AGENDA DOCUMENTS l i ~'.V J' .:: \~ 'f' .' '\'.' . ~ ~: ;'t :\ f". . ; '~ , 7Al JONATHAN'S GROVE SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN I · PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-167 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board ~ &Jvc: THRU: Christopher cutro Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Senior planner DATE: July 8, 1993 SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 750 Master plan (subdivision) The City's concurrency management ordinance, Chapter 19, Section 19-85 of the Code of Ordinances states that "no development order shall be approved, unless public facilities are or will be available to serve the development project, such that the minimum levels of service set forth in section 19-84 are maintained, concurrent with the impacts of the development project". Approval shall include simultaneous issuance of a concurrency exemption determination, certification of concurrency. or conditional certification of concurrency for each public facility. Subdivision master plans are defined by section 19-83(b)(3) as a category C3 development order. In reviewing this category of development orders to determine adequacy of public facilities, roads, drainage and neighborhood parks facilities must be certified or conditionally certified for concurrency with or determined to be exempt from the adopted levels of service, consistent with Section 19-88(c)d.3 and 5 and section 19-85(c). As documented :i.n Exhibit "An (statements from service providers), certification of concurrency can be issued for neighborhood park facilities based on the small number of units proposed, the park facilities existing, designed and to be under construction within one year (Boynton Lakes Park and Meadows Park Two) simultaneously with the projected timing of issuance of building permits within Jonathan's Grove and the proximity of these park facilities to Jonathan's Grove. conditional certification of concurrency can be issued for drainage provided the developer, at the time of final plat approval and subsequently the Jonathan's Grove home owners' association at the time the drainage easements are turned over by the developer for maintenance purposes, assumes maintenance responsibility for the functioning of the existing drainage swale that was established to accept off-site stormwater flows. In addition, consistent with note #17 on the master plan, conditional certification for drainage is dependent upon off-site outfall to the adjacent property to the east (Knollwood Groves) being available at the time of preliminary plat approval. Wi th respect to roads, Jonathan's Grove is concurrency exempt. The Jonathan's Grove zoning approval on June 20, 1989 was accompanied by a specific plan for development of a maximum of 33 single family dwelling units. This approval constituted a "previous approval" having been approved prior to the effective date (February 1, 1990) of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards ordinance and as such is exempt from the concurrency requirements for roads, i.e. - compliance with the Palm Beach county Traffic Performance standards Ordinance pursuant to Section 19-89(a)(2) and (c)(8). This determination was submitted to Palm Beach County in 1990 as required. Regarding compliance of the master plan with Appendix C "subdivisions, plattingll of the Code of Ordinances, Exhibit "B" contains a recommendation from Vincent Finizio, Deputy City Engineer, relative to the subject master plan. To summarize page 3, item #7 and page 4, "Drainage Concurrency" discussion, of Mr. TO: Planning and Development Board -2- July 8, 1993 Finizio's memorandum (No. 93-182), Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 93-166, which supersedes planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 93-156, and utilities Department Memorandum No. 93-311 should be incorporated as conditions of approval of the Jonathan's Grove master plan. i:m~;zfhd4J tjh A: JonGrPD xc: central File EXHIBIT "A" CITY DEPART~1ENT AND SERVICE PROVIDER CONCURRENCY REVIEW STATEMENTS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-183 RECEIVED JUl' 8 1993 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer DATE: July S, 1993 RE: Jonathan's Grove Master Plan utility Department Engineer's Certification of Concurrency for Drainage Level of Service Standards Pursuant to City Code of Ordinances, Section 19-5S(d) (4), of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Concurrency Management Ordinance (Ordinance #90-IS) and in accordance with Section 19-54(d), the Engineering Department herein advises you that Mr. Mike Kazunas, P.E. has reviewed the above referenced master plan and has indicated engineering drainage concurrency being met, via his signature dated 7/6/93 within the attached master plan Technical Review Committee approval block. Additionally, Mr. Kazunas' professional review is further detailed within Utility Department Memorandum No. 93-311 (attached) wherein paragraph #1, sentence #l indicates that "it is staff's opinion that the drainage level of service required in Section 19-54(d) can be provided.". Pursuant to the departmental request contained in paragraph #l, sentence #2, the Engineering Department is forwarding this document to the Planning Director in accordance with Section 19-57(c). Please note that at the bottom of Utility Memorandum No. 93-311, Mike Kazunas has expended approximately 2 hrs. as a Professional Engineer during the review of this matter, therefore, the require- ments set forth in the aforementioned code sections should be considered complied with relative to Section 19-54(d), which states, "Drainage Level of Service shall mean that drainage facilities for development projects shall be designed for a three (3) yr. design storm for a duration of the time of concentration for the watershed, for development projects which are subject to South Florida Water Management District design and/or permitting requirements, and shall mean that drainage facilities for all other development projects shall be designed to accommodate the first hour of a three (3) yr. storm on site.", as further complied with in master plan general note #17. Based upon the concurrency statement rendered by Mr. Kazunas, please forward this matter to the appropriate City boards for approval. Engineering Dept. Memo No. 93-183 Jonathan's Grove Master Plan July 8, 1993 Page #2 Should you require any additional information and/or assistance, please contact the undersigned at ext. 488. .J6~. Vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck attachment: Jonathan's Grove Master Plan/TRC Approval Signature Block depicting Concurrency Certification by Mike Kazunas, P.E. dated 7/6/93. utility Department Memo No. 93-311, dated 7/6/93 cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager (as discussed) '---- ::>. VinYl l,;Oated Chain link tence be .-'- ,tailed at time of constructi Retention (Width Varies) ~- Lot Line 1 . L-.:: 8 \/ I' Maintenance Berm ~ 14' c 3' ::J ., ) 12.5' Varies Section 0-0 N.T.S. - ~ Q) 0- o ~ a... 20' ( " . . ~\~~lE:::u.) LJoHt-f 11\~ .~~ .,. ~~\Jp..).s 1 ~ """..... tate- 10 ......... .- 6-l6\;'l':b\;~6 ~ <:Df'6Jrref\~ Date 1-6-P..3 ~ 1/6/15 Fire ~t. Date- , ~ 6~" MASTER PlAN " . fE Uti(.. C~ . - po'~ce be:f"t" . P.w Oer" City Mcmner . ~ ftec. Dir. forest. Date 7 - 6,,--fJ~ [\ate 7.... 712- -- 1/1-f'7, DatC:'_.~- / /... ~ e"f:Jj~/3. , -. ~,g 71; !t?~ ii . f~Nt). .....l~, i ,eyor: aid Daniels, Inc N. A 1 A Suite C 111 ter, FI. 33471' ') 747-9894 Traffic Engineer Kimley - Horn and Assoc. 