APPLICATION -l/ '~.2 c", C,-ln )-l--- e#<:.i &( (~ 0f~1~ , hU-'Llt2d /(;...d..c-ti. .. ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-059 DATE: March 6, 1995 00 ,.,; ,.; ( J " m 1,t:-. TO: \~~~rieamA. Parker, City Manager VU~ Hukill, P.E., City Engineer FROM: RE: TRAFFIC OBSERVATIONS - LAWRENCE ROAD The 1994 average traffic count on Lawrence Road between NW 22nd Avenue (Gateway) and Hypoluxo has been reported to us by the County to be 7972 trips. The current FDOT Level of Service Manual defines the threshold traffic level for LOS D for 2 lane undivided streets as 13,400 trips. Those two numbers are important in studying Lawrence Road traffic because the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Division has informed Mr. Hall of this office that widening of two lane roads in the County system is not seriously considered until LOS D is reached. Lawrence Road is a County road. The Traffic Division has also opined that about 1000 more units can be occupied on Lawrence Road before LOS D is reached. Well over 1000 more units have been approved by either the City or County, as follows: l Lawrence Oaks 178 units .... Nautica I 177 units L-- Nautica II 197 units L- -Me.J.dowwuod G.LOV~ ( d k:tt Kno 11 woodlt:oo'hc:;, 539 units Fox Hollow (aka Manor Forest) 18 ~) unbuilt units, est. L.- Sausalito Groves 164 unbuilt units, est. /-- Jonathan's Grove 3 ') units 'J i-- Lawrence Grove 75 unbuilt units, est. /.-- Citrus Glen 20 unbuilt units, est. v Citrus Park 113 units TOTAL 1680 unoccupied units The figure 1680 is not propounded to be exact, because each of the entries marked "unbuilt units" represents our estimate of how many units remain to be occupied in uncompleted developments. Traffic from occupied units appears in actual traffic counts totaling 7972 trips. We believe it is reasonable to predict that when all unoccupied units in all listed developments are in place, the Level of Service Standard will exceed LOS Standard E, which is 15,000 trips. LOS D will be reached when approximately 2/3 of the 1680 future units are occupied. Engineering Division Memo No. 95-059 Traffic Observations - Lawrence Road March 6, 1995 Page #2 We have been unable to obtain accurate estimates of revenue collected from dwelling units now contributing to the 7972 trips on Lawrence Road. If we assume 1600 dwelling units have generated those trips, and the average traffic impact fee collected was $1500 per unit, the total fees generated to date exceed $2,400,000. The total fees due from 1680 additional units will exceed $2,500,000, representing a total at build-out of $5,000,000I generated by these developments to be spent in the immediate area. These numbers are estimates, of course, and should be adjusted for traffic impact fees generated by other users who pay such fees (commercial, etc.) and those who don't (schools). Our conclusion is that it is time for the County to begin planning for widening of Lawrence Road so that when LOS D is reached, action can be immediately implemented to begin construction. A four lane undivided road will support 23,520 trips at LOS D, which is adequate for all completed and currently proposed development along Lawrence Road. WVH/ck C:LAWRENCE.LOS xc: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Ken Hall, Engineering Aide Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner TA8LJi: lA LEVEL or SERVICE D Test 1 Altern&te Peal( Houl:' AnT Test 1 LOS D LO' D LO", D F^CILIT:t l'tPII S'1'ANDJI\.RO CTJI\.NDARD S'1'ANDAAD 2 lanes undi,..id9d 1,220 13,400 1,030 3 lanes two-way 1,280 14 , 000 1,080 2 tanlH, one-way 1,600 17,600 2,650 3 lanee o:1~-way 2,460 27,000 4,000 4 l<lnell uT1dh'idecl 2,140 23,520 1,770 .. laneg div....dQd 2,&70 29,400 2,210 S lanes divid~d 2,670 29,400 2,210 Ii 1an.as divided 4,100 45,000 3, 330 8 lanes dlvided 5,070 55,800 4,110 4 1.~ne8 expressway 6,070 68,900 3,450 0 lanes eXpl..8sil....ay 9,100 103,400 5,170 a l~ne~ e~pr~5~way l2,lJO 131,900 6,e90 10 lanes ~xpro~~w~y 15,170 172,300 8,610 SOurce: 100T Level of Service Mdnual, Generalized Daily Level of Service liaxl.mum Volumes, Group C and Croup 1, and Generalized Peak Hour/Peak Directional Level Of servtce Max1mum volumes, Group A and Group 1 tor ~r~anL:ect ~reaB (^pr~l 1992). ~or the D~tailed Analysis for Alternate Test One. L@vel of Service D shall be the Sum of the Crltical Volumes of one thousand f~ur hundred (1,400) In accordance with the ?iannLng Method in the 1985 Manual, TABU: 1 a LEVEL OF SERVICE E 'teet 1 Alternate Peak Hour Tellt 1 LOS I!: LOS !: LOD I!: F"'CILI'1'Y T'Ur. ST~NOl\nl SThNDARD STANDARD :l lauliiul undbi.:iad 1, 370 15,000 1,280 3 lanAS t''''o-~/ay 1,450 15,700 1,340 2 lanes one-way 1,760 19,300 3,120 3 lanes one-~IlY 2,660 29,JOO 4,570 4 lanen und1.v1ct&<1 2,350 25,800 2,080 4 l.:lneD dtvLrled 2,930 32,200 2,&00 Ii lanoo t~'o-"ay :2,930 32,2QO 2,600 6 lJlne!l divid~d 4,440 48,800 3,890 e lanes dividad 5,550 60,400 4,810 4 lanas expressway 6,500 14,000 3,710 Ii lanoB eXfrcs8way 9,780 111,200 5,'60 e lan~K e~p~e35way l3,050 lH,200 ? , 410 10 lc:'\e:: e>:pL'.e"Wa)' 16,310 US,JOO Q,260 Sour~e: rOOT Level of SQrvice Hanual, CeneralizQd Daily Level of Service Ha;(imur., Volumes, Group C and Group 1, and Generalhec1 Peak Hour/Peak O!.:'Qctional Level of Service Maximum vclumes, Group A and Group Hor urb~ni~ad areas (April 19'2). i'.>J: tho C...tallgd An.a.ly.ia feu: A.LtQrnat:~ Teet One, Level of ServLce E shall be the Sum of th~ Critical Volumas ot one thouaand five hundred (1,500) in accordance with the planning Method 1n the 1985 Manual. The Level 0' Service Standards for Teet 2 are Level or eervlce S in ~abl. la. TOTAL P.02 Fair Share contribution for Road Improvem.nts P.. Table Boynton B.ach ,----------------------------~----------~---~-~-----------~----~----~-----~----- Description Road Fee Resident!.al --------------------- Slngle Family Detached Single Faml1y Att. per unit Congr Livlng pacil, per unit HobUe Home Non-Residential 1,650.00 1,155.00 353.93 825.00 \ ------------------------------ ..General ot flce 10,000 sq.ft. per 1,000 sq.tt. 50,000 sq. ft. per 1,000 sq.tt. 100,000 sq.tt. per 1,000 sq.tt. 150,000 sq.tt. per 1,000 sq.ft. 200,000 sq.tt. per 1,000 sq.ft. 300,000 sq.tt. per 1,000 sq.tt. 400,000 sq.tt. per 1,000 sq.tt. 500,000 sq.tt. per 1,000 sq.tt. 600,000 sq.tt. per 1,000 sq.tt. 700,000 sq.ft. per 1,000 sq.tt. BOO,OOO sq.ft.& over per 1,000 sq. ft. Medical Office per 1,000 sq. ft. --..-..-. -.--- .-- -.. 1,353.00 911.90 771.65 699.05 651.75 592.35 547.80 519.75 497.75 481.25 465.30 1,819.35 ..- ...... .-- General Commercial Rstall Examples --------------------------------------------------- . \ 10;000 sq.ft. per 1,000 8q.tt. 50,000 8q.ft. per 1,000 8q.ft. 100,000 sq. ft. per 1,000 sq. ft. 200,000 sq. ft. per 1,000 8q.ft. 300,000 sq. ft. per 1,000 aq.ft. 400,000 sq.ft. per 1,000 sq.ft. 500,000 sq.tt. per 1,000 8q.ft. 600,000 sq.tt. per 1,000 8q.ft. 800,000 sq.ft. per 1,000 sq.ft. 1,000,000 Iq.ft. per 1,000 sq.ft. 1,200,000 8q.ft. per 1,000 sq. ft. 1,400,000 8q.ft. per 1,000 8q.ft. 1,600,000 sq.tt. per 1,000 8q.tt. Mi8cellaneous Hosplta1, per bed Hurling Home, per bed Warehouse per 1,000 sq.ft. Hini-warehouse per 1,000 sq.ft Gen. Recreation per parking space General Industrial per 1,000 8q.ft. Fast Food wI Drive Thru per 1,000 sq. ft.. -Quality Restaurant per 1,000 eq.ft. -High Turnover Sit Down aest. per 1,000 aq.ft. Drive-In Bank per 1,000 aq.tt. Ga8 Station per station Convenience Store per 1,000 eq.ft. Hovie Theater per seat Racquet Club per court Church/Synagogue per 1,000 eq.ft. Day Care Center per 1,000 sq.ft. Hew Car Sales per 1,000 sq. ft. Carpet Storea per 1,000 aq.ft. Veterinary Clinic per 1,000 sq. ft. Hotel per room Hotel per room Elementary Schools ~er 1,000 sq. ft. Hlgh Schools pe~ l,eOO sq.tt. r:) -\. L Mflll ~~'l-)~ , tV 5,069.60 2,822.82 2,215.50 t.;7bB ..5:S 1,648.37 1,419.10 1,403.00 1,359.49 1,360.28 1,359.01 1,384.12 1,398.19 1,431.93 ------------------------------ - 647.35 143.00 268.40 143.55 165.00 383.35 12,168.31 4,511.84 9,600.58 7,816.74 8,639.40 11,162.10 96.90 2,359.50 512.60 3,923.37 2,638.35 5.95 1,804.00 560.45 418.50 589.60 599.50 \ ( . - TRAFFIC STATEMENT for JONATHAN'S GROVE submitted to: City of Boynton Beach prepared by: TEl TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, INC. One Clearlake Centre 250 Australian Avenue, South, Suite 1001 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 407 - 659 - 8328 BACKGROUND This report is prepared to support a request for zoning change and for annexation for JONATHAN'S GROVE. It is submitted to the City of Boynton Beach. Guidelines published by the City are used in the prepartion of this study. The first requirement of any zoning oriented study done in the City is a comparison of traffic generated under current and proposed zoning. TRAFFIC GENERATION Traffic generation is the method by which the amount of traffic, or the number of trips from a proposed site is estimated. One authoritative source used to estimate traffic generation is the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Report. The most current version is the Fourth Edition. The traffic generation data in the ITE Report is the compilation of surveys summarized for use by a "best fit formula" which most closely replicates the data collected. For small projects like Jonathan's Grove however, average trip rates are recommended. These rates are from the Fourth Edition of the ITE Report. The use of average trip rates was the only generation method presented in the recently outdated Third Edition. The rates which will be used in this study for the daily traffic generation and that which is expected in the morning and afternoon peak hours are based on the number on single family dwelling units as indicated below: Daily Morning Peak Afternoon Peak 10.0 trips per dwelling unit 0.75 trips per dwelling unit 1.01 trips per dwelling unit These rates will be used in a comparison of traffic generation from the two zoning scenarios (existing and proposed) and will be used to analyse peak hour movements at the main driveway intersection. TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON One important consideration in an application for zoning approval is the comparison of existing conditions with those which would exist under the proposed conditions. From a traffic generation standpoint the comparison is summarized in the following table. Trip Generation Comparison Existing Proposed 9 units 33 units 90 daily trips 330 daily trips 240 additional It is evident that the change in zoning from one dwelling unit per acre to approximately three dwelling units per acre has a very small additional impact - 240 trips throughout the entire day. PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC GENERATION During the peak hours - morning and afternoon - the following traffic generation characteristics are expected. Peak hour traffic generation Morning Peak .75 trips per unit 27% inbound 73% outbound 7 trips 18 trips Afternoon Peak 1.01 trips per unit 63% inbound 37% outbound 21 trips 12 trips The implications of these peak hour vehicle trips will be discussed in the next section. IMPACT STUDY THRESHOLDS There are two thresholds defined in the City guidelines for determining the scope of the traffic impact study required. A full impact study is required if a proposed project generates either: three thousand trips per day, or two hundred fifty directional trips in peak hour It is clear that the daily generation (330 trips) and the highest peak hour directional generation (21 trips in the afternoon) are well below these thresholds. Therefore, a full traffic impact analysis will not be required. INTERSECTION ANALYSIS An analysis of traffic movements at the intersections of the driveway that would serve the property is required in this traffic statement to determine improvements necessary to accommodate such traffic movements. Because of the small size of Jonathan's Grove only turn lanes at the driveway will be examined. Requirements for turn lanes into a residential site (from Lawrence Road in this case) are based on afternoon peak hour turning movements. The turn lane requirement thresholds per Palm Beach County Engineering Department are as follows: Left turn lanes from the main street Right turn lanes from the main street 75 vph 30 vph It is evident that these thresholds are far greater than the total inbound traffic into the proposed site (left turns plus right turns). Therefore, turn lanes from Lawrence Road will not be needed to accommodate the traffic from the Jonathan's Grove. CONCLUSION The traffic impact from rezoning the Jonathan's Grove site as proposed will be negligible. The impact on the adjacent roadway (Lawrence Road) is insignificant (less than two percent of the capacity of the existing facility). Furthermore, the peak hour demands at the intersection of the future site and Lawrence Road is not significant enough to warrant the addition of right or left turn lanes into the site. 1~-- FREDERICK W. SCHWARTZ, . E. Florida Registration # 28403 Notice of Municipal Annexat ion FROM: City of Boynton Beach, Florida Please be advised by this notification and attached location map, that certain lands have been annexed by BOYNTON BEACH, Florida. Information contained herein is pertinent to the area in question. If additional material is required, please contact the office of: ' THE CITY PLANNER. Name of Development/Owner: Jonathan's GroveJRichard D. Johnson Ordinance # 89-10 or Special Act of State Legislature: Bill # Effective Date: 6/ 20/ 89 . " Sq.Ft. 9.38 Acres E~timated Present Residential Density:Vacant (C~tru~ Grove) d.u. 