APPLICATION MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT, NO. 96-028 A"':'" 1/ ( --'I ~Jv ~.' r V,'(.' <'. \~- ~ @~ JWf;f~i; UU \ J~N 2 3 I!Il6 ; l!J! L ! I PLANNING ANO j ZONING DEPT. ___-J TO: Gr~dy Swann, Finance Directo FROM: John A, Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: January 22, 1996 SUBJECT: Reservation Fee Transmittal Kilpatrick Warehouse Enclosed is check no, 26717 from Boynton Pump and Irrigation Supply in the amount of $3,527,40 as the reservation fee and prepaid capital facilities charges for the proposed office/warehouse to be located on Commerce Road in Boynton Beach, The capital facilities charge is based upon a projected 40 employees, or 3.21 equivalent dwelling units, Please deposit this check in the appropriate account, You may refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Tambri Heyden, Planning Director File /1 ~. ~\A~~ CI'I'Y OF BOYN'l'ON BEACII, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT : 1)1, . If;. , ~- t_ 1lITR p J~~IL.IUl\tIJHt-Ar.r.~T.l Otl FOR NEW SI'fE PLANS & HAJOn HODIFICA'I'IONS '.'0 EXIS'l'ING SI'I'E Application Acceptance Date: Fee Paid: .:t7 .\0. DO if /30/9 ,r~ I I Receipt Number: This application must be filled out completely, accllrately and submitted as an original to the planning and Zoning Department. Twelve complete, sequentially numbered and assembled sets of plans inclUding a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. An incomplete submittal will Hot be processed. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORHJ\'{'ION 1. Project Name: THE KILPATRICK COMPANY " 2. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): The Kilpatrick Company Address: 322 Northeast Third Street Boynton Beach, FL 33435 ~. Phone: . 407-732-9819 Fax: (Zip Code) 407 364 1423 3. Agent's Name (person, if any, representin9(applicant): Richard C. Ahrens Address: 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2 West Palm Beach, FL 33404-1765 Phone: 407 863 9004 (Zip Code) Fax: 407 863 9007 4. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name~ Condor Investments of Balm Beach Co., Inc. Address: 430 North G Street Lal{e Worth, FL 33460 ---.---- (Z~p c~e) Fale: lfo7.- bJ~-- .r;;:S-7-- phone: '/(;7 ~ {};'j'-- {;S-OO Correspondence to be mailed to:* Hicharcl C. Ahrens 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2 West Palm Beach, Pl 33404-1765 1 i 1 11 agendas, letters and * '~is is the address to Wl Cl a. other materials Will be mailed, Pl~ANNING fA ZONING DEPAR'I'HEN'l' - Nov~mbel 1991 1\: Sl'l'EPlJAN 5. fi d;J ~\Ai\~ ( 2 ) 6. Hha t is applJ.cant' s interest J . lOwlier, buyer, lessee bull ~n the premises affected? purchaser eta) , del, developer, contract , · Buyer/Contract Purchaser I 1. Street address or location of site I Northeast intersection -, of High Ridge Road and Commerce Road o. OS'-13 ~ i 5, ..oq - zl- CltJ 2 Property Control II oJ' l.(J '-( r.o 1-' zi - (If) 2 Legal description of sIte. Lot.s L 2 and 3 00 I D c'J,f- (/j - )"5 -(Jf -V-Odl. . C>{1 l (') of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.LD., according t.o the plat t.hereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of t.he Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 46, at Pages 58 -bl 9. Intended "se(st of site. Commercial Office and Warehouse facilities for the Kilpatrick Conlpany, a lawn irrigation company. .,' 10. Developer or Builder. N1rens Companies 11. Architeot. Howard H. Humburg, AlA 12. Landsoape Arohitectl Daniel H. Carter, Landscape Architect.ure, Inc. 13. site P1annerl .J::krvJARD fL ~l~YV\c:>un.&j AlA 14. Engineerl James K. Quina, Jr., P. E. 15. Surveyor. Jupit.er Surveying \ 16. Traffio Engineerl 17. lias a site plan been previously approved by the City Conuuisslon far this property? No lB. Estimated construotion oosts of proposed improvements sho~ this site plan: $1,050,000.00 PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 1\:S'h~Plall . r , fvtN'v , " \ .,}C~~ 11 .' SITE OA'rA \ \\ ,., ' ThA following infQ~mQ~lon appear, whero applioable, I,and Use cntego!.L!hown in ~ ;1 ::~::~::~:~ve P!