4431 Embarcadero Drive WPB, FI. 33407 ( 407)845-0666 MEMORANDUM Utilities #93-311 TO: Vincent A. Finizio, Deputy City Engineer FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DA TE : J u 1 Y 6, 1993 SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove Master Plan - Preapplication (concurrent) Drainage - Second Review - Concurrency Staff has reviewed the concurrency statements added to the revised plan and, based on the design assumptions, review of the storm water master plan, calculations and site investigations, it is staff's opinion that the drainage level of service required in Sec. 19.84(d) can be provided. The City's Engineering Department, upon its review and approval, is advised to forward this opinion to the Planning Director in accordance with Sec. 19- 87(c). Note No. 18 on plan revision date July 2, 1993, states in part, "No modification to the present outfall for these offsite flows will be made by this developer". Staff understands that the developer does not wish to accept responsibility for this existing condition, however, his stormwater master plan makes the assumption that this system is functioning, and since it lies within the site, future maintenance must be assumed by the Homeowners Association. Since the existing swale is a drainage facility, it shall also be included within a drainage tract. This correction can be made at the time of preliminary platting if the Engineering Department so decides. The Engineering Department is reminded that our review was a technical review and not an administrative review and that the Engineering Department is responsible to determine the adequacy of the submission and formulate its own recommendation. 19b xc: Mike Kazunas File Utility Engineer - 2 hours Admin. Assistant - .5 hour study of THE AVAILABILITY OF FACILITIES ANALYSIS AND THE IMPACT OF DEVELOPMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES JOHNATHON1S GROVE prepared by planning Department, city of Boynton Beach June 2, 1993 The following analysis of the availability of parks and recreation facilitles throughout the was based on a current peak population of 55,350 persons (based 0n the Bureau of Economic and Business Research's most current permanent population estimate of 48,144, and an estimate of 7,206 seasonal residents), and the needs analysis of parks and recreation facilities utilized in the city's comprehensive plan. Maximum potential Dwelling units projected population (32 du, 2.09 ppdu) - 32 - 67 Neiahborhood parks The subject property is located within Neighborhood park planning Area #1. AS indicated in the Recreation and open space SUDDort Document, pg 10, Area #1 consists of residential developments that contain p~ivate recreation areas and, which have dedicated 19 acres of public park space. Two (2) of these dedicated sites are currently being designed and construction should commence within one (1) year. Given the proximity of Johnathon' s Grove to the planned parks (within 3/4 mile) and the proj ected population of the proposed development, 1.:he adopted levels of service for Neighborhood planning Area #1 will not be affected by the Johnathonis Grove project. District parks Based on the standard for district parks of 2.5 acres per 1,UOO persons, and the city's current park inventory, there is currently a surplus of over 15 acres of district park space (see attached analysis). AS also indicated by the same analysis, the potential population to ~e generated by t:his proposed amendment will have no affect upon the availability of district: park space within the city. Recreation Facilities Although several recreation facilities have very little sur~l~s remaining, the subject proposal would not result in the lowering of the level of service for any recreation facility below the adopted standards (see attached analysis) A: JOHNGREC DTSTRTr.T PARK NF.F.DS ANAT.SYSTS LOS: 2..'1 Ar.RF.SI 1 (Illl) PF.RSONS 1'-~ H 7 ~lrrpn~ Analy~i~ Wi t.h F.xpmpt.i on~ AnA.lysis For .JohnA.t.hon '~ (;rovp r.urrpnt. nptnA.IH1: 12:~ . 2.') 11:-:\.10 r. i t.y Ann r.m1O ty Snpp I y (Wi t.hi n r.ity): 1 H. 10 15 PIA.nnp.n A~rpagp: 151.82 S~hool Fa~i li~ip~ Wit.hin t:hp r.ity Limit.s: 1:-:1 . (Ill 1 :-:1 . () () Tot.a I Snpp I y Wit.hin t.hp r.it.y Limit$: 1:lh.1D 141.10 opt"; ~i ~(-) Or Snrp Ius: :l.H5 - HI. 7:l Anj A.~pn t. Supp f yo: LO.OO LO.{)() TotA.l Opti~;t(-) Or Sllrplll~: :lH,H5 1 .') . LH 1.'i1 . YY 11 :-:1 . 1 () 15 1 :i . ()() 141.1D -111. HY :lfl.OO lS.11 -Cllrrpnt Ppak PnpnlA.t.ion (.')S:-:I.'i()) plus ppr~on~ to hp gpnprA.tp.rt hy p.xp.mpt projp~~s (5~7Y)- -Projp~t.prl PopulAt.ion ot .lohnat.honts (;rovp (:i:l rt.n'c; m::l.x. '" 1.09 pprsons ppr rt.I1.)- -TorA.1 (iist.r;(~t. pA.rk ::l.~rp.agf' A.nnf'rt sinrp. 4/1/H7 or pl!'l.nnprt (Ilnrtp.l' ~onst.rn~t.ion wit.hin 1 yr) - -F.xpmpt projprt nA.tA is A.~ ot 4/1/Y1. -p I A.nnpn !'l.rrp.!'l.gp ; n~ lnnps HI ;:).~rps trom Hp~ t.pr Park. (appx. SO% tor phA.sp. 1), ann .~ A.('rp~ trom Cnngrpss ~vp. Comm. (A.ppx. 1/4 tor phA.sp. 1). 0(l.7LY ppr~ons. 07 pprsons. 15 a~rp.s. r.omparp. .- I .... en en en n .., .., "" ox '" ... ... n "" "" " D..J ,.. f1> ~ o' .." 0 ..... ...-. ...... ... e. 0 ...... 0 D f1> " ... n => '" '" EO ... ... n => <> .... ... 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I> D ., <: lU EXHIBIT llB" STAFF RECOMMENDATION 7\ "'''1'''\ ru'iU CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RECEIVED JUL' 8 1993 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-IB2 AGENDA ITEM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission Chairman and Members of the Planning & Development Board FROM: Vincent A. Finizio, Deputy City Engineer DATE: July 7, 1993 RE : Master P1an Submission Jonathan's Grove Technica1 Review Committee Approva1 of Master P1an PROJECT HISTORY Jonathan's Grove, a ten acre tract of land is situated on the east side of Lawrence Road approximately 1,000' south of Hypoluxo Road (see attached location plan) . The applicant, that being Gee & Jenson Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc., on behalf of MI Homes submitted the attached May 14, 1993 letter, thereby constituting an application for master plan review comprised of the submission of subdivision master plans (attached), traffic study, service provider letters (FPL, Southern Bell, Boynton Beach utilities) , master stormwater managemen~ plan and associated submission fees pursuant to City Code of Ordinances. Jonathan's Grove Master Plan depicts a total of 32 single family residential lots set within a rectangular shaped subdivision with a standard 60' public rights-of-way along the longitudinal center of the property, terminating at a 90' wide paved cul-de-sac. Prior to the Planning & Development Board's consideration of this project, the applicant pursuant to Appendix "cu, Subdivision & Platting Regulations, filed a subdivision variance seeking relief from the section entitled "Access", which requires the construction of residen- tial driveways to be built a minimum of 180' from the intersecting rights-of-way line of the proposed subdivision road at Lawrence Road (a collector road). The City Commission during their final review and deliberations, granted the applicant relief conditioned upon the drive- ways for lots I, 2, 31, & 32 be located flush with the easternmost property line of the subject lots. Additionally, the City Commission required the construction of a deceleration lane along Lawrence Road abutting the southwest portion of the subject property. The conditions of approval for the variance have been fully complied with and provisions have been added to the master plan in order to clearly depict requirements imposed during the granting of said variance. Engineering Dept. Memo No. 93-182 Agenda Item/Jonathan's Grove - TRC Approval of Master Plan July 7, 1993 Page #2 TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE APPROVAL The City's Technical Review Committee initially reviewed the submitted master plan on May 25, 1993 and have fully approved the master plan as indicated by their signatures within the signature block on the face of the submitted master plan. The Developer, the Developer's Engineer and City staff should be commended for approving this master plan in the short time interval of 41 days from initial TRC review. The TRC approvals are as follows: 1. Recreation & Park Memorandum No. 93-219 & 93-273 regarding the payment of a fee in lieu of land dedication for recreation and parks. The subject comments do not apply to the master plan approval process but do contain merit relative to the preliminary plat process, at which time staff will formulate a recommendation relative to the amount of fee owed the City Commission. Recreation & Park Memorandum No. 93-279 indicates that the department recommends approval. 