REVIEW COMMENTS 'l'RAt:KING LOG - SI'I'E PLAN REVIEW SUBMI'I"l'AL PROJEC'l' 'l'l'l'LE: DATE REC'D: 'I'ION <!J191_ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TWELVE (12) SETS SUBMITTED: COLORED ELEVATIONS RECID: / ~o (Plans shall be pre-assembled. The Planning & Zoning Dept. will number each sheet of their set. The Planning Dept. set will be used to check the remaining sets to ensure the number and type of sheets match.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPLICATION & SUBMITTAL: ACCEPTED DATE: 11- 8- 9..1 '------DEN lED DATE: DATE OF LET/fER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: 2nd SUBMITTAL ACCEPTED DENIED DATE: DATE: DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: REVIEWER'S NAME: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Label TRC Departments on each set of plans) DATE AND MEMO NUMBER OF MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM INITIAL REVIEW. RETURN DATE: '1/ / ; '1/93 DATE SENT: MEMO NUMBER: 1st REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED MEMO # / DATE / "c" PLANS / "CIl 93 - '1.'31 / lI/n/9.Y / 0' Planning }If) tJc-..:. ~ /'1t; / /.J.. :;; '1J /-L q3~5L/ / 1I 1(;1 q?/~ Building hdl q3-;{3:> / ' '^~ #13/ ~ N.~"'J}#1l:la ~ / '/. ,'J I~ Engineer-M) q~ -3~ ~ / 'I ~ ~$~ 3 -..;2 '1 / I,; ~1. 'r(J / Engineer/' ~ NIA ~ / - ~ &13-118 / I<h~ru / Forester ~ 73 ~ Lf(,t) / /;//~/9.J / V- ~ lJ.h/'i~ #It:MD~ ~~-500 0./"1". r~JI..~. 'I'YPE 01" VARIANCE (S) DATE OF MEETING: ""(73 q..)..:>~' DATE OF LETTER SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMME&~~~~~)f711~ (Aesthetic Review App., dates of board mtgs. & checklist sent out wi comments PLANS No No YGS j'e=s N~ Util. P.W. Parks Fire Police NINETY DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLETE SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2nd REVIEW: (Must be assembled. Reviewer shall accept amended plans & support documents) COLORED ELEVATIONS REC / D: MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM 2nd REVIEW. DATE SENT: MEMO #: RETURN DATE: 2nd REVIEW RECOMMENDATION/DENIAL PLANS MEMO # / DATE /"R/D" PLANS MEMO # / DATE /"R/D" Util. I / Planning / / P.W. I / Building I / Parks / / Engineer I / Fire / I Engineer I I Police / / Forster I / LETTER TO APPLICANT REGARDING TRC APPROVAL/DENIAL AND LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT/SIGNS INSTALLED: SCHEDULE OF BOARD MEETINGS: PAD CC/CRA DATE APPROVAL LETTER SENT: A:TRACKING.SP - > ~[t i ,} ~ J\ I " , ./ ,",( .' /\ !J1,.'Rc -' ct- (r-t,c:~, ~QV p'lA-c-pr ~-r- /7~~ a-/r ~.;S i'#?~:J ;c J hoc..-fct/-"~c...4~ G./"~r y...J r~'Ue.s 1...tJ. -r(oy1?e.- ?~e- 7J6.2.2$"~ ~, C~.b ol~/s-S- ,. ~c....,..",mc..nc:O- C -3 ?<:>r-b'q,., 0/' S;-ce 6< 1""c~one....Q -t-o if'-.3) .tp d)n;h~ r p"YO~k..n'f.s c.~~ G-S 0... 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Heyden, Acting Planning 'f?;;. J and Zoning Director tI DATE: December 6, 1993 SUBJECT: Zoning Code interpretation - Zoning line vs. property line As discussed with you by phone today, please provide your op1n10n regarding whether a building can be constructed over a zoning district line. The zoning district line in question is a boundary between a residential zoning district and a commercial zoning district and normally would require a buffer wall and setbacks. However, since the applicant has extinguished the interior property line that coincided with the zoning line and is proposing a building encroaching the zoning line, is this a zoning code violation that would require unifying the zoning on the property? Please refer to Section 3.A.5.g. of the Zoning Code. TJH/cmc c:zonecode @ MEMORANDUM FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Acting Planning and Zoning Director Michael E. Haa~~ Site and zonin~_D~lopment Administrator December 3, 1993 TO: DATE: RE: Site Plan Project: Location: Agent: File No. : Review - 1st Review Club 55 2404 South Federal Highway Dale Meaux, Architect 789 The following is a list of 1st review comments regarding the Site Plan Review of the plans for the above-referenced project. It should be noted that the comments are divided into three (3) categories; the first category is a list of comments that identify deficiencies that are required to be corrected and shown in compliance on the plans submitted for second (2nd) review in order for the proJect to continue through the site plan review process. The second set of comment(s) are recommendations that the Planning and Zoning Department staff believe wlll enhance the proposed development. The third set of comments is a list of deficiencies that are shown on the plans regarding technical compliance and shall be corrected and shown in compliance on the permit set of plans prior to issuance of permits for the development of the project. The applicant shall understand that all documents/plans submitted for site plan and/or permit review are subject to additional comments. I recommend that the applicant/agent contact me regardlng questions related to the comments. If the applicant is not intendlng to correct code deficiencies they should contact me regarding the procedures, application forms, fees and submittal deadline dates for seeking relief from the code requirement. I. site plan Review Comments: 1. The site data indicates that there is a building coverage of 17,759 sq. ft. and a total coverage of 72,709 sq. ft. Amend the drawing to identify the total footprint coverage of each story and the total gross floor area of the entire building. Also, identify whether the floor areas include balconies, walkways, elevator shafts, electrical & mechanical rooms, storage rooms, etc. 2. Add to the drawings a typical unit plan of the west end unit and the east end unit. Also identify the floor area and overall dimensions of each unit. 3. Add to the unit plan drawing found on the site plan, the overall dimensions and square foot floor area of the unit. 4. The 1.43 acre portion of the total 3.48 acre site that is zoned C-3 shows a total of 19 units. This number exceeds the allowed density of 10.8 units per acre as specified in Appendix A Zoning Section 6 C. 1. j. and Section 5 G. Amend the plans to show no more than the maximum allowed density for the C-3 zoned property. Maximum density allowed for the 1.43 acre C-3 property is 15 units. @ CLUB 55 - 1ST REVIEW PAGE 2 5. Omit the reference on the site plan regarding the bonus density being applied to the .20 acre piece of property. The Future Land Use Map shows the bonus density applying only to the 1.80 acre portion of the 2 acre site. 6. Add to the drawing a cut-away sectlon and plan view drawing of the mechanical and roof access tower. The City height limitations allows, with application and city approval, certain appurtenances to exceed the maximum height of 45 feet. It appears that the mechanical and roof access tower is not an appurtenance that would be allowed to exceed the 45 feet limitation. Amend the plans accordingly. [Appendix A-Zoning Section 4 F.] 7. Add to the drawlng an elevation view and floor plan drawing of the gate house. 8. Dimension the overall size of the pool(s) and identify the total area. Also dimension the pool pavilion and identify the total gross floor area. 9. Amend the site data, regardlng number of required parking spaces. Show on the plan the Code specified parking ratios. Appendix A-zoning Section 11 H. 16. a. (3) and e. (1), (12) (e.) identifies the required parking space ratios. [Note the code specifies that the number of spaces required for the pool may be reduced by seventy-five (75) percent.] 10. Add to the drawing a detailed plan and section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure. Include the following: a) Type of wall material. b) Exterior finish material and color of same. c) Overall height of walls. d) Overall width and length of enclosure. NOTE: A minimum of ten (10) feet clear opening width is required. Clear opening width shall be measured and shown from inside of gate and post materlal. Specify in note form the method of holding the gates in the open and closed position. 11. Show on the site plan, paving and drainage plan, and landscape plan, the location of the City standard curbing as specified in Section 5-142 (e) of Article X Parking Lots. 12. Show on the site plan a forty (40) foot setback/yard from the edge of the portion of the building that is located on the C-3 zoned property to the R-3 zoning district line. Also show a forty (40) foot setback/yard from the C-3 zoning district line to the edge of the building on the R-3 zoned property. [Appendix A-Zoning Section 5 G.2. and Section 6 C. 1. j.] Note: ThlS issue is being reviewed by the City Attorney. 13. Show on the site plan a buffer wall that is required where the C-3 commercial zoned property abuts the R-3 residential zoned property. [Appendix A-Zoning Section 4 L] 14. Add to the drawing a dimensioned typical section and elevation view drawing of the item shown on the landscape plan with a heavy dark line located on each side of the driveway entrance. Add the structure to the site plan and drainage drawings. ~ CLUB 55 - 1ST REVIEW PAGE 3 15. Show and label on the site plan the location and type of site signage proposed for the project. Also, show on the elevation view drawings of the building, the location of any proposed wall signage. Note that the wall and site signage shall comply with the Sign Code. It appears as though there are two signs shown on Sheet L1. Clarify and provide the following additional sign information: type of sign, color, width, length, height, configuration. Dimension the location of the site sign(s) from two adjacent property lines. [Sign Code Section 21-21.] 16. Add to the site data the number of stories contained in the proposed residential structure. 17. The Coastal Management element of the Comprehensive Plan states that the south setback for the subject property that contains a four (4) story building shall be 100 feet. The drawing depicts a four (4) story building located 92.75 feet setback from the south property line. The single story pool pavilion structure shall be setback forty (40) feet from the south property line and 150 feet from the shoreline. Amend the plans accordingly. [Comprehensive Plan Policy 7.9.6.] 18. The Coastal Management element of the Comprehensive Plan states that the east setback for the subject property shall be 150 feet from the shoreline. This site is an "A" rated ecosystem which receives top priority by the City Comprehensive Plan to ensure maximum preservation of mangroves. Such sites are addressed by the following Comprehensive Plan Policies 1.11.1., 1.11.14., 4.3.5. and 4.3.1. Preservation of this area is justified by data analysis within the Conservation Support Documents (page 24 & 37) and the Future Land Use Support Documents (page 49). Amend the plans accordingly to include removal of all structures, future docks, natural stone wall, pool, pool deck, landscaping, sldewalk, and stabilized fire lane in this area. 19. To properly evaluate whether the "fiber cement siding" complies wlth the required wall specifications listed in the Community Design Plan for the coastal Village design theme, add to the sheet depicting the elevation views a detailed section view and partial elevation view of the proposed material. [Appendlx II (a) Article V Chapter 7.5 City Code of Ordinances) 20. Specify on the plan what type of material is proposed for the pool deck. 21. Correct the inconsistency regarding the location and configuration of the sidewalk, adjacent to the pool, shown on Sheet L3 and all other plans. 22. The plan is void of the visual screening hedge material required along the perimeter of east vehicle use area. Correct the plans accordingly. [Landscape Code section 7.5- 35 (e)] 23. The spacing of the required visual screening hedge material along the south side of the south vehicle use area exceeds the code required spacing. The plans indicate the proposed MYR2 (Wax Myrtle) hedge material is spaced five (5) feet on center. The code specifies a maximum spacing of twenty-four (24) inches on center. Correct the plans accordingly. [Landscape Code Section 7.5-35 (e)] 24. Add to the landscape plan foundation landscape material along the east and west sides of the building. [Landscape Code section 7.5-35 (1)] ~ CLUB 55 - 1ST REVIEW PAGE 4 25. Show and dimension on the landscape plan the ten (10) foot isosceles right triangles that are required on both sides of the ingress and egress median. These triangles form the cross visibility triangles. Place a note on the plan that specifies "Landscape material placed within the triangular areas shall be installed and maintained to allow an unobstructed cross visibility between thirty (30) inches and six (6) feet above the driveway surface. (Landscape Code section 7.5-35 (h)] 26. A tree and environmental survey is required for the project. Submit the survey to Kevin Hallahan, City Forester/ Environmentalist and the planning and Zoning Department. [Article IV of Chapter 7.5] 27. The traffic impact analysis for the subject property was forwarded to Palm Beach County for review for compliance with the Traffic Performance Standards. The results of their review and the City evaluation of same must be on record with the City prior to the site plan being forwarded for Board approval. II. Recommendation(s): 1. Recommend C-3 portion of site be rezoned to R-3 and unified by title with the present R-3 zoned property, to eliminate problems created as a result of the existence of this commercial zoning dlstrict. (Comments #12 and #13.) This rezoning would also require an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan (Future Land Use Element (Map)) which could be accompllshed concurrently with the rezoning, and with the same application. Since the subject property is less than 10 acres, it qualifies for the "small-scale" plan amendment procedures as established in Florida law. This abbreviated amendment procedure allows the amendment to be adopted by the City prior to State review. After acceptance of an application, the process can be completed within three (3) months. The rezoning process would not change the maximum dwelling units per acre (density) allowed on that portion of the site located outside of the bonus density area. Requesting the bonus density of twenty (20) units per acre for the entire 3.48 acre site would require a "large scale" amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and would take approximately nine (9) months to one (1) year. III. Permit Comments: 1. The plans submitted for a landscape permit shall show the computations to verify that the landscaping required for code Section 7.5-35 (g) and (k) are accounted for on the plans. A distlnguishable symbol shall be used to show on the plans where the code required landscaping is located. 