~~~t,~~ Are.. of Slt~ 3.59 aor.s 1561369 8q.. ft. ~:, h. :&. " 3. I ) ~, 0,- ,"Ulft. 11", rlllel1 out: I:>elow and must on all copIes of tho site plan. .4. ~ Uaa -" Aafl,ge hf8ft~down Residential, Inaludlng surrounding lot aroa of grounds b. Reoreation Areas ~ (BKoluding water areQ>> a. aores , of lilt aores , of sit acres \ of sit acres 100 , of sLt aores , of all aores , of slt aores , of s1.1 acres , of 8i aores \ of ..1 a. "'a ter Are. d. 3.59 commeroial e. Industrial f. Publio/Institutional g. Public, private fthd Canal rights-of-way h. other 'specify) 1. other (apealfy) j . aor.8 Total area of site 3.59 100 , of s1 · including open .pace suitable for outdoor recreation, and havIng a mlnlmWQ dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. ., 5. Surf~q8 Cover a. b. Ground floD~ buildlng 0.91 aroa ("building footprlHt"J 25.4 , ot sJ aorea Water are. o aarer o , of sj c. other lMpervlouB a~e.8, inclUding paved arBG of publia , private street., paved .tea of parking lotH , driveways Cex- oludlnW,land.oap.d ar...', and sidewalks, patio., deoke, an4 athletic oourt.. 0.41 ear.. 11.4 , of .: d. Total lMpervlouB are. 1.32 36.8 , of . aare. e. Land.oa~ed area 2.27 inside of parking lots '20 sq. ft. per interior parking .pace ~~qulred - see Sea. 1.5-35(0. of Landsoape Code). 63.2 , of B aares PJ.lMUUUG Ii. ZONING OEPAR1'MEHT - Uovember, 1991 ~tr c 4) . \\\t\C\~ f. Other land soaped areas " O. acres 0 , of B g. other pervious areas, inoluding golf courses, natural areas, yards, and swales, but ene udlng 0 0 , of B water areas acres h. Total pervlou8 are.. 2.27 Bores 63.2 , of 8 1. 'ro~.l area of alt.. 3.59 aor.. 100 , of II 6. !'loaf: Are. a. ftesldentlal sq. ft. b. Commeroial/Offioe 14,500 sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse 25,290 sq.. ft. d. Recreational sq. ft. e. Public/Inatltutlonal sq. 't. f. other (specify) sq. ft. g. other Clpacify) sq . ft. h. Total floor area 39,790 sq. ft. 7. tfmnbe[ of RtJ81dBnt~l!~ p,w'Ulng Unit!! a. SIngle-family detached sq. ft. b. Duplex Bq. ft. c. Hulti-FaMily (3 .... attached dwelliug un is>> . ( 1>> Bfflolency dwelling units ( 2) I Bod room dwelling unIts f 1 ) 2 Bedroom dwelling units .4) ].... Bedroum dwelllug units Cl. Total mulEl-!imffy dw.mng unit. 8. 8. Total number of dw.l11ng units IjJ~ O~a.. penait, N~4. dwelling unlta per aore 24.5 ~~ bJja~t qf .t~uatqr'. on .1~! ~.g"lr,4 off=Jt~.I~ ~.~ fe.t 1 at I. 10. a. Calaulation of reqUired number of off-.treat parking ap.oa. ~~790/000 3q. ~ 50 rarld-n~~-- (;';O E'M~c;I~i~I.;2) X l~ I-~/>T{JI/.J: ~/5'" b. orr~atr..t parklng .pa provided on alt. plan (utA: . I (!Llq~ 51 Total 3 Handicap 48 Standard rf,1\UllftJr; c. '/(ll.nnr. nr.'OPlU'I'MI:'t1.P _ 'I""p",""," '(1..1 t b I (:P~j< ~ . \\tt,~ III.' CERTIFICI\TIOg (I) (We) undcrBtand that thIs applioation and all papers. plans submitted herewith beoomn a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Boar.d. (I) (''Ie) herebJ certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted here\'lith are tr\ the ~~.s t__of (my,) 'our) Icnowledge and belief. !Chls applloi wJcl-1 not ba8Qoepted unless signed aooording to the (~~stjltll/lf!//_~Ow___,,- /L{1!lfAti '- IN. h~ II ~. h ,/ S .gna tire 0 owner s or 'l'rustee, I OaEe of Authorized Prlnolpal if property Is owned by a oorporation or other business entity. IV. llIlT!'ORIZ~~lOt!J!~ " ;fu!~ ((~wL- SIgnature of Authorized Agent 1!}S1!1 I ate the above signed person as Imy1 regard to this applioation. .' Lt!\/~\ { Deite ~Pl\CB agLow TillS ~I~E FQR OfFICE U~B Otf~X Review Sohedule. . Date Reoeived Date Date Date Date Teohnioal Review Board Planning .... Zoning Board co"~unlty Appearanoe Board oi ty COllunission stipulations of Final Approval, other Oovernment Agenoies/Persons to. be oontacted. Additional Remarksl -. . PLANNING " ZONING DEPAR'l'MEU'l' -Uovember, 1991 l\aSl.tePlan rA.