AGENDA DOCUMENTS .".-"" -. .W.' "..VV ..... V"...Q;,,::'*,V,* ~' .'- /- r , \ 1 I i I V VLI J. 1":1 l1AJ.'t"l t:LV ll.~ MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON 8EACH, FlORI DA JUNE 16, 1992 2. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Locat1on: Oeseri pt ion:.. 8aoltstQP Thomas T. McMurrain Ameriean Development Corporatfon c/o Richard Boyer 1895 North Congress Avenue SIte Plan Mod'flclt1on; Request for site plan approval to construct an 11,772 square foot retail "bookstore as an outpar~el at the Target Shopping Center. Mr. Cutro said this is a request by American Development Corporation to allow the construction of an 11,772 square foot bookstore at 1895 North Congress Avenue, which 1s located in the Target Center. The applicant is requesting to combine two existing outparcels from the original site plan and expand the floor area to accommodate the proposed structure. Another outparcel exists on the site. It should be noted that the applicant will need to have another traffic stUdy done in order to develop that site. He has run up his sQuare footage to the point that what he is proposing on that site will have to be rereviewed by the County. However, that does not affect this site it the present time. There is enough square footage left in the original site plan to allow this to go for~ ward. Staff reviewed the proposed site plan and found that the site complies with the various codes of the City, including the zoning district it is located in, the Community Design Plan, and the Landscaping Code. The Planning and Development Board reviewed the proposed site plan and forwarded it the City Commission w1th a reeommendation for approval. Commissioner Aguila said at least two years ago when the Target site plan was originally brought through the City, it was a project of his office. Since then his office has done no wDrk for Target. Target is no longer a client ot his off1ee and h1s office has no personal gain. Mr. Cherot asked Commissioner Aguila if he has any work pending with that particular client or if he is owed money from that project that might be paid if this were approved. Commissioner Aguila answered in the negative. Mr. Cherof advised he has no conflict. Motion Commissioner Harmening moved to approve this request for site plan approval to construct a 11,772 square foot reta1l bookstore as an outparcel at the Target Shopping Center. Commissioner AgUila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. c. Other 1. Request from Welter Dut~h to allow. lot zoned for residential ~~. and commertcal use to be ustd for cammerctal us. as allowed by Appendix A. Sectton 3.g - d1v1s10n of lot of record (corner of Boynton Be.c~ Boulevard and N. W. 7th Court) Mr. Cutro said this is a re~uest by Walter Dutch for an exception to allow the use of a portion of a lot that is split by a 20n1ng boundary for a C-2 zoning use. This is allowed by Appendix A, Section 3.~.g. The subject property is located at the northwest eorner.of Boynton Beach Boulevard and N. W. 7th Court. The southern portion of the lot is zoned C-2, while the north fifty feet is . - 14 - ,;'....,~. . . / .:l.~ ,;,~."':.." ...... ,.. ,.. .' -'... - I .Qiil, MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA .JUNE 16, 199 zoned R-l-A and Mr. Dutch wishes to use the entire parcel as if it were zoned C-2. It should be noted that a l~nd use plan amendment and rezoning of this same property were denied 1n 19B7 by the City Commission and the Planning and Zoning Board. Staff reviewed the request and feels it is reasonable since the R-l-A section is approximately fifty by seventy, which would constitute about a thirty-five hundred square 'foo~. lot. That lot is signif1cant1y smaller than residential lots around it~. In addition. the west side 15 zoned C-l. The applicant has agreed to limit thirt feet t dsca . which would provide a thir y foot buffer between the house on the north side of this property from any building that might take place. Originally 1t was recom- mended that the north fifty feet be lim1ted to that; however, after looking at a proposed site plan from the applicant, if parking is put back there, 1t will be even a greater impact. to the hovses. It is better to put the parking in the front and s11de the bui1d1ng back a little bit more. The applicant has also agreed to make the building resident1al 1n characttr to fit in with the surrounding houses. At 1tl June 9, 1992 meeting. the Planning and Development Board reviewed this request and forwarded it to the City Commission w1th a recommendation for approval. Anna Cottrell of Urban DeSign Studio. 