REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-252 FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer TO: Tambri Heyden Senior Planner VIA: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director DATE: August 23, 1993 RE: Jonathan's Grove Master Plan Planning Department Comments The Engineering Department for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida is in receipt of your most recent memo regarding your review of the submitted (approved) master plan for the above referenced project. Please advise me, in writing, as to whether or not you are requiring the developer to revise the master plan to be consistent with your comments or may we accept the final master plan as the approved version. On August 31, 1993, the Technical Review Committee will be considering the concurrent preliminary plat and final plat review for this project, therefore, I respectfully request that I receive a response to this request no later than Wednesday, August 25th at 5 p.m. Thank you in advance of your anticipated cooperation in this matter. VAF/ck cc: Lisa A. Tropepe, P.E., Acting City Engineer J. Scott Miller, City Manager TO: Vince Finizio, Engineering Department Tambri J. Heyden, Planning Department August 17, 1993 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 772 Rectified Master Plan As requested, please be advised of the following comments relative to the JO~athan's Grove master plan, dated August 3, 1993, that was rev~sed by the applicant to address Planning and Development Board approval conditions: (1) There is a discrepancy with the height and the location of the buffer wall along the north project boundary. Section B-B shows a five foot high wall 15 feet south of the north project boundary and the master plan shows a 6 foot high wall within the Florida Power & Light easement. (2) The lots along the north side of the 60 foot right-of- way and around the cul-de-sac on the plat drawings do not match the master plan and do not meet the minimum lot depth and lot area'required pursuant to the project's zoning approval. Because the master plan is only required to show a typical building envelope, the problem with these lots, with the exception of lot 16 and 17 which were altered from the master plan depiction, was not detected until the plat drawings, showing survey data, were submitted. Therefore, it is very likely that the master plan will change to address this problem. These comments were conveyed to Richard StaUdinger after the August 12, 1993 Technical Review Board meeting so that the re- submitted plat drawings would be accompanied by a master plan reflecting the above comments. /' ~~ d~ TAMBRI J. HE EN TJH: frb XC-Chron & subject file Richard staudinger o/d,,-- ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-1S~ AGENDA ITEM TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer DATE: July 16, 1993 RE: Master P1an Jonathan's Grove P1anning & Deve10pment Board's Recommendation for Approva1 Please be advised that the City's Planning & Development Board, during their regular July 13, 1993 meeting, voted unanimously (7-0) to forward the Jonathan's Grove Master Plan to the City Commission with a favorable recommendation for approval. The Planning & Development Board agenda package for this item, as well as a sufficient number of master plans, have been previously provided your office by the Planning Department. Pursuant to code provisions set forth in Appendix C, Subdivision and Platting Regulations, specifically Master Plans, the Planning & Developement Board Chairman has signed the modified Master Plan thereby indicating the Planning & Developement Board's approval (see attached copy of Planning & Development Board Chairman's signature at Technical Review Committee approval signature block). Should you require any additional information and/or assistance, please feel free to contact the undersigned at ext. 488. VAF/ck cc: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director attachment: Copy of TAC signature block on Jonathan's Grove Master Plan .. RECEIVED JUL J. ti PLANNING DEPT. .. . -- .. ,~'L-- ., . - -..- If-- _.-. -IT _1 · .~ ~, Vinyl Coated Chain Link fer be installed at time of constn b,,- - - N 88024'27" E . 1225.88' ntion (Width Varies 6 3' -- Lot line 1'~ 8 Maintenance Berm \~ I .12.5' Varies t~ 14' ; . . . . ,/ ~\~1:SJlE1D CJoH~ll(~ ;. ,'1 rl " ~-pR-cD\J,AJ..s . -'f/ J. "t f . ,... DepL ~.J} ~ e...11:zLJJ. 66,()l:;b\\{)6 l:eJY~a:>l'CUrra'\~ Oat. 1-6-P..s ~ F. 0"'0\ Date 7/6/1'5 Ire \ _ . . Section 0-0 N.T.S. - .... Q) ~ o .... Cl. 20' MASTER PLAN r: Traffic Engineer Kimley - Horn and Assoc. 4431. Embarcadero Drive WPB, FI. 33407 ( 407)845-0666 Date 7 - 6 ,.p~ t'ate 7-712- 1/7-f'1, .Dat~_.c- /. /- ........... ....r:Jj. ~/3 . ~~r/fl_ t ~ ). "'. L /.-f ~. ~ )aniels, Ine \ 1 A Suite C 111 Fl. 33477" 7 -9894 ~ ''''''~J1>.=-~~~'''~''''~~'. -~V" .".... .-' ."~= ""~T~~:"T '-'~l,.~..._~.~~.~:~:..~~~" .... ~-~.. ~-"'.~,.. ~ _ .....~. .:c....... ... ~~,~ ,.i,,,,,'T-,~_~-~.~7" _'&"'" ~....,..... ~ ' PLA~NING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-166 THRU: Chairman and Members ~~~~ an~lopment Board Christ pher cutro Planning and Zoning Director TO: FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Senior Planner DATE: July 8, 1993 SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 750 Master Plan (subdivision) - final comments The Planning and Zoning Department has recommended to the Engineering Department that the Jonathan's Grove master plan be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Department and has signed off the master plan, subject to the following list of planning and zoning related comments. This list supersedes Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 93-156. As discussed in Engineering Department Memorandum No. 93-182, page 3, item #7, several comments contained within Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 93- 156 have been addressed. Therefore, for clarification purposes this memorandum serves to itemize those comments from Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 93-156, and one additional comment, which are recommended as conditions of approving the Jonathan's Grove master plan. 1. Site plan approval for the sign and entrance wall and for the buffer wall, fence and associated landscaping shall be required concurrently with preliminary plat approval. Part III of the Code of Ordinances - Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Section 2. 