2. Prior to the issuance of a permit to construct the building, submit for review a Unity of Title that identifies the two lots combined. A Unity of Title form may be obtained from the Building Department. Note: Following review approval from the City and prior to issuance of building permits, the Unity of Title shall be recorded with Palm Beach County and a recorded copy submitted to the City. 3. The permit documents shall be reviewed for technical compliance with City codes. MEH/jm A:CLUB55-1.JM (l) ~R~ ~ MEMORANDUM FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Acting Planning and zoning Director Michael E. Haa~~ Site and zonin~_D~lopment Administrator December 3, 1993 TO: DATE: RE: Site Plan Project: Location: Agent: File No.: Review - 1st Review Club 55 2404 South Federal Highway Dale Meaux, Architect 789 The following is a list of 1st review comments regarding the Site Plan Review of the plans for the above-referenced project. It should be noted that the comments are divided into three (3) categories; the first category is a list of comments that identify deficiencies that are required to be corrected and shown in compliance on the plans submitted for second (2nd) review in order for the project to continue through the site plan review process. The second set of comment(s) are recommendations that the Planning and Zoning Department staff believe will enhance the proposed development. The third set of comments is a list of deficiencies that are shown on the plans regarding technical compliance and shall be corrected and shown in compliance on the permit set of plans prior to issuance of permits for the development of the project. The applicant shall understand that all documents/plans submitted for site plan and/or permit review are subject to additional comments. I recommend that the applicant/agent contact me regarding questions related to the comments. If the applicant is not intending to correct code deficiencies they should contact me regarding the procedures, application forms, fees and submittal deadline dates for seeking relief from the code requirement. I. site Plan Review Comments: 1. The site data indicates that there is a building coverage of 17,759 sq. ft. and a total coverage of 72,709 sq. ft. Amend the drawing to identify the total footprint coverage of each story and the total gross floor area of the entire building. Also, identify whether the floor areas include balconies, walkways, elevator shafts, electrical & mechanical rooms, storage rooms, etc. 2. Add to the drawings a typical unit plan of the west end unit and the east end unit. Also identify the floor area and overall dimensions of each unit. 3. Add to the unit plan drawing found on the site plan, the overall dimensions and square foot floor area of the unit. 4. The 1.43 acre portion of the total 3.48 acre site that is zoned C-3 shows a total of 19 units. This number exceeds the allowed density of 10.8 units per acre as specified in Appendix A Zoning Section 6 C. 1. j. and Section 5 G. Amend the plans to show no more than the maximum allowed density for the C-3 zoned property. Maximum density allowed for the 1.43 acre C-3 property is 15 units. CLUB 55 - 1ST REVIEW PAGE 2 5. omit the reference on the site plan regarding the bonus density being applied to the .20 acre piece of property. The Future Land Use Map shows the bonus density applying only to the 1.80 acre portion of the 2 acre site. 6. Add to the drawing a cut-away section and plan view drawing of the mechanical and roof access tower. The City height limitations allows, with application and city approval, certain appurtenances to exceed the maximum height of 45 feet. It appears that the mechanical and roof access tower is not an appurtenance that would be allowed to exceed the 45 feet limitation. Amend the plans accordingly. [Appendix A-Zoning Section 4 F.] 7. Add to the drawing an elevation view and floor plan drawing of the gate house. 8. Dimension the overall size of the pool(s) and identify the total area. Also dimension the pool pavilion and identify the total gross floor area. 9. Amend the site data, regarding number of required parking spaces. show on the plan the Code specified parking ratios. Appendix A-Zoning section 11 H. 16. a. (3) and e. (1), (12) (e.) identifies the required parking space ratios. [Note the code specifies that the number of spaces required for the pool may be reduced by seventy-five (75) percent.] 10. Add to the drawing a detailed plan and section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure. Include the following: a) Type of wall material. b) Exterior finish material and color of same. c) overall height of walls. d) overall width and length of enclosure. NOTE: A minimum of ten (10) feet clear opening width is required. Clear opening width shall be measured and shown from inside of gate and post material. specify in note form the method of holding the gates in the open and closed position. 11. Show on the site plan, paving and drainage plan, and landscape plan, the location of the City standard curbing as specified in Section 5-142 (e) of Article X Parking Lots. 12. show on the site plan a forty (40) foot setback/yard from the edge of the portion of the building that is located on the C-3 zoned property to the R-3 zoning district line. Also show a forty (40) foot setback/yard from the C-3 zoning district line to the edge of the building on the R-3 zoned property. [Appendix A-Zoning Section 5 G.2. and Section 6 C. 1. j.] Note: This issue is being reviewed by the City Attorney. 13. show on the site plan a buffer wall that is required where the C-3 commercial zoned property abuts the R-3 residential zoned property. [Appendix A-Zoning section 4 L] 14. Add to the drawing a dimensioned typical section and elevation view drawing of the item shown on the landscape plan with a heavy dark line located on each side of the driveway entrance. Add the structure to the site plan and drainage drawings. CLUB 55 - 1ST REVIEW PAGE 3 15. Show and label on the site plan the location and type of site signage proposed for the project. Also, show on the elevation view drawings of the building, the location of any proposed wall signage. Note that the wall and site signage shall comply with the sign code. It appears as though there are two signs shown on Sheet L1. Clarify and provide the following additional sign information: type of sign, color, width, length, height, configuration. Dimension the location of the site sign(s) from two adjacent property lines. [Sign Code Section 21-21.] 16. Add to the site data the number of stories contained in the proposed residential structure. 17. The Coastal Management element of the comprehensive Plan states that the south setback for the subject property that contains a four (4) story building shall be 100 feet. The drawing depicts a four (4) story building located 92.75 feet setback from the south property line. The single story pool pavilion structure shall be setback forty (40) feet from the south property line and 150 feet from the shoreline. Amend the plans accordingly. [Comprehensive Plan Policy 7.9.6.] lB. The Coastal Management element of the comprehensive Plan states that the east setback for the subject property shall be 150 feet from the shoreline. This site is an "A" rated ecosystem which receives top priority by the City Comprehensive Plan to ensure maximum preservation of mangroves. such sites are addressed by the following Comprehensive Plan policies 1.11.1., 1.11.14., 4.3.5. and 4.3.1. Preservation of this area is justified by data analysis within the Conservation support Documents (page 24 & 37) and the Future Land Use Support Documents (page 49). Amend the plans accordingly to include removal of all structures, future docks, natural stone wall, pool, pool deck, landscaping, sidewalk, and stabilized fire lane in this area. 19. To properly evaluate whether the "fiber cement siding!' complies with the required wall specifications listed in the Community Design plan for the Coastal Village design theme, add to the sheet depicting the elevation views a detailed section view and partial elevation view of the proposed material. [Appendix II (a) Article V Chapter 7.5 City Code of Ordinances] 20. specify on the plan what type of material is proposed for the pool deck. 21. Correct the inconsistency regarding the location and configuration of the sidewalk, adjacent to the pool, shown on Sheet L3 and all other plans. 22. The plan is void of the visual screening hedge material required along the perimeter of east vehicle use area. Correct the plans accordingly. [Landscape code Section 7.5- 35 (e)] 23. The spacing of the required visual screening hedge material along the south side of the south vehicle use area exceeds the code required spacing. The plans indicate the proposed MYR2 (Wax Myrtle) hedge material is spaced five (5) feet on center. The code specifies a maximum spacing of twenty-four (24) inches on center. Correct the plans accordingly. [Landscape Code Section 7.5-35 (e)] 24. Add to the landscape plan foundation landscape material along the east and west sides of the building. [Landscape Code section 7.5-35 (1)] CLUB 55 - 1ST REVIEW PAGE 4 25. Show and dimension on the landscape plan the ten (10) foot isosceles right triangles that are required on both sides of the ingress and egress median. These triangles form the cross visibility triangles. Place a note on the plan that specifies "Landscape material placed within the triangular areas shall be installed and maintained to allow an unobstructed cross visibility between thirty (30) inches and six (6) feet above the driveway surface. [Landscape Code section 7.5-35 (h)] 26. A tree and environmental survey is required for the project. Submit the survey to Kevin Hallahan, City Forester/ Environmentalist and the Planning and Zoning Department. [Article IV of Chapter 7.5) 27. The traffic impact analysis for the subject property was forwarded to Palm Beach County for review for compliance with the Traffic Performance Standards. The results of their review and the City evaluation of same must be on record with the City prior to the site plan being forwarded for Board approval. II. Recommendation(s): 1. Recommend C-3 portion of site be rezoned to R-3 and unified by title with the present R-3 zoned property, to eliminate problems created as a result of the existence of this commercial zoning district. (Comments #12 and #13.) This rezoning would also require an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan (Future Land Use Element (Map)) which could be accomplished concurrently with the rezoning, and with the same application. since the subject property is less than 10 acres, it qualifies for the "small-scale" plan amendment procedures as established in Florida law. This abbreviated amendment procedure allows the amendment to be adopted by the City prior to State review. After acceptance of an application, the process can be completed within three (3) months. The rezoning process would not change the maximum dwelling units per acre (density) allowed on that portion of the site located outside of the bonus density area. Requesting the bonus density of twenty (20) units per acre for the entire 3.48 acre site would require a "large scale" amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and would take approximately nine (9) months to one (1) year. III. Permit Comments: 1. The plans submitted for a landscape permit shall show the computations to verify that the landscaping required for code Section 7.5-35 (g) and (k) are accounted for on the plans. A distinguishable symbol shall be used to show on the plans where the code required landscaping is located. 2. Prior to the issuance of a permit to construct the building, submit for review a Unity of Title that identifies the two lots combined. A Unity of Title form may be obtained from the Building Department. Note: Following review approval from the City and prior to issuance of building permits, the Unity of Title shall be recorded with Palm Beach county and a recorded copy submitted to the City. 3. The permit documents shall be reviewed for technical compliance with City codes. MEH/jm A:CLUB55-1.JM ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-354 TO: Tambri Heyden Acting Planning & Zoning Director Office of the City Engineer I~: ^l James D. White, P.E., City Eng~ ~r December 1, 1993 ;, FROM: DATE: RE: Technica1 Review Committee Comments C1ub 55 P1anning Department Fi1e No. 789 Pursuant to discussions which ensued during the November 30, 1993 Technical Review Committee meeting, the applicant is hereby granted a favorable recommendation for exception to platting regulations by the City Engineer's Office conditioned upon the developer's payment of fee in lieu of land dedication pursuant to Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting Regulations. The developer shall submit data which represents the fair market value of the subject parcel on a per acre basis for usage in calculating applicable fees. Conditions of approval set forth in this office's prior Memorandum No. 93-335 shall remain a condition of approval (memo previously transmitted to Planning Department) . . ~ " JDW:VAF/ck xc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager John Wildner, Parks Superintendent ~@~uw~ ill DEe 2 '993 <:.. Wi PLANNING AND NING OEPT. w ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-354 ( SUPPLEMENT) TO: Tambri Heyden December 6, 1993 Acting Planning Director I FROM: Office of the City Engineer J/~~ James White, P.E., City Engineet>rv RE: Supplement to Engineering Department Memo No. 93-354 Club 55 - Exemption to Platting Regulations Please be advised that Platting is required and that the applicant shall be responsible to submit a formal application for exemption which shall include an appropriate filing fee in the amount of four hundred ($400.00) dollars, prior to this Department rendering a formal approval on the written request for exemption. Should you require any additional information, please contact the undersigned at extension 6282. cc: J. Scott Miller City Manager ~4~cr VAF/JW/vaf John Wildner Parks Superintendent (i9 BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-235 November 29, 1993 To: Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning Di~ctor Don Jaeger, Building Official ~~ Al Newbold, Deputy Building Of~cial TRC COMMENTS - Major Site Plan Modification Club 55 - 2404 S. FEDERAL HWY. Via: From: Re: After review of the plans for the proposed project, the Building Department offers the following comments: 1. The floor plan reveals 14 units each on four floors which totals 56 units. Please explain why the site plan data sheet shows 55 units. 2. The maximum height for all structures is 45'. Please review the north and west elevations and comply with this requirement. 3. Plans should show handicap ramps and access from the walkways to the building entrances and to all site amenities, including docks. 4. The building should comply with Table IV for Type 5 construction minimum. 5. Signage for this project is not addressed. 6. The survey shows the building encroaching on the 40' easement. 7. All existing curb cuts should be brought back to standards if they have no continued use. ~7 ~ "1 ,~/ A~../ AN: mh ill Nuv 2 9 IB3 c.- -~". ill ~@~nw~ A:CLUB55.TRC (3) FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-289 WDC TO: PlannIng and Zon~ng Department FROV: Fire Department DA'1'E : ~ovEmber 23, 1992 SUBJECT: S=TE PLAN club 55 ~404 S. Federa~ Highway ThIS plan has been revIewed and found acceptable. In our view this p:an may be forwarded. ~ /// ~ ~i /~ ' ----------~--------------- HILLIAM D. CAVANAUGH FPO I BOYNTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT HDC:cp @ MEMORANDUM Utilities #93-481 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Acting Planning & 20 FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: November 16, 1993 SUBJECT: Club 55 Condominiums Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: 1. Palm Beach Health Department permits for water and sanitary sewer will be required (Sec. 26-12). 2. Developer will be allowed an irrigation water meter but will be required to pay cap fees based on project demand. 3. Proposed fire line, water main on site with fire hydrants, and sanitary sewer mains to be owned and maintained by the City of Boynton Beach Utility Department and located in acceptable utility easements dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach (Sec. 26.33(a), Appendix C, Art. X, Sec. 6, Sec. 26.33[bJ). 4. Suitable backflow preventors will be required on the private fire lines and the domestic water service Se c. 26.107). It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. 19b xc: Clyde "Skip" Mi lor Peter Mazzella File m NOV 11. e 00 @ MEMORANDUM POLICE f:93-178 TO: I'ambri Heyden Acting Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Sgt. M. Kirrman DA'liE : November 12, 1993 REF: Club 55 - 2404 South Federal Highway Ms. Heyden, I have reviewed the submitted plans and have the following comments: 1. Suggest a "Caution Intersection 11 sign at entrance/exi 1: to U. S. 1 ; 2. '!'raffic flow arrows at entrance/exit continuing into and throughout the parking lot; 3. Pedestrian cross walk - stop bars indicating light trip in roadway; 4. Parking lot and outside security building lights; 5. Indication of bUilding and apartment addresses. ;; JU. W~~r sgt M. Kirrman I MK/jb @ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 193-500 RE: Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Ji~ Club 55 Condominiums - New Site Ple1 TO: FROM: DATE: December 2, 1993 Further review of the Club 55 Condominium site plan indicates that this project will be subject to the recreation element of the subdivision regulations. As such, the following comments are submitted: 1. Based on 55 multi-family dwelling units, the recreation dedication requirement is determined to be: 55 D.U. X .Ol50 acres = .825 acres 2. Assuming the developer does not apply for one-half credit for private recreation, the City elects to accept payment of a fee in lieu of land. 3. Amount of the fee is to be determined by fair market value of the land in the proposed development JW:ad @ MEMORANDUM TO: Tambri Heyden, Acting Pla~ning & Zoning irec~or DATE: //-- Ie; - 93 FROM: John Wildner, Parks Superintendent RE: Site Plan Review - Major Site Plan Modification - 1st Review Project: C L '16 SS' The Recreation and Parks Department has reviewed the above referenced proj ect. There are no outstanding recreation related issues on this project. cI ~ ."f,7 , or} ~\'r ~v ~~ ~ 7) ~ m C:PARKS.MSP fj) RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 193-460 RE: Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning & Zoning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~~ Club 55 - Major Site Plan Modification TO: FROM: DATE: November 9, 1993 This memorandum is in reference to the existing mangrove trees and other desirable trees throughout the site. l. The existing mangrove trees are protected by the State of Florida under the auspices of Palm Beach County Environmental Resources Management Department. The applicant must submit written approval from this agency to develop near the mangroves. The site plan indicates surface drainage into the mangrove area which must be approved by this agency. 