REVIEW COMMENTS MEMORANDUM January 12, 1989 TO: FILE ~2--JONATHON'S GROVE ANNEXATION, LAND USE AMENDMENT AND REZONING 12/88 FROM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: CONDITIONS OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 4, 1989 FOR JONATHON'S GROVE APPROVAL The following conditions were approved by the City Commission on January 4, 1988 for the Jonathon's Grove request (prior to transmission to the Department of Community Affairs): 1. All staff comments not in conflict with approval of the request as submitted, more specifically, all comments contained within the Planning Department memo dated December 9, 1988, the Forester memo dated December 5, 1988, and all comments on the master comment sheet. 2. A minimum 9,590 square foot lot size. 3. A minimum lot frontage of 70 feet. 4. A minimum living area of 1,800 square feet. 5. A wall no higher than six (6) feet, along the northern property boundary is required. ~ ~ / . 9.-, < /~ / 'C:/~~. ,~ TAMBRI J. HEYDm4' TJH:ro