2. Due to a potential conflict with the location of the required wall along the north boundary of the development and the location of the 15 feet wide Florida Power and Light (FPL) easement for existing overhead power lines, also along the north boundary of the development, the wall location may be subject to change, i.e. - moved south 15 feet. For screening and maintenance reasons the preferred location of the wall is along the north boundary of the development. The wall location shall be determined prior to submitting for preliminary plat approval and with every attempt being made to locate the wall along the north boundary of the property, consistent with the Jonathan's Grove condition of zoning approval. If acceptable to FPL, the wall may be moved three (3) feet north so that the footer is adjacent to the north boundary of the property. 3 . Details for the northbound, deceleration the intersection of Lawrence Road and the development, required as a condition variance granted for access, shall be preliminary plat. (right turn) lane at entrance road to the of the subdivision submitted with the 4. Regarding note #13 on the master plan and other depictions on the master plan, the limited access easement along Lawrence Road shall be dedicated to Palm Beach county. The limited access easements proposed along a portion of the project entrance road and the access/utility easement shall be dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach. The swale & drainage/landscape easements (to encompass the wall and landscaping by overlapping with the FPL easement, if agreeable to FPL) and the dry retention area (to be a separate tract of land) shall be dedicated to the homeowners' association. It is recommended that the landscape tract and the landscape/ citrus tree preserve tract encompass the sign and entrance TO: Planning and Zoning Board -2- July 8, 1993 ( con t ' d. ) 4. wall and be labeled to include sign/wall maintenance. The drainage and utility easement shall be dedicated to the city for utility purposes and to the homeowners' association for drainage purposes. 5. Regarding note #2 on the master plan and the proposed landscape/citrus tree preserve area, the determination of which existing trees are to be preserved is reserved until submittal of the tree survey and tree management plan with the preliminary plat. Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.4.2 and Jonathan I s Grove condition of zoning approval to preserve existing trees to the maximum extent possible. # If this master plan request is approved by the Planning and Development Board, subject to conditions, a master plan, revised to address relevant conditions 'of approval, shall be submitted with the preliminary plat submittal. The section A-A detail has been revised on the master plan dated July 2, 1993 to show a 10 feet wide typical swale area adding up to a right-of-way width of 50 feet which conflicts with other references on the master plan to a right-of-way width of 60 feet. It is recommended that a right-of-way of 60 feet in width be approved, unless otherwise recommended by the Engineering Department. ~tl/ . 0 r J~-Q,~/ Tambri J. Hettlen / tjh A: JonGrFC xc: Vincent Finizio Central File ~vk RAND -DELIVERED ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-181 TO: All Technical Review Committee Members July 6, 1993 Mike Kazunas, P.E., utility Department Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Robert Eichorst, Public Works Directoe Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner, Planning Department Kevin Hallahan, City Forester John Wildner, Supv'r., Parks and Recreation Department FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer RE: Johnathan's Grove Master Plan Complete Resubmission (2nd Round) Attached for your review and consideration, please find a Master Plan submitted by Gee & Jenson for the above referenced project. This is a second round review (two previous reviews conducted by the TRC) and therefore the plan should be reviewed in its entirety with comments being returned to the attention of the undersigned no later than 10:00 a.m. July 7, 1993. Should the plan fully comply with City Codes, please so indicate in written form. The Master Plans transmitted herein should be returned along with your comments indicating approval or denial. A limited amount of review time has resulted pursuant to discussions held during the second review of the master plan wherein the TRC agreed to perform an expedited review upon receipt of the plans which the Developer's Engineer indicated would be in a state of full compliance with applicable codes. Your cooperation please. Note: Mike Kazunas, P.E. will review the Master Plan and render a statement of Concurrency Certification pursuant to City Codes. ~~~:+4~'S . 