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100 Bas~ BOYD~OD
P. O. Box 310
BOYD~OD Beach, Flari
May 9,1996
Ewing and Shirley, Inc.
Surveyors and Mappers
2166 Jog Road
West Palm Beach, Florida 33415
fl '(h ~
Re: Jonathans Grove POO - Landscape and Drainage Easements
Dear Mr. Ewing:
Easements along the north and south property lines of Jonathans Grove PUD appear to have been
adopted by the City Commission on July 20, 1993 as conditions of master plan approval. It is
therefore our opinion that abandonment can not be administratively accomplished.
Attached please find a copy of the portion of our Land Development Regulations (Chapter 22,
Article III, Sections 2,3 & 4, pages 22-6, 22-7 and 22-8) which provides a procedure for
requesting easement abandonment. If you wish to pursue that avenue, I suggest you first visit
with our Planning and Zoning Director for elucidation concerning reasons for placement of the
original condition. Her name is Ms. Tambri Heyden, and she is located at City Hall.
Very truly yours,
William Hukill, P.E.
City Engineer
xc: Carrie Parker, City Manager
Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director
Phone: (407) 375-6280
FAX: (407) 375-6357
Board of Coul'lty Commission.......
Ken t. Foster. Chairman
Burt Aaronson, Vice Chairman
Karen T, Mncus
C.,o) A. Roberts
Warren H. NeweU
p,ury McCarty
Maude ford Lee
407 355 3990 P.01/04
Bob Welna&1l
II/! T " , :, o::&~
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J'ollowing thi. c:ovec ,beet i.lue S page(l) (not Lnolud1ng tbe cover
.heet). If any part of thi. me...g_ i. ai..iD, or ceceived poorly, plea..
call the receptionist at 401/355-2001. ThaDt you. .
, -
('4~; z:. ~~k..a.r
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FAX No.:
~'YIVf't'tif fJ f'" c/
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NAME: ;;J [;t;?, 1" VA-fi'(),1~
TILE PHONE NQ. I ..3.<< ~ J; v ~
.11 ;//1/70 ~ d f:""ci
-An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer-
P.O. 80X 1989, WEST PALM BEACH, fL 33402-1989
JUN 9 1~'iJ
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fWarren H. Newell
County Commissioner
Di:;trict III
301 North Olive ,\ venue
l~th Floor
We~t Palm Beach. Fl 33401
(407) 355.2203
r: AX 355.3990
JU.De 9, 1995
Honoriible Jerry Taylor, Hayor
City or Boynton Beach
lOO East Boynton Beiich Boulevard
Boynton Beacb, Florida 33435
Dear Mayor 2'aylor:
On 2'Uesday, June 6, the Board o~ County Commi..ioners approved the
updated 5 Road Pllln ror P.l~ Beach County. 2'his lIlid-year
review inc1 uded the addi tion o~ tbe wi.dening or Lawrence Road ~rom
two lanes to five lanes during tbe 97/98 eiseal year. The
perllistence o~ the City staff and tbe resident. is to be commended
in e~fectively moving this project up.
Thank you eor all your help with this issue. I Jook forward to
continue .orking ~itb you to addre$. tbe concer~. o~ tbe residents
in both tbe City and the surrounding unincorporated areas. If I
caa be of further assistance plea.e do not n(lsitate to call on me.
"arr(ln H. Ne".,ll
District III Commj~sion.r
ci ty Cowd..:i on
Carrie Parksr, City Manager
1f///f:JII1Ib. t.yJor.l
J~' UJ ~JJJ ~~.~~
DWH1'.1.J WI'" 1..1,..
407 355 3990 P.03/04
10th Avenue North (Construction)
Military Tr~il to Congress Avenue
Belvedere Road and Haverhill Road (con&truc~ion)
Extend Center Turn Lanes
CrestwoocJ Boulevard (construc'tion)
Folso. Road 'to Okeecbobee Road
Lawrence Road (construction)
Gateway Boulevard to Hypolwco Road.
Melaleuca ~n. (Construction)
Haverb!ll Road to Military Trail
School Board Related Traffio
Signal Installations
silver Beach Road (construction)
Congress Avenue to Avenue S
Smith Dairy Agreement
Completion of Requirements
98/99 ,
Congress Avenue (Cons~ruotion)
Hiner Road to Hypoluxo Road
Indiantown Road (Construction)
130th Avenue to Jupiter Farms Road
Jog Road (Construotion)
Clint Moore Ro~d to North of Civic Center
Congress Avenue (Construotion)
Blue Heron Blvd. to Northlake Blvd.
Flavor Plct Road (Construction)
West of E-3 Canal to Military Trail
Folsom Road/crestwood (Construction)
state Road 80 to Oke.chob.. Boulevard
Forest Hill Boulevard (Construction)
at Sou~h.rn Boulevard (e-51 Canal Bridge)
Jog Road (COnstruction)
Nor~h ot Civic Canter to Linton Boulevard
Miner Road (Coftlltruction)
Lawrence Road to Congress Avenue
Northlake Reliever (construotion)
Garden Road to Convre.. Avenue
prosp.ri~y Farms Road (Construction)
ArChie's Creek Bridge
94/95 .
95/96 , 96/97
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CJJie City of
'Boynton 'Beacli
100 'E" 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boufevara
P,O, 'Bo:t310
'Boynton 'Beacn, ~Coritfa. 33425-0310
City:Jfa{[: (407) 375-6000
~fJIX: (407) 375-6090
October 26, 1993
Mr. Scott Bennewitz
Gee and Jenson consultants
1 Harvard Circle
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
Re: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 786
Modification to Zoning Conditions
Dear Mr. Bennewitz:
This is to advise you that on October 19, 1993, the City Commission
of Boynton Beach approved the requested modifications to the
Jonathan's Grove zoning conditions based on the findings stated in
the attached order,
The modifications were approved subject to construction of a six
foot high buffer wall to be located fifteen feet south of the
northern boundary of the project, It was also noted that a chain
link fence with hedge would be installed along the southern
boundary of the project,
If we can be of any further assistance to you, please feel free to
call me,
Yours truly,
",.-- (ly
hr' 'I ..tI _
~l-~ '. ' ~/
Tambri ;]. HE-en
Acting planning and zoning Director
A: JONATHAN. JM (jateway to tlU (jutfstream
In Re:
This matter came before the City Commission of the City of
Boynton Beach, Florida on Tuesday, October 19, 1993, requesting for
modification to conditions imposed at time of rezoning to R-1A.
The Board having heard the recommendation of city administrative
staff finds the following:
1. The granting of a modification to conditions relative to
wall location, lot depth, lot width and lot layout, imposed at time
of rezoning to R-IA is not injurious to surrounding properties.
2. Such changes are in accord with all regulations and
comprehensive plan policies in effect at the time of the proposed
change, and that such changes are not sufficiently substantial so
as to warrant a new rezoning application.
3. This matter has been reviewed by the Planning and
Development Board who recommended action to the City Commission as
outlined in a Memorandum from Tambri J. Heyden, Acting City
Planning and Zoning Director, No. 93-268, dated October 14, 1993,
attached hereto and made a part hereof.
ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED that the applicant's Petition
for a modification to conditions relative to wall location, lot
depth, lot width and lot layout, imposed at time of rezoning to R-
lA, is granted subject to staff comments attached.
I(J/ 1.2 - 93
BY~r 1: ~
May r ~
JA~n_A'U:-vJ Q-Lt..~
Ci ty Clerk (f:J~ )
Ens. u
TO: J. Scott Miller, city Manager
FROM: 'Tambri J. Heyden, Acting Planning & Zoning Director~
DATE: October 14, 1993
SUBJECT: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 172
Modification to Zoning Conditions
Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission
agenda for Tuesday, October 19, 1993 under Development Plans -
Consent Agenda.
DESCRIPTION: Request for modification to conditions relative to
'wall location, lot depth, lot width and lot layout, imposed at time
of rezoning to R-1A. The project is a 10 acre parcel located on
the east side of Lawrence Road, apprOXimately 1,000 feet south of
Hypoluxo Road.
RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board unanimously
recommended approval of the above-referenced request, submitted by
Scott Bennewitz of Gee and Jenson, subject to construction of a six
(6) foot high buffer wall to be located fifteen (15) feet south of
the northern boundary of the project.
/1 ^Q/
I ~,.1- I
OCT 06'93
9:20 No,Q03 P.07
:0,'" ~,.~T.:' ,
.;:t i"'ll .
'.'\ '
, .
Cngineers-Architects-Planners. lnt,
One Harvard Circle
West f'CllfTl getK,h, j:.L 33400
Telephone (41..)7) es~.~301
Fa~ (407) ()B6-7446
Mr. James Chnrof
City Attorney
City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynt()n Baaell, FL 33425-0310
Re: Jonathan's Grove
Dear Jam135,
Attached plea:;e find a copy of my letter to Chris Cutro dated September 8, 1993, a
memo, to Brian LaMotte and th!3 .Gonccptual Master Plan submitted with the rezoning
request. Thrc,ugh discussions with Chris Culm and my letter of September 8, 1993
addressed to him and his subsequent memo addrGSSlld to Brian LaMotta datod
September 9, 1993 this issue has been addressed to the satisfaction of the Planning &
ZonIng director. Furthermore, no staff comments were generated at the September 28th
TRC meeting. My understanding of the lot depth issue is that the Planning and-Zoning
DepaJ1ment had signed off with the understanding that the Issue be presented to the
Planning and Development Board as well as the City Commission concurrent with the
preliminary plelt.