2. Building Department Memorandum No. 93-136, reference comments #l & #2 of said memo have been fully complied with. 3. Police Department Memorandum No. 93-112 represents an approval as the Police Department's initial recommendation to deny the variance, relative to the 180' rule for driveways near intersecting roadways, was modified by the City Commission during their afore- mentioned deliberations. 4. Fire Department Memorandum No. 93-259WDC represents an approval of the Jonathan's Grove master plan as the location and number of fire hydrants will be addressed at a later stage during the review of a future preliminary plat. 5. Public Works Department Memorandum No. 93-141 represents an approval of the master plan as the cul-de-sac in question was originally designed with 80' of paved area and based upon the Public Works Department's comments, the applicant has agreed to revise the plans to provide for 90' of pavement. The plans have been corrected to depict 90' of pavement needed for sanitation truck turnaround traffic movements. 6. utility Department Memorandum No. 93-304 with attached Gee & Jenson letter, dated June 28, 1993, indicates approval of the conceptual water distribution and sewage collection systems. Engineering Dept. Memo No. 93-182 Agenda Item/Jonathan's Grove - TRC Approval of Master Plan July 7, 1993 Page #3 7. Planning & Zoning Department Memorandum No. 93-156 represents a list of Planning & Zoning comments which shall be considered by the Planning & Development Board and City Commission during the approval process of this master plan. Although the Planning Director has signed the master plan as approved, the conditions and recommendations generated by Tambri Heyden hold great merit and therefore should be incorporated as conditions of approval of this master plan by the Planning & Development Board and City Commission. For ease of review, I have indicated upon Tambri's memo that item #l, #5 and #8 have been complied with. Items #2, #3, #4, #6, #7, #9, #10 and #ll should be incorporated as a condition of approval within any motion for master plan acceptance. 8. Attached please find City Forester Memo(s) No. 93-272 reguiring the deletion of a ficus hedge along the southern boundry line of the subject master plan site. The master plan has been revised to indicate native hedge material and therefore the Developer has gained compliance relative to this comment. 9. City Forester Memo No. 93-267 references the requirement of a modification to plan note #2, indicating that a tree management plan shall be submitted to the City, reference existing citrus trees. In accordance with subsequent Recreation & Park Memorandum No. 93-280, the department recommends approval conditioned upon the modification of note #2 to reflect the requirements contained in Kevin's original June 30th memo. The master plan note has been modified accordingly. REQUIRED SERVICE PROVIDER STATEMENTS - UTILITIES The master plan section of Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting Regulations requires that the Developer coordinate various utility services to this property and that proof be provided, reference their availability. Attached for your review and consideration please find Florida Power & Light letter dated May 14, 1993, Bell South Communica- tions letter dated May 13, 1993 and Office of the utility Director letter dated May 13, 1993, all of which indicate that service is available to the subject site. It should be noted that paragraph #2 of the Utility Director's letter relative to capacity reservation and water and sewer concurrency is more appropriately addressed pursuant to code during the preliminary plat stage of review and not during the master plan process. The required reservation fees and concurrency statements shall be obtained during the preliminary plat process, therefore, paragraph #2 is not applicable at this time. Engineering Dept. Memo No. 93-182 Agenda Item/Jonathan's Grove - TRC Approval of Master Plan July 7, 1993 Page #4 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY STAFF COMMENTS Attached for your review and consideration please find Palm Beach County School Board letter dated May 25, 1993, pages 1 thru 3, generated by Linda S. Howell, Real Estate Acquisition Coordinator, regarding the impact analysis of this project, including the petitioners requirement to meet with School Board staff to discuss racial balancing of the developement, etc. General note #14 on the face of the master plan indicates that the Developer shall comply with Palm Beach County School Board's conditions of approval and therefore the Technical Review Committee has determined that this note satisfies that requirement. DRAINAGE CONCURRENCY Mr. Mike Kazunas, P.E. has reviewed the master plan and has approved the engineering drainage concurrency as indicated by his signature within the Technical Review Committee approval block on the face of the attached master plan. Mr. Kazunas' approval pursuant to City Code of Ordinances, Section 19-84(d) of the Concurrency Management Ordinance, indicates that "drainage level of service shall mean that drainage facilities for development projects shall be designed for a three (3) year design storm for a duration of the time of concentration for the water shed, for development projects which are subject to South Florida Water Management District design and/or permitting requirements, and shall mean that drainage facilities for all other development projects shall be designed to accommodate the first hour of a three (3) year storm on site." The reviewing board should address their attention to general note #17 on the face of the master plan which indicates compliance with the aforementioned sections of City codes relative to concurrency management. In support of Mr. Kazunas' approval, Mr. John A. Guidry, Director of utilities, via his Memo No. 93-3Il, indicates in sentence #1 that the required drainage level of service can be provided and furthermore in sentence #2 of paragraph #1 requests that this department forward the opinion of the Engineer to the Planning Director in accordance with Section 19-87(c). The Engineering Department, by separate memo, has forwarded Mr. Guidry's memo to Mr. Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director, to be presented to the reviewing boards under separate agenda item. REQUIRED PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION ACTION The Chairman of the Planning & Development Board, after approval of the master plan by the full membership of the Planning & Development Board, shall sign and date the master plan further indicating the Planning & Development Board's approval of this project. Engineering Dept. Memo No. 93-182 Agenda Item/Jonathan's Grove - TRC Approval of Master Plan July 7, 1993 Page #5 The City Commission shall review the recommended approval of the Planning & Development Board and render a decision relative to this project. Should the master plan be approved by the City Commission, staff should be directed to notify the applicant that they may commence with the creation of the preliminary plat documents and associated development construction plans to be submitted to the Office of the City Engineer within the time frame required by City Code of Ordinances. TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION As the master plan has been reviewed by Mike Kazunas, P.E. and as the full membership of the Technical Review Committee has signed the master plan indicating their approval, further representing compliance with code provisions governing this phase of development, their recommendation is herein forwarded by the undersigned for review and approval by the appropriate City Boards, via the Planning Director. Should you require any additional information and/or assistance, please contact the undersigned at ext 488. Respectfully submitted, ~A.~' Vincent A. Finizio ~ VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager (as discussed) enclosures: Quantity of I signed, sealed and dated Master Plan with TRC approval signatures (to be returned to the Engineering Dept. after approval by the Planning & Development Board) , including a quantity of IO master plans for the Jonathan's Grove site. All previously stated attachments and memos. MEMORANDUM Utilities #93-317 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Kazunas, Utility Engineer /1" J' ('~ I~-- /"I.