LEGAL APPROVAL ZONIING APPLICATION - WALTER DUTCH STATEMENT II (G) Subject: Lot 11 less N. 45' Deier1 Park is 50' X 75' or 3750 sq. ft. (.086 of an acre). It cannot be used for any purpose under the zoning ordinances. Subject is owned by applicant who owns all of Lot 12, abutting. Lot 12 and the Subject is a contigous parcel and will have an economic use if zoned C2. Subject is not usable, until it is zoned the same as Lot 12. 0~4~ Walter Dutch --~4~ , · '1./0 ('~)"'l'fVlrLb w""A ccpfrDl/ec.t i o rtiO Co J-'Lt1 '=- \2.. (.,r A.L lA i5 · C. Cut- r\C C~''"O '0 ld' i,fl~. ev.,J;r:t tv /.-" ~ rri .2.S I i "1 ~\. r'J rflt ~>re- ()Jr€. '10' of- 'K.-I11 "CQ. . ~ Ilt TI~ c?F ItfP'-t cttTrON Fo~ (xyMt1.t:..R...CttlL Dt=~~.~'JTj l,.A.;.f{8f2..F-. {filE E>vF+="Gf- WftL_L 5H'"'vL.]) 6-0 'I. f .J "').tL 3~/ 7~9'1 ~. ..'~ MINUTES - REGUlAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA JUNE 16, 1992 zoned R-I-A and Mr. Dutch wishes to use the entire parcel as if it were zoned C-2. It should be noted that a land use plan amendment and rezoning of this same property were denied in 1987 by the City Commission and the Planning and Zoning Board. Staff reviewed the request and feels it is reasonable since the R-I-A section is approximately fifty by seventy, which would constitute about a thirty-five hundred square foot lot. That lot is significantly smaller than residential lots around it. In addition, the west side is zoned C-l. The applicant has agreed to limit the north thirty feet to drainage and landscaping, which would prOVide a thirty foot buffer between the house on the north side of this property from any building that might take place. Originally it was recom- mended that the north fifty feet be limited to that; however, after looking at a proposed site plan from the applicant, if parking is put back there, it will be even a greater impact to the houses. It is better to put the parking in the front and slide the building back a little bit more. The applicant has also agreed to make the building residential in character to fit in with the surrounding houses. At its June 9, 1992 meeting, the Planning and Development Board reviewed this request and forwarded it to the City Commission with a recommendation for approval. Anna Cottrell of Urban Design Studio, 2000 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard, West Palm Beach, stated that this will not only improve the developability of the one lot that faces Boynton Beach Boulevard, but it also has the effect of eliminating a currently nonconfonming lot that is undevelopable. In addition, it gives the City the ability to impose some conditions on this development beyond the site J plan approval conditions. Motion Commissioner Hanmening moved to approve the request from Walter Dutch to allow a lot zoned for residential use and commercial use to be used for commercial use as allowed by Appendix A, Section 3.g - division of lot of record (corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and N. W. 7th Court. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion which carried 5-0. 2. Request for extension of the Knuth Road PCD (West Boynton Boulevlrd It Knuth ROld, southwest corner), Tlrl Oaks PUD (Elst side of Knuth Road extended south between the LWDD L-25 lnd L-26 Clnals, lnd Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD (South side 0' West Boynton Belch Boulevard between North Congress Avenue lnd Knuth ROld) Mr. Cutro said this is a request for a series of three planned developments that were approved by the City Commission in December of 1990, which includes the Knuth Road PCD, the Boynton Beach PCD, and the Tara Oaks PUD. The City Commission has already approved the preliminary plat and the site plan for the Knuth Road PCD and the infrastructure improvements have already been approved for a portion of the Tara Oaks PUD. Staff also had discussions with the appli- cant regarding some clearing that they wish to do of exotic species on the Boynton Beach PCD. Therefore, there has been some progress made in terms of J trying to get these developments moving. This request has been discussed with the Concurrency Review Committee and no objections have been raised to the - 15 - .". MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACHt FLORIDA JUNE 16t 1992 I 2. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Bookstop Thomas T. McMurrain American Development Corporation c/o Richard Boyer 1895 North Congress Avenue Site Plln Modificltion: Request for site plan approval to construct an 11,772 square foot retail bookstore as an outparcel at the Target Shopping Center. " Mr. Cutro said this is a request by American Development Corporation to allow the construction of an 11,772 square foot bookstore at 1895 North Congress Avenue, which is located in the Target Center. The applicant is requesting to combine two existing outparcels from the original site plan and expand the floor area to accommodate the proposed structure. Another outparcel exists on the site. It should be noted that the applicant will need to have another traffic study done in order to develop that site. He has run up his square footage to the point that what he is proposing on that site will have to be rereviewed by the County. However, that does not affect this site at the present time. There is enough square footage left in the original site plan to allow this to go for- ward. Staff reviewed the proposed site plan and found that the site complies with the various codes of the City, including the zoning district it is located in, the Community Design Plan, and the Landscaping Code. The Planning and Development Board reviewed the proposed site plan and forwarded it the City Commission with a recommendation for approval. Commissioner Aguila said at least two years ago when the Target site plan was originally brought through the City, it was a project of his office. Since then his office has done no work for Target. Target is no longer a client of his office and his office has no personal gain. Mr. Cherof asked Commissioner Aguila if he has any work pending with that particular client or if he is owed money from that project that might be paid if this were approved. Commissioner Aguila answered in the negative. Mr. Cherof advised he has no conflict. Motion Commissioner Hanmening moved to approve this request for site plan approval to construct a 11,772 square foot retail bookstore as an outparcel at the Target Shopping Center. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. ,1 J. C. Other 1. Request from Wllter Dutch to allow l lot zoned for residentill use and commerical use to be used 'or commercial use as allowed by Appendix At Section 3.g - division of lot 0' record (corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard lnd N. W. 7th Court) Mr. Cutro said this is a request by Walter Dutch for an exception to allow the use of a portion of a lot that is split by a zoning boundary for a C-2 zoning use. This is allowed by Appendix A, Section 3.5.g. The subject property is located at the northwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and N. W. 7th Court. The southern portion of the lot is zoned C-2, while the nor~et is - 14 - I ,. ;,:; CHKO. BYp..............OATE.................... ~Jt...JEC-. .....f.-,....:...:.::.:-..........~....... ..._,;.'-" ;"'..1: .1I.I.H.............1P.... .E'.,;.!c.T................................ ...........................................-........................ ,,< ~ ; rl)' :):--- ~ " I, I ~ ~l c II .L-~_~-.::. __-L~ C' '- I ~ ---..:--;''. · !-"Q ! _ .(. '--+-: "4/_ , 'I t :_''-~-r-j:''~- -I---! ,--_.~ , ' --- I~, /) b:' -. _.f I'..l.rr_&:..' __C._._ .1--.. _ I ~ QO I - -_ ~,... . t7...* I I. I . I . , , .., - __ -,'_ .~~':-~~~!'~~ ~ ~.~, -~;'- ~- - .-= '"- :~ - -~~ .:~'=C=:'=F.~' - ___ L:~2:~"';}~-=:~-2 N i i . ,. . - --r-------- - ::., . I :_....J -- - - -' j j I -; --:- ~~-)\~ s::--i=i?Cnn-r/o '=.--k~ r L'r ...:Lt'N~ . ../0 i , . 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No.3, as recorded in P.B. 13, PG. 64 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. APPLICANT: Holiday Inn AGENT: Charles B. Bland, Jr., P.E. OWNER: C. L. Leemon, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Holiday Inn PROPOSED USE: Additional parking for existing Holiday Inn LOCATION: Southwest corner of N.W. 1st Avenue and N.W.. 4th street REQUEST: REZONE from - R-I-A Single Family Residential to - C-3 Community Commercial District LAND USE AMENDMENT from to Low Density Residential - Local Retail Commercial PARCEL #2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 11, less the North 45 feet thereof, DEIERL PARK, according to the Plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 236 APPLICANT/ OWNER: Walter Dutch PROPOSED USE: will be used for Commercial along with adjoining Lot 12, Deierl Park LOCATION: N. w. 7th Court REQUEST: REZONE from - R-I-A Single Family Residential to - C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District LAND USE AMENDMENT from - Residential to - Local Retail Commercial ALSO A PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach on the above request on Tuesday, May 19, 1987, at 8:00 P. M. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in per- son or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Council with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLISH: THE POST '. April 26 & May 3, 1987 cc: City Council City Attorney Recording Secretary I T\ ( ......) 'it" ' 6 MEMORANDUM 17 JUly 1989 TO: Gene Moore, Mayor THROUGH: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Walter Dutch Requests for an Amendment t~ the comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element from Low Density Residential to Local Retail and Rezoning From R1A Single-Family Residential to C-2 Neighborhood Commercial On Tuesday, May 19, 1987 the City Commission conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced requests, and following the public hearing, the city Commission unanimously denied the requests. ' Section 3A5(g) allows the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission to extend the zoning into either section. of a divided lot. This Section as applied to Mr. Dutch raised many issues. First, the land which Mr. Dutch requested a change on is separated from the commercially zoned lot by a lot Wine. The current zoning does not split anyone lot. Second" state statutes have changed, and the procedures for Future Land Use Element amendments superceed this Code section. Finally, Mr. Dutch can request a change in land use designation and zoning on Lot 12 and combine it with what remains of Lot 11 and have a buildable lot. ~~~ CARMEN S. ANN UN lATO /bks Gene.m Walter Dutch 240 SOUTHLAND I PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33480 June 30, 1989 Hon. Gene Moore, Mayor City of Boynton Beach p.e.Box 910 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33425 Re: Lot 12 and S. 50' of Lot 11 Deierl Park, Boynton Beach Some tome ago I discovered the above described parcel had been split by zoning. The South 139' fronting on Boynton Beach Blvd. was and is C2. The back 50' was zoned RIA residential. " I'. UpJ~.n__.inquiry_ of the Planning Dept. I was advised that the only way Jycj:re this inequity was to go thru the full PlannLqg and Zoning applicat'ion-p.J:.a.c.e..s_s...~ Thi~ did. I was denied. i I The Boynton Beach Code, page 1896, Sec. 3, Para. 5 G vision to correct such zoning errors. I --- The back 50' of my parcelcnat was zonetr"Rltrdoeq-n the requirements and 'cannot' be used. Therefore it has been confiscated by the city. -- ---- I respectfully request that my case be reopened by the City for purpose of correcting this zoning,error and making the entire el C2 and usable. Respectfully submitted, Enc. Survey Sketch Page 1896 <'" ~uJ COdecr;~ ~ . orv ' ~y . ~~ If ~tlP~ - waI~er Du~ch. ~ yY ~ . GL.ASS ROCK FARMS GLENVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA 28736 I j L.. _________.. _~... ....... . "...... -, ~ , ----- _.'~"_.__.,._... .__.---~- . -...---....--.-.----- ..~---- ""' - PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FROM: James Cherof City Attorney Tambri J. Heyden ~~ Planning and Zoning Director TC: DATE:: November 10, 1994 SUBJECT: Lots 11 (south 50 feet) and 12 of Drierl Park (Walter Dutch property on N. W. 7th Court) The above-referenced lots are split by zoning (lot 12 is zoned C-2 and lot 11 15 zoned R1A). The action taken by the City Commission on June 16, 1992 authorized approval of the south 50 feet to be used for commercial purposes, subject to conditions. A change to the city's official zoning map was not authorized at time of approval. Such a change requires city Commission action. tjh A:WDutch M E M 0 RAN DUM JUNE 2, 1987 TO: WALTER DUTCH-LAND USE AMENDMENT/ REZONING FILE FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 19, 1987 On the referenced date, after conducting a public hearing, the City Commission denied applicant, Walter Dutch's request noting the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board. jJ~ JAM~'GOLDEN JJG:ro cc Central File MEMORANDUM March 6, 1987 TO: Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk FROM: James J. Golden, Assistant City Planner RE: Request for Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning Walter Dutch Property Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of a Land Use Element/Rezoning request submitted by Walter Dutch, property owner. A check in the amount of $700 is enclosed to cover the review and processing of this application. Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $5.60 to cover the cost of postage in connection with the mailing of the notices to the property owners. Please advertise this request for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board at the May 12, 1987 meeting and before the City Commission at the May 19, 1987 meeting. ~J AMESvJ. GOLDEN NL flat Attachments