CORRESPONDENCE ~. l'. / ./ ,1/1 l ~ . I . ~. i '\'n GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects-Planners, Inc. August 19, 1993 One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Telephone (407) 683-3301 Fax (407) 686-7446 Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Jonathan's Grove Rectified Master Plan Dear Tambri, Please find enclosed a copy of the rectified Subdivision Master Plan for Jonathan's Grove. In accordance with your August 17, 1993 memo to Vince, the wall location has been corrected on the plan view to conform with Section B-B. The wall height is 6 foot. With regard to the second comment, I have enclosed a portion of the lot calculation sheet for lot areas which indicates all of the lots are at or above the 9590 square footage minimum required of this subdivi$iQD....Jhere is no minimum lot depth required on this Master Plan, nor was there ever a minimum lot depth required as a condition of Zoning or annexation. While it is true that a 9590 square foot lot with a minimum 70 foot lot width does require a lot depth of 137, it is possible to have a 9590 square foot lot with a lot width exceeding 70 foot that would not be 137 foot deep. For instance, lot 13, which is 70.20 foot wide by 136.63 foot deep has an area in excess of 9590 square foot. Also enclosed are copies of the minutes of the January 4, 1989 special City Commission Meeting and the January 12, 1989 memo from you to the file listing 5 specific conditions of approval for this subdivision. Nowhere in the minutes or in your memo is a minimum lot depth of 137 feet specified. All minimums refer to lot frontage (70') and lot area (9590 square feet). The only specific reference to a lot depth of 137 occurs in page 17 of the January 4th minutes in the context previously noted, i.e. a minimum size lot of 9590 square foot with a minimum lot frontage of 70 foot would have a depth of 137 foot. I trust this will allow the rectified Master Plan to be accepted by the Planning & Zoning Department. If you should have any unresolved questions on this matter, please call Scott Bennewitz or myself on this matter. Ie" Ichard Staudinger, P.E. WRS/jer encl. 91-351/200 c: B. Scott Bennewitz ~ . 2.3 lIS ~ PlANNiNG .~ lONINe Of.PI Vincent Finizio . . MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 6. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: JANUARY 4, 1989 Jonathan's Grove Kieran J. Kilday Kilday & Associates Richard D. Johnson East side of Lawrence Road, approxi- mately 700 feet south of Hypoluxo Road See "Legal Description" under "5" above. Request to show annexed land as "Low Density Residential" and to rezone from AR (Agricultural Residential) to R-lA (Single Family Residential) to permit the development of a 33 lot single family subdivision Jim Golden explained the location of the subject project, and stated there is a mature citrus grove on the property which is commercially productive. He noted that in 1985 the project was processed under the name of Honeybell Hollow (a townhouse project). In 1985 Staff recommended that the PUD be denied as the desire was to keep the land for R-1AAA zoning for large single family homes to be constructed with low density land use. The desire was to keep the area rural in nature and optimize preservation of the citrus grove. The applicant withdrew his request at that time. In 1986 when the 1986 E&A Report was adopted, this area was included in Area 45 which was to be comparable with the developed parcels in the area. The gross density was to be not more than~43ldw~~n~~8APeklaC~~ Staff recommended rezoning to R-1AAB or a higher zoning district such as R-1AAA. The applicant is requesting R-1A zoning. On D~e~mbA~1~~ 'P,,&,~..;;..Boar:d.ilVo"&!CI.&6.:::::.0~9-'i.C!.g,n.~~_~XOA-gt:t. The. vote on the 'tU...and, . Us e.~~dUezoi1i'n9u.w:a..~o;':a.pp~'.cf(("'~subgec~o&.t-;jiIT_T.. :~:;~';~b~~~~~~O:~~rl=~~h:.~tt~~.~~~~~ R-lAAA zoning and Mr. Walshak felt that R-1A would be ade- quate. Description: In answer to Commissioner Olenik's question, Mr. Golden stated that R-1~ would place the project just under 3 units per acre (2.8). The lots would be 9,000 square feet per lot. Kieran J. Kilday, Kilday and Associates, came forward to represent Mr. and Mrs. Mangiacapra, contract purchasers of the property. The Mangiacapras are developers who currently build single family homes in Boynton Beach. They wish to develop a single family subdivision located on Lawrence Road. Mr. Kilday stated that the only real issue . -16- MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 4, 1989 was what zoning district was appropriate. The developer noted that the property is only 334' wide and very long (over 1200' in length). When the land is laid out with a 60' right-of-way and 100' cul-de-sac (per City standards), they end up with lots which are extremely deep lots. They are l37' deep as a minimum. Mr. Kilday referred to some drawings of what the lots would look like for the three zoning categories. R-1AAB would allow for a 9000 square foot lot minimum, but would allow for lOO' depth and 90' frontage. They would end up with a 12000 square foot lot if they designed a 137' lot with a 90' frontage. By going,to ID-IA.:o;..t he, mi ~ i,mulll:i.