CORRESPONDENCE f" \..j F' E:. r,j S: C I] r"1 F' A ~J I E S A AHRENS AI COMPANIES ID:5618639007 JUL 01'97 jJGc '{I,- ~'I fzfv?'0~ ..... !JW S-p 10:54 No.012 P.Ol ~ IHl ~ OL~.f;1.',; r 3 IOC~1 ' L J\l.. "'~ L- ~Mm rl ~ ~om l-p:J FAX COVER LETTER DATE: 7/ ('I? TIME: It?{; 0 0 am~ PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) TO: NAME: fJA.r / (n~ f6bq 6- FAX NO: 17S - 1,357 ., COMPANY: CI7'V' * 4~t',,) f'r)/lJ ~ OFFICE NO.: g7<S - '~bO FROM: G,4t6 UU,J't'tI!rrJT:> FAX NO.: (561) 863-9007 TOTAL NUMBER OF' PAOES INCLUDING THIS COVER LETTER: :3 IF' ENTIRE DOCUMENT IS NOT RECEIVED, PLEASE CONTACT (561) 863.9004 COMMENTS: ~lth:I ~/~ ~(t.-(ry'.- .j/)/.;t7)l E?p/t.?/JA ~ ~ANAtSttl'Ue,.;T ~tz..4IM- ~ ~t.-/Jr - ~ fS' Ifkf::. ~ ~1tI .Jo It-N oS D;J f ~ 0 He we(,,/. to ;V~ ~ ~~ C,Or lit.,... , /IJ. ( IV NIl. J' ~ r /) (; N 11 t:Af1y aF 71'f€ riA/At- d Jlt! U .eY-.~. .----:--;:-:--;::' -". " ---;- r, \' \, Ie' : , ~ ~ . \ , ....---, (iooo, v"'". .<.,_.c~~_. . , . ''''~fi i., . ''''~." t ~~ i . ----:-,.".. ; ~ _T,\Jt::;~c~ ."".~ I ...,.; ,~. :--i'\\.,.; ~ p.' ,...._----- .~! "'--"~--- :.-:::--- :i750 InVC'5ltllC'nll anc, SuitE' 2, West Palm Beach, Fl .13404-1765 Office (561) 8(,3-9004 rax (561) B63.9007 A f-l~' E t"j S C Ci t',1 P A r,j I E S ID:5618639007 JUL 01'97 10:54 No.Ol2 P.02 CUNNINGHAM & DURRANCE ComuJ!ting}!.ngineel's. Joc. Ft.E~J~t".rVE[,) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 400 E"ecutive Center' Drive Suhc to8 ,111\\1 ') 1 \ 1997 Datt! 20 JUIIJ 9? West Palm BeRch. Fl. 33401 __w...,..._..w._ (407) 689.5455,; ':.. ,"~, F,iX (407) 640.'8J5 1.'l '\Hl'!; Job No.9?.,. 02;. ttentiorl J . 0 tiN ~e: 'I fL-~ b ~ W 1..-14:.-1' ,~ -V.., ~ P A- r (l-:J. C- )~....... TO &,./i1L ~ ~j~\J~Q..-(j P..;4f J //\JC, _r l. _.__.__. .,.......,..... '. .._..._ PD 6c~ Z4f.t,oO tdJJ ~tt1 6fc-Mf61~.__.;?3:~.Q.k..w ~L GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU following items; o Sr,0p drawings ~ Copy of let tAr I;ZJ AHi'lcheej o Under separate COVfH via .1 he o f'rin15 0 PI<Jrls o Chi.lIlgo order o Samples DOt her OSpeci1icattons CQfj ES NO. DEi.CRjpTfON I~(U) M d .~ de R. a.;U5> ~I,- TJIAL_ ;;- THEse ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o FOr Ipprov.' [l Apprawd .. ,ubmltted ~or your Uti 0 ApproYld II noted ~ r~uen.d 0 Refilmed 10r ~trKtion' o For r.vl.w end IXImmtlnt ~OR 810S CuI: 19---. D A.JIIbmlt _eopill 'Dr IIpprOYal C Submlt_ cop'-,.for dittrlbution C Retl,lrn_~rr9CUd prlnu . foRINTS RETURN~O AFTER ~OAN TO US REMARKS. Jo ~\J J . . HklUL PU 4->r I~ .&_ ~~Ic...AN ~r'r ()L=- 4vm..P- FfJ-oM t./iJtJ.O. ~ n.At. t,.. /fAr.,. , t:- ~ '-' Itlfz.-f,..r, kl1l''L:ryl/,-[/6 rr..L.!>.J!., If. _ coPY TO: 6t24~ ~h.4J..I.N-O wlli~OlaNED: , 9#4~~~- NAME: Or~l..')~a..~ If ."elo.ure. 't. not .. not.d, klnd1v notlfv UI .t onOl, IJ'lea$e Prin11 hHF:Et"jS CI]MF'Ar~IES ID:5618639007 JUL 01'97 10:55 No.012 P.03 - . South Florida VVater Management District .. 3301 Gun Club ROlld, WeRt Pl\lm 8each, Florht1l3340(. . (561) 686-8800. FL WA1'S 1-800-431-2~5 TUD (.~61)6'J7.2S74 CON 24-06 Regulation Department June 17, 1997 Mr. Dallas H. Durrance, P.C. Cunningham & Durrance, Illc. 400 Execut1ve Center Drive, Suite lOB West Palm Beach, FL 33401w2919 Dear Mr. Durrance: Subject: K11patric Company Parcel, High Ridge Cooonerce Park, City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, S9/T45SjR43E, Permit No. 50~01081-S-0l This is in response to your letter dated May 21, 1997 and as follow up to our previous megting on this subject. As the Kilpatrick parcel was substantially constructed in accurdance with the originally permitted plans, and as a limited amount of pre-treatment is being provided within swales, a modification to the permit will not be requlrad. Future parcels within the Uigh Ridge Commerce Park will bg required to prov1da l/l inch of dry pre-treatment to compensate for the fact that the originally permitted retention area (within the master system) is wet. Should you have any quastions, please call. S~erelY. C~-"G /1--. Carlos de Rojas, ~. Senior Supervising Engineer West Palm Beach Service Center c: City of Boynton Beach Engineer Palm Beach County Engineer Permit Fil e RE,CEI'fED IHIN I S m97 .\IIHLNLi : n M'!'~ 1\11 r f, GflVtrtI ;,,(. Bonrd.. Frlmk Willill.lllson. Jr., Chairmlln gllgene K. Pettis, Vice Chainlllu~ Mitchell W. Berger Vera M. Cllrter William E, Gmham Williilm Hammol1u ,Richard A. Machck Miclllu:l D. Minton Miriam Singer Samuel E, Poole nI. F.lte,~uljYe Director Michael Slayton, Deputy I~xc:cutive Direl:tor Mailinj{AddreAA: P,Q. Bax24680, Weill Valm Beach, FL334l6-4680 r:Z7ie. Ci t:y of 'Boynton r:Be.ac./i @ , ... " -'~ " '. .f{';..'- . .' !Pl#nnirw Cr .zoru:rw ~........e 100 "E, 'Boyneon 'B.t:U:n '.IIDuU-.rd" !1?,O. '.8D",-$lO 'B"'yn~Dn 'B~&U;Ii, :TforU:ia .s.J4,zS-O$lO (407)375-6260, FAX.(407)375-6090 ~~ ~~iEs'_____~---r- c:=~~ ~:-=.~~ DATE: ~ ~ \~-\.co...~tr::> :FAX N'UM:BBR. TRANSM:%:=J:NG OZOa- ~ --s,-<==100"\ ::s NUMBER OF ~AGB:S BEJ:NQ ~.M:%:T'rSD. (J:nQ1u4inq Cov_r ~etter) ~\C'~~;(J ~~.c::;, 'roo F:ROM 0 -c~ F=-a '" '-< Q-.. ~_~~c...__ ":: -;:::;' ~\a.~# ~,~ ~~.::.~~-<:{~~~ R.E 0 Sent By. ~.\)~~~ C.FAX. JM ..."lnoerica $ 9of:eu.>ay f:D t:M qulfst:reano. TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ** COUNT ** # 3 *** SEND *** NO REMOTE STATION 1. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT 1 4078639007 2-16-96 4:05PM 2'28" 3 TOTAL 0:02'28" 3 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 S,/.\' .- . ..; .. 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bta&. 'BouleTJat'tf P.O. 'Boit,310 'Boynton 'Beat.n., 'Tforitia 33425-0310 City 9fa{[: (407) 375-6000 'TfJlX: (407) 375-6090 February 9, 1996 Richard C. Ahrens 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2 West Palm Beach, Florida 33404-1765 Re: Kilpatrick Warehouse Property Location: Northeast intersection of High Ridge Road and Commerce Road File No. NWSP 95-013 Dear Mr. Ahrens: The attached package will be presented to the Planning and Development Board on February 13, 1996 (see attached agenda) and then to the City Commission the following week (February 20,1996). The applicant must understand that the permit plans shall be amended to comply with the final determination of the request and that additional comments may be generated by staff following their review for technical compliance of permit documents that are required to be submitted for development of the project. For the applicant's convenience, attached is a list of documents required for permit submittal. An approval of the site plan by the City Commission shall be valid for one (1) year, unless a building permit from the Building Department is secured. If the applicant fails to secure a building permit in that time, all previous approvals shall become null and void. Very truly yours, ___ A1 "j ,(/) (-:J ,/ ') < / l...-/:-rt..- Y L _ /.h'40,,- :2, ' hael E. Haag ( Plan ~ng and Zoning _ :d~m attachments xc: Central File a:P&Dpkgltr.kil Administrator JitmeTUas (jateway to tlie (julfstream ::DEP.AR~ OF DEVEI",PPME:NT' B ~ILD~~G DIVIS: ~N fD) :s ,~ is IJ!] , .~ C n~ln~.5i J _ __ 11 ! I Ii · : : j 11995 SUBMITIAL DOCUMENTS NOVEMBER 1995 NO'! 2 Congratulations on receiving Site Approval for your proposed construction within the We appreciate your choosing to build within our City. In order to ensure timely pennitting, submit 2 sets of the following documents: I. A signed and sealed survey (not over six months old) by a Florida zegistered surveyor indicatiD~ A. All property lines B. North arrow C. Existing structures and paving D. Reference elevations E. Rights-of-way F. Easement and/or utilities, including fire hydrants on or adjacent to the site G. Legal description H. Area to the nearest one-hundredth of an acre I. Location sketch of property II. A site plan in conformance with LDR Chapter 4, properly dimensioned and to scale showing: A. All proposed structures " B. All existing structures that are to remain on site C. Setback lines from the propeny lines to closest vertical wall of all structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties, including streets. alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of each structUre on site G. Location of existing utility lines on or adjacent to the site H. Location of dumpster enclosure and details of construction III. A paving plan in conformance with LDR Chapter 23, indicating: E. Handicapped parking stalls F. Dimensions of stalls, back-up areas, driveways and traffic lanes Traffic control devices and signs A. The number of required parking stalls (See LDR Chapter 2, Sectiori 11 H) B. Cross sections of proposed construction C. Curbing and striping meeting City Standards G. D. Conformance with LDR Chapter 22, Streets and Sidewalks IV. A drainage plan for the site, including: A. Finish grade and pavement elevations B. Drainage calculations C. Details of drainage system. If site area exceeds 1/2 acre, plans must be certified by a Florida engineer (Continued) V. A landscape plan in conformance with LDR Chapter 7.5., Article n showing: A. Complete landscape construction drawings B. Irrigation. system plans (100% coverage) C. Plant material keyed according to species, size and quantity D. Site walls and fences E. Location and contours of proposed benns VI. A lighting plan for the building exterior and site lighting including: A. Exterior security lighting and pedestrian lighting B. Lighting for driveways and parking lots: 1. Location of lighting 2. Fixture types 3. Lamp types and sizes 4. Photometric plan showing illumination levels in footcandles 5. Lighting poles designed in accordance wi ti; Chapter 12, Standard Building Code VII. Construction documents (signed, sealed and dated) A. Floor plans (indicate use of space) B. Elevations (indicate exterior materials and colors) C. Soil Tests D. Energy calculations E. Foundation plans VIII. Copy of additional documents if applicable A. Board of Health Department stamp B. D.E.R.M. pennit and plans C. Army Corps of Engineers permit ,. S L lIMIT,?OL 'n . en. 