CORRESPONDENCE PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-188 Agenda Memorandum for April 16, 1996, City Commission Meeting TO: Carrie Parker City Manager FROM: Tambri J. Heyden ~jt, Planning and Zoning Director DATE: April 12, 1996 SURJECT: The Villager Pub at the Villager Plaza - COUS 96-001 Conditional Use (pub within existing shopping center) Please place the above-referenced items on the April 16, 1996 City Commission agenda under Public Hearing. DESCRIPTION: Alexander K. Mitchell, agent for The Villager Pub, currently a tenant at the Villager Plaza, located at 1403 W. Boynton Beach Boulevard, zoned C-3, is requesting conditional use approval for a 1,750 square foot pub within the existing shopping center. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board, with a 7-0 vote, recommended approval of this request for conditional use approval, subject to the comments in the attached Exhibit C. For your information, there was much discussion at the Planning and Development Board meeting regarding the applicant's concern that the property owner will not be willing to put in the recommended dumpster enclosures, hedges, one-way pavement markings and signs and no parking signs. Also, please note that the property owner has been given until noon, April 16, 1996 to submit trustee or authorization documentation acceptable to the City Attorney. If acceptable information is not submitted by this time, this public hearing will need to be tabled at the City Commission meeting. TJH:dim Attachments xc: Central File II:CCAGDMEM. VIL ,- , ::'.{A/~ ' . \ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-193 TO: Carrie Parker City Manager ~ Tambri J. HeYden.~ Planning and Zoning Director FROM: DATE: April 10, 1996 SUBJECT: Copies of Development Plans of Current Projects Scheduled for Review by the City Commission at the April 16, 1996 City Commission Meeting Please find attached five (5) current development projects: sets of plans for the following Master Plan Modification - Woolbright Place MPMD - 96-002 Major Site Plan Modification - Nationsbank MSPM - 96-002 Conditional Use Approval - The Villager Pub COUS - 96-001 Note: Please return the plans/documents to the Planning and Zoning Department following the meeting. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. TJH:bme Attachments a:trans.APR/P&D Rev BY: 4- 8-96 : 10: 1 SAM : JOSIAS & ~OREN, P. A. .. Boynton Bch fax:' 1 DATE: JOSIAS, GOREN, CBEROF, DOODY & EZROL, 3099 East Commercial Boulevard Suite 200 Fort Lauderdale. Florida 33308 (954) 771-4500 Facsimile No. (9~4) 771-4923 April 8; 1996 r ,.'''"'' [2 [iLl f7 [1 ;1{1 i? rnl ; ~ ~ tr) l.l:~ I! \.:/ L? II. WI U r. C~~__L.~ .....;;'1. I: n .; l!;i ; LJ P PI ^,PI-< - 8 1996 ,d. 1-'" \'~I PLA~.NING fND J ' lON!NG Dr.PT. ._--~ RECIPIENTS FAX NO. 1-407-375-60g0 TO: Tambri Heyd~n, P~anninq & Zoning Director J. Pawelczyk. Assistant city Attorney -jlCjP FROM: Michael This tran5mission contains two (Z) page(s) including this cover. FILE NO: 900182' FILE REFERENCE: Boynton Beach General Matters COMMENTS. Mcmo~nft~u. ra~arding Vil1Aq~~ Puk JaL~~ 4jS/96. TM InfOf"lIIIItf_ c:ont.frlM In tltis fac:,imile mes.. and tile ptlsel follDlfif'llil lire lIttOl'nBY prtVflegecl and r.mfilYntta' tnfortMtim intendld only fO(l tho wo .1 th IMllivia..al a~ ...1..... ~ ..l......... H U... ,._J.... of thtt 1lle8hlJll is not the tntended recipient you ere hereby notified that any di5&tIIlnetfon, distributfon. or t:nrr1 tit. rnf. rtlllllllrlll"aUnn hI atrfr"l).l pl!O~fbft.c:L If ~.u II..... .....lvuI 'ilil 1.uM\UI\lol..ioLI.... ;.,." I YI. ...