1?ECEh~ ~ ~VED JUt 6 / PiA 73 NNING D fPr. cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager (as discussed) PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-156 TO: Vincent Finizio Engineering Department ~~ THRU: Christopher cutro planning and Zoning Director FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Senior Planner DATE: July 1, 1993 SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 750 Master Plan (subdivision) - resubmission comments The following is a list of planning and zoning related comments to be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board (p~ovided the applicant does not resubmit again) for their consideration relative to the above-referenced request. If the Planning and Development Board moves to approve this master plan,' it is recommended that approval be subject to this list of conditions: 1. Lots and buildings shall conform to the R-1A zoning district, "Building and Site Regulations of the Zoning Code, with the exception of the 9,590 square feet minimum lot size, to be not less than 70 feet wide by 137 feet deep and the minimum 1,800 square feet living area required as a condition of the 1989 Jonathan's Grove zoning approval. Appendix A - Zoning of the Code of Ordinances, Section 5.D. 2. Site plan approval for the sign and entrance wall and for the buffer wall, fence and associated landscaping shall be required concurrently with preliminary plat approval. Part III of the Code of Ordinances - Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Section 2. 3. Unless subsequently required by the planning and Development Board and City Commission, the proposed hedge on the north side of the wall proposed along the north boundary of the property is not a code requirement and was not discussed at the time of granting zoning approval in 1989. If the hedge or other landscaping adjacent to the wall is made a condition of the master plan or future site plan approval, it is recommended that the entire hedge be required to be installed simultaneously with the wall and not in segments with construction of each home abutting the wall. 4. It is recommended that the proposed five (5) feet high wall along the rear of the north lots be increased to six (6) feet in height based on the Jonathan's Grove condition of zoning approval to construct a wall not to exceed six (6) feet in height on the north boundary of the property. 5. The wall proposed along the rear of the north extend to the northeast corner of the development. Grove condition of zoning approval to construct a north boundary of the property. lots shall Jonathan's wall on the 6. Due to a potential conflict with the location of the required wall along the north boundary of t:he development and the location of the 15 feet wide Florida Power and Light (FPL) easement for existing overhead power lines, also along the north boundary of the development, the wall location may be subject to change, i.e. - moved south 15 feet. For screening and maintenance reasons the preferred location of the wall is along the north boundary of the development. The wall location shall be determined prior to submitting for preliminary plat approval and with eVE~ry attempt being made to locate the wall along the north boundary of the property, consistent with the Jonathan's Grove condition of zoning TO: vincent Finizio -2- July 1, 1993 (cont' d. ) 6. approval. If acceptable to FPL, the wall may be moved three (3) feet north so that the footer is adjacent to the north boundary of the property. 7. Details for the northbound, deceleration (right turn) lane at the intersection of Lawrence Road and the entrance road to the development, required as a condition of the subdivision variance granted for access, shall be submitted with the preliminary plat. 8. Based on the subdivision variance granted for access, it is recommended that the limited access easement shown on the master plan be extended along the street frontage of lots 1, 2, 31 and 32, excluding that area needed for a maximum 20 feet wide driveway to be located flush with the eastern property line of the aforementioned lots. 9. Regarding note #13 on the master plan, the limited access easement along Lawrence Road shall be dedicated to Palm Beach county. The limited access easements proposed along a portion of the project entrance road, the utility easement, and the access/utility easement shall be dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach. The drainage easement, the swale & drainage/landscape easements (to encompass the wall and landscaping by overlapping with the FPL easement, if agreeable to FPL) and the retention area (to be a separate tract of land) shall be dedicated to a homeowners' association. It is recommended that the landscape easement (to encompass the sign wall) and the landscape/citrus tree preserve area be separate tracts of land dedicated to a homeowners' association rather than encumbrances to lot 1 and lot 3~~, respectively. 10. Regarding note #2 on the master plan and the proposed landscape/citrus tree preserve area, the determination of which existing trees are to be preserved is reserved until submittal of the tree survey and tree management plan with the preliminary plat. Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.4.2 and Jonathan's Grove condition of zoning approval to preserve existing trees to the maximum extent possible. 