LEGAL APPROVAL 't'" , '1:(JJ~" tt,'<,?A/.- !,~ (;~~~~ C rJ.1 t ,(:Ck~ d2~ RE~JLUT~O~(' I~.I-'R95-~ )~ ~ J : ,J.:...,y~4{~ (J\.f, I;)" --, ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF<- (' ./ \.;L~l:-<'~' THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THAT LAWRENCE ROAD BETWEEN GATEWAY BOULEVARD AND HYPOLUXO ROAD BE ADDED TO THE PALM BEACH COUNTY FIVE YEAR ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. ,i ,I il WHEREAS, Lawrence Road is a designated public road belonging to Palm Beach County; and 'I WHEREAS, over 1,680 units have been approved for development by both the City of Boynton Beach and Palm ,I Beach County; and WHEREAS, these developments when constructed, will , considerably exceed the threshold level of trips for Level of Service "D" on Lawrence Road; and WHEREAS, these developments will pay to Palm Beach County I traffic impact fees in excess of 2.5 million dollars; and WHEREAS, if this road is not constructed concurrent with development, the City of Boynton Beach residents will suffer for the estimated 2 to 4 year design and construction time table with a severely overcrowded, unsafe roadway. Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, requests inclusion of Lawrence Road on the County IS Five Year Road Program to begin the planning and design process for the road widening. Section 2. That the County agrees that the impact fees currently being collected from the developments impacting Lawrence Road be utilized to partially fund the road improvements required by these developments. PASSED AND ADOPTED this c?/ day of March, 1995. " Ji I I I i i CI~Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA , t", /)/ / /1" f " . / .,,:-/. / 1// " ( ( , I {_ / ' / c'''''; /, f.. , ,L-<' / '11,- ~~.~ ~-Cpr~/T~ _J: t!'-- ~ I sC '., ~L- ,""-"'// ......... , Commissioner , , , !. l,' J,... .. I.Ltc:,~t~~~~;~~. ./~ J ATTEST: : ~/a~<k ~<2L" : Ci4i:'y Clerk I Authsig.doc Support.Lawrence Road J/17/95 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1994 the business plan that it is abso ely clear as to the exact operating budget and market. plan, and the act amount of capital needed. ~; In July, the torical Society ill complete th donor identifica on. In , August, it w' 1 go into the d r preferences solidify the p~grams. By the j! end of Aug ,it will have clear definitio of the available' unding. By /1 September st, it expects t have somewhere etween 30 and 50 er cent of the f funding mmitted. Its g is to have th first $300,000 b December. l the funding n order to turn e Old School int a mus m once it is rest ed. Mr. Reitz dvised that this unding is part 0 the en the Histori 1 Society goes a er the capital C - ign, it is not goi to be for jus $300,000. It is' oing to be most ikely in the neighborhood f $900,000. T first $300,000 11 be for the ma hing grant for this yea for the restor ion of the shell f the building. ,I he second $300,000, be raised pro bly in the first alf of next year"fwill be for the outfitti of the inside f the building. ' Commissioner A ila was very e ouraged and will ect. Mayor Hanme ng stated that inceton Professo of Architectural Christine yer once wrote at recreated his ric sites like Ne Street Sea rt, and for th matter San Fran sco's Fishenman's harf"are self- conscienc attempts to re in a centered won d to reestablish mythical base for Amer an traditions. ayor Hanmening f t that is just wh t this attempt is, reg dless of the pr e. Mr. Re1'tz ho d the things this roject will bring back to the City will fa outweigh that i tenms of the supp t for not just the childr , but also the ults. Moti "".,- Commissioner Aguila ved to approve P posed Resolution N . R94-103. Commissioner Katz s onded the motion, hich carried 3-1. Mayor Hanmening cast the dissenting vote. 3. proposed Resolution No. R94-104 Re: Final Plat Aeproval for Jonathan's Grove 3~s ~ 4 I P1J ~ f t1. t/4- - V4.s) City Manager Parker advised that Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. fs the City Engineer 1n this case. The Commission received a memo recommending approv- al of this final plat. The applicable fees have been rece1ved and the City Attorney and Finance Director are in agreement that the surety submitted is acceptable. Mayor Hanmening inquired about the four lots in the front. Ms. Heyden advised that they received a subdivision variance. - 32 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA JUNE 21. 1994 Motion Commissioner Aguila moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R94-104. Mayor Pro Tem Bradley seconded the motion, which carried 4-0. -- 4. solution No. R9 - nton Beach an ion of Miner en the ng (~ P l-tD k-f'H since City Manager Parke advised that this to use Intracoastal Park and approves u on allows the Chamber of Commerce ase agreement. The City already - 33 - I .I /. . r '" . . A f'FI' rM 'J IT . . STATE Or' r-LORXDA ), ) Z~ ) .~ counT'! or-- PALI1 DEACII BEFORE HE THIS DA\' PER~OIlAL.LY APPEAREI) nEVRA NEWEr.I. SWORn, DEPOSES AIW SAYS: , wno BElUO DULY " The-t. the eccompen)d.ng f'rope-r't.y Owners Lis1. :in, ,"t.o "t.he bes't. 0:C his/her knClv~e-dge, b compJ.e1:.e- and elcc::u:ra-t:e lis't. 0:( e~~ proper"t.y ovne:r~, mailing addresses and, property can't.ral. numbers -GS recorded :in "t.he la"t.es1. o:C:CicieJ. 1.ox rol.J.s in "t.he Coun"t.). Cour"t.house :Cor ell proper't.y vi't.hin four hundred < :400' :Cee1:. 0:C i..he- belov descril1ed percei fJ:C l.e'lld. The proper't.y in quC's't.:Lon :LS J.egnlly described as :Co~luvu: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FURTII=_APFIANT SAVETH nOT. ~~~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me ~his' 8th day of October .199jdate) by , Devra Newell (name of person acknowledging), w~o is personally known to me or X~Rx~~~xR~~~~~~~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*MXR~x~~xi~~~X~~~~~X*~~*X~R ~~~RR*R*R~R~~ and who ~~~ (did not) take an oath. ", ~~td~ r(Signature of Person Taking' , Acknowledgement) S'l'1\TE, OF: FLORIDA COUNTY OF: P AU1 BEACH Lindsey Arthur Walter (Name of Acknowledger typed, Printed or stamped) NOTARY SEAL i~\t~' UNDSEV ARTHUR WALTER ~ f*:~:*~ MY COMMISSION' CC 188701 ~ ~ .' j EXPIN:S: M1rc111l!, 19M "'.:tiff..~:" .' 80ndId Thru NllWt Nlllc lhIIIwI1IIr1 (Title or Rank) (Serial Number, if any) It i J : I 1 I I I I I I . 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(.f:'~/'~~."),:..:.~;~' :~~.', .' :-.:;" ( ~'>.' ~'<.>1\:= t .~ .(;:,~\ QII1l"rj \l "iff\,;; \ ,~ \ " , ; \ " " "" . ~',.\' ..: N:~' .~: . ~lj.1 0'. N t'\.).:,~ '. '::.U\ <. :--v..i \ ~\@ ~~ - r:. <... C"'I ' . .). , " .}) l4 -\vJ "".'" ~B 0\. .0.; l ~ I \ ~ ...:.- ~\~ ,. \~ f" . ,) "'-~ 'i } ,;\ ,~t~~ ..::i"':~~~~ >. ,~,.;~~~", . ~..'~ .;..itN:t ." I 'tf ;;'';' " .".t.,~. '''\ ,-/- i, \ -- -_.-.----~-,._- " , l PROP~TY' OWNERS WITHIN A 400 FOOT RADIUS AS REQUESTED ~1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ( SUBJECT SITE 00-43-45-07-00-000-304.0 7-45-43, N! of S! of NW k of NWk lyg E of 40 ft rd r/w. Richard D. Johnson 10295 St. Andrews Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436 . . . . . . . . 1 00-43-45-07-00-000-303.0 .' 