["....... iamedfat.ly I'IDtlfy 1M by t'ftllllf'll~ lInd ~tur" the- Gl'fglt\lll _1'~1t to IJII at tile aMV. ..,.... v,. tM u.s. Postal Service. Thank you. If any problems occur in receivinq this messaga, please call this office at (954) 771-4500. Thank you. %.e CitytJ; '.Boynton ~eacli April 8, 1996 Via Fax: (407) 844-3406 Robert Bosso 76 East Blue Heron Boulevard Riviera Beach, Florida 33404 Re: Villager Pub - #COUS 96-001 Incomplete Conditional Use Application Dear Mr. Bosso: I have received the attached response from our city attorney regarding your letter I received March 18, 1996. He has determined that the application is still incomplete based on lack of receipt of items 1 and 2 of my attached memorandum to him, dated March 21, 1996. He states in his April 8th response that because of the incompleteness of the application that it cannot go forward to tomorrow night' s, April 9, 1996 Planning and Development Board meeting. I spoke to him this afternoon and he will agree to the application staying on schedule (including tomorrow night's meeting), if we receive this missing information by noon, Tuesday, April 16th, since April 16th is the City Commission meeting. As I will be out of town April 15, 16 and 17th, please send a copy of the missing documents to him directly for review prior to the Commission meeting, with the originals sent to me for our file. It is important that you understand that forwarding the application to the Planning and Development Board tomorrow night with the understanding that the information will be submitted prior to the Commission meeting in no way waives the submittal requirement. Thank you for your prompt attention. Sincerely, ,;;-- - ",-- ~ ""! ' ." ..- /' J/f-;1Vt--t~ ~" ~i!-c--_ Tambri J. Hey~n !/ Planning and Zoning Director Attachments xc: Jim Cherof, City Attorney Mike Pawelczyk, Asst. City Attorney Central File TJH:bme c:BOSSC,c-ec- jfmerica's (jateway to tlie (julfstream fJ1ie City of 'Boynton 'Beach 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi '1Jou1e'lltlrti P.O. ~310 'Boynton 'Beadi. !FforiQa 33425-0310 City:Jfo{[: (407) 375-6000 'JJU: (407) J7~ 1996 Alexander K. Mitchell 1403 Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Re: The Villager Pub at the Villager Plaza, Bays 4 and 5 Property Location: 1403 W. Boynton Beach Boulevard File No. COUS 96-001 Dear Mr. Mitchell: The attached package will be presented to the Planning and Development Board on April 9, 1996 (see attached agenda) and then to the City Commission the following week (April 16, 1996). The applicant must understand that the permit plans shall be amended to comply with the final determination of the request and that additional comments may be generated by staff following their review for technical compliance of permit documents that are required to be submitted for development of the project. For the applicant's convenience, attached is a list of documents required for permit submittal. An approval of the site plan by the City Commission shall be valid for one (1) year, unless a building permit from the Building Department is secured. If the applicant fails to secure a building permit in that time, all previous approvals shall become null and void. ~: d;Y yours, iM.ichae 1 E. Haag \~nning and Zoning Administrator MEH:dim attachments xc: Luisa R. Bosso, Trustee 2428 Broadway Riviera Beach, FL 33404 Central File a:P&Dpkgl:'r.Vil Yl77UtUa's gateway to tfu gulfstream Rev BY: 4- 6-96 ;10:14AM ;JOSIAS & GOREN, P, ~~ Boynton Bch fax;# 2 MEMORANDUM FROM~ Taabri Heydan, Planninq , 3onift~ Di~e_or InJtp Miohaol J. PawQloayk, Assistant city Attorne;lv~ v!11a~Qr ~ub - ~uu~ ~6-UO~ Incompleee Conditional Use Application April 9, 1996 TO: It.E; DATE. This is in response to Planning & Zoning Memorandums 96-148 and 96- 187, regarding the incomplete oondi tional use application of v111aqer PUb. '1'h!. matter 5n\7.lulJ UI"IL L~ b..t'"ought before the 1-'.Lanninq and Development Board on April 9, 1996, as the application for con<1i tlonal use is incomplete. In order to appear before the Board, the applicant must submit the documents you refer to in Memorandum 96-148. In this case, the applicant has not done 50, and thus, the matter should not be heard on April 9, 1996. 