2. There are existing trees on the site around the perimeter of the restaurant and on the vacant portion of the area east of the existing paved location. These trees in total should be indicated on the tree survey and addressed as part of the Tree Management Plan. The desirable existing trees include: Seagrape, Sabal Palms and Banyan. The undesirable existing trees to be removed include: Florida Holly, australian Pine and Earleaf Acacia. These trees which exist inside the mangrove stands must be removed by hand rather than machinery during the clearing process. The project can proceed as scheduled in your memorandum. KH:ad BWIf~ '. @ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 193-489 TO: Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning & Zoning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist r<} H- Club 25 Condominium FROM: RE: DATE: November 22, 1993 The previous comments as directed to the applicant are outstanding. The issue can be resolved prior to the issuance of a site clearing permit. The project should proceed according to your schedule. KH:ad ~~ ~ !1S ~~ TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Mike Kirrman, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. James D. White, City Engineer FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DATE: November 19, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Tuesday, November 30, 1993 Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee wt,l I ':H",r,l- c',' Tuesday, November 30, 1993, at 9:00 A.M. in Conterence Room ""If fvJn~ L Wing) to discuss the following: MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION Quail Lake West PUD - nka Quail Run Re-submission PARKING LOT VARIANCE Boynton Festive Center - Code Section S-142(h)(5). The minimum distance from the street right-at-way line at any m:'1icr ingress or egress driveway to any parking stall or any tnl-'2rL.11' ;:"1-,:--" aisle having direct access to such driveway shal.l he one llunrh-,:>(j f 1 on.- frUit, A site plan will be available for review at the P l"lJlD ing ,Om,] '7,' 11 ',', Department. DISCUSSION 1. Review of the following site plans tor ll1t,?r-rli?')"trtlli::n', conflicts: a) New Site Plan - Project: Applicant: 1520 Neptune Drive C&M Builders, Inc. b) New S~te Plan - Project: Applicant: club 55 Condominiums club 25 TRC MEETING PAGE Z 2. Boynton B€ ach Boulevard: Bridge over the Intracoast,al ~~a ten16"Y (see attached Department of Army Permit Request) . D&dy~ ~ 0 :J Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DM/jm Att. cc: MEMO ONLY J. Scott Miller, City Manager city Commission (5) Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utilities Director steve Campbell, Fire Department Bob Gibson, Public Works Central File Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning & Zoning Director Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator Mike Rumpf, Senior Planner Project File Chronological File A:TRCTUES.JM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #93-254 TO: Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Major Site Plan Modification - Club 55 DATE: November 17, 1993 The dumpster location at the above site is fine, however Public Works prefers a direct approach from the north at this location. REier ill u WI ~ NOV'8. @ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-335 TO: Tambri Heyden Acting Planning & Zoning Director James D. White, P.E.~IJ City Engineer ;:; FROM: ,/ DATE: November 9, 1993 RE: Club 55 Condominium Site Plan - First Review City Engineer's Comments Engineering has the following comments on this plan submittal. Sheet - Site Plan 1. Provide stop sign, stop bar at exit. Provide entrance/exit signs at U.S. Hwy. #1, directional arrow pavement markings in circulation area of parking, 4" line in center of entrance/exit turn arrows. Section 5-l42(c). 2. Provide lighting plan for parking area and pedestrian walks. Section 5-l42(b). 3. Provide minimum 25' radii for driveway cuts at U.S. Hwy. #1. 4. Provide cross section on detail of stabilized and sodded emergency access. Sheet #Cl 1. Provide stormwater calculations, assumptions, soils data supporting percolation calculations, calculations and elevations, cross sections, contours, etc. showing retention storage volume. Section 5-142(f). 2. Show curb cuts to retention sites. 3. Provide top elevation of stone wall. 4. Show roof drain locations. 5. The finish floor elevation is same as, or lower, than top of curb, walks immediately in front of buildings should be higher. Deputy City Engineer's Comments 1. Provide "Letter of Intent" from F.D.O.T. authorizing modifications to existing ingress/egress approach. ~ NOVln. C!.frl c:..- III ANIIINr. AND m Engineering Dept. Memo. No. 93-335 November 9, 1993 page #2 2. Sidewalks shall be constructed to provide handicap access from handicap parking stalls to the pool pavilion and swimming pool. Site plan and Sheet C-l conflict. Revise plans accordingly. 3. Owner to coordinate with City Forester, reference landscaping of median within Federal Highway rights-of-way. 4. Plans shall contain a notation that the abandoned ingress/egress approach (SW corner of property) will be demolished and a standard F.D.O.T. approved sidewalk/curb and gutter be constructed in its place (see area designated as ramp). 5. Place notation on plans that Palm Beach County D.E.R.M. permit(s) on exemption is required for future construction of dock(s) and natural stone wall, including City permits if approved by Palm Beach County, prior to commencement of construction. 6. D.E.R.M. permits required to discharge into off-site and on-site Mangrove areas, including a variance to the City's Parking Lot Regulations which requires the retention of stormwater on-site, should the Developer utilize the existing 48' RCP or desire to sheet flow into the Mangrove area. d.' ~c..~=t .~ Vincent A. Finizio JDW:VAF/ck xc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager @ RECREATION Ii PARK MEMORANDUM 193-460 TO: Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning & Zoning Director FROM: ^ I Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist r<~ c:.:.rr- Club 55 - Major Site Plan Modification RE: DATE: November 9, 1993 This memorandum is in reference to the existing mangrove trees and other desirable trees throughout the site. 1. The existing mangrove trees are protected by the State of Florida under the auspices of Palm Beach County Environmental Resources Management Department. The applicant must submit written approval from this agency to develop near the mangroves. The site plan indicates surface drainage into the mangrove area which must be approved by this agency. 2. There are existing trees on the site around the perimeter of the restaurant and on the vacant portion of the area east of the existing paved location. These trees in total should be indicated on the tree survey and addressed as part of the Tree Management Plan. The desirable existing trees include: Seagrape, Sabal Palms and Banyan. The undesirable existing trees to be removed include: Florida Holly, australian Pine and Earleaf Acacia. These trees which exist inside the mangrove stands must be removed by hand rather than machinery during the clearing process. The project can proceed as scheduled in your memorandum. KH:ad ill ; 1 n I9'li c... rn m@rnnw ---~-.._-- - ~-----'-"--'-'-'-".'---'---_._'-'-"'-_._~--._---- -- -----,-----....----.----- f~X q- ~ '~ PLANNING,~AND ZONING DEPARTM:ENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-285 TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director James white, P.E. city Engineer Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Clyde "Skip" Milor, utilities Dept. chief Field Insp. Sgt. Mike Kirrman, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Acting planning & Zoning Director' I~ DATE: November 8, 1993 RE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1st Review - Major site plan Modification Project club 55 Location 2404 S. Federal Hwy. Applicant - Club 25 Claude Lemire File No. 789 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above referenced project. Site Plan Review approval for this project will be granted by the City Commission/Community Redevelopment Agency. To ensure that the project stays on line with the review time frame, I request that the plans and exhibits be reviewed and formal written comments transmitted to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department no later than 5:00 P.M. on November 24, 1993. Do not return plans and exhibits. Retain same for the review of the amended plans (2nd review). Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1. Use the review standards specified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, site plan Review, section 8 of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments. 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete based on the submittal requirements identified in Section 7 of the Site plan Review Ordinance. However, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer through the Planning and Zoning Department. To: TRC Members Re: Planning & Zoning Memo, #93-285 Page Two of Two 3. Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents. 4. Technical Review Committee member (s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements. 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficil:ncy that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the commE~nt and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified. 6. If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memo, within the time frame stated above, to the Planning and Zoning Director stating that the plans are approved and they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process. All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department for distribution to the applicant. please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memo. Dotty Moore will be the Planning and Zoning Department staff member coordinating the 1st review of the project. The Planning and Zoning Department will send the applicant a cover letter which includes the comment(s) and directions to amend the plans to comply with the comments and the procedures for resubmission. When the Planning and Zoning Department receives the amended plans, they will distribute the plans with a cover memo to all TRC Members for review and approval. Attachment xc: (Memo Only) Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charlie Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, Police Chief John Guidry, utilities Director Project File (original) Numbered File A: 1REVIEW. SP PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-096 DATE: Members of the Technical Revi.ew (S~~~Distribution List Below) "-\f~ i>>'Q for<: t?ristopher Cutro, Planning and May 3, 1993 Committee TO: FROM: Zonipg Director SUBJECT: Proposed Site Plan The Club 25 - Condominiums The proposed buyers of Gentleman Jim's Restaurant have asked for a cursory review by the City of the attached plan for major problems. I would ask that you review these plans and, if you have major problems and concerns (i.e. poor intersection, poor traffic circulation, emergency access, dumpster location, etc.) please inform me in writing by May 7, 1993. If we do not hear from you we will assume that you have no major problems and we will instruct the applicant to go forward and submit for formal site plan review. If you have any questions regarding the plan, please feel free to call me. Distribution: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Mike Kazunas, utilities Engineer Richard staudinger, city Engineer c/o Gee & Jenson Vincent Finizio, Engineering Department Sgt. Mike Kirrman, Police Department Robert Eichorst, Public Works Mike Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist John Wildner, Parks & Recreation Department CC:cp Att. A:93-096 CD MEMORANDUM U~ilities No. 93-196 TO: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of utilities DATE: May 5, 1993 SUBJECT: club 25 condominiums ajkja Gentleman Jim's Restaurant /1. Existing water mains may not provide sufficient fire protection. Developer shall an~icipate the posslbllity of the upsizlng of water mains for fire protection. ~. Existing downstream lift stations may not have sufficient reserve capacity to accept the proJect's sewer demands. Developer shall anticipate the possibility of upsizing pumps and controls at receiving lift stations. /3. Backflow prevention on all water malns shall be anticipated. Items 1 and 2 must be addressed at the time of slte plan approval to determine availability of water and sewer. Remaining comments will be addressed at ~ime of construction drawings review in conjunction with the Health Department Permit Application. Attached for the applicant's use 1S our General Plan Review Criteria. We recommend to expedite our reviews that the applicant contact this department to discuss his plans as they become more concrete. Provided for forwarding to the applicant are the existing water and sewer locations drawn onto hlS plan. If he has any questlons he can contact Mr. Mike Kazunas a~ 738-7460. /bks Attachment be: Mike Kazunas cc: Peter Mazzella Mark Law Skip Hilor Brent Allen 1 hour Utility Engineer .5 hr. Admlnistratlve Assistant '0 l~ ("'1~r\rEr) .L \~_;"..1 '",-.A.M' . ~ 't't } i,:;.8 ~ ' ~ f ,- t n 'i :t\! \ \'~ ,', D ~~J1T, ~ \ . . \ , (%) .n ---I'- 1. ~ 2. ~3. 4. ~~ . ..." TO: FROM: RE: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning ~ w. RIchard Staudinger, PE City Engln~c:: ~ Proposed Site Plan. The 25 Condominiums/Cursory Review, Pre Submittal DATE: May 7, 1993 .............~*.*...**....*...**......***..**.***...*..........,.*****....................**.***.**. The propsed site plan far this condominium is generally acceptable with the fOllowing comments: Provide details on how emergency access roadway will be designed to prevQnt the condominium owners from driving on it. Provide adequate turn around oapabilities for residents using parKing lots. 5. Parding lot on north side appears to be very close to property line. Lake Is assumed to be for stormwater retention purposes. It is locoted at the highest point on the site. A pond or retention area will probably be required at the east (low) end of the ::lite. Pmvlde trafflce study ot entrance intersection. :ier 93049 "t,. @ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-116 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer DATE: May 6, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Comments The Club 25 - Condominiums Courtesy Review The Engineering Department for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has reviewed the above referenced "conceptual plan" and herein offer the following staff comments: ~. The gate at this site's ingress shall be situated a minimum of 100' east of the existing u.s. Highway #1 rights-of-way line. ~. Relocate dumpster locations to provide City Sanitation workers with adequate backup dimensions free from obstructions such as parked motor vehicles, raised continuous concrete curbing and landscaping, etc. vl3. The turning radius for the stabilized and sodded emergency access aisles should be widened along the radii in order to provide for the turning movements of large fire rescue vehicles and aerial ladder trucks, etc. ~. The proposed lake is situated approximately 30' from the edge of u.S. Highway #1 travel lanes, therefore, a guardrail system along the west side of the lake should be installed to minimize the chance of errant vehicles entering this body of water. The guardrail shall comply, reference materials and construction standards, with FDOT specifications according to the latest edition of the Highway and Bridge Construction Manual. 