In a tolephone message and subsoquent conversation with Tambri today, she indicated
that we need to submit a letter requesting a deviation to the previous zoning approval and
that this item would have to be taken care of prior to approval of the preliminary plat.
She also indinated that we could proceed with this item simultaneously with the plat
I am concernE~d that this issue is now being raised and that we are being requested to
make a formal request for deviation from the rezoning when it appeared that we had
adequately addressed these concerns as of September, 9th.
InlVE nS.!iCl)CIIHIOf" .,JON,' TlI^N,nEZQN'N(l
OCT 06'93
9:20 No.003 P.OS
,~ '
: ('..f'.... . "~', .
~ : ','
" 1 ~'
Mr. James Charof
Jonathon's Grove
Ootober 5. 199a
Page Two
We do not feel it is warranted or proper for further review of the lot depth i:ssue by the
Pianning and D,avelopment Board and City Commission as a separate item, If however,
through review of the 1989 rezoning and the attachments we have provided you
determIne that ;:1 request for deviation is warranted, please call.
B. Scott Benn') .
Project ManagEr;'
co: Tambri Heyden, w/enol.
Glen Nic;otra, vv/encl.
CI,uck Sharman, w/encl.
Vincent Finizio, w/encl.
Richard Staudinger, w}encl.
1l'llvF.F\&.lsel"HE"OP'Jc.N^ Tl '^t""~7.<'>"'N(J
OCT 06'93
9:21 No.003 P.09
CI'lQIilClOtC.AtchilDOle-Plannere, Ino,
September 8, 1993
One Harvard Circle
'/tosl Palm s.c:h. Fl 3340CJ
TeIopliOr'III ("07)063'~'
Fax (407)GB6-7446
Mr. Christopher Cutro
Planning & Zoning DirQctor
City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Re: ,Jonathan's Grove
Dear Chris.
The fOllowing re:;ponse is per your memo of September 02. 1993 requesting that a written
response statin~) what changes of circumstances have caused lots to be rl~duced. It
should be noted that all minimum lot standards per the rezoning havo been met with the
excopti()n of lot depths.
Typical fot depttls of 137' have been maintained wherever possible. The minimum 131'
depth was baselj upon the Conceptual Master Plan submitted with the rezoning request
which was approved on January 4. 1989. The 1371 lot depths indicated on this plan wero
conceptual in that hard engineering had not been done.
In Out preparatic'n of the plat we determined that by holding 137' lot depths on the south
side of the development and providing a 60' wide roadway that lot depths 011 the north
side of the road would vary from approximately 136.36' to 136.65' with the exception of
lots located on the cul~de-sac. The cur~de-sac lol:s would be shallower but wider in order
to maintain a minimum lot area of 9590 square feet. As stated in Tambri's memo of
August :24, 1993 a condition of approval of this 2:onin9 action is that It is subject to staff
comments which are not in conflict with the specIfied development standards. Condition
2 of the staff comments states NShould this requE~st be approved as submitted under the
R1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat the property as shown on the conceptual plan
with a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet". The platting of this property .as shown
would bo in conflict with the stated minimum lot size of 70' X 137' as shown on the
preliminary plat.
Mother issue unresolved on the Conceptual Mastor Plan is water management concerns.
It is indicated on the 1989 Conceptual Master Plan that a minimum of 10% of the site
would be utilized for retention purposes but. thNG' Wil~ no indication 3S to hOw this would
be accomplished. It would have to be assumod that if wator manogement facilities were
included on tho plan that they would have to be incorporated within tho lots. We have
reduced the depth of lots 16 am117 to provide for retent/on areas outside of the lot areas.
OCT 06'93
9:21 No.003 P.10
Mr. Christopher Cutro
Jonathan's Grove
September a. 1093 .. Page 2
If the depths of tllese lots were to be increased the water management areas would have
to be im;luded within the lots. The net usable Slrea of ttle lots WOUld remain the same.
Lots adjacont to the cul~de~sac are less than 137' in depth as were lots located on the
cul-de-sac on th';1 1989 Conceptual Master Plan, Lots 1, 3 and 32 had all or portions of
their dapths less than 137' on tho 1989 plan.
Our adherence tl:;) the requirement that "the applicant Shall plat the property as; Shown on
the com~eptual plan" has been to the greatest extent possible within the confines of
meeting current standards and conditions of the master subdivision approval. It should
be noted that development standards for the R1 A 20ning district have been met or
9xoeedEld for thtt project.
If you have any questions or need additional Information please call.
Very truly yours,/ /.
Project Manager
cc: Glen Nicotra
Chuck Sharman
Richard Staudinger
Brilln t.amotie .. shalJ,OWay I Foy, RaYman ,
Now~~llt In04
Vin~=on1; l"in1z1o - En~ineerinq Departmetlt
at:c~ GJ.-- ~
chr:Lsfophorlcuero, :Planning and zonino
01rlactor I,
Sep1:embBr ~j 1993
~onnthanr. Grove
I h Vet rev;lewe4 t~e thirc1 su.bm1ssion of the above ment.ionarj
subd vt.Lon and hay 4etermined that tho comments made in my momo
of 9 2/9~ te' you hI. je been met with the exception of nUJnbaJ:'8 3 and
at I
Comm nt number thrJe 18 an opinion a.nd not based on any code
requ rem.nt. 1'heratore I the APplioant can chose t.o iqnQre the
corm nt. i
, I
comm nt nu...nber 8 h~ been met. on t.he mas't,&:l:' plan '!:Nt. is;
from the conltruct! n deta11a. If this i8 ~b. only de~ail mia8in;
from t.he prc!l.1m1na plat, I would sUOO..i: thai: ~ho appUc:..n.~ b.
adv1 ad. to 'revise j the turn-lane seotion on .heet. 3 of the
oone ruet1on, draw1nq and submit 1~ to you befo~. ~he ~lanning And
Deve opment SOard ~etinq. If this can be done ~. pl_t can go
fo~ rd for Board &1ld City Commilulicln review.
Plea e make .uxe t~e attached latter i. included in t:he ba.ckup
pack qe for '~be P1An~ing and Development Board, a. well.. the C1ty
Cornm Ision. 'I'his le~ter explainSJ why t.he applioant cannot meot the
t'Bqu %~ement:.s of the zoning eOnditiona and. must. be revie"",d. a.nd
acoe t:ed by the Clt~ Commie.ion.
If y \1 hav. any. <tUeitiDn8 pleue feel f..... to call l1IO.
Be nD>l i tz 1 .Gee and Jen."n
I D: 4.07-686-7446
OCT 06'93
9:22 No,Q03 P,ll
00: Scot.t.
. :
No.003 P 12
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I, .. j
J9 .t .i
g !hU"
t. l_~~ 'S
'. ,
, '
" ,iW
'l1ie..'City of
$~nton $each
100 T.. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulevara
P.O. 'Bo;r,.310
'Boynton ', %Jritfa 33425-0310 '
City:Hall: (407) 734-8111
7')fX: (407) 738-7459
October 5, 1993
Ms, Yvonne S. Salloum
171 Marine Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11209
RE: Jonathan's Grove - File No, 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
Dear Ms. Salloum:
As you may recall, on June 20, 1989, the City Commission of Boynton
Beach approved requests for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning of a parcel known as Jonathan's Grove (see attached
location map). Public hearings were held in December 1988, January
1989, and June 1989, which many adjacent property O~liers attended,
The resultant approval of Jonathan's Grove was contingent upon the
following stipulations:
a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet,
b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet,
c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height,
along the north boundary of the property,
d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet,
e) all staff comments which are not in conflict with the
above stipulations. These are -
1. Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for
Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline withih 45
days of annexation.
2. Should this request be approved as submitted under
the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat
the property as shown on the conceptual plan with
a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet,
3. The applicant shall submit a tree survey,
5lTTUrica s (jateway to tlie (julfstream
TO: Ms. Yvonne S, Salloum
Page Two
October 5, 1993
4. The applicant shall submit a plar:, preserving, as
much as possible, the existing grove of trees.
5. The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan
for on-site protection of trees during
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that in conjunction
with preliminary plat approval, MI Homes, the current applicant, is
requesting approval to modify one of the conditions of the 1989
zoning, specifically item e) 2 above, relative to the conceptual
plan and lot size, These requests will be heard by the City of
Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board on October 12, 1993 at
7:00 P.M. and by the City Commission on October 19, 1993 at 7:00
P. M. Both meetings will be held at the City Hall Commission
Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach. The
proposed preliminary plat drawings are available for viewing from
8: 00 A, M. to 5: 00 P. H. in the Planning and Zoning Department,
located on the second floor of the West Wing of City Hall.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact me at (407) 375-6260,
Senior Planner
TJH: frb
fJJie City of
$oynton $eacn
100 'E. 'Boynton tJ3uuli tJ30ufevard
P.O. tJ3oi(310
tJ3oynton tJ3eadi, J1mUfa 33425-0310
City:Jfa[[: (407) 734-8111
:FY'lX: (407) 738.7459
October 5, 1993
Knollwood Groves
8053 Lawrence Rd,
Boynton Beach, Fl 33436
RE: Jonathan's Grove - File No, 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
As you may recall, on June 20, 1989, the City Commission of Boynton
Beach approved requests for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning of a parcel known as Jonathan's Grove (see attached
location map). Public hearings were held in December 1988, January
1989, and June 1989, which many adjacent property owners attended,
The resultant approval of Jonathan's Grove was contingent upon the
following stipulations:
a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet,
b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet,
c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height,
along the north boundary of the property,
d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet,
e) all staff comments which are not in conflict with the
above stipulations. These are -
1, Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for
Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline wi thin 45
days of annexation.