~ r,~n t age:_wOU.lJ~I~..):)~O~Qaj~the~.pth,,",wo~~Nr:a \be.....J.3.' "'Jiia nd....tli"e'tl5'Ver a 11;..aot..d.ar~~,Ul&\b_~5_90_.squ~u:.e~fEt~ las....t.he-sma.l.l e s t;.u.l ot...tv Mr. Kilday requested that they be annexed in and allowed the R-IA designation, with the stipulations that the minimum lot size would be 9590 square feet and they would keep the l800 square feet of livable area in the homes. He showed some floor plans and elevations of the type homes the Mangiacapras build. Mr. Kilday continued that if they take the 90' frontage requirement and apply to this subdivision, they would lose six lots and end up with 27 lots. He had done a survey of the developments in the surrounding area. All those appro- vals had been for a much higher density than they were requesting. This is a mixed use area. They wish to build a quality product but must be cognizant of the surrounding properties. There are some nurseries and housing which has been neglected, as well as nice homes. To lose six lots by coming up with 12000 square foot lots would make it very difficult as this would be out of character with the area. Mr. Kilday stated they do wish to come into the city and plan to use City water and sewage. They wi.ll pave streets and sidewalks. He noted from the Staff notes that in the City of Boynton, of all the future housing, it is expected that at build out there would be an additional 125 lots exceeding 8000 square feet. He felt that their request was very compatible with the City's needs. , Mayor Marchese clarified that what the developer was really requesting was an R-lA so that a house in excess of 9500 square feet could be built, and would allow them to keep the six lots they would lose otherwise. Commissioner Olenik had a procedural question, and asked if it would be possible as the City annexes them in to make stipulations on the approval. Mr. Annunziato felt that with . '-:~\ -17- : MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 4, 1989 ~he.,adopt ion~o~~e . .~ 98~..s.C?~pr~~~hs~7V~;~~~hat:'/lahd4~~J~ ~opme"n ~~;~.r.c:l. ,.e'F..,o. S~.' c.9..!J._. l?u})e,,~_.s.s..,uediw.;J... ;t;J?~9...q~~~~on.~..!~Rezon.tng s fa r e~l ana.....d ~_~Ej!_I.._C)pmen.L or~~!:. s...;;. bYL4e.uni:t::.i:On:.:,.i1 Mayor Marchese asked if there would be any real problems with allowing the developer to put in his 33 homes in accor- dance with his request for R-lA. Mr. Annunziato stated they had taken the po'sition there was an established character. He referred to the homes to the north and west which are on large lots. That happended as they are built with well and septic tank and the minimun requirement is one acre. One acre lots in a rural setting have resulted in some rather substantial homes being built. They were concerned about preserving that type of residential character. He pointed out the properties to the north noting the excessive lot sizes. Mr. Annunziato felt this would be a quality deve- lopment but the issue was whether or not it made sense in this rustic setting with orange groves to have lots with 70' frontage with fairly large homes. He felt the homes could possibly be built from setback to setback. This could create a view of houses on top of houses. Mr. Annunziato asked Mr. Kilday if he felt there was another alternative in this case than what he had proposed. Commissioner Olenik asked if the property had been a narrower piece, and R-1AAB had 9000 square feet minimum, if they could still be building from setback to setback. The longer lots would allow them greater open space from front to back. Mr. Annunziato stated the difference was in lot frontage. R-lA could be as low as 60', R-lAA is minimum of 70', and R-1AAB is 90'. Mr. Kilday stated that every lot is very critical to the developer. They had put in a lift station for the water and sewer. To go to R-lAA (70' minimum frontage) would mean a loss of 2 lots out of this subdivision. That would be bet- ween the staff recommendation and the developer's recommen- dation. He noted this sounded like a good compromise, but he did not feel that an extra 5' would visually make much difference in the neighborhood. It would make the cost of spreading out of water~ sewage and roads more of an economi- cal impact on the development. Every lot is important when referring to only 33 lots. Mayor Marchese did not feel that the narrower lot would make that much difference since the lots are 137' deep. City Manager Cheney asked what the side yard would be, and Mr. Annunziato replied 7!'