'J,.V}.j-:h .:J~. ;'-:&~.: ~r-D/91 ~ F. Typical wall sections G. Electrical plans and riser diagram H. Plumbing plans and riser diagram I. Air conditioning plans J. Truss layout K. Finish floor elevation (on plan) D. Lake Worth Drainage District pennit E. South Florida Water Management District perrnir for surface water management rz-TU. City of ':Boynt:on ':Beacli ca. -:' ~,.,. . .> ~t'&rzine t:!I' Z,cn.i.na "DepAn'I'rNnt .lOD o:E:. 'Bayne.on "2I~aeli IBou.t:l~rd: P.O. '.Bo"C.~10 'Boy...'":>''' ';SeaeF.. :Fwrid:G ~~4:zS.O-J~O (407)37~-6a60. FAX.(407)375-6090 :JEII"'~ ~.I!55_:X:~~ C::=~~ =-=-:U:"'-L;,""",:E!:~ DA'rE . '" - ',-~ c:::=z _ \ S9.C-"> 3 FAX NUMBER. 'rRANSM:I:'r'r:I:NG 'rCh ?<.c--.:'"5' -<::::tc:s::::::.'\ I~ NUMBER. OF PAQES BE:I:NG TRANSM:I:'rTmD. (:I:nc~ud~nq Cov_r Lett_r) '1'0 . ~I~ ,.,.Q.CZ",(J <::::2.., ~'""" ~, ~ .b...\---ItO ...~ <;. ~~\.~<;:, FROM: ~ ,--~,-....SL. ~ ~ :T RE. ~~~\C \.. c::..""'1.__\.\~"~ C'"":c:::. ......-;:;;;:;.\.3 ~~.o. ~ ~~~t--'..c-_ ~1"00." ~ ~_~~ l:. ~."~ ~ Sent :By. ~~;.. 0 <-~ cf'-- C. VAX _ JM .::zLnurit:a:S qate'lVaY to t/ie quifstrearn TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT WAS SENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) ** COUNT ** # 18 *** SEND *** NO REMOTE STATION 1. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT I 1 4078639007 2-12-96 8:48AM 15'00" 18 I I I TOTAL 0:15'00" 18 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 t~~11or~da Water ~a;a:~:~::/~is~::; 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406. (407) 686-8800. FL WATS 1-800-432-2045 CON 24-06 Regulation Department Application No.: 951127-5 January 31, 1996 Kilpatrick Company 322 NE 3rd Street Boynton Beach, FL 33435 FINAL APPROVED JAN 3 1 1996 DeaT Permittee: r \')ipS ,-, lroJrlli ~@ rn 0 W ~ l~!! j! 11 ''\ l I. II (, uu JUl 3 1997 jLJj f'UW;:\G '-'in ~ ' ZC'ihG :J:?T, i.J SUBJECT: Notice of Intent to Construct Works Modification to Permit and Stormwater Discharge Certification No.: Permittee: KILPATRICK COMPANY Project: HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK LOCATION: PALM BEACH County, S9/T45S/R43E 50-01081-S-02 This letter is to notify you of the District's agency action concerning your request of November 27, 1995, to modify the above referenced Permit and Stormwater Discharge Certification. This action is taken pursuant to Rule 40E- 1.606 and Chapter 40E-40, Florida Administrative Code. Based on the information provided, District rules have been adhered to and a modification to the above referenced Permit and Stormwater Discharge Certification is in effect for this project subject to: 1. Not recei vi ng a fil ed request for a Chapter 120, Fl orida Statute-s,>,~ administrative hearing, -:.:." .~r:I,>r 2. the,attached 19 Standard Limiting Conditions, I "-",', j~., -.;~.'. .. \'~ 3. 8 S,.,ed a 1 C-onJi t ions, . cilld '_. I f ; il'-' II u L~ ~ ~. ; ,-'j'! ~i\ '~,\JI- _ II i I I~' '" " ,.1 I. Ii .,[" \...;;'~ \~~' I !. L.. <' '\ " ~ ~ /~{ ~ ,. , - ,- 4. 4 Exhibit(s). ~. ' ,. , ' :,' ';. . '- ~ '. r-. ~. ,t. ....~~. \ ':, Should you object to these Conditions, please refer to the attached "Nptice,of,'- Rights" which addresses the procedures to be followed if you desire a pObliC hearing or other review of the proposed agency action. Please contact this office if you have any questions concerning this matter. If we do not hear from you in accordance with the "Notice of Rights", we will assume that you concur with the District's action. Go-t'l'rning Board: Valerie Bovd, ,Chairman Frank Williamson, Jr., Vice Chairman \ VilIiam E. Graham William Hammond Betsv Krant Richard A. Machek Eugene K. Pettis Nathaniel P. Reed Miriam Singer Samuel E. Poole III. Executi,'e Director Michael Slayton, Deputy Executi\'e Director ...._.._-~---_u_--~lil.iJ,.2.Addres<;: P.O. Bo\246S0. \VegP~1 Beach. FL 33416-4680 KILPATRICK COMPANY Subject: Notice of Intent to Construct Works January 31, 1996 Page 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a "Notice of Rights" has been mailed to the addressee (and the persons listed in the attached distribution list) no later than 5:00 p.m. this 31st day of January, 1996, in accordance with Section 120.60(3}, Florida Statutes. Sinc ely, l') . d, ,~/--- /'~' 11.'L-:LA~./, nthon~ . aterhou ,P.E. DireFto - Surface ater Management West 1m Beach Service Center , CERTIFIED MAIL NO. Z 028 129 060 Enclosures - ------- " , ." ~r:~\ \ -~', ~ ~OR'1. 0537 W10BT South Florida Water Management District GENERAL PERMIT NOTICE OF RIGHTS ThiS Notice of Rights is intended to inform the recipient of the administrative and judicial review which may be availabll mandated by section 120.60(3). Florida Statutes. Se advised that although this notice is intended to be comprehensive. the re, procedures set forth herein have been the subject of judicial construction and interpretation which may affect the administrati\ judicial review available. Recipients are therefore advised to become familiar with Chapters 120 and 373. Florida Statutes. anc judicial interpretation of the provisions of these chapters. 1. If a substantially affected person objects to the staff's recommendation. that person has the right to request an administr. hearing on the proposed agency action. The substantially affected person may request either a formal or an informal heal as set forth below. Failure to comply with the prescribed time periods shall constitute a waiver of the right to a hearing, 2. If a substantially affected person believes a genuine issue of material fact is in dispute. that person may request a formal hec pursuant to section .120.57(1~. Florida Statutes. by fHing a petition not I~ter'thln: . a. IF NOTICE OF THE APPLfCA TION WAS PUBLISHED BY THE APPLICANT. within fourteen (14) days after mailing of the proposed agency action or b. IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS NOT PUBLISHED. within fourteen days after receipt of actual notice. The request for a section 120.57(1). F.S.. formal hearing must comply with the requirements of Rule 40E-1.S21, FIe Administrative Code. a copy of which is attached. Petitions are deemed filed upon receipt by the Oistrict. Failu substantially comply with the provisions of Rule 40E-1.521. Florida Administrative Code. shall constitute a waiver of the rig a 120.57(1) hearing. If a petition for administrative hearing is not timely filed. the staff's proposed agency will automatj, mature into final agency action. 3. If a substantially affected person believes that no issues of material fact are in dispute. that person may request an info hearing pursuant to section 120.57(2). F.S.. by filing a petition for hearing not later than:. a. IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS PUBLISHED BY THE APPLICANT, within fourteen (14) days after mailing of the proposed agency action or ' ' , b. IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS NOT PUBLISHED. within fourteen days after receipt 6f actuai notice. . _ ,-pI', r. ',-~~", A request for informal hearing shall be considered as a waiver of the right to request a formal section 120.S1{1 ). F.S.. heari! request for a section 120.57(1 ). F.S.. formal hearing not in substantial compliance with the provisions of , rule 40E- 1.521. F. may be considered by the Oistrict as a request for informal hearing. If a petition for administrative hearing is not timely filec staffs pr~posed agency action will automatically mature into final agency actlon._>, .;i\~~:;/ 4. Pursuant to section 373.114, Florida Statutes. a party to the proceeding below may seek review of a Final Order rendered c permit application before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission. as provided therein. Review"under this sect initiated by filing a request for review with the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission and serving a copy on the OeparJ of Environmental Regulation and any person named in the Order wathin 'lO days after rendering ot the DistrICt's C However. when the order to be reviewed has statewide or regional significance. as determined by the Land and , Adjudicatory Commission within 60 days after receipt of a request for review. the commission may accept a request for r from any affected person within 30 days after the rendering of the order. Review under section 373.114. Florida Statu' limited solely to a determination of consistency with the provisions and purposes of Chapter 373. Florida Statutes. This r is appellate in nature and limited to the record below. S. A party who is adversely affected by final agency action on the permit application is entitled to judicial review in the 0 Court of Appeal pursuant to section 120.68. Florida Statutes. as provided therein. Review under section 120.68. Florida St; in the Oistrict Court of Appeal is initiated by filing a petition in the appropriate District Court of Appeal in accordanc1 Florida rule of appellate Procedure 9.110. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of the final agency action 6. Section 373.617(2). Florida Statutes. provides: . Any person substantially affected by a final action of any agency with respect to a permit may seek review within 90 days of the rendering of such decision and request monetary damages and other relief in the circuit court in the judicial circuit in which the affected property is located: however. circuit court review shall be confined solely to determining whether final agency action is an unreasonable exercise of the state's police power constituting a taking without just compensation. Review of final agency action for the purpose of determining whether the action is in accordance with existing statutes or rules and based on component substantial evidence shall proceed in accordance with Chapter 120. 