2. Should this request be approved as submitted under
the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat
the property as shown on the conceptual plan with
a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet,
3. The applicant shall submit a tree survey.
5Imerica s (jateway to the (juifstream
TO: Knollwood Groves, Inc.
Page Two
October 5, 1993
4. The applicant shall submit a plan pres3rving, as
much as possible, the existing grove of trees,
5. The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan
for on-site protection of trees during
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that in conjunction
with preliminary plat approval, MI Homes, the current applicant, is
requesting approval to modify one of the conditions of the 1989
zoning, specifically item e) 2 above, relative to the conceptual
plan and lot size. These requests will be heard by the City of
Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board on October 12, 1993 at
7:00 P.M. and by the City Commission on October 19, 1993 at 7:00
P ,M. Both meetings will be held at the City Hall Commission
Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach. The
pr'oposed preliminary plat drawings are available for viewing from
8: 00 A.H. to 5: 00 P.M. in the Planning and Zoning Department,
located on the second floor of the West Wing of City Hall.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact me at (407) 375-6260.
Senior Planner
TJH: frb
%e City of
'Boynton 'Beacli
100 'E. tJ3oynton tJ3eadi tJ30ulevara
P.O. tJ3o~31O
tJ3oynton tJ3eadi, 1"forida 33425-0310
City:Jfaf[: (407) 734-8111
1"YfX: (407) 738-7459
October 5, 1993
Ms, Kathleen M. Whitman
3904 71st Avenue S
Lantana, Fl 33462
RE: Jonathan's Grove - File No, 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
Dear Ms, Whitman:
As you may recall, on June 20, 1989, the City Commission of Boynton
Beach approved requests for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning of a parcel known as Jonathan I s Grove (see attached
location map). Public hearings were held in December 1988, January
1989, and June 1989, which many adjacent property owners attended,
The resultant approval of Jonathan's Grove was contingent upon the
following stipulations:
a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet,
b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet,
c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height,
along the north boundary of the property,
d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet,
e) all staff comments which are not in conflict with the
above stipulations, These are -
Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for
Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline wi thin 45
days of annexation,
~ .
Should this request be approved as submitted under
the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat
the property as shown on the conceptual plan with
a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet,
The applicant shall submit a tree survey,
!llme1Ua's (jateway to tlie (julfstream
TO: Ms, Kathleen M. Whitman
Page Two
October 5, 1993
4, The applicant shall submit a rlan preserving, as
much as possible, the existing grove of trees.
5, The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan
for on-site protection of trees during
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that in conjunction
with preliminary plat approval, MI Homes, the current applicant, is
requesting approval to modify one of the conditions of the 1989
zoning, specifically item e) 2 above, relative to the conceptual
plan and lot size, These requests will be heard by the City of
Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board on October 12, 1993 at
7:00 P.M. and by the City Commission on October 19, 1993 at 7:00
P ,M. Both meetings will be held at the City Hall Commission
Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, The
proposed preliminary plat drawings are available for Viewing from
8: 00 A,M, to 5: 00 P ,M. in the Planning and Zoning Department,
located on the second floor of the West Wing of City Hall.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact me at (407) 375-6260.
Senior Planner
%e City of
r.Boynton r.Beacli
100 'E, 'lJoynton 'lJtadi 'lJoukvarti
P.O. 'lJot(310
'lJoynton 'lJuuli., :Jforitia. 33425-0310
City 9faIl: (407) 734-8111
:Jf4X: (407) 738-7459
October 5, 1993
Mr. Morgan S. Bragg
3989 71st Avenue S.
Lantana, Fl 33462
RE: Jonathan's Grove - File No, 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
Dear Mr. Bragg:
As you may recall, on June 20, 1989, the City Commission of Boynton
Beach approved requests for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning of a parcel known as Jonathan's Grove (see attached
location map). Public hearings were held in December 1988, January
1989, and June 1989, which many adjacent property owners attended,
The resultant approval of Jonathan's Grove was contingent upon the
following stipulations:
a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet,
b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet,
c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height,
along the north boundary of the property,
d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet,
e) all staff comments which are not in conflict with the
above stipulations. These are -
Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for
Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline within 45
days of annexation,
<:. ,
Should this request be approved as submitted under
the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat
the property as shown on the conceptual plan with
a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet,
..J ,
The applicant shall submit a tree survey,
.9lmerUa s (jateway to tfie (julfstream
TO: Mr. Morgan S. Bragg
Page Two
October 5, 1993
4. The applicant shall submit a p13n preserving, as
much as possible, the existing grove of trees.
5, The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan
for on-si te protection of trees during
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that in conjunction
with preliminary plat approval, MI Homes, the current applicant, is
requesting approval to modify one of the conditions of the 1989
zoning, specifically item e) 2 above, relative to the conceptual
plan and lot size, These requests will be heard by the City of
Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board on October 12, 1993 at
7:00 P.M. and by the City Commission on october 19, 1993 at 7:00
P ,M. Both meetings will be held at the City Hall Commission
Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach. The
proposed preliminary plat drawings are available for viewing from
8: 00 A,M. to 5: 00 P ,M. in the Planning and Zoning Department,
located on the second floor of the West Wing of City Hall.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact me at (407) 375-6260.
Senior Planner
TJH: frb
rrIie City of
'Boynton 'Beacli
100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bea&. 'Boukvara
P.O. 'Bo~310
'Boynton 'Beadi, ~foritfa 33425-0310
City 1fa[[: (407) 734-8111
~JU: (407) 738-7459
October 5, 1993
D. & Nami Ribuoli
229 N, Country Club Drive
Atlantis, FL 33462
RE: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
Dear D, & Nami Ribuoli:
As you may recall, on June 20, 1989, the City Commission of Boynton
Beach approved requests for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning of a parcel known as Jonathan's Grove (see attached
location map). Public hearings were held in December 1988, January
1989, and June 1989, which many adjacent property owners attended.
The resultant approval of Jonathan's Grove was contingent upon the
following stipulations:
a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet,
b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet,
c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height,
along the north boundary of the property,
d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet,
e) all staff comments which are not in conflict with the
above stipulations, These are -
Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for
Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline wi thin 45
days of annexation,
'" .
Should this request be approved as submitted under
the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat
the property as shown on the conceptual plan with
a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet,
oj ,
The applicant shall submit a tree survey,
5lmerka's (jateway to tlie (juifstream
TO: D. & Nami Ribuoli
Page Two
October 5/ 1993
4, The applicant shall submit a plan prese~ving, as
much as possible, the existing grove of trees,
5. The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan
for on-site protection of trees during
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that in conjunction
with preliminary plat approval, MI Homes, the current applicant, is
requesting approval to modify one of the conditions of the 1989
zoning, specifically item e) 2 above, relative to the conceptual
plan and lot size. These requests will be heard by the City of
Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board on October 12/ 1993 at
7:00 P.M. and by the City Commission on October 19/ 1993 at 7:00
P.M. Both meetings will be held at the City Hall Commission
Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach. The
proposed preliminary plat drawings are available for Viewing from
8:00 A,M. to 5:00 P,M. in the Planning and Zoning Department,
located on the second floor of the West Wing of City Hall,
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact me at (407) 375-6260,
Senior Planner
TJH: frb
?:lU City of
'Boynton 'Beach
100 'E, 'Boynton 'Beadr. 'Boulevard
P.O. 'Bo~310
'Boynton '1Jeadi, 1'foritfa 33425-0310
City:Jfa{[: (407) 734-8111
1'.9fX: (407) 738-7459
October 5, 1993
Eirik N, & Inge M. Peterson
3981 71st street
Lantana, FL 33462
RE: Jonathan's Grove - File No, 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
Dear Eirik N. & Inge M, Petersen:
As you may recall, on June 20, 1989, the City Commission of Boynton
Beach approved requests for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning of a parcel known as Jonathan's Grove (see attached
location map). Public hearings were held in December 1988, January
1989, and June 1989, which many adjacent property owners attended,
The resultant approval of Jonathan's Grove was contingent upon the
following stipulations:
a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet,
b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet,
c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height,
along the north boundary of the property,
d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet,
e) all staff comments which are not in conflict with the
above stipulations, These are -
Property owner to
Lawrence Road 40 feet
days of annexation.
dedicate right-of-way
from centerline within
2, Should this request be approved as submitted under
the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat
the property as shown on the conceptual plan with
a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet.
3, The applicant shall submit a tree survey,
5Ime,ua's (jateway to tM (julfstream
TO: Eirik N. & Inge M. Petersen
Page Two
October 5, 1993
4. The applicant shall submit a plan, as
much as possible, the existing grove of trees.