~V \v'~" ~ EXHIBIT "A" IUOER '1'0 SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans specifications, drawings, engineering, and other dat~ submitted with this application for review by the city of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, conunisslons, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rel.y upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and Bubstantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allowing the city of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided tor by the applicable codes and ordinances of-the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save.~he City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. ---~ AND AGjlEED TO this I ,,'J day 0 f , 199L)/ / /1 .? /((v~ {,(}-/~ . Applicant , . / , \. EnER OF TWAIISlftTTAL FROM: (407) 863-9004 Fax (407) 863-9007 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2, West Palm Beach, FL 33404-1765 ATTENTI~N RE: 5iTb/~ IZ(cf!q J Jd-;j-;;~~"r ~~I' Iltf/ltJtlAL fI~lkA6C A AHRENS AI COMPANIES DATE PItOJECT LOCATION TO: 7t7 c; ~NnJA( ~tJ N {vb. ?&NI1J6 /Jt>jJT &'1/A,fJl)(A./ (6-f:'Y-t(F-, hA ~ , GENTL EMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ~HEREWITH [)KeElIVERED BY hAND THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: o UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA ~ PLANS o ESTIMATES L_j oRINTS LJ SHOP DRAWINGS C-~ SAMPLES CJ SPECIFICATIONS L-:J COpy OF LE HER u COPIES DATE OR NO, DESCRt PTlON ~1l~.5 6/IT,u 7ritft oar) 6"(f7 /tJ.J-f/!/m-< 5r rt .t1A 5eJ () tc- 7V{}rf)bvtfrp #,s THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS INDICATED BELOW ~ FOR YOUR USE 0 APPROVED AS NOTED o FOR APPROVAL D APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION o AS REQUESTED 0 RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS o FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT D RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US o RETURN o SUBMIT o RESUBMIT o FOR BIDS DUE CORRECTED PRINTS COPIES FOR COPIES FOR o !Iy~ ~ tzk;f- fO(J- REMARKS: IF eNCLOSURES ARE NOT AS 'NOICATED, PLEASE NOTIFY US AT ONCE. S1GNED/kkJ) C Otm- ... _ trER OF TftAISM1TTAL FROM: A AHRENS AI COMPANIES (407) 863-9004 Fax (407) 863-9007 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2, West Palm Beach, FL 33404-1765 DATE PIl!OJECT LOCATION 1(156(91 hLIPTttf( Ie- , RoC/tV TON 8c-I-I- ATTENTION RE: SIlt Il/JN ;+/~1l0ul1~ TO: c;,/~ OF &~NTON &fi Ii - N IA/t, ~- ON/Nt., /kfT ib'fN-rvN SeJJ, Ft-A- ~ GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU 0 HEREWITH cjDELlVERED BY I1AND VIA_____ THE FOLLOWING ITEMS; rtPLANS L~J oRINTS L SHOP DRAWINGS c=J SAMPLES D ESTIMATES ~ COPY OF LETTER [)j AJ1I't..l (/I T1~ tV o UNDER SEPARATE COVER [] SPECIFICATIONS COPIES OATE OR NO, OESCRI PTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS INDICATED BELOW Q{:OR YOUR USE D FOR APPROVAL ~AS REQUESTED D FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT D APPROVED AS NOTED D APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION D RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS C RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US o REMARKS: D RETURN DSUBMIT D RE SUBMIT o FOR BIDS DUE CORRECTED PRINTS COPIES FOR COPIES FOR IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS INDICATED, PLEASE NOTIFY US AT ONCE. SIGNED, tUfJ r~ I CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT SITS PLAN REVIBW APPLICATION FOR Application Acceptance Date: Fee Paid: .$7,)0,00 NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO BXISTING SITB if 130/9,,- I I Receipt Number: This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Department. Twelve complete, sequentially numbered and assembled sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Bite Plan Review procedure. An incomplete submittal w1ll not be processed. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: THE KILPATRICK COMPANY 2. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Address: ___The Kilpatrick Company 322 Northeast Third Street Boynton Beach, FL 33435 ~ phone: . 407-732-9819 Fax: (Zip Code) 407 364-1423 3. Agent's Name (person, if any, representingrapplicant): Richard C. Ahrens Address: 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2 West Palm Beach, FL 33404-1765 Phone: 407 863 9004 (Zip Code) Fax: 407-863-9007 4. property owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Condor Investments of Balm Beach Co., Inc. Address: 430 North G Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 - (Zip c~e) Fax: l(07- sJr- S;S7 phone: l./()7 - {"'if -- roroo correspondence to be mailed to:* Richard C. Ahrens 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2 West Palm Beach, Fl 33404-1765 * 'l'hi~ is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November 1991 A: SI'fEPLAN 5. ( 2 . 6. What is applicant's intere i tOwner, buyer, lessee bUi~: n ~he premises affected? purchaser, eta. J Buver/~ontract ~r~has~~eloper, contract I Street address or location of sitel Northeast intersection -, of High Ridge Road and Commerce Road 7. 8. Property Control II OJ' 'l:3-f!)~09-Zl-0()2-0010 cJ3-,/j-'I5-tJf-2./-0dl.~6 OJ-',- 'f3 - Yr-Olj....zf - 002 6OZ-() Legal description of site I Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 46, at Pages 9. Intended usels) of sitel Commercial Office and Warehouse facilities for the Kilpatrick Company, a lawn irrigation company. ,,' 10. Developer or Builderl Ahrens Companies 11. Architectl Howard H. Humburg, AlA 12. Landsoape Architectl Daniel H. Carter, Landscape ArChitecture, Inc. 13. Site Plannerl .JjOvJA<20 fL l-1~rv\C:>cJJ1.b, AlA . I 14. Engineerl James K. Quina, Jr., P. E. 15 Surveyor I Jupi ter Surveying . 16. Traffic Engineer. 17. lias a site plan been previOUSly approved by the City Commission for this property? No 18. Estimated construction costs of proposed improvements shown this site plan: $1,050,000.00 PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SI t-P.PltHl , - . I 3 ). , .....-.. 1.1 .0 SITS DATA ThA following infonaot:t:on mu.t Lr. tilled out: Delow and must ". appear, where applioable, on all copies of the site plan. 3. Id!mLY!U!ysoU-!b2Wn in~ A-. the com~rlhen.lve Pl~~ ___ , llminll Dlst&"lat __ _ ,;tu:/ ~ ~ 3.59 aol'.. 156,369 8q. ft. LII!L U.. -.. lat,.p. ar:..~down a. Re.ldential, inaludlng aar.. , af .it surrounding lot BEea of ground. <'I ~c 20 .A. acres , of sit \ of slt , of sit , of sLt: , of sit , of sl.t , of sit , of sll b. Recr.ation Areas . texoluding water areat c. Water 1\1:.. d. Commercial 3.59 e. Indu.trial f. publia/Jnstitutional g. publia, private and canal rights-of-way h. other (specify) 1. other 'specify) aores acres acrea 100 aor.e aor.. aar.s acre8 :I. Tatal area of 8lte 3.59 aar.. 100 , of sl' "A..- * including open apace suttable for outdoor reareation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. . , !I. surfac. Caver a. Ground floor building 0.91 acre. 25.4 , of sl area <<"builcUng footprintll) b. Water area 0 aare.. 0 , of .1 o. otber iMpervious are.., including paved area of publla , private streets, paved .~.. of parking lat. , driveway. le.- cludlnx.l.nd.o.~d a~.a.l, and .1 awalke, patios, deck., and athletic 11.4 aoul:ta. 0.41 eare. , of .1 d. 'latal l..rvtou8 ara. 1.32 aar.. 36.8 , of al e. Land.aaped area 2.27 aar.. 63.2 , of 81 inside of parking lots 120 SQ. ft. per ln~.rior parking .pace ~equ1~ed - see Sea. 7.5~35Ig. of Landsoape Code1. PI..ANN J NO & ZONING DBP~RTMENT - November, 1991 c ..) . '. f. Other landscaped area., o. acres 0 , of site g. other yervlouB areaB, includ n9 golf courses, natural are.., lards, and swales, but exa udlng 0 0 , of site water areas aares h. '!otal per:91au. ar... . 