4CE-l.S21 Ini:ia:icn of Formal Proceedings. . (l.) "" Ini:ia:ion of fc=mal proceecU.ng'5 shall be made by petition to :he Oi5:ri ~e:-m petition as used here1=includes any applica:ion or other document wbich exp: reques: for formal .proceeciings. Each petition should be printed, typewricten c duplicated in legible form on white paper or stanc!ard legal size. Onless print impression shall be on one side of the paper only and lines shall be d.ouble- spc i.nclen:ed. (2) All petitions filed under ~e.e rule. sball centain: (a) The name and address of ~e District and the District'. file or identificacion DUmber, if known; (b) The name and adc!ress of the petitioner or petitioners; . (cl An explana:ion of how each petitioner's .ubstantial interests will be affected by the Dis~ict'. determination; A statement of when and how petitioner received notice of :he District'. decision or intent to render a decision; (e) A s:atement of all disputed issues of material fact. If :here are none, the petition must so indicate. (d) (f) A concise s:atement of ~e ultimate ~acts which petitioner believes entitle petitioner to the relief sought as well as the rules and statutes which support peti:ioner's claim for relief. 'I. (g) A demand for the relief to which the petitioner deems himself entitled; and (h); Other information which the petitioner contends is material.. (3) apon receipt of a petition for formal proceedings, the Office of C0un51 review the petition for compliance with subsection (2). The Board ahall aceex: petitions in substantial compliance therewith, which have been timely filed, which el :hat the petitioner is a substantially affected party, and which s:ate a dispute , wi:~i!'l. the ju=isdiction of ~e Dist:.-ic: to resolve. If accepted., :be Boare! shall e!I t!1e presiding of~icer of t.~e aciminis::.-a:i ve bearing. The Distric: shall prompt wri:t~ notice to all par:ies of the act:in taken em the petition, and shall 51 pa--eicUlarity its reasons therefor. (4) If a petition is filed that dees not substantially comply with the req of subsection (2) of this section, the District shall issue an orc!er c!ismissing the : with leave to fine an amended petition complying with the requirements of :.his rul :be time period c!esignated in the erd.er. If an ~nc!ed petition complying with this not ~iled with the %)is::.-ict Clerk within the d.esignated time period. the petitioner :0 a processing under Sec:ion 1.20.57, Flor:i.da Statutes, i. waivec:l. < (5) -~ 'If a valid petition is filed, with the consent ef all parties and upon · of good. cause, Boare! action on the petition pursuant to Section 120.57 (1.) (b) shall be -Good cause- shall mean a set of circumstances lomfcreseen and outside of the centre person requesting the waiver. (6) When a valid. petition for adJfti,"ofstrative hearing has been filed, the Boa: s311 de~er c:cnsideration ef the matter penc!ing the completion of the aO"'l!'l.\strative anc! :be .ubmittal of a recommend.ec:l orier, and any exceptions to ~t ercler. (7) If the Boare! designates a Bear1ng Officer assignee! by :he D1 v: ^~-i::istra:ive Hearings as the presic!ing officer, the %)i5:=ict Clerk shall fo:'" ~e~:.~ion ane! all relevant materials filed wit.h the Oi5::.-ic: to :'~e Division of ACmin:. kea=~~=s. ana shall noti~y all parties of its action. _. _... .2' aL 212..... n2.112 r I y. 'I' f' _.... "1.AtII. ,"".272.11' r.. ._ - _~. ._ ....._11. ,..., 11211_ .N.'.'2. _ ~1I.q LIMITING CONDITIONS 1. THE PERMITTEE SHALL IMPLEMENT THE WORK AUTHORIZED IN A MANNER SO AS TO . MINIMIZE ANY ADVERSE IMPACT OF THE WORKS ON FISH, WILDLIFE, NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, AND WATER QUALITY. THE PERMITTEE SHALL INSTITUTE NECESSARY MEASURES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, INCLUDING FULL COMPACTION OF ANY FILL MATERIAL PLACED AROUND NEWLY INSTALLED STRUCTURES, TO REDUCE EROSION, TURBIDITY, NUTRIENT LOADING AND SEDIMENTATION IN THE RECEIVING WATERS. 2. WATER QUALITY DATA FOR THE WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PERMITTEE'S PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 5.9, "BASIS OF REVIEW FOR SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS WITHIN SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - MARCH, 1994." PARAMETERS TO BE MONITORED MAY INCLUDE THOSE LISTED IN CHAPTER 62-302, F.A.C. IF WATER QUALITY DATA IS REQUIRED, THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE DATA ON VOLUMES OF WATER DISCHARGED, INCLUDING TOTAL VOLUME DISCHARGED DURING THE DAYS OF SAMPLING AND TOTAL MONTHLY DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE. 3. THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE PERMITTEE OF ANY OBLIGATION TO OBTAIN NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL OR SPECIAL DISTRICT APPROVALS. 4. THE OPERATION PHASE OF THIS PERMIT WILL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL THE DISTRICT'S ACCEPTANCE OF CERTIFICATION OF THE COMPLETED SURFACE WATER WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. THE PERMITTEE SHALL REQUEST TRANSFER OF THE PERMIT TO THE RESPONSIBLE OPERATIONAL ENTITY ACCEPTED BY THE DISTRICT, IF DIFFERENT FROM THE PERMITTEE. THE TRANSFER REQUEST CAN BE SUBMITTED CONCURRENTLY WITH THE CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION CERTIFICATION. 5. ALL ROAD ELEVATIONS SHALL BE SET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA SET FORTH IN SECTION 6.5, "BASIS OF REVIEW FOR SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS WITHIN SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - MARCH, 1994." 6. ALL BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATIONS SHALL BE SET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA SET FORTH IN SECTION 6.4, "BASIS OF REVIEW FOR SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS WITHIN SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - MARCH, 1994." i:'C r:' -- i. ~~, "-;:,' \'fj 7. OFF-SITE DISCHARGES DURING CONSTRUCTION ANb'~'~E~EL~'PME'NT WI'~tB~ MADE ONLY THROUGH THE FACILITIES AUTHORIZED BY T~IS PERMIT. S. A PERMIT TRANSFER TO THE OPERATION PHASE SHALL NOT OCCUR UNTIL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY MEETING THE REQUIREMENT IN SECTION 9.0, "BASIS OF REVIEW FOR SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS WITHIN SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - MARCH, 1994," HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM. THE ENTITY MUST BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT OWNERSHIP OR LEGAL INTEREST SO THAT IT HAS CONTROL OVER ALL WATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. 9. THE PERMIT DOES NOT CONVEY TO THE PERMITTEE ANY PROPERTY RIGHT NOR ANY RIGHTS OR PRIVILEGES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED IN THE PERMIT AND CHAPTER 40E-4, FAC. 10. THE PERMITTEE SHALL HOLD AND SAVE THE DISTRICT HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, CLAIMS, OR LIABILITIES WHICH MAY ARISE BY REASON OF THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE OR USE OF ANY FACILITY AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT. --- LIMITING CONDITIONS 11. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED BASED ON THE APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED INFORMATION WHICH REASONABLY DEMONSTRATES THAT ADVERSE WATER RESOURCE RELATED IMPACTS WILL NOT BE CAUSED BY THE COMPLETED PERMIT ACTIVITY. SHOULD ANY ADVERSE IMPACTS CAUSED BY THE COMPLETED SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OCCUR, THE DISTRICT WILL REQUIRE THE PERMITTEE TO PROVIDE APPROPRIATE MITIGATION TO THE DISTRICT OR OTHER IMPACTED PARTY. THE DISTRICT WILL REQUIRE THE PERMITTEE TO MODIFY THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, IF NECESSARY, TO ELIMINATE THE CAUSE OF THE ADVERSE IMPACTS. 12. WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, THE PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT (VIA THE SUPPLIED CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT NOTICE OR EQUIVALENT) OF THE ACTUAL OR ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION START DATE AND THE EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE. 13. WHEN THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION EXCEEDS ONE YEAR, THE PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT SHALL SUBMIT CONSTRUCTION STATUS REPORTS ON AN ANNUAL BASIS (VIA THE SUPPLIED ANNUAL STATUS REPORT OP EQUIVALENT) BEGINNING ONE YEAR AFTER THE INITIAL COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. 14. WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT SHALL FILE A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF COMPLETION AND CERTIFICATION BY A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. THESE STATEMENTS MUST SPECIFY THE ACTUAL DATE OF CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION AND MUST CERTIFY THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT (VIA THE SUPPLIED CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION/ CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION OR EQUIVALENT). THE CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION CERTIFICATION MUST INCLUDE, AT A MINIMUM, EXISTING ELEVATIONS, LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF THE COMPONENTS OF THE WATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. ADDITIONALLY, IF DEVIATIONS FROM THE APPROVED DRAWING ARE DISCOVERED DURING THE CERTIFICATION PROCESS, THE CERTIFICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A COPY OF THE APPROVED PERMIT DRAWINGS WITH DEVIATIONS NOTED. 15. WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ANY SALE, CONVEYANCE OR OTHER TRANSFER OF ANY OF THE LAND WHICH IS PROPOSED FOR DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE AUTHORIZATION OF THIS PERMIT, THE PERMITTEE SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT OF SUCH TRANSFER IN" -. y WRITING VIA EITHER FORM 0483, REQUEST FOR PERMIT TRANSFER; OR FORM 0920, REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION PHASE TO OPERATION PHASE (TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED BY THE OPERATING ENTITY], IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 40E-l.EI05 A~D 10E-4.351s F..'\.C. ' ,', t ..------ 16. A PRORATED SHARE OF SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT RETENTION/DETENTION AREAS, , SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED FLOOD PROTECTION AND WATER QUALITY TREATMENT, MUST BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY OF ANY BUILDING OR '__0', ... RESIDENCE. -- -"<_~"::'-- 17. A STABLE, PERMANENT AND ACCESSIBLE ELEVATION REFERENCE SHALL BE ESTABLISHED ON OR WITHIN ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET OF ALL PERMITTED DISCHARGE STRUCTURES NO LATER THAN THE SUBMISSION OF THE CERTIFICATION REPORT. THE LOCATION OF THE ELEVATION REFERENCE MUST BE NOTED ON OR WITH THE CERTIFICATION REPORT. 18. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE TO INSURE THAT ADVERSE OFF-SITE WATER RESOURCE RELATED IMPACTS DO NOT OCCUR DURING CONSTRUCTION. 19. THE PERMITTEE MUST OBTAIN A WATER USE PERMIT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING, UNLESS THE WORK QUALIFIES FOR A GENERAL PERMIT PURSUANT TO SUBSECTION 40E-20.302(4), F.A.C. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATION: 22 FEET NGVD. 2. MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ELEVATION: 18 FEET NGVD. - ---- - --- -. -- - ------- \ 3. DISCHARGE FACILITIES: TOTAL'-ON-SITEREfENi10ff~ 4. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF ANY EROSION, SHOALING OR WATER QUALITY PROBLEMS THAT RESULT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. S. MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN DURING CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENTATION AND/OR TURBIDITY PROBLEMS ARE NOT CREATED IN THE RECEIVING WATER. 6. THE DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THAT ADDITIONAL WATER QU.4L1TY TREATMENT METHODS BE JNCORPORATED INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IF SUCH MEASURES ARE' SHOWN TO BE NECES3ARY. . 7. FACILITIES OTHER THAN THOSE STATED HEREIN SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT AN APPROVED MODIFICATION OF THIS PERMIT. 8. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK ASSOCIATION, INC. LEG -'_ DESCFlPTION: LOTS 1, 2 AND 3, BLOCK 2 OF CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.D., ACCORDING TO 'THE PLAT . 'THEREOF ON FiLE IN 'THE OFFlCE OF THE CLERK OF 1r!E ClRCUtT COURT IN AND FOR P AUA BEACH COUNTY, FlORIDA, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 46 AT PAGES 58 THROUGH 61. H'f?OLUXQ ROAD I ; i I I I ! a! <, 01 0:::1 ~I rSITE Q I 5: J: '"' :E COMMERCE ROAD . i ! LOi (7): 1.j e SiTE LOCATION MAP NTS i ~ ~ . :"1: i7", ~ t '7 . , .' , ; '}\/" .' ;::.. [I -,' i.' I, J . ~" " -..... trIo;. E~H {BIT 1 -----.----. ._-~. ._.._--,_.-.----_._..._-~" ._.__.._-~-- --.---.--------.-----.- HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK PERMIT SUMMARY SHEET APPLICATION NUMBER: 951127-5 PERMIT MODIFICATION NO.: 50-01081-5-02 LOCATION: PALM BEACH COUNTY, S9/T45S/R43E OWNER: KILPATRICK COMPANY ENGINEER: JAMES QUINA JR PE PROJECT AREA: 3.59 ACRES DRAINAGE AREA: 3.59 ACRES PROJECT USE: COMMERCIAL FACILITIES: 1. PROPOSED: This application is a request to modify Permit No. 50-01081-5 for construction and operation of a surface water management system to serve a 3.59 acre office/warehouse facility located within the previously permitted High Ridge Commerce Park in Palm Beach County. A system of inlets and culverts will direct stormwater runoff from the site to an existing 4.2 acre dry retention pond serving the entire 66 acre project. Staff recommends approval with conditions. PROJECT LEVEL: DRAINAGE BASIN: C-16 RECEIVING BODY: ON-SITE RETENTION (25-YEAR 72-HOUR) WATER QUALITY: PROVIDED IN THE MASTER 5WM SYSTEM. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: PROJECT SITE DESCRIPTION ~.~~..:, '.> ;"~r~~'_~~~._".~, .'. ,\;,,~ '. '...:.~tl { ~:_'> ~..; ..,' -- The 3.59 acre project site is located on the east side of High Ridge Road, approximately 1 mile south of Hypoluxo Road, in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County. The site supports a pine flatwood community. There are no existing wetlands or other surface waters present at the site. Exhibit J..o- HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK PERMIT SUMMARY SHEET EXISTING ON SITE UPLAND COMMUNITIES: ID TOTAL BIOLOGICAL COMMUNITY NO ACREAGE CONDITION TYPE 01 3.59 GOOD PINE FLATWOODS TOTAL ON SITE UPLAND ACREAGE: 3.59 COMMUNITY ACREAGE 3.59 ENDANGERED, THREATENED & SPECIES OF SPECIAL CONCERN SUMMARY: The project site does not contain preferred habitat for endangered~ threatened, or species of special concern. No endangered/threatened or species of special concern were observed on site, and potential use of the site by endangerp.dJthr~ate~ed or species of soecial ~oncern ~~e of the site is minimal. This permit does not relieve the applicant from complying with all applicable rules and any other agencies' requirements if in the future, endangered/threatened or species of special concern are discovered on the site. ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY The project site supports a pine flatwood upland community. There are no wetlands or other surface waters present at the site. Therefore, adverse impacts to wetlands are not anticipated as a result of the proposed construction. DATE: ,13<J If" , P.L NA"RAL RESOURC41ANAGEMENT {.L~-.J ('/\. (~- Robert i~. Brown DATE: \/~()A(, ,'-.... , "-.;::.... . ~, . , Exhibit Jl .....-. ... """' OUUlIU' Sll'mam I IUI..II .. Inaa. .... ~- .~ NOUU.oI C'"" . ( ,-' HOIS,V. w )/"IiSl )n ANVdYiO~ _ ,OIlUVd11>l 3HJ.. .__ I -.-. _ 'T.IWO n.. -..... o -- : . : = = = uu : :: : ~ " = -- ~... I I II I !I !L aSl,..1I I! Itn , .. I ill~li III; lill; !il~ i · a '! !1~i~ihl'll I~!;II!. III i Ihhhilil Jill I Ilix;\ 1;'11,"1 t mamisin; BUi!Biii! I ; 11l:tlll~1I1! ~ ~ I aHulm'II-a.u.~rillllm0.4 Illlumllli ; ~-- if o ~ i I I I I I : ~ r~ Ii, I I=!~ ~i o....-Z=.L.... ~ ~~ 5 ~~i i ; I:~ i ~~ ~ I Iii ~ ~ II ~ 11 s i ~d II 1..1 ".10 1..1 :.1 " ~ Ii w. II i I ~ ~ ~. ~ !~ .e "I. c~ i 13 :" I A" III~~ 'I ~ i 1..1 ! -- 50 _A. 11, ~ }2 ! ~ .. .. · f ,. ~ 0; II ~ ; : I to.. I' i 1.1 i =11"" , .'1. I. l . s~~~,! ~ I ~I ..... 1..1 E{ ill::. ! .. ..!..:! i ~~ ll:!kn j II ::ilil!llIi ; ~ i I~ ~~--- i ~ iI ::::.::.. I 5 " ;! I 'llllllllll II ~ ~~ !:UlI I I i I If 5 I a! ~~~;e i cS, iiiill. I iUII ~ Ii. i... f " "';l I I I I I I I . I; I I -~, -;: " )) ;~ // ,...;: t :I;:IUlI ill ~~~ S, :i., ;~ UH!!!"" ;! c nIl a ~ f~ ~h "., ~ E<<'Uf<<'ncrj# Ii .~it i hi" w tics1!:::ltC&&t!:! ~ ~_H~n, ,1I~ <> w5 i i .....:1 II.. .. ~ III mllll! l i .. I I HJoIoIo"jU"1o uun !I!1U ~. iiiilliUii I' Ii II II --. + !! ..' . .' ~ .__.,_..__._----~_.,,- STAFF REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST PROJECT: HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK APPLICATION NUMBER: 951127-5 PERMIT MODIFICATION NUMBER: 50-01081-S-02 INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Reviewer: X Laura Reillv X Barbara Conmy X Carlos A. de Rojas, P.E. X Robert M. Brown K. Ammon - REG X B. Colavecchio - REG M. Cruz - REG M. El sner - IJOP J. Giddings - LOP J. Golden - REG F. Lund - UDP R. Mireau - OMD R. Robbins - NRM D. Thatcher - CPR W. Van Voorhess - GPA L. Wagner - LOP X P. Walker - GPA X K. Wallace - REG A. Waterhouse - REG Director, Big Cypress Basin X Area Engineer Day File X Enforcement X Environmental PPC Reviewer X Field Representative Office of Counsel X Permit File EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION X Owner: KILPATRICK COMPANY X Applicant: RICHARD AHRENS X Applicant's Consultant: JAMES ~JINA JR PE X Engineer, County of: PALM BEACH Engineer, City of: Local Drainage District: COUNTY X Palm Beach -Building Division -Environmental Res Mgmt. -Health Dept. -Land Development Div. -School Brd., Growth Mgt. BUILDING AND ZONING OTHER David Sinclair DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION F.G.F.W.F.e. X West Palm Beach FDEP Flori~a Audubon - Ch~rlos Le~ Mr. Ed Dailey, President ,.... .. , ....., , :" -'; ", ;"'; "'" ;:.~-'. : - \;.,':' /.,'., . -<(~~~~! t [~S~'. '; , EXHIBIT L.. ETTER OF TW'IISM1TTIL FROM: A AHRENS AI COMPANIES (407) 863-9004 Fax (407) 863-9007 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2. West Palm Beach, FL 33404-1765 DATE I/I.J-It " PROJECT I kI~,tJI4T7l/ck LOCATION Bvt1,v'.tC>N BCi-l ATTENTION RE: ~ ~ /tAN ~R/lew , , TO: 1J:t~~ ~~/CW 13y:ICJ/ Ii '1M OJ <' ~/N& ~r &>f,N7Z>N (SCiI, ;/24 I GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU o HEREWITH ~ DELIVERED BY HAND THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: C'-.:J SAMPLES [] SPECIFICATIONS B#~Me bY o UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA ~ PLANS o ESTIMATES COPIES OATE O~ NO. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS INDICATED BELOW ~ FOR YOUR USE 0 APPROVED AS NOTED o FOR APPROVAL D APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION o AS REQUESTED 0 RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS D FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT o RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US o RETURN o SUBMIT o RESUBMIT D FOR BIDS DUE CORRECTED PRINTS COPIES FOR COPIES FOR LJ (/ j C/!!'j ,ff!t)!S0 Iflfi(t!l (I ON ~It/l REMARKS; S1G"ED,_~t~ IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS INDICATED, PLEASE NOTIFY US AT ONCE. '. .,~ 2J HOWARD H. HUMBURG and ASSOCIATES, INC. i;. :- ARCHITECTS Telephone (904) 721-7227 Fax (904) 724-2050 Century 21 Office Center 1 01 Century 21 Drive. Suite 204 Jacksonville, Fl 32216 January 11, 1996 Ms. Tambri 1. Heyden City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Director 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boy ton Beach, Florida 32245-0310 Re: Initial Review Comments Kilpatrick Warehouse File No. NWSP95-013 Dear Ms. Heyden: The following are responses to the various Department's of the City of Boynton Beach comments regarding the initial review of the Kilpatrick Warehouse Project, your file no. NWSP 95-013, and specifically your letter to Mr. Richard Ahrens, dated December 26, 1995. Comment Page Check List Item 1 An amended Site Plan Review/Conditional Use application form is attached reflecting the changes that were made. Item 2 Twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of Plans and Documents are attached. Two (2) sets are sealed with appropriate Architect/Engineering seals with the signature of the responsible designer affixed. Item 3 Color Photographs of the site, which has no building on it now, and the adjacent site(s) with buildings are attached. Item 4 Colored rendered elevations of all four elevations are attached and a materials color chart included listing all items visible with the Item's manufacturers names, Page 2 City of Boynton Beach Ms. Tambri 1. Heyden January 11, 1995 Item 5 Item 6 color numbers and location. These sheets are listed on the building index cover sheet and are added to the construction Documents (not in color) as sheet numbers 303A and 303B. A color sample board is attached, as requested, identifying each material by color, name and numerical/letter code. An 8 1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape plan is attached as requested. Review Comments from Sergeant Marlon Harris, Boynton Beach Police Department, Traffic Unit, dated December 7,1995. It is noted that no problems were indicated at this time. Review Comments from John Wildner, Parks Superintendent, Recreation and Park Department, dated December 8, 1995. It is noted that there are no recreation related comments. Review Comments from Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director, Public Works Department, dated December 7,1995. It is noted that the Public Works Department have no problems with the referenced site. Review Comments from John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities, dated December 11, 1995. Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 It is noted that a permit for the proposed water main extension will be required and that the plans for the extension will be submitted. A Reservation Fee of $2, 106.72 will be paid within thirty (30) days of Commission approval or upon request with signatures on HRS/DEP forms in conformance with Section 26.3(E). A 12' easement, metes and bounds survey will be provided after installation of the proposed water main extension is completed as indicated on Sheets 101 and 105. Irrigation water shall be supplied by a well located at the southeast corner of the proposed building and indicated on Sheet 102. Page 3 City of Boynton Beach Ms. Tambri 1. Heyden January 11, 1995 Item 5 The utility easement has been relocated so as not to necessitate the removal of trees along the north property line of the proposed project and is indicated on Sheet 105 Review Comments from William V. Hukill, P. E., Department of Development Director, Engineering Division, dated December 15, 1995. Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 All documents have been revised to reflect the comments received. Sheet 102, General Notes, has been revised, as requested, citing current Land Development Regulations and changing "Engineering" to "Development". The South Florida Water Management District Permit is pending and will be forwarded to your office when it becomes available, We understand that the plans submitted herewith shall meet the City's code requirements at the time of application. No vehicle wash area is utilized in this project. The wash area as now labeled is a 1 00% recycled wash water system and is used to wash lawn mowers after demonstration has been completed. None of the wash water shall be discharged into the storm water or waste water system. With regard to the ramp drain, all storm water from the site ultimately discharges into a dry retention pond located northeast of the site. This pond does not have a surface water discharge point and it is our contention that the pre-treatment is being provided. This is indicated on Sheets 1 02 and 1 03. A 4 foot wide concrete sidewalk has been added along Commerce Road and indicated on Sheet 104 Pursuant to the instructions given by Ms. Tambri J. Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, two sets of engineering plans will be signed and sealed by the design professionals. In this case all civil site work will be certified by James K. Quina, Jr., P. E. All storm drainage piping has a minimum size of 15 inches in diameter. This is indicated on Sheet 103. Page 4 City of Boynton Beach Ms. Tambri 1. Heyden January 11, 1995 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10 Item 11 Item 12 Item 13 Item 14 Item 15 Item 16 Item 17 As described in Item 4 above, all storm water discharges into a dry retention pond located northeast of the building site. The pond does not have a surface water discharge point. As such, all inlets do discharge to a grassy area subsequent to ultimate disposal. This is indicated on Sheet 103. Clear Site Triangles have been indicated and the Landscape Plan has been adjusted to comply with Chapter 7.5 Article II, Section 5H2, page 7.5-17. Sheet 801 of the Construction Documents indicates a Site Lighting Plan in accordance with Chapter 23, Article IIA, pages 23-6. A photometric report shall be submitted before the Building Permit is issued and shall comply with Chapter 23, Article IIA-l-a, pages 23-6. Parking lot striping has been extended to 18 foot lengths, This is indicated on Sheet 102. Stop sign and stop bars have been provided pursuant to your request. This is indicated on Sheet 102. Wheel stops or curbing have been provided for all parking stalls, with the exception of those stalls which park against a turned down concrete sidewalk, which acts as a curb. This is indicated on Sheet 102. As indicated in Items 4 and 8, above, all storm water is directed to a dry retention pond located northeast of the site. This pond was permitted and constructed for the High Ridge Commerce Park P. U. D. and represents on-site treatment for all portions of the P. U. D. area, of which this site is included. A drainage area map delineating the relative location of the site and this pond is indicated on Sheet 103. A review of the referenced code requires that retail commercial establishments provide fire lane markings and signage. This project will be a wholesale commercial establishment. As such, the fire lane marking and signage are not required. Thermoplastic cross walk lines have been provided and indicated on Sheet 102. Page 5 City of Boynton Beach Ms. Tambri 1. Heyden January] 1, 1995 Review Comments from AI Newbold, Deputy Department of Development Director, Building Division, dated December 19, 1995. Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 The thirty foot (30') set-back has been resolved by removal of the "future expansion" note from the plans where previously indicated. Signage attached to the west side of the building shall not exceed 154 square feet as allowed under Chapter 21, Article IV, Section SC. It is anticipated that the sign will not be greater than 1'-0" thick or projected from the vertical surface of the wall. A handicap access walk from the public right-of-way has been indicated on Sheet 102. All title blocks on all Sheets have been revised to reflect the building usage of office, showroom, warehouse/assembly. No manufacturing is done on the premises. Lawn mowers are un-crated and the loose parts are assembled and delivered to customers. Review Comments from Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Envirollmentalist, Department of Recreation and Parks, dated December 19, 1995. Item 1 Item 2 Investigation has indicated that three (3) gopher turtles are located on the site and an application to remove them has been made to the Florida Fish and Game Commission. The tree survey indicates that there are forty-three (43) trees located in the area of proposed construction. Two (2) six inch (6") diameter oaks shall be relocated to the Hammock Area and forty-one (41) trees of native species planted, as indicated on the Landscape Plan Sheets 201 and 202. Review Comments from William D. Cavanaugh, FPOI, Fire Department, dated December 20, 1995. It is noted that no objections have been indicated by this Department. Review Comments from Michael E. Haag, Current Planning Coordinator, Planning and Zoning Department, dated December 26, 1995. Page 6 City of Boynton Beach Ms. Tambri 1. Heyden January 11, 1995 Item 11 Item 1.2 Item 1.3 Item 1.4 Item I. 5 Item I. 6 Item I. 7 Item 1.8 Item I. 9 Item I. 10 ltem 1. } 1 Application to BOA V 95-014 - Case #213 has been transmitted for a