5, The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan
for on-site protection of trees during
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that in conjunction
with preliminary plat approval, MI Homes, the current applicant, is
requesting approval to modify one of the conditions of the 1989
zoning, specifically item e) 2 above, relative to the conceptual
plan and lot size. These requests will be heard by the City of
Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board on October 12, 1993 at
7:00 P.M. and by the City Commission on October 19, 1993 at 7:00
F. H. Both meetings will be held at the City Hall Commission
Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach. The
proposed preliminary plat drawings are available for viewing from
8: 00 A. M. to 5: 00 P. M, in the Planning and Zoning Department,
located on the second floor of the West Wing of City Hall,
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact me at (407) 375-6260,
Senior Planner
fJ1ie City of
'Boynton 'Beach
100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadr. 'Bouf.evara
P.O. 'Bo~310
'Boynton 'Buull., ::Florida 33425-0310
City 1faIl: (407) 734 -8111
::F.9LX: (407) 738-7459
October 5, 1993
Mr, Dennis J. Groleau
3771 71st Avenue S,
Lantana, FL 33462
RE: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
Dear Mr, Groleau:
As you may recall, on June 20, 1989, the City Commission of Boynton
Beach approved requests for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning of a parcel known as Jonathan's Grove (see attached
location map). Public hearings were held in December 1988, January
1989, and June 1989, which many adjacent property owners attended.
The resultant approval of Jonathan's Grove was contingent upon the
following stipulations:
a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet,
b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet,
c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height,
along the north boundary of the property,
d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet,
e) all staff comments which are not in conflict with the
above stipulations, These are -
Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for
Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline within 45
days of annexation.
Should this request be approved as submitted under
the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat
the property as shown on the conceptual plan with
a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet.
The applicant shall submit a tree survey,
Jilmerica's (jateway to tlie (julfstream
TO: Mr, Dennis J. Groleau
Page Two
October 5, 1993
~. The applicant shall submit a plan preserving, as
much as possible, the existing grove of trees,
5. The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan
for on-site protection of trees during
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that in conjunction
with preliminary plat approval, MI Homes, the current applicant, is
requesting approval to modify one of the conditions of the 1989
zoning, specifically item e) 2 above, relative to the conceptual
plan and lot size. These requests will be heard by the City of
Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board on October 12, 1993 at
7:00 P.M. and by the City Commission on October 19, 1993 at 7:00
p, M, Both meetings will be held at the City Hall Commission
Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach. The
proposed preliminary plat drawings are available for viewing from
8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P,l-1. in the Planning and Zoning Department,
located on the second floor of the West Wing of City Hall.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact me at (407) 375-6260.
Senior Planner
A: JonGrove.frb
'The City of
'Boynton 'Beac/i
Pfanning & Zoning 'Department
100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulevard
P,O, 'Bo~310
'Boynton 'Beadz., :Jforitla 33425-0310
(407) 738-7490, :JJJIX: (407) 738-7459
October 5, 1993
Marc & Laura Brandon
7044 Lawrence Rd.
Lantana, FL 33462
RE: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
Dear Mark & Laura:
As you may recall, on June 20, 1989, the City Commission of Boynton
Beach approved requests for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning of a parcel known as Jonathan I s Grove (see attached
location map), Public hearings were held in December 1988, January
1989, and June 1989, which many adjacent property owners attended.
The resultant approval of Jonathan's Grove was contingent upon the
following stipulations:
a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet,
b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet,
c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height,
along the north boundary of the property,
d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet,
e) all staff comments which are not in conflict with the
above stipulations. These are -
1. property owner to dedicate right-of-way for
Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline within 45
days of annexation.
2. Should this request be approved as submitted under
the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat
the property as shown on the conceptual plan with
a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet.
3, The applicant shall submit a tree survey.
Jl.mericas qateway to the (juifstream
TO: Mark & Laura Brandon
Page Two
October 5, 1993
4, T~e applicant shall submit a plan prese~ving, as
much as possible, the existing grove of trees.
5, The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan
for on-si te protection of trees during
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that in conjunction
with preliminary plat approval, MI Homes, the current applicant, is
requesting approval to modify one of the conditions of the 1989
zoning, specifically item e) 2 above, relative to the conceptual
plan and lot size. These requests will be heard by the City of
Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board on October 12, 1993 at
7:00 P.M. and by the City Commission on October 19, 1993 at 7:00
P,M. Both meetings will be held at the City Hall Commission
Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach. The
proposed preliminary plat drawings are available for viewing from
8:00 A.11, to 5:00 P,M, in the Planning and Zoning Department,
located on the second floor of the West Wing of City Hall.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact me at (407) 375-6260.
Senior Planner
TJH: frb
%e City of
'Boynton 'Beacn
100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bead" 'Boufevartf
P.O. 'Bo;r.310
'Boynton 'Bead;', ~Coritfa 33425-0310
City?fa[[: (407) 734-8111
~.9lX: (407) 738-7459
October 5, 1993
Bernard & Suzy K. Erb
7089 Lawrence Rd
Lantana, Fl 33462
RE: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
Dear Bernard & Suzy K. Erb:
As you may recall, on June 20, 1989, the City Commission of Boynton
Beach approved requests for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning of a parcel known as Jonathan's Grove (see attached
location map), Public hearings were held in December 1988, January
1989, and June 1989, which many adjacent property owners attended.
The resultant approval of Jonathan's Grove was contingent upon the
following stipulations:
a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet,
b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet,
c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height,
along the north boundary of the property,
d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet,
e) all staff comments which are not in conflict with the
above stipulations. These are -
Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for
Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline within 45
days of annexation.
" .
Should this request be approved as submitted under
the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat
the property as shown on the conceptual plan with
a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet.
The applicant shall submit a tree survey.
.9lmema's (jateway to tlie (julfstream
TO: Bernard & Suzy K. Erb
Page Two
October 5, 1993
4. The applic'lnt shall submit a plan preserving, as
much as possible, the existing grove of trees.
5. The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan
for on-si te protection of trees during
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that in conjunction
with preliminary plat approval, MI Homes, the current applicant, is
requesting approval to modify one of the conditions of the 1989
zoning, specifically item e) 2 above, relative to the conceptual
plan and lot size, These requests will be heard by the City of
Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board on October 12, 1993 at
7:00 P,M. and by the City Commission on October 19, 1993 at 7:00
P ,M. Both meetings will be held at the City Hall Commission
Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach. The
proposed preliminary plat drawings are available for viewing from
8: 00 A,M, to 5: 00 P .H, in the Planning and Zoning Department,
located on the second floor of the West Wing of City Hall,
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact me at (407) 375-6260.
Senior Planner
TJH: frb
%e City of
'Boynton 'Beach
100 T-. 'Boynton 'Btadi 'Boukvard
P.O. 'Bo;c31O
'Boynton 'Bead;', ~Corida. 33425-0310
City 1fa[{: (407) 734-8111
~;U: (407) 738-7459
October 5, 1993
Jean Dahlgren TR
181 Atlantis Blvd., #F
Atlantis, Fl 33462
RE: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
Dear Ms, Dahlgren:
As you may recall, on June 20, 1989, the City Commission of Boynton
Beach approved requests for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning of a parcel known as Jonathan's Grove (see attached
location map). Public hearings were held in December 1988, January
1989, and June 1989, which many adjacent property owners attended.
The resultant approval of Jonathan's Grove was contingent upon the
following stipulations:
a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet,
b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet,
c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height,
along the north boundary of the property,
d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet,
e) all staff comments which are not in conflict with the
above stipulations, These are -
Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for
Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline within 45
days of annexation,
'" ,
Should this request be approved as submitted under
the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat
the property as shown on the conceptual plan with
a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet.
~ ,
The applicant shall submit a tree survey,
Jl.merUa's (jateway to tlie (julfstream
TO: Jean Dahlgren TR
Page Two
October 5, 1993
4, Th2 applicant shall submit a plan preser'.'ing, as
much as possible, the existing grove of trees.
5. The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan
for on-si te protection of trees during
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that in conjunction
with preliminary plat approval, MI Homes, the current applicant, is
requesting approval to modify one of the conditions of the 1989
zoning, specifically item e) 2 above, relative to the conceptual
plan and lot size. These requests will be heard by the City of
Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board on October 12, 1993 at
7:00 P.M. and by the City Commission on October 19, 1993 at 7:00
P.M, Both meetings will be held at the City Hall Commission
Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach. The
proposed ,preliminary plat drawings are available for viewing from
8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P,:t-L in the Planning and Zoning Department,
located on the second floor of the West Wing of City Hall.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact me at (407) 375-6260.
Senior Planner
fJ1ie City of
r.Boynton r.Beacli
100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bea& 'Boulevard
P.O, 'Bo~310
'Boynton 'Buuli, 1torid'a 33425-0310
City!Jfa[[: (407) 734-8111
7'!JlX: (407) 738-7459
October 5, 1993
Loy H. & Inger K. Anderson, Jr,
15 S, Lake Trail
Palm Beach, Fl 33460
RE: Jonathan's Grove - File No, 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
Dear Loy H. & Inger K, Anderson, Jr.:
As you may recall, on June 20, 1989, the City Commission of Boynton
Beach approved requests for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning of a parcel known as Jonathan's Grove (see attached
location map), Public hearings were held in December 1988, January
1989, and June 1989, which many adjacent property owners attended.