's/acre Zoning: R-IA " Densi ty Allowed: 5~8 net d.u. 's/~cre I Existing Type of Development: Commercial Citrus Grove Proposed Type of Development:. 33 lot single-f.amily residential spbdivision i _*County *County I Comrnissionerf Planning~ Bldg,Zonin~ I *Owner or Petitioner All City Departments All utility Compan~es *Area Planning Board *County, Tax Assessor Chamber of Commerce !Secretary of State *Supervisor of Registration Bureau of Census *Clerk of County Circuit Court to receive copy of prdinance xx Attachment Location Map *State Beverage Department I *State Department of Transporation D-l 'NII~_.~"_.~-'. ..-........ L 'jCA TION MJ-,r . . JONATHAN'S GROVE ='9 Ir kll' """'.. .- L- - I j' NIC: :.'PUC - .- -, .....L.: V7. ~ ,- 'r/, ......... .1 r:"'r.. ...," '.: {: --. I ,. .... NIC ,. i. ~~ :: ~.~ )'1,- ,,}.: = ~::: J TII .' . .'q.:. \-U I' ," ~ Ff!~ n! . :...:.. .0' II '1' : :'...; es~~ .:. 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" '" . <0 .". ..... f,..'!J. " Q ~ . . .'.' ~_~I "~IV~(. II . o 1/8 \ \ .400, '800 "I, ~L':~I '\ 00 0 ~. 1600 FEgT - PI.A NN/N t: OE..pr. /0/B8 MILES. . .. ;'\\~' ~ :l;..~I.~..I\~..~~:.: . .iJ.E '.; ~t~ (, "'",' ," !.l"~~::" ..., .,' ~'.:j ..1..: ..', m ..' ..,~ :'.~~~ '., .-:.):'. }(..~l ........ ..' ",' ..... .... ...."':' .,.. '~/A~ .' .. .. ". '0 ~. 4.t:::~~r~.J"~>'~~;'" ~:.. ~~~;~ . )::.fi: 1.._- .. .," ,,'t..__ Notice of Municipal Annexat ion FROM: City of Boynton Beach, Florida Please be advised by this notification and attached location map, that certain lands have been annexed by BOYNTON BEACH, Florida. Information contained herein is pertinent to the area in question. If additional material is required, please contact the office of: THE CITY PLANNER. Name of Development/Owner: J:..lC.th...... ~ Cv-... vel(/<f: t...."') D. :r; tr. ~50h Ordinance # ~1-lo or Special Act of State Legislature: Bill it Effective Date: ~ /.2(9/ f <:( Area of Subject Property: Estimated Present Population: C/ Estimated Number of Existing Dwelling Units: C? Estimated Present Residential Densi ty: VM.+Nr-( v~~~ c:r,Ro{(i.:-Jd. u. Is/acre Zoning: /( - fA- .. Density Allowed: ~';. <i /leT d.u. Is/acre Sq.Ft. 1.,3B Acres Existing Type of Development: Ce7McRc:rIt:L.- .C:r:rRlA,J ~RD C/E Proposed Type of Development: :3 3 L.o, ~~.:rNc;.L-c - FJrI'(:':lY I!-SS.:rDEAliUL 5 fA[J /J:r-V~.s:;:ON *Owner or Petitioner *County Commissioners All City Departments *County Planning, Bldg,Zonin All Utility Compan~es *Area Planning Board Chamber of Commerce *County Tax Assessor Bureau of Census *Secretary of State *Clerk of County Circuit Court to receive copy of prdinance ~AttaChment Location Map *Supervisor of Registration *State Beverage Department *State Department of Transporation D-l MUNICIPAL TAXES DERIVED* ANTICIPATED ASSESSED VALUE* Land Value Building Value $ 660,000.00 1,976,238.00 $2,636,238.00 PROJECTED TAXES Valuation ** 1988 Millage $1,811,238.00 x .0087346 $ 15,820.44 * Based on comparable units 1988 assessment roll (The Meadows P.U.D., Tract C and Chapel Hill) ** Less Homestead Exemptions EXHIBIT A ..,1 ..,., =~ 1 /.../1. '"",..,11" _,...; L- - .-. L:'~A TION M~r JONATHAN'S .GROVE I ~ .. ~(iiI.~.. ':;~ . ~ 'T/. I: ~'C: I ;"puC \.. ~ . ....... ............ fA · ~j~j]j~jjjj~jjjj~jjjj~jjjl~lj~j~j~~~~l~~~~~j~~~~~~~~ ~ SITE .......... ~ 8 JL~ ~~ce ~ CsJj ty 11 .;.,~.:- - ~ , "~O" ~ ./ri r1: ~ '-~ . ~ v1' .... 1'Cr;~ ~-: ~,~.. ., 11 -'~).. ....- )~ .' ;1'[ (' I t:.~;.. . ..... 1}6 j S..5 -:':'I~': ....,. Mo.,-' '.'ITJ, .~.;....4:.:.. 7 t 8' 5 .;~: .. ".'J!,.,.. .~. 7 f.'8.5 ...i, ..~,..-~. ...-....., .... -~, 1 8/8'.5 I I ._..__~.__._,..~..,.... .,...J 2 1/86 I ~- :-- ~- - '\.,1- ~;"~ ::)S= 7-t 10-= J I '~ \ :UI~' l- I ..~ ,... " ~:: . ,- , : .01 = I t. ~r E.~' ~ t:: = ~ ...... f".~ I Q ~ -- -~. .~,. ....... ....... ..... .... ..,,"":' ".. . '~/A~ '0 1/8 I ~o ~, .400. . 800 . I' ;]'L ,.-J MIL~S ..r O. 0 '.';.: O' "A ~. ,.... ',;' V "-\ ...~ ~~, :.:-1 \ ~ ,., ., ~ N.\N. AID. . ,,' !.,. '.. " r d ',' i .~ rr. . .. '.,:. ., .,:': ,.:'.~ '.. 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'.ach Couat,. rlo~ida. a.ceptia. tharefro. a .trip of laad 40 feet ia width oa eacb .ide of tha c.nterline of lhe COUDt, road aDd excepti.1 aa, ri.ht-of-va, for aa, aad all public road. aad e.....at.. r4.trictioD' of r.cord. coataiaiD' .pproxi.atel, 10 .cre.. , .' , ::-',:.:. k:' .... " sf." ~...:~..; ~:: ~~~.~:. ';.,(..' lL': ,. ';"; t:Xl~"!3nent%:lQ~~ ~t%:lOt%:l;d>C:::== (,)~Z eng;tz:lt%:l t%:l0 ~~~ <. ,. 0~~t%:l"O.. ~Zz o ~ tz:l00 0'" < ~::o :z: ~O"O~;! n~Z~~-:;3 C/)o t%:l Zi [i3~00~ ~t%:l~ <>~~ t:Xl'~tz:l t%:lH f:;.&oo <Zt"1~O _ _ -~ - (') 0.... . Z"Ot%:l.&oo=OZ~ G')C:::no ~tz:l~ teo n ~~c:::~oenQ- n~ c:::tz:lc:::z "0 tz:lzng;..... ~,,<~~~ , :><0 <~~N C ~~" .. O~- trJ ~ O~ Z ~ en~z~..J ~ n ~ S- ::0 ,.... ~~~~~.. ~~ "0 <0 ~ ~ - ~ o ~ ~- ,.... ~00,t%:l ~tz:lt%:l >~.&oo 0 0>:><-.. -en z enn en 0 >tz:ltz:l = c; n~~Ot%:l~OI-j ~ Z><"O~"" t%:lZ~ (') - en~Zt%:l~.&oo~O ,..G')> lJ'I=z (')~ t%:lt%:l -,,!:;=zen "A', ~t%:l< G')Oz~ )~ (,oJen en ~o .\{;. O);3"~=a::::O~ . ... ~.' , .:F ~ ~ 0 .. ~ :)-t. .&oori~t%:l5d - ~O". >~~ t%:l~t%:l~ .. (')bOO~ en, "Z~~oCil~N tz:len tz:l en ~~::c 0 1'.. 0>:: .&ooZO 1+ "'!j < tz:l> (,oJ tz:l ~ ., ....J. ";i t',. EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C COMMENTS ON ANNEXATION MUNICIPAL STAFF Increased Increased Other Department Personnel Capital Comments City Clerk No No None Planning No No See attached Forester/ Horticulturist No No See attached Utilities No No See attached Public Works No No See attached Management Services No No See attached Finance No No None Police No No None Fire No No See attached Library No No None City Engineer No No None Building Official No No None Personnel and Purchasing No No None Parks and Recreation No No None PALM BEACH COUNTY Planning, Building and Zoning See attached MEMORANDUM December 9, 1988 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: JONATHON'S GROVE STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request. 1. Property owner to dedicate right-of-way for Lawrence Road 40 feet from centerline within 45 days of annexation. 2. Should this request be approved as submitted under the R-I-A zoning district, the applicant shall plat the property as shown on the conceptual plan with a minimum lot size of 70 feet by 137 feet. ^ c-'>~.~ .:A~~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZI cSA:ro cc Central File 41m:UC3:c' .5! ;. ~ . S' :s c;4 ~ ",CD!.. ;:;"' _:s- l!. .:s",-r--t &,aocSa-cr- N:S -00 NO c~CD"' g~ ~CD ~ S'a · lit CD lC - lit Lawrence Road-- , ( ~34,38' (J) ::; a>> C ~ ... ~ ~ CD . .. -a. .. CD q I " ~ 0') I l--- I I 00 I\) I I :u~ - I 0 ..~ ~.. .... ~~,!D(JJCD I ... > ~CIIC11S'W C1l 3:C~'2.CD S'~ CD> , l: (JJ ." n I\) :" . . ~ I . . a I -< I ... ::- ~ CD N ::- I I 1 J-oo I I, .. . N1 \~ N l" CII ,. CII \ I\) c.n I I .. """1 N en I\) CD I\) CD - - ....".c't- ~ (,.J " ~ I\) -a. -a. , 'I CD cn C1l ::- I I "1 ..~ I I M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist DATE: December 5, 1988 RE: Jonathan's Groves - Proposed Annexation This memorandum is in reference to the tree site plan submitted for the above project. old citrus tree grove consisting of rows of is also required to submit the following in survey. survey and conceptual The site contains an trees. The developer addition to the tree 1. A plan preserving as much as possible the existing grove trees in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan (section 29,, pg. 86). The plan as submitted does not make mention of preservation methods. 2. In accordance with our City Tree Preservation Ordinance #81-21, section 7.5-12, p. 598, the applicant must prepare a tree management plan for on site protection of trees during construction. The plan is also part of section 7.5-15, pg. 600. I will discuss these two co~::n~1:r KEf. in J. 1 a an Forester/Horticulturist items with the applicant if they are rezoning to RIA. KJH:ad DOC: JONA BOYNTON BEACH STAFF COMMENTS Utilities Department: This area lies within our designated service and must be served and supported by user rates whether or not it is annexed. Annexation, therefore, has no impact on personnel salaries, etc. Public Works: This annexation alone will not create a significant impact on the operations of this department. Management Services: Need street address and notification to Palm Beach County for inclusion in Master Street Address Guide for routing of 911 calls to City of Boynton Beach. Fire Department: The subject property will be served by our new Station 3. Board. of County Commissioners . > County Administrator Jan Winters Department of Planning, Zoning & Building Carol A. Rnberts, Chair Carol J, Elmquist, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Dorothy Wilken Jim Watt December 6, 1988 Mr. Peter Cheney, city Manager city of Boynton Beach 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton' Beach, FL 33435 Dear Mr. Cheney: Palm Beach County Planning Division has coordinated the the proposed Jonathan's Grove annexation of 9.38 acres. is generally located on the east side of Lawrence Road, mately 600 feet south of Hypoluxo Road. County staff are as follows: review of The site approxi- comments 1. ENGINEERING, Allan Ennis, Development Review Engineer No Comment. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, Bob Krause, Environmen- tal Analyst · No Comment. 3 ' ., FIRE-RESCUE, Ed Hines, 4th Battalion Chief i The subject property is approximately 9 acres in size and is bordered by the city of Boynton Beach on the west side. Due to its size and location, the impact of this land use change on the delivery of Fire Rescue services is minimal. A limited amount of revenue will be lost; however, it will not adversely effect the overall service delivery system in the subject area. 3400 BELVEDERE ROAD WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33406 , (407) 471-3520 . . ----_...:...-......---~-_._'------~-~---" --------'--....--..:.---~ 4. METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION, Teresa Cantrell, Senior Planner I The staff of the Metropolitan Planning Organization has reviewe~ the proposed annexation submitted by the City of Boynton Beach, and finds it to be consistent with adopted agency goals and objectives. 5. PLANNING DIVISION, James Ponseti, Planner staff comments are as follows: A. Planning Division staff is concerned about the creation of an unincorporated county pocket, adjacent to the proposed annexation on the south. 