variance to eliminate the buffer wall. If not accepted, a buffer wall shall be provided which meets the requested requirements An application for "Use Approval" has been made and submitted on December 4, 1995. The parking calculations indicated on Sheet 102, Site Data, have been modified and indicates fifty-one (51) total parking spaces, forty-eight (48) standard and three (3) handicap spaces. The distance between the two driveways on Commerce Road has been indicated on Sheet 102. The distance between the driveways is 152.6 feet. This Item was resolved with the City Manager, Ms. Carrie Parker, and Mr. Hal Kilpatrick, by providing a 6" high chain-link fence with visual slats. A 3-6" high earth berm with landscaping shall be provided and is indicated on Sheet 201 of the Landscape Plan along with the preservation of the existing Hammock Area which will provide a minimum screening of 6' - 6" inches at the berm area and 30' -0 to 40' -0 high screen at the Hammock Area. This was discussed with the City Manager Ms. Carrie Parker and Mr. Hal Kilpatrick at a previous meeting and accepted. Sheet 303 has been modified to indicate the dimension from the highest point of the building to finish grade will be twenty seven (27') feet. The front of the building has been designated as High Ridge Road. Sheet 102 has been modified to indicate all overhangs .:lnd/or canopies. No fUl'clre expansion is anticipated at this time. The "nlture expansion'" note has been removed. The designation "Perpetual Greenbeit" has been added under the designation "40' Buffer Easement" and is lndica'~ed OD Sheet 102. Page 7 City of Boynton Beach Ms. Tambri 1. Heyden January 11, 1995 Item 1.12 Item I. 13 Item 1.14 Item I. 15 Item 1.16 Item I. 17' Item 1.18 Item I. 19 Item 1.20 Item 1.21 Item 1.22 Application for the Environmental Review Permit was submitted on December 4, 1995, and the Board met for consideration on December 28, 1995. The "outside storage" area has been designated on Sheet 102. The area is screened by a chain-link fence with vinyl colored slats. The dumpster enclosure, with dimensions, as requested, has been indicated on Sheet 102. Item 5H of the "Site Data" indicated on Sheet 102 has been modified to correctly indicate the percent of total pervious area. Sheet 102 has been modified to indicate under "General Notes" Item II, that the electric power provided shall be underground to the building. Sheets 303A and 303B have been added as a supplement to Sheet 300 and indicate all exterior materials with identifYing color name, manufacturer and the manufacturer of the color. Sheet 303 and added sheet 303A and 303B indicate the finish of all materials, as requested. Chapter 7.5, Article II of the Landscape Code has been complied with and as indicated on the Landscape Sheet 50% of the trees, hedges and/or shrubs shall be native species. Computation of the Landscape Plan indicates compliance with the native species required for perimeter hedges and trees along the right-of-ways. The Landscape Plan indicates the line-of sight triangles and their dimensions and a note indicating that "the area between thirty (30) inches and six (6) feet within the line-of-sight triangle shall remain clear and allow unobstructed cross visibility." A note has been added to the Landscape Plan directing that "the City Landscape Inspector shall verify that the proposed preserve area vegetation matches the code requirements to screen the on-site vehicle use area from the property to the North" The height of the berm has been indicated on the Landscape Plan as 3' -6". Page 8 City of Boynton Beach Ms. Tambri 1. Heyden January 11, 1995 Item 123 A note has been added to the Landscape Plan indicating the dimensional centerline of the trees required along High Ridge Road and Commerce Road shall be no greater than 40' -0". A note has been added to the Landscape Plan indicating that the spacing of the firebush and fakahatcher grass shall not be greater than 2' -0" on center and shall create a continuous visual barrier. Item 124 Item I. 25 The recommendation that melaleuca mulch be used instead of other species of mulch has been so noted and indicated on the Landscape Plan. The above responses to the Review Comments listed above shall be and/or will be incorporated into this project. We thank you on behalf of the Kilpatrick Company for your time and consideration and look forward to providing a facility which shall be an asset to the community of Boynton Beach. If further information or clarification is required please call upon us. Sincerely, / .' I/?;()cik/ d~f;1J$~ Howard H. Humburg, AlA PresidentIDirector of Architecture c: Mr. Richard Ahrens Mr. Hal Kilpatrick HHH/bw erne City 'of 1 ~ 'Boyntbn'Beacfi I ' I 100 <E. 'Boynton 'Be.adi 'A1ult.varrl P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beadi.,:Ffor;.t.UJ 33425-0310 City:Jfafl: (407) 375-1fOOO !J:U: (407) 375-61J!JO ~"~ --l '~- December 26, 1995 Richard Ahrens 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2 West Palm Beach, Florida 33404-1765 RE: Initial Review Comments - Kilpatrick Warehouse File No. NWSP 95-013 Dear Mr. Ahrens: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the documents submitted for the above-referenced project. Attache.d are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In order to complete the review process, the site. . plan and documents must be amended to comply with these~comments within 90 days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the proj ect or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets (including surveys) of the plans to the Planning and Zoning Department. When the amended plans and qocuments have been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Depar'tment, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for secoI}d review and recommendation to the appropriate boards for approval or denial. A recommendation for denial will be. made if there are major comments that have not been addressed on the resubmitted plans. Jl.merial's (jateway to tfie (julfstream Page 2 Kilpatrick Warehouse Initial Review Comments In order for the site plan review request to be presented to the Planning and Development Board on February 13, 1996, a complete second review submittal shall be turned into the Planning and Zoning Department on January 12, 1996 before 5: 00 P.M. A checklist that contains information regarding the second submission of the plans and documents for review is attached to help facilitate the second review. If you should have any questions regarding the comments or the approval schedule, please feel free to call Michael E. Haag, who is coordinating the review of your site plan for the Planning and zoning Department. Very truly yours, {t?;J2. - ' J'iJt- ~ri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme Atts. , . A:lstComLtr.kil I \.; I . ~ l ~' Page 3 Kilpatrick Warehouse Initial Review Comments CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review. Turning in this list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Planning and Zoning Department. Project Name: Kilpatrick Warehouse (File No.95-013) ~ 1. Submit an amended Site Plan Review/Conditional Use application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments. A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified. If there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal. 2. Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents, including surveys that show compliance with the Code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee. Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s). Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example: 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. 3. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 5" by 7". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. , ., 1'1 I . /. 4. Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of' all buildings and signage associated with the project. Tqe colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that were submitted for site plan review. The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified. The type of exterior surface material shall be identified next to the associated color. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original drawing shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". Do not submit on board of any kind. Page 4 Kilpatrick Warehouse Initial Review Comments 5. Submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors. Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name and numerical/letter code from an established color chart. 6. Submit. a 8 1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. ~ , 4 I , 1 '// \ \ TO: FROM: DATE: REF: r-. ''''j:!:J JNiNOZ lj,,1 jN1NNVld IDOO BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT gat.. 330 TAMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS 7 DECEMBER 95 KILPATRICK WAREHOUSE I st REVIEW SITE PLAN MEMO #0193 f~..:.{L.~..:.~...../:/ ~.,;U.............,,:)~ ::........~...~.....,......:-...... .~ :~r.:..;.:.:.:.:....:-.:::.\~ -,' ,', .:,' [~ .. ....~."'...: .......-:...-:....:....'... ::: 1~~:~.-:....:-:.::::;:::;;::.:..... ~;..:.~..:a:..:;:~.:~ ::;-:..:....~...... '0'J ...........:;~... :::::.......::::;:~:~::~~:~. I have reviewed the above plans and fi~~:::,q;'Pr.o6fjnig:ai tJ~:i.~::,tiw-e. J;::::;;::;:~~~;:~::~:::;::;:;:,.:..:.)::..t....J ./y' /':::;::;:;;::::::::: ,'-.' .......... .... ,', -:C....:.~~:~:;~:~::;;..::... <:...~i:.. ...-:;....;,;;~~;~}. /:::.. ..~.:..: "'\...'t'::::::::\ RespectfullYH \\ AffJI ~~~ ~ ::"....w.,"'...,:.::.:....:. lj IJ~~)1:1n~ 0 LlIF,) ...:..::. A~~ -::;'; ....:.. n~iV RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-566 : 10 J,' ~ @ ~n \'IJ~__" ~,1 .