~ __ ) C__ THRU: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: July 9, 1993 SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove Master Plan Engineering Department Memorandum #93-182 Correction Page 6, paragraph headed Technical Review Committee Recommendation of the above referenced Engineering Department memorandum dated July 7, 1993, implies that I have reviewed the entire Master Plan and did same in the capacity of Professional Engineer. This is not accurate. The review I made was limited to drainage and utilities only. I made no statement regarding the approval of the Master Plan nor did my review merit any more weight than the other unnamed members of the T.R.C. Furthermore, there is a difference in my acting in the administrative capacity as Utility Engineer and my actions as a Florida Registered Professional Engineer, actions regulated in Florida Statues, Chapter 471, and which require seal and signature. This unauthorized use of my name and licensure by reference in this memo should be relayed to th~ Planning and Development Board along with Engineering Memo #93-182. 19b Attachments xc: J. Scott Miller File P.S. On July 8, 1993, I contacted Mr. Finizio by telephone and requested he remove the misleading statement. He said he would not and suggested I respond by memo. , " MEMOP~NDUM Util~ties No. 93-231 FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Direc~or TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager DATE: May 24, 1993 SUEJECT: City Engineer Rev~ew Master Plan/Subdivision Var~ance Jonathan's Grove The most recent correspondence from the Deputy City Engineer to this Departmen~, dated May 20, 1993, Engineer~ng Department Memorandum F93-132 (attached), displays a serlOUS lack of understanding of the laws regulating the CiVll Engineering Profession in the State of Florida. To suggest that Mr. Kazunas should s~gn as Ci~y Engineer, not his title, on a review tha~ was not performed by hlm, is not only unproiess~onal but also illegal. ~lease be aware, in spite of what you may have been led to believe, that.thi~ Department has no~ pericrmed any reVlews for this project beyond the scope of thls utility. Regarding the dra~nage review discussed during our conversatlon of May 18,~ 1993, this Department will be performing th~s review as agreed, however, it is not poss~ble to be performed prlor to May 25, 1993 as requested. This review w~ll be given top pr~orlty with comments forwarded to Engineering as expedltiously as possible. /bks Attachment bc: Michael E. Kazunas c L('\C~"'\O\'l ,,^~p JO\'l~"'r\~NS GRO\lE. -----. -- ~:~~1.": ",: ~-~ ~ ~ .-- ~ ,.. .. -- -Ill! -::)"r-- >-- --- :~.'t:: t:'. -- ~,,~~- ~J' ::: ~-- ~J \ \\"\9:;;H1i\~./~ "x 1:\ i:j' '.~.-- :::. ~I_X"" 1:" I,.....: ..- L--'~ ,....' .- p:: .::: :--..1" \1-': - """';111 _~ .1'\;:'" ~ f-- _' . n!.'- ~:~~B ~~n'~j ~~ __ ~ ~'-J-- ______ ':: ' r " \ \-H-C0 P- I _ /;?nrl\tl11fl:\f'.~\~" >".,.".g ~.. / t-' CA"'''''!. VI ~ ~- ,vVP~ - n.. J t\ . i ,-,-"",,' ~ .. l c~~ oo--~l 1\ /' I'. 1\~~\i.,> it. ___ ~)G '"' () 'l' ~~" L..\ \ ." : r\ \ . ~\) "~ , ' I. II ( .i j c~ \-\J\~ [\!'..\ 6.0 '\ . . \ . , ,.." pUt) . ~'-.:.')';f'" \..u'~ A.tO" ~'t?f~ t\<NO\..\.\I\I~~g~e$' l=~1 ft.f:;\ . I ~~~~- _ :m-.- 2 . ~ __ _ -~~<;t1IDI- :---iJi1-I-I'.' ~~j- ,rtIS'!\. _ ","{I" ,SfI=i j 't t::: . 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J- jN t7 '(7 vI''' 10 I- C/11Y t-IM rr~ l I' ------- I .-' .-..--- ~ -r''-'-- . - , " ....-r .-. " \ '. ,\' \ . \..--~ _ '\ ':\ ., . \ \.0- \..':.~~,..-----. \ \ ---., - " --,(-:\::. " \ \ \ \ \ ....eOYN-rON NUpsep\es" p\JO \.\J\~4 .0 ,;",,::-, \ ' ,\ '~, ,-"'" .. - ~ - \\ \f \ ,_, - \9' u..~..-~- ..-<<...- ~ ~~.~-~ ~Q \ C3 \ ~ ~~~,~ (~e' \ \ I, (! \ \1 l) \~ , ~ ~ ..~~~.,. \\ \1 i U\ . . '\ _. . 7 A ............. ' ., ?~ .0 "\/\8 w.\\..ESV' ~ ~J. 1--- ll. .\ \. - \ \\\0800 fEEl . . ..."N ~ J-.,--=' 1=''\~~ \~. \...l\~: Tc~-, m\i~\ ,~~ ~ n GEE & JENSON Englneers-Architects-Planners. Inc May 14, 1993 One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach. FL 33409 Telephone (407) 683-3301 Fax (407) 686-7446 Mr. Vincent Finizio City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 l!) I (:J :6 ' --J....(../, ~ 'OQ,(NTo~ ~~ , ~ . <p~/ , ~ ReceIved -?-/, \ - 0: '--I u -~ .. ''! 1 ., 41\9'2 . -- 1 UA I "~ v'~-I -z- Oi " .., I '.....' (~C~TY Ch<.:;,;,t;:i:<< c:.'? ". / , 1~ ()~ I ./'" 0". <;" ; . .. "" v UE.o.C.':'--' l "","/"'/~-" ~~-,.' .' / ~ iJ'./01~="'\ './ ~ Re: Jonathans Grove Dear Vince: Attached please find a submittal package for Master Subdivision approval for the 10 acre Jonathans Grove site located on the east side of Lawrence Road approximately 1 ,000 feet south of Hypoluxo Road. This submittal consists of seven copies of the Subdivision Master Plan, Traffic Study, service letters, Master Storm Water Management Plan and submittal fees. Gee & Jenson will be acting as agents for Mil Homes in their processing of this application. In addition to the Subdivision Master Plan Submittal, we are requesting a variance from the Code of Ordinances, Appendix .C', Section 1. Access. This section requires that points of access to lots within a subdivision be a minimum of 180 feet from intersecting lines of right-of-way with classifications higher than a local street. This situation will exist at the entrance to Jonathans Grove. Lots 1,2,31 and 32 will have driveways within this distance. Lots 3 and 30 could also have a minimal encroachment depending upon the location of their driveways. We are requesting a variance from this requirement to allow driveways to access the Jonathans Grove internal roadway within this 180 feet. ~ Jonathans Grove is a 10 acre parcel with limited frontage on Lawrence Road. Maintaining the 180 feet of throat distance would severely impact development of the western portion of the site for single family lots. Minimum lot widths and lot areas established as part of the Land Use Amendment and Rezoning have dictated the layout of the site. This proposed plan has 32 lots which is one lot less than the rezoning approval due to the on-site provision of water management facilities. Restrictions placea upon access to lots would further reduce the number of lots belo~ the current rezoning approval. . Another element important to consideration of this variance is the small size of this project. With only 32 lots, which equates to a total of 320 trips per day. there will not be a problem with traffic backing up at the entrance ~to the develoBment when cars are ", City of Boynton Beach Attn: Mr. Vincent Finizio May 14, 1993 - Page 2 \\ I.!? I I 1\0 ,,,;\~{j/ , . - '" YN "/ -< -,/" <. '00 i 0 A# . ", :"\ I",i' <J'.; 'Y <1J '(',./ ~0'~"-' , 1~" '.: ,.,' ..... . l\. "'ee"rent ~ \.-- --.; C; '- --. \. ~ \.-6 - ::f ....'.1 7 L.:: _ 1''ilA ~ 1993>: (;-~. ~ ~ \-:, 01, CITY ENGI;,.i'" ~ ;-.... [) ".- ~o ,,0 /'- ---.', ,1,r ~-'" " '\, /~ EJE,IJ.,Cr\. ..A/~~>/ ~!~,. .,-""-',.. .:' f', .~-. J ' ,.-~., ~ /'~ v ,.. __"' n accessing the driveways which fall within the 180 foot distance. With the provision of landscape easements along the entrance of the development and the distance to the travel lane of Lawrence Road, stacking will exist before the first driveway opening. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call. Very truly yours, BSB/lg 91-351 cc: Chuck Sharman Glen Nicotra " c,..S: 0- :s~ Q) 3 .....~ -::r Q) :s (J) G) """ o < <0 OJ .2 :;) 6" :;) OJ co ~ -n o --: a p) >::Ii';lIi\ ;~:~!. ...,93% ~~;;~ t ~:!' " ~ 1} \ " !> 'HH~" :'~~;; ":' <>a l ~ . t ': ~ ~ 1) oQn2\- ....., =;"' i-. l' ~ ~ i H~~ -:~~~~ ~ ~ ... w ~ cO' p a i~~~ ~ . , ~C' .- :Ii. "~~ ~:;~; -;j. ! 1i ~ ~.. \ ' '" b '" ~ ,,~ ~~ ,,~ , .. .. 1! . ~ it 6. .... a " >1 . i ~ '" 2;' "g '" " ;. ~E) <{' ~ , ~ ~:-'i~:;:::::~jf ,~c~~3:...~.;;~~l\- ;:-c. .::=..;';.~~~'~~,._.. -r:::; 1 o ,--. _ _ 7'l.~ . '. ~o lanascaoeT(3ct E."'5~mef\\': :.-.;-c~ ~ -; ! H "J'~ 'f:'. ~ t ~ ~ \! c \ '6 ' '" ~ '" 'l r \ \ J_,! .,' : I.!-J-\r~.:.\ I ~~.-:%:-- \ \\ /'~ \," '. '\\ \ · · ,II.' ,'//',~! ~- \, \ \ ' ~ \ ~ 1\ '\ ".