. Mr. Kilday stated that the plans they had shown at this meeting would all allow a couple of feet above the setback. . -18- MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 4, 1989 Commissioner Olenik asked if the stipulation would go with the land and not the owner. Mr. Annunziato stated it would be their position that the stipulation would go with the land as it goes with the rezoning. As this was a PUBLIC HEARING, Mayor Marchese asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of the request. Beverly Mangiacapra, 703 S.W. 24th Avenue, with a business at 310 South Federal, came forward to speak in favor of the request. She has owned Boynton Bay Realty for nine years. She does business in the City as well as west. They have built approximately 40 homes behind the Mall (which is County). They were not allowed to build any more than 1000 square feet due to the septic tanks and wells. They wish to build bigger homes. She noted that the four homes being spoken about are in the County. She did not feel that four homes should determine what goes into that area. She referred to Lawrence Woods which has homes which are 60'. Homes that large in this area would not sell for the price which would be required. She also noted some of the homes in Cypress Creek are built on 80' wide lots. Price wise it would not be feasible to do this subdivision unless it can be done so they are in the market. She noted that with the depth of the lots they can set some back further or up further. It will also be walled all around and would be a first class subdivision. She felt the property values around would be enhanced and not hurt. Mayor Marchese asked if anyone wished to speak AGAINST the project. Morgan S. Bragg, 3989 71st Avenue South, came forward. He lives in one of the four homes which are north of the pro- ject. He represented the other property owners on 7lst Avenue South. He also felt he spoke for the owner of the parcel immediately south of this project (K&W Nursery). He gave the square footage of the homes in his area and the acreage of each. Parcel #308 has a 3/2 home with family room on 1.6 acres which Mr. Bragg owns and rents out. #308 is a two story Home with 4000 square feet on 2.15 acrea. It has setbacks of approximately 90' on each side. There isa major front yard as the house is set back towards the back of the lot. East of that is a parcel with 2.17 acres with a 3/2 home of approximately 2500 suqare feet. #3l0 has 1.69 acres with a 2200 square foot home located on it. On the end is another 1.69 acre lot with approximately a 2500 square foot home on that. All the homes except 307 face south. West of Lawrence Road are parcels which are approxi- mately 1 acre. Mr. Bragg noted that in 1976 the request to -19- . MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 4, 1989 rezone was denied as it was not compatible with the neigh- borhood and would create a higher density than required. He felt that the parcel would be developed residentially. He felt the area had not changed except for developments which are located l/2 to 3/4 o~ a mile south of Lawrence Road. In the immediate area, everything looks the same. With the 70' wide lots with 7!' setbacks all you would see would be a wall of homes from 7lst Avenue. They were concerned about looking at the backyards of approximately 4 homes from each of their properties. He understood that it was not a con- dition which could be imposed to build a wall. Mr. Annunziato agreed it was not a zoning code requirement. Mr. Bragg was concerned about things being stored in the backyards as well. He requested that the proposal be denied. He noted that it would exceed the density allowed for the area. He also stated that the owners of the four homes north of this property are not presently in the City, but he felt that at some point in time they would be brought into the City. As no one else wished to speak IN FAVOR or AGAINST the request, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Motion on Annexation Commissioner Weiner moved to approve the request to annex a 9.38 acre tract of land known as Jonathan's Grove located on the east side of Lawrence Road, approximately 700 feet south of Hypoluxo Road. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Hester and carried 4-0. Motion on Land Use Element and Rezoning Commissioner Olenik stated that a wall was not required by law, but asked if the developer would consider providing a wall to berm the area to the north. Mr. Kilday stated that they always wall their developments, and they would be happy to stipulate to that. Vice Mayor Hest~r felt; this was getting to be a walled in City. He felt hedges might be OK, but personally he was tired of seeing so many walls. Commissioner Weiner asked if she could make the motion sub- ject to staff comments. City Attorney Rea asked if the staff comments related to the zoning and was told that was ~he case. Mayor Marchese asked if they could approve the 33 lots as R-lA how the motion was to be made. City Attorney Rea stated that should be subject to staff comments and the stipulations made. .. -20- MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 4, 1989 Commissioner Olenik moved to approve the request to show annexed land as "low Density Residential" and to rezone from ..AR (Agr}cultura1-Residential) to R-1A (Single-Family ',..,.R.esidential) '.to"'permit the development...o. fa. 33 lot Single-.....'~... .fami1y ,subdivision known as Jonathan ~ s;iGrove subject to:; th"'el' following stipulations: 1) minimum lot~size be 9590 square~~' feet, 2) the minimum lot frontage be 70', 3) that a wall no~ \to exceed 6' be built on the north boundary of the propertyf 4) ~ there be a minimum living area of 1800 square feet:,~ and 5) subject to all staff comments which are not in \ con 1ct with the stipulations. Motion was seconded by {Vice Mayor Hester. A vote was taken and the motion carried 3-1 with Commissioner Weiner voting against the motion. .... . A question was raised regarding the need for a super majority vote, but City Attorney Rea stated this was not necessary as this would be coming before the Commission again for first and second reading at which time the super majority rule would apply. 