AGENDA DOCUMENTS ~~~. '.-;:f ~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMEMT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-268 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) FROM: J. Scott Miller, city Manager Tambri J. Heyden, Acting planning & Zoning Director~ October 14, 1993 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove - File No. ..1.72 Modification to Zoning Conditions " Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission agenda for Tuesday, October 19, 1993 under Development Plans - consent Agenda. DESCRIPTION: Request for modification to conditions relative to wall location, lot depth, lot width and lot layout, imposed at time of rezoning to R-1A. The project is a 10 acre parcel located on the east side of Lawrence Road, approximately 1,000 feet south of Hypoluxo Road. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board unanimously recommended approval of the above-referenced request, submitted by Scott Bennewitz of Gee and Jenson, subject to construction of a six (6) foot high buffer wall to be located fifteen (15) feet south of the northern boundary of the project. tjh A:PM93-268 Attachments \ \ \ \\ I , 7Al JONATHAN'S GROVE MODIFICATION TO ZONING CONDITIONS " PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-263 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Acting Planning and Zoning Director DATE: October 7, 1993 SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 172 Modification to conditions of zoning On June 20, 1989, the City Commission approved ordinances for annexation, land use amendment and rezoning of the parcel known as Jonathan's Grove. This approval was contingent upon the following stipulations: a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet, b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet, c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height, on the north boundary of the property, d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet, and e) all staff comments which were not in conflict with the above stipulations. (These include all comments contained within the Planning Department memorandum dated December 9, 1988, the Forester's memorandum dated December 5, 1988 and all comments on the master comment sheet within the materials presented at the meeting to the Commission. These comments are attached as Exhibit "A" and are summarized below.) 1. Property to dedicate right-of-way for Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline within 45 days of annexation. 2. Should this request be approved as submitted under the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat the propertv as shown on the conceptual plan with a minimum lot size of 70 feet bv 137 feet. (See Exhibit "B" for conceptual plan.) 3. The applicant shall submit a tree survey. 4. The applicant shall submit a plan preserving, as much as possible, the existing grove of trees. 5. The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan for on-site protection of trees during construction. Since the Commission's June 15th, 1993 subdivision variance and July 20th, 1993 approval of the Jonathan's Grove master plan, the applicant has been undergoing preliminary plat review. During the preparation of the preliminary plat, it was determined that a modification to conditions of the 1989 zoning approval was necessary. Pursuant to section 9.C.14.b of the zoning code, modifications to conditions of zoning for conventional zoning district require review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Department and planning and Development Board and approval by the City Commission. As shown on the proposed preliminary plat (Exhibit "C"), the modifications requested are to zoning conditions c) and e) 2 above. TO: Planning and Development Board -2,- october 7, 1993 Specifically, the modifications include the following: 1) location of the wall fifteen feet south of the northern boundary of the property rather than along the northern boundary, 2) reduction in the minimum lot depth of 137 feet for lots 1 - 14 and lots 16 and 17 (lots 1 - 14 are less than one foot short of 137 feet, lot 16 is short 20 feet and lot 17 is short 25 feet; lots 15 and 18 are clearly excepted from this minimum depth on the conceptual plan), 3) reduction in the minimum lot width of 70 feet for lot 1 (lot 1 is 65.91 feet wide), and 4) creation of lots 16 and 17 as shallow, "dog-leg" lots (these lots were shown on the master plan as "dog-legs", however their configuration has been altered due to the changed drainage design). The applicant has submitted a letter (see Exhibit "Dn) explaining what changes of circumstances have occurred to necessitate the requested modifications. To summarize, these circumstances include design development of storm water management facilities and hard engineering involving survey data. The zoning code states that the determination of what constitutes a substantial change shall be within the discretion of the City Commission. It further states that any proposed changes that would increase the number of stories, or increase the amount of water consumed, the amount of sewage collected, or the amount of traffic generated by more than 10 percent, or that would create commercial or industrial uses where not established by previously approved zoning, or that would increase the area of property zoned, shall in all cases require a new zoning application. In order to increase the deficient lot sizes, a private road would have to be substituted for the public road proposed to allow encompassing road area within lot area and the storm water management tracts would have to be substituted for easements on lots. No visual improvement to the project would be gained by these solutions. Therefore, based on this conclusion, it is recommended that the requested modifications relative to lot size be considered as nonsubstantial changes and that they be approved as presented on the preliminary plat. With respect to the proposed wall location, it is believed that due to its long, uninterrupted expanse which traverses all the northern lots, it will be difficult to access for maintenance purposes and effecti vely reduces lot depth. The wall requirement was imposed to buffer the large lot homes immediately to the north. If the wall becomes unsightly, its intent is diminished. Therefore, it is recommended that the applicant further explore, with Florida Power and Light, locating the wall along the northern project boundary. f i!