The resultant approval of Jonathan's Grove was contingent upon the
following stipulations:
a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet,
b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet,
c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height,
along the north boundary of the property,
d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet,
e) all staff comments which are not in conflict with the
above stipulations. These are -
Property owner to
Lawrence Road 40 feet
days of annexation.
dedicate right-of-way
from centerline wi thin
"" ,
Should this request be approved as submitted under
the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat
the property as shown on the conceptual plan with
a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet,
The applicant shall submit a tree survey,
5lmerUa's (jateway to tlie (julfStream
TO: Loy H. & Inger K. Anderson, Jr.
Page Two
October 5, 1993
4, The applicant shall submit a p:an preserving, as
much as possible, the existing grove of trees,
5. The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan
for on-site protection of trees during
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that in conjunction
with preliminary plat approval, MI Homes, the current applicant, is
requesting approval to modify one of the conditions of the 1989
zoning, specifically item e) 2 above, relative to the conceptual
plan and lot size. These requests will be heard by the City of
Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board on October 12, 1993 at
7:00 P,M. and by the City Commission on October 19, 1993 at 7:00
P. M. Both meetings will be held at the City Hall Commission
Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, The
proposed preliminary plat drawings are available for viewing from
8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M, in the Planning and Zoning Department,
located on the second floor of the West Wing of City Hall,
If you have any questions r~garding this matter, please feel free
to contact me at (407) 375-6260.
Senior Planner
fJ1ie City of
'Boynton 'Beach
100 'E" f}Joynton I}jeadi f}Joulevara
P.O, f}Jo~310
f}Joynton f}Jeadi,:JforUfa 33425-0310
City:Jfaf1: (407) 734-8111
:JJU: (407) 738-7459
October 5, 1993
Mr, Richard D. Johnson
819 So Federal Hwy, #201
Stuart, Fl 34994
RE: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
Dear Mr. Johnson:
As you may recall, on June 20, 1989, the City Commission of Boynton
Beach approved requests for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning of a parcel known as Jonathan's Grove (see attached
location map), Public hearings were held in December 1988, January
1989, and June 1989, which many adjacent property owners attended.
The resultant approval of Jonathan's Grove was contingent upon the
following stipulations:
a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet,
b) a mlnimum lot frontage of 70 feet,
c) construction of a wall, not to exaeed 6 feet in height,
along the north boundary of the property,
d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet,
e) all staff comments which are not in conflict with the
above stipulations, These are -
Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for
Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline within 45
days of annexation,
&. ,
Should this request be approved as submitted under
the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat
the property as shown on the conceptual plan with
a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet,
..J .
The applicant shall submit a tree survey.
.9Lmemas gateway to tlie gulfstream
TO: Mr. Richard Johnson
Page Two
October 5, 1993
4. The applicant shall submit a pla71 preserving, as
much as possible, the existing grove of trees.
5. The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan
for on-site protection of trees during
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that in conjunction
with preliminary plat approval, MI Homes, the current applicant, is
requesting approval to modify one of the conditions of the 1989
zoning, specifically item e) 2 above, relative to the conceptual
plan and lot size. These requests will be heard by the City of
Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board on October 12, 1993 at
7:00 P.M. and by the City Commission on October 19, 1993 at 7:00
P. M. Both meetings will be held at the City Hall Commission
Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach. The
proposed preliminary plat drawings are available for viewing from
8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P,M. in the Planning and Zoning Department,
located on the second floor of the West Wing of City Hall.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact me at (407) 375-6260,
Senior Planner
TJH: frb
fJ1ie City of
$oynton tJ3each
100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadr.. 'Boukvartf
P,O. 'Bo~310
'Boynton 'Beadi, :rCoritfa. 33425-0310
City!Jfa[[: (407) 734-8111
:J5U: (407) 738-7459
October 5, 1993
Mr, John Phillips
3973 7lst Avenue S
Lantana, FI 33462
RE: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
Dear Mr. Phillips:
As you may recall, on June 20, 1989, the City Commission of Boynton
Beach approved requests for annexation, land use amendment and
rezoning of a parcel known as Jonathan I s Grove (see attached
location map), PUblic hearings were held in December 1988, January
1989, and June 1989, which many adjacent property owners attended.
The resultant approval of Jonathan's Grove was contingent upon the
following stipulations:
a) a minimum lot size of 9,590 square feet,
b) a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet,
c) construction of a wall, not to exceed 6 feet in height,
along the north boundary of the property,
d) a minimum living area of 1800 square feet,
e) all staff comments which are not in conflict with the
above stipulations, These are -
.l. .
Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for
Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline wi thin 45
days of annexation.
Should this request be approved as submitted under
the R-1A zoning district, the applicant shall plat
the property as shown on the conceptual plan with
a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet,
The applicant shall submit a tree survey,
.9lmema's gateway to tfie (julfstream
TO: Mr. John Phillips
Page Two
October 5, 1993
4. The applicant shall submit a plan preserving, as
much as possible, the existing grove of trees,
5. The applicant shall prepare a tree management plan
for on-site protection of trees during
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that in conjunction
with preliminary plat approval, MI Homes, the current applicant, is
requesting approval to modify one of the conditions of the 1989
zoning, specifically item e) 2 above, relative to the conceptual
plan and lot size. These requests will be heard by the City of
Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board on October 12, 1993 at
7:00 P,M. and by the City Commission on October 19, 1993 at 7:00
P .14. Both meetings will be held at the City Hall Commission
Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, The
proposed preliminary plat drawings are available for viewing from
8:00 A.14, to 5:00 P.14. in the Planning and Zoning Department,
located on the second floor of the West Wing of City Hall.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free
to contact me at (407) 375-6260,
~ - J4
~~~l t:L
Senior Planner
TJH: frb
12-45-42, SID of NE Amnd Plat
N 132 ft of S 264 ft of Ei of
Tr 1
Sub of NEi Amnd PI
S 132 ft of Ei of Tr1
Sub of NEk Amnd PI
wi of Tr 1, Ei of Tr 2 &Tr 8
Sub of NEk Amnd Plat,
Trs 9 & 16 (less th pt as in
PB 49 PG 183, PB 49 PG 186 &
OR 4283 P 1432)
Sub of NEk amnd plat S. 114 ft.
of N 264 ft of E! of Tr. 1
(less Lawrence Rd. R/W)
15. 00-43-45-01-00-000-310.0
1-45-43, W 220 ft of E 443 ft.
of Si of Ni of NW k of Nwk
I~. oO-'i~-,{5-o1-oo-o00-3{[.o
Bernard & Suzy K. Erb
1089 Lawrence Rd.
Lantna, Fl. 33462
1) AHLJ{~E,\J JfAt0 rl?.
\ Bl ATUtNTI:> 8/...V,D. 1t- f=
ATLAfJ1Ijft- .3?' 4 b 2-
1)PlHLGfGEu JeAN Trz
( '8 L A.TLAtJll S :B LvD. if F
Atlantis, Fl. 33462
ft IJ 1> eR-So,J H, t:o'/ JR.. ~
IS S, t..IJ/C~ T'f?-L
17Al.f'\. f3EftCH, FL.- 33 C(f-> u
Yvonne S. Salloum
111 Marine Avenue
Brooklyn, N. Y. 11209
Sq 73 1/ sf Ave. ,S.
~1tf.JTItIUA / Ft-. 3s 4 b2-
h_ ~
p~TE:.<g.selJ F\~\ K.. N.4:- I'Nf{-E 11,
'3~61 7/STAvE $',
UTFJ Tltd -+/ fZ-. '3~ Vb 2...
08-4!>-l.{fj- r.)~T-oo~(1(J{.')-;olt.O
J 0 JJ/J 50tJ t (2' Clift R..])
BIt[ ~. fffj) Ej2A t.. f1(JJf.
~T(j1f12-0FC- 3t;r'1y
7-45-43, N1 of Sl of NW k of Nwk
lyg E of 40 ft rd r/w.
_.______ .-_0-_-- __ ___._..~....______ ---.- --
. . .
r>S-rc::R~t::N r:::, Q\\~ IJ. .t- IIJCit:.- ,vf, j
39tl1 71st Stree~
Lantana, Fl. 33462
1 00-43-45-07-00-000-303.0
,~ 7-45-43, Sl of N1 of NWk of NW!
(less E 440 ft & W 539.50 ft)
7-45-43, E 220 ft of S~ of N1 of
Dennis J. Groleau
3771 71st Avenue S.
Lantana, Fl. 33462
7-45-43, E 220 ft of W 260ft of
Sl of N1 of NW! of NWk
Morgan S. Bragg
3989 71st Avenue S.
Lantana, Fl. 33462
7-45-43, E 279.50 ft of W. 539.50
of si of Ni of NW! of NW!
Morgan S. Bragg
3989 71st Avenue S.
Lantana, Fl. 33462
5. 06-l{3~(5-07-00-ooo_302.o
7-45-43, Nt or NW~ O~ Rft4
(less N 40 ft L-18 cnl r/w & W
40 ft rd. r/w) -.