~J OEC" 81995 ' l~' I - p,p, ''''D 1 I ZON'li~G ,)~if~ _--' TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent 9 ;J / J Kilpatrick Warehouse FROM: RE: DATE: 12-8-95 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the plans for Kilpatrick Warehouse. There are no recreation related comments. The plan may continue through the normal review process. JW:ad PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-201 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: New Site Plan - Kilpatrick Warehouse DATE: December 7, 1995 The Public Works Department has no problems with the above site. obert Eichorst Public Works Director RElcr \IDJ m @ ~ ~ 1~~1~ lID \\lI1 -1 I \ PL"'NN\~~ r'r~[) 1 I 10 NINi0'l.:..:.:->-- t.....,...., ,-..-----'~-..... MEMORANDUM Utilities # 95- 385 r \OJ lli@ ] ~ \1J ~ ~, ~, ,!1", luu DEe I 2.1995 Lj: II '; ; ~ ~ " PLANNING A~m /. .~~ ZONiNG DEPT. {Yf" T - TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director . ~., 7 ~// John A. Guidry, 'P~ Director of Utilities ~C- ' ~..-? -r-'65'/ .-)'0 FROM: Date: December 11, 1995 SUBJECT: Kilpatrick Warehouse, New Site Plan First Review Staffhas reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: 1, Palm Beach Health Department permit for the proposed water main extension will be required. This department will review those plans when submitted for compliance with department standards and specifications, (Sec. 26.12). 2. A Reservation Fee of $2,106.72 is due within Thirty (30) days of Commission approval or upon request for my Signature on HRSIDEP forms, (Sec. 26.34 [ED. 3. An additional 10' (Ten foot) utility easement centered on the proposed water main extension, up to and including the proposed fire hydrant, will be required, (Appendix C, Art. X, Sec. 6). 4. City water will not be supplied for irrigation. Please show source and location on the plans, (City Com. Plan, Policy 3C.3.4). 5, No trees are permitted within Utility Easements and Public Rights-of- Ways, (Sec. 7.5-18,1). It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. sm xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella ~V File kilpat 1 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-477 December 15, 1995 To: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director ctil4n V. Hukill, P.E., Department of Development Director Kilpatrick Warehouse - 1st Site Plan Review ".....~,.,...,...... From: Re: We have reviewed sheets 102, 103, and 104 for compliance with required site conditions and offer the following comments: 1. Revise documents to reflect all comments. 2. Remove references to non-applicable standards. Note: Sheet 102 refers to outdated code. It must cite current Land Development Regulations. Also change "Engineering" to "Development." 3. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. 4. Vehicle wash drain and ramp drain must be pre-treated prior to discharge. Chapter 2, Section 4Nllb, Page 2-14. 5. Sidewalks are required on both sides of all local and collector streets. Chapter 6, Article III, Section l1A, Page 6-3. 6. Provide certification by developer's engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes and standards. Chapter 6, Article IV, Section SA, Page 6-7 and Chapter 23, Article IIF, Page 23-8. 7. Minimum 15" pipe must be used in storm sewer. Chapter 6, Article IV, Section SA, Page 6-7. 8. Inlets must be in grassy areas unless otherwise approved. Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5B, Page 6-8 and Chapter 23, Article IIF, Page 23-8. ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-477 To Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director From William V. Hukill, P.E., Department of Development Director Re: Kilpatrick Warehouse - 1st Site Plan Review December 15, 1995 Page 2 9. Specify clear sight triangles at all driveways and adjust landscape plan if needed. Adjust Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5H2, Page 7.5-17. 10. Provide a satisfactory lighting plan. Chapter 23, Article II A, Page 23-6. 11. Photometries must be approved for both pedestrian and parking lot lighting before building permit can be issued. Chapter 23, Article II, Ala, Page 23-6. 12. Parking lot dimensions, striping, aisles, stalls, radii, signs, landscaping, etc. must conform with City codes and standards. Extend striping to be in line with ends of curb at all three locations. Chapter 23, Article II, Page 23-6. 13. Provide stop signs and stop bars in accordance with the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices." Chapter 23, Article lIB, Page 23-7. 14. Wheel stops or curb required, all stalls. Chapter 23, Article lIE, Page 23-7. 15. Stormwater shall be contained on site. Chapter 23, Article IIF, Page 23-8. 16. Provide required fire lane markings and signage. Chapter 23, Article 11M, Page 23-9. 17. Place thermoplastic cross walk lines across asphalt driveway to delineate pedestrian path or construct concrete sidewalk through driveway. Chapter 23, Article lIP, Page 23-10. Please inform the applicant that new Land Development Regulations were adopted last April, and that copies are available in the Department of Development. WVH:mh cc: Kenneth Hall, Engineering Plan Check Inspector/Technician A:KILPATWA BUILDING DIVISION ~ (g&[gaw,:~ DEe , 9 1995 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 95-444 December 19, 1995 To: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director From: Al Newbold, Deputy Department of Development Director Re: Site Plan Review - Kilpatrick Warehouse The Building Division has reviewed the subject plan for the above referenced project and offer the following comments: 1. P.I.D. required 30 Ft. setbacks would not be met if the future expansion is constructed, therefore, it should be removed from the plan. 2. All signs must comply with the Boynton Beach Sign Code, therefore, details and size must be shown. If a free-standing sign is to be installed, it must be on the plans for approval. 3. Provide handicap access walk from the public right-of-way to the Building on the plans to comply with the State Handicap Code. 4. The Plans Title Block should state the building use as "Warehouse, Office or Factory for the Kilpatrick Company, Inc." so we can apply the correct code, since the code is different for each use of a structure. ~ ,; . tf/'''' Al Newb ..~" . AN:mh cc: William V. Hukill, P.E., Department of Development Director KILP A TRl RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-582 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director f<~ rmD ~ fiU ~ D "'7 -'" '. ~, t!9 L!i \ij!H ,r;v ,',1 --'ll/!~ i..i.J[ nr-C 20 f995 ,'l U r I i ,~; I [ PLANNING AND---.J ZONING DEPT. FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: Kilpatrick Warehouse DATE: December 19, 1995 The applicant should complete the following items as part of the tree preservation/environmental requirements. 1. Submit a letter from the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission that there are no endangered/protected species on the site. 2. Prepare a tree management plan (document) to address the existing native trees on the site. The quantity of native trees removed should be replaced with an equaVgreater number of native trees. The tree survey indicates 56 existing Slash Pine and two small Live Oak trees. The two small Live Oak trees should be relocated into the native scrub hammock area on the site. The project should continue through the normal review process. KH:ad FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-403 ifo) rn ,(q, nJ ~ 1 rnl lJ\1 GEG 20:199)\ I \~ r . 1 I PLANNING ~r.JI)!l l ZONING DEPT. ~ml. J ~...",., '" TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department DATE: December 20, 1995 RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-582 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director f(~ ,fDl [g & & a \~ LC{ ,r;)! li71r ,. _ 7/11/ '-'Lit [liG 2 0 1995 ~ I ! PLANNING AND ---J ZONING DEPT. FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: Kilpatrick Warehouse DATE: December 19, 1995 The applicant should complete the following items as part of the tree preservation/environmental requirements. 1. Submit a letter from the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission that there are no endangered/protected species on the site. 2. Prepare a tree management plan (document) to address the existing native trees on the site. The quantity of native trees removed should be replaced with an equal/greater number of native trees. The tree survey indicates 56 existing Slash Pine and two small Live Oak trees. The two small Live Oak trees should be relocated into the native scrub hammock area on the site. The project should continue through the normal review process. KH:ad FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO, 95-403 TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department DATE: December 20, 1995 RE: Kilpatrick Warehouse NWSP 95-013 We have no objections at this time. w- I L_ ~-. @,JLllWi l,~ I fiiI, LEG 20:199): ,\~ PLANNING A~D n I ZONING DEPT. --&m-L , / iJ&// A 1/ _ / ~ ;t~((~ ~c:,e-a~ William D. caiugh. FPO I l cc: Chief Jordan FPO II Campbell File PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-739 FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and ZOning, D~fector ~;! r I.j,~ Michael E. Haag ~-~~ Gr Current Planning ~dinator December 26, 1995 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Site Plan Project: Location: Review - 1st Review - New Site Plan Kilpatrick Warehouse Northeast of the intersection of Commerce Road and High Ridge Road Richard C. Ahrens NWSP 95-013 Agent: File No.: The following is