1 state and county annexation policy prohibits any annexation which creates a county pocket or enclave, due to their deleterious effect upon the provision of municipal services. B. staff is also concerned about whether the proposed annexation is "compact" as defined by section 171.031, F. S. The parcel proj ects westward from the area of contiguity, with an average width to depth ratio of nearly 4 to 1, thereby creating a finger of municipal land. Additionally, staff questions whether the proposed annexation is "substantially contiguous" as defined by section 171.031, F.S. In the absence of more precise criteria for determining what is "substantially contiguous," the following analysis is offered. Approximately 10% of the parcel's boundary is contiguous to the City of Boynton Beach. Staff does not believe that this meets the statutory requirement for substantial contiguity. The "Palm Beach County Interim Annexation Policy" (hereafter, County Policy), adopted August 2, 1988, requires County Planning staff to review proposed annexations for "statutory deficiencies," pursuant to Chapter 171, F.S. If the proposed annexation is determined not to be in compliance with statutory requirements, then the County may take one of the following actions: 1. The County and the municipality may enter into an interlocal. agreement as detailed in the County Policy, or 2. If an interlocal agreement between the County and the municipality "cannot be executed within 30 days of the adoption of the annexation ordinance, the County may file a lawsuit to enforce the requirements of Chapter 171, F. S . in acdordance with section 171.081. F.S." 6. UTILITIES, Tim Russell, Director, Engineering Division No impact - not in PBCWUD service area. Based on the preceding comments, County staff requests that you postpone any final action on the proposed annexation until an interlocal agreement can be implemented. Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to these actions. ~~ RMM: jp FILE:J1/ANNXBB1 cc: BCC Sam Shannon, Asst. County Administrator John Lower, Acting Executive Director, PZB stan Redick, Planning Director Bill Capko, Assistant County Attorney Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director, Boynton Beach Allan Ennis, Traffic Engineering Division Ed Hines, 4th Battalion Chief, PBC Fire-Rescue Teresa Cantrell, Senior Planner, MPO Tim Russell, Director, Engineering Division, PBCWUD EXHIBIT D Areas Prooosed for Annexation. and ProDosed Future land Use Plan Classification Area 45 Unincorporated Areas Adjoining Northwest Corner of the City. These areas should be annexed and placed under the >>low Densi ty Residential>> land use category, In order to ensurr compatibility with existing developments In the vicinity. Annexatloh of these properties w 1 I I s qua reo f f the C I t Y I S b 0 u n d a r 1 e san d w i I I a I I ow the C I t Y toe 0 n t r 0 I the use Of these parcels and thus protect areas that are already In the City. Development of these parcels should be compatible wi th existing or approved residential developments in the area. In particular, the undeveloped parcels In the immediate vicinity of Hypoluxo and Lawrence Roads should be Ilmi ted to low-densl ty single-family dwellings, wi th a gross densl ty of not greater than 3 dwelling un1 ts per acre, Commercial development should not be allowed, consistent with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. The adjacent rights-Of-way for Lawrence Road and HypOluxo Road should also be annexed. Area 46 Unlcorporated Area Adjacent to Thompson Road. This area has been subdivided and Is largely developed as single-family detached dwellings, although the northern end of this subdivision Is still vacant, Although piecemeal annexation of the residential lots may not be desirable, any annexation which does occur should retain a land use and zoning designation cCI,lparable to that which Is permitted by Palm Beach County. Current Palm Beach County land development regulations in this area allow low density single-family development on the southerly lots, and commercial development of the lots near Hypoluxo Road. In order to control commercial development along Hypoluxo Road, annexation of the commercially-zoned parcels would be desirable, prior to serving these parcels with utilities, The adjacent rlght-ot-way for Hypoluxo Road should also be annexed. ~ Area 47 High Ridge Road Corridor f i f Presently this area Is occupied by several large-lot single-family subdivisions. and several large vacant parcels. Annexation o t the sub d I v Ide d are as wo u I d not be p r act i c a I, sin eel t wo u I d not be possible to serve these lots efficiently, if ann~xed Individually. The unplatted parcels on the west side of HIgh Ridge Road, Immedlatly north of the future Miner Road, should be annexed prior to development, In order to eliminate this unincorporated pocket, and should be placed in the "Low Densl ty Residential>> land use category. The parcel which has been developed for warehouses at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and 1-95, however, should be place In the "Industrlal" land use category, and the parcel Immedately to the west, which is occupIed by a church, ~~ ;:.;V~ . .. .F1 . :i ,~ ,;;. , ; 1 '.. r~ . "',t 135 ..-1 ,. ~ t I :1-.:.... p. ": :i:i~.:, ' th:~~. >.,' ',~ :'.'-~\ -'~'. . . . . . ..~. . : ,~ ',. ',\ EXHIBIT E ."", l. "8..." IL~j':'lcs:nl-"'~I-':''''''''~ ~ ]~~t ;\I~~&~~~ ~ ~\.-;< .t>i -' ~ . IReLE WEST ~ ",~l~~' ) . ,\ . '~iI':~~ ~~~tl."~" .~ . ~'" Mi~~I~.'K'~ \~ ~a' . -~.. ~ ~ I~ ~ i;' i;'';:~. fi'~ ~ ~~; . .... . .0 ::.T.~~ ~ ~ilC: . ) liVE. ,~l\.".., l~' r: i ~. ..-- - fj31d~, ~ qr~.~. ~ i ~ \ . .' . ~. ,[C,.~"- Ii. GJ9. ~ 1m I~ VI' · , 'I ~.,~ : - ~ ; !:.a ~ _"1J ~ ~. ."'t~ I. "V ~f\t !;;,. J I~ l~ ~ .j f ~ \- . ...~ . ~7,4" S! :l,~'i\~~' _ ~ . / \' ;z . ..... _ ~ n ; I ~ ., .I> ~ ..t:>o ~ ~ N ~ ~ O~~i\~ ,;5 :. J~" ,- .., ' 18\~ 8\,',1 1,;'- '" I I ...~ ~ ~ ~i . ' ~ ~ V'" N to ~:\ ,,~.~.... j"I\ :$: . "U'1~ '."" r' ~:r"'''' :.0 ~JIi!~ ' 2 1; ~3. ':'~...'>l""~' .'.,.. .;'..... ...'. :'.;.~ 'a'OI~ ""'.\"".:!.. ..., ---;? .....' ~ .f' ~ l,t;\(1'1~0'\~,qj.~ l~l'O:l. ~~\t6~i ~~~~.\N ~;"~~t~~~H\~ . ~ ~ N~O ~191~ ~~ ~'~ ,\0 ~ ~Io~" ....~\~tc71i -4 I'E ~N ..... ,...... .. t\ '" .. ~ Y $ Jr .,.:..". ~ "l.I "\II' ;. ~ .. t:; ~ 'I / " ::t ~"T~ .;~@'1..W- ~IN: :.. ~ "N~:O " .Y ; -; . ~ - ~ ~ ~ ,.. . ' ~~ffiI'" ~ "'10' - "IN . ~ "'\- "A " TO... ,.... ...,.. ~ \' . 1 1 ". ." .' i! i ~ 4J'. ,-;p 'L v - IIlD . .,._~ "'_. }Io /, /1M! . ;\O~/ ~ m<-JJO oOO:EZ("T1 r G) ! . I. ' {;.. -01," . ...,~i ,~. - _, <7,':\'.'" .\ .... 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' , ' " ~ ." ...: ~f:J ~; '':.:' r' /"..: ...... 0- . -. ..... 40 "t.; <~ ~:~ .,....V) IC ,'; 0::1 {-....... . \. .. - ,\:,,:,;,~ , :,-f"f. ::'~ . . .' . 'co ~ ~ - \~ bo I~... l~~ ~" .t&1+ C\ @) €> ~ l~ ~ , \.:.... ~ y "... '\, '~ .., '" ~ "'" ~, - \~ -:'.... '10 1 .... ~'t.. _. I \" I. ~ ' L..-;.., . , ~. <>' ; '" " ~ '.t. ." ~ t ~ L r t. G) 0' ~r-, ~o " :c:. ~- ~ 0'\ 1M ~ <~ 10 ~' . .. "' 0' ~ ~ ..... V)o \ , 0 II .&4'" of.., ... "c f<> ,\UJ ;., 0 ~ \CP ~ ~\Vl ~~ z:.,tp 'c;.:.:<-. ' - \VJ J~ ~ ~ ~"" ....'" ~ v 41'\ ~ , -.. <. -,. ~ ~~ \~ ~ ~ () \1\.) ~ ~ <<:) VI ....... l;:) "\ ~- s J ~. ~ ... ~ 6'1 1'1 $\~ ~ r- to '( ."" , ~4 ~t ~~ u ~l EXHIBIT F M E M 0 RAN DUM December 8, 1988 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: REQUESTS FOR ANNEXATION, FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT AND REZONING SUBMITTED BY KIERAN KILDAY FOR RICHARD D. JOHNSON Kieran Kilday, agent for Richard D. Johnson, property owner, is proposing to annex into Boynton Beach a 9.3814 acre tract of land located on the east side of Lawrence Road, approximately 700 feet south of Hypoluxo Road (see Exhibit A). This property is currently zoned AR (Agricultural Residential) and it is occupied by a mature orange grove. Paralleling this request for annexation is a request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan to show annexed land as Low Density Residential, and to rezone this property to R-I-A, Single-family Residential. As shown in Exhibit B, the preliminary master plan provides for 33 single-family lots with a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet and a minimum lot area of 9,590 square feet. These criteria exceed the minimum building and site regulations for the R-I-A district. PROCEDURE These applications for annexation, amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan and rezoning are being processed consistent with State Statutes, and Boynton Beach Codes, Ordinances and Resolutions as follows: 1. F.S. 163.3161: Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. 2. F.S. 166.041: Procedures for Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions. 3. F.S. 171.011: Municipal Annexation and Contraction Act. 4. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 3A5(e): Boundary and Zoning. 5. Boynton Beach Ordinance #79-24. 6. Boynton Beach Resolution #76-X: Procedures for Annexation. These regulations have been listed for informational purposes. Paraphrasing, these regulations require review by the City Department Heads, newspaper advertisements, public hearings with the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission, review by Palm Beach County, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, and the State Department of Community Affairs, and Commission adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the Future Land Use Element and rezone. CURRENT LAND USE AND ZONING As previously discussed, this property is undeveloped and zoned AR (Agricultural Residential). The land use and zoning in the surrounding area varies and is presented for your information in the table which follows: -2- DIRECTION JURISDICTION ZONING LAND USE North Palm Beach County AR Five single-family homes on large unplatted lots/ Brewster Nursery Further North Palm Beach County AR Living Color Nursery East Boynton Beach AG Mature orange grove (Knollwood Groves) South .. Palm Beach County AR K&W Nursery/ single-family home on large unplatted lot which will result in a small unincorporated area upon annexation. Further South Boynton Beach AG Mature orange grove (Knollwood Groves) Southwest Palm Beach County AR Palm Beach Groves-commercial orange grove and fruit stand West Palm Beach County AR Dahlgren's Nursery (undeveloped) Northwest Palm Beach County AR Three single- family homes on large lots. FUTURE LAND USE AND REZONING Hypoluxo Road forms the northern limit of the City's Reserve Annexation Area and the City's Utility Service Area. It is contemplated that all lands between Lawrence Road and Congress Avenue on the south side of Hypoluxo Road will at some time in the future be annexed. This proposal represents a continuation of previous actions to close unincorporated pockets in this portion of the reserve annexation area. The land use category requested, Low Density Residential, is consistent with the future plans for land use in Palm Beach County for this area as indicated in the correspondence in Exhibit c. The land use category requested is also consistent with the Future Land Use Plan for this area which identifies this property as "Low Density Residential". In regard to the proposed density for the Jonathon's Grove subdivision (3.52 dwelling units per acre), the Comprehensive Plan recommendation for this area (see Exhibit D-land use conflict area 45) is low density single-family dwellings with a gross density of not greater than three (3) dwellings units per acre. Therefore, the proposed density slightly exceeds the Comprehensive Plan recommendation. -3- The R-I-A zoning category requested requires a minimum lot area of 7,500 square feet with a minimum lot frontage of sixty (60) feet. Although the applicant exceeds these minimum development regulations for the R-I-A district as shown in Exhibit B (a minimum lot area of 9,590 square feet or .22 acres and a minimum lot frontage of 70 feet), the following conditions exist in the surrounding area with respect to lot size and frontage (see also Exhibit E which corresponds to the data table below): Parcel # Lot Size 1 1.69 