7. project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: 8. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: , Legal Description: Description: Of Winchester Tract #1 Bill Ray Winchester Bill R. Winchester Elsie A. Winchester North Congress Avenue at Old Boynton Road, southwest corner See "Addendum C" attached to the original copy of these minutes Request to annex an 18.02 acre tract Winchester Tract #1 Bill Ray Winchester Bill R. Winchester Elsie A. Winchester North Congress Avenue at Old Boynton Road, southwest corner See "Addendum e" attached to the original copy of these minutes Request to show annexed land as "Agriculture" and to rezone from AR (Agricultural Residential) to AG (Agri- culture) to allow for future commercial development -21- RE.f""'l; T'T -r-r--D '-.., ~t ,'.J:!. JAN 1 ~i P:....,.,Nr,;/", . , "\...I " " M E M 0 RAN DUM January 12, 1989 / TO: FILE ~2--JONATHON'S GROVE ANNEXATION, LAND USE AMENDMENT AND REZONING 12(88 FROM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: CONDITIONS OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 4, 1989 FOR JONATHON'S GROVE APPROVAL The following conditions were approved by the City Commission on January 4, 1988 for the Jonathon's Grove request (prior to transmission to the Department of Community Affairs): 11) All staff comments not in conflict with approval of ~-,-~~,../ the request as submitted, more specifically, all comments contained within the Planning Department memo dated December 9, 1988, the Forester memo dated December 5, 1988, and all comments on the master comment sheet. 2. A minimum 9,590 square foot lot size. 3. A minimum lot frontage of 70 feet. 4. A minimum living area of 1,800 square feet. 5. A wall no higher than six (6) feet, along the northern property boundary is required. {7 . . CL~ /. , "C:::/~.PL-/' ~ TAMBRI J. HEYDRH TJH:ro Board of County Commiss:k,:'l.ers Mary McCarty, Chair Ken L. Foster, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Burt Aaronson Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Robert Weisman Department of Engineering and Public Works July 6, 1993 Mr. Vincent Finizio City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: JONATHAN'S GROVE Dear Mr. Finizio: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the revised traffic impact study for the project entitled Jonathan's Grove pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 7.9 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The project consists of 33 single-family dwelling units. The build-out for the project is 1993. The project will generate 330 daily trips. The Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the standards of the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact Dan Weisberg at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~ ~~ ef\ Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director - Traffic Division CRW:DW File: TPS - Mun. - Traffic Study Review h:\traffic\diw\boyn22b )<c '. ~. c, :~'-~-\ : L\ G \ ~ \ \ ~~\L.-~ \2--e\-:-=-~j ,/- ..1 ! !-' \ <: ,/:'; "Il7..,-' ._~.._', -- - '- ~ Fl€Cl2/VEo JUL 9 1993 "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" @ pflnted on recycled paper Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 'Ifie City of tJ3t;ynton tJ3each 7~ -- HAND DELIVERED 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadr. 'BouUvara P.O. rBOit.310 'Boynton 'Beac.li, ']'foritfa. 33435-0310 City!Jla{l: (407) 734-8111 ']'fllX: (407) 738-7459 THE CITY ENGINEER June 2, 1993 Gee & Jenson Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc. One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Attention: Mr. Scott Bennewitz Re: Technical Review Committee Comments Jonathan's Grove/Master Plan Dear Mr. Bennewitz: The Technical Review Committee for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has reviewed the above referenced master plan submission pursuant to City Code of Ordinances, specifically Appendix C, Subdivision and Platting Regulations, Article VIII, Section 4, "Master Plan" inclusive. Pursuant to the provisions of Appendix C, Article VIII, Section 4H1, the Technical Review Committee herein advises your office of necessary corrections and revisions to the master plan in order to meet with the provisions of this ordinance. The following departmental staff comments are herein provided consistent with the aforementioned code and 'this letter shall constitute a formal request to revise the Jonathan's Grove Master Plan accordingly. 1) Building Department Memorandum No. 93-115, dated 5/26/93. 2) Fire Department Memorandum No. 93-245 WDC, dated 5/19/93. 3) Public Works Department Memorandum No. 93-124, dated 5/19/93. 4) Recreation & Park Memorandum #93-219, dated 5/19/93. 5) Recreation & Park Memorandum #93-226, dated 5/24/93. 