7-45-43, S! of N! of Nwl of NWl (less E 440 ft & W 539.50 ft) J. A. & Geneva A. Stevens 3981 71st Street Lantana, Fl. 33462 2.00-43-45-07-00-000-307.0 7-45-43, E 220 ft of S! of Ni of NWl Dennis J. Groleau 3771 71st Avenue S. Lantana, Fl. 33462 3.00-43-45-07-00-000-308.0 7-45-43, E 220 ft of W 260ft of Sl of N1 of NWl of NWl Morgan S. Bragg 3989 71st Avenue S. Lantana, Fl. 33462 4.00-43-45-07-00-000-309.0 ./ 7-45-43, E 279.50 ft of W. 539.50 of Si of Ni of HWl of NWl Morgan S. Bragg 3989 71st Avenue S. Lantana, Fl. 33462 5.00-43-45-07-00-000-302.0 7-45-43, Nl of HWl of NWl (less N 40 ft L-18 cnl r/w & W 40 ft rd. r/w) -. Marc & Laura Brandon 7044 Lawrence Rd. Lantana, Fl. 33462 6.00-43-45-07-00-000-305.0 7-45-43, wi of Sl of NW 1 of Nwl ly!ng~ E of 40 ft rd r/w D. & Hami Ribuoli 229 N. Country Club Drive Atlantis, Fl. 33462 7.00-43-45-07-00-000-306.0 7-45-43, Ei of Sl of NWl of Nwl C. A. & Betty::Wbitman 3904 71st Avenue S. Lantana, Fl. 33462 8.06-43-45-07-00-000-301.0 7-45-43, Ei of Nwl (less E 424.33 ft & N 108 ft cnl r/w as in OR3582 P1561) & sw 1 of NWl (less W 40ft rd r/w) Knollwood Groves, Inc. 8053 Lawrence Rd. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436 9.~0-42-45-12-02-001-003.0 12-45-42, SID of HEl amnd Plat S 132 ft of N 396 ft of E 330 ft of Tr 1 (less E 40 ft rd r/w) Yvonne S. Salloum 171 Marine Avenue Brooklyn, H. Y. 11209 10.00-42-45-12-02-001-004.0 12-45-42, SID of NE Amnd Plat N 132 ft of S 264 ft of E! of Tr 1 Bernard & Suzy K. Erb 7089 Lawrence Rd. Lantna, Fl. 33462 11.00-42-45-12-02-001-005.0 Sub of NEi Amnd PI S 132 ft of Ei of Tr1 12'00-42-45-12-02-001-006.0 Sub of NEl Amnd PI wi of Tr 1, Ei of Tr 2 &Tr 8 Robert J. & Don W. Spencer P. O. Box 146476 Chicago, Illinois 60614 Clark E. Dahlgren 505 Muirfield Drive Atlantis, Fl. 33462 13.00-42-45-12-02-009-002.0 Sub of NEl Amnd Plat, Trs 9 & 16 (less th pt as in PB 49 PG 183, PB 49 PG 186 & OR 4283 P 1432) H. Loy Anderson, Jr. & JosephA. Palermo & R. Sales P. O. Box 3498 Lantana,Fl. 33465 14.00-42-45-12-02-001-002.0 Sub of NEl amnd plat S. 114 ft. of N 264 ft of El of Tr. 1 (less Lawrence Rd. R/W) Yvonne S. Salloum 171 Marine Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. 11209 15. 00-43-45-07-00-000-310.0 7-45-43, W 220 ft of E 443 ft. of sl of Ni of NW 1 of Nwl John Phillios P. b. Box 326 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33425 / ,/'.~--" ' . ""--'\.- (ORDINANCE NO. ~-3 :, c - ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. ~9-~- TO CQRRECT A S~R~v~NER'S ERROR CONTAINED THEREIN RELATING TO THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AN ANNEXED PARCEL OF LAND; PROVIDING THAT EACH AND EVERY OTHER TERM AND PROVISION OF ORDINANCE NO. 89 -1 0 SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS PREVIOUSLY ENACTED; PROVIDING FOR RECORDING WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, on the 20th day of June, 1989, the City commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, duly adopted Ordinance No. 89-10; and WHEREAS, it appears that a scrivener's error was made in the legal description of a certain annexed parcel of land; and WHEREM?, the City Commission now desires to correct said scrivener's error. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 89-10 is hereby amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type as follows: The north half (N 1/2) of the south half (S 1/2) of the northwest quarter (NW 1/4) of the northwest quarter (NW 1m of section 7, township 45 south, range 43 east, Palm Beach County, Florida, excepting therefrom a strip of land 40 feet in width on each side of the centerline of the county road and excepting any right-of-way for any and all public roads and easements, restrictions of record; containing .approximately 10 acres. . \ Section 2: Each and every other provision of Ordinance No. 89-10 shall remain in full force and effect as previously enacted. Section 3: This Ordinance, after adoption, shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach Cuonty, Florida. Section 4: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. FIRST READING this Q~r.d day of C)!.Mer , 1988. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this J7tiday of (0Ct 16be~ , 1988. ~7' I CIT"l/6FBOYNTO~J(CH, FLORIDA ./,' /~/?/ ~//--7 _____ ..../. //{ ~ / / /~. ~Vice MaYOr~'- 4~y~~' Commissioner '". , ,L .' / I.. / '~~lSSio~eVl (?AJ'~~ ..- ATTEST: ~j~~. Ci ty C E!'rk (Seal) .) ) .' (' ...- (,.. ~.T'... /,...... / / .../ , ,/1 LOCATION MAP JONATHQN'SGROVE j"/ ('; , . .I - jS- i" / I / n ~'L ",. r;-ni~..... i 7 - ~;:~ --.....,..- 1 ., fl' . ":.NIC: ". r. : " PUC . ~.l-; . : NIC } \", .. : ,. ........... ~ t...U \1 f, It :lirli:i~Il~i:~i))i~i:~i:ii::iii~.. ~ " 'Ft '" 0; \. 0 .' " S ITEI!o("':':<':':':':Y"':':::':':':'::::::::::J. ~ ,.' l::~,;. ~~. :,.:.~; ~~ ~~ "i~ · "t"" .....( !".~-: ~U'~' II::~ -iH: '::~H\'i~ ~ f:A'G ~..:.~: rc=: /#~m' <&: \. ~V~ .~ ' ..~. ,. " '. .. ~ ' .~ r ,..:' .A IT- ~ i ,.:.:-",,',' 7 ~~~~L~&ffi2~ . r ..' .. .:' .~~ ... ""7TTIII ", - " ,,_/Q) 'CAN/H- .. ....._ . ...../. ,\...,. ~~6t~~ " .......\..1111111111 II J \~: . "'A~>"~'\~:::=~ ~/t3~"'C: -~ -1'1~~'.1'~ ~'~~ t:..11 fl '2.t..::s-III~ ~ -~ t...r:-::'~ ~ M)m ~ \?;,~ e.:>u---=f~ ~ . '~I ~~. . \J.1.J ~ ,f. .,...(l~' ~~ ~~~ ~ , ". '-. ' . . ~ l::: ::: cnffi ;,;: , '~'~", '~.;., :.: .\....~ :tB-./ a: trl .~ ~ :1,' ~ 6 f"\.lf ~ ~ r ~~ . " . ;, r._____II..... ... . -~ . /111 W . ., ~ r . . . . - -. " '.u "" 'Tl-J.. ...' _~I ." " ~ :">~ I ~ C::: ' . >- ~ . . -f '4 -,,, j. r::, : .' . ~, I . "-I:O'"""'Q'" I ... '. 'rI" { ,.,. '" . .:...; , . ..~---....~~,I c::" '~k",. .(,0::. ..;;;;.. ~ · 'J .1.:.::.... !-,:".:' J....\J~l....A;. " n.' l~1~;:;."'!~r&" ~;;"",:",,"'-I '/f;~' 9 1'\ ~ .1,. 1 ..~. '- Ir......~. ~c,' ,.. ". == \. ::n t . "T m~~. .....~.: '. ...: i'~ .,.'.;r .~ T 'qY1ll ...... o:...~. Ii -., ,I 1fT.""""..,'.:",.... ~ ,,'. '....i-': . ~.J...~ ~~;);.;i.~.:.'J~ ~ f" .' '--- ~...~ .' ..... .'.~.:: ;.', (" . .~.i..;~., )_ //. ~y;:;:l.o"" '" ~I ~ "s\ ,., , '. . .> " :.', <\..' '. .. 'bI . '~fI:fL' . ~,,- ~ aa ~I~J~~-t: U\~r'~] F "j', ':>.' ,~,',,','~~~'~.i ._ . . ,,' . . ,.",' I rtti ~ _ ~ I\. " '1. ~ I .. ..... . -'. r J . '., '-:":' ~t::V/"'1 1, 1 '-E ( . T 1 ~~ h \~. .........., ~l.,.:r tc:, "i.; l ..J [ ... J ..,', ":' 'I.'.n. '..' cc: r . . '1.1' I' ~ iMl ~_ _ Cl t~ ....j:...~I/T ',,1'\"111 I ,'-.J/ITl 111'-~~ .. ... .,. _" _ .. .' .... . ,-} ~::~. G'- . . ' . . '. '. 9';6/85" . b,' '.:'.:...' ::::;//~?;,(;' f-', '.' "~Z~~.' (o't9'" "n. ." ,'W . "CITRUS t;1.~eN:'H', ", . ~. , :: ",'":,,c' ~ ).~~~~~ _ J 0 _ . . 'j ... " \ . . .' . . ..' .' . .~ , ': ::."';;:."'i . ..." /Jiv-b'" . PU,t:l..:.i)'~: .......: r pi ~i;.:l is! ';~ ...,..... , ~:'L...u<I:4.d<:i'~ 1/, ~". ,,'. ~~..'? A 7 /8,5 .i" ,.., ,',.,! . .~;;" ~ J ,- ..:..-i ';",~~Y I ."'" '; It!, j P.,11l ,/1. ...'{'~....... ....._-:-. ..... 'f, ., .... . : ':,,': ~ .' <. I ,.:....... \._~,. ~~. \ ~;;.#%; r r-- .,.............. '.. I .,-J.'v.~:'" .1 8 / 8:5 i!: . == - ~ ;:.;hM!::"r:X^~.~ ~ "I~R . , .' ~.\"'~W57." ..... , '.' _.1-. ,; .'. '. '., ':~'-'~"j~~/' ~.. .' ._.._____._............1 . .. ~.' I-:;'~"' . '.L_ .., 21/86 'I,.' ~~-l'i - ... ~-~, . ~~.,~.c:~ ~w_!.:.';!..f...""" y..... fi\\",~ .> , '. . . , ;"", $:iR' H"'j. .. MILES~" ~.. . . . ..'~;~:~ '.. V' .J'! ~f',~~~,~0- r '" " \)' j \... ----, I N.W. n N~' ' ~. . ~= .~ . . j l ~ r I ~ .. I I H" 'D'n~.JT}t[T ~~ /A r/ ". ~{. =.C .t.. 'Ii' "",,.:iitJ. f-1 __l~ ~I.r- ~-: ::: J tf= /1;- "' J,;.-- ~t: ~~- I .w~ U J Il . ;on ~~ '-- -,.;!-,- . ,- "1! . '. l= ""'l: : i-- 1 ,~ .-: ~ ,I.. I : ,.... W.t- .....::::/ .:: , " , "..::-.."l.~. , .