00: Carrie Parker. city Manager mjp/aa 900182 MEMO villager. pub rOOI ~ I\~R ~ I~ ~ ~ ,ill c~~ .'" . ! i hn I. Whitworth III '< n_ I SecretarylManager PLANNING AND J William G. Winters lmn~G DEPT. Assistant Manager ",-~'-'-"---'--~-~'-' ichard S. Wheellhan Attorney March 28, 1996 Perry & Schone. PA ~'88 LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA 33484 Tambri J. Heyden, Director City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 L LV bD ,- ~P& dl-- J.;f'L:::RVISo~ /J{~r/..'\)(;. ;:; /.2..s r W6-CJ ,A.{~S LJ,{j J/ S.fIC/L ;#..::. /0 .~../ {) I-- 'rpt:.-7'~tu n..f 4/J{/t/J';;~~i-(ei~ c~ ~~/A~lr Q-~/> .v~ / ..J.,. o/-l1/~ /P7 p'^' iN. Dear Ms. Heyden: Subject: Technical Review Committee Agenda Items 1. Project: Nautical Sound (FKA Knollwood Groves) - No objections. 2. Project: Knuth Road PCD Service Station - A drainage permit has not yet been issued. 3. Project: Cedar Ridge Townhomes - Not is the L WDD service area. 4. Project: The Village Pub at the Villager Plaza - On January 3, 1996, the L WDD contacted Robert Bosso, P.A. regarding the failure of a portion of the drainage facility associated with this shopping plaza. To date no follow up contact or repairs have been made. We would like to thank you for the opportunity to comment on this Agenda. Our response would have been much more timely, however, it was received on March 26. Sincerely, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ~~~~ Chief Inspector SJW fmth c: Patrick A. Martin, P.E., District Engineer, LWDD Delray Beach & Boca Raton 498-5363 . Boynlon Beach & Wesl Palm Beach 737-3835 . FAX (407) 495-9694 11 , " /-/0-. '.j , _.. e-} PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-148 DATE: March 21, 1996 FROM: Jim Cherof City Attorney /Jt...(;. "JL-- cfcv Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TO: SUBJECT: VILLAGER PUB - COUS 96-001 Incomplete Conditional Use Application Attached is a copy of the deed and Conditional submitted for the above-referenced request. Page or more specialized documents to be submitted. , Use Application (4) requires one I 1. If an authorized agent, a copy of the agency agreement and written consent of the principal/owner, or 2. If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application, and written proof that said representatives have the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation. Neither of these has been submitted. At minimum I requested the property owner/trustee to submit a letter verifying she has the authority to represent all the other "part owners" or verification that she is in fact their trustee, especially considering the deed, does not identify who are all the other "part owners", and instead identifies a co-owner who is deceased. The attached March 14th response from the trustee's property manager indicates he feels nothing more is needed to be submitted to the City. I see nothing in his letter that convinces me that it is proper to waive this submittal requirement. Please advise as soon as possible since, in the spirit of cooperation, this application has already been advertised for a public hearing and is being processed, although technically incomplete. TJH:arw Attachments c:Villager.mem page 2 of 2 The Villager Pub To: TRC Members Re: Planning & Zoning Memo 96-122 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified. 