acres 2 2.15 acres 3 2.17 acres 4 1.69 acres 5 1.69 acres 6 4.53 acres 7 4.84 acres 8 1.12 acres 9 .82 acres 10 .88 acres 11 1.00 acre 12 1.00 acre Frontage 220 ft. on private access road 279.5 ft. on private access road 282.75 ft. on private access road 220 ft. on private access road 220 ft. on private access road 590.24 ft. on private access road 630.24 ft. on private access road 140 ft. on Lawrence Rd. and 300 ft. on Hypoluxo Rd. 114 ft. on Lawrence Rd. 132 ft. on Lawrence Rd. 132 ft. on Lawrence Rd. 132 ft. on Lawrence Rd. Land Use single-family home single-family home single-family home single-family home/ Brewster Nursery single-family home single-family home Single-family home/ K&W Nursery single-family home Lots 9 & 10 are developed together as a single family home Single-family home Vacant The existing homes in the area, particularly those north of the subject property which front on a private access road that runs adjacent to the northern boundary of the subject property, are large single family homes averaging 3,000 square feet in size with assessed building and land value averaging $113,600 (1988 tax roll). The contract purchaser, Excel Builders, has indicated that he plans to build 3,000 square foot, custom-built homes ranging from $130,000-$150,000 within the proposed subdivision (comparable to the surrounding area). However, with a maximum lot coverage of 40% in the R-I-A zoning district and a proposed lot size of 9,590 square feet, a structure no greater than 3,836 square feet can be built (including any roofed patio area). In addition, the large unit size (3,000 square feet proposed), 70 foot lot width, and 7 1/2 foot side setback (minimum required in the R-I-A zoning district) will result in only a fifteen (15) foot building separation. -4- Other Comprehensive Plan policies that address land use that are relevant to this request are as follows: 1. "Provide an adequate range of housing choices." (p. 6) 2. "Provide a suitable living environment in all neighborhoods." (p. 6) 3. "Preserve the present stock of sound dwwellings and neighborhoods." (p. 6) 4. "Provide a range of land use types to accommodate a full range of services and activities." (p. 7) 5. "Eliminate existing and potential land use conflicts." (p. 7) 6. "Encourage the development of complementary land uses." (p. 7) With respect to policy 1 and 4 above, the Planning Department's Comprehensive Division has done a study on the supply and demand for residential land within the City and the reserve annexation areas. It was concluded that 13,228 additional housing units could be constructed through build-out. Of this total an estimated 4,877 of these units would be single family units and only 125 of these single-family units would occupy lots of 8,000 square feet or more. ' Currently, there exist approximately 750 mature citrus trees on the site, primarily orange trees with some grapefruit trees on the 9.3814 acre parcel. It is recommended that the existing trees in the grove be preserved to the greatest extent possible and incorporated as an amenity to the proposed project as outlined in the memorandum from the Forester/Horticulturist which appears in Exhibit c. Based on the preceding findings and analysis, it is the Planning Department's recommendation that the request for rezoning to R-I-A, Single-family Residential, as submitted by Kieran Kilday for Richard D. Johnson, property owner, be denied owing to the following: 1. proposed lot width (70 feet) 2. the proposed density (3.52 dwelling units per acre) 3. the 7 1/2 foot side yard setback which will result in only a 15 foot building separation for the large units proposed 4. the rural character of the area in general. As an alternative to the proposal submitted by the applicant, the Planning Department recommends that the subject property be developed under the R-I-AAB zoning category which requires a minimum lot area of 9,000 square feet, a minimum lot width of 90 feet, a minimum side yard of 10 feet and a maximum lot coverage of 35%. Developing the subject parcel under the R-I-AAB regulations would optimize compatibility with the surrounding area by reducing the number of lots from 33 to 28, creating 90 foot by 137 foot or 12,330 square foot minimum lots and reducing the density to 2.98 dwelling units per acre consistent with the Comprehensive Plan recommendation for this property of 3 units per acre. As a point of information, a similar discussion arose with a previous application for this property (Honeybell Hollow P.U.D.) where the recommendation for large lot single-family homes was supported by the Planning and Zoning Board. The applicant subsequently withdrew the request. -5- COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANNEXATION POLICIES There are three policies in the Comprehensive Plan which address annexations as follows: 1. "Annex only property which is reasonably contiguous to present municipal boundaries;" 2. "Annex property only after the preparation of a study evaluating the fiscal benefits of annexation versus the cost of providing service;" and 3. "Annex only properties which are of sufficient size to provide efficient service and on which urban development is anticipated." In order to determine the consistency of the Johnson request with the Comprehensive Plan Policies, each of the three policies will be addressed individually. Policy 1 - "Annex only property which is reasonably contiguous to the present municipal boundaries." The Johnson property is contiguous to current municipal limits along its entire eastern property line (334 feet or 10.7%) of the total property boundary. In addition, this property lies in the path of urban development. Policy 2 - "Annex property only after the preparation of a study evaluating the fiscal benefits of annexation versus the cost of providing services." In response to policy two, you will find accompanying this memorandum Exhibit F which attempts to evaluate the cost to the City of annexing this parcel and the dollars returned to the City in taxes. Policy 3 - "Annex only properties which are of sufficient size to provide efficient service and on which urban development is anticipated." As previously reported, the Johnson tract is 9.3814 acres in size, and due to the availability of public utilities, the existence of this parcel as a County pocket in the Reserve Annexation area, plus recent improvements to Hypoluxo Road, it is anticipated that this parcel will experience urban development. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends that the applications submitted by Kieran Kilday for Richard D. Johnson, property owner, be approved subject to the comments listed in this memorandum relative to the zoning category under which this property should be annexed, as well as those which accompany this memorandum as Exhibit c: 1. The parcel is contiguous to the corporate limits; 2. The parcel lies within a county pocket and it is in the path of urban development; 3. The parcel is located within the City's municipal service area; 4. The request is consistent with Comprehensive Plan policies for annexation; 5. The land use category requested must be considered as a part of an overall strategy for annexation and it is appropriate; 6, The request will not impair the value of future use of lands in the surrounding area; and -6- 7. The costs to serve versus the benefits received by the City indicate a positive return. \..- cf~- s~ AN~~ZI~ CSA:ro cc Central File s M E M 0 RAN DUM October 21, 1988 TO: PETER L. CHENEY, CITY MANAGER FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: JONATHAN'S GROVE-ANNEXATION Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of an application for annexation submitted by Kieran Kilday and Associates, agent and applicant for Richard D. Johnson, owner. Mr. Kilday is proposing to annex a 9.38 acre tract of land located on the east side of Lawrence Road, approximately 700 feet south of Hypoluxo Road. The property is contiguous to the corporate limits along its entire eastern boundary (approximately 334 feet or approximately 10.7% of its entire property boundary). Please place this item on the City Commission agenda for November 15, 1988 for the Commission's. consideration and for forwarding to the Planning and Zoning Board for public hearings. ~ C~ (JL- fiX CARMEN S. ANNUNZIAT CSA:ro Attachments MEMORANDUM October 11, 1988 TO: BETTY BORONI, CITY CLERK FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: TRANSMITTAL OF LAND USE AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ON OCTOBER 1, 1988 Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of the application and related documents for the following Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning applications: 1. Boynton Beach Mall Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($1,800 fee includes postage) , 2, Alhambra Square North Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($700 fee) 3. Alhambra Square South Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($700 fee) 4. Alhambra Square ACLF Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($800 fee) 5. Winchester Tract #1 Annexation and Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($1,400 fee) 6. Winchester Tract #2 Annexation and Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($1,400 fee) 7. Winchester Tract #3 Annexation and Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($1,300 fee) 8. Jonathan's Grove Annexation and Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($900 fee) The public hearing dates for the above requests have been tentatively scheduled for December 15, 1988 and January 4, 1989 pending approval by the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission respectively. Legal advertisements (one-quarter page map ads) will be prepared by the Planning Department and forwarded to your office upon completion. ' ~/.~ J6MES J I GOLDEN JJG:ro cc Central File . be~Q_~8s_e~s~Q~g~I_a~QLQB_6~ZQ~I~~_eEEbI~aIIQ~ City of Boynton Beach, Florida .....-- Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Informa.tion. I. ~g~gBab_I~EQB~eI!Q~ 1. Project Name: Jonathan's Grove 2. Type of Application (check one) a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment only x c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning " 3. Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department): -------------------------------------------------------- 4. Applicant"s Name (person or business entity in whose name this application'is made): _Kj~_~a_fL~J_~~LKi~da~-~-Associates----________________ Ad d r es s : _~5~_~!'-"_~.!.l!...J>J-2~~..z_.sJJ.i.1:sLl.Q.Q=A___________.._______________ _~~~_~2_~_>>~E~D~_FL~_JJ~Ql______________________________ Telephone Number: 407-689-5522 ---------------------------------. '---.------1'----------- 5. Agent"s Name (person, if any, representing applicant): ~j~3~~~~_~ilg~yL~ilge~_~_8~~Q~i~tea____________________ Address: })~1_~2IEELglEg~~_~yitg_1QU=a___________ ---------------- _w~3~_~21~_>>~Egb~_E1~_JJ1Ul_____________________-________ Planning Dept. 4-86 page 1 Telephone __iQI~~~~~~~~~__________________________________________ Number: 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Ris~ard D. Johnson ---------------------------------------------.----------- Address: 10295 St. Andrews _~Qyn~Qn_~g~~hL_E~~_ll!l~~___________---.--___----------- Telephone Number: --------------------------------------------------------- 7. Correspondence Address (if differen~ than applicant or agent>:*' ________~b___________________________________----_____-- ----------------------------------------------------~--- * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant.s interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract purchaser, etc.> Agent ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: _82QEQ~!IDst~1~_____ 700 Ft. South of Hynoluxo Road on the east side of Lawrence Road. ------------------ ~------------------------------~--------------- 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: See Attached ----------~------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------~------------------------_._--------------- --------------------------------------------------~--------------- --------------------------------------------------~--------------- ---------------------.