11. If this master plan request is approved by the Planning and Development Board, subj ect to conditions, a master plan, revised to address relevant conditions of approval, shall be submitted with the preliminary plat submittal. / ~ti4dhJ tjh A: JonGrMP2 xc: Central File j~; - MEMORANDUM NO. 93-208 TO: Vincent Finizio, Engineering Department Chris cutro, Planning Director FROM: J. Scott Miller, City Manager DATE: June 2, 1993 SUBJECT: . Jonathan's Grove - Variance Pursuant to the attached memorandum dated June 2, 1993, from vice Mayor Jose Aguila, I am directing each of you not to proceed with any administration action on the variance for Jonathan's Grove (per action taken at last evening's City Commission meeting). This subject project will be placed on the next regularly scheduled City Commission meeting (June 15, 1993) for review and reconsideration. Please notify the applicant of this impending action. J Scott Mi ity Manager JSM : j b Attach. RECEIVED JUN :1 PLANNING DEPT. - - 06/02/93 12: 16 "'407 243 8184 @@Ol MEMORANDUM To: J. Sc01t Miller. City Manager From: Jose Aguila. V.ce-Mayor Dote: Jure 2, 1993 Reference: Jonathan'S Grove. Variance Please take no administrative action on the above referenced project prior to the r'ext ragulariy scheduled City Commissicn meeting. It is my intent!o reconsioer the decision made last nlg~lt. Please notify thE> City Planner as well as the applicant of thh: ;mper~djr.g action. (~O'-- JOS~~ 0: Mayor & City CommisSion City Planner City Attomey Central File {{ECEIVED JViV '- - 1993 CITY MANAGEH;S OFFICE J~_ MEMORANDUM U~~lities No. 93-24~ TO: FROM: Vince Flnizio, Deputy City Englnee John A.,Guldry, ~ Dlrector of Utllitie DATE: June 1, 1993 SUB.7ECT: Master Plan Submission/Pre-Application (Concurrent) - Jonathan's Grove Staff has had commun~cation with the applicant of the above- referenced project regarding comment number 2, Utility Memorandum No. 93-220, and recommends that the project move forward through the review process on the conditlon that the following note be added to the approved Master Plan. "The gravity sanitary sewer lines and lift station wet well will be designed to accept the anticipated off-site sewer flows from the adjacent properties within 2100' from the south east property corner and 1800' north and south from the proposed subdivlsion entrance. Stub manholes for future connections will be constructed extending the proposed gravity system to the right- of-way at Lawrence and the east. property line." It is our understanding that a concurrency statement for water and sewer is not necessary at this stage of the review so comment one is removed. The City Engineer should be aware that City Ordinance Appendix C Article VIII Sect. 4.C.IO requires that the plan contain the location of all proposed easements and their purpose. We are in receipt of a letter (copy attached) which addresses thls, however, we recommend a note be added to the Master Plan prior to its approval. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact Mr. Mike Kazunas at 738-7465. Ibks Attachment be: Mike Kazunas cc: Skip Milor Peter Mazzella Scott Bennewitz RECEIVED ... ~, PLANNING DEPT. i' - - PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Vincent Finizio Deputy city Engineer r ~ - --J~4 ~ -- Christoph cU~ ~~ Planning and Zoning Director THRU: FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Senior Planner DATE: May 27, 1993 SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove - Subdivision Master Plan File No. 750 Please be advised of the following list of comments which itemizes the planning and zoning related deficiencies of the above- referenced submittal: 1. Include within the notes on the master plan, as recommended by Palm Beach County School Board, that no residential building permits may be issued until the developer and the School Board approve in writing an agreement which assures that public school student membership generated by the development will achieve school Board racial balance goals. Appendix C of the Code of Ordinances - Subdivisions, Platting, Article VIII, Section 4.G and Comprehensive Plan Policy 8.22.1. 2. As a condition of the Jonathan's Grove zoning approval, right- of-way for Lawrence Road forty (40) feet from centerline was to be dedicated by the property owner within 45 days of annexation. The survey does not reference such dedication. If this has not been done, dedication shall occur immediately. J. Concurrency certification for neighborhood parks and drainage is required at time of master plan approval. Regarding neighborhood parks, due to the number of dwelling units proposed (100 units or less), this project can be certified for neighborhood parks without the requirement for dedication of public park acreage or the provision of a private recreation area. Chapter 19 of the Code of Ordinances, Article VI - Concurrency Requirements, Section 19-83(b)(3), Section 19-84(h)1 and Section 19-88(c)(2)d.3 and 5. Certification for recreation facilities is required at time of preliminary plat approval. The developer shall be required to pay a fee in lieu of dedicating land for parks and recreation. The amount of this fee shall be determined following Appendix C of the Code of Ordinances - Subdivisions, Platting, Article IX, Section 8.D. and will require an appraisal of fair market value of the property or a copy of a contract to purchase the property. Chapter 19 of the Code of Ordinances, Article VI - Concurrency Requirements, Section 19-83(b)(1), Section 19- 84(f) and Section 19-88(c)(2)d.7. 4. To carry out the condition attached to the Jonathan's Grove zoning approval for preservation of existing trees to the maximum extent possible, a tree survey shall be submitted. At the time of applying for preliminary plat approval, a management plan shall be submitted for the preservation of the existing vegetation to be retained. Comprehensive plan Policy 4.4.2 requiring preservation of existing, non-exotic trees on any existing vegetated site over "cut and replace" preservation techniques. 5. An eight (8) foot wide concrete bike path shall be constructed on the east side of Lawrence Road along the subdivision frontage as was required of Lawrence Grove and Citrus Glen developments. Comprehensive Plan policies 1.11.9 and 2.4.4 and Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting, Article IX, Section 11. TO: Vincent Finizio -2- May 28, 1993 6. Include within the notes on the master plan that a minimum of two off-street parking spaces per unit will be provided. Appendix C of the Code of Ordinances - Subdivisions, Platting, Article VIII, Section 4.C.10 and section 11.H.4 and 16.a(4). 