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I i \. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 2, 1996 6. Proposed Resolution No. R96-46 Re: Surety Reduction - Jonathan's Grove D. Approval of Bills A copy of the bills is attached to the original copy of these minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office. E. Approve purchase of a 1996 Chevrolet 5-10 Blazer 4 door, 4 x 4 for the Fire Department in the amount of $22,217.00 from Maroone Chevrolet (State Conb'act) The purchase of this vehicle was approved in the 1993-94 budget. However, problems arose with obtaining State bade vehicles, causing a delay. F. Approve Task Order No. 29 for CH2M Hili Phase V -Improvements'to the Water Distribution System in the amount of $33,000.00 - 2" water line replacement program in the area from Boynton Beach Boulevard (northern border) to N.W. 6th Avenue (south~rn border) and N.W. 4th Street (western border) to N.E. 1st Street (east border) ..- This item is explained in detail in Utilities Memorandum No. 96-095. G. Approve Task Order No. 30 for CH2M Hili - Emergency Rehabilitation of Well #16E located west of 1-95, south of Woolbright Road adjacent to the E-4 canal, in the amount of $41,074.00 This item is explained in detail in Utilities Memorandum No. 96-111. H. Approve pwchase of three S.C.O.U.T. In-Car Video 8mm Comprehensive Video Recording System, Inc. from Noble Security Systems, Inc., in the amount of $13,365.00 Motion Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Bradley seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. 9 .JA\-29-'a~' .I' ~, " .. L:.. . ,# d: Ii, . ..1 ~,": "'r.';~..'-~..-~.",:,,~,'~."''''-;'''_=-'';''.~m:'-;}:I~;~~.~:~T-~~' .....:..;;.:......:. '., .;!..... '.,', ....~... ,.':-:.._.':., '_~" ...,. - ... '" . ... . "i I , , I ' .:. I I I, ; 1 II i ~ I 1 : i ; I \ i.; ; . .. ~\: . 1'- , ~.. \;l' .,"\ "all....... 1'.rL .\.:', ,.--"" , ~ J_ I t\'''''\'' 1 . ':" ^ . &;~ \P. 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