APPLICATION A F F I D A V I T STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) 55. ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED ~;/~ L-tE R D () T (" --f-f ./ , WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accompanying Property OwTners List is, to the best of his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions as recorded in the latest offi- cial tax roles in the County Courthouse for all property within Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" LoT ) I h~ ;\/. ij 7 e -r- /1:"~\.. C,7( C P (Z C C "D l~ ~E 0 I f-{ OG/IG:I'tL PH I g D)/ /v ~ "f f3CA ,c H Pt--4T f3€-)OK :2- 3 ?;-t-Cc 2- 3 (, ( C U !---I -, Y f? e (<:) R !> 5 (:t , 5 ~''i? 1 ~4 L- H {?<- H FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Sworn to and subscribed before <-17]a/l('R . A.D. ~/-- ~ ~ /10 / !Jm;;; 10 <(;' ary Publ ic State of Florida at Large fA/ tlt~C~~ (Signature) ~ S- me this day of 19 ?J1 ',t:!r...~I' :.Joo:::.~~ :;~ .tr ~ .. ~'.' ,1: . ....' My Conunission Expires: ...,~.,.~'~:~:.:'<~,;-.:.~-<:..'~f; ;-:_;'"': ZONING APPLICATION AFFADAVIT WALTER DUTCH II (E) SUBJECT: Lot 11 less N. 45' Deierl Park List of Property owners mailing addresses and legal description for all properties at least 400 feet of the subject parcel was prepared by the mapping department of the Palm Beach County Property Appriser and the legal descriptions were done on their computers. The mailing labels were prepared under my direction from the computer printout of the county legal descriptions. . I {' (I (t . ( " ~ iV'~LLr ~~~/~ ~- ~ Walter Dutch be~Q_Y~~_B~~~Q~~~I_B~QLQB_B~Zg~l~~_eEEbIGBIIQ~ } City of Boynton Beach~ Flo~ida Planning and Zoning Boa~d This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted~ togethe~ with the mate~ials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Depa~tment. Incomplete applications will not be plrocessed. Please !~int Legibly o~ Type all Info~mation. I. ~~~~Beb_I~EQB~BIIQ~ 1. P~Oject Name: J2E.Jkgb__E~Rti__n_~;_~~I}_p__jft_E5:;t!fIQt:I f3, e .~<::. .r( 2. Type of Application (check one) -------- a. Rezoning only -------- b. Land Use Amendment only ___L__ c. Land Use Amendment and F:ez on i ng ~. Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department): -------------------------------------------------------- 4. Applicant's Name (pe~son o~ business entity in whose name this application is made): Add~ess: _Jl~tj~~~__l)_~~~tj------------------------- ____~__?:Q__~5-~~JC]j-~i9-~~--------------------- ------~~-~JY~----~-CJ=iT-~~---~-:3--~-~{)------- ~-Q~:l---~~~i--LJ-L-Sl-;r---------------------------- Telephone Numbe~: 5. Agent"s Name (pe~son~ if any, ~ep~esenting applicant): -------------------------------------------------------- ?\dd~ess: - -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Planning Dept. 4-86 page 1 TE'l ephone Number: 6. Property Owner"s (or Trustee's) Name: ----ljL~~~J-~f?---~~J--(~~---------------------- ~ld d I~ es.s: _ ------k-~-Q--.2Q-(,,:Ll-i2h-~l~!jLJ2------------- _____ ----------p-'~~tl--B~-L-t-+----F--~-.--~~~;;-~'-~Q- Telephone _~ ~~~~~_~__~~~~__~~~~__~_____________________ Number: t / 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent):* - * This is the address to which all agendas~ letters~ and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant"s interest in the subject parcel? (Owner~ Buyer~ Lessee~ Builder~ Developer~ Contract Purchaser~ etc.) _______l:~~~~~-~-------------------------------------________ 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: --------N-.