CORRESPONDENCE qJU City of tJ3oynton $ecufi /)4 ' /1".1 'i!-/>C'-" "", ( / - / ~7 1- 100 'E. '.Boynton '.Bt.adi '.Boukvartf P.O. '.Bo;r,310 '.Boynton '.Bt.adi, ~ 33425-0310 City;Haf[: (407) 375-6000 !F.5U: (407) 375-6090 November 1, 1994 Mr. Walter Dutch 240 Southland Palm Beach, FL 33480 RE: Lot 11 and 12 of Drierl Park Subdivision Dear Mr. Dutch: Please be advised that pursuant to our phone conversation on November 1, 1994, I mentioned to the city Attorney, Jim Cherof, your request to add a special note onto the city's zoning map, referencing your property as described above. Mr. Cherof indicated that he had not spoken to Mr. Vance recently, but will, and would inform me of the outcome of that discussion. I will contact you after that has occurred. Sincerely, ~~~4~ Tambri J. Heyden Planning Director TJH/jj xc: Jim Cherof A:I{,!1~TCI/ Jlmema's (jateway to tlie (j ulfstream - - ;.....-.- - - - .' - , - - - - ...- - ~-- - - - - " - FAX TRANSMITTAL F R 0 M Attach Fax Rec*pt Her. TO: (\~.. \ , t.\&w't Q..O FRoM: I"'~W ~ c.o'""t~~trt, JOB#: ~ I lOTAL II OF PAGES lNCLWING FORM: ; IF YOU 00 NOT R~CErVE ALL PAGES OR HAVE , T,ROUBLE WITH THE TRANSMITTING, PLEASE CALL. - - FROM: lelfel. Onel COMMENTS: - llOOO him Beml ~ lid - S.alOn.~ w.t ..... a-h Flarida ~ - w-4lllHlO86 407-0a&0551 ~ Fa 10 0edt00I ~ - ..... 220 , ~ lIIuerI FIildlIa 34IlIM - .w7~ 407-283-0058 -. F8lI - "" N. fMpml ~ - Suho 212 ;: "-'>'t ..... CI/iloorIIIl ~ t2M3 - .'.-t 714442-11lBO 114-642-685 --- Fall: -- -... -.. > ~ to- JJ c:: m :z 0 - m Con - Irtl NO .... . 7 8 9 10 11 . , . . - ' . 12 ----.... 1f a. I 6 5. 0 4 3 2 1 .. .' . . DEIERL PARt< . A Subdivision' of Boynt~n Beach. . This Plan Based on 'Original SubdivIsIon Plan ~ 8Ovnton Be.c, h -_ - BoLlevard' ' --..------ '" F.K.A N.W. 2ND Ave' , Q!!Sinal Subdivision Plan Dutch" Property .~ @ 1~052.00 1.~100' 4..29-92 R-1A Zoning' o.r'~ ~T .C-2' . Zoning Deslgna 7.1 7.2 8., i 9.1 10.1 10.2 lion 11.1"- , ~' lion 12.1. . ~ ._ .,~_n.'.. 8.1 : . !S.1 4.:2 . . 4.1 J' 1 3 2 1 "'-- .~OYntOQ B..ed~c"', , -__ lJaule\tar '! . . .. ~.... - .-..-.- - "F.K'A: "NW: '2i1d'~A~.~:i" DEERL ,PARK' . A Subdivision' of Boyntc Beach. . · This Plan Based on Amended Legal ' Description I. Overall. Subdivision PIal Dutch Property . @ 12052.00 1".:1:100. 4-21-92 , . 10.1 10.2 12.1 ., /'.. ....~ . ,,- . --'''-../' --- -- - .----- - I U) ~ "6 z 3 2 . ~ ~..... 1 '" '---.-UI~lmate R:9: w. '. \.. ...... .~ - ~ ~- R.O.W. . _ _ Boynton Bea~h ~oulevard F.K.A. NW,2ndAv&: . ' . I, Dutch Property . 12052.'00 4-29-:92 @ 1.-:!::40' * 3699 lot Area 3 2 R-1 ... C- o 1 r--.., ",. .. l ~~!!!llmat. fi\O:~. - RO.W:- - A 10.1 10.2 7.5' ~J SIde Se~k ~; 1. J 11.1 ~ is a: J _ 'Z.5 5i j =--Side Setback .f, - 0 _ hj 2 73.971 12.1 /0" . ---... -...,;' ..- ---. --- . _ ,Soy-man BeC!9h Boulevard F.K.A. NW 2nd Ave. . . , , Lot Before Zoning Consolld~tlon Dutch Property ., 12052.:00 4-29-92 @ *lndlcates Non-Compliance with Respective R-1 A and C-2 Zoning Districts Regs. 1.:::t40. 14,080 s.f: Lot Are. 10.1 10.2 ~ 11.1 : 2600' SF , BId,g' ~ ~ .:....