,hr l,lunrl. arr. ...,:,,!!u[,nr, I.hfJ we of any t,nrJ.dr _h(J.ll ~ndu.rlr. o.ll_<r:'lr/.rr.r;; t1.1'td, illl~(r.d. ,II,. Inm "u"It!" ,..'wit illr:"uf" nlltJu, note' 1u!rein cW,crifu'd If more than mil'! ,Made U~is ,J/I.e../-. da.yof February, ~rttUffrt JAC-SON, INC., a Florida corporation, /1. D. it) 75, of the County of Palm Beach in the State of Florida party of the first part, and WILLIAM J. OOSSO and LUISA R. rosso, his wife, whose post office address is: 2428 Broadway, Riviera Beach, Florida 33404 of the County of Palm Beach Ln the State of Florida, party of the second part, ~]Iitl1l'lH'i1't11. that the said parf;!! of the first part, for and in consideration of the sunt of ---------------TEN and NO/IOO**********.IH*'****.********* Dollars, to hint in hand pa,id by the sa./:d P(u:t!/ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, ba,rga.ined and sold to the said party of the second part forever, the following described lruul, s/:tu,a,te, lying and being in the County of Palm Beach ' State of Florida, to wit: A parcel of land in Section 29, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, City of Boynton Beach, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: From the Northwest 'corner of Section 29, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, run North 87 43' 481' East along the North line of said Section 29 (for convenience the centerline of State Road S-804 according to the Plat thereof recorded in Road Plat Book 2, pages 217 through 220, Public Records, Palm Beach County, Florida, bears North 87 54!. '0611 East and all bearings reci ted herein are relative thereto) a dis- tanc~lo~:60.01 feet to a point on a line paraliel to and 60.00 feet easterl fr6m\~6~n m~a5ured at right angles to the centerline of Congress Avenue; th~nd~' 'chong said parallel line South 0 58 i 29" East a distance of 41.19 feet;/.1:hence North 87 43' 48" Easta distance of 277.85 feet; thence South 2 05' 54" East a distance of la82 feet to the northwesterly corner and , . - Poini{of Beginning of the herein described parcel of land; thence North 87 43' 4s i. East a distance of 447.33 feet to the northeasterly corner; thence South 2 05' 5411 East a distance of 158.35 feet to the southeasterly corner also being a point in the northerly R/W line of said SR 5-804; thence50uth 87 541 06" West and along the J:).ortherly R/W line of SR S-804, a distance of 447.33 feet, more or less, to. 'the southwesterly corner; thence North 2 05' 54" West a distance bf 157.02 feet to th'e Point of Beginning, containing 1.62 acres of land. SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations and easements of record. And the said party of the first pa,rt does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the sa,77~e aga,r:nst the lawfl~l clai7ns of all person,s whomsoever. 111t ~~titltrll.6 l!lI1111'rr.l1f. the sa,id pnrty of the-first part has hereUnto set his hand and seal the d.a:Jf and year first nbove written. ilg~';(.['b, ttllb."'i'''~'b [tt (Om' 'II"."'''' ~~i . 1; lfJL~nu__.m w:lft~ss v:J tJC~"~~7#/n_u_-~ ~AC-SON, IN~_.-.!__A F~c?~~?a _~o:r.. ~ . /i''''1ii\Uli, . By -...... -, ,\ ..~ ..'~~":.. ~ ,.,1......., I \. - reS1ae~~h.. y~ .",,' '~""l , 1/ tif ,. ,':-. " .-A~," /Kt{'e!s<JY~fte/~c.. y-rf;...3ti.. .tirtiJ..'"' '~t~~t.. j / 77-['1:5'-. ecrq't'" : 7_'0 L~;:~~~~l " ... _ :,7J'l.:" '1,',"1"",.1."., ".,:, ......('I.~; ....~.~;._.. : \ i I ~ . . I. . \ . i ~ . :c <'J ST A TE,OF FL)J 81 oliY t t.'." , , ~~,: C") DOCUMENTAR~~"~!1~~Sl A"..ilP TAX 1,,'\ ~'i, = DEPT. or- iIEV~/'IUE :~~ I:~~':~ ,1< J I'd,: . i~: ' ~ ~ c;-<>:= -. 