--------------------------------------------- ~ "I 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre): 9.38 acres --------------------------------------------------~-------~------ Planning Dept. 4-86 page 2 . --', EXHIBIT "A" Th. Korth R.1f of the Soutb aalf of the Kortb.a.t Quart.r of th~ Horthv..t Quarter of Sactioa 7. Towa.alp 45 South, aaD.e 43 K.,t. 'a1. '.ach Couat" rlo~ida, e.ceptia. th.r.fro. a .trip of leod 40 f..t ia widtb 00 eacb .ide of the c.oter1io. of lh. couot, road aod exceptlal aa, ri.ht-of-va, for .a, aad .11 public road. aad e.....at.. r...trictioD' of record. cODtaiaiD, approxi..tal, 10 acr... .... -- -"-~--'-~- ---------.-.-.--- 12. Current Zoning District: _lQQYDt~l_=_AR_=-Aq~i~ult~~~ R-1A 13. Proposed Zoning Dis~rict: --------------------------------------- 14. Cur r en t Lan ~,. Use Cat eg or y: if9~!}!::tl_~2~=~~~!.1.::~_~~~~<!~I2.1:..~c:..t_______ ......-- 15. Proposed Land Use Category: L9~_!?~E~J:.!:Y_g~~!~~~~~~!_______-------- 16. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: _~.!:!}9'1~_:_!::~~~!~_~=.~~~~r:.1:.~~_____ ------------------------------------------------------------------- --------.---------------------------------------------------------- 17. Developer or Builder: Excel'luild,e:r.s ----------------------------------------~-- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Architect: Not Xnown . -------------------------------------------~---------- 19. Landscape Architect: ~j}~3~_~_~~~E~1~~~~_________________________ 20. Site Planner: Kilday & Associates , --------------------------------------------------- 21. Civil Engineer: _~~c:..ll~w~J_~~3j~~~~3____________~_________________ 22. Traffic Engineer: _!~~~~~~_~n3j~~~_~iE3~_lE~~______________________ 23. SLlrveyor: Shalloway Engineers ------------------------------------------------------- II. ~BIsBlebg_IQ_~g_gUg~lIIsQ_~lI~_aEEbl~aIIQ~ The following materials shall be submitted, in two (2) copies, unless otherwise noted;. (check) _~_~a. This application form (3 copies for PUDs, peDs, and FIIDs). _.__~~_b: A copy of the last recorded warranty deed (3 c:opi es for PUDs, peDs, and PIDs). ____c. The following documents and letters of Consent (3 copies for PUDs, PCDs, and PIDs): ~' ( 1) I f the property is under j 01 nt or several ownersh i p: A wr it ter consent to the application by all owners of record~ and (2) If the applicant is a contract purchaser: A copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the OWner and seller, and (3) I f the appl i cant is represented by an aLlthor i::::: ed agent: A cop~ Planning Dept. 4-86 page 3 of the agency ag~eement, o~ w~itten consent of the applicant, and (4) If the applicant is a lessee: A copy of the lease ag~eement, and the w~itte~~consent of the owne~, and (5) If ~he applicant is a co~po~ation or other business entity: Th name of lhB--office~ or pe~son responsible fo~ t'he application, and w~itten p~oof that said pe~son has the delegated autho~ity to ~ep~esent the co~poration o~ other business entity, o~ in lieu the~eof, w~itten p~oof that he is in fact an office~ of the corpo~ation. d, A sealed bounda~y survey of the subject parcel by a surveyor ~egi5te~ed in the State of Florida, dated not more than six (6) months. p~ior to the date of submission of the application, at a scale prescribe by the Planning Department, and containing the following information: (1) An accurate legal desc~iption of the subject parcel. _ (2) A computation of the total acreage of the subject parcel to the nearest hund~edth (1/100) of an acre. (3) A t~ee survey, which conforms to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree Preservation O~dinance, This requirem~nt may be waived by the Planning Di~ector where found to be unrelated to the land use O~ zoning issues involved with the application. e. A complete certified list of all property owners, mailing addresses, and legal descriptions for all properties within at least four hundred (400) feet of the subject parcel as recorded in the latest official tax ~olls in the county court house shall be furnished by the applicant. Postage, and mailing labels or add~essed envelopes must also be provided. Said list shall be accomp~nied by an affidavit stating that to the best c the app 1 i cant. s knowl edge sai d list is compl ete and' accurate. Notification of su~rounding property owners will be done by the City of Boynton Beach. . f. A copy of; the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's maps showing all of the properties referred to in paragraph e. above, and their relation t the subject parcel. ____g, A statement by the applicant justifying the zoning requested, including reasons why the property is unsuitable for development under t~ existing zoning and more suitable for development under the proposed zoning. ____h. 'A compa~ison of the impacts that would be Created by'dev.elopment unde the p~op05ed zoning, with the impacts that would be created by developmer under the existing zoning, which shall includ~: (1) A comparison of the potential square footage or number and type c dwelling units under the existing zoning with that which would be allowed unde~ the p~oposed zoning or development. (2) A statement of the uses that would be ~llowed in the proposed Planning Dept. 4-86 page 4 zoning or developme~t, and any particular uses that would be eXCludeL (3) Proposed timing and phasing of thu development. ____~4) A ,comparison of traffic which would be generated under the proposed zoning or development, with the traffic that would be generated "Ll'nd..er the current zoning; aluo, an analysis of traTfic movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve thQ property and surrounding roadways, and improve~ents that would be necessary to accomodate such traffic movements (in 1 copies). For proposed developments which would generate three-thmusand (3,000) vehicle trips per day or more, or two-hundred fifty (250) or more single-directional vehicle trips within a one (1) hour period, a traffic impact analysis shall be required (in 1 copies). S~id trafii impact analysis shall includ~ projected trip generation for the development, for all major roadways and intersections within one and one-half (1.5) miles of the subject p~rcel, as well as traffic that would utilize local streets through residential zoning districts. Said traffic impact analysis shall compare traffic levels between the existing zoning and the proposed zoning o~ development of the Subject parcel, and shall take into consideration all development that would be possible under the current zoning within the City, adjacent citie~ and within the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County within.a radius of five (5) miles. For those parcels lying in the, unincorporated area of Palm Beach County, which are not currently zoned for urban land uses, the potential land uses according to the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where said parcels are shown on the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan under residential land use categories, the midpoint of the'density range shown on County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where a county-wid study of traffic generation at build-out has been adopted or is utilized by Palm Beach County, the levels of traffic that are projected by said study shall in all cases be used to project background traffic in the traffic impact analysis submitted by the applicant. The format and standards Used in the traffic impact analysis shall be the same as those wh1ch are required by Palm Beach ,County, with the exception of the reqU1rements listed above. Such traffi~ impact analysis shall include recommendations for the mitigatio~ of traffic impacts, consist~nt with the standards which have been adopted by o~ are utilized by Palm Beach County. (5) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of th~ w~ter . demand for development under the propOsed zoning or development with water demand under the existing zoninQ. Water demand shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm-B~ach County Health Department for estimating such demand. unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provi$ion oT improvements to the water system shall also be included, where existing facilities would be inadequat~ to serve development under th proposed zoning. (6) For parcels larger than one (1) a~re, a comparison of sRwagQ that would be generated under the proposed, zoning or development that which would be generated under the existing zoning. s~wag~ shall be estimated usin~ the standard~ adopted by the Palm Beach flol' witt" f I 01'- Planning D~pt. 4-86 page 5 County Health Department for estimating such flows, Lmless different standards are justified by a registerQd engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system sh~ll al~o be included, where the existing facilities would be inadeguate to serve ,development under the proposed ~oning. .( 7) For p~'clpa.sed resi dent i al deve10pmants I arger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the projected population under the proposed zoning or development with the projected population under the existing zoning. Population projections according to age groups for the propoped development shall be required, where more than fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms in the case of group housing, would be ~llowed under the proposed zoning. Applications for rezoning to commercial 01 industrial zoning districts which exceed one (1) acre in are~ shall' also provide projections for the number of employees. (8) At the request of the Planning Depa~tment, Planning and Zoning Board, or City Council, the applicant shall also submit proposals for minimizing land use conflicts with sUrrounding properties. The ~pplicant shall provide a summary of the nuisances and hazards associated with development under the proposed zoning, as well as proposals for mitigation such nuisances and hazards. Such summary shall also include, where applicable, exclusion of particular uses, limitations on hours of operation, proposed location of loading areas dumpsters, and mechanical equipment, screening of service areas and mechanical equipment, location of driveways and' service entrp.nce, and specifications for site lighting. Nuisances an hazards shall be abated or mitigated so as to conform to the performance standards contained in the City's zoning regulations and the standards containe in the City's noise control ordinance. Also, statements concerning the height, orientation, and bulk of 5ltructL\r-es,. setbacks from property lines, and measures for screGning and buffering the propOsed development shall be pr~vided. At tho request of the Planning and Zoning Board or City Council, the applicant shall also state the type of construction and architectural styles that will be employed in the proposed development. (9) A~ ~h~ request of the Planning Department, Planning and Zoning Board, or City CounCil, the applicant shall also submit the follOWing information: (a) Official soil conservation service classification by soil associations and all areas subject to inundation and high ground water levels. (b) Existing and proposed grade elevations. ~ " (c) Existing or pr-oposed water bodies. (d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maint~in commor spaces and recreational facilitie~. (e) A written commitment to the P~ovision of all necess~rY facilities for stor~ drainage, water supply, sewage coll~ction ar treatment, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste dispos~l, firQ Planning D~pt. 4-86 page 6 , . protection, easements or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedications _;;:; .:':.