6) Planning & zoning Department Memorandum, dated 5/27/93 (Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner) . 7) utility Department Memorandum No. 93-220, dated 5/19/93 including 5/13/93 letter from the office of the utility Director to Mr. Dan Mock of Gee & Jensen. 8) utility Department Memorandum No. 93-246, dated 6/1/93, including a 6/1/93 letter from the office of the utility Director to Mr. Scott Bennewitz of Gee & Jenson. "~_-.!JJ"{)1.";,-'1 '.... (:/ll-,!~~--L!L!_-,!! J..- +c..., r"rr~,..~__~_. Gee & Jenson Re: Jonathan's Grove/Master Plan June 2, 1993 Page #2 9) The School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida, Planning, Construction & Real Estate Division letter, dated 5/25/93 from Linda S. howell, Real Estate Acquisition Coordinator, including the attached 5/25/93 School Board Impact Analysis for Jonathan's Grove, Boynton Beach, Florida. Mr. Dan Weisburg of Palm Beach County Traffic is currently reviewing the submitted traffic impact analysis for Jonathan's Grove and shall render a decision consistent with the County's Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance within the next few weeks. Mr. Weisburg's comments will be transmitted to your attention subsequent to the City's receipt of same and the County's determination in this matter is herein made a pre-requisite condition of approval during the consideration of preliminary plat and construction plans, once the Jonathan's Grove Master Plan has been approved by the City. In accordance with applicable codes, the developer shall "make the corrections or revisions and resubmit the master plan and required data to the Office of the City Engineer for disbursement to the members of the Technical Review Committee. The Technical Review Committee shall reschedule the matter for review and inform the developer as to the time and date of the meeting.", therefore, I have attached for your review and consideration the City's Technical Review Committee schedule for the second half of 1993, detailing submission deadlines as well as meeting dates for this committee. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the courteous manner in which you have inter-acted with City staff and in that same spirit this office will provide any and all assistance necessary to ensure that the Jonathan's Grove project will move ahead of schedule. Should you require any additional assistance, please" contact the undersigned at (407) 738-7487. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA L~~.L.. Vincent A. Finizio 0-- Deputy City Engineer VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director John Guidry, utility Director RECE\VED JUN 3 - '993 n GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects-Planners Inc May 14, 1993 One Harvard Circle Wes1 Palm Beach FL 33409 Teleonone (407) 683-3301 Fax (407) 686-7446 Mr. Vincent Finizio City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: /' '\, \ ..\.-l.nL; /~- '\ /,," . . ;' -, /I'\\lI1tI1 ' , .~> <. 't>v H"j,.1/!!'Jr... . .' , '\', '7~, tJ1r... . ";/ <:J <$'.. .", ' "I -\;; 'D . ed ~ ,'" ..,~. nCceiV. ~ \<'" \ -{ tJ MAY 1 7 1993 ~ E:) 1 t:iI_ ~ -,1 ,'\.O,.l.1- CITY ENGINEER $ )/".8 -;_.~#"o ",0 " c.;_ .. 1\1 8EAC~'~ ...... . , '(J Attached please find a submittal package for Master SubdiVl i _ ~val for the 10 acre Jonathans Grove site located on the east side of Lawrence Road approximately 1,000 feet south of Hypoluxo Road. This submittal consists of seven copies of the Subdivision Master Plan, Traffic Study, service letters, Master Storm Water Management Plan and submittal fees. Gee & Jenson will be acting as agents for MIl Homes in their processing of this application. Jonathans Grove Dear Vince: In addition to the Subdivision Master Plan Submittal, we are requesting a variance from the Code of Ordinances, Appendix .C", Section 1. Access. This section requires that points of access to lots within a subdivision be a minimum of 180 feet from intersecting lines of right-of-way with classifications higher than a local street. This situation will exist at the entrance to Jonathans Grove. Lots 1, 2, 31 and 32 will have driveways within this distance. Lots 3 and 30 could also have a minimal encroachment depending upon the location of their driveways. We are requesting a variance from this requirement to allow driveways to access the Jonathans Grove internal roadway within this 180 feet. Jonathans Grove is a 10 acre parcel with limited frontage on Lawrence Road. Maintaining the 180 feet of throat distance would severely impact development of the western portion of the site for single family lots. Minimum lot widths and lot areas established as part of the Land Use Amendment and Rezoning have dictated the layout of the site. This proposed plan has 32 lots which is dne lot less than the rezoning approval due to the on-site provision of water management facilities. Restrictions ptaced upon access to lots would further reduce the number of lots below the current rezoning approval. Another element important to consideration of this variance is the small size of this project. With only 32 lots, which equates to a total of 320 trips per day, there will not be a problem with traffic backing up at the entrance to the development when cars are n City of Boynton Beach Attn: Mr. Vincent Finizio May 14, 1993 - Page 2 accessing the driveways which fall within the 180 foot distance. With the provision of landscape easements along the entrance of the development and the distance to the travel lane of Lawrence Road, stacking will exist before the first driveway opening. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call. Very truly yours, ~- /,--::\' \ JJ L:) < \)-J' -D r. /<;';v (}f BOY~,<~ / '/ ',oJ.... ~~o~ '\/'" \ I r"" b rA,. \,......'~, I' '. ",. ""~{'ce' ", \,.:;', ! ;::.. It!.... " 'JVCq ~ i. ..::\ f -. ell '"1 r 1 :t:- }-,- ,- 0 ' ? 1: (") 1-.." -<. :t:S., .,...., -z. C/}- '99.'J ,-..,;, ,\ .... y ~Iv b;.. f-"~) \ 0., 01>, J' .. \"y ~~.,,.,,. 1: '.". , , ,~ ~" : \'" ~.<lCH f\..o'(l: ~ c; '..,' " . ,,\,,'j6 "-, - ,-<: / , ;-,--r-rY ~'. \ '/-- ",I I ';'~~ BSB/lg 91-351 cc: Chuck Sharman Glen Nicotra '. MAY 14 '93 08:31 P.2/6 May 14, 1993 Project No. 771-35076 TO: WI Homes, Inc. 1806 Old Okeechobee Road ' West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 ,---:E)jf~, ,:l \ \JTI. <-J,z.( )", -( ~ tlOYffro,,# "',,/ ,'. f"y.~ ~~ ", ' \ ~ ~ R . ~ \/~ ..... c:; ecclved ~t '\.=~, M.ty ':;1:.-'\ tl) 11 1 7 1993 i>> I::.~ I 0--- J-' ,.t ...~____ " ' , 1... CITY ENGINEi:1t S"f' ,', I .~ ."0 o~ /'...."" \, '\> l:liActt. ~,C'" / / / ~i~=-~:~'." / Attention: Mr. Chuck Sharman SUBJECT: Geotechnical Services, Jonathan's Grove, Boynton Beach, Florida. Dear Mr. Sharman: I As requeste~, PSI/Jammal Division has completed a subsoil study for the dryi retention area within Jonathan's Grove in Boynton Beach, Florida. The results of this study are presented herein and include the factual information obtained in the field. I Subsurface conditions within the dry retention pond area were explored with three (3) auger borings dril~ed to a depth of 7 feet below existing grades. The collected samples were field classified, placed in sealed containers, and returned to the laboratory for visual classification. ln addition, one (1) double ring infiltrometer test was completed near Boring Number AB-2 to evaluate the permeability of the in-situ soils. The auger borings disclosed the soil profile of this site consist Of clean an. sands to the terminal ~of explorati n' 05,14,93 09:32AM P02 . .. . . MRY 14 '93 08:31 P..3/b MIl Homes, Inc. Project No. .771-35076 -2- The results. of the;!q,~b1e ~in, ..:,~,,~fi1trQ.mi . ,~t. .,.t.,~~.~icate a . permeability of a". '" . ~~ay E:UiU!B~fM~. ThlS number refl~cts the permea 1 lt~f the upper clean sands found within the ,borehole. We believe the permeability within the hardpan type soils will be considerably lower than the value measured folr the upper clean sands. The performance of the dry retention area will be enhanced if the hardpan soils are removed and replaced with clean sands. I We recommend a more detailed study be completed for the final design stage, including elevation surveying, 50 that surface and groundwater measurements can be plotted to'the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). -----000----- We trust that the information provided herein is sufficient for your needs. Should you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, PSI/JAMMAL DIVISION Mark McKay Staff Engineer Kevin E. Aubry, P.E. Department Manager - Geotechnical Services MMK/KEA:Sl/6524B cc: Gee & Jenson Attention: Mr. Scott Benewitz ~-;:o <0 !:.,"" ~~ \\OY~TO~ /', ~ RccC1Ved ~ \_~1\ ; -- ;~ ~ ". '\ . '-J . ,,< I \~._ MAY 1 7 1993~. 1:-' ; I?~ - ~ ;. , \) \,,;oil q';.;' \ ",_.~ ~o. CIT" c:;~.:r:l?'r-ER. _' -......." , '" .....~,'- ~ /'..'/ / +.... ,0' / ". . ,~Olf S[:..~.~,5"> .. . Attachments 05,14,93 09: 32 AM P03 Y ;. ~ ~' MAY 14 '93 08:32 Project No. 771-35076 Client Mil Homes. Inc. Project Boring Ho. AB-l I Boring Location Se~ Below J I M~y 12. 1993 Drilled By EW/DC Boring Dr! !led P~4/5 Jonathan's GrQve Ground Elevation N.A. Depth to Groundwater Table -5.1 Feet DEPTH (FEET) SOIL DESCRIPTION REMARKS SOIL TYPE 0.0 - 2.2 SP , Gray-brown fine SAND, trace silt, trace organics in upper 6 inches 2.2 - 5.2 SP-SM Dark brown orqanic stained sand, slightly silty C_), 5.2 - 7.0 SP-SM Light brown to qray SAND, aliqhtly silty <,\~J~OI , ~;Y; ~\),{NTO~-C", , ~~ ~ \ r. ~ . Received.~. 't ....\ --... .~... '." ..' 11'. U ..~AV 1 7199307 \" ~'Kl j~ v,~' ~ .-:-/ /.., ' \V o. "'. t1Y WGIl>f:'.Il!:lf r., \'.~ i.:9 /'f " ~o"" ...';'", , ,'. ,tJU1;":"H;' ." ,,'-.. /\ / :I 't ~_-'-r-' \ ' ~,.!'.; ;'::"'::: : \ ,\ . ~ocation: 80 feet south and 30 feet west of northeast property corner PSI/JAMMAL DIVISION 6524B Sheet 1 3 of 05, 14,93 09: 32 AM P04 ~. t MAY 14 '93 08:32 Project No. 771-~~076 Client Mil Homes. ln~, Project Borio9 No. AB-2 Boring Location Depth to Groundwater Table -5.2 Fe~t See Below Boring Drilled May 12. 1993 Drilled By EW/DC P.5/6 Jonathan's Grove Ground Elevation N.A. DEPTH ( FEET] SOIL TYPE SOIL DE~CRIPTI9N REMARKS 0.0 - 3,8 Gray-brown fine SAND, trace silt, trace organics in upper 6 inches SP 3.8 - 5.3 SP-SM Dark brown organic stained , sand, slightly silty ~~~ti 5.3 - 7.0 SP-SM Light brown to gray SAND, 51ightly dlty Location: 165 feet south and 30 feet west of northeast property corner 6524B ~u:~,-,--;-----:- ;' \ \ -.