6. If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memo, within the time frame stated above, to the Planning and Zoning Director stating that the plans are approved and they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process. All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memo. Michael E. Haag will be the Planning and Zoning Department staff member coordinating the 1st review of the project. The Planning and Zoning Department will send the applicant a cover letter which includes the comment(s) and directions to amend the plans to comply with the comments and the procedures for resubmission. When the Planning and Zoning Department receives the amended plans, they will distribute the plans with a cover memo to all TRC Members for review and approval. TJH:bme Attachment xc: (Memo Only) Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Charlie Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Marshall Gage, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Central File A:lstREV.pub/TRC PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-112 TO: FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk Tambri J. HeYdenf!Ji;! Planning and Zoning Director DATE: March 18, 1996 SUBJECT: Conditional Use The Villager Pub at the Villager Plaza 1403 W. Boynton Beach Boulevard - Bays 4 & 5 COUS 96-001 Accompanying this memorandum you will find an application and supporting documentation for the above-referenced conditional use appl~cation. A check in the amount of $1,000.00 to cover the review and processing of this application has been forwarded to the Finance Department. The legal advertisement for this request will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney and City Manager. The subject conditional use will be discussed at the April 9, 1996, Planning and Development Board Meeting, and t:he April 16, 1996, City Commission Meeting. TJH:dim Attachments a:lglCOU.Vil ~116/1~ ~.#.I r~' -- jJ f, "I l /:1 #A "' "-?- ~{G' 0/' ~,/~-7t~~~ ic ,~ /{~ "P-eL" --I~- ~ t Ii~ [L,7--.L~' ~ {f:;;r~~ f</ 6 ~j 5~ GjU/t-dz. - I 0 .J{ ~ /J. -" - .J,--: '1 tJ 17/ I / 7 ~ [I~~' (UL~~~^--/) tJ,- ep-u-4 ~ ~u tvP jt.c rkr<L .f?- "f N>,-<AY-) ~ t/dL~?fZ2t~ I rt-- O~<Uu~-~ ,,?j , . 17 . /{rl.~ -r ~~ ~/ ~4-fl- -,0-!:~ \ I I .. ' - (' 1!_<:~:;dt;;L. --da_';'h~~ ~.) GN~ /~ /~ tljf ~~ !d/~ ~'--':r/ I-l~ t~ / . /~~ ;zu--I? /l ~I fi ~'., ..P-- / (jt#Z L-7tOVl/"C~Ju?~{ ~,<l./ _ -#-f {)-"7-~/ ().-"c~- h I J9 ~ /-, .J-, ar.r' /~' t I v''-- L-e/- L.-- l / . - -r- Jo~ ~ ~ c)0 CP~ ~. Jf~ ~ vLO V{'o&'/:;'vt I C;;~q ~ kQ<l<. i~/ (?JI.eluJL-. - /05 C ~ . /0 r;J2- /' :r'~ J /3-1:?-Cj~ ~/--'-'-----:~'-=:;d. i~ ~. C::.. 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(ctl (!.rci.... .L'~ Ll.{)~) (C'-"6L k-,::",- '>"c-.:.(.}{,/.t:~{ .llL ,>.,,:'L ,~/t.<.:\,/!L :;II".I"L'( II().- '/Lc~i/'~;~/~"^,,,,,,,' '~J) ....-tIL,v1' ).) 1.\../[\".:t"-'J)}c~'-\...jL.i~.-~{ (Fe 0\".\.,,,, ,l'~Cl. ~' ,Y', . , .'. I ..' - to' ('HI) ~.'\("'~"';}l '10 ! H "1 r~)1 led It ,) 0(, () [~~c \ ,,;t '1''>9/, (~, ((! i 'AT;;'7(;';;:~1 ,: \ r ).)...,/ /. ,,' //j '!{/-vG ~;._.......;-:':.;...;.~ NAME: CODB ENFORCEMENT UNIT DATE:' /i'j)C /iL., .-.--cQeRTESY LETTER: 1/9/1 6. ~OTICE OF VIOLATI;N RECURRING VIOLATION: ~(__)EINSPECTION DATE: ' LOCATION: /'\((.~.~ ,tJL'~/'L( h, 1'/'. I~/'/ #'-~ '.,J V . .......L... I'll C.n _ -"c I>. . \. '--- '. PCN: i \ i. OWNER & ADDRESS: .. ,~V2/ r?;tt-C/t!7 F 1/ NOTICE ALSO TO: '-If ,(I i\.--' VI! /Ol{(( rIA /-' ,~I COPIES TO: '1 ,? OCe . 'd, c ISC ATTACHED: I I CITY RECORDS CHECKED: I I CHANGE REQ'D: I I ......................................................................................... CHAPTER 20 - R.V.'S, BOATS/TRAILERS 20.6 Rec. vehicle parking PART III-LOR CHAP.20 ARTICLE VIII - HOUSING ) 1.G. Unfit/unsecured dwellings ) 2.A. Conditions of structures ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 2.B. Lighting 2.C. Ventilation 2.0. Weatherproofing/heating 2.E. Plumbing 2.F. Space requirements 2.G. Egress 2.H. Infestation SWIMMING POOL & SPA CODE Chapter 18 - Barriers PART III-LOR CHAP. 21 ARTICLE I - SIGNS 4 Permit required 12 Maint. required. 