5. The applicant should be advised that the construction of rip-rap reventment and the proposed construction of a dock within the Intracoastal Waterway requires requisite governmental agency approval and permits for construction upon submerged lands. Should the applicant desire to move forward with this project, applications shall be made to the Department of Natural Resources and Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management, including, but not limited to the United States Army Corp. of Engineers (if applicable). vt6. The pedestrian concrete sidewalk system situated within U.S. Highway #1 rights-of-way shall be extended thru the main ingress/ egress area and be transitioned so as to facilitate the movement of handicapped individuals within the public rights-of-way. ~7. The submitted plan is devoid of site lighting, specifically the perimeter post mounted lighting required by Chapter 5, Section 5-142(a) (b), "Required Parking Lot Lighting" and "Required Pedestrian Walkway Lighting", including associated standards set forth in the parking lot ordinance appendix. 8. Excavation of the proposed lake will require the City Engineer's review and the applicant's compliance with Chapter 8, "Excavation and Fill Regulations", prior to the matter being placed before the City Commission for their review, consideration and final dispositon as required by City of Boynton Beach, Florida Code of Ordinances, Chapter 8, "Excavation and Fillll. @ TRC Comments/The Club 25 - Condominiums May 6, 1993 Page #2 9. Modification to the existing ingress/egress area shall require the approval of the State of Florida Department of Transportation, reference construction within the public rights-of-way under the jurisdiction of the State. \ l.,''t {',~ " '-:::l'--t---\~ . vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager w. Richard Staudinger, P.E., City Engineer @ MEMORANDUM TO: UtilitJ Staff FROM: Mike Kazunas, Utility Engineer DATE: March 25, 1993 SUBJECT: General Plan Review Criteria The following design standards apply to most plan reviews. The appropriate regulation or reference source is provided for your use. Plan shall show location of all utility easements, Sec. 26.33(a). Plan shall show size and type of utility pipes, Sec. 26.16(a). No structures shall be allowed in utility easements, App. C, Art. VIII, Sec. 9. Sewer services shall be constructed with max. 300 slopes into service wyes, 100 preferable, Sec. 26.33(b). Swabbing shall be performed on all new water mains, Sec. 26.33(b). The water system shall be designed to provide fire flows of: 500 gpm @20 psi, residential 1500 gpm @20 psi, commercial Appendix C, Art. X, Sec. 16. Plan shall specify meter size and location, Sec. 26.16(c). Location of the water meter is not allowed in pavements or sidewalk, Sec. 26.16(c). vlCity water will not be supplied for irrigation, City Compo Plan, Policy 3C.3.4. Water services of K copper must be used i~ either end of service is under pavement, Sec. 26.33(b). Fire hydrants shall be within 200' of all ~oints on every commercial building, Appendix C, Art. X, Sec. 16. Fire hydrant assemblies greater than 20' from the water main require a second gate valve restrained to the main, Sec. 26.33(b). Backflow preventors are required for certain uses, Sec. 26.107. Unobstructed access to utility facilities must be provided, Sec.26.33(a). ~12' min. easements for utilities are required, Appendix C, Art. X, Sec. 6. Sanitary sewer easements of twice the sewer main depth is required, Sec. 26.33(b). Sanitary sewer services must connect mains @ wyes, not manholes, Sec. 26.33(b). Design must prevent storm water or contaminates from entering into sanitary sewer, Sec. 26.80. A sanitary cleanout shall be installed at the property line, Sec. 26 .33(b). Sewer cleanouts shall be 75' maximum spacing, Standard Plumbing Code. Palm Beach Health Department permit may be required, Sec. 26.12. ~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-200 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~~~ RE: The Club 25 - Condominiums (Proposed site plan) - Cursory Review DATE: May 4, 1993 1. The applicant must provide an approved permit from Palm Beach County Environmental and Resources Management (E.R.M.) to do any proposed construction on mangrove property. The Intracoastal Waterway is under the jurisdiction of the Army Corp. of Engineers for review of structures/mangroves. Contact: Barbara J. Conmy, Environmental Program, Supervisor, E.R.M. #(407) 355-4011 Attached copy of permit application. 2. All existing trees on the site must be surveyed, identified and made part of the site under the tree preservation ordinance. KH:ad RECEIVED MAY 5 1993 (]) M E M Q RAN DUM Police No. 93-080 TO: Christopher Cutro Director Planning & Zoning FROH: Sgt. Michael Kirrman REF: The Club 25 Plan DATE: May 6, 1993 Sir, I have reviewed the site plan submitted and I have the following concerns: 1. The drawing fails to show influence of the heavily traveled intersection of S.E. 23rd Avenue. It is not a true layout of the area. ") Entry access is not sufficient for vehicles to line up for gate. Very good possibility vehicles line up into roadway. 3. please check with Engineering reference city ordinance that states that driveways should be an X amount of feet from major intersections. I feel there are many areas of this in question. HK/jb RECE\\/ED MAY 6 1993 (j) RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-203 RE: Proposed Site Planning & Zoning Dirjet r ) Parks Superintendent ,{~ Plan - The Club 25 " TO: Chris Cutro, FROM: John Wildner, DATE: May 4, 1993 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the proposed site plan, The Club 25 - Condominiums. We foresee no significant. problems. The applicant should be aware, however, that Appendix C - subdivisions, platting art. IX, section 8 (con:erning recreation impact land dedication) would apply to this proposed development. JW:ad \,~ T7('-"~~'''"l T~n " ~,.. ~ . .1.- 1~ ....; __.J...' J( . .1_1 t_.. ! U'( .1 rLl.~lnl(I~J DEPT. @) May 10, 1993 BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-105 To: Chris Cutro Planning Dir Thru: Don Jaeger Building From: Al Newbol Deputy Bldg. Official RE: COMMENTS - CLUB 25, PROPOSED SITE PLAN The Building Department offers the following comments for consideration based on the limited information on the submitted plans for the above referenced project. 1. If there are three separate buildings, walls facing the six foot (6') opening between the buildings must comply with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code, 1991 Edition. /2. ~. The State Handicap code must be met, including placing the handicap parking spaces as close to building entrances as possible. Accessibility must be provided to all~oron elements, such as pool and dock areas~ S' -/'1/ Ii , The parking shown needs to be increased to cover the pool and docks. See.. J1. H. /lpofJlD/X ~ QIJ..) Me PIH~)(/Il/~ WRtJle;;;}) , rr LV rruiN 5'00 'OF rHlt ~.IJ,r UN)! The building cannot exceed 45' in height. 4. /5. Landscaping is required adjacent to the parking area along the north lot line. 6. Gates require approval from the Police, Fire and Sanitation Departments. Note: Other comments may apply if we had additional information, as required by the Site Plan Approval Ordinance, such as floor plan and elevation detail. CiV ~ A Newb d RECEIVED MAY 1 0 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: Chrstopher Cutro, Planning and zoning Director FROM: Fire Department 5-S'-((3 DATE: RE: Site Plan Review - Major Site Plan Modification - 1st Review ~ 0 Proj ect: \..:- ~L{ D - Z--5' The Fire Department has no objections concerning the plans submitted for the above referenced project. /('2 ': CaLd~~ /C Will am D. Cavanaugh, FPO I Fire Department Representative C:FIRE.MSP R"r::(""E.O, i\r=D . ...' ..... L_. MAY 5 1993 @ MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator DATE: May 11, 1993 RE: Cursory Review - Potential Site Plan for Club 25 Condominiums The following general comments are regarding a cursory review of the above referenced site plan. Full review will be initiated upon formal submittal of documents for site plan review. .1. The plan does not show the required handicapped parking spaces and associated five (5) foot wide access ais~. -- (' 2. The landscaping does not comply with the requirements specified in the Landscape Code or the Community Design Plan. \/' 3. The site is located in the coastal Village Design District, therefore, the building and site shall comply with the coastal Village design theme. /4. A Unity of Title combining both properties will be required. (Obtain a Unity of Title form from the Building Department) /17 ;I~ E. Haag @ PUBLIC'WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #93-113 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Proposed Site Plan The Club 25 - Condominiums DATE: May 6, 1993 .. The proposed site listed above does not show a turn around for sanitation vehicles. If you have any questions please give me a call. ~~ Public Works Director REIer //, i~" (', . , , L--. '( ~ I W \1 r, \'t.~) --~ ..If. I: J__ 1\'( -, "I " .. @ f'{ ;. .. OJ'r 'f " i l' ( ; : { PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-096 DATE: Members of the Technical Review (S~~~Distribution List Below) ~f~~~ Fo~ t?ristopher Cutro, Planning and May 3, 1993 Committee TO: FROM: Zonipg Director SUBJECT: Proposed Site Plan The Club 25 - Condominiums The proposed buyers of Gentleman Jim's Restaurant have asked for a cursory review by the City of the attached plan for major problems. I would ask that you review these plans and, if you have major problems and concerns (i.e. poor intersection, poor traffic circulation, emergency access, dumpster location, etc.) please inform me in writing by May 7, 1993. If we do not hear from you we will assume that you have no major problems and we will instruct the applicant to go forward and submit for formal site plan review. If you have any questions regarding the plan, please feel free to call me. Distribution: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Mike Kazunas, Utilities Engineer Richard Staudinger, City Engineer c/o Gee & Jenson Vincent Finizio, Engineering Department Sgt. Mike Kirrman, Police Department Robert Eichorst, public Works Mike Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist John Wildner, Parks & Recreation Department CC:cp Att. A:93-096 w MEMORANDUM U~ilities No. 93-19b TO: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning FROi1: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: May 5, 1993 SUBJECT: Club 25 condominiums a/k/a Gentleman Jim's Restaurant /1. Existing water mains may not provide sufficient fire protection. Developer shall an~icipate the posslbility of the upsizlng of water mains for fire protection. ~. EXisting downstream lift stations may not have sufficient reserve capacity to accept the proJect's sewer demands. Developer shall anticipate the possibility of upsizing pumps and controls at receiving lift stations. /3. Bac}~flow prevention on all water malns sha~l be anticipated. Items 1 and 2 must be addressed at the time of site plan approval to determine availability of water and sewer. Remaining comments will be addressed at ~ime of construction drawings review in conjunction with the Health Department Permit Application. Attached for the applicant's use lS our General plan Review Criteria. We recommend to expedite our reviews that the appllcant contact this department to discuss his plans as they become more concrete. Provided for forwarding to the applicant are the existing ~later and seW~l- locations drawn onto 1115 plan. Ii 11e has any questlons he can contact Mr. Mike Kazunas a~ 738-7460. /bl:s Attachment bc: Mike Kazunas cc: Peter Mazzella Mark Law Skip Hilor Brent Alien 1 hour Utility Engineer .5 hr. Admlnistratlve Assistant r" r' ........yr;r~\rn-r.. ~ ~ n ~ .'} '_I;, oJ LJ ..t '".._,J.. 1"-..... oM .. . '. t 't ~ 1 . 1/;., '. ,-I n'I~;\~\\'\'" D~:,t)T. \. \ ., (l) .n TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Christopher Cutro, Planning & ZOning" w. Richard Staudinger, PE City En9i~C I~ Proposed Site Plan. The 25 Condominiums/Cursory Review, Pre Submittal ................**.....**...t......*...................**....*...............**...**........**...... May 7, 1993 The propsed site plan for this condominium is generally acceptable with the fOllowing comments: ~1. ~ 2. .....:11"" 3. 4. Q~ . provide details on how emergency access roadway wilt be designed to prevent the condominium owners from driving on it. Provide adequate turn around oapabilltles for residents using parking lots. Parding lot on north side appears to be very close to property line. Lake Is assumed to be for stonnwater retention purposes. It is located at the hi"hest point on the site. A pond or retention area will probably be required at the east (low) end of the site. ~. ProvIde trafflce study of entrance intersection. :jer 93049 i 't.. @ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-116 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer DATE: May 6, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Comments The Club 25 - Condominiums Courtesy Review The Engineering Department for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has reviewed the above referenced "conceptual plan" and herein offer the following staff comments: ~. The gate at this site's ingress shall be situated a minimum of 100' east of the existing u.s. Highway #1 rights-of-way line. 0. V3. v4. V 6. V7. Relocate dumpster locations to provide City Sanitation workers with adequate backup dimensions free from obstructions such as parked motor vehicles, raised continuous concrete curbing and landscaping, etc. The turning radius for the stabilized and sodded emergency access aisles should be widened along the radii in order to provide for the turning movements of large fire rescue vehicles and aerial ladder trucks, etc. The proposed lake is situated approximately 3D' from the edge of u.S. Highway #1 travel lanes, therefore, a guardrail system along the west side of the lake should be installed to minimize the chance of errant vehicles entering this body of water. The guardrail shall comply, reference materials and construction standards, with FDOT specifications according to the latest edition of the Highway and Bridge Construction Manual. 5. The applicant should be advised that the construction of rip-rap reventment and the proposed construction of a dock within the Intracoastal Waterway requires requisite governmental agency approval and permits for construction upon submerged lands. Should the applicant desire to move forward with this project, applications shall be made to the Department of Natural Resources and Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management, including, but not limited to the United States Army Corp. of Engineers (if applicable). The pedestrian concrete sidewalk system situated within u.S. Highway #1 rights-of-way shall be extended thru the main ingress/ egress area and be transitioned so as to facilitate the movement of handicapped individuals within the public rights-of-way. The submitted plan is devoid of site lighting, specifically the perimeter post mounted lighting required by Chapter 5, Section 5-l42(a) (b), "Required Parking Lot Lighting" and "Required Pedestrian Walkway Lighting", including associated standards set forth in the parking lot ordinance appendix. 8. Excavation of the proposed lake will require the City Engineer's review and the applicant's compliance with Chapter 8, "Excavation and Fill Regulations", prior to the matter being placed before the City Commission for their review, consideration and final dispositon as required by City of Boynton Beach, Florida Code of Ordinances, Chapter 8, "Excavation and Fill". @ TRC Comments/The Club 25 - Condominiums May 6, 1993 Page #2 9. Modification to the existing ingress/egress area shall require the approval of the State of Florida Department of Transportation, reference construction within the public rights-of-way under the jurisdiction of the State. \l.. ~ (',~ .,~~-L '~~-' vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager w. Richard Staudinger, P.E., City Engineer GJ MEMORANDUM TO: Utility utaff FROM: Mike Kazunas. Utility Engineer DATE: March 25. 