-~~~-7--T1i-(~L~L?I--------.-__________________----- 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: --b-~_L---tJ_-r-k~->-5--T4e-->>-~~=-S_._~-_f2CL~~-R2tZl( I g9_j.Afli~L--g~SL#----eM-r-J3-~12~__2_3__________ J?B.J2~_2-3-~--f-12d_'=:-ft_.J3-Cdi--LQJ.dJ:::{:c-~-Er:C-~ff...J).2- 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre): -----------~-~~---------------------------------------------- Planning Dept. 4-86 page 2 12. Current Zoning District: J(/ 1 A ----- ~-------_._----------------------- 13. Pt-oposed Zoning District: C '2 14. Cummt Land Use Category: -~~~~8~~~!2~~~~lldL{i~J{~Qfj;jJ$iJ 15. Proposed Land Use Category: ___1_~{_1!~~E~f~~_(~~~~~~~~~- 16. Intended Use of Subj ect Parcel: 5-{d.J3,.1.f.~~J____L.5___EZj2r__C:t r; ;jNQ_{_QLY_T2GQ!.L~_T-c2_bQ~T-__ib_-t_J2EL8?b_J?I\': M!2JL(..,~Lk!:::-_I3tfj,!i~J2___CQA_(Qt{t~r;;g(JJlb=-A'=QIj_~f~LTtl_b...Qr 12 17. Developer or Builder: ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Architect: ------------------------------------------------------ 19. Landscape Architect: 20. Site Planner: 21. Civil Engineer: .--- 22. Traffic Engineer: 23. Sur veyor : _____Q_H_.__M_L1.:::LLK______________________________ II. ~BI~BIB~~_IQ_~~_2~~~III~~_~II~_BEE~I~BIIQ~ The following materials shall be submitted, in two (2) copies, unless otherwise noted. (check) }~&a. -~ This application form (3 copies for PUDs, PCDs, and PIDs). A copy of the last recorded warranty deed and PIDs). (3 copies for PUDs, PCDs, ~hic. The following documents and letters of consent (3 copies for PUDs, PCDs, and PIDs): _.6L~(1) If the property is under joint or several ownership: consent to the application by all owners of record, and _~(2) If the applicant is a contract purchaser: A copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and A written _{)'il ( 3 ) If the applicant is represented by an authorized agent: A copy Planning Dept. 4-86 page 3 protection~ easements or rights-of-way~ roadways, recreation and park areas~ school sites, and other public improvements or dedication as may be required. (IO) For rezonings to planned zoning districts (PUDs, peDs, and PIDs), the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning such districts shall also be satisfied. Copies of evidence for unifie control and development of the property, as well as condominium, homeowners', and property owners' association documents shall be submitted in three (3) copies for planned zoning districts. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan (in copies, including survey) shall also be submitted. III. 6EE~1~BIIQ~_Ess2~ Fees shall be paid at the time that the application i submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by resolution. fee schedule is attached to this application. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. ~~BIIEl~BIlQ~ ( I) (We) understand that thi 5 app I i Celt i on and all pI an and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the F'l anni ng and Zon i ng Board. (1) (We) hereby certi f y that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed accordil fi;1\O the i nstr~~i ons bel 0"-:- Sign;;~B!o~G~~;;, -_J_~Df;;=-2L or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. V. B~IbQ8IlaIIQ~_QE_B~s~I "- \ q. -------------------------------- Signature of Authorized Agent Date ( 1) <L'Je) hereby desi gnate the above si gned pE~rson as (my) (our) authori zed agent with regard to this application. ------------~----------------- Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee~ or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date Planning Dept. 4-86 page 7 ,.. .. ..... .... ~ ~.(,o IS.o \) ~.n --- i979 ~AN .-3 PH I: 02 I i /....'l:.> ';!,i ~j r, tw N 7 .-, I I .".--,'.l.' t )_.~" , .." 'DIU. QU.uwftY m.AIn' :9 001175 ......ANT., DcaD ....,.. .. ........ 1Ws ......,.,. M.... IIw J...,o/ Declllber 29th A, D. 19 78 ~ JOIDI w. ADAMI. a ai.DcJl. aM """"Ier caJW I". ..-Mr. .. WAL'1'ZJt DUTCH """- --',.... ..u- " P. O. Jaox 1060, BoyntoQ Beach, Fl. 33435 . "-<<-Iter ~ tIoe .-.... :.:": -= =- ~. -:-...~ ....- ~".:r: · ... r::: ~ ..~~ ........: Tloet tIw .--. fer ..... ... _........... ., .... ._ .,. 10.00 ..... ..... ........... Nl'Itllnaoll..,. ...,..,.. .."...", " -., .d..... ........,. "-" ....... '-""-. ..... ........ - ...... ..-... ~ ..... -/... .... .... ......... .II ..... ....... ...... ........ lot .alII Beach c-.,'~"" Lot 11 1... tbe IIorth 4S feet. aa4 the IIorth 20 fHt of I.ot 12, I:SUmt ..., acoor41Dt to tbe .lat thereof Oft fU. in the Office of tbe Oed: of tbe CUcna1t Coar1; in aa4 for .alII aeac:b Cowlty, rlor14a, la 'lat Ik>>ok 23. peIJe 236. .' . =:. . .. .;u .. Sf L. d'::;.w7 F~ORIDA I OOCUMEI.iA;j'l" :.', l"MP lAX I DErT."Of ItlVlNlK :..,," ~ \ ~ .. g .IAlI.I'" ;- ,/ ~ I 5, 00 , :111\0 t. ~"" <- <- . .... . - ... '.... ...... aloe 11 ""'""'-'\1. .... I""'" 4j I. rJJ........ ......... .. .. .... .... -. ...~ It 11M.. If..... ... - .. lee ...... ...... .. ... ..... ...... J J Irf .......................... II ...,... ...... ., .... ...... .. .. ...., .... ... ...... ... .... '-" - ...,.. ....... .. .. - -. .... ~ .... ... ......... ..... ,.., ..... ... .. .. .... .... - .. "".. ... - ........ ... ...,.. ..... ., . ___ ..' I , ... .... .... .... II ". ., . JR J '.B _ .... .... ....... J · r J r .. I'll · JI." 71, ~, ~doas ......-ta of reao.-.l, if ..." alii to a.11 ft1J4 .-iat "1-. II WI w ..., II. .M ..... .... ....... ... ..w ...... ........ Ill. .. ... .,.. ..... .... - ~~~-= ~~~~~=: l ----- ITAn Of' I'LCUDl COUMTY 0. PAUl IDoCII . MU.&aY c:aaTUY ... .. ... .... ...... - .. ..... .... ........ .. .. ... ....... ... .. .. c.-, ........ . .... L..... I~ ................. John w. ~. a ai.DcJl. _ r." h:' C:..f : ... v. ,. . _ ~ . ... ....... ................ _0r4 .. .' ....~~ ___... lie . I ~ . ..... -.. he ..' .\' ':~.. -, i-:,.."" ..~~:~~.'."C:>""" WITN&M...................... c-, ... f "I .'" ... ".................. 29th ., .. f f ;:,'" 'P~\': ~~I72 ~ ...t i--:i.-- G ;.... ' A. uo"-' ...... ", . -\, ..' .: ",. " ,....--..... ..~. ........-... -.... ,..................... ", ~. J"". " .' .... ,A, ." " '.'''' ':'" ~ .....-riZ i......., ---tIIlr.:~1-. exp1na, " . {.ll'.,........ ........cw.r-,;;. -or ~" I . ...".~ .. __....."... 7. It" .....w .., _ .... . c..-,. c.. 'ALM OFF.... Q a 5 BEACH HE:; J v b PAGE 1 310 i ~. , .,' \", ~..' ,,~ ::"'";''' .' '", ;.! .'.,.., ,..,.."'; '.