15 Removal of abandoned ARTICLE II - SIGNS 18 See (s) Signs Prohibited PART III-LOR CHAP.23 ARTICLE II - PARKING LOTS ) (0) pILot maint. ,req'd. PART III - LOR - CHAPTER 22 ARTICLE I-STREETS & SIDEWALKS ( ) 4 Obstructions ARTICLE II-STR & SIDEWALKS ?A. Work within R/O/W- Permit req'd PART III-LDR CHAP. 7.5 ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS ARTICLE I - TREE PRESERVATION 5(a) Tree permits req'd. 5(b) Land Clearing/removing filling permits required ARTICLE II - LANDSCAPE CODE ) SIb) Landscape maint req'd PART III-LDR-CHAP 2- ZONING ( ) Definition of: (Chapter 1, Article II) Sec.4.E Visual obstructions Sec.4.J.1. Fences/hedges/walls Sec.4.M. Permits req'd satel~ite dish antennas Sec.4.N. Perfornf. Standards Sec. Uses permitted in zoning district Sec. Prohibited use in zoning district Sec.8.A.S.b. (13) Open storage prohibited in M-1 district CHAPTER 10 - TRASH/OFFENSIVE CONDITIONS ARTICLE I - GENERAL-SEC. 10-2: ( ) Trash & debris ( ) Overgrown grass/weeds/brush ( ) Dense growth w/in 50 ft ( ) Uncultivated FL Holly ( ) Dank water (insects,etc) ( ) Offensive odors ( ) Visual obstructions ( ) 10-3 Hurricane hazards ( ) 10 - 5 $ ARTICLE II - REFUSE & GARBAGE ) 10-20& Sec. residential refue. ) 10-26 Sec. refuse regulations ( 10-30 Constr., indust. & garage wastes ( 10-31 Sec. violations ARTICLE III: ABANDONED PROPERTY ( ) 10.51 Public property ( ) 10-52 Private property ( ) 10-52. (A) Auto parts in yard STANDARD BLDG CODE, 1991 EDITION ( ) 101.3.5 Maintenance ( ) 103.6.1 Permit Intent ( ) 103.8.5 PoetinQ of Permit ( ) 103.8.6 Required Inspections CWA TO 1991 EDITION OF S.B.C. ( ) 102.5.2 Unsafe/Occ prohibited ( ) 103.1.1 Permits required PART III - LOR - CHAP.4. ( ) Sec. 11.1. Maint. required CHAPTER 13 - OCC. \.tcaNSES , " " (X) 13 -12_ Transfer of License 10 {1I'(.1 fu(((/((i}l' ( ) 13-15 Doing business not covered by License ( ) 13-16- Engaging in business without a License ) CHAPTER 14 - MOTOR VEHICLES/TRAFFIC 14 - 3. Sec.. Trucks CHAPTER IS - MISCELLANEOUS ( ) 15-8. Sects) . Noise disturbances ) 15-16 Street #'s required ) 15-18 Graffiti CAS::; ## {1;1 "'..: ;o:n:c:~Il 3e3cn Police Department =0yn~:J Beach 31vd.Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 Phone: (407)-375-6120 NOTICE DATE: CASE NUMBER: COMPLIANCE DATE: 02/20/96 96- 9!l 03/01/96 VIOLATION AnDRESS: 1403 W BOYNtON BEACH BLV BAY 1 PCN: 08-43-45-29-02-000-0051 N ') TIC E o F V I 0 L A T ION BOSSO, W'ILLIAM J & LUISA R TRS PO 's'bx Y~gj 6 RIVIERA BEACH FL 33419 Palm Beach County property records indicate you own or have an interest In the property which is listed above. Violation(s) of the attached provlsion(s) of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances were noted on said property: DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATIONCS): Violation: 13-12 Original Violation Date: 2/20/96 TRANSFER OF LICENSE 02/20/96 - TRANSFERRING LICENSE TO NEW LOCATION _ - THE VILLAGER PUB #5 (Please comply with above-listed violation(s) as required per City Code). You have unti I the Final Compliance Date noted above to correct the attached violation(s). Failure to comply will result in a hearing before the City of Boynton Beach Code Enforcement Board which viII assess fines for non-compliance. If you require assistance, information, or if you believe an error has been made, please contact the Code Enforcement Unit located at the address and phone number listed above and ask to speak with the person listed below. ~our cooper2tion in this matte~ is appreciated. Sincerely, ~~~~-~ooooo====== SCOTT BLASlE Code Enfcrcemer.t UnIt ~~07) 3:'::,-61:0 xc: OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE n ...... CT o '11' II 0 I t,) Q:lPJ c: W I 3: 'Xl .. lQ "[j en 1-'. ...... 