=\)> =~ r-=-qi...i,"ed. _ul~(l(;) For rezonings to planned zoning districts (PUDs, PCDs, and PIDs), the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning tc such districts shall also be satisfied. Copies of evidence for unified control and development of the property, as well as condominium, homeowners', and property owners' association documents shall be submitted in three (3) copies for planned zoning districts. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan (in ~ copies, including survey) shall also be submitted. III. eEEbI~eIIQ~_E~s~~ Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by resolution. P fee schedule is attached to this application. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. ~~8IIEI~eIIQ~ ( I ) n'Je) underst.:lnd that thi s app 1 i cat i on and all pI an and papers submitted herewith become a part of tha permanent records of the PI ann i ng and Zon i ng Board. (I) (We) hereby cert if y that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instr~ctions below. J 3;~~~L 4&.~___ Signature o~~s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. ___-'2./.;_ !.1L'!._______ DIte V. B~IHQ81IeIIQ~_QE_e~~~I _" _~a/~~.l.L[e.AL~y:_ ,r;~j/ Signat re~f Author~ed Agent / ----~~~~----- ~g;~~ (I) (tIJe) hereby desi gnate the above 5i ~jned per"son ~gent with rega d to this application. A~e~LL _ '____~~_________ Signature of w er(s) or Trustee. l ' or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other bL\siness entity. as ("my) (our) authorized ----~~~~j------- Date Planning Dept. 4-86 page 7 " APPLICATIONS AND OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS ,/ .;:~: ""X. ;.t,< "14' .. ~l'f . >>? .' ,','.,..'~"~~ / '-f' .", .;~:;' ,:~! .j, ;J~ ,." ,: . It ' BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Dept. (2 copies of application required) PROJECT NAME: Jonathan's Grove~ . AGENT'S NAME: Kie~an J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place, SUite 100-A West Palm Beach, FL. 33401 PHONE: 407-689-5522 OWNER'S NAME: Richard D. Johnson (or trustee's) ADDRESS: 10295 St. Andrews Boynton Beach, FL. 33436 PHONE Approximately 700 feet south of Hypoluxo Rd., PROJECT LOCATION: on the eastside of Lawrence Road. (not,legal description) ..... CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* NA (if different than agent or owner) :' * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. '" - ." . .. !; .. i I I i I I' I ! II ,1 I I I ,I I! :' i: I: II /i I' /! .j 11 Ii ,; I il ' ,. " ;i CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOIUDA APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION " ~ : j. " j. i! DATE APPLICATION FILED: i' ;j ;) DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: RE,TECTION: Ii I: D1\ TE OF COMPLETION Oli' ANNEXA TION REPORT: I; I" Ii DATE OF ~RDINANCE PROPOSAL: ORDINANCE H Ii I; DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: REJECTION: :1 " Ii DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: t I RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR AGAINST I I DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: I j I DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY I ~mMLMU I Name of Developer/Owner: LOU'1' s F. Mana /R' h d v i~capra lC Rr n ~nhnQnn Area,o(Subject Property: 408,593 Sq. Ft. or 9.38 Acres Estimated Present Population: NA . : Existing Zoning: AR-Agricul tural I Residential I Proposed Zoning: RIA I I Density Allowed: 0.2 d. u. 's/acre Density Allowed: 4.84 'd. u. 's/acre EXISTING UTI LITIES 'Water: Boynton Beach Wastewater Collection: Boynton Beach , Solid Waste (garbage): Bovnton Beach A-2 :, . " STA TE~IENT OF USE !; Existing Use: I: r I ~ I I: Proposed Use: I: . ~ " ;1 ;\ 'i .. Ii " I. i: j! I: r ,I II II ! Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: Orang~ Grnv"" Single Family Residential ,. 1 ' JUSTIFICA TION "A" Ult~ ... EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED ~ 11, I: Ii II ; j I I l' Ii Ii I ~ : , ., h " ,I ; ~ ~ i ~ I; " A-3 ,! n i I: Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects / Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (305) 689-5522 \' If e..~++ \ e;." A JUSTIFICATION FOR ANNEXATION FOR JONATHAN'S GROVE The petitioner is requesting annexation of the above described project in compliance with the ultimate development plan for the City of Boynton Beach. The current plan anticipates the annexation of lands up to the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and Lawrence Road. In fact most of the annexations in this area have already taken place. This area is specifically referred to as Area 45 within the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report of 1986. These two major arteries provide a clear demarkation between areas already receiving City services and the County. The proposed development is already adjacent to the City limits of Boynton Beach. Approval of this annexation allow the City to control the ultimate design and development of this property to be consistent with the development of other properties within the City. The proposed single family development is anticipated to add good quality housing to the City's inventory and allow the establishment of single family homes within an area already serviced by surrounding schools. ".. -- EXHIBIT "A" The Korth Half of the South ..11 of tbe Morthw..t Quarter of rb~ Horthv.at Quartar of s..clo. 7, TowaaDlp 4' South, aaDle 43 la.t. 'al. '.ach Couat" rlorida, e.c.ptial th.refro. a atrip of l..d 40 f..e 1. width OD .ach .id. of the ceaterliae of Lb. couat, road aD. ..c.ptlal .a, rl,ht.of-va, for aa, .a. .11 ,ublic road. aD' ......at.., r...trictioa. of racord. coatalala, .pproxf...t.l, 10 acre.. -.. .. .... . -. . ,. . ".. ........... ". '.---.,;- " .~_ ,. ,.' L_ "'~-'-"'-' oJ, ,---"~--=-'. ",' ..' . - . ~"f ...... ,'----" - _./ . , ... " \ -' " --t"": I -y - ........... ..,.._~ - ..-:r ---' ....r--' , . \ ,.. lI.. lI.. I 4 " '\I) ~ >- ~ .... ~ rO . U . , :c ~ t = \ :IE oJ 4 .,.,. ._' .....- . i \ . L; ~...-- ...~.. ....~ .. 1 ...01I1TOII lI.. o ~ 4- o g) C) :z: -~ ~ J A. ~ ex:: .:{ ?n o w a:: 4 n. \.oJ a: 0. -'--- ..---- .'.~'. ';"':""~t ' ,:,/,1' ':~,:l~L 1 i '""', ;; ~\i~~ ~~'i' .1 jfS;~. '.. :, :'r,;;il~~'l" ;t: iY~~ ,,. , :.}f~~ :;.;:,\,. ,,' .' ~ ' " -~: ',' '.'" ...~,.,,;\ ~,' ... .. .~' ",?"",:;/;;~f,(':":'~: ,~! .:: ,....., . .'>., '" -,. I ....,' ~1", 't",...~.\ ':,...,'"t'<'l-:l"' l' ~_.,' C'~,~ " .'1' 'M' '." ,'.. ".~'::\:;~;.~::::':;+''r~ ,::'7 ,'" ./ i' ' '~, .,.,,:,.Ji., '. . ,", ',' ~ ' .... ~ W:: .. - J ,::,,:~;li4." .;l:"''!11';''ft ~~? -.:-.... " .. .:; ,,~-, . ,"; ,7.;" ",1,,,,,;::..,,.. :t~" ..*1;;" . l\ ~ " I .. .t'.c.:f.l ...'1":-;;.,,,..'.'>':-..; ,,,,;,"1"" ~". ' .' ,to ,~~' ,..... '::""~~'~ ~,>", ,', ..,""~:....:;..:'I:,' .&::.l!.'t':' , ~j,.::; :"'. :;"'1~ , '. ~ ~~,.,.. 'fi.....Z:c.!::EI] ..r::..:. ;~~ .,' _:11.>>'''''' ,-,' "~ .' 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( il i..-l , .II \ ~ ll~~.:i~'o< o..iAt.~,!-;.,'::OO" l ....l,;...}- _ -' -, ..rr; h-:-:: /: I ,./1' \ \.; V.:, ~~, ~l,>r ~'I I . I \ l~' t' rJ.{ 1 f c-/ --r ~~" .-;-;~i..~:~~!J 'fl~l t. I ~ - ~ -j (I -"",00 ,\?t' .' .,.' - , . ,,, ... , 1;--...' - - .aT liD L... -' \' ~ ,,0 r~~' Lo . - - ooI, :c .. t- ool ~ .. r-\..' .. .. u I .. .:. ~ .. 5 :II -~ I \ - ~ ::: . ... ; l 'I i , w u .. w .. . .. oJ I . mil ~~. ..... r. A- l , ~ ~ ~ .(.) ~ ~ ,~ ~ , .. \ f - f~ BOYNTON ~ CORPOR~ LU"lTS. APRiLe. ,~ I - ~ Scale in M -. Name of oevelopment fowner ::?onatban' a Grove/Ricbard DJJobnaon Locate the subject property on this mOP and shade in the" oreO. V I', \\ 1\ j; .\ \'. i' I' " II " II ~ A - . .,..' . I r .. A-5 APPLICANT'S CERTfFIGATJON (1) (We) affinm and certify that (1) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach. Florida Zoning Code. (1) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on anY paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (1) (We) understand that this application. attachments, and fees become part of the Offici al Records of Boynton Beach. Florida , and are not returnable~ ," " APPLI CANT IS: ... Owner ... ""- . ~.... Optionee Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday ~:::As~ociate Type Name of Applicant lessee 1551 Forum Pl. Suite 100-A Street Address , . xx Agent West Palm Beach, FL. 33401 Ci.ty and State Contract Purchaser 40.7-689-5522 ' .Telephone Number . . -- . 0-- !' A-5 ,: ~ I ~~~ _._~----- .,. .- ~ ~ ~ A-6 OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation. Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed, The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. / 7?~;~L /' Signature of Owner, .tV~ of Applicant Richard D. Johnson Type Name of Owner{s) Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates Type Name of Applicant ," 10295 St. Andrews Street Address 1551 Forum Place, SU1te 100-A Street hldress -. Boynton Beach, FL. 33436 Ci ty and State ~est Palm Beach. FL. 33401 Ci ty and State 407-689-5522 Telephone Number Telephone Number , ' , .1 . - "" E i: I, ,l Ii j' I: I' " i' , I I " A-6 I !: ;, !: :i . ...... ti.,~.._ . , _____ _ ___ _J~~" _~. "'~h~-'-""""--~.s..~.J!.!:- u..>--..-L:~I!............ J.._.~ _ _... ,j_ '-----........ ~. _ 'h___ h'~.._ ~C)..L . ~ --~~ .,.~ _.......-__._--~..~, - ----~,_...- " :... (. .. " . . - -- ~ A-7 , AFFIDAVIT .. J STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) SS . 1 J J 1 J ) J Before me. 'the under-signed authority personally appeared RleHARD D, JOHNSON _(Name of Owner) , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and s~s: , .' property. 1, Tha. he is the fee simple owner of the following described . '. . to-wit: (Give legal description) ~ a :h27~~ ... \JoI.~ ~ (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, FLorida. ,. KIERAN J, KILDAY 3. That he ~as appointed_(Name of Agent) KIl.tlAY, & ASSOCIATES to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. , '7< ?71~6L J (Signatur Affiant . Sworn to and subscribed before me th1~ 2NO day of ex 700<<''K ,191138 q:--L?~ ' ! H~;;r; ~lfc.'~~frd~.lMc%tAW~ ,;~. . MY CO"ItIISSI(JI E)(p,.Aft: 14 1Gg2'~ . I1Y Comnfss1on Expires:lMN>a>llAJClENEiW.INSI~. .'~ J J ~ ~ ~ . . '-----11 I! " j' i: l: II I! i' A-7 I, " EXCEL BUILDERS ENGINEERS STATEMENT PROJECT NO. 88107 1) UTILITIES This project will be serviced by a water main lying along the east side of Lawrence Road and a force main lying along the West side of Lawrence Road. A lift station built to City standards will be installed on site to provide for the 33 units. Flow generation will be as follows: WATER 33 Units 350 gpd/unit = SEWER 11.550 gpd 33 units 280 gpd/unit = 9240 gpd 2) DRAINAGE The project lies in the C-16 basin, which has a drainage capacity of 62.6 cubic ft/sec/square mile. The property would therefore he allowed 0.9 CFS discharge. In addition, approximately 0.78 Ac. ft. of retention will have to be provided to meet water quality criteria. Onsite storage will be provided at the back of the lots where a total of approximately 1.2 acres of swales will be constructed. In addition, a berm will be constructed along the property line to keep drainage on site in addition to supplying a visual barrier. A control structure with overflow will discharge to the ditch along Lawrence Road. OCT 3 1988 TRAFFIC STATEMENT for JONATHAN'S GROVE submitted to: City of Boynton Beach prepared by: TEl TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, INC. One Clearlake Centre 250 Australian Avenue, South, Suite 1001 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 407 - 659 - 8328 BACKGROUND This report is prepared to support a request for zoning change and for annexation for JONATHAN'S GROVE. It is submitted to the City of Boynton Beach. Guidelines published by the City are used in the prepartion of this study. The first requirement of any zoning oriented study done in the City is a comparison of traffic generated under current and proposed zoning. TRAFFIC GENERATION Traffic generation is the method by which the amount of traffic, or the number of trips from a proposed site is estimated. One authoritative source used to estimate traffic generation is the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Report. The most current version is the Fourth Edition. The traffic generation data in the ITE Report is the