-. ParldrlQ..~r-!!L" '~,':', :'. '".. '.' 12.1: . . A "';-.",::,---- < .,. ----.....~ . ...... ---- ........ ---.. ---, . J II .~- u .- Z 3 2 " , , " '. .,. 1 - . .. ,:'- ... . "- "'-- ,.'~~Y..\t~~a.t~ B.\Q.W~ - - -_._..,,~ - i-- '.Rr~.W(' .. R.,~A . ~ C~2 J3oynt<!n B8ac.tfSoulevard ;' ,.' .,. ,', \ .,..J"'" . , .. . 'F.K~A. NW 2ri~'A~~ . , ~nce_ptual Site plan Dutch property . .,~ .. ~' @ 12052.00 1.~40' 4-2~~2 Walter ()utch 240 SOUTHLAND PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33480 January 14, 1991 Chris Cutro, City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beqch, Fl. 33435 Re: Deier1 Park, a subdivision of the City of Boynton Beach Subject - Split Zoning: Lot 12 and S 50 feet of Lot 11 - a contiguous parcel in one ownership. Lot 12 is zoned C2 S 50' Lot 11 is zoned R1A Lot 12 is approximately 9900 sq. ft. S 50' Lot 11 is approximately 3750 sq. ft. Raymond Dumond platted Deier1 Park into 12 lots. He then started building and selling lots. He sold the East six (6) lots, 1 thru 6. The West six (6) lots, 6 thru 12, he re-subdivided and sold by legal description - parts of one lot and parts of another thus reducing the lot sizes. Result was 8 smaller lots. It is my belief that the zoning cartographer failed to recognize the re-subdivision - relying on the recorded plat, which is incorrect. Thus the South 50' of Lot 11 was split by zoning from the parent tract, Lot 12. I would appreciate if this apparent error would be corrected admini- strativ1y and the S. 50' of lot 11 be zoned C 2. Lot 12 and S 50' Lot 11 zoned C 2 is a much more viable lot for development. Presently S 50' Lot 11 does not meet R1A zoning requirements and is unusable. Respectfully submitted, ;JJ\l2/l/~\ C Walter Dutch~- Ene. Marked Plat ......, ~..,,~.\. \, " ".>. ;- ~, -r- ';_J .\ ~ j~~<~;~ ~ ':' ~ " . GLASS ROCK FARMS .. .~_ i If' ": \:( ~ ~ " I(V"'\ '. GLENVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA 28736 '1/U L-l;ty oj 'Boynton $eacn " '1!fanning & Zonine 1Jeparttnmt 100 'Eo f}Jqynton. 'Beadi 'Boukvanl 'P.o. 'Bo;c310 'Boynton 'Bus&.:J1orUla 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490, '}JfX: (407) 738-7459 June 29, 1992 Ms. Anna Cottrell Urban Design Studio 2000 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard suite 600 The Concourse West Palm Beach, FL 33409-6502 Dear Anna: This is to inform you that the City Commission reviewed and approved the request of Walter Dutch to allow the use of the north 50 feet of the property located at the Northwest corner of N.W. 7th Court and Boynton Beach Boulevard as C-2 instead of R-1-A it is presently zoned. The only condition to the approval is that the north 30 feet will only be used for landscaping and drainage and that the structure built on the property be residential in character. I hope this letter is of some help to you. If you should have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to call me. Yours truly, ~~~ Christopher Cutro Planning and Zoning Director CC:ald C:WALTDTCH.ALD :lmerica s (ltltcway to the yu(fstream