0-<.1 I .... cnfD P- CD <.0 W Cl ...... <.0 , PI W '. PJ -...l ....:J ....:J Cl ...... ....:J Z CllQ ("t- . . 0 0 t.n .~ ~ .. w ro t.n o:.n en Cl <.0 t.n ...... <.0 ...... 0 0 ~ Cl ....~ 0 .... ,..." --~~:~~ ?23Ch Police Department . "'::':~~ BQa~j 3~7d.Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 Phonu: (407)-375-6120 NOTICE DATE: CASE NUMEER: COMPLIANCE DATE: 02/20/96 96- 991 03/01/96 VIOLATION ADDRESS: 1403 W BOYNTON BEACH BLV BAY 1 PCN: 08-43-45-29-02-000-0051 NtJl'_~l:. o F V I 0 L A T ION THE VILLAGER PUE f_I,~,,~ 1:'40 3t:~W BOYNTON BEACH BLV #5 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 Palm Beach County property records indicate you own or have an interest in the property which is listed above. Violation(s) of the attached provision(s) of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances were noted an said property: DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATIONCS): Violation: 13-12 Original Violation Date: 2/20/96 TRANSFER OF LICENSE 02/20/96 - TRANSFERRING LICENSE TO NEW LOCATION _ - THE VILLACER PUB #5 (Please comply with above-listed violation(s) as required per City Code). You have until the Final Compliance Date noted above to correct the attached violation(s). Failure to comply will result in a hearing before the City of Boynton Beach Code Enforcement Board which will assess Cines for non-compliance. If you require assistance, information, or if you believe an error has been made, please contact the Code Enforcement Unit located at:the address and phone number listed above and ask to speak with the person listed below. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, s: ~~ ~ ( -~----------- ------ ----------------- xc: OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ~"r II If l1-t /rJ., jflJ SCOTT BLASIE Code Enforcement Unit (407) 375-6120 .,_-:::,~<'-' _.~- ! ...:~" "~:a.. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE DIVISION BUILDING DEPARTMENT 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beachr FL 33425 Phone: (407) 375-6360 Fax: (407) 375-6090 Date: Ja8uary 8. 1996 Name: Alexander Mitchell LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 1403 W Bovnton Beach Blvd' 5 CN# 1697-7 Doing Business As: The VfllaQer Pub During a routine inspection, you were found operating a business without: 1. obtaining a Boynton Beach Occupational License. 2. renewing your Boynton Beach Occupational License. 3. transferring your Boynton Beach Occupational License to a new owner. 4. X transferring your Boynton Beach Occupational License to a new location. 5. increasing the scope of your license to cover the work performed. 6. proper identification of business vehicle. The intention at this time is simply to notify you that a VIOLATION of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES does exist. ,.- A reinspection of the VIOLATION will be made on January-l1',.-l996 Prompt attention and compliance with all violations WITHIN THIS TIME PERIOD WILL AVOID THE NEED FOR ANY FORMAL ACTION BY THE BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT UNIT. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Sincerely, / ( Occupational Licenses COURTESY.OL 8/93 ~..! ( ;::: '1 t: 'i <> ri ',';, ;,) i F.: 1 ':.:,:: '{ '; t j' H '., '1 U? q 'j \; ~:; 2101 I 1 U h:: ,) ~ 11,1,1, .:: / :j 1 'I,i,\. i ':),_ 1',1 :~ [I CI~5 :,:: 'j 1!, 'I !,I:2 C, 1 !J h ;::; J 'j r U l:,: ii, :J ~,:.! 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BUTCHER MC PRINT INSTANT PRINTING SIMON, POBERl 1..., D.M.O. 31< E E T::: HI:;; L () 1..1 (I Ci E LANDAU: HEARING AIU SPEC SEDERHOLM HEAHING AID CEN 1\ 0111 7 1 ::: /\ OH!:'iOO? /\ 191i/l ~ U 12':,<31 /\ OG13h1 ;\ 01 1 1 q :,:: 1\ 01711.