7. Include within the notes on the master plan that no structure shall encroach an easement. Appendix C of the Code of Ordinances - Subdivision, Platting, Article VIII, Section 4.C.I0 and Section 6.D.9. 8. Include wi thin the notes on the master plan that with the exception of the 9590 square foot minimum lot size, to be not less than 70 feet wide by 137 feet deep, and the minimum 1,800 square foot living area required as a condition of the Jonathan's Grove zoning approval, conformance with the Zoning Code, "Building and Site Regulations" for the R-1A zoning district and the swimming pool and screen enclosure regulations is required. Appendix A of the code of Ordinances, Zoning, Section 5. D, section 11. E and section 11.F. 9. Provide a second typical building envelope for the lots along the north property boundary which will have a 35 foot rear building setback, due to the 15 foot FPL easement and the 20 foot swale & drainage/landscape easement, rather than a 25 foot rear building setback as indicated on the typical building envelope shown on the master plan. 10. Show the location of the required five foot wide limited access easement along the Lawrence Road frontage. The limited access easement may be superimposed over the 20 foot wide landscape easement along the Lawrence Road frontage shown on the master plan. If the subdivision variance for 180 feet of access is denied, the limited access easement should extend from the. Lawrence Road frontage to 180 feet from the intersection of Lawrence Road and the local street serving the project. If the variance is approved in part, the limited access easement should reflect the approval accordingly. Appendix C of the Code of ordinances - Subdivision, Platting, Article VIII, section 4.C.10 and Article IX, section 3 and Comprehensive Plan Policy 1.3.6. 11. Provide information regarding ownership and maintenance responsibility of the lift station tract, the dry retention area, the sign wall, the 5 foot high masonry wall, the 5 foot high chain link fence and the hedges adjacent to the fence, the landscape easement and the swale & drainage easement/ landscape easement. Appendix C of the Code of ordinances - Subdivision, Platting, Article VIII, Section 4.C.I0. 12. The landscape easements shown on the master plan should encompass the locations of the walls and fences and should include a reference to maintenance of same. It is recommended that a homeowners' association be responsible for maintenance of the structures and landscaping by dedication of the referenced easements to the association. 13. Substitute the proposed chainlink fence with a 6 foot high wall consistent with the condition of the Jonathan's Grove zoning approval. 14. Add to Section B-B the wall and hedge location. The wall should be set back a minimum of three feet from the project boundary for maintenance of the wall (including the footer) and the hedge. The hedge should be installed on the outside of the wall to screen the project from the homes to the north consistent with the condition of the Jonathan's Grove zoning approval. TO: Vincent Finizio -3- May 28, 1993 15. It is recommended that the buffer wall and hedge along the north project boundary be installed simultaneously to further the-intent of the condition of the Jonathan's Grove zoning approval to screen the project from the homes to the north. 16. Site plan approval for the sign and entrance wall and for the buffer wall, fence and associated landscaping shall be required concurrently with preliminary plat approval. Part III of the Code of Ordinances - Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Section 2. / '~~ 0~ -. /L Tambri J. Heyen tjh A: JonGrMP1 VIII. DEV. PLANS C.l ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-141 AGENDA ITEM cc: Eng. Bldg, Plan, Uti] TO: Michael E. Kazunas, utility Engineer VIA: J. Scott Miller, City Manager FROM: Vincent A. Finizio, Deputy City Engineer DATE: May 26, 1993 RE: Subdivision Variance Submission Jonathan's Grove Variance Request for Appendix .C., Article X, Section 1,.Access. Consensus of the Technical Review Committee (Master Plan Has Not Yet Been Approved/Pre-Application Stage) Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee, during their May 25, 1993 meeting, reviewed Gee & Jenson's request on behalf of MI Homes, reference the applicant's desire to present the above referenced variance to the City Commission for their final review and determination. Appendix "C", Article X, Section 1, "Access", states "Points of access to lots developed within a subdivision shall be located a minimum of... 180' from intersecting right-of-way lines on all other streets of a higher classification as defined in this ordinance.". The proposed master plan contains four lots which do not comply with the provisions of the aforementioned Section, that being lots #1, #2, #31 and .32. The consensus of the Technical Review Committee was that the variance ~ ~ be granted in part and denied in part. The recommendation of the Technical Review Committee is as follows: 1. Lots #1 and #32 be deleted from the master plan with no residential construction occurring at these locations, based upon their proxi- mety to Lawrence Road (Variance denial) . 