- ,\\1: '" ., ''6 ~ \; --~. \. ~. i '" I ~ ~ \': ~ \ ft;r:, ~. I. \ \\\ \/~: \,,'\ \ ~d ~. I. \.. . :", '-I //' _ " "". I. . 'i '''.l \ L- ' \ \ \ 1 //111 \\ //\ \, ! \ ~ ,,~\]"'~ \I,fu:" ~~ \(1 i \ ~ \ I .--+-:.:.- ~ . ~ ~ \ \ ... \ _ U! '6'-=:~~~~j\ \\r "'il\i" -1 ~\ ~!\~ ~ \ '. \ L-_,~.\: ~~ j. _.-J \ ' ~ ,0 ii _ ~__ \ \ i\ o~ , \;;. \ ~ II '" OJ \ ~ g ~ C ';f. \ a',i, 2~ o ... \ '?: ~\ \ ~\ , ;.0------- ," \ .... \\ ~. " JI '\ _' ,., i' ~ \-/.~- j \~~\:\\~\ g ~\.. ---- Ji ..~\~- :; ~M\ \,,, ~ ~' '. \ \. ------.. \ \\ \/-~- j ;", .. . \ \ \ \ \\ .--- ------)' IT. j \\ " ' 'H c~ rT~ _, ''t \7 A-~~1!\ r ";'. 1'~1[;l~'i~L/ A\ \ \ ~~ ~ ~~~ .. ~ \- J- _,_ ._~ ~l\~' '",0' 3:~ \ ~ , .~' ,~O\\ ~:' - :' ~'\ ,;:i,'\'>\JiL' . ~~iI:rcl' ~""~~-".\. l ' _.J J, .:-"".~, f'," 1 II ._-- -,r::::-.=.-...;..---I- ,.-- --- -- ;: ;;J""'Ii'.f-'/) ; . ,_ _, _---.S'.\. _ _,-,' '" <oS ~ . )/-;:':3. .! 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'r. ~ r -1;:,:,:"'r:r GEE & JENSON ""~\-\":'" T~,-' ;.t..I'.: ,i ::-.,7, ------.--.- --~ - .-.------- - ~ I; \) l \ m \ \l m ' ;€'"1~'f ~\~~,~ \; \'i ' [j -P : t ~ l~l ~ ~ ;\ \ , i \ ~~\; 0: l\'~ ~ ~~ \~:. \ \;; ~l.~\ tll\' b~ 'i~ ~ .~~~ n \\ ~ n \ ~ ~ \\ i \!- \ i 0 'i!\ ~ ,\ i!~ \ h 1 n Pp\ \H '\ ,a1 \ ~ ~ i i 1 . HH i 1 ~ ~ 1 \ n'~ \ \ ~l, \ t 1\ h 'i ~ ~ i ~ i~~i \ \ \ ,,\\'~p\ '\\ d~ \\ \\\ . i ~ : is %/;"n" it;' ~ \i. \\}: H -i .. ~ l f; '&t l~ ~ ~~ 'Iii " . " hi. \ i~R~~:~\~ It\l<~};"'\~ .. 8~ . ~ ' t. l' !::: ~ \~ \~~: e.S it! U t~l 1\ \1\ go;. ;;'1." ,1 .it l ~ t~ \ \ iH * ~ \ ;.:;: ~ ; 3~-;;:':....~~;~. --------~.._-- 7.8' .,. .L.-' ~ 135' "'" . ~I . : .<1' II "."~"IIIt,v>,, "'j( _-4 I l1; I ' c +___1~,__." ~ 3'f~ Q. o '- Q.. d , i ~""j,,,,,, 4 I t 20' I - -----+ 12.5' ~ I Varies Section D-D N.T.S. " \ - I /" r( -d:J~s;, bln\] s ~jl)~STER P~N . . :-7i~~-\-f J \C~ ~ { E:::\..L; GoH~ ["I \' c'-- , ~~\JpJ.s . . "'. ~'-"J ;"y-. ~ .~ ~ Date? /1/ V_ . ." ;__,1 ;fI ..,.... ...;...... . - . . m 7-6 p.~ r--- . - ...... ~_. .. -, ", ~, _~ ...... _ ~ ~ ,,~ " ,,~- \ \' ,roo, L~"' h ~i~\~~: ~ 'c h_ ~: tftlf'.5 ~ .. . )aniels, Inc 1 A Suite C 111 =1. 33471' 7 -9894 j . ~ 1 Traffic Engineer Kimley - Horn and Assoc. 4431 Embarcadero Drive WPB, FI. 33407 ~ 407}845-0666 I~t, ~ ,S l "iu~uase':l ld,j -J "'l > 1=- _ - '8U!l ^lJ8doJd UJ8lSB3 8LH fO'1:::- --~ ?3 8beu!eJO ~ . I~M~ ~,U~ lQ JOl MOilV' Ol ! ,uluedo penOlS -.: alBMS BuqS!X3 LHP!M U! ,DC: lO WnW!XBW e pue U~;= ' RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-273 TO: Vince Finizio, Deputy City Engineerp John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Jonathan's Grove Masterplan FROM: RE: DATE: July 2, 1993 This memo is to confirm Recreation & Park Memorandum *93-219 remains in effect. The developer has indicated he will pay the full recreation impact fee. JW:ad ?~~~~ ~. U~ ,I ,{t:;~ / RECREATION , PARK MEMORANDUM '93-219 TO: Vincent A. Finizio, Deputy City Engin FROM: John Wildner, Parks Superintendent RE: Jonathan's Grove Master Plan Submission/Pre-Applicat DATE: May 19, 1993 The Recreation' Park Department has reviewed the Jonathan's Grove Master Plan Pre-Application. The following conunents are submitted: 1. According to Appendix C, Art. IX, paragraph 8 Recreation dedication - This subdivision is required to provide parks acreage based on the single family residential formula. 32 sq. ft. homes x .018 acres = .576 acres. 2. Developer has the option of requesting half credit towards the recreation dedication requirement based on private recreation provided. Criteria for this option is available in Appendix C (subdivision ordinance). 3. In the absence of suitable acreage for recreation, the developer and the City may agree to fee in lieu of land. JW: ad BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO.. 93-136 June 30, 1993 TO: Vince Finizio Engineerin.g~. epartment Don Jaeger(//~- Building ~1cial I ( Milt Duff !j Chief Plans Check Inspector THRU: FROM: RE: TRC COMMENTS MASTER PLAN - JONATHAN'S GROVE The Building Department has rereviewed the plans for the above referenced project and offers the following comments: V" 1. The word "buildings" must be changed to "structures" on note #7 of the plans. .,/ 2. Driveways for lots I, 2, 31 and 32 should not be closer than one to two feet from the adjacent property lines in order to provide for drainage and landscaping. ~Jj~ Milt Duff .. MD: bh XC: Al Newbold Ck?\UC" H~\~~ ~ 7/-z..-/t:13 J~-<2..- JON RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-279 RE: Vincent Finizio, Deputy City Engin~e \ John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Jonathan's Grove Masterplan (2nd S mission) TO: FROM: DATE: July 7, 1993 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the Jonathan's Grove Masterplan (2nd Submission) based upon the developer pay the full recreation impact fee (Recreation & Park Memorandum #93-219). This Department recommends approval. JW:ad MEMORANDUM POLICE NO. 93-112 TO: Vincent Finizio Deputy City Engineer FROM: Sgt. M. Kirrman Police Department DATE: Ju 1 y 1, 1 9 9 3 REF: Jonathan Grove - resubmission Sir, I have reviewed the plans resubmitted for Jonathans Grove. other than my previous remarks, I have no further comments. If l{ U<L~~~v/f Sgt M. Kirrman I MK/jb TO: FROH: DA'rE: RE: pg FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-259 WDC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT JUtNE 30, 1993 JONATHANS GROVE MASTER PLAN WE HAVE NO OBJECTIONS AT THIS TIME. NOTE: WE WILL BE LOOKING FOR FIRE HYDRANTS BEFORE FINAL PLAT. " ~lda~' ~Iui(~~ WILLIAM D CA ANAUGH, FPO I BOYNTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT RECEIVED JUt 1 - 1993 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #93-141 TO: Vincent A. Finizio, Deputy City Engineer FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Jonathan's Grove Master Plan Resubmission DATE: June 22, 1993 / The applicant at a prior meeting agreed to change the CuI D Sac to a minimum of 90' flowever, they still show 80'. Eichorst Works Director REIer ~\.~ ~ H~~ ~~ 7/20/93 ~ UTILITIES MEMORANDUM #93-304 / FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of utilities TO: Vincent A. Finizio, Deputy City Engineer DATE: June 30, 1993 RE: Jonathan's Grove Master Plan, Pre-Application (concurrent) utility - Second Review Staff has met with the applicant and discussed the conceptual water and sewer plans for the above referenced project. We are also in receipt of a letter (see attached) which outlines these commitments. With this the applicant has fulfilled his requirements for master plan approval from this department and staff recommends this project proceed through the review process. /dlh Attachment cc: Mike Kazunas Peter Mazzella file Utility Engineer: 1.5 hr. Administrative Assistant: .5 hr. GE:E&JENSON II 07-686-7446 JUN '93 15:07 No.031 P,Ol " GEE & JENSON Post.lt'. brand fax transmittal memo 7671 To / [nglnCcr&.ArGt'tHr;t~.~'jQ')r.crs, inc, June 28, 1993 One: 11~lrvard Circ:l(~ Wost P;drn Re;lCh, 1-1.. :n-1UO I oicpMn" (<'07) Clil3-33lJl r"x (407) flAG-711-1e Mr. Michael Kazunas, P,E, Utilitlos Engineer City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Boach Blvd, PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Jonathan's Grove Subdivision Master Plan Utilities Plan Dear Mike. This letter is sent to confirm the developer Of Jonathan's Grove will Install a IHl station at the south wostern corner of the sile as Indicated on tho SubdivIsion Master Plan. The gravity sewer Invort Into the lift station wet well will be approximately alovation :i2,1. With the surface elevation at :i; 16~, this wl// rosult in a 11ft station approximately 20ft. deep, Tho 8- gravity sewer systom sorving .Jonathan's Grove will Include gravity seNlcs (manhole) at the east properly line of Jonathan's Grove within invert elevation of ;tag and a depth of 8ft. This gravity manhola and lino will be located In a Sanitary Sewer casement adjacent to or overlapping the drainage cosomcnt at the end ot the culdcsac. In addition a Sanitary Sewer manhole within invert of :t.2.8 will be located at the SW corner of lot 1 I within the Lawronce Road R.O.W. or in an easement adjacent to the R/W to serv.e the property to the north of the site, Thls manhole will be ::t.: 13ft. deep. Tho water distribution system for this site will consist of a single 6" or S" water main on tho south side of tile culdesac roadway, cxtendtng from the existing 12" water main along Lawrence Road to the easl of Jonathan's Grove. A fire hydrant will be Installed on the culdosac. East of the hydrant, the water IIno will be valved off to allow future connection to the water system of tho Knollwood Groves P.U.D. The final details of these utility systems will be completod during the preliminary plat stage of tho. subdivision approval process, subsequent to the Master Plan approval. ve; ;;;}~:.