1993 SUBJECT: General Plan Review Criteria The following design standards apply to most plan reviews. The appropriate regulation or reference source is provided for your use. Plan shall show location of all utility easements. Sec. 26.33(a). Plan shall show size and type of utility pipes, Sec. 26.16(a). No structures shall be allowed in utility easements. App. C, Art. VIII. Sec. 9. Sewer services shall be constructed with max. 300 slopes . 0 lnto service wyes, 10 preferable, Sec. 26.33(b). Swabbing shall be performed on all new water mains. Se c. 26.33 ( b ) . The water system shall be designed to provide fire flows of: 500 gpm @20 psi, residential 1500 gpm @20 psi, commercial Appendix C, Art. X, Sec. 16. Plan s ha 11 specify meter size and location, Sec. 26.16(c). Location of the water meter is not allowed in pavements or sidewalk, Sec. 26.16(c). vlCity water will not be supplied for irrigation, City Compo Plan. Policy 3C.3.4. Water services of K copper must be used i~ either end of service is under pavement. Sec. 26.33(b). Fire hydrants shall be within 200' of all ~oints on every commercial building. Appendix C, Art. X, Sec. 16. Fire hydrant assemblies greater than 20' from the water main require a second gate valve restrained to the main, Sec. 26.33(b). Backflow preventors are required for certain uses, Sec. 26.107. Unobstructed access to utility facilities must be provided, Sec.26.33(a). ~12' min. easements for utilities are required, Appendix C, Art. X, Sec. 6. Sanitary sewer easements of twice the sewer main depth is r e qu ire d, Sec. 2 6 . 3 3 ( b ) . Sanitary sewer services must connect mains @ wyes. not manholes. Sec. 26.33(b). Design must prevent storm water or contaminates from entering into sanitary sewer. Sec. 26.80. A sanitary cleanout shall be installed at the property line, Sec. 26 .33{b). Sewer cleanouts shall be 75' maximum spacirg, Standard Plumbing Code. Palm Beach Health Department permit may be required, Sec. 26.12. ((;;) RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-200 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director ~~~ FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environme~talist RE: The Club 25 - Condominiums (Proposed site plan) - Cursory Review DATE: May 4, 1993 1. The applicant must provide an approved permit from Palm Beach County Environmental and Resources Management (E.R.M.) to do any proposed construction on mangrove property. The Intracoastal Waterway is under the jurisdiction of the Army Corp. of Engineers for review of structures/mangroves. Contact: Barbara J. Conmy, Environmental Program, Supervisor, E.R.M. #(407) 355-4011 Attached copy of permit application. 2. All existing trees on the site must be surveyed, identified and made part of the site under the tree preservation ordinance. KH:ad RECEIVED MAY 5 1993 @J M E M 0 RAN DUM Police No. 93-080 '1'0: Christopher Cutro Director Planning & Zoning FROt-!: Sgt. Michael Kirrman REF: The Club 25 plan DATE: May 6, 1993 Sir, I have reviewed the site plan submitted and I have the following concerns: 1. The drawing fails to show influence of the heavily traveled intersection of S.E. 23rd Avenue. It is not a true layout of the area. ") Entry access is not sufficient for vehicles to line up for gate. Very good possibility vehicles line up into roadway. 3 . Please check with Engineering reference city ordinance that states that driveways should be an X amount of feet from major intersections. I feel there are many areas of this in question. HK/jb RECE\\/ED MAY 6 1993 (j) RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-203 RE: Proposed Site Planning & Zoning Dire]t r ) Parks Superintendent {~ Plan - The Club 25 ... TO: Chris Cutro, FROM: John Wildner, DATE: May 4, 1993 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the proposed site plan, The Club 25 - Condominiums. ''Ie foresee no significant. problems. The applicant should be aware, however, that Appendix C - subdivisions, platting art. IX, section 8 (con~erning recreation impact land dedication) would apply to this proposed development. JW:ad \. ,~ T", (-"~7'lf,"\ T"'iD ' , . ~ l " ~ . .L". '..> .J...' Jt 'i ..I_I t__ I UY .1 PLAtH 1I ~lG DEPT. @) To: Thru: From: RE: May 10, 1993 BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-105 Chris Cutro Planning Dir ctor Don Jaeger Building Al Newbol Deputy Bldg. Official COMMENTS - CLUB 25, PROPOSED SITE PLAN The Building Department offers the following comments for consideration based on the limited information on the submitted plans for the above referenced project. 1. If there are three separate buildings, walls facing the six foot (6') opening between the buildings mUSL comply with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code, 1991 Edition. /'2. ~. 4. !' 5. 6. The State Handicap code must be met, including placing the handicap parking spaces as close to building entrances as possible. Accessibility must be provided to all~9jon elements, such as pool and dock areas~5'-JlII ~ r The parking shown needs to be increased to cover the pool and docks. 5~c.. JJ. H. flpof~1)/,1. t5 01..) /IJ~ PINO(IIVG-' ~RVJ,trEj) , rr LV rr'HiAl 5"00 lOr m/ft J..IJ'''- v,NJi The building cannot exceed 45' in height. Landscaping is required adjacent to the parking area along the north lot line. Gates require approval from the Police, Fire and Sanitation Departments. Note: Other comments may apply if we had additional information, as required by the Site Plan Approval Ordinance, such as floor plan and elevation detail. @ ~ A Newb d RECEIVED MAY t 0 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: Chrstopher cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Fire Department 5- '5'- q:s DATE: RE: site Plan Review - Major Site plan Modification - 1st Review n .0 7 c- Proj ect : 1...:_ t....-Gt 0 - .:.---) The Fire Department has no obj ections concerning the plans submitted for the above referenced project. /(2',; Ca{d~~./C Will am D. Cavanaugh, FPO I Fire Department Representative C:FIRE.MSP qr.=r;E'''I~\r=D r"~ . ... .... L_ . MAY 5 1993 @ MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator DATE: May 11, 1993 RE: cursory Review - Potential site Plan for Club 25 Condominiums The following general comments are regarding a cursory review of the above referenced site plan. Full review will be initiated upon formal submittal of documents for site plan review. -':1. The plan does not show the required handicapped parking spaces and associated five (5) foot wide access aisle. ------- --- ---,.. I' 2. The landscaping does not comply with the requirements specified in the Landscape Code or the Community Design Plan. \/ .3 . The site is located in the Coastal Village Design District, therefore, the building and site shall comply with the Coastal village design theme. /4. A Unity of Title combining both properties will be required. (Obtain a Unity of Title form from the Building Department) E. Haag @ PUBLIC'WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #93-113 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Proposed Site Plan The Club 25 - Condominiums DATE: May 6, 1993 .. The proposed site listed above does not show f' turn around for sanitation vehicles. If you have any questions please give me a call. ~~ Public Works Director REier .1/ i~\"'" , L'H"_" _,~? ~ 1 \ I {;'F) -'-- II-Vi " -4 @ f'1' , .,': ;, " i l' ( ; { rrne City of $oynton $eacfi 100 'E. flJoynton flJeadi flJouhvara P.O. flJo~310 flJoynton flJeadi, '.Jforida. 33425-0310 City 1fa[[: (4Q7) 375-6000 1'JtX: (4Q7) 375-6090 , , l' ~. December 3, 1993 , , Dale Meaux, Architect 7860 Glades Road suite 225 Boca Raton, Florida, 33434 ~. ,. ~ -,. \. (:,i , \ 1 \': r \ ") " .{! " t ' ." RE: Initial Review Comments - Club 55 File No. 789 Mr. Meaux: The city of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the documents submitted for the above referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 'days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the project or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets (inc~uding surveys) of the plans to the Planning and zoning Department. When the amended plans and documents have been submi tted to the Planning and Zoning Department, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for a second review and the reviewers will recommend if the site plan will be placed on a board meeting agenda for approval (see attached meeting schedule). If there are major comments not addressed by new plans or the reviewers recommend that the plan not be forwarded through the approval schedule, this office will notify you of your alternatives regarding the site plan as soon as possible. @ .9lmerit:a s (jateway to tlU (julfstream To: Mr. Meaux Re: Initial Review Comments, File No.: 789 Page 2 of 2 We have also enclosed for your convenience an approval schedule and a checklist that contains information regarding the second submission of the plans and documents for review. If you should have any questions regarding the comments or on the approval schedule, please feel free to call Michael E. Haag who is coordinating the review of your site plan for the Planning and Zoning Department. Yours truly, -,:. 'f.lko F"DR. a ri J. Heyden cting Planning & Zoning Director CC:ald Attachments XC: Central File Chron. File Project File A: INTLCOM . SP @ SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL SCHEDULE 1993 *original Amended city Submittal plans P & D ccmmission Deadline Deadline Meetinq Meetinq May 10 Jun 22 Jul 13 Jul 20 Jun 3 Jul 20 Aug 10 Aug 17 Jul 9 Aug 23 sep 14 Sep 21 Aug 6 sep 21 Oct 12 Oct 19 sep 3 Oct 19 Nov 9 Nov 16 Oct 6 Nov 19 Dee 14 Dee 21 Oct 29 ~ Dee 16 Jan 11 Jan 18 * P&D = Planning & Development Board CC = city Commission @ CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review. Turning in this list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Planning and Zoning Department. Project Name: club 55 1. Submit an amended Site plan Review/Conditional Use application form that reflects the change~ that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments. A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form wi th the changes identi f ied. I f there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal. 2. Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents, including surveys tl1at show compliance with the code of ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee. Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s). plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example: 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. 3. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 5" by 7". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. 4. Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project. The colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that were submitted for site plan review. The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified. The type of exterior surface material shall be identified next to the associated color. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original dra'tllng shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". Do no submit on board of any kind. 5. submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors. Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name and numerical/letter code from an established color chart. 6. submit a 8 1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. @ MEMORANDUM FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Acting Planning and Zoning Director Michael E. Haa~~ Site and zonin~_D~lopment Administrator December 3, 1993 TO: DATE: RE: Site Plan Project: Location: Agent: File No. : Review - 1st Review club 55 2404 South Federal Highway Dale Meaux, Architect 789 The following is a list of 1st review comments regarding the Site plan Review of the plans for the above-referenced project. It should be noted that the comments are divided into three (3) categories; the first category is a list of comments that identify deficiencies that are required to be corrected and shown in compliance on the plans submitted for second (2nd) review in order for the project to continue through the site plan review process. The second set of comment(s) are recommendations that the Planning and Zoning Department staff believe will enhance the proposed development. The third set of comments is a list of deficiencies that are shown on the plans regarding technical compliance and shall be corrected and shown in compliance on the permit set of plans prior to issuance of permits for the development of the project. The applicant shall understand that all documents/plans submitted for site plan and/or permit review are subject to additional comments. I recommend that the applicant/agent contact me regarding questions related to the comments. If the applicant is not intendlng to correct code deficiencies they should contact me regarding the procedures, application forms, fees and submittal deadline dates for seeking relief from the code requirement. I. Site Plan Review Comments: 1. The site data indicates that there is a building coverage of 17,759 sq. ft. and a total coverage of 72,709 sq. ft. Amend the drawing to identify the total footprint coverage of each story and the total gross floor area of the entire building. Also, identify whether the floor areas include balconies, walkways, elevator shafts, electrical & mechanical rooms, storage rooms, etc. 2. Add to the drawings a typical unit plan of the west end unit and the east end unit. Also identify the floor area and overall dimensions of each unit. 3. Add to the unit plan drawing found on the site plan, the overall dimensions and square foot floor area of the unit. ,.(_0'''-.. 1 4. ,: The 1.43 acre portion of the total 3.48 acre site that is zoned C-3 shows a total of 19 units. This number exceeds the allowed density of 10.8 units per acre as specified in Appendix A Zoning Section 6 C. 1. j. and section 5 G. Amend the plans to show no more than the maximum allowed density for the C-3 zoned property. Maximum density allowed for the 1.43 acre C-3 property is 15 units. , . - ..--//~ @ CLUB 55 - 1ST REVIEW PAGE 2 (S::.~) , /1' 6. 7. 8 . 9. 10. /) 12./ : .,./ ,'----...-...---,,/ omit the reference on the site plan regarding the bonus density being applied to the .20 acre piece of property. The Future Land Use Map shows the bonus density applying only to the 1.80 acre portion of the 2 acre site. Add to the drawing a cut-away section and plan view drawing of the mechan~cal and roof access tower. The City height limitations allows, with application and city approval, certain appurtenances to exceed the maximum height of 45 feet. It appears that the mechanical and roof access tower is not an appurtenance that would be allowed to exceed the 45 feet limitation. Amend the plans accordingly. [Appendix A-Zoning Section 4 F.] Add to the drawing an elevation view and floor plan drawing of the gate house. Dimension the overall size of the pool(s) and identify the total area. Also dimension the pool pavilion and identify the total gross floor area. Amend the site data, regarding number of required parking spaces. show on the plan the code specified parking ratios. Appendix A-zoning Section 11 H. 16. a. (3) and e. (1), (12) (e.) identifies the required parking space ratios. [Note the code specifies that the number of spaces required for the pool may be reduced by seventy-five (75) percent.] Add to the drawing a detailed plan and section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure. Include the following: a) Type of wall material. b) Exterior finish material and color of same. c) overall height of walls. d) Overall width and length of enclosure. NOTE: A minimum of ten (10) feet clear opening width is required. Clear opening width shall be measured and shown from inside of gate and post mater1al. specify in note form the method of holding the gates in the open and closed position. 