a list of 1st review comments regarding the site plan review of the plans for the above-referenced project. It should be noted that the comments are divided into two (2) categories. The first category is a list of comments that identify deficiencies from the City's Land Development Regulations (L.D.R.) that are required to be corrected and shown in compliance on the plans and/or documents submitted for second (2nd) review in order for the project to continue through the site plan review process. The second set of comment(s) lists recommendations that the Planning and Zoning Department staff believe will enhance the proposed development. The applicant shall understand that all documents and plans submitted for site plan are subject to additional comments. I recommend that the applicant/agent contact me regarding questions related to the comments. If the applicant is not intending to correct code deficiencies and they request that the project remain on the review schedule identified in the attached letter they should contact me regarding the procedures, application forms, fees and submittal deadline dates for seeking relief from the code requirement. I. SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. The applicants request to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BOAV 95-014 - case #213) for a variance to eliminate the buffer wall that is required between the subject industrial zoned property (PID) and the residential zoned property (PUD) located directly north must be granted or the buffer wall shall be required to be shown as part of the working drawings submitted for building permi ts. [Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 4. L.) 2. The applicants request for a "use approval" (USAP 95-004) to allow the subject use within the High Ridge Commerce Park prD must be granted by the City Commission or re- submittal of the site plan for a different "use" will be required. [Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7. E. 2] 3. Add to the site data found on sheet 102 the parking calculation needed to determine the minimum number of parking spaces required for the proposed use. The calculations shall be consistent with the regulations identified in Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7. H. 2. 4. show on the plans a minimum distance of 150 feet center line to center line between the two driveways located on Commerce Road. [Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7. H. 3] 5. Amend the plan to omit the off-street loading facilities that front the public right-of-way of Commerce Road. [Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7. H. 11.] 6. Provide structure(s) on the north side of the north truck pavement area that will eliminate the sight of the truck loading facilities from the Planned unit Development (PUD) residential district to the north. [Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7. H. 11.] Page 2 Memorandum 1st Review Kilpatrick No. 95-739 - Major Site Plan Modification Warehouse 7. On sheet 303 dimension the overall height of the building from finish grade to the highest point of the building. To properly evaluate whether the proposed building meets the district setbacks indicate on sheet 102 the front of the property. [Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7. H. 16.] 8. 9. Label on sheet 102 the areas of the building that have overhangs and/or canopies. 10. Within the area identified on sheet 102 as future expansion indicate with a note that the expansion will require site plan review. Show the dimension from the east side of the future expansion to the east property line. The dimension shall be in compliance with the district setback regulations. [Chapter 2 Zoning, Section 7. H. 16.] 11. To properly identify the peripheral green belt required along the west and north property line of the project add the following text below the words buffer easement "and Peripheral Greenbelt". [Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7. H. 17.] 12. An environmental review permit will be required prior to obtaining an occupational license to operate the proposed business at the site. [Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7. E. 2] 13. Specify on sheet 102 within the drawing labeled "Horizontal Control Drawing" whether there is outside storage. If there is outside storage, show and label the perimeter boundary of the area. Please note outside storage areas shall be screened from view on all sides. [Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7. E. 1.] 14. On sheet 102 identify the width and overall height of the dumpster enclosure. 15. On sheet 102 the percent of total pervious area is incorrectly identified. Correct the plans accordingly. 16. Place a note on sheet 102 indicating that the source of electric power will be supplied underground. [Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7. H. 5.] 17. On sheet 303 specify the color of the following exterior materials by identifying the color name, color designation (letters and/or numbers) and manufacturer of the color [Chapter 4 - Site Plan Review, Section 7. D. 1. ] i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. anodized aluminum - (windows and storefront) metal fascia standing seam metal roof concrete panels architectural revel metal wall panel sectional overhead door roll-up overhead door steel door and frame gutter and downspout exhaust fan cantilevered metal canopy canopy above truck dock sign logo sign letters 14" concrete column dumpster enclosure and gates Page 3 Memorandum 1st Review Kilpatrick No. 95-739 - Major Site Plan Modification Warehouse 18. On sheet 303 specify the type of exterior finish material for the following building components that are depicted on the elevation view drawings [Chapter 4 - Site Plan Review, Section 7. D. 1.]: i. dumpster enclosure and gates 19. Place a note on the landscape plan that references one half (50%) of the total number of trees and hedges/shrubs required to meet the specifications of Chapter 7.5, Article II Landscape Code must be native species. Provide computations on the landscape plan indicating compliance with the native species requirement for perimeter hedges and trees along the rights-of -way. [Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.4.6.] 20. Show, dimension and label the line-of-sight triangles on both sides of the Commerce Road driveways. Also place a note on the landscape plan indicating that the area between thirty (30) inches and six (6) feet within the line-of-sight triangles shall remain clear and allow unobstructed cross visibility. [Chapter 7.5, Article II - Landscape Code, Section 5. H.] 21. Place a note on the landscape plan indicating that the spacing of landscape material identified on the plan and plant list shall supersede the quantities identified on the plan and plant list. [Chapter 7.5, Article II Landscape Code, Section 5. C. 3. and D. 1.] 22. Place a note on the landscape plan indicating that the City landscape inspector will verify that the proposed preserve area vegetation matches the code requirement for the continuous visual barrier required to screen the on- site vehicle use area from the property to the north. [Chapter 7.5, Article II - Landscape Code, Section 5. E.] 23. Specify on the landscape plan the height of the berm proposed for the northeast corner of the site. 24. Place a note and dimension on the landscape plan at the right-of-way tree landscape material that references the trees required along High Ridge Road and Commerce Road are spaced no more than forty (40) foot on center. [Chapter 7.5, Article II - Landscape Code, Section 5. D. 1.] 25. Demonstrate with notes and detail plan view drawings that the spacing of the firebush and fakahatchee grass proposed along the northeast corner of the site creates a continuous visual screen with the distance between plants not exceeding two (2) feet on center. [Chapter 7.5, Article II - Landscape Code, Section 5. E.] II RECOMMENDATIONS 26. It is recommended that you specify melaleuca mulch on the landscape plan instead of other species mulch. MEH:dim a:lscornklp.gwl C l.. j\,^-,\ %e City of 'Boynton 'Beacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beacli 'Boulevara P.O. '.Bo~31O 'Boynton 'Beculi, 7'Corida 33425.0310 City 1fa1[: (407) 375-6000 7'.fU: (407) 375-6090 December 15, 1995 Richard Ahrens 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2 West Palm Beach, Florida 33404-1765 RE: Kilpatrick Warehouse - File No. NWSP 95-013 Acceptance - Site Plan Review Application & Submittal Documents New Site Plan Dear Mr. Ahrens: On December 4, 1995, your submittal for Site Plan Review of the above-referenced project was reviewed for completeness. It has been determined that the submittal is substantially complete and accepted for further processing. Jerzy Lewicki, Assistant Planner, within the department will be reviewing and coordinating your application through the remainder of the Site Plan Review process and can be contacted if you have questions. The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review Committee (TRC) which will meet on December 26, 1995, to review the submittal for compliance with the review standards identified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 and all applicable sections of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The results of the review will be available to you on December 28, 1995. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (407) 375-6260. Very truly yours, 1-rl-(~- Q;l.Llh Tambri J. Heyd~ / ' Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dim a:lstAcptLtr.kil 5lmerica's (jateway to the (ju({stream