Marc & Laura Brandon
7044 Lawrence Rd.
Lantana, Fl. 33462
7-45-43, wi of sl of NW 1 of NW!
Iy!Qg~ E of 40 ft rd r/w
D. & Nami Ribuoli
229, N. Country Club Drive
Atlantis, Fl. 33462
7-45-43, Ei of sl of NW! of Nw1
VJ Hll'MI'-;,v [<:41T+iL~E:,v ,...\.
390Q 71st Avenue S.
Lantana, Fl. 33462
L 08-43-45-07-00-000-301.0
7-45-43, Ei of Nw1 (less E 424.33 ft
& N 108 ft cnl r/w as in OR3582 P1561)
& sw 1 of Nw1 (less W 40ft rd r/w)
Knollwood Groves, Inc.
8053 Lawrence Rd.
Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436
12-45-42, SID of NE! amnd Plat
S 132 ft of N 396 ft of E 330 ft of Tr
1 (less E 40 ft rd r/w)
Yvonne S. Salloum
171 Marine Avenue
Brooklyn, N. Y. 11209
H. Lay Anderson, Jr.
President and CEO
October 14, 1993
Ms. Tambri J. Heyden
Senior Planner
The City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
Re: Jonathan's Grove - File No. 172
Change in Conditions of Zoning Approval
Dear Ms. Heyden:
Thank you for your notice of October 5th concerning a requested
modification to the current zoning of the above referenced
I believe MI Homes should live with the minimum lot size as
previously approved. Unfortunately, if they would further minimize
the lot size, there is no question that our beautiful Lawrence Road
would be further congested which would take away from the charm we
are all trying to preserve.
Sin71Y /)" J ()
. A~ / J~
Ht/lA>Y r~~n. Jr.
\VI m
OCT t 88
PHONE (407) 627-1776 FAX (407) 833-0943
{ I
Engineers-Architects-Planners, Inc,
September 8, 1993
One Harvard Circle
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
Telephone (407) 683-3301
Fax (407) 686-7446
Mr, Christopher Cutro
Planning & Zoning Director
City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Re: Jonathan's Grove
Dear Chris,
The following response is per your memo of September 02, 1993 requesting that a written
response stating what changes of circumstances have caused lots to be reduced, It
should be noted that all minimum lot standards per the rezoning have been met with the
exception of lot depths.
Typical lot depths of 137' have been maintained wherever possible, The minimum 137'
depth was based upon the Conceptual Master Plan submitted with the rezoning request
which was approved on January 4, 1989. The 137' lot depths indicated on this plan were
conceptual in that hard engineering had not been done,
In our preparation of the plat we determined that by holding 137' lot depths on the south
side of the development and providing a 60' wide roadway that lot depths on the north
side of the road would vary from approximately 136.36' to 136.65' with the exception of
lots located on the cul-de-sac. The cul-de-sac lots would be shallower but wider in order
to maintain a minimum lot area of 9590 square feet. As stated in Tambri's memo of
August 24, 1993 a condition of approval of this zoning action is that it is subject to staff
comments which are not in conflict with the specified development standards. Condition
2 of the staff comments states "Should this request be approved as submitted under the
R1 A zoning district, the applicant shall plat the property as shown on the conceptual plan
with a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet". The platting of this property as shown
would be in conflict with the stated minimum lot size of 70' X 137' as shown on the
preliminary plat.
Another issue unresolved on the Conceptual Master Plan is water management concerns,
It is indicated on the 1989 Conceptual Master Plan that a minimum of 1 0% of the site
would be utilized for retention purposes but, there was no indication as to how this would
be accomplished. It would have to be assumed that if water management facilities were
included on the plan that they would have to be incorporated within the lots. We have
reduced the depth of lots 16 and 17 to provide for retention areas outside of the lot areas.
Mr. Christopher Cutro
Jonathan's Grove
September 8, 1993 - Page 2
If the depths of these lots were to be increased the water management areas would have
to be included within the lots. The net usable area of the lots would remain the same.
Lots adjacent to the cul-de-sac are less than 137' in depth as were lots located on the
cul-de-sac on the 1989 Conceptual Master Plan. Lots 1, 3 and 32 had all or portions of
their depths less than 137' on the 1989 plan,
Our adherence to the requirement that "the applicant shall plat the property as shown on
the conceptual plan" has been to the greatest extent possible within the confines of
meeting current standards and conditions of the master subdivision approval. It should
be noted that development standards for the R1 A zoning district have been met or
exceeded for the project.
If you have any questions or need additional information please call.
cc: Glen Nicotra
Chuck Sharman
Richard Staudinger
~ City of
1JoYnton 'Beadi
f~~c;( ::;- /~
'Pfanning & Zcning 'Dtpartment
100 'E. 'Boynton 'BtlUh. 'Boulevartf
P.O. 'Bo~310
'Boynton 'Btadi, '.Jf.orUfa 33425-0310
(407) 738-7490, '.J.'U: (407) 738-7459
July 30, 1992
Mr. John Erickson
819 S. Federal, Suite 201
Stuart, FL 34994
Re: Jonathon's Grove - Concurrency Status
Dear Mr. Erickson:
As you had requested during our recent telephone conversation, I
am providing you with the concurrency status of the Jonathon's
Grove development proposal. According to the City Code of
Ordinances, Chapter 19, Article VI, Concurrency Requirements,
Jonathon's Grove is categorized as an "E3" development order.
This delineation is based upon the site specific rezoning that
was approved on June 20, 1989, which consisted of an approval for
R-I-A zoning, with a specific plan of development for 33 dwelling
With respect to exemption, the development of Jonathon's Grove
would be subject to concurrency review for utilities, (i.e.
water, sewer, solid waste), district parks, neighborhood parks,
recreation facilities, and drainage. However, Jonathon's Grove
is exempt from concurrency review for roads (roadway
capacity/traffic levels of service). This classification or
status is in effect as long as the zoning remains unchanged.
If I can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me.
.., 'L .~-
I~., -< L. !v_~
Michael Rumpf
Senior Planner
5lmema's gateway to tfit yulfstream
100 'E. 'Boynton '13elUh '13oukvard
P.O. '13o~310
'Boynton 'BelUhl 1[orida 33425-0310
City 1la!!: (407) 734-8111
1YtX: (407) 738-7459
tJ1ie: City of
tJ3oynton tJ3each
Mr. Bill Fahl
p.O. BOX 403
Acme, Michigan 49610
Dear Mr, Fahl~
ThiS letter is to confirm that the Jonathan'S Gro~e de~elO~ent
project, located within the corporate limits of the city of
BOynton Beach. Florida is a "previoUS approval," and tbUS e>tempt
from the palm Beach county Traffic performance standardS
ordinance (COunty ord. 90-7). The Jonathan'S Gro~e de~elO~ent
project is a site-specifiC rezoning consisting of thirty~tbree
(33) single familY lots. If 1 can be of further assistance,.
please do not hesitate to contact me.
cc: subject file
a: fabl.doC
5tmerica's gateway to tlie guifstream
~ ~,,--~~-;:...-..;-'
Richard D. Johnson
P.O, Box 1490
Indiantown, FL 34956
(407) 597-3115 Office
(407) 597-4715 FAX
August 24, 1990
j OE-G!;
Mr. George Gonzales
Boynton Beach Planning Department
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
Post Office Box 3 10
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310
Re: Jonathon's Grove/Richard D. Johnson
Dear Mr. Gonzales:
In a recent conversation we discllssed the Boynton Beach
Concurrency Ordinance and the possible exemption of the above
noted project from that ordinance, You noted that this project falls in
the E-3 development order category of the Concurrency Ordinance
which includes "Any land use amendment or rezoning petition, and
any land use category or zoning district, except for planned zoning
district, except for planned zoning district and Development of
Regional Impact applications." While "E" category development
orders are not exempt from the ordinance, you did note that Section
19-81 paragraph (b) of the Concurrency Ordinance states:
"The Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards
Ordinance shall supersede this Article in the case of all conflicts
of such Ordinances with this Article, including conflicts where
the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards
Ordinance would be less restrictive than this Article.
This project falls within the definition for "site specific development
orders" as outlined in the 1990 Palm Beach County Traffic
Performance Standards Ordinance. The PBCTPSO provides for
exemption of projects filing applications for "site specific
development orders" prior to February 1, 1990. Therefore, this
project is eligible for exemption from the traffic portion of the
Concllrrency Ordinance since the applications for this project were
submitted prior to the County's February 1, 1990 deadline,
Based on the above, we request that the Jonathon's Grove project be
included on the City's previous approval list" to be forwarded to the
County requesting exemption from the 1990 Traffic Performance
Standards Ordinance,
If you have any questions or require any further information, please
contact me at.
tJ~ Ftdl
William Fahl
cc: Rex Briant
March 28, 1989
Governor Secretary
Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director
City of Boynton Beach
120 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Post Office Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
Dear Mr. Annunziato:
Pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, the Department
of Community Affairs has reviewed the proposed amendments to the
City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan pertaining to Jonathan's
Grove and Winchester Parcels 1, 2 and 3. A summary of the proposed
amendments is enclosed, as are the comments by review agencies.