11. Show on the site plan, paving and drainage plan, and landscape plan, the location of the City standard curbing as specified in section 5-142 (e) of Article X Parking Lots. show on the site plan a forty (40) foot setback/yard from the edge of the portion of the building that is located on the C-3 zoned property to the R-3 zoning district line. Also show a forty (40) foot setback/yard from the C-3 zoning district line to the edge of the building on the R-3 zoned property. [APpendix A-Zoning Section 5 G.2. and section 6 C. 1. j.] Note: This issue is being reviewed by the City Attorney. , \ 13.1 show on the site plan a buffer wall that is l-equired where / the C-3 commercial zoned property abuts the R-3 residential zoned property. [Appendix A-Zoning Section 4 L] 14. Add to the drawing a dimensioned typical section and elevation view drawing of the item shown on the landscape plan with a heavy dark line located on each side of the driveway entrance. Add the structure to the site plan and drainage drawings. (0) CLUB 55 - 1ST REVIEW PAGE 3 15. Show and label on the site plan the location and type of site signage proposed for the project. Also, show on the elevation view drawings of the building, the location of any proposed wall signage. Note that the wall and site signage shall comply with the Sign Code. It appears as though there are two signs shown on Sheet L1. Clarify and provide the following additional sign information: type of sign, color, width, length, height, configuration. Dimension the location of the site sign(s) from two adjacent property lines. [Sign Code Section 21-21.] 16. Add to the site data the number of stories contained in the proposed residential structure. .-:;:~~'-:-, //' 'j ,/17//' The Coastal Management element of the Comprehensive Plan iJ/ states that the south setback for the subject property that contains a four (4) story building shall be 100 feet. The drawing depicts a four (4) story building located 92.75 feet setback from the south property line. The single story pool pavilion structure shall be setback forty (40) feet from the south property line and 150 feet from the shoreline. Amend the plans accordingly. [Comprehensive Plan Policy 7.9.6.] /., ) (18~/ The Coastal Management element of the Comprehensive Plan ',~~ states that the east setback for the subject property shall be 150 feet from the shoreline. This site is an "A" rated ecosystem which receives top priority by the City Comprehensive Plan to ensure maximum preservation of mangroves. Such sites are addressed by the following Comprehensive Plan Policies 1.11.1., 1.11.14., 4.3.5. and 4.3.1. Preservation of this area is justified by data analysis within the Conservation Support Documents (page 24 & 37) and the Future Land Use Support Documents (page 49). Amend the plans accordingly to include removal of all structures, future docks, natural stone wall, pool, pool deck, landscaping, sidewalk, and stabilized fire lane in this area. 19. To properly evaluate whether the "fiber cement siding" complies with the required wall specifications listed in the Community Design Plan for the Coastal Village design theme, add to the sheet depicting the elevation views a detailed section view and partial elevation view of the proposed material. [Appendix II (a) Artlcle V Chapter 7.5 City code of Ordinances] 20. Specify on the plan what type of material is proposed for the pool deck. 21. Correct the inconsistency regarding the location and configuration of the sidewalk, adJacent to the pool, shown on Sheet L3 alld all other plans. 22. The plan is void of the visual screening hedge material required along the perimeter of east vehicle use area. Correct the plans accordingly. [Landscape code Section 7.5- 35 (e)] 23. The spacing of the required visual screening hedge material along the south side of the south vehicle use area exceeds the code required spacing. The plans indicate the proposed MYR2 (Wax Myrtle) hedge material is spaced five (5) feet on center. The code specifies a maximum spacing of twenty-four (24) inches on center. Correct the plans accordingly. [Landscape code Section 7.5-35 (e)] 24. Add to the landscape plan foundation landscape material along the east and west sides of the building. [Landscape Code Section 7.5-35 (1)] rY 25. CLUB 55 - 1ST REVIEW PAGE 4 26. 27. II. "") " :' 1 \. ...., "",,~<'.<"" Show and dimension on the landscape plan the ten (10) foot isosceles right triangles that are required on both sides of the ingress and egress median. These triangles form the cross visibility triangles. Place a note on the plan that specifies "Landscape material placed within the triangular areas shall be installed and maintained to allow an unobstructed cross visibility between thirty (30) inches and six (6) feet above the driveway surface. (Landscape Code Section 7.5-35 (h)] A tree and environmental survey is required for the project. Submit the su~vey to Kevin Hallahan, City Forester/ Environmentalist and the Planning and Zoning Department. [Article IV of Chapter 7.5] The traffic impact analysis for the subject property was forwarded to Palm Beach County for review for compliance with the Traffic Performance Standards. The results of their review and the City evaluation of same must be on record with the City prior to the site plan being forwarded for Board approval. Recommendation(s) : Recommend C-3 portion of site be rezoned to R-3 and unified by title with the present R-3 zoned property, to eliminate problems created as a result of the existence of this commercial zoning district. (Comments #12 and #13.) This rezoning would also require an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan (Future Land Use Element (Map)) which could be accomplished concurrently with the rezoning, and with the same application. since the subject property is less than 10 acres, it qualifies for the "small-scale" plan amendment procedures as established in Florida law. This abbreviated amendment procedure allows the amendment to be adopted by the City prior to State review. After acceptance of an application, the process can be completed within three (3) months. The rezoning process would not change the maximum dwelling units per acre (density) allowed on that portion of the site located outside of the bonus density area. Requesting the bonus density of twenty (20) units per acre for the entire 3.48 acre site would require a "large scale" amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and would take approximately nine (9) months to one (1) year. III. Permit Comments: 1. The plans submitted for a landscape permit shall show the computations to verify that the landscaping required for code Section 7.5-35 (g) and (k) are accounted for on the plans. A distinguishable symbol shall be used to show on the plans where the code required landscaping is located. 2. Prior to the issuance of a permit to construct the building, submit for review a Unity of Title that identifies the two lots combined. A Unity of Title form may be obtained from the Building Department. Note: Following review approval from the City and prior to issuance of building permits, the Unity of Title shall be recorded with Palm Beach County and a recorded copy submitted to the City. 3. The permit documents shall be reviewed for technical compliance with City codes. MEH/jm A:CLUB55-1.JM (iJ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #93-254 TO: Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Major Site Plan Modification - Club 55 DATE: November 17, 1993 The dumpster location at the above site is fine, however Public Works prefers a direct approach from the north at this location. REier ill muw. &fnl I H" lE), j!l i/ @J ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-335 TO: Tambri Heyden Acting Planning & Zoning Director FROM: James D. White, City Engineer : .On lJ P.E/, " ~ ,/ DATE: November 9, 1993 RE: Club 55 Condominium Site Plan - First Review City Engineer's Comments Engineering has the following comments on this plan submittal. Sheet - Site Plan 1. Provide stop sign, stop bar at exit. Provide entrance/exit signs at u.S. Hwy. #1, directional arrow pavement markings in circulation area of parking, 4" line in center of entrance/exit turn arrows. Section 5-l42(c). 2. Provide lighting plan for parking area and pedestrian walks. Section 5-l42(b). 3. Provide minimum 25' radii for driveway cuts at u.S. Hwy. #1. 4. Provide cross section on detail of stabilized and sodded emergency access. Sheet #Cl 1. Provide stormwater calculations, assumptions, soils data supporting percolation calculations, calculations and elevations, cross sections, contours, etc. showing retention storage volume. Section 5-l42(f). 2. Show curb cuts to retention sites. 3. Provide top elevation of stone wall. 4. Show roof drain locations. 5. The finish floor elevation is same as, or lower, than top of curb, walks immediately in front of buildings should be higher. Deputy City Engineer's Comments 1. Provide "Letter of Intent" from F.D.O.T. authorizing modifications to existing ingress/egress approach. riP rn , "fO't1 un c- PI ANIiUNr. AND 00 Engineering Dept. Memo. No. 93-335 November 9, 1993 Page #2 2. Sidewalks shall be constructed to provide handicap access from handicap parking stalls to the pool pavilion and swimming pool. Site plan and Sheet C-l conflict. Revise plans accordingly. 3. Owner to coordinate with City Forester, reference landscaping of median within Federal Highway rights-of-way. 4. Plans shall contain a notation that the abandoned ingress/egress approach (SW cJrner of property) will be demolished and a standard F.D.O.T. approved sidewalk/curb and gutter be constructed in its place (see area designated as ramp). 5. Place notation on plans that Palm Beach County D.E.R.M. permit(s) on exemption is required for future construction of dock(s) and natural stone wall, including City permits if approved by Palm Beach County, prior to commencement of construction. 6. D.E.R.M. permits required to discharge into off-site and on-site Mangrove areas, including a variance to the City's Parking Lot Regulations which requires the retention of stormwater on-site, should the Developer utilize the existing 48' RCP or desire to sheet flow into the Mangrove area. L.l:- - -ot- Do.:-=t .~ Vincent A. Finizio JDW:VAF/ck xc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager @ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-354 FROM: Tambri Heyden Acting Planning & Zoning Director Office of the City Engineer 11, . . ." Ie James D. Whlte, P.E., Clty Englneer TO: DATE: December 1, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Comments Club 55 Planning Department File No. 789 Pursuant to discussions which ensued during the November 30, 1993 Technical Review Committee meeting, the applicant is hereby granted a favorable recommendation for exception to platting regulations by the City Engineer's Office conditioned upon the developer's payment of fee in lieu of land dedication pursuant to Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting Regulations. The developer shall submit data which represents the fair market value of the subject parcel on a per acre basis for usage in calculating applicable fees. Conditions of approval set forth in this office's prior Memorandum No. 93-335 shall remain a condition of approval (memo previously transmitted to Planning Department) . ~J~' -r A ~y Vincent A. Finizio ( JDW:VAF/ck xc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager John Wildner, Parks Superintendent rn ~ ~ \\ ~i] ~ ill DEe 2 1993 <:.. w PLANNING ANI) ZONING DEPT. /7\ / ;)1;; J ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-354 (SUPPLEMENT) TO: Tambri Heyden December 6, 1993 Acting Planning Director I FROM: Office o~ the City Ez:gineer. J~UI James Wh~te, P.E., C~ty Eng~nee~/ {/ RE: Supplement to Engineering Department Memo No. 93-354 Club 55 - Exemption to Platting Regulations Please be advised that Platting is required and that the applicant shall be responsible to submit a formal application for exemption which shall include an appropriate filing fee in the amount of four hundred ($400.00) dollars, prior to this Department rendering a formal approval on the written request for exemption. Should you require any additional information, please contact the undersigned at extension 6282. cc: J. Scott Miller City Manager ~A~cr VAFjJWjvaf John Wildner Parks Superintendent ~7 '" To: Via: From: Re: BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-235 November 29, 1993 Don Jaeger, Building Official Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning Al Newbold, Deputy Building Of TRC COMMENTS - Major Site Plan Modification Club 55 - 2404 S. FEDERAL HWY. After review of the plans for the proposed project, the Building Department offers the following comments: AN: mh A:CLUB55.TRC 1. The floor plan reveals 14 units each on four floors which totals 56 units. Please explain why the site plan data sheet shows 55 units. 2. The maximum height for all structures is 45'. Please review the north and west elevations and comply with this requirement. 3. Plans should show handicap ramps and access from the walkways to the building entrances and to all site amenities, including docks. 4. The building should comply with Table IV for Type 5 construction minimum. 5. Signage for this project is not addressed. 6. The survey shows the building encroaching on the 40' easement. 7. All existing curb cuts should be brought back to standards if they have no continued use. A~V / ill ~@~ow~ - 00' c..... 0J FlEE CEPARTHEN'l' HEHORJl.NDUH 1-10. 93-::'89 \iDe 'l'C) : P 1 alllllng and ZOinng Depal' t1l1en t FHQi".: tile Depa.rtment D ;'.'1" E : Kovemb8~ 23, 199~ 3ULJECT: S=TE PLAN Club ~J 5 24U4 3, F~deLa~ Hi0hway nilS 1)16.n hctS i)2t~n .lev lEVied and. found dccl=ptable. III 1,'iU' \iitW tbis p~all I1lay be f(ll"viarjed. ~~~-~~--- HILLIJl.H D. CAVANAUGH FPO I BOYNTON BEA~H ~IRE DEPARTMENT HLIC: C1) @) MEMORANDUM Utilities #93-481 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Acting Planning & 20 Director FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities Ik- DATE: November 16, 1993 SUBJECT: Club 55 Condominiums Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: 1. Palm Beach Health Department permits for water and sanitary sewer will be required (Sec. 26-12). 2. Developer will be allowed an irrigation water meter but will be required to pay cap fees based on project demand. 3, Proposed fire line, water main on site with fire hydrants, and sanitary sewer mains to be owned and maintained by the City of Boynton Beach Utility Department and located in acceptable utility easements dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach (Sec. 26.33(a), Appendix C, Art, X, Sec. 6, Sec. 26.33[b]). 4. Suitable backflow preventors will be required on the private fire lines and the domestic water service Sec. 26.107), It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. 19b xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella File rn iUN I " .- C 00 if) HEMORANDUM POLICE f93-178 'rG: l'ambri Heyden Acting Planning & Zoning Director FROM: sgt. M. Kirrman DATE: November 12, 1993 REF: Club 55 - 2404 South Federal Highway Ms. Heyden, I have reviewed the submitted plans and have the following comments: 1. Sugqest a "Caution Intersection" sign at entrance/exi 1: to U. S. 1 ; 2. 'l'raffic flow arrows at entrance/exit continuing into and throughout the parking lot; 3. Pedestrian cross walk - stop bars indicating light trip in roadway; 4. Farking lot and outside security building lights; 5. Indication of building and apartment addresses. 7 j~i it1(. [lJiJLt{wucf! ~1rrman { MK/jb (;]O) RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM '93-500 FROM: Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks superintendent;.,~ Club 55 Condominiums - New Site Pl , TO: RE: DATE: December 2, 1993 Further review of the Club 55 Condominium site plan indicates that this project will be subject to the recreation element of the subdivision regulations. As such, the following comments are submitted: 1. Based on 55 multi-family dwelling units, the recreation dedication requirement is determined to be: 55 D.U. X .0150 acres = .825 acres 2. Assuming the developer does not apply for one-half credit for private recreation, the City elects to accept payment of a fee in lieu of land. 3. Amount of the fee is to be determined by fair market value of the land in the proposed development JW:ad ~ I , MEMORANDUM TO: Tambri Heyden, Acting Pla~ning & Zoning irector DATE: II--Ie; -q3 FROM: John Wildner, Parks Superintendent RE: Site Plan Review - Major Site Plan Modification - 1st Review Project: CLvr.B 55- The Recreation and Parks Department has reviewed the above referenced proj ect. There are no outstanding recreation related issues on this project. 'V g: 4t .,..l-7~.J d ~~~- ;j; ~(;.~ tJt?-j ~ m lit IV '9 ~ c....