-" I I. i ~'~"-" ,F.,\~, , <~:, \~.?> 0 Y ri;;~~~<>~\\ ... (::;~ 'y y, \ ~). "" R . <9 '(' ~.\ -. S ecclvcd ~A\' .,,\ -"'. ~M y 1 7 1093:- ::!:-! (,.a I 'CO . tJ 0:. .-...... t .- o___!' ~_ I ; .~~ ~ CITY EN':;"'IUI'I :fJ . '.,~. . -\ ~ ~. - \ ..~ .. '. o,l; <;;,-0' ", '...,., , < <"'>~~~~'~~"\<;~;/ -.-._---~ PSI/JAMMAL DIVISION Sheet 2 of 3 Ci5, 14.9] Ci9: ~_ AM .F05 t . . :\1 MAY 14 '93 08:32 P.5/5 Project No. 771-3507~ Client !oil I Home.::!, Inc. Project Jonathan's Grove Boring No. AB-3 : Borin9 Location See Below I Borin9 Drilled M~ 12~ 1993 Drilled By EW/DC Ground Elevation N,A. Depth to Groundwater Table -5.3 F.tt DEPXH (FEET) SOIL TYPE SOIL DESqRIPTION REMARKS 0.0 - 7.0 Sp - Gray-brown tine SAND, trace silt, trace organics in upper 6 inches Location: 245 feet ~outh and 30 feet west of northeast property corner ------;~-::--I -'>--.. _ //\ \ ~;... 1 ! I Co ." '/",-, \ .~_'.-t_"_f.._(../--.(~ ,< <...'v: y> 0 nl rO'II. ,'(,' /1 ; .....,y....\ 'T v \ \ "'7 v <p. '0../' \ ,"\ ~ " ,/.~ ~' "RCC'''Vf''d ~ \ _ \ _ ..... ...." '.' ~ \,~ \ "11:.) - 'So t 8 \ ':j,- M,A Y 1 7 1993 f,) 1- r.~' (l:I r- \ "" o~ ~ ~ . \.., ~. CJTY "NGJN""1l ~l!, ,p .,'~ o~ .' ',., '0"" , '{v '...~, ': .~,~ .8EhCr\. ~.( ...... ,..- , ,/ },..... ~~_-;--_<,.(..'f-<" ...:<;'/'/ PSI/JAMMAL DIVISION Sheet 3 of a 6524B 05,14,93 09:32 AM f06 I'. '4 } $ t / , I I 'l .~ I'~ ~ . P:PL 9329 S, Military T,.II Boynton, Fl 33436 ~ /....----""''-< Gee & Jenson Attn: Daniel Mock One Harvard Circle West Pal~ Beach, FL 33409 Re: service Availability Jonathans Grove "', , \ - . '/. "'. ,< '>/~"t\N Bt!lCj (. '\ / ~'/ L>.~4.. co.'" ,\' .-\~ ~J ~~v~~&<}~ \~~e ~.. -~~: ~\ '\ /'o"~ g J" C '~ ~I::~..~~. ;;: .r:..' - "'\.~ ~~\.;} ... r.....,/ .. ~ ",-\ ~ J~", I ,/' ~ v' -rCJ J.."..' /\ oYNTON -C'(, ,." ..- /'.\ ~ ^- ....... ,.>.... /?''r--r- __._'i '-........:~,~..~~_ il-\ " May 14, 1993 Dear Mr. Mock: This is to oonfirm that FPL at the present time has suffioient capaoity to provide electrical servioe to the above captioned property. This servioe will be furnished in acoordance with applicable rates and FPL practices. It will be necessary for FPL to be provided with the final site plan, site survey and electrical load data as soon as possible so that the necessary engineering oan begin. Early contact with FPL is essential so that res'ources may be scheduled to ensure availability of service when required. sinoerely, ~ T2 u_ J,l.:;;-- J~~~n Vleet Construction Services (407) 369-2231 JVV:ga In FPL Group company , J I , 05,14.93 08:47 AM POI , '" ~ ..... -;,,,,,..,,~ l, ..", f.... '. '. ~'i' . 3- ~ :~ 'f :\ , ~.~ .\l ; :~ ~ , to ~' . .t : ~ I '.; 1: ___~."_~J~'_ -.---.-- ---~-~-~-- MAY 14 '93 10: 18AM CITYRR r.l rzne City of' 'Boynton 'BelUn fltilltiu 'Depat'ttMnt . .124 'EAst ~fr.t !!(,gaa 'Boynton ~ 11oridi1 JJ4J5 (407) 738.7460 1:tt: (.fO?) 738.7467 /o'l~7" ", /iIE'?-t,; [~_/~Ei ,,<" ., ".' '. /'" "'/..)'" _ ~/~ J" OFFICE OF ~HE UTILITIES DIRECTOR May 13, 199~ ,/,/;s;: : -'-'-~'-/"-., / "j'/.\./'\)Cl'l N TON' / ,)'.... \ /"-,J (;:)~ ~~ ,,~ \ !~"7 ~ 11 f'ce1vcd ~ Y 0 \ 'c. '. f-. A~~ ~ \'"\'\ '..,/ <3 99'2. ". ~ ::j w,' {1 7 1 "" - ) '.\ o_--Q 9 "\ 0). crTY .;"GI:-IEItI\ 01;: L..... / '\ "V;-, <<" /."......,1- /~'-. ON 8E~~,~C'?>, >:?I ;~ ,., I "f'T \ \r,/" , ,'! \ ~:::...~./. Mr. Dan Mock, Gee I.lc Jenson One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, FL 33409-1923 Dear Mr. Mock: SUBJECT: Jonathans Grove Master Plan, Palm Beach county water and Sewer Availabillty Staff has reviewed the Master Plan submitted and confirm that water and sewer is available to the site. A 6" fOl-ce main and 16" water main exists along LaWl~ence Road. The proposed 1 iit station shall be deeded to the City fee simple and the lift station and gravity system designed to accept the greatest possible off-site gravity flows. It is suggested the owner or his engineer contact this department prior to the development of any construction plans so our concerns can be addressed and lncorporated. capacity reservation or water and sewer concurrency cannot be certified at this time. Ordinance 26-34(e) requires the payment of a reservation fee before capacity can be reserved and concurrency addressed. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mike Kazunas or Mr. peter Mazzella at 738-7460. ~;l~:TON BEACH Jo n 0f-GUi~ry, Ut lities Director jbks bc: , I I Mike ~azunas Peter Mazzella File I ~e:l,.) 5-:"; '-'1~! -rr~( &SQ I-HG hruric.a s (jattway to tlie (juifstrellm 05.14,93 10:21 AM POl tit Mil HOMES0 \ DIVISION OF Mil SCHOTIE\STEI\ HOMES, INC. (o//ll7Ibw/Cil/cil/lllltl, OblO II/(Iitl//(//)o!is. Illd/mlll lil/I//NI fll/1/{)/'lrlIld"/lri'st 1'(//111 fkacb. F/orida Florida Land I Jilisl<lI1 l}OI \,I.ake llcslinl'lJrile Suitl' IS, \Iaitland. Flonda 12-, I May 13, 1993 charlotte/lil/lei'!.h, \'I/'th ((I/"'//l/a Irildilllgtoll. 1) (' ~W/6('O,';-,; F\.\ ~()-Ih(,()-S~S.~ city of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida .-.... , '-, '\ '\ \ ; i': . //c,\~'.,.......y--~,-...,~,.,.!.._} " , /{,.';/~<;)i"'TON bl';;'<;' "\ .', I ~ (\ 7~ '\ \ 1.,I_=l <::l '0 ccci~Je .;y \..,', i ,~3;:}.... 1 ,~<?,o v' t~; \ \ ":"'\' c:3 ",;~S'{ '\ e f.-.: ; _._.. \"1;' p.