~? ~_~._"'\ ~/(/C/~?>----- ~~ W. Richard Staudinger. P; . - WRS/jor 91.351 c: Vinca Finizio SCOll BonncwHz Peter Mazzella PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-156 TO: Vincent Finizio Engineering Department ~~ THRU: Christopher cutro Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Tambri J. Heyden senior Planner DATE: July 1, 1993 SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 750 Master Plan (subdivision) - resubmission comments The following is a list of planning and zoning related comments to be forwarded to the planning and Development Board (provided the applicant does not resubmit again) for their consideration relative to the above-referenced request. If the Planning and Development Board moves to approve this master plan, it is recommended that approval be subject to this list of conditions: 1. ~j 2. ~~ 3. .. ~ 5. (P"'Q.~ Lots and buildings shall conform to the R-1A zoning district, IIBuilding and Site Regulations of the Zoning Code, with the exception of the 9,590 square feet minimum lot size, to be not less than 70 feet wide by 137 feet deep and the minimum 1,800 square feet living area required as a condition of the 1989 Jonathan's Grove zoning approval. Appendix A - Zoning of the Code of Ordinances, section 5.D. Site plan approval for the sign and entrance wall and for the buffer wall, fence and associated landscaping shall be required concurrently with preliminary plat approval. Part III of the Code of Ordinances - Land Development Regulations, 2hapter 4, section 2. Unless subsequently required by the Planning and Development Board and City Commission, the proposed hedge on the north sid~ of the wall proposed along the north boundary of the property is not a code requirement and was not discussed at the time of granting zoning approval in 1989. If the hedge or other landscaping adjacent to the wall is made a condition of the master plan or future site plan approval, it is recommended that the entire hedge be required to be installed simultaneously with the wall and not in segments with construction of each home abutting the wall. 4. It is recommended that the proposed five (5) feet high wall along the rear of the north lots be increased to six (6) feet in height based on the Jonathan's Grove condition of zoning approval to construct a wall not to exceed six (6) feet in height on the north boundary of the property. The wall proposed along the rear of the north lots shall extend to the northeast corner of the development. Jonathan's Grove condition of zoning approval to construct a wall on the north boundary of the property. 6 . Due to a potential conflict with the location of the required wall along the north boundary of the development and the location of the 15 feet wide Florida Power and Light (FPL) easement for existing overhead power lines, also along the north boundary of the development, the wall location may be subject to change, i.e. - moved south 15 feet. For screening and maintenance reasons the preferred location of the wall is along the north boundary of the development. The wall location shall be determined prior to submitting for preliminary plat approval and with every attempt being made to locate the wall along the north boundary of the property, consistent with the Jonathan's Grove condi.tion of zoning TO: Vincent Finizio -2- July 1, 1993 ( con t I d. ) 6. approval. If acceptable to FPL, the wall may be moved three (3) feet north so that the footer is adjacent to the north boundary of the property. ~~(l7 . 8. ~,c) ~~ 9. Q~ 10. ~~~ 11. Details for the northbound, deceleration (right turn) lane at the intersection of Lawrence Road and the entrance road to the development, required as a condition of the subdivision variance granted for access, shall be submitted with the preliminary plat. Based on the subdivision variance granted for access, it is recommended that the limited access easement shown on the master plan be extended along the street frontage of lots I, 2, 31 and 32, excluding that area needed for a maximum 20 feet wide driveway to be located flush with the eastern property line of the aforementioned lots. Regarding note #13 on the master plan, the limited access easement along Lawrence Road shall be dedicated to Palm Beach County. The limited access easements proposed along a portion of the project entrance road, the utility easement, and the access/utili ty easement shall be dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach. The drainage easement, the swale & drainage/landscape easements (to encompass the wall and landscaping by overlapping with the FPL easement, if agreeable to FPL) and the retention area (to be a separate tract of land) shall be dedicated to a homeowners' association. It is recommended that the landscape easement (to encompass the sign wall) and the landscape/citrus tree preserve area be separate tracts of land dedicated to a homeowners' association rather than encumbrances to lot 1 and lot 32, respectively. Regarding note #2 on the master plan and the proposed landscape/citrus tree preserve area, the determination of which existing trees are to be preserved is reserved until submittal of the tree survey and tree management plan with the preliminary plat. Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.4.2 and Jonathan's Grove condition of zoning approval to preserve existing trees to the maximum extent possible. If this master plan request is approved by the planning and Development Board, subj ect to conditions, a master plan, revised to address relevant conditions of approval, shall be submitted with the preliminary plat submittal. / ~tlhdhJ tjh A: JonGrMP2 xc: central File PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMO&~NDUM NO. 93-166 TO: Chairman and Members ~~ an~lopment Board Christ pher Cutro Planning and Zoning Director THRU: FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Senior planner DATE: July 8, 1993 SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 750 Master Plan (subdivision) - final comments The Planning and Zoning Department has recommended to the Engineering Department that the Jonathan's Grove master plan be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Department and has signed off the master plan, subject to the following list of planning and zoning related comments. This list supersedes Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 93-156. As discussed in Engineering Department Memorandum No. 93-182, page 3, item #7, several comments contained within Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 93- 156 have been addressed. Therefore, for clarification purposes this memorandum serves to itemize those comments from Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 93-156, and one additional comment, which are recommended as conditions of approving the Jonathan's Grove master plan. 1. Site plan approval for the sign and ent:rance wall and for the buffer wall, fence and associated landscaping shall be required concurrently with preliminary plat approval. Part III of the Code of Ordinances - Land DE~velopment Regulations, Chapter 4, Section 2. 