The review indicated that both proposed amendments are
consistent with the statutory requirements which were in effect
prior to October, 1985. According to Section 163.3171(1), Florida
Statutes, a municipality may only exercise planning authority over
areas within its limits. Therefore, annexation must be final prior
to adoption of the comprehensive plan amendments. Upon completion
of the adoption process, the Department requests a copy of the
amended plan and adoption ordinance pursuant to Section 163.3187(3),
Florida Statutes. If you have any questions, please contact Ms.
Carmen Bishop at (904) 487-4545.
[~6 1989
PlANN~~"\)'G iBf!:~iPt
Roxanne Manning, Acting Planning Director, parm ~each County
Daniel M. Cary, Treasure Coast Regi8R~1 n'~~~;nq Cpuncil
City of Boynton Beach
Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Jonathan's Grove:
Jonathan's Grove is a 9.3814 acre parcel occupied by a
mature orange grove. The parcel is currently designated by Palm
Beach County as Low-Medium Residential (3 du/acre). This
comprehensive plan amendment, accompanied by an application for
annexation to the City of Boynton Beach, proposes to designate
the parcel as Low Density Residential (3.52 du/acre).
Winchester Parcels:
The three Winchester parcels, totaling 50.33 acres, are
currently occupied by pastureland and two single family homes.
The parcels are currently designated by Palm Beach County as
Commercial Potential, and zoned Agriculture-Residential. This
amendment, accompanied by an application for annexation to the
City of Boynton Beach, proposes to designate the parcels as
Agriculture, as a holding category reflective of current use, for
future commercial designation and development. The City of
Boynton Beach Future Land Use Map shows the parcels as Commercial
Local Retail and Commercial Office.
p~ P f r
({~, Florida Department of ~nvironmental Regulation
i,~ ~l ji) TWin T~wer~ Office Bldg. . 2600 Blair Stone Road . Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400
Bob Martll1t:Z Governor Dale Twachtmann, Secretary John Shearer, Assistant Secretary
" ?AlrE,OF FL09-~~/~.,i~.~"~,~e'7:,,iW',l!,.tl, ~, ',"
~) i: \ ~/~ ....,,1.."'" '::!l U
\\a ",.,' J
U M~R 10 198'3
March 2, 1989
Mr. Ralph K. Hook
Department of Community Affairs
Bureau of Local Planning
2740 Centerview Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
RE: city of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Dear Mr. Hook:
The Department of Environmental Regulation has reviewed the
Comprehensive Land use plan Amendments from the City of Boynton
Beach according to the inter im review procE~dures of Chapter 9J-1l,
F.A.C. This Department has no comments on the proposed amendments.
Richard W. Deadman
Planning Manager
Office of Planning and Research
Palm Beach Urban Office
3111 South Dixie Highway, Suite 112
Mail Box 122
West Palm Beach, Florida 33405
Telephone: 407-837-5290
March 1, 1989
Mr. Ralph K. Hook
Department of Community Affairs
Bureau of Local Planning
2740 Centerview Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
Dear Mr. Hook:
RE: Land Use Amendments - City of Boynton Beach
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 163 F.S. and Chapter
9J-11 FAC Interim Review Requirements, the comments of the FDOT to the
proposed City of Boynton Beach Land Use Amendment are enclosed.
If you or your staff have any questions concerning these
comments, please feel free to contact me at (407) 837-5290 (Suncom
252-5290) .
Sincer ly,
cc: Gustavo Schmidt
Jim Scully
Michael J. Tako
'-." """..",~"
, ,
, .
Amendment No. 6A7, 6A8, 6A9, GA10, GAll, and GA12
Proposed Annexation and Land Use Amendment for the Winchester Parcels
No.1, 2, and 3
From Agricultural (Palm Beach County)
To Agricultural/Future Commercial Development (City of Boynton Beach)
- 50.3 Acres
The state facility directly affected by this proposed amendment
is Boynton Beach Boulevard, an Urban Minor Arterial according to the
state Functional Classification of July 29, 1988 as amended. The site
also has access to Old Boynton West Road, a County Urban Collector,
and Congress Avenue, a County Minor Arterial. The site lies
immediately south of the Boynton Beach Mall across Old Boynton West
The site has the potential of generating almost 25,000 v.p.d. as
general commercial assuming a floor area ratio of .3, 20,000 new trips
on the adjacent and nearby street network attracted by the center
assuming 20% capture of trips already on the street. Boynton Beach
Boulevard (SR-804), recently improved to a six-lane divided street is
now carrying peak season traffic of 24,832 v.p.d. according to traffic
counts compiled by the Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning
Organization (MPO), a LOS B (General Daily LOS Maximum Volumes for
Florida's Urban Areas - 1989/90). Construction of an interchange with
the Florida Turnpike is scheduled to be let in October, 1989 which
will improve access to this part of western Palm Beach County and
increase traffic on Boynton Beach Boulevard.
The amendment as proposed will present no additional impact on
Boynton Beach Boulevard (SR-804) for the immediate future. As a part
of the development review process for any subsequent development
permits on the site however, the City of Boynton Beach should require
a traffic report including the impact of trips generated on the
adjoining and nearby arterial streets system including SR-804 based on
a specific site plan. Attention should be given in site plan review
to limitation in the number of points of access t.o Boynton Beach
Boulevard. The Palm Beach County Thoroughfare R/W Protection Map"
indicates an ultimate right-of-way of 120 feet on Boynton Beach
Boulevard. Consideration should be given to the need for acquiring
any additional right-of-way for protected right turns into the site
and expanded intersections, Proposed site access should be discussed
with this Department (Traffic Operations) at the earliest possible
time in the site planning process to ensure safe and convenient access
in accordance with state and county standards.
with the exception of the enclaves left within the areas proposed
for annexation, the proposals are a logical extension of City limits
and a region-serving commercial area. It is noted that the current
county land use designation is similar to that proposed by the City.
This Department supports the City staff recommendations for future
unified development (PUn commercial) of these parcels as contained in
portions of the City's E.A.R. Report on future annexation ar~as 51 and
Proposed Annexation and Land Use Plan Amendments
City of Boynton Beach - No. GAS and GAG
Jonathan's Grove - Proposed Annexation into the city of Boynton Beach
Proposed Land Use Amendment
From Low-Medium Residential (Palm Beach Co.)
To Low-Density Residential (City of Boynton Beach) - 9.38 Acres
No state highway is directly or indirectly affected by the
proposal, therefore, this Department has no comment.
State of Florida
Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building
3900 Commonwealth Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
Executive Director
Mr. Ralph Hook
Department of Community Affairs
Bureau of Local Planning
2740 Centerview Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100
Dear Mr. Hook:
February 23, 1989
Secretary 0 t State
Attorney General
State Comptroller
State Treasurer
Commissioner of Agriculture
Commissioner of Education
Staff of the Department of Natural Resources have reviewed
the proposed amendments to the comprehensive plan for the City of
Boynton Beach and have no comments.
Assistant Executive Director
"Working together to protect Florida's futurl:"
(J (2) prf
';, COalt,
fEB 23 1989
Mr. Ralph K. Hook
Department of Community Affairs
Bureau of state Planning
2740 centerview Drive
The Rhyne Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Subject: City of Boynton Beach Local Government comprehensive
Plan Documents
Dear i-ir. Hook:
Pursuant to the requirements of the Local Government
Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act,
Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Treasure Coast Regional
Planning Council reviewed the proposed amendments to the Future
Land Use Element of the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan
at its regular meeting on February 17, 1.989.
Comments were approved by Council for transmittal to the State
Department of community Affairs pursuant to sections 163.3184,
Florida statutes, for consideration by the city prior to adoption
of the document.
The proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Element have been
reviewed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163,
Florida statutes, Council's review procedures, and Council's
adopted plans and policies. Enclosed is a copy of the full staff
report to Council. The report was formally adopted by Council
with the revisions indicated at its regular meeting.
If you need addItional information or have any questions, please
do not hesitate to call.
Daniel M. Cary
Executive Director
DMC: lb
cc: Carmen S. Annunziato, AICP
3228 5.W. martin down5 blvd,
5ulf..205 . p.o. box 158
palm city, florlda 34990
phone (407) 286-3313
January 23, 1989
Carmen S. Annunziato, AICP
Planning Director
City of Boynton Beach
211 S. Federal Highway
Post Office Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Subject: City of Boynton Beach Local Government
Comprehensive Plan Documents
Dear Carmen:
This is to notify you that the Regional Planning Council has
received a request from the State Department of Community
Affairs (DCA) for comments on the following comprehensive
planning documents:
Two proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use
Element (Map), City comprehensive Plan.
Council staff will review the documents in accordance with
the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive
Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163,
Florida Statutes. It is anticipated that the report and
recommended comments will be presented to Council at its
meeting on February 17, 1989.
Prior to the Council meeting, the meeting agenda, report,
and recommended comments of the staff will be transmitted to
you. You or any representative of your local government are
invited to attend the meeting and will be afforded an
upport.un.ity to address the Cuullcil. :Following the Council
meeting the adopted comments will be transmitted to DCA.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do
not hesitate to contact me.
Terry L. Hess, AICP
Planning coordinator
JAN 25 1989
FLA' '.'\"\ :
3228 s.w. martin downs blvd.
suite 205 . p.o. box 1529
palm city, florid a 34990
phone (407) 286.3313
tho mas g. kenny, III
vice chairman
john acor
danlel m. cary
executive director
Beach Blvd.