~ 0: l" \: /~<SJ ..",0\"I'.!3 /.. \,1 " 0 C\~, ~:' \,J,/ J-"-Iro N B~~C,-?-' /c. , / >'l-'~i_~_~""'/-' RE: JONATHAN'S GROVE, LAWRENCE ROAD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Dear Sir: Please be advised that Gee and Jenson, Architects and Engineers of West Palm Beach is authorized to act as owner's agent in matters relating to preparation and submission of site and civil engineer~' n~ Pl";' for the above referenced property. si r;Y'~ / I 0 :fd(d~ C. Sharman Land Manager 05. 14.93 03 02 II *w PALM BCH EI :,INEERS POl May 13, 1993 File j: 240.0900 8ELLSOUTH TI!Ut:OIWAfUNICATIONS @). ~~~ Room 501 t'S \ 1/ I,' 325FernSt. " ' '?,OYNTO'I '\ "'-, W.lt Palm a.aCh, ItL 33~01 I " 'I <0~ <p" ' /-~l i:: Received ~l ',~' . '. u .~ ~. f.~. , 7 1993 > f.._.: , r; t::J'" Ie: C\ CIT)' ENGliiEER ~ l-'~~"'" -Y...: 0 '-. / 0 ~v <.' / ", tv 8EAC\'\' (, : / ')-... :"~'~--"""-(.<'.,.,~" ..' t. hnSouth ,..Iecommunlc.tlonl Mr. Dan Mock Gee & Jenson One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-3.923 RE: JONATHANS GROVE - ~WRENCE ROAD SOUTH OF HYPOLUXO ROAD Dear Sir: In response to your request, this will confirm that BellSouth Telecommunications is the souroe of supply for telephone service to the above referenced project. Telephone faoilities with adequate c~pacity can be provided for this projec~. It should be noted, however, that the owner will be required to provide Bellsouth Telecommunica~ions with reoorded easements or conduit. In addi~ion BellSouth Telecommunications may require exclusive easements for struotures that house electronic swi tCh1ng equipment (SLC-96 or substantially si~ilar equipment). The recorded eaSAments will be wi~hout restriotive conditions furnished in a reasonable ti~B ~o meet servioe requirements &t .no oost, cleared of trees, tree stumps, paving and other obstructions. ln addition each applicant shall cooperate wi th Bellsouth Telecommunications to keep the cost of construction and installation of the underground telephone distribution system as low as possible. Where there are obstructions in the ease~ent or roa~ crossings, the contractor will provide conduit suitable to BellSouth Telecommunications. However,' ~he company shall have no responsibility to provide service unless these conditions are met. If you haVe any questions please call Carole McRenzie, 407-837-6393. Yours truly, /17L /~ ~r:Engineering CDM/dlW -- - ---- -----------~~ ,.,( l~\'t.~ %e City of 'Boynton 'Beacn ,- 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bead.. 'Boukvarti P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beadi, ~foritJa 33425-0310 City:Hall: (407) 734-8111 ~jU: (407) 738-7459 OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER July 21, 1993 Scott Bennewitz, AICP Gee & Jenson Engineers-Architects-Planners, One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Inc. Re: Jonathan's Grove Master Plan Notification/City Commission Action of July 20, 1993 Dear Mr. Bennewitz: The Engineering Department for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida is pleased to notify you that the City Commission, during their regular July 20, 1993 meeting, approved the above referenced Master Plan conditioned upon compliance with Ms. Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner memorandum No. 93-166, dated July 8, 1993 (previously provided to you) and all other staff comments generated during the review of this site. During the review process, W. Richard Staudinger, P.E. made numerous hand written notations which were signed and dated in accordance with City policy, therefore, the Master Plan should be immediately revised to formally depict the aforementioned plan notations on a clean Master Plan. Prior to submission for preliminary plat, it shall be your responsibility to ensure that the Master Plan requested herein is provided to this office as all other construction plans shall be compared to this plan. In accordance with City Code of Ordinance, Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting Regulations, Article VIII, Section 5A, the developer shall "have prepared and shall submit to the City Engineer's Office within six months (from date of City Commission Master Plan approval) two (2) sets of construction plans and six (6) sets of the preliminary plat documents, along with a non-reimbursable fee as adopted by resolution of the City Council payable to the City of Boynton Beach.". Failure to submit the required preliminary plat documents may result in the expiration of the approved plans. I am providing herein, a copy of the general notes and detail adjust- ments made by Richard so that you may correct the plans accordingly. 5lmerli;a's (jateway to tlie (julfstream Jonathan's Grove/Master Plan July 21, 1993 Page #2 If you require any additional information and/or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (407) 738-7488. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Vincent A Finizio Deputy City Engineer VAF/ck cc: Ms, Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner J. Scott Miller} City Manager (as directed) Christopher CutroJ Planning Director MI Homes, c/o Gee & Jenson Honorable Mayor & City Commission RECEIVED JUL 22 PLANt'lH~G DE-Pl. --------