#-dL -=//:,t:-iYde tjh A:JGrvZonM xc: Central File EXHIBIT "A" COMMENTS ON ANNEXATION MUNICIPAL STAFF Increased Increased Other Department Personnel Capital Comments City Clerk No No None Planning No No See attached Forester/ Horticulturist No No See attached Utilities No No See attached Public Works No No See attached Management Services No No See attached Finance No No None Police No No None Fire No No See attached Library No No None City Engineer No No None Building Official No No None Personnel and Purchasing No No None Parks and Recreation No No None PALM BEACH COUNTY Planning, Building and Zoning See attached MEMORANDUM December 9, 1988 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: JONATHON'S GROVE STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request. 1. Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline within 45 days of annexation. 2. Should this request be approved as submitted under the R-l-A zoning district, the applicant shall plat the property as shown on the conceptual plan with a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet. ^ Co--.-. ~~A;~~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZI CSA:ro cc Central File M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist DATE: December 5, 1988 RE: Jonathan's Groves - Proposed Annexation This memorandum is in reference to the tree site plan submitted for the above project. old citrus tree grove consisting of rows of is also required to submit the following in survey. survey and conceptual The site contains an trees. The developer addition to the tree 1. A plan preserving as much as possible the existing grove trees in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan (section 29,, pg. 86). The plan as submitted does not make mention of preservation methods. 2. In accordance with our City Tree Preservation Ordinance #81-21, section 7.5-12, p. 598, the applicant must prepare a tree management plan for on site protection of trees during construction. The plan is also part of section 7.5-15, pg. 600. I will discuss these two C~inUin~or ~ -- K in J. I a an Forester/Horticulturist items with the applicant if they are rezoning to RIA. KJH:ad DOC: JONA BOYNTON BEACH STAFF COMMENTS Utilities Department: This area lies within our designated service and must be served and supported by user rates whether or not it is annexed. Annexation, therefore, has no impact on personnel salaries, etc. Public Works: This annexation alone will not create a significant impact on the operations of this department. Management Services: Need street address and notification to Palm Beach County for inclusion in Master Street Address Guide for routing of 911 calls to City of Boynton Beach. Fire Department: The subject property will be served by our new Station 3. r 8oar~ of County Commissioners Carol A. Roberts, Chair Carol J, Elmquist, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Dorothy Wilken Jim Watt County Administrator Jan Winters Department of Planning, Zoning & Building December 6, 1988 Mr. Peter Cheney, City Manager City of Boynton Beach 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton'Beach, FL 33435 Dear Mr. Cheney: Palm Beach County Planning Division has coordinated the the proposed Jonathan's Grove annexation of 9.38 acres. is generally located on the east side of Lawrence Road, mately 600 feet south of Hypoluxo Road. County staff are as follows: review of The site approxi- comments 1. ENGINEERING, Allan Ennis, Development Review Engineer No Comment. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, Bob Krause, Environmen- tal Analyst ~ No Comment. 3 ' ., FIRE-RESCUE, Ed Hines, 4th Battalion Chief I , The subject property is approximately 9 acres in size and is bordered by the city of Boynton Beach.on the west side. Due to its size and location, the impact of this land use change on the delivery of Fire Rescue services is minimal. A limited amount of revenue will be lost; however,; it will not adversely effect the overall service delivery system in the subject area. I 3400 BELVEDERE ROAD WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33406 . (407) 471-3520 4. METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION, Teresa Cantrell, Senior Planner ' The staff of the Metropolitan Planning Organization has reviewed, the proposed annexation submitted by the City of Boynton Beach, and finds it to be consistent with adopted agency goals and objectives. 5. PLANNING DIVISION, James Ponseti, Planner Staff comments are as follows: A. Planning Division staff is concerned about the creation of an unincorporated county pocket, adj acent to the proposed annexation on the south. 'State and county annexation policy prohibits 'any annexation which creates a county pocket or enclave, due to their deleterious effect upon the provision of municipal services. B. Staff is also concerned about whether the proposed annexation is "compact" as defined by section 171.031, F. S . The parcel proj ects westward from the area of contigui ty, with an average width to depth ratio of nearly 4 to 1, thereby creating a finger of municipal land. Additionally, staff questions whether the proposed annexation is "substantially contiguous" as defined by section 171.031, F.S. In the absence of more precise criteria for determining what is "substantially contiguous," the following analysis is offered. Approximately 10% of the parcel's boundary is contiguous to the city of Boynton Beach. Staff does not believe that this meets the statutory requirement for substantial contiguity. The "Palm Beach County Interim Annexation Policy" (hereafter, County POlicy), adopted August 2, 1988, requires County Planning staff to review proposed annexations for "statutory deficiencies," pursuant to Chapter 171, F.S. If the proposed annexation is determined not to be in compliance with statutory requirements, then the County may take one of the following actions: 1. The County and the municipality may enter into an interlocal. agreement as detailed in the County Policy, or 2. If an interlocal agreement between the County and the municipality "cannot be executed within 30 days of the adoption of the annexation ordinance, the county may file a lawsuit to enforce the requirements of Chapter 171, F. S . in accordance with section 171.081. F.S." ; 6. UTILITIES, Tim Russell, Director, Engineering Division No impact - not in PBCWUD service area. Based on the preceding comments, County staff requests that you postpone any final action on the proposed annexation until an interlocal agreement can be implemented. Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to these actions. ~~~~ RMM:jp FILE:J1/ANNXBB1 cc: BCC Sam Shannon, Asst. County Administrator John Lower, Acting Executive Director, PZB stan Redick, Planning Director Bill Capko, Assistant County Attorney Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director, Boynton Beach Allan Ennis, Traffic Engineering Division Ed Hines, 4th Battalion Chief, PBC Fire-Rescue Teresa cantrell, Senior Planner, MPO Tim Russell, Director, Engineering Division, PBCWUD M E M 0 RAN DUM January 12, 1989 TO: FILE ~2--JONATHON'S GROVE ANNEXATION, LAND USE AMENDMENT AND REZONING 12/88 FROM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: CONDITIONS OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 4, 1989 FOR JONATHON'S GROVE APPROVAL The following conditions were approved by the City Commission on January 4, 1988 for the Jonathon's Grove request (prior to transmission to the Department of Community Affairs): 1. All staff comments not in conflict with approval of the request as submitted, more specifically, all comments contained within the Planning Department memo dated December 9, 1988, the Forester memo dated December 5, 1988, and all comments on the master comment sheet. 2. A minimum 9,590 square foot lot size. 3. A minimum lot frontage of 70 feet. 4. A minimum living area of 1,800 square feet. 5. A wall no higher than six (6) feet, along the northern property boundary is required. {7 . f1 ~ J_ , "C=/~~ ' ~ TAMBRI J. HEYDHH TJH:ro EXHIBIT "B" ~",=g~c:' .s! ;'!:iE 5':1 0' lS ~CD a.. ::;- .5'a=r--t1!L !,fQ g~ a~ Ii' NSA c:~CD- 0:1 :I"" ~ :J- ::;- Sit 5'~ .11 CD fQ - . ~ CD =- ~~C;~~cnCD ,. ~UlUl5'W ~C~'2.CD 5'E CD,.. . ~~"n n".. . . a. -< Road-- CJ) ::; (1) C C) ... C) r I I I ~.. ~ ..~ I _ N I r- .... I I N U1 I I ..-; - --,.<r .... Ol .... c.n ,.... ~ .... ~ Ol U1 ~ I I 1 I ..~ EXHIBIT "c" EXISllItG RIGHHlf.NA'f ~ I 10.NS''''S saul'. ."'1" IAS1, LAHRENCE ROAO [AS PER PALM BEACH I-or LA,",NCE 00.0 ,Pl." ,"liS ?~ ~ ~I~E _'83918 : . c.? COMM~SIONER: MINUTE:' SEPT. ~.~}_ __ ~-~02':'S~Oi.-'.J. _ ~'~ _ ~.. - ,~ NO 02'51'[ 112.28,- ,~ .' ltQl'OZ'SI'[ 111.91'-' ...... rO'llNSIIIP'SSDUTH, A1H6(OU51J; t3.04'urlll ~~!JdH'--'\ '/NQrol"5I'[ 33..,17' ,I ~ __~ C'I ;g lQl~ lQt.,.- -- l!ii - "lil ~i~ ~ '::;,~...,:: '\ : i<;!1! ;~i. ~:;;~ "'",lQ ~ III I;~ jlll; ~: ,,_ ~ ~ ~- 0 ;; . ~::;. II .~ -~ a :::~:;:"";;~ ~VJ~ ; ::2 ; l:l p ~ ,~ ~~ ~~ ~~2 i ~~~ !_ ~ g It: ;; - 131 00' . i~ . Ip I~ ...- --, , =~ ~g l;; $i~ 'I!; ~~ ~ 0: ;; w 0, 0 - - ~1~ 0 1J1.00' - w ~ !! 0 ~ ~ ~ 137.00' ru ;J !! lD l! 131.00' ;; ru ;; !! Q) I! ill 00' ~ ru 1; l:l '36.63 ;: ; w I' ~ I 136.60 8 'l3 ~ 8 <=l 8 "li a fii Fa 8 'i3<=l f'T'1 SJ~ Z <=lAPEl ~ G=[!3g ::l El<=lB""l ~~~ t::3@.,. .,,1Il e::a ~ ~~' BaA ~."" fii"llB<=l m~~C1rn 8 ~~=~g E3 A E3 m~",e::a a a ~ i!;;;;[;; ~aB ~,~ q~~ -"."ze::il a <=:l 'i3 _~~ ~E3... ~ :go~ fii B "ll ~ .....:n <=lfiip !" ~ae::a Z 8AB~ " FJB=<=l ~ ~J-3 B ~ 8 6il fii ~ ~ m ~ ~ =; IS 8 B SJ c:::J B SJ B ~ ~ EJ 8 c:s rn I IP : I!; I ~ ::z: ~ I'" I~ p' \; , I I :\ I \ I j~ ~\i ,:.: \ I I I ! I;; i.E I lJl).!)8 I I;; l!! I lJ1 ';; \~ --L-- U6.55 ~ ,. I C1 I ,0 I II!; ,L.I ;; ru -.. ;; I! l! ~; ;IIi di l<l- ~ IlJ.oo' lFJ ~i~ is I' I 136.5) 13100' ,,"I g~ ~: 5 :: ~O ;~ '" " m~~ ~;~ .!!;~;!i o ~~~ ~ l!: ;; c z - TI r l> .., ~ l!: [Tl 0 ~ 8 '" C1 ~~ ru lJ1 ::: ~ III 00' ru ~.; " ~~ ~ \3100' O~ . ~ l!: " ru w 2! 13100' 'J ru ~ !l1CilO '" ;; !31(!1J' '" 0 ~i l!; ,;; ",g I~ ig~ ~~~ ~~jf;~- , :::;;~ w ---1R-QL_ - ':':' ~~ "'"' -' . lD ..... C1!~ >>>tJo 13636' ~.;.-- w 'g: "l '. l! o Q) I~ l~ ~ \ i; / ~ ~: ~i ~ c ~S ,:~ ~$i .0 c ... r a~ !: ~~ Z I!:;q ,;; TI i~ r ~~ aM l> ~~; > .., III on .., ~~" i ~ rn ~~z 0 .. !ilO;< a~ li III 1"10 a...o... nil) 'I~ ;8 ;g~-g i~ ..- .... ... -", :r ..co 0._... n..c... ~ 0 I ,." ~.'l~ , ~. I ; I ..~ : ~~ I~:e.:~;~ _ D" ,. '"' ~co: ... EXHIBIT "D" GEE&JENSm~ 1D: 7-686-7446 OCT 06'93 9:24 No.003 P.15 n GI!I " JENSON Enginoefs,^rch_eo".AanNl,.. Inc. Pili' Harvaro Cirelli w... P.IITI SMeh, ~L 33.0100 TelephOt'G (407) 803.000' File (<401) 606.7446 September e, 1 U93 Mr. Christopher Culro Plannin!~ & Zoning Director City of Boynton Be8ch P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Jonathan's Grove Dear Chris, Tho following response is per your memo of SeptE~mber 02, 1993 requestlng that a written response statinn what changes of circumstanct:!$ have caused lots to be reduced. It should be noted that all minimum lot standards per the rezoning have been met with the excepti(>n of lot depths. Typical lot deptrls of 1a7' have been maintained wherever possible. The minImum 137' depth was based upon the Conceptual Master Pllan submitted with the rezoning request which was approved on January 4, 1989. The 13:7' lot depths indicatad on thi~. plan were conceptual In that hard engineering had not balm done. In our preparatie,n of the pial we determined that by holding 137' lot depths on the south side of the development and providing a 60' wiele roadway that lot depths 011 the north side of the road would vary from approximately 136.36' to 136.65' with the exception of lots located on U18 cul-de-sac. The cul-de-sac lots would be shallower but wieler in order to maintain a minimum lot area of 9590 squarel feet As stated in Tambri'!; memo of August 24, 199~~ a oondition of approval of this ~~oning action is that it is subject to staff comments which are not in conflict with the speciifled development standards. ConditIon 2 of the staff comments states "Should this reqUl~st be approved as submitted under the R 1 A zoning