2000 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard, West Palm Beach, stated that th1s w1l1 not only improve the developability of the one lot that faces Boynton Beach Boulevard, but it also has the effect of eliminating a currently nonconfonm1ng lot that 1s undevelopable. In addition, it gives the City the ab111ty to impose some conditions on th1s development beyond the site plan approval conditions. ( d I I ~ ~j r 1 Comm1ssioner Harmen1ng moved to approve the request from er Dutch to allow , :: J a lot zoned for residential use and ccnmer-eial l.lse to be used or commerc a use J ~. as allowed by Appendix A, Section J.g . division of lot 0 cord (corner of e !: ~80Ynton Beach Boulevard and N. W. 7th Court. C0rm1Us1oner Walshak seconded the j j 'l' motion which carried 5-0. W 2. Request' \ 6 ion Of the ~nutb Raad PCD (West Boynton Bou'. ~. ROI.d, southVlst corner), Tlra oaks PUD (East ~~- 'xtended $outh between the LWDD l-2S and l-26 tJ 0 I 'each Boulevard PCD (South $1de of West D.. S B r!\ I ~"'c1 b.twa~n North Congreu AVlnul and ~nuth ()\ ~p .:-0 I' . -\\'c Yl'"' C,O' ,,\0 .\ \ . .~ I f1 ./l{)N W ...-;_ \ 0 i0 ~ & ~ A'Q,.. ,C , Kr. ~ C' \.. ~ I n pC; \ Con \"\ \'.\~. {''''" Kru\ \).(\~.... ~b G. \/ I for ~ ~' ~1) {).~c.. cant . O. ~~ 0" Boynto. ~ ~ v\t f tryIng. \1\' the Cone. '~\"l ~ot1on 1. p series of three planned developments that December.of 1990, which includes the 'd the Tara Oaks PUO. The City ,1nary plat and the site plan for the 'vtme"ts have already been approved '1so had d1scussions with the appli- to do of exotiC spec1es on the some progress made 1n terms of .IS request has been discussed with .~DJect1ons have been raised to the jl - 15 - .... ~ Rumpf, Michael From: Sent: To: Subject: Cherof, James Friday, March 31, 200010:52 AM Rumpf, Michael Walter Dutch property - In response to your memo PZQQ-Q68: 1. Based on my review it appears that there are restrictions on the property arising from the property owners request in 1992. The property has use restrictions as set forth in the Commission action reflected in the 6/16/92 minutes.- . - 2. My notes from our 9/22/98 meeting with Tom Hoadley indicate that we acknowledged that there is a special exception to allow C-2 use on the residential lot and there should be a notation on the zoning map. 3. The note on the map appears adequate to me. 4. The applicant's representations set forth in the 6/16/92 minutes should be treated as binding' development obligations/restrictions. 1 , --~----- ---- - ~ c-- - DEVELOPIv1ENT DEP ARTIv1ENT 11EMORANDillv:[ NO. PZ 00-068 TO: Jim Cherof City Attorney Michael W. Rumpf /VI wR jduu Director of Planning and Zoning FROM: DATE: March 13, 2000 SUBJECT: Walter Dutch Lot of Record Case (aka special commercial exception) Attached please find two documents, one being the minutes from the June 16, 1992 City Commission meeting when the Commission approved the equivalent of a special exception through the "lot of record" provisions within our code. Various points were made at that meeting including commitments by the applicant to limit the design of the property to minimize impacts on adjacent residential properties (e.g. limit the northern thirty feet to drainage and landscaping and construct future improvements consistent with residential character). The second document is a letter from the attorney that met and discussed this matter with staff who does not reference any limitations other than just the 50 foot dimension (of Lot #11) that describes the area to be used for commercial purposes. I am just requesting your opinion regarding the issues discussed during the meeting such as the limitation to landscaping and drainage use and design restrictions. Furthermore, I have attached a copy of the note and excerpt of the zoning map showing the changes made to document the "lot of record" case. Please state in writing for our file whether you believe that any restrictions have been placed on the property, and whether, in your opinion, we have provided adequate documentation on our map. Thanks, Jim MWR:bw J:\SHRDA T AIPlanningISHAREDlWPICORRESPIWait.r Dutch.doc