2.27 .ares 63.2 \ of alte i. 'ra~.1 ar.. of .l~. 3.59 aae.. 100 , of site I. [,lacn: Ar.. a. a..idential 8q. ft. b. c~.r:al.l/afflo. 14,500 sq. ft. a. Industrial/Warehouse 25,290 sq. ft. d. Recre.tianal aq. ft. .. Publia/Inatitutional sq. ~t. f. other (.~alfy) .q. ft. g. other 'specify) sq . ft. h. Total floor ar.. v- 39,790 sq. ft. 7. U~ber of_R'lldentl.~lng Unl~~ .. single-I.-Ily detaahed sq. ft. b. Duplex sq. ft. a. MUlti-raMllI (3 + attaahed dwelllnv un tal. (1) Blflaienay dwelling units (2) I Bedroom dwelling units t3) 2 Bedroolt dwelling units (4) ]+ ae4roOl1l dwelling units d. Tota~y dWiInnv unit. e. ~ot.l aUNber 01 dwelling unite 8. ~ d..el1ing unit. per aare I. at 24.5 fe.t 1 star! 10. a. Calaulatlan of required number of aff-.tre.t paJ:klbg _pace. 39,790/800 sq. ft. 50 Parking Spaces Required 1>>. Off-.tr..t parking .page. provided on .it. plan 51 Total 3 Handicap 48 Standard pT.1\nunlf~ f. ?(lI-llNr. nrnHdJ'I'M,;., "" - 11.....,.,.."..".,. tellll Ui I III. QgRTIFICATIqU 'I' 'Wel understand that this application and all papers an plans submitted herewith beooma a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Boning Board. (I) IWe) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements 01: showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true the be of (mll) (our) knowledge and belief. !rhis appllcat w not ba~. epted unless signed aoaoEdlng to the nstEu a' elow. II /t~A ('- f Oata IV. B IIJs(fC fate 'I / .-1 (it-' i\. I-~ OWner s or Trustee, or Author! ed Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entlty. u!('ftt\ I Date PPACB BKLOW ~lS LIDK FOR OrFICK UgH ONLY Review Sohedule. . Technical Review Board Planning ., Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Commission Stipulations of Final Approval. Date Received Date Date Date Date Other Oovernment Agencies/Peraons to be oontaoted. Additional Remark.. , . PLANNING' ZONING DEPARTMENT -'November, 1991 AaSi.tePlan EXHIBIT "A" RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton beaCh, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plan., specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allowing the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of" the City of Boynton BeBch to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save,~he City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. --- 'READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGjiEED TO this / ~ day of . .). " ' 199~(~ Applicant \. , . ~ November 15, 1995 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 To Whom It May Concern: RE: Site Plan Approval Please accept this as authorization for Mr, Richard C. Ahrens to act as agent for The Kilpatrick Company, Inc, for our site plan approval on Lots 1, 2 and 3 of High Ridge Commerce Park, a P,I.D, Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call, Personally appeared before me this4day of November, 1995, Harold D, Kilpatrick, Sr" who, being duly sworn on oath, says that he is President of The Kilpatrick Company, Inc, and that he hereby acknowledges the execution of the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of said corporation and at this special stance an uest \\\\\i i' ~ 4 ~ f//;II ~,\,\ :-( A. SAN, 11'1;" ~ '}'>'V.........:Oo, ~ ,~~ ...~~\SSION ~~... ~ oS ..,,"'~~'6,1.l&'%!.. ~ .~ :$ ~v 3) ~\ ;l: ;*: .... :*= :~ ~ ~ Ice 465800 : ($ ~ "'''::'/l.e. :9:':::- .~ ~~ G. ~ 6'or,O'ed \,,~\) r.-~.. C) S" '~ f- A-:{ Fain~lns~\:~.~ x" .;:,"'": ~/. '{J!J! ......~c. (J' ~ JI't de STP.\'-\,,' '11111/lilHl\\\\\\ . Affiliated Corporations: Boynton Pump & Irrigation Supply! Ine, Kilpatrick Turf Equipment, me, Kilpatrick Property Trusts The Kilpatrick Company, Ine, 322 Northeast Third Street Boynton Beach, Floida 33435 (407) 732-9815 FAX (407) 364-1423