~2 I Ob7HGl I onlaG".? ,::~ i\ [,1 \,01 N u rnb',,~ r' '''03 1 hO:3 '",'1 1" U 3 '.,,1/ 11.>03 \'1 1 1.,0:3 \;1/ .j 1.10 J 'r! 1h03 Vol "l/.dL3 W 11103 ~~ l!.~03 W m".. ! ,1),0 J i ,/ '~;;: 9 // \:~} G 'j 0 ':. :~ ~:::! ~ ~:::' fJ Nurnber Limit(V) e, U ::: 'j n '::~;:; ;:,......L oc E: ti () II........ p, 0 Y t.' TON BE AC H 13 L ''/ HI /\ BOYNTON BEACH BLV ~ 1A BOYNTON BEACH BLV ~ 1A BOVNTON BEACH BLV ~ 1A 130YNTON BEACH BLV ~ lA BOYNTON BEACH BlV !t 2B BOYNTON BEACH SLV ~ 3C BOYNTON BEACH BlV t 3C BOYNTON BEACH BL.V # 3C BOYNTON BEACH BLV >> ~r BOYNTON BEACH BlV # BOYNTON BEACH BLV # BOYNTON BEACH BLV . BOYNTON BEACH BLV !t 130YNTON BEACH BLV # BOYNTON BEACH BLV I BOYNTON BEACH BLV . BOYNTON BEACH BlV I BOYNTON BEACH BLV . BOYNTON BEACH BLV !t II I \I II 11\ "J: \I II I II 111;11 11111 hCo hD 11111 I~D II I II hCo 11111 l,D II I II I+D II I II hD 11111 I.~D/5E 5E 11111 5E II I II ~. I ~,1 I I :.3 1 AG I(B \,1/ Dr' C) r' '01>1 11.>03 _ 1/29/86 N u rnb ':'~ t" L 'j rn'j t ( V ) 1 0 : :3 :) : ~) e eo U :'; 'j n e :3 3.....1.. 0 cat 'j 0 n .................................................."..._............~ B()VtlTON BEACH BLV II SE II I II E)OVN TON BEACH SLV II !';,E II I \I eOVrJ Tr:"N E.E.AC:H BLV Ii (3F Bi)VN T()t! BEACH BLV lj GF " I II B!) 'IN TON BEN:'H B L \/ 1\ bF II I II P:.C)VNTC)N P:.E/\CH e,L \I Ii 7G 13()YN TON BE ,\C H B L \1 ~ BH/91 BI){ ~I T O~J BEN'::H HLV \1 \:)H/ Si I II I II 13()VtITON E',Ei\CH f:' L \/ It ~JH / 91 II I II BOVNTON f3EACH HLV It- :31"1/91 " I II BOVr~TON BE/\CH BL\I fl i 0...1 e()Ytl TON BEACH BLV Ij .j 0...1 E',i) V N TON P,EACH BI..V II I 'j 1< B () V N T 0 ~~ BE,t..CH BL.\! It- 1 I V II I 1\ B!)VN TC)~l BEACH P,L V ~. i 2L B 0 V NT ()t.) p, EACH BL'I 11 .j ?L P,()VN TON f3E/1"CH p, L II ~ .j ?L II I II f.)1,)VNTON ;:"lEACH E;LV t\ i :31"1 f:',()YI'J T()N PoEl\CH E'.LV II I hl'! II 1 \I B()YN TON BEACH P.LV I'l 1 hi\l II I \I + 11'.1 II '3i i\ ('; I< E, D j" Dr' 1,1/ Ih03 _ 1/29/9G tl u rn b '::' r. I... 'j rn.j t ( 'i )1 0 :. 3 r) ': ~:' (:, H u;::;i n e ~,,;~:; L 0 C 6' t .j 0 n ....................... ............................"..... p, (::' v tn I)~l I~,'[ ,!.\C H C, L \/ If .1//. l'l q II! BOYNTON BEACH BLV W14N/150 :3()YNTiJtl [',EACH P,L',/ \ljl.~tj/.\i:)O P,OVNTCI~1 P,E:\CH f3LV If.j !itl/l t;.() BOYNTON BEACH BlV #16P BOYNTON BEACH BLV '17Q ROYNTON BEACH BlV !t18R E;,,~)YtnON BEACH 13LV1'l19f.j211J BOYNTON P,EACH ElL\! "22\/ 11111 SOlfNTON BEACH tlLV 1l22V 11111 ~ Robert Bosso Realty Services, Inc. 00 l~ @ ru ~ \V lE l;'~;\l MAR 18m; lW Member: National Association of Realtors. Multiple Listing Service. Commerci and Residential a es, Management, Leasing and Appraisals, MLS Ivd. March 14, 1996 Ms. Tambree Hayden City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fla. 33425--0310 Dear Ms. Hayden: In regards to your request concerning the authority vested in Luisa R. Bosso, Trustee to sign legal documents, I have spoken to my attorney as the partnership arrangement is very loosely knit and has been since the inception date in 1975. My attorney , Angelo Pardo , researched the matter and said it isn tt necessary to go through a lot of trouble because the Florida Statutes 689.07 specifically refers to this situation and provides the authority. (See enclosed copy) If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact him at 844-.0209. I hope this resolves the matter. .//") /' II ;:J Sincerely: cc: Sandy Mitchell ,< conveyance exe- (' form shall be held . ,0n-i'aw covenants, the grantor, and his -specifically set out - ce when signed by a mvey whatever inter- :h she may possess. '89; CGL 5662; s. 5, ell. 20954, deeds shall be exe- v or may hereafter be ~eyances of realty by ~90, CGL 5663 , partnership.