Florida 33425-0310
(407.) 738-749~
January 6, 1989
Mr. Ralph Hook
Florida Department of Community Affairs
Division of Resource Planning and Management
Bureau of Local Planning
2740 Centerview Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Re: Transmittal of' Proposed Local Government
Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Dear Mr. Hook:
Accompanying this letter you w!~l find materials which are
related to Comprehensive Plan amendments for the City of Boynton
Beach. These plan amendments were considered by the Planning and
Zoning Board, sitting as .the Local Planning Agency, and~also by
the City Commission, at pUblic hearings which were held after due
public notice. The City commission of Boynton Beach has approved
the transmittal of these plan amendments to the Department of
Community Affairs. The two (2) plan amendments enclosed are
entitled as follows:
1) Jonathan's Grove
, 2) Winchester Parcels 1, 2 and 3.
With respect to Rule 9J-11.006, which outlines the procedure for
submitting comprehensive plan amendments, please be advised of
the fOllowing for the above-referenced applications:
1. Public hearings for these requests were held before the
City Commission on January 4, 1989, at which time the
Commission approved these requests for transmittal to
the Department of Community Affairs.
Mr. Ralph Hook
January 6, 1989
Page -2-
2. These amendments constitute the first set of
comprehensive plan amendments for calendar year
1989. Pending review and approval by DCA, it is
anticipated that the ordinances for these
transmittals will be adopted during the month
of April or May, 1989. The City's Comprehensive
Plan will constitute the second set of plan
amendments and is due on June 1, 1989.
3. The local government contact person is:
James J. Golden
Senior City Planner
P.o. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
(407) 738-7490
4. Enclosed you will find ten (10) copies of the staff
report, location map (zoning map) and land use element
map which address items (b) 1 through 5 of Rule
5. Concerning the recommendations from staff, the local
planning agency and the local governing body, the
staff recommendation is outlined on the last page of
each staff report. The recommendation from the local
planning agency (Planning and Zoning Board) and the
Local Governing Body (City Commission) are as follows:
Local Planning Agency: Recommended approval of the
annexation application as submitted. Recommended
approval of the land use element amendment and
rezoning application sUbject to staff comments,
including the staff recommendation that the property
be zoned R-1AAB instead of the R-1A zoning category
requested by the applicant.
Local Governing Body: Approved the annexation
application as submitted. Approved the land use
element amendment and rez9ning application to the
R-1A zoning category requested by the applicant,
subject to all staff comments, except those in
conflict with the R-1A zoning category requested,
and subject to the following additional stipulations:
Mr. Ralph Hook
January 6, 1989
Page -3-
a) Construction of a wall along the north side of the
b) All lots shall have a minimum area of 9,570 square
c) All lots shall have a minimum frontage of seventy (70)
d) All homes shall have a minimum living area of 1,800
square feet.
Local Planning Agency: Recommended approval of the
,annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning
applications subject to staff comments.
Local Governing Body: Approved the annexation, land
use element amendment and rezoning applications
subject to staff comments.
6. Copies of the land use policies which appear in
the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan
Evaluation and Appraisal Report for these two
portions of the Reserve Annexation Area are enclosed.
7. In addition to the above, all relevant information
concerning these applications should be contained
within the respective staff reports.
If you have any questions concerding these plan amendments or you
find that you require additional information, please contact
Senior Planner James Golden at the address and telephone number
listed under item #3 above.
Yours very truly,
c~ J'~
cc Daniel M. Cary, TCRPC
Central File
200 N. Seacrest Blvd.
Post Office Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
(407) 738-7.490
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October 17, 1988
Mr. Richard Morley
Palm Beach County
Planning, zoning and Building
3400 Belvedere Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
Re: Jonathan's Grove
Dear Mr. Morley:
Enclosed you will find copies of a location map, plans and
applications for the above-referenced annexation and land use
amendment/rezoning requests. This project is located on the east
side of Lawrence Road, approximately 700 feet south of Hypoluxo
Please provide your comments concerning consistency with the
County's Comprehensive plan and a summary of the County zoning
categories which abut these parcels in the immediate vicinity.
Yours very truly,
. ....
cc Central File
~-_. -....-.....-..-.,---.-..--..-.---.----
Kildav & Associates
Landscape Architects / Planners
1551 Forum Place
Suite 100A
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
(305) 689-5522
September 29, 1988
Mr. Carmen Annunziato, Planning Dir.
P. O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Re: Agency Agreement
Dear Mr. Annunziato,
This letter is to serve as permission for Kieran J.
Kilday and Kilday & Associates to act as the agent, to
prepare and submit all documentation, and attend all
meetings pertaining to the property described in
attached Exhibit "A" as it relates to any Annexation,
Rezoning, Land Use Element Amendment.
Furthermore, Mr. Kilday and Kilday & Associates are
authorized to agree to terms or conditions which may
.../ arise as part of the appr9val of this application; I'{'()t,/~c'~ 1-:?,,4-/ 19-,1/>"
r"FJ A~1Ct"T;;~ ~~j:~IIOL./ ,4 /11/.,*~nG///) 0 F 33 s,>/,'(;,Ie /'~/IY /kJsc...s TD -de dwiT
Sincerely, Y.
x7>k~4/ ,/ ~
2. ,,,,p day
of 0 c 7D8eR..
, 1988, before me personally
appeared !I1'-C f//Je / :/0 I(.v5C~
to me known to be the person(s) described in and who
executed foregoing instrument.
WITNESS my hand and official seal in the State and
County the day and year last aforesaid.
:I ~~~-
,.. Notary Public
State of:
My Commission Expires:
- .
Klldav & Associates
Landscape Architects / Planners
1551 Forum Place
Suite 100A
West Palm Beach. Florida 33401
(3051 689-5522
September 29, 1988
Mr. Carmen Annunziato, Planning Dir.
P. O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Re: Agency Agreement
Dear Mr. Annunziato,
This letter is to serve as permission for Kieran J.
Kilday and Kilday & Associates to act as the agent, to
prepare and submit all documentation, and attend all
meetings pertaining to the property described in
attached Exhibit "A" as it relates to any Annexation,
Rezoning, Land Use Element Amendment.
Furthermore, Mr. Kilday and Kilday & Associates are
authorized to agree to terms or conditions which may. - _ ,/
...r""arise as part of the appr9v~1 of this application;/".<"oN.,;?e.....'1II'M/ /'f/. y
....{J 1t(;;ff!'~,r)~A/T WVl/tlJ ,11/04/ If /1'1/.-v,,~V"" o.c- $ 3 ~h1./61t:' /,.,."?7/;..y h"e>..,I,.Se-.5 1D .de- ~.../r
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of c>c~c:3~ ~
, 1988, before me personally
appeared /11/ (: /lr/~ I
to me known to be the person(s) described in and who
executed foregoing instrument.
WITNESS my hand and official seal in the State and
County the day and year last aforesaid.
. '!- Z7 ~?~N-;;tarY Public
State of:
My Commission Expires:
NUrf\~~1 ;.,' ~,.l, ~~'i')::"> ,;;7: ~ (r;~;..~;~
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Th. North Ralf of th. louth ..1' of tb. lortb...e Quart.r
of the Korthv..t Quart.r of ...tlo. 7, Tow...l, 4' louth,
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the c.oterlia. of th. couat, road aa' ..c.,tl.. .a, for aa, aDd all public rOld. .D' e.....Dt.,
r...trietioo. of r.cor'; cODt.laia. ."roxi..tet, 10 acr...
_0. .
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Kilday & Associates
Landscape Architects/ Planners
1551 Forum Place
Suite 100A
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
(407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592
January 4. 1988
Mr. Carmen Annunziato
City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach. Florida 33435
RE: Jonathan's Grove
Dear Mr. Anunziato.
Recently my clients. the Mangiacapras. and myself had a
meeting with Mayor Marchese and Mr. Cheney at the City Hall
offices regarding our proposed single family project. As you
are aware. my clients are concerned about the current staff
recommendation of R-IAAB. Due to the configuration of the
lots, we are able to exceed to R-IAAB Zoning District in both
minimum lot area and depth. However. in attempting to meet
the 90 foot minimum lot frontage and width requirements of
the R-IAAB Zoning District. six (6) lots are deleted from the
proposed plan.
Due to the fact that this is an Annexation and Land Use
Amendment, 1 believe that the City has the right to place
specific conditions of approval. At this time. the
Mangiacapras have authorized me to agree to minimum
conditions that all proposed lots exceed 9.500 square feet in
total lot area and that all homes constructed on said lots
exceed a minimum living area of 1,800 square feet. However,
in return, my client would request that the proposed zoning
be R-IA as proposed in my petition.
I believe that these conditions will provide additional
protection for the City in the development of the future
subdivision. In other words, the conditions will provide
minimum requirements which exceed the current requirements of
the R-IA District.
Mr. Carmen Annunziato
Jonathan's Grove
Page 2
For your information, am attaching a graphic
our proposal as compared to the minimum standards
R-IAAB and the R-IA lots size. Thank you
consideration in this matter.
File:Mangiacapra/Lawrence Road/763.1
which shows
of both the
for your