1. : ,,-1: '~\19 0 Don I' :' ~u ~ ~ f'B :: F~Bi5'15 ~.,. tf~l] . I'U! ! :.i, ll.! I - I J. '....--~ ,.' ,j'l I' : .;., '<.)tf'J 20_~~~,_.;: '~-:;;. ...[I'.r,.;....;' , ~ " . I', j" i>:'i'.~".' ~ !.~i'l cY\ ',STA:TEOF F-I_ORID~} ~.;: c;-<> : DOCUMENTARY J:~i~,~]!;...STp..MP~TA)U, I~; = rYPT. OF IREVENUE~,::~~~?N!~.\ '1. ,;: 'a,1 ";>. C\ m.- -, - . ~d. i! 3 9 0 . 0 Q' , I " ~u =- == fEo2S'15 ~\ rp~i.V2 .' 1,1'. r:: .:,.~: :: ~~~6~~~4;.: ,...,?t:';:;~i,~...L~.~.::,)ULL: j, :.' ,!;I "I; ': ,I. ,-;- !' " .' I J'.".,~/'t.-'.J'~"~'~J';';>~J.'''' ., "/...../"J,...J./ I-"."r' ;.;" . 'I" ",.;~,^^^~""""""JJ'J./' i i , i' , : Ii i' I I, Ii , , , ' i i ! ! : I: I , , II j: i' , i , i, . : I I, I: I Ii I' . I I I I ' , ' I : , !" . I.: , ,i '-'I' l' , ,I' i- I'.' , - . I \,i .; , .Ii: :1" ,I' ',I, " '.; J ~ 'Ji" I "' : 'J; i ' , I . I I ' i I I , i I I' I ! . --~~.~"'P.'l"J-';:~"""'.." I~' .~~;~. ~.~. I .'. '''.i.j~t~b~ (!lrrttfU. That on this llay personally appeared be/or.; '.me, an offi.cer duly authorized to administer oaths and take ad:nowledf;'fnents, ,~THUR H. KR'AMER ana JACQUELYN ~. IffiAMER, President and Secretary, respectiveiy of JAC-SON, INC., a Flor:Lda corporation, ' ...' tome well known and known to me to be the individuals described in"'and who executed the foregoing deed, and they acknowledged before rne that they execyted the sam e reely and voluntarily lor the pnrposes t.herein expressed, XXX1(J.uifXx.tJbrJt:.}SI{IDl, ',~0iXffY!l.Jj6[{f!(YYWvi{}l,FH: .~ 1 ~~~ ~: . K ~~ . t{K)(~'JIlfI:X~ ~~u:>f1!!x:KM~YlJJxxlxxj{XWtW3.i~~~ Ylk.Y1IliJXvlXlXVDl..by<:.XMM'k.~~AARkt{~:R'RXx~M<. ~XM!J(/5(!.IJA:~joo~~lXtl. 1llIIUnr.lI.ll my hand and official seal at Riviera Beach Count"fJ of Palm Beach . and Stale oj" Florida, Oiis ,/iily'l1j :: :om~~~:i~:YEXPires ' >), D, 1975"iJ:JlLbli0"/ ~z MXIDC~' ~~~x;m - clfl(II(;-1 ) J Notary Public. Slate of Florlda of lurll~ .'.r~' ~y Comnllaion bplr.. Jllly If.!. 19711 ':' \ \ \ \ \~ood..ql py American file Jl, Ct;lwalty Co. ., 'A ., .,,OJ ",'. ...UK lJ,',I \.., .;')); \ .:/~~~?"'.j~t~. :,;;:,><~) :~t'/f .:- ~:' ~ 0 T A f{f'~' .>(:~,: ::, :..j -' "i-\.Ni.. !'t~7;~" 11\\:;, = '.: :i:I':~'. ~ ~ .....t:.. ,'i'i'-:~::~~;~ ,-:':.:)<: -;:", : :'~\' FL0nl DA'-:t.:,;;.~;'{: : . ~'<~'A .J~-.u:l.~:\w.ir' ;t:51l~' : ',; tP ...~ LI a 12:\;.0 ;O:}i: ~ .,.)..~ :i':..!,~q.. "" ~J ....J'~..~~:,'! I " .. '''i'/}o{'!{.~~lI''';':~:-;C: ' ,-,.-,1)... 't.'~'~:;;.u,{~~1I~~~:0.. . - .. /~,....'~~ _ "'1 of..-:'\,- . '. '.,~ ';;!A,'~'f(;~S~:..'.. . ( f, , , t II , , ~ \" ',.....'r'~^.."'-...... I . II' ~':I / . i >~'f<l'-"<":' ... '. ST A-r:E OF Fl_O"RIOAl:!.! DOCUMENTARk~~~;~STAM.LT AX.' I,:! . ~EPT Il~ IlE.Vrr~IUE r:1i.~,< 1(t,~. I,:' III,;.,,' == ro = fEB~5'75 ~~'%1$J.~ 9 0 n, O,O;! " "-I ~ :~~:5?4 _~_,_>;~~s:~___~ I'",,;, . ': l!t '~:jl .. '. (.'.:> :, f c.~) , '. I.,! ,~, ~ II, : ; C:j.) 'I.J t; C [J c> /. "~::":.'\:'~'~_-V~[)OCUMENTARY . (, ',2L,:{i, i Fl OR I 2/\ ~3 U, R, TAX . ","'" I _ r." ..." I' -. '<bl~';, "I'EB2S'7J. - 8 :0.1; d' 0 ~ LI ,~o. _ ., . .:. 'I = "L.l',lIr 1.____...1 111[,v ' " = ; J. '.~' ':", ," ,....,..... ,......"...... I' /',i, , .i UiJ ~ .... ~ * .~ .~ ~ ~ a Je \~ ~ ~ ~ > ~ en ~~ ~ ;p- C"') ~ o "Tj t.:l t~ (fJ C"') ::0 ~ ..... o '2, ..-3 o :c . u (V') "",.. ~';, C) ".:;1 ::.>. C\ <'0 -'0 . ;{ <'-J , 11 1& :_....:.. ~ II 1f s~o n~eoT~ a nCCl,;(Id ~,toT\i\ll t" F!w.. oltU u;,.:r.'o t:~Ufl ,. ~ ~ lol. Ilu~\~ ~ ~.Cil.l{ f,llud m~~b2394 PAGE1727 . .~~"'U~ :-.1":. ""'.....,.....--- .. [ .._--~_."~'~"'~,"",,~JI1' r~JlI!I""""""" - Lf~' " :",,1 .....,.~~-I" ,~'~~e'_.. ..... 1 c. 1~,,"JI1!I',~~,;'." .... ~, , ~".... ~-",n