compilation of surveys summarized for use by a "best fit formula" which most closely replicates the data collected. For small projects like Jonathan's Grove however, average trip rates are recommended. These rates are from the Fourth Edition of the ITE Report. The use of average trip rates was the only generation method presented in the recently outdated Third Edition. The rates which will be used in this study for the daily traffic generation and that which is expected in the morning and afternoon peak hours are based on the number on single family dwelling units as indicated below: Daily Morning Peak Afternoon Peak 10.0 trips per dwelling unit 0.75 trips per dwelling unit 1.01 trips per dwelling unit These rates will be used in a comparison of traffic generation from the two zoning scenarios (existing and proposed) and will be used to analyse peak hour movements at the main driveway intersection. TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON One important consideration in an application for zoning approval is the comparison of existing conditions with those which would exist under the proposed conditions. From a traffic generation standpoint the comparison is summarized in the following table. Trip Generation Comparison Existing Proposed 9 units 33 units 90 daily trips 330 daily trips 240 additional It is evident that the change in zoning from one dwelling unit per acre to approximately three dwelling units per acre has a very small additional impact - 240 trips throughout the entire day. PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC GENERATION During the peak hours - morning and afternoon - the following traffic generation characteristics are expected. Peak hour traffic generation Morning Peak .75 trips per unit 27% inbound 73% outbound 7 trips 18 trips Afternoon Peak 1.01 trips per unit 63% inbound 37% outbound 21 trips 12 trips The implications of these peak hour vehicle trips will be discussed in the next section. IMPACT STUDY THRESHOLDS There are two thresholds defined in the City guidelines for determining the scope of the traffic impact study required. A full impact study is required if a proposed project generates either: three thousand trips per day, or two hundred fifty directional trips in peak hour It is clear that the daily generation (330 trips) and the highest peak hour directional generation (21 trips in the afternoon) are well below these thresholds. Therefore, a full traffic impact analysis will not be required. INTERSECTION ANALYSIS An analysis of traffic movements at the intersections of the driveway that would serve the property is required in this traffic statement to determine improvements necessary to accommodate such traffic movements. Because of the small size of Jonathan's Grove only turn lanes at the driveway will be examined. Requirements for turn lanes into a residential site (from Lawrence Road in this case) are based on afternoon peak hour turning movements. The turn lane requirement thresholds per Palm Beach County Engineering Department are as follows: Left turn lanes from the main street Right turn lanes from the main street 75 vph 30 vph It is evident that these thresholds are far greater than the total inbound traffic into the proposed site (left turns plus right turns). Therefore, turn lanes from Lawrence Road will not be needed to accommodate the traffic from the Jonathan's Grove. CONCLUSION The traffic impact from rezoning the Jonathan I s Grove site as proposed will be negligible. The impact on the adjacent roadway (Lawrence Road) is insignificant (less than two percent of the capacity of the existing facility). Furthermore, the peak hour demands at the intersection of the future site and Lawrence Road is not significant enough to warrant the addition of right or left turn lanes into the site. /)~ :L[--------- FREDERICK W. SCHWARTZ, . E. Florida Registration # 28403 . "'C'" !'rin'" f", Low",...' Title Gua,anly Fund, 0.......... FIeridct lhis inslru....' "val prepa,ed b,: Ifarranty Iud Rd"uA..~,~: NORMk", L. SCHROEOER. II ., ... '- 0/_ ., MeG~ JORDAN. SOUEY, KOONS -' SCHROEDER. P,A,. Flnl F...... ~.I__lhe c..ill"r (SUTUTOIY fOIM-SfCTIOIl "',12 f,S,) 1601 T..... A_ ........ s..Jte Sit L.Ul& WOJlTII, ILOIUDA ~1 AI f\1 :f" fT fT C (J1Jt. Jnbm1un. Mode this .,Ii .). & doy of fJfrY 19 83, .rlmrra JOSEPH A. PALEPMO and H. LOY ANDERSON, fR. Florida of lho Covnty of Palm Beach , gra_-, and , State of IQ MIDDLE STATES COAL COMPANY, INC., a Kentucky corporation .. who.. PO" oHie. add,ess is PO Box 11, David, Kentucky 41616 = ,... t!; of lho County of Floyd , 3tate of Kentucky . g,antee-, .tlnt..rr... Thot said granto" ,.., and in considorotion of lho sum of ",ell and no/lOO (SID. 00) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dollars. and atho. good and ...JuobIo conside,otion. 10 said gtOIIIO, ir hand paid by said gran,", tho __pi whereof i. hereby ad_wledged, ha. grontwd, bo'goin", and ",Id to tho said ""0"'", and g,on_'. heirs and assign. fa'....', tho following ...ribed land, oituoto, lyi"ll and being in Palm Beach County, FIorido, to-wil: CD N i ~i The North Half of the South Half of the Northwest Ouarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, excepting therefrom a strip of land 40 feet in width on each side of the centerline of the county road and excepting any right-of-way for any and all public roads and easements, rest~ictions of record: con- taining approximately 10 acres. "'~ (..-cP ?"', q~ '" . \,-\1(c SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED _._-~-- --...- - .' .. . _.,--,- .- !:: .'~ , fi" ," ~~':' ... -.... . '~~I~. ~. .," _.,. . ""I"'~'~' ..... .' . ..., , ,,-; '/-.' ---..... . -.. .-----. .. IlIid .-- dOik-...., "'" _rr_ tho titIo to taid land, and will ....... lho some Q1IOinst lho lawful claim. of 011 -- .........-. - "GhMltot" and ........." _ used for siftvuIa, or plural, en context requi-. J. .tau.. ."""'f. and ....1 lhol'foy J"'d ~, firs' above w"".n, Sogloed, and ' , .., C) C) I Jose A. P 1 rmo I~C: ... ST"n Of FLORIDA COUNTY <.A PALM BEACH I ...IV CfMT"V ... Oft this day bofof. _, on oHic., duIr _lihod 10 .... oc._~-", portoftolty appea,", .JOSEPH A. PALEfU40 and H. LOY ANDERSON, JR. .. _ ,_ to be ......- ...ribed.. 0f0d who ..."utod lho ........ i~ and ad_fldgd be,..,. me thai w::.~-:-,.: .:- ofIiciol toOl ," .. COlIRlY ..... ~ .... al:'this ~~",{~. ", ~~ 1.8) " ,( (j._ +-&.... r.. ' ,~ . (Seal) ,., c_n apifft l ~'. a ~ , . .1 r ~ry PIrblic : ,.,. .. . . . ~ ..., flA)l,;"~;:,,,.1l ~li.(~~.ij~, AT Wc.t Mi!;~'>>'~~,~~:,~' ~ Iou . ~ ,-. ~:~" w"-IAt.._,.tl) . . .,." CWO) an - 'CD CD --'~::.:... ~ (Seal) 1 Seal) (Seal) (Seal, .... . BXHIBI~ A ~ MkRRARTY DEBD FROM JOSEPH A. PALBRMO AND R. IDY ANDBRSON JR. ~ MIDDLE S'l'ATBS COI - COMPMfY, INC. May '6, 1983 SOBJECT to restrictions, eaeeaents, reservations and other ..tters of record and taxes for the year 1983. SOBJECT to Mortgage in favor of Harrison Snider, Clarence Shelton and Lou Ann Shelton, his vife, recorded May 25, 1983, in the Public Records of pala Beach County, Plorida under Clerk's Pile '83-097890, which Grantee hereby assuaes and agrees to pay. This property is not the ho..stead of either Grantor. PROVIDBD, however, that the preaisee conveyed herein aay not be used at any tiae for the operation of a oo...rcial fruit or citrus paCking plant, nor for the aaintenance or operation of a fruit stand. This restrtctio.. shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns. .~ .- .0 .- L .. ~ - un III __ 4l_1lO 'ALII BEACH COO"". f~ .10"" 8, DUNKlE ClEM CUCJl COURt '.S~"AD ... ___.. .. N. SO. ~_... ,...-. ~ ..... d.!f., .f r c:r a a '" '" ~.I' ,WIT-CLAD DI.I. ...cut.. tbl. D.c_ber. 1986. by IIlDDLI S'UTII COAL CON'Aft, IIC., . E..tuct, C.w,o~.tlo., firat p.rt" to IICHAID D. JOBIIOI, w~o.. .ddr... 1. 10295 IC. A.'r.w., loyatoa I..cb. 'lorl'. 33436, .II ..cood p.rC,: .. ,"; -.(V~.~.~.r u..' '.r.io. c~. c.~ NIlrlt ,.rc,. .., "...... ,..". ...11 i.cl... .l.,ul.r ... ,law.I, b.lr., 1...1:...'........,1.... ... ,];...il" 0' la.hl.u.h,... cia. ..cco..e,. ... ........~. .,......- ~'Clou, ..laua.u Cia. co.c..e .. ,"ito 01' ,...h~..)~'.',.;;~f fit WITD..n.. Tbat cia. ..U fiuc ,.~c" for ..." t. '0'- ~ lid.ratioo of cb. .u. of T.. D.n.n (UO.OO) h baD' ,al' II, t~. ..id ..coad p.rt,. th. r.calpt wla.r.o' 1. Ia...a'" .ck.owl....., '0.. o bor.by r..l.., 1'.1.... _.. quit-cl.1. .Dto Cia. ..1. ..co.' ,.rt, '01'- ... .ver, all tb~ d,ht, titl., l.t.r..t. cl.l. ... ...... vlticla tla. ..1. :bi fir.t part, h.. la .a' to tb. lollov1.. '..crlho' lot, ,loco or por- ~ cal of 1aa', .itu.t.. 1,10' 00' b.lo. 1. tb. Cou.t, of ,.1. I..cb. , n r · t. 0 f r lor 1 .., to vi t I ~ ~. Th. North a.1f of tla. 'outb ..1f of tb. 1I0rtbw..t Quart.r ~ IJ of the lorthv..t QuartoI' of Soctio. 7" Towo..lp 45 South, .....'L! ' 1'0" 43 la.t, ,.1. I..ch Cou.C" 'lorlel., ..c.ptl.. ill :a. tla....rro. . .trip 01 1... 40 ,..t 1. wi'tb 00 ..ch Ii.. of U.I....IJ. tb. c..t.r1 h. of Lb. couot, "0" ... ..copti., .., ~t;~ dlht-of-va, for ao, a.eI all ,.'Hc road. aD' 'O'.'DU, .... W ~ r..trlct io.. of r.cor.; cODtal.l.. .ppro.l.at.l, 10 ocr... _ fen ~o aft AID~. ..... th. .... co,Uh.r vitia .U ... 01.- 2 ~~~ .ular th. .ppurtouacu tla.rau.to b.1o..101 or la ..,vl.. .".rtai.' C ~ ~al, .nd .11 the ..t.t., rilht, titl.. i.ce~..t, li.., ..uit,. .od ':> t::; c1.i.. vh.e.oa"ar of tha ..id fir.t part" eith.r ia 1.v o~ ..uh" to blc, i!lJ the oaly prop.~ u... boa.fit ... b.hoof of tba ..i. ..co.. p.rt, '01'- r-ll .".r. . I. .I~"'I "I"O~. T~. ..i. fi~.t ,art, b.. .1.... .ad tla.i. pr...at. tb. .0,. aoel ,.ar fir.t above vrittao. .ila.d. ..ala. ..eI "d. 1 i..ra. io tho pr....c. of: /~.?/. ~~ 7?]1J,~~',.v C)J~~~ .:::L I'.. '~r.J S~O .S!) NIDILI STArl. COAL COII'AI'. IIC., . a..tuck, c~or'orat~o. ~' I' ~~ .; chard ll. J 00, 'ra.ida.t, ' (tlU J ,..,,\ STATE or PLOIIDA co UIlTY or 1I0"AlD :: ,. ,'" " I .....r c..~lrr t~at o. tlai. "" "'01'0 .', .. offic.r du1, autlaoria.d 1. th. It.ta al......l. .ad 10 th. Co..t, .for...id to tat. .ckaovl......t., '.1'....11' .pp.ar.' IIClAID D. JOB.SO. .. 'r..l.lat of NIDILI "Arl' COAL C~.A", IIC., . Ea.tuck, Corpor.tlo., Co .. kao.. Co .. tla. p.r... '..crl'" i. ... .'0 a.acut.d tb. fora,oia, l..tr....t .n' ~a .ck...l..... "'0'" .. Chat h. ,.,c,ut.. th. .... ua'.r ..t~o~it, du1, "..t... 1. hi. '" ..i. Corporatlo.. ,.'., .I~" .Y h... ..~J-ffici.l It.te 1..t afo~...id thi. ~ 'a, of a..l I. th. C~..C, ...~ .r..,t.:~ "~ ...." .. ~ -- PAlM BEACH COUNn'. fILA. JOtiN., l..JNCLE CORK c:nr;u' r COURT My Co..i..ion I.pira.: 10"" ...rc ..... . 'UlIIlN If............ .C N.'. '"-. '... "",.. "S, "Ill, --. ..~ ~ ~ .~--......_._~~-~,._~ ~. .~_.~-'-..._---_.._., -- Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects I Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (305) 689-5522 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FOR JONATHAN'S GROVE Includes Items g., h. 1, and (7) The petitioner is requesting annexation of the above referenced property into the City of Boynton Beach with a Comprehensive Plan designation of Low Density Residential and a zoning classification of R-1A. Currently this property which is located on the east side of Lawrence Road south of Hypoluxo Road is zoned AR-Agricultural Residential in unincorporated Palm Beach County. The site contains 9.3 acres. The current zoning classification of AR is the underlying classification of most lands in the County until they are zoned to a classification consistent with the Palm Beach County Plan. This classification which is designed for the agricultural use of property requires a minimum of five acres in order to construct a single family home. Therefore, only one single family home could currently be constructed on the property with the ~~lance of the site being utilized for agricultural purposes. However, in all likelihood, ultimate development in the County would be in conformance with the County's current plan classification of Low to Medium Residential which allows three units per acre with standard zoning and five units per acre with a concurrent Planned Unit Development. This development is entirely consistent with the proposed zoning and plan designation being requesteed in the City of Boynton Beach. The proposed plan for the development of this site will allow 33 single family lots to be constructed at a density of 3.5 units per acre. This use is similar to what the County would most likely approve. Likewise the population of this development (utilizing 2.6 persons per unit) of 86 people would be consistent with the potential density under the County plan which could allow up to 130 people if the Planned Unit Devel- opment density of five units per acre was approved. ~.