- m C:PARKS.MSP r;;) RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM '93-460 FROM: Tambri Heyden, Acting Planning & Zoning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist fz2t~ Club 55 - Major Site Plan Modification TO: RE: DATE: November 9, 1993 This memorandum is in reference to the existing mangrove trees and other desirable trees throughout the site. 1. The existing mangrove trees are protected by the State of Florida under the auspices of Palm Beach County Environmental Resources Management Department. The applicant must submit written approval from this agency to develop near the mangroves. The site plan indicates surface drainage into the mangrove area which must be approved by this agency. 2. There are existing trees on the site around the perimeter of the restaurant and on the vacant portion of the area east of the existing paved location. These trees in total should be indicated on the tree survey and addressed as part of the Tree Management Plan. The desirable existing trees include: Seagrape, Sabal Palms and Banyan. The undesirable existing trees to be removed include: Florida Holly, australian Pine and Earleaf Acacia. These trees which exist inside the mangrove stands must be removed by hand rather than machinery during the clearing process. The project can proceed as scheduled in your memorandum. KH:ad m BWM~ f!IN '. @ -- " ''\ y) <' ' , ! ~A /V1v " \ LJ rr'/"- , (J.,," . .-< .,.------.----- = __::;::; .Ii-J .. -' - - ...., ~ ~ .. , - .., . ~ - ~~ at1J &U:.ijp - ' - - . .; - __0 ,... ." - {ijjj) 'l~ ~ ~ tJAu... (~ - 1'; r ~~ ~ t-1F -J (~ m1f/~ j - ktv~~fL-IJ- ,~ A--r, 0 A IJ! d tf-~ ~I -' () JA-.:I- L/ ~v7 eP - A1 d/J I ~./~.r ,-II ~ ~ ~ ~ a,~U-;C .. ~/J~ = A tlUJUL ~ ~~ ~ tv ~~1I;yr---ff!L ~ - ~~ ~ drJ {~~1 ~S ~4 ___ ~: /t/~4 t?- Flf?~ d /Ptt;J1-r:-t-L /)vJ'ic (zC?L f'7'- ,y/'-c 'u;. H 0/1! .". t L//',.{:. (? PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-310 TO: Jim Cherof, City Attorney FROM: Tarnbri J. Heyden, Acting Planning '/Q J and Zoning Director tI DATE: December 6, 1993 SUBJECT: Zoning Code interpretation - Zoning line vs. property line As discussed with you by phone today, please provide your op~n~on regarding whether a building can be constructed over a zoning district line. The zoning district line in question is a boundary between a residential zoning district and a commercial zoning district and normally would require a buffer wall and setbacks. However, since the applicant has extinguished the interior property line that coincided with the zoning line and is proposing a building encroaching the zoning line, is this a zoning code violation that would require unifying the zoning on the property? Please refer to Section 3.A.5.g. of the Zoning Code. TJH/cmc c:zonecode t;g\ (...- .' ~ u . > a! ~ ;:l - 0 J: ::t .. .. .0 .. :I 0 U ~ .....- 00 (. ~ III .0 ., ., .. .. <! - '1; C.,Q. ~ '" III ~::l~ . . '" J: ~ ~ .. "Q ~ J: ~ U J: DC Wi .. Q "Q J: III .. III '" ;:l '1; C III ~ .. .. = :I ~ CoI C c:; .. Q. ~ .. - ij5 ~ .. :c ~ "Q ::OC ~ J: g.C 0 ..Q U =..N =.. ~ oc _~ _.5 .... a: .!!J: _ M~ r.-. ~N U .. "QIIl ..;:l '" .. ~ .. a..:::s Q- .. :::s =.."'- r, ~ S,-\C- ~~)(':~~\~~'N'- ~ . ~,c: I c:......( \c<'-~---"O"i'L \,l"< j - III .. .. 'a Vi J: ~ U it Iii io "B l5 l5 ~ "B io ~ ~ >; ~ Meld c 'E ~ ~ iii :l g ~ ~ E'S 'E o 0 - - - .... - ._ U lIS ._ :I':'" .- 0 U III = .0 '0 0- u C. '-e !; ~ 0" :....-_ ~ t: ,.::: "C s:: ~ Q "u" e" > < = - ~ U ::s 3 Z .- u':: ::s ~ .:: u u - a:l ... DO > u ..g<ll~ ... ... ~~e ct~~ ... u:~ 1(:2~U e-;goOe] >. ' .. U .0 -E - u._ = 0 J: U '-e III _ U e _ c u ~ '0 'i) U U) ~.5 0 e.o DO ... .- - g e _ .8 "5 ~ e a:l o u.... U III '" e. ::s ::s.S - J: 0 0 .. ::s _ . 111 u .c - ;.s.o o' 0 DO iii iii -5 "C U III ~ '"' .- - N 0 eo..... "C ~ "C J: u u c. ~ ~ C .- .c .- .. c::S ..... 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U MiiO .5 J: ..W; u>. 513 u.- . .. >~ U 4) iiO iiO .~ .~ - J: .. .. .. :I U ~ C .;; ~ N 00 ~ too: NM ~.o In .0 \Q\Q NO - to- 0\ In Q\ 0\ :::! ~ - M M N ~ ~~ IC - co Q\ -- A -78- U '" :J -0 ~ .:! ~ tf c U e U Lij U -5 .~ ClI:: CI:l ~ U ~ :J Cl IC - ....... ~ M C ~ U U e >.1) ~ .~ III ~ "0 5 '0; ~ ~~ .!! M'- ~ 'C ~ 'd 8 ~ -8 '5 U u.J::'~ U C .~ .~-o CI:l 0 til.J:: M t:-=.=.. .5 .8 · 5'- ~ ~ j .~ ~ ~ ZUIIIOC t<.= U - ;.s U CI:l b I'! C 05"0 Is < ~ &. ~ rill Q v.a c.c.......'" lII.e::t5 ~~OCl:lU r.-. c.i: ~ . . I I +-- ~ Z - ::t VI - .. I) a: b ] -: "3 e a'l:I U iiO J: ~ u 05 ..: -. .. .!! 'ii :.t:: ::C }j . ~ - N \Q M Ii ~ :l o CI:l 41 41 41 @ r Policy 7.9.5 . ~~Cy 7.9~ Policy 7.9.7 Policy 7.9.8 ,r::.. Within five years, the City shall investigate the long term feasibility of transit facilities to serve beach front parks. subsequent to Plan adoption, the city shall adopt and implement the land use and zoning recommendations outlined in Coastal Management Element. Cognizant of impacts to established uses, the city shall subsequen~ to Plan adoption, establish criteria for marina siting and to give priority to development plans which increase public interaction with the waterfront. The City shall consider developing performance standards which guide the review of proposals in this respect. Subsequent to Plan adoption, ID?dify the land development regulations to enforce public access to beaches renourished at public expense, enforce the public access requirements of the Coastal Zone Protection Act of 1985 and investigate the financial feasibility of providing transit service to beachfront parks and access locations. . Objective 7.10 By 1995, protect, preserve and or provide for the sensitive reuse of historic properties in the coastal Management area. Policy 7.10.1 Policy 7.10.2 Policy 7.10.3 Policy 7.10.4 Subsequent to Plan adoption, establish procedures to investigate the feasibility of establishing an historic preservation ordinance that includes performance standards for development and reuse. Subsequent to Plan adoption, establish procedures to encourage the property owners of historic sites to maintain the design and structural, integrity of the bUildings. Prior to the five (5) year Evaluation and Appraisal, prepare an inventory of historic properties worthy of preservat~,on. Subsequent to Plan adoption, the City shall consider allowances for historic preservation efforts in the review of site plans and building permits. Objective 7.11 To provide for the ongoing development of the coastal area in a manner which will reduce the exposure of human life and public and private property to natural hazards by developing a Post-Disaster Redevelopment Plan. . 86 ~} -\( ,,"-<.. o\::~-- - \: ," -(..7- ~ ,>c:...~~'\- -(, Go-- Jr ~e 4,ll..C( ~Jl 1: 9- \ &(\; Table 2. Listing of Boynton Beach Natural Resource Sites '. ,. ~",:.~.s J:; Site Geographic Area in Swnmary # Location Acres Evaluation 1 43-45-08-1 88.6 B 2 3 4.a.* 43-45-08-2 43-45-07-1 43-45-17-1 4.b. 43-45-16-3 -- 4.c. '43-45-20-2 5* 43-45-16-2 6* 43-45-16-5 43-45-21-1 7* 8 43-45-20-1 . 9 43-45-20-4 29.7 52.4 141.8 40.1 19.0 9.6 11.2 6.2 A? 10 43-45-30-1 21.6 D 11 43-45-20-5 17.1 D 12* 43-45-29-1 ~52.1 A 13* 43-45-32-1, -2,43r925.Q A 14* 43-45-32-3 15* 43-46-05-1 16 43-45-31-1 17 43-45-31-2 18 43-45-30-2 . continued ... 24.1 7.0 22.4 17.6 17.4 x X A Annotation Pine Flatwoods and disturbed PF; pond with emergent vegetation. East of High Ridge Country Club. Lift Station #717 is located here. Residential development in progress. Cleared. Florida Scrub. County Site "Eoo-87 Quantum NE Scrub". West of Highridge Rd.; Part of the site is in the Quantum Park DRI developmenL Portions in Boynton Beach and County. Disturbed Florida Scrub corridor. County site "Eeo-36 Quantum RR-195 Route". Restricted access. South portion of Quantum DRI developmenL Florida Scrub. County site uEe0-36 Quantum High Risk". Part of Quantum Park development both east and west of Highridge Rd.; road clearing and development in progress. Composite of Quantum sites total 9 listed endangered species. Florida Scrub with disturbed border. County site "Eeo- 34, I Rolling Green Scrub". Endangered species total 8. Florida Scrub. County site uEco-32, Galaxy Scrub". Endangered species total 9. Florida Scrub site with scrub oaks of shrub and small tree size disturbed by trails and disturbed borders along RR and 1-95 rights-of-way. County site "Eco-32 Industrial Scrub". Dense stand of Melaleuca (Mtlaleuca quinquenerviaJ, Australian pine (Casuarina equisetifoliaJ, and Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifoliusJ, and area of grassy and ruderal species. A mix of Melaleuca and other exotics. Former Pine Flatwoods now crowded with weeds. 3 parcels. Disturbed Pine Flatwoods, Florida Scrub, and open grassy with ruderal species. Conidor, western border of 1- 95, Eeo-31 Boynton 7th St Scrub right of way. ~ text narrative for additional information. South of Woolbriiht Road. Pine Flatwoods and open grassy; disturbed by previous clearing at ground level and entry of ruderal species. County site "Ec0-70 N 195-RR 23 Rd Conidor". No on-site visiL Endangered species total I. A continuation of site 1f13. County site "Ee0-70 S 195-RR 23 Rd Corridor". No oD-site visiL Small disturbed Pine Flatwoods ecotone with Florida Scrub. Caloosa Park. Cited for preservation due to location within a public park. Disturbed Pine F1atwoods with exotic weeds. Seen only from Congress Ave. Already Developed. Already Developed. A A A A B D A B C X X -23- (iV tt) Table 2. Listing or Boynton Beach Natural Resource Sites continued ... Site Geographic Area in Swnmary # Location Acres Evaluation Annotation 19* 43 4 S 29 :2 20 43-46-05-3 21 42-46-01-1 22 43-45-06-1 23 43-46-04 24 43-46-04-4 25* 43-46-04-3 26 43-46-04-2 27* 43.45-34 ~ 28* 43-45-33-3 29* 43-45-33-2 30* 43-45-22-3 31 43-45-15 32 43-45-15 33 43-45-15-4 34 35 43-45-16-1 36* 43-45-33-1 37* 43-45-09-4 38 43-45-09 39 43-45-22 40 43-45-22 34.4 21.8 60.2 44.5 7.8 8.7 50.4 11.0 4.5 2.9 6.0 23.5 5.8 4.3 10.0 11.0 12.2 12.5 12.4 3.2 4.3 A .. - C X X C C Source: Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. A C F19rida Strub, partly disturbed. Part of County site "Etg.- 31 Qoynlen 7m St Stlllb". IinSanger@d spedes total 7. Narrow band; apparently mostly Brazilian Pepper. Development in progress. County site "Eco-85 Hunter's R.un Golf'. Cleared. Located in Hunters Run development. Cleared and abandoned Florida Scrub; a few oaks and herbaceous plants remain. South of County site "Eco-29 Seacrest Scrub". Pine FJatwoods ecotone with Florida Scrub, previously cleared strips, heavily re-grown with vines. Near County site "Eeo 29 W Seacrest Scrub". Endangered species total 1. Florida Scrub and ecotone with Pine Flatwoods. County site "Eeo 29 Seacrest Scrub". Endangered species total 12. Mangrove about 2 acres; 8 acres grassy ruderaJ; more than 1(1 developed. Beach and Strand (ocean face of dune) with expected species; dune back is landscaped, rates "D". Preservation of the Beach and Strand ecosystems in their native state as far as this remains is recommended, as it is the only such site in the City. Sea oats and sea grape are protected by state law. Endangered species total 1. Mangrove with about 1 acre disturbed. (Aerials overlap; site appears on section 33 and 34.) Mangrove protection law. Mangrove having western border of disturbed Swamp with intermixed ornamental exotics. (Aerials overlap; site appears on section 33 and 34.) Mangrove protection law. Mangrove: site proposed for CARL acquisition Mangrove protection law. Mature planting of tropical ornamentals. Former horticultural garden under developmenL Disturbed Florida Scrub, cleared grassy ruderal west of Federal Hwy; cleared east of highway. Cleared. Approved for Bond Open Space purchase. Not in City; withdrawn from invenlOry. Cleared and partially regenerating Florida Scrub. County site "Eco-35 Boynton 20 Ave-1St". Rated "B" due 10 endangered species, otherwise much disturbed. Endangered species IOtaI 7. Disturbed Florida Scrub. County site "Eeo-29 N Boynton Water Tower". Endangered species lists. 2 species. Florida Scrub. County site "Eeo-36 c Rosemary Scrub". Endangered species IOtal 8.. Abandoned mango grove and disturbed Florida Scrub. Abandoned mango grove. Area of secondary growth of black and white mangroves due to tidal flooding and deposition. Bounded or traversed by roadways, little apparent tidal flushing. tiJ B A A A D C X B B A D D B ~ -24- (0) ,.~ r--'lT-; ~ - - - r- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ,-.J Ql JJm.:I ~-C (-c. ~ r I CONSERVATION RfNfNT I -r!f!.t1y.J d'f~' ' FIGURE 4 - NATURAL RESOURCES ~_ - . - Gl~~ ~ =,-h-!!,' 2 I ; II L____J-.~! ;;:) J r 1 /,,, ~. ..-___J LI I-. l i '-' jjS. /;\\ ~ re3S~ ~_I J( n : J"')'-.. A' L_ - ;-_ _ --.!_ __ _ . =-_':-- i ' t. ,~ .:0 I i ,--,"121'1)'1 7,' """CL t=::tlT .------1 I ~ :!- ii ., f rj'~ L_ . 7 ~. if ,,,f I I I=;r---7 r( if '-~l\' /y. !.. ,F: . 1-1 i I :'" ~:; P'~~.J..:J; , {j tll% If-:, i I \T'~' ~ (I,'i I ~ ir~ ~~ _48, ~f!~} i It\< !. S: 11 TIT ~34 t I I , , . . \\ -o:::r:nll ~~ YP=I':aL., L-f- ~ I ~I ~ ut ::Itnu - 1 I IT . ~ - - 1/ --. "-I- .....1 ;1 i __ ~r@~~n ~ Skf- I ?-It'~/r-"o :_, I ~ ~~ f- ~';:; ;;. +- ii I ~l" I rr=)I~ l\Il AU' T I' W UI ILni~ /1.: I ~I' I n~~ 1 --:--'...:.::; 'I' {- -, . ri ,L. pd~~ -1b7 "'m __T12 I--f--j - I :-LID ,hIt'..!? . ~,.. ~ 17 ro) ~ =,.- ~ -1 - II' I I' I '\Q ~~ ' I r;;:;.", 1sC::--01 I~,~/f:'\\~.:' =jp~i:L_~ - ::~ -:;:.'" ..::,::.r;- Lw~ ,_ li:= ~~;.; _~l )1i\ '1F->-- I ~i E '-OJ e:d.,;- r::J.. .-f'! i 13 r...; l1.8A1;H RO 36- !! / : .-'L ~~--if" ~.. f ~ .;:,(] i I=l"-:::>~illl }, . 29 &.. i:~.\: lq 'P:t({');\'P:lii ~ · J J."'- I.--J, ,I' .-'0,1 -rf~~ r~J_) ~1,.-~ / tr a 1; ~i ; _.t: ._ ____ i~ _:2 --4:=n r Ei= l t== /,=.J rJ if - ~UW I...~~~- -' ;::: '--:-:TV . ~ TfJ/~R ~JI 27 ~ ~~:!. ----m-~ n I'rill UlrRi_=.., I n U ~. 15' L= :~ " "'f" ~'~ . ~ I =- l~~ ?;q=P 22 .5 ~ 0:.. II' 20 ~ ,~U1 .Iii Int-- ~ I :'7, . :1" ,~ III ~.\\~ I. . _ ' r.- , "r & , ~ 'J jF () ( ~~ t ' \ 23 26 l~~~~i~ ~ ~~~}_~~_~! \ k-~~J LEGEND ~ - NATURAl RESOURCE ARe.t.S Z2 - NATURAl. RESOURCE REFERENCE NUMBER . - A & B RATED SITES IN PUBlIC OWNERSHIP Scu-ca: "-"cry" E""sys_.. Pam ~ County, """.. III R- __and~ ~" w.~. H. 1<011. ~,: ~ ,-, --.., r.....t<tI by Or ^. ...-. Sop(_ ._: ~.ca . . -25- IUl. IDl H, mr fJl .R.. VI: ClnAJl t!iW e..t..."..., I 'l,..,wn f~ ~,,,.~ ~'. . . ~ . Site #27 Beach and Strand: The City of Boynton Beach has very little beach and strand ecosystems. The upland portion of the system found in the City proper consists of a single condominium development. Native vegetation and other natural dune characteristics were essentially eliminated with the prior construction of this development in the early 1970's. However, the City has endeavored to restore and preserve the natural integrity of the beach ecosystem in the Boynton Beach Oceanfront Park (located in the Town of Ocean Ridge). In addition, the Co~stal Management Element of the City's Plan includes an assessment of the unincorporated area immediately north of the City's boundary on the coastal barrier island. It is this latter area that is discussed in the previous Tables and the following paragraphs. Although disturbed by development and numerous footpaths, the approximate 4 acre site of coastal beach and strand is the only representative area of these ecosystems in the City. Dune grasses and other native vegetation species are found along the strand area,; the dune back is comprised of a mixture of native, ornamental and exotic (Australian Pine) species. One listed species is part of these ecosystems; marine tunIes may also be part of the Beach ecosystem during nesting. Keeping as much of this native environment as it now exists will enhance the ecological diversity of the City. Efforts to protect, maintain and improve the quality of this area through vegetation plantings and dune crossovers should be continued. Sites #28, 29, 30 Mangrove Sites: By account and by observation, these mangrove ecosystems are young, establishing themselves following historical ditching of the wet borders of Lake Worth in an attempt to control mosquito populations. White and Black mangrove are abundant dominants, along with a few Red mangroves. Occasional larger mangrove trees with a wider crown appear to have produced the smaller slim trees that now crowd these sites. The high continuous mangrove canopy makes a shaded open forest largely lacking shrubs and ground plants. Bird and crab species are a noticeable and common part of the system. Apparently hand construction of the mosquito ditches made the soft spoil ridges too wet for the three exotic weed species (Australian pine, Melaleuca, and Brazilian pepper) to become established as they have bordering most mosquito ditches. Mangroves and a variety of invertebrate species were instead available as entrants, so that the resulting Mangrove ecosystem appears to include a diverse assemblage of -37 - @? life. These sites may thus be regarded as essentially native systems, albeit developed . recently and as a indirect by-product of man's ecological interference. However, since mangrove ecosystems are normally decimated by storm from time to time, the current stage of regrowth may resemble other natural systems associated with the City. The shaded Mangrove forest, for the most part lacking the arching roots of Red mangrove, and with a diverse component of vertebrate and bird life should be retained for the observation, discovery, and educational opportunities it offers City dwellers. As an adjunct to the Mangrove ecosystem next to the Merkel nursery, strong consideration shoulci be given to keeping the nursery business to offer a living demonstration of a pioneer industry, and its functional relationship to the wann wetland border of Lake Worth. TIle nursery might even continue to function, paying its way while displaying a pan of the City's history. Although a replica might be built in the future (though almost certainly a prohibitively expensive endeavor). the present opponunity is to keep the authentic sample. Site # 29 is publicly owned. Site #35 Boynton 20th Avenuell st Street (County site "Eco-35"): This is a badly disturbed Florida Scrub site. The 11 acre site was apparently scraped bare some time ago, and now is comprised of mostly open sand. In the sparingly regenerating Florida . Scrub system, a selection of characteristic plant species are present, but only three Sand pines could be located on the site. Various Pine Flatwoods and rudera! or garden exotics are present. Seven listed species are pan of the system. 