2. Lots t2 and t3l be granted a variance conditioned upon the drive- ways for the proposed residences being constructed flush with the east property lines for these lots. This will enable the points of access to be 160' from Lawrence Road and will constitute a partial granting of the requested variance. Additionally, the proposed wall, south of the depicted roadway and immediately east of Lawrence Road, will be modified to remove the section of wall which angles in a northeast direction from the north tip of the north/south portion of said wall. This action will provide a better line of sight for motor vehicles backing out of residential driveways at lot #31. Engineering Dept. Memo. No. 93-140 Jonathan's Grove/Subdivision Variance Submission May 26, 1993 Page #2 It should be noted that the Technical Review Committee discussed with the applicant the relocation of the 60' wide dry retention area, currently existing at the extreme east end of the project, be placed along the area currently occupied by lots II and 132, resulting in an easterly shift of all lots an equivalent distance of 60' east. This action, if deemed reasonable by the City Commission, would provide approximately 155' between access points from residential lot:. to the intersection of Lawrence Road as long as the residential driveways, for the relocated lots, were constructed along the easternmost property lines as recommended in item #2 above. I have provided herein a copy of the Subdivision Variance Section and based upon the applicant's ability to relocate the dry retention area, they do not demonstrate that, (Section 1,A,I) "That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land involved and which are not applicable to other lands.", or (Section 1,3), "That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the action of the applicant.", therefore, the requirements of this section have not been met. The City Commission, may in accordance with Article XVI, Section lC, may grant "any variance the Council may prescribe and require appro- priate conditions and safeguards in conformity with this ordinance.". At your earliest convenience, please place this memorandum on the next regular City Commission agenda and authorize same by initialing the line provided below. Respectfully submitted, A~. Vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager attachments: City Code of Ordinances, Appendix "C", Article XVI, Section lA, IB and lC Appendix "C", Article X, Section 1, "Access" Location Plan Master Plan Lot Layout sheet w/notations Art. XV, t 3 BOYNTON BEACH CODE additional right-of-way shall be provided to make a total of not less than fifty (50) feet. B. (SAME-EASEMENTS.] Easements for proper drainage shall be provided where necessary at a width adequate to accommodate the drainage facilities. A minimum of twelve (12) feet shall be provided for underground storm drainage installations and where canals or ditches are permitted, the width shall be adequate to accommodate drainage facilities plus twenty (20) feet on one side to permit equipment to enter for maintenance purposes. C. [PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT NOT RE- QUIRED.] The preliminary plat and final plat sections of this ordinance are not required where the improvements are contained in existing platted rights-of-way and no additional right-of-way dedica- tion [is] needed. Drainage rights-of-way and ease- ments where a plat is not required shall be submitted by separate instrument dedicating the easement for such purposes. Section 4. Waiver. In portions of a subdivision which are not under the control or ownership of the developer, the city engineer may waive the additional right-of-way requirement set forth in paragraphs 1 through 3 of section 3 hereof, when it is shown to be impossible for the developer to acquire the required additional right-of. way. Editor'1 note-Apparently the relerence above to parqrapha 1-3 o( sKtion 3 .hould have been to lubaection A of that IKtion. ARTICLE XVI. VARIANCES AND EXCEPTIONS V Section 1. Administration ot variances. When because of the size of the tract to be subdivided, its topography, the condition or nature of adjoining areas or the existence of other unusual physical conditions, literal or strict enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance would 2156 APPENDIX C-SUBDlVISIONS. PLATTING Art. XVI, J 1 cause an unusual, exceptional, unnecessary or [would] result in real, difficulties or undue hardship or injustice, the council after report by the technical review board may vary or modify the requirements set forth herein. Such variances shall not be granted if it has the effect of nullifying the intent and purposes of this ordinance. In granting variances. the council may require such conditions as will secure insofar as practical, the objectives of this ordinance: v A. Variances shall not be granted unless a written application for a variance has been submitted to the city engineer demonstrating: 'I/'" 1. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land involved and which are not applicable to other lands. 2. That a literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties. ..,,/' 3. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the action of the applicant. 4. That the granting of the variances requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands. No pre-existing conditions or neighboring lands which are contrary to this ordinance shall be considered grounds for the issuance of a variance. B. To consider the recommendations of the technical review board. the council shall set a public hearing on the proposed variance. The council shall make findings: 1. That the requirements of this section have been met. 2. That the reasons set forth in the application justify the granting of the variance and that the variance is the minimum variance that would make possible the reasonable use of the land. 3. That the granting of the variance would be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this ordinance, would not be injurious to the Supp. No. 25 2157 ~?