~ '1:".. ,;j, Jonathan's Grove Page 2 It is clear that Agricultural zoning in this area is no longer appropriate. The current trend of Comprehensive Development in Palm Beach County is to promote development along the Coast and emphasize continued Agricultural uses west of the Turnpike. In this area, residential development is already the primary land use. In addition, a high school is located immediately to the north on the north side of Hypoluxo Road and shopping facilities exist at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue. The extension of Miner Road and the development of a new middle school to the south on Hypoluxo Road make the area even more desirable for single family development. .,., ~~~- -_._------------~--------- filii' assigns for complying with my attorney's requests. In addition, I hereby authorize all physicians and psychiatrists who have treated me, and all other providers of health care, including hospitals, to release to my attorney all information or photocopies of any records which my attorney may request, If I am incompetent at the time my attorney shall request such information, all persons are authorized to treat any such request for information by my attorney as the request of my legal representative and to honor such requests on that basis. thereby waive all privileges which may be applicable to such information and records and to any communication pertaining to me" and made in the courae of any confidential relationship recognized by law. In the event any question may hereafter be railed as to the effectivenesl of this powlr of attorney, depending on whether I 1m then living, I hereby direct that this instrument shall be irrevocable except by another instrument under my hand and seal, duly aCknowledged; and if I shall be dead when any Ict is done by my attorney, the powers herein given Ihall be regarded II testamentary powers given to my attorney .s trustee, and when my death is ascertained, this instrument, unless revoked as aforesaid, may be read into any will that I may leave, whether executed prior to or subsequent to this instrument, thereby giving full force and eflect to a contractual obligat1on by me with those dea11n; with my attorney whether I ~e living O~ d..d, 'u.thermore, this power of attorney shall not be affected or terminated by my subsequent disability or incompetence or by lap.e of time. However, nothing herein contained shall relieve my attorney from a proper accounting to me or my estate, as the case may be, but persons dealing with my attorney shall be under no duty to see that such is don.. My attorney shall generally act in relation to the premises and all other matters in which I may be interested or concerned, and on my behalf execute all such instruments and do all such acts and things, as fully and effectually in all respects as I myself could do if personally present. And I hereby ratify and confirm all acts done by my attorney by virtue hereof, To the extent I am permitted by law to do so, I herewith nominate, constitute and appoint Michael P. Johnson to serve as my conservator, the guardian of my estate or of my person, and/or in any similar representative capacity; and if I am not permitted by law to so nominate, constitute and appoint, then I request in the strongest possible terms that any court or county commission of competent jurisdiction which may receive and be asked to act upon a petition by any person to appoint a conservator, guardian or similar representative for me or my estate give the greatest possible weight to this request, Any person nominated and appointed as conservator, guardian or similar representative under the preceding sentence shall serve without bond or other security required by law. WITNmss my hand and seal this ~~ day of ~~;O;r 19$%. ~...J1 ~~.....J{SEALJ R1char ,Johnson 7 Witnesses: This instrument was prepared by: Bruce L. Stout, Attorney at Law Post Office Box 2185 Huntington, West Virginia 25722 .... - STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, COUNTY OF CABELL: ~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of cx-l'~'e.r- _ I 19S2:', by Richard D. Johnson. F 'IA E L NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF wesT VIRGINIA ANN ROBINETTE 2400 M~s Rd Lynn Ann Farm BitbourlYIIII, WV 25504 MJ Commi$$lOn bPi!" Oct 1 . 01""Yo\l Notary PUblic, Cabell County, W. Va. [NOTARIAL SEAL) 8 QaU-CIo.1II ... _.,..N' Go4. _ ~...:.'" /$/1{., .f D.c.. ber, ~.I' .aIT-~.mI .... ...cut.. thi. 1 986, b1 MIDDLI STATIS COAL CONPAII, IIC.. . K.atuck, C.rporat!oa. r fT o o II' ~ Hrac P.rt1, to RICHARD D. JOB.SOI, vbo.. .ddr... il 10295 It, Aadr.v., loyntoa I..cb, 'lorid. 33436, ..0 ..cond p.rt,: ..... ., (Wber~..r u... h.r.in, tb. t.ra Nitr.t p.rt," ..d "..co.' ,arc,. .ball i.clud. .i..ul.r ... ,1ur.l, b.ir.. 1...1 r.pr....c.ti.... ..d ...l.n. of iodi.i'ual., ... c~. .ucc....r. ... ,.Ii... .f ..~,.r.- .. tiOl1l, "h.n".r tb. coae..t .0 ._it. or ,...lr,..) , ' ,.," ...' ~ .nn"IT.. Th.t th. uid fiut p.rt" for ... 1. ...- ~ .ider.tion of tbe .u. of T.a Doll.rl <'10,00) i. baad ,.1. b, tb. .aid ..cood p.rty, the r.c.ipt vb.reof i. h.r.b, .ckaovl....., do.a a hareby r..iae, 1'.1.... aael quit-claim u.to tb. ..id ..co.el p.rt, for- ... .v.r, .11 tho! ri.ht. title. i.t.r..t, claim .". '..aad vhicb the ..i. ::&I lirat p.rty h.. in .nd to the fOllo"in. d..crill.d lot, piece or par- ~ eel of land, aituata, l,i., aad b.i". ia the Count1 of ,.1. 'e,ch, , n r · t e 0 f '10 I' i d., to" it: ~ ...,. The Korth Ralf of tll. South Balf of the Rortllv..t Quart.r ~ JJ of tbe: Morth...t Q urt.r of Sactio. 7, Towol.l, 4' louth, ~~ ' Ian.. 43 aa.t, 'al. a.ach Couat" 'lori'a, ....ptla. i! :0. th.r.fro. . atrip of l."d 40 f..t ia vi'th 00 .ach ai d, of ~""II' the c.nterline of Lb. couat, ro.d .ad ..c.pti.. .., ~Vl!i2 ri.ht-of-.., for .., aad all p.blic roael. all. ea._e.t., ~, W~ r.utriction. of r.cord; co.t.iaia, approxi..t.l, 10 .cr.a. Z .. ~~ TO .... ..D TO .O~D tb. .... to..th.r "ith all... li.- - ~ ~ ~ "uler the .ppurt.n.nc.. tla.r.uato baloa,ia. or in aay.l.. .pp.rtaia' ~ ~ -1=0', .nd .11 the .atat.. ri,bt. titl., i.t.reat, Ii,., ..uit, and ';) to clai... "h.t.o.....r of the .aid fir.t part" .ith.r in 1.. or equit" to ~~ t!!J the only prop.r U", bea.fit and b.hoof of th. ..id ..co.d p.rt, for- ~ .ver. _ 1. .IT.... .....0.. Th. ..id fir.t part, h.. .l,n.d aad th... pr...nt. the da1 aad "ar fir.t .bove "ritten. li,n.d, ...1ad .nd-deli....r.. ia the pr...ac. of: ~,J/. 'ffI~ 7/j I It, i-...l IJ I ~ u.- ..r::!- ~, f'(. .., S:~0~-' ,SU [UAL J STATE or rLOIIIA COUNTY 0' I&OW"ID I ....., ClaYlrY tb.t 00 thl. "" befor. .., .a officer dul, .utbari&ed ia tb. Stat. .for..aid aad ia tb. Couat, .for...iel to t.k. .c:knov1.d....t., p.r.o..1l, .pp..r.d tICS"RDD. JOHNSON a. .raaident of "IDOLI .TAfIS COAL CON.ART, I.C., . Keetuck, Corpor.tioa, to .. kilO". to be tbe par... '..crib.d i. ... wbo ...eute. the for..oin, ia.trwa.at and Il. .ckaovl.d,.d '.fora .. that be nec,lIta. the ...e un'.r autltodt, dull "..t.d i. Id. ., ..ld Corporat loa. .1T8&.. .Y ha.. ..~ffici.l St.te la.t .for...id thi. ~ d&, of a..l 1. the C~..t, ..."" .t~L:C ~,'~ Rot.ry 'U ~ MCOAO yEfW8 PAtN BEACH COUNTY. RA. JOHN B lAJNCLf C' RK C W:,j-, COURT My Co..i..ion lapir..: .0,,,, "'e ....n " '&lItlllA .. co.ualU r.. .c .'..... "'80(0 ,.._ UIIf'lL ! .1, "If!!, .' ... -...... ....~~~.e~ .~~ l' ;.: Prin'ed .'" LDwy.n' Ti'" Guaranty Fund. Orlando. FIericIa lhis. in,trumenl 'va, p,epared b, 1QJ<4A .~,~.. NOR~~1 L. SCHROEDER, II ., ... &.. 0/_ .1 M~"':i., JORDAI~, SHUn, KOONS a SCHROEDER. P,A. FIn. FeoIenJ 4oIaJa'.-un c..~ 1601 T.... Awe... N-dl, ""he .n. LUUl YOa11l.lLOIUDA "",1 Ifarranty Jttd (STATUTOIY FOIM-SECTIOIl "',Df F,S.) AI fYl ::t- a- fT C) 1I1Ji. Jnbmturr, Mode .hi. t6 .). & day af J11,.Y 19 83, Irtwrrn JOSEPH A. PALEPMO and H. LOY ANDERSON, lR. Florida af the County o' Palm Beach . 9ronto'., and , Stote of In MIDDLE STATES COAL COMPANY, INC., a Kentucky corporation - whoM PO" office address is PO Box 11, David, Kentucky 41616 0' the County of Floyd . .ilole of Kentucky , gran.ee., - N '... ~ .itM..rlII. Tha' said gran'or, for and in consideration of t'" sum of :'ell and no/lOO ($10.00) . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . Dollars, and 0''''' good and ....Iuob.. considerotions to soid grantor ir hand paid by said gron..., the _eipt whereo' is hereby odno..ledged. has granted, bargain"" and sold to the said 9ro....., ond grontee's t.e;,. and assigns forever, .h. 'ollowing described land, ,;tuate, lying and beinv in Palm Beach County, Flarida, to-wit, co N - 2 :1 The North Half of the South Half of the Northwest nuarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, excepting therefrom a strip of land 40 feet in width on each side of the centerline of the county road and excepting any right-of-way for any and all public roads and easements, rest~ictions of record; con- taining approximately 10 acres. '"'~ C<Y ?~ , q~ .; \~1~ SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED .-.--- . - . ~ . ~-" :t.~. .,.s' ->--- . r\'''., ....._ ,,,. (Ill' '.. .. ," "~": ,.4 .;..... .. , .__.~. ... laid .-- dots'.... fully _"ant the ~ 10 said land. and wiI defend the some agoinst the lawful claims a. all --..........-, . "~" and "11"1-" _ used to. singular OW plural, as context requi.... and ....1 thel'foy J"'d ~r first obove wrillen, :'f i, , I Jose A. P 1 /~0. .., C) S'AlI Of FLORIDA C> CQUoITY VI PALM BEACH . ....Y CERTIfY _I .... ..... day befoo. _, an oH;c., duly _~hed to .... o<~now~~, p.rsanally appeo,"" L JOSEPH A. PALERMO and H. LOY ~~DERSON. JR. .. _ ,_ to be tile....... de1cribed in ond who ...,uted the ~ i...__ and od-'tdged before .... ,hat r-. .uc......... - ' , / ."L, A ~ ~ss ..., "'"""' and official MOl In the c~ aftd Slate lost a~.~ , 198) I. '. '( .. ,.-... " I (Seal) ... c_n n~ : ". ':) ~" ,} ~ NnfC!.., MlK ~ In e , CD CD ,. ......... ::-: .' '(" ;; '. r t<U,,,,,fk..,.:';1J ,-1) ,,~,~,'" ~ M;'-~ha,_"1AJ_~j-'.,~, G ,.I;t) ~ II1lK4 ~ ::::<1'" ~;.u..~~.,.ll) ....\ .ii.' J ,.:,~~ . ~.: '-""~"'t"'" , ',.:4"'",","" '\, ,,' _ '~~-:t~t_".t ~_~ ~.:,. ~ '~~;/! "!';L" ,1~ A ,^~ ,..r",j:t>:l }-:~; t'.~~~ '. ~". .' ,,", 't ~ :-;;":j .;110 - f1 , "1, '~'.~~; :.'~ :~t~J J:~ ';'" \I[~~~~ ,t~~"it: ~,~ ", -! " ;r:"f", ,.:."~.. .':.t.-' .!.;' i,:;. "'\ >,..._ ",~;~ -;;,,:~:, ~1,~'t h"",";i.~~'~ . I. .'-"f~ ..,r'-~' , ,,-,. " ' J~',": '~i~ ,', ,,:,1;, ,;'J~t~ ;~ .Jw~,,"'iii'~ .. ," ,i! (Seat) I Seal) lSeal) ~ . ~::l: . 7 ~_i ;.~~'~ ~i iSeaI) ~ t, ~t,~: ,', ~t1~~J,~ . ~.~~ :C,,," 'i'ol',; - :; :'. ?,~~~"; . ... '. -0 .- ~ 1ft - .en tD EXHIBI7 A ~ ~ DEED FROM JOSEPH A. PALERMO AND H. LOY ANDERSON JR. TO MIDDLE STATES CO~- COMPANY, INC. May ?6, 1983 SUBJECT to restrictions, eaaeaents, reservations and other aatters of record and taaes for the year 1983. SUBJECT to Mortgage in favor of Harrison Snider, Clarence Shelton and Lou Ann Shelton, his vife, recorded May 25, 1983, in the Public Records of Pal. Beach County, Florida und~r Clerk's File '83-097890, which Grantee hereby aasu.es and agrees to pay. This property is not the hoaestead of either Grantor. PROVIDED, however, that the pre.ises conveyed herein allY not be used at any tiae for the operation of a co..ercial fruit or citrus packing plant, nor for the aaintenance or operation of a fruit stand. This restrictio.. shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the grantee, ita heirs, successors and assigns. L RECORD 1f...1lO 'ALII BEACH coutnV, f~ JOHtt 8, DUNKlE CUM CUOJl COURT , .,;.:.~