- r I" f ( ~ "l-) J)1f' tv ((;k/ VIII. LEGAL B.3 cc: Bldg, Plan Uti! ORDINANCE NO. 89- I~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80-19 OF SAID CITY BY ZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND '-....:. - WHICH IS BEING. SIMULTANEOUSLY HEREWITH ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, BY ORDINANCE AS R -lA (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL); PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE ~ PROV-IDING REPEALING PROVISIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, has heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 80-19 in which a Revised Zoning M~p was adopted for said City; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of BOYnton Beach, Florida is simultaneously herewith. adopting an .... .,. " Ordinance annexing a par~el of land more particularly described herein into the City limits of said City; and WHEREAS, the owners and agents of the property have requested the above mentioned zoning classification; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, has heretofore held public hearings regarding said development; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it in the best interest of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map as hereinafter set fortQ. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That the following described land, located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby zoned R-1A (Single-Family Residential). Said land is more particularly described as follows: The north half of the south half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 7, township 45 south, range 43 east, Palm Beach County, Florida, excepting therefrom a strip of land 40 feet in width on each side of the centerline of the county road and excepting any right-of-way fo.r any and all public roads and easements, restrictions of record; c9ntaining approximately 10 acres. !: : ~ I, r: . Section 2 :' , That the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map of the C{ty shall be amended accordingly. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof,' .?e declared by a court of '~ ."1 competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. FIRST READING this ~~y of May, 1989 SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this -zoA--day of ~ ,1989. \ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: City Clerk (Corporate Seal) i: ! \LT - . LEGAL B.2 ORDINANCE NO. 89-13 cc: Bldg, Plan, Eng, Utj '- 1 /1) ;(. ..b~ r~ O'j~/~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 79-24 OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING THE PROPER LAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WHICH IS BEING ANNEXED INTO THE CITY BY ORDINANCE SIMULTANEOUSLY HEREWITH, WHICH IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER; SAID LAND DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM PALM BEACH COUNTY LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL TO CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING REPEALING PROVISIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has adopted a Comprehensive Land Use Plan and as part of said Plan a Land Use Element by Ordinance No. 79-24 in accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, a certa,in . parcel of land more particUlarly " , . descr ibed hereinafter is being annexed in accordance with the application by Kiernan Kilday, agent for Richard D. r. . I .f. t Johnson, into the Ci ty by Ordinance being adopted simultaneously herewith; and WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Land Use Element of a Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, has been followed; and WHEREAS, after public hearing and study, the City Commission deems it in the best interest of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: Ordinance No. 79-24 of the City is hereby amended to reflect the following: That the Land Use of the following described land shall be designated Low Density Residential. Said land is more particularly described as follows: ( The north half of the south half of the northwest quarter of the northwest 1 'lr'. ~. ~ quarter of section 7, Township 45 south, range 43 east" Palm Beach County, excepting therefrom a strip of land 40 feet in width on each side of the centerline of the county road and excepting any right-of-way for any and all public. roads and easements, restrictions of record; containing approximately 10 acres. ( Section 2: That any maps adopted in accordance with the Land Use Element of said co,mprehensi ve Plan shall be amended accordingly. Sect:ion 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4 : Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. \ ( Section 5: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. FIRST READING this \~ay of May, 1989. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this 2~y of ~ ,1989. ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor ( Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: City Clerk (Corporate Seal) ( 2 < ~, ~~;l'''. ~ ' ' '/'-1 , ,~ \c,...\~ -.-', , ORDINANCE NO. 89- 10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE Crry COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING A CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TRACT OF LAND THAT IS CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS WITHIN PALM BEACH COUNTY AND THAT WILL, UPON ITS ANNEXATION, CONSTITUTE A REASONABLY COMPACT ADDITION TO THE CITY TERRITORY, PURSUANT TO A PETITION OF THE OWNER OF SAID TRACT'OF LAND, REQUESTING ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE I, SECTION 7 (32) OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AND SECTION 171.044, f~ORIDASTATUTES; PROVIDING THE PROPER LAND USE DESIGNATION AND PROPER ZONING OF THE PROPERTY SHALL BE REFLECTED IN SEPARATE ORDINANCES TO BE PASSED SIMULTANEOUSLY HEREWITH; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR ADVERTISING; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, UPON ADOPTION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, Kieran Kilday, agent for Richard D. Johnson, owner of the following tract of land as hereinafter described, has filed a Petition for Annexation to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, directed to the City of Boynton , I I j -: i Beach, Florida, and to the City Commission pursuant to Article I, Section 7 (32) of the Charter of the City and Section 171.044, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, said tract of land lying and being within Palm Beach County is contiguous to the existing City limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and will, upon its annexation, constitute a reasonably compact addition to the City territory; and WHEREAS, the proposed use of said land and Land Use Designation have been determined to be consistent with the future land uses of the City of Boynton Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: Pursuant to Article I, Section 7(32) of the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and Section 171.044, Florida Statutes, .. the followi~~escribed RECEl V J~,D JUN 28 ']90 '- PLANNING L..... r. A~' -" t: unincorporated and contiguous tract of land situated and lying and being in the County of Palm Beach, Florida, to wit: The north half of the south half of the northwest quarter of section 7, township 45 south, range 43 east, Palm Beach County, Florida, excepting therefrom a strip of land 40 feet in width on each side of the centerline of the county road and excepting any right-of-way for any and all public roads and easements, restrictions of record; containing approximately 10 acres. is hereby annexed to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and such land so annexed shall be and become part of the City with the same force and effect as though the same had been originally incorporated in the territorial boundaries .; thereof. Section 2: That Section 6 and 6 (a) of the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to reflect the annexation of said tract of land more particularly described in Section 1 of this Ordinance. Section 3: That by Ordinance adopted simultaneously herewith, the proper zoning designation and Land Use category is being determined. Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 6: This Ordinance shall not be passed until the same has been advertised for four (4) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as required by the City Charter and Section 171.044, ~lorida Statutes. Section 7: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its final passage. Section 8: Specific authority is hereby given to codify this Ordinance. .,- Section 9: This Ordinance, after adoption, shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, Florida. FIRST READING this ~ day of , l1a 4' / 1989. SECOND, FINAL "READING and PASSAGE this 0>> d day of rJutJ -e- , 1989. ,/' CITYJj:;~~CH' FLOR~DA ~./ /#' /' (-z'__________ ,/ . // .' /". ..-/ .' // // .... - /~, )Iayor (/ \,~ l' ;)/ ~r Commissioner ATTEST: -It j~ City~ (Corporate Seal) t i I i_ .: ."" FLU II , 1 R1"'::I~ :'..: f5~O"':, [,.:0' '\ I'" >: :' .:, ,.' .. . 'A .. I ,.. .- . ~ I' ',' li:~,) ~'n"'~:;:'~:" ~~':~b~~-~ . '. ., ~ H: d'-::!~.... ;~""~",I:.'::' r-- ~ ~~~~/I \\-:,.......,~ ~VI ~ >0.- 'L ' , _ - ~""'I:: r .,' : _ == 'l...J" N ~ ,', ~ III"J- 1 f__ ,<L'o... "' .. f0~ ~~~\ IS'~~~ '. h ~. -." ", - . . ~ .: ~. .... - ;.. .. .'..;.>t ....', . J I II \ \. NIN... ',. . ,.j ~~ ~~ :.~'Illctl'~k '::" . /~Ijl~:::;t';f.ii~~::~:~-S' ..,~." ~1 ~ ~. ~ , ,~"~J' . .. . \.I.l1JJr. ,~"","~"'.' . )~~ ~:'..~ ., .~~~~.~. '. .~::::; :.:' ;:l~'~,~~':. ' ~~~l;~.::.,.,.~:;~,:_:..-....j"WI'I~~ ,tII'. - "0" :_'-':'.' illm:IJ - , . "'..-. '. _. . .... ~ ..... \"'~''''f''l:' """'l(" "r ~ I~, ..,' ... 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I ... .' 1600 FE~T t'1..A NNIN r. oe,pr, /0/88 II ~"?_____M,,~;;?~~.- :JBJ.:.:, .~ - _.~,..,,..~. ,.W ,'.J"l: ';, Notice of Municipal Annexat ion FROM: City of Boynton Beach, Florida Please be advised by this notification and attached location map, that certain lands have been annexed by BOYN~ON BEACH, Florida. Information contained herein is pertinent to the area in question. If additional material is required, please contact the office of: THE CIT1 PLANNER. Name of Development/Owner: Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Ordinance # 89-10 or Special Act of State Legislature: Bill t Effective Date: 6/20/89 " Area of Subject Property: Estimated Present Population: Q Estimated Number of Existing Dwelling Units: 0 Sq.Ft. 9.38 Acres Estimated Present Residential Density:Vacant (Citrus Grove) d. u. ' s/acre Zoning: R-IA Density Allowed: 5.8 net d.u. 's/acre Existing Type of Development: Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Type of Development:' 33 lot single-family residential subdivision *Owner or Petitioner *County Commissioners All City Departments All Utility Compan~es *County Planning, Bldg,Zonins *Area Planning Board Chamber of Commerce *County Tax Assessor Bureau of Census *Secretary of state *Clerk of County Circuit Court to receive copy of prdinance *Supervisor of Registration xx Attachment Location Map *State Beverage Department *State Department .of Transporation 0-1 'MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 6. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: JANUARY 4, 1989 Jonathan's Grove Kieran J. Kilday Kilday & Associates Richard D. Johnson East side of Lawrence Road, approxi- mately 700 feet south of Hypoluxo Road See "Legal Description" under "5" above. Request to show annexed land as "Low Density Residential" and to rezone from AR (Agricultural Residential) to R-IA (Single Family Residential) to permit the development of a 33 lot single family subdivision Jim Golden explained the location of the subject project, and stated there is a mature citrus grove on the property which is commercially productive. He noted that in 1985 the project was processed under the name of Honeybel1 Hollow (a townhouse project). In 1985 Staff recommended that the PUD be denied as the desire was to keep the land for R-1AAA zoning for large single family homes to be constructed with low density land use. The desire was to keep the area rural in nature and optimize preservation of the citrus grove. The applicant withdrew his request at that time. In 1986 when the 1986 E&A Report was adopted, this area was included in Area 45 which was to be comparable with the developed parcels in the area. The gross density was to be not more than 3 dwelling units per acre. Staff recommended rezoning to R-1AAB or a higher zoning district such as R-lAAA. The applicant is requesting R-lA zoning. On December 15th, the P&Z Board voted 6-0 to annex the property. The vote on the Land Use and Rezoning was to approve 4-2 subject to staff comments which included the recommendation that the zoning category be changed to R-1AAB. Mr. Lehnertz was in favor of R-1AAA zoning and Mr. Walshak felt that R-IA would be ade- quate. In answer to Commissioner Olenik's question, Mr. Golden stated that R-l~ would place the project just under 3 units per acre (2.8). The lots would be 9,000 square feet per lot. Kieran J. Kilday, Kilday and Associates, came forward to represent Mr. and Mrs. Mangiacapra, contract purchasers of the property. The Mangiacapras are developers who currently build single family homes in Boynton Beach. They wish to develop a single family subdivision located on Lawrence Road. Mr. Kilday stated that the only real issue -16- MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 4, 1989 was what zoning district was appropriate. The developer noted that the .property is only 334' wide and very long (over 1200' in length). When the land is laid out with a 60' right-of-way and 100' cul-de-sac (per City standards), they end up with lots which are extremely deep lots. They are 137' deep as a minimum. Mr. Kilday referred to some drawings of what the lots would look like for the three zoning categories. R-1AAB would allow for a 9000 square foot lot minimum, but would allow for 100' depth and 90' frontage. They would end up with a 12000 square foot lot if they designed a 137' lot with a 90' frontage. By going to R-IA the minimum frontage would be 70' and the depth would be 137' and the overall lot area would be 9590 square feet as the smallest lot. Mr. Kilday requested that they be annexed in and allowed the R-IA designation, with the stipulations that the minimum lot size would be 9590 square feet and they would keep the 1800 square feet of livable area in the homes. He showed some floor plans and elevations of the type homes the Mangiacapras build. Mr. Kilday continued that if they take the 90' frontage requirement and apply to this subdivision, they would lose six lots and end up with 27 lots. He had done a survey of the developments in the surrounding area. All those appro- vals had been for a much higher density than they were requesting. This is a mixed use area. They wish to build a quality product but must be cognizant of the surrounding properties. There are some nurseries and housing which has been neglected, as well as nice homes. To lose six lots by coming up with 12000 square foot lots would make it very difficult as this would be out of character with the area. Mr. Kilday stated they do wish to come into the city and plan to use City water and sewage. They will pave streets and sidewalks. He noted from the Staff notes that in the City of Boynton, of all the future housing, it is expected that at build out there would be an additional 125 lots exceeding 8000 square feet. He felt that their request was very compatible with the City's needs. ~ Mayor Marchese clarified that what the developer was really requesting was an R-IA so that a house in excess