2 of these are currently under review for federal listing. This site has the lowest priority as a representative of native Florida Scrub. If acquired, however, it might be traded to obtain a better example for preservation. Site #36 Boynton Water Tower Scrub (County site "Eco-29N"): Although a disturbed area of the Florida Scrub ecosystem, this approximate 12 acre site may be essential to the survival of an especially interesting federally listed species, the Scrub jay, endemic to Florida Scrub. The expected species of oaks, Sand pine, and other characteristic species are interspersed with open areas apparently resulting from previous clearing of the understory. A grassy area borders Seacrest Blvd. and covers much of the cleared rectangular area east of the railroad. The site has two listed species, Scrub jay and Gopher tortoise. While the site is no longer characteristic of the ecosystem as a whole, Scrub jays may be nesting here, and . -38- (LilJ , .. Policy 4.2.15 Objective 4.3 ~ Policy 4.3.1 .. Policy 4.3.2 Policy 4.3.3 Policy 4.3.4 ,....~ _1,,"'.J l 4- \, !,,}. r Planning Council relative to the management of hazardous waste to protect natural resources. Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify land development regulations to protect and conserve the natural functions of existing soils, fisheries, floodplains, wildlife habitats, natural reservations, canals, lakes, rivers, wetlands, estuaries, harbors, freshwater beaches and shores and marine habitats. To provide for the continued existence of at least 75% of the acreage occupied by "A" rated ecosystems sites through the long term plan horizon. The city shall designate all natural resource areas depicted in Figure 4 as environmentally sensitive sites. The city shall also adopt the "Conservation Overlay" of "A" rated ecosystems sites as part of the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan. within one year of Plan adoption, the City shall establish a varied program with respect to the protection and acquisition of "A" rated ecosystems sites. This program may include the use of bonds, shared funding and grants to purchase sites; solicitation of property owners for site contribution; application and, where necessary, revision of site plan, subdivision, PUD and PCD development regulations; enforcement of regulations regarding tree removal; support and, if applicable, local coordination of private sector efforts to preserve sites, or to establish taxing districts for the open space preservation. If a specific mechanism cannot be established for acquisition or preserving a site, that site will be removed from the "A" rated list (see policy 4.3.10). The city shall establish a Density Bonus program or other incentives in the city Plan and/or appropriate support regulations to preserve Latural areas; this provision to be explored with regard to the densities and intensities of use in the city and adjacent jurisdictions. The City shall forward documentation and mapping identifying each "A" rated site and formally request assistance and financial support from State and County agencies to preserve "A" rated ecosystems sites in the City. The City shall as routine procedure also contact the County 60 @ ~ ~~ ~ (:;,?S rV . . . , I TllIIN QF HYfIllUlCll LEGEND @ - INlEX PI.HlEA QF SIra ~ OISTIN5 llaiSm EXCEEDS I'\IT\R LNIl USE PUll llaiSm sm InNlAIIY .... - ~ '" ... .. ... .. ... - ~ ... ... ~ \1_ ~Ut 1.1." ........ "1"'1"" _. -...-" FI&UlE II - NON-tllN'ORMIN; RESIDENTIAl OENS:r:ES CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT ;;;::~/ I I i ~ ........"-.. ~~~ ,,--------- ---..-...-..-- -- - .---- - .. - -- -,. -.. - -..-"---..-- SOURCE: Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. May 1989 -~~ ... ....... . .....- --.'--- .... --- '-" -67- ~ Table 21. Non-Conforming Residential Densities . Map Plan Existing Index # Density Density Comments 1 10.8 38.3 Multi-Family 2 10.8 40.0 Multi-Family 3 10.8 18.1 Multi-Family: includes Recreation Area 4 10.8 17.9 Multi-F9.'11i1y 5 10.8 29.0 Multi-Family 6 10.8 45.7 Multi-Family 7 10.8 30.0 Multi-Family 8 10.8 18.0 Multi-Family 9 10.8 20.3 Multi-Family 10 10.8 18.6 Multi-Family 11 10.8 27.7 Multi-Family 12 10.8 25.4 Multi-Family ~13 10.8 32.2 Multi-Family 14 10.8 21.0 Multi-Family 15. 3.0 5.3 Single Family; County Density; City Plan indicates Mod Density 16. 8.0 8.1 Combination Single and multi family; County Density 17. 8.0 9.7 Single Family . Source: Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. Note: Asterisked sites are subject to potential land use modification per the following Table 24. Redevelopment Potential As stated in the previous discussion, much of the coastal management study area is characterized by established and stable land uses. Based on a historical observation of more built-out communities further to the south, coastal area redevelopment will probably occur on a scattered basis, and only after the regional supply of vacant land suitable for new fust stage development has been effectively diminished. Considering the available vacant land in both the study area and in the area west of 1-95, the potential for extensive areawide redevelopment is considered low within the ten-year planning horizon. In terms of residential activity, existing mobile home parks and a few underdeveloped multifamily shoreline properties have the greatest potential for redevelopment. This potential is highest in Planning Area 1 due to the proximity of these sites to Lake Worth and the Boynton Inlet. Substantial renovation or reconstruction of existing . -68- ~ ( ~(? ... ~ Policy 4.3.5 . ... Policy 4.3.6 Policy 4.3.7 Policy 4.3.8 Policy 4.3.9 Policy 4.3.10 Objective 4.4 whenever a development proposal is formally initiated on a "A" rated site. Cognizant of prior development approvals or other vested rights, the city shall require a detailed flora and fauna survey on any "A" rated site subject to a development proposal and any site greater than 10 acres in size. The City shall require preservation of a minimum 25% of all native plant communities which occur on "A" rated ecosystems site, the specific location to be determined as a result of the site survey. Habitat shall be preserved with intact canopy, understory and ground cover. Subsequent to Plan adoption, the city shall participate in programs and adopt model ordinances developed by the Palm Beach Countywide Planning Council, for the purpose of protecting recognized Countywide natural resources in the form of "A" rated quality native Florida ecosystems as delineated in the Inventorv of Native Ecosvstems in Palm Beach Countv. (Iverson and Austin, 1988). Subsequent to Plan adoption, the City shall not require the preservation of more than 25% of the native habitat occurring on any particular property as a condition of the approval of a land development permit. Subsequent to Plan adoption, amend the land development regulations to prohibit land clearing practices that destroy native Florida ecosystems in who~e or in part prior to approval by the City. : Subsequent to Plan adoption, policies regarding the preservation of native habitat and endangered or threatened species shall also apply to any property which is owned or acquired by the City. Within one year of Plan adoption, the City shall have prepared a program for the preservation of ~A" rated sites. This program shall be coordinated with property owners and developers of "A" rated sites. The city shall, to the maximum extent feasible, protect all remaining areas of substantial native upland and wetland vegetation and eliminate undesirable exotic tree species. 61 ~) ,-- ~ ~~-( ~ l.c)-c:..-~ aF' 1)c f". 0"1$\. \..f;:) Lj- -\.. 'QV ~6- ~ ~ere is one other portion of the Coastal Area in which commercial redevelopment is desirable. The segment of u.s. 1 near the southern City limit currently contains a significant number of vacant parcels, Obsolete. buildings, and margiual commercial uses. In order to upgrade the properties fronting on u.s. 1, the Coastal Management Element recommends that the existing Local Retail land use category be maintained, rather than permitting heavy commercial uses. Heavy commercial uses would be limited to the parcels which front on Old Dixie Highway. In order to absorb some of the commercial acreage along u.s. 1, the Coastal Management Element recommends that new car sales be allowed on the C-3 zoned property south of Old Dixie Highway, on parcels that have a minimum area of 2 acres. ~ There are sever 1 arcels and areas where increased densities are recommended, in order to encour 1 development. T ere are wo small parcels, of 1. acres and 1.2 acres, locate on t e north side o~ Dimmick Road and at the end of Las palmas Avenue, where it is recommended that the land use category be changed from Low Density (4.84 dwellings per acre) to High Density Residential (10.8 dwellings per acre). These density increases are contingent on limiting development to two-story townhouses. \:1 .\'" ~ f) ~ In order to encourage infill development south of Woolbright Rnad. the ~~ Management Element recommend~ that the density be increased<>n the largest remaining vacant multiple-family parcels. Currently, t~ maximum residential density in the City is 10.8 dwellings per ac~ The Coastal Management Element recommends that a Special High Density land USe category be creazed a maximum den it of 2 wellin s r acr e applica 10n 0 this land use category would be imited to the coasta]. Area, however. The arc in e Intracoastal Waterway and is partly occupied bv mangroves. Although the manqroyes are. rotected law, it would be pOSSible for this densit to be transfer to the upland por ~ons of this propert~. It is also recommended, n this ement, that residential densities of up to 40 dwellings per acre be permitted in the CBD zoning district, and that this density be applied in addition to the commercial intensity which is permitted in the ceo zoning district. . 49 M) ~ should be limited to 2 stories (25 feet), in order to ensure compatibility with the residences which lie to the east. In order to minimize industrial and commercial traffic on S.!. 12th Avenue, access to Gulfstream Lumber, should be prohibited on S.E. 12th Avenue and other local streets in the vicinity, if this use is expanded. .~ 7' o ol.o .~c-( \ ( ~w1.n. ..\' J-k! S . E . 0(\ Undeveloped Parcel Adiacent to Intracoastal Waterway. at 23rd Avenue and u.s. Hiahway 1 This parcel is shown on the Future Land Use Plan as Special High Density Residential; however, t~e Conservation and Coastal Management Elements recommend that the portion of this parcel which is vegetated by mangroves be preserved as such. In recognition of the need to preserve these mangroves, this site has been placed in the Conservation overlay category on the Future Land Use Map. 1.0. Neiahborhood in Vicinity of S.E. 20th Avenue and S.E. 3rd street This is a small neighborhood, which is largely surrounded by commercial uses, and which is showing some Signs of deterioration. The eXisting zoning allows for multiple-family, duplex, and single-family housing, and as a result, a mixture of housing types has been established. Several actions should be taken in order to upgrade this neighborhood and prevent further decline: First, the City should consider acquisition of property along the FEC tracks for a mini-park, which should be construed to be in the Recreational land use category, if acquired for such use; second, the City should pay particular attention to minimizing conflicts between surrounding commercial uses and the residential uses that are located in this neighborhood; third, the City should provide concentrated code enforcement, in order to help improve the condition of buildings, yards, and swales; finally, buildings should not be permitted to exceed 2 stories (25 feet), in order to minimize encroachment on the low-rise residences in this neighborhood. 410. ~l - .~ 1.p. Parcels at Northwest Corner of u.s. 1 and Old Dixie Hiqhway Due to the limited demand for commercial floorspace along this segment of U.s. I, the Coastal Management Element originally recommended that these parcels be taken out of the Local Retail Commercial land 'lse category, and placed in the Special High Density Residential category. However, because a site plan and construction drawings for a shopping center on this site have been approved by the City, the City Commission decided to keep these parcels in the Local Retail Commercial land use category. .; 65 ~ f.' / . ~ . . \ policy 1.10.4 Obj ecti ve 1. 1:' Policy 1.11.1 Policy 1.11.2 policy 1.11.3 policy 1. 11.4 districts be discontinued within 5 years of the adoption of this plan. Subsequent to Plan adoption, require, in the ~oning regulations, that all bulk storage or distribution of other petroleum products which is located within 600 feet of property within residential zoning districts be discontinued within 10 years of the adoption of this plan. By June 1, 1990, or when mandated by ~tate statute, land development and future land uses shall include provisions for the protection of native habitat, preservation of existing trees (other than undesirable exotic vegetation), minimizing surface and groundwater pollution, minimizing air pollution, preserving of wetlands, and preserving archaeological resources and historic buildings in conformance with the policies below. Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to require the- preservation of mangrove trees, except for an overiding public purpose, and small stands and clumps which are only intermittently connected to the waters of Lake Worth and the Intracoastal Waterway and do not perform a significant function in the aquatic food chain. Removal of mangroves will be subject to the approval of those regulatory agencies vested with this responsibility. SUbsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land develop~ent regulations to reqUire the preservation of native habitat, endangered species, and native vegetation in accordance with the policies contained in the conservation Element. Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to require littoral zone plantings around bodies of water in accordance with the policies contained in the Conservation Element. Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to require the mitigation, protection and preservation of wetlands and deepwater habitat in accordance with the Conservation and Coastal Management Elements, and the policies concerning wetland and deepwater rabitat which are contained in the Treasure Coast Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan. 13 @)