2. Due to a potential conflict with the location of the required wall along the north boundary of the development and the location of the 15 feet wide Florida Power and Light (FPL) easement for existing overhead power lines, also along the north boundary of the development, the wall location may be subject to change, i.e. - moved south 15 feet. For screening and maintenance reasons the preferred location of the wall is along the north boundary of the dE~velopment. The wall location shall be determined prior to submitting for preliminary plat approval and with every attempt being made to locate the wall along the north boundary of the property, consistent with the Jonathan's Grove condition of zoning approval. If acceptable to FPL, the \'II a 11. may be moved three (3) feet north so that the footer is adjacent to the north boundary of the property. 3. Details for the northbound, deceleration (right turn) lane at the intersection of Lawrence Road and the entrance road to the development, required as a condition of the subdivision variance granted for access, shall be submitted with the preliminary plat. 4. Regarding note #13 on the master plan and other depictions on the master plan, the limited access easement along Lawrence Road shall be dedicated to Palm Beach County. The limited access easements proposed along a portion of the project entrance road and the access/utility easement shall be dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach. The swale & drainage/landscape easements (to encompass the wall and landscaping by overlapping with the FPL easement, if agreeable to FPL) and the dry retention area (to be a separate tract of land) shall be dedicated to the homeowners' association. It is recommended that the landscape tract and the landscape/ citrus tree preserve tract encompass the sign and entrance TO: Planning and Zoning Board -2- July B, 1993 (cont'd. ) 4. wall and be labeled to include sign/\,lall maintenance. The drainage and utility easement shall be dedicated to the City for utility purposes and to the homeo'wners' association for drainage purposes. 5. Regarding note #2 on the master plan and the proposed landscape/citrus tree preserve area, the determination of which existing trees are to be preserved is reserved until submittal of the tree survey and tree management plan with the preliminary plat. Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.4.2 and Jonathan I s Grove condition of zoning approval to preserve existing trees to the maximum extent possible. 6. If this master plan request is approved by the Planning and Development Board, subj ect to condi ltions, a master plan, revised to address relevant conditions of approval, shall be submitted with the preliminary plat submittal. 7. The section A-A detail has been revised on the master plan dated July 2, 1993 to show a 10 feet ~lide typical swale area adding up to a right-ot-way width of 50 feet which conflicts with other references on the master plan to a right-of-way width of 60 feet. It is recommended that a right-of-way of 60 feet in width be approved, unless otherwise recommended by the Engineering Department. r ..J~-O-4dhJ Tambri .J. Hettlen / tjh A:JonGrFC xc: Vincent Finizio Central File TO: FROM: RE: DATE: RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-272 Vince Finizio, Deputy City Engineer J John Wildner (For Kevin J. Hallahan) Jonathan's Grove - Masterplan July 2, 1993 As a 267, JW:ad followup to Kevin Hallahan's Recreation & Park Memorandum #93- the following additional comment is submitted: The Ficus hedge shown on the~lu.thern boundary of the property must substitute an alternate plant material acceptable to the utilities (FP&L, water and sewer, etc.) which are located in the easement. ~ ~ 7/..,f9'~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-280 TO: Vincent Finizio, Deputy City Enginee~. I John Wildner, Parks Superintendent 1v (For Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Enviro entalist) Jonathan's Grove Masterplan (2nd Submission) FROM: RE: DATE: July 7, 1993 I have reviewed the 2nd submission of this masterplan for Kevin Hallahan. Based on the developer's compliance with Recreation & Park Memo's #93-272 and #93-267, I recommend approval. JW:ad RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #93-267 TO: Vince Finizio, Deputy City Engineer FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist k~* RE: Jonathan's Grove - Master Plan Resubmission Date June 30, 1993 I have met with the applicant's representative in the field to review the status of the existing citrus trees. He will be prepar ing a tree management plan to submit to the City. This document should be crossed referenced as note *2 shown on the Master Subdivision Plan. There may be additional comments placed on the Master Subdivision Plan to guarantee fulfillment of items pertaining to the tree management plan. KH:ad 05. 14; 93 o 3 : 0 2 P-~1 *w PALM BCH E~mINEERS POl May 13, 1993 File #: 240.0900 ~'i'n /' ':..' \ t f ';" '. ./ ./\ \ ' :- -'--' ..: , / . ~6." <'1."'{rn(J~'1~' >/ -'" -v)) . tJ / t;;;:,<<- (<" '.. \ ..... ~ n ecclvcd ~ .' ... \ ." 1-- .1. '- :?" : i:~ u M{\'( 1, 7 1993 / ~~) -' ---J 18 111________ .__<"...... '-..: 'Z. 0;. ern OOI'lG,"EI,R f!; (I...-.. . '1t)l <<" <- ON BfACY\' < /~~. ~ .,~ BELLSOUTH . \". . TaECOM~UNlCAnoN. @ Room 501 320 Fern St. W.lt Palm Belch, FL 33401 hllSouth TelllQommunloatlonl Mr. Dan Mock Gee & Jenson One Harvard circle West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-1923 RE: JONATHANS GROVE - ~WRENCE ROAD SOUTH OF HYPOLUXO ROAD Dear Sir: ~n response ~o your request, this will confirm that BellSouth 'I'eleoo%nmunications is t.he source of supply for telephone servioe to the above referenced project. Telephone faoilities with adequate oapacity can be provided for this project. rt should be noted, however, that the owner will be required to provide BellSouth Telecommunications with recorded easements or conduit. In addi~ion BellSou~h Telecommunications may require exclusive easements for structures - that house electronic switching equipment (SLC-96 or substantially si~ilar equipment). The recorded easaments will be without restriotive oonditions furnighed in a reasonable time to meet servioe requirements at ,no cost, oleared of trees, tree stumps, paving and other obstructions. In addition each applicant shall cooperate with BellSouth Telecommunications to keep the cost of construction and installation of the underground telephone distribution system as low as possible. Where there are obstructions in the easement or road crossings, the contractor will provide conduit suitable to BellSouth Telecommunications. However,' the company shall have no responsibility to provide service unless these conditions are met. If you have any questions please call Carole McRenzie, 407-837-6393. Yours truly, fild~- COM/dlw -.- . I=PL 9329 S. Military Trail Boynton, fl 33436 Gee &,. Jenson Attn: Daniel MOCK one Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Re: service Availability Jonathans Grove May 14, 1993 Dear Mr. Mock: This is to confirm that FPL at the present time has sufficient capacity to provide electrical service to the above oaptioned property. This service will be furnished in accordance with applicable rates and FPL practices. It will be necessary for FPL to be provided with the final site plan, site survey and electrical load data as soon as possible so that the necessary engineering can begin. Early contact with FPL is essential so that resources may be scheduled to ensure availability of service when required. sincerely, ~\2c)_J~ g~n Vleet Construction servioes (407) 369-22:31 JVV: ga In FPL Group company o . 14.93 08:47 AM POI . ".. ,.., ~~",...... .~" - ~. q' ;~ ,: ~~ . :~ .' .t. '&. . '\ , " 4'i :J f . 'f" . :} '1 ~. '. 'l :J 11 MAY 14 '93 10: 18AM CITYAA r.J. rIfte City of. 'Boynton tBecu/i , , ./'0"''1 N-,. ". ~ .- O. :' II'. "":,1--' 7l4. / ....\ o ~ UJ' (~;\ ~/. .~ l~kl ,< ',. ..,.'.. /,..,. " (S-~- ~ '-:-\i-.I' 'UtiG:iu ~1I.t I 124 ~t ~n.t $.pad ~ttm~!/1oriia JJ4J5 I (401) 738-7460 fJU: (407) 738-7467 ~ illJ..UJ ~" i I, ,"", j..:'" . L:- -, "" . i il~lP1,'Ui.' /./ \.. . ..1 U (?,lAo. ,;' / . ~ '11'/ ,1\- :00.. it,,,,,. ~;.:-\ ~ >.<el1~ed .~ ~\\ MAY I 7 .~ t8),\\ .~ 1993~ f .,,~ ~:~... ~ IfI\iQ'''iliC -^~ - o~ ~o~ \9/ 8C'ACH. ,,-..;,,/,<.... J ...... \ Y ~ '.:V ~ OFFICE OF THE UTILITIES DIRECTOR Ma.y 13, 1993 Mr. Dan Mock Gee & Jenson. One Harvard circle West Palm Beach, FL 33409-1923 Dear Mr. Mock: SUBJECT: Jonathans Grove Master Plant Palm Beach County Water and Sewer Availabillty staff has reviewed the Master Plan submitted and confirm that water and sewer is available to the site. A 6" force main and 1. 