of 9500 square feet could be built, and would allow them to keep the six lots they would lose otherwise. Commissioner Olenik had a procedural question, and asked if it would be possible as the City annexes them in to make stipulations on the approval. Mr. Annunziato felt that with -17- MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 4, 1989 the adoption of the 1985 Comprehensive Plan that land deve- ~/ "..1'", 10pment orders could be issued with conditions. Rezonings // are land development orders by definition. Mayor Marchese asked if there would be any real problems with allowing the developer to put in his 33 homes in accor- dance with his request for R-lA. Mr. Annunziato stated they had taken the position there was an established character. He referred to the homes to the north and west which are on large lots. That happended as they are built with well and septic tank and the minimun requirement is one acre. One acre lots in a rural setting have resulted in some rather substantial homes being built. They were concerned about preserving that type of residential character. He pointed out the properties to the north noting the excessive lot sizes. Mr. Annunziato felt this would be a quality deve- lopment but the issue was whether or not it made sense in this rustic setting with orange groves to have lots with 70' frontage with fairly large homes. He felt the homes could possibly be built from setback to setback. This could create a view of houses on top of houses. Mr. Annunziato asked Mr. Kilday if he felt there was another alternative in this case than what he had proposed. Commissioner Olenik asked if the property had been a narrower piece, and R-1AAB had 9000 square feet minimum, if they could still be building from setback to setback. The longer lots would allow them greater open space from front to back. Mr. Annunziato stated the difference was in lot frontage. R-IA could be as low as 60', R-lAA is minimum of 70', and R-1AAB is 90'. Mr. Kilday stated that every lot is very critical to the developer. They had put in a lift station for the water and sewer. To go to R-lAA (70' minimum frontage) would mean a loss of 2 lots out of this subdivision. That would be bet- ween the staff recommendation and the developer's recommen- dation. He noted this sounded like a good compromise, but he did not feel that an extra 5' would visually make much difference in the neighborhood. It would make the cost of spreading out of water, sewage and roads more of an economi- cal impact on the development. Every lot is important when referring to only 33 lots. Mayor Marchese did not feel that the narrower lot would make that much difference since the lots are 137' deep. City Manager Cheney asked what the side yard would be, and Mr. Annunziato replied 7!'. Mr. Kilday stated that the plans they had shown at this meeting would all allow a couple of feet above the setback. -18- MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 4, 1989 Commissioner Olenik asked if the stipulation would go with the land and not the owner. Mr. Annunziato stated it would be their position that the stipulation would go with the land as it goes with the rezoning. As this was a PUBLIC HEARING, Mayor Marchese asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of the request. Beverly Mangiacapra, 703 S.W. 24th Avenue, with a business at 310 South Federal, came forward to speak in favor of the request. She has owned Boynton Bay Realty for nine years. She does business in the City as well as west. They have built approximately 40 homes behind the Mall (which is County). They were not allowed to build any more than 1000 square feet due to the septic tanks and wells. They wish to build bigger homes. She noted that the four homes being spoken about are in the County. She did not feel that four homes should determine what goes into that area. She referred to Lawrence Woods which has homes which are 60'. Homes that large in this area would not sell for the price which would be required. She also noted some of the homes in Cypress Creek are built on 80' wide lots. Price wise it would not be feasible to do this subdivision unless it can be done so they are in the market. She noted that with the depth of the lots they can set some back further or up further. It will also be walled all around and would be a first class subdivision. She felt the property values around would be enhanced and not hurt. Mayor Marchese asked if anyone wished to speak AGAINST the project. Morgan S. Bragg, 3989 71st Avenue South, came forward. He lives in one of the four homes which are north of the pro- ject. He represented the other property owners on 71st Avenue South. He also felt he spoke for the owner of the parcel immediately south of this project (K&W Nursery). He gave the square footage of the homes in his area and the acreage of each. Parcel #308 has a 3/2 home with family room on 1.6 acres which Mr. Bragg owns and rents out. #308 is a two story Home with 4000 square feet on 2.15 acrea. It has setbacks of approximately 90' on each side. There is a major front yard as the house is set back towards the back of the lot. East of that is a parcel with 2.17 acres with a 3/2 home of approximately 2500 suqare feet. #310 has 1.69 acres with a 2200 square foot home located on it. On the end is another 1.69 acre lot with approximately a 2500 square foot home on that. All the homes except 307 face south. West of Lawrence Road are parcels which are approxi- mately 1 acre. Mr. Bragg noted that in 1976 the request to -19- ;,2;-."""":'0 '-;~,:t MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 4, 1989 rezone was denied as it was not compatible with the neigh- borhood and would create a higher density than required. He felt that the parcel would be developed residentially. He felt the area had not changed except for developments which are located 1/2 to 3/4 or a mile south of Lawrence Road. In the immediate area, everything looks the same. With the 70' wide lots with 7;' setbacks all you would see would be a wall of homes from 71st Avenue. They were concerned about looking at the backyards of approximately 4 homes from each of their properties. He understood that it was not a con- dition which could be imposed to build a wall. Mr. Annunziato agreed it was not a zoning code requirement. Mr. Bragg was concerned about things being stored in the backyards as well. He requested that the proposal be denied. He noted that it would exceed the density allowed for the area. He also stated that the owners of the four homes north of this property are not presently in the City, but he felt that at some point in time they would be brought into the City. As no one else wished to speak IN FAVOR or AGAINST the request, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Motion on Annexation Commissioner Weiner moved to approve the request to annex a 9.38 acre tract of land known as Jonathan's Grove located on the east side of Lawrence Road, approximately 700 feet south of Hypoluxo Road. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Hester and carried 4-0. Motion on Land Use Element and Rezoning Commissioner Olenik stated that a wall was not required by law, but asked if the developer would consider providing a wall to berm the area to the north. Mr. Kilday stated that they always wall their developments, and they would be happy to stipulate to that. Vice Mayor Hest~r felt this was getting to be a walled in City. He felt hedges might be OK, but personally he was tired of seeing so many walls. Commissioner Weiner asked if she could make the motion sub- ject to staff comments. City Attorney Rea asked if the staff comments related to the zoning and was told that was the case. Mayor Marchese asked if they could approve the 33 lots as R-IA how the motion was to be made. City Attorney Rea stated that should be subject to staff comments and the stipulations made. -20- ". MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 4, 1989 Commissioner Olenik moved to approve the request to show annexed land as "low Density Residential" and to rezone from AR (Agricultural Residential) to R-IA (Single-Family Residential) to permit the development of a 33 lot single- family subdivision known as Jonathan's Grove subject to the following stipulations: 1) minimum lot size be 9590 square feet, 2) the minimum lot frontage be 70', 3) that a wall not to exceed 6' be built on the north boundary of the property, 4) that there be a minimum living area of 1800 square feet, and 5) subject to all staff comments which are not in conflict with the stipulations. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Hester. A vote was taken and the motion carried 3-1 with Commissioner Weiner voting against the motion. A question was raised regarding the need for a super majority vote, but City Attorney Rea stated this was not necessary as this would be coming before the Commission again for first and second reading at which time the super majority rule would apply. 7. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: Winchester Tract #1 Bill Ray Winchester Bill R. Winchester Elsie A. Winchester North Congress Avenue at Old Boynton Road, southwest corner See "Addendum C" attached to the original copy of these minutes Request to annex an 18.02 acre tract 8. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: Winchester Tract #1 Bill Ray Winchester Bill R. Winchester Elsie A. Winchester North Congress Avenue at Old Boynton Road, southwest corner See "Addendum C" attached to the original copy of these minutes Request to show annexed land as "Agriculture" and to rezone from AR (Agricultural Residential) to AG (Agri- culture) to allow for future commercial development RECEJVED -21- JAN 19 ft.ANNJNG~ " t....' ~ MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 4, 1989 Commissioner Olenik moved to approve the request to show annexed land as IIlow Density Residentialll and to rezone from AR (Agricultural Residential) to R-1A (Single-Family Residential) to permit the development of a 33 lot single- family subdivision known as Jonathan's Grove subject to the following stipulations: 1) minimum lot size be 9590 square feet, 2) the minimum lot frontage be 70', 3) that a wall not to exceed 6' be built on the north boundary of the property, 4) that there be a minimum living area of 1800 square feet, and 5) subject. to all staff comments which are not in conflict with the stipulations. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Hester. A vote was taken and the motion carried 3-1 with Commissioner Weiner voting against the motion. A question was raised regarding the need for a super majority vote, but City Attorney Rea stated this was not necessary as this would be coming before the Commission again for first and second reading at which time the super majority rule would apply. 7. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: 8. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: Winchester Tract #1 Bill Ray Winchester Bill R. Winchester Elsie A. Winchester North Congress Avenue at Old Boynton Road, southwest corner See IIAddendum C" attached to the original copy of these minutes Request to annex an 18.02 acre tract Winchester Tract #1 Bill Ray Winchester Bill R. Winchester Elsie A. Winchester North Congress Avenue at Old Boynton Road, southwest corner See IIAddendum CII attached to the original copy of these minutes Request to show annexed land as IIAgriculturell and to rezone from AR (Agricultural Residential) to AG (Agri- culture) to allow for future commercial development RECEJ1'ED -21- JAN 19 PLANNI ...... l I \.J c " ~~_._---_._,. MEMORANDUM December 9, 1988 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: JONATHON'S GROVE STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request. CSA:ro 1. Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline within 45 days of annexation. 2. Should this request be approved as submitted under the R-l-A zoning district, the applicant shall plat the property" as shown on the conceptual plan with a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet. ^ (7 ~ ~ -cA ~.....-:::z:, CARMEN S. ANNUNZI cc Central File " Lawrence R oad-- '\ ( .!34.38' ----,.<t- :i~i'i';:C:~ ~!S'l!.?S~ ~ .5'a= l!!. CD CD co o~ b~r- a. ~co-"Oo C N~ C:'bCD- D) O~ ~~ 'b - ~_ ~CD ~ D) S"t& . III CD co - III . Q) ~ CD .. " I :' .... r Q) I j-" N I I :D~- 0 ..~ ~.. ~ ~~~cn(Q . . .... en uiEi' w en ~c:gce.(Q 5' ~ CD ~ . l:~."n N .,,-' . . ! . I 1 -< I .... ~ co . . ~ ~ . .G. J I I Ol en ~ I . 1 . ..~ NOTICE-OF LAND USE-SHANGE NOTILe OF. ZONING vHANGE ;.. The City of Boynton Beach proposes to annex, change the use of land and rezone the land within the area shown in the map in this advertisement. A public hearing on this proposal will be held before the Planning and Zoning Board on December 15, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. at Prime Bank Plaza, 211 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida. A public hearing on this proposal will also be held before the City Commission on January 4, 1989, at 6:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as thE agenda permits, at Prime Bank Plaza, 211 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida. . . i ._.~._._._._._._._._._.- I i .---- ._.-~_.-.-. ~ i1 H 5 . KNOLLWOOD GROVES, INC. - ...-.........-------.-........ .....-.... AGENT: Kieran J. Kilday, Kilday & Associates Kieran J. Kilday, Kilday & Associates APPLIC;'~-:::' : OWNERS: Richard D. Johnson PROJEC? N;'~ffi: Jonathan's Grove I PROPOS~ USE: Single-family subdivision LOCATICN: East side of Lawrence Road, approximately 700 feet south of Hypoluxo Road REQUES':' : k~END THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From ~ Low-Medium Density Residential '(Palm Beach County To - Low Density Residential (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach County) To - R-1A, Single-family Residential (City of Boynton Beach) A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request is available for review by the public in the City's Planning Departr:-:ent. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in persop or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appea~ ar decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. ,~nhl,ISE : ....111-f ~-.l Gr")Cfj'l _... . - ...J __ ~ ....... ~ P/30, '2Y9 e>f:. !2:.-/2g/'8$' BETTY S. BORONIr CITY CLERK CITY CF EO':::lTO~1 3SACH 1 FL'":?TDA ~, ~2772 : NOTICE OF L. ..NO USE CHANGE . NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE The City of BOynton Beach proposes to annex, change the use of land and rezone the land within the area shown in the map in this advertisement. . :j A public hearing on this proposal will be held before the Planning and Zoning Boord on December 15, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. at Prime Bank Plaza, 211 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach-, Florida. A public hearing on this proposal will also be held before the Ci1y Commission on January 4, 1989, at 6:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at Prime Bank Plaza, 211 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach; Florida. I I ~ APPliCANT: AGENT: OWNERS: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LQCA TION: Kieran J. Kilday, Kilday & Associates Kieran J. Kilday, Kilday & Associates Richard D. Johnson Jonatnan's Grove Single-family subdivision East side of Lawrence Road, approximcdely 700 feet south of Hypoluxo Road REQUEST: AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From' Low-Medium Density Rel,idential (Palm Beach County) To - Low Density Residential (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From, AR, Agricultural R,esidential (Palm Beach County) To, R,l A, Single-family Residential (City of Boynton f~ach) A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request is available for review by the public in the City's Planning Department. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and f.:>r such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the, proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA I ,1 PUBLISH: THE POST November 30, December 9,28, 1988 j . ", .. ,f ,~ '. A F F I 0 AV I T STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED PATRICIA A. ERTLE , WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accompanying Property Owners List is, to the best of his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions as recorded in the latest offi- cial tax roles in the County Courthouse for all property within Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FURTHER AFFIANT /-;;7 / / Sworn to and subscribed me this day of OCTOBER 19 88 (~~lG,/,q dl'~ /Notary /Publ ic State/of Florida at Large t-iy CDmmission Expires: ~l;', L\J ;;'1 ;,;~':.:Lf~::,,;.~:~' ;;;~ ~.~. ~w~.:P. ~;~~. ;.}?:~:.~ ':,1 :~:~').t, ~~ '2',' rll~hBI:rj -np:u h_t~\....! r'u!Jl....': 1J:~I.J~:...I\'il~.1'.::;,j~ EXHIBIT "A" The North Ralf of tbe Bouth Balf of tbe Mortbw..t Quarter of tbe: Horthve.t Quarter of '.ctioD 7, Town'Dip 45 'outb. .aole 43 Ea.t, ral. ..ach CouDt,. 'lorida. ..ceptial ther.fro. e .trip of laDd 40 f..t iD width OD .acb .ide of the ceoterliae of Lb. couat, road aad e.cepti.1 aaJ rilht-of-va, for aD, aDd all public ro.d. aDd ......Dt.. r...trictioa. of record; cODtalal.1 .ppro.i.atel,. 10 .cre.. ........ .... . r'.:"(~ '" ~ . j , . . A F F I D AV I T STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SSe ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED PATRICIA A. ERTLE , WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accompanying Property OWners List is, to the best of his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions as recorded in the latest offi- cial tax roles in the County Courthouse for all property within Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT IIA" ~. ~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30 FURTHE~ AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. SEPTEMBER A.D. 19 88 at Large My q::l!lunigsion Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF' FlORIDA' ,.IY COMMISSION EXPIRES: MAR. 2. 199'%. .ONDltb TH~U NOTARY Pt.Ial.lC UNDIIRWDI'rIl'~" -, ~ fA EXHIBIT "A'" Th. .0~Ch Ra1f of tb. loutb .alf of t~. .0~t~.a.C Q..~tl~ of tile Horchv..C Qua~t.r of I.oclo. 7. Tov...l, "5 10uCII. .aDII 43 la.t. 'a1. ..ach COUDC,. Florlda. ....,tlDI th.r.fro. a .trl, of 11.d 40 faac 1. widtb OD .acla .ld. of the c..c.rli.. of Lb. COUDC, road ..d ..c.pti.. .., rl.hc-of-va, for 'D, 'Dd .11 pu~\lo ro.d. ..d ......DC.. r4.trlccioD' of r.cord; cODc.l.l.1 appro.i.atal, 10 .cr... .-. . -. -. / / KNOW ALL HEN BY THIS! PRESENTS: That I, Richard D. Johnson of Boynton Seach, Florida, have made, constituted and appointed, and do hereby make, constitute and appoint Michael P. Johnson my true and lawful attorney to act for me and in my name as follows: (1) to demand, sue for and enforce payment of, receipt for and give discharge for all moneys, securities, debts, chattels and other personal estate whatsoever now belonging to me or hereafter to belong to me, or to which I may be entitled in any accounting; (2) to Bettle and compromil. all account., claims, dilputos and differenees which I may have with any other PQrson~.corporation or fiduciary; (3) to with4raw any and all lunds that may be deposited now or hereafter in my name in any bank 'or trust company, and from time to time to issue checks or orders against the same; (4) to endorse and receive payment on all checks payable to me; (5) to receive and collect all dividends, interest and income arising from any of my property, rights or hOldings, and to sign my name and execute on my behalf all checks, notes, contracts, transfers, assignments an4 instruments whatever; (6) to sell, assign, transfer and deliver all bonds, shares of stock in corporations and policies of insurance of any kind that I may own or hereafter possess and to pledge the sam. for loans, giving such notes or obligations that may b. reqUired; (7) to vote any share of stock, by proxy or otherwise, that I now own or may hereafter acquire; (8) to satisfy any award or order in any court in any jurisdiction; (9) to satisfy any and all mortgages which I may now possess or hereafter acquire and to enter upon the record in the proper office full and complete satisfaction thereof; (10) to sell and convey all property, real and personal, which I may now own or hereafter become pOBsessed, on such terms and conditions as my attorney may deem advisable; (11) to execute and deliver leases for all real estate; (12) to grant and convey and to execute and deliver any and all deeds for the conveyance of real estate; (13) to appear for me as attorney in fact in any action or proceeding in which I may be a party; (14) to sign, endor.. and receive payment on any government checks or vouchers; (15) to purchase in my name and for my account United state. Treasury Bonds eligible for redemption at par for the payment of federal estate tax at my -. death; (16) to request, receive and review any information, verbal or written, regarding my personal affairs or my physical or mental health, including medical and hospital records, and to execute any releases or other documents that may be required in order to obtain such information, and to disclose such information to such persons, organizations, firms or corporations as my attorney shall deem appropriate; (17) to employ and discharge medical pereonnel including physicians, psychiatrists, dentists, nurses and therapists as my attorney shall deem necessary for my physical, mental and emotional well-being, and to pay them, or any of them, reasonable compensation; (18) to give consent to any medical procedures, tests or treatments, including surgerYi to arrange tor my hospitalization, eonvalescent car., hospiee or home earei to summon paramedics or other emergency medical personnel and seek 2 emergency treatment for me, as my attorney shall aeem appropriate; and under circumstances in wh1ch my attorney determines that certain medical procedures, testa or treatments are no longer of any benefit to me or, based on instructions previously given by me are not desired by me regardless of benefit, to revoke, withdraw, modify or change consent to such procedures, tests and treatments, as well as hospitalization, convaleseent care, hospice or home care which I or my attorney may have previously allowed or consented to or which may have been implied due to emergency conditions; (19) to grant releases to hospital staff, physicians, nurses and other medical and hospital administrative personnel who aet in relianee on instructions given by my attorney or who render written opinions to my attorney from all liability for damages suffered or to be suffered by me; (20) to have access to all safe-deposit boxes in my name or with respect to which I am an authorized signatory, whether