distr let, the applicant shall plat the property as shown on the conc1eptual plan with a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet~. The platting of this propc~' aa.sbQ.Wo would be in conflict with the stated minimum lot size of 7'0' X 137' as shclwn on the preliminary plat. Another issue unresolved on the Conceptual Master Plan is water management concerns. It is indicated on the 1989 Conceptual Master Plan that a minimum of 10% of the site would be utilized for retention purposes but. there was no indication as to how this would be accomplished. It would have to be assurnod that if water management facilities were included on the pion that thoy would have to bo incorporatod within the lots, We have reducec.1 tile doptll of lots 16 and 17 to provide for retention areas outside of the lot areas. GEE&JENSON ID:i -686-7446 OCT 06'93 9:24 No.003 P.16 i n Mr. Christopher Cutro Jonathan's Grove September 8, 1'193 - Page 2 If the depths of those lots were to be increased the water management areas would have to be Included within the lots. The net usable area of the lots would remain the same. Lots adjacent to the cul-de-sac are less than 137' in depth as were lots located on the cul-de-sac on thf~ 1989 Conceptual Mastor Plan. Lots 1, 3 and 32 had all or portions of their depths less than 137' on the 1989 plan. Our adherence tQ the requirement that "the applicant shall plat the property as shown on the conceptual plan" has been to the greatest extent possible within the confines of meeting current standards and conditions of the master subdivision approval. It should bl') noted that d,:velopment standards for the R1 A :toning district have been met or excoeded for the, project. [f you huve any 'questions or need addltlonallnfclrmatlon please call. Very truly yours. / JA B. Scott Bennewi Project Manager BSB:jer 91-351/200 cc: Glen Nicotra Chuck Sharman Richard Staudinger . \ LO~Al\ON MAt JONA1\-\ANS GROVE .~ __.'l'ipD~--7i!f;1fP . ... -,~- --<~~[ \ g ~ ~\ ~ l' c.1,..;A ~". ~. l. ,S ~ - - ~ ~ ~ H~ ~ -1~-~ ~ --:1- ~'~ ~1~\::: ~~ ~.1 ~ ~\ \ ~I; F~.'.. p X:<' \ ,'-;: ~~~~;:: p~ ,,, c---: ~;:: --" ,,~._ ,,;~ t: ::1," f-- ; .:f- V- '" ~ ~~ i,~~~~;j~ 1----- c::: r-}..l \ r-t.R~:: ~l 1;:::,./1. r 1...... f- _l. ~lIl1llT'.'.I~I~ ' ~,,,;-,,, ~_- ;;:'17 -r- (;"~ V' J' ~-- J tl . 7 I \ .....- :=l _:2- ('-'1:1 _. _' .. ~~ "ow;-:-"i( ~ =bJ- , I t~1;i)':" ',~ r'l. .~ 'L\ \j~: ''')J ~....,~ ~ ~) E:P r::. Je."f'. 0, '. r~.1 r:'~" t.\ (l ,,): i\ 0.-., .\._~ " . , ' . I' t. ,; j c:3 ,~_.. S\~7E. ~ NIC pUO \ \-u' : , ' n. a.O ~\ lr\ ' puo .~:.~~~. ~ . . .\; A .tP .' ?fl'(;i~:~ ~ ~_.. ~~ . .\<,,,,0\.\.\1\1000, ~/I ~ ~~ ~'\J ~\\ GI='O",es 1 .~f:: . I '\ I l...-? r, I ,- -~ F'. ."C, .. .,. ,'._" ,,' i.. "TI'l"TI .. 7' ~ ~~Ii}ltnU-II~"; .fJ/"a '~'.f l .' -1',;: .... ,.~ ~ t - . _'~ ~ - ~;;~ ,..- ~. ' I .. . 'T ,. , ", \\ ~'.; .~ '. " . 'I"'?: ,J;- . '"' \T/~ 1 ; :'.''''11'11 1 .. n '1'( .J. '..\ \\. ,,~ .~.' nil''' '" ., rrrflTl"'" /~ ~.:;..., _ ,~ .......";;L .. \ \ '- Y( \ \ ,I T'f' "" \' \ ,.,-' "n -, --::.~ \ V;ZH;~77,/ / '/;7.TJ'-//// .. "> ~ -.--- I P --- --------- - -~\ \ ~ ~ ._------._---~----~ ...--. .' . - 1= \..\.. . -- ------ - J-,Jo - J-j'O/p.tJ Crl'''''~/. c,r('I i-1M,-r7l ------ "N ..,.-..-T~' . . , ., .,..": ~ --' -.......-- .", " ,\ I : I' \..,......-~" \ ......\I~ r-'-~~ ~ . . . - . \ '. .- ~.\.--- --.-- \ --,--- ..-' ~ \ \ \ I \ ....eo~N'TON NU~se1=',e6" PuO ,-U'~~ .0 1 ~ - ,t ni 4\j\ '\ l ~\ \': . \ ,\ II' r.A.: -. '\'0 '\18 }/I\L~SV ~ to \i. . \ \ \ \ ;- j \ 100.800 ", AN ...~ .10=-= - i:;; -:'\ I . \ ' t- - -'~ ~'~ > " 2 z. H p. ..1". 1\ MEMORANDUM 11 April 1989 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Preparation of Ordinances to Annex, Amend the Future 'Land Use Element and Rezoning Jonathan's Grove Property I" 111-1 rl Attached please find the comments which were received from the Department of community Affairs concerning the Jonathan's Grove and Winchester projects. Receipt of these comments clears the way for the City to adopt ordinances to annex, amenq the Future Land Use Element and rezone. Please recall that Mr. Winchester has withdrawn his requests from consideration. In addition to the State's comments, you will find a legal description and a list of conditions which were imposed by the City Commission on Jonathan's Grove property. Please forward the City Commission's conditions and the legal description to the City Attorney for the preparation of appropriate ordinances. ... Co CARMIDi ~ ANmJi$I~' /bks cc: Wm. Winchester Kieran Kilday Beach Blvd. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH Florida 33425-0310 (407,) 738-749{) OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR January 6, 1989 . . Mr. Ralph Hook Florida Department of Community Affairs Division of Resource Planning and Management Bureau of Local Planning 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 Re: Transmittal of' proposed Local Government Comprehensive Plan Amendments Dear Mr. Hook: Accompanying this letter you w!ll find materials which are related to Comprehensive Plan amendments for the C~ty of Boynton Beach. These plan amendments were considered by the Planning and Zoning Board, sitting as .the Local Planning Agency, and"also by the City Commission, at pUblic hearings which were held after due public notice. The City commission of Boynton Beach has approved the transmittal of these plan amendments to the Department of Community Affairs. The two (2) plan amendments enclosed are entitled as follows: ..'\, 1) Jonathan's Grove 2) Winchester Parcels 1, 2 and 3. With respect to Rule 9J-11.006, which outlines the procedure for submitting comprehensive plan amendments, please be advised of the following for the above-referenced applications: 1. Public hearings for these requests were held before the City Commission on January 4, 1989, at which time the Commission approved these requests for transmittal to the Department of Community ~ffairs. . ^.._----~-------_._-"._._----- " Mr. Ralph Hook January 6, 1989 Page -2- 2. These amendments constitute the first set of comprehensive plan amendments for calendar year 1989. Pending review and approval by DCA, it is anticipated that the ordinances for these transmittals will be adopted during the month of April or May, 1989. The City's Comprehensive Plan will constitute the second set of plan amendments and is due on June 1, 1989. 