6 II water main exists along LaWl~ence Road. The proposed 1 iit station shall be deeded to the City fee simple and the lift station and gravity system designed to accept the greatest possible off-site gravity flows. It is suggested the owner or his engineer contact this department prior to the development of any construction plans so our concerns can be. addressed and lncorporated. capacity reservation or water and sewer concurrency cannot be certified at this time. Ordinance 26-34(e) requires the payment of a reservation fee before capacity can be reserved and concurrency addressed. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mike Kazunas or Mr. Peter Mazzella at 738-7460. jbks bc: Mike Kazunas Peter Mazzella File C. .p:-l.......\ --,,. J ':;': rA?<~./ ;::)- '~ .-'1_} -rr -4<J f &- S.Q "7 --J-+ (0 ;burial's qateway to tlit quifstream 05. 14. 93 1 0 : 21 AM PC: 1 'I ."1. : . . ~' li.r .) ,I J 4:~ ee~26'1"J e"21 FRaN aROWTH NANAaEHEHT CENTER TO 'i"~ei"of5' P. a 1 TH! 5CHOOL !OARD OF PALM B~CH COUNTY, FLORIDA PLANNING, CONSTRUCTlON & R~ ESTATE 3320 fOREI5T HILL BOU1.eYARD WEST PAlM BEAOH, ~L 3340$..&81:1 (407) 434-8020 FAX (407) 434-8187 . C. MONICA UHLHORN PERfN'TEMDfHt , 6OHOOI.S May 25, 1993 I I I Boynton Beach, Florida. 3342S-0310 I I Master Plan SubmissioD/Pre-AppIic:ation I Jooathan's Grove Subdivision i I I I Mr. Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Re: Dear Mr. Finizio; I. ThaDk: you for the information regarding the prOpQsed I ilia .'s Grove subdivision:and for the opponunity to COlIUIll;nt on ~ subdiviBion's tiei .ed impact on the public schools serving its location. ! I Enclosed please find an impact analysis regarding the ticip ,cd number of school age children this de1Jelopment will generate and the current ~tude lllembersbip and capacity of the schools currently serving the area of the propo Jon's Grove subdivision. Also ~uded in this impact analy.sis is a c~ndidon or ~ppro" '1 requiring the p~tition~r meet with School Board staff to dlSCUSS TaCtal balanc . of tl development which will assist in racial balancing of the public sohools in the ea., Since this proposed subdivision is ItX:ated within wal ng ws Elementary School and Santaluces CommUn1ty High I hool, the developer construct sidewalk along the proje liS fro connecting to the subdivision' s intefnal sidewalks. ce of both Citrus Cove . c School Board Tcquests e on Lawrence Road Sincerely, ~bL~ Real Estate Acquisition Coordinator Planning and Real Estate 011 behalf of the School Board I'd like to thank you ag n for . opportunity to comment on the proposoo J orulthan '$ Grove subdivision and for lour co I idel'ation of OUI requests as dley pertain to this subdivision. Please do not hesi 'te to c ntact me should you have any questions regarding our comments. I I ! I LSH;f ....J .,.~ Attaclunent cc: Lawrence G. Zabik David H, Williams 65'26'1"3 e"22 FRaN OROWTH HRHRaE~EHT C~HTER TO '1'3e1''''5' P.62 ., THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PAlM Bt;ACH COUNTY. FLOAII)A PLANNING, CONSTRUCTION & REAl eSn~Te 33.20 FOREST HIU BOUlEVARD WEST PALM a~CH, FL 33406.561~ (407) 434-8020 FAA (407) 434-8187 , C. MONICA UHLHORN PI;~N~tlbIT _ ! SCHOOLS May 25, 1993 Rc: Impact AnalysiS - lonarhan's Grove, Boynton Beach 1'hi$ statement is: provided in fulf1llment of Chapter 235.19 , Secti n 2, Florida Statutes to ensure that public educatiQn facilities an~ coordinated with plans fo I reside I tial development. It addresses the concerns of the Palm Beach County School Board B-3 th ,Y SF ficatly relate to the anticipated impact of the constrUc[ion of 32 single family units within ' Jon . an's Orove sUbdivision on the east side of Lawrence Road approximately 670 feet south 0 Hypot ,xo Road in Boynton Beach. ~ Beach County to estimate the . Joprnent. Jnfonnation was not , dwelling units. This analy&is units. The Planning and Real 1 students will be generared A study was conducted uu1izing demographic multipliers fi Pa number of students which would be generated from this of de f received re;arding the number of bedrOOIllB found in these pes is based upon the 32 singl~ family units consisting of 3 + f rom Estate Depart:ment estJmates 13 elementary. 6 middle and J high by the project. I The geographic area in which these proposed dwelli.n.i uni . witt . located is presently served by Citr1.UI Cove Elementary, Consresi Middle, and Sanwuces igh S ,001 (see note 1). Following is Ii hreak<l.owtl for each school's current membership for scho t year ~ 992-93 and current permanent capacity , Current Membership Current Permanent Capacity 1,032 685 I Co ess i MiddI , School ,258 ,354 Santaluces Hi211 School Citrus Cove Elemental:)' 2,490 1,975 i i Smdents generated from this development will further overcowd I assigned elementary and high schools in the area. ! The School Board place5 its construction priorities in areas t fa ; itate the achievement of racial balance ill public s(;hoo15. B~c;;d on the anticipated negati I c:ffc. of this development on racial balance in Pu.blic schools, educational facilities [define I as P . lic facilities Florida Statures 163.3164(23)] will therefore not be provided in me area 0 the d elopment concurrent with the developme.nt [see F.S, 163,3177(10)(h)j. The School ,oard . oes not support approval of development where the anticipated effect on the racial ba lmce public schools in the area is negative. and/or where publi.c facilitie," will not be 2vailable Iconcu . ent with development. i I H; \dau \wp50~doc\~Jtc\lonGroYc. imp LSH:bf 5\24'9~ e5'26'1'~J e~12J FRON eROWTH NAHAeENEhT CEHTER ,TO ~,7Je7"'5'3 F'.~:< f~ Impact Analysis lonathan.s Grove, Boynton Beach May 15, 1993 The School Board requests that the devek>pel" provide s ategi within the Jonathan's Grove subdivision to assist in achieving School Board racial balan goal The School Board win work with the developer to accomplish an agreement contaiIlini s ategies and steps to be taken to ensure that the occupants Df this development will be racially mixe I . S' an agreement is not in place at this time with the developer, W~ request that the folJowm ' condi . on be placed as a condition of approval: I 1. Prior to final City Council action, the petitioner Shall de School Board staff and discussed the potential of ente 'ne in racial balance and allow the children who reside with. the d av:ai1able schools. I ! The School Board will continue to actively pursue a policy f pro dmg adequate school facilities for aU tlle children of Palm Beach County. \ NOTE 1: Attendance boundaries are reviewed annually are modified to accOlmnodate the opening of new .schoob and/or School Boud pol, ies de ing with overcrowding aDdIor racial balance. I . trate that they have met with . an agreement to help acbieve . elopment l:c,) attend the nearest cc: City of Boynton Beach Vincent A. Finizio, Deputy City Engineer David H. Williams File H: \data \ wl'l50\dOl::\lritc\JotlGrove.imp LSU:bf 5\24\9:1 TOTAL P.\33 HAND DELIVERED ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-170 .0: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director & All Technical Review Committee Members FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer DATE: June 21, 1993 RE: Jonathan's Grove Master Plan Resubmission (1st Round) Departmental Request to Place Master Plan on TRC Agenda Provided herein, please find a quantity of one Master Plan submitted by Gee & Jenson on behalf of MI Homes for the Jonathan's Grove project. ~.L OJ I respectfully request that this matter be placed on the regular "3'(,,--:&", 1993 Technical Review Committee meeting agenda and said plans should be reviewed consistent with the City's Code of Ordinances, specifically Appendix "C", Master Plan Section, inclusive and the City's Comprehensive Plan, etc. ~ Formal comments are due no later than 5 p.m., July~, 1993 and should be forwarded to the attention of the undersigned. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. ~AL.. Vincent A. Finizio ~ VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Enclosures ECE.\\lE.O ~ r- ~ 1\1 ~ '1. \ 'e~?'