~~ ~J2..S/~3 Art. XVI, I 1 BOYNTON BEACH CODE surrounding territory, [and] would not impair the desirable general development of the neighbor- hood or the community, as proposed in the comprehensive plan, or otherwise be detrimental to the public welfare. In granting any variance the council may prescribe and require appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with this ordinance. Any variance rranted by the council shall be noted in its official minutes along with the reason. which justify the rranting thereof and any required conditions and safecuards. Upon the granting of . variance, the conditions and safeguards placed upon the variance by the council shall be enforced by the city engineer and shall be considered as part of the provisions of this ordinance. D. An application fee as adopted by resolution of the city council shall be payable to the City of Boynton Beach. (Ord. No. 86-4, ~ 20. 3.18.86) /' c. Section 2. Exception.. The requirements as outlined in this ordinance may be modified by the council in the case of a plan and prorram for a complete community. which in the judgment of the council provides adequate public space and improvements for the circulation, recreation. liCht. air and service needa of the tract when fully developed and populated. and which also provides such covenance or other legal proviSions u will aBlure conformity to and implementation of the plan. In rranting such modifications. the council shall require such reasonable conditions and safeguards u will secure substantially the objectives and standards of this ordi- nance. Before rranting such exceptions. the plan and program shall be in the appropriate zoning district. comply with the comprehensive land use plan. have prior approval of the planning and zoning board and technical review board. Upon compliance with the aforegoing, a public hearing shall be held by the council. Supp. No. 25 2158 Art. X BOYNTON BEACH CODE ered on an individual basis. The design of required improvements shall be accomplished in such a manner that they shall be equal to or exceed current city standards and the following: ../' Section 1. Acce... Points of access to lots developed within a subdivision shall be located a minimum of thirty (30) feet from intersecting right-of-way Unes on local streets and one hundred e~ty (180) feet from intersecting right-of-way ~ines on all other streets of higher classification as dermed in thi. ordinance. However, accelS to townhouse clusters may be via parking lots and/or driveways designated on the plat as access or parking tracts providing the length of said access does not exceed six hundred (600) feet. The subdivision shall be designed to accomplish access to the lots by the use of local streets. Local street connections to collector streets shall be a minimum of six hundred sixty (660) feet apart and collector street connections to arterial streets shall be a minimum of one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet apart. Where access is desired along collector or arterial streets, it shall be provided by means of ~ marginal accelS road. The first point of aceeas to the marginal access road from collector and arterial streets shall be a minimum of three hundred thirty (330) feet from intersecting right-of-way linea with intermittent points at median opening locations, being a minimum of six hundred sixty (660) feet from intersecting right-of-way linea, unleaa otherwise approved by the city engineer. Acceaa spacings of lesser lengths may be granted if requested by the developer and if deemed advisable by the technical review board. Where double frontage Iota are created adjacent to a collector or arterial street, they shall front on a local street and the rear of the lot shall be the side which abuts the collector or arterial street. In such cases, the lot shall be buffered as required by this ordinance. SecUon 2. Alley.. Alleys shall be paved eighteen (18) feet wide in a minimum twenty-foot right-of-way for commercial and 2130 rElEOYN( /OST It 7 7184 ..J ~ II: to- >- II: ;! :; 2 Vicinity Map ci II: W o z W II: l ..J LANTANA RD. --- ....~ NORTH HYPOLUXO RD. Site _~ f/) rn w a: o z o o '-' I ~OtH-J~s Lcc..A=11 00 / II oR00E' ~I A+....l II) 01 . 'L }' n/w ) Lawrence RoaL - !.~ I N I ~! - I N 2' 02'58" E 33438' t _ J - --- -- --r- 20" Landscape 51 t ~ r! I Easement - -, 0::': :::l I W, q, Iw ~ ~::i ~ -1~ ~ ~ ~ 1JI t= s: 3 ~rn~ r &0 ~{'I 1 CD j 'i::i' " 2 ~. ) "'" ,. ~ I I II I ~ ~ ~ z. ~ g -1~ ~ g. ~ f' , 1;1 J:'~7\l ~ 0 " F~~'3:~w~~['~rr~ :i I~~g ~~'~~11 <'~,. (:)0 CD m jtl/' di~l-} ~6 ~. ~.:a~} \} V' ~ o I I _.____ -~'-------- s: W Ii 0 Ii 0. 0 I (I) I - - --~- r\) 0 ...... (f) I ~ I Q.) , (0 Qo I I 0 -.., , :::::> Q.) ? to - (0 ; m ., Q.) en m 137' s: o a. CD r\) <0 r\) Q) .- r --J- _____ _ ___ :J a. .f,,/) 12 "'0 1m 1m Q.) I~ I (0 ,_ ______ '......:::L.. .. -_. _ _.. _ _ __ I -- r\) ....., )> ,; I' F\) en ,() I-~ I ' I (f) a:~ ~ c OJ ' A ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ 'c1 ~ "fJ - 8>- o - ~ ... -~ r fJ'-- t Y, ... '- --. - -. -r----.--.' - _ .L _ - 0J~- J1tJ j"~ ~,f ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~": ~ '('.Jl -~ ., ~5...J'@N~ J:r. " ~~ g ~-l~E 1~~~ ~-3V' ': \ ~, ~ ~ m ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ OJ I i '(f) :~ I : Q.) I <0 i/ ~ I C. . I ~ : J, tP m ~ ~ i r ~ ~ .... - <8 ..... 1 ! I ~ l- ,. ~ '" ~ 3. :) r;- 137' 1! '" .F. I ---[ti )> ~., . (f' - ... ". ,... I+:-' :0 I .. I 20' Landscape EasE ~ f v{-r I ~IIQ ~ ~! ~ -d;. j ~ . 