the contract for suoh safe-deposit box was executed br me alone or jointly w1th others, and to add to and remove from the contents of any such safe-deposit box and to terminate any and all contracts for such boxes; (21) to represent me in all tax matters; to prepare, sign, and file federal, state and local tax returns of all kinds, including without limitation income tax returns, rICA returns, claim. for refunds, requests for extensions of time, petitions to the tax court or other eourts regarding tax matters, and any other tax related documents, 1neludini but not limited to consents and agreements under Section 2032A of the Internal Revenue Code or any successor section thereto and consents to closing 3 agreements and any power of attorney form required by the Internal Revenue Service or any state or local taxing authority with respect to any tax year between the years 1982 and 2020; to pay taxes due, collect and make such disposition of refunds as my attorney shall deem appropriate, post bonds, receive confidential information and contest defieiencies determined by the Internal Revenue Service or any state or local taxing authority; to exercise any elections I may have under federal, state or loeal tax law; and generally,to represent me or obtain professional representation for me in all tax matters and proceedings of all kinds and for all periods between the years 1982 a~d 2020 before all officers of the Internal Revenue Service~nd state and local authorities; to engage, compensate and discharge attorneys, accountants, And other tax and financial advisers and consultants to represent or assist me in connection with any and all tax or financial matters involving me or any property in which I may have any interest or responsibility; (22) to consent in writing to my spouse's election to waive the joint and survivor annuity form of benefit or the qualified pre. retirement survivor annuity form of benefit (or both) as provided under Sections 401 and 417 of the Internal Revenue Code, or any successor sections thereto, and Section 103 of the Imploy.. Retirement Income Seeurity Act, or any suecessor thereto, even though this may result in my 10ls of federally sanctioned rights in the form of pre-retirement and survivor benefits; (23) to desi9nate and change beneficiaries of insurance policie~ inMuring my life, employee benefit plans for my benefit, individual retirement , 4 accounts and any other related plan or contract; (24) to purchase, maintain, surrender, collect, or cancel life insurance or annuities of any kind on my life or the life of anyone in whom I bav. an insurable interest; (25) to execute all instrument. and do all things in all matters, affairs or properties of any description which I may at any time own or be entitled to, to the same extent that I could do if present and acting; and (26) to appoint and remove at my attorney's pleasure any substitute or agent under this power of attorney, in respect to any or all of the matters aforesaid. No person who acts in reliance upon any repre.entations my attorney may ma~ as to (a) the fact that my attorney's powera Irl then in effect, (b) the seope of my attorney's authority granted under this instrument, (c) my competency at the time this instrument is executed, (d) the fact that this instrument has not been revoked, or (e) the fact that my attorney continues to aerv, as my attorney sha~l incur any liability to me, my estate, my heirs or assigns for permitting my attorney to exerci.e any such authority, nor shall any person who deals with my attorney b, responsible to determine or insure the proper application of funds or property. All persons from whom my attorney may request information regarding me, my personal or financial affairs or any information which I am entitled to receive are hereby authorized to provide such information to my attorney without limitation and are released from any legal liability whatsoever to me, my estate, my heirs and 5 '1 assigns for complying with my attorney's requests. In addition, I hereby authorize all physicians and psychiatrists who have treattd me, and all other providers of health care, including hospitals, to release to my attorney all information or photocopies of any records which my attorney may request. If I am incompetent At the time my attorney shall request such information, all persons are authorized to treat any such request for information by my attorney as the request of my legal representative and to honor such requests on that basis. I hereby waive all privileges which may be applicable to such information and records and to any communication pertaining to me and made in the course of any confidential -. relationship recognized by law. In the event any question may hereafter be raised as to the effectiveness of this power of attorney, depending on whether I am then living, I hereby direct that this instrument shall be irrevocable except by another instrument under my hand and seal, duly acknowledged; and if I shall be dead when any act is done by my attorney, the powers herein given shall be regarded as testamentary powers given to my attorney a8 trustee, and when my death is ascertained, this instrument, unless revoked IS aforesaid, may be read into any will that I may leave, whether .xecuted prior to or subsequent to this instrument, thereby giving full force and effect to 8 contractual obligat1on by me w~th those dealing with my a~torn.y whether I pe living or dead. 'u~th.~more, this power of attorney shall not be affected or terminated by my sub.equent disAbility or incompetence or by lap.e of time. However, nothing 6 herein contained shall relieve my attorney from a proper account1ng to me or my estate, as the ease may be, but persons dealing with my attorney shall be under no duty to see that such 11 done. My attorney shall generally act in relation to the premises and all other matters in which I may be interested or concerned, 1 and on my behalf execute all such instruments and do all such acts and things, as fully and effectually in all respects as I myself could do if personally present. And I hereby ratify and confirm all acts done by my attorney by virtue hereof. To -the extent I am permitted by law to do so, I herewith nominate, constitute and appoint Michael P. Johnson to serve as my .... conservator, the guardian of my estate or of my person, and/or in any similar representative capacity; and if I am not permitted by law to so nominate, constitute and appoint, then I request in the strongest possible terms that any court or county commission of competent jurisdiction which may receive and be asked to act upon a petition by any person to appoint a conservator, guardian or similar representative for me or my estate give the greatest possible weight to this request. Any person nominated and appointed as conservator, guardian or similar representative under the preceding sentence shall serve without bond or other security required by law. WITNESS my hand and seal thil ~i5 day of ~~jO,,- 19$%. ~.~~~~d(SEAL) R1ehar . Johnson 7 Witnesses: This instrument was prepared by: Bruce L. Stout, Attorney at Law Post Office Box 2185 Huntington, West Virginia 25122 -. STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, COONTY OF CABELL: ~ The foregoing instrument WIS aCknowledged before m. this ~ day of CXl~...il:: . , 19~, by Richard D. Johnson. FilA E L NOTARY ~UBLIC STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA ANN ROBINETTE 2400 M':ComIis Rd Lynll Mil hrm BatllourlYIIII, wv 2SS04 My Commi$5ion bPIIII Oct 1 , nH~ Notary PUblic, Cabell County, W. Va. [NOTARIAL SEAL] 8