~ ... . ,"( "rj ~ ;,.,;.:: .l~ . '~.; -. ...:...... ." t.. ... "~.,..'"'.~.-.~~~~:.\. 'fl18155 Art 3 b)) AM '~9 ........... 1- I...,..... TIIIr ~ F.... 00Ia00M. n..w. This instrome..1 was pnoparetl by: GENE MOORE GIlDftI'B a JIOOal'o P.o. Ilea 'He BOYN'I'Ol'I aDCB. n.oaJDA .... lttatrantg .Ittd lSlAfUIOIY R81-SKT1OII689,02 fJ.) 19 69. lI,tllln" w.u Jttbndun. \,- this 19 cI..vof March RAYMOND J. DUMOND and MARY C. DuMoND, his wife ..r II.... C'Mn't)' 0/ l-'at.u Beach . State of Florida WALTER DUTCH w....... 1''''' nIIit.... addn-ss is 100 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach . gnt.ntor-. auwl ..i .10,. C"'IUty "f PalJn Beach . State or . Florida . grantt"re. .UnraartlJ" '11,... ""i" gr.",t..,. foe ..,KI in l'onsidconation or th.. snm 01 Ten & no/IOO Dolllln. .nKl ..II,,,, !,:IMKI '"KI ,'..Inahlc- l"M,,;~J..r..tiooL< tl> said Itl'.mtor in h..nd p;lid hy slim gunll'(" 110,' n'l't'il'l wh..n'ol is ht'Tt'tw-.-- .Id".'I\I'I...I~,..1. has gTanl<..1. h,,,~.IU"..J and sold III II... SilO" Ilnmh't", ..nd Ilr..nl.....s h..il's and assigns Inn'Vt'r. Ihl' 101. 1""'1/I~ d,',,,,il>,..1 I.,nd. .ihlak. !\'illg and Ix'illll in PalJn Beach Connty. Florida. to.wit: Lot 12. DEfER L PARK, a subdivision of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, according to the plat thereof on rile in the office of th~ Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 236, LESS the North 20 feet and the right of way for Florida State Road 1804. <tX"I"I~I"'1 !O~I N Icr~ ("') O~, - ...l U. . . ,~ W!Z" .. I-W;: ~ :: I "". 5- ~a ~ ~ ! (.) :E:c I UloilullllllI!ic.- Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions of record and to taxes for the year 1969 and thereafter. ,su.. ,eatDA ~aIDA aloA' l' ; 10alDA .. noalDA . DOCUMlN'AU ~.a.'AuAPRr"'8_U sua 'AX sua TAX SUI TAX ;,a TO.. . ;'$1.1Ol ~ ~ ,,1.10 I $,55 J t AlNOO:> . H:)H:l W1U '. allo said ~ralltm <l1I"S IlC'r..hy IIIlIy warrallt Ih.. titl.. to said IlIlId. lIlId will d..I..lld Ih.. S"llll' ug"ill,1 Ihe ",wlul cIltims of all lwrs{'lIs whomsot.l\"tar. . "Grantor" alHI "~ri.lntt"t"" art" uSl'd for siulotular or plural. as ,:nutext a"C"lluin's. )n .Unrss JllJrr,nf. Gmlllor has h"''lolllllo sl'l gmlltOl.'s hand lInd ,....I th... day and Yl'ar first above writil'll, . Sign.'lI, ...,1I,.d lI",1 dd' .'t.,..d in 0111' pr"Sl'lIl~: . L;e~t~nn;C~~~ -ti~//~~ _"-(5<,,,I} ____ __(St'al) (/h~o. .;~~ (S..al) ~~ C, DUrvioND . /' ---'-;;T ---.--..) / "" '/ j.. ,{ ',~ '- 1./ v.......,. :--c;.. '-:.j __ .~. --.-- - d --------.{/ (5<'1l1) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNIT OF PALM BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day belore m". Itn offict'r dilly '1WlHfit'd 10 1,,1e.. aclellowledgm"lIts. persollally appear..d RAYMOND J. DUMOND and MARY C. DUMOND. his wife to me J"nl'wLj 10 b.. the persou d..sc,il......1 ill Itud who ...I.:cIII.,o Ih... Im..going iuslnnllelll ulld IlcI.llowl.,oged beEo.... lilt' that tIC' exccutt'd the sam.... WITNESS my hand Itlld official st'al iu Ih" COli Illy ,,"d Stut... "lSt ufort"Sllid this ,1 ~ Jlfi) 01 March 1969 , I~ ~ ";,",':'m',,'"" "'~"". ,,~~~;~}'i;Jft> . J<~ ~~~~4r~!.l: ';:,., (t:k 9;,I~. 2 .)) . ,:::.i$'~"~ ':':"i.J:~,-r'i>fi!J ''''~. l~ H - E ;:T i:~~l,~: ~ ~ 0 ~~ t#eF:i~ '~.~~~~~,. .n..o ~~. ~~ J' .......,..".,\ mTJ713 i~GE ,.10 ..