1 a. ~ ~ ., :i. "0 g ~ ~ w - - - ,-"-- -' -......j o ~ ~ ::J ...L ___ (J1 (1) .' I rc=zL~ ~ ~ TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Mike Kirrman, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Mike Kazunas, utilities Engineer Vincent Finizio, Engineering Department William C. Archdeacon, Gee & Jenson consulting Engineers FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DATE: May 18, 1993 RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Tuesday, May 25, 1993 Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 25, 1993, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "C" (West Wing) to discuss the following: MASTER PLAN /' ) (y<l #',/ ) SUBDIVISION VARIANCE Jonathan's Grove: Review requested by the developer for relief from the 180' minimum distance requirement from intersecting lines of right-of- way with classifications higher than a local street. NOTE: Please return all plans and comments for the above projects to the Engineering Department by Friday, 5:00 p.m., May 28, 1993. MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION Lawrence Grove PUD: Review of master plan to add two (2) additional building lots and to close right-of-way opening to Bedford Road. NOTE: Please return all plans and comments for the above project to the Planning and Zoning Director by Tuesday, 5:00 p.m., May 25, 1993. Due to reverse review by Planning and Development Board and City Commission, comments are needed for backup for City Commission meeting on Tuesday, June 1, 1993. TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE PAGE 2 OTHER Discussion on the feasibility of keeping a copy of the approved utilities set of plans with the building permit set. ~~~~ Dorothy Moore DM/jm Att. cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager City Commission (5) Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, Police Chief John Guidry, utilities Director Steve Campbell, Fire Department Bob Gibson, Public Works central File Christopher cutro, Planning & Zoning Director Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator Project File Chronological File A:TRCTUES.JM ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-127 TO: ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW CO~~ITTEE MEMBERS FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer I', ' (" ;' c j ,I .., t I' I " I RE: Master Plan Submission/Pre-Application (concurrent) Johnathan1s Grove --f ,) DATE: May 17, 1993 ,i\ ~~ l~ jl . " ,\ . \. Please consider this memorandum a formal request to perform a review of the above referenced Master Plan submission by Gee & Jenson. ",'~ t ".1..-:' The review should be performed consistent with the provisions setforth in City of Boynton Beach, FI, Code of Ordinances, specifically the Master Plan section of Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting, section 4 of Article VIII (see pages 2096-2100) including compliance with adopted Comprehensive Plan elements and policies. A copy of the associated Traffic Impact Analysis (T. I .A.) is herein. transmitted to the Planning Director and Palm Beach County Traffic~ Engineering Division for their review and consideration. Should any other Department desire to review the T.I.A., a copy is available in the Engineering Department. '(",""~.J- -./-" ,/ t, ,r ^ r . -I" 1 ,,'" 'I.. i.r' I' ~,..' . '-.. . A full set of plans along with a T.I.A. has been forwarded to Palm Beach County School Board's Plant Planning Department pursuant to Appendix "C", section 4G of Article VIII (see page 2099). By copy of this memo to the Planning Director, I request that this matter be placed on the agenda for the next Technical Review Committee meeting of May 25, 1993. Please be prepared to discuss your comments during the aforementioned meeting and be advised that written comments should be transmitted to my attention and be due no later than Friday M.ay 28, 1993. Thank you in advance of your cooperation in this matter. lJ. . ~A~' "-S- AECE.\\JEO ",,~'i \ 1 \993 attachment(s): Master Plan Traffic Impact Analysis cc: Palm Beach County School Board Plant Planning Department Palm Beach County Traffic ~O'l( Lr \~ ~ I 'l)" .,,4 I y?L,,' 4-T':t (1.0 1)(.1/"/ C:"y-(f' r &' e v / / I ;)- Q ri ..... ..... t 36. 78' ----- - N8Se22'S9"E EiC..ID'- ~ ~ - - 01 _ /_ ----, 0 / - . U1 ~I" 12,5' 7. 5' " 20' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE IEAM 15 ... ... C\J · CD at oq ('t').UJ -('t') -0 C\I 0_ f.D Z .. ~ 18 ..... ... ~~ - ...:- 1d - - - - 56- 29' 27- Ac4t9.30' 16 --- ~-- ......... EAST LINE OF fHE NORTHMEST l/~ OF 1 NORTHWEST t/~ OF ~ H8St21'4S'E S3.37' RADIAL b-St. 36' 46- ~ A- ~5. O~' C\.I - -cD xf.D UNPLATTED 80.03' t t2. .0' 20' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT 00 teA I NTENANC'E 1ERt4 --- fJ ( uf1 (.'"V ~!>c""L--f 13 ,.-(fr CJ.. ~I f) ld-l "':'r ~ (",^.r2~c"'P<' ~~v'-+ co ~ ~ ,..... o ~ OJ CO 0:> () ?" -n 5" -< 0- 0:> (..s o i ~ 0 Q) 3 .....~ :T Q) ::s (J) G> -t o < CD -;~ .. .. =~ . ~ ~ ~ ~~ t .. .. - l~. % . ~ 6 :1 ~ .. _ ~ o,,~ ~;Ii:.a _' :t. i :: ~ ~ ~ !! ~ii!; CI Q n ~ III .. ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ H ~ g~~ ~~~~-i II> ~ 0 .. -<I ::!!. ... .. .. :~~l :~~~ 0" n i -; ~~ "~" l~ . "' :< ' ~ i ~ l: ~ c-=- :i. ~--~ ~~ -)1 u. ......_ -~---- r ~ - ~o~. '-'- - ~,c_;; ,', . ,'0 "'w I Lawre"ce Road '" ~ ' =---- ~ ~ ,_------L ~~ . ACceSS 50 U\I\I\'j EtlS.~~1 :!. UI . ..--~__ 0 ~ .. 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'!! ~~ i ~ ~ '3 ~ 0000- g2~~~ %~ " - <f' ~ ).. ~~~g ;> ~ ~ ~ ~ CD tIl ...c; o ~ '0 :J -: ~ g :;I ~ GEE & JENSON r1i \11 ii ') ~ n in I \1 q~ ' \~ 11! r ,: 1," , .. i" ~ , :l. ~ ~ ~ , : \ l~H l n ~ \ ~ ~~!; l \~~_ \\ \\' ~ \\' ~.;; h 1'~ ~ [i1 i l~ l~; I H ~ t\ i;,l \ h 1 U ~ i', H \H I I' l ; ',i ~ , i I Ii II \ ! l l1i'~' \ I ~ !t\' ~ I \ \ i~Qi \ 1 I \ ."": H '\ t ~ \ ~ i ! \: - . \: i . t 1m qil ;t; ~~1 ~r I- II ti ;. ., ~ ; :D Ie (I) .. "'- 5.tD(i ? 0 ~ ~ <:; III '" ~\ I "\l> Z; r Master SubdIVision Pian Jonathans (,<ove " Rl1"ntnl1 PI' ,.'1"> '1",cj'l \...OC~,,\ON M~P JON~"H~NS GRO\JE .............-. ~ -.." ~\ 5\ E. / p\JO \.-\J\~ -,~ 1'1\ puP \-\.J\~ A. . t<-NO\..\..'^' 000 GI='O ~ I ~ t::~ ~\ -' 1 ~ \ , l --- I ../ --.' , - ;:;p~ '- J- ,.., 17 '0 (/10"''' I- er('1 t-111/1'?l .... ....eo~N-rON NUI='Se.P\e.s" p\JO \..U\:4.0 ~,\p.p. x, ..~ /_ '.---=:i;"-- -.... ~-_. ~\O ~ u\ ::J. . :~\ C::\ '0 '\ J 8 tI\\\..E S ~'\ \ \ . -; .r.\ \ \\0. 800 fEE.l ." ~ l p. .-,:" ~ ...",