3. The local government contact person is: James J. Golden Senior City Planner P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490 4. Enclosed you will find ten (10) copies of the staff report, location map (zoning map) and land use element map which address items (b) 1 through 5 of Rule 9J-11.006. 5. Concerning the recommendations from staff, the local planning agency and the local governing body, the staff recommendation is outlined on the last page of each staff report. The recommendation from the local planning agency (Planning and Zoning Board) and the Local Governing Body (City Commission) are as follows: JONATHAN'S GROVE Local Planning Agency: Recommended approval of the annexation application as submitted. Recommended approval of the land use element amendment and rezoning application subject to staff comments, including the staff recommendation that the property be zoned R-1AAB instead of the R-1A zoning category requested by the applicant. Local Governing Body: Approved the annexation application as submitted. Approved the land use element amendment and rez9ning application to the R-1A zoning category requested by the applicant, sUbject to all staff comments, ex~ept those in conflict with the R-1A zoning category requested, and subject to the following additional stipulations: -'"\ _.- , ._.~-~-_..- '. .._ __"0-- ______.._.____.,.______....__.._ 1- " Mr. Ralph Hook January 6, 1989 Page -3- a) Construction of a wall along the north side of the property. b) All lots shall have a minimum area of 9,570 square feet. c) All lots shall have a minimum frontage of seventy (70) feet. d) All homes shall have a minimum living area of 1,800 square feet. WINCHESTER PARCELS #1, #2 AND #3 Local Planning Agency: Recommended approval of the annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning applications subject to staff comments. Local Governing Body: Approved the annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning applications subject to staff comments. 6. Copies of the land use policies which appear in the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report for these two portions of the Reserve Annexation Area are enclosed. 7. In addition to the above, all relevant information concerning these applications should be contained within the respective staff reports. If you have any questions concer~ing these plan amendments or you find that you require additional information, please contact Senior Planner James Golden at the address and telephone number listed under item #3 above. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH , Ca--. J~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, AICP PLANNING DIRECTOR ~- -_/ CSA:ro Enclosures cc Daniel M. Cary, TCRPC Central File ... 1 :'.',l"":, :" ','1.' ------~.-----_._~- ,-........ -~ .-"._------"'.~ M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist DATE: December 5, 1988 RE: Jonathan's Groves - Proposed Annexation This memorandum is in reference to the tree site plan submitted for the above project. old citrus tree grove consisting of rows of is also required to submit the following in survey. survey and conceptual The site contains an trees. The developer addition to the tree 1. A plan preserving as much as possible the existing grove trees in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan (section 29,, pg. 86). The plan as submitted does not make mention of preservation methods. 2. In accordance with our City Tree Preservation Ordinance #81-21, section 7.5-12, p. 598, the applicant must prepare a tree management plan for on site protection of trees during construction. The plan is also part of section 7.5-15, pg. 600. I will discuss these two c~nUin~for : "'~ ,..-- K' in J. 1 a an Forester/Horticulturist items with the applicant if they are rezoning to RIA. KJH:ad DOC: JONA - " -..--.-...---.....----.-.--..... -_._--._~----"-- M E M 0 RAN DUM December 9, 1988 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: JONATHON'S GROVE STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request. 1. Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline within 45 days of annexation. 2. Should this request be approved as submitted under the R-I-A zoning district, the applicant shall plat the property as shown on the conceptual plan with a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet. ^ (l-<l-~ ~~A ~A'~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZI CSA:ro ,~ cc Central File M E M 0 RAN DUM October 17, 1988 TO: ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: JONATHAN'S GROVE ANNEXATION Accompanying this memorandum you will find a Departmental Review Form which must be completed in order to provide the information required as part of the Commission's annexation policy. Also attached is a location map for the property requested to be annexed. Please complete this form and return it to me by Friday, November 4th for inclusion in the public hearing proceedings. ~ ~__ tf1 CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO d~ CSA:ro Attachments cc Central File ;, ::::..... : 1.r t. ./,. CAHIIJ. -- - LJCA TION MP? JONATHAN'S 'GROVE I -. . . ~'L ~. ~t";1ilr...,.,.:;; rt--'- II' .... .:;:. '.. 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"f 1 J ~ ..~ "r:", '7 i~, ~ .;..:. I I' U V 0' \,".1:4., ", ", 7 p'8'S".j. ...~........ '.'-'~',; .... "~l 18/8:51 , :....._..___._.......... to .....J 2 1 /'86 I (".~ " Q a ._.. ..-.... ..,,\, ..... .......":".,.. '~/P.~ '0 1/8 '0 ~ .400. '800 ~,~;~r.7:~:,:~~~,r!>.'.: . ~ . . . .. ,. '" '," " . .' ,....." . . '.,: t'. ..~.t'" ,", ....~..~...,~...l~>:.."...i~.. . .--.., O"crrRLisGLe:N:n> .. . . ......~ .'.~ " .... . .::/,~. :': '. ..... L..I ~l:::J '. ,'. :,..;...",)..~ ;.' .' ,.' 0....: .:.' L'.'UI".4. .. ,. '. . . . . .:' ". '. . ',., . I'" ... "j i ,,'~ ',."". t' IU' ..,., , h'(,' .\'" '. .., .~. ". . ,I, == . '.'".~ ";"~I. E:j,~ - . .. , .. . I .. ~...............~I ~"IoJ"4. / 1/4 . 1600 FEgT -- - PI_ANNIN t: 00.1'''-' /0/138 --'Rm.;,: ,,,-,@"n,. .,1," ..,...... ,"~f. _. .,v". . '.. .