- ma)! be acquired in 'ille !;o acquired must Ie parlnership name. certificate of limited :nbrance of real prop- and any other instru- in which Ihe partner- cuted in the partner- lartners. ted partnership in its 19n, as required by ~s in existence is vali- I tille to the real prop- :l to the partnership s held in the name of artnership, one of the record. in the public ch partnership's real ling the names of the I the authority of any onveyance, encum- Ig such partnership's : conclusive as to the ers withoul notice. , eh. 95-242 Vlis oe, .hall lakA ellee. July I, ,I'VA dale of January I, 1996. 1St proved.-AII dec- d confidence of or in Is or hereditaments some writing, signed eclare or create such l)tl~.Ul) NOW trust estate conveyea.-AII grants, conveyances, or assignments of trust or confidence of or in any lands. tenements, or hereditaments,or of any estate or interest therein, shall be by deed signed and delivered, in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, by the party granting. conveying, or assigning, or by his attorney or agent thereunto lawfully authorized, or by last will and testament duly made and executed, or else the same shall be void and of no effect. Hlatory.-s. 3, Nov. 15. 1828: AS 1952: OS 2453: RGS 3792; CGL 5665; s. 1. eh. 80-219 ' 889.07 "Trultee" or "as trultee" added to name of grantee, trans'e,.e, aSllgn.e, or mortgagee transfers Interest or creates lien a. if additional word or words not used.- (1) Every deed or conveyance of real estate hereto- fore or hereafter made or executed, in which the words "trustee" or "as trustee" are added to the name of the grantee, and in which no beneficiaries are named nor the nature and purposes of the trust, if any, are sel forth, shall grant and is hereby declared to have granted a fee simple estate with full power and authority in and to the grantee in such d~ed to sell, convey, and grant and encumber both the legal and beneficial interest in the real estate conveyed. unless a contrary intention shall appear in the deed or conveyance; provided, thatlhere shall not appear of record among the public records 01 the county in which the real properly is situate at the time of recording of such deed or conveyance, a decla. ration of trust by the grantee so described declaring the purposes of such trust, if any, declaring that the real estate is held other than for Ihe benelit of the grantee. (2) Every instrument heretofore or hereafter made or executed transferring or assigning an interest in real property in which the words "trustee" or "as trustee" are added to the name of the transferee or assignee, and in which no beneficiaries are named nor the nature and purposes of the trust, if any, are set forth, shall transfer and assign, and is hereby declared to have transferred and assigned. the interest of the transleror or assignor to the transferee or assignee with full power and author- ity to transfer, assign, and encumber such interest, unless a contrary intention shall appear in the instru- ment; provided that there shall not appear of record among Ihe public records of the county in which the real property is situate at the lime of the recording of such instrument, a declaration of trust by the assignee or transleree so described declaring the purposes of such trust, if any, or declaring thaI the interest in real properly is held other than for the benefit of the transferee or assignee. 1116 recol secu . gage gage if any for t~ (4) son fl befor denci shall I ciary enforc vided ormo tiono: p/acin public is situ ous/y of the anyon ries. al funds proper mortg~ (5) is or he action fer or n erty so and us prior p transfei where t a trans transfer erty Shl the clair trust (if through satisfac such tru erty fron laralion claiming History._ eh.59-251. 689.0; estate: ( ...... 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