%e City of
'Boynton 'Beacli
100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi'13oufe.vart{
P.O. '1301(310
'13oynton 'Beadi,1WrUfa 33425-0310
City Hail: (407) 734-8111
1".9lX: (407) 738-7459
August 20, 1993
8/"lJce R. I<.owal
6~O N.E. 32nd street
Boca Raton FL 33431
Dear Property Owner:
As part of the city's annexation program, we have been considering
methods by which the City can annex all properties wi thin the
unincorporated enclaves. In April, the city Commission directed
staff to first follow an incremental approach to incorporating
these areas, beginning with voluntary annexation, and through
activation of the annexation requirement within water service
You will recall that you have an agreement for water service with
the City, which also constitutes a petition for voluntary
annexation. According to this agreement, the annexation clause is
to be activated by the City at any time once the property is
eligible for annexation according to state law. Since at least a
substantial part of your property is contiguous to the city's
boundary, your property is now eligible for annexation.
Therefore, please be informed that the City will activate this
clause of your water service agreement in October, when this
property (see property identification number on address label) is
annexed in connection with the City's annexation program. Although
we have requested that you provide us with a copy of the deed and
survey for this property, if necessary, we will generate legal
descriptions and verify property ownership in order to complete the
required applications. As indicated in previous notices to
property owners, the City will waive the application fees and be
responsible for adjacent property owner identification and
If you have any questions which regard this process, you may
contact Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner at (407) 738-7490.
Very truly yours,
Christopher Cutro
planning and Zoning Director