---. '1"'" VI; - DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS , RE: ANNEXATION O? PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Sq. Ft. or 9.38 acres Area of Subject Property Estimated Present population -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing units -0- Existing Use .. . Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Use __~ ~.; f,} ,'"'"") 33 Single-family unit. {1,-s-e-6- square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RIA zoning) ..................... Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Engineer City Clerk Finance Building Official Planning Police Utilities Fire Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreatior . Public lvorks Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possiblE Attachment: Location Map T '., " It d " .' ~I I,' :~ ,. ~ , !l DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM '; ALL DEPARTr'1ENTS TO: t~. RE: I ANNEXATION O? PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED. HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Sq. Ft. or 9.38 acres Area of Subject Property Estimated Present population -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existing Use .. . Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Use 33 Single-family unit (7,500 square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RlA zoning) .................. Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No X Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation'? Yes No X Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) / City Clerk Finance City Engineer Building Official Planning Police publ ic \"orks Library Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreatior Utilities Fire 6 Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possiblE Attachment: Location Map r - J Q~f': 9 I\' r DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS , RE: ANNEXATION O? PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED. HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of' Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Area of Subject Property Estimated Present Population -0- Sq. Ft. or 9.38 acres Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existing Use "Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Use 33 Single-family unit. (7,500 square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RIA zoning) .................. Would your Department need to increase the number result of this annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional personnel required: of personnel as a No V', Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No Lr Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space. ) City Clerk Finance City Engineer V Planning Police Building Official Utilities Fire Personnel and # Purchasing Public \\lorks Library Parks & Recreatior Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possiblE Attachment: Location Map .' DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS , RE: ANNEXATION O? PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Sq. Ft. or 9.38 acres Area of Subject Property Estimated Present population -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existing Use '. 'Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Use 33 Single-family unit. (7,500 square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RIA zoning) .................... Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: This area lies within our designated service area, and must be served and supported by user rates whether or not it is annexed. Annexation, therefore, has no impact on personnel, salaries, etc. (Attach if insufficient space. ) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Building Official X Utilities Fire Personnel and - Purchasing Public ~vorks Library Parks & Recreatior Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possiblE Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS , RE: ANNEXATION O? PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Area of Subject Property Estimated Present Population -0- Sq.Ft. or 9.38 acres Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existing Use .. . Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Use 33 Single-family unit (7,500 square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RIA zoning) .................. Would your Department need to increase the number result of this annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional personnel required: of personnel as a No V.... Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result~f this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: Nor l2: ,,~h:> L> .. H I"'"' ~l:.--r u.J I &..~ '"i!Je- 'FU '" 0,..:) IH 1 S . ::I).e'(:;1r:::va T"N"\ El'.J<r -ro .~ c...L~ . 73 Y -T7f l.,s ~ IVAJ-Ifrx ~ rID A..J (Attach if insufficient space. ) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Building Official Utilities Fire Personnel and # Purchasing V Public tvorks Library Parks & Recreatior Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possiblE Attachment: Location Map .~ DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS . RE: ANNEXATION O? PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Area of Subject Property Estimated Present population -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Sq.Ft. or 9.38 acres Existing Use ., 'Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Use 33 Single-family unit. (7,500 square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RIA zoning) . ..................... Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No X Estimated number of additional personnel required: N/A Would your Department need to increase this annexation? Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: expenditures Yes N/A N/A as a result of No X N/A Comments: Need street address and notification to Palm Beach County for inclusion in Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) for routing of 911 calls to City.of Boynton Beach. (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Building Official Utilities Fire Personnel and ~ Purchasing Public \o?orks Library Parks & Recreatio: X Ha..n~L-~,.,1- Date Processing ...' ;-v ice s;. Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possibl Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS , RE: ANNEXATION O? PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Sq. Ft. or 9.38 acres Area of Subject Property Estimated Present population -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existing Use .. . Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Use 33 Single-family unit. (7,500 square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RIA zoning) .................. Would your Department need to increase the number result of this annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional personnel required: of per~~nnel-7.a Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a resul~of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk /, Finance City Engineer Planning Police Building Official Utilities Fire Personnel and purchasing Parks & Recreatior ~ Public \1orks Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possiblE Attachment: Location Map .' DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS I RE: ANNEXATION O? PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED. HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Area of Subject Property Estimated Present population -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Sq.Ft. or 9.38 acres Existing Use "'Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Use 33 Single-family unit (7,500 square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RIA zoning) .................... Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation'? Yes No ~ '.<H Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as aNOresu~ of this annexation? Yes ~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: ~ operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Conunents: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Building Official Planning Utilities Fire Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreatior ~ publ ic t~orks Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possiblE Attachment: Location Map .' y. y ~ .::":/~ ,a-- >~ ~~ &..-- ---- <. ,;:;;.".. (~:. :~;i' ;1 /:. ......~..~i:.. ':,~: :k M E M 0 RAN DUM October 17, 1988 TO: ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: JONATHAN'S GROVE ANNEXATION Accompanying this memorandum you will find a Departmental Review Form which must be completed in order to provide the information required as part of the Commission's annexation policy. Also attached is a location map for the property requested to be annexed. Please complete this form and return it to me by Friday, November .4th for inclusion in the public hearing proceedings. , C!..-~~ (/} ~ CARMEN S. ANNUN~E. ~. CSA:ro Attachments OCT 31 1988 PLANNING DEPT. cc Central File -/Au /.-A~M<b{ 1",,11 A 4"'. ('i c !-(,l'/f /"'/l. ;J ,-11 ,}-.t.C1..?. .be;._-c A JJV\'h '. l/.Ttj;;".. . .." \./ -f! I/t't~ /~.J f 11'.l' ..-:1 r n .,( n,9 /J/ A\ ...'.... <.'1: /~7._Y~' (' \ U.--/ qr9. j; .. . t'r . (11/,)f., J {/ ~ .. / .I f / '\ 4-_;:....., ... DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW I vKM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS , RE: ANNEXATION O? PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED,HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Area of Subject Property 9.38 acres sq.Ft. or Estimated Present Population -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existing Use Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Use 33 Single-family unit (7,500 square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RIA zoning) .. Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No X Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No X Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: This area will be covered under our new Station 3. (Attach if insufficient sp~ce.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Building Official Utilities e ~ Fire Personnel and purchasing Parks & Recreatio~ Public Works Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible Attachment: Location Map ----_.."--,~~;..-". "'._,~_._---- DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS . RE: ANNEXATION O? PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or 9.38 acres Estimated Present Population -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existing Use .. . Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Use 33 Single-family unit. (7,500 square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RIA zoning) . .................... Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No /'.. Estimated number of additional personnel required: Wou~d your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No V Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Utilities Police Building Official Fire / Library Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recrea tiol " Public \~orks Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possibl Attachment: Location Map .' DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS . RE: ANNEXATION O? PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED. HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Sq. Ft. or 9.38 acres Area of Subject Property Estimated Present population -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existing Use .. 'Commercial Citrus Grove Propos~d Use 33 Single-family unit. (7,500 square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RIA zoning) .................... . Would your Department need to increase the number result of this annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional personnel required: of per~~nn~~ a Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a resu~ of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: Planning Police (Atta~~icient space.) y[~ ity Engineer Building Official City Clerk Finance Public \'iorks Library Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Utilities Fire " Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possiblE Attachment: Location Map RECEIVED jeT 3 1 1988 PLANNING DEPT. DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION 0: PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Area of Subject Property Estimated Present Population -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Sq. Ft. or 9.38 acres Existing Use .. . Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Use 33 Single-family unit (7,500 square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RIA zoning) ..................... . Would your Department need to increase the number result of this annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional personnel required: of personnel as a No X ,)' ;; .. / -'" , Would your Department need to increase this annexation? Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: expenditures Yes ,.-!.....~ t as a result of No.Y / ..-) /) /7 . / .-, .' ..')" (. Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City'Clerk Finance Police , -) // l / VI' . L . .~. t? City Engineer Planning Building Official Utilities Fire Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreatior - Public Harks Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possiblE Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS , RE: ANNEXATION O? PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED.HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Area of Subject Property Estimated Present population -0- Sq. Ft. or 9.38 acres Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existing Use "'Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Use 33 Single-family unit (7,500 square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RIA zoning) ............,...... Would your Department need to increase the number result of this annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional personnel required: of personnel as a No i/ ...... Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Building Official Planning Utilities Police Fire v~ Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreatior # Public Works Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possiblE Attachment: Location Map .' ) . DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTt-1ENTS . RE: ANNEXATION O? PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Jonathan's Grove/Richard D. Johnson Sq. Ft. or 9.38 acres Area of Subject Property Estimated Present population -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existing Use " . Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Use 33 Single-family unit. (7,500 square foot lots) subdivision (proposed RIA zoning) .................... Would your Department need to increase the number result of this- annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional personnel required: of personnel ~s a No )<J Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No)Q Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Conunents: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Engineer City Clerk Finance Building Official Planning Police Personnel and Purchasing "-\ ;;ZtZ:;tior Utilities Fire # Public ~10rks Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possiblE Attachment: Location Map '" TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members P.GEND.~ ITEM 6B (AS REVISED BY COUNCIL) From: staff Date: February 17, 1989 Council Meet.ing Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Two Amendments to the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Introduction Pursuant to the prov1s1ons of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Council must be provided an opportunity to review and comment on comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted proposed amendments to the state Department of Community Affairs, which in turn is seeking Council's comments. Council's review of the information forwarded by the Department of Community Affairs is in the context of the relationship of the proposed amendments to the regional policy plan developed pursuant to Section 186.507, Florida statutes. If a conflict with adopted plans or policies is identified, the regional planning agency is to specify any objections and may make recommendations for modifications. Council also provides informal comments to the local government through a spirit of cooperation, and technical assistance on matters related to the proposed amendments. These advisory comments are aimed at providing coordination between the local and" regional comprehensive plans. Backqround The City of Boynton Beach is considering two amendments to the Future Land Use Element. The locations of the properties under consideration are shown on the accompanying map, and the number of acres and proposed changes in land use designations are summarized in the following list: ., , .. ,. .. " . Evaluation The proposed amendments have been reviewed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida statutes, Council's review procedures, and Council's adopted Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan. The following comments are offered as a result of that review. 6AS & 6A6 - lfft~s- paroel:---btte--eeeft--recen~~--annc.xed. The proposed land use designation is similar to the former designation and the use is compatible with the surrounding area. However. the annexation aDpears to create a narrow finaer of unincorDorated territorv to the south of the Darcel to be annexed. Such an action may be in conflict with the aeneral 90a1 of interaovernmenta1 coordination and mav not be to the mutual benefit of both local aovernment iurisdictions. 6A7-6A12 - lffte--~aa --I'ftree%s--~--~I'l--~i!l I'rol'ol!les---efta-~-- fta~."~-- bean----reoent.1y ftl'll'leXeST The proposed land use designation change from commercial to agricultural is an interim one, according to the city. The property may be used for commercial uses in the future. When such a change is formally proposed, there may be traffic and capacity considerations re1ati ve to Boynton Beach Boulevard and Congress Avenue. Based on the information provided, the proposed amendments do not appear to be in conflict or inconsistent with the policies contained in the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan. Recommendation Council should adopt the comments outlined above and their